HomeMy WebLinkAbout19560723_REGULARRolhall.was answered by Trustees *Fro& and Tupa and Mayor Erkkson, MINUTE3 of the Heetings of July 9 and 16 were approved as subndtted, by motion Fronk, seconded by Tupa and carried, AWmD OF BIDS TAKEN JUNE 31 AND JULY 23: I,-ementing lfanager Hyders oral repart of July 9, a written report was presenting, recommending.the purchase of Model 5-182 International Truck, with Heil Body, 1/2 Cab Shield, Pintle Hook and Turn Sgnals, at total cost of #4,1t!&278 Report explained that, 81-bhOUgh bid on Heil Body is higher than that on either Gar Wood or Anthony, Village Crew finds khe Anthony expensive to rnai.&ain, 5s unacquainted with the Gar Vood, and finds the Neil Body to bs sa'bisfactory. Fronkts motion, tbat the recommendation of the Public Trlarks Department be accepted and that bid be awarded for the International Truck with Heil Body and accessories recommended. 'E4otion seconded by Tupa ard carried, 2. WSmVcTED. (Bids taken 7/23). Engineer Zikan preserrtea TabyL.at$on of &d8 taken this morniag a% 1O:OO A& in accordance with "Adv&hement for Bidst1 publrished 5n Edina-Norningside Courier July 12 and W-Jay W. Craig Conipans~ Minneapolis, bebg low bidder at $59,64O,OO, whicho Mr, 2- stated, 5s below estimate. Fronkfs motion that bid be awarded to Jay W. Cra5g Cornpaw was seconded by Tupa and carried. I3LAcgTOP REPL5CEHENT FOB STREE2S IN WHICH Sl3@R AND 1MPE.R ww ~Adwrtisemat for Bids" pubkished in Edina-MoXnbgstde Courier -and Con- struction Bulletin on July 12 and 19, 4956, were-'pesented, being as follom: Valbm Excavat&ng Ca 4 .867 &30 do Northern Contracting Co .., $80,0'7O,lO Ph elps-Drake Company $$979790a00 Award of bids was deferred pending outcame of wlic Hearing to be held August 13. I ROB. 71.56~~ ST, TO NORTRTOOD DR.: AYRSHIRE BLVD., DUNDFJ3 ROAD TO 210 1;"p. E.; HIDDEM UNE. Engineer Zikan presentee! Tabula%ion of bids taken this mornhg at 1O:OO A&, 5n accordance with IfAdvertisement for Bidsr1 published Edina- IIomingsids Courier and Constructiion Bulletin on July 12 and 19, 1955, They were as follovs: 4. SANITARY SE.IER IN W, 56TH ST be MIRROR *L&&\DRIVE TO DUNDEE ROAD: DUNDJB Phelps-Drake Co. $39,469009 WLSon Excavating Go, $33,94L.% Northern Contracting Cos $32,236 oa Bids were deferred to meeting of August 13, pendkg actcon on Public He&% scheduled for this evening. PUBI;TC HEARINGS ON PROPOSED E@ROVE$m& Clerk presented Affidavit of Publi- cation in Edina-Mornings5.de Courier July 12 and 19, 1956, of !*Motfce Of fiembgs on Proposed hprovements--Sanitary Sewer, Blackbopp5.ng,'1 which affidavit was approved as to form and ordered placed on fae, Napr Ericksoa announced that Counci!. cannot Lake f:'inal action on these improvements tonight because there are' only tfiree members present; that Public Hearings WU be held this evening, and final action taken AugrsL 13* 1. CONSTRUCTION OF SANTI'ARY SFl.EEt AND APPURTENANCES IN We 56TH ST., MIRRCBE BL'VD,, DWDB RD, TO 210 I?", E,: HIDDEN LANE. Engirreor Bkm showed a Vu- Graph Slide of the proposed Assessmenti District and 6f the mute of the proposed Sewer, He gave as his Esthzte of Cost, $36,2k3.03 as against ij,!+6S068 Assessable Feet, for ih5.63 per Assessable Foot, Hessian, keg aspearing on behalf of his mother, spoke 5x1 behdf of the project, Cou~c5.1 ,rex!.eT@d wr2tten objection 02 Y!r0 G,G,CS.eSM, owner of Lot 9, Block 3, !.Error Lakes, Thme were no ether objections registerede I&. Z&an explz..fr~eB that eaaenenh must be ob-La?.nad Psoa Les Anbrson a3d me ctkw $P,~GY~ m:+ cart 5e &ne,> crntbmc?. L-, &-g.xL 3-3, :Q.S sesurxded Iy 'kps anti cmi7%d5 LAKE3 DR. TO DUNDEZ RD. : 3UHDB RD,. IT, 56TH ST TO i\30RTDKDD DR, z AYRSHIRE E&. Naurice P~odc~s mo"c.ior, tks% Pcbli~ IIPBs~~~ be 2. BLACI<TO?PING SCHOOL RWD, CONCORD-~?E. TO SHERIqJCOD Am.: T47,59"H ST.. RUTH DRIVE TO HIGHtW #lOOz Wo60TH ST., PAR&ELL AVE.-TO HIGHIfAY ;".!a 'SHERWOOD AVE., W.60TH ST. TO SCHCOL ROAD: RUTH DRIVE, SCHOOL ROAD TO W.59TH - ST. Engbeer Zikan showed Vu-Graph SUde of area of proposed hpmveaent and assessable district. His Esthate of Cost was given as $l3,046d+O as against 4,917.42 Assessable Feet, for $2.65- per Assessable -Foot, - protest was made against Bla&$opping W,6Oth St, Qetwepn ParnelL' -Am-,. and-"-"" ..--"-'"--''-- H;ighwacy #loo, for the reason that the property abutk@g this street is not hproved and construction trucks will damage blacktop, Mr, Zikan explained that the developers .of South Concord, Marion Gardens, and School, &nor Additions had presented joint petitionsLsorne time ago for this hprovement; that agreement had been made with them and school tbt the work would be done in the entire area at the same time, so that no particufar addition would have an unreasonably high assesqent for 'the work; My., Zikan explained that all utilities are now in the street. Tup's rno%im that' Public Bearing be continued to August 13, was seconded by Fronk and camied, PUBLIC EEPRING ON PROPOSED OfiDmUCE. NO, '1&-8. kEkAN&G CERTAIN- STB&,S Clerk presented copy of "N6tice of Hearing on Proposed Ordinanye, If mailed .-- c- One . I to owners :bf, affected properbyj and Mayor7Erickson called inform& public hearii.1g ori this proposed 'Ordinance which Gill rename some -twenty-one Village Skeetso Separate Hearings were- held on each street proposed to be re-named, and action taken as hereinaster r'ecorded: 1, On renaming that part of Birchcrest Drive lying between tf.60th St. and Code Ayenue to ROLP AVENUE,-. P-etitios 'in oppositioq $0 proposed re.:ixynirig was filed, - carrying signatures cf sixteen prope*+ owners. Pet;ition was. supported; by a delegakion which ciajmed there .is 'no' trouble with Post Office on their add.resses; that directions will be more dif$$cult- to.give .for t%olflb, , '. : '1; ' ' ..,' ., . .. ,. .. .. . fh .,., I ! 1 :. ' . I. . ,. ' .,. , 8 1. . ., .' ~t. ' azo. 7/23/56 15. On renaming Woodbine Avenue11 LDBRICY WiXE, Neither oralmr written objection was filed. (See First Reading of Orclirlr,ce)~ 16. renaming West Highwood Drive11 STRATHMOR3 DRTVE, I&, Frazer was present, to say he does not approve of a Scotch name which 1153.l tie his zddition to Edina Highlands; that this is a different area, Candy Lane was suggested as a substitute, but objection was made to that, It was consensus of opinion that name of Vest Highwood Drivel1 be changed to HZGHIIOOD DRIVE, and that a new name be found for that part of 11High9mod Drive" curving to the East, (See First Reading of Ordinance). 17* On renaming "North KnoU. Drivel' to SAXONY ROAD, Objections were filed by Hr, John Noffatt and one other, vrho stated theg feel that if any name is changed it should be that of Wouth Knoll Drive", with "North Knoll Drive being changed to IINOLL DRIW, ophion that IWorth Knoll Drive" be changed to U~o'u. Drivei1 and that lISouth Knoll Drive" be changed to KADIAR DRIVE (See first reading of OrdiYtance) , 18, objection was filed, and it was Councilts opb-ion that name change is justified. (See first reading of Ordinance) 19. On renaming Qwood West11 between Annavay Drive and Xedane ANNkiAY DRIOE, Neither oral mr written objection was filed. Council. agreed on proposed name change, (See first reading of Ordinance) . 20, On renaming llEwing Avenue11 Vest of Brookside Aver CLARK fiVEWJ3, Neither oral nor mitten objection was filed, and Council agreed on name change, (See first reading of Ordinance). 210 On renaming %South Olinger Road11 WEST 62ND STREET, Neither oral nor mitten objection was filed, and name change was agreed on. (See first reading of Ordinance. It was consensus of Council~s On renaming 11Crestvier.r Drive SAXONY ROAD. Neither oral nor witten Fro& offered the-following Ordinance; and moved that it be accepted for its first reading, and that second reading of Ordinance be scheduled for Xonday, August 13: ORDINANCE NO, 164-8 AR ORDINANCE kT.IENDDJG VILLAGE OF EDINA ORDINANCE C%RTAIN ROADS, STRZETS AND AENUES OF THE VWB NO. 164 ENTITLED "AN ORDINANCE NANING AND Rl3N.A"G OF EDINA THE VII;LAGE COUNCIL OF THE t~ILUX3 OF EDIM, MINbESOTA, ORDAINS: Section 1, a%er Section 20 the following: Ordinance No, 3.64 of the Village is hereby amended by adding Section 21, Tom Road is hereby renamed ROUSHAR ROAD, That part of &l&uire Road lying North of Brook Avenue is hereby renamed GALWAY DRIVE& l?oodbine Avenue is hereby renamed LIMERICK IksL Highwood Drive is hereby renamed HIGHIrJOOD DRIVE, North Knozf Drive fs hereby renamed KNOLL DRIVE South Knoll Drive is hereby renmed KAX42.R 22-EEL Crestview Drive is hereby renamed SAXONY ROAD That part of Elyvrood Uest lying between Annaway Drive and Nerilane is hereby renamed ANNAVAY DRlBE, EMng Avenue, as platted in Block 2l, -a Abbott Park Addn, fs hereby renamed GLNX AWUE, South Olinger Road, a street lying between Tracy Avenue and Olineer Road. is herebsr renamed IEST 62Na STREET. Section 2. This &dinan& shall be" in effect from and a@er its passage and publication according to law, Fronkts motion was seconded by Tup and carried. -* PELBOB - PRELIXINARY PLAT. 3ir. Lee presented Preliminary Plat of ltF?ilrob11 at 65th and Sherwood-Nomda3.e. Planning Commission had recommended approval, subject to presentation of evidence that house now located on plat is located in accordace with present Zoning Ordinance restrictions, Some study was made of the evidence presented by Ib. Lee; and Fronk moved for approval of the plat, tfiththe understanding that present house is properly located. Hotion seconded by Tup and carried, Coffman Realty Company's July 20th mitten request for permission to hire its own engineering service for preparation OS plans and specifications for 3~ater and sewer in South Garden Estates, Fbst end. Second Additions was submitted. Fronkl s motion, granting pemiss5il?n, ~*<~.th npprotrd of said Rl3QWT TO HIRE ENGDIBERnTG FOR S€G!ER AND TJATER IN SOUTH GARDEN ESTATES. 7/23/56 ' plans and specifications to be by the Vfllage Tupa and carried. 1 Engineer, was seconded 'oy PEI?%lT TO DUfP GARBAGE IN ROBERTS DUMP. Mr. George of Lake Harriet, Sanitary Service inquired about the privilege of dumping in the Roberts gravel pit. He explained that a pem&t.was granted last year to Roberts to accept garbage in this location; that Arthur K, Petersen, former contractor garbage collector for whom the convenience was originally extended, is now a member 09 the Lake Harriet firm, Clerk explained.that there has been a rewest from Lake Harriet Is competition, Woodlake Sanitary Service, for this same privilege; that Village offices did not know what to do about it, inasmuch as there is a Village 0rdinance.which prohibits dumping without a permit from the Village Board of Health; that Lake Harriet has been warned of this Ordinance. Tupa movedthah dumping at the Roberts Pit be allowed to continue, and that the matter be referred to Health Officer and Manager Hyde for further investigation, Notion seconded by Fronk and carried, - POSTING AGAINST HEAVY TRAFFIC ON W.58TH ST. Mr, E, B. DOWS, 5801 Wooddale, complained that heavy vehicles are chewing up the new blwktop on W,58t;h Street between Wooddale and France Avenues. He asked that the street be posted against heavy traffic, Ik. Iqindhorst advised that the Council does have the power to .so post the street, and Fronk moved that TJ,5&h St. between IrJooddale and France Avenues be posted against through traffic of more than five tonsb Notion seconded by Tupa and carried, SERVICE DRIVE FOR LAKl3 EDmA ADDDION. Mr, Hosmer Brown, representing developer E,C, Stow (who was also present) and Mr. Karl He Covell, rep resenting a group of contract .;purchasers, asked Council lYhat is being done about the service road for Lake Edina Addition?ll Mra Covell stated his clients have crews waiting to go to work; that delay is causing a very serious hardship for them; that gas company will not lay their main until the grade 2s established, Engineer Zikan explained that he has been in 'couch with consultant engineer Balich; and at their last word, tW Wiu be at least a month before he can have figures ready1r, request that Zikan call the consultant and -11build a fire under him", Mr. - Zikan replied that the job is one of some scope and does not include only the Lake Edina Properites. DTFFICULTIES IN PROGRAMMING .ENGINEERING PROJECTS./ Mr, Stow then inquired again as to the mattep of programming the Storm Sewer for Brookview Heigh-68 Additions. Mr. Zikan told the Council, llGen€lemen, we are just not going to be able to get all of these projects out with the help we have. We have 1% jtist 5s not physically possible to get the work completed,l1 He cited several storm sewer projects, and some others, which are sorely.needed and have not yet been processed, Some discussion was had by the Council on these problems; and Fronk moved that Village Engineer be given authority to employ Consult- hg Engineers to complete any projects whdch are being held up at the moment for lack of engineering service, Motion seconded by Tupa and carried. Mr. 7ikan explained he would do the very best he could, but that consulting engineers are also very busy because of the amount of municipal wrk now being done. Mayor Erickson asked that the motion be.amended*to include the phrase, "with the understanding that said consulting engineers attend Hearings on projects",' Fronkts motion fbc amendment to original motion, in conformance with Mayor Ericksonts suggestion, was seconded by Tupa and carried. CH&NGE OF STRE9 NAW3-W. 57TH ST,, TO tlNORMANDALE COURT1f. Pk* FoBe ' Victorsenrs request for change of name of that portion of W.57th St, lying west of highway #lo0 to llNoraandale Court11 was referred to the Planning Cornmission for recommendation, At Iff, Bromts. ' AND AUTHORITY TO WLOY CONSULTING EHGINEERS. . twice the amount of work we had last year, and the same crewo FkQUlBST FOR PERMIT TO BUILD MARKER IN BOUIJWARD, "NORNANDALE COURT". Fo& Victorseqt s reopest -for permit .to bulld a brick-and-stone marker announcing )INormandale Court11 on the boulevard at the intersection of Highway No, 100 and Normandale Court was reported by Engineer Zikan. Tupa's motion that action be delayed for further investigation as to the exact location of the proposed stmtcture, -was seconded b~.Fronk aqd c8rriede Mr, Zikan exp$ained-that marker will not be lighkd, 1 TTWERS. pez-mit to e&ct se-feral small signs along well-traveled roadways, as they are cMng in. c5hher communities throughout the' stake, Tvpats motion, gr.qykinq 77~5, c:qC -w fi~condec? by Pronk and carriedl ' Ivir, * REQUEST FOR PERFXLT FOR "CONSTITUTIOIJAL REVISION't SIGNS-LEAGm OF- WOBliEN Mrs. H,R, Burton, President, supported League's petition fQr 222 71231 56 RIWEST FOR BIilGO IWD BEER PEE@IITS-ST.PATRICKtS CHURCH, Request for permits to conduct a Bingo Game and to sell beer on August 26, at Bazaar-Festival. Attorney Windhorst stated he feels that the Village does not have authority to grant permits to sell beer; and Fronk moved that Bingo be allovred on same basis as heretofor, but that permit to sell beer be denied on grounds that Village cannot issue. Motion seconded by Tupa and carried, RW -HE"EfIN COUNTY NURSXNG DISTRICT WORT FOR JUNE, 1956, was submitted, reviewed, and ordered placed on file. IMP3OVENEXT PETITIONS as hereinafter listed were filed, Oiling - Xerxes Ave,, '75th to 76th Sts. (want Blacktop petition w%%hdrawn ) Oiling - Tingdale Ave, from E.View Drive to F!,5%h St,; and from W,5Bth St. to Benton; Benton he,, Tingdale Ave, to Josephine Ave., and from Josephine Ave. to Highway #loo, Oiling - Bernard Place, W.56th St, to Grove St, Blacktopping - Belmore Lane. Hadison kve. to Van Buren Ave. Curb and Gutter - Belmore Lane, Jackson Ave, to Nonroe Ave. Sanitary Sewer - South Drive, IIirror Lakes Road to Dundee Road. Fronkfs motion that petitions be accepted, that Oiling be accomplished as soon as possible, and that other petitions be referred to Village Engineer for scheduling of public hearings, vas seconded by Tupa and carried. 1. 2. 3. ,4* 5, 6.. PECITION FOR BLACKTOPPING OF PARKWOD ROAD IU PARKT.jOOD KNOLLS FOURTH ADDITION. 1-fr. F. IT. Hayes, who presented this petition4 for Ellacktopping Parkwood Road between No. 6644 Parkwood Road and No, 5400 Londonderry Rd., asked if work can be done without a public hearing, inasmuch as petition is signed by owners of 100% of abutting property and waives hearing. In vriei.r of Attorneylindhorstts former rulings and public hearing must be held to enforce assessment, Xr. Hayes was informed that Public Hearing must be held, Tupa*s motion, that Public Hearing be scheduled for August 13, was seconded by Pro& and carried, Petition is to correct a misunderstanding concedng original petition filed for Parkwood Road, and is not considered a 1956 petition. AGmmJT FOR SALE OF VILUGE PROPERTY TO INDEPE8Dm SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 17 FOR USE AS BUS GARAGE SITE, AND FOR SAIE OF GASOLINE TO SAID SCHOOL DISTRICT. Village Attorney I?indhorst presented IWemorandum of AgreementI1, setting forth the Villagets agreement to sell to the School District - !'The East 125 Ft, of the West 280 Ft. of that park of Govk, Lot 8, Sec.28,T.117,R.21, lying Nly of Eden Prairie Rd., said dist. being measured along N. line of said Lot 8, together with a non- exclusive easement for driveway purposes and ingress and egress over the N.17 of that part of God. Lot 8 in said Sec,28,T.l17,R,21 lmg East of Tfest 280 Ft. thereof and Vest of West line of Brookside Ave,, said 280 Fk* being measured along Ne line of said God, Lot $11 for ~1,000, for school bus garage site; to install tanks and pumps and furnish gasoline for schoolstrequirements at Village cost plus 1& per gallon handling- charge; the School's agreement to purchase gasoline from the Village, - subject to compliance with Sec,125,18, Hhesota Statutes, until June 30, 1961. Xrs Vindhorst advised that agreement should be checked on behalf of the Village before it is delivered, Fronk moved that Council grant Nayor and Clerk authorityto sign agreement, subject to approval of property description by Village Engineer. Motion seconded by Tupa and carried. XEEXES AVENUE UTILITJXS-PROPOSED AGREZNEKI! WITH RICHFIELD, Attorney Windhorst reported that, pursuant to instructions by Nanager Hyde, he has contacted Richfield- concerning a cooperative agreement between the 'ITillzges for construction of sewer and water utilties in Xerxes Avenue; that he believes it possible that, with existing facilities it will be possible to work out an agreement whereby residents 1~32.1 be permitted to connect by paying a flconnection charge" directly to the Village making the installation; th&, in regard to future utilities (proposed watermain in Xerxes Avenue will be considered an 'existing utility?), Villages would agree to enter. into cooperative contract , with each VXLage paying, and assessing, half the cost; unless one Village d6c&ded at that time that its particular block would never want the utili%$. Tupa moved for approval in principle of the proposed contract, Xotion seeomled by Prdc and carrTed, .+ 223 7/23/56 PRELDIINARY PLAT OF WALNUT BIDCtE SECOND ADDITION was presented, with Planning Commissionts recornmendation for approval subject to an engineer- ing check, proper drainage, park dedication and street name approval., Fronkts motion, that Preliminary Plat be approved subject to compliance with Planning Comissionts qualifications, was seconded by Tup and REPUT OF L#l' 4, BLOCK- 4.. CRESTON HILLS had the Planning Commission's recommendation of JulyI" ll,i.$or rejection; reason being that &ots are below mfnhum slzo an&' noV'2ri keeping with balance of subdi~&&on,i,- Fronkfs motion, that Pireliminary Plat- be rejected in accordq&e with Planning Commission's recbmendations, was seconded by Tupa akd carried, carried. 3: ?: ., . .9 ., -;. EQmST FOR REZONING $0 CO$@LWTrY STORE VIEW ROAD was submitted, with recommendation that Cohci;l. Fronkls mokion, that PBbJic 1:30 P.M,, was secondell by Tupa and carried. -, PR;ELDiTN!GlY PUT OF PROPERTY BUST NORTH OF 1JiT,60TH STREET, BE"8 HANSON ROAD AND DAZ;E AVEPJISE EDENRED, carried Planning Commission's pcommendat%on for approval.- Clerk Alden .yeported there may have been some .specic$l assessments levied agahst I this property for utilities in Daletkenve Exbended; and Fronk moved that action on Preliminary Plat be de&aye$ pending investigation of assessment matter, until August 13* E@%loh . .I I >.' .. seconded by Tupa and carried. ,L FINAL PLAT OF EDWARDS ADDITION AT 56TH ANL) OAKLAWN. Planning Commissbnfs July 11th recommendation for approval, even though two of the three l&s ore below minimum size, was questioned; and Mr, Ztkantold CouncZI plat is $0 simpUfy legal description of tihese three properties, two of which were hproved as tlmetes and boundstt descriptions.. Froafs mot5on for approval. of Final Plat was seconded by Tupa and carried, FmAL PLAT OF I1€EATH GLENIT. located North of Highway #5 and West of Cahill Road was approved subject to compllance with qua2ifications set up by Planning Commission July Il, by mbtfon Fro&, seconded by Tupa and carried. FINAL PLAT OF SOUTH G.!UUBN ESTATES PRELIEIhTARY PLAT OF SOUTH GkEzDE;N ESTATES SECOND ADDXTION RBXEST FOR BUILDIEJG PERNIT ON LOT 2, BLOCK 1, SOUTH GlllzDEN ESTATES WRALL OF EXTm SOUTH GABDE3I ESTATES PUT The above four items came before the CouncU pursua& Lo Pl.anrzing Commission's recommendations-of July 11. Tups moved for approval of . Commisskmts recomaendattons, and for approval of Plats and B&lding Pemrih, subject to 'compliance with qualifications set forth in said recornendations Mation seconded by Fronk and carried, ~RBLIMINARY PUT 6F:$IBCH L&'EEti was approved 3.n accordance wi%h Pl.anning Commissionts recomen&a%ions of July 11, bysno"cun Wonk, seconded by Tup and Carried. :I 'i I % t FINAL PLAT OF VERxES AVENUE JJDITLWt AND REQUEST FOR PERMIT TO BUILD DOUBm BUNGALOWS ON XERXES A"UE 33 SAIDSRXES AIEWE ADDITSON were refiewed; Planning CommissLon*s recommendations of July U.th being for approval of %he first, and for Public Hearing to decide the second6 Fronkts motion for approval QT Pinax Pia%, and schedulirig Public Hearing on request for permit to buSl&%ouble *Wgalows for August 3.3, was ' PF8X,DiINMY PUT BY H.C.FJEDI-fEm, SOUTH OF PROSPECT HILI3 NOBTH OF DEWEY HILL ROAD was reviewed, having received Planning Commission's . qualified recommendation for approval, as of July 12. Fronkfs motion, approving Preliminary Plat subject to compllance with conditions set forth by PZanning Cornisston, was seconded by Tupa and carried, w- seconded by Tupa and ca2r4ieg9 _. tW..,",?'. 7/23/56 22.4 . INDUSTRIAL REi7REMIETG, Council reviewed Planning Commission's action of July 11, authorizing Village Xanager to investigate the possibility 02 employing expert advice on the proposed industrial site, Council being in was also reviewed, accord with this action, - k file of letters advocating the proposed rezoning ORDINANCE NO, 23l-L-MT ORDINANCE dGIC@jDING ORDINANCE NO. 231 OF THE: VILLAGE RELATING TO SEGR RENTAL CHARGES T~S offered for its first reading, Fronk moved that Ordinance be accerhed for its first reading, that Office be ' authorized to bill for this quarter on rates established by said Ordinance, and that Second Reading of Ordinance be scheduled for Nonday, August 13, 1956, Botion seconded by Tupa and carried. EXCAVATION JUST MEST OF YORK AVEXUE FZTIBEN WJ,7!jTH AND W.76TH STRE;ETS. Clerk transmitted 3ianager Hydets report that this excavation, made by Astleford Equipment Coo, had been inspected on July 16; that operations have been abandoned wlld property left in fair condition. No action taken, DIR3GTfONAL SIGNS FOR SOUTHDUE. Representatives of Southdale were present with layouts for proposed billboards and directional signs adver- tising the Shopping Center. Coun&l advised that, some years ago, adver- tisers at T?,%th St. and Homnandale Road were ordered to remove their billboards from this area; &so, that Council believes a directional sign at corner of Highvay #lo0 and Valley View Road will meet with property owners' objections, I&. Crear stated this proposed sign tdll replace a sip now on the premises. Council reviewed Nanager Hydefs memorandum on this mtter, and referred matter back to him for recommendation, DRAINAGE AT LAKZ CORNELIA. Zngineer Adolph Heyer reminded Council that his plan for drainage had been approved in principle some time ago; that he had since conferred with the VilLage Engineers and carried out their recornendations insofar as he is aware of them, with one possible exception; and that might be the outlet at W.62nd St, and Park, where pipe would be largely above ground; that open ditch has been designated and Xr. Zikan has stated that when fill was available plans could be made to cover, I&. Zikan slated that dirt from the Valley View Project (any surplus not used for the Park and for N.6Oth St,) can be used for this purpose. Re. Xeyer suggested an open ditch until pipe can be covered, and recammended %bat contract end with open ditch, that Nessrs* Psuley and Turnham had agreed last year to give easements to carry ditch over their land; that he has been waiting for these ease- ments from the Village &&neer's office, proceed with work at once because there is no outlet for pond; stated that all the people around Lake Cornelia are fully protected under tXs project. air. Meyer stated, IYe would like to get easements out, get them signed, and get out a call for bids and get work completed, so that Valley View Road can be completed. There is a cut through there rdth a 34-foofi ditch for pipe. Cornelia is being given an outlet which is four feet lower than the natural outletOtf Xr. Zikan asked if pond cannot be controlled by sea level datum, Pir. 3Ieyer replied that there are no easements whatsoever for the pond and Lake Cornelia; that his plan is taJxing care of muchmore mter than Southdale would propose to add, that his fimn proposes to get going on the required easements whenever the Council wants it to. Fronkts motion, that Council take bids for tGutlet and Control lJorks for Lake Cornelia1! on Eonday, August 13, was seconded by Tup and carried. He explained He advocated that Council Attorney ICindhorst reported I REQTJEST FOR VACATION OF DFdJNAGE WE253NT ON SOUTH FJXE FET OF LOT 5 SOUTHRUBGE, was reviewed, Engineer Zikan' s recommendation being to de?ay vzzca+ion pending study, Tupars mo%ion, directing Village Engineer to &ite I&. Jolu?son, ptitioner, about this matter, was seconded by Fro& and carried. I~~ELODY IAKES &iSk LET STATION. July 18th, pointing out the urgency of taking bids on this work on August 6. Engineer Wsan stated that the lllt,riddentl Pump is not known by the State Board of Health; that any approval they might give would be on an ttexperimentallf basis, and if something vent wrong the Village vould have to correct it-- estimated cost sane $1'7,000. He also said that the Third Tuesday in August t&U. be the earliest date that we can obtain approval from the Board on our plans;-that pumps other than the TJidden have longer delivery dates. Tupa's motibn, that Council take bids on Uft Station equipped with pump approved . bystate Board of Health; s&d bids to be taken August 6th, was seconded by Fro& and carried. Council read Nanager Hydets memorandum of ' 7/23/56 2 2.5 BIRCHCFiEST AREA: SOUTHDALE RgSIDBNT IALWODHILL STORM SEVBRS: Nanager Hyde 1 s July 18th remarks concerniniihe urgency of these two storm sewers were read, Fronkrs motion, scheduling Public Hearings on proposed Storm Sewers at the very earliest time the Engineer can prepare specifications and plans therefor, vas seconded by Tupa and carried, Y CURB AND GUTTER ON W.58TH ST. JUST WEST OF FRANCE AVENUE. Engineer Zikan reported that children in txe‘ area have marked up this c&b, and that the blacktopping contractor has chipped it; also, that private vehicles became stuck on the street at the edge of the curb line, and chipped the curb; thzt damage is not curb contractorts liability, and that it Will not affect the operation of the curb, FronkIs motion, that where the chipping of the curb affects its operation, Engineer order replacement, but that where operation is not affected the curb be left as is, was seconded by Tupa and carr ied, PERFOR4flNCE BONDS FOR DEVXL0Pi3RS3 Engbe er Zikan reported that Village Attorney has given his opinion that performance bonds required of developers in connection with grading and graveling are worthless without a written agreement to support them. draft form of contract to be used in these cases, was seconded by Tupa and carried , Fronk’s motion, directing Village Attorney ta PLAJINING CON~iISSION APPOWI~~TSI appointed at the last meeting as a member of the Planning Commission, has declined to serve, Maror directed to replace, Clerk reported that Harry Gustafson has not been of€icially notified of his appointment because his %em of office had not been specified 5.n the appointment-made. Ilayor Erickson recommended appointment for term expiring January 1, 1959, and Council confirmed. It was reported that Mr. NcVeedy, -- DRAINAGE AT 5308 IENDSOR AVEINUE. ___II Mr. Zikan cited the complaint of a, Bbs* Anderson that there is -a water Docket in front of her dwelling at 5308 ‘ Windsor Avenue, He stated that-if owner will carry water through a ditch on her property this will be one way to solve the problem; that the other way would be a stom sewer; that Nanager Hyde would like someLhing done as soon as possible; that &Ire Zikan will work with MN&S Railroad to see if they will accept the water on their Tight-of-way. Mr, Zikan explained that any improvunent will. be emensive, No action taken. , SPECIAL ASSESSNENT HEARINGS FOR AU6UST 27. ’Clerk informed Co&cil that several Special Assessments will be ready for Hearings soono Tupats motion, that Council conduct Hearings on special assessments on August 27, was seconded by Fronk and carried. . * PUBLIC HEARnGS ON PROPOSED IPIP~~TS. liminary plans and estimates of cost on several projects, suggesting that Council conduct public hearings as soon as possible in order that work mighk be completed this year, Fronk offered the following Resolution and moved its adoption: Engineer Zikan presented pre- RESOLTJT ION PROVIDING FOR PUBLIC HEARINGS PROPOSED SANITARY SEFSR, STORM SDJER, WATERMAIN AND BUCKCOPP~NG IMPROWE~ITS BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the Village of Edina: . 2, The Viliage Engineer, having subdtted to the Council a preliminary reporb as to the feasibility of the proposed Smprovements described in the Form of Notice of Hearing set forth below, and as to the estimated cost of such improvements, said report is hereby approved as to the estimated COS% of such hp~ovements, and directed to be placed on file in the office of the Village Clerk, This Council shall meet on Nonday, August 13, 1956,. at 7:30 Pamr, in the Edina Village Hall, to consider in public hearing the views of all persons interested in said proposed improvements, The Clerk is hereby authorized and directed to cause notice of the time , place and purpose of said meeting to be published in the official newspaper once a week for two successive weeks, the second of which pub& cations is to be not less than three days from date of said meeting, which notice shall be in substantially the following fora: 2, 3. NCTICE OF PUBLIC HEARINGS ON PROPOSED DPROVE”TS SANITARY SEr.%R, STORibi SEKdR, WATERMAIN, BLACKTOPPING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Edina Village Council will meet at the Village Hall, on Nonday,. August 13, 1956, at 7:3d p.m., to consider the following pro- posed improverrents, to be constructed under the authority granted by Minnesota Laws of 1953, chapter 398, estjma-ted by the Village Engineer as set forth below: The approxirate cost of said improvements is b 7/23/56 EST. COST Construction of Sanitary Sewer and Appurtenances in the following Streets: 1FJooddd.e Ave., Creston Rd, to Dunberry Lane Judson Lane, Point Dr, to Ifooddale Ave. Dunberry Lane, Creston Rd, to Point Dr, Creston Rd,, 600 Ft., more or less, N, of Dunberry Lane Balfanz Rd,, Creston Rd. to TQ. Line of CrestonwHills TrJooddale he., Laguna Dro to Dunberry Lane e Laguna Dr., If. Line Creston Hills to Wooddale Ave, Balfanz Rd,, 11. Line Creston Hills to Creston Rd, Judson Lane, Itrooddale Hve, to Point Dr, Dunberry Lane, Creston Rd, to 100 Ft. Tr. of Point Dr. Construction of Sanitary Sewer and Appurtenances in the following Streets: Easement in Interlachen Golf Course, from existing trunk Sewer to Waterman kve . ; tlaterman Ave., Golf Course Easement to proposed Easement between Blocks 21 c1: 22, Xendelssohn; Watemim 4-ve., Golf Course Easement to 3.40 Ft. E, Easement between Blocks 21 & 22, Nendelssohn, from Waterman Ave. to IJaloney Ave, ; Xaloney Ave., Blake Rd, to E. Line of llRearrangement of Blo ck 23, Nendels s ohnlr . Blake Rd., Waterman Ave, to N, Village Limits. Griffit St., Belmore -me to No Village Limits. Belmore Lstne, Dearborn St, to Grove Place Extended South. Grove Place, Belmore Lane to Spruce Xd. John St., Belmore Lme to Spruce Rd. John St., Xa-loney Ave, to 380 Ft. N. Arthur St., Belmore Lane to 300 Ft, N. to TJooddale Ave, & $36,736, 20 Construction of Village Watermain Extension and Appurtenances in the following Streets: $29,701.40 $106,463.62 Blacktopping of Parkwood Raad from N, Lot Line of Lot 1, Block 2, Parkwood Knolls ,$th Addn. to Existing Blacktop on Construction of Trunk and L& era1 !dat ermain and Appurtenances in the following Streets: Londonderry lid. $4',9@ D48 17066th St., France he. to Xerxes dve. Xerxes Avenue, FJ.6Oth St, to W.66th St. France Ave., T.1.62nd St, to tJ.65th St, $74,173.00 Copstruction of Tillage Storm Sewer and Appurtenances as follows : In Lot Line-between Lots 16 and 17, Block 1, Southdale First Addn., from Cornelia Dr. to Lake Cornelia; and in Cornelia Dr. from above Lot Line to a pt e 40 Ft, So. $4,312,00 2. 3. 4, 5. 6~ The areas proposed to be assessed for the cost of said improvements are as For So. 1 Above - Lots 1 to 5, incl., Block 2; Lots 1 to 9, incl., Block 3; Lots l,2,3, Block 4; Lots l,2;3, Block 5; Lots 1 to 21, incl., Block 6; and Lots 10 to 14, incl., Block 7, all in Creston Hills Addition. For No, 2 Above - Lots 1 to 5, incl;, Block 1; Lots 1 to 5,'5nCL., Block 2; 1-to 21, jxlcl., Block 6; Lots 1 to 14, incl., Block 7; and Lots 1,2,3, Block 8, all in Creston Hills Addition. For no. 3 Above - Lot 5, Block 1; Lots 5 to 8, incl., mock 2; Lots 3 to 10, incl., Block 3; Lots 1 to 10, incl., Block 4; Lots 1 to 10, incl., Block 5; Lots 1 to 10, incl,, Block 6; Lots 1 to 5, incl,; Block 7; LOO Ft, on Maloney Avenue, in Block 9; Block 10; ' Lots 1. to 8, in& . , Block 13;. Lots 1- to 12, incl., Bbck l2; Lots 1 to 12, incl,, Block 13; Lots 1 to 5;incl., and Lot 8, Block l4; the North 1/2 of Block 15; 190 Ft. on Belmore Lane, Block 16; Block 21; Block 22; that part of the S, 330 Ft;, of Block 23 1ying'W. of the E, a0 Ft. thereof; all in &ndelssohn Addition; and Lots 1 and 2, Rearrange- ment of Block 23, liendelssohn Addition; that part of Block 27, Xendelssohn Adation lying North of Interlachen Blvd.; and all of Ascension Addition. For No, 4 Above - All Lots and Tracts of Land abutting the portion of the street proposed to be improved.. f OUOWS Z hts 1 to 9, irmclm, Block 3; Lots 1, 2y3, Block 4; Lots 1,293, Block 5; Lots ., .* - , ,. 7/23/56 { 227 1 For No. 5 Above - A, For Construction of Trunk Plain - All Lots and tracts of land within , the following described boundaries: of Sec,29,Twp.28,RO24, which is the intersection of Xerxes Ave. and Wt62nd St.; th, So to SE Cor, of the N 1 2 of SWl/4 of said Sec, 29; tho W.169,63 Ft.; th, No to N, line of the 31 / 2 of said Sec,29 which is the centerline of W,66th St.; th, I?, to the NW Cor, of the SWl/4 of said Sec,29, which is on the centerline of France Ave,; th. N, to the centerline of W,64th St,; the 14. along the centerline of W,64th Stm a distance of 223 Ft,; th. N. parallel to and 223 Ft, West of: the centerline of France Ave, to the center- line of W,62nd St.; th. East along the centerline of W.62nd St, and W.62nd St, extended, to the point of beginning." Bo For Construction of Lateral Plain and/or Lateral Connections to Trunk Hain - All Lots and Tracts of Land on the West side of Xerxes Avenue between W066th Stm and 135 Ft, So. of FJ,60th Stm, and All Lots and Tracts of land on the West side of France Ave, between W,64th St. and W,62nd St, For No. 6 Above - All Lots and Tracts of Land within the following described boundaries: Ely to SE Cor. thereof; tho NEly to a pto on the Nly line of Lot l.4, said Bl, 7 which is 56 Ft. Mly of the tiny line of Hillcrest Lane; the Nly to pt. on the Nly line of Lot 13, said Blp 7, which is 65 Ft, IJly of the.SCLy line of Hillcrest Lane; th. Nly to a pto on the Nly line of Lot 12, said BL 7, which is 65 Ft, IJly of the Wly line of Hillcrest Lane; the TJEly to a pte on the NEly line of Lot 11, said Bl, 7, which is 35 Ft, NWIy of the Wly line of Hillcrest Lane; th, Mly to a pto on the NE1y line of Lot 10, said B1. 7, which is 63 Ft, NTIsLy of the Nt.JLy line of Hillcrest Lane; th, NEly to a pto on the NEly line of Lot 9, saLd B 1, 7, which is 57 Ft. Wly of the Nliny Line of Hillcrest Lane; th, NEly to a ptn on the HEly line of Lot 8, said Bl, 7, which is 63 Ft, Nblly of the NWiy line of Hfllcrest Lane; th. i3Ely to a PJG; on the NEly line of Lot 7, said B1, 7, which is 53 Ft, NWly of the NWly line' of Billcrest lane; th. NEly to a pt, on the NEly line of Lot 6, said Bl, 7, which is 59 Ft, Wly of the NWly line of Hill- crest Lane; Zh, NE1y %a a pt, on the NEly line of Lot 5, said B 1, 7 which is 75 Ft, Nlzny of the "Wly line of Hillcrest Lane; th, Nwly 60 the Southern- most Cor, of ht 3, Lampets Rearrangement of Lots 27 through 33, Bl, 7,' Southdale 1sf3 :Addn.; %ha HKLy along the SKLy line of said Lot 3 %o a pt, . which is 45 Ft, SEly of the Ely line of Cornelia Dr,; the Nly to it ptb on the Nly line of said Lot 3 which is 43 Fto SE17 of the Ely line of Dornelia Dr,; th, Nly to a pt. on the Nly line of Lot 2 of said Lampets Rearrange- ment of Lots 27 through 33, Bl, 7, which is 43 Ft. Ely of the E. line of Cornelia Dr,; tho NJ.y to a pta-which is 42 Ft, N, of the So line and 34 Ft, El, of the 71. line of Lot 1, said Lampets R~arrangernsnb; tho IJly to a' pt, on'the E. line of Cornelia Dre which is 4.2 Pt, f\TLj of the SIT Core of said Lot 1; th, NtrJly to a pte on the 1Jl.y line of Cornelia Dr, which is 4.l 3%. Nly from the SE Cora of Lot 11, B1, 1, Southdale 1st Addn,; tho 4 Tnny to a pt , which is, 41 Ft ,, Nly of the Sly line and 52 F-k , S;ny of the Ely line of said Lot 11; th. Sly to a pt, on the Sly line of said Lot U,, which is 52 Et. t0.y of the Wly line of Cornelia Drd; the 9TJl3: to a pt, on bfie Sly line of Lot 12, saijd B1, 3. which is 67 Ft, Fay of -bhs T~J line of Cornelia Dr,; th. SWly to 8 pte on the SNLy line of Lot 13, said Bl, 1 whfch is 37 Ft. 'Idly of the 'idly line of Cornelia Dr, j tho S1Jl.y to a pto on the S1Ki.y liqe of Lot 14, said Bl, 1 which is 31 €'to lk!ly of the Wly line of *Cornelia Dr, ; th, SWly to a pt on the SWly line of Lot 15, said B1, 1, whfch is 40 Ft, "lbly of-the Idly line of Cornelia Dr,; th, SKLy to a pte ,on the STdly line of Lot 16, said Bl, 1 which is 19 Ft, NWly of the 1KLy.line of Cornelia Dr,; th,. S!ny to a pt, on the SlfLy line of Lot 17, said B1, 1 which is 28 Ft, NKLy of the ILLY line of Cornelia Dr,; th, STCLy to a pt. on the SKLy line of Lot 18, said BL 1 which is 56 Ft, NlJly of the I.JL:r line of Cornelia Dr.; th. SWiy to E pt. on the SWry line of Lot 1.9, said BL 1, which is 82 Ft. NFny of-the Wly line of Cornelia Dr,; tho SWly to a pt. on the SwLy line of Lot 20, said B1, 1 w'hich is 88 Ft, PWy of the SnJly line of Cornelia Dr,; th, SWly to a-pt, on theeSWly lhe of Lot 21, said Bl, 2' which is 56 Ft, Nldly 02 the lay line of Cornelia Dr,; th. SlOy to a pt, on the SWly likie of Lot 22, said B1, 1, which is 63 Ft, NMly of the VJly lne of CorneliaVDr,; tho Sly to a pt. which is 46 Fto Sly of the Nm line and 63 Ft. ii%y of the E* line of Lot 23, said B1, 1; th, Ely to a pt, on the Wly line of Cornelia Drive which is 46 Ft. Sly of the NE Cor, of said Lot 23; tho SE1y to beginningeft Motion for adoption of the Resolution 'was second.ed by Tup?,, and*on rollcall there were three ayes, 2nd no rayz:, as 2oli.o~:: "Beginning at the XE Cor, of the.NF%l/4 "Beginning at SI$ Cor, of Lot 20,B1,7,Southdale 1st Addn,; th, .. GRETCHEN S, ALDEN Village Clerk Fmnk, aye; Village Clerk Village Clerk ADIERTISBlENT FOR BIDS: Zngineer Zikan recommended the Councilts taking bids on the Creston Hills area Sanitary Sewer and l?atemnain Extensions on Auwst 13, as per his plans and specifications; and Fro& offered the following Resolution and moved its adoption: REX&UTION AWBOVING PLAI\TS AND SPECIFICATIONS FOR PROPOSED SilT I‘iZRY SP.3iX iiTJD I.JATBR” IWROVEXENTS &I DIIEGTING AI“ERTISE3ENT FOR BIDS BE Ti! RE3OLm by the Village Council of the Village of Edina: 1, The plans and specifications for the proposed Sanitary Sewer and Watermna3.n Improvements set forth In the following Advertisement for Bids form, heretofore prepared by the Village Engineer and now on file-in the office of the Village Clerk are hereby approved, side Courier and the Construction Bullet5.n the following notice of bids for said improvements: 2, The Clerk shbll cause to be published twice in the Edina-Norning- ADVBRTIS~~ FOR BIDS SANITARY sEI%ER AND WATlBlLAIN NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVER that sed.ed b%ds idll be received and opened in the office of the Village Xanager 5.a the Edha Village Hall, 4801 if. 50th St., at 10:OO a.m., Nonday, August 13, 1956, The Edaa Village Council x\rill nee% at 7:30 p.m,, on Eonday, August 13, 1956, to consider said bids, being for the following: I, Construction of Sanitary Sewer and Appurtenances in the following streets: Yood6aJ.e live., Creston Rd, to Dunberry be. Judson Lane, Point Dr, to 1Jooddal.e Ave, Dunberry Lane, Creston ad, to Point Dr; Creston Rd., from 600 Ft, more or less, N. of Dunberry Laue Balfanz Rd., Creston Ed, to It. Line of Creston Hills. to trlooddele Ave, 2, Construction of Village Watermain Exherision and Appurtenances in the following Streets: Wooddale Ave., Laguna Dr. to Dunberry he, Laguna Dr., W. line of Creston Hills to Wooddale kve. Ealfanz, Rd., W, Line of Creston Hills to Creston Rd. Judson he, Yooddale live. to Point Dr. Dunberry Lme, Creston Rd, to 300 Ft. TJ, of Point Dr. Vork.must be done as described izl plans and specifications on file 5.n the office of the Village Clerk, Plans and specifications are available for a deposit of $10.00, which deposit wiU bearefunded upon return of said plans and specifications. No bid will be considered unless s&led and filed with the undersigned before 1O:oO A.N., August 13, accompanted by cash deposit, bid bond, or certified check payable to the VAUage Clerk in amount of a% least ten percent of amount of base bid. The Council reserves the right to reject any or a11 bids. BY ORDB OF TIT& VILLAGE COUiTCIL. GRFZCHEN S. ALDED Village Clerk 3. Each and all of the terms of the foregoing advertisement for bids are hereby adopbed as the terms and conditions of award of the contract for said improverzlent . Hotion for adopbion of the Resolution was there were three ayes and no nays, as fox1 -%pa, and on Rollcall aye; Tu-pa, aye; and ; and the Resolution was adopte PAZ:ZEi OF CLMIS: of July 23, and additional dahs as listed, was seconded by Tup and Fronkgs mottion, for payment of Claims as per Pre-List t carried: Fund - $1,257.43; Yatenmrks Fund - $7,6’@.35; Liquor Fund - $25,061,%; Garbage Fund - 12233.20; Sewer Rental Fund -+$10,3Ol.64; P.1.R. Fund - :,j65,37; Improvements Funds - $12,60 - TCliAL, $129,201.26 Pre-List- Genera Fund - $8,€U.26; Const, Fund - $75,779.50; Park 7/23/56 Additional Claims not recorded on Pre-Xst: AlIlOUnt husband and wife 1 $25,00 wife and husband 1 300.00 111111111 To: 7 NO. 3716 George Jutting & Reka H, Jutting, ) 3717 Reka H, Jutting and George 3utthg, ) 3718 .a Gael H, Krahl (also hovm as KarZ H, ) Right-of- Krahl) and Marguerite B. Krahl 3719 KatUeen Mb Gannon 1 way husband and wife *349eOo 1; 3&9 e00 130,000.00 ~60 First Edina NatX, Bank Transfer EAST BURROR LAKES PARK, the Council dth a report on East Mi~ror Lakes Park, He stated that it is Park and Recreation Director French appeared before the inbent of the Park Department to grade two bdlfields at this location &n August, to seed and sod sane in September; that if this is not done now, , another whole year will be lost in putting the ball fields into operatgon. Mr. French' advocated the Villagets obtaining from Mr, Harold Rosendhhl some slx lots north of Apshire BLvd, between Glengarry Parkway and Doncaster Iky, French stated thcit, in his opinion, having this property improved by dwellings trill cause hardship for the future home owners because the ball. fields will lie directly behind the dwellkgs; these ball fields will be extensively used and there will be the consequent noise nuisance and travel nuisance attendant upon tMs kind of reoreation operation; that the Village will constantly be receiving just cornpla5nts from these residents, which will be difficult %o satisfy, He fold the CiouncU that the property is needed by %he VZllage for an addit3onal field, it behg bprack5.cal 50 fill in the %ole" for such fieXd, ~b French %old the Council that the present grading-sodding-seeding job will cost in the nsrghborhood of $6,000, He asked if Council would grant authorization to advertise for bids for project, and %pa so moved, Seconded by Fronk and carried, Nr, French directed to negotiate with Mr, Harold RosendahP for purchase of the six lots at $9,000 or not more than $10,000. PkRK*BOAiEBs MEMBERSHIP INCREASE,' To increase the Park Board Ifembership to five.'Hamr Erickson placed before the Council the mes of Mr. Glinton Odexi, &r a tern to &pire January 1, 1958, and I&. Kendall T. Stevens, for a tern to expire January I, 1959. nornhees be appointed to the Park Board f~r the terns suggested, was Fronkts motion, that P4ayor Erickson's - seconded by Tupa and carried, The busjness of the evening be Motion seconded by Fronk and c a?