HomeMy WebLinkAbout19560213_REGULARI 88- A~~~wLL~~ UF Irluylj) &Oh!, PAM PURPOSES: Man;?ger Hyde presented the f ollowhg purchase agreements, negotiatid by Mr. French, asking that they be approved: Bredesents motion for approval was seconded by Tupa and carried, For Lot 2j Block 1, Fairfax Additisn - $600.00 For lot 7, Block 1, Fairfax Addition - $!&O,OO <. CE2ITDICATION OF ASSESSMENT ON TAX DELINQUENT PROPERTIES: that, to secure a lien for special assessment on a parcel of property returned to the State the following Resolution should be adopted: Clerk Alden reported RESOLUTION DE2E€UIINING TOTAL AplouNTS THAT TKtJLD HA, BEEN ASSESSED AGtZINST CmTAIN PAFtCELS OF TAX FORFEITED UNDS IF SUCH PROPERTIES HAD BEEN SUBJECI! TO ASSESMf3NT AT THE TIME OF D-ATION BY THE VILSSXGE cOuP''CIL OF THE FOIJX"G SCHEDIJIJB AND DIRECTJAG THE VILLLGE CLERK TO PREPlJU3 ILN ABSTRACT SHOICCNG THE DESCRIPTION OF EACH PARCEL OF LAND FORFEI!CED .TO THE STATE FOR NOF-PAY"T OF TAXES Aii THE TOTAL AElOUNT THAT WOULD HAVE BEEN ASSESSED AGAINST EACH PzlRCEL IF IT HAD BEEN SUBJECT TO ASSESST~ENT: AND DIRECTING SAID VILLAGE CLERK TO CERTIFY THAT SkEiE TO TKE COUNTY AUDlTOR PURSUANT TO THE PROVISIONS OF GHkpTER 394 ZAtB OF EIIHNESOTA-1941 E3 IT RESOLVED by the Village Council. of the Village of Edina, Ennesota: WHEREU, at-the time 02 the determination by <he Village-Council of the Tiage of Edina of the total amounts of money to be assessed in the proceedings of the improvements listed below, certain parcels of land had been forfeited to the State and were therefore not subject to assessment: . N(X, THEREFORE, Pursuant to Chapter 394, Laws of IGnnesota 194l, the Village Council does hereby determine that each ofthe parcels of land hereinafber described would have been assessed the amounts set opposite each such described ptrcel, if such parcel had not been tax-forfeited lands and therefore not subject to assessment, and the Village Council does hereby determine that each of said parcels has been benefited in an amount equal to and in excess of the amount set opposite each of said parcels: FTEST MINNEAPOLIS HEIGIPTS ADDZTION (Plat No, 77860) South 24 F%, of Lot 7; all of Lots 8 and 9, and North 4 Ft, of Lot LO, Block 12 (Parcel No. 5665) Sanitary Sewer No. 2551 (No, 69-Trunk) Sanitary Sewer No, 2552 (No. 70-Lateral) $313.20 $651.60 The Village Clerk is hersby directed to make an abstract showing the description of each parcel of land forfeited to the state for non-payment of taxes at the time of the determination by the Village Council of the amounts to be assessed ift these proceedings, and showing, in accordance with this resolution, the total mount that would have been assessed against each parcel of land if it had been subject to assessment. The said Village Clerk shall certify such abstract to the County Auditor of Hennepin County for presentation to the Board of County Commissioners of Hennepin County, Notion for adoption of the above Resolution ins made by Bredesen and seconded by %pa* On Rollcall there were four ayes and n as follows: Bredesen, aye; Crinkley, aye; Tupa, aye; and Erickson, aye e Resolution was adopted. ADDY PREUMINARY PLAT AT RUTI;EDGE AVENUE AND DIVISION STRGB. Manager Hfle presented Planning Comnissionl s Februarg 1st recommendation for' approval of plat subject to Public Hearing-this being a replat of lots 9 and 10, Brookside Terrace, dividing said two lots into three 56txL2&* tracts. Publi5: Hearing on proposed plat for February 27, was seconded by CrinMeg and i3redesenTs motion, scheduling carried, -. FINAL PLAT OF SAGAR SQUioRE was reported t;o be in process of change because Highway Service Road will eEmina,te necessity for '1Josephine Court, No action necessary, FINAL' PLAT. DF tlGUWAR JOHNSON' S SECOND REARRANGEMENT1f - was approved in accordance with Planning Commission recommendations of February 1, by motion Bredesen, seconded byTupa and carried. PRllZBmARY PIAT OF WAUDIk RIDGE1'$ carrying Planning Conanissionts February 1st recommendation for approval, ms reviewed. Bredesen moved for approval. Motion seconded by Tup and carried, PFIELlNINARX PW OF W&4TH GUW, ak Highway #5 and County Road #%?I3 is bebg studied by'the Planning Commission, Manager Hyde reported, because of proposal for possible comercialuseage of property. No action taken. '" , 1. FINAL PLAl! OF 1WMUT OF LOT 3, McCAULEY HEEHTS FIRST ADDITION" Wa6 approved in accordance with Planning Commission recommendations of Februzry 1, by motion "E- secon3ed by Bedesen and carrieds a&- .- s- mc. . .- ,--. . .? 3:- 7: c % ). F 4'- -. HIR. ROSENDAHL'S PRELIMINARY PUT of land ly&g between Tracy Avenue and the GiJ&S RaKLwasf-and, Ek!tween' Warden 'Acres and Countryside Addition was approved 2.4 1 accbrdan& with PZGnirig Co&i&kon'$ Febru& Is% recommendations, by LI WYMANlS -SOWHVIEw SECOM ADDl!IIOBa.'h-gINE, hAT, .was. approved ,in accordance wi*h Pl&rinhg' Comissionf s' FeS'mi&?y kst recomaendatian, 'by motion Tupa, seconded by 'BPedesen a.nd carr'iedd-' I' ' II C0FF"rS PRELIMINARY PLAT, being Froperty South of.W;?@ih St. and East of the Arneson property, is being stu6iad 5y %he Planning Commissionsrelative to propsed dedica$i!on-;for park propertY.;.';scqool site plahs; etc, , Manager l3ILLBOARnS. Will be. on .the Plartilng' dc~mniiss3.on"'Agenda;' for ned- 'meetbg, h Ern effort to tighten'the ppesent -ordinance as to ssze and placement of these uigns, it was reparted'by Mys Hyde, !YJBLIC HEARING OP'BUlID~ .SE?2BAcF;, ARDEN PARK SECOND ADDITION, Manager liyde tecomended thet'Upunci1 condkct a Public Hearing -on February 27, on .;he developers' requedt for 29-foot building setback West of Browndale kvenu~i. mxbion BredeSen,, .secon&d by . :%ipa%nd &. i;. . . -carried, .. .. .. e.. .I . .. . . .,& .. ' .' .: . . , . i 4. . .. . >. *I I.. . , ; . .. .. i. ' €iyde reported. I. . ' * .. '?' .I .: .. . .- u- .. q. '...e Ibedesen '&o, moved. Motion seconded by .. Tupa and carried, _. LICENSE AND PERMIT FEES, 'znd pennit fees charged by Edha with those, of surrounding communities, and mking recommendations for increases in fees, Consid'erable- dischasion was had on this matter, with the recommendations for Electrical, Heating, Well DriWg, Milk and Cream Trucks and Ceme-Ler5es to be tabled until further information is received with regard to regulatory ordinances Bredesen' S motion, directing Village Attorney to draw up an Ordinance, estab+ihhing ' license fees as follows, was seconded by Tupa and,carried: Mazlager Hyde presented' a 'schedule comparing license Gas Pumps -1st Php - $lO,OO EaJddl, 5.00 Amusement DevLces iC0 00 - Renewal l'5b'OO Taxicab - Ea.Cab i0,OO Garbage - 1st Truck 25.00 Theatre 100 a 00 Ea, Addl, :10,00 P3.hbers-New 50 .OO Motel - Min,5 Unit 23,OO Plumbers-Renewal 25.00 Ea. kddl. 2.00 Dog 3 eo0 Food License - gi2.00 Beer-Off Sale 15+00 Beer-On Sale , 1C3,OO Scavengers - NEW 2.5.00 - CROSSTOWN HIGHHAY .bVERPAS&DBIGN. Mr, Hyde told the Council that the State is ready to authorize design for construction of the overpass 2% Highay #lo0 and the Crosstown, if the Council has no reasons why the project should not go ahead, at this time 5s that, they will then know specificdly what 'land is needed so that they may approach owners in the area; and these owners, at leasey Wil.3.. know what is to happen to their land. Trustee Grinkley asked if it were not possible to resolve all. interested communities and governmental agencies before proceeding, Mr. Hyde reported that the Hyghway Department is not asking for fmmal approval; what they want are specifiy reasons (if any) why they should not proceed with deqign. Will be held on the l4t.h; and action was deferred p'end- results of this meeting, FRANCE AVENUE B!DWEXN W, 54T9 AHP TVV&T€BSTS, PAV.ING - kn Estimate of Cost of Right-of-way for France Avenue beheen Vo54.th iix W&th Sts,, and for Xerxes Avenue between W, 62nd and W.66th Sts prepared by Mr Edward Lorenz and dated February 13;, was presented for Council Consideration, Mr. Hyde then presented an Esthate of Cost for the l323~d Tit2 Concrete of France Avenue between We5!&h.%nd W,&!kh Sts, This Estimte vas ic the amount of $222,SS5,08; of which' the O'iUsgi: would bear $19; 5.58.,50. (cost of curb and gutter to be assessed. to the prope.r%y,ovkers) pliw &1'22?199 (being 50% of the balance-$91,5322.5, plus LO% for'Engineer5ng 03 Curb and Gutter and their 1/2 of balznoe.--.~~-..'!.39z37)' for the E;wfacingl with a decision to be made as to how much Genard. .hx.. would pay and how much would be-assessed; and the County would-pay #1\3v,685,36, being 1/2 the balance--$91,953,12, plus 10% Engineering, #9,153;21, Mr, Kyde rernincled Council that 2s blocks of Water and Sewer Main must be ordzced !fa by Coancil before paving; that som 23 Valve Boxes and Fixe Firs Hy&;znts must be moved; that right-of-way costs must also be borm by Village. He skated Mr, Zikan feels that a change in the grade near the Creek would effect sonsiderable savings; that there are s%om sewer problems with Wondend Drive, Council had not had sufficient time to studythis proposed improvement, and matter WZF k31cd to a later date, One of the reasons the State is iaterested in completing design He then repokcetl that another meeting It was apparent that i 1 ! --r--y ma@ County money go as.-yar as poss~~.G; a;zil Z-Pevelcpmnt 66th $ts7 and the area.08 %hhe-Wsb si-sie'of T'r.xxe kekween W is a& sufficiently crysta3,.i5s6. $G $l2& ks%L-b.tion of ae$&$*gnd wa-ker. tcith::;. connections to the cu2b lkie xc %his t$e; 'an6 Cp-nty pof&cy- &'to proh%b%%,wtS' jln concrete pavement fo,r;'five y-~ws lafi;w- ccinstmction, *, william Crear of- Southdale, in reviedg !for the Courki&- $vt2idLLe* s offer to-;pay the entire cost of bituminous surface now9 tri.;;'n the idea tix& they would be assessed for thew- , - - share of, congrete pav&&- a 2ater date (5n sane five yea&); stated that the- original bd-iimte of-*hjSon bit-ous surface was some tb~,~d plus CUY~~~ gut5ery .$&a$ by the %&$he Comty was firiished revising s&cificationsF $%e-; estimate:-liad risen to ovh '$~OC,OOO inc$ding the Valley View Road Extended 1 i. '. portio%: Mri Crear st!$-e@, "Gentlemen, :when y? offered to .pay the entire WE& of t% blacktopping, tlgi'is not the de&&? made, and we would respect&Uyt--:. request that the matter $@ reconsidered. -!Pibelieve we should tentatively-.' ., withdraw our .offpr.tI M$&Crear weliit;, on.tja,%$y that Southdale went to concrete on t%e Odurrtyf6 sugge&&@ of a main'tenztn&+free road, with the ideaIthat this presentblac@op wouX&,Qq a temporarg: r&d;' that 'blacktop specifications are mow to pay. for all of it,&lus being assessed its sha??d.of, aE fbncrete road in fiw. years. proposed improvanenf;, and mtter was temporarily :tabled. VAUEY VIEW ROAs)-HIGd NO. 100 TO W.62ND STREFT. Mr. Hydq' reviewed $ent&&e plans for hrb &id Gut-ber, with Southdale to take Bitun&oizsSurface 8ost. <@- schedidh a hbEQ Hearing for Monday, February 27. Tupa's motiorr; =@hedulbg Public Bearing for~$eIirua2$27,~ providing Engineering Departme& can, so arrange XERl@3 'Am - W{62Nq:-&K66TH 'STREGP, SURFACING,. :&. Hyde presented- Plan ad Estimate of. Cost in .*&it of $95;617,2?5, fop .the bj$udnous surfachg 0.f Xerxes exception ,$, a~iiSi~ion40f rlight-of-;way, @ich musC be paid by the Village) will be financed- job$ly by Soushda3-e and Hgxlefh County.. Engineer Zikan spoke of the nec:essi%y of assessing %P propose&*sewer and watermain constmctTon, asking if th&'Oillage water .fud w6iui.d .stand ths cost of constructing a YLoopl from . 63rd to 60th on Xerxes. He e&hined--thaC':the extension from 66th to 63rd St, would be such a' long &?ad end it vUld.involve specially high flushing and maintenance costs, I€*%% brougW':ou'i; .h dishssiun that the mains in Xerxes could be assessed agahst;only one &de of thgatreet unless arrangements are by the Water DepartMnt, and Mr.,gikan recomerried assessing agajnst a !1w'bermtrin distr&ct1I .-I . Mr. Hyd&-"$hen repqrted that a storm-sedbr whichl lneanders,,.between$dina and Ric$~ield compli+%gs thhgs to a small ekthlt'but thabhe- belieyes tW@ can be worked out. -%cause there appeared to d no way to s.&$le on this prb; ! * 6th. fin4 Wo?~b J?$kf t I I I 1 I ! I for a twentyAfive yka? road and Sou%hdg,le finds itself &:*the position of.!ha&g 1 Mayor Ericksoii'%uggested an adjourmd m&etGg for se%tlement of this.--., I 1 I ::.. stated that, with Council,* s permission, Engineering Departme-& wi;,U ~$&emp$--to it, was- seC&nded 8y'Bredes.s: arid .carried. . :. I * IC I - d. . .. ;.:a .: '* ... ,*,, ;, ." : f-, 3 I . .:., 2 i* 1 I Ave. betwien.W.&!h and k066th Sts., expIai@&g,khat 'this bprovemnt (with the 1 I . worked out with Richfield 6% allow their abu@k&properties b connect. Mr. , i Bredesen advokted assessment of the proposed@Ilooplt -ma5d,S rather 'than financing I posed improvemsnt at 'this &ec$ing:'ma$ter was %wed. la > &. . . . ... -2 ~ b- .. I c SYLVESTER SUe FOR DAMAGES, .'cJillage A%tonieyW.ndhorst rsCwnqrzded. settlin ' claim for not more than $323, rather than taking mattek. to CU&, Brcdesen f S mo4Son that 'Village. Attorne$. be authorized .to settle chb for, not more t-han.. \ '$300 wag seconded by\ Tupa and- carried, advocated that specifications for road projec%s include restoratSon of driveways and boulemwds, with assessment back to benefited .jysopH.ies ; but Mr. Zihn demurred, stating that each*pmporty owner ha8 his .QW~ idm of fkesbrationI1 and it would be difficult if not %npossik&e to site s@acJr ficatbns for this work. In tUs 'conneation Vil3ag~ Attorney I. ' FTb DEFENSE EQUIPMENTt Manager Hyde Sedewed f0r-m-Z prekbus a&ic@ %&et3 5n purchasihg two non-revolving sirens for :~lla%ton~.on &ake Road, and on W05$th Street between Fr&ce azid Tf&odd-il.e bv&u&, - He stated thak the budget for this year thzre was pmt-fsion for $wo more sirens, for Wtallation at Valley View Road and ?sac Avenue and' at'K,?Oth St;, betweep France Avenue and Hi&way No. 100--cast, i '%XI3 ALsb a trailer for $945. furnished by the state unless said equipment Can be-.t2mspbrted. regard to r@ii for the various cidl'defense sirens; Mr, *$de repofied'that the Underwriters Inspection Ehreau has recome!ided moving the VilXage .'fire ' airen from the Toolhouse to the Villi,ge Hall: Tupats motion,. that ViUSge approve pwchase of s52ens and traihr as per gre-lk$-dated this.date was seconded by Cr5,nkley and .. cgrriedo , G*me Prevention di'splay to be spo er discussion was Mr. Hyde exphhcd that SKLlage'~11 lose "eqgipent With '. 8. I CRIElE PRmTENTICON MEETING. Ndage? e invited C0uh'and"audience to the ed'by We Edjlla Police Dew-& OR * -.- WeckesdaJr, February 15. u";! < e, - HIGRWE R@EO~S&~~ SHOPPXNG AREA, Manager Hyde'keported t&& in a studv of-.traffic conditions- the following hpmwments have been .pmposed ior Trunk Highway koe 3.69 in the Grandview Shopping Center-ayes: 48-foot' width concrete pavement, plus curb and gukber. @th channeliaatlion of entrances into parking lots at front of estab?-is&nW, ana signal&z%fdon .. of Brookside 'Avenue and Interlachen Bld. He prc:r;ent&d p"Reso2ukion which * the State Highway Departinent has eevocatea in cdihection With constmctfoh of these hprovemerrts; which resolution'was refewed to T5-l&ige Attorney' for examination. Mro Windharst remirsdB$ Ccmncilthat $n &de benefited property is going to be assessed $hew must be contrack is entered, 3redesen of fored the foWhg Resoktion., and moired its adoption: ' assessment hearing before I' €@SOUTION FOR VIL&!B PAFXK&W"I!ON ' IN,IE@ROVEMENTS T#%iIGHWAY if169 AT WHEFtEAk, the Sta=?-I$ihnesota, s'itprtme& of Highways,. proposes 'kocated ia. the Village. of &I$na,, from.Mimeaplis, ,I N ortbEeld and Southern said roadway be extended to greater w5.dGh qd'capacity €&. is necessary to accomociate nbmnal trunk highway traffi&<'./ the State of Minnemta, -Deprtment oe €&&~ays is 'requested to provide f&r the imp~ovements 021 thG rzLmedaid portion'or" Trunk IITghway'.$k, 169-212 consisting pxti$ularl.y of= 4&f oot width col\cr&e ' pavemerrb* plus curb and gutter with chaqelizaticl:a of entrances intu par- lo$s at front of '*. sstablishments, an+ sigmilizatiun of bookside Aveque hnd ktierlaehen Blvdr considered as constmctim and improvement; cf said roadway to greater width and capacity than is necessary to accoaadate riormal t.unk highway traffic, IT FURTKER RESOIYED t@t S@&xdq.. approval by the hesota DepaAmenl; of Highways ar,d by the V3.119ge of Xdjna of &ms and specificationq for said improvements of said trunk highmy e;& %fore 8 contract is awarded . for the constructior, of sd d improvcments the Village bhah enter'in$p an agreemat with the State 7;hich shall provido that-the VKLlage shall ,pay 25% of the' ssst of constructi:m work performed 1511 said ,rodway of greatek. widfh and capacity than is necassa-ky to adcornmodate normal trunk highway tkaf35c, th& the Village s;iall cay its proportionate share of ths cost-of consbwcting necessary iindmgrouncl ch airage structures cGrnpit3d on the bass& of areas drained by such stJrrzctwes, ard, if the State lets the construct.ion contract, shall. deposit with thz St&e at the time swch agreement 5s entered i&o a sum equal. to an estjxate of t)e ViUagc's .!hare 'of such cunsti?uctio:r costs as pre- Farel by the L@xssof;a 13eFarkrner& of Highws. Tha Village shall, in a&3l4t5.on to pawg ' 33s propo&o'nate share I af the c~st of tho -?n'cposd workj .%%ah at its' sde eost and expense all nccessa.?-jr rig& of w3.y oasemnks =id canstruc%ibn bdts for the workzto be pmf,?~mad outslc?.,? %%G Ifits of the .t;mnk-highway or established Village - stre&s., I;3gFither txhh i111 &ahage outlet rights where necessmy, mt?n%a, g~..m?%s aid. zigI1-b~ shall be obtained and satisfactrq evidence thereof eiibrLt-tt.,c! the Uemx%~ent of ?Li&mys before any contract fw t'ns propsod .GmIEW SHOPPUG CEN?.E8 ', ' , , ' to make certain improvements @n*a portion ol' TXW'& mhway Na. 169-232 R/W CS, diskan& of- approximately I ft,, ?nd :* .-. it is tb'dqsire of -the 15.Uage th& such &proveme&s of BE I!i' R,E$OLVED: by tncr+ViQake Camcil. of .%he Tilkage of Edi,na that ?. ' . . .I Such ease-' .* I 'I ,' 2/13/% -9 - ', G?+-- qd by Thpa, and on Rallcall.there 5 Crinkley, aye; Tupa, Fayet *. f -, sented for Mr. AdolphNeyer, plan CorrRUa. He expl-ed that * ed 'into the pond NoYtheast of h'ke .. 6n poneand Cornelia so that elevation *there; that' drainaie -. Pamela Park property and eventually to >behaha Creek. Park Boa$dwas present during report, as was Blk, Roy Petersoq. I&. Peterson asked, Wan we have a;sswance- that the'leW5T or Lake Pamela Wiy not be lowered? If it is, who is responsible?" Mr. Braddock of Southdale Realty slated, 1lDaytons will assure you that the level is main?,- tained." The Park bard asked whether the. pFopose.4. play area iis Same+- Par%$.& had be dr$ned by' the pposed system, and &re told that 5% couM' nof. They asked whether .the play area would be flooded and were Mormed that mi@ be, at high water peak. TKgy were' conberned about the depbh of the proposed (3raWge ditch; were' informed it Kould b about one TOOL deep. Dr, Eriekson" suggestbdda swale. Hr. Hqnnazln Gut%man*of Sou%hdale spoke up to say that Southdale $11 ' -c offer every engineering help it can fn improving the park if allowed to'f&B.ow; the present plan for qainage. Bredeseh moved tk't Lake Cornelia Drahage Plan .be approved, and - that- bids :be authorized as soon', as easements can be secur'ed and specificatips preRar€$. FUBLIG REARhGS. ON ~~~S~ ' %&eer* Ekri' presepted Btimates of Gost bn recommendkd k&alLation of concrete curb aid- gut%er in ksh$rofb Avenu6 &m- J559bh Stw -to a point approximately 200- ft, South thereof, gto'a5.d in drainage 'cb6tr&l,-kr&enting Estimate of Cost on thia ppjeck also. Bredesen offered Some considerable co*rsation followed, and . I i *. -*:e *.t i: ? ':5' 1 i* -3 >I n :&cbnde& by1 ChkLey'Bhd cqried. * ' .' ,-, . . . 4- . .. -. -. a' ', : *--:4 ._ s'everal. improvements, for.which' petitions havebeen received. * He also. ' 4 * %he. f ollowipg Qesolutiod knd mobed i$s adofiion: - ' 3 .. a " ._ ~ -, * *S!Y I. . t.' ,r:r : . I --- -.- - rF RESOZUTION €Q!(XUXNE 'POR PUBLIq IEA&&GS . -.' *. ~ . ' - ' z.': I I. ! **_ a. 'i' k pmp@m 'BjLk(&$OmIjlJG LmD 'aRB -Q$D G~Tm . ' 7 ' ? TF- ~ESOISVED 'by Ithe C&ncilp 09 tb V-ELdge of 3Edina: - ' ' 7 1. "_ A *. .* I &*'<.',* 1- z I) . * 1 ,I: )'. I. . . -. - ~ ,.c .*TkPR€NE$IENTS' - , -7 .. - ", * 1; re@& aspto the' fka&b5li6y %f %+ .pm@&d BlzcWpping. and Curb and G.crttsr *.. I Ziprovenbnt$ gescfi'ed' in" the F&ri bf -Notice of Bearings set forth below; 7aha .. J as to .the.'6st'kted 'cod of sdch bprovem&%s, .s&d m&rt is 'hel'e6y appro&d .- bd &reeked tor be *phce'd a5 f jle in *he o.ffice bf Ithe Vm-a'ge 'blerk. -* 2'. This*CiGCi% shall mpe$ on Monb~gr; Februaxy '27; 1956, a% 7::30 Y.M.3 'ihi the' V&ge ?I@,, t6 consider in p9blic Tar%gs tbi views of a;U hersons.? I. rhgeresteb in *Said pr'aposed iinproVe&rits. ;:. -32' 9he-CI6rk' 'ss fiereby authoq3r;ed an&: d2rected to-t%aUse doDfce bf .tEie" 1 the)' pl&& and &rpose-.of said m&tZng to b$.publish&d in the official new< sp&: Gh& a; w&eE for6iroJ succeissive &?eks, We second of 'wgch pi.lbEcatiOns -5s %o:be no& &eSs' th& t'We.:ddr\Srs frdiri &te of said meeting, wh'ich. notice r s+ll c .I 3. < i' b'& shb'5tanCMly'tib f6Xlm&g,€orrhr ' The Vmage Erip,lineer,- hv&g shbdit-ked -t& t%he 'COuriciL' a* pl!elimikIarg I *. . e. t 1 *I : %. .. a . . 1, ti.. '2' I 6 NOTICE-OF HEN~~NGSFROPOSWBU~KTOPP'INC . 6% p- '- 2/:',s/56 F, Concord Terrace, doncord live. to St.Johns Ave,; St;Johns Ave.,' Concord-Terrace to W.58th St,;. Ferfax Ave.,W,5&h S t, to No Line Concord Grove Addn. ' $6 i UC3 030 2; 408.40 3,277.80 G, Lake Flidge Road H, Mcroft Am,, W.59th St. to W.60th St. The area propoged to be assessed fop the cos% of each of the above impmvments includes all lots and tracts of land abutting the portion of the sweet pmposed to be impmved, Motion for adoption of the Resolution was seconded by Tupa, and on RoI.Icall there were fbUT ayes and no nays, as f - I* aye; and Erickson, aye; arad the Reso BLAGD OPPIldG, W.&ST, ST. EWLNG AT@, Enginem Zikm inquired concerning Comcilfs 'palicy bn the BXacktopping of W.6lst St, between Ewing and- Drew, and of Ewing Avenue North of W.6lst qt. aht 100 Ft,. He recamended tbat Council call a Public HesPing on Sts own motion on this praject,<in order that a Blacktop +flinkfl' dght be hade, 3rbdeSents motion, sahedulug Public Hearing on th5.s project up00 Engheerrls firnisfi5ng Estimates of Cost, was seconded by Tupa and carried. PURCHASE QF WTmIN CONSTRUCTED WE@ FRANCHISE, Clerk Alden repbrted that there is 8 balance of $2,422.81 remaining to pay in full the $12,uC7.80 cost to Mr. Peder Mickelsen of a umtematn constructed by him under franchise; tha~ there is very little property from which cbnneCtion charges can be , collected; that interest on the balance accrues at tkbe percent, Purchase @f thepiah was recommerded; but &. Windborst aBked for time %o studs th f>ancMge before action is talc=. Matter referred to Attorn= Windhorst for ,&?PROPRIATION FOR CASCADE WIMP REJXlQS. Manager Hyde asked a Oouncil Appropriation from the Unappropriated General Fund Sur@vs to the Park Fund in the amount of &,PO, far Cascade Pqp repairs, Tup moved for appro- pl?iatiOn in accorcimce w$th Manager's request. Motion seconded by malesen and unanimously carriedf, Study. SUBUREiAN HEWJEPIN COUNTY RE&W BOARD ANNUAZ ~llGO- Mr, Hyde reported that I the Suburban Hemepin County Relief hard wishes to conduct its.annual meeting at the Village Hall in Ma~ch.16~ schedule of meetings. It was decided that this woulU'.fit the VOTING MACHm SURVEP mORT. Wager Hyde repohed that prpelhinqry report has-been received on mting machine survey *&ea in Januar~ that .dopies will be available for. the Corslcil a short the, PETfiION FOR. SANITARY SEWEt AND WATERMAIN-Wooddale Ave, between W.70th St, and Creston had; CreSton Road and Judson Lane. Petition, which included a plea that January 1 deadline be set aside and this petition considered a "hardship" one, 'and that work be contracted with other ttCreston Hills" , projects this summer, was read by Manager Hyde. Crinkleyrs matfion that petition be accepted was seconded by Bredesen and carriedp ,FAXROLLS Pre-List No. 3 of February 13, being as follows: CLAIMS: Bredesen moved for paymen-b of Village Claims as per General Fund - $J-3,105~@3 Water Fund .. $ 2'9568*67 Garbage Fund - 1,711067 Sewer Rental - 12.21 Poor Fund - 309b38 Parks Fund c 186.11 P.I,R, Fund 440 a04 Improvem rrt Funds- k&56 98 Liquor Fund - 26,042e9k Construction " 90 a 00 Motion seconded by Tupa and carriedb - ,MARCH TAX SETTW!I'. Tsx Settlement wzs gcclndcd 5y Tup axl carried, Bredesenl s nvxtlon, authorizing Treasurer to secure March