HomeMy WebLinkAbout19560227_REGULAR.a , ., * 7. 1956, AT .7:30 Pi%, AT THE EDINA VlUAGE hALL; .' . ' :' "e INVOCA!C~& was given by'%&- Kenneth Sei? of Colonial Churci of Edina. , Members -. ,answering Rollc-dU were Crbkley, Fmnk, Tupa and Ericksonr Minutes of Febmary 13th and 20th meeeinga *re approved by motion Fronk, seconded by Tu- and carried. . C$$r@Tead affidavit of pubIica6ion for ADWFtTISEXE"I! FQR BIDS-PUMPHOUSE; then announced that plans and. speciEcations had not been fay completed and asked for authority to re-advertise, Fronkr s motion, granting authori*y to re-adyertise, was seconded by Tupa and carried. AWARD OF BIDS TAKEN FEBRUARY 13, 1956: Manager Hyde presented for Council review Tabuldiona of Bids, which were ordered. placed oh' file. and are- '5. '-': marked Exhibit A in the official &Ute book contai-&g &nut& of this" meeting. Manager? s recompnendations, and' action by Council are hereinafter recordedr 1. DIESEL FUEL MD FUEL OIL, Marueger reported that Petroleum Service is .* *: : J 3 .. > 1- *- . ' F low bidder on Diesel Fuel; is identicel.biddar with Phillips Petroleum . e0. an F& Oil; that Petroleun'Service will furnish Storage Tank, Drums,. hoses, &cr on a loan-out,basis, fionkts motion, that contract for 9,000 Gas. Diesel Fuel be .anardedtolow bidder, Petroleum Service, afid that contract on Fuel Oi& and Range Type OEL be awarded to Petroleum Servlbe -on basis that they are low on first item and tied for low bid an balance, was seconded by Tup and carried. and Council discussed them at some l&gthr Nnager reconupended award of eontract to low bidder,- Brookside Service Station, and Fronk so movedr Motion seconded by Tupa"and carried. 3. TORPEDO SAND.. &USED ROCK, MAT MATERUL AND STABSIZED MATER=. After some discussion on length of' haul to %he vsrbus pits, and relative prices, Mre me reported that at least one bidder feels that specifications are not tight enough for competitivfr bidding; suggestion that State Highway Department specifictitions be used, MI?, Zikan reminded Council that .State% specifi-cation8 call for inspction; that Village ddes not have State's inspection facilities. Tupar s motion, that Counctl re-advertise for bids on definite specif5kations to be drafted by Engineer ZXkan. Motion seconded 2, GASOLRtfi FOR FEG2 OF CARS AND TRUCKS, Mr. Hyde reviewed these bids,' by Fro& and carried. 4. ROW] OIL. Manager Hyde reported. that Richards OS Company is low bidder on MC-1,2,3 and SC-4 Oil; and Fronkls motion, that contract be awarded to low bidder, was seconied by Turn anl carried. *received, but that %t is *in line with prices to other places; Fronkts motion, that RT#4-RTfl be awarded to Republic Creosoting CO., was seconded by Tups and carried, the materials, but .in line dth bids to other mimicipalities, Fmnk moved that bi6 for RS#2 and SS#1 be awarded to L. N. Sickels Co. Notion seconded .- 5. ROAD TAR, Report was made that Republic Creosoting*s is the only b%d 6, EMUL&GD ASPHALT, The bid of. L,N@* Sickels Co, being the- only bid on by Tupa and carrked. , . .. I 7,. READY MIX TAR .AND ASPHALT, Manager Hyde reported that the bids of Blacktop Service CO.~ and Bury and Carlson, IAC, are identical, He recornmended award to Blackbop Service Coo because of difference in length of haul. Fro& so moved, Motrion seconded by Tupa and carried, WORKMENtS COHPEXSATION INSURANCE. -.It was noted'that some companies had btd on a I'participating p$ap", with divsdends in direct rstfo to loss experience, however, Ilanager Hyde recommended the lrguaranteed dividend" plan, recommend- ing tha% bid be awarded .to - present carrier, Hardware 14utuals Insurance GO, of Stephens Point, Wisconsin. Fronk so moved.1 Motion seconded by Crinkley and carried, I- 8, - Because of tb nmker of older employee? on YLllage payroll, -. * qE BURGTARY AND BOBEERT-LIQUOR STORE. Manager Hyde recommended award of contract to Brandow Insurance Agency, Edim-=Shelby Nutual Casualty Cost Insures-on a 3-Year Prepaid basis, prediim $332.85, Tupa so moved. lktkon slycfindrd by and carriedo , 2/27/56 10. COMPREHENSIYELFW33 AND THEFT FUBT OF TTEEIICLES. Manager Hyde explained that some. commpntes.fiad bid policy*on a; 'tstat&l value" and others on an lldctual cash yal.ue!' basise a "stated value? kas-is, in order +that all bids might be competitive* Fronk so moved. Motion sescnded .by Tupa'and c,arried,, He asked authority to re-advertise for bids on -1 11+ VOLUNTEER FIRmN GROG ACCIDENT POLICY. Be;:ause difference 3.n 'premiums bid was so little, -Mtmager Hyde recommended renewal of policy with David Agency, carrier a$ t&me of large shock loss, at, premium of $164*% Crhkley so moveda Motion seconded by Fro& acid carried. ,. .a 12, FIRE AND EX!J!&EB-cOVERAGE ON VILIAGE TOOWIOl& Mr. Hyde recomm"&ded award of bid to low.bidder,'Mut&l Servlce Casualty Co* of St. 'Elaul, on a %Year Prepay basis, 'at #498,96. Fronk so mcwed. Motion seconded by Tupa and carried. -.a. PUBLIC HEARINGS ON PROPO$ED DPRC"TS: Clerk read Affidavit of Publication in Edina-Morningside. Courier February 16 and 23, .W%, of ItNatice'of Hearings- Proposed EUacGopping. qd Curb and Gutter Impnjventents.f1 Notice was approved as to form and ordered placed 06 file;-and pursuant to it, the follo.OWing c .. .. Public Hearings were conducted and actkon taken: 1, ON PROPBED CURB AND GUTT3Zi IN VWY VlEw RO& F'ROM HIGHWAY #loo TO WOODDALE Am, Manager' Hyde presented three plans, with three alternate costs: 1. Standard Curb ard GuttteF--61t Rolled Curb and 1811 Gutter- Assbssable Cost, $7,105.80, as a,gainst 4,960.03 Assessable Feet, for $l,43 per*Pssessable Foot; 2* AsseSsable Cost, $!j,74l.&O as against 4>960,,03 Assessable Feet, for &16 per Assessable Foot. 3. Strdght 611 Curb and 12" Gutter, Assessable Cost $3,828.36, as against 4,960,r03 Assessable Feet, for #.7q per Assessable Foot. Mr. Hyde pointed out that these figures are"computed, taking into consideration an armount of $6,9&60 Credit for Blacktop Replacement assessed against. Sanitary Sewer .Projectsr He explained that the Foperty owners want the more econo&cal tgper .. rather than the standard villagetoype; and, upon Mayor Ericksonts request for a vote from-the delegation present, the delegation was in full agreement as to accefiing the cheaper curb. There were no objections filed against the improvement Srom the floor, and the Clerk had received no written objections prior to the Hearing. (See Resolution' of later in meeting, apprcwing improvement .) ON PROPaSED dURB AlBiD GUTTER BROOKVIEW Al!l!BU3, Three alternate plans for curb, together with three alternate costs, were presented: 1. Standard Curb and GutteG6!1 Rolled Curb and 18" Gutter-Assessable Cost $2,087.60, as against 1,640.32 Assessable Feet, for $3..27 per Fooi; 2, 6lj-Rolled Curb and 1211 Gutter, Assessable Cost, $3,638.00, as atgainst 1,640J2 Assessable :beet, for $1.00 per Assessable-Foot; . 3, 61' Str&gh€ Curb and 12" Gutter, $1,007&8 as against L,6@.32 Assessable .Feet; for #&61 'per Assessable Foot, Mr. Hyde explained that all costs quoted are taking into consideration a credit for bl.a.&op re2;lacement assessed agaihst sanitary sewer construction, amow& i$2,500, There were no objectgons to the economical type curbe and guthr; and no written objections had been received prior to the Hearing. (See Resolution of later in . ' meeting, approving Improvement) 6' Rolled Curb and 12'j Gutter, 2. W.62ND STREET FROM*W(XIDDALE AVEMJE TO 3. ON PROPOSED UJRB AND GUTTEXi IN W.52ND SFBET, HIGHWAY .#169 TO BEDFO - AVEMIE. Estimate of Cost on this pro3ect was read as $3,321*88 as . against 1,097.66 Assessable Feet, for $3.02. per Assessable Foot;, There were no objections filed fran the floor, and no written obJections had been filed prior to the Hearing. meeting, approving improvement .) 4. ON PROPOSED PUCKTOPPING XN W.52ND STRIBT FRON HIG€W.LY #I69 TO BEDFORD - AVE;NUE. Estimate 'OF @ost was rerqd as' read as $4,179&0 against k,097> assessable feet, for $3.81 per Assessable Foot, There were no objeotions from the floor, and no written obJections had been received prior to the Hearling. (See Resolution of laker in meeting, approving% hprovement) (See Resolu%ion of later h I . .. . 5. ON PROPOSED CURB AND GUTTER XN CONCmD TERRACE FRCM CONCORD AYE, TO ST,JOHNS'AVE., fiNb IN ST*JOH€@ AVE;. CONCORD 'lXEiF&CE TO We58TH ST.. Estimate of Cost was 'given at @,7&&8,. as isgainst 1,839.60 Assess- able Feet, for $3*13 per Assessable Foot+ and 7. 8, 9. 10. .. 1 2/27/56 Assessable Foot, Curb and Guttey but advocating Blaqkt;op. Engineer Zskan reported that eliuc@kiqn of Curb and GUttQr tJil1 increase t)Ie cost per bsessaMe Foot on Blacktop by some 30$ to 40# per foot becauy there will' be-'a'vider blacktop ~ui'faC0, )%.. bverly then requested that BlacktoppjSrg on Fairfax Avenue be postponed until after pmperty is fully 3iiproKd. It was decided that Curb and Gutter koject be abandoned; that Blacktppping of Fairfax Avenue be abandoned until such time as property is built upc ON PROPOSED (XIRB fiND GUTTER Ik W. 58"H 'STREET BFI"m FRANCE AVENUE ,JND THE T.JEsT IXTT LINE OF'S936 W.58TH ST,' Esthate of Cost was read a% $3,997.99 as against lD365@87 Assessable Feet, far $2.93 per ' 'Assessable Foot, These were no ob&ctiorls registered frm the floor, ant$ no written obJections had been rerceiTd prior to the Public Hearing, ON PROROSED BLACICTOPPING OF W.58TH STREET FROM FRANCE AVENUE TO 3ROOKVIBW AVENU?& Esthte of Cost'wik read as 9b7,573,501 a8 against 3,054,SB Assessable Feet, for $2&8 per Assessable Foot, There were no objections registered fraq the floor, and no written objections had beep received priqr to the Hear-. (See Resolution of Iater 5n meeting, approvtng improvement) e Jack Haverlr presentecl petition objdthg to (See Resalution). I (I. (See Resolutbn of later in meeting, approving imprOvement). I 2/27/55 306 and l+O$ higher because of increased width of blacktop surface. One .resident asked if *Us street could hsve the same economical curb and _gutter as is being.furnfshed %ig 'Valley View Road; and Council; pointed out that the cost of the Valley View Road curb takes into .consideration a creditr The question was asked, What type of gutter will be provided for properties which do not have concrete curb? Mr, Zkan answered that ik would be the responsi- bility of these owners to slope their lawns to the blacktop; tbt blacktop curb has not been engineered because it requires hand work and is very expensive, Isms must be raised after i'nstallation, pilr, Zikan replied that it is planqed to install 411 guthr instead of blii in order that owners will not have too much work on their lawns. Trustee Crinkley asked, "Will this get the water iwross the street?t1 And Mr, Zikan replied, Ves. The curb and gutter will drain the water to the intersection3 the blacktopping pmject will take water across the intersection. The only other alternative is to con- struot a storm sewer in this area--which 1dll be much more expensivertt Residents inquired as to a majority petitbn on Curb and Gutter and were. infonned th5t Council call6d'Hearing'on'this project on its own motton, (See Resolution of later in meetbg, approving improvements) Upon being asked as to whether the ' 15. PROPOSED BLACKTOPPIMG OF Wb60TH ST, FROM.;FRBICE AVENU3I TO ABBOTT - AVENUE, Estimkte of Cost was read as $7,'516,80 as against 2,692.60 Assessable Feet, for $2,79 per Zssessable Foot* The spokesman for a delegation inquired as to whether the plan is to assess only the abutting property, When answerred in the affiqative, he asked for some relief for the abutting owners, stating that this street is actually a thoroughfare, Used by many bes:ide the abutting owners, Review was made of the assessment levied iigainst -the Owners to. the East on 60th Street; and it was found thalt assessment was made in full, at $3.44 per front footr Mr, Zikan advocated Curb and Gutter for the portton of the street_ imnediately East. and West of Chowen Avenue, because of the grade, - Spokesman staxed that petition has been prepared protesting blacktopping improvement- in case Council wishes to assess entire cos$; and asked for some ophion from the Council as to what arrangements could be made for the=General Fund to bear part of the cost-either the entire cost of the curb and gutter, or part of it and part of the blacktopping, Council reminded delegation. that a hearing has not been advertised for Curb and Gutter; that they cannot &ve any information on possible General Fund share, xithout going further and giving equal. relief to the owners to the East on 60th St, Village will oil street at General Fund expense 3.f blacktopping project is not done early this year, question. Mr, Hyde asked spokesman to give him an idea of a "starting pointt! as to how much property owners will be-willing to pay, mation from property owners. Spokesman then asked.5f No answer was made to this It was decided to postpone hearing pending further infar- 16, PROPOSED BLACKTOPPING OF LAKE RmGE ROAD, hstjmate of Cost was read as $2,408.40 as against 1,045*93 Assessable Feet, for $2.30 per Assessable Foot, Mr, George Townsend, Attorney, protested . assessment; on a front-foot basis* He demanded that ''petition be set aside and that Hearing be-postponed"; Mr, Klopp, ownor of Lot 8, spoke in favor of the improvement, stating he is also empowered to speak in favor for owners of Lots 5 and 3; that Elr; hpe, petitioner, still owns-lots 6 and 7, Mr. D, F, Hamilton, Owner of unplatted property at end of dead-end street, stated hg feels he is in no way benezited because this road is at least two ' feet above his property and cannot be used by hln. Frozhts motion, that Public Hearing on this project be continued to March 26, was seconded by Tupa arid carried, .. Fronk $hen offered the following Resolution and moved its adohion: RESOLUTION ORDERING DPROVE1"ITS STmT XMF'ROVENEXTS B-35 TO B- STREZT IWROVEMENTS A40 TO A- I IT RESOLVED by the Council~of the Vuage of Edina, Minnesota, that this ' Council heretofore caused. notices of hearings to be duly published on the following proposed imp;.ovements: -.--.--.- CONSTRUCTION OF CONCRBTE C'JRB AND GUTTER IN THE FOLLDWG STREETS! A, W,52nd Sie3 HLgirv~giz #Z.c$'ko Bedford Ave, Be Concord: T32:ztcej Concord hgg, .to St,Johns Ave,, and -Sto Johns he,, C. W,T;&z? 3t, yr;?lq?r; LLve, ic w.~ Line of 3936 Wb 58th St, -. . Co~.~~~yj. Terra ce s"~ W, 5si;h. 8t, +r,i; F.~.~ .- ~ sfi)t)d.drt%d: .&*w:c .?,e (kn~cosc! AT%~ -. 298 , / E. r, G, * 2/27/56 Fairfax A~e,,-'w,5$th St, to 5812 Fatrfax Ave, bh&roft Ave., W;5% St, to Approx, 200 Ft,'South thereof, Valley View Road, Hwy. #lOO.to Wooddale Ave. W,62rid St,, Wooddale he. to Brookview Aver - <5 , - -- - -- B. W.6on St., Prance Am. to Abbokt' Awl. C, 11.58th St,# France !we. to Brookview Ave. -. D, 'FI,\?'oodland Rd., Wooddale &re, to Ooncord E, Fairfax Ave,; W.!%lth St, to 5612 Fdrfax he.. - F, Cmcord Terrace, Concord he, to St,Johns Avei; St.Johns .live,, . Coneord Terrace to W.%h St,; Fairfax itve, N.!58th St* to. * N. Iiim of Concord Grove Addition. H, Ashcroft &e,, V,9& St, to ~~60th St* - . 0. LakeRidgeRoad. and at the &axlags held at the time and place specified in safd notice the Council has duly considered the views of all persons interested, and being fully advised of the pertinmt facts does hereby determine to proceed with construction of the improvements ' hereinaft& set forth; that sdd improvements * are hereby dedgnat'ed and &all barefeked to fn all subsequent proceedings as follows: - NAkE OF JXPR~~~ rr Street ImpPovemeit NO* '.*35 Project abandoned, Street Improvement Nos 3-36 Street Improvement No, B-37 1-A - Curb and Gutter ~ W.52nd St., Highway No. ' r, 169 to Bedford Ave. 1-B - Curb and Gutter in CopcrOrd Te&&ce ihm. Concord Ave. to St,Johns Ave., and StJohns Ave., Concord Terrace to W,58th St. 1-C - Curb and Gutter in W,5&h St. fro& France he, to W.bt Line of 3936 Ilf.58th St. 1-D - Curb ard Gutter in W.tJoodland Rd. from Wooddale five, to Concord Ave, 14 .I Fairfax Ave, f~Mb Sbirlih b%'&hlS of 583.2 Fairfax Ave, to W.58th St,; F+fax he, from North Lot?. Line of 58U Fairfax Ave. ,to IT, 58th St; ' (eliminating' 5833 from project)- Curb and Gutter, I-F - Curb add. WWier in Ashcroft Ave., W,5%h St. to Approx. 200 Ft, South thereof 1-G .L Curb and Gutter in Valley View Road from State Higtway #LOO to Tkoddale Avee--to be constructed with Straight 611 Curb and 12" Gutter Street Improvemcnt No. Ib40 3.-H - @rb and Gutter in Wm62nd St,, fmm Wooddale lave, to Brookoiew fives--to be constructed with Straight 611 Curb and 12" Gutter Street hprcnrernent No.' B..w 2-A - Blacktopping of Fl.52nd St,, Bedford Aye, to Highway #I69 . Street Improvement NQ* A-So 2-B - Blacktopping of ~~60th St.* from France he, to Abbott Aver Project tabled pendhg Moo mtion from owners, 2-C - Blacktopping ofW.58th St., from-Erance he, to Brookview ive, Street Improvement No, A41 2-0 - Bhcktopping of N.t?oodland Rd. from Wooddale Ave, to Concord Ave, Street Improvement No. A182 24 - Blacktopping of Fairfax Am,, W.56th St, to S. Line of 583.2 Fairfax Avec Street Jhpovement No, A43 2-F - Concord Terrace from Concord he, to St, Johns he., and StrJohns Ave, from Concord Terrace to W,5%h St. (elkhating Fdrfiuz Ave, from Wm58th St, to N,Line of Concord Grove Ad&, St, - Blacktopping ..I * .- Street Improvment No. B-38 Street hprovemnt No, E39 I .. Street Improvement No, A-84 Street Zmprovanent No. A45 24 - Blacktopping of Lake Ridge Road 2-H - AshcFft hve, from W.59fh St, to Tt,6Oth - * Hearing Conttd. to 3/26/56 ' *. and the areas to be specZa33y assessed therefor shall include all lots and tracts of hnd abutting the portions of the streets proposed ko be improved; with the stipulation that the lots to be assessed for Street Improvement Noe 1,-85 and for Street Impmvemnt No. E-38 shall bear a smaller assessment for No, A985 than those lots being assessed for Street Imprammt No. A-85 only, 8. Motion for adoption of Resolution was were four ayes and no Erickson, aye; and the Mayor --, .. .. . 4 *r- 2/27/56 .1 .E PUBLIC HEARIBGS ON PETITIONS TO PLAT.AND/OR ESTABIjIS_H SEI'MCKS IN NO&-CONFORM- NN. CIerk read copy of llNutice of Hearing" notice was approved as to form and ordered placed on flle. Pursuant to said 1. 2. approved notice, tb following Hearings were held and action taken: E2STION OF MR, JAIES ADDY FOR PERMIT TO PIAT LclpS 9 AND 10, RROOKSDE &iRRACE ( 522k AND 5220~'DIVTSION 'ST, 1 INTO THREE 56tx12&1 LOTS FACING RUTUDGE AVENUE. Mr; Berg, 4,429 Rutledge Abenue, objected to plat, statil'le he feels lots should be 75 fee%; however it was brought out that l&s across street are only 50 feet in width. Manager,Hyde read approving letter from Mrs, Barbara Bell, omer of lots directly across street e Planning Cammission? s fawr&le recommendation was reviewed; and Fronk moved that recornendation of Plarning Commission be-accepted dnd Mr, Addyts petitbon granted. Notion seconded by Tupa and carried* PEX'ITION OF RESOP REALTORS FOR ESTABLISHMENT OF BUILDING SETBACK AT 20 FEET 'FRCM FRONT UTP LINE IN l3LOCRS ONE, TWO, THREE AND M)UR. ARRE3? PARK THIRD ADDITIdN (Old Streetcar RinhtGf Way;: between Browndale. and MN&S' Railway R/W. ' 'I'o open .Ithe .Hea&ng, I&, James Resop asked that setback be kstablished at 25 feet in Arden Park Third Addition, and at 25 feet (rather,tlian 30 feet). in Arden Park betw&n Wooddale and Browrw dale Avenues. . 'Council denied thjis request promptly and without con- sideration, stating developers had fdmrly agreed on no smaller set- ' back than that proposed this evening; that Hearhg has been advertised on a 20-foo6 setback and that Hearing must be conducted on basis of advertisement. incwi*ed as to tHe width of the back'yard; and Elr, Hyde explained that As to the proposed 20-foot setback, -one neighbor rus- .. 'r L-. 3/27J% -. - Discusjion was had concerning the license fee*.%&&ibout at the last meeting; Ordinance drafted by Village Attorney h'accordance with CouncU-:. '. - -:. direct&es was submitted, and Fronk affered the following Ordinance for 7.. ;,<:.. read: "( r.- i adoption; moving tbt Council waive second reading and adopt Ordinance as ... ORDlNMcE NOAO1 .. a-. - AN-ORDINANCE AMENDING ORDXNANCES NO. 23, 33, . 66; 101, 122, 131, 1% ELND 171 OF THE VILUGE AS TO TKE LICENSE FIBS THEREIN CHARGED THE VILUGE CWNCU OF TE' VILLAGE OF EDIN.&, MINNESOTA, ORWLINS: as follows: 1. *c IISectTon 3, -License, The vxllage manager i's hereby author'ized to isme-a license when authorirted by the village council for the keeping, maintenance or sale of a mechanical amusanent device to aqr-person of good'mral character, upon the payment of an annual . Ucense fee of 0x10 Hundred Dollars ($100.00) for each device, pay- able annually an Apll 1 of each year. J Section 1, Section 3 of Ordinance No. 23 is hereby amended ta read: I. s .'. "(a) Every amusemen% device so licensed shall contafn &%&&e .. %dentif %cation marks and numbers, which identif icatfon marks-m 7 numbers shall be written by the village manager upon the l&qem6.- ,-< posted in view of the machine so licensed, "(b) Any amusement deaice SQ licensed may be transferred ' one place to another in the Village upon the issuance af a ped% so to do by the village council. Before such pallnit shall. be issued, the person desiring to transfer such machhe shall file and address of tk place from and to which the maehie is to be transferred." issued for such amusemerk device, and such liceme shall -s)e . "- withsthe village mnager an application so to do, giving the mme I. :'- Section 2. Section 2 of Ordinance No, 33 of the Village, as amended> I1Section 2, .License Required, No person shall permit any dog '* .I over ninety days old to run'at large'within the village unless a license tbrrefor has first been aeeured. Licenses shall be issued bp the village clerk Tor a fee of $3.00.11 is hereby amended to read as follows: .. e. ... i Section 3. Section 5 of Ordinance No. 66 of tk Village is hereby . amended to read as follows: %ection 5. Record of License: Term of Liceme and Fee. All licenses granted puaoant to the ~IW~S~AS of khis ' ordinance shall be issued by the village manager f'rom books repared by him for that purpose, on the stub of which &sill be kept the name of the licensee, his businesg location and the date of granting and the date of Sssuing the license, a& such other detail as may be necessary t0 form a complete msmoranbm of the license& 'IAll sdd licenses shall tebinate and expire on the first Ibn- day in April. ne* sumeeding the issuance of the sameL Ness saner revoked or forfeited as herein provided, and said l5censes shall not be trqasferable or assignable, nThe license fee for said license shill be. and is he-mby fixed at $50,00 for tk fbst license and $25.C?D p& 'knnum tkrea'fter, which license fee shall be mid to the village manager before the issuance of such license," is hereby amnded to read as follows: , SectLon 4a Section 3 of Ordinance No. 1Ol.of the ViLlage,as amended, ''Section 3. Issuance-of Pornit& fay person desiring a permit ahgll make appX.2ra5iorz therefor CO the clerk on a fonn provided for that purpose, Sa2d app.U.ca3ion shall be approved by the chief of the fire de?a+-:mesr, &f2 upas inspection, he shall determine that the granktng ai? the penmit will, not materially increase the hasard to p&Uc saie33- fzcm fire or explosion, Upon receipt, of an approved ap-Ucd&m and a 2ee of fixe d.ollars the clerk shall issue a permit. 30 %he appXcan-3 fw the purpose stated in the application, the fi?& pnz and &,OQ ;"cy pas5 additional pump. sha?! be .~Zi6. 2c.r w.?e ~c-."a.;s XPJU ZIS Bake of Lts issuance, subject to %evcca"u-ax 3: the fWtXI&L u>m kkk-tj dayat notice and haaring :If at asy Vhz ->.he c.hM of %ne fbe depwtrnent detemims that the ~oxt-~nwa~e r>f the pe:mFs Would e:idaiigei- public safety,'i For gascEGi3 ot,ai;Sons %he.fee sbil be $10.00 for Sa3.d permit 2/27/56 . %S~ction,4~, . _License Feew The an?ual license fee-for a scavenger license shall bc @2Ta00 for the first license issued hereunder to any person and $15000 fox each s-ubsequent annual renewal there- of by such.persma If the applicant has not been engaged in the business of a .scavenger withirn the Village ,prior to -the granting of such license, and in violation-of this ordinance, he shall be allowed to pay the .prorated license pee "?or the'h'alan'ca of the Section 5. SeCkiOn 4 of- qrdhance Nie 122 of the Village, is hereby amended to read as follows: , - ,I . , ., .license year,lk , . -. Section 6, .Section,lb of Ordipaace No, 13; of the Village, as . amended, is hereby amended to read as follows: L "Section. 16, accompanied by the required fee, for which the village clerk shall give,the applicant a receipt, All such fees shall be paid into the general fund of the Village, Upon rejec$ion of an-ap- plication for license, the treasurer shall refund the amount paid, .' "The annual fee for an on-sale iicense shall-be $100.00, "The annual fee for an off-saie license shall. be $l5*OQ. IIAll lipenses shall expire at noon April 1std.n each year; pro- vided, that if eight months of any licensing year have elapsed when the application is made, the fee.shall be reduced-to one- . . half of the regular. amount thereQf,t! All appxications *for licenses shall bg . 4 ? I .I PL - z '. I. ' ': amended"to read. as' follows: ' Sectgon 7& Section ,4 (;f Ordinance No,, 1-51 of the Village *is hereby 1 I ... - ~ .- . *-, uSeeht.ion)+. License Fees,. At the tige of-filing any appli- hation for a' food license the applican% shall pay to''thB $illage mhager. the'$um of $l$,OO, as &nd for the annual'libeme 'fee fo@. hch'*Ecense, The. Jicense yep'hereunder shall'be from Aprilbl f6:anyyear to' the following kPch 31, ' and ^all llcenses for 'which ' - applkbatidn is made aft'ec. the c6immcement of any- license ,yea2 u. aha19 6e issued for the pePiod from the date of the application to the next March 319 The village manager shall issue to each applicaqt do receipt iIi- duplidate, 'and the duplicate receipt sli&&l*'. be filed: with the application fbr the license, cation 5s 'not granted the ocqupant shall: be?entitleti_bo a' refund . sf the .libense Pe.8 paid by'himilJ ' &Section 4. Taxicab Operakor! s Fee. The applicant - far kt ?%axicab operator's license shall, before being issued said license, pay $iih %he' vilha$e'treasury the sllan. df' $lO;OO- foi; each vehicle to be .= so license$; provided, that if the said license is denied for any rebbon) the &foresaid'f ee*or fees shlI P6&hi_t;h'be reaurned to the applicant,' Licenses hereunder shall exp4re on the 3Lst day. of Mar& in each yearo Atiy license may.Qe trai.lsfiir>ed during any year only upon the additional: ' payment of ,av proportional part 'of the fee by the $qans"jrereet &--@d n'to Lhe'ie@arcfee paid By-the ~ transferor;' when &e-' 1ZcGnse. hsued, and upon approval . of c the O village council of such transfeq,ft ' If the appli- .~ . .. .. * I 4 *. *- I.. *I -I . . 6 -- e-. Section 8, ' SeEtidn 4 df 'Ordlhancw N6i, 171> of- the. fii.IPa,ge is hereby ,* .. . ,+' , ..E * L *L mended-td ' r'e'Bd as foltlows: " ' ' '- . 1 '_ I .*- *u :i. a.. ,',I (* . ,< '1 1 _.I * ..: ., ..- . .. a 'Sectfori 9* -This ordjnancp shall be ip #"&force. Fd ejfect upon t a- t. * *. ir , ...# . .: i*. e. . ' . :.,. !.* .*- I 'I * its pgssage and +pubLicakion, -: - " .. .. < J i a. *. \. ... 2/27/56 ' ADVERTISEIiE2@~.FOR BIDS FOR IWROVENENT PROJ&XSa Discussion was had on Street Improvements approved this evefig, with Nanager Hyde advocating that bids be taken just as soon as possible, Fronkts motion, that Clerk be authorized to advertise for bids on thobe pro Sects approved this evmhg- which are ready for adverthement, was seconded by Crinkley and carried. FRANCE AVENUE TO xERI(ES AVZNUE, Namger Hyde reprted, as a matter of information that the County Board had not approved the spe ifications for combination concrete paving-bitminous surfacing presentedffhd approved by the Village Council at the last meeting; that ft is expected that_th=.ey Will, Approval is expected to camy the stipulation that Edina mst enter into contract with the County for maintenance of the streets for five years <that Edina will, in turn, enter iirrto contract with Southdale for Southdale's . .- . .. payment of this maintenance cost); that Southdale Will pay full cost of bituminous surfacing,, We W5lUam Crear of Southdale stated that the Company will go along with Countyss suggestion and is willing to unde- write the malntenance--whlch will be restricted to repair mahtenance and wlll not include snow plowing, etco specifications now under consideration by the County are the "original specstt, which are the same as those used on T.d Highday NoolOOs Crlnkley asked, What happens concerning mainkenance. after five years?" To which Nra Crear answered.that the County is expected to assume main- tenance at that time, although no-one sanbe sure of this, stated that Southdale is 'deeply concerned' . about. the the element involved for construction of these roadscr No action taken by Council, SURFACING OF FRANCE AVENUE BESJEEN We&TH AND WQ73R.D STS: 'OF Na66TH ST, 9 . . , : ' tomorrow, approves the original specifications for bitukhous surfaceo .. -. -. He reminded the Cocncil that the Trustee Crear - pending County Boardt s final action, "I . -.I STENCIL DUPLICATOiz, for an electricall~~operaLed StencilL' Duplicator, Fronka s motion granting . such authority was seconded by Ttzpa and carried, FINANCIAL STA!I!DENT. Efamger Ryde presented Financial Report for the Month of January, explaining that such repods win be forthcoming monthlya CLAIZiS. Fronk's motion; approving payment of the following Claims as per Pre-List Nos 4 of February Manager Hyde asked for .authority to: advertise for bids - -. .- I. .. .. .. 1956, was seconded by Tupa and carried: General Fund - #3,rCo9019 Liquor Fund -J* $i6,952,26 Plat sr Fbd - 33,753044 ' Parks Fund - IOU,63 GarSage Fund - 15000 Consto Fund - 22.,290064 Sewer Rental " 20970 kprcve,Fiids - 2514~ 277a I. Special AssessI - 3?586*38 The agenda for the evping's business hadng been covered, Tupa moved for as journment . Notion seconded by Fro& , .% arried+ Jfeetk adjourned at I 10: 50 P.N. : m ..