HomeMy WebLinkAbout19560611_REGULAR? Kt"PES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THl3 EDINA VILLAGB COUNCIL, HELD MONDAY, --JUNE 21, 1956, AT '7230 PJf, AT THE . EDINA. VILLllGE HALL 0 - .. . - .$ * I. .- . .- INVOCATION was given by Rev, Charles Speer of St. Stephens Church, ,p-ROLLCALL was &mered by members Crinkley, Fronk, Tupa and 3redesenr Mayor Pro Tem Bredesen presidqd in Uayor Erickson's absence, AtIARD OF BIDS TAKJB JUNE 8 AND 11: Affidavits of Publication in Edina- Morningside Courier and Construction Bulletin May 17 and a, for IrAdvertise- ment for Bids-Police Cars and Trn~ks,~~ and May 31 and June 7, for"Advertise- ,w- ment for Bids-Cash kd IIAdvertisement for Bids-Gradi Gravel Base, Bituminous Surface, Conprete Curb and Gutter," %'%e#%f$k&$ere . appmved as to form and ordered'placed on file, lbutes of Meetings at which said bids were taken were presented, and the following action was taken: National Cash Register Company, for a change-computing register, in pre- ference to that of the low bidder, Cash Register Sales Coo on a t'Sweda11 Register, for the reasons that the National machine uses less operations for ttie.sane result, it is difficult to secure information on the other machine, and service is better on the National machine, Tupa moved for award of bid to National Cash Register Cornpang for their Change Compu- tation liodel with narrow receipt and automatic re-Mer, at a price of $1,920.00. * 14otion seconded by Fronk and carried, ON POLICE CARS: Nanager Hyde asked the Council to lletermine, first, . if they: wishedto purchase 2-door or &-door models, what optional equip- men5 they feel is necessary, and which of three old cars they wish to trade;Wi bid being governed by these matters, He recommended k-doOr* . models, stating the Police prefer them because it is often difficult to get unruly prisoners into the back seat of a two-door; and stated tha$ the police are also recommending safety belts, He recommended trading in 1950 Chev. 2-Dr, -Serial 2lHJC8000, It was pointed out that the seven' bids (four for Fords, three for Chevrcrlets) are very closet Fronkls-'- motion, that bid for two Police Cars be awarded to $he Tow bidder On the' basis of his bid on &Door Sedans equLppedwith Safety Belts and lris trade-in bid on the 1950 Chev, 2-Dr. Serial 213fJC8000, was seconded by Tupa and carried; low bidder behg Soyer-GilfiUan at $1757.40 Plus $3500 for &-Door, Plus $l5,00 Ea-= Car fcr Safety Belts, less trade-in of $125.00, ON PICKUP TRUCK: Nanager Hyde reported that Boyer-Gilfillan is low, i&h a bid of $1,572003 on a Ford. Nodel F25O; that an %-cylinder is not needed, Tupa moved for award of bid to low bidder, Motion seconded by Fro& and carried, Eight bids had been received, >ON DUMP TRUCK: Xanager Ezde reported receipt of six bids, and asked /- ON CASH REGISTER: Manager Hyde r$commended acceptance of b5d.by the ' , .. - I .. for delay unXL ne& mesting fcr s3idy. of bids BITWINOUS SURFACEIZi C0XCRj;'l'E CW3 Ah? GUTTER In Valley View Road from aapoint 108,5 feet No&htrssterly of iqest 62nd Street to Trunk Highway No. 100, Engineer Zikm present$d Tabulation of Bids, three bids haveing Request granted. ON GRADIPCTG, GRAVEL BASE. ROAD-I;IIXEXI BITUNINOUS BASE, PLANT-IXIXB been received, the low bid being that -amount of $53,342.80, above the estkmate of . tb%, unless Attorney IBndhorst miles Co, in the Zikan reported must secure' easements for surface storm dra5a3ge; and Attorney Windhorst stated that, in his opinion, utiEties epements will not suffice for surface drainager I In reply to TJeries Sy the Council, he and Manager Hyde explained that it is usually possible to secure such easements for little or nothing; that, 1 in extreme cases, ' benefited Fronlcts mot%on, that contract be awarded to low can be condemned and the cost assessed against the securing easements required, was seconded by . explainedthat contractor would begin, now; before he reached this oint. Note: This 2 AND VALLEY VEVi 9 also includes Curb and Gutter Projects B-40 and B-4.I.. ON BLACKTOPPING OF lIOODDALt3,AVENUE BET" TOWEB RO-ET IIPROVEG!" NO. A-89)-% CONSTRUCTION OF CONCRETE CURB ANI] - WJ?L%R ON T.!OODDAI;E AV&XJE BE9JEE)Y TOTER ST. AND W.58TH ST. AND BETIBEN 11. 6iST ST* ARD VALLEY VIEPI ROA3 (STXEET -- IIIPIZO~4ENT NO, EL.43): Engineer Zaan presented bids on &le Uf.iickt;op?hg, sbo&ng Craig J. Alexander CO., at $10,020600, to be lo^ of the four bids received; and the bid of Victor I 6/11/56 PTT Carlson & Son, amount of $6,523.25, being below Esti&te, Tupafs motion, awarding contract for BlacJstopping to low bidder,. and contract for Curb and Gutter to Victor Carlson & Son, was seconded by Fro.& and carried, SHADY OAK SWIMMING: Recreation and Parks Director, French, reported that Hopkins has agreed, today, that Edina citizens may swim at Shady Oak Lake by paying $2.00 for their Stickers; said stickers to be sold only at the Village Hall, with Hopkins to get the entire revenue therefrom and with Edina to -guarantee $500.00, ' He stated he has been informally warned by Hopkins that, because of the already crowded conditibn of the beach, this may be the la& year! for Edina at Shady Oak. Proposed plan differs'from , that ,of last year in that, heretofore, Stickers have sold for $1.00, with Hopkins getting that revenue plus--$$500.00.from the Park Fund. Mr, Hyde explaiqed that, because of additional expenses to be incurred by %he Edina Park Fund for the children's swimming program this year, this new plan is advantageous to. Edina. Cr;inkley .moved f 0-r acceptance of Hopkins f proposal, Motion seconded by Fronk and carried. . - - 1 PUBLIC HEARINGS bN PROPOSED IfVIPROVEMIBTS: Pqblication in Edina-Morningside Courier May 31 and June 7, 1956 of #+Notice Clerk presenied Affidavit of of Hearings on Proposed Sanitary Sewer- Improvemerits,fr which was apprdved as to dorm and. ordered placed on file. Pursuant to said Notice, the following Public Hearings were conducted and actsons taken: . 1, PUBLIC HE$RING ON PROPOSED SANITARY SEWkR AND APPURTENANCES IN - Proposed easement through Interlachen Golf Course. from existing Tm& - Sewer to Waterman Ave*; FJa.t;erma;n Ave, from proposed Golf Course easement to proposed easement between Blocks 21 & 22, Mendelssohn; Easement . between Blocks 21 & 22, f ram T.Ta$errnan Ave. to Maloney Ave.; Maloney Ave. from easement betweep Blocks 21 & 22 to Blake Rd.; Blake Rd. from Water- man Ave. to'North Village Wts; Belmore Lane from Griffit St. *iMIBlake Rd,; Belmore Lane from Blake Rd, to John St.; John St. from Belmare Lane . to .North Village Limits; Gz%ffit St, from Spruce Rd.. to Maloney Avec ' Mr. Zikan gave his new Estimate of .Cost as. $10.5&-per Assessable Foot, which, he explains, includes an amount for easements to be obtained; and does estimate that Blocks 21.and.22 (through which the line passes but in which there is no road-at present) will be assessed, .peThaps by deferred .assessment Mr, Wal&er ;D. Reinstra, 6220 Watemnan A've,, presented 'petitions in 'irotest 60 the improvement, signed by .some seventeen property owners, and supported his petitions by stating tha% most residences in the area have new cesspools,.which they feel should last about five years; that that would be the time for the sewer; that the cost is more than they. can take at. this time, . Dr. Erling Rice, 309 John Street, stated he original estimate; and 30% in this las2; year. be9ng assessed for the a hundred feet to run, feels that the cost is much higher than %he Mr, Zikan explained that costs have risen some Mr. Van Bergin, 6416 $Money Avenue protested Griffit -sewer, inasmuch as he will have about to connect. He was informed that he will be assessed on the short side of his lot, which should compensate, One proponent residing on Belmore Lane stated he feels area needs the ' sewer, advocatingthat it be put in, now, Mr, Sims, Lot 2, Block u1, Mendelssohn, Bxplahed his drainfield will not work and he must have sewer, although he thinks cost high, There was discussion that streets to the East of the presently proposed line will need the sewer soon; that running these lines, now, might r'educe the cost to the entire district3 and Crinkley moved that Public Hearjng be contLnued until First Regular Meeting 5.n July, for preparation of plans and estimates of cost (1) On' . running the lines ,j+ the entire district where lines can drain in@ the proposed line in the easement between Blocks 21 and 22, (roughly, N, Village Li.mi.ts to Interlachen Blvd,, and Griffit Sta, East to Golf Course; and. (2) Running line in manner discussed tonight but eliminating John Street, Nation seconded by Fronk and carried, PUBLIC HEARIhG ON PROPOSED SANITARY SBER IN INTIBLACHEN ROAD TO SERVE i 6408 INTERLACHEN RD, Engineer Zikan explained that the actual construction cost of extension, $254.88, has been published in Notice-of Hearing, rather *than the Assessment Cost, which will be approximately @l,k-s)O; that Village 'Attorney has ruled that wemeed not have another publication but he advises - 2, that owner There were ob; jectiorrs ' project be sulj ject to carriecL~ should be informed, by letter, of the proposed assessable cost, no objections registered at the Hearing, and no written had Been received prior. thereto,- Fronkts motion, that this - approved, as a supplement to Sanitary Sewer ljnprovement iTon 100, ownerrs approval of come& cost, was seconded by Tupa and , 6/11/56 P.T.A; REQUEST FOR TOW HEE2ING ON YOUTH: P,T,A, for Tow 14eeting on Youth, some time in the early Fall, I&; Bredesen gave his opinion that the planning for such a meeting should be by unaffil- iated citizens; that quite some planning would be needed to make meeting effective, but-that Council should go on record favoring the meeting, Fronk?s motion, that Council go on record as favoring meeting, was seconded by Tupa and carried. REQUEST FOR PERNIT TO I.IOVE DVIELELNG-FRON 3600 W.66TH ST, TO 512l FJ.48TI-l ST. was approved by motion CrinMey, seconded by Fronk and carried, after Asst, Building Inspector had given his report that home is structurally sound and that, while it is not as valuable a house as some in the neighborhood, the house on the lot adjacent to it is older and the railroad track is on the other side, INPROVBENT PETITIONS: ordered placed on file: Council discussed request by . The following petitions were submitted, accepted and 1. Sanitary Sewer and VTatermain 2; Itilryan Ave,, 17.63rd St, to VJ.64th St, Extension of Sewer to'serve 620k Crescent Drive. 3; Oiling - 4. Oiling - 5. oiling- 6. Oiling - 7. Oiling - '8, oiling - 9. Oiliria - Southdale Rd., Dawson Lane and Hillcrest Lane, W.5st;h St.; Fairfax Ave. to St. Johns Ave, ~~60th St., Normandale Rd, to Tingdale Ave. Concord Ave.,-Valley View Rd, to W.62nd St, Tingdale A.ve,, Benton to 17,60th St, Chotren Ave.,'W.blst to W.62nd St,; Chowen Curve Harrison Ave, from BeZmore Lane to Naloney Aver and on N0.-2 it was reported that .this petition is for an extension to a sewer already under contract, Nr. Zikan stated he doubts whether Estimate can be ready for publication in*kime for Hearing June 25, and Fro& moved that Public Hearing be scheduled for the earliest- date-'for which publication can 'be made. 'Notion seconded by Crinkley and carried, PETITION FOR VACATION OF LAGUNA DRIVE FRoL\.i IICODDALE AVENUE TO EAST LINE OF CRESTON HILLS ADDITION was submitted, Fronkls motion, that Public Hearing on petition be scheduled for July 9, was seconded by Crinkley and carried. REQUEST BY UUPE BUILDERS, JNC., FOR A TImY-FOOT SmBACK OTJ LCX 2, LANPE'S *SUBDIVISION OF TTILLARDtS SUBDIVISION was denied by Fronk, seconded by CrinRl-ey and carried, after report by Building Inspector that such setback is inadvisable. SUBURBAN BUILDING DEPT. ADXINISTRATORSt MEETING, lfednesday, June 13, at 6:30 P.& was announced, with an invitation for Council bkmbers to attend, IJALTBR CARLSON'S PETITION TO DETACH FRGN EDINA THE OLD STREETCAR RIGHT OF WAY was being considered pursuant to Planning Commissionfs recommendation of June 6, when Attorney Windhorst announced that, according to Hopkins f Attorney, Fro& Whitney, Hopkins does not have the power to annex this strip; that if it is detached it will revert to Minnetonka Totmship, Matter tabled pending clarification of the lawe E3.J PRELIXINWRY PUT OF EVANS ADDITION, on the East side of France Avenue, South of IJ.62nd St, was discussed at some length, Planning Commission having recommended approval subject to design of crosstown highway. he feels there is no real reason to believe highway r.rill be moved; and Cririkley bioved for approval of preliminary plat, and carried, Developer stated Motion seconded by Fronk PRELD.IIINARY PLAT OF EIELODY KNOLLS SIXTH ADDITION (tL56th to 1?,5&h St,, Hansen Road to Code Ave.) was presented, with Planning Commission's recommendation for approval subject to engineering check. Manager Hyde reported that the developer, 14rB E, M, Hansen, has signified his willingness to donate 5% of the value of the raw land for park purposes; also., that ietition has been filed for stoqn sewer for property owned by the Hansens. Fronk moved for approval of Preliminary Plat in accordance with Commission! s recommendations, Notion seconded by Crinkley and carried. REPIAT OF LOT 14, BLCCK 2, PEACEDAIZ was approved subject to engineering check, in accordance with Planning Commission's recommendations of June 6th, by I motion Crinkley, seconded by Fronk and carried. FINAL PUT OF IIRIPLAT CF LCTS 19.18,17 AND NORTH 30 FEEIT OF. LOT 1.6. NORIIANDAIE SECOPD ADDIZE has received Planning Commissionl s recommendation for approval subject to Public Hearinn on belowminimum size lotsD Crinkle~Ts rnotioll, " - sc7ledE?-ke: PubYs Hezrine: for Monday, June 25, was second& by Tup and carrieds FINAL PLAT OF LOKENIS FOURTH ADDITION 6/11/56 - being one 60x135 foot lot on Zenith 679 M1- i Atreme, south of TJa60th StS - was studied; this being a hardship case, where it is impossible to make-other residential use of the property, Planning Commission had recommended on June 6, that plat be approved subject to Hearing a I and utilities easement. Crinkleyfs motion, that Public Hearing be scheduled for $Ionclay, June 25, was seconded by Fronk and carried. FINAL PLAT OF JONES KNOLLS (being Tract A, Registered Land Survey No, 194) was approved by Notion Crinkley, seconded by Tup and carried, in accordance with Commission! s June 6th recommendation for approval subj e'ct to- a15 engineer- ing check, ---- FINAL PLAT OF LOT ONE, BLOCK ONE, ROLLING GREEN - this being a replat of Lot 6, was appoi-ed by motion Tupa, seconded by Crinkley and carried, ?.Lready receiyed approving recommendations by Planning Commission and Rolling Green Association, FIl'uAL PLAT - OF "ALLARD MANOR1r, by Mr. George Posselt, located on Brittany Road, 'received Crinkleyts motion that Plat be approved subject to engineering check and submission of utilities easement, a11 in accoxdance with Pla,nning Commissiont s approval cf June 6, Motion seconded by Tupa and carried, Plat; had -e-.---.- C0FF"lS PRELDIINARY PIAT OF SOUTH GARDEN ESTATES FIRST ADDITION was reviewed, PlaxlnLcg Contlission had approved the N orth portion of the plat at its meeting of Jum 6; and then had referred entire plat back to Messrs, Zikan and Law for pwpose of coordinating entire plat, Prel-hinary Plat be referred back to Planning Cdmission, was seconded by Tup and carriedo CIV FLbJAL PLAT OF BANQ3S UXE ADDITION, by Roy Peterson, .and located West, of Tracy A.venue and South of Warden Acres was approved,- by; motion Tupa, seconded by Fronk and carriedc Crinkleyf s motion, that entire Plat had received Planning Co&ission+ s June 6th approval Lll RWISED --.-.my-rrn.* PRYLIMINARY PLAT OF THE OLD'VALLEY VIEW STABLES" PROPERTY had received Pltmnnins ComissFon1s June 6th recommendation for approval subject to street nmmo 'Tmstse Tupa asked that Council make sure utilities easements are gran?;ed, whez-e needed, for construction of the proposed Nine-Mile Creek Trunk, €?e n.~vcd- -for approval of Preliminary-Plat 'sdbject to submission of required ckil2ties eo~seslerrbs, Motion seconded by Fro& and carried, . . ._^ ,r.A.--.,m%-<--..- FIX4L X??LAT OF LOT &a&OCK 15, NOFXANDALE was approved in,accordance with Plmnlng Srm~?issionts recornendations for same as of June 6, bs motion Crinkley. -,u~crm*ri--V'~.-.-N-.31-)Lld~.;C:- PTX3,E OIL Cr3p,ypAYJX~S RFBUFST FOR THE REZONING TO CO~~JIT'Y Yr,**ir--.." STOR3 DISTRICT OF c-- LC2S ri .-.22.,L-"L-u,.",i 9 10.-11, 1*--.-1-0..-.1 BLOCK 7. TINGDALE BROS. BROOXLSII3, for %he purpose of biriLr?ki;: 3, gzzollm station thereon, was discussed at some Length, Planning Coinxiscio~~.~g mt-im of June 6th, reaffirming its position of. 1952 %hat this mea Is reaomwded for rezoning to Community Store District, and Commission Membss To6drs recommendation that no action be taken by the Council until s:xh %%?.e as Eighw33 Department has determined lo cation o'f proposed Clover- leaf, were bo%h bro11g3.t to Councilf s attention. Manager Hyde showed the Council khe @j.ghmray Departqent ''s very tentative prans for the cloverleaf, sta%ring that the Village does not yet knpw-whethey this wiLl.be its exact . Locs%'ioc; and. Engineer Zikan reported that' the State' Highivay Department does not,*favor Iccatigg a gasoline service st'ation,at the point requested by Pure Oi1,at this tim.5 because of the fact that the location of the proposed cloverleaf has not been settled; that, possibly, a gasoline st&ion at this point could mzke traffic control considerably more difficult, Tupa moved that request by Piire Oil Company be denied,. Motion 'seconded by Crinkley and carried, Clerk Alden reported a call from Pure Oil Company, this afternoon, asklag tha,t matter of their request.be held over to June 25, at which tSme they ~213. have additional information. to present Council will, hear Company but feels that action will not be changed, unless defini.te jllformation is given concerning clpverleaf location, --.L-.--- FINAL FLAT OF ROSENDAHLTS ADDITION TO EDINA HIGHLANDS, having received Planning Coznr?_i,ssions s reco&nqnd.&ion of approval subject to Engineering check, was approTred by the Coimcll on this same basis, by motion Tupa,' seconded-by CrirXLe;~ znd carri-ed, ' ' She was advised that --..---- FIVAL PLJT OF ' wa.; y-xrcv~3' m%pct to an engineering check, in accordance with the -Planning ~~v~:,-~i'.nnP c, PCYTI~~?LY+~&I of June 6, by motion Tip;, secsaded Crinkley, carried, P, BI$>TSOM ADDITION, between Normandale and Brittany Roads, 6/11/56 ' RESIGNATION OF TWO PIdIQ'NING COllMISSION IElilBERS, Manager Hyde reported 38.0 resignations fromthe Planning Commission of Chairman E, W. Krafft and of Member Richard V. Jamme . Tupa offered the following Resolution and moved its adoption: RES0 LUTI ON AT THE RESIGNATION OF Ea W. IWFT FRO14 THE EDINA PLANNING COIBiISSION FJHEREAS, E. W, Krafft has been Chairman of the Edina Plannine: Commission since its inception in 1943, and has advised this-Council of his resignation, and WHEREAS, E. W. Krafft brought to this position unusual skill, and conscientiously and unselfishly devoted many hours to .the perfom- ance of his duties in the public interest, and '[.JHEREAS, the results of his work are apparent in the beauty and desirability of our community as a place in vihich to live; NOW, BE IT RESOLVED, that this Council accepts hi% resignation with regret, and takes this occasion to express its gratitude for the service rendered by E, If. Krafft to the residents of -this Village . and for the cooperation vhich he has continuously given this Council. in the solution of their mutual problems. Motion for adoption of the Resolution was seconded by Crinkley, andeon Rollcall. there were four ayes and no aye; and Bredesen, aye; and And Tupa offered the following Resolution and moved its adoption: RF;SOLuTION AT THE RESIGNATION OF RICHARD TI, JAMME FRON THE EDINA PLANNING COIDKISSION T.J'HEREAS, Richard V, Jamme has been a member of the Edina Planninn - Commission shce January, 1955, and has advised this Council of his resignation, and THER;EAs, Richard V, Jamme has conscientiously and ably performed his duties as a member of such Commission; I33 IT RESOLVED, that this Council accepts the resignation of Richard V. Jamme with regret and takes this occasion to express its appreciation for the serdce rendered by him to this Village. Notion for adoption of the Resolution was seconded by Crinkley, and- on RollcaU there were four ayes and no nays, as follows: aye; and Bredesen, aye; and the aye; %pa, &yor Pro Ten Village Clerk ACQUISITION OF LNlD FOR FRANCE AVENUE RIGIFT-OF-I?AY. IIr. Edward Lorens and ing: 1. "A permanent easement for the construction and maintenance of a culvert and wing-wall along a slightly relocated chnnel of Nixmehaha Creek within the follovrjng described tract of land - "The easterly 45 feet of Lot 3, of Block 7, Colonial Grove Third Addition11 - together with an easement for relocation of said channel in accordance with present construction plans within the limits of said Lot 3,lland easterly 45 feet of the northerly 110 feet of Lot 1 of Block 7, Colonial Grove Third Addition (being tht part northerly of the proposed location of the garage on said premises) being Registered Land, Certificate of Title No, 205300 in the office of the Registrar of Titles, Henneph County, Ninnesota. *I Option, dated June 21, 1956, contained stipulations that Village shall be required to provide a surfaced privake drive:ay only within the limits of the public right of way as en!;sance to %lese pmmises 0nl.y at the time of re- co~stmctioi? of I"ra_r,cc it-renlie; %kk cp+lonsrs prqpoTe .to abandon a double elk. Charles H. Vrooman, 5626 France Avenue, presented an option on the follow- 2. "The following &rack of land for slope easement purposes only: 'The 6/11/55 183. basement garage and driveway to said garage and to reconstruct, at their own expense a new garage-in a'proposed locattion at the approximate north- east corner of the residence on the praises; that they further agree to pmvide, at their own expense, such fill as may be required in front of the present garage for support of the new garage and driveway and to con- struct said driveway at their own expense; that any necessary replanting of trees or developmerrt of landscaping shall also be at the expense of the Optioner at such time as may be required- in co-nnection with the rebuilding of the garage and driveway; or as required after construction of slopes northerly of the garage as part of actual construction of France Avenue; that execution of option by optioner is contingent upon the granting by the Village of a building permit for construction of garage with its east wall. not less than five feet from the west righk-ofway' line of France Avenue; that Purchase Price shall be $3,000. - Manager Hyde reported that County feels that the project on France Avenue between W,54th ad 1!,62nd Streets will go forward next year; and Nr, Lorens recommended that Council approve Option, conending Mr, Vrooman on the fair- ness of his proposition. Motion seconded by Tupa and carried, Fronk's motion tliZk propcsition be accepted, CONDEMNATION OF GLACIER SAND AND GRAJElA0i"iPAW PROPFBTY FOR STREET RIGHT- - OF-WAY. Glacier Sand and Gravel Company's Claim fw Damages in the amount of $46,800, be accepted, was read. be able to have its building wrecked for sslvage, but that the .best bid they received was at a cost of $167gZOO; that total claim includes $1,100 to be paid by the Village for this work (Glacier will pay $575); that said claim also includes $279 for a seven-foot strip of land being taken in the second condemnation proceeding for Vest 70th St,, extending along the rear Quarter Section of the Company property, Nr. Zdward Lorens also recommended acceptance of Claim in the total amount, of $46,800 (Glacierts original Claim had been for $76,000); and Mr, Windhorst added that Claim has been tendered, on the basis of a cash payment, Tupa moved for acceptance of Glacier claim, motion was seconded by Fronk and carrieds Village Attorney T.lindhorst 1 s 3-etter of June 11, recommending that Mr* IJindhorst e,xplained that Glacier had expected to GARBAGE AND RUBBISH COUECTION ORDDDCZ, Council at its meeting of Nay U, Villa.ge Attorney Windhorst presented .an - Amendment No, 211-2 to the Village Garbi.ge and Refuse Collection Ordinance, which was read as follows: Pursuant to directions by the ORDII!:JYCE XO* 2l1-2 AN ORDINANCE &.ENDiVG OFDITTANCZ KOe 211 OF THE .VILLAGE, RELATING TO THE REGULAR COLLECTION OF GARBAGZ OR RZPTSE ~,~.s.-1~~*~~>____p THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF THE VIUAGZ 9:. EXYR, 242Zi3OTA, ORDAIXS: entitled !'An Ordinance Providing For Thz IEcg?lar Collection and Disposal of Garbage or Refuse, The lmposition of a:i Pa?.ign,t!,on to Pay The Cost Thereof on The Owners of The Property Served, And The "szpsment Against The Property Served of Unpaid Charges Under Ninnqsota StxM.w, Ssction 443 001511, are hereby repealed, Section 2..-' Section. 8 of said Ordfnance, 2,s anmded by Ordinance No, 211-1, -adopted on October 24, 1955, is heroby mcnded to read as follows: ' 11Section 8. Garbane Requi.id'~~~&Ek~L&&. Every householder or occupant of any dwelling house or any place of 3dsiness having garbage or rubbish to dispose of shall contract with a garbage hauler licensed by the Village for the regular collection and disposal of such garbage or rubbish, unless such householder or occupank disposes of his garbage or rubbish by incineration in a mechanical electric or gas incinerator kept on the premises under cover; or, in an area zoned Cormercial, Community Store, or Regional Shopping District, by incineration in a device approved by the Fire Chief, or such householder or occupanb burTes such garbage 01: rubbish under not less than three feet of earth or stone, collection or other disposal as herein provided, all garbage and rubbish shall be kept in one or more fly-tight metal cans sufficient to receive all garbage and rubbish which may accumulate be3ween the times of collection or other-disposal, gallons and shall be provided with a tight fitting coverell Section 1. Sections 1 through 7 of 3rdinance No, 211 of the Village, Between times of Each can shall have a capacity of not to exceed thirty to to Section 3. Section 4. read as follows: . IISection 12, Application FOL&~Z~~S~,$ P,y-$-fcntions for such license haul or -to convey rubbish, g3xb7c 91: <-"hc;. i'nC77s~ mk,erial in the Village Section 9 of said. Ordinance Bo, 211-1 is hereby repealed? ' Section 12 of said Ordkance Yo. 211-1 is hereby amended \ shall be .in writing and shslll be fried with the Village Clerk and shall 1 state the types and makes of motor vehicles proposed to be used, the name of the owner, a schedule of charges qrhich will be made for the hauling of such natter, the frequency of-services proposed to be given to customers,, and full infomation as to where and how much material trill be disposed of. Such schedules of charges willbe posted at the Village FJall,'I -- Section 5. Section 16 of said Ordinance No. 2l.l-1 is hereby repealed and a new section substituted therefor, reading as follows: ' "Section 16. Duty to Furnish Service. Every garbage hauler licensed unde? this Ordinance shall provide service to any premises within the Village for vhich service is requested, at the posted rates and with the same frequency of service as stated in the hauler's application for license,1t force from anc! after July 1, 1956. . Crinkley moved for acceptance of this reading a3 First Reading of Ordinance No, 211-2, for waiver of second reading, and for adoption of Ordinance-as read, Motion seconiied by-Tupa. On Rollcall there were four ayes and no nays, as follow: Crkkley, aye; Fronk, aye; Tupa, aye;,&'d Bredesen, aye; and the AT T: ( L-rvu-.*I-.-w Section 6, Effective Date, This Ordinance shall take effect and be in Orfinmce 7vss adopted, A. -mJ fl&&/Q& Village Clerk LIFT STATION REPS. Pursuant to his report of May 28, Ehgineer Zikan further reported that 119vonne Lane". has been vacated without provision for utilities easement; that residents in the :immediate area are not willing to give ease- ments through their property for a line running from-the present Yvonne Terrace Lift to the proposed new Lift in park property; that, under the circumstances, the best arrangement will be to operate-both lift stations. Hatter was reviewed for Village Attorney Vindhorst, who reported that the Village has the power to condemn for sewer easement if it is found expedieht and in the public interest to do so; and 1~. V. 5, Schweiger, 5109 IrJ.56th St,, stated he feels that neighbors in the area are sufficiently upset to fight such action through the Court; to ihich &. Windhorst replied that the only question would be %ha% I of claims for damages,' ME. Zikan reiterated his earlier statement that he feels the Yvonne Terrace L<ft will continue to give trouble because it has .only one pmp; that an additional puinp cannot be installed in 5%; that the only specifica%ion necessary to serve these people wkth the new lift (besides the contmersial line connecting) would be a bigger motor for the pumps in the new stztjm. Trustee Tupa stated he feels that it is in the public interest to do tke jcb right, while construct-ion of the new lif% is contemplated; and lfr. Bredesen gave his opinion*tha% Lift Station should be constructed as orj.@1~3.1y ccr-hmpkt ed; that, when Yvonne Terrace people found them elves in tronbble VEX^ %?e old lift, perhaps they would be happ56r about giving the reqyirec! emerzexbs. KO formal action- taken, I 'PUELTC vi__l_- HEKTGS -- ON PROPOSED II4PROTTE"TS. Engineer Zikan presented Preliminary Plans an6 3sthz't;es of Cost on several. improvement projects, recommending that Public Hearings be scheduled for June 25, and Fronk offered the following Resolution and moved its adoption: ' # IlESOLUTION PROVIDING FOR PUBLIC HEXRIN6S ON PROPOSED IIiPR0VEME"IS BE IT RESOLT$3D b;T the Council-of the Village of Edina: 1, The Tillage Engineer, having subdtted to the Council a preliminary report as to th5 feasibility of the proposed Improvements described in the Form of Rotlce of Hearing set forthbelow, and as to the estimated cost of such &provenen*+ said report is hereby approved and directed to be placed on file in the office of the Village Clerk; the Edina Village Hall, to consider in public hearing the views of all persons interested in said improvements, time, place md purpose of said meeting to be published in the officlal news- paper orice a week for two successive weeks, the second of 7vhich publications is to be nct less than three days from date of said meeting, which notice shall be ix substartially the following form: l\frJIG3 15; IZWT G-QZ- thqt the Edina Village Council will meet at the Village Ha2 on Ex~=Q-, Jum 25, 1956, at 7:30 PJ-!,, to consider the follotcng proposed 5~:pz~*~~.viis to >p. cms5xcted under the authority granted b2 NinnesotJa Lata 2. This Council shall meet on Monday, June 25, 1956, at 7:30 P.%, in 3$ The Clerk is hereby authorized and directed to cause notice of the ITWICZ OF PUELIC HEARINGS ON PROPOSED IHPROVFNENTS BLACKTOPPING: IJATERtlAIN: SANITARY SEtBR - 1- - 183 of 1953, Chapter 398, The appr0;dmat'e cost of said improvements is esti- maCed by khe Village Engineer as set forth below: 1. BLACKTOPPING of Idylwood Drive in Idy'lwood Addition -$-63 2, s in Proposed Easement from Existing 121f Trunk Ifatemain to Ws64th St and Valley View Rd, ; and in Valley View Rd, from W.64th St, to Brookview Ave, $22,870.08 ' CONSTRUCTION OF VILLAGE SANITARY 5BGR EXTENSION AND APPURTENANCES Sherwood Ave., W164th St. to App~ox. 190 Ft. Ne W,64th St., Sherwood Aver to Josephine Ave. Josephine'Ave, from 500 Ft, N, of W.64th StD to ~~66th Str W.65th St.; Tingdale Ave, to*Service Rd* . W.64Ch St,, Wilryan Ave, to Tingdale Aver Easement Line, Tingdale Ave4 to Mildred Ave, Wilryan Ave,; wi63rd St, to W.66th St, Mildred Ave,, W.63rd St, to 225 Ft. 3, of W.64th Str Rolf Aye,, Wt63rd St, to 560 Ft, S, of W.64th St, Tingdale Ave,, V1,63rd St, to W, 65th.St. Service Rd,, Wr65th St, to Wr66th St, Proposed Easement through Dayton Property from, existFg Trunk Sewer to .1$.64th ,S.t . and galley View Rd.;' Valley View Rd,, W.64th St, to 864 Ft, NWly, . EST . COST CONSTRUGTION OF VILLAGE WATERWIN EXTENSION AND APPURTENANCES . 3 . $105, OB3 e 52 4* CONSTRUCTION OF SAN3ITAnY SEN3R EXI'ENSION AND APPURTENANCES . $10,326 , E30 The areas proposed to be assessed for the cost of said improvements gre-,,as follows : For No, 1 Above - All lots and tracts of land abutting. the streed proposed to be itnproved, For No;2 Above - Lots 4 to 18 inclusive, except Lot 17, Block 2, Peacedale Acres, and Lot 1, Ahnert's Addition. For No, 3 Above - Lots 16 through 19, Block 1; Lots 6 through 30, Block 2;' I Lots 1 through 30, Block 3; Lots 1 through 30, Block 4; Lots 5 through 28, Block 5; Lots 1 through 14, Block 6; Lots 1 through 5, 3 lock 9; Lots-Z ,, through 12, Block 10; Lots 19 through 24, Block 10; Lots.1 through 24, Block 11; Lot:: 1 through 24, Block 12; Lots'l througJ? 24, Block 13; Lots ' 13 through 24, Block 14; Lots 13 through 24, Block 15; and. Lots I'through 12, Block 17, all in Normandale Second Addition; Lots 1 through 4, C, ,Gr Carbon1 s Rearrangement of Lots 1,2,3 &' 4, Block 5, Normandale 2nd Addition; and+ Lots 1 through 16, Orrin-E; Thompson's Edina Addition, Peacedale Acres, and Lot 1, Ahnertfs Addition. 'I ,. - For No, 4 Abbve --Lots 4,5,4;7,8,9,10,11,1,13,1~,15,16 and 18, Block 2, . GRETCEIEN Se ALDEN Village Clerk Motion for adoption of Resolution was seconde were four ayes and no nays as follows: ley, and on Rollcall there C en, aye; and the Resolution was adopte SALARY INCREASES FOR OFFICE EMPLOYEES, Manager Hyde asked for authority to increase the s&aries of' two office. employees , Matter discussed but tabled without action, AUTHORITY TO SELL IMPROVEKENT BONDS JULY 9. Manager Hyde asked authority to sell some $800,000 improvement bonds on July 9, explainingthat School expects to put a large issue-on the market just a little later. authority be granted, was seconded by 'Tupa and carried. Fronkfs motion that CLADfS FOR PA-T: per Pre-List No, 11 of June 11 - General Fund - $2,098.09; Construction Fund - $4,258.19; Parks Fund - $47.00; Poor Fund - $1l4.21; Waterworks Fund - $40,997*36; Garbage Fund - $1,722.00; Sewer-Rental Fund - $134.80; Liquor Fund - $20,364.48; Special Assessments Funds - $10,087.22; P,I,R, Fund - $18,008,01;' Improvement Fund - $459,366.62; - Total - $557,097.98; plus $70,00 to Henry ITrobleski for Advance for attending U of M Institute on Juvenile Delinquency, was seconded by Crinkley and carried. Tupa,!.~ motion, for approval of the following Claims, as Tupals motion for adjournment was seconded by Crinkle$ and carried, Meeting acjourned at 11:lO P,Mr, Rezoning, at 7:30 PaMoJ '*June Council r