HomeMy WebLinkAbout19551212_REGULAR11/28/55 Bngkeer Zflcan suggested that no A%tiier, He explain& tb.t back 23.1 is nade in - . SUSFZEiUit OF CCLWil3UCTIOI~I FOR T:ZTlY&. bids be taken for vrinies vrorky-this policy being @ the interests of keeping costs down aid of easier street m&tenance, large chunks during x:inter; khat it is more difficult to put streets back into , condition. decision, &-order that Council my be sure that undue hardship v&ll not be incuxred, SXtViGE ILOdiDS FOE STAT3 HIGKJAY i40. 100. Department! s rea-uest for. Village acquisition of ri&t-of-vay for seriice roads dong Fii&im,y Xo. 3.00, from the Sou-LLh Village ZM-ks'to Tzillson ?load. Ciruncil asked for esbbated cost r"igures <before further coiisider&tion or" pro jec.i;, Ylere bekg no furkher busbess to corne before this necking, Tupa moved for adjoumento 64 Council asked khat developzrs be nwLified of this tentative" C Engineer Zikan reprted the Highray Xotion secoEded by Damns and 7 lJXlTl33 OF THE l3XGU lEZi!nTG OF TIE BDDJA Vm@ COUNCIL, . HELD. *.;pi\3DAY, DGCX*BZR 12, 1955, AT. 730 .P.II. ,- AT, TIE- DIHA VXLUGE JWL >. .- .1 -- Xembers answx5ng Rollcall were Bredesen, D&ens, Fronk, Tupa and-Ergckson. LlijvOC~3ffIO~tS vas given by the Rev. Donad Carlson of ljormandale Zutheran Cnuqch, "T &mIOI$ 1, of .Edina is 'hereby mended to read as follows: Section 2 of ordinance No. 261 of the revised ordh&ces of the Village Wection 2, Districts Established ?For the purpse of this ordinace the VkLage of Xdina is divided into the following districts, and the uses of structures and lands, %he height of buildings and the area of premises for builhgs are to be unifom in each district: 1. Open Developnent District, 2, Automobile Pa,rking District, 3, Community S$ore District. he Commercid.%District . 5. 8egional Shopping District. 6, Regional 1;edical Districk, 1 "These districts snd their boundaries &re hereby established. Qr premises shall be erected or used for any puwose that does not co~~ply xLth the use, height and =ea regulation of the district in which such building or premises is located." IJo buildhg - SEC-ZTIOIJ 2. Section 9, and Section 9, administration, of said ordinance No. 261 is hereby renumbered Sectgon 10. S3WIC3 3* -Said ordinance No, 261 is hereby mended by adding thereto a new SecLion 8, as follo~.rs: Section 8, definitions, of sdd ordinance Roo 261 is hweby renumbered 121/12/55 65 "Section 8. Regional Medical District *. 1. L;oUiWlBnS OF REGiONU I43DICAL DISTRICT. Legal description: >. All of Lot 1; the. south 768.06 feet of. Lot. 2; and the south 1322.35 feet, of Lot 3, Cassins Outlots, Hennepin Com-by, f?;inneso-La; except %haJ& part lying within the ri&t of way of Frqce J'venue South, and except that - part lying within the right of way of West -66th Street, 2. SPEGIFIC USZS PPXti'TXD IN DISTRICT. ihe follo-i&g uses are permitted, if + and when a-buiSding. permit shall. have been issued by the Village Clerk ad - no person shall erect, alter, enlarge,- move, demolish, use, occupy, or mintain any building, structure, irqprovement, -or premises vkthout first - having obtained such permit. .I a . - Hospit a.Ls -- c 1" be ~~Sedicd offik c "3- c. ing medical or dental research, diagnost-ic, hesting analytical or clinical- work having a direcf, relationsh+ to the. proxision of health services in- + 'eluding, but not limited to, those primarily engaged. in medical research, - or in the fields of Radiology, Hematology, Serology and hunology, Allergy, Biochemistry, Basal 14et%bolish, iE.crobiology, Parasitology, Pathology, Histology, Cytology, Toxicology, and Pharmacology, and. thee like, tories engaged in production controls or in the manufacture of products for commercial sale or distribution are not, considered to be health facilities-. d.. Nedical educa$ion. .- C' 8. Living, quarters for nurses, interqs, and' other staff members and emplopes of the above uses. .I - f. Xulti-family dwellings subject to same provisions as included 5.n Section 3, Paragrzph 2 (a), of this ordingme. g. Parking-garages accessory to the principal uses, permitting parking of ambulances, service trucks, and private automobiles 6f tenants, em- h. Retail stores and resta&rmts of a type nomally accessory to the facilities described above, including by way of illustration but not limited to: pharmacy, medical. supplies, orthopedic shoes, corrective apparel and appliances, messenger or telegraph servbs, florist, gift i. center and subject to approval by the Gouncil. Scientific laboratories operated for the primary- purpose of perfom- ? ~ I Labora- - ployees, and visitors. store, and cards, 1- - Such other uses wlnich are rekted to the general-concept of the medical c ccr, 3$ RZSTBXCTIOltS oi\T USE. All property zoned as .a regional me+cal dist@ct shall be subject to the-followjng restrictions on the use thereof; - (A) No building pennit shal1,be issued for the erection, alteration or movement of a building within a regidnal medical district unless after the erection, alteration or movement of sUGh building such regional medical district shall contain adequate facilities for the parking of automobiles and other mo-Lor,vehicles used by the persons employed or dokg business in such district, And shall provide an internal system of roads and walks which will adequately provide for pedestrian and vehicular traffic, In determining the adequacy of such parking and traffic facilities no consideration shall be -given to facilities ,available on adja- ceit streets. For the p-ose of this Section, parkdng facilities shall be deemed adequate if a minimum of one square foot of parldng area is pro~ded for eqch square foot of building areao _-- Parking ht ad Traffic Facilities. "(B) No building shall be erected. to a height greater than 40 feet above the surrounding ground level, except a building may be erected to a height not greater than 100 feet above the average surrounding ground level provided that for each foot of height, the building shall be set beck an equal distance from the nearest property line of a public street. ?en% houses, smoke stacks, vents, and similar structures shall be excluded from the -coniputation of the building height. (C) portion or part thereof is nearer than LfO feet to the nearest property line Height of hildinps. I Eo building or structure shall be erected, qltered or inoved so tkt any of a public street. T 4. RE3Ti.ICTIOIilS ON CWSIl?ICJEION, (A) Uo property shall-be-zoned as 8 regional medical district unless such -- propedy consists of a' single tract, divided, if at all, only by publis streets and consisting of not less than 25 acres. It is hereby declared to cbe the pulicy oz",-Lhe Village to restrict the rezoning of pqoperty so as to cdnstitute a regional medical district to those situations in which, in the opinion of the Council, the creation of additional regional medical districts is for the best interest of the entire village. 5. I Xotiola for adoption of Ordinance was seconded and on Ro1lca.J-1 there were 12/12/55 €I.,W,A i?.E?JTF,fYTS. the-mount of fill used for the Hal1-2 property. PEZITiOXS FOR iiLi3XEiZLES. file. for the scheclulh~ of Fublic Hearings. 1.2. Hyde reported 'that agreement has not yet been reached regarding $6 No zc'cion taken, The following Petitions vere presenked and :placed on Fro& ~novgd. th~t petitions be accepted md referred to the Villzge Zngineer A. Sanitary Sev;er 5, f:ra$ermir_ C. sa5tary Ser;.er - V.66th St., Valley Tievr.Ild. to Frrnce he.; and Fravrce Do &mitzr& Sewer - T.66th St,, France lwe. to Serms Lve. E, T.Jatemain - ll,66th St., Erance &re. to Xerxes Ave. ' F, ?{atemin G, llatemzin H. I. - I'Tz;te-main J. .'. K. Vatemain - Hznson Ed., Eirchcrest Drive to' Valley View 3ocd - Hanson $de, 3irchcrest Drive to Valley View Xoad he-., ~1066th St. 1995 I%, Xo&h. - Frmce h-e., .Y.62nd St. to 500 Ft. IJ, of TT066th St. - Frmce &e., T1.6qLh St. to Y070bh St.; Y,~OLh St., Prace - . _. Ave._ to Xerxes hem .. -- Sanitary Sexer - Xerxes Ave. ,. V.66th St. to 1980 PG. Morth. - Xerxes Jive., !!.6bth $t. to 1980 Pi, North. Sani-barg. Sexer - Point Drive, Wberry Eane to 1300 Ft. BorLh; BzUmz Ed., Dunb,erry_-bne to. Point .Drive; .Dunberry- Lane, Poht Drive to Cornelia Drive, - Point Drive, Dunberry We to- North .end of Point Drive; . .. BzIUan=iBoad, Dunbzrry,kne to Point Drive; Dunberry Lane, Point Drive to Gornelia Drive . - LO 2. Oiling - :j'066th St., &vo j:%OO-to Tingdale- Ava, 0. Grzding & Graveling - W.66th St., Hvyo~~lOO to TingdLLe Ave0 Smitsry SeTier - Glengarry Parlarqy, I;~9~-,$169 to Ayrshire Elvd, Sanitry Semr - Y.7Oth St., from a pint zpprox. 835 Ft. Kest of F-ance kre. to Zerxes Ave. . .. Uo&n vas seconded by Tup2 ad carried. F'c@i, PLAT OF I&XXILGi,ii!:tS FIitST! ADDEIGN was approved subject to dedication of Qutlot 1 for .hi~lnqy- purposes, by.motion Bredesen, seconded by Fronlc and carried. . :. - -- - -- -Lction td-en in accordance viL& Planning Commission' s Decenber 7th recomendakions FXIAZ PUT BY J.B. XIDS, :L TI!ziIT OF BLOCK 9, iKEliLUD;LX vas not actcd on by the Council-beceuse Planning Coession-has recornended that action be delzyed for a month pending further investigation as to proper%yts relation go centerline of proposed crosstom hi~hmy. PZEIOiT FOR "nXXTT;G TO CO-~*S~CTIILXTS 1,2,3, I3LOilB 1, GRiEDVXT HZIC<QS; LOi'S G,g,IO NO, - 7 TBS .discussed, .Planning.. Comyission had. recornended that property. be rezoned $0 Commity Store District, in accordance with former area rscomendation, Ronk*s motion, that action by Council be-delayed until infomation is received as to,.or:aers' plans for this area, was seconded by Bredesen Eind carried, EiiJXZ 7, TII:C-D;m. ExOs. EdCXX2Xllz: WT A, FXEL$ZXZiI Liji'l SWdEX- FD,$-AL PL4T OF l?&IS IAKEi3iDE: ADDEfON was approved subject to Post Office approval of street me, .by mokion. Bredesen, seconded by %pa and carried, Action was in accordLee with Piarining; Conmission' s December 7th recommendation, FIiJAL PLlTS-OF A%EisS P%RK I1 BfD ARDBJ P>!C I11 DDlfi'iOIJs (Old Streetcar Right-of 27zy between Vooddzle fwe, sad Bookside- Aves.) ,and .Planning Comrrrlssion recomen- dations concerning them were thoroughly reviewed, Fronkt s notion, that Planning ..I Cominission's DeceInber "7th recomendations be approved, znd .that Council go on record that curb, - gutter and sidewd.k for these developments at properky is kpmved br dweuing construction, was seconded by Danens znd carriedo Developer was irSomed that Fublic Hearing on setbacks must be held if setback is to be less thzn 30 feet. - PIELEZ..&Y PUT OF C0Z;OITU.L (XO'Vl3 V ADDITION cane before the Council i5kh Planning Conrmission' s Deceniiozr 7th. recommendation I for a pprovel sub j act to subndssion. of satisfzctory street grzde plm-s and storm sever construction by developr. Bredesen' s noLtion for approval of Prelimimry Plat subject to cornplimce with Plmning,Comi?issionT s ecce,@ions, vras seconded_by Tupz and carried. &XEILZZZNtS FZZm:iCEtY PUT OF SIIXEB ONrS ADDITION kdeived no action, having been rejected-by the Planning Cormnission *a% its meting or" Decenber 7. I ,- KSLE~DTJZLY PPLT OF b FE-lZBi%\GXEE OF BOWG GXZZLY--including Streetcar Sight- of Vay--by Gmnar Johnson, was presented .together with Planning Corrntissiont s December 7th recamendcticin for on Lot 61, or any storm sewr necessary. be approved subject to conpliance with Planning.Corr=ilissiont s recommendations, was seconded by Danens and carried. GORGE LUiD&*&tS EiXJE5T FOX EEZGSIliTG POZTIoiJ OF HEEXY iJ0. 169 FOB SKOPPEG CEiK?E;R was .once .again denied--by motion- Bredesen, seconded by Fronk. and carriedo -Action taken after review of Planning Comissiorrt s Decaher '7th .recomendztions. - rod subject to change of names of ilnnawy Drive and Nerilae, md subject ? o satisfactory drainage and overf3.oT.r from l&es Fronkts motion, that Preliminary Plat r. 0 c J e' . . ' " t- -c FROPOSED ORDIN-ANCE NO, 142-1 was preseded by Nanager Hyde, who read it as fo11oT~rs: . r ORDINANCE NO, 142-1 .AN OEI>Ii$AJXE &iELJDIHG UI-DI"~ EO, 142 OF THE PUCZS, BY PROIITBITING _DulPDG OF. 3JOX. kGJI3 ICE nr PDBLIC zrm~s - - VIUm, iP@LA?2 DG .TO O~.~~SES iLGAIIJST PUBLIC ' The Village Council of the Village of Edina,. Minnesota, 0rdairr.s: -to read as follows:: Section 1.- Section 6 of Ordinance No. 142 of the Village is hereby amended "Section. 6. Placing Ob-jects in Streets. No person shall place, throw or dump, or cause to be placed, throim or dumped on any street, alley,- sidewalk or other public rodd or h5ghway - (a) any accumulation of snow or &ce or (b) any glass, tacks, nails, -bottles or other substances I or things that rdght wound any prson or animal, or cut or puncture any pneumatic tire." Section 2. This ordinance shall be in effect from and after its passage and publication according to law. D~sc~asiont~~~~.'had_op the .p~opos~Q C)r@&znce, with Re. Hyde reporting that considerable dif ficultjc has been experienced 76th private snow plowers trho push snow from dr-ive'iays onto the streets. -Fror-kLs notion that Council aacept Ur. Hyde's reading as the First Eezding of the Oi%linance was seconded br Dane~s and carried. and sdopt it as read, 2nd no nap, as follows: Tupa then moved %h+t Cmca dispense wikh Second Reading of Ordinmce Eotion seconded Bredesen, qye P2OFOSEO OftDIi~i3JCZ NO, 191-2 - An Ordinance hending the Traffic Ordinance of the Vil1age.of Edina by Adding Mew Pro>istons Thereto as to Removal of Parked Vehicles to Perinit Snow Flowing - was presented by Haiiager Hyde for Council pnsideration. Nr.- Hyde eqlaiped that this proposed ordizlance maq cause hardship in ceLrtain loca-Lions, where there are neither garages nor driveways; but that these areas mi&t be exer@ed in enforcing the ordinance--that %he ordinance is for those otmers vho shply neglect to pull their cars into their driveis.ys. with discussion on this ordinznce, I&. Ecupa suggested that parking be Testri-cted in the daythe, henue curve at the Sliooddale School for six hours,during the day; creating a traffic hazard during the BrOO L,Nm rush period. 'chat 2Wo Pzrking, G-10 A,EL1l zone should be estaislislied zt this location. 30 action- tdcen on proposed,Ordinance Bo. 191-2, In connection He cited the mtter of a- teacher's parking at the Vooddde It was consensus of opinion I PXIFOSiD GZDliSANCE NO. 33-3 - An Ordinance Amending Ordinance Bo. 33 or" the Village .Be%ating to Licensing and Regulating Dogs by- &posing F&dditional Eestrictions on the Running at Large of Dogs and Adding Provisions as to- Enforcement - ms presented, and was laid over for-action af%er the first of the year, c CROSSTOVN HIGHWAY PR(ERSSS. a$-$he-nez& .Cogncil-I$eet%g, which will include a proposed centerline of the Crosstown Highway, based on ackual field engineering, and an expression from the' other governmental units concerning their feelings on the matker of the proposed highmy. cooperctive regarding the Council's decisions concerning delay i~ plats and building permits; thst it seems that, according to present plan, only three or four homes i.iould be taken for %he route, between Xerxes Avenue and the beginning of the Clover Leaf at, Normandale Road. LUX CONJZLU DUDJk&GE. geyer, stated that, Southdale is ready to pay the entire cost of the proposed plan for the control of level of Lake Cornelia and related drcnage to SZxmehaha Greek, even though properties other than Southdale will be benefited. Village Attorney TJindhorst inquired as .to whether this was to be on an assessment basis, or by direct payment, the usual improvaent procedure. why direct papnent cannot be made. -I%.. Ifeyer then made explanation of the General Plan for the proposed improveaent. He asked that it be approved in principle, ad that bids be taken at-the next Council Iaeeting. Hyde explained that neither he nor kgineer Zikan have had opportunity to re-~ew %he plans; that -he feels there zre some .technicalities to be worked out. Bredesenls motion, -Lh& project be approved in principle and subject to working aut of technicalities, was seconded by Danens and carried. - , Ranager Hyde stated he will have a conplete report - Lk. Hyde stated that builders and property o'imers have been most XI. Wm, &ear of Southdale, i-n introducing &. Adolph ,/' He explained that direct payment would eliminate Nk. Creak's tznswer was that he saw no reason 12/12/55 ` JAR^ OF Bi!lS-T?A~~~I~j Fa3 LAICE EZ)INA PDDIfll’ION. Zngineer Zikan wesated Tabu- 6%- \ lation of Bids,.t;al;en-~rov~ber 28, recornending that contract be atlarded to low Xotion seconded by Bredesen and carried, Developar St0r.r asked that Council insist thst contrzctor begin work in accordance with terms of his proposal. \bidder, Peter Lzmetti Const. Coo, St. Pad, at $19,400050. Tupa so moved, pIZOP0;jED j3I3332SIBN OF 50lB Sm BUS LINE, tJg_@apid -T~aqsit Cqany has- consented $0 a trial extension of the 50th Strect line, >?est on 50th Street to Villson Road; then on l.fillson Road to Xomndale flozd; &hen SoWbh on Normandalq to the -High School; then back on Nonnandzle to Zden Avenue; East on men Avenue to 17,’jOt.h Street; then East on 50th Street to Village Lirnits, lk. Hyde stated this is expected to be an llevery-$hird-tripll foute; that-it should furnish half-hour service during rush hours, rJith B rest - period in ths aSteemoon; that it is hops-d the exbension can begin in-early Febmaxy, 1.k. Hyde asked for action by the Council approving use of Village Streets along the above route. Tupals motion, approving use ol^ V&Oth Street, Eden Avenue, lu’orimnd&l,e Road, and S.Jillson Road, along the route stated above, for bus route, was seconded by Danens and carried. . Trustee Bredesen protested vigoaously ageinst the present bus turn-around on 1r0495 Street. that the buses block the d$iveT.rays and snarl traffic. because Council is hopsful that the proposed exbension will solve this difficulty. I-Imager Hyde reported that Tvrin He stz;ted No action was taken PROPOSAL FOX PUZCBLS 02 VILEGE ET;.TLJED SjZND. ‘1 Hayhill Builders, Inc. 1s proposal, for..=rchase pf--I;o’E.s-~-t~oufSh_l~--~nd 22 through 25, Block 3, ?;est I.hmeaplis Bei@s,- Tor &,6GO, vas seForted by 3k.! Hyde, ,He recornended that offer hi17 which will furnish the Village with gravel. Bredesen‘s motion, tkt proposal be declined in accordance v4th Xanagerls recommendation, was seconded by Tupa and cap5ed. FDJANCIiL PEl0r;lEDU.I FOZ 1956. lhnager Hydel s recommendations of Rovember 26, rrere reviqyed. ~ .They set forth the following suggestions: be declined, formason tbt price is too low, and that the property is a 1 1. Payi’oll: A. kt begim&i of year Council will approve a tri~o-part schedule: 1. List of employees by nanes, titles znd/or classifica-i;ions, 2, Titles and classzications according to Persome$ Ordinance Schedule, znd actual monthly or hourly rates as contemplated budget--x?th indication as to rmxhum number of employees allowed in each classification. OZZice could then trait until a day or tT;o before end of pt‘~r psriod before malring up checks, Pre-List, show$ng name of claimant, ,amount to be pzid, and brief description of mterial purchased or sorvick rendered, r.rill be sent to each Council 2hber the Friday before CoulciL I-ieeting, ill be at Comcil Ikcting fop exasnindS.on. ,Then, if Council had anr guestions office could be called before meeting. eliminate Council’ s hzving to. initial claims at mesting, for about $350, carrying either trn or three signatures.; rrith one mual siQature if this is preferred, saver for those vho must si@. &, I+Ionthly Financis1 Stztement. Beginning in February, for month of January, office will furnish monthly finacial statements on receipbs- and disbursenents, ad balance sheets for the active Zunds. Bronk;*s motion, ‘chat recomzndations of Village >imager be approved. by the C;ouncil, and thzt check sigper be purchased tilth provision for one himud signature, ms seconded by Bredesen and carried, SItOX PImING5om &ID F”CX. l$izgpsp@is does. not .ploy its side of this busy cornere t’mt the State be asked to do ‘chis work, and na;E;tw WELS left without action. - Bo 2. Approvd. of Claims: A. iictual Claius This r;ould 3. Xachine Siming of .Checks. Village can purchase sdl check s&mr This wmld be decided time- 5. Petty Cash. Petty Cash should be increased fron thp present $175.00 -to $350.00, thus eliminating the necessity for ch,ar@ng sm-il.. itens. 1 Discussion was had on difficulties czused because Ikmager Hyde suggested SUFXEY ON TJ.mTZ2ZS SBm-Ie qualified for -the job axid ~13.11 serve the Village well; that %hers is an iumedktte need 2or such survey in connection wikh maintenance of pressure, irm coctent, e;&msion of services, etc, of ?:i3,000 be set up for Llie r:ork, with pzpent to be on z. pr dim basis pre?riously outljned to the Council, be followed, was seconded by Gredesen .and carsjed. , Ihnager Iiyde recommended m.mey by Banister . @gjgeering_Copgg.y., _He. s.L;zted that he feels this company is de€irli-;;ely ._ 12. Zyde sugpsted-t’nat a m-ia as Fro&* s motion thzt recornended procedure 12/12/5 5 ' 69 EIDS TIQZ?~ DZCGd3B 12.-F'UiCP. Pump bids taken this evening were tabulated and presented, b@ng as follows: , I Keys ?Jell Drilqhg Go. 45,790.00 . Fairb+nks-P:Iorse Go. 8 4,955.00 Eergerson 6 CaswGll 2, 3 50 0 00 Layqe-ltinnesota Co, &,$74oOO Crane Company ~ 7,328,OO~ Utilities Supt a Woehlert s recomaendation f ormard of bid to Layne-I4innesota, with Xotor and Starter. to &e of th Part ITind Type, was reviewed; and, after some discussiqn, Tupa moved for award of contract to Lqne-I.finnesota Go, Xotion seconded by Fronk and ca&ie-d, P- APPROFRZLTION FOR U~YORY~ COWITTEE ON HARRE BILL, E&O~ Sriclcson presint ed repest. for Vil&age. cg$rib&Lon. of Zwds-to-l.hyor' s Commit.i;ee on legislation psrbaining to Harris Bill. such contriiiub ion is le@, Bredesen noved that- Council zppopriat e ;':ZO.OO for said committee. Hotion seconded by Fronk an@ carriedo I After securing Attorneg 1Jindhorst'~s opinion that G3 a l--i 9cT 4 w RevolvLnS Fund zoyds, inasmuch as there is now sufficient money for papent of bonds outs%and*g. adoption: Bredesen offered .the follot~hg Zesolution qd noved its - - iRESOLW ION C&KXAUlK~G P3FE!AifZI\JT li.ziB,O~.$IJT RiWQLVDlG FUhD .Q-Vi&O~Zi~i TsmS CO&&X21@23 SirrH- 1956, 1957 .&$-1?5tj GZERAL PEOFZETX - -1 T&ZS w- . JAJAXG, - --t * the Village Council of the Pillage of Zdina has, by Resolution adopted Uoyeniber 6, l9k7, levied a special ad valorem ta=r. for the payment of principal md interest 02 its Peqment Jinprovemen-l; Revolving Fund Bond Issue Series December, 1947; said ad-valorem tax in the amount of $21,420.00 being collectible with and 8s a part of other general taxes for the year 1957; and" I~Wlk3, the Village Council of the Village of Edina has, by Resolution adopted ilugust 9, 1948, levied a special ad valorem tax for the payment of principal and interest of its Permanent Improvement Revolving Fund Bond Issue of 1948; said ad valorem tax i.g the amount of $16,600,00 being collectible with and as a part of the general properi;y taxes in said Village for the year 1956, and in the amount of &16,200,00 being collectible with and as a part of the general property taxes in said Village for the year 1957; and adoptcd June 27, 19.49, levied a special ad valorem -tax for the pa-men% of principal and interest of its Permanent bprovemerrt Revolxring Fund Bond Issue of 1949, said ad valorem taxes-in the amounts of $6,700,00, $6,600,00 and $6,500.00 being collectible with and as a part of. other generd property taices in said Village for the years 1956, 1957 and 1958 respectively; and said levies providing moneys are on hand for payment of principal and interest for said bond issues; and it has been determined by this Council that the required moneys are on hand for the payment of said principal and interest. NOV, TiGBXFW3, BE JT BE30LSZD by the Village Council of the Village of Edina that those-ad valorem taxes levies made by Resolutions of this Village Council zdopted Tjlover&er 6, 1947, August 9, 1948, and June 27, 1949, in the r~rromts of (~21,&20.00, $16,600.00, -$16,200, $6,~00.00, $~6,600000 ad $6, 500.00 and collectible with ad as a part of other general. property taxes in, said Village for the years 1957, 1956, 1957, 1956, 1957 and 19% respec'cively, be and hereby are cancelled. BE IT FUPTH3R RESOLVED that the County Auditor of Hemepin County, Finnesota, be .authorized and directed -to cancel the above described ad ' valorm -bax levies and to delete said levies from taxes to be spread for the years hereinbefore set fortho . TTif&, the Village Council of the Village of Edina has, by Resolution I TmmiB, Iltinnesota Statutes, Section 475.26, permi-ts the cancellation of liotion for adoption of Eesolution was second were five ayes and no nays, as follows: B aye; Danens, aye; Fronk, aye; Tupc, zye; and Erickson, aye; and-the Qnv 'it: onk, and on Rollcall there -?iIlage -&&ddM Cleric Because the date for the ned regular council meeting fdls on Honday, December 26, vkiich is a holiday, Xednesday, December 28, at 4:30 FJJL was set for the next meeting. 12/12/55 P~~~~ ZiJ CL4DiS: Bredesent s motion, appmving Village Papoll for per5od December 1 to 15, qount $15,077.22; Firemen's Payroll for period Dec, 1, 1954 to Novo 30, 1955, arnount 35,758.75; and the foUovringGlaims, was seconded by Fro& and carcried, -E c Genercl Fmd - 26,784.33 Licpor Fund - $21,&31.27 Parks Fund - - 34.47 Sewer Rent . , - 6S.09 IIa'cemorks hd- 4,303 .OO Spec. Assess. - 12,326,01 Poor Fund - - 254.42 kprovements - $8,485.51 n P.1.R. - 68,830072 Const. Fund - 25,989.83 Garbage - - 1,816.50 PURCIIASB OF 7&-FOOr STRIP ON 8.49$ STREET. Attorney Hosmer Brown, representing @r, -E9 -e. -Stow, ,.e;jpla&ed that IJk. SI;I?.r:r_has declined VZllage offer for purchase of 48 feet becwse the rmainjng 3 Teet will then still. be 'up in the airt; that, in the past Krm Stow had been advised that he could not secure a building permit unless he sola the entire 72 feet. lke Erown stated that 1.b. SPt0r.r is wZLE.ng to sell 4$ feet at the price agreed upon if the Village will agree Jco buy %he other 3 feet at the tine he wishes to build, at %he pro rata price. Attorney IIbdhorst stated that the Village can legally purchase the 7; foot stripCnow3 with the reservation that Stow ad his assigns can continue to use the present buildjng but cannot remodel or rebuild. believes some concession should be made on the proposed price of '$2,500. After some thought, 13. Stow made an offer of $2,250.00 for the strip, with the reservation cited by I&. TEndhorst concerning continued use of present buildhg and with an additional. reservation that his property be exempt' frorn street and curb and gutter assessinent but rrith understmding that sidewalk will be paid for by Stow. Tup's motion that lko Stow's offer *be accepted ad that Village purchase this pmperby, tias seconded bg Fronk and carried, There being no further business to come before the Council, Wonk mved for adjourment. I.iecthg adjourned at - Village He stated, too, that he Xotion seconded by Danens, and - carried, r C - C J 1 1 C *c tr E , -