HomeMy WebLinkAbout19560625_REGULARVu;LAGE COUNCIL, HELD MONDAY, JUNE 25, 1956, AT 7:30 P,MI, AT THE EDINA VILLAGE HALL -A INVOWION was given by Father Speltz of Our La P.d* n. /'- ROUCAU was amid& Trus;tRas--- -'" I - -. Mwar_- c _. ~~+-~3ii+op or" the Regular @ee%ing of June 11, wepe Motionf qronk, sepanded by Tupa, apd camled. DUlYP TWCK BIDS TAKEN JUNE 11 were not adced op no reqqmendatiop thereon. ,, . approved as submitted, by because Manager Hyde had I. * PUBLIC HEARINGS ON PROFOSED IiWROVmNTS: Publicatxon in Edina-Morningside Caurie$bune I.,!+ and 21, 1956, of tlNotice of Public Hearings on Proposed Improvements--Blacktopping; Watermain; Sanitary Sewer," which affidavit was approved as to form and ordered placed on file. Pursuant to said Notice, the following Public Hearings were held, and action taken: 1, PUBLIC HEARING ON PROPOSED BLACKTOPPING OF IDYLl~K33D DRIVE IN IDYLWOOD ADDITION, Manager Hyde presented Engineerts Estimate of Cost, as 83,989.63 against l,497,,61 Assessable Feet, for #2*66 per Assessable Foot. Engineer Zikan reported that some work has been done with the developers of two plats continguous to Idylwood Addition, concerning installatlan of Sanitary Sewer and Water in the area; that property owners in Idylwood Drive are anxious to have the Blacktopping before sewer and water, Manager Hyde reminded Council of owners' petition withdrawing utilities petitions in order that Blaclskop could be expedited. There were na objections to the proposed Blacktopping Improvement registered from the floor, and no written objections had been received prior to the Hearing, Approving) I- (PUELIC HEARING ON PROPOSED 2. (CGNSTRUCTIOTJ OF VILLAGE TgATEB,MAIN EDENSION AND APPURTENANCES IN PRO- POSED EASB.IE_T FROM EXISTING 12" TRUNK T?ATFBWJN TO W664TH ST, AND VALLEY Clerk submitted Affidavit of (See Resolution of later in Meeting, VIEW RD,: AND I?J VALLEY VIEW ROAD FROM W.6&TH ST, TO BROOKVIEW ATEL, Manager Hyde presented Engineerls Estimate of Cost in Total of $22,870,08, of which $12,474,00 is Blacktop Replacement, and #10,396,08 is construction of Watermain. The Estimated Cost per Assessable Foot was presented as $5.84 for Watermain only, and $12.86 for project including Blacktop replacement, One owner inquired as to why residents must pay for Blacktop replacement, when their utilities petitions have been in since November of 1955; and Mr, Hyde explained that the Estimated Cost is high because it was figured on replacement of completed blacktop project; thak StabUized Base is in but that Contractor has been asked to delay balance of project until after utilities construction; that part of the road work was done last yearr Mr. Peter Dahlgren inquired as to proposed assessments for his Lots 10 and 11, which are in the path of the proposed Crosstown Highway; and he was informed that assessments will be, levied but should be a part of the condemnation cost, no written objections had been registered prior thereto. of later in Meeting, Approving), . There were no objections registered at the Hearing, and (See Resolution 3L NAN6ES IN PROPOSED EASEXENT THROUGH DAYTON PROPERTY FROM EXISTING TRUNJS 86& FT. NWLY, Manager Hyde presented Engineer's Estimate of Cost as $10,326.80, cas against 1,776,90 Assessable Feet, for $5,81 per Assessable- f Foot, Thereawere no objections registered from the floor, and no written objeckions had been received prior thereto. Meet,ing, Approving) PUBLIC HEARING ON PROPOSED CONSTRUCTION OF SANITARY SEMER AND APPIJRTE SEFJER TO W.6kTH STa AND VaUY VIEW ROAD: VALLEY VIEW RD,, vv64TH ST, TO (See Resolution of later in ? \ 6/25/56 (PUBLIC. HEARING SANIT&Y'SEV?ER-CONT"UED) in Josephine, North of W.64th Street, were filed by Vh,,R, Krisko, L*B* Strachan, Nks, th, Lee, Nrs, Beatrice &kills, all of whom objected on the grounds that the proposed Cloverleaf for the Crosstown Highway is to be located in this area and they do not want an improvement lien upon their properties at such time as the State is to acquire it. It was explained to these people that, should their properties be condemned, the cost of the proposed improvement would be a part of the condemnation costs. One of the objectors stated that the State should have its plana completed by September 1, and asked if this part of the construction could be delayed until such tine as the location of the cloverleaf is knovm; and it ifas the consensus of the Council' s opinion that specifications should be written in such manner as to provide for construction of the Nort6 Josephine sewer as the latest construction in the contract, with an alternate notifying bidders that this portion will possibly be deleted. explained that the area North of 64th Street on Josephine Avenue should definitely be included in the proposed Assessment District because its sewer will drain into the proposed project and the area should help to pay for the costly Highway Crossing. Frank then offered the following Resolution and moved its adoption: Objections to running the line Engineer Zikan - RESOLUTION 0RL)ERING IHPROTTE[\IENTS STREET INPROVEMENT NO. A-90 WATEBWIN IMPROVEIENT NO, U2 SANI!TARY SBW IMPROVEIBRTS NOS. ~6, 3.lt BE IT REaLW by the Council of the Village of Edina, Minnesota, that this Council heretofore caused notices of hearings to be &ly published on the following proposed improvements : 1, BLACKTOPPING of Idylwood Drive in Idylwood Addi.t;ion. 2, CONSTRUCTION OF VILLAGE WATERMAIN EXTENSION AND APPURTEDJANCES in Proposed- Easement from Existing 12" Trunk Watermain $0 W,64th St, and Valley View Rdz; and in Valley View Rd. from 1J.64th StB Zo Brookview Ave, 3. CONSTRUCTlON OF VILLAGE SANITARY SENE8 BXTENSION AND APPURTENANCES in: Shemood Ave,, W,64th St, to Approx, 190 Ft, N,; W.64th St. Sherrmod Ave. to Josephine Ave,; Josephine Ave, from 500 Et, N, of tJ,6&th St, to W.66th St.; W,65th St., Tingdale Ave, to Service Rdv; W&th St., 1;Tilryan Ave. to Tingdale Ave,; Easement &e, Tingdale Ave, to Eildred Ave,; Wilryan Ave, W.63rd St. to W,66'Gh St,; IELdred Aver, WD63rd SL to 223 Ft, S, of th54d St,; Rolf Ave., TJB63rd St, 4x1 560 Ft, S, of V.64th St.; :Tingdale Ave., W3rd ' St, to 11.65th St,; Service Rd., W.65th St, to 1?.66th St, CONSTRVCTION OF SAKSTARY SEIER EXtENSION AND APPURTEklAljCBS in Proposed Easment through Dayton Property from Existing Trunk Sewer tp WB64th St, and Valley View Rd,; Valley View Rd,, Wa64th St. to 864 Ft. Nn.y. and at the hearings held at the time and place specified in said notice the Council has duly considered the views of all persons interested, and being fully advised of the pertinent facts does hereby determine to proceed with the construction of said improvements; that said improvements are hereby designated and shall be referred to in all subsequent procee-ilings as follows: No, 1 Above NAME OF INPROVEGENT STREET ITPROVE&ZNT NO, A090 No, 2 Above No.% Above WATEDiAIN I?PROVBBNT NO. - 112 SANITARY SmmDFRmmm NO, U7 No& Above SANITARY SEVEB, ICPROVEIBNT NO, 2.16 BE IT FYTHER RESOLJIB3 that it is the consensus of opinion of Chis Council that the specifications for Sanitary Sewer Improvement NO. U6 shall be mitten in such manner that sewer in the area North of W.64th Street in Josephine Avenue shall be the 1ast.main constructed in this project, and may be entirely deleted upon evidence that cloverleaf will be located in this area, 3E IT FURTHER RESOLYED that the areas to be specially assessed for the cost of said improvements sha,ll be as follows: For Street Improvement No. A-90 - All lots and tracts of land abutthg the sitreet proposed to be improved. For Watermain Improvement.No, 112 - Lots & to 18 inclusive, except Lot 17, Block 2, Peacedale Acres, and Lot 1, Ahnert's Addition, For Sanitary Sewer Improvement No, U.6 - Lots 16 through 19, Block 1;'Lots 8 through 30, Block 2; Lots 1 thmugh 30, Block 3; Lots 1 through 30, Block-&; Lots 5 through 28, Block 5; Lots 1 through 3.4, Block 6; Lots 1 through 5, Block 9; Lots 1 through 12, Block 10; Lots 19 through 2.4, BLock 10; Lots 1 through 24, Block 11; Lots 1 through 24, Block 12; Lots 1 through 24, Block 13; Lots 13 through 24, Block 14; Lots 13 through 24, Block 15; and-lots . *. * P 1 through 12, Block 17, all in N 4, C,G, Carlsonls Rearrangement of Lots l-,:Z,3 and 4, Block 5, Normandale 2nd Addition; and Lots 1 through 16, Orrin E, Thompsonls Edina Addition, 15, 16 and 18, Block 2, Peacedale,Acres, and Lot 1, Ahnertls Addition, ale Second Addition; 'Lots 1 through For Sanitary Sewer Improvement No. 117 - Lots 4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,~, Motion for adoption of the Resolution was seconded by Crinkley, and on : Bredesen, aye; ye; and the Resolution %- PUBLIC HEARINGS ON PETITIONS TO PUT IN NON-CONFOB."CE WITH ZONING ORDINANCE: Clerk presented copies of '!Notice of Public Hearingsl* mailed to owners of property within 500 feet of that under consideration; and, pursuant to said Notice, the following Public Hearings were conducted and action taken. Lots 19, 18, 17 and North 30 Ft, of Lot 16, Block 6, Normandale Second Addition into three lots, each lot having a frontage of 60 feetr It was- pointed out that Planning Commission had recommended this; that Mr, Hardacker is making 60-foot lots of already-platted property with 5O-._foot frontage. were registered at the Hearing, and no written *objections had been received prior thereto, Tupa moved that petition be granted, Motion seconded by ' CrinMey, On Rollcall vote there were five ayes and no-nays, being Bredesen, aye; Crinkley, aye; Fronk, aye; Tupa, aye; and Erickson, aye; and motion was unanimously adopted, 1, PUBLIC HEARING ON PETITION OF MR, HAROLD HAFtTlACKER FOR PERNIT TO RE-PLAT No objections 2, IILoken's Fourth ibddition,Ir being one lot of 60 Ft~, by 135 Ft, on Zenith Ave,, PUBLIC HEARING ON PETITION OF MR. LWERNE LOKEN FOR PEE@fIT TO PLAT South of W,bOth St, come of Public Hearing; and Mr, Hyde pointed out that this is the last remain- ing piece of unplatted property in the block, registered at the Hearing, and no written objections had been received prior thereto, Tupa movedthat petition be granted. Motion seconded by Crinkley, On Rollcall vote there were five ayes and no nays, being Bredesen, aye; Planning Conmission had recommended this subject to out- There were no objec%ions Crinkley, aye; Fronk, aye; Tupa, aye;, and Erickson, aye; and motion was unanimously adopted, PUBLIC HEARINGS ON PR0POSED.ASSESSMENTS FOR IMPROlEMENTS: Clerk presented 8 Affidavits of Publication in Edina-Morningside Courier May 31 and June 7, . - 1956, for the following notioes: llNotice of -Hearing on the Proposed Amendment to Assessment for Tmtnk Watemnain No. 78 and Lateral Watermain Service to said Trunk,It llNotice of Hearing on SpeciaL Assessments for Sanitary.Sewer Lift Station NO, LS-1, "Notice of Hearing on Special Assessments for Storm Sewer No, 32ltr I'Notice of Hearings on Special Assessments for 'Sanitary Sewer Improve- "Notice of Hearings on Special Assessments for Blacktopping Improve- 1, 2, 3. 4. 5, ments NOS, 73, 77.9 78, 85, 873 $8, 89, 91, 92, 93, 943 95 and 96," ments,Nos, A-42, k-62, A-73> A-74, A-75, A-77 and A-78, Grading and Graveling No. C-57, Curb and Gutter NO, 13-26," Said AffidaWs were approved as to form and ordered placed on file; qd, pumuant to :sai"d i- . Notices the following Public Hearings were held and action takent k c *' 1, PUBLIC HEARING ON PROPOSED AMENDMENT TO ASSESSMENT FOR TRUNK WATERMAIN NO. 78 AND LATEXAL CONIECTIONS TO SAID TRUNK, Manager Hyde presented a tabulation of the Assessment as originally presented--being $.73 for the Tm+, and $6.38 for the Laterals (this being the Estimate given at the original Improvement Hearing, before contract was awarded for the improve- ment) ; the brrj'@nal tabulation of assessment, which was protested by the Grove Street property owners-being $.71 per foot for1the Trunk, and $5.88 for the Lateral.; one Alternate proposal-%this being $,85 per foot for the Trunk and $5.51 per foot forsthe Lateral, and a2locating the cost of jacking - .I- . " under.Trunk Highway No,. 100 to the Trunk-Sewer, rather than to the Laterals; and a second Alternate--this being an arbitrary charge to reduce'the Laterals? in this project to the cost of the Benton Avenue Laterals of $3.23--which would raise the Trunk Charge to $1.53 per Assessable Foot, explained that the cost of this project is high because there is considerable lIdeadlt footage in the area which cannot be assessed; that he feels that the jacking under the Highway is a legitimate charge to the Trud DistrictT Kelly at corner of Benton and Tingdale protested to any change in the assess- ir,a-rt oil' !'>73- for the Trmnk, as originally presented, Erigineer Zikan MP, He asked about the 6/25/56 legality of making a change; and Attorney Windhorst replied tha& b his -opinion, the Council does have the power to make corrections, A 6eZeg:'iion present from PI, 58th Street and Benton A~,-eixie, aftar -2 discussLon ~FCY~~,BL~~ asked to go on record that they are reconciled to a change in the SrvA Assessment from 71$ to 85$ providing their kbsral Assessments remi2 ths same as originally levied, One resident from Grove Street, objected t!Iz-t, her area is paying for the main tp which ths Benton and 5%h Street am connected; that these people should he113 to pay for tihe so-called "dczd't footage. After some discussion, Council infomed those present that it vas not yet ready to levy this assesslnent for several reasons, one being that the former engineer had designed Trwk No, 78 to provide for a ltlco~ll to assure pressure and eliminate stagna3 water, and. oLher being thst Attorney Windhorst is not ready to give his op5nion concerning tbe reaonxil.e3mt-of assessments on separate contract pro jectss, Bredesenq s motion, that Public Hearing on Assessment be continued to Nonday3 July 9, at 7:30 P,&, ms seconded by Fro& and carriedo 2, PUBLIC HEARING ON PROPOSED ASSESSMENT FOR SAJITARY SEWER LET STATIgg NO. * U-1. Manager Hyde presented Tabulztion of Assessment t0taak-g $56 as against 10,905,l Assessable Feet for $2.58 ger Assessable Foot. Original Estimate on this project had been $1.75; Estimate t.ras raised after bids, to $2.50, There were no objections from the floor, and none had been received prior to meeting, (See Resolution later 3s Meeting, Approving) 3. EUBLIC HEARING ON PROPOSED ASSESSHEKC FOR STORM SEMB IEIPROVFZBNT NO2 & Manager Hyde read Tqbulation of Assessment, totalling $3,054.65 as against 38,389 Square Feet., for $,079!57 per Square Foot, Estimate had been $.098 per Assessable Square Foot, floor, and no written objections had been figed prior to the meeting, (See Resolution later in Neeting, Approving). 4, PUBLIC HEARING ON PROPOSED ASSESSIBNT FOR SANITARY SmER ATO. 73. Hydet s Tabulation of Assessment, as read, totalled $13,608.14, of -khich $6,543.20 is to be assessed against 1,63!j08 Assessable Front Fect, for $4.08 per Assessable Foot. Estimate had been $621. - objections registered from the floor, and no written' objections had been filed prior to the Hearing. Tabulation of Assessment, as read by Xanager Hyde, totalled $l4,586&3, plus $8,994.37 for Connection to Sanitary Sewer KO, B-1 Tmnlc, foz $4.30 per Assessable Foot on the Laterals, plus $2.65 Connection Charge, a Total of $6.95 per Assessable Foot as compared with an Estirmted Cost of- $6,79. objections had been filed prior to the Hearing, in Neeti. ng, Approving) There were no objections from the lke There were no (See Resoluttion of later in Meeting, Approving.) 5. PUBLIC HEARING CN PROPOSED ASSESSNEI'JT FOR SANITARY Se-q NO; 77% No objections were received from the floor, and no written (See ResolutLon of later 6. PUBLIC HEARING CN PROPOSED ASSESSVEUT FOR SANITARY SEJGtOLz$-- Valley View Road from Parnell Ave, to Hwy,,#/lOO. Hmager IZ;.de reywted a Tahlation of Assessment of $7,612,.88, as against 1,32QG6 Assessable Feet for laterals, being $5.73 per Assessable Foot, plus $2,65.per Assessable Foot for Connection to Trunk B-1, for a Total of $8.38 per Assessable Foot as compared With Estimate of $7.95. He explained that cost is higher than estimate because of the deduction of some footage owned by Ettner, which was assessed on the ParneU side of his property rather than on the Valley View portion. Ninutes of the agreement between the Village arid Mr. Ettner were read in response to questions by Messrs, Allavato and NcM5llan, who said they felt that, because Mro Ettner connected at the comer of Valley View and ParnelL, his proprty should be assessect for tke Valley View Road sewer. There were no other objections regislered, either oral or written. George (See Resolution of later in Neeting, approvhg) 7. PUBLIC H?,URING ON PROPCSED ASSESSI-ENT FOR SANITARY SRJER.NO; 85% Manager Hyde reported Tabulation of Assessment to be $30,411&, as against $8,024.1 Assessable Feet, for $3071 per Assessable Foot as compared with Estimate of $4.83. (See Resolution of later in Xeeting, Approving,) There were no objections, either oral or written. 8, PUBLIC HEARING CN PROPOSED ASSESSNETT FOR SAXE&Y SElJEEI NOL%,g Mr. Hyde reported Tabulation of &xxssnm% $78 $k6,763+ 57 as aga5-ns-b 11,26708 Assessable Feet, for $ke25 per Assessable Fmt, as cozpmed with Esbimsbe of $4.54. Neither oral nor wri.tt,en cl~lc~tio?s rzg5s%eredr (See Recolution of Later in Neetine, Appo~kr,, .'I - 6/25/56 18% 9, PUBLIC HEARING ON PROPOSED-ASSESS&NT FOR SANITARY SBfER NO.. $8. Mr, Hyde read Tabulation of Assessment at $4,012e88, as against 1,269,9 Assess- able Feet, for $3.16 per Assessable 'Foot as compared with $3.50 Estimate, Neither oral nor written objection was registered, in Meeting, Approving) . 10, PUBLIC NEARING ON PROPOSED ASSESSMENT FOR SANITARY SEldEiR NO, gel Tabulation of Assessment was read by Manager Hyde at $13,805.62 as against 2,372.1 Assessable Foot, for a Total of $5.82 per Assessable Foot as com- pared with $4,80 Estimate, No objections wefe registered from the floor, and Clerk had received no written objections prior to the Hearing, Resolution of later in Meeting, Approving,) c (See Resoluhion of later (See 11, Tabulation of Assessment was given by Mr, Hyde as $1,086,24*against 297,6 PUBLIC HEARING ON PROPOSED ASSESSME3JT FOR SANITARY Saim NO. 91, The Assessable Feet, for $3.65 per Assessable Feet for Laterals, plus #2,65 per Foor for Connection to Sanitary Trunk Sewer No.. B-1, Lateral Estimate of $&.46( There were no objections, either oral or written, (See Resolution of later .in Meeting, Approving)', This, compared with 12, PUBLIC HEARING ON PROPOSED ASSESSIENT FOR SANITARY SEWER NO. 92' &* Hyde read Tabulation of Assessment as $2,971.12 as against 1,212,7 Assess- able Feet, for $2,45 per Assessable Foot, as compared with $3.14 Estimate. No objections were registered from the floor, and no written objections had been received prior to the Hearing. Approving). 13, Assessment Tabulation was read by Manager Hyde as $3,036.31, against l.,076.7 Assessable Feet, for #2*82 per Assessable Foot, $3*13, There were no objections registered, either oral OF written. (See Resolution of later in Meeting, Approving). Jlt,. PUBLIC HEARING ON PROPOSED ASSESSMENT FOR SANITARY SEWER NO. 94. Elr. Hyde read Tabulation of Assessment at a total of $2,289,60 Laterals, .as ' against 715.5 Assessable Feet, for $3.20 per Assessable Foot for Laterals, plas $2.65 Connection Charge to Trunk Sew& No. B-l, for $5.85+ Estimate had been #6,67. No objections were registered from the floor; and no written objections had been received prior to the Hearing, of later in Meeting, Approving), Assessment Tabulation was read by Manager Hyde as #17,558,56 as against 4,759.9 Assessable Feet, for $4.56 per Assessable Foot, as compared with Estimate of $4.85, . No objections were registered from the floor, .and * no written objections had been'received prior to the Hearing, (See ' Resolution of later in Meeting, Approving) (See Resolution of later in-veeting, PUBLIC HEARING ON PROPOSED ASSESSMENT FOR SANITARY SEc@R NO. 93. Estimate was (See,Resolution 15. PUBEIC HEARING ON PROPOSED ASSESSMENT FOR SANITARY s~m NO. 95. 16, PUBLIC HEARING ON PROPOSED ASSESSMEm FOR SANITARTA~:@L:O, 96, This Assessment Tabulation was read as $3,U0.70, as against 929,2 Assessable Feet, for $3.58 per Assessable Foot, compared with Estimated Cost of $3,81, Neither oral nor written objection was made. (See Resolution of later in Meeting, Approving, ) Id 17, PUBLIC HEARING ON PROPOSED ASSESSMENT FOR STR~T IIWROVEMENT NO, A-42 (BLACKTOPPING) $1,152,24 as agaj-nst 677.2 Assessable Feet, for #&*'i'O. oral nor written objections registered, Meeting, Approving) , le, (BLACKTOPPING). Tabulation of Assessment was given at $6,568613, as abainst 3,754.2 Assessable Feet, for &89 per Assessable Foot, had been given as $2.01, Mr, George Anderson, No. 29 Woodland Road, 'statdd tht some ten feet had been left unsurfaced, south of Brookview Avenue. He asked that his assessment be lowered, or the street be improved, Manager Hyde promised that street would be surfaced, registered, either oral or written, (See Resolution of later in Meeting, Approving) Nanager Hyde read Tabulation of Assessment at Total of There were neither (See Resolution of later in PUBLIC HEARING ON PROPOSED ASSESSMENT FOR STREET DPFOVBIENT NO. A-62 Estimate of Cost There were no objections 190 PUBLIC €EARING ON PROPOSED ASSESSMENT FOR STREXT IMPROVEMENT NO. A-'73 .&BLACKTOPPING). Manager Hyde read Tabulation of Assessment at TdtaJ of, #761,12, as against 539.8 Assessable Feet, for $l&l per Assessable Foot, as coapared with $l099. (See Resolutiori of later ir, &IeetingT, kpprmring) . Neither oral nor written objectior! was registered, 20, PUBLIC HEARING ON PROPOSED ASSMSI-?E" FOR STREEX' INPROVE3ENT NO, A-7k (BLACKTOPPING), Manager Hyde read Tabulation of Assessment at a total of $760'48, as against 598.8 Assessable Feet, for 8L27 per Assessable Foot, compared with Estimated Cost of $2J& Neither oral nor written objections were submitted, (See Resolution of later in Heeting, .Approving) , 1 f 21, PUBLIC HEARING ON PROPOSED ASSESS4ENT FOR STREET DIPROVE%fElIT NO. A-75 (BUCXTOPPING) 1,686.8 Assessable Feet, for $1,75 per Assessable Foot, coGpared with Estimate of Cost in amount of $1.93. was registered, Tabulation of Assessment was read as $2,93.90 as against (See Resolution of later in Meeting, Approving) Neither oral nor mitten objection 22, PUBLIC HEARIKG ON PROPOSED ASSESSISBNT FOR STREET IMPROVEMENT NO. A-77 (BLACKTOPPING BORAN'S EDINA XANOR) a Tabulation of Assessment was. reported as $11,689,26 as against 6,604.1 Assessable Feet, for $1.77 per Assessable Foot, compared with $2.31 Estimate of Cost. One gentleman complained that the seal coat Bid last fall had not properly sealed; that residents had had blacktop dragged onto their driveways because of the improper mixtures; that the street crew had dug up some eight inches of tar around a manhole at Halifax and Grimes Lane and that this had not been replaced, Manager . Hyde asked to be given an opportunity to check into tkese matters and see that they were corrected, There were no other objections offered, either oral or written. (See Resolution of later in Meeting, Approving). 236 (BLACKTOPPING). I-Tanager Hyde reForted Tabulation of Assessment at Total of $3.577.39 as against 2,ll.6,8 Assessable Feet, for $1.69 per Assessable Foot, PUBUC HEARING CN PROPGSED ASSESSNENT FOR STREET IMPROVE3ENT NO. A-78 c&pared with Estimated Cost of $2.22, either oral or written, There were no 'objections registered, (See Resolution of later in lileeting, Approving), a, PUBLIC HEARING ON PROPOSED ASSESSl.IENT FOR STREET DlF'€iOvEz.1ENT NO, C-57.. Tabuli able Feet, for $2,88 per Assessable Foot. $3.70. (See Resolution of later in, Meeting, Approving) 25. PUBLIC HEARING ON PROFOSED ASSESSbNT FOR STREET DPM)VEIiENT NO. E!-26 (CURB AM) GUTTER). as against 857.7 Assessable Feet, for $2,,77 per Assessable Foot compared with Estimated Cost of $2.7& oral or written. Estimated Cost had been cited as There rere no objections registered, either oral or wx5tten. Tabulation of Assessment was read in Total as $2,375.83 There were no objections registered, either Bredesen then offered the folloiing Resolution and moved its adoption: RESOLUTION ADOFT ING JND CONFIRKCNG ASSESSMENTS FOR STORM SERER UPROVEtlENTS NOS. 73, 77, 783 85, 8'7, 88, 89, 91; 92, * A-7k. A-75. A-77. A-78. (3-57 AND B-26. SEWER NO. 32; SANITARY SENER LIFT STATION NO, LS-1; SANITARY 93, 94, 95 AND 96; STRBET D4PROVEHENTS NOS- A-42, A-62, A-73, FB IT RESOLVED by the Village Council of the Village of Edina, Ilinnesota, as follows: 1. 1% is hereby found, determined and declared that the proposed assess- m&ts,for STON4 SEWER NO, 32; SANEARY SEI.JER LIFT STATJON NO, IS-1; SANITARY SE%%ER R@ROVEI!ENTS NOS. 73, 77, 78, 85, 87, 88, 89, 91, 92, 93, 94, 95 AND AND E-26, and each of them, have been properly calculated in accordance with the provisions of Ninnesota Statutes Section 4l.2:441; that notice has been duly published as required by law, that this Council would meet to hear and pass upon all objections, if any, to amend said proposed assessments as might be necessary, and to adopt the same by resolution; that said proposed assessments have at all times since their filing been open for public inspection, and opportunity has been given to all interested persons to present their objections; and that each of the lots, pieces and parcels of land enumerated in the respective assessments was and is specially benefited by the cbnstruction of the improvement for which such assessment is levied in the amount set opposite the description of each such lot, piece and parcel of land respectively, 2, The amounts so set out are hereby levied against the respective lots, pieces and- parcels of land described in said respective assessments, and said proposed assessments are hereby adopted and confirmed as the proper special assessments for said improvements, respectively, The assessment against each lot, tract or parcel, together with the interest accruing on the full amount thereof from time to time ufipaid, a% the rate of five percent psr annun fron the d&e of tbLs resohtior,, shall be a lien con- current with general taxes u'pm th2 proper%;. C.eTw5-kd therein and all- thereoz 96; STREET D*PROTT"iiENTS NOS, A-42, A-62, A-73, A-74, A-75, A-77, -4-78, C-57 6/23/56 The total mou& of each such assessment .for STORM SEWER NO, 32, MlWfS NOS, 73, 77, 78, 85, 87, 88, 89, 91, 92, 93, 94, 95 AND 96, shall be payable in equal consecctive annual installments, together with- interest oil the entire assessnent fron the date hereof to December 31, 1957, to be payable vith the general taxes for the year 1956, and one of the remaining insbalhents, with one year's interest on that and all subsequent install- ments, to be payable with general taxes for the year 1957 through 1965, ~ collect2ble i.n th6 respective ensuing years, The total anoun5 of each such assessment far STREET DPROVENENTS NOS' A-42, A-62, A-73, A-74, A-75, A-77, A-78, C-57 AND B-26 shall be payable in equal consecutive annual installnents extending over a period of five years, the first pf said installments, together with interest on the entire assess- ment fron the date hereof to December 31, 1957, to be payable with the general taxes for the year 1956, and one of the remaining insta2lments, with'one year's interest on that alnd all subsequent installments, to be payable with general taxes for the years 1957 .through 1960, collectible in the respecgive ensuing years, 3. Prior to certification of the assessments to the County Auditor, the owner of any lot, piece or parcel of land assessed hereby may pay the whole of such assessment or any installment the*eof without interest to the Viliage'Treasurer and thereafter such payment may be made with accrued interest to the County Treasurer; provided that if any assessments or installments thereof be prepaid to the Village Treasurer, they shall be cancelled on the books of the Village Treasurer, and he shall promptly notify the Village Clerk and County Auditor, and the assessment or install- ment so prepaid shall be cancelled on the books of the County-Auditor, 4a Auditor a certified duplicate of said assessments, with each then unpaid installment and interest set forth separately, to be extended upon the proper cause said assessrpents to be collected in the manner provided by law. duplicate assessment Poll shdl be designdted 'as ASSESSIaNT ROLL FOB STORM A-42, k-62, A-73, A-74, A-75, A-77, A-78, (2157 AND 13-26; and all amounts collected in respect of the assessments.thereia contained shall be simi- larly designated by the County Treasurer, and by him credited to Sinki~g Fund Accounts cas follows: For Sanitary Sewer Improvements Nos, 73, 77, and 78 - to the Sinking Fund' Account of the 1954 Improvements 2nd Series Fund, For the Ealance, to the Improvement; Bond Redeinption Fund. Motion for adoption of the Resolution vas seconded by Tupa, and on Rollcall thsre-were five ayes'and no nays, as fo FOR SAIJITARY SEXdER LIFT STATION NO; LS-1, AND FOR SANITARY SWR IIlPROVE~ I The Clerk shall, as soon as may be, prepare and transmit to the County lists of the County, and the County Auditor shall theyeafter Said S~JER NO. 32; SANE~Y SEWER LIFT STATION NO. ~3-1; SAN~~CTARY SENER NOS, 73, '77, 78, 85, 87, 88, 899.91, 92, 93, 94, 95 AND 96; STREET IT.rlPROVENBNTS NOS, aye; Tupa, ays; and Erickson, aye; SKYLINE D5IVZ NAINT~lZE&-- Ifre H, H, Kaya.11, 511.6 Skyline Drive, and another owner of abutting property, supported the June 2lst written request of the tfSkyline Addition Taxpayers Ass ociationt1 for maintenance of their road in its original condition--a Ittar mat" installed in 19.46 at the expense of the developer, Merrill Hutchinson. this matter, He pointed out that the street has not been llblacktopped, as we now require,, Street Foreman Harry Jonas reported that a tar mat had been laid on the street very late in 1946, that the snowplows had damaged the street this last winter; that no Qajor. maintenance work had been done for.some years; that the street is now in a hazardous condition,. Trustee Grinkley suggested that, as a matter 'of future policy, the Council require streets const'ructed by developers to remain for fiTIe years before acceptance by the Village for maintenance; but, after discussion, Council 'felt that it.would be better to require that'streets be constructed according to Village blacktopping speci= ficztions, Trustee Bredesen stated he felt that it had been wrong ,of t.he . Council*to accept the street as constructed but,that, 'inasmuch as it had done so, the Village has an obligation to maintain it. Mr, Joaas stated . that to restore the strest would mean scarifying it and pulverising the materials and then oiling, directed. -Lo have Skyline Drive scarified, oiled, and mairitained in that con5i%onr Kanager Hyde asked Council policy on It waa brov-ght out in discussion ' Bredesen then moved that Manager Hyde be Ko.t.ion s 2 co:?.Jsd. by C~?a!tle;r~ 2nd caxte4 6/2 5/56 GRAVELING OF RYAN AVENUE SOUTH OF VALLEY VIEW ROAD. Alliva~o, 4625 - Valley View Road, speaking for himself and another owner, a Mr, Johnson, requested that the Village proceed at once to require Xessrs. Ettner and T%ing to gravel Ryan Avenue abutting Ettnerls and IJingfs Addition, Engineer Zikan reported receiving 1.b: Wing's call, today, in which Mkm Wing stated developers would have project done, themselves, within the next two weeks; that the Gas Company will install a main in the street within the week and developers do not wish to gravel until this is done. He pointed out that a bond for such work has been filed in this office. Nr, AUivato complained that the hole on the corner is hazardous, and asked that it, at least, be filled immediately. have corner hole filled at once, and that Village take the responsibililty for seeing that the balance of the street is grave23 kithin two weeks from date, inasmuch as that is the purpose of the deposit, vas seconded by Grinkley and carried. FENCE COIPLAINT. Mr. R.I. Pittelkow, 6009 St,Johns Avenue, complained that the neighbors at the rear of his lot and that of 6013 StnJOhnS Avenue have constructed a 5011 Fence at their rear lot lines and on the crest of the terrace dividing the lots; this fence being a solid board fence, with the posts toward the StmJohns Avenue aide; that, together, hill and fence are some fifteen feet, plus, high, . fence is highly undesirable by Nr, Rudolph Lofgren, member of the Edina Planning Commission, Considerable discussion was had concerning a possible fence*ordinance; and one gentleman in the audience asked that the Council consider the problem seriously, stating he is planning to build a louvred fence; that fencing is the modern trend. Village Attorneyltindhorst stated he believes that the Village had a fence ordinance at one time; that it was dropped when Ordinances were codified. Manager Hyde and Attorney Wdhorst asked to work together on a proposed fence ordinance for Council consideration- if possible, at the next meeting, Fronk's motion, that Village Nanager be directed to He was supported in his claim that the PEZITION FOR VACATION OF ALLEY in Block 2, Brookside Heights Addition, between Interlachen Blvd. and 11, 51st St, and between IlilUam and Hankerson Aves,, was filed, - Bredesen's motion, scheduling Public Hearing on petition. f or Monday, July 23, at 7:30 PA, was seconded by Tupa and carried, COMPLIIEWi! TO RESCUE SQULEI AND POLICE DEPARTHENT, for proficiency in first aid rendered to their son, Jeffrey, after a fall, was tendered by Bfr. and Mrs. Robert Anderson, 4527 Bruce Avenue, accepted with thanks by the Council, and ordered transmitted to the departments and then placed on file, PETITION FOR- OILING W.5lST. FROH- OXFORD AVE. TO AUEY BETTWCN BEDFORD AND OXFORD AWZS., at his own expense, 'was filed by 3bm D. Cm McLeod, Clerk . reported that Council has honored this petition in past years. CrinMeyts motion that petition be accepted and project approved, was seconded by Tupa and carried. OILING PETITIONS as set forth below, were filed: In W.62nd St,, Virginia Ave, to Nomandale Rd. In W,63rd St,, Normandale Rd, to Valley View Rd, In Walnut Drive from S, Line of W,60th St, to N, Line of No, 5924. ~ In Tifton Drive from Ruggan Plasa to Everett Place, Bredesen's motion, that petitions be accepted for summer work, vas seconded by Fronk aizd carried. RURAL HENNEPIN COUNTY NURSING REPORT FCFL MAY. 1956 was submitted, reviewed, and ordered placed on file. .. M3IWX.APOLIS GAS COiiPANYtS FINANCIAL STATBENT FOR YEAR 1955, consisting of Annual Report, Statement of Income, and Balance Sheet, was submitted, reviewed, and ordered placed on file. LOIERING OF SIDBJALK GRADES: Dr. B, Km Braum, 4379 Coolidge Ave., asked for premission to lower sidewalk at his residence, to effect smoother driveway approach. He asked that the Village possibly assume some of the cost, inasmuch as the street grade was changed after the sidewalk was origindlly constructed. Engineer Zikan then reported the request of 1.k. Harold Rosendahl for the lowering of the sidewalk grade at 4619 Browndale Avenue, Some discussion vas had on requests; and Council was of opinion that Dr. Braun should make improvement-at his own expense if he desires it. motion, that petitioners be permitted to make requested changes under Village suFerv5sion, subject to their securing letters of assent from other affected poperty omers, was seconded by Tupa and carried, Bredesen's I 612 5/56 - BOARD OF REVIEW MEET,DTG CONTINUED, w.1 Manager Creightonf s opinion txat Books of Yaluation perusal on June 29, and for some Sime after for this meeting, and' Tupa moved that Board Hyde reported Assessor will not be ready for Council that. Council discussed time of Review Meeting be ad.iourned to Monday, August 20, at-7:30 P.N, Motion seconded by Crinkiey and-carried, -CY--"-.*. LTASE IN SOUTHDAL8 CENTER, FOR --- LIQUOR STEEL Manager Hyde presented "Lease Agrmxentstl an3 SLmdard Short Term Lease, covering the premises proposed to be umd b;r Edina for a Liquor Store in Soizthcisle Shopping Center, Council reviewed terns of lease, inchding tlis clause releasing the Village upon legislation unfavorable to continuance of municipal liquor st ore dispensaTy, and the Itfi\-e-mi.le rzdius1I clause, which was changed to Ittwo- mile rild.Lusllo Attorney TtirrcEiorst reported that he has examined the lease, and approves it in form., &Tanager Hyde reconmended that the Tillage enteer into the lease, and Bredesen offered the f o11.owing Resolution and wvsd its adoption: Lease is for five years, beginning October 1, 1956, - RESOLUTION AF'PROTTING ,&Ai!% ""lllpprmuII-~ IjJHE%EAS, this Council has exained Lhat certain lease agreement dated. June 8, 1956, and bet-jfecn Sou%hda.le Cenker, Inc, , md the Viflage of Edina for the following described premises, to be wed by the Village of Edina for the purposes of a Nunicipal Lipor Store: tlSeven Hundred and Ninety Six (796) Square Feet at Lower Level, and Five Hundred (500) Square Feet in Basement of BUILDING A in the shopping .center known as SOUTHDAU CENTER, 66th Street and France Atrenue, located in said BUILDING A as set forth in Pages- Noso Two, Three and Four of Uxhibit AI1 of said lease agreement," and . .. ITHEBEAS, this Council is familiar with the terms and conditions therein contained and approves the said-lease as being in the best interests of the Village of Edina, KOW, THEREFORE, RE IT RESOLVED, that 'the Mayor and Manager of this Village be, and they hereby are, directed to execute and deliver said lease for and on behalf of said Vjllage of Edina, Motion for adoption of the Resolution was seconded by Tupa, and on Rollcall there-were five ayes and no nays, as follows: Bmdesen, aye; Crinkley, aye; L R.E'?IODELING --1_1-..*- OF I?. 50TH STFXET NTFIJCIPAL _Ur LIQUOR STORE:. Nanager Hyde presented figures of Estimatle-oT Cost' 03 the proposed remodeling of the M, 50th Street Liquor Store,. as prepared by Mre A, L, IJeidtc $15,66O,OO, and included a new lum_ious ceiling and lights, lightkg under the canopy, a new floor, the rxLn5.n.u~ program, was for $7,110, 2nd imhded a 61~~21 cooler, new ceilin5 li&ts under presen5 ceilizlg, ~:r 1i~Jxting under canopy, new side entrance, repair of front, air conditioning (5 . Qn) and painting and decorzting, Considerable discussion was had GLI this project, with Council recornendins investigation be m,de a.5 to sim of cooler used by Richfield; Trustee Crinlcley suggesting a comer entrmce, rather than the proposed side entrance; and other discussion as to what return on inve&ment some of the proposed- improvements would bring, Bredessn noved-that Council proceed with $7,110 progrm, subject to approval, by Liquor Commission, Motion second.ed by Tupa and carried+ meeting with Ltquor Conmission at 4:30 Tuesday, June 26, if possible, First Estimate totalled hother Estinate, wlxich MY. Hyde suggested as Planager Kyde asked to arrange c"- STREET' NAME CEA?JGES --._I P3OPOSzIk- Manager Hyde ?resented a list of sone fifteen skreet name changes as recomendcd b:T Asst, Builaing Inspector, Discussion was had on the proposed change from West Highwood Drive to Wtrathmore .Drive, 11 with owners of two residences, and with developer Bloonberg; and >Tanager Hyde suggested. that a Public Hearing could be held, although it is not necessary under the Ordinance, motion, scheduling Public Hearing on proposed Street Name Changes for Monday, July 23, Motion seconded by Fro& and carriedn Bredesenfs "--- BANNISTER ENGINEERIbTG WATXR RZPORT: comprzheasive re>crc, suggcsthg tzat Council give it. some study before Wanager Hyde presented detailed and - ~- geneml discussLon; end Mon6.!aylT; July 16, was set for Council discussion, PUBLIC HEARINGS ON PROPOSED II@ROVEN&NTS: the Council at length plans and specifications for certain proposed Storm Sewer hprovements, stating that large areas ~dll ulkhately be benefited; that storm water now drains into several pot holes; that, when pot holes are filled, water will have to drain into proposed storm sewers. He asked %bat Council initiate procedure on these proposed improvements by conducting Hearings on July 16, citing the pumping work that must now be done by Village maintenance crews each time it rains. specifications for projects ready to be bid, and plans and estimates of cost on projects ready for Hearings on July 9. following Resolution and moved its adoption: Ehgineer Zikan discussed with \ Mr, Zikan also presented plans and Bredesen offeredthe RESOLUTION PROVIDING FOR PUBLIC HEARINGS PROPOSED STORX SEtBR AND PJATERNAIN IIPROVEMENTS BE IT RESOLVED by the Council-of the Village of Edina: 1. The Viilage Engineer, having subdtted to the Council a preliminary report as to the feasibility of the proposed Storm Server $and 1Vatermain Improve- ments described in the Form of Notices of Hearings set forth below, and as to the estimated cost of such improvements, said report is hereby approved and directed to be placed on file in the office of the Village Clerk,' This Council shall meet on Monday, June 9, and on Monday, June 16, at 7:30 P.H,, in the Edina Village Hall, to consider in public hearings the 6.eurs of all persons interested in said proposed improvements. The Clerk is hereby authorized and directed to cause notice of the time, place and purppse of said meetings to be published in the official newspaper once a week for two successive weeks, the second of which publi- cations is to be not less than three days from date of said meetings, which notices shall be in substantially the following forms: 2, '3t (1) NOTICE OF HEARINGS ON PROPEED STGRH SEVJEFt AND IJATEBNAIN DPRGEUENTS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Edina Village Council wal meet at the Village Hall on Nonday, July 9, 1956, at 7:3O Pall., to consider the follow- ing proposed improvements, to be constructed under the authority granted by Knnesota Laws of 1953, Chapter 398. The approximate cost of said improve- ments is estimated by the Village Engineer as set forth below: - - EST. COST 1. Construction of Village Storm Sewer and Appurtenances in Brookview Heights Sec&d Addition from Abeicrombie Drive, between Lots 12 and 13, Block 7, to Nine-Nile Creek, $3 , 481 L 50 2. Construction of Village Watermain Extension and Appurte- nances in W.66th St. from France Avenue to Xerxes Avenue, and in Xerxes Avenue from 1~60th St a to Wa66th St. $66,610 00 The area proposed to be assessed for the cost of said improvements is as f 0llOT.rs : For No. 1 Above-All Lots and Tracts of Land within the follordng boundaries: Weginning at the NE Cor. of Lot 27, B1. 6, Brookview Heights Second Addn,; th. Sly along the Ely line of said Lot 27 and the Sly extension thereof to a pt, 40 Ft. Sa of the Sly line of Abercrombie Drive; th. Illy Distant Lp Ft, Sly of the Sly line and parallel to Abercrombie Dr, to a pt. of curve to the right with a central angle of 58°04!301t and a radius of 532.97 Ft,; th, along said curye to the right and parallel to Aber- crombie Dra to the pt. of tangency of said curve; the tangent to said curve and parallel to Abercrombie Dr. a distance of 221.8 Ft., more or less, to a pt. thich is 30 Ft. Ely of the W, ljpe of Lot 16, Block 7, Brookview Heights Second Addition; th, at right angles NEly to a pta on the rear lot line of Lot 17, Bla 6, Brookview Heights Second Addn, which is 37.5 Fta SEly of the NTJ Cor, of said Lot. 17; the NEly parallel to and 32.94 Ft, SEly of the 1I'Jly lot line of Lot 4, Replat of Lots 6-13, Block 6, Brookview Hts. Second Addna a distance of 72-83 Ft,; tha SEly parallel to and 70 Fta Slay of Tifton Dr. to the pt. of curve of a curve having a radius of 498.02 Ft. and a central, angle of 128 301; th. SEly, Ely and NEly along said curve to the KLy lot line of Lot 1, Block 6, Brookview Hts, Second Addn.; th, SEly to the SPJ Cor, of said Lot 1; th, HLy along the rear lot lines of Lots 2, 29 and 28, Block 6, Brookview Hts, Second Addna to the pta of beginning,tl For $To. 2 Above-All lots and tracts of land within the follovhg boundaries: "Beginning at the NE Cor, of the lML/4 of Seca29,T.28,R,24, which is the intersection of Xerxes Ave. and TJ,62nd St.; th. Sa to SE Cor, of N1/2 of sI.J1/4 of said Sec. 29; tha W. 169.85 Ft.; tha N. to the Na Line of the S1/2 of said Sec.29, which is the centerline of W,66th St.; the M, to the NI.J Coro of the StL/4 of said Sec,29, which is on the centerline of France he,; th, Na to the Na line of said Sec. 29, which is the center- lim of 11,6211d St.; th, E, along said North line to beginning,'* GRETCHEN S. ADEN, Village Clerk v/ c-N 20 1.w ARING ON PROPOSED *STORM SEWER IMPROVEMENT (2) . NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Edina Village Council will meet at the Village Hall on Monday, July 16, 1956, at 7:30 P.M,, to consider the following proposed improvement, to be constructed under the authority granted by Minnesota Laws of 1953, Chapter 398. the Village Engineer as set forth below: The approximate cost of said improvement is estimated by EST. COST CONSTRUCTION OF VILLAGE STOW1 SENER AND APPURTENANCES AS FOLLOWS: $446,779.55 In W,7Oth Sts, Nine-Mile Creek to E, Line of Southdale 1st Addn,; Along E. Line of Southdale. 1st Addn, from WO70th St, to Easement between Lots 12 SC 13, Block 4, Southdale 1st Addn,; Easement Line between Lots 12 & 13, Block 4, South- dale First Addn, from East Subd, Line to Southdale Rd.; Southdale Rdo, Easement Line to FJ,6Pit;h St.; W.6$th St,, Southdale Rd, to Cornelia Dr,; Cornelia Dr., ~06&h St, to Easement betw, Lots 6 and 7, Block 1, Southdale 1st Addn,; Ease- ment Line between Lots 6 and 7, Bl; l, from Cornelia Dr, to Lake Cornelia; Easement Line between Lots 3 and 4, B1. 1, Southdale 1st Addn., from,Lake Cornelia to Cornelia Dyr; Cornelia Dr., Easement Line between Lots 3 and 4, B1, 1, to Easement Line 10 Ft, No of No line of Lot-21, B1, 2, Southdale 1st Addn.; Easement Line 10 Ft, N, of N, Line of Lot 21, B1, 2, Southdale 1st Addn., from Cornelia Dr, to w,66th St,; 'along W066th St,, Easement Line to Southdale Rd.; Southdale Rd.-, W066th St, to 190 Ft., more or less, South; Hillcrest Lane, Southdale Rd, to 600 Ft. South; Dawson Lane, Southdale Rd. to 4.00 Ft, South; Southdale Rd., Easement-Line between Lots 12 & 13, Block 4, to 280 Ft, South; W.68th Stc, Southdale Rd, to 95 Ft, E.; Easement Line betw, Lots 16 and 17, Block I, Southdale 1st Addn,, from Lake Cornelia to Cornelia Dr,; Easement Line between Lots 9 and 10, and 5 and 6, Block 5, Southdale Third Addn+, from W,70th St, to Dunberry Lane, The area proposed to be assessed for the cost of said improvement includes all Lots and Tracts of Land within the following described boundaries: "Begin. at SE Cor. of NE1/4 of NWl/4 of Sec.3OYT.28,R.24; th. SEly to a pt. on S, line of N1/2 of said Sec, 30, which is 1359,24 Ft, due We of E. line of said See, 30; th. E, to a pt, which is 858.3 Ft. due 11. of E. line of said Sec. 30; th. So to NE Cor, of Lot 1, B1, 3, Southdale First Addn.; th. SEly, Sly, and SWly, along the rear lot lines of 131. 3 and B1. 4, Southdale First Addn. to SW Cor, of Lot 22, B1. 4, Southdale First Addn,; tho S. 40 Ft, to centerline of W.70th St,; tho E, 100 Ft. along centerline of W,70th St.; th. S. 150 Ft.; the We, parallel to centerline of W,70th St. to the W, line of E. 15 Acres of M/4 of NE1/4 of Sec. 31, T. 28, R, 24; th. Sly along said W, line to a pt. which is 700 Ft, S, of centerline of 7r\TO7Oth St,; th, Idly, parallel with centerline of Wo7Oth St. to E, line of NWl/.l+ of NWL/&-of said Sec, 31; tho Nly along said E, line to a pt. which is 70 Ft, S. of centerline of W,7Oth St.; the KLy, parallel with center- line ofW',7Oth St. to E, Right-of-way line of State Trunk Highway #LOO; th, Nly along said E. Right-of-way line to pt, which is 40 Ft. N, of No line of W.7Oth St,; th. Ely, parallel to and 40 Ft, N. of N. line of W,70th St, to p%. 75 Ft, E, of E, line extended of State Highway #loo; tho Nly, parallel to and 75 F't, E, of said E, Right-of-way line to pt. 400 Ft. N. of N. line of W,r/Oth St, ; tho NEly to pt. 600 Ft. E. of said E. Right-of-way line of State Highway #lo0 and 750 Ft. N. of No line of,W070th St,; tho My to pt. 75 Ft. E, of E. Right-of-Xay line of State Highway #lo0 and 1450 Ft, No of N. line of W, 70th St.; the Nly, parallel td and 75 Ft, E, of E, Right-of-Way line of State Highway #loo, to a pt, 400 Ft, So of S. line of Wb66th St., West of State Highway #loo; th. W, to pt.'which is 75 Ft, IT, of V. line of State Highway #lo0 and 400 Ft. So of So line of W,66th St.; th. No, parallel with said W. line, a distance of 112 Ft.; the 17. 87 Ft,; tho N, 53 Ft.; the We 56Ft,; th. S, 76 Ft,; the W, 150 Ft.; tho jYlkLy to pt. which is 200 Ft. S, of So line of w,66th St, and 450 Ft, W. of W, Right-of-way line of State Highway #loo; th. Nly, parallel to and 450 Ft, W, of W. Right-of-May line of State Highway #loo, a distance of 255 Ft, to So line of Lot 9, Orrin E, Thompson's Edina Addn,; tho Wly, to a pt, which is 30 Ft, W, of SE Cor, of Lot 12, B1. 17, Normandale 2nd kddn, ; tho No, parallel to W, line of ITilryan Ave . , to So line of Lot 7, said B1, 17; tho W, 20 Ft,; th, N, parallel to W. Line of Wilryan Ave. to So line of Lot 3, said B1, 17; th, W, to SW Cor. of said Lot 3; tho Ne to SE Cor, of Lot 24, said B1, 17; tho W, 20 Ft,; th. No 50 Ft.; th. W. 60 Ft.; the No to pt. on N, line of Lot 16, B1. 12, Normandale 2nd Addn.; said pt, being 75 Ft, E, of E, line of Tingdale Ave,; tho W. to SW Cor. of Lot 8, B1, 11, Normandale 2nd Addn,; tho No to SE Cor, of Lot 19, said B1. 11; th, W, 50 Ft,; th, N. parallel with Rolf Ave,, to S, line of Lot 23, said B1, 11; tho W. to centerline of Rolf Ave.; tho Nly along centerline of Rolf Ave. to pt, which is 75 Ft, Sly of centerline of Valley View Rd.; the NEly, parallel to and 75 Ft, Sly of centerline of Valley View Rd,, to pt. on E, line of Lot 1, Bl, 1, Mikulay's Addn,; tho El-y to pt, which is 153 Ft. S, of centerline of Valley 6/25/56 View Rd, and 187 Ft, W. of W. line of State Highway #loo; th. E. 92 Ft,; th. SEly to pt, on Wly Right-of-Way line of State Highway #LOO which is 24.5 Ft. S, of centerline of Valley View Rd,; tho Sly along said Wly line 100 Ft.; th. my 1% Ft,; th. Sly ll0 Ft.; tho Ely to E, line of said State Highway #OO; th, Sly along said Ely line to pt, which is 125 Ft, Nly of centerline of W.62nd St,; tho Ely to IT. lot line of Lot 6, B1, 2, Oakview Addn, in Edina; th, Sly to pt. which is 63 Ft. Nly of centerline of 1?,62nd St,; th. Ely to Iq. line of Ryan Ave,; th. So 63 Ft, to centerline of 1~62nd St,; tho Ely along said centerline 50 Ft,; th, Nly along E. line of Ryan kve. 63 Ft.; the Ely to WD line of Lot 4, B1, 1, Oakview Addn. in Edina; tho No to NtJ cor. of said Lot 4; th, E. to Sg Cor. of Lot 2, said B1. 1; th. No to NW Cor. of said Lot 2; th. E. along N. line of said Lot 2 to centerline of Parnell Ave.; th, N. along said centerline to Nly line extended If. of Lot 12, B1, 5, Virginia Ave. Addn,; the Ely to NE Cor. of said Lot 12; th, Ely, along No lot line of Lot 8, said Bl, 5, a disk. of 30 Ft.; tho S, to NVJ Cor, of Lot 9, said B1. 5; tho Ely, along N. line of said Lot 9, a dist. of 3O’Ft.; tho So to pt, 68 Ft, No of centerline of W,62nd St.; th. E, 50 Ft,; tho S, to centerline of W062nd St,; tho Ely along said centerline to pt. which is 65 Ft, E. of centerline of-Concord Ave.; th. Sly, parallel to Concord Ave., to centerline of w.63rd St,; th, Ely to Nly extension of W. Lot Line of Lot 1, €31, 4, Valley View Ridge 2nd Addn.; tho Sly to SW Corc of Lot 2, said B1, 4; tho NEly to SW CorD of Lot 15, BL 3> Valley View Ridge 2nd Addn.; th. Ely to SE Cor, of Lot 2, said B1, 3; tho NEly to SI? Cor. of Lot 1, B1, 1, Valley View Ridge 2nd Addn.; tho E, 50 Ft.; tho Sly, parallel to S$,Johns kve. to centerline of W.64th St., r.rhich is the So line of NE1/4 of “Wl/4 of S~CO 30, To2$, R.24; th, Ely to beginning.I1 GRETCHEN S. ALDEN Village Clerk i.,\-.,-.\ \ (3) NOTICE OF HEARING ON PROPOSED STORM SENER ItrfpROVE,W%E NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Edina Village Council will meet at the Village - Hall on Monday, July 16, 1956, at 7:30 P,M., to consider the following proposed improvement, to be constructed under the authority granted by Minnesota Laws. of 1953, Chapter 398, The approximate cost of said improvement is estimated by the - Village Engineer as set forth below: EST. COST CONSTRUCTION OF VILLAGE STORM SEWER AND APPURTENANCES AS FOLLOWS: $123,977 20 Street, Easement Line to a pt, Ten Feet East of Minneapolis, Northfield and Southern Railroad Tracks; Easement parallel to MN&S Tracks, fromFJhiting Street to Dividing Line of Lots 10 and 11, Block I, Birchcrest Fourth Addn,; Easement on above . lot line from NN&S Tracks to Outlot 1lAl1, Pond; Forslin Drive, to connect Outlot 11A” Pond and Birchcrest Lake; Easement between Lots 2 and 3, Block 9, Countryside, from MN&s Tracks to Crescent Drive; Porter Lane, W-60th St. to Birchcrest Lake. The area proposedto be assessed for the cost of said improvement includes all lots and tracts of land within the following dgscribed boundaries: lIBeginning at intersection of Hanson Rd, and Benton Ave.; th, E. to centerline of Dale he,; tho i?, alom centerline of Dale Ave, a distance of 65 Ft.; th. E, parallel to Benton Ave., to E, lot line of Lot 7, B1, 2, Code’s Higfiview Park; tho N, to SW Cor of Lot 1, said B1, 2; tho NEly to intersection of Bernard Place and Grove St.; th, Ely along centerline of Grove St, to Ely line extended S, of Lot 5, B1, 2, Melody Knolls 2nd Addn,; th, SEly to NbJ Cor. of Lot 7, B1. 1, Edina Hts.; th, Sly to centerline of W,5&h St.; tho Ely to centerline of Tingdale Ave,; tho Sly a distance o&mQ..74 Ft, to intersection of Benton Ave. and Tingdde live,; the SEly to intersection of centerline of Benton Ave, and E, lot line extended North of Lot 4, Donna Ridge Addn,; th. Ely along centerline of Benton Ave, to centerline of Josephine Ave,; th, Sly along centerline of Josephine Ave, to centerline of W.6Oth St,; tho SJly to N? Cor, of Lot 2, Clover Lane Addn,; th, So to 3f Cor, thereof; th. E. to NW Cor, of Lot 6, B1. 1, Clover Lane Addn,, Third Unit; tho Sly along Wly line of said Lot 6. to pt, which is 65 Ft. Nly of centerline of Clover Ridge; the Ely and SEly, pxrallel to and 65 Ft, from centerline of Clover Ridge, to centerline of V31ley View Rd,; tho Swly along centerline of Valley View Rd. to pt. which is 199.7 Ft, W, of the l’ITo Right-of-Way line of State Highway #loo, as measured along centerline of Valley View Rd,; th. Sly 153 Ft,; tho Say to pt, on E, lot line of Lot 1, B1; 1, Nikulay’s Addn, which is the intersection of said E. lot line with a line drawn parallel to and 75 Ft , Ely from centerline of Valley View Rd. ; tho SILLY, parallel to and 75 Ft, from caterline of Valley View Rd., to E, lot line of Lot 3, B1. 6, James A, Roberts Estate; tho SEly and Sly along E. line of said Lot 3 to the centerline of TrJ,63rd St,; th, lily along said centerline to a pt, which is 60 Ft, In Easements from Nine-Nile Creek to Whiting Street; Whiting 6/25/56 19'7 E, of centerline of Warren Ave,; tho So and parallel to said centerline to cederline of W.64th St,; th, Wly along centerline of W.64.th St, to center- line of Holborn Ave. ; tho NWly to SE Cor, .of Lot 1, Normandale Third kddn, ; tho lay to SW Cor. of Lot 6, Normandale Third Addn,; tho Nly to centerline of Whiting St, ; th, Fny to centerline of Minneapolis, Northfield and Southern Railroad Right-of-way; tho SWly to SE Cor, of Lot a, Normandale Third Addn,; th. IJ, to NW Cor, of Lot 39, Normandale Third Addn,; th, Sly to centerline of W,64th St,) th, Wly to W, Right-of-way line of Valley View Rd,; tho "Wly to SE Cor, of Lot 9, B1, 1, Valley View Heights; tho W, to SW Cor. of Lot 11, said B1, 1; th, No to NW Cor, of said Lot 11; th. E, to SE Cors of Lot 12, wid El, I; tho Nc to NW Cor, of Lot 4, said B1, 1; tho NEly to NE Cor, thereof; th, Ely to SW Cor, of Lot 5, B1, 3, Valley View Heights; th, NEly to SE Cor. tkrecf; tho NEly to center of turnaround of Crest Lane; tho Nly to SE Cor, of Lob 18, B1, 3, Val-ley View Heights; tho No to NE Cor. thereof; thp E, to NE Cor, of Lo'; 1, B1, 4> Valley View Heights; th, Xly to NE Cor, of Lot 2, B1, .8, Countryside; th, Wly to SW Cor, of Lot 13, said B1, 8; the Nly to NW Cor, thereof; th, Nly to SW Cor, of Lot 5, B1, 7> Countryside; th. Nly to NW Cor. thereof; tho Ely to SW Cor,, of Lot 10: said BL 7; tho Nly to TJW Cor, thereof; tli, NIILLy to SI4 Cor, of Lot 11, B1, 6, Countryside; th, Nly along We line and W, line extended of said Lot 11, a disk,. of 235 Ft.; th, Pay at right angles a disto of 320 It,; th, Nly at right angles a dist, of 65 Ft.; tho NEly to a pt. which is 195 Ft, N, of S, iine of NE1/4 of SEl/L, of Sec, 32, Te117, R, 21 and 5 Ft, E, of 14, line of said NEl/& of SElI4.5 tho B., parallel to said W, line of said NE1/4 of SE1/4 a dist, of 65 Ft,; tho Ely at righ% angles to the Ely line extended So of Lot 473 Warden Acres; tho Nly along said Ely line to centerline of Benton Ave.; tho E, to beginning,11; c .- GRETCHEN S, ALDEN Village Clerk Motion for adoption of the Resolution was seconded by Crinkley, and on.Rollcal1 there-were five ayes and no nays, as follow Fronk, aye; Tupa, aye; and Erickson, aye; and t ATT T: 4##)/ i lage Clerk e-- ADVTBTISBBNTS FOR BIDS;. After review of Engineer Zikanls plans and specifi- cations on several projects, by the Council, Tupa offered the following Reso- lution and moved its adoption: , .I &&zizJ Mayor RESOLUTION APPROVING PLANS A8TD SPECIFICATIONS FOR PROPOSED ELACKTOPPING, Ski ITARY SIDER, WATERMAIN AND STOF34 SIDER .lilvIpROmNTS, AND DIRZCTING ADVERTLSEIQI'JT FOR BIDS BE IT RESOLVED by tmhe Village Council of the Village of Edina: 1, The plans and specifications for the proposed Improvements set forth in the following Advertisem-ent for Bids forin, heretofore prepared by the Village Engineer and now on file in the office of 3lie Village Clerk are hereby approved, Courier and the Construction B ulletin the fcllowing notice of bids for said improvemerits: . ADTBELTEE3ENT FOR BIDS 2, The Clerk shall cause to be published twice in the Edina-Morningside BLACKTOPPING: SAiiITARY SmR: WATERMAIN : STORM SEWER NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVFAT that sealed bids will be received and opened in the office of the Village Manager in the Edina Village Hall, 48OlWO50th St,, at 1O:OO aom'n, Monday, July 9, 1956, 7:3O porn,, on Monday, July 9, 1956, to consider said bids, being for the 1, 2, The Edina Village Council will meet at following : BLACKTOPPING of Idylwood Drive in Idylwood Addn, CONSTRUCTION OF SANITARY SmBR AND APPURTENANCES AS FOLLOWS: A, In Shemood Aye,, W,64th St, to approx, 190 Ft, No; W,64th St,, Sherwood Ave, to -Josephine, Ave,; Josephine Ave., 500 Ft, N, of W,64th St, -to WO66th St,; W,65th St,, Tingdale Ave. to Service Rd,; - W,64th St , Wilryan Ave. to Tingdde Ave, ; Easement Line, Tingdale Ave. to Mildred Ave.; Wilryan Ave, , W,63rd St ., to W,66th St, ; Milcked he., 1~,63rd St, to 225 Ft, S, of W.64th St.;' Rolf live., W063rd St. to 560 Ft, So of W,6kth St,; Tingdale Ave., W,63rd St, to W,65th St,; Service Rd,, W,65th St, to W,66th St, In Froposed Easement through Dayton Property from Existing Trunk Sewer to W,64th St, and Val]-e)- Yiew Rd, ; Valley View Rd,., -t B, ~PXE W,h&th St. :O 85s. Ft, RfiJXy, 298 612 5/56 3, CONSTRUCTION OF VILLAGE WATERMAIN EXTENSION AND APPURTENANCES IN Proposed Easement from Existing 121t Trunk Watermain to W.64th Se. and Valley View Rd.; Valley View Rde, w.64th St, to Brookview Ave. ’ . --. i ’ 4, CONSTRUCTION OF VILGAGE STWi SEIJER AND APPURTENANCES IN Brookview Heights Second Addn., from Abercrombie Drive, between Lots 12 and 13, Block 7, to Nine-Nile Creek. Work.must be done as described in plans and specifications on file in the office of the-Village Clerk. Plans and specifications are available for a deposit of $10.00, which deposit r6ll be rehded upon return of said plans and specifi- cations. No bids will be considered unless sealed and filed with undersigned before 1O:OO a.m., July 9, accompanied by cash deposit, bid bond, or certified check payable to the Village Clerk in amount of at least ten percent of amount of base bid. BY ORDER OF THE VILLAGE COWIL, The Council reserves the right to reject any or all bids* GRETCHE8 S. ALDEN Village Clerk 3. Each and all of the terms of the foregoing advertisement for bids are hereby adopted as the terms and conditions of award of the contract for said improvements Motion for adoption of the Resolution was seconded by Crinkley, and on Rollcall there were five ayes and no nays, as follows: c Fronk, aye; Tupa, aye; and Erickson, aye; Mayor %illage Clerk PARK BOARD TO HAVE FI?B W3MBERS: ations that the membership of the Park Board be incresed from three to five members. Some discussion was had on previous recomend- PLANNING COMfilLsSION VACANCIES TO BE FILLED BY MAYOR: ’Discussion was had on appointment of two members of the Planning Commission, and Mayor was Momally directed to fill said vacancies. VILLAGE LAND FOR SCHOOL WS GARAGE:. Nanager Hyde reported on two possible * locations on Village-owned property, which would be more suitable for the proposed a-bus garage which the School Board is planning tokered; these sites being a portion of the Toolhouse property at Eden and Brookside, and the four lots across Downing Street from the Village well, Council was in general agreement . as to cooperation with the School Board, but could come to no specific agreement on terms of lease or sale. Manager Hyde directed to meet with School Board in an effort to wrk out an agreement satisfactory to all concerned. PABENT OF CLAIMS: General Fund - $5&,876.16; Poor Fund-$l, 802.64; Park Fund-$3,529.46; Wat emorks Fund-$&, 542.51; Sewer Rental Fund-$354,85; Garbage Fmd-$22.20,; Construction Fund- $96,313.,01; Special Assessments-$9;167.26; Improvement Funds-$26,771,60; Liquor Fund-~26,960.06-Tota1-~224,339.75, all in accordance with PreList No June 25. Motion seconded by CrinMey and carried. Tupa moved for payment of the following Claims: I 12 of Trustee Bredesen was excused from the Meeting at this time, and Efeeting proceeded, with four members present. PROl33SKG FOR DONATION OF FILL FOR HANSEN ROD. (See Minutes of 1/23/56) Hyde reported that Pearson Brosr expects Village to clear its four lots on Mr, Hansen Road in return for the fill they will donate; that crews do not have the time; that this is an expensive operation. Pearson &oso offer should be accepted only if it means no cost to the Village. It was consensus of opinion that 6/2 5/ 56 AUTHORITY FOR MANAGER TO ADJUST SALARIES .DURING YEAR UNDER CERTAIN CONDITIONS: Manager Hyde discussed wit-h Council the Salary Schedule established for the Year 1956, stating that in some instances it is only just that salaries be adjusted during the fiscal yearb Tup offered the following Resolution and moved its adoption: RESOLUTION GRhTTING AUTHORITY TO MANAGER FOR SALARY ADJUSTMENTS DURING YEAR BE IT RESOLVED that when additional duties are assigned to an employee during the year and such duties are handled satisfactorily, or when a full-time employee changes to a part-time status and satisfactorily meets the needs of the Village, the Tillage Nanager shall have 'authority, within budget limit- ations for each department, to change an employee's classification not more than two steps in the pay-range schedule, change more than once in any one fiscal year. No- employee may be granted such Motion for adoption of the Resolution was seconded by Fronk, and on-Rollcall there were four ayes and no nays, as follaws: Criwy, aye; Fronk, aye; aye; and Erickson, .aye; and the Resolut PROPOSED INDUSTRIAL ZONING: "Industrial Park" rezoning, now, before the C-ouncil, contemplating a trip to the Southwest within a very short time, was, by motion Fronk, seconded by Tupa and carriedg authorized expenses for a side trip to the "Brook Hollow" industrial development for investigation, Some discussion was had concerning the petition for Trustee Crinkley, who 5.8 Tupa then moved for adjournmen?. Meeting adjourned at 11:35 PoMo Motion seconded by Fronk and carrieda ~ __ ,_ . .. . .-.- ... I .. ..