HomeMy WebLinkAbout19560801_SPECIALJ Purmat to due call and notice €he CouncU met with the Uquor ControS Commission %A the ViUage Hall at 4:30 Pelf., TMnesday, August 1, Council lkmbers present ivere Bredesen, Fro&, Tup and Brickson, LQpm Conmission Hembers Hallman and Norr;ls were presenk, lfr, Horris arriving &tee Village 3Eanager Hyde and Uquor Store Imager Uppley wre also present. Hanager HHe presented Tabulation of Bids for Wmodeling W. 5M;h Street Uwor Storetl t'aken August 6; and, after consideration of these bid% it was moved by %pa, seconded by Bredesen,that the bid be awarded to H, N, Leigkrton and Company in the amount .of ~9,201,00--th$s to include a13 work and fixtures as shown on plw and specifications prepared by Alvin L. Veidt and Associates except the Ehhan Co, Gondola Dlsplay Ccmnters4md that suthority'be granted than vas quoted for the Bulmavl equipment, Hotion carried. Award was made to high bidder on the basis tha'c completion the vas 20 working days agafnst 65 working days for Paher Ekern & Son, and Ekern bid was not rrccmpan2ed by b%d bond, Xessrs Norris and Halhan concurred in the action. P'Jk and speclfications as prepared by Victor Gruen and Associates for the Southdale IZquor Store were considered, After the Liquor Commission had given its general acceptawe-of plans, it vas moved by Fronk, seconded by Tup and Unanimously carried, that the plans be approved and tha% authority be given .to advertise for bids to "be taken August 13. Discussion followed on the fact that the Southdale plans contemplate self- service. Hr. 1:Iorris poin%ed out the danger of juveniles stealing Liquor. Xt was generan$ agreed, however, that q, trial self-service operation 09 a% least 90 days should be had because of the trendto seZf-service, the smaU space for the store, and the fact that-if seU-servfce does not wrk out counters can be ;tnsta2led very easily according to the present planr Fhe business of the Special Heeting having been completed, Fro& moved for adjournment, Hotion seconded by Bredesen and carried. to provide central dssplay counters at less cost I . -- i i. - -. . .. .. .. -- .. , .I *- * . ..