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1/9/56 - .. MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE EDINA VILLAGE COUNCIL, HELD MONDAY, JANUARY 9,1956. A� 7:30 P.M. ;AT THE EDINA VILLAGr.HALL. _ INVOCATION was given by Rev. 'Fr. Forrey of Odr lady of Grace Church. Members answering Rollcall 'w`e're Bredesen, Crinkley,^ Fronki Tupa and Erickson;, Minutes of the Meeting of December. 28, 1955, were approved as submitted, by ° motion Fronk, seconded by Tupa and carried. ° -P TITIONS FOR IMPROVt3=-q, being, the last petitions presented before December 31, 1955 and representing Cut -off for work in 1956, °were presented as follows: ° 1. Sanitary Sewer - Lochlpy Drive South, Ayrshire Blvd. to Ayrshire Blvd.; and Ayrshire Blvd,, Lochloy Drive to Glenbrae Circle So. 2. Sanitary Sewer. - Valley View Rd.-O Brookview Ave. to W.64th St. _ 3. Sanitary Sewer -Extension of Grove St. (and new streets) between Olinger Rd. and Hawkes Lake., 4.i Dundee Rd., Interlachen Country Clubs South to Mirror Lakes Drive* - San.Sewer 5. Watermain - Valley View Rai., Brookview Ave. to W.64th St. 6. Watermai.n - Extension of Grove St between Olinger Rd. and Stuart Ave., and new streets, Olinger Rd. to Hawkes-Lake. 7, Sanitary Sewer - Dunberry Lane. _ g. Watexm#n - Dunberf7 Lane; F .9. Blacktopping - ,Mendelssohn Lane, Maloney Ave.'to Blake Rd. `10, Blacktopping W.58th St., Brookview Ave. to ]'ranee Ave, 11.- Curb and Gutter - W. Woodland Road, Wooddale Ave. to Concord Ave. 12. Blacktopping W. Woodland Roads Wooddale Ave: to Concord Ave. 13. Blacktopping - -Fairfax Ave. between 5800 and X812 Fairfax. 14. Curb and Gutter - .Fairfax.Ave. between 5806 and 5812 Fairfax. 15. Sanitary Sewer -- Meadow Ridge Rd., Ridgeview Dr, to Duggan Plaza ;Danens Dr... Ridgeview`Dr, to Duggan Plaza; Tifton Dr.,`Duggan Plaza to end of street;"Duggan Plaza, Service Rd. to Ridgeview Dr., Warren Ave., Danens Dr. to end of street. Bredesents motion, that petitions be accepted and referred to the Engineering Department for scheduling of public' hearings, was seconded by Fronk and carried. ° r PROMTS..AGAINST CANCELLATION OF GARBAGE C0=CTION 'CONTRACT. ' Fetters of commendation on service granted through the years'bg Garbage Collection . Contractor, Arthur K. Petersen,,and of protest against Council's recent action cancelling contract as 6f July 1, written t Yy Xrs. ,Jessie M. 11iitney, 4610 Cascade lane; Mr. H. H. Hunt, 4601 Cascade Lane, and Mr. G.D. Olmsted, 91 Woodland Circle, were reviewed and ordered placed'on file.' Because it -was felt that a misunderstanding exists, Manager Hyde vdlunteered ta'write objectors an explanation. CROSSTOWN HIGHWAY REPORT, Manager Hyde presented to the Council a detailed written report dated January 9, Subject, "Report on Status of Proposed Cross - Town Highway, and Recommendation Concerning Continued Prbhibiti.on of Building within proposed right-of-way. 11 He reviewed report. briefly =for Council and audience, stating that "Plan 4,11 (which was on display for audience) repre- sents the•most feasible and most-economical plan of four- different plans made as the result of a detailed field study by consulting engineers and conferences with. Vill.agea County and State Highway officials.'- This plan contemplate* the following: i.- A 300 -foot right of way - -which is ample and can be narrowed at - certain points to eliminate taking portions of existing homes. -.. zThis right of way would include all service drives; as proposed highway should be a limited access road,, 2. Provision for six moving lanes of traffic, with a center division; original center division to be 37 feet wide, with two moving lanes on either sides. At such time as six lanes -are needed, center line will be narrowed to 13 feet. 3. Depression of highway at several locations, with grade separations proposed at Valley View extended, at France and at Highway No. 100. 4. An elongated, clover -leaf at Highway No. 100--which.. will necessitate taking fewer homes than originally contemplated. - -- 5. Necessity of, taking Drily ton homes at the 300 -foots width, from Ryan - Avenue east to Xerxes (or.only four or five homes at the 250 -foot width along this same route); and only nine homes for the - cloverleaf, _ (Preliminary plates had contemplated the taking of some 25 to 30 home - sites). ° 1 1 6 a� 1/9156 Mr. Hyde stated that under present financing plan the State Highway Department will bear.the cost of- acquiring the land_and building the cloverleaf at Highway 100; the Village will be required to buy the right of way, from Valley View Road extended, west to Valley View Road - west of Highway 100- -with the-exception of the cloverleaf; that the County, with some state funds,. will pay for con - struction of the highway* Mr. Hyde asked that the ban on building- -Dermits along the proposed route be continued, and repommended that-the plan be approved in principle. He stated., in answer to a Council question,t.that Minneapolis hopes to acquire some right of way this year, and begin construction not later than 1958. Mr. Bogen inquired as to status of some of his lots in "Roberts Estate "„ The plan shows these lots to be North of the proposed route; and he was told that he could build on them. Developer Haverly asked for assurance that the route presented, would be the final route of the highway. Mr. Hyde reported that no absolute and final assurance can be given, but that the alignment has been approved by the State Highway Department, and that -the County Highway Department has accepted the point of intersection on the - center line of present trunk highway 100 and proposed 62nd Street Crosstown Highway as a definite reference point for future construction of the proposed Crosstown Highway. _Mr. Paul Swanson, 6225 Ryan Ave., took exception to Mr. Hyde's statements regarding approval by State and County Highway Departments, saying he had talked with both departments within the week, and both departments had informed him approval �..� had not been given; Mr. Hyde then,-read letters of approval, dated December 29 and December 30, respectively, from J,, P, Pederson, Hennepin County Engineer, Wand t; P.' Zimmerma -A,• Gh2ef Enga. 6r of t ie State Highway Depart -' ment,• giving t'he'-approval cited above: 'Mr;'Arthur�W. Nelsoh,' 6300 Josep' him Ave,,,' ` asked' that the-Council defer itsta,pproval in principleY i9ntil it ii better' in€ormed, : ` r _ . , , .: r Tupt thee moved that further discussion on the proposed Crosstown Highway be dropped- -•and that Council continue not to issue building permits within the proposed- path of the highway .until further and morb detailed iffo'hiation is' presented, - ok until October 1', 1956., Motiori was seconded by Crinkley and' earried. , PETITION FOR REZONING -TRACT SOUTH OF BILTMORE INN ON NOR4ANDALE ROAD was discussed, the.. Planning Commission -having' deeidedyto' wait, until after Mr. Blucher's visit before making recommendation. 'No hction taken except to defer to Planning Commi.ssionts recommendation. HOLT►S PRELIMINARY PLAT received no'act'ion inasmuch as Planning Commission ad made no recommendation, on January. 4. : This is property` lying West of Highway No. .100 and Snuth,of W.10th Street along Nine Mile Creek. PRELIMINARY AND F Q OF DAYTONPS SOUTHDAtE THIPD,ADDItION, between Southdale Fiirs't�Addition and•Creston Hills, was approved subject to'sub- mission of drainage easement and'an engineering: check; all in accordance with Planning,Commissionts recommendation of January 4* Motion made by } Fronk,, seconded by Tupa Wand carried, PS3 N AVENUE,, ' Planning Commiss�.on3 s Januar7<4t eCOmmendatiom to the 'effect an 'atimal hospital', should 'bb considered as°':one usage ia- "Coinmunit�y Stone ? strict'" , but that �Coiuicil `s.hould i� ake sire petitioner wig put up the proper typ& of establishment= was 'reviewed,, Tat. Or in the.evening•Mr ` 'Pibbert�, representative £or petitioners, explained that the matter is now iri the preliminary negotiation state and that petitioner will be glad to comply Vith Village requirements• as to building and will be glad` to present p�ans and specifications to Village for Usp'ectibn,' :iayor Erickson reminded 'thl b Council that the Vii1age has defi,n' e rests }ctio}�s as to sites for cemete#es,F hospitals,, etc.; and the'VillageaAtiorney w, s directed to'pre`pare an opinion ts. to legality of locating an animal hose #gl, in` proposed location. FINAL: PLAT. OF .SAGAR SQUARE, ..Topated test: -ef `.Highway -110¢ betwen Benton 'tins W.bOth Street, was' presented with Planking Commission' s January A.t�' ecommendati.on- for' approval.• subject to ded.tation of se "rv� c' a `road if ' necessary ; compliance= with engineering requirements, and provided all Pots are of legal sized Fronk! s. motion that Planning Commissionts Veaommendati ons rbe 'accepted, a was' s eeonc%d '$3r 'Tupa "and carried. FINAL P F "REPLAT OF BLACK NINE NOIiiM ND6 n betwaer W,.63rd and W.64th Sts. and between Parnell and Virginia Aves. was discussed. Mr. Hyde showed Council that this property lied directly in the path of -the proposed highway; / and Mr. Zikan reminded Council that Sanitary Sewer and Watermain contracts 1 have been awarded in this area* Manager Hyde was directed to call developer Addy with the information at hand, and Manager and Engineer were directed to negotiate with improvements contractor for possible cancellation of contract.. BLUCHER VISIT. Council was reminded of planning survey to be taken January- 16.. 17 and 18; luncheon meeting with Mr. Blucher on the 16th, and open meeting on Wednesday, the 18th. PROOTTM ON ASSESSMENT FOR LOT 1. BLOCKS. RIC'MOND HILLS ADDITION. Manager Hyde-read written protest filed against assessments levied against above lot_ in 19523 filed by new owner Mir. Lester Lee; and Mr. Hyde's answer to Mr. Lee. declining to make adjustment. Mr. Hyde explained that the lot in question is pie - shaped, with a large front footage and a small. back yard; that there was., no protest against the method of assessment at the public hearing on the assessment; that he feels that it is now much too late for any adjustment_. Discussion was had, with Fronk moving that Manager's action to confirmed. Motion seconded by Tupa and carried.. - ORDINANCES - "Snow Bird" and "Dog Leashing' were given the new member for study,, prior to official First,Reading at later date. HAI;1A CLAIM FOR FILL COSTS. Z4anager Hyde reported that Village1;ngineering data, taken from topogrophies before and. after fill at the Halla property- shows that approximately 312 yards of fill were needed; that Mrf Halla has made Claim for 720 yards; that the Village has Mauled some 100 yards into the fill- -this last being confirmed by Mr. Harry Jonas of the Public Works crew - -, leaving a net of 212 yards for which Halla should be reimbursed. He asked Council policy in settling for 212 yards as against 312 yards; and Bredesen moved that claim for, 720 yards of fill be settled at 212 yards. riot- %on seconded by Tupa aid- carried. " ORNAMENTAL STREET LIGHTS-W. RM . JUAN_ITA :AND" INDIANOLA AREA. Firs. Alden reported Northern States Power Company's request for information on final decision of petitioners for Ornamental Street Lights in above locale, in vl w�af Company's wish to install ordinary lights as part of their expansion program. -Mr. S. U. Witts explained that.inquiry sent out by this Qkfice contiried insufficient information to allow full reply. Some sicussion was had, and Bredesen moved scheduling public_hearing on proposed improvement at the earliest possible time after cost estimates have been received, notion seconded by Fronk and carried. V1_Z4MJ_WU, ULL&W.LLNU, %XL1KY19LJXdU* 111Y1J .f,T2JtiV111Vr! � kle tV.L 1 t7J.. 3JWJ.L1tl•J"&1 J]lULUZU... AVE. AND HIGHWAY NO. 100. Manager Hyde presented Estimates of Cost'on this proposed project, being $46,970 for work between Normandale Road and France Ave.., and $25.000 for work between France and Xerxes Aves. He reminded Council that petition for work is in. Mr. Zikan reported that Storm Sewer matter must be studied before actual gradeing is considered. Protest by Mr. Morton Arneson against assessment for project was discussed; and Council considered matter of partial assessment. Manager Hyde suggested that Village Engineers study the grading and storm sewer projects during the next two weeks in an effort to come up with plan for sharing assessment. . FOR VALLEY VIM-1 ROAD AND FRANCE VALLEY VIEW ROAD. As a follow -up on his report of December 28p Manager Hyde reported that he had met with the owners along Valley View Road; that residents are not i.rL'favor of a 44-foot -ttaVeled way; that they will consent to a 36 -foot width including curb and gutter, with a 30 -. mile speed limit and a parking ban on both sides of street until crosstown highway is built. Mr. Hyde explained that an amount of $10,,484,bas been assessed as part of Sanitary Sewer assessments for putting Valley View Road back into shape by blacktop replacement; that residents feel this amount should be credited in some way to the -cost of the curb and gutter, rather than an additional assess- ment for curb and gutter and refund for blacktop; that they would also like Valley View returned to a purely residential street as soon as possible; that they feel 66th street should definitely be open to trucks until crosstown is built. Mr. Hyde stated the possibility of a thru -stop at Concord had been discussed. He suggested that this be delayed until next meeting. Mr. Hyde reported that the Village would be responsible for any utilities moving, and for constructing curb and gutter; that blacktopping will be paid by the County. He suggested that action be delayed until next meeting, for eurb.and gutter cost estimates by Village Engineers and conference with Village Attorney concerning on assessment procedure, looking toward scheduling of Public Hearing for first meeting in February. Batter tabled until January 23. 1 1/9/5 2. FRANCE AVENUE. Manager Hyde reported the County's plan _for`concrete pave., ment on France Aven%e between 54th and 64th Streets; street to be 44 feet from face to face of curb except that portion of the bridge across Minne- haha Creek., where present width would be used for the present. The County has stated that the Village must be- responsible for 100 percent of the cost of curb and gutter, private driveway.aprons, any improvement requi.red'on street `intersections outside present 66 -foot right of way, and any storm sewer construction required outside present- right of way; with all other remaining costs to be shared equally between Village and County. No action taken. RETURN BY COUNTY -OF STATE AID ROAD NO. 64._(Gleason Road between Highway No..169 and Valley View Road; Antrim —Road between Valley View Road and W.70th St., and W.70th St. between Antrim Road and Cahill Road). Manager Hyde presented form of Resolution which the County is asking the Council to adopt, formalizing the County's return of this road to the Village last spring. After some discussion Bredesen offered the following Resolution and moved its adoption: RESOLUTION ON RETURN OF STATE AID ROAD NO. 64 WHEREAS, the County Board of the County of Hennepin adopt a resolution revoking the designation of State Aid Road No. 64 within the corporate limits of the Village of Edina as follows:. BE 1T RESOLVED, That all that part of State Aid Road No. 64 lying between Trunk Highway No. 169 and County Road No. 28 be rescinded as a State Aid or County Road. NOW, THEREFORE, be it resolved by the Village Council of the Village of Edina that said resolution is in all things approved. Motion for adoption of the Resolution was seconded by Fronk, and on Roileall there were five ayes and no nays as- follows: Bredesen, aye; Crinkley, ayex Fronk, aye; Tupa, aye; and. Erickson, aye; a=esolution was adopted. AT EST: - .�'!� Mayor Village Clerk PARK PURCHASES. Mr. Hyde reported that negotiations have.gone forward for purchases i.n.the Lake Pamela area. He recommended that the Village make the.fo] lowing purchases: Lots 13, 14 and 15, Block 15, Fairfax Addition @ $1,050 $3,150.00 Lot 18, Block 15 If t► @ $1,050 - . 1,050.00 Lot 17, Block 15 it TM @ $12,200 - 1,200000 Bredesents motion, authorizing purchases in accordance with Manager's recommendations was seconded by Fronk and carried. MAYOR PRO TEM. Mr. Hyde announced necessity of appointing Mayor Pro Tem at this meeting, and Mayor Erickson suggested Trustee Bredesen for the position. Fronk offered the following Resolution and moved its adoption: RESOLUTION APPOINTING MAYOR PRO TEM FOR VILLAGE FOR YEAR 1956 BE IT. RESOLVED•that Arthur C. Bredesen, Jr. be appointed Mayor Pro Tem for the Village of Edina for the calendar year 1956. Motion for adoption of Resolution was seconded by Tupa; and on.Ro]lcall there were four ayes and one not voting, as follows: Bredesen, not voting; Crinkley, aye;'Fronk, aye, Tupa, aye; and Erickso aye; and the Resolution was adopted. ATT .�1/ Mayor 'Village Clerk APPROPRIATIONS FOR YEAR 1956, Manager Hyde presented for review the appro- priations considered by the Council in the fall of 1955 in adopting the Village Budget for 1956. For the benefit of new member Crinkley the Council explained procedure of adopting tax levy in a stated amount before the final valuation figures are back from the State Tax Department. Some discussion was had on the appropriations presented, and Tupa offered,the following Resolution and moved its adoption: APPROPRIATION AND TAX LEVY RESOLUTION; WHEREAS, pursuant to Section 412.711 of Minnesota Statutes, the Village Manager has submitted to the Village Council a budget estimate of revenues and expenditures for the fiscal year ending December 31, 1956; and I - 1/9/56 WEREAS, the Village Council has received and publicly reviewed said estimates: NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Village Council of the Village of Edina: 1. That the budget for the fiscal year ending December 31, 1956, as submitted and amended, be and hereby is adopted and approved. 2. That the following amounts be and hereby are appropriated for expendi- tures in the year 1956: GENERAL FUND •. PAR K_FUND - .Mayor and Council $8,090.00 Personal Services $33,520.00 Attorney 8,375.00 Contractual Services 71415.00 Assessor 15,700.00 - Supplies and Materials 2,400°00 Elections 5,900.00 Capital Outlay 11.440-00 Municipal Court 111050.00 55,075.00 Youth Council °50,•OO Less Estimated Receipto General Administration 60,694.00 from Swimming Program - 2,000,.00_ Engineering $5,000,00 653,075.00 Village Hall _ 19,990.00 Library 4,050.00 Health Officer 515.00 POOR R FUND 3,994.72• Ec UCA. -, -Department 86,353.E Fire Department 49,972.00 Plumbing Inspector 5,728.00 PUBLIC HEALTH NURSING $'3.,605.28 Building Inspector 5,808.00 Civil Defense 3,400.90 Animal Control 2,500,00 FIMMNIS RELIEF # 4,718.55 Traffic Control 44,900.00 -• Street Lighting 17,000.00 FIRE PROTECTION # 4,718.55 Street Maintenance 75,700.00 Street Name Signs 3,100.00 SEti'r1ER IMPROVE11ENT NO. 53-. Sanding& Snow & Ice BONDS AND INTEREST $24,000.00 Removal 19,600.00 If Toolhouse- Ghrage 13,295.00 19.5,0 IMPROVEMENTS 3RD SERIES - Storm Sewer Drainage 3,700.00 BONDS AND INTEREST 900.00 Weed Control 2,910,,00 Refuse Disposal 150.00 1951 IMPROVEMENTS 1ST SERIES -,_ Contingencies 5,000.00 BONDS AND INTEREST 600.00 Settlement of Suits 2,500.00 Workmens Comp. 4,5001B00 2952 IMPROVEMENTS 1ST SERIFS - Audit •4;500.04 BONDS AND INTEREST 5,400.00 Planning Commission '1125000 � Miscellaneous 200;00 Special Assessments- TOTAL APPROPRIATIONS FQR Village Owned Property 7,500.00 ALL FUNDS ` 1679,993.00 $578,980.00 3. That Estimated Receipts other than General Tax Levy are hereby established at $239,595.00; and 4. That there be and hereby is levied upon all taxable real and personal property in the Village of Edina a tax rate sufficient to produce $440,398.00. Motion for adoption of the Resolution was seconded by Fronk, and on Rollcall there were four ayes and one riot voting, as follows: Bredesen, aye; Crinkley, not voting; Fronk, aye; Tupa, aye; and Ericks; and the Resolution was adopted:. 712r A A T: / O/Y2.1�i. �� /�i� '• ✓t/ Mayor 'Village Clerk BANK RESOLUTIONS: The matter of designation of Depositories, collateral and signatures next came before the Council and was discussed. Bredesen offered the following Resolution and moved its adoption: RESOLUTION DESIGNATING DEPOSITORY (FIRST EDINA NATIONAL BANK) BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED that the First Edina National 'Bank, Edina,'Minnesota, authorized to do a banking business in Minnesota, be and hereby is, desig- nated as official depository of the Public Funds of the-General., Sewer Rental, Garbage Collection, Waterworks, Liquor, Permanent,Impr9vement Revolving, ' Permanent Improvement Revolving Debt Service., and Improvement Funds of the Village of Edina, County of Hennepin, lMmesota, for +the calendar year 1956. Motion for adoption of Resolution was seconded by Fronk, and on Rollcall there were five ayes and no nays, as follows: ,Bredes , e; Crinkley� aye; Fronk, aye; Tu a • and s n, aye; and the Res was a ted. ATTEST Village Clerk yor 1/9/56. Fronk offered the following Resolution and moved its adoption: RESOLUTION,APPROVING ASSIGNMENT OF SECURITIES IN LIEU OF BOND FIRST EDINA NATIONAL BANK BE IT RESOLVED, that the Village Council of the Village of Edina approve the assignment by its depository, the First Edina National Bank of- Edina, Minnesota, of the following securities, as good and sufficient collateral ` for the Village of Edina Public Funds deposited in said depository: U.SrA. Treasury Series D. Certificates . 2- 5 /8%.Due 12 1/56 $10,000.00 U.S.A.�treasuryyBonds 2 -3/8% Due 6 /15/58 240,000.00 U,S.A, Treasury Bonds 2 -1/4% Due 6/15/62 -59 200.000.00 Bredesen 0,000.00 Motion for adoption of Resolution was seconded by Fronir; and on Rol1ca11 there were five ayes and no nays, as follows: Brede n, aye; Crinkl.ey, aye; Fronk, aye; Tupa, aye; and Erickson, aye; and the lotion was adopted* Mayor Village Clerk Bredesen offered the following Resolution and moved its adoption: SIGNATORY RESOLUTION FIRST F&E A NATIONAL, BANK BE IT RESOLVED, that the persons holding office as Mayor, Mayor Pro -Tem•, Manager, Engineer, Treasurer and Deputy Treasurer of the Village of Edina be, and they hereby are, authorized to-'act for this Village in the trans- action-of any banking business with First Edina National Bank of Edina ►^� diet• einafter . ref°erre(�' t o 4 as the hahk)'� such ai�ithorlty including authority on behalf of or in the' name` of rthei• Village � krori tike' to time and until written notice to the batrk tb• the '�or rai-y; =t6 sii4 checks against said account; which checks shall . e` s fined :biz wth�' May�ix _or Mayor Pro -Tem, age Manager or Vilage'Engineery °'and 011ae'Teasurer or Deputy Trcasurer`o % The' bank %is•'hereby auttbrize`ci and •di.rected. `�to° hbno'r aiid pay any ° �che�Ck ' against bueh ac'eount`;whibh is signed aS - abdVe' described, i whether orr`not• sai& cheek' is payable to- tfie'orc e'r of; `or deposited 'tb the credit of, any officer be- officers of the_ V443 ge including the signer or signers-of the checks Motion -for ad.option." of Re'solutio'n' was seconded' �y'•Fronk, and on Rolicall there were :five ayes and no nays,. as follows: Bredesen aye; Crinkley, aye; 'Fronk, ayes' Tupa, aye; and Erickson,° ayes 'and tY;P so t2ori "was adopted. Mayor Tillage Clerk Rkonk offerer therfollowing Resolution and moved its adoption: RESOLUTION 'DESIGNATING DEPOSITORY (MIDL)Nb NATIOI#AL BANK BE IT RESOLVED, that Midland'-N�dional Bank` of ,Minneapolis, be and hereby is,-designated a an officia -x.ci s e story fcir the'aizblic Funds of, the Spe6ial •A:ssa� sment Funds, :,Poor'YFund; and Impro'V men'F,• Bofid Rederipion'Fund of the= Village of , Edina;' HenT ri County; - Ma titiessita for the 1 calendar year 4.1956. �„ J. z . • . a lot on `for adoption. a f' the, Repol it .6nowas° Pecos c ed' by Bredesen, ane&' oh`n6 .�.aa1 theren•were five* aye's` and `no nays�j a$_.follows'* ` B'" sen,`.aye; Crink�.ey aye; Mroz�k, aye; Tupa', a e;i acid Erg c .song aye; and esolution as adop d. Mayor' V.ijldge� Bredesen' off Bred the following Rb oiut .on and moved iits adoptions: RESOLUTZ6:v , AP 'ROVI VG: ASSIGNMENT OF ` OECUR7TES IN LIEU OF BOND ' MIDLAND IITIONAL BAN�L'OF` MINNEAPOLIS - 1 RESOLVED, that the Village • CQu.64l of the'; 'fit a-1 age , of 'Edina = approve. th6 assignment by its "dep6sitoryj the Nl dland:' i-64A Bank' cif "Mins.eapoliq of1the•following securities a's gobd'and sufficient collateral for the' ' Village of Edina Public Funds deposed ip. the..daid- depository..:. -_ . *_ ._._ -, -.._ . -. _._ ...-City of. Maorhead,_IqinnesotaCie tiTicates of indebtedness of 1954, 1o' Q% doe 2/1; 196{+ _ ._..._ $15,000.00 �- Independent School District -No, 1, Ride County, Minnesota, S 6116 ©1 Bldg. Bori�ts 2 6dy' At e' 1%1 f 196113 5, 000.00 W � 1/9/56 'Motion for adoption of Resolution was seconded by Fronk, and on Rollcall there were five ayes and no nays, as follows: Bredes n ye; Crinkley, aye; Fronk, aye; Tupa,, aye; and Erickson, aye; and the Re ion was adopted. T: Mayor Village Clerk Fronk offered the following Resolution and moved its adoption: SIGNATORY RESOLUTION MIDLAND NATIONAL BANK OF MINNEAPOLIS BE IT RESOLVED, that the persons holding office as Mayor„ Mayor Pro Tem, Manager, Engineer, Treasurer and Deputy Treasurer of the Village of Edina be, and they hereby are, authorized to act for this Village in the trans- action of any banking business with Midland National Bank of Minneapolis (hereinafter referred to as the bank), such authority including authority on behalf of or in the name of the Village from time to time and until written notice to the bank to the contrary, to sign checks against said account, which checks shall be signed by the Mayor or Mayor Pro-Tem., Village Manager or Village Engineer, and Village Treasurer or Deputy Treasurer. The bank is hereby authorized and directed to honor and pay any check against such account which is signed as above described, whether or not said check is payable to the order of, or deposited to the credit of, any officer or officers of the Village, including the signer or signers of the checks. Motion for adoption of the Resolution was'seconded by Tupa, and on Rolicall there were.five ayes and no nays, as follows: B sen, aye; Crinkley, aye; Fronk, aye; Tupa, aye; and Erickson, aye; and esoluti n was adopted. ATT T / vG✓C/ , ' Mayor Village Clerk Tupa then offered the following Resolution and moved its adoption: RESOLUTION ESTABLISHING SALARIES OF THOSE ELECTED OFFICIALS tiMOSE SALARIES: HAVE NOT ALREADY BEEN ESTABLISHED BY STATE STATUTE OR VILLAGE ORDINANCE BE IT RESOLVED that the salaries of Elected Village Officials be established as followp, for the year 1956: Reuben F. Erickson,'Mayor - $120.00 per Month Arthur C. Bredesen; Jr., Trustee - 0'100.00 't" it Robert A. Crinkl.ey, Trustee - $100.00 it " Emil P. Fronk, Trustee - $100.00 it t' Frank J. Tupa, Trustee - $100.00 tt tt Donald S. Burris, Judge - $150.00 Irving C. Iverson, Special Judge - $ 30,00 per Week or $120.00 per Mo. Maximum. Motion for adoption of Resolution was seconded by C F nkley., and on Rolicall there were five ayes and no nays, as follows: B -Zen, aye; Crinkley,. aye; Fronk, aye; Tupa, aye; and Erickson, aye; and R solution ,ras adopted. ATT T : = Mayyor Village Clerk PAY SCALE - VILLAGE MIPLOYEES: Manager Hyde presented tabulation of Yearly pay scales, comparing those recommended for 1956 with those in force during 1955. Tabulation as presented showed the recommended wage for Heavy Equip- ment Operators as %15.00 per month. Union Representative McClellan asked for re- consideration by Council on this particular scale, asking for $420. Some considerable discussion was had, with Pair. McClellan stating that the differential between Edina scale and that of Zinneapolis and Hennepin County is greater for Equipment Operators than for other position classifications. Council reminded him that Edina keeps its employees the year around, whereas Minneapolis lays off its men periodically. Fronk then moved that Council go along with Mr. McClellan's request, providing the ;Union will be as fai ndth the Council in the future. Motion seconded by Tupa and curried. Tupa then offered the following Resolution and moved its adoption: RESOLUTION APPROVING 1956 PAY SCALE VILLAGE XNPLOYEES BE IT RESOLVED that the Pay Scale hereinafter set forth be approved for Village Employees for the calendar year 1950: (Per Month) Village Clerk- Treasurer $45000 Parks & Rec. Director x500.60 Accountant 550,00 0525.00 -4/1 Village Engineer 650,00 Sewer & Water Supt. $535.00 Village Jssessor 600,00 Deputy Assessor 61350.00 [i 1 u 1/9+/56 POLICE' FIRE Police Chief $514.00 ($535.00 -$/1) 06 Fire Chief qP?-U ' • '434.00_ Asst. Fire Chief- $500.00 Police Sargeants ,(3 until 9 /l,,then 4) 434.00 Patrolmen (9 until 9/1; then 11) ,Grade 1 3 Yrs. Service.-. 41.4�Q0 Grade 2 - 2 Yrs. 5.ervi9q .394.00 Grade 3 - 1 Yrs - Service.. 37 -4.00 - Grade 4 Less than 1 Yr. 354.00 Firemen Grade 2 (Original Fall, Time(4)394.Q0.. Grade 4 (1 until 7/1 1-then 2) 354.00 Volunteer Firemen 2•.50-Hr. Attending Drills 1.00 -Drl. PUBLIC WORKS: ENGINEF,RING: General Supt. $500.00 Street Foreman 475.00 Equip.Operators(5). 420.40 Truck Drivers (7) 370.00 Laborers (4) .($340.00- 350.00 .) Mechanic (1) 425.00 Mechanic Helpeir, 325.00 Parks Foreman 375:00 Parks Laborers - (2) 350.00 ($340.00 -1st Mo.) Park Custodian 300.00 Sewer Foreman 375.00 Water Foreman 375 °00 -Water Laborer(3) 350.00 ,Sewer 034000Q -1st Mo.) ENGINEF,RING: IS: INSPECTORS: $422.00 As st. Engineer X475.00 Plumbing Building and Sanitary 390 -Q0 Office tngineer 49440 390.o0 Sr... Draftsman (2) 361.00 CIen Sr. Bookkeeper (274) 334600 347.00 (25-F) 3 21.`00 j''��r" Instrument men (2) 439.00 Spec.Ass.Clerk n�,r.,> Bkkpr.(3 Yrs.) 264.00�` (3) 41.5.00 Util.Clerk- Grade 22 (226-275) 2 54 � 00`7 CYsainmen (2) 297.00 - ' • ' (1) 347-0.0. n` 23.00. �` ) 275,00 ., , (2) 256.00 ° _ -belle 2 Inspectors• (1) 3g{}00 Clerk- Steno.Grade.21_ 217.00 6 Mo eceptonist- Cashier gE Ci�EATION: "9peca a7 Aati vity Supervis`i� =1/2 21'7;010 -6 MO.- '' �; ;' t%me d ,dia�.tahboar , ; ' t .� Grade' 20 ` • ; - . 226 � OOylp It t Head Swirnmin Itsst'. 400:'o0y:Nks • r g' "- `rDr;nfBaseball 'Ob008wks, ° ; po3.ii�e Desk 31ttendani 201.00 .�, ,- ;_,(209�Od g round' Di °ector 3b0�;00iMo. Play Part Time Gle ical��" 1.00- 1045 -H �Recr`,estiori� Leader 1.'50 -1.80 Hr. �� l:oo -i35 Hr. a ; Asst." -Swimming instruetor ' 1.5d -190' Hr. GTIONS: " Clerks o Judges .90 =Hr, ' Skat rig''Rink Leader io315�1,50 Hr. Act "Specialist 2.00 Hr. Max. Chairmen, 00' ! ASSESSING-.2 Deputy Field Assessors 1.00- 1.75' "Hr� z LI UOR ST%E. 0 .."-" ' 600.00 -5 /1 . 7 Q#nT'ANI� JUDICIAL: "Attorney `150.00 - �Ianagbr "` 'f 2nd store ta-'open Vi11s e 'Atty. 11000 Asst. Manager' A Asst.(Pro`se-ci ting) Clerk of Court 200.00 (l; 2' 'i:f stores) 3kQ.00 Clerks- Regular (Over 60 :hrs «Ma.) 1:50. HrQw., LTH• .... "M ealth Officer ' 4©a 00 Clerks Part Tine ° (Less than 60 Hrs.Mo.)1.45 -Hr1� Mo,ion for adoption of Resolution =was_ seconded by.Crit�kley, ancl'on fto13ca7:1 we a- -fire` ayes and no nays, as follows:s ; 'Br? . se aye;` Cr�nkleyt ageF 'e:'R' o• Lion trra adopted, Frc;Ak, ayes Tupa, aye; anti EricksonR' aye; and ATT TI, . h i:age' Clerk COM�I �iTEE 'APPOINTMENTS: 'Discuss ion° was had on ad sort' : con ttee appo tm��i � of the wi h Mr. Bredesen explain Yi&. f`or +sew: member ,C xnkU; the function Liquor= COmInisslOn�'r F Q i C.s: potion, that Mr. W. C. Stevenson, Jr *, :be �7P6- appointed to the °park" January 1 1.956 was seconded by Board- fos' ahree� year term"bsg.nning :. n 3 •, .r Bredea'en and unanimous�l.ycarried, . M' Hr;�d2sexis motion, that Mr. Eldori`l�iorris bee sport -emsQ`e Liquor 1956, was seconded by Commz'ssion for a'three -- year' term- begn5ng Janua_ 1. Typa and ca?^rieda " w Fxonk�6 motion; that Messrs T. Lo` ' ©r3cl. and Ricrard V. Janine be -- appb,= ecl° term beginning J_ anua::y �, 1956, to 'the( Planning Commis ion £or a- th e -e -year was seconded by Bredesen and ca 8d2'. 1/9 /56 AUTHCRITY TO ADVERTISE FOR BIDS: Manager Hyde asked Jpor authority to advertise_ for the year's supply of Sand, Gravel and Rock; Gasoline; Diesel Fuel and Fuel Oil for Liquor Store and Pump Houses; Road Oil and Tar. He recommended that Village consider purchase of gasoline in tankcar loads beginning next year, stating that the amount used is approaching the point where great saving may be effected this way. Fronk's motion, that authority be granted to the Village Manager to advertise for bids for the supplies needed, was seconded by Bredesen and carried. INSURANCE: Mr. Hyde presented report on insurance coverages expiring during 1956, asking Council's policy on selecting undexwr4ters. After some review and discussion, Tupa moved that Council take bids on expiring insurance policies. Motion seconded by Fronk anti. carried. OFFICIAL PUBLICATIQN. The Edina Morningside Courier's quotation of "statutory rates ".on legal publieations.was discussed, Fronk's motion,. that Edina- Morningside Courier be designated Village,'s Official Publication for year 1956, was seconded by Tupa and carried. TOWN MEETING ON YOUTH. Mayor Erickson reported receiving request from Governor Freeman for an Edina Town Meeting on.Youth, as part of a state- wide youth study. He suggested that Messrs. Mervin Diljner and Austin Norton (co- chairmen of the Edina Youth Cotimission) be appointed as Co- Chairmen for this meeting, erith Mr. Clifton French as coor#nator. This 4 suggestion eras approved by the Council. I There being no further business to come before the meeting, Tupa moved for adjournment. Ilotion seconded by Fronk and carried. Meeting adjourne4- at 10:15 P.M. Village Clerk APPROVAL OF CLAD -IS: Bredesen's motion, No. 1, such claims being as follows: - approving Claims as per Pre -List General Fund - $2,827.87 Liquor Fund - $13,153.07 Parks Fund: 2,937:78 Garbage Fund - 1,813.05 Construction Fund - I1,047.86 Sewer Rental Fund - 108,30 T -later Fund - 165.12 Improvement Funds - 625.00 Poor Fund - 276.00 iras seconded by Tupa and carried. 1 1 a