HomeMy WebLinkAbout19560514_REGULAR149 . __-_.------ . 5/3.4/56' + - 1 5 '-.THEREGUL EDWKILLAGE c OUNC IL, 14, 1956, AT 7r30 P.M,, AT // - 3%VQCATION was given by Rev. Harold Schweigeh of St,Petiers Lutheran Church, Members answering RoUcall were' Bredesen, CrinkLey, Fronk, Tupa and Ericks on, Mayor Erickson was excused during the meeting, as recorded below, and Mayor ~ Pro Tern Bredesen presided thereafter, Minutes of the 'Regular Meeting of April' 23rd were approved as submitted, by Motion Fronk, seconded by Tupa and carried, PUBLIC HEARINGS ON PETITIONS FOR STREXT VACATIONS: Clerk presented Affidavits of Publication in Edina-Morningside Courier April 26 and May 3, and of Posting on Official Bulletin. Boards April 23, of "Notice of Public Hearings on Petitions for Street Vacations,'! which notice was approved as to form and ordered placed on file, Fursumt to said notice, the following Public Hearings were held and 1, . action taken: PUBLJX HEARING ON PETITION OF MR, GUXNAR JOHNSON FOR VACATION OF PORTION OF ANNAWAY DRIVE. Plat was presented, showing portion of knnaway Drive cited for Vacation. Mayor Erickson asked for objections and recommen- . dations, and W. Johnson spoke in behalf of his petition, There were no objections filed, either oral or written, and Bredesen offered the follo- bg Resolution and moved its adoption: RESOLUTION VACATIhTG STFLEET PORTION OF ANNAWAY DRIVE WHEREAS, petition of a majority of the owners of real property abuttipg that portion of ANNAWAY DRIVE as platted in Rolling Green Section Two, described as follows : "Beginning at a point on the west line of Annaway Drive, as platted in Rolling Green Section Two, a distance of ninety one and fifty one- hundredths feet (91.50 feet) north of the southeast corner' of Lot 45, Rolling Green Section Two, thence on a curve to the right with a radius of one hundred and twenty five feet (125 feet) to its intersection with the east line of said haway Drive; thence north along said east line of said haway Drive to the north line of the plat of Rolling Green Section Two; thence West fifty fee% (50 feet) along the northerly line of said plat to the west line of. Annaway Drive; thence South along said west line of Annaway Drive to the point of beginning," has been duly filed with the Village Council for the Vacation of said portion of ANNAWAY DRIVE: and said Council has met at the time and place specified in a notice duly published and posted and has heard all interested persons, and it appears.in the interest of the public that said street be vacated, now there- fore: BE IT RESOLVED by the Village Council of the Village of Edina that that portion of ANNAWAY DRIVE hereinbefore described, be and is hereby vacated. * I Motion for adoption of the Resolution was seconded by Fronk, and on Ro3-Zcall there'were five ayes and no nays, as follows sen, aye; Grinkley, aye; Fronk, aye; Tupa, aye; and Erickson, aye; -- I /- 2, PuBLrc HEARING ON PETITION OF MINNEAPOLIS, NORTHFIEID AND'SOUTHERN-RAILWAY COMF'LNY FOR VACATION OF PORTION OF MOTOR STREEZ; this requ'est being in. connection with their plans for general 'improvements in this area, Mayor Erickson called for recornendations and objections, and Mr, McPherson of MN&S. filed the written assent of three neighboring property ownersI No objections were filed, either oral or written; and Tupa offered the following Resolution and moved its adoption: , RESOLUTION VACATING s?IREET PORTION OF MOTOR STREET WHHZEAS, petition of a majority of the owners of real property abutting that . portion of MOTOR STREET, as platted in "Brooksi.de Terrace", lying south of the old Minneapolis and St,Paul Suburban Railway Right-of-way and between the East and West Right-of-way lines of the Mime apolis, Northf ield- and Southern Railway Company Right-of-way, in Section 28, Township 117 North, Range 21 West; said portion of Motor Street being One Hundred and Eleven Fee% (111 feet) long and forty feet (40 feet) wide, has been filed with the Village Council for the Vacation of said portion of Motor Street; and said Council gas met at the time I ! and place specified interest ed persons , 5/ui/56 in a notice duly published and posted and it appears in the interest of the and has heard all public that said street be vacated, now therefore: BE IT lzESOLVED by the Village Council of the Village of Edina ,that sa5d . por€io-n -of IOTOR STREET herehbef ore described, .be and is hereby vacated, Motion for adoption of the Resolution was seconded by Fro&, and on Rpllcall there were five ayes and no nays, as foll Fronk, aye; Tupa, aye; and Erickson, aye; r- I -;/&&w ..4 7 "Village Clerk PUBLIC HEXDIGS ON PROPC\SED II@ROV"TS: Clerk- presented Affidavit of Pub=-- cation in Edina-Morningside Courier Ma;y 3 and LO, 1956, of ']Notice of Hearings, Proposed Improvements-Sanitary Sewers and Watermains," which affidavit was approved as to form and ordered placed on file. folloiving Public Hearings were conducted and action taken: Pursuant to said Notice, the z. 2, . * . 3. .. k. 5. 6. PUB~C HEARING ON PEOPOSED SANITLRY LAT~J, smm IN BROOKVIEW ;,TTENUE: EEIWEDJ W.63RD AND 'CJ-64TH ST-TS. given at $4,400,27 as against 577.38 Feet Assessable on the East side of Engineer Zikanls Estimate of Cost was this block,-making a cost of $7.62 per Assessable Foot. He explained, though:, that the properties on the West side of the street have had connections to Trunk Sewer #69, at &.OO per front foot; that Attorney Windhorst has stated that funds from Sewer #69 Improvement may be transferred to this improvement to help defray the high costyif the Council so rules. Council seemed to be in general inform@. agrement that the East side of street should not be required to pay the entire cost. written (See Resolution of later in Meeting, Approving) . There were no objections to the improvement, either oral or PUBLIC HEARING ON PROPOSED SA3KClL'iRY LATEBAL SEWER IN BENTON livENuE FROM EXISTING MINHOLE: illEST OF CODE AVE. TO APPROX. 80 FT. WEST. Engineer's Estimate of Cost was $842.72 as against 287.72 Assessable Feet, for $2.93 per Assessable Foot. There-were no objections registered, either oral or written. (See Resolution of later in Meeting, &proving), PTBUC HEARING ON PROPOSED SfiNlTLRY LlZERkL SEWEFt IN HIGHLAND ROAD Lk-2jm, FROM CRESCENT DRIVE TO WF3TRIDGE BLVD, Engineer's Estimate of Cost was given as $10,689.82 as agarinst 1,426.30 Assessable Feet, for $7.50 per &sessable Foot. Petition in opposition to constnxtion on the East side of 3l-e street was filed by sone sjx property owners, who stated they neither need nor want sewer at the present time, but that they do not wish to block it for the area at the West end of the street. Engineer Zikan stated the sewer could be constructed in that portion of the street petitioned for, and it was the general. agreement of the Council that construction should be from Westridge Blvd, to include Lot 9, Block 6 and Lot J-2, Block 7, Countryside Addition. Resolution of later in Meeting, Approving). (See PUBLIC HEiBING ON PROPOSED SIJJITARY Lt'LTERfiL SEtZR TO SE;Rvp: 5808 TO 5816 CODE I:vENuE. against 265.83 ksessable Feet, for $6.62 per I?ssessat&e foot, were no objections filed, either oral or written. later in Meeting, Approving) 1YRsHTRE BLW. TO HIGHWAY #169-212. given as $7,606.22 as against 1,952.37 Assessable Feet, for $3.90 per Assessable Foot. (See Resolution of later in Meeting, Approving). PUBLIC HEARING ON PROPOSED SANITLRY LATER& SEWER IN I=EMIEIdjSOKN LfJlE WNEY AWE. FROM IENDELSSOHN LiiNE TO 90 FT. IJEST . . $ng@eer Zikan' s Estimate of Cost .r.ras given as $1;935;90 Feet, for $8.76 per Assessable Foot. the floor, and none had been filed prior to the meeting. (See Reso- lution of later in Meeting, approving. Engineer's Estimate of Cost was given at $1,760,78 as There (See Resolution of \ PUBLIC HELR7NG ON PROPOSED SLtVITARY SEWER IN GLENGARRY PIJUSWAY FROX Engineer's Estimate of Cost was ,There were no objections, either oral or written. FROM EXISTING 3GiNHOLZ TO 80 FT. SOUTH OF MALONEY AVE. TO MALONEY as again& 221.00 Assessable There were no objections filed from 7. ~ 5/14/56 . Foe%,- There -we$e no objections -filed at the Hearing, and no written objections had been filed prior thereto. Meeting, approving) . (See Resolution of later in 8. PUBLIC HEkaINGS ON PROPOSED SANITLRY SEtJER IN BERNLRD PLACE FROM Wa60TH STREET TO GROVE ST. $ 9,421.49, as against 2,245+2G, ilssessable Feet, for $4.,2Q per Assessable Foot. There were no objections registered at the Hearing, and no written objections had been received prior thereto. Meeting, appro xing) . Engineer Zikan's Estimate of Cost was given as (See Resolution of later in 9. PUBLIC HEXFLING ON PROPOSED WATERMilIN EX?E;NSION IN BERNARD PLLCE BET" W0@TH F STRmT AND BENTON fi.VEN& Engineer's Estimatt., of Cost was $4,177.44 as against 1,00'?c80 Assessable -Feet, for $&Z5 per Assessable Fobt. (See Resolution of later in Meeting, approving), There were no. objections registered, either oral or written. 10 . PUBLIC €BARING ON PROPOSED Sl&lTARY SEWER IN HANSON ROAD FROM BIRCHCREST W.62ND STREET FROM W"-f,vE, TO HANSON ROAD. Engineer Zikan's Estimate of Cost was given at $17,869.57 as against 2,929.09 Assessable Feet, for $6Jl per Assessable Foot. There were no objections registered, either - oral or written.. DRIVE TO Vi&LEY VIEW ROAD: MfiilDOX LANE FROM WYMXi' .LIE. TO 345 IT!. WEST: (See Resolution of later in Meeting, approving). 11. PUBLIC HEJ3ING c9\T PROPOSED WATERMAIN EXTENSION IN H;INSON ROAD FROM w.62~~ STREET TO VlX&EY VIEM ROAD: MLDDOX LLNE FROM WDfAN ATE, TO €it'iNSON ROAD. Engineer's Estimate of Cost was $4.39 per lissessable Foot--$8,271.07 as * against 1,886.17 Iissessable Feet were made. PUB LIC HEXRING ON PROPOSED SLNIT:2RY SMR IN PROPOSED EAS@lENT THROUGH SNTERQLCKEN GOLF COURSE FROM BXISTING TRUNK SEWER TO WATERMf&s.LVE. : Neither oral nor written objections (See Resolution of later in Meeting, approving). 12. WATERMAIN AVE. FROM GOLF COURSE IGSEbENT TO PROPOSED EfiSEbENT BETWEEX BLOCKS 21 AND 22, MENDELSSOHN: EkSmW BETlzTEEN BLOCKS 21 AND 22, TO BLAKE ROAD: BLAKE ROAD FROM WATEBMAN ATE. TO NORTH VILLAGE LJXITS: MENDELSSOHN, WfETWiN' fiVE. TO MLLONEY AVE, : MA.LONEY AIE. FROM EiLS-T BEIBORE LANE FROM GRIFFIT STREET TO Bb'KE: ROAD: GRIFFIT STmT FROM SPRUCE R0lj.D TO MALONEY AVE, Engineer' Zikan's Estin-ate of Cost was - given as $68,652.68 as against 6,105 i'ssessable Feet, for $11,25 per Assessable Foot. He explained that the cost is especially high because assessment cannot be made now against Blocks 21 and 22, Mendelssohn for that portion ofthe sewer crossing South to North between khese lots, inasmuch as the properties' have not been platted and there is no street thrugh. greater area than that covered by plans; Dr, Ford, 4Ol Blake Road, asked .I 1 I for a connection from Blemore Lane, asking that mah be constructed down Belmore Lane to John Street and then on John Street to North Village Limits. be assessment against his property, and was told there is no assessment for the part of the #line running between Blocks 21 and 22. he ow& the -W091 Ft . of 31ic.21,' Mendelssohn-which will receive ast assessmerrt for the Blake Road portion of the line. that, under new State Statute, it will be possible to defer aaportion of the assessment until such time as Blocks 21 and 22 receive service, if the Council so desires; this method reducing assessments for the balance.of the area. continued to First Regular Meeting in June; that a line in Belmore Lane from Blake Road to John Streek and then on John Street to North Village Limits be included in the plans, and that details regardingdeferred assessments for Blocks 21 and 22, and the cost of easements across the Country Club Golf Course be worked out by said medbg. by Crinkley and carried, -_ Mr. LEo Howland, 321 Blake Road, stated petition is for a * Mr. Walter Rienstra, 6220'Watemarj Ave,, asked if there would He stated Mr. Zikan explained ,' Bredesen moved that this Public Hearing be I - Motion seconded 5/14/56 13. PUBLIC HEARING ON PROPOSED SRW~ARY LATERKG SEWER ALONG STATE HIGHWAY #lo0 'FRON EXISTING TRUNK SEWER TO I?. 63RD ST : We 63RD ST a FRON HIGHWAY #lo0 TO ROLF &?E. : JCSEPHINE AVE, FROM WEST 63RD ST, TO IJEST 64TH ST, : TINGDlJJ3 AVE. FROM WEST 63RD ST , TO WEST 6hTH ST, : ROLF AVE, FRON 'WEST 63RD ST, TO WEST 6hTH ST, .Engineer Zikanls Estimate of Cost was given as $44,683,05 as against 5,091.78 Assessable Feet, for $8.78-per kssess- able Foot, ties in the area nust bear the cost of the main along 17,62rd Street, He advocated including the area to the South, which will actually receive service from this n?ain, I&,, -Arthur W, Nelson, 6300 Josephine Avenue, spoke in support of a petition .filed earlier requesting'deletion of Josephine Avenue beteeen 63rd and 64th Streets from plans for sewer , because this area is part of the proposed crosstovm cloverleaf, Mrq Peter Elsen, omer of five lots on Tingdale Avenue and ten lots on Wilryar A-recue, stzted he will be glad to have his properties added to petitzon; axi ET, Rudolph Vksterherg, ower of several lots on Tingdale Avxue3 statled thzt when k?,p, sigic2 petikicn Le Selieved connection would bo from ths area tlo the Forth; that he 2oes not wanti the sewer bacfly enough to pay the cost estbated, and xould like his; name rmoved from the petition, Ers, Eric Johnson, 6355 Eolf, asked if &gineer could figure the cost of a connection frcm Eojerts Place, as well as figuring an extended trunk district as he advocated, Tupa's .motion, that it is the conSensus of opinion that the trunk-area assess- able be increased as per advocated by the Village Engineer, and that this Hearing be continued until such time as proper Engineering work has been done, was seconded by Crinkley and carried, - Ik, Zikan explained that the cost is high because the propet- I' * , ' & PJUBLIC HEARING ON PROPEED S3VITARY SEGJER IN GRABDVIEf.J GNE FROE ESISTTNG MXHOIE ON GRAISDVIEU LQJD TO FTEST 52VD ST : FiEST 52ND ST TO IN';%RLi;CH3!J BLVD, : INTE22IACHEN BLVIj, FRON '6.JIUI!&l &.Ed TO BEDFOE -9 hQOD RD FROX VAUD3RVCRK kVE, TO RUTLEDGE AVE. : RUTLEDGE Am. FaOM- -. HOLLYGJCOD RO!;D TO W,4€RH ST,: WILL=%, FROM 17.52ND ST, TO INTER- u__ UW+X BLVD, This new Hearing is for the inclusion in the assessable district of ITilliam Avenue between Interlachen and W,Sst St,, with a line in this street, Mr. Zikanls New Estimate was given as $7.74 per Assessable Foot as compared with $8,55 per Assessable Foot as given on- April 23* Questions were received concerning the necessity of all in tlis clistrict paying for replacemefit of Blackbop in Hollyr.~ooct Road, Vande-rvorlc and Interlachen Road; and Council informed audience that for the area South of Interlachen, they cannot have tbe sewer unless 2% is cxL. ?t,?d at Rutledge and 48th St, and that, therefore, it is . only equ2table that they pay their pmportionzte share-for the repair cf tke Elacktopped Streets, Ern Nolting., 5%!O l?illitx, asked that William be allomd to connect at the Sou-hh, and this receive lower cost; 2-'> I?~-.c?.c~l;n objected thzt hslf of Tisillie, at least, must be connec5ed to the Rorth. Ee/&$us~&!i$8& by Hr, Schseffer of 51-33 31illiax- South of Interlachm be included, thus making more property to assess, but Nre Zihn stated %hat there are several low homes at the corner of Interlachen and Oxford; that the line would have to be lowered about eight feet to serye these properties; that it will be more economical to run 8 line way to Division Street to serve these properties. reported receipt of a new petition for Sanitary Sewer in the 5300 Block on Hollymod Road;rJith signers requesting that this area be included in this project if possible. Resolution and moved its adoption: FROX GR/NDTTIEW GLUE TO BEDFORD AVE , : BEDFORD AVE, FROX FEST 52ND ST ATE. : VAEDERTCRK AW, FROM INTERLACHEN BLVD. TO HOLLDfOOD RD. : -- - HOLLY- - Ths.re was a sugestion-frc3 t.he audience that Oxford Averme Clerk Bredesen then offered the following RESOLUTION ORDERING JNPROIENE" StzNITLRY SETETER DPROVEIENT NO. 115 B3 IT RESOLVZD by the Council of the Village of Edina, Minnesota, this this Council heretofore caused notice..o%:'hearing to be duly published in the follow- ing proposed improvement: Construction of Sanitary Sewer and Lppurtenances in: Grandview Lane from existing Manhole to ITa 52nd St j W. 52nd St from Grandview Lane to Bedford kve. j Bedford Ave. fromW.52nd St, to Interlachen Blvd. Interlachen Blvd, from IJilliam hve. to Bedford live. ; Vandervork Ave. from Interlachen B11.d~ to Hollywood Rdr; Hollywood Road from Vandervork he, to Rutledge Ave,; RutXcdg-e Jive. frm Holly~vod R4, to W,l&;h St,; lJii7itt71 AT-e, Zrm IrJ,f;ad Stic to Znt-erLaclIer, Blvd.. . I 5114156 and at the hearing held at the time and place specified in said notice the Council has duly considered the views of a11 persons interestedj and being fully advised of the pertinent facts does hereby determine to- - . proceed with the construction of said improvement; that said improvement is hereby designated-and shall be referred .to in all subsequent proceed- ings as follows - SANITARY SEWER IMPROVEMENT NO, 115 - and the area to be specially assessed threfore shall be as follows: . llLots 1 thru 24,. inc,, Block 8, Lots 1 thru 23, inc., Block 3, Lots 13 thru'2.4, inc,; Block 9, Lots 6 thru 14, incl.; Block 4, Lots 1 thm 12 inc., Block 7, Lots 15 thru.23, inc,, Block 2,'all in Brookside Heights; Lots 1 and 2, Block 3, and Lots 3. thru-6, inc,, B lock 5, all in Beverly Hills Addn,; Lots 1 thm 9, inc,, all-in Limback Addn,, and that unplatted property known as Parcel No. 1410, Section 2e, Township 117, Range 21. Motion for adoption of Resolution was seconded by Fronk, and on Rollcall there Bredesen then moved that, if it is possible to include the project petitioned for tonight (Sanitary Sewer in 5300 Block on Hollywood Road) without either increasing the cost of, or delaying construction of, the above outlined project, that this latter project be included, unanimously carried, Mr. Zikan stated he feels that addition of the 5300 Block on Hollywood Road should not increase the cost of the project; and Bredesen offered the follow- ing Resolution and moved its adoption: Motion seconded by Fronk and RESOLUTION PROVIDING FOR PUBLIC HEARING PROPOSED SMITj:LRY SEWER IMPROVEMENT BE IT RESOLVED by the Council.of the Village of Edina: reporb to the feasibility of the proposed Sanitary Sewer Improvement described in the Form of Notice of Hearing set forth below, and as to the estimated cost of such improvement,' said report is hereby approved and directed to be placed on file in the office' of the Viliage Clerkr" the Edina Village Hall, to coniiider in public hearing the views of all persons interested in said proposed improvements. time, place and purpose of said meeting to be published in the official newspaper once a week for .two successive weeks, the second of which.publi- cations is to be not less than three days from date of said meeting, which notice shall be in substantially the following fomn: NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING ON 1. The Village Engineer, having submitted to the Council a preliminary 2. This Council shall meet on Monday, June 11, 19.56, at 7:30 P&, in The Clerk is hereby authorized and directed to cause notice of the 3. PROPOSED SIZNITAF~Y SENE3 IMPROVE%ENT NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN.that the-Edina-Village Council will meet at the Village Hall on Monday, June 11, 1956, at 7T30 p.mt, to consider the following proposed improvement, to be constructed under the authority graded by Minnesota Laws of 1953, Chapter 398, said improvement is estimated by the VQlage Engineer as sot forth below: The approximate cost of EST. ,COST CONSTWCTLON OF S&YIT/JiY LkTERLL SEMER i1ND RPPURTENiNCES in Hollywood Road from Vander- Vork Avenue to Oxford Avenue $7, 732* 71 The area proposed to be assesse'd for the cost of said proposed improvement includes all lots and tracts of lard abutting the portion of the street proposed to be improved, Motion for adoption of the Resolution was' seconded by Crinkley, and on Rollcall'tbre were five ayes and no na Crinkley, aye; Fronk, aye; Tupa, aye; and was adopted, Mayor . l5,, DLIC NEARING ON PROPOSED WATERMAIN EXTENSION IN ROLF AVENUE FROM RCBERTS PLACE TO WEST 64TH STREET. Engineer Zikants Estimate of Cost was given as $8,083,15, as against 1,810.3 Assessable Feet, - for $!+047 per Assessable Foot . There were’ no objections registered, either oral or written. Mrs. Eric Johnson, 6356 Rolf, inquiried as to whether the lots in J.A.Roberts Estate, now excluded from assess- ment on grounds that they are in IIcrosstorJn highway” area, can be assessed at a later date, with corresponding reduction to balance of property owhers in case highway plans are kbandoned. informed that this could be done, Meeting, approving) She was (See Resolution of later in 1 16. ZlLTG HEARING 0N:PROPQSED FJLCERMiUN EXTPEHSION IN BENTON Ii.VENuE -m FROM CODE I:vEN[TE TO ImT LOT LWE OF. LOT 3 OF THE REPLAT OF LOT 6 - iND SOUTH 1/2 OF LOT 5, BLCCK 1, CODEIS HIGHVIW PARK. Engineer Zikan r s Estimate of Cost was given as $2,4.&.04. as against 482.58 Assessable Feet, for $5.06 per Assessable Foot, objections from the floor, and no mitten objections had been received prior the reto, (See Resolution of later in Meeting, approving). There were no *. ..I .’ 170 PUBLIC HE;I’LRSNG CN PROPOSED WAT~N EXTENSION IN DREW AVENUE TO Y SERVE NC6. 5900 TO 5920, INCL., &ID 5901-TO 5921, INCL. Engineer Zikan’s Estimate of Cost was given as $2,693.52 as against 802.56 -Assessable Feet, for @,61 per. Assessable Foot, objections made from tke floor, and no written objections had been filed prior to the Hearing. approving), There were no See Resolution of later in Meeting, Fronk then offered the following Resolution and moved its adoption: RESOLUTION 0RD”r;RING IMPROVEMENTS SAN~ARY~~ IMPROVEMENTS HOS& 105 SUPPL;EMEKC; I 107. 108, 109, 110, 111, 112, 113’kND 1U * BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the Villago of Edina, Minnesota, that this Council keretofore caused notices of hearings to be duly published on the following proposed improvcmnts: 1, CONSTBUGTION CF S&IITARY Sl3MiB @?D ISPURTENANCES IN THE FOLLOWING STREETS: A, B-. Ce D, E, F, In Brookview Avo. from W.63rd St. to W.64th St. In Benton five. from existing manhole West of Code Ave. to approx: In Highland Road frorn Crescent Drive to Westridge BimL h Cocle-Avenue from 5808 to 5816 Code. In Glengary Parkway from Apshire Blvd, to Highway 15c169-212 In Tracy Ave. from Grove St, to Grove St. (South EA,); i.r,tely $0 feet West, Grove St., from Tracy live. to Stuart Ave.; S-hart Ave. from Grove St e to Broadview Road; Bmadview Road from Stuart Ave0 to Tracy Avee In IiIendelssohn Lvle from existing Manhole 80 feet South of Maloney Ave, to Maloney Ave.; Maloney five, from Mendelssohn Lane to 90 3%. W. In Hanson Road from Birchcrest Drive to Valley View Road; Maddox Lane from IJpan live. to 345 feet West; West 62nd St, from Wyman ;Liver to Hanson Road, G, H, I<, In Bernard Place from Weboth St. to Grove St, and at the hearings held at the time and place specified in seid notice the Council bas duly considered the views of all persons interested, and being fully advised of the pertinent facts does hereby determine to proceed with the construction of said improvements as set forth below; that said iqrovements are hereby desigmted and shall be referred to in all subse- quent proceedings as follows: NAME OF IMPROVEXENT E 1-A Sanitary Sewer Impmvane nt No. 107 vl-B Sanitary Sewer Improvement No.108 1-C - This improvement shall be reduced in scope to read-Sanitary Sewer in Highland Road from IJestridge Blvd. to include Lot 9, Block 6 and Lot 1, Block 7, Countryside - Sanitary Sewer Improvement No.105 - Sanitary ‘ewer Improvement No .LO9 - Sanitary Sewer Improvement No.110 - Sanitary Sewer Improvement No.111 . - Sanitary Sewer Improvement No.112 - Sanitary Sewer Improvement No,U3 - Sanit wy Sewer Improvement No, la Supplement VI-D 3 1-E VI-F 1-G dl-H JI-K .. ',,,. . .~ . 5/U/ 56 - For Sanitary Sewer No. 107 - Lots 12,':13, l4j 15 and 16, Block 2, For Sanitary Sewer No. 108 - Lot 2 of Replat of Lot 6, South 1/2 and the areas to be specially assessed therefor shall be as follows: Peacedale Acres, Lot 5, Block 1, Codes.Highview Park; Lot 3 of Replat of Lot 6, Sonth 1/2 of Lot 5, Block 1, Codes 'Highview Park; West portion of Lot 7, Block 1, Codes Highview Park; For Sanitary Sewer No. 105 Supplemat - Lots 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, - . Block 6, and Lot 12, Block 7, Countryside Addition. For Sanitary Sewer No. 109 - Lot 3 and North 112 of Lot 4, Block 1, Code's High9iew Park, and South 1/2 Lot 4 and North 1/2 Lot 5, Block 1, Code's Highview Park. For-Sanitary Sewer No. 110 - Lo$s 1,2,3?4,5,6,7,8, and 9, Block 1, Lots 6,7,8,9,10,11,12 and 13, Block 2; -all- in John-E. Andersonrs Addn, to Edina, For SanitarySewer No. 112 - Lots 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10 and 11, Block 1, Lots 1,2,3,4,5, Block 2, Lots l,2,3 and 4, Block 3; Broadmore Addition; South 230 feet of Lot 9, South 230 feet of Lot 10, and the Southeast 150 feet of Lot 11, all in Warden Acres, For Sanitary-Sewer No. 112 - West 64& feet of Lot 6 and the South 120 feet of Lot 7, including adj. alley vacated; and the east 110h feet 'of Lot 6, all in Block 14, Mendelssohn. For Sanitary Sewer No. 113 - Lots.1;2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9, Block 3, Lots 1,2,3,4,5, Block 2, Lots 1,2,3,4,5;6,7,8,9;BLoCk 1, all in Wyman's South- view-2nd Addition; Lots-l, 2 and-3, Block 1, Birchcrest 4th Addition; Lots 9,10,11,12,13,14 and 15, Block 1, Birchcrest 5th Addition; and Tract rrArr, Registered Land Survey #424. 2,3,4,5, Block 4, Lots l& thru 24 inc,, Block 1, all in Code's Highview Park, Motion for adoption of Resolution was seconded by Bredesen, and on Rollcall there*were five'ayes and no nays, as foll aye; Tupa, aye; and Erick'son, aye; ' . .. ..... . - . For Sanitaqy Sewer No. 1% - Lots-1,2,3,4,5 and 6, Block 2, Lots 1, .. Bredesen then offered the following Resolution and moved its adoption: ' RESOLUTION ORDERING IMPROVEMENTS BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the Village of Edina, Minnesota, this this Council heretofore caused notices of hearings to be duly published on the followinh proposed improvements: CONSTRUCTION OF VILLAGE WAYERMAIN EXTrFHSION AND APPURTENANCES'IN THE FOLLGWING . STREETS: WATERMAIN IMPROVEMENTS 107 TO 111, INCLUSIVE A, B. C: Di ' E. In Rolf Avenue from Roberts Place to West 64th Street, In Hanson Road from West 62nd Street to Valley View Road; In Bernard Place from West 60th Street to Benton Ave, In Benton Ave. from Code Ave. to West Lot Line,of Lot 3 of the In'Drew Avenue to se*e 5900 to * 5920 Drew Ave. and 5901 to 5921 ' Maddox Lane from Wpan 4-ve. to Hanson Road-, Replat of Lot 6 and South 1/2 of Lot 5, Block 1, Code's Highview Park. Drew Avenue and at 6he'hearings held at the time and place specified in said notice the Council has duly considered the views of all persons interested, and being fully advised of the pertinent facts does hereby determine to proceed with the con&truction of said improvements; that said improvements are hereby follows : . designated and shall be referred to in all subsequent proceedings as A. Watermain Improvement No. 107 B. . Watermain Improvement No, 108 C. 'CZTat ermain Improvement No. 109 D, Watermain Improvement No. 110 E. Watermain Improvement No. 112 and the areas to be specially assessed therefor shall be as follows: Roberts Estate; Lots l,2,3, and 4> C,G,Carlsonts Rearrangement. of Lots L,2, 3, and 4, Block 5, Normandale 2nd Addn,; Lots 5 thru 14, inc,, Block 5, Lots 16 thru 30 inc., Block 4, all in Normandale 2nd iiddn. For Xatermain Improvement -No. 108 - Lots 1 thm 9, inc,, Block 3, Lots 1 thru 5, inc., Block 2, Lots 4 thru 9, incPj Block 1, all in Ifymanfs South- new 2nd Addn, and Trnc.', "L:, LMPROVEMENT. NO. For Watermain Improvemerrt No; 107 - Lots 2,3,4,4, Block 5, James A*' i RcpLdcred \i.W& Sur-rcy #11.21+,~ For Watermain Improvemerzt NO, 109 - Lots 1!+,15,16,17 and 18, EXLoclc 1 and Lots 1,2,3,&,5, Block 4, Code:s Highview Parkn For Natermain Immovement No, 110 - Lots 1, 2 and 3, Block 1, Fepht- of Lot 6 and South 1/2 of Lot 5, Ebck 1, Ccders Highview Park; ar,d Lot 7, - Block 1, Coders Highview Park, abutting the portion of the street proposed to be improved, For Vatermain Ixprovement No, 1Q - All lots and tracts of 1an.d' Motion for adoption of Resolution was seconded by %?pa, and on Rollcall thre were five. ayes and no nays, as follows: nJ aye; Crinkley, aye; Frock, aye;-Tupa, aye; and Erickson, axe; and the dlution )as adopted, I Brede of this particular lateral main in com&rison with that of son?e other mirls in the immediate neighborhood. I&* Zikan eqlahed to the Council -bhak the cost.of crossing Trunk Highpray No, 1CO had been tdcen as part of the Lzteral cost, whereas it should probably have been coxputed as part of the Tmnk ?lain cost and thus assessed over a larger areaJ notice, for re-computation of roll, McrYOR ERICKSON was excused from the meeting at this time, and Mayor Pro Tem Bredesen presided for the balance of the meeting, Hearing continued until further PETITIGN FOR IJTERIIUN IN BERNi$,D PLLC3 BETTBEN BEVTON 1iiVD CODE AYEX?KES ---.-I WZLS presented by Nrs, Robert L, Xullcn, 5817 Bernard Place, who asked thzk work be done at, the same time as that in the bmedizte area (project already approved) that there are many r;head of it, that Council will try to work it in if possible; Engineer, was seconded by Crifley and carried, S$NTrZY SHSR FOR BRCOKVIEW HEIGHTS was discussed at some length, with the spokesman for a large delegation as!cing tbat Lateral Sewers be const.mcte.2 nov, in order that they might be hooked into the IJine-Mile Trunk 5r~s.,df.~zk2y upon its completion. He conplained that residents are having considerable cesspool trouble , which is an expense. Managar Hyde stated thz5 -1;'?9 Sest estimates on completion of plans for the Nine-Nile Trunk is uruly; tkt the best that can be done for Brool.c.riew Heights is to plm their agAns con- currently wLth the Trunk, method because elevations on the Trun!c Serer cmnot be given as ye';, man explained that residents are most andous b have their streets Ln order and that, if sewer is construcked this fall, t.hoy co1.iI-d sz?.re one ihole yc~r on this worlr. Hanager Hyde asked rasident.s if they would consid.er T~ill_e,qe's taking bids specifying compacbed fill; but, :rbn Enginesr reported thd; t??.s should acid sone 25 or 30% to the cost, spokema stzted he believes this would make cost prohibitive, It was infom4.ly-decided to plm Brookview Heights Sewer concurrently with Nine-Eile Trunk, with an alternate bid on compacted fill, Nayor Bredesen explained that petition is late for work this year, Tupafs motion, that petition be accepted and referred to Village I Nr, Zilcan reported that this is the E& econmical 3pcl:ss- No form1 action taken, EDBGER OF EDINA-ST.LOUIS PARK TAXI CCHF'ANIES was discussed after Manager Hyde reported conversation with Kr, Verlin BLLfanz, proprietor of Zdina Taxi Company, who would like to prevent Edinals licensing EIinneapolis Cab Companies. also consensus of opinion that, in view of the anticipated groith of Edaa, the Iiiinneapolis companies should be contactcd to see what they have to offer, It was agreed that a merger would help thc service, but T:zD...J~ AWRD OF BIDS TlXEN NAY ll. 1956: Publication of "Advertisement for Bids-Traffic Signal System,Ir published in Manager Hyde presented Affidavits of Edina-Morningside Courier and Construction B ulletin Nay 3 and 10, 1956, and "Advertis emmt for Bids-Garbage and/or Rubbish Collection, 11 published in the Courier and Construction Bulletin Zipril 26 and May 3, 1956; which Affidavits were approved as to form and ordered placed on file. Ihutes of the Meeting of Nay 11, covering opening of bids pursuant to said . Notices. Action taken is as hereinafter recorded. He also presented 5/14/56 1, mitted Tabulation of Bids; then stated that an addendum had gone out, report- ing that three items of conduit in trench would possibly be deleted; and that . it has since been found that said items may be eliminsted from contract; that, therefore, the apparent low bidder is not actually low bidder, as set forth by figures presented: LESS CONDUIT IN Lee Electric Company $3 5; 498 2 5 $1,558.00 $33, 9-40 25 BIDS ON TRrlFFIC SIGNAL SYSTEM (For Southdale Area). Manager Hyde sub- . BIDS - 1^LS OPENED TRENCH-3 ITENS NET. BID Lehn Electric 836,111 08 $3,333.70 $329777.38 Kehne Electric Company, Inc. $40,821,96 $3,068~10 $37 , 7 53 86 I 1 1 Marager Hyde recommended award of bid to Lehn Electric Company, low bidder after deductions, Fronk so moved,- Motion seconded by Tupa and carried, 2. Trustee Crinkley announced that; in lieu of awarding bids as announced on the agenda, he would move to direct the Village Attorney to revise the present , Ordinance licensing, garbage and rubbish haulers to provide for pick-up of garbage and rubbish "by a licensed garbage and rubbish hauler retained & such householder on a regular pickup basis, to refine said Ordinance to include a definition of "disposal in a sanitary manner," etc, all bids and put garbage and rubbish collection on a private arrangement basis between collectors and property owners, Upon Mr, Bredesen' s objection that :I.,; this motion the Village, in effect, disclaims any responsibility for garbage collection, Mr. Crinkley disagreed, stating that in his opinion the ordinance will be policed by the neighbok because violation is a'misdemeanor: Fronk seconded CrinUey's motion, wi6h Crinkley, Fronk and Tupa voting for, and Bredesen voting against the motion; and the motion carried. GARBAGE frND OR RUBBISH COLLEGTION, Before competitive bids were disvlussed Crinkley moved to reject PETITION FOR ORiVTIIMENTfiL STREET LIGHTS AT CORNERS OF W. 51ST AND JUANITL lJID W. SST . LND INDIANOLA AV'EWUE was presented, Clerk advising petition had been filed after tabling.of earlier petition, with Northern States Power concerning new cost figures for this project; and Crinkley moved that petition -be accepted and referred to Village Engineer for scheduling Hearing, Manager Hyde reported conference Motion seconded by Fronk and carried.* PETITION FOR PERMIT TO INSTALL SliNITlIRY SBm AND WATERMAIN EXI'ENSIONS IN' SOUTHDLLE THIRD ADDITION AT THEIR 0" EXPEilSE was filed, signed by Thorpe Bros., Inc, in principle with this arrangement it is desirable that developers secure Village approval of plans before going ahead with the work; that, although Engineering Department has not given approval Company has taken bids and is about ready to go, Village Engineer' s approval was seconded .by Crinkley and carried, Manager- Hyde reported that while the Village definitely agrees ' Fronkts motion that proposal be accepted subject to PETITION LGiiINST CURB AND GUTTER IN 4800 BLOCK ON SCHOOL ROAD AND W. 59TH ST was prescntcds Hearing on the improvement, and it has been hpproved, Mr. Kenneth Sundquist stated he believed Roy Peterson had told his buyers of the 3-plat arrangement for curb .and gutter; that they should have known of it when they purchased. Fronkfs motion that petition be denied was seconded by Tupa and carried. This was discussed, because there has already been a Public PETITION FOR Vi~CATION OF ALUY BETWEEN VANBUREN AND Hl&RISON AVENUES LND BEW'E BEINORE LANE InD MrlLONEY AVENUE was accepted, and Hearing thereon was scheduled for Monday, May 28, at 7:30 p.m,, by motion Tupa, seconded by Fronk and carried, R@QUEST FOR RETURN OF PTILITIES E6SEMENT BETWEEN LOTS ONE AND TWO, LSLMPEtS MENDELSSOHN- was filed, and matter tabled to next meeting for Engineer Zikanfs SUBDIVISION OF ~urs EIGHT THRU WTY-THREE WILLARDS SUBD, OF BLOCK 17t report: REQUEST FOR SPECIAL RENTAL PERMIT TO ALFRED BERGLUND, 6521 MALONEY AVENUE was reported on by Asst, Building Inspector, who stated matter came to his attention on complaint of neighbors that outdoor privy was being used on this place, family dwelling; that, although the upper half had been rented before 1940 it had bcen used as a single family dwelling from 1940to about 1949; that present double-useage of the single family dwelling constitutes a violation I of the Zoning Ordinance, seconded by Crinkley and carried? That when he investigated he found two families in this one- Tup moved for denial of the request, Motion 15-8. . RETURN OF UTILITIES EliSET.IEhTyLuT .SIk, . BLOCK ONE, NCBN&NDtUJ3 COURT;,. Engineer Zikan explained that this easement ' was- granted by Dr. Raph Peterson for a Turn-Around for Normandale Court; that, because lfb 57th Street has now been construc-Ged, "chis Turn-Arountl will. no longer be needed, be given an opportdty to check the exact legal deseripbiob involved -in the transaction; and Tupa moved for return of easement subject to confirmation of He asked that he . legal description, Motion seconded by Fronk and carried, DATE OF EOARD OF,REUIBf TEmING was discussed, after Clerk reported that County Supervisor of Assessnients has it tentativeLy scheduled for June 29; that it,is doubtful th&t Village Assessoris records will be ready at.that timed motion that Meeting be scheduled for June 29 at 5:30 pcml, was seconded by Tupa and carried. . and were PETITIONS FOR IEIPRO~ENTS: and ordered placed on- file by motion Crinkley, seconded by Tupa and carried! A, Oiling - lL59th St,, Kellogg Avei to Oaklawn Ave, B. Oiling 4 Shemood Road, Hwy, #169 to Richwood. C. Oiling - f.!.bOth St.3 Fairfax Aver to Wooddale Ave, D, Oiliqg - Parnell he., Ir,60th Str to Valley View lid. E. Oiling - South View Lane, Normandale Road to Conaord Avei; Concord &veil Southdew Lane to W.60th St F. OiThg L- 1~60th stb, Code AveL to Tingdale he. G. Blacktopping - Vooddale Aver in 5600 Block, H. Oiling - Same as above. I. Sanitary Se9rer - 3;u Streets in Chapel Hills, J, 31aterrna.h - All Streets in qhapel Hills. K, Oilhg - Cornelia Drive, W,66th St, to W.7Oth St, L. Sanikiry Sewer - Mildred-Ilve., w.63rd St, to W.64th St. M, FJatehaih - lifildred A.veb5 X.63rd Sti to W,bkth St.. N; Sanitary Sewer - All Streets in Idylwood AddnArd, 0. Watermain - All Streets Tn Idylwood 3rd Addn, REQUEST FCB ,PERTJIIT TO, GRADE PARK. PROFERPY IN, RETURN FOR FILL, Trustee Tupa Property in the 300 Block on Jackson Avenue in returnfor fill. MP. Hyde reminded Council this is the property for which park board was offered $1600 a few months ago;and he stated that the Village and the County have made plans for the gravel as fill for the dip in Blake Road just south of Interlachen; that the mews Flill not get to this immediately, but that, it is in plans for the future. Manager Hyde directed t6 notify Danens Gampany of Village plans by letter. Fronkfs The following petitions were submitted9 accepked .;eprted the request of J,k, Daneng & Son. for-pamLL. to grade down Park APPLICATION FOR CN-SALE E23R AT WONGfS GRhiDVIElJ CAFE was- filed, and was tabled to ne& meeting, pending revision of Liquor Ordinance. PRZLIMINARY PUT OF MRS. TRAFZERfS SUBDIVISION IN PEACEDUE ACRES was presented, carrying Planning Commission's May 2nd recommendation for approval subject to dedication of a 60-foot roadway and an easement for turnaround at South end of road, Fro&' s motion for acceptance of Planning Commission's recommendations and approval of plat subject to two points made, was seconded by Tupa and carried. PRELIMINBY PIAT OF PARCEL 2f300, SEC.30. TW.28. R. 24, BY G.M. POSSELT has Planning Commission's approval sub je& to submission of utilities easements. Fronkls motion, for approval of plat in accordance with Commissionrs recommendations, was seconded by Tup and carried. REQUEST BY RICHARD PIAN FOR PERMIT TO ADD TO HONE AT WO GNlRISON LidE was discussed at- some length, His original request for permit to construct one Toon, 10~26', reducing his side yard~to 4.2 feet (under zoning ordinance minimum of 5 feet) had been approved, subject to permission by next door neighbor, at Plapaing Commission Meeting of May 2nd. Inspector Hage reported Mr. Palen also wishes to build a vestibule, which will. extend beyond the present building line; that his proposed bedroom will violate the B uilding Code becmse one must go through another bedroom to reach the bathroom. However, Asst. Bldg, - Fronk's motion for approval on reduction of side yard only, was seconded by Tupa and carried. i I __1 FINI% PIAT OF I~JAYXE TEFLRACE; BLOCK 29. MENDELSSOHN was approved subject to approval 5y County Surmyor, by motion Fro&, seconded by Crinkley and carried, Planning Ccmission had so approved as of May 2nd, J . *5/JL4/56 KIICHLIlS FIN& PLAT OF LOTS 5. 6, AND 7, BLOCK 1, COUNTRYSIDE ADDITION . was presented, with Planning Commission's recommendation for approvalo Fronkls motion for approval of Final Plat was seconded by Crinkley and carried. 1'59' SETBACK AT CORNER OF COOPER AVENUE &I INTERLACHEN BLW. recommendation of May 2nd were for hO-foot setbacks from each street and for access road to each street. allowed, was seconded by Tupa acd carried. PRELIMINARY PXT OF REGLSTEFZD LAND SURVEY* #3, by Mr. H.M. Kuhnley , was approved in accordance with Planning Commission' s May 2nd recommendations, by motion Fronk, seconded by Tupa and carried. Planning Commission's Crinkleyls motion that 40-foot setbacks be VOTING MiiCHINE SURVEY was reported by Manager Hyde, who stated that in view of the County's recent study, and the possibility that County will buy machines, he feels Edina should await word from the County before taking any further action,' Mr, Hyde stated that the Village can cut the number of its districts into maybe as few as four; that 35 machines have been recommended for Edina but that he feels we can get along with a few less than that. OPTIONS FOR RIGIPT-OF-WAY ON XERXES ~LVENUE BETWEEN W.62ND ST. 1iND W.66TH ST, Mr. Edward Loren2 presented the following Options, which he recommended for accept an ce . Parcel No. Name Consideration Kathleen M, Gannon (Offer) $1350.00 II I1 I1 (Offer) 150,OO 48 $ 25.00 49 George Jutting 1.00 50 51 George Jutting 100 . 00 350 ,OO 52 Reka H. Jutting 53 Carl H. Krahl Fronkls.motion, that Mr. Loren81 recommendations be Village honor options and easement, was seconded by 8 Instrument fi raisal lizkm- 148 50 Option 33.60 Easement 33 60 Option 350.40 Opt ion 110.40 accepted, and that Crinkley and carried. POLICY OF TILLAGE ON SPECIAL ASSESSMENTS FOR CORNER LOTS HAVING TANGENTS. Mr,. Edward J, O~Donnell, 6624 Naomi Drive, complained that he is being assessed for more tlassessable front feet" than he actually has; that for PJatermain Improvement No, 56 he is being assessed for 144.35 front feet, . whereas his lot is only 120.35 front feet, the balance being a lttangentll easement for street purposes, policy of the Village to assess corner lots for their tangents; said he had informed Mr. OlDonnell that Council could make no refund or cancellation on the assessment already levied, but that he (Mr. Hyde) wants determination of policy on future assessments for tangents. Council informed Mr, OIDonnell that he can expect no relief from this assessment, now; that the time for any objection was at either the improvement hearing or the assessment hearing. As to policy for future assessments, Council suggest that office study the various problems and present them to the Council for consideration. ADDITION at the corner of St.Johns and West Woodland Road was ne& reviewed, this lot's having been assessed for 201 feet on St.Johns Avenue, whereas ' connections come in off W.Woodland Road. It was apparent from the plat that this assessment was in wror, and Fronk movedthat owner be given credit for difference in assessment between the 201 feet assessed and 112.75 feet which would be the correct assessment. Motion seconded by Crinkley and carried. Mr, Hyde explained that it has been the ASSESSMENT FOR SEWER LND WATER, La EIGhT , BLOCK ONE, PAUL WIND-CHRISTOPHER* LIQUOR STOIBi LBASZ AT SOUTHDALE. for five-yertr leasb in Southdale, being for 796 Square Feet, at $4.40 per foot for the main floor per yertr, and 50.0 Sq:are .Fe-et of 'stoorage space in the basement at $1.00 per foot per year, plus approximately $E300 per year for air ccnditioning, heating and other miscellaneous charges. He stated he expects to do some negotizting as to architectural desi@, etc, motion, that five-year lease be approve'', subject to emcellation upon any legislztion which might prevent Edina from operating liqor store, was sebonded by Tupa ad carrieda I-fsznqer Hyde presented proposed agreement Fronkts ELECTRICAL. DJSPECTION ORDINAbJCE, Lianager Hyde and Ass t . Building InsFe ctor Hage reported conversa,tions with Northern States Power Company in which the Company advocates an ele ctrjcal inspection ordinance, present a suggested ordkance for C ounci.1 cons ideration. They were directed to i grak-ig and blacktopping of this street. Fronk B motion, scheduling Public Hearing on Re-Grading and Blacktopping of Orchard Lane at the discretion of the Village Zngineer, was seconded by Crinkley and carried, CURB AND GUTTER AND BUCKTOPPING OF 1,QODDALE AVENUE BETIGi3N W.60TH ST. AND VALLZY VIEV ROAD. The matter of adding the block between 71.60th and Vzlley View Road to the proposed project for T.1ooddal.e south of Tower Street was discussed, and it was consensus of opinion tbat this block be included, rather than leaving the one short block unimproved, I PUBLIC HEARliJGS FOR HAY 28: Xr, ’ Zikan presented preliminarg plans and estimates of cost on proposed improvements, recommending that Council schedule Hearings on May 28, Fronk offered the following Resolution and moved its adoption: RESOLUTION PIZOVIDBIG FOR PUBLIC IG”GS PROPOSED CURB AND GUTTER &iD BUiGKTOPPTNG EPitOVB*B$TS BE .IT RESOLVED by the Councril of the Village of Edina: 1. The Village Engineer, having submitted to the Council a preliminary report .as to the feasibility of the pmposed Curb and Gutter and Blacktopping Improvements described in the Fonn of Notize of Hearing set forth below, and as to the estimated cost of such improvements, said report is hereby approved and directed to be placed on file in the office of the Village Clerk. Edina’Village Hall, to consider in public” hearing the views of all. persons interested in said proposed improvements, time, place and purpose of said meeting to be published in the official newspaper once a week for two successive weeks, the second of which publi- cations is to be not less than three days from date of said meeting, which notice shall be in substantially the following form: ’ 2. This Council shall meet on Monday, May 28, 1956, at 7:30 Pam,, in the The Clerk is hereby authorized and directed to cause notice of the 3, NOTICE OF HEARINGS ON PROPOSED IRPROVENENTS - CURB AND GUTTBR AND BUCKTOPPING NOTICE IS HEREEE GIVEN that the Edina Village Council will meet at the Village Ha1 on Monday, May 28, 1.956, at 7:30 p.m,, to consider the following proposed improvements, to be constructed under the authority granted by Minnesota Laws of 1953, Chapter 398. The approximate cost of said improvements is estimated by the Village Engineer as set forth below: - - EST. COST CONSTRUCTION OF CONCRETE CURB AND GUTTER on Wooddale Avenue between Tower Street and IT, 58th Street, and between 1~6ist Street and Valley View Road $7,03 5.49 BUCKTOPPING OF l@ODDALE AVENUE between Tower \ Street and Valley View Road $14,828.40 The area proposed to be assessed for the cost of each of the said proposed improvements includes all lots and tracts of land abutting the portion of the street proposed to be impmved. Motion for adoption of the Resolution was seconded by Crinkley, and on-Rollcall - there.were four ayes and no Village Clerk BIDS FOR NAY 28: severd. projectts, asking that bids be taken as soon as possible in order that work might be expsdited. its adoption: Engineer Zikan then presented plans and specifications for Fronk offered the following Resolution and moved RESOLUTIGN APPROVING PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS FOR PROPOSED CURB’AND GUTTER, BLACKTOP, SANITIIRY SEMER AID t~~~~~.~j~- DPROVENE~S BE 2 REsOLVED by the Village Council of the Village of Edina: 1. The plans and specifications for the proposed Improvements set forth in the follordng Advertisement for Bids form, heretofore prepared by the Village Engineer and now on file in’ the office of the Village Clerk are hereby approved. 2, Courier ad the Construckion Bulletin the following notice for bids for said impro vemnt s : The Clerk shall cause to be published twice in the Edina-Morningside I .. ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS . CURB AND GUTTER, BUCKTOP, SiWlTlzRY SEWER &!@ WrlTERMtZIN IMPROVEMENT3 -_ NOTICE IS HEREBY GIYEN+that sealed bids will be received and opened in tk@ office of the- Village Manager in the Edina Village Hall, 4801. W,TOth St., at 1O:OO a,m;, Monday, May 28, 3.956. The Edina Village Council will meet at . , 7:30 p.m,, on Monday, May 28, 1956, to consider said bids, being for the following: 1, School Road, Ruth Drive to Shemood Ave,; Wt59bh St,, Ruth Drive to Hwy.#lOO; W,bOth St,, Parnell Ave. to Hwy.#JLOO; Shemood Ave,, W,bOth St. to School Road; Ruth Drive, School Road to W.59th St, Valley View Road, Hwy.#lOO to Brookview rive, A, Lake Ridge Road. B. Merritt Circle, and Doncaster Way from Hwy,#169 to Ayrshire Blvd, C, W.6Gth St, from Concord Ave, to Parnell Aver A, Grandview Lane, Ex,M,H, on Grandview Lane to W,52nd St,: Wb52nd - St,, Grandview Lane to Bedford Ave.;'Bedford Ave,, W,52nd St, to Interlachen Blvd,; Interlachen Blvd,, William Ave. to Bedford he,; Vandervork Ave. .I Interlachen Blvd. to Hollywood Rd. ; Hollywood Rd, Vandervork Ave. to Rutledge Ave.; Rutledge kve,, Hollywood Rd. to W,48th St.; William Ave.,W,52nd St, to Interlachen Blvd,; Hollywood Rd, , Oxford Ave b to Vandervork Ave, Drew kve., to serve No. 5900 to 5920 Drew Ave, and 5901 to 5921 Drew live,, both inclusive. Crescent Dr,, Ex, Tr, Sewer south of Highland Rd. to south line of Countryside Addn,; Hunter St,, Crescent Dr, to Westridge Blvd.; Westridge Blvd,, Highland Rd, to 140' South of Ridgeway Rd,; Ridgeway Rd;, Westridge Blvd, to Approxi 210 * West ,; Highland Rd., Westridge Blvd. to a pt. .approx, 400 Ft. E, D, Mendelssohn Lane, Ex,M.H, $0 Ft. S. of Maloney live. to Maloney Ave,; Maloney he., Mendelssohn Lane to 90 Ft. W, E, Hanson Rd., Birchcrest Drb to Valley View Rd,; Maddox Lane, Wyman 'kve..to 345 Ft, W,;'W.62nd St;., Wyman five. to Hanson Rd. F, Tracy Ave., Grove St, to Grove St, (South E~,) ; Grove St. Tracy kve. to Stuart live.; Stuart Am., Grove St, to Broadview Rd,; Broadview Rd,, Stuart- Avo, to Tracy' five; , G, To serve 5808 to.5816, inclusive, on Code Ave. E,' Brookview Ave., W,63rd St, to W.6.4th St. I; Bernard Place, ,W,SOth St, to Grove St. J, Glengary Parkway, ;Ayrshire Blvd. to Hwy',#169, K, Benton Ave,, Ext M.H, West of Code Aver "to approx. 80 Ft, WI .L; Code Ave., Grove St. to W;56th St,; Melody Lake Dr,, Code he. CCNSTRUCTION OF VILLAGE WATERMAIN EXTENSIONS AND APPURTENATGES in: Melody Lake Drive, Code Ave, to Code kve,; Melody Lane, G@ve St, to MelodyLake'Dr,; Code Ave,, W,57th St, to W,56th St: Garrison Lane, Wooddale Ave. to St.Johns Ave.; Wooddale Ave., W,62nd St; to GaPrison Lane. Rolf Ave,,-Roberts Place to W .64th St, Hanson Rd,, W,62nd St. to Valley View Rd;; Maddox Lane, Wyman Bernard Place, ~~60th St. to Benton Ave, Drew.Ave;: to serve 5900 .to 5920 Drew Rve, and 5901 to 5921 Drew live,, both inclusive, Code live, to W, Lot Line Lot 3 of Replat of Lot 6 and S1/2 Lot 5, Block l,.Codes'Highview Park. ' CONSTRUCTION,OF CONCRETE CURB AND GUlTER in: 2, 3. BLSLCKTOPPING OF: CONSTRUCTION OF CONCRETE CURB AND GUTTER AND BUCKTOPPING, in: . 4. CONSTRUCTION OF SANITARY LATERAL SIBERS AND APPURTENmCES in: . . B, C, * ,- ' * .. ' to Code live.; Melody Lane, Grove St. to Melody Lake Dr, 5. A, B, C, Di E, F; G; -. .. ' live, to Hanson Rd. Work must be done as described in specifications on file in the office of the Village Clerk.. Plans and specifications are' available for a depsit of $lO,OO, which depos-it will be refunded upon return of said plans and specifications, No bids will' be consideped unless sealed and filed with undersiDed before 1O':OO $.me, May 28, accompanied by cash deposit, bid bond, .or. certified 'check payable to the Village Clerk in amount of at least ten pekcent of amount of base bid. to 'rej'ect any or a11 bids, BY ORDER OF THE VILLIGE CCUNCIL, * The Council reserves the right GRETCHEN S, iiU)Ef\T : Village Clerk .. 5M56 Fronkts motion for adoption of Resolution’was seconded by Crinkley, and on’ Rollcall there were four ayes and no Fronk, aye; Tupa, aye; and Bredesen, ’ AT” T: &dJ&J Village Clerk CONTRllCT FOR V&LEY VIEV ROAD FRON W.62ND STREET TO HTGHIGY #loo, Hyde reported that Engineering Charges for this improvement must be paid by Manager the Village, and he recormended employing Bather Engineering Company for this work--which will mean an estimated 5% of .$48,000. moved tht Council accept this arrangement, carriedo After some discussion Fronk Motion seconded by Tupa and INmBE IN BUILDING PE”1T FEES, Manager Hyde reminded Council that in pre- paring-the Budget for this year ah increase in building fees had besn contem- plated, but that no increase has yet been put into effect, even though building department is offering more servj ce than prior to’this year, He said it was first thought feasible to double Lhe present fees, but that this tvould make the cost too high; that, in his opinion the most equitable increase would be to adopt Minneapolis’ method of charging, but changing this fee from 8.90 per 1000 Cu. Ft, to $1.00 per 1000 Cu. Ft, It was also recommended that IEnneapolis fee ordinance be adopted for gas fitting permits, except that gas burners be excepted at this time; and that Ninneapolis fee ordinance for plumbing be adopted. Nanager Hyde was directed to have Ordinance draf-ted, for Council consideration, in line with his recommendat ions e . L - FINISHING BASEMEW SPXE IN THE VILLLGE HALL. and specifications and an Estimate of Cost of some $4,200 for this park, which Nanager Hyde presented plans has previously been discussed. sane, and Crinkley so moved, Notion seconded by Fro& and* carried. DEXOL7TION OF Holm AT 403 IGSHINGTON AVENUE. i.Till be issued this week to the owner, Mss Lund, for demolition of this very old home which was partially destroyed by fire last year, He asked authority to-advertise for bids for Mr, Hyde reported that order CYGUl?ATER BILLING. Mro Hyde reportedthztt, because of the increase in the number of water accounts this past year, it has become necessary to begin cycle billing; that first cycle bills will go out this month, with proper notice, and that one third of the bills will be sent each month from now on; TRi;NSFER OF FUNDS. , Liquor Dispensary Fund to General Fund and then to Park Fund, for park deficit, land purchase, and cascade pump repairs, in amount of $30,031.37. Crjnlrley so moved. FIRE DEPf’;RTHENT CiJERA. Discussion was had on purchase or“ $40 camera for fire department , with Ham ger reporting that this will aid inspection worko CLAIMS FOR P~LBBNT: Pre-List No, 9 of May 14: Construction Fund - $33,007037; ifaterworks Fund - $52,834@88; Garbage Fund - $l,S86.l0; - Sewer Rental find - $176.81; Parks Fund - $15,330.99; Improvement Funds -, $5,399.64; Liqor Fund - $15,578,92, Motion seconded by Crinkley and carried, There being no further business to come before this meeting, Fronk moved for adjournment, Motion seconded by Crinkley and carried, Neeting adjourned at Manager Hyde asked authority for Transfer of Funds from Motion seconded by Fronk and carried, Fro& moved for approval of the following Claims, as per General Fund - $3,990.17; Poor Fund - $10h017; - - 11:30 P.M. Village Clerk