HomeMy WebLinkAbout19560423_REGULAR*I - 1 .- MINUT= OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE EJXCNA Vu;LAGE COUNCIL, HELD MONDAY, v APRIL 23, 1956, AT 7:30 P,M. .e Members amwering- Rollcall were Bredeseri, Cririkley, Fr.onk and Tup&, Minutes of' the" Regular Meetjng of April ?'. -and of the Special Meeting of April 12, 1956, were approved as subnkitteijl, by motion 'Fronk, seconded by : Mayor Pro Tan Bredesen presided in Mayor Ericksonfs absence, $+ Crinkley and carried, -- AWARD OF BIDS TAKEN MARCH 27 AND APRIL 23; Manager Eyde-presented Tabulation of bids taken March 27, being as foliows: . CARL D. VICTOR ./ .& SWI(AR C.A. CARLSQN &T -. CURB ANf3 GUTTER IN: & co, CARLSON .-&ONS BOLITB 1, Ridgeview Drive-Danens Drive.. 2, W,52nd"St,, Highway $9.69 t6 3e WqY3th St,, France Ave. to W. Lot ; 4* WJkwdland Road-Wooddd e Ave, to 5@ Fairfax Ave,, We58th Sta to 6. Ashcroft Ave,, Wb59th St;to Less Bids on WoT?oodland Road Project 39r. Hyde told the Council that he had asked information from the.bZdders as to the@? financial dtatus, projects they had completed last yew,.-method propoSM #'~~;-4c?*k$:the.work, etc,; that low bidder, Carl D, Samskar & Co, is wi%ho& '$y;~e&.n.ce bincurb &.gutter, but that they are financially all rightg - He stated fhat, with Samskaktda& the work, additional Village supervision wig be need& bu& that becaw8 this is a small project he feels that su?e@sorg ekpense will no% be: as great as the difference in bids between the two low bidders. It was pointed a% that a Performance Bond, must be filed by the Coatractw; and that if it is_&$ermlned by the Village that work is no% going forward according to Vil$g&. specifications it can be stopped . haediately, Crinkley moved for a$Bd of contract to the low bidder, Carl D, San?skar &k Cow, F--pr3 seconded, andhnotion carried, the award being for a3.l projects excep% W,T?oodland Road,. !.NARD @F R.DS TAKJ3 APRIL 23 AT 1O:OO A.M. Ninutes of the meeting at which bids veze %&en were pFesented by the Clerk, and Mansger Hyde presented Pa?w.Lation of Bids, being as set forth ,b-e&w. Affidavits of Publication of lfAd-re&isenen% for Bids, published Cdgrier and Construct ion Bulletin Apz5I. L2 and 1-9, 1956, were appromd ,as 'bo form and ordered placed on file. to Meadow Ridge - B-34 I c +I .. c $2,249,50 $2,573.06 $2393060 '$339022e00 Bedford hea - B-35 2,?86,50 3,171,66 $1223,20 3,765600 fiine Lot 6,13~3, Sbuthwood -%36 3,010,50 3,4.45,00 3,488dO 4,104,50 Concord Ave, - B-37 5,566,oo 6,370.00 6,1t20e50 7,491,m 5812 Fairfax Ave,- E38 886,OO 1,0?.6.00 l,024*55 1,202q50 991,50 1,129400 11 6.80 1,3&0,00 $15,490,00 17,704eOO 17989 c70 20,925.50 -59566,OO -6,370sOO -6,420*50 -7*49Xm50 $ 9,924.00 11,334.00 11,476a20 13,434-00 + Approx, 2lO* qo, - E39 TOTAL BIDS which was abandoned - . (Bid Taken 10:03 AM) Manager Hyde explained that the low bid on Paving Hachine work had been taken at 10:03, duririg the reading of the bids,. The Council requested Attorney ICb&cr.sLfs cpi~Aon 02 accepting the bid, and he s&ated tha$ %his is a E?Ater . of py?Xcy; Shxb, if Council feels that the bid is honest and there was no oppx%x&5y of tXs bidder to benefit by hearing the other bids it may acce>3, !k0 Ekan e,qXabed %ha% Pm*g Machine work is much more even than a blach ~d-x -XP~YQ%; 2 --* ."_' lEk- som dfscussion, Fronk moved %bat contjr-ac% Be wardei tc 51 . -. 1. t -&- *?; .r >):L?:.&: -Q 3&-rlmg y- cy:-?'> ?8y)r'*,, ?C&--c ... 'gc,? ?j 28 2,,-1..; c,- I -'>- . 4/W 36 1'3 3 AtLWD OF BIDS TAKEN APRIL 23 (Continued) NORTHERN PETER PHELPS- BARB!& CONTRACT-, LAMETTI DRAXE . OSSA & ORFEI & SANITARY LATER4.L SEWER: COWANY CONSTbCO, COMPANY NODLUND MARIANI 1. Clover Lane Lm 11,957.96 10,011,40 11,112r50 10,761+65 Nomadale Court 4,356.60 4,6100EQ 4,079@80 kY55O0-50 4,747.40 3. ElRancho Trail and 4. Valley View Rd.,St,Johns Ave. to 160 FtoE, and 168 2* We57th Stby Hwy,#LOO to Int erlachen Blvd (I 15,778eOO 14,999025 143044+70 15,015050 15yo30*55 - TOTAL SANEARY SEWER AND . WATERMAINS $453994~ 15 4830 53 e 63 44, '79L 30 49, 460*00 48,218*55 In presenting these tabulations both Manager Hyde and Engineer Zikan commented that bids are way above estimates, Village Attorney Windhorst was asked for his opinion as .Go legality of awarding bids under the circmstances, and stated the Council has this powerb Mr, Ferrin of Northern Corhracting Company explained the costs of both pipe and labor have increased considerably over last year; and MI?, Zikan added that there is now so much work available for this type of contractor he feels that prices will continue high for some the, $1. .fE * +e ++ Later in the evening, after the Public Hearing or; the Valley View Road Sewer, and with Mr. Anderson, developer of El Rancho,and Mr. Conover of 6409 Interlachen Blvd. in the audience and concerned about the El Rancho project, further discussion was held concerning award of bids above estimate. Messrs. Anderson and Conover were informed costs would be considerably higher than estimate. Speaking for themselves and their neighbors they agreed they wahted the improvement regardless, Tupa moved for award of contract for Sanitary Sewer and Watemnain Improvements to low bidder, Phelps-Drake Company, subjeck to approval by State Board of Health of plans and specifications, Motion seconded by Crinkley and carried. WATERMAIN CONNECT ION FROM AND FRANCE AVEc TO EXIST- CONTRACT, LAMETTI DRAKE ORFEI & WATER TOWR AT We692H ST, NCIITJBRN PETER PHEISS- ING MIw[N ON FRANCE AVENUE. COMPANY CONST c CO c COMPANY MARIANI $2,650.00 851200,00 Manager Hyde explained that in this instance the Village is <taking bids on the laying of the pipe, only; that improvement is needed as quickly as possible and contractors have experienced delay in getting pipet whereas the City of Minneapolis will sell the Village the necessary 200 feet of pipe at once,- He recommended award of antract to Northern Contracting Company, law bidder, and Fronk so movedc Motion seconded by Tupa and carried* PUBLIC HEARINGS ON PROPOSED -~ROVENE?JTS~ C&erk read Affidav&t of publication in Edina-Morningside Couriep April 12 and 3.956, which Affidavit was approved and ordered placed on file, being for "Notice of .Public Hearings-Proposed Sanitary Sewer Improvements" Pursuant to said notice, the following Public Hearings were conducted and action taken: TO 160 F'Ta EAST AND 168 FT, WEST; Vu-Gra,ph Slide was shom of proposed' route of sewer and assessment district, Engineer Zikanfs Estimate of Cos%- (before bids taken tonight) was $2,473020 as against 367.36 assessable feet, for #6,73 per assessable foot, Mr. Zikan explained that bids are way over estimate and that Estimate will be about 30% higher than dven. There were no objections registered fromthe floor, and no written objections had been fixed prior to the Hearing, Tupa offered the following Resolution and moved its adoption: BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the Village of Edina, Minnesota, that this Council heretofore caused notices of hearing to 59 duly published on the pro- posed improvement consisting of Construc%ion of Sanitary Lateral Sewers and Appurtenances in the following streets: , 1. PUBLIC HEARING ON SANITARY SEWER IN VALLXY VDW ROAD FRON ST.dOHNS AVENUE RE3OLUT ION ORDERING IMPROVmNT SANITARY SEWER IMPROVENENT NO, 103 I In Valley View Road fron St ,Johf.s hv~e, *Q 2.60 Bt, East and in Valley View Rd, from St,Johrts AY~, 33 2-68 Ft, West and at the hearing held at the time and place spec%E.ed in said nothes the Council has duly consicleered the views of all persons interested, and behg fully advised of the pertinent facts does hereby determine to pro- ceed with the construction of said improvement; that said improvement is hereby designated and shall be referred to in all subsequent proceedings as follows: Sanitary Sewer Improvement; No, 103 and the area to be specially assessed therefor shall include Lot 10, * BIock 1 and Lot 9, Block 2, Valley View Terrace Third Addition; Lot 8, Bfock 1, Valley View Terrace 2nd Addition, and Lot 6, Block 1, Valley View Slope. I 2. PUBLIC HEARING ON PR~PCBED S~~~~ITARY smm IN GRANDVIEW LANE FROE~ sr.. IJILJG~~ LE. TO BEDFORD AD,: INTEBUCHEN BLVD,, BEDFORD ATTE. TO -.,.F@CM EXISTING HANHOLE TO W.52ND ST.: W.52ND ST., GRANDVIEW LANETO I ET#b@EI ATEWE: BEDFORD AVE, ,~ W. 52ND ST. TO INTERLACHEN BLVD.: W*51ST VANDEFtVORK AVE, : ViiNDERVORK liVE., HOLLYWCOD RD. 9 VNDEBVORK AVE. TO RUTIEDGE AVE. : RUTLF;DGE: Am. TO HOLLYHOOD RDo TO Vo 58TH ST : WILLIAM AVE. + We~52ND ST. TO We 51ST ST* INTERLACHEN BLVD, TO HOLLYVIOOD RD. : Vu-Graph Slide was shown of the proposed route and the assessment district, Engineer Zikants Estimate of Cost being $6,732.58 as against 5,084.27 assessable feet, for $8.55 per assessable foot. Mr. Zikan explained that if Oxford Avenue, ImmedTately to the West of this district, is to be served, the entire line must be dropped and the cost would be increased; that the area to the East of this district will be able to tie into this line. He stated that the cost is high because it will be necessary to replace BlacMop on Interlachen, Vandervork and Hollywood Road. Mr. Zikan was asked why William Avenue between Interlachen and W.51st St, has not been included, and replied that no petition has been received, Mre Bogen spoke up to say he owns five lots, he is in favor of the sewer and is willing to circulate petition for it and can have the petS;tion in in the morning, One resident asked if separate estimates could be had for the part of the sewer line breaking to the South and for that part running North; another asked Mr. Zikan if it would be possible to tie in across Hankerson, He replied that this would be less economical. Fronk then moved that Council continue Public Hearing on this project to May u, that it schedule a Public Hearing on its own motion on the Proposed Sanitary Lateral Sewer in William Avenue between Snterlachen Blvd. and If. Sst St,, and that this project and the proposed iiTillim Avenue project be handled as one improvement; the Hearing on * Will.iam Avenue to be scheduled for Nay 3.4, Motion seconded by Tupa and carried. , I 3. PUBLIC HEARING ON PROPOSED SANITARY SEWER IN DREN AVENUE TO SERVE NO. 5900 TO 5920 AND 5901 TO 5921, INCL. Vu-Graph Slide was shown of proposed route and assessment district; and Engineer's Estjmate of Cost was given at $3.35, including a $.25 connection charge to the Roy Peterson sewer, received today, his estimate is between 20% and 30% low. There were no objections to the improv&mit; however, residents did reaind Council that they have also petitioned for a watermain. They stated they would like both sewer and water installed at one time. Mrm Zikan explained there would have to be an additional hearing on the Watermain, but that bids could be taken simultaneously. Fronk offered the following Resolution and moved its adoption: He stated, however, that according to bids RESOLUTION ORDERING IMPR OVEIENT S~ITIIRY S~GR IMPROVE" NO. 104 BE 7fp RESOLVED by the Council of the Village of Edina, Einnesota, that this Council heretofore caused notice of hearing to b& duly published on the proposed improvement consisting of Construction of Sanitary Later21 Sewers and Appurtenances in Drew Ave,, to serve No, 5900 to 5920 and 5901 and 5921, Incl.; and at the hearing held at the time and place specified in said notice the Council has duly'considered the Views of all persons interested, and being fully advised of the pertinent facts does hereby determine to proceed with the construction of said improve- ment; th-,-F, ssid inprovement is hereby desisated and shall be referred to jx.?.E subsequent proceedings as Sanitary Sewer Improvement No. 104, Fnd 4/23)56 185 and the area to be specialzy assessed therefor shall be as follows: All Lots and tracts of land abutting the portion of the street proposed to be improved, Notion for adoption of the Resolution-was seconded by Tupa, and on Rollcall there were four ayes and no follows: Crinkley, aye; Fronk, aye; Tupa, aye; and Bredesen, Mayor. Pro' Tern Village Clerk PUBLIC HEkRING ON PROPOSED CURB RND GUTTER IN W,60TH ST. BFfWEEN FRANCE AND ABBOTT AVXNUES: Ahso, CONTINUATION OF FEBRUARY IN W,60TH STREET BETWEEN FRANCE AND ABBOTT AVENUES. Affidavit of Publication of "Notice of Public Hearing-Proposed Curb arid Gutter Improvement,!' published April 12 and 19, 1956, which was approved as to form and ordered placed on file. Engineerrs Estimate of "bOst'.for Blacktop without Curb and Gutter was $7,516,80, or $2.79 per Assessable Foot; for .BlackZ;op between curbs, $6,484.32 or $2,U per Assessable Foot; for Curb and Gutter, $8,031.48, for $2,98 per Assessable Foot. requesting split of cost on.60% Village; 40% Owners basis, was discussed* The spokesman for the delegation stated abutting residents feel W160th Street is a tWru-streetll; that the school buses use it, that there is considerable cross-town traffic from Xerxes to France, Trustee Crinkley asked if wider or heavier construction was planned, than is usually given to a regular village street; and Mr, Zikan explained that this street has a very good base; that it has been planned for a thirty-foot traveled roadway, which is usual; that curb and gutter is needed for drainage. Manager Hyde recommended against widening W,bOth St . because of the cross-town to be between 62nd and 64th sts; one short block this street-represents the Itside yard" for abutting owners. Mr. Crinkley explained that, in his opinion the General Fund of the Village should not be required to pay anything for this improvement unless a heavier or wider than usual street is planned, The delegation was asked, I'Assuming that the General Fund will not bear any of the mst of the BlacM;oppkg, ,do you want moved that petition be rejected, CONTINUATION OF FEBRUARY 27TH PUBIC NEARING ON THE PROPOSED BUCKTOPPING OF LAKE RIDGE ROE. agreed upon a method of assessment for the proposed projecte Tkiere were no objections registered, and one resident confirmed Mr, Hydets statement e Fronk offered the following Resolution and moved its adoption: . HEZIING ON BLLCKTOP Clerk submitted Petition He stated that, except for Spokesman answered, "No, we donkt believe we do.'! Fronk Motion seconded by Crinkley and carried. Manager Hyde reported that the residents have now RESOLUTION ORDERING IMPROVE" STREET IINPROVEMENT. NO a A46 BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the Village of Edina, Minnesota, that this Council heretofore caused notice of hearing to be duly published on-the pro- posed improvement consisting of the Blacktopping of Lake Ridge Road, and at the hearing held at the time and place specified in said notice the Counci'l has duly considered the views of all persons interested, and being fully advised of the pertihent facts does hereby determine to proceed with the construction of said improvemerrt; that said improvement is hereby desig- nated and shall be referred to in all subsequent proceedAngs as Street Improvement No. a-86; and the &rea to be specially assessed therefor shall include Lots 1 through 9, Mirror Lake Ridge; that they shall be assessed on the following basis - Lot 1-7&; Lot 248%; Lot 399%; Lot 4-11$%; Lot !5-=11&%; Lot 6-11$%; Lot 7-11@; Lot &-12%; Lot 9-6% of Cost, Fronk, aye; Mayor Pro Tern B 'Village Clerk CONTINUATION OF MARCH 27 PUBLIC HEARING ON THE BLACKTOPPING OF MEMI2 I CIRCIX AND OF DONCASTER WAY FROM W.#169 TO AYRSHIRE BLVD. Mr, Zikan explained that the Blacktopping of Ayrshire Blvd. was originally included in 'the petition; that the only objection arises from the fact that it cannot be included without pemlizing persons w30 have applied for sanikary sewen, be keg% a:t$-'-'re Fxmk moved that pet%ion for the BlscLtopping of Ayrshire Blvd. I'CcSion necrlnded k Tupa and zm5.cdd Fro& then offered .. t'.e Ox.-*. y -..v3 IiL?:.-7':yk -, "E "1-yi Ii?~C.l :t- i-&q-,.-Qn 4/23/56 RESOLUTION ORDERING DPROVEMENT STREET IMPROVEIENT NO, A-8 ( I33 IT RESOLVED by the Council of the Village of EdLa, Minnesota, that this Gomcil heretofore caused notice of hearing to be duly published- on the proposed improvement consisting of the Blackbopping of Merrit Circle and Doncaster Way from Highway #169 to Ayrshire Bl&, and at the hearing held at the time and place specified In said notice the Council has duly can- sidered the views of all persons interested, and being fully advised af the pertinent facts does hereby determine to procee8 with construcuon of said improvement; that said improvment is hereby designated and shall be referred to in all subsequent proceedings as Street Xznprovement No. 8-87; ad the area to be specially assessed therefor shall include all lots and tzacts of land abutting the portion of the streets proposed to be improved, lhtiop for adoption of the Resolution was seconded by Tup, and on Rolldl there were four ayes and no nays) Village Clerk -1 CO!J~INUATION OF APRIL 9TH PUBLIC HEARING ON CONSTRUCTION OF ORNAMENTAL STm N__ LIGX'S,AT W,51ST STRFET &ID INDIANOLA AND JUANITA AVENUES. Wutes of the Eee'cing of April 9th were read, The proponents of the project were not present to submit petitions concerning the number of li-&ts wanted# although Nanager Hyde reported receiving a call from Mrs. Hauck, sponsor of origbal petition, stating that residents want the two lights originally petitioned, Fz, Richard Olsen asked that Council table the petition and provide residents rdth-the usual type of light. Nanager Hyde read letter from IEss Nargaret Ryan, 5101 Indianola Ave., asking that a light & be constructed at her corner. Hr3 Seth lditts, 5113 Indianola Ave., reminded CounciX that this area has been without light for some sixteen years, and stated, "There is no reason why we shouldnlt have lights, and no reason why the Village should carefully evade construction on any particular corner because some one says he doesn't want 2t.Il Mr. Hyde reported that, because of "feeding difficultytr there trill be very little tllfference in cost between two and three Ughts, and that that is the reason he had not prepared the estimates requested by the Council, Fro& moved that construction pro Sect be tabled indefinitely, arld that the Village go ahead with its regular light program, Motton seconded by Tup and carried, I CONTINUATION OF APRIL 9TH PUl3LIC HEARING ON PROPOSED SANITARY SBJER 3N F&izbes of April 9th were read; and Clerk added that question had been receiyed concerning including Highland Road in this project; that petition for SanLtmy Sewer in Highland Road between Crescent Drive and 139.5 Ft, West; of West-tidge Blvd. has now been presented for Gouncil considerationr Qiestions were r&sed as to the costs of. mechanical backfill--wi%h residents concerned as to when streets wi.13 be put back into condition, They seemed to feel that this would add about; 5% to the total cost, but that 5% was rmrth it to have streets quickly repaired, to- mke no comitments as to cost, but that it is his opinion this method as trery considerably more than 5%. Mr. Kenneth Olson, peWiioner for tke Highland Road sewer? told Council these people were led to believe ther would be included, and tvere.surprised to see that they had not been a p3r-k of the district e Mr, Brooks stated he wife's ob Section of April 9 vas more a westion than an objection. Crirkley offered the f oX1owing Resolution nncl moved its adoption: E3 IT RFSIILVEL) by the Co$ncil of the Village of Edina, Minn:sota, thac.'this Govacil heretofore caused notice of hearing to be duly publSshed on the. proposed &provan at consisting of Gonstruction of Sanitary Lateral Sewer m-d Appurtenances in the following streets: . South Line of Countryside Addition, CYEKXJiT DRIVE, HUNTER STREET, VESTRIDGE BLVDC, AND RIDGEWAX ROAD. Engineer Zikan stated he cares There were no objections filedr RESOLUTION ORDERIMG DPROVEMENT SANITARY SBXEZ INPROVEEENT NO, NO010 Crescent Drive from Existing Trunk Sewer South of HighLand Road to )-:m%er Street, from Crescent Drive to Hestridge Blvd, I%skr?ige Blvd,, Highland Road to l4O Ft . S, of Ridgeway Road, B5.dgevay Road from Westridge Blvd, to approx, 210 Ft, Ifp mi att %he hearing held at the the and place specified in said notice the .-z?i.cE k35 ?uly mnsi2ered the vieiqs of 211 persms interested, and being -?-?'T- i. 'IF z.YIcS.?~-:+.XI;-, a? sa;? m.p;-o-mnent,; %ha% szia knpmvemnt ts hereby desig- q?:f.c?C' 0: Q_t2 2e-Lhenk fac%s does hereby de3ermine to proceed with .- - -** '. L' ~ -.. -- -'',P'- cF,f-!?. ~a~~3T~;~'jT N(, 70- a~id ",e i:-ci, +-- f. : g?-r;~ :ai?-r . CrWd.ey then moved, scheduling a Public Hearing on the proposed con&rudion of Sanitary Sewer in Highland Road for Monday, May 28. Motion seconded by Fronk, and carried. * -. .> COHTIWATION OF PUBLIC, €B$RING OF APRIL 9- ON PROP6SED SANITARY ShWEk ,?OR AVE.: I4EU)DY LINEA GROVE'ST. TO MExxlDY LAKE DRIVE. ' Minutes of April 9 were reviewed; and Costs of $4,65 per Assessable Foot., plus $1.09 Connection to CCDE AVENUE. GROVE STo TO Wa56TH ST,: MELODY LIKE DRIVE, CODE AVEe TO CODE Trunk No. 37, plus $600 per L& for Lift Station; were again given, plr. JOB, Moorers letter requesting elimination from the district was filed, Mr. Zikan explained to those present that, if the Noore property is eliminated, the est-ted $600 per *lot might be raised as high as $750. It was noted that there is considerable area directly to the West of this project, now being platted, and which can use this lift station; and Attorney Windhorst gave his opinionthat if this area is considered for sewer before assessment of the presently proposed project the new area can be assessed also, thus reducing the lift station cost. Mr, Zikm also explained to those present that the bids taken today will indicate objdctidns filed; and on$ .omez? .stddd '%Hat 'because .be intends' .to build * on hid lots vdry'shortly tie wants the sewer as quick1y"as possible, It was decided that Mr, borers request be honored; and Fronk offered the following Resolution and moved its adoption: that his estimate 'for Iatefal. constructiori is low. ' There wdre no I* - . RESOLU" ION CRDERING IMPROVENGNT SAktTARY SEWER IXPROVEmNT NOJ06 ' . BE J3 RESOLVED by the Council of the Village of Edina, Minnesota, that . this Council heretofore caused notice of hearing to b& duly published on the proposed .impmvement consisting of construction of Sanitary Lat6ral Sewer and Appurtenances in the following streets: Code Avenue, Grove St, to W,56th St.; ' Melody Lake Drive, Code Ave, to Code he:; Melody Lane, Grove St, to Melody Lake Drive, and at the hearing'held at the the and place specified in said notice the Council has duly considered the views of all persons' interested, and bezng filly advised of -tb pertinat ,facts does hereby determine. to - proceed. eth-the construc%i.on of safd &nprovement,; tha$ sa&d improvement is. hereby designated and shall be referred to in all subsequent, proceed- ings as SANsPtlRy SEWER IMPFiOWENT NO. 106; and the a-rea'to be.special1y assessed tQeI'efor shall be as f ollowsi , ' Lots 1 through 6, Block 1, Melody KnoUs First; Lots 1 and 2; Block 1, Zsts .1, 2 and 6 through 11, Block 2; Lots '1 through 6, 3lock 3, Melody Knolls Second; Lots 1 through 7, Block 2, Melody Knolls Third; Lots 3, * 6hrough 3hnd Lots 6 &rough S, Block l.;%ots 1, through 6, Block 2 and ,- >- ~ -. Lot 1, Block 3, Me3.odx Knofls Foqrf;hA Adpition; . ~ 1. . I' ! -. ,. CONTXNUATION OF APRIL 9 PUBLIC HEARING ON PROPOSED WATERWIN CONSTRUCTION IN GARRISON LANE: FROM WOODDALE AYE, TO ST JOHNS. ,kVE~~ 9 AM, IN WOODDU Am. FROM w.62m ST. TO GARRISON^ LANE. Minutes of ApriZ. 9, showing no'objectiobs to the impmvesnent, were reviewed. No objections, either'ord. or wr5tten were filed at' this meeting, and Fronk offered the following Resolution and noved its adoption: . RESOLUTION ORDERING IMPROVEBNT BE ?3 RESOLVED by the Council of the Village e.? Edi:na, iYnmsota, that this Council heretofore cws~d n4ce c!' fin- f" 't -2 .- . I. .A TF -I->: ~.~s~t.d 333 I1 IC ~r r ~scC; WATIG3WliIN IMPROVEMFNT EO- ^. - -'r- iir .t .conds'cing ,of Watermain Extension 4/ a/ 30 4 38' Extension and Appurtenances in the following streets: Garrison We, Wooddale Ave, to StJohns he,; Wooddale Ave., W.62nd St. to Garrison Lane. 1 and' at the hearing had at the time and .place specified 5.n said notice . the Council has duly considered the views of all persons interested, and being fully advised of the pertinent facts does hereby determine to proceed with the construction of said improvement; that said improvement is hereby desigated and shall be referred to in all subsequent proceed- ings as Watermiin linpro-vement No, 105, and the area to be spciibzly assessedtherefor shall include Lots 1 through 7, Block 1, and Lots 5 through 10, Block 2, all in I~Uers Addition; and North 150 Ft, of West 49,5 Ft. of NE1/4, exc, street, of Section 30, Township 28, Range 24. Mayor Pro Tern d ' Village Clerk CONTINURi'ION OF APRIL 9 PUBUC *HELRING ON PROPOSED CONSTRU~ION OF VIUAGE l?A!T~UJN EXI'ENSION AND APPURTENPlNCES IN IilELODY LAKE DRITIE, CODE AVE. : I.LELQDY LANE, GRWE ST. TO m0DY LAKE DRTVE: CODE Am. TO CODE AVENUE. We 57TH ST, TO W.56TH ST. Minutes of April 9 were reviewed, showing no objections had been filed against this impmvemmt; and no objections, either oral or written, were filed at this meeting, Nr. Zikan explained that because of bids taken today, he believes costs will be above those estimated at the last meeting, but still no objections were filed, ing Resolution and moved its adoptrion: BE IT RESOLm by the Council of the Village of Edina, Minnesota, that this Council heretofore caused notice of hearing to be duly published on the proposed impmvement consisting of Construction of Village Watermain Extension and kppurtemnces in the following streets: Melody Lake Drive, Code Avenue to Code Avenue; Melody Lane, Grove St, to Melody Lake Drive; Code Avenue, W.!j"th St. to W.56th St, Fro& offered the follow- RESOLUTION ORDERING JNPROW'ENENT WTE" DPROVEEIENT NO. lG6 arid at tb hearing held at the the and place specified In said notice the Council has duly considered the views of all persons interested, and being fully advised of the pertinent facts does hereby determine to proceed with the construction of said improvement; that said improvment is hereby desig- nated and shall be referred to in all subserpent proceedings as Wa-bermain Irilprovement No, 1C6, and the area to be specially assessed therefor shall be as follows; kts 1 thmugh 6, Blwk 1, Melody ISnolls 1st Addition; Lots 1 and-2, Block 1, lots 1 and 2 and Lots 6 through 11, Block 2; Lots 1-through 3: Block 3; all in Melody Knolls 2nd Addition; Lots 1,2,3 and 6,7,8, Block 1; Lots 1 through 6, Block 2; and Lot 1, Block 3, all in Melody Knolls 4th Addition, Xotion for there were Tupa, aye; adoption of the Resolution was seconded by Tup, and on Rollcall four ayes and no.nays, as and Br8desen age, and the Crinkley, aye; Fronk, aye; was adopted7 CONTIPJiJkTION OF ZRIL 9 PUBLIC HEARING ON PROPOSED BUCKTOPPING OF We60TH ST. BBQEEN CONCORD f3l"uE AND PARNELL AVENUE. Ehutes of April 9 were reviewed, showing- that property owners abutting the North side of the street want the privilege of furnishing gravel, such as tb developer is-doing ?or - the South 1/2 of the streeto There were no abjections filed at this meeting, and Fro& offered the f ollowhg Resolution and moved its adoption: BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the Village of Edina, Nimesota, that this c Council heretofore caused notice of hearing to be pub!!.ished on .the proposed improvement consisting of the B lack5opping cf %~.~6O.tt-i Street between Concord Avenue and Parnell Avenue; and at %he bearing >el4 at the %?ne and place specified in said notice the SolrnciZ hss diiL;r ~03356ere*. th.3 .r-Lem of all persons interested, ard being ful?,y c,c'.sased 05 ?!,e per.;be?t Ssck Coos hereby detedne Lo prcxesd- w2kh GF;;! cons5?:r';_on, 0: RESOLUTION ORDERD!.. J3FROVE"T STREET IMPROVEMENT NOaA-88 3vvamer,SJ 4 tk2-t said -j-qg~~r~~~~~ is f-evphri r~e*-.pp~~,.or. x'--~?- '1 x y -?p*J- a- - '2 k./23/56 subsequent proceedings as Street Improvement No. A-88, and the area Lo be specially assessed therefor shall include all lots and tracts of land abutting the portion of the street proposed to be improved; gravel to be furnished by developer and owners of abutting property, and assessment to be for Blackb opping only. 139 Motion for adoption of the Resolution was seconded by Tupa, and on Rollcall there were four ayes and no nays, as Tupa, qye; and Bredesen, aye; and the Vfllage Clerk objected to construction on the South side of W.60th St, possibility of eliminating this part of the work, but it did not seen practical, Mat%er of 12" Gutter vs, 181' Gutter was brought out, but. it was felt that the 18'' wmld be the better over the years, Fro& offered the followihg Resolution dnd moveti its adoption: RESOLUTION ORDERBJG SMPROVEMENT Council discussed STREET DPROVEW NO, &f+ 3, BE IT RESQLmD by the Council of the ViUage of Eding,Tnnesota, that thLs Council heretofore caused notice of hearing to be duly published on the proposed improvement consisting of the construction of Concrete Curb and Guttier in the following streets: School Road from Ruth Drive to Shemood Ave.; We59th St,; Ruth Drive to Hwy.#lOO; W,6Oth St,, Parnell he, to Hwy,#lOO; Shemood Ave,, W.6Oth St. to School. Road; Ruth Drive, School Road to W.59th St. and at the hearing held at the time and place specified in said-nckice the Council. has duly considered the views of all persons interested, and being fully advised of the pertinent facts does hereby deternine to proceed iith the construction of said improvement; that said improvement is hereby designated and shall be referred to in all subsequent proceedings as Street Improvement No. EL@ , and the area to be specially assessed therefor shall be all lots and tracts of land abuttingthe portion of the streets proposed to be improved, I m.ET REISOLED that construction shall be 61' Curb and 1811 gutter. Notion for adoption of the Resolution was seconded by Tupa, and on RolZcalL CONTINUATION OF FEERUARY 13TH PUBLIC HEARING ON PETITION TO VACATE PORTION OF ADAMS AVENUE. Manager Hyde submitted letter fronthe Attorneyts Office, which dispensed with legal conditions about which Planning Commission and Council had wondered, There were no objections filed, and Fro& offered the following Resolution and moved its adoption: WHEREAS, petition of a rnjority of the om'ers of real property abutting that portion. of. Adgnis hvenue lying between the North line of Section 30, Township 1x7, North, Range 21 West and a'skrafght line extendirig from the Norbhwest Corner of said Section to the Northwest Corner of Lot 26, Block 6, West Minneapolis Heights, has been duly filed with the Village Council for the Vacation of said portion of Adams Avenue; and said Council has met at the time and place specific& in a notice duly published and posted and has heard aU interested persons, and it appears in the interest of the public that said street be vacated, now therefore: BE IT RESOLVED by the Village CoundL of the Village of Sdiaa that-!!That por%ion of kcl.ams Averwe lying betwesn t5e MorSb Lilre 9: Sectfon 30, To~msfiLp * WOLUTIOE VACATING STREET PORTION OF ftADAMS AVIENUEF . I?!'? NorSl~ Rmge 21 ?Test a22 ;3. s.i;raigh% .- LSJC I) e:r+m'inq ZYXP the ~i?\rlss-k11~mc$ 4/23/56 Corner of said Section to the Norbhwst Corner of Lot 26, Block 6, West Nimieapolis Heights," be- and is hereby vacated. Notion for adoption of the Resolution was seconded by-Ermk and od Rollcall Crinkley there were four ayes and no nays; as Tupa, aye; and Bredesen, aye; and the n Nayor Pro Tern 1, 2. 3. 4@ 5 5e 6. 7. c .- -r PUBLIC, SBARDJGS ON PROPOSED ASSESSMENTS. Clerk subitted Affidavits of PaUication in Edina-Morningside Courier March 29 and April 5, 1.956, of three separate "Notice of Assessment Hearings," publicatdons Affidavits were approved as to fora and ordered placed on file; and, pursuant to said notices the following Public Hearings were held and action taken: _*_ UTERfiL FI%ITEBf.AIN CONNECTIONS THEREXO , - Eianager Hyde read proposed assessment as follows: For Trunk Main, $27,608.06, as against 24,618 -w PUBLIC HEARIIlG ON PROPOSED ASSESWNT ON TRUNK IgATER" NO. 78 AND assessable feet,*for 8.71 per kssessabie Fob$ (as compared wLth ah estinzate of $#73); For Lateral Service Connections to Trunk I4af.n- $43,292,09 as against 7,362.6 Assessable Feet, far $5.88 per Assess- able-Foot (as compared with an estimate of $6.38)~ Mr, G, M, Darken- mld, 305 Grove St,, asked why there is such a difference in his assessment and that of Ms neighbor on W..5&h St, who is paying only about $3.25 for servicen It vas explained that this was a different contract; tht assessment is below estimate-but because Mr, Darken- vald was not satisfied with this explanation, CsinKLey moved that Assessment Hearing be continued to Hay 3.4, for investigation of costs. Motion seconded by Tup and carried. PUBLIC HEXRING OPS PROPOSED ASSESSMENT ON TRUNK FJATE2WiIN IE.TpTiOVE3ENT NO, 81 AND UTE%& WATEFMUN CONNECTIONS THERE?PO. Manager Hyde read -? WY ..d asr;68shTi't ad follows: For Tmnk Main,- &!d23.07 as against . .. - . L95L&,9 Assessable Feet, for 8.48 per Assesszbie Foot (as cornpired with an Estimate of $&2; For Latercil Connectiofis, $5,4U,86 2s against 1,454.8 Assessable Feet for 533.72 per Assessable Foot (as compared with Estimate of $3.@j , There were no objections registered at the Hearing, and no written objections had been received prior thereto. (See Rosolution of later in Meeting, approving Assessment) PUBLIC HEARING ON PROPOSED ASSESSEfENT. FOR WATERfAlN D4PROVEMENT NO. 82, Tatal Assessable Cos% was given as $3,017,82 as against 569 Assessable Feet, for &je3O per Assessable Foot (as compared with Estimate of $4339)e Hr. Hyde explained increase In cost was due to a change In plakting, which took some lots out of the assessable district, There vere no. objections registered at the Hearing, and no militen objections had been received prior thereto, (See Resolution of Mer in Heeting, approving Assessment} . e. PUBLIC WmG ON PROPOSED liSSESSElENT FOR WATERMRIN IMPROVEXENT 33O-~&&~ Xanager Hyde read Total Assessable Cost at $18,693,25 as against 2917r9 Assessable Feet, for $6,29 per Assessable Foot (compared with Estimate of $6&9)0 of later in Neeting, approving Assessment). PUBLIC HEARING ON PROPOSED 1GSESSm'FaR WATEBNAIN DtPROvEE.4ENT NO, 87. Total Assessable Cost was given as $45,575.88, as against 10,851.4 Assessable Feet, for $h020 per Assessable Foot (compared with Estinate of $4&). No objections; either oral or written, were given, Resolution of later in Neetbg, qpproving Assessment) . w PUBL;CCI HEIiRING ON PROPOSED 1iSSESSb.IENT FOR t.IpTERHAIN IH€!ROVEHEXL' NO. 88. Total Assessable Cost was given as $25,970,56 as against 5,902& Assess- able feet, for &,40 per Lssessable Foot (compared with Estimate of $4.39) e There were no objections registered, eLther oral or written, Resolution of later 'in Heetring, approving Assessment) . . . No objections, oral or written, were made. (See Resolution ' (See (See PTJBLIC HEELRING ON PROPOSED I~SSESSMB$T FOR PJATERHAIN IIQ'ROvE*E8T NO. 89. -- .- I-knstger Hyde read Assessable Cost as 88,&74,f+O as against 2,309d Assess- able ?est, for $396? per Assessable Foot (compared with Estimate of $3*74) e NeLtheT @?a?- nor wri+teh objections were filed, (See Resolution of later 5.2 Fsethg. apprmhg Asseasmen'; 4/23/56 1 8, PUBLIC NELWNG ON PROPCISED ASSESSMEW FUR WATERMAWIMPROVEMENT NO, 33 Assessable Cost ks given at #3,710,86 as against 1,212,7 Assessable Feet, for Iaterdt Assessment of &3404 (compared with Estimate of $3.28) plus $,48 per Assessable Foot ConnecWon Charge No, 81 (compared with - *Eatim&e of $&2) for a Total of $3.54 (as compared wi%h Total, Estimate of $3.70). Neither oraJ nor written objections were registered, (See Resolution of later in Neeting, approving Assessment) , *. 9. PUBLIC EE#RING-ON PROPDSED.ASSESSmNT FOR WATERNUN SMPRWEI" NO' !j.& Nanager Nyde read Assessable C'ost as $$3,402,37, as against 1,076,7 Assessable Fee%, for $3.16 per Assessable Foot (compared with Estbate PUBLIC HEXRZNG ON PROPOSED ,ASSESSMENT FOR WATERIKLX XMPRo(7WENT NO, 96. Manager Hyde read Assessable Cost as $3,484.20, as against 1,078,7 Assessable Feet, for $3.23 per Assessable Foot (compared with Estimate of $3*34) + There were no objeutions registered, either oral or wki.t*en. (See Rescelution of laten in Neetiqg, approving Assessment;) of $3917). ." 10, 11, PUBLIC HEARING ON PROPOSED ASSESWNT FOR WATmYNN WRCWEMENZI NOc 97.- Assessable Cost wag given at $3,043,03 as against 7&5 Assessable Feet, for $4,26 per Assessable Foot (as compared with #5.18 per ksess'able Foot), No objections were'filed, either oral. or written, . (See Reso- lution of later in Meeting, approving Assessmen%,) hanager Hyde read Assessable Cost as $24,452,12, as against 6,35l.,2 Assessable Feet, for 03.65 per Assessable Foot (cornpared wi%h Esthate of #4*26) plus Connection Char e to Trunk Watermain #39 of 8.72 per Assessable Foot, for Total of 8 ~4,55. No objections were filed, end no wri%%sn objections had been filed prior to the Nearing. (See Reso- lution of later in Meeting, appPov*g Assessment), - 13+ PUBLIC '€EkRmG, ON PROPmED ASSESSmNT FOR W&mWN INPRC"T:i?6.' 99, Assessable Cost was read at #3,902r6& as against 929,,2 Assessable Feet, for $4,2O'per. Assessable Foot; (h~ compared with 'an Estimate of '84.13) No objections were registered, . and no written objections. had been Oiled prior to the Hearing, 12, .Yd-'JBLIC HEARING ON PROPOSED ASSESSmT FOR WATIB- IMPROVERENT NO, 98 * c '* - - Fro& offered the following Resolution and' mdved'its adoption: ' . ElESOL~ION aD'0E ZNG AND CONFIRMING ASaSSmmS CO"E@ IONS THlBETO: fNl FOR WATERMAIN INPROVEN3NTS FOR TRUNK WATEBMAZN NO, el -ND LATE;RAL WATmUl[N :-. - EZ IT RE3OLVED by the Village Council of the 'VjlXag6 of Ed*, Minnesota, as f o1lo.tfl.s : 1, It is hereby found, determined and declared that the proposed assessments each of them, have been properly calculated in accordance with the provisioris of Minpesota Statutes Fectkn &L2:4,!+1; %ha% notice has beeti duly published as re~ui'x;ed"-by:-Law,'.~~.t-~h~~ CounC$L would meet to hear and pss upon all. objections9 if any, Lo mend said proposed assessments as might be pecessmy, and to adopt the same by resolution; that said proposed assessments have at a11 tbes since their filling been open for public inspection, and opportunity has been given to all interested persons to present their abjections; and that each of the lots, pieces and parcel of land enumerated fn the respective assessmen-bs was and Is specially benefited by the corntruckion. of %he inprove- ment for which such assessment is levied in the amount set opposike %he description of each such lot, piece and parcel 02 land respectively, 2, The amounts so set out are hereby levied against the respecli.ve,2ats3 ' pieces and parcels of land desc&ibed in said respective assessments, and.sa5.d proposed assessmerrts are hereby adopted and confirmed as the proper special assessments. for said hprovements, respectively, The assessment again& each lot, tract or parcel, together with thq'hkerest accruing on the fil2 &noun$ Wereof from %*e to time unpaid, 6% 6e rate of five percent per mwn from the date of this resolution, shallbe a lien concurrent with general taxes upon the property described %herein and all thereofr The total amount of each such assessment shall be payable in-equal con- se-.yi.t;ive amual installments extending over a period of ten years, the first of said Lns-ballments, together with interest on the entire assessment from tl?e dab ham€ 30 December 31, 1957,& to be papble with the general Saxes for the par X@56, arid- om of the remining FnstaZhents, r..i';h one yesF7s intereat ox? ""32 c'4"cI -I;=ms f~y t-ks years 1957 through 1965, aollec%5ble 31 'k%e respective erisuirig year's. for TRUNK WATEWSN NO, 81 AND IATERBL WATERMAIN SEXVICE' CONNECTIONS THERETO: RND FOR WATEWIN IMPRcilflEMENTS NOS, ~2,8~,87,$8,89,93,94,96,97,98 A" 999 and , r? -7 I-:, t"i~:!~~e~ver*~ - . kr,%allmrlt;s, to bc pa~y&?~-o wi-% I 4/23/56 3. "Prior to certification of the assessnmts to the County Auditor, the ~ owner of any lot, piece of parcel of land assessed hereby my pay the whole of such assessment or any installment thereof without interest to the Village Treasurer and'thereafter such paymat may be made with accrued interest to the County Treasurer; provided that if any assessments or installments thereof be prepafd to the Village Treasurer, they shall be cancelled on the books of the Tillage-Treasurer, and he shall promptly notify the Village Clerk and County Auditor, and the assessment or installment so prepaid shall be cancelled on the boks of the County Auditor. 4* The-Clerk shall, as soon as may be, prepare and transmit to tk Cow& Auditor a certified duplicate of said assessments, with each then impaid instd.lment and interest set forth separately, to be e-utended qon Qhe proper tax lists of the County, and the County Auditor shall thereafker cause said assessments to be collected in the nanner provided by law. Said duplicate assessment roll shall be designated as ASSES34ENT ROLL FOR TRUNK T?ATEEIIIAIN INPROVBBWTS NOS. sZ,84,87,88,89S93,94,96,97,98 AND 99; and all .amounts collected in respect of the assessments therein contained shall be similarly ~ designated by the County Treasurer and renitted to the Village Treasurer, and by him credited to Sinking Fund Accounts as follows: For Tmrnk Watermain No, 81 and Laterd. tlaternain Service Conkections; Thereto - to the Sinking Fund Account of the 195.4-2nd Series Improvement Fund . For Wa%emain hprovaents Nos, E32,84,s7,88,89,93,94,96,97,9$ and 99, to the Improvement B ond Redemption Fund, I NO. 81 AND LATERAL t.JATE;RMAIN SIBVICE CONNECTIONS THEEiETO, iiND WATEET*WN ... .- .. - ...... ti Motion for adoption of the Resolution was seconded by Tup, and on_RoLlcaXl there were four ayes and no nays, as follo Tup, aye; and Bredesen, aye; and tfie *Village Clerk BTKEEi RE&UEST FOR €@LIEF FRCM ASSESSMENT FOR LOT 1. ETTNER* S AND IVDJG2 ADDITION (4801 Valley View Road) Pursuant to Councilts request for data on Mr. George atnerts request for a credit against a 6L354.27 Sanitary Sewer Assessment against the above lot, Manager Hyde reported that this accordance with his request of some years ago; that he has been assessed along this side in line with the Village's policy of pssessing on the "short side" of the property; tht, at the time he made his request for connection he had an unplatted property with alnost 300 feet on TTalLey View Road and 179 feet on Parnell; that he has since dilidec! h5.s property aod that lot 1 now measured 116 feet on Valley View Road as against 2.7'9 feet on Parnell Avenue. Mr. Hyde's esaate of Nr, EttneT's assessnent for Z0-b l9 for the Valley View Road sewer, was $852,,39--a difference of 8501,38, was determined that Nr. Ettner had recekred sewer service from Pzrzell Are, for two years before construction of the Valley View Road Scwez, at an equitable credit for this lot, iti was felt that the property had been benefited to 20% of the assessment for the Parnell Sewer ($2);0;00) because of two yearst service prior to Valley View Road construction; that this $270.00 plus the Estimated 8852.00 for the Valley View Road sewer would be an equitable assessment-being a total of $1122.00; of $23ZbO0, and lTing*s Addi'cion, on Sanitary Sewer No. 50 Assessment, Notion secondod by Tupa-and carried. REQUEST FOR PERMIT TO GRADE &" ATTENUE BETI1lEBN NORTH VILLAGE LDiES AKIJ FIEU1OR.E ME EXP?3XSE., Nr. Joe SWsd asked the Village for a grade on He asked that road be allowed to be put in at a %-foot width, to sms several. old trees. Engineer Zikan stated thsre is sane difficulty because properties on the West side of street are high; those on the East side, lox,, He denumed also, at giving grade, stating there are other petitioners ahed of this- 1-k; Simrad stated his plan is acceptable to all residents; and Fro& noved %hat &, Simrad be given grade and permit to go ahead with his plan upon subnission of signatures of neighbors, approving project, Motton seconded by Tupa m-d Carrie d. . property is receiving service from the Parr 52 side (l79,,8 feet) in . il; In arr2ving and naking a difference. Crinkley moved tht a $232,00 credit be allowed Zot 1, Ettnerrs - JEFFERSOU JeffersoziTwksn Avenue so that road may be graded and owners my have gas installed, ... &/23/56 RESURFACING OF WOODDAU AVENUE BETWEkN- TOTER STREFT AND W.60TH STREEX!. Schwartzkopf, 5837 Wooddale Avenue, lea a good-humored but firm delegation Mr, demanding repair of Wooddale Avenue %nto-its original conditioni1 the 5800 anit 5900 Blocks. Spokesman reminded Council that nothing substantial has been done to surface Wooddale since Sanitary Sewer construction some years ago; that- street had been hard surfaced before that time; that the street is now so bumpy as to be almost impossible to travel; that dust is both a hea1th and a traffic hazard, statement, tkt if curb and gutter was installed, street would then be repaired, Audience was informed that street had never actually been blacktopped; that the former surfacing was the result of several applications of-oil over some years, One of the delegation stated she felt txs type of treatment would not be sufficient, now, because of bus traffic, Council suggested a construction pro ject-actual bituminous surfacing--on the basis that the General Fund bear 1/2 the total cost of the Blacktopping and the curb and gutter already installed, Delegation then reminded Coundl that the street between Tower and W.58th Street is in as bad or worse condition than their stretch; that there is no curb and gutter along this part of Wooddale. Fronk then moved that.the Council call a Public Hearing, on its own motion on Proposed Curb and Gutter in Wooddale between Tower St, and W.58th Stzeet, and-on the Blacktopping of Wooddale Avenue between Tower St. and W.6Oth St.; that- said Hearfig be scheduled for Monday, May 28, Motion was seconded by Tup, a Rollcall vote was taken as follows: Crinkley, aye; Fronk, aye; Tupa, aye; and Bredesen, aye; and motion unanimously carried, WM, V, TERRY EXCAVATING COMPANY-EXTENSTON OF EXCAVATING PERMIT. The request‘ of Wm, V, Terry Excavating-Company for extension of permit to excavate on the Delaney Farm, to January 1, 1957, was reviewed, there is not completed; that operations of the Company will be inspected from time to time. seconded by Tupa and carried. PETITIONS FOR OILING: placed on file: Delegation also reminded Council of its .i ~ Mr. Hyde reported that work Crinkleyfs motion, that permit be extended as requested, was -. The folfowing Oiling Petitions were received and ordered lr John St,, Maloney Ave, to Turnaround 2, W.60th St., Fairfax Atre. to ‘St,Johns Avenue t. - PETITION FOR RELIEF FROM’SAhARY SEWER ASSESSMENTS FOR LOTS 5 AND 6. EL RANCHO. Mr, Henry A. Anderson’ applied bok Irelief from Assessment for Sanitary Sewer 69 on the above two lots, stating the lots are in a hole and worthless for building. It was the consensus of opinion, however, that Mr. Anderson’s request was late, and not in order; and he was informed that his petition was denied. HHS CLAIM FOR DAMAGES. Tillage Attorney Windhorst reported that he has informed Plaintifffs Attorneykhat t’he Village has no liability in this matter, The Plaintiff had driven on a street under construction, , * B $31 RESOLUTION FOR CONTRACT WITH SUBURBAN HENNEPIN COUNTY RBLIEF BOARR was presented, Crinkley offered the following and moved its adODtion: - - RESOLUTION - WHEFEAS the Bverning body of the. Village of Edina has heretofme entered into a written contract dated March, 1954, between said municipality and the Suburban Hennepin County Relief Board of the County of Hennepin for the administratibn and supervision of poor relief in said municipality, and WHEREAS it is the desire of both the said municipality and said Suburban Heme- pin County Relief Board to continue the terms of said contract in. full force as in said contract provided, ,. L I and effect until such time as the same may be canceled by either party thereto NOW THEREFORE IT IS HEREBY RESOLVED, that all of the terms, conditions and provisions of that certain contract heretofore entered into between said Village of Edina and the Suburbvl Hennepin County Relief Board, be, and the same hereby are continued in full force and effect and are binding upon both parties thereto the same as though said contract was at this date signed and made anew, and said contract shall remain in full force and effect until such time as the same may be hereafter canceled by either party under the terms. and conditions as provided in said contract. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that a copy of this Resolution shall be signed and executed and filed with the Suburban Hennepin County Relief Board, resolution and th5 roll being called e; 2nd the 4/23/56 Crinkley, seconded by Tupa and carried; it having been determjned that Edina RURAL HENNEPIN COURTY NURSING DISTRICT REPCHZT FOR MARCH was submitted and ordered placed on file, f 44' REQUEST FOR VIUAG3 %ONTRIBUTION TO KENNEFIN COUNTY FAIR was denied by motion 1 . has not made a contribution for several years, / AGQUISITIQN OF TAX DELINQUENT LAND FOR PARK AND PLAYGROUND PURPOGES. Review was made of the Council*s decision to acquire several lots in Clevelandgs Sihdivision, and reported that County requires a Resolution for same, h Tup offered the following Resolution and moved its adoption: F!BSOWJTION FC8 ACQWITION OF TAX DELINQUEXC PROPERTY BE lflt RESOLVED, That the Council of the Village of Edina, Hennepb County, I-Unnesotay make application to the State of Minnesota for acquisition of the foXlowing property, to be used by the Village for public park and playground purposes: Block 13; and Lots 4,. 7, 8, 11, Block 14, Cleveland's Subdivision of Blocks 2, 3, 4, 13, 14 and 15, Enma Abbott Park, Notion for adoption of Resolution was seconded by Crinkley, and on Rollcall Lots 4, 5, 6, 8, 99 U,*U, 12, 13, 14y 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, VACATION OF MUIOR STREE2. for this evening be continued to May 14, was seconded by Tup and carried, Crinkleyls motion, that Public Hearing scheduled OILING POLICY FOR 1956. Manager Hyde explained that, with Council permission, he will notify the newspaper that Oiling Petitions presented by Friday will be honored durlng the next week providing weather conditions permit; that Oiling petitions, from week to week, will be programmed according to location in order that savings can be effected by oiling one section each dqr, Consensus of opinion was that Manager's idea was a good one and that he proceed along policy outlined. PAYMENT OF CLAIMS: Fronk moved for payment-of the following CXaims, as listed: As per Pre-Ust No. 8 - General kuld - $59,869.87; Parks Fund, - $4,310.09; Sewer Rental Fund - $1,066.97; Special Assessments Funds - $634.00; &prove- mats Funds - $5,092,45; P.I.R. Fund - $6,153.32; Construction Fand - $135,852.41; l?atemorks Fund - $33,443,95; and Liquor Fund .- $20,170.76; and, as Additions to Pre-List No. 8 - General Fund - $12,245.27; Waterworks Fund - $850.18; Garbage Fund - $15.00; Sewer Rental Fund - $13.18; Park Fund - &40.00; and Liquor Fund - $68.56. Motion seconded by Tup and carried, CALL OW SANITARY SEWER NO. 53 BCE?DS, Tup's motion, authorizing Call on July 1, 1956, of $15,000 Sanitzry Sewer #53 Bonds due January 1, 1958, was seconded by Fronk and carried, FINANCIAL STi~EXENTS FOR IWZCH were submitked and ordered placed on file. RADIO SYSTEM. Nanager Hydets written report, asking for authority to apply to the State Civil Defense Department for a radio system costing $iO,168.1O-- of which the Village would pay one-half. Discussion was had, with Trustees Bredesen and CrinMey protesting that this expenditure has not been hcluded in the budget, and Manager Hyde urging application, now, because equipment is needed and because, by making application to Civil Defense, a saving of $5,000 in Village funds can be effected. Fronkrs motion, that Council authorize application recommerded by Manager, was seconded by Tupa and carfied, GARBAB COLLECTION CONTRACT. Nanager Hyde presented his recommendatSon for advertisement for bids to be taken on Garbage Collection, recommendation being that Council take bids on several different bases. After discussion on the alternates presented by Manager, Crinkley moved that Village advertise for Collection of Garbage and/or Rubbish, on a five-year contract, with maximum pick-up to be 2-30 gallon garbage cans, on the following bases: on exclusive franchise besis, with Village to handle billing. billing sLc.mh3 bx 'kp md cm--+*:dn 1. 2, Collection to be made from such homes as voluntarily subscribe, Collection to be made from all homes, with Village to handle PI&' I * 6%. 1'4%' . . 4/23/56 - PUBLIG.,:HEARINGS ON IWROVEMENTS: and estimates of cost on several proposed imfz-ovements, requesting thak Council schedule Public Hearings for May After review, 'Frank offered the following .- Resolution and moved its adoption:" w- i Engineer Zikan presented preliminary plans ..I RESOLUTION PROVJDING FOR PUBLIC HEARINGS PROPOSED SANITARY SEWER AND WATERNAIN IMPROVENENTS BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the Village of Edina: 1, The Village Engineer, having submitted to the Council a preliminary report as to the feasibility of the proposed Sanitary Sewer and Watermain Improvements described h the Form of Notice of Hearing set forth below, and as to the estimated cost of such impmvementt3,- said report is hereby approved and directed to be placed on file in the office of the Village Clerk, the Edina Village Hal, to consider in public hearings the views of a11 persons interested in said proposed irapmvements, time, place and purpose of said meeting to be published in the official newspaper once a week for two successive weeks, the second of which publi- cations is to be not less than three days from date of said meetbg, which notice shall be in substantially the following form: 2, This Council shall meet on Monday, May 14, 1956, at 7:30 P,M,, in . The Clerk is hereby authorized and directed to cause-notice of the 30 NOTICE OF HEARINGS PROPOSED fMpROV%NENT!S SfJITARY SEWERS APJD WATERMAINS NOTICE IS HIBEBY GIVEN Chat the Edina Village Council will meet at the ViUage HaJ.1 on Monday, May I&, 1956, at 7:30 P,M,, to consider the following proposed improvements to be constructed under the authority granted by Minnesota Laws of 1953, Chapter 398, by the Village Engineer as set forth below, I.. * CONSTRUCTION OF SANITARY SEWER AND APPURTENANCES IN THE The approximate cost of such improvements is estimated . EST. COST FOLLOWING STREETS: A. 1. B, C, , D, E, F, ' ' Grove St, from, Tracy he. to Stuart Ave.; In Brookview he, from West 63rd St. to West 64th St, $4,400 27 In Benton Avenueqfrom existing manhole West of Code Aver In Highland Road from Crescent Dr. to Westridge Blvda In Cdde Avenue from 5808 to 5816 In Glengary Parkway from Ayrshire BlVda to Highway #169 In Tracy Ave? from Grove St, to Grove St, (South ext.); 2 *. to approximately 80 feet West $ 842072, $10,689.82 $1,760 78 $7,606a22 t. 5 .Stuart Jive*. from Grove St, to Broadview Road; e Bpoadview'Rozd from Stuart @e. to Tracy Aver $19333 5 e 94- G, 3-1 Meridelssohn Lane from e&sting Manhole 80 feet South of Maloney live to Nqloney, Ave, j ' MaJ.oney Ave. -from Meidelssohn Lane to 90, feet West '&,93 5 a 90 ' ,H, In Hansob Road 'from.&%chcrgst Drive to Valley Viiw Rd, j i.1 , . Maddox Lane ,-frdm Wyman ' he * io 345 f e fn proposed eas&me& through Intgrlq from existing Trunk Sewer to WateGan Wateman Ave. from Golf Course easement to proposed easemen5 Between Blocks 21 and 22, Mendelssohn; Easement between Blocks 21 and 22, Mendelssohn from Wateman live. to _Maloney Ave, ; Maloney Ave, from easement between B1 cks 21 and 22, . Mendelssohn to Blake Road; Blake Road from Waterman Ave. to Nortki Villa Behore Lane from Griffit Street to Blake Road; West 62nd St2eet from Wmn Ave. 60 H $17, 869 a 57 I, Griffit Street from Spruce Road to Maloney Avenue $689 652 a 68 J. Along State Highway #lo0 from existing Trunk Sewer to West 63rd St.; West 63rd St a from Highay #lo0 to Rolf he. ; Josephine Ave, from W063rd St. to Wa6t;th St,; Tingdale AVe, from W,63rd St . to W.64th Sts; Rolf Ave, from W.63rd St, to W.64th Sti . f f $44,683 05 #9,421*49 K, In Bernard Place from WabOth St. to Grove St, L. In Grandview Lane from existing Manhole on Grandview Lane West 52nd St. from Grandview Lane to Bedford Ave,; ' Bedford he. from West 52nd St, to Interlachen Blvd,; to West 52nd St,; Interlachen Blvd, from William Ave , to Bedford live. ; Vardervork Ave. from Interlachen Blvd, to Hollywood Rd,; * Hollywood Road:from Vandervork Ave. to Rutledge kve.; Rutledge Ave. from Hollywood Road to W,48th St,; William five. from W,52nd St, to Interlachen Bl-vd, $51,399 4 $7 c Is$ 6 iT 4/23/ 5 6 2, CONSTRUCTION OF VILLLGE 1&2l3E@IfiIN EXTENSION AND JPPURTENANCES IN THE FOLLOkCQJG STREPPS: A, In Rolf Avenue from Roberts Place to Ff,64th St. Bo In Hanson Road from lJ062nd Sto &;Valley View Rd,; C, In Bernard Place from W.60th St, to Benton he. D, In Benton he, from Code Ave. to W.Lot Line of Lot 3, of the Replat of Lot 6 and South 1/2 of Lot 5, Block I, [ $8,083 *I5 $8,27187 .. Maddox Lane from Wyman he, to Hanson Rd. $4,11744 Code's Highview Park $2,444 004 5901 to 5921 Drew he, $29693.52 E, In Drew Avenue to serve 5900 to 5920 Drew Ave. and The area proposed to be assessed for the cost of said proposed improvements is as follows: For 14 Lots 12,13,14,15 and 16, Block 2, Peacedale Acres . For 1-B Lot 2 of Replat of Lot 6, South 1/2 Lot 5, Block 1, Codes Highview Park; Lot 3 of Replat of Lot 6, South 1/2 of- Lot 5, Block 1, Code's Highview Park; West portion of Lot 7, Block 1, Codes Highview Park, For 1-C Lots 4,5,6,7,8,9,10,ll,12, Block 6, Countryside Addition; and Lots 9,10,ll,U, Block 7, Countryside Addition, For 1-D Lot 3 and North 1/2 of Lot 4, Block 1, Codes Highview Park; South 1/2 Lot 4 and North 1/2 Lot 5, Block 1, Codes Highview Park, For 1-E Lots 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8, and 9, Block 1, Lots 6,7,8,9,10,11,12 and 13, Block 2, all in Joh E, Andersonrs Addition to Edina, For 1-F Lots 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10 and 11, Block 1, Lots 1,2,3,4,5,Block 2, Lots 1,2,3 and 4, Block 3, all in Broadmore Addition; South 230 feet of Lot 9, South 230 feet of Lot 10, and the Southeast 150 feet of Lot 11, all in Warden Acres. For 1-G. West 645 feet of Lot 6 and the South 120 feet of Lot 7, including adj, alleff-mcated; and the East 1106 feet of Lot 6, all in Block 14, Mendelss ohn , For 1-H Lots 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9, Block 3, Lots 1,2,3,4,5, Block 2, Lots 1,2, 3,4,5,6,7,8,9, Block 1, all in IJSmants Southview 2nd iiddition; Lot 1, 2, and 3, Block 1, Birchcrest 4th AdcEtion; Lots 9,10,ll,12,13,14, and 15, Block 1, Birchcrest 5th Addition; and Tract flfi", Registered Land Survey #424. For 1-1 Lots 6,7,8,9 and 10, Block 3, Lots 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9, and 10, Block 4, Lots 1,2>3,4 and 5, Block 5, Lots 1,2,3,4,5 and 6, Block 12; Block l.4, all in Hendelssohn; Ascension Addition; Block 21, Mendel- ssohn; Block 22, Mendelssohn; Block 27, Mendelssohn; and Block 23, Mendelssohn. Lots 1 thru 15, inc., Block 2, Lots 16 thru 30, inc., Block 3; Lots 1 thru 30 inc., Block 4; Lots 5 thru Uc, hc,, Block 5, all in Normandale 2nd Addition; Lots 1,2,3 and 4, COG, Carlsonfs Rearrangement of Lots 1,2,3 and 4, Block 5, Normndele &d Addition; Lots 8 thru u, inc., Block 4; and Lot 8, Block 1, all in Roberts Estate; Lot 7, Block 2 in Terry Knolls; the West 100 feet of South 285 feet of East 561.19 feet of North 1/2 of Govt. Lot 1 (Parcel 6010); the West lOO.05 feet of East 383.19 feet of South 235 feet of North 1/2 of Gov't, Lot 1 (Parcel 6042); and commencing at a point in the East line of Gov't, Lot 1, distant 131 feet south from the N,E. corner thereof; thence West 258.U feet; thence south 90 feet; thence ?!est 25 feet; thence South to south line of North 1/2 of Lot 1; thence East 283,1L, feet to East line thereof; thence North to beginning ex. rd. (Parcel 8522); lJ.1 in Section 4, Township 116, Range 21. For I-K Lots 1,2,3,4,5 arid 6, Block 2, Lots 1,2,3,4,5, Block 4, Lots 14 thru 24 inc,, Block 1, all in Codes Highview Park. For 1-L Lots 1 thru 24, inc,, Block 8, Lots 1 thru 23, inc,, Block 3, Lots 13 thru 24 inc., Block 9; Lots 6 thru I.& inc., Block 4; Lots 1 thru 12, inc., Block 7; Lots 15 thru 23 inc., Block 2; all in Brookside HeigMs; Lots 1 and 2, Block 3, and Lots 1 thru 6 inc,, Block 5, all in Beverly Hills Lddn.; Lots 1 thru 9 inc,, all in Limback addn,, and that unplatted propeAy known as Parcel No. UlO, Section 28, Topmship 117, Range 21; ad all lots located within the following mentioned boundaries shall be assessed for the proposed sub-trunk: Commencing at the SW Cor. Of Lot 5 of the Replat of Block 1, Emma Lbbott Park; thence East along the South line of said Lot 5 to Oxford he.; thence South to the NW corner of Lot 10, Block 4, Beverly Hills Addn,; thence East dong the North line of Lots 10 and 11, Block 4, Beverly HiUs fiddn, to the NE corner of Lot 11, Block 4, Beverly Hills Addn.; thence South to Inter- lachen Blvd.; thence Southwesterly to the NE corner of Lot 1, Block 4, Beverly Hills Addno; thence East dong the North line of Lots 10 and 11, Block &? Beverly Hills Lddn. to the NE corner of Lot ll, Block 4, Beyrerly Hills iiddn,; thence South to Interlachen Bl.vd,; thence SWly to the BTF Cor- of Tot -_- Block 4, Brookside Heights; th, South 1-30 Ft-; Lots 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12, Block 13; Lots 1,2,3,4, and 5, For 1-J Lots 16 thru 30 inc., Block 1, , For For For For For 147 41231 56 thence West to the NS alley located between Bedford and Oxford Avenues; thence Southerly to the SE Cor, of Lot 18, Block 7, Brookside Heights; thace West to the SW corner of Lot 79 Block 6, Brookside Heights; thence Northerly along the,TnTest 'line of Lots 7,6,5,4,3,2, and 1, Block 6, Bcookside Heights, Lots 11, 10,9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2, Block 5, Brookside Heights and Lots 8,6,5,4,3, Block 1, Beverly Hills Addn, to the SW Cor. /I of Lot 5, Replat of Block 1, Emma Abbott Park which is the point of beginning, 2-k Lots 2,3,4,5, Block 5, James A. Roberts Estate; Lots 1,2,3 and 4, COG, Carlsonts Rearrangement of Lots 1,2,3 and 4, Block 5, Normandale 2nd Addn,; Lots 5 thru' 14, inc,, Block 5, Lots 16 thru 30 inc,, Block 4, all in Normandale 2nd Xddn, 2-B Lots 1 thru 9 inc,, Block 3; Lots 1 thru 5 inc,, Block 2, Lots k thru 9 inc,, Block 1, all in Wymants Southview 2nd kddn, and Tract IIA!!, Registered Land Survey #424, ' 2-C Lbts 1.4,15,16,17 and 18,. Block 1 and Lots 1,2,3,4,5, Block 4, Codcis Highview PaPk,' . , ~ - .-. 2-D Lots 1,2 and 3, Block 1, Replat of -Lot 6 and South 1/2 of Lot 5, Block 1, Codes Highview Park; and Lot 7, Block 1, Codes Highview Park, 2-E All lots and tracts of land abutting the portion of the street proposed to be improved, 5- .. GRETCHEN Sa ALDEN Village Clerk Village of Edina Motion for adoption of the Resolution was seconded by Crinkley, and on Rollcall there were four ayes and no nays, as follows: Tupa, aye; and Bredesen, aye; and the Resolution was adopted. //*/ Mayor Pro Tan Crinkley, aye; Fronk, aye; Second Reading was had of proposed?Ordinance. No, 11-1, 'and Fronk offered the Ordinance and moved its adoption, Ordinance reading as follows: ORDINANCE NO. 11-1. ' * AN ORDINANCE &ENDING ORDINANCE -NO. * 11 OF THE VILLAGE ' BY COMBINING THE OFFICES OF CLERK AND TREASURER, PRESCRIBING THE DUTIES OF SUCH COMBINED OFFICE, AND REPEALING SECTIONS 2, 3 AND 4 OF SAID ORDINANCE THE VILLAGE CCUNCIL OF THE VILLAGE OF EBINA; MINNESOTA, ORDAINS: .. Section 1, Section 2, amended .by adding thereto .the -following: Sections 2, 3 and 4'of $Ordinace 'No, 11 of the Village are hereby Said Ordinznqe; as ame.nded in the preceding'paragraph; is hereby repealed, '. 14Section 2, Duties of Clerk-Treasurer, The offices of Clerk and The duties 'of such ' Treasurer 'of the Village are hereby ccmbined, combined office shall be such as are prescribed for the offices of Village Clerk and.Treasurer by the laws of the state, The Clerk- Treasurer shall act as Secretary of the Council and.shal1 perform such other duties as may be prescribed by the Council'from time to time, Vection 3. Surety Bonds. In addition to those officers required by law to furnish corporate surety bonds conditioned for the faithful exer- cise of their duties- and the proper application'and payment of moneys received by them, such surety bonds shall be fuinished by other'dfficers and employees of the Village as may be required by the Village Mansger. The amount of such bonds shall be fixed by the Council and the premium thereon shall be paid from the Village funds.!' -. . . - .-_ Motion for adoption of the .Resolution was seconded by Tupa, and on Rollcall there were f.our ayes and no nays, as follows: , Crinkley-, aye; Fronk, aye; Tupa, aye; and Bredesen, aye; ar;d the Resolutiori was adopted. . .. ATTEST : c Mayor Pro Tem .I Village Clerk AWARD OF RID F@R EBXES AVENUE FROM W.62ND -STREET TO W,66TH STREET. 'Manager Hyde presented County Engineer Pedersonts le3ter of April 20, accompanied by Tabulation of Bids for County Project-No. 5610, showing the low bidder to be Orfei & Maria&, amount $105,7>5.28, Discussiorx was had, after 'which Tupa mosed, Crinkley seconded, and motion carried, that Village accept the bid of the low bidder and so notify the Board of Hennepin County Commissioners, , ', 4/23/56 ( CONTRACT FOR GE3JEEU& ENGINEERING SERVICE FOR VILLAGE- STREET ~PROVEl-ENTS NOS. C-66, C-67, A?D C-68 (France Avenue, W,66th St., and Valley View Road) , Yinager Hyde presented proposal of E, C. Bather and Associates for general engineering services in- connection with the above named projects; said proposzl having received the approval of the County Highvray Engineer; and a letter dated April 20, from Southdale Center, Inc,, agreeing to reimburse the Village for the cost of such engineering services. It was pointed out that our engineering department cannot supervise this work and still give service to the oiher construction projects now under construction, - Nanager Hyde recommended thzt the Village enter into proposed contract, and Tupa so moved. Motion seconded by Crinkley and carried. There being no further business to comb before the Council, and the hour being 12:05 A,lL, Tuesday, Tupa moved for nt, I4otion seconded by .. Crinkley-and =piede ... Vill<ge Clerk _.. . - . .- ., - f .- .*