HomeMy WebLinkAbout19560409_REGULAR't \ MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING COUNCIL. HEtD MONDAY. APRIL 9. OF THE EDINA VILLAGE 1956, AT 7:30 P.M. AT INVOCATION was given by Rev. Glenn Anderson of Edina Baptist Church, Members answering RoUcal.1 were Grinkley, Fronk and Tup, Eridcson and Mayor Pro Tem Bredesen, Trustee Fronk was elected to act as Mayor. Tupa's motion that Minutes of March 27 be approved as submitted was seconded by Crinkley and carried, TdKING OF BIDS; . Clerk presented Affidavits of Publication in Edina-Morningside Courier and Construction Bulletin March 15 and 22, 1956, of ItAdvertisement for Bids-Street Improvements," for street improvements on France Avenue between W.64th and W.73rd Streets; on W,66th St. between France and Xerxes Aves; and on Valley View Road from W,62nd St, to France Ave, Affidavits were approved as to form and ordered placed on file, The fol;lowing sealed bids were received: J, V.. Gleason Co, Alexander Const* Co, Jay Wp Craig Co, Howard Gahley, Inc, e' Bury & Carlson McLean-Astleford Go, In the absence of Mayor I Crinkleyfs &otion for referral of bids to Village Engineer for Publib Opening in his office was seconded by Tupa and carried, 1, .: PUBLIC HEARINGS ON PROPOSm IMPROvZMEHYS: Clerk submitted Affidavits of Publication in Edina-Morningside Courier March 29 and April 5, 1956 of "Notice of Public Hearing Ornamental. Street LigMs, I!. and "Notice of Public Hearings Proposed Watermains, Sanitaey Sewers, Blacktopping, and Curb and Gutter Improvements ,$* apprd.ved as to form and ordered placed on file, Acting Mayor Bonk Wormed the audience that four members of the Council are heeded to order in an Zmpmvement, but that if ,the people wish the three members 6f the Counc51 present this evening will hear objections and recommendations tonight for the record and=Hearbgs Will be continued to April 23, Secorded below: I\ a 0 4 ."$ d! .I Affidavits were i.slc Because .there were delegations present on these pro- *# posed improvements, Council proceeded to hear them pursuant to sald Notices, as PUBLIC HEARING ON CRNA-MENTAL STREFT LEHTS=W,51ST STRBT AT JUANITA AND INDIANOLA AVE"5. Manager Hyde showed Vu-Gkaph slide of proposed LmpmvemenL installation of three ornamental lights: At I3lSCor. 5lst and Indianola, at .Lot 2.. 1\ 16; at NE %or. 51st and Indianola, at Lot 7; and on E,side Juanita opposite Cor, of W,5lst St,? at Lot 19$ 2,018m44 Assessable Feet for $1.09 per Assessable Foot, Delegation seemed somewhat co6fused'by the improvanent as planned, petit-brl, -3?em&dsd Council that petition is for two lights; three lights are too costlp* Miss Olga Bjornitad, 5116 Indianolai-, asked to have her4 name , deleted frbm-petition.' Mr. Richard E, Olson asked concerning assessmen'b * dlstrict, Mr, Seth N, Witts, * 5113 sjldianola; asked. if citizens would be @veri ordinam 1ights:if they did rab4; have ornamental lights, affimhtively, and'review was m;3ee &f Nwbhern Stiztes Power Companyrs plans far three Lights iri this area.- Mr, Crhkley suggesteeb that %he Village Engirieef work out'lcost estimates and assessment districts for each of the 4 three proposed lights in order that,sesidents might have full information; and Tup moved'that petition be referred back to petitioners for report on April 23, Estjmate of Cost was given at $2,200, as agdnst Mrs. kauck, sponsor of He was answered Motion seconded by Crinkley and carried, PUBIC HEARING ON PROPOSED SANITARY SEWER IN CRESCENT DRIVE FROM EXISTING ~RUNK SEWER TO SOUTH LINE OF COUNTRYSIDE ~DN.: HUNTER ST., CRESCENT DRIVE a TO VESTRIDGE BLVD, : WESTRIDGE BLVD, , HIGHLAND ROAD TO l40 FT , So OF RIDGEWAY RD.: SFJESTRIDGE BLVD. TO APPROX, 210 FT.' TEST+ Manager Hyde'showed Vu-Graph slide of propased improvement, giving Engifieer's Estimate of Cost as $36,475 as against 4,836.1 feet, for $7,56 per Assessable Foot. Mr, W, M* * Crawford, 6128 Westridge B1vdt, asked concernirlg method of assessment and . was infornied he will be assessed on front footage only, Mrs. Jean Brooks, 6129 Westridge Blvd. objected, stating she believes petition is signed by. owner of v+cant lots onlg. Petition was produced, slgned by Grgenwood Investment Company,lowners of 21 of the 38 lots proposed to be assessed, (See Motion, later in meeting, continuing Heiring to Nonday, April 23.) PUBLIC WING ON PROPCGED SANThRY SEWER IN 8ODE AVE., GROVE ST.. TO W.56TH ,ST.: MELODY LAKE DRIVE, EPD3 AYE, TO CODE AVE,: MELODY LANE, GRQVE ST. TO mLODY LAS'IE DRIVE;' Mr. Hyde showed Vu-Graph slide of proposed .&-hprovement, 'giving Engineerts Estimate of Cost at $49,738,08 as against 4,248.5 Assess- able feet, for $4.65 per Assessable Foot, plus $1.09 Connection to Trunk No, 37, fdr $5.74 per Assessable Foot. One gentleman, speaking for his neighbors,'spoke in favor of the project, in order that roads might be put into condition; bat Nr. J,B, Moore, 5100 Grove St,, owner of unplatted property*which does not abut the proposed improvement, objected strenuously .. 4/9/56 ' to being inuluded in the assessment district, is possible &, plat this property into eight lots; that, if it is eve6 platted it must derive 'sewer service from this proposed sewer; Mr. Moore' stated he is already paying for three sewers, does not wish to plat, and can see no reason why he should be assessed. get together before the next meeting on this matter, (See motion of later in meeting, continuing Hearing to April. 23, Engineer Zikan eTl.aine&'that it Council suggested that Messrs. Moore and zikan 4. PUBLIC MEARING ON PROPOSED WAT- IN GARRISON LANE FROM VOODDAIE AVE. TO Engineer's Estimate of Cost was given as $6,670.96 as against 1,271.01 Assessable Feet, for $5.41 per Assessable Foot, There were no objections from the floor, and no written' objections had been received prior to Hearing, (See motion of later in meeting, for continuandze of Hearing to April 23) CODE ATE.: MELODY LANE FROM GROVE ST. TO NELODY WCE DRIVE: CODE Am., W.5TTH ST, TO W.56TH ST, Engineer's Estimate of Cost was given as $12,929.76, as against 3,445.90 Assessable Feet, for $3.75 per Assessable Foot. The same gentleman who spoke in favor of the sewer in this area also favored the watermain in order that streets might be surfaced soon. There were no objections from the floor, and no written objections had been received prior to the Hearing. (See motion of later in meeting, for continuance of Hearing to April 23), 4 I 5- PUBLIC HEARTNG ON PROPOSED WATEFMAIN IN MELODY LAKE DRlXl3 FFtON CODE AVE. TO . 6, PUBLIC HEARING ON PROPOSED BLACKTOPPING OF W.6OTH STIZE;ET BEX'I@XN CONCORD AVE. AND PARNELL Am. as follows: For the North l/2 of the Street, $2,312.55 as against 637.63 ' Assessable Feet, for $3,63 per Assessable Foot; on the South 1/2 of Street, $1,622,70 as against 540.52 Assessable Feet, for $3.00 per Assessable Foot. It was explained that the developer of Virginia Ave. Addn,will furnish 611 of gravel for the South half of the street, whereas properties abutting the North half must pay for the gravel there., Mr, Arl Harris, 4704 'iL6Oth St., asked that property owners be allowed to furnish their own 6'l-of gravel, just as the developer is doing on the South 1/2 of the street, and that bids be taken for Blacktopping only-not for gravel. concurred in this request, and Council agreed in principle, later in evening, for continuance of Hearing to April 23)4 Vu-Graph slide was shorm, and Engineer's Estimate was read Nr, Kenneth Sundquist (See motion of '7. PUBLIC HEARING ON PROPOSED CONCRETE CURB AND GUTTER 7N SCHOOL ROAD FROH RUTH - DRIVE TO SHERIKIOD Am. : WEST 59TH ST. RUTH DRIVE TO HzIJy.#lOO: IEST 60TH ST. 'L _c PARNELL AVE. TO HWY.#lOO: SHERIfOOD AVL, WEST 60TH ST. TO SCHOOL ROAD AND RUTH DRIVE, SCHCOL ROAD TO WEST 59TH ST, Engineer's Estimate of Cost was $uC,033e&0 as against 4,833.71 Assessable Feet, for $2,90 per Assessable Foot, Mr* Hugh IMillan, owner of some 400 Ft, on the South side of W,60th S,, from Highway #loo, East, objected on the grounds that there is no petition for blacktopping yet before the Council. Mr. Robert Emanuelson, 4809 W.bOth, objected, stating his neighbor also objects. Tillage continue with the more economical 1211 gutter, rather than the standard 18Il; and Engineer Zikan advocated 1811 gutter because 12" slab has a tendency to tilt. Nessrs 3lcl.lillan and Emanualson were asked to give their sentiments - on this improvementproviding blacktopping will be done soon, but no definite opinions were offered. them based on difference jn cost between 1G1J and 12" gutter. (See motion of later in evening, for continuance of Hearing to AprLl 23), lfr, Sundquist asked that Council asked that Estimates of Cost be brought before 8, CONTINUATION OF MARCH 27 HEARING ON BLACKTOPPING OF ST. JOHNS AI%, VALLEY Vy -- ROAD TO 1.Te62ND ST, :LSXCROFT AVE, . VALLEY VIEN RD. TO W.62ND ST .: VIRGINIA AVE,, COXCORD AVE. TO ASHCRmT AVE, majority of lots on these streets, objecting to the improvement because-of the heavy building in the area immediately to the South. proposed improvement be abandoned, was seconded by Tupa and carried. CONTINUATION OF MARCH 27 HEARING ON PROPOSED BLACKTOPPING OF EJl3RRITT CIFtGIE AND OF DONCASTER IJAY FRO14 HIGHVAY 169 TO AYRSHIRE BLVD. Hr, Folke Victorsen was present to support his request of March 27, that Blacktopping of Ayrshire Blvd, from Doncaster Yay for a half-block to the present Blacktop be included in this improvement, as petitioned, Nrq Zikan explained that there is a Sanitary Sewer Petition on file for part of Ayrshire Blvd. and for the Itsouth loopll of Lochloy Drive; that, to connect this sewer with the existing sewer the connection should be made down Avshire Blvd, from Lochloy Drive to Doncaster Way; that this part of Ayrsb5re should not be blacktopped until after Sewer is constructed. Victorsea and ewther resident protested that blacktopping is necessary because . of the &r&e zi?: tk mshing which lczeps occurring; that petitioners definitely irm-b F1?:1G-.op5n,ap md hi4 c3mw should be included Clerk presented petitions, signed by owners of a Crinkleyrs motion, that 9?. . . Eke (See motion for continuance) 4./9/% At $he close of the foregoing Hearings, Crinkleymoved for continuance of all Hearings eqept tkti on the Blackbopping of St*Johns, Ashcroft, and Virginia Lane, to Monday, April 23, 1956, at ?-:3O P.M. Motion'-seconded by Tupa and carried, VACATION OF PORTION OF VALL;EY VIEW ROAD. Edina-Mr>rningside Courier March 22 and 29, 1956, and of Posting on Official Bulletin were approved as to form and ordered placed on file. portion"of street proposed to be vacated. The and no written objections had been filed prior following Resolution and moved its adoption: Clerk presented Affidavit of Publication in ' Boaras March 21, of "Notice of Hearing on Petition for Vacation of Street." Affidavits Map was shown, setting forth' ere no objections from the floor, he-Hearing. Tups offered the RESOLUTION VACATING STFLEET {PORTION OF VALLEY VIEW ROAD) . WHEREAS, Petition of a majority of the owners of real estate abutting 'that portion of Valley View Road in Southwest Quadrant of the -interesection of West 66th Street and France Avenue South,. hereinafter desczibed; -and said Council has met at the time and place specified in a, motion duly published and .posted and has heard all interested persons, and it appears in the interest of the public that said portion of said street be vacated; that the following portion of Valley View Road described as follows: Vest described as follows : int 55 feet South and 65 feet West of NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT Rl3SOLVED by th& Village Council of the Village of Edina All that part of the Southeast-Quarter of Section 30, Township 28 North, Range Beginning at a the Northeast r of said$Southeast Quarter of Section 30 as measured along lines parallel with the East and North lines respectively of said Southeast Quarter; thence South-$ di-s$arice of -lZ5-feet-.along -a line parallel with and distant 65 feet Westerly of the 45 02154" West a distance of 176.42 feet, more or less, to a point which is 55 feet South of the North line of said Southeast Quarter and 190 feet Vest of the East me of said Southeast Quarter as measured along a liqe , parallel with the North line of said Southeast Quarter; thence East a distance of 125 feet along a line parallel -dth and distant 55 feet Southerly of the North .line of said Southeast Quarter to the point of beginning; .." which lies southwesterly of the following described line: Beginning at a point 55 feet South of the North line of the SoutklGast Quarter of Section 30, Township 28 North, Range 24 West and 202.k4 feet West of the East line of said Southeast Quarter as measured along a line parallel with the North-line of said Southeast Quarter; thence' Southeasterly a distanc6 of 216.21 feet, more or less, along the.arc'of 'a curve to the right, having a radius of . 138 feet to a point 65 feeti West of the East line' of said Southeast Quarter and 192&4 feet South of the North line of said Southeast Quarter as measured along a line parallel with the East line I*.. of . L, said Southeast Quarter, and there terininat ing 6' .- 7-4 4. ,-% Xast line of said Southeast Qumterj thence North -. w .. .^ .lr I- ' P. . -. 1' * be and the same is hereby vacated.. Motion for adoption of the Resolution was seconded by C inkley, and on R$-lc&I there were three ayes and no nays, as follows: Cripp aye,; Fro&, aye; and the Resolution was adopted. - .4-// Village Clerk DWELLING ON LOT ONE, BLOCK THREE, EDINA BEL AIR SIX!I'H DIVISION (6117 EWING AVENUE), FACING DkELLING ON CHOI~BN CURVE RATHER THAN ON WING AVE, AS LOT IS PLATTED. Clerk presented Affidavit of Mailed IINotice of Hearing,gl which was approved as to form and ordered placed on file. determined that there were no objections, Tupa moved that petition be granted. PUBLIC HEARING ON PETITION OF THERNELL CONSTRUCTION co. FOR PERMIT TO CONSTRUCT A Council reviewed site of dwelling; and, after it was 4 Motion seconded by Crinkley and carried. PUBLIC HEARING ON PMIITION OF MR. HERBERT N, BLOOMBERG FOR pEF"I TO CONSTRUCT A DWELLING AT NO. 70 WOODLAND CIRCLE-"That part of Lots Grove Third Addition, lying NEly of Line running from pte in NWly line of Lot 4 dist. 15 Ft. STAY from most N ly Cor, thereof to pt. in SEly line of Lot 3 10 Ft.NEly from most Sly Cor. thereof; this property having front footage of 55 Ft, Clerk presented Affidavit of Mailed "Notice of Hearing," which was approved and ordered placed on file, Planning Commis sionr s favorzble rccomment; ?tlon; 8nd Crin!kl.ey Roved request be 3 and 4, Block 2, Colonial dist. . There were no objections file<.> Manager Hyde reported 1-23 4/9/56 granted, Motion seconded by Tup and carried. . REQUEST FOR PiBMIT TO CONSTRUCT CURB AND GIjTTER AT 6016 CHOIEN Am. AT HIS OlJN EXPENSE. will construct curb and gutter on Village specifications. request be granted was seconded by Crinkley and.carried. PETITION FOR PERZIIT TO JXACIQOP STREFTS (CHOWEX AVENUE IN 6100 BLOCK, AND CHOIBN CuRTlE)yNDER PiUVATE CONTRACT. support its written petition, with Messrs, J.1J. Mooty and Gerald R. Monroy acting as spokesmen. that the necessary petition has not been filed with Council for said work; that it is understbod that work will be done according to Village specifications and under Village inspection. Mr. Monroy stated it is hoped that Chowen 6000 Block will also want this plan. Manager Hyde explained that Village supervision of this project will not involve sufficient time to delay work on prior petitions. Mr. Windhorst stated he believes contractor should be under bond to the Village. Crinkley moved that petition be granted subject to contractual arrangements which meet with approval of Manager and Attorney. Motion seconded by Tupa and carried, E- Mr, Harry Thernell explained he wishes to - finish his yard, that he Tupa's motion that A delegation -of residents was present to. . They explained that they want this work done this year; PETITION FOR CANCEILATION OF CURB AND GUTTER AND BLACISI'OPPING. %EST TJOODLAND ROAD FROM CONCORD AYENKE TO WOODDALE AV'lDlUE. petition filed at the last meeting, and, after some discussion, Crinkley moved that proposed Curb and Gutter and Blacktopping improvements be abandoned. seconded by "upa and carried. Clerk reviewed for Council matter of Motion PETEION FOR GRADING, GMVELING AND OILING, NEST SU'OODLAND ROAD FROM CONCORD AVENUE: TO 1JGODDAI;E kS@XUE. Clerk explained that this petition, filed at last meeting, is a substitute for the foregoing improvements, and asked Council1 s policy concerning work this year. numerical sequence as to plan for construction. Motion seconded by Tupa and carried. PETITION FOR OILING CHANTREY ROAD E'ROM HIGHWAY 44169 TO NORTHWOOD DRIVE was accepted and ordered placed on file, by motion Tupa, seconded by Crhkley and carried. Crinkley moved that petition be accepted and entered in normal PETfTION FOR SPREAD OF SANITARY SEWER ASSESSMENT EVENLY OVER THE SIX LOTS in La.thpefs Subd. of Lots 8 thru 2.3, Willard's Subd. of Block 17, Nendelssohn was filed by Lampe Builders, Inc., sole owner, Manager Hydets recommendation was for approval of request. improvement be so assessed. Crinkley moved that petition be accepted and that Motion seconded by Tupa and carried, - 'PE;TITION - FOR CANCELLATION OF PRIOR SANITARY SEkER PETITION FOR IDYLl?OOD DRIVE. Petition, signed by John Bloomberg, developer of Idylwood Addition, cancelling his former petition for Sanitary Sewer in Idylwood Drive for the reason that present property o3mers do not want sewer at this time, vas discussed. This petition was filed in connection with Blacktop petition next to be considered, Crinkleyls motion, that petition for cancellation of Sanitary Sewer petition in Idylwood Drive be accepted, was accepted by Tups and carried. _- v PETEION FOR BLACKTOPPING OF IDYLHOOD DRIVE. petition filed in 1953, asied for work this year, has been held up pending construction of Sanitary Sewer (now abandoned) e Petition states residents are aware that, should street be blacktopped now, and sewer go 5.n later, cost of sewer will be increased for blacktop replacement. moved that 'petition be accepted and placed on file with earlier Blacktopping petition. N6tion seconded by Tupa and carried, This petit ion, supplementing It was explained that work Crinkley THANKS FOR USE OF VILLAGE HALL FOR CAUCUS, EDINA REPUBLICAN CONMITTEE. Mr. Merle Else personally supported letter of thanks written by the Secretary of the Edina Republican Cornittee, for use of the Council ChauQers for Republican Caucus on April 2nd, Tupa's motion, that Minutes show receipt of communication and that it be placed on file, was seconded by CrinEey and carried. PETITION FOR FSL.IEF ON SANITIBY SE2IER NO, 70 ASSESSIBNT FOR LOT L$ hND S.32 FT- OF LOT 15, BLOCK 1. IEST MFTS. HEIGHTS-IB. WON A. CARLSON, 6612 BEUJIOFG~ LANE. HPm Carlson's letter pointed out that he has been erroneously assessed for 128 feet, whereas he should be assessed for 78 feet. "lager Hyde recommended that correction be made in accordance with Nr. Carlson's request, and Tup so moved, Hotion seconded by Crinlcley and carried. .... EDt?ARDS ADDITION, a Preliminary Plat of property at 56th and OaW-awn, was presented, >ire Arthur Edwards was present and filed $1,000 Performance Bond requested by Plan. Commission as prerequisite to constructing dwelling before Final Plat . Crinkley's motion that Planning Commission recommendations of April4 be accepted. IuIotion seconded by Tupa and carried; recommendations being for approvdl of Preliminary zubj-est. to lege1 requirements as determined by Attorney, and for approval of L-- .,u.--?~q: < -3 T-Lbrylj; Si:h-ecf. fo fil_inp of bond, 4/9/56 BOURGEOIS' FINAL PLAT. Manager Hyde reported Planning Commission's April 4th approval of Final Plat. Council, no further action was nec,essary. Inasmuch as this plat had already been approved by REQUEST FOR DOUB~~ BUNGALOW ON LOT NINE, HOLT'S SECOND ADDITION, Planning Commission's action of April 4, in recommending denial of this request, was reviewed, petition was seconded by Tupa and carried. WAL-DObT BUZmS FIRST AJIDITION, A FINAL PLAT BEING DIVISION OF LOT FOUR, BLOCK TWELVE. NORMANDALE was approved in accordance with Planning Commission's April 4th recommendation, by motion Tupa, seconded by Crinkley and carried. Crinkleyls motion accept5.g Cornmissionfs recommendation and denying - -uu PRELDI~ARY PUT OF VALLZY VIEW RIDING STABIES PROPERTY, BY ROY PETERSON was discussed, Mr. Peterson having signified his willingness to comply with Planning CoInmission's recommendations for proper drainage, Post Office approval of street names, and adequate playground, proposed I*Nine-Mile Creek Sewer!' lies in this plat; that it largely follows streets to be dedicated, and then moved for approval subject .to submission of proper easements. Motion L;ES ANDERSON'S PRELIMINARY PUT OF HIGHWOOD ADDITION was reviewed, but action was delayed pending Planning Commission' s recommendation. Engineer Zikan pointed out that the route of the Mr, Tupa suggested that Village obtain necessary sewer easements seconded by Crinkley and carried. ,,-- ' PRELIMINARY PUT BY MR. ARCHIE DION was approved in accordance with Planning Commission's April 4th recommendation, by motion CrinkLey, seconded by Tupa and carried -I-- CHANGE OF STREET NANE--1!SOUTH OLINGER ROAD'I TO 11W.62ND STREET1', that Ordinance be prepared for change in street nane as recommended by Planning Commission April 4, was seconded by Tupa and carried. PFtELBIINARY PLAT OF VEATH GLEN", ON HIGHWAY #5, WEST OF CAHILL was reviewed; the Planning Commission's recommendation of'dpril 4th being for app2oval subject to drainage easement of 20 ft, along rear of lot lines and dedication of playground or monetary donation equivalent to 3% of value of raw land, Tupa's motion, for acceptance of Commission's recommendationS, was seconded by Crinkley and carried. - Crinkleyts motion, -*c_ PRELIMINARY PLAT OF SUBDIVISION OF TRACT A. REG. LAND SURVEY #194, by Mr, Lewis Jones, was approved in accordance with Planning Commission's April 4th recommen- da-tions, by motion Tupa, seconded by Crinkley and carried. VACkTION - OF PORTION OF ADliMS AVENUE: Planning Commission's recommendation of April&, for vacation subject to satisfactory legal interpretation so that none of traveled street would -be lost, was reviewed, This will be discussed further at Hearing on Vacation April 23. L ACQTJTSITTO?J -.-UI"-..-~..Wn-_l.-I_1)11. OF TAX' DELINQUENT PROPERTY FOR PARK PURPOSES. Henr1ed.n Comts Land Commissioner' s List 11403-C'l, dated February 14, 1956, which Manager Hyde presented dcscrj-bes certiin tax delinquent' lands as !non-&nservation and for sale'. list contained Lots 4,8,9 and 10, .Block 13, Clevelands Sub. of Blocks 2,3,4,13, I4 and 15, &ma kbbott Park; which is recommended for acquisition'for park purposes. Mr. Hyde also presented recommendation for acquisition of other tax delinquent lots in this same subdivision, namely Lots ~,6,11,12,13,Lle,l~,~6y~7y l8,l9,2OY Block 13, and Lots 4,7,8,11, Block U. is swampy and low, but that it represents the only open area left in this,entire half section where a playground is possible; the recommendation being that the property be acquired with the idea of holding it for development at a later date. Mro Hyde explained thatif in order for the Village to 'acquire the land, List 11403-C1' must first be approved by the Village Council; and Trustee Tupa offered the following resolution, and moved its adoption: This He explained that this property RESOLUTION APPROVING LAND ON LIST "403-C" NON-CONSERVATION AND FOR SAWE WHEREAS, The Village' Council of the_ Village of Edina4 Hermepin County, Minne- sota, has received from the County Auditor of Hennepin County, Minnesota, a list of lands in said Village which became the property of the State of Minnesota under the provisions of law declaring the forfeiture of lands to the State for non-payment' of taxes, which said list has been designated as Classification List 1r403-C1', February 14, 1956; and fizd by ths Board of County Commissioners of Hennepin Couhty, Minnesota, as non- .conservation land and the sale thereof has heretofore been authorized by said Board of GDu.n?y Co-missioncrs ; WHjBEAS, each parcel of land described in said list has heretofore been classi- 4/9/56 k NOW, THEREFORE, be it resolved by said Village Council acting pursuant o Minnesota Statutes for 1949, Section 282.01, .Subd. 1, that the'said classi- fication by said B oard of County Commissioners of each parcel of land-described in said list as non-conservation land be and the same is hekeby approved and that the sale of each such parcel of land be and the same is hereby approved, The question was on the adoption of the resolution and the roll being called, there were Three yeas and No nays, as follows upa, Bye; Crm$3%yY aye; and Fronk, aye; and the Resolution was adopted/,~~ ,,& 74 &Z&.4;d& kcting.Ma$or -- - Y$llage Clerk Tupa then moved directing Village Attorney to prepare the proper fokm of requi- sition for acquisition of the property recommended, for park and playground purposes, Motion seconded by Crinkley and carried. FIRE UliIX3RlRRITEF1S INSPECTION BUREAUIS REPORT OF MARCH 29, was presented briefly by Manager Hyde; this report being the result of a recent survey of fire prw tection facilities in Edina. Inasmuch as this is a long and detailed report, it was decided that copies should be made for the Council for their study, IXSTER I;EE REQUEST FOR RE;LIEF FFDM ASSESSaNTS A!I' compliance with Gouncilt s request for review of Special Assessment procedure 5117 RICHMOND DRX:VE, In involving the a bove lot, Manager Hyde presented detailed report of the Minutes of Meetings on both improvement and special assessment hearings, showing no objections had been filed by owner. Report ordered placed on file. PUBLIG HEARINGS ON PROPGSED ASSESSMENTS: Clerk Alden presented Assessment Rolls on a number of construction projects recently completed, explaining that because .last meeting was held on Tuesday, it was necessary to make publication of Notices of Hearings without confirmation by the Council; that Assessment Rous have been open to public inspection since before publication was made, the following Resolution and moved its adoption: RESOLUTION PROVIDING FOR SPECIAL ASSESSMENT HEARINGS Grinkley offered BE IT RESOLVED by the CQuncil of the Village of Edina as follows: The Clerk and Engineer having calculated the proper amount to be assessed for those improvements set forth in the Notices of Hearings set forth below, and the amount proposedto be assessed against the respective lots, pieces and parcels of land within the district affected by said improvements, and said proposed assessments having been filed with the Clerk, the same are hereby approved, and the Clerk shall keep the same on file in her office and open to public inspection pending hearings thereon as herein provided, This Council shall meet at the time and place specified in the forms of notice of hearings hereinafter contained to pass upon said proposed assessments, and the action of the Clerk in causing notices of the time, place and purpose-of said meeting to be published in the official newspaper Bkrch 29 and April 5, 1956, said notices being in the following forms: is hereby ratified and confirmed: NOTICE OF dSSE;sSMENT HEARING ON TRUNK WATET@IAIN 1, i a-., - 2. (1) NO. 81 AND IATE8,A.L WfiTERMATN SERVICE TO SAID TRUNK . NOTICE IS GIVE;N, that the Council of the Village of Edina meet at the Village Hall on Monday,-April 23, 1956, at 7:30 o'clock P,M,, to hear and pass- upon all ob jekkions ,iI any, to the following proposed assessment for improve- ment, which assessments are now on file in the office of the Tillage Clerk and open to public inspection: 1. appuhnances in Valley. View Road from Parnell Avenue to State Highway #loo. all lots and tracts of land as follows: 1 thru 5, incl,, Block 1 and all of Blocks 2,3,4,-and 5, ' Normandale Addition; Lots 3 to 7, incl., Block 1 and Lots I to 6, incl,, Block 2, Oakview Addition; Lots 1 to 6, incl., Ettnerts and Wingts Addition;.The South 349 Ft. of the North 509.76 F't, of the SWl/4 of the SKL/4 of Sec, 19,Tc28,Ra24, lying South of Valley View Road on the West side of Ryan Avenue; the South 680 Ft. of the North 1045 Ft. of the SWL/4 of SIJl./4 of Sec, 19, T,28, R.24, lying South of Valley View Road on the East side of Hwy.No,lOO; and Lot 5, Jonas Addition; and all lots facing Valley View Road between Parnell Avenue and H~y,No,100~" TRUNK WATEBMliIN NO, $1 - Construction of Village Watermain Extension and The area proposedto be assessed for the cost of said improvement includes "The of Lots , k/9/56 A 2. LATERAL WkTERMliIN SERVICE CONNECTIONS TO WNERMAIN NO, 81 1. To serve the following lots and tracts of land: I"-$ Al4. I Sec . 19 ,$. 28, R, 24; Parcel 6500-Com. at a pt . in the E line of W 33 rods oL-SwL/L, oLSl?l./& _- - ., . dist. 749 Ft. N, f!mn S,line thereof; th, at rt, anaes W.110 I%,; th,- N 183.71 Ft, to ctr line of Valley View Road; th,SEly 112.37 Ft;, along said ctr line; th, S.160.76 Ft, to beg, exr rd, Parcel #6400 - Lots 5,6 and 7, Block 1 of Preliminary .Plat of McMillan's First Addn. Code's First - Lot 3, Block I. Ettnerrs & I~Jinars -.Lots 1 and 2 Gildredts First - Lot 1 . Howels Ad&. - Lots 4 and, 5, Block L Jonas Addition - Lots 1,2,3 and.4. . . ' Assessments for the above,improvement will be payable in ten eq $ lrs of consecutive annual installm~xxb,~ extended over a period of,ten years,ygo If; tsald payable with taxes for %he yea$ 1956, collectible in 1957, with interest on (install. the entire assessment at the rate of 5% per annum from the date of the reso- lutiom levying the_-.assess ment will be added inteGes ment s , whole of assessment without interest to the Viaage Treasurer before 12 o1 clock noon on Decembw,.Jl, 1956, and ma;y thereafter make payment with accrued interest to the' County Treasurer, to December 31, 1957. To each subsequent install- . the same rate for one year on all unpaid install- The owner of any property assessed for the abve improvement may pay the . . , BY ORDER OF THE VILLAGE COUNCIL. Gretchen S, Alden * I/, z I Village Clefk 2) h* . NOTICE OF ASSESSMENT KEARING ON TRUNK WATERMAIN * ._ - . ... 'N0,78 ANS) LkT-ERAL XATERMAZN SEFiKtGE -TO SAID TRUNK NOTICE IS &BY GIVEX. that the Council of the Village of Edina will meet . . at .. khe-vi.ELdge- HaX-L-bn Mondiy, April 23, 1356, ,at 7:30:P.M,, $0 hear and pass uppn ali objections,"if any, to the following proposed asses'srnenk for improvement, which a&essments' ar'e now oh file in" the office of the Village ClerR and Bpen to ' public ins'pection: 1. WATERMAIN NO, 78-TRUNK. ConstrWtion of Villagg Watermain Extension and appurtenances in: From..Tower and' Tank t~o Wes-f; 59th Street; West 59th Street to Highway No. 100; 'Ruth Drive from West 59th Street to School Road; School Road , from-Ruth Driveto. Sherwood; Sherwood Avenue from School Road to West 60th St.; W~sB-.60t-h-S~~e-~;:'from..9arnell Avenue to Hwy. No . 100; Service Drive from West We& 59th Street; ?Jest '59~~..~~~ee~'"a~~-~~ Hwy, No. 100 to Benton Avenue; 'Ben%on--Lvenue from Hwy; No. LOO. to TingdaLe Avenue; Tingdale Avenue from Benton to Grove Gtreet; Grove Skreet from Tingdale Avenue to Code Avenue hclud- iing East View Drive and S'chook'Road to Concord Avenue.. . 9 &tk.-St-reet . The area propo'sed -to"be assessed $or *the cost.. of said proposed Zmprovenht 2 .includes aU. lots and tracts of., la,nq within-the fol&ow?ng* described boundaries: *' 'Voh at the ce,nterline of Xest 60th Street. and. I? R/W line ;of NormapdaJe,. Bbdd,; . th,, N d,ong W R/IW,line of Nomandale Road to N line of Be~tton,AvenueB.)Lh'W %$'?- SE cor of Lot I, +3lock 1,. Edina Ridge; th N :*to NE cor f ,said let;.': thlw. ' -- alohg' Ely''lp% lines of Lots 2 thm 11, inel?, B Lock' Edim Rid& Addrii -to - S line of Nbrm.dale Court; th W to SW cor of said Addition;< th W 'along .W :boundary line of Norm&dale Court to NW cor .thereof; th NWly t,s 'pt ' 297 $fi S of 'inbe% section of Code Avehue ana West 56th Street; th N to .a-.pt 18O'ft, S .of $enter- line of West- 56th Street; th W 47'7.5:ft to NW cor of Lot X, Registered'hnd- Survey No, 180; 'th S 69.76 ft; th W: 70 ft; $h N 45 ft; th ,W 80 ft;, th y.125 ft, to N kine of. Block 4, ex-bended, 'bf Melody~~olls: 3rd kddn,; th.FJ;to W line 'of'said Block 4;.th S on W.line of .rsal'd :Block-.4, and Block 3; Melody Knolls 3rd Addn.. and cmtinuing through cenkePlfie bf -'Block ;2 and &, Cbde'h5highview: Park to 'centerlhe of West 60th S-bree% th E by1 'West 60th Streek-to pt of . boundaries:. .... _.._. tr6.0m _I _.._.. av'a p% '.l~,.Oti''ft.:N..&nd 145.37 ft' W o'r SE cor of NWk of SWq of Sec.19,T.28,$.2.kt 'whfch' $2 tkie".ih-t;erse~tion of Wed7 60th Street and ' Concord A-venuej'.'th rJ 60. ft;' th W 'lOLi'63 ft; ,th N .7Q ft; th W 40.5 ft; th N 289.5. ft; th. If 126 ft; th N 289,F:ft; th W 663 ft ,to Normagdale Road; th S 1048.4 ft; th E to Parnell,~~venue~,th.N.~o 60th gtreet; 5 th W 100 ft; th N 2. . ' , begimhg;il '&d &I& .le& .and. .t$a&& .Land :*&& .&l& -f!>1&hg .described 1'59 .O6 ..ft j . th -E to - Pt,:.o-f- ,beginning - . .f. IATERAL WfJ3%" .. SERVICE CONNECTIONS. TO WkTEBMl'iiN: NO. 78 .: ' Tb serve, the-following lots and tracts of land: '-See . ." .33 ,T e117 ,R. 21 ._ Parcel '#l&lO 7. S '180 ft 'of W 102,.04. ft of God .Lot 4 ex st. . Parcel $1551 - S 180 ft of .W J-40 ft of E ~246.5 ft of Go'+& rot 8 ex' rd. Parcel #1525- - S?L80 ft of'W 128 St of E 11,06,5 ft of Govt Lot 4 ex rd. Parcel. #1600 - Com at a pt in the S line of'Lot 4, dist 978.5 ft W from . . SE cor thereof; th E 366 ft; th N 20 R; th WWly'to a pt dis 47 R v:from E line of Lot 4 and .. 40 R South' from the N line, etc, 1 . 4/9/56 Parcel #2W3 - W 100 ft of E 200 ft of S 180 Pt .of God Lot 3 ex rd. Parcel #4900 - S 15 rods of E 37 rods of Lot 5, ex rd and State Hwy. Sec.19 .T .28.R. 24 Parcel #6201 - Com at a pt in the N line of the.SW$ of SW$ disk 160 ft W from the "If cor of the E 20 Acres thereof; th I? 80 2%; th S 207.63 ft; th SEly to a pt dist 219.6 ft S from beg; th N to beg. Parcel #6400 - Com at the NW cor of SI@ of SW$; th E 466.6 ft; th S 393.33 ft to ctr line of W 62nd St; th "Ly along said ctr line of Valley View Road to W line of Sec,; th N to beg ex rd and Hwy. Parcel R300 - Com at NW Cor of the S LO Acres of Ill?& of EM$; th E 263 ft; th S 65 ft; th W 263 ft; th N to beg. ex Hwy. Parcel #&IO5 - That part of the W 193 ft the S 10 Acres of NW$ of SW4 lying S of the N 55 ft thereof ex rds. Parcel #e220 - E 100 ft of If 293 ft of S U4.6 ft of wN$ of SF&. ex rd. CODE'S FIRST MRRIO&T GLRDENS I DONNA RIDGE EDINA HEIGHTS EDINA RIDGE Block 1, Lots 1 and 2 Lot L, MELODY KN0I;T;S SECOND Block I, Lots 1 thru 6, incl. Block 1, Lots 1 thru 10, incl. Block 2, Lot 1 Block 2, Lots 3, 4 and 5 Block 1; Lots 1, 2 and 3 L SCHOOL MANOR Block 1, Lots 1 thru 12, incl. Block 2, Lots 1 thm 11, inclo Block 2, Lots 1 thru 9, incl. SOUTH CONCORD SECOND Block 1, Lots 1 thru 7, hcl. kssessments for the above improvements will. be payable in ten equal, con- secutive annual installments extended over a period often years, the first installment to be payable with taxes for the year 1956 collectible in 1957, with interest on the entire assessment at the rate of 5% per annum from the date of the resolution levying the assessment to December 31, 1957. subsecgent installment will be added interest at the same rate for one year on all unpaid installments. whole of assessment without interest to the Village Treasurer before 12 olclock noon on Decerber 31, 1956, and may thereafter make payment with accrued interest to the County Treasurer. To each The owner of any property assessed for the above improvement may pay the BY BDiB OF THE VILLAGE COUNCIL, Gretchen S. Alden Village Clerk NOTICE OF HE;IRmGS ON SPECIAL ASSESSMENTS FOR WATERMAINS NO , 82- 84-87-8&89-93- 94-96-97-98-99 I (3) NOTICE IS HEXBBY GNE;N, that the Council-of the Village of Edina will meet at the Village Hall on Monday, April. 23, 1956, at 7:30 ot clock P.M., hear and pass upon all objections, if any, to the following proposed assessments for improvements, which assessments are now on file in the office of the Village Clerk and open to public inspection: Construction of Village Ihtermain Extensions and Appurtenances as follows: WATERMAIN NO. WATE;RMRIN NO, 84 - To serve Brookview Heights 3rd Addn. WliTmJN NO, 87 - In Birchcrest Drive from W.6Gth St. to Hanson Road; 1fe61st St, from Hanson Rd. to Code he.; w.60.th St. from Hanson Rd. to Birchcrest Drive; Porter Lane from W.6Oth St, to Code Ave.; Code he, from FT.60th St, to W.6lst St,; Forslin Drive from Hanson Rd. to W.6lst St, WATERMiJH NO, $8 - In PJilryan hve, from Valley View Rd. to Roberts Pl; W,62nd St, from Valley View Rd, to Wilryan five.; Roberts Place; Rolf €meo from Valley View Rd, to Roberts Pl.; Mildred Ave, from K62nd St. to Valley View Rd.; Naddox Lane; W.62nd St. from FJyaman Ave. to Code Ave.; Code Ave, 'from Birchcrest Dr. to Valley View Rd, y-& Halifax Avenue from West 6%d Street to 500 Ft, So. r- In B eard he. fromW.61st-st. to W,62nd St,, and In Shemood he. from W.63rd St. to W.64th St, W.58th St. from Tingdale Ave. to Codes Ave, Benton he. from Tingdale Ave? to Code he. Ryan he. from Valley View Rd. to N.line of Oak View Abbot% Ave. from W.60th St, to 1f.62326 St,; Zenith I Ave, from Sqe60th St, to W,62nd St,; York !mer from'IL60th St. to Approx, 900 Ft. S.; W.62nd St. from Zenith live. to Beard Ave. Curve . irJRTERWJN NO, 99 - Ewing Lve, from ~,6Lst St. to W.62nd St. and Chowen The areas proposed to be assessed for the cost of said improvements are WZERXJN NO, 82 - E1/3 of Lot 16, Block -&, ,Peacedale Acres j and Lots 1 as follows : I, thrn 5, incl-, E@y Peterson's Bedon& Add5Mdng I j9.T drd . 4/9/56 2, WiYi'WiIN NO. 84 - Sec.8,T.ll6,R.21, Parcel #2200-E,119 Ft. of that part WA!I'ERI\IIlIN NO, 87 - See. 33, T,117,Re21-Parce1 #3500-Com on W, line of of the "E$ lying N. of Road.; Brookview Heights Second Addition, Lot 5, Block 5 and Lot 21, Block 7.; All lots in Brookview Heights Third Addn. God, Lot 6 at a pt 267.9 ft S from NW Cor of Sk of Lot 6; th E 327.9 Ft, to a pt in W line of Block 4, Code's Highview Park, etc.; Parcel #6000-c0m at a pt in the N line of Govt Lot 7 dis 480 ft. E from the "$1 Cor thereof; th W G2.7 Ft.; th S 200 ft par with the I? line thereof; th E 143.03 ft to a pt.210 Ft. S from beg; th N 210 Ft. to beg. ex. rd.; Code's Highview Park - Lots 12 and 13, Block 1 and the E$ of Lots 5 and 6; Block 4, also the W$ of Lots 5 and 6, Block 4; Benton Park-Lots 8,9,lO and 11, Block 2; Portercrest Addition-Lots. 1 thru 7, incl., Block 1; Birchcrest Fifth addn-Lots 1 thru 8, incl., Block I; Birchcrest Third Addn,-Lots 1 thru 6, incl., Block 1; Lots 1 . thru 16, incl,, Block. 4; Birchcrest Second Addition-Lots 1 thru 9, incl., Block 1; Lots 1 thru 15, Block 2; Lots 1 thru l4, incl., Block 3; - Birchcrest-Lddition-Lots 1 thru 16, incl,, Block 1; Lots 1 thru 10, incl., Block 23. Lots 1 thru 13, incl, , Block 3. 4. WATERMAIN NO. 88 - Portercrest Addition-Lots 8 thru 2.4, incl., Block 1; Birchcrest Fifth Addition-Lot 16, Block 1; Registered Land Survey No. 327-Tracts B and F; Mikulay's Addition-Lots 2 thru 6, Block 1; Lots 9 thru 15, incl., Block 2; James iio Roberts Estate-Lots 1 thru-6, incl., Block 1; Lots 1 .thru 3,' incl,, Block 2; Lots 1 thru 4, incl. and Lots i 3. 9 thru incl., Lots 1 5. WLTERMliIN Lots 1 incl. 6, WATERMAIN ' Lots 1 7. WATERMLIN Lots 1 8. WIITERMAIN Lots 7 9. WATERMdIN of the 15, incl,, Block 3; lois 1 thru-7, incl., Block 4; 1ots,1 thru 3, Block 7; Lots-1 thru 4, incl., and lots '7 thru 10, incli, Block 8; thru 7, incl., Block 9. NO, 89 - Edina. Bel Air. 5th Addn.-Lots 1 thru 7, incl,, Block 1; thru 12, incl., Block 2.; Holt's Second Addition-Lots 1 thru 9, NO. 93'- Broad Oaks Addition-Lots 1 thru 6, incl., Block 1; thm- 7, incl., Block 2. NO, 94'- Edina Heights Addition-Lots 7 thru 12, incl,, Block 1; ' thru 6, incl,, Block '2, NO. 96 - Benton Park-Lo€s 1 thru 6, incl., Block 1; Edina Heights- thru 12, incl., Block 2, NO. 97.- Sec.19,T.28,R,2k-Parcel #7i3O-Ne223 Ft. of the S 623 Ft. E 272,5 Ft, of the W 33 Rods of SW& ex. rd,; M;tne!rts & Wing's . Addition-Lots 3 thru 6, incl.; Ryan Avenue Additiokot 1, Block 1: 10, WATERMAIN NO, 98 - Sec.20,T,2B,R,24-Parcel #4250-N 56 Ft. of S 322 Ft. of E 586.674 Ft of SE$ of S@ ex rd;.Parcel #6000-N 112 Ft of S 434 Ft of E 586.674 Ft of SE$ of SW$; Loken's Third Addition;Lats 3 thru 7, inclot Block 1; lots 1 thru'll, incl,, Block 2;'Town Realtyrs Edina Terrace-Lots '4 thru 6; incl., Block; lots 1 thru 6, inclcy Block 2; lots 2 thru 30, incl., Block 3; lots 2 thru 16, incl;, Block 4; Outlot Nor 1; Raethey's Addition-Lot 4. Block 1; Lots 1 and 2, Block 2; Lot 1, Block 3. 9. 11. WATE&JN NO. 99 - Edina -Bel Air 6th Addition-Lots '1 thru -8, incl., Assessments for the above improvements 'will be payable in ten .equal con- sedutive annual installments extended over a period of ten years, 'the first installment to be payable with taxes for the year 1956, collectible in 1957,' with interest on the entire assessment at the rate of 5% per.'annwn from the date of the resolution levying the assessment to December 31, 1957. subsequent installment will be added 'interest at 5he same rate for'one year on all unpaid installments I . The owner of any prAperty assessed for %he above improvements may 'pay the whole of assessment with6ut: interest *to the Village Treasurer before 12 of clock noon on December 31, 1956, and may thereafter'make, payment with acerued interest To each' to the County Treasurer. I BY ORDER OF THE VILIXGE COUNCIL, Gretchen S. Llderl * Village Clerk *+ c Motion for adoption of the Resolution was seconde@by Tupa, and .on Rollcall there c weye three ayes and no nays, as follows: aye; and the Resolution was'adopted. . CHANGE OF NLsLME OF WWING AVENUE" LYING, WEST OF N0RMLNDLL;E ROAD. pointed out short street, in Enma lbbott Park, named "Ewing A-venuell, recommending that name be changed now, before ariy dwellings are built thereori; to avoid conflict with Minneapolis * "Ewing 1Lvenuel1 Council directed Manager *to check with Post . Office for nane;to have Ordinance changing name drafted for Council adoption, Manager Hyde \ 4/9/56 ., CHARGES FOR .TTEI;EPHONED LEGKG DESCR&H!IONS I";ND SPECIAL ASSESSMENT SEhRCHES Manager Hyde reported a steadily increasing volume of telephoned rewests from Realtors for .@th Legal Descriptions and Spcial Assessment Searches--a service which has here'tqfpre been a courtesy by the Village but is reaching the point where it cannot'be hpdled by present personnel, policy of chargihg $2:90 per inquiry has b&en established (the.?%llage has lors had the policy of in'akingiIfych charge for written, certified answers to such ?inquiries), before def ini&e,. action by the Eouncil, . I : ' . . .-. PUE€LfC HE;1RINcTS. DNl~PROP~RQV'E&3@S~- Bgineen ZQan presented Preliminary Pla~ and Est ~%es" 6.f-Cos't dor- sev&$&T*%npfnprciltement sa qukgesting that Council schedule Public Hearings thereon for Monday, ApriX 23. crinkles affered the He reported that a tentative He @as directgd'to make a survey of the policy in other municipalities L. .- *. g Resolution and moved its adoption: -. FESOLWION PROVID3NG FCB PUBLIC HEARINGS-PROPOSED CURB AND GUTTER. SI;NIT;IRY SEAW IMPRCIVEN3NTS ' .- BE 'IT RESOLVED by the Gouncil.of the Village of Edina: report as to the feasibility of the proposed Improvements described -in the Form of Notice of Hearing set forth below; and as to the estimated cost of such jmpmvements, said report is hereby approved and directed to be placed on file in the office of the Village Clerk. the Edina Village Hall, to consider in public hearings the views of all persons interested in said proposed improvements. time, place and purpose of $aid,&&eting to be published in the official news- paper once a week far:tw success5ye weeks, the second of w&ch publications is to be not less thqh tl-$c$e dqyg $?ram da6e of said meeting, which noticeshall be in substantially the fo%lowing form: li The Village Engineer, having submitted to the Council a preliminary 2, This Council shall meet on Monday, April 23, 1956, at 1:30 P.H., in 3, The ,Clerk is: hereby authoyized and directed to cauge noticeof the NaICE OF PUBLIC HELRINGS-PROPOSED. , SANITARY SEWER IMPROVENENTS (1) ' NOTICE IS HEXBEE GIVEN that-the Edina Village Council u&Ll meet at 'the Village Hall on Moneq, I{pxil 23, 1956, at 7:30 P&L, to consider the following proposed impmvematq,,, .to'"be constructed under the authority granted by Nbe- sota Laws of 1953, Chap%& 398. estimated by the Village Engineer as set fortli below: 1, The approximate cost of such hprovements is ' EST, GO22 CONSTRUCTION OF SI'I"i;RY SEWER'ilND APPURTENANCES IN THE FOLZCXKWG STREETS: 1 In Valley View Road 'from St,Johns Ave, to 160 Ft East. and in Valley View Rd. from St,Johns; he. to 168 Ft. WGst In Grandview Lane, Existing Manhole to W-52nd St?; W.52n.d St,, Grandview Lane to Bedford he,; - Eedford live,,W,52nd St . to Interlachen Blvd,; bJ;5lst St,, Wi1li.q five, to Bedford he.; Interlachen Blvd, , Bedford he. to Vandervork he, ; Hollywood Rd,; Vaxlervork !me. to Rutledge five,; &&ledge Aver, HollyrJood Rd, to W.48th St, ; Will%& AY&+, W. 52nd St a to W.5lst Sta $46,932- 56 In Drew live,, to serve No. 590 to 5920 and 5901 to 5921, Inc; $2,490.48 The area proposed to be assessed for the cost of said proposed hpmvements is as follows: For I-A - Lot 10, Block P and Lot 9, Block 2, Valley View Terrace Third Addition; For 1-B - Lots ~,4,~,~~~16,17,1$,19;20t21,22,23; Block 3; Lots 6,7,8,9,10,11, A, B, $2,473,20 , ct, Lot t3, Block 1, Valley View Terrace 2nd Addition, and Lot 6, Block I, Valley View Slope. Lots. 13 ,14,13,16,17 @, 19,20 ; 21,2$> 23,&, , Block 9 , Bro aks id? Heights 18,19,20,21,22,23,24, Block 8, Brookside Heights; Lots 1. through 9? Limback ikddition; Lots 1 and 2, Block 3 and Lots 1,2,3,4, Block 5+ Beverly Hills Addn.; and that unplatted properky known %is ?arcel No. 1.410, Section 28, Township 117, Range 21. proposed to be improved, .. 12,&3,l4$ Block 4; Lots 1;2,.?34, 5 liddn: 5 Lots 1,2,3,4,.5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12, Block 7; Lots ~3,14315,1621'7, BJ-o.ck. I- For 1-C - 42.1 lots and tracts of land abutting the portion of the street Gretchen S. Alden ._ Village Clerk (2) NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEiXING-PROPOSED .I .CURB AND GUTTEB IMF'ROVENEPJ! *., NOTICE IS -BY GIVEN that-the Edjna Village Council will meet at the Village Hall on Monday, April 23, 1956, at 7:30. PJf6.4 to Consider the following . proposed improvement, to be constructed under the authority wanted by 1.finrresota Laws of 1953, Chapter 398- estimated by the Village Engineer as set forth below: The approximzte cost of such improvement is .La*--. EST, COST .-* - Construction of Concrete Curb and Gutter in T.T,6Oth St," between Prance A-rmm nnd &5&% .",*reme *, iq-n~& 4/9/56 The area proposed to be assessed for the cost of said proposed improvement is as follows: ltAll lots and tracts of land abutting that portion of the street proposed to be impmved. *I Gretchen S.' Alden Village Hall Motion for adoption of the Resolution was seconded & Tupa, and on Rollcall there.were three ayes and no nays, as follows: &e; %pa, m: -and Fronk, aye; and the Resolution was adopted, I -- - ATTSST : &&d/W village Clerk W TAKING OF BIDS- Engineer Zikan then presented Plans and Specifications for certain improvements, asking that the Village accept bids on April 23, in order that construction might go forward as soon as possible. following Resolution and moved its adoption: CrinMey offered the RESOLUTION APPROVING PLANS AND SPECIFICXI! IONS FOR PROPOSED BLACKTOPPING, SiUITARY SEMEE, WI"ITl3RMAIN IMPROVEMENTS BE IT RESOLVED by the Village Council of the Village of Edina: 1. The plans and specifications for the proposed Blacktopping, Sanitary Sewer, and Watermain Improvements set forth in the following Advertisement for Bids farm, heretofore prepared by the Village Engineer and now on file in the office of the Village Clerk are hereby approved. 2. The Clerk shall cause to be published twice in the Edina-Morningside Courier and the Construction Bulletin the'f ollowing notice for bids for said improvements : ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS BLACKTOPPING: SZAIITLRY SEWER: WATERMAIN IMPROV'EMENTS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that sealed bids will be received and opened in the office of the Village Manager in the Edina Village Hall at 1O:OO A.M:on Monday, April 23, 1956. The Edina Village Council will meet at 7:30 P.M., on said date at the Village Hall to consider said bids, being for the following: BL'LCKCOPPING THE FOLLGWING STREETS : 1, W,52nd St,'from Bedford Ave, to Hwy.#l69. 2, ltshcroft Ave. from IjJ.59th St. to W.6Oth St. 3. W,5&h St. from France fLve9 to Brookview he. 4. Fairfax live. from No. 5800 to 5G12, Inc, 5. Concord Terrace and St.Johns iive.. in Conard Grove Lddn, CONSTRUCTION OF SilNITARY IATERX, SEhlERS I;ND APPURTENI;NCES IN:' 1. Clover Lane. , 2. W.57th St., from Highway No. 100 to Normandale Court. 3. El Rancho Trail, and Interlachen Blvd. to serve hts 1, 2 and 3, Harold Woods liddition and Lot 10, fiuditors Sub. 325. 4. Valley View Road 'from St ,Johns live. to 160 F'ta East, and Valley View Road from St.Johns live. to 168 Ft. West. CONSTRUCTION OF VILLAGE WiiTERMiiIN EXTENSION IN: 1. Clover Lane. 2. 3. IJ.57th St, from Hi&way No, 100 to Normandale Court, From Mater Tower at Fir,69th St. and France Ave. to Existing Main, Work must be done as described and specified in plans and specifications for said improvement on file in the office of the Village Clerk and available upon deposit of $10.00; which deposit is refundable upon return of said plans and specifications. No bids Will be considered unless sealed and filed with undersigned before time of said meeting and accompanied by cash deposit, bid bond, or certified check payable to the Village Clerk in amount of ten precent of amount of bid. Bids must be submitted on basis of cash payment for work. BY ORDER OF THE VILLGE COUNCIL, Gretchen S . Alden 3. hereby adopted as the terms and conditions of award of the contract for said improvement, Village Clerk Each and all of the terms of the foregoing advertisement for bids are Motion for adoption of Resolution was seconded were three ayes and no nays, as follows: hting Mayor aye; and the Resolution was adopted. k/9/56 TWFIC SITUATION 1iT 50TH AND FRANCE BUSINESS DISTRICT, Pursuant to Councilts direction of March 27th, for recommendations on traffic control at the W,rOth St, andFrance business district, Manager Hyde preserrted the Police Deprtment's recommendations, as follows: To improve visibility at intersection'of W.49$ St. and France Ave.-- Establisherit of T'No Parking 4 to 6 P,M," Zone on France Avenue for two spaces North of 1f.49i Street, and I1No Parking 24 Hours" Zone 5x1 space fronting Stow Realty Go. South of W.49$ Street. Establishment of "No Parking 4 to 6 P.M." Zone on 1f'.49% St. *from just '*. Nest oFthe-Post Office to France Avenue. Reservation of a center lane for left turns, at intersection of W.49$ St, and France Avenue. Establishment of "No Parking 2,& Hour11 Zone on North side of W.5Oth St. from First Edina Bank to Highay 100, Establishment of "No Parking 7 tD 9 A.M.; 4 to 6 P.M.Ir Zone on South side of W.5Oth St, from Halifax live,, East to France Avenue. Establishment of "No Parking 24 Hours" Zone from W.5Oth St, south to driveway of parking lot--on West side of Halifax five. 1, 2, 3. 4, 5. 6. Considerable discussion was had by the Council on these recommendations; and Crinkleyrs motion, that the Council accept the recommendations of the Police Department and that the streets be posted accordingly, was seconded by Tup and carried. PETITION FOR VXI;TION OF PORTION OF ANNAWAY DRIVE. Council tbat the Planning Commission had approved Vacation of a portion of haway Drive, but that Council has*not yet held Public Hearing on this proposed- street- vacation. . Crinkleyl s motion? that Public Hearing be scheduled for Monday, May 14, was seconded by Tupa and. carried; Hearing to be contingent uEon approd by Rolling Green Association, BLACKTOPPING OF IJ&ERIDC;E, ROAD, Manager Hyde brought to Councills attention the several communications received from residents concerning methods of assess- ment. Engineer Zikan reminded Action deferred until Public Hearing scheduled for April 23. IfATEWJN EXTmSIONS IN VUXY VIEW ROAD. Mr. Zikan recommended the ehension of wakemain connections' in Valley View Road before street work is started; and Tupa moved for adoption of Engineer's recommendation, and carried, Motion seconded by Crinkley CLUNS 'EDR PlDBNT: Motion by Tupa, €or payment of the following Claims as per Pre-List No. 7, of April 9, was seconded by Crinkley and carried: , , General Fund - $2,258.86 Parks Fund - $3,4l4.39 Sewer Rental Fund - U.50 Liquor Fund - 7,472.94 Waterworks Fund - 4;617.01 Construction Fund - 928.50 Garbage Fund - 1,706.40 Poor Fund - '313.78 There being no further business to come before this meeting, Tupa moved for adjournment, Motion seconded by CrinMey and carried. Neeking adjourned at l0:40 P.M. &&dJW Village Clerk