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IJembers answerkg Rollcall were Danens, -Fro&, Tupa and Brickson.
December 12. ES follor-rs:
Xngineer Z&an presented tabulations of bids tdcen .
I&. Zikan recommended award of bid to HefieRogers Company, 'stzting illis machine
is heavier, rneets specifications for the ylOzalid type" machine, an$ thz'c he
believes service will be better on this machine,
awarded to H.A,l?,ogers Company, was seconded by Danens and carried.
Tupa's motion, that bid be
- and Uashingbon Ave, - for Sanitary $l4,590;00 $16,320.00 $16:776.00
LIFT STATIOiiI - at Maloney Ave. .- L.
Sewer No, 70 -
' Xr. Zikan recommended award of bid to low bidder, Phalps-Drake, and Pronk so
moved, Kotion seconded by Tupa and carried,
Lk, Xdward R. Lorens' recornendation for acceptance of an opkion for a revised
taking of right of way on the Pearcepoperty as required by the 66th Street
extension and its connection with Xerxes Avenue to the north, in amount of
$3,300.00. l~k. Hyde added his recornendation for spproval of option, stating
he feels the Village could <do no- better in condemnation proceedings . Fro&* s
mo-bion that, option be accepted, was secoQded by Tupa ad unanimously carried.
Hanager Hyde presented
1.k. Hyde then presented form of resolut5on confirming the revision in the
description of the prop@y to be acquired from the Pearce interests; and Tupa
offered the following Resolution and moved its adopt ion:
IJHE'8Zi?S, by flesolution adopted. by th,is Villege Council on October 24) 1955, condemnation of certain parcels of land €or accpisition of easements for
street purposes designated qs Pqrcels 44 4l, 43 and 44 was authorized, and
TmB, it $as been~determin~d thzt Parcel 44 as described in said
Besolution should be changed so as to require a-lesser area of right of way as
necessary for, a revised layout of street, dividing island and. boulevards,
SZiiD F,WCiL 4.4- is hereby revised as IoUows and designated -& Parcel
._ The Gollotring tracL of land for public street right of way easement;
' 115 Revised:
Thzt part of Lot Five (5), Cassin's Outlots, Hemepin County, I-lirmssota,
except th& pert of bt Five (5) 1-g East or; a line drawn Cram a point
ii? the Morth line of szid Lot, 221,lr feet Yest of the I$orth&ast 5orner of
szid lot to iz point in the-South line of seid Lot 219.1 fee'c ,;est of the
Southeast corner of said b$, described as ifolloys:
Beginning at the Southwest, corner of said Vt Pive (5); being a, po&t
on the South line of the Esrtliwest .Quarter.pf Section-29, Tomship 28
Jlorth, Exage 24 Yest; thence Borth %long the Yest line of said Lot
Five (5) a distance of 65 feet; thence Easterly a distance 03 25.94
feet ala% a. line pardlel to the South line of said- Xorthwest '2uarter
of Jection 29 -and distant 65 feet Hortherly thereof; thince Northeast-
erly at an angle of 301 to the left a dis@nce of 98.92; feet to the
point of beginning of a cmve having a radiu.scof 288,27 feet; thence
Northezsterly along the arc of said curve to the &eft a, distance of 1.68~55 feet to the end of said curve; thence Northeasterly along the
tagent to said curve a distance of 2.43,28_ feet tq the poin-6 02 begking
of a curve having a radius of 534 feet; thence along the arc of said
curve to the left a distance of 55.90 feet, more or less, to a"pokt in
the East line of the above described trsci, distant360.95 feet North of *
th3 South line of szid Morthwest Cuarter of Section 29"as aezs6red along
the East line of th2 above described tract; thence 5ou"cerly along the
Zast line of said tract a distance of 128.75 feet; thence Southwesterly
ak m mgle of 47O 30' to the right, a distznce of U.6,76 feet to the I
point of beginning of,a curve having a radius of 25L04. feet; %hqnce
47.26 feet to the point of beginning of 6 curve having a radius of 20
feet; thence aloag the qc of said curve to the left to a pobt 65 feet
itrorr'ch of the South line of seid Mortlmest Cuarter of Section 29 a-nd
123*98-feet Vest of tae East line of the above desci5bed trac%, as
measwed along lines pzrdlel wLth the Zast and South lines respect-
ively of said tract; thence Xasterly a &stance of 123.98 feet along 8
- Southwesterly along the arc of said carve to %he left a distance of -
I -
- I
E -
line pzrdlel-xttl? the South line of said Horbhvrest quster and distant 65 feet Bortherly tkreol, to the Ezst line of the above described tract;
-thence Sou-th along "cine East line thereof a distance of 65 feet to the
Southeast corn= thereof, being a point on the South line of said lhjrth-
west Quarter of Section 29, distant 219.3 feet ?Zest of the Southeast
corner thereof; thace Vesterly along the South Ene of said Xorthwest
Quarter to ths poht of beginning, excepting therefrom the right :of way
of. existins pic~blic stzeet, being Bhe Southerly 33 feet of the above
containing 1,15 acres, mre or less, exclusive of exis-bing public streek
described tract, t
7." right of my, 5 -
together vith temporarycezsement for such embankment or excavation slops as-may be
required on a strip of c-llsnd 50 Beet in width adjacent ti3 ttnd*-Northhr:esterl.y -of the
tract of right of way easemat as above described and a strip 30 feat in xidth
adjacent to and Southeasterly of said 'erac%, said tenporary-.easment to zutomtically
cease and*-terminate upon capletion of the pending grading contract, or noL lster
"chzn !December 1, 19%. - r -
pc. '*t "C
IX-, renewed efforts of the Village of Edina to obtain such easemnts
have been mde subsequen-b to the comencenient of condemnztion proceedings as authorized,
and C C
negot iat ed,
Parcel l& Rev,ised shall be acted upon in the sme manner as if Parcel & of tine
original Resolution had been in no mmer rsvised.
option for ezsement to the above described lands has been
Ifi' i?BOLV3D, That said option uith description of
nen5, and on Rolrlcall there c
lke Ar&ur IC: Pdersen is to be cancelledas of July 1, I&. Petersen must receive
notirtication of such cvlcellation by January 1, .Fro&ts motZon, tht Garbage
Collection Contract be czncelled as of JUlJF 1, and tht Villege lhnager be authorized
to so inform uontrsctor as of January 1, was seconded by Tum and carrrieci,
with Fro& moving that getitions be accepted and referred to Village kgineer for
initiathn of iapmvment proceedings; motion 'secmded by Danens and carried:
1, Sanitary Sewer in Eenton Avenue to serve Lots 2 and 3 and Replst of Lot -6 and Sol/2 of I& 5, Block 1, Code's Highview Pxrk,
2. Yatemain in Benton4venue to serve Lots 2 ad 3 and Beplat of Lot 6 and
S.1/2 of kt 5, Block 1, Codets Highview Park. 3. &itary Sewer in Tracy ,he, from Olinger Rd. approx. 1320 Ft. So,, and *.
4. Grading and Graveling - Benton he. from presqnt dead end to Tracy Ave. 5. Gradug, Graveling ad Bitmdnous Surface in 'tr.70th St. from HQhmy Eoo 100
-to Xerxes he, 60 Sdtary Sewer in Ifnoll Drive from'Bl&e Roadto Schaefer Ro~d.
7. Sanitary Sewer-in Dzle %, through Government! Land Survey 30. 160, between
T.1.56th St, and Grove St,
8, &&erain in Dale St. through Government Lznd Survey No. 180, betmeen
V.56th S-t. and Grove St. c c
9. &grb and Gutter in :TO5So%h Street between France Ave, and ?To lot limit of 3936 i.T05&k Street,
10, Blacbgping in 8.5Ekh Street between Frulce Ave. End If. 10% limit of
The following inpmvement petitions were subxikted,
Olinger Gd. from Tracy Ave, approx. si00 ."to ?I,
3936 1T.5€%h St; ..
of.the .Gouncil on-the eiYective trimmirig of the Village Hall by the Junior Jaji-cees,
TU~EL'S motion, that the Village lknager be directed to'fomard a letter eqICessing
the Council's appreciatton for the work of the Jaycees in directing the Christmas
Tree and Village Ed1 &ilding, was seconded by.Fro& and un&ously carried,
Compliments were given by the members
copies of -the ,Henn?piq Countx,Qghyay Rgprtmg&t s -December 27th let'eer to him, outlining propbsed iuprovements on Valley View Rvad.and France Avenue. Outline
to be studied- by Council.
Ophim-to-effect-thaS; nunicipalities mush recognize legal holidays in accordance
v&h Chapter 494, Zavs of 1955; that, thzsefore, Gdina must recognize Wcoh*s Birthdzy, Good Friday, Columbus Day and bistice Day as full holiday, Izanzger
directed to have necessary anendnent drafted,
I5wger Hyde reported a recent Attorney General*s
12/2$/55 j 73'
R&fi~oC&'Io~j OF &?p~o~~~TIoL\TS FOR TI%3 l3& 1955.
shotdag estimated. e2penditures for the year-.l955, as coapared with Budget Appropriations;
Gerreral Fund Expenditures being a net of $8,716.98 under appropriations; and Park bd
Expenditures being $7,054. 67 over appropriations. re-allocated, in accordance with comon procedure, and Fronk* s motion, re-$.locating
budget r2propriations for the year 1955, as follovs, was seanded by Tupa and carried:
CbUnciL -. $466 00 Assessor . ~ $& 962-00 Clerk * 322.00 Village Hall . 119,OO
Nanager Hyde presented a schedule
He asked that 1955 approprkkions be
~R&W?EE F3ON: (Gen .Fund) I TEzQJSEX! TO: (Gen,Fund)
Treasurer 90 00 Police 2y619.00 Tillage Attorney 483 0 00 Fire 13,500mOO Zle ctions 288.00 Unapplied Time Zxpense 4-y 1?4oOO Nunicipal Court 1,479 00 Operat ion of Equipaent 2,612.00 Youth Council 50.00 Toolhouse 1,164e00
General Office 2,406 . 00 FJorhen' s Compensation 840 .OO
3xecuL ive 2, C3 5 000 Refuse Disposal ,37moO
&@.neering 4, 728.00 Highway, Equipment 'll,7l2.OO
Library &71.00 3ngineerh.g Equipmel.1C 54cOO
Health 9.00 Traffic Signals 33904eOO
Plmbing fnspector 281.00 - Com truction-Library 3 y 793 00
Building kspecLor 277 OOC Executive Zquipment 137 53 000
Civil Defense 225,OO Unallo cat ed hsurance 1,4-77 e 00 Animal Con%rol 676,oo Eefunds 133 00 Traffic Controls &Signals l.4.00 Lmd 28000 Street Lighthg 2,477 000 Spec.Assess.on Village Property 1,436.00
Street Haintenance 3y234oOO Furniture & Fixtures-Vi&.E1 450.00
Street Name Signs 1 , 172 . 00 Police Equipment 242 e 00 Street Specid tiork 906.00 53,009.OO Snow & Ice Remoyal 499oOO General Fund Surplus I, 662,OO
Drainage-Storm Sewers 1,018.00 Unallo cat ed- 330 .OO IJe'ecd Control 972 00 Administrative 4,676.00
Audit 555.00 s7r-g 54&00 Planning Commission 1,17LOQ Easeball 270 . 00
Fire Equipment 3,fX3SeOO Playground 2,105.00 Zle c'cion Eqyipment 500 00 gguipment &laint 325.00
Const.-Village Hall 20,724.00 12,786,00
Nechanic Sq.pment 275000 Total-Transfer to: &457000 i661,726.00
GeneraZ. kint . . $ 3,020,OO
Vinter Rec. Progrzm . 2,461.00
Kosquito Control 105.00
Cascade Pumping 11.00
Tree Trimming 578.00 . (Pak kd)
Contingencies 5,000 e 00 Care of Bldgs. 34.4000 Settlmienb of Suits 2,550eOO Skating Rink &int. 3,?98000
Uiscellaneous Equip, 502.00 Capital Outlay 390,OO
Office Equipment 712 e 00
(Park Fund)
Playground %pens e 134000
0 59731000
.67,4-5?.00 n io I bal-Tmngfers From
€?,ZVISED BUDGET FOR YEhR 1956 was presented by Pk. Hyde for study by Council-
agabst &.&nicipglities leasing space on a percentage lease basisa
". . . - 1iia;nager Hyde reported that the Attomey General has ruled
the Gas-Company! s -@ill -fay _re-loc-ating_ the-.ma& on-FrFce Avenue is sone ;)34,000,
rather thaii the,$24,000 estimate; that he believes an insufficient amount.has been
allowed for salvage on the old pipe; that further negotiations should be had before
Village considers paynent .
Manager Hyde reported that
PI&NTNG COI@ZSION kPFOIssTj4EFJTS were discussed, Nayor Erickson reporting he believes
$In, K~afft_~~~ll_stay~o~-the Comgission but that he does not tdsh to be Chairman; that
the %ems of Messrs. Todd and Jamne expire Dedember 31.
$0 3&,,qount -$l5,O42.l8, ad the following Claims, was seconded by Tupa and carried:
Fronkts motion, approving Village P~yroll for period December 16
General Fund - $10,6C?1.60 Garbage Fund - $ 1,615.24
Const. Fund - ,613679.15 Sewer Rental - , 3,341993 Park Fund - 107.41 Special Assess. 1,467.02
Wat er Fund - 36,372975 hprovements - 2,114.59 Liquor Fund - 57,818,Ol PoI,Bo Fund - 18,782oO4
There being no further business Lo come
ment* Xocion seconded by Tupa md