HomeMy WebLinkAbout19560709_ADJOURNED7/16/56 MINUTES OF THE ADJOURNED PORTION OF THE JULY 9, 1956 RM;UM T.IEETING OF THE EDINA VILLAGE COUNCIL, HELD AT THE EDINA VILWm HALL MONDAY, JULY 16, 1956, AT 7:30 P.N. Meetjng convened at 7:30 P.M. in the Council Chambers, with members Bredesen, Fronk, Tupa and Erickson answering Rollcall. PUBLIC HEARING ON PROPOSED STORM SENEiR IMPRQ9E3ENT FOR BIRCHCFLEST AREA. Clerk presented Affidavit of Publication in Edina-Morningside Courier July 5 and 12, 1956, of "Notice of Hearing on Proposed Storm Sewer Improvement,Il which was approved and ordered placed on file. Pursuant to said Notice, Public Hearing was had on a proposed storm sewer IIIn Easement from Nine-Nile Creek to Whiting Street; Whiting Street, Easement Line to a point Ten Feet East of &N&S RR Tracks; Easement parallel to NN&S Tracks, from' $biting Street to Dividing Line of Lots 10 and 11, Block 1, Birchcrest Fourth Addn.; Easement; on above lot line from 1.5N@ Tracks to Outlot 11A11, Pond; Forslin Drive to connect Outlot IlAlt Pond and Birchcrest Lake; Easement between Lots 2 and 3, Block 9, Countryside, from l.N&S Tracks to Crescent Drive; Porter Lane, w.60th St. to Birchcrest Lake". Engineer Zikan showed a Vu-Graph Slide of the route of the proposed sewer and the proposed assessment district, and gave as his Estimate of Cost a total of $123,977.20, for 9,192.065 Assessable Square Feet, for Sj.01316 per Assessable Square Foot, Objections were raised by the following persons: 1. Mrs. Frank N. Hayden, 5317 Benton Ave., - who stated her Special Assess- ments are now already more than her General Tax and she still has neither water nor blacktop and cannot afford to pay for Storm Sewer. 2. Mr. Angus G, Grant, 5508 Highland Rd, - - who objected -I;o bringing 236 feet of seiar into Countryside and trying to assess the whole West side of the development, simplyto control two ponds in another development; that sewer would have to be carried further to pick up water in a present slough in the West end of Countryside, 3. Nr, COG. Hess, 920 Benton - who took exception to Manager Hydets remarks that the Storm Sewer assessment district is established for all property-in the drainage area. to proposed storm sewer. He told Council that the property proposed to be drained was once a pothole surrounded by stvramp; that developer has filled part of the pothole, so-that it holds only about one-tenth of the water it formerly held; that he feels the people benefiting from hprovement of the property should pay for their own mistakes. , 14; Nr. Oscar Johnson, 5808 Code Avenue - who objected to being assessed because his water runs North. 5, Nr. A. GI Stringer, 5200 Valley View Road - who stated there had been no mter trouble in the area until development of Birchcrest; that Surveyor Cardarelle had told Nr. Stringer that developer Roy Peterson had agreed to drain the water West if it got too high; that Mk, Cardarelle says that three culverts of the proper size will answer the water question. He asked that temporary measure= be taken, stating he realizes that, 8s the property becomes more developed there ~Jill some day have to be a storm sewer but he does not feel this is the proper*time for it. Nayor Erickson asked, tlMr. Zikan, is there any temporary solution, until - such- the as people have paid up their assessments?l' And 1-k. Zikan answered, 1IThere would be no way to get water out, unless line is run to Nine-Nile Creek. It would be very difficult to effect a temporary solutionfl. 6, Nr.-L. T.J. Rixe, 6201 Crest Lane - who inquired whether this ~rirll be the only assessment for storm sewer in his area, Nayor Erickson answered that a property can be assessed only once for storm sewer; but Kr. Hyde qualified this statement by saying that if a lateral storm sewer is necessary to remove the water which now runs into a private slough, Mr, Rixe can be assessed for this lateral * 7. Mr, H, R, Rosendahl complained about his new platls being in the assess- ment district, stating his streets are graded to drain the other way. I&, Zikan informed him that engineers had worked from profiles proveded by his survey;oq, 8, Nr. A. F, Tuma ccanplained that residents are unable to seeure their grades from the Village and thus cannot tell whether they would justifiably be assessed. There were several other objections along these same lines, by persons who did not identify themselves, No one spoke in favor of the improvement at this time. At this time, Trustee Fronk moved that, because of several controversial points made this evening, the proposed improvement be postponed for further study. Notion seconded by Tupa and carrieda of further hearing. I >I 1 Hecstated water in his block does not drain Audience was told they would be notified .. .- - .., .: I 7/16/56 a r5,. .. Later in the evening, Mr, Lee Peterson, builder, pleaded w2th the Council for some relief, stating he had acquired ten lots from developer Roy Peterson; .that he is unable to show the homes he has built because of the w ater in the streets; that he will have to go out of business unless something is done soon in this areao PUBLIC HEARING ON PROPOSED STORN SE;lEEt FOR SOUTHDAIX, CRESTON HILLS, WOOD- HILL, NORMANDALE, NORBiANDAKE 2ND ADDITION, ETC, of Publication in Edina-Morningside Courier, July 5 and 12, 1956, of IINotice of Hearing on. Proposed Storm Sewer," which was approved as to form and ordered placed on file, Pursuant to said Notice, Public Hearing was held on construction of proposed storm sewer "qIn W.70th St,, Nine-Mile Creek to E, Line of Southdale 1st Addn,; al0ng.E. Line of Southdale 1st Addn. from W.70th St, to Easement between Lots 12 and 13, Block 4, Southdale 1st Addn,; Easement Line between Lots 12 and13, Block 4, Southdale First Addn, from East Subd, Line to Southdale Rd,; Southdale Rd., Easement Line to W'.6tSth W.68th St,, Southdale Rd;to Cornelia Dr,; Cornelia Dr,, W.6gth St, to Easement betw, Lots 6 and 7, Block 1, Southdale 1st Addn,; Easement Line between Lots 6 and 7, Blo 1, from Cornelia Dr. to Lake Cornelia; Easement Line between Lots 3 and 4, Blo 1, Southdale 1st Addn,, from Lake Cornelia to Cornelia Dr,; Cornelia Dr,, Easement Line between Lots.3 and 4, B1, 1 to Easement Line 10 Ft, N. of N, line of Lot 21, B1, 2, Southdale 1st Addn,; Easement Line 10 Ft, N, of N, Line of Lot 21, Bl, 2, Southdale 1st Addn,, from Cornelia Dr, to W,66th St,; along w,66th St,, Easement Line to Southdale Rd,; Southdale Rd., W,66th St, to 190 E., more or less, South; Hilldrest Lane, Southdale Rd, to 600 Ft, South; Dawson Lane, Southdale Rd. to 400 Ft, South; Southd&e Rd,, Easement Line between Lots 12 and 13, Block 4, to 280 Ft, South; W.68th Stb, Southdale Rd, to 95 Ft, E,; Easement Line between Lots 16 and 17, Block 1, Southdale 1st Addn,, from Lake Cornelia to Cornelia Drp; Easement Line between Lots 9 and 10, and 5 and 6, Block 5, Southdale Third Addno, from W,7Oth Str to Dunberry Lane," Vu-Graph Slide was shown of route of sewer, and assessable district; and Mr, Zikan gave as his Estimate of Cost a Total of &46,779,55, as against 17,523,386 Assessable Square Feet, for $.0255 per Assessable Square Foot, Opposition to the plan was -made aa, follows : 1, Mr. Lc B, Strachan, 6324 Josephine Ave, - Asked why his area should pay for Storm Sewer for Lake Cornelia, also inquired about his properties' relation to Crosstown Highway, reasons because he does not want an assessment Lien on his property when it is taken for the crosstownr 2& in opposition to improvement for Mr, Strachan's reason, was filed with Council, 3, Sts, and W,64th St, are all higher than his lot and he feels he will get no benefit from sewer. 4. C,E, Peterson, 640$ Ryan - asked why Southdale is being left out of this, when their water drains to the Lake, Mr, Zikan explained that Southdale will construct a storm sewer to drain the North pond into Minnehaha Creek, 5* Mr, Moore, Balfanz Rde - asked why Southdale housing area cannot drain into Lake Cornelia and then into pond. Mr, Zikan answered that the pond is higher than Lake Cornelia by about three feet, Mr, Person of Creston Hills reminded Council that when Mr, Adolph Meyer first talked about the project he expected to drain Lake Cornelia into pond; and Mr, Zikan answered that Mr, Meyer admitted, later that this could not be done. 6, Mr, Ahnert - stated a ditch has been dug which has drained his land, and he does not want it drained, 7. Owner at 6325 SteJohns Avenue - asked why the Northern part of the proposed assessment district is proposed to be assessed; the water does not go to Lake Cornelia--it stays in aswamp between 63rd and 64th Sts.. 8. One gentleman stated he feels that no matter how much rain falls, Lake Cornelia will not wash into the shore homes, but Mr. Zikan answered that it will and does, 9, Mr, Beryl R, Tdhite, 6200 Concord Ave, - maintained that the water in his arka doea not drain to Lake Cornelia; it stws in a pothole, reminded the audience that, as more and more homes are built and more and more streets constructed, the water drains faster; that the direction is largely the same, but that the rate of drainage is accelerated, He &so said that, when various potholes are filled by owners, drainage will be to Lake Cornelia , 10, Owner at 6321 St,Johns Avenue - asked where water from two swamps directly behind the lots east of St.Johns will drain--will they benefit from this storm sewer. Mr, Zikan reporbed he believes this will be in overflow from pondr Clerk presented Affidavit ' He stated he objected for his own selfish Petition signed by twelve property owners in Normandale Second Addition, A gentleman owning property at 63rd and Ryan stated 'irT,62nd St*, InT,63rd Mr, Hyde 7/16/56 11, One owner asked, What is the cost of taking additional water from Zake Cornelia to pond to Ninnehaha Creek? iNr. Zikan answered that pond is three feet higher than Lake Cornelia; that it is-not possible to take Corneliaf s water. to the Creek, 12, I%?, Swenson, 6425 Ryan Avenue - asked Why can't Thorpe Brothers make the proper corrections, instead of using taxpayers as sales promotion artists for their expensive properties?ll ,-J 1 * Mr, Tollefson, 6913 Cornelia Drive, and IrIrs. Carlson, 6613 Southdale Road, pleaded for temporary relief if this proposed project is not approved, Trustee Fronk, explaining that Mr, Adolph Meyer is a generally recognized authority on drainage matters, moved that Council continue Hearing subject to a consultation with Rr, Meyer on the drainage area as a whole. Notion seconded by Bredesen and carried, One gentleman asked that there be a re- evaluation of the crosstown highway in connection with the storm sewer; and Bredesen moved that Xeyer and others concerned take into consideration the proposed crosstown highway in their proposed study. Motion seconded by Tupa and carried. II.kTERl7ORKS STUDY BY BJNISTER ENG7NEERING COIPAWY, Kre A, IT, Banister was present, to review for Council his detailed written report dated June 14, 1956; and supplementing his recommendations of June l4 with a recommen- dation for fluoridatione inmediate work, was in an estimated amount of $66,685.00, This was : .L. $4,500,00 for Chemical Feeders, $i17,000.00 for Uscellaneous Items (New building for well, meters, and chlorinators), and $5,000 for Fluoridation &uipment. -After some discussion as to expediency of all improvements recommended, Fronk moved that CounciL proceed with improvement of the Village !:raterworks System in an estimated amount of $26,500, comprised of the last three recommendations made by Banister Engineering Company. Notion seconded by Bredesen and carried, The Company1 srecommendations of June l.4, for - mended to $69,335,00 on July 12 being $42,835.00 for Distribution System, Bredesen's motion, that Banister Engineering Company's claim in amount of $3,682*65, be honored. Notion seconded by Fronk and carried. SBfm RENTAL RATES STUDY, Manager Hyde presented to the Council the City of Hhneapolist Statement in the amount of $10,082,23, for the last half of 1955, based on a metered basis, rather than the old per-connection basis, He reported that this new method of figuring Edinats portion of Sewer Treatment and &in 1-iaintenance charges will increase our cost from an annual fee of about $13,000 to an estimated $25,000 for 1956--that Ninneapolis is within its contractual rights so to charge. Mr, Hyde also presented an operating statement for the first half of 2956, which showed an operating loss of some $4,600 for this period; and then suggested that present Sewer Rental Rates be increased from the flat charge of $6.60 per connection to the following: Water Consumption Annual Based om Water Bill during Winter Quarter (Jan.-Feb.-March) - Cu, Ft. Under 3000 Group flAII Rat e KzZr .. - 3COl to 6500 6503.. to. 12000) IIC" Netered Fee Over 12,000 ) to be determined Rates suggested for adoption should-bring in sufficient revenue to provide for Minneapolis Sewer Rental charge, Richfield Sewer Naintenance charge, Edina maintenance work, and a IIContribution to Reserve for Replacement and &bettermentsir, The Council felt that the proposed rates could be lowered if the %ontribution to reserve1! were eliminated; and moved that Village Attorney be directed to draft an ordinance for Council consideration on July 23, establishing Sewer Rental Rates for Group l1Al1 at $lO.OO,Group ItB1l at $l2,00 annually, and Group rtC1l at a metered rate, Motion seconded by Bredesen and carried, Fronkthen moved-that City of Minneapolis$ statement for last half of 1955, h. amount of $10,082,23, be honored. SE;I.TER CBANING ECUFilENT: Cieming Equipent, estimated amount $3,5CO; and Bredesen moved, Fronk seconded, ana motion carried that Nanager be directed to prepare specifications ilBll-Includes 500 sewer users who do not have Village Water $16 . 00 Motion seconded by Bredesen and carried. Mr. Hyde again cited the immediate need for Sewer .. 1/16/56 and take. bids on said eqipment .. at the earliest possible time, The hour being 11:kO pemr, and wit.h agenda for this meeting completed, Fronk moved for adjournment Mot ion seconded upa and Carrie Village Clerk , ...