HomeMy WebLinkAbout19560327_REGULAR3/27/56 "UTES OF THE IZEGULAR MEETING OF THE EDINA VILLAGE COUNCIL, HEI9 TUESDAY, EWZCH 27, 1956, AT 7:30 P.N., AT THE EDINA VILLAGE HALL. INVOCA!I!ION was given by Rev, A, Eldon Palmquist of Edba Covenant' Church. llembers answering Rollcall were CrinkTey, Tupa and Erickson. IZfMJTEs ef Meeting DP March 12, 1956, were approved as sulmnitted, by motion, Tupa, seconded by Crinkley and carried, TAKING OF BIDS: March 15 and 22, 1956, and in Construction Bulletin on same dates for IIAdvertisement fer Bids-Curb and Gutter"; and, also Affidavit of Publication for "Advertisement for Bids-Calm1ator1{ published in Courier and Construction-BuUekh- March 22,-, Aff,ida~E were approved as to form and ordered placed on file, ef same in: A, W.52nd St,-Hwy.#169 to Bedford Ave. B, FT,Woodland Rd.-Wooddale Ave. to Concord Ave. C. Ashcroft Ave.-W.fjgth St. to 2cO. F't. So. D, Fairfax Ave0,W.58th St. to 5812 Fairfax Ave. E. IL58th St., France Ave, to W,Lot Line Lot 6, B1, 3, Southmad Am, F, Ridgeview Drive, Danens Drive to Meadow Ridge, Before bpening of bids, Clerk submitted Petition against Curb and Gutter and Blacktop in ?lest Woodland Road between Concord Ave, and Wooddale Ave, Mr. ziksn pointed out that in the specifications the bids are tied; that, if the foregoing petition is - accepted, the bidders must be contacted to see if they are $Sling to accept the. * balance of the projects at the unit price bid. Curb and Gutter, being from %he fallowing compantes: Clerk read Affidavits of Publication in Edina-Morningside Courier . CURB AND GUTTER: Advertisement for Bids referred to above was for construction Clerk presented Sealed Bids for 1, Carl D, Samskar & Co, 3. Victor Carlson & Sons 2, C. A. Carlsen 4. Art; Bolier Crinmer's motion, that sealed bids be referred to Vxllage Engineer for Public Opening, and Tabuzation, and that they not be awarded until next meeting in order that matter of Irest Woodland Read may be presented to the-bidders, was seconded by Tup and tarried, PRINTING CALCUUSTOR. There was found to be only one bid, that of Remingkon Rand, & amod af 4$5?lr50 for %heir Model 99120-5, less Trade-in of $200.00, on Marchant No, 8SD291771, $omparable machine, x- -3 -x Later in the evening, Tupats motion, that award of bids be made to Rdgtsn-Rand at their bid price, was seconded by fq&&&$ carried; It was brough-b out in discussion that no other concern makes a ZNUATION OF FEBRuaRY 27TH PUBLIC HEaRING ON PROPOSED BLACKTOPPING CF LAKE RIDGE RD, ger Hyde presented for -Council review the feLlowhg communications pe&ainhg to la Letter dated March a, from Mr. G, tT. Tomsend, setting forth various me€&oTS" of assessment, 2, htter dated March l4, enclosing Petition requesting Blacktopping and us& method of assessment-signed by Helen $le Williams, Chester A, KLopp, Wade Wright, Lamp e Builders, and COR. Carlson, Jr, 3. Letter dated March 20, signed by D,F, Hamilton, suggesting a percentage metbd of assessment 4* Letter dated March 23, signed by Mr. Tamsend, stating he will not object to 5. Letter dated Harch 13, from Village Attorney, stating the Council has the power 7.-4 -, ."..._ this project: -- - Mro Hamil'cm's plan. to order in the improvement after a Public Hearing, provided not less than four members are in favor of the resolutionc Inasmuch as there were only three members present, Crinkley moved that Public Hearing be continued to Monday, April 23. Notion seconded by Tupa and carried. PU33LIC HEp32ING ON PROPCXSED IMFROVEMENTS: Ed%-Morningside Courier March 15 and 22, 1956, for :!Notice of Public Hearings- Blacktopping and Curb and Gutter Inprovanents11. ordered placed on file. Clerk submitted Affidavit of Publication in Affidavit was approved as ta form and . Pursuant to said Notice, the following hblic Hearings were conducted. and action taken: I. ON 6IACKTOPPING OF - ST.JOHNS AVE, , VALXZY VIEW RD, TO w.62N.D ST,: ASHCROFT APE.. VALIZY VIE31 RD, TO 1~62~~ ST.: VLRGINIA LAM?,, COXORD AVE. TO ASHCROFT Am.' Engineer Zikan's Estimate of Cost was $7,593.48 as against some 2&00 Assessable . Feet, for $3.16 per Assessable Foot. by owners of nine properties, calllng for exclusion from project of .St,Johns Avenue for the reason that the area directly South is being built up and owners are afraid contractors trill tear up the new blackbop. %he project, is omitted, estimates on the balance must be revised. OrJners of the other two streets involved were asked their opinions, and Mro McNdl, 6101 Ashcroft, *stated he believes the Ashcroft residents:; feel the same as those RB St,Johns *---- __ 8- - Mr. B. J, Klindworth presented petition signed Engheer Zikan stated that if part of 3/27/56 Crinkley moved far f;ontinuance of Public Hearing .to Aprf7 9., Tupa and carriedc Mot5on seccmdecLby--' .- 2. $N BLACKCOPPING OF MERRITT CIRCLE, AND OF CONCASTER WAY FROM HIGBdAY #169 TO AYRSHIRE EL@. asking for additional Blacktopping, unti3. meeting of April 9, was seconded by Crin'dey and..-md6dh delegation for some fifteen people was presmt tc see spoke&mn-Gesent a petition for Curb and Gutter and Blacktop3fng providing benefited proprty owners pay bo%, Village pays 60% of Cost, They maintain that ta.603h St, is a thm-street and that abutting proper'icJr_mmers /.-- do not receive full benefit, Mr, Zikan was asked if he expsts--to usa heavier surfackg than usual, and he replied negatively, skating these people &?e iilrtunate tn bej-ng in an area of 'good soad base' - - __ ha,sas~.~med 50% of the,,co&, but has ::&: gone beyond that figurec Grinkleyts motion, that Hezr%g be continued Until tflz April 23rd Meeting, was seconded by Tupa and carried, Manager Hyde read letter from Folke Victorson Company, Tupai s mt.iori, that act.zoa-be--p&poned 3. ON CURB AND GUTTER IN W,6OTH ST. FROM FWCE AVE- TO ABBOT'&"VE, A Mr. Hyde reminded Counc~l Lhcit, on occasion the Village I a CONTINUATION OF FEBRUARY 13TH HEARING- ON PETITION FOR VACATIOX 'OF POE1TION OF ADAIS 7 AVENUE. Mr* Zikan reported that survey has not yet been Tecsived, to clarify thig matter, and' Crinkley moved for continuance of hearing to April 23ri;?. Meeting, seconded by %pa and carried. -.LM.I*.--L-- ~= -8.- Motion PFI)ITION FOR UC"J!ENANCE, GRflDING AND OILIN G OF APPROACHES TO, AND STREETS. OF, BROOKVIEW HEIGJDS SECTION. Manager Hyde suggested that. he and Village Engineer meet with the newly organized Brookview Heights Improvement Assocktion, to find out just exactly what they wan% and, ;in-turn, to explain Village procedure3; Council so ordered, PETITION FOR RE~F ON ASSESS~S FOR PIE-SHAPED, I~OL-' . Bircc Lester L& 5117 ~ Richmond Drive, supported his March 2st written request for relief-on assessment __ levied for Biek&opping on his pie-shaped lot, assessable foot, for 165?17 front feet. pending search of records on assessment procedure for this improvement, He has been assessed at $2,9L per: Council tabled matter to next meeting,' RURAL HEXNEl?IN COUNTY NURSING DISTRICT REF'CRT FOR, FEBRUMPL was su'wnitted, reviewed, and ordered placed on file. .. REI'URNS OK 3TORM SEWER EASEMEmS. sewer eas&ents over Lots 1, 2 and 3, Block i,? Elmmcd Terrace, were presented, hit Claim Deeds, returning to grmtors starir Clerk reported these easements are no longnr riecsssary becxmtr, stom ssmr has now been constructed 'over a different -raw?e,i of easements, was seconded by Crinkley ad carried, Tu.pa' s .i?lot.icn.r authorizhg ret,urn BLOOMBERG REQUEST FOR PERME TO CONSTRUCT SPXEPJ SB,GE? STCRM S&=R A:tD W&TER4.UIV ---- IN COLONIAL GROVE FIFTH ADDITION was discusses, watermain,' this property may be wfthin the d2strict benefit.ed by p_-?imte watermain constructed under f&,nchise; that, if so,' Mr. Bloon;terg i3hoc3-d b~3 informed that he must pay 2f$ per front foot connection charge-, Tupa!s wtiorr: grakkg permtt to construct utilities at own expense in accord'ance with Tillage spezifim%ions, and that Mk, Bloomberg be notified of the matter of p oss%ble connacbuim chcge3 was seconded by Crinkley and carried. KLerk rzportc;d that, as to the NOTIFICATION OF ACCIDEUT ON VIUGE ROA$ Jr, I s notification of an accident which' occurred om Eirehcres-t Drjve on March ai and of damages suffered to his automobile when it k4.t a sewer mnizol.e. explained that roa? is under construction, for investigation and report . P%IIITION FOR PERMTI! TO FACE HOUSE LONG WAY OF LOT, LOT 1, BLQCK 32 EDINA 6TH DIVISION, was reykwed, Const, Co, seconded by Tupa and carried. Kmager Hyde read NrL> Joseph E, Hayes Mr, Hyde 1h"cer referred LO Village A-Ltorney AIR this petition having been filed by Themell Brosc- Crinkleyfs mption, schedul3ng Public Hearing for Monday, April 9, da.t P@Il'ION FOR-OILING-E&lRD Am, BEZWEEN W060T14 AND We&T ST,, was accept,ed, by motion Tupa, seconded by Crinkley and carriedD . PETITION FOR PERMIT TO DO WORK AT 44TH AND 3RO9KSIDE4CJ@S RLI?3J.A~~$&. wi2~ - discussed, the Company1 s proposition, being a.s f'c1!.om: 1, 2. T$e Railway will deed to UiU-age land 100 Ft.. by 60 or 66 R., , at ao cast t \r Village, for establishment of Brookside ke: 21 lieu oS c~whead highway span, The Railway fill deed, at no cost to 'Tillage, lmd 51) Ft . Sg :ZOO Ft, . ly5n;; Easterly of Wailway bridge for purpxe :f opsvldng Ectcr Skr-sek 2nd ',& .'-.. . It- .. . 3/21/56 . 3. The Railway will remove, at no cost to Village, presentthighway bridge and earfih fill approach and concrete abutments of North and South apprQa32es.using the dM to fill railway bridge from south line of Motor St, to south.Ihe of &th S$. . Highway bridge and earth approaches trill be removed in workmanlike manner, leav- ing street grade in manner acceptable to Village. All material to be removed to become property of Railway Company, and will be used to fill railway bridge, Railway petitions Village Council to effect closing of Motor Street underneath railway bridge, inasmuch as Motor Street and Brookside Terrace will have access to rrth Street in lieu thereof. Manager Hyde recommended this proposition. 4. Manager Hyde recommended this proposition, and suggested that Council take action at an early date on the vacation of Motor Street;, Public Hearing on Petition for Vacation of Motor Street, for Monday, April 23, was seconded by Tupa and carried. Crinkleyts motion, tfrat Council schedule BEER AND LIQUOR LICESTSES: Manager Hyde presented license applications as follows, informing Council that all are renewals except McClellants Grocery and Grandview Market. He recommended that all applications be granted and licenses issued for year April 1, 1956 to April 1, 1957; and Tupa so moved, Motion seconded by Crinkley and carried; On Sale Beer Off Sale Beer Uwor American Legion Housing Foundation 1 1 &.own Derby Cafe (Kermit Dahm) 1 1 Cahill Grocery (John Cameron) 1 Correll's Dairy Store (G,F. Correll) Edina Bowling Center (John Dorek) 1 1 Edina Country Club 1 Interlachen Country Club 1 Nolan's Golf Terrace Cafe 1 1 Olson Bros, Pharmacy 1 1 '1 Purity Dairy Store (M, P.Fuller 1 1 eislerf s Grocery Village Inn (Geo. Shilson) Mooddale Grocery (Emma Tedman) 1 McClellan' s Grocery 1 Gerald Paulsen (Grandview Market) 1 1 - 1 1 RESOLUTION FOR itADVANCErl OPENING OF BIDS. In line with previous discussions concerning opening of bids before Council Meeting with the idea of having bids tabulated and ready for Co&cil action at meeting, Manager Hyde presented coJJes of Resofutim. &dopt&..by Richfield Council, which he suggested we use in form. Resolution and moved its adoption: Tup offered the following RESOLUTION RELATING TO THE RECEIPT AND OPENING OF CObPEXITIVE BIDS IN ADVANCE OF COUNCIL EEZTINGS. . BE IT RESOLVED by the Village Council of the Village of Edina, Hermepin County,, 1, .I... . ...-.. . .<- Minnesota, as follows: orders advertisement for bids for the purchase of merchandise, materials or ecgipnent or for any kind of construction work, such bids may be received and opened by admini- strative personnel of this village in advance of a village council meeting as herein provided. The advertisement for such bids shall state the time when such bids will be opened and the time when Buch bids will. be considered by the Village Council, bids shall be opened at the Village Hall, the Village clerk until the time desimated for their opening;, delivered by the village clerk to the village manager, and the village manager or some member of his administrative staff shall thereupon open such bids and read them aloud. Such opening and reading of such bids shakl be open to the public, and shall be attended by the village manager, village clerk, and at least one other d&partment head. 5. After such bids have been opened they shall be public records and shaB be placed in the custody of the village clerk, 6. The Village clerk shall keep minutes of the opening of such bids, recording the bids received and the members of the village administrative staff who were present. These minutes shall be presented to the village council at the subsequent council meeting ach has been designated in the advertisement for bids as the meeting at ; which such bids shall be considered by the village council. The minutes of the Gerk shall be accompanied by the tabulation of bids and recommendation of the manager <s to such bids. Upon receipt of such minutes the v%llage council shall consider such bias. call there were Hereafter and until further resolution of this Council, whenever this Council 2. All such 3. Bids received pursuant to such advertisement shall be kept in %he custody of ' 4. At the time designated for the opening of such bids the same shall be .. -. 3/27/56 J a. 1 5 RADIO SYSTEM FOR VILLAGE CARS Manager Hydels written report, dated March 21, request- ing permission to subm'i'c application to State for some $10,168 of rzdio equipmcnk, m,,s discussed, budget. After some further discussion as to needs for system, matter was tabled untXf meeting of April 9. Mko Crinkley protested-the proposed expenditure because it is not in the I ORDINANCES FCR CONSIDERATION. Manager Hyde presented "Milk, Cemetery, Motel an6 Theatre'r Ordinances for Councilts consideration, inasmuch as there were only three manbers present, ordinances were tabled to ne& meeting , ORDINANCE NO, 11-1. of the Village by Combining the Offices of Clerk and Treasurer, Prescribing the DutLes of Such Combined Office, and Repealing Sections 2, 3 and 4 of said Ordimnce,1I Tup's motion that Mr, Hyde's reading be considered the First Reading of Ordinance KO, 11-1 and. that second reading thereof be scheduled for April 9, was seconded by Crinkley and. carried. Some discussion was had, but, '4 Manager Hyde presented "An Ordinance Amending Ordinance No, 11 . CARS AND TRUCKS-ADVERTISENEXT FOR BIDS, for two replacement Police Patrol Cars, ?or two pickup trucks for sewer and wata departments, and for one additional dump truck for street department,, Police Department has run two cars between 50 and 75 thousand miles; that he wants to trade these cars to other departments and to trade off some of the even oidcr vehicles; also, that one of the pickup trucks now in use by the sewer and water departments is needed by the street department, Mr, Hyde explained that the budget contains provision for the two police department replacements and the addition to the street demrtment; that other trucks will be paid for out of sewer and water funds. FFLANCE AVENUE, ~6.64~~ ST. TO W.73RD ST.: W.66TH ST., FRROM VALLEX VIEW ROAD E,XTEM3EQ $ND EASTERLY TO FRANCE AVE. TO MPROXIMhTELY W.69TH STR3ET. -u-m - AG3.LC;Z;LTS -,,-.ILT-*-.-=.-- 110'.tH COU!'dT'Y, i4anager Hyde presented for Council consideration two agreements with Hennepin Courity relative to the surfacing of these streets: ftSupplementary and Amendatory Agreement for Improving France Avenu-e (State kid Manager Hyde asked for authority to advertise He stated th.j Tupa moved for a authority to advertise, Motion seconded by Crinkley and carriedn 0 rui e .cT w BOUTH AND POINT 1100 FT. E* OF FRANCE AVENUE: VALIEY Vim? RD, FROML&JTH, ST~*-XJT~iJFF~~ 1. Road No, 17) and Vest 66th Street (State Aid Road No, 53) and Valley View Road, and Amending' that Certain Contract between the Village of Edina and the County of Hennepin, Being Dated May loth, 1955It, May 10, 1955 contract, the phrase, "and the estimated cost of the portion of said mrk to be completed in 1956-is $lOO,OOO,OOf~, and provides that all work other than grading, and the cost sharing of such work shall be covered in a separate contract . This agreement cancells from the I 2. "Agreement for Division of Cost for Gravel Base, Road-Mixed BLtuminous Basez Plant Mixd Bituminous Surface and. Concrete Curb .and Concrete Cur% aid Gi.?LtePi3 This agreement, among other things, places responsibility for ttfiiml total. cost" upon the Village, as well as maintenance costs on France Aveme and W 66th St, and onValley View Road from 66th to 69th St.--maintenance costs on the fir$t tm streets to be for repairs to bituminous surfacing for a period er,dj,rg SepC,ember In 1961. Some discussion arose as to the provision of the second agreement concerning engineer5ng Attorney Spencer advised he believes both contracts to be in order> wanted to be certain, pursuant to Section I11 of the-agreement, that there 2.re no public utilities to be relocated. Wm. Crear of Southdale. 1\,7~0. CouncF1- Manager Hyde guaranteed this latte?, es did lko Mr, Crear then presented two letters from Southdale Center, Inch, Leing Southdale's agreements to - 1. Assume maintenance costs for five-year period on France and W, 66th St., and - 2, Pay all costs over $t30,000 for the construction of Xerms Avenuet CoimciZ asked that the second letter be changed to qetdforth Southdalers agreement to pay, on Xerxes Avenue, Itany construction expense assessable to the Tillage of Edinaff, Crinkleyt s motion, approving the Village! s entering into the two above named contracts with Hennepin County, was seconded by Tupa and carried, LETTER FRClM LIQUOR COWISSION. Commission, suggesting joint meeting of Council and Commission for discussion, tabled until return of other members to meeting, Manager Hyde reported receipt of letter from Liquor Matter CONNECTION FROM SOUTHDAX \ELL TO NEW WATER TGWER, advertise for bids as soon as specifications are readyo advertise for bids, Manager Hyde requested authority to Crhkley moved far authority to Motion seconded by Tup and carried, 3/27/56 En@neer Zikan presented Preliminary Plans and Estimates of Cost on several >..ejects, reFc-"'-F . .o feasibility of doing the work, and recommending that Fublic Hearings uz schduled for Monday, April 9. ing Resolution and moved its adoption: Crinkley offered the follow- R3SOLUTION PROVIDING FOR PUBLIC HEXtIMGS PROPOSED IEIPRDVENENTS E I-T RESOLVED by the Council of the Village of Edina: report as to the feasibility of the proposed Improvements described in the Fom 02 Notice 09 Hearing se€ forth below, and as to the estimated cost of such impmvanentt, said report is hereby approved and directed to be placed on file in the office of the Village Clerk, 2. Er'ina Village Hall, to consider in pul3A.c hearings the views of all persons ..:.t,erssted in said proposed improvenents. The Clerk is hereby authorized and directed to peuse notice of the I 1. The Village Engineer, having submitted to the Council a preliminary This Council shall meet on Monday, April 9, 1956, at 7:30 P.M., in the 3. me, place and purpose of said meetjng Lo be published An the offZci& news- ~zper once a week for %wo successive weeks, the second of wWch pubU&bw is to be not less thzn three days from date ef said rne&ng, wMch now shzl l (1) NOTICE OF PUBLIC RE"% NOTICE IS HEREBY GTVEN- that the %dim VXUag- XUX we% at the Edins Village HaS1 on Nonday, April 9, 1956, at 7:30 P.M,, to ccxgdLder the &Uow2ag proposed improvement to be constructed under the au%horiZy granted by ltlnne Laws of 1953, Chapter 398. by the Village Engineer as set forth below: in substantially the following form: ORNAEfENTAL ST€IJBY LX3ITS The approximate cost of su& irnpmVemaZrt 5s astbahtl .. 0R"TAL STREET LIGHTS: FJest Tsst St . and Juanita. West 51st St. and Indianola @,X>o*w I The area proposed to be assessed fer the cod of the above SmpropesrtSnt, $ncZn4w Lot 6, Block 2 and Lat 5;Block 1 in Stevens 1st.AddW.m; I&s 5b 6, 7' tfi, 33 lock 1; Lots U, 15, 16, Block 2;'hts 1,2,3,4,5,16,1~,119,~. &dr 38 Lots 1,2,3, Block 4; Lots 1,2,3,4,5, Block 5, all ;In Gleinviaw Add%%%* GmCKEN $. ALIEN Village Clerk - AND CURB AND GUTTER 3"- NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Edina Village Council w me& d 8 %&l8, l,YLlage Hall on Nonday, April. 9, 1956, at 7y30 P,H,, to ccrms5de~the proposed improvements to be cm structed under the adbrity gran*& @' l&#vdiU 1.w~ of 1953, Chapter 398. li The approximate cost of such impmpemenfs 2ed by the Village Engineer as set forth below: ,EST_, Construction of Sanitary Sewer and Appurtenances .. ~- in the following streets: A, Crescent Drive-existing trunk sewer South of $36,575.28 Highland Road to South line of C ountr ysid e Add it ion; Hunter St.-Crescent Drive to Westridge Blvd.; Westridge B1vd.-Highland Road to lhO1 S. of7 Ridgeway., Road; Ridgeway Road-Vestridge Blvd, to Approx. 2101 West . Code Ave.-Grove St. to West 56th St,; Melody Lake Drive-Code Ave, to Code Ave.; Kelody Lane-Grove St, to Nelody Lake Drive Be $49,738.08 2*. Construction of Village Watermain Extension and Appurtenances in the following Streets: A. Garrison Lam-Wooddale Ave. to St.Johns he.; $ 6,870,96 B, Melody Lake Drive-Code kve,' to Code Ave, &2,929m?6 - Wooddale Ave.-PJest 62nd St. to Garrison Lane Melody Lane-Grove St, to MelodIy Lake Drive Gode Axre.-W,57th St, to W,56th St, ~ )L 3/27/T -- .I * 3. Blacktopping the Following Streets: . A. North 1/2 of West 60th Street - ConcorL Ave,. $.2,312.55 , 3. South 1/2 of West 60th Street - Concord kve, #,1,622;70 to Parnell Ayenue (Abutting residents to pay for all gravel to bring roadway portion to gradei)) to Parnell kve. (Developer to furnish 611 gravel in roadway), I' -. .L - 4- Construction of Concrete Curb and Gutter in the following Streets: A, School Road-Ruth Drive to Sherwood Ave.; $l4,033,80 West 59th St.-Ruth Drive to Hwy.#lOD; West 60th St.-Parnell Ave. to Hwy.#lOO; Sherwood live,T.7ylest 60th St. to Sc4.lool Rd,; .* Ruth Drive-School Rd. to West 59th St. The area pmposed to be assessed for-the cost of said proposed improvements is as follows: For 1-A - Lots 1 and 2, Block 4, Lots 7,8,9,10,11,12,13, Block 5; -. . Lots 1,2;3,4,5,6,7, Block 7; Lots 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,XO, 11,12,13,Block 8; Lots .4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12, Block 9, All in Countqside Addition, For 1-B - Lots 1 through 6,-Biock 1, Melody Knolls First; Zots 1 and 2, Block 1, Lots 1, 2 and 6 thou& 11, Block 2, Lots 1 thjXu& 6, Block 3, MelodylKnolls Second; Lots 1 through 7, Block 2, Melody Knolls Third; Lots 1 through 3 and Lots 6 through 8, Block 1, Lots 1 thmugh 6, Block 2 and Lot 1, Block 3, Melody Knolls Fourth; ad the following described parcel in in the South line of Govt. Lot 4 distant 978.5' West'from the S.E; mrner thereof; thence E, 3681; thence NoAh 20 rods; thence NWly to a point distant 47 Rods Vest fnjm the East line of Lot 4 and 40 .rods South from the North line thereof; thence West 3 rods; thence NwLy along a line which if extended would intersect'the West line of .Lot 4 at; a point 18 rods South froa the N,W, corner thereof to a point in a line running North parallel with the East line of Lot 4 from. the point of beginning; thence 'South * to beginning, except road. . _I r Section 33, Township 117, Range 21: Commencing at a point For 2-A - Lots 1 through 7, Block 1, and Lots 5 through 10, Block 2, all e. in Millers Addition; _ad North 1501 of West 450.5' of NE2/4, ex. street, of Section 30, Tomship 28, Range 24. For 2-B -. Lots Z through 6, Blnck 1, Melody Knolls 1st Addition; Lots'l and 2,. Block 1, Lots 1 and 2 and Lots 6 through 11, Block 2, I Lots 1 through 3, Block 3, all in Melody Knolls 2nd.Addition; . Lots 1, 2, 3 and 6, 7, 8, Block 1, Lots 1 through 6, Block 2, . and Lots 1, Block 3, all in Melody Ki?olls 4th Addition. . 6. .. For 3-A - All Lots 'and Tracts of. land ab7srtt~g the'pofiion of the street proposed to be improved. For 42A - All lots and Tracts of la.tid abutting the portion of the street .. proposed to be Improved. . GRETCHEN S, ALDEN Village Clerk * Motion for adoption of the Resolution was seconded by Tupa, and on Rollcall thwe were th$ee ayes and no nays, as fdllows: and $rickson, aye; and the Resolution was ad ATTEST : Crinkley, aye; Tupa, aye; Village Clerk 3/27/56 c TRAFFIC -----------.--- SIGNALS IN SOUTHD~~ AREA, 3fanager Hyde presented Preliminary Plans dated 1 E;zrch, 1956, entitled "Traffic Signal Installations, Highways Adjacent to Southdale Shopping Center, Plans, er'=Jertise for Traffic Sighals as per said plan. traffic situation, recorded below, Crinkleyls motion was seconded by %pa and Carrie d. -2 TRAFFIC I-. -.- SITUATEN I-*- - AT lTmrC98 STREET. air, Tupa asked What is going on at IT,49$ St.? 'I;hy hasn't anything been done about the bad traffic situation, there?" Manage2 Hyde eqlained that, although he has tried many times, he has been unable to contact Mr. Sprunpan of Minneapolis concerning a traffic signal; and that the Village is in some difficulties with Mr. Stow , who wants an entrance'from his building onto T?J.&9& St, Kr, Tupa suggested that "No Parkingll' be established from 4200 to 7:OO P.M. in front of the Stow and the chiropractor's offices, to enable traffic to move. $Tanager Hyde to have his recommendations on this matter to the Council at its next regular meeting, He asked authority to advertise for- bids, and approval of said Crinkleyl s motion was for approval of Preliminary Plaris and authority to After discussion on W.49$ Street Council directed - GKRBAGE -I_.. J1t.D RUBBISH COLLECTION. gar'bage collection expires July 1, Manager Hyde asked for instructions concerning specifications to be written for bidders. collector to collect at all houses in the village, to go along as we are, or-to do- nothing at all and allow residents to make their own arrangements? 2. . Do you want combination garbage-rubbish collection, or just garbage collection? restrictions on the %?yg.a of truck to be used? was present to explain the bidder's pofnt of view, stating that the large Leech packers cost some $15,000; that a contractor must have'some to get set for an operation of this type, method of4prations, as a beginning. rubbish plan is adopted, some restriction should be put on the amount to be collected. He stated he believes the Park's restriction is a maximum of two twenty-gallon:cans pr Reminding the Council that its present contract 'for Do you want one franchised He asked - 1, 3. Do you want Mr. Drury of Woodlake Sanitary Serace Manager Hyde directed to secure additional information concerning St.Louis Park's Mr, Drury explainedthat if a combination garbage- collection. -. CT- FOR PJENEWl2 List No, 6 of Narch General Fund Watennrks Fund Sewer Rental.. Fund Garbage Fund - Tups's motion, for payment of the followjng Claims, as per Pre- - $10,499 67 Parks Fund - $175+64 - . 13041 Improve. Funds - 32.22 - 20.65 Lipor Fund &0,85?. 54 27, was seconded by CrinUey and carried: - 1,783018 Const, Fund 10 992 25 Financial Statements for Februav, 1956, were reviewed; and Manager Hyde asked authority to transfer from General Fund to Park Fund, $16,001,57, to sliminate Park Fund Surplus Definit as of December 31, 1955-this deficit having accumulated during the past several years, Tuparsmotion authorizing requested transfer was seconded by Crinkley and carried. hT4TIONA.L CO"lBENC!$ METROPOLEAN PRORIBG will be held April 29 to May 2 at Kchigan State Univer?ity, 2lr. Hyde announced, Tupa's motich that Village Manager be sent to the Conference to represent Edina was seconded by Crinkley and carried. There b&g no further busihess to come before this meeting, Tupa moved for ad-journ- -- Y I c i 4 i j I .. Dent. Kotion seconded by CrinMey and carr ed at 10:35 P.M, L2adck/ Village Clerk