HELD MONDily', FEWAF1Y 20, 1956, AT 7:30 P.M. AT
Members ansGring Rollcall were Bredesen, ... Crinkley, Fronk, Tup and Erickson.
reported that, since the last Council Meeting, more figures and estimates had
been brought together, with sufficient time for study of estimates; that this
afternoon, Engineer Pederson of the Hennepin County Highway Department had presented four alternative cost schedules; that there is general agreement on .
the fourth alternative-which calls for twenty-four foot concrete slabs on France Avenue between WJ.6&th and 1V.69th Sts. and on w.66th St. from Xerxes .
Avenue to France Avenue, with the balance of the roads in the 'llSouthdale
package" to be surfaced in accordance with State Highway- Department Speci-
fication #234.3., Bituminous Surface. &. Hyde-reported that this plan involves
no surfacing of W.7Oth Street this year, and nothing on France Avenue between
W.54th and W.64th Sts., inasmuch as tfie County will be using its appropriation
as originally intended. He stated he feels this is a good program, because
France Avenue needs sewer and water and W.?Oth St. needs Storm Sewer before
surfacing; and, in addition, the former plan would have had practically every
major road in the area under construction this summert blocking traffic for
some considerabXe area, and hurrying construction.
Cost Estimates were presented as follows:
63rd to 73rd St,; 66th St,, France Ave. to 1100 Ft. E.; Valley View Rd,, France
to w.62nd St.; Valley View Rd., W,66th to W.69th St.; 1L66th St., 1100 Ft, Ei
of France to Xerxes; Xerxes Ave., W.62nd to W,66th St.; Valle9 View Rd., W,62nd
-Schedule 1 - Surfacing with #234X Bituminous Spec's. - Total Cost, '$383,103.30; County Share, $98,l45.45; Edina Share (to be paid by Southdale)
Schedule 2 - Concrete Paving on France and 66th St., #2%l Specs- on Balance-
Tot aln6,654 69 3 County Share, $261,178.03 ; Edina Share ¶ $339,476 . 66.
Schedule 3 - #2351 BitUminous Specs on France and 66th St.; #2341 on
Balan>e- Total Cost, $452,067.80; County Share, $98,l45.45; Ed@a Share,
$353,922 -35.
faced 64th to 69th St.)-Widening and balance #234l Specs. $49ly2l7,81; County Share, #2W, 599.70; Edina Share, $281,618.11.
Mr, Hfle reported that approzimately $10,000 af Edina's cost is assessable
aghst property owners abutting Valley View Road, for curb and gutter; that
the balance of Edina's share will be paid by Southdale; but that the Village
must acquire necessary right-of-way for Xems Avenue.
County Engineer Pederson explained the various types of surfacing shown on the
estimates, and plan per Schedule 4 was shown and reviewed by Council, Trustee
Fro& asked if Mr. Pederson felt that the #2341 Bituminous Surface would com-
bine with the' concrete as to durability and low maintenance cost, and was
assured that .this would be the case; that the County will assume maintenance
of these roads except for the one section of Valley View which is not in the
County system.
plr, William Crear of Southdale stated tha% Southdale agrees on Schedule 4,
feeling this a very good solhion which will provide a high type of pavement,
safe design, and very low maintenance.'
Mra Hyde reminded Council that the only cost to the Village will. be the
acquisition of right-of-way on Xerxes Avenue, and Nr. Pederson staked that
because there is some grading required on Xemces Avenue the Countywould like
to get the project under contract as soon as possible.
- being surfacing of France Ave.,
. to T,H. #loo:
,Schedule 4 - 24' Concrete Slab on France and 66th St, (with France sur-
Total Cost,
Council wzs rlsc remindedthat approval has already been given for improvements
in all streets Ejxcept Xwxes Avenue, and W.66th St., from 1100' E, of France
Ave, to Xeries kvz,
Bredmen moved for zpproval of Plan IV, Schedule IV--specifically Xerxes Ave.
from 62nd *so 66th St,---including the taking of the necessary right-of-way
. thcrefcr, X~z;c?a swocded by Fro& and carried,
Bredesen offered the f oll.%ng .l$&o&ution.and moved its adoption:
. ' .r$$s~~m~~~ .'- 8 -1% ?-.L . WHEREAS, plans for Grading:& . . . .-:- W+uminous . Surfacing Project No, 5610 dated
February 2, 1956 showing proposed alignment, profiles, grades, and cross-
sectiong, together with specificatbns and special provisions for the con-
struction of State Aid Roads No. 3l-a 53 (Xerxes Avenue between W.62nd and
W.66th St., and W,66th St., from.UO0 Ft. E. of France Ave, to Xerxes Ave.)
within the limits-of the Villa'ge as'a County Aid Project have been prepared
and presented to the Village,
and ctpccial pmvisions be in all things approved.
NOW, THEREFORE, IT IS R.&ObTED-: That said plans, specifications
. ..
.. . -. .I
design at Highway #NO, Manager Hyde irkroduW& State Bghway Department
Engineer Zimmerman, who stated that the Department is concerned with the amount
of, traffic they will get on Highaf No, 100 at the opening of Southdale; that
there is a great deal of concern on the part of people In the immediate area
where. temporary routes will be necessary, who are worried about the possible
permanence of such routes; tha6 design of the overpass will entail some little
work which will be seen by these property owners; that delivery of steel for the
structure will. take at least eighteen months after order; that statements have
been made that Valley View Road is to be a temporary route only, and delay will
be breaking faith with these people.
provide for two traffic movements; that off Highway No. 100, going
Southdale, and the traffict from Southdale, moving back to Highway N6.'100; that
temporary signalization win be necessary; that the state will have 'on order an
economical type of signal which can be used for a time. Mr. Zberman stated
that an economic study of design is being made by the Depadment; that, if there
is a large amount involved in any proposed change, the Village Council will be
Discussion was had on the alignment of the proposed Crosstown Highway, from
Xerxes Avenue to State Highway No. 100. It was reported that Minneapolis plans
a basic 200-foot right-of-way, with some spots narrowed to 175 or even-to 150
feet, Mr, Hedlund of G.M. Orr, Consultant Engineers, presented a plan, dated
February 20, 1956, showing a 20O-foot, right-of-way, with cul-de-sacs on present
streets running at right angles to highway. He explained that the 3OO-foot
right-of-way plan Drovided for service drives, whereas this plah, eliminates
servi-ce drives in fnost places. . The plah,,is for a basically deppkssed highway,
with an attempt to stay four feet above the high water line in the-low area.
Profile of the proposed grade was shown and discussed at some length,
Guttmm of Southdale said thzt Southdale is mays to pin down the line
specifically where it goes through the Southdale area because they want to plat
the area North of the Crosstown, and want to establish grades; that they would
like tentative approval of the centerline of the road. Mr, Hedlund was asked
if the grade will be above that of the abutting property at any point, and said
I'Only in a couple of very minor spots.t1 These places were pointed out on the
profile . I
Bredesen moved *kat Plan for Crosstown wighway, dated February 20, with approxi-
mate 200 Ft. right-of-way, be approved in principle? subject to grade approval
by Village Engineer ana Village Council.
NORMANDAUE PARK. Manager Hyde asRed authority to enter into purchase agreements
with the owners of Lots 1 and 2, Block 20, at $500 per lot, * and of Lots 6 through
17, Block 19, Normandale 2nd Addition, tdta1:purchase price, $18,000, said price
to include a house on this latter desc%vFd 6ract. Tup's mstion, granting
authority requested, was seconded by F&nk:ghd carried.
As a supplement to hi5 rqport of the 13th on Overpass
Mr. Zimmeman stated the State must to
Motion seconded by Frsnk and carried,
I-, with Crinkley voting Nay. . .Y
Bredesen then move6 fsr adjoiLmment.
Meeting zdjoums4 at, chz5!; P,W,
Motion seconded by Crinkley and carried*
* 7&zrLJ/u Village Clerk