HomeMy WebLinkAbout19560813_REGULARMINUTES CF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE EDINA VILLAGE COUNCIL, HELD MONTM, AUGUST 13, 1956, AT 7:30 P.M,, AT THE EDINA VILLAGE H&L, .I , l"0CATION was given by the Rev, Harold Schweigert of $t.Peters htheran Church* ROILCALL was answered by Trustees Frank and Tupa, and Mayor Eridcaon. RESIGNATION OF TRUSTEE CRLpTmY was read by Mayor Erickson; and Fro& offered the following Resolution and moved it's adoption: RESQLUTIOU 'AT RESIGNATION OF VJUGE TRUSEZ BE IT RESOLVED by the Village Council of the Village of Edina as' follows : 1, That receipt of the resignation of Trustee Robert A, Criakley is hereby acknowledged, and that resignation is hereby accepted with rept. 2. CrinELey has ceased to be an inhabitant of this Village, a vacancy exists in- the position of Village Trustee. Motion for adoption of the Resolution was seconded by Tupa, and on Rollcall there were three ayes and no nays, as follows: F on, aye; and the Resolution was adopted,. (.. - That, because of said resignation, and because saideR0bel.t A, aye; Tupa, aye;, and APPOINTMENT OF EVALD C, BANK TO FILL VACANCY: Mayor Erickson placed in nomination, for confirmation by the Council,'*the name of l4rs Evald C, hnk, former Village Clerk, to fill %he vacancy in the position of Village Trustee; nohation being for the unexgired tern of Trustee Crinkley, Fmnk's motion confirming Mayor Erickson*s appohtment was semnded by Tup and unanhously carriedr I&-, Bank came forward, was sworn3.n 7.. by the Village Clerk,-and was present for the balance of the meeting, MINUTES of the Regular Meeting of July 23rd, and of the Special Meeting of August lst, were approved as sutmitted, by motion Fronk, seconded by Tups and carried, I I PUBLIC HEAFUNGS ON PROPOSED IMPROVELBNTS: (Continuation of July 3rd Hearings) I Mayor Erickson announced that Council would rev;iew two Public Hearings conducted July 23rd, on which action could not be taken because there was not a four=man guorum present; and, in accordance with his announcemen%, the folldg Co&inued Public Hearings were held and action taken: 1. PUBLIC IBBRING ON SANITARY SEWER AND APPURTEXANCES IN W, 56TH ST. MIRRCR LMES DRIVE TO DUNDEE RD.: DUNDEE RD,, w.56~~ ST, TO NORTHWOOD DR.: AZRSHIRE BLVD., DUNDEE RD. TO 210 FT. E.: HIDDEN LCINE, Estimated 86.63 per Assessable Foot. Mo objections were raised; the only objection being that of ivlr, Robert Giebink, reported at the last meeting, (See Resolutim of later in meeting, approving) * * * st. * * Then, very late in meeting, after improvement had been approved, bid awarded, and other business conducted, Manager Hyde reported receipt of a petition left in the Police Department this evening, signed by owners of five of the eight lots Hidden Lane, in opposLtion to improvement in that street* Because it was too late for investiga%ion, Mr, Hyde and supplementary repoh to Council as soon as possible, Cost was again given, at an z. ymm HEARING ON-BUCIQOPPING OF - SCHOOL RD,; CONGOP~ AVE, TO SHEIWOD Am.: Wa59TH ST., RUTH DR, To HWYeNOe 100: Wo6OTH ST,, PAWELL AVE. TO HWY,lOO: 'SIiEBWoDD Am., Wo6OTH ST, TO SCHOOL RD* RUTH DR, + SCHOOL RD. TO Wa 59TH ST*, Original Estimate of Cost had been given as $2& per Assessable Fmt; bk Engineer 2- reported khat one parcd of property included in tha proposed assessm'errt district cannot be assessed; that this deletion will raise the cost slightly to the balance of the properties. There were no objections registered, and Fronk offered the f oUaJlng Resolu6ion and moved its adoption: RESOLWION ORDERING IMPROVE3BNTS BE IT RESO by the Council. of the Village of E-, lf.blllesob, that tu8 Ccnrncil heretofore caused notices of hearings to be duly pub3jshd on the follow- -ing prcposed impmvemerrt;~: SANEARY SEWER DlPROJEMENT NO, I.I.8: STEEEX' DIPRW- NO, A092 - i3a Lu fJ Wl3h6 1, CONSTRUCTION OF SAND4H SEGtEfi AND APPURTENANCES IN THE FOLLOWING STREETS: W.56th St,, Error Lakes D&ve to hdee Rd,; Dundee Rd,, K56th St. to Northwood Dr,; Ayrshire Blvd,, Dundee Rd. to 210 Ft, E,; Hidden Lane, 2, 3LACKTOPPING OF - School Rd., Concord Ave, to Shezwod Ave.; W.59th St., Ruth Dr, to Hi&way No, 100; W,bOth St,, Parnell Ave, to Highway No,. 100; Shemod and at the hearings kld at the time and place specified in said notice the Uouncil has duly considered the views of all persons interested, and being fully advised of the pertinent facts does hereby determine to proceed with the construction of said 5mpmvanents; that said hprovaents are hereby designated and shall be referred to in all subsequent pmceedings as follows: - Ave., W,&h St, to School Rd.; Ruth Dr., School Rd, to W,59th St. NAME OF IMPROQEMENT No, 1 Above SANI!l?KRY SElBFt IMPROVIMENT NO. ll8 No, 2 AMve STREEZ IMPROWMEHT NO. A-92 and the areas to be specially assessed therefor shall be as-follows: For Sanitary Sewer hproveanent No. U.8 - Lots 1 to 9, incl., B1, 3; Lots 5 to 8,- incl,, Bl, 4; and Lots 1 to &, incl,, B1, 8, Mirror Lakes in Edina; 'Lots 1 and 2, 31, I; bts 1 to 5, incl., B1, 2; and Lots 1 to 6, incl,, B1. 3, Mirror Lakes Meadow Wood Addn, to-Edina Hi&lands; Lots 1 to 5, incl., Bl. 1; Lots 1 to 6, incl,, BL 2; Lots 1, 2 and 3, &ror Lakes Megdow Wood 2nd Addn, For Street Irnpmwment No, A-92 - Lots 1, 2 and 3, B1, 1; Lots 1,2,3,4,5,6,8,9, . lO,ll, Ell. 2, School Elanor; Lots 1 to 7, incl., B1, 1, South Concord Addn,; Lot 9, South Concord Addn,; Lots 1 to 10, incl., Bl. 1; and Lot 1, Bl, 2, Marion Gardens; Lot 1 to 4, incl,, B1, 1, MidMillans First Addn,; Lots 1 and 2, B1, 1, Code's Fest Addn,; Lot 1, B1, 1, Howes Addn,; and the following unplatted property-Parcels 4900 (School), 6200 (Parry] ana 8200 (Wohlrabe), aU. in the 56111/2 of Sec. 19, Twp,28, R, 24, Motion for adoption of the Resolhion was sem were four ayes and no nays, as follows: Bank, Erickson, aye; and the Resolution was adopted. upa, and on Rollcall there nk, aye; Tupa, aye; and I PUBLIC HEARINGS SCHEDW FOR THIS EXENING, ON PROPQSED DPROVEMENTS: AffidavLt of. Publication of l*Notice of Public Hearings on Proposed Impmvements4ani.t~ Sewer, Stom Sewer, Watermain, Blacktopping,I' was presented, applloved as to form and ordered placed on file; said publication being in Edina-lfornings5.de Courier August 2 and 9, 1956. Pursuant to said notice, the follazing Public Hearings were conducted and action taken: CRESTON RD. TO POINT DRIVE: CRESTON RD,, 600 FT. NORE OR LESS. N. OF IXJNBER.RY &.NE TO WOODDAU AVE.: BfiLFANZ RD., CRESTON RD. TO W, LINE OF CRESTON HILLS. Vu-Graph Slide was shown, of the proposed mute of the sewer and the assessable district; and Engineer Zikants Estimate of*Cost was read as $36,736.20 (with Blackbop), as against 3,827,45 Assessable Feet, for 89.60 per Assessable Foot; or, without Blacktop, $22,507.20, for 435.88 per Assessable Foot. There were no objections from the floor, and no written objections had been raised prior to the Hearing, (See Resolu-ti on of later in meeting, approving) , LAGUNA DI1NE. TO WNBE3f,RY LANE: UGUNA DRIVE FROM W, LINE OF GRESTOE NILS TO WOODDALE I~ITTE.: BALFAWZ ROAD FRCN WEST LINE OF CRESTON HILLS TO CRESTON ROAD: JUDSON LEiNE, W'OODDALF, AllEWE TO POINT DRIVE: DUNBERRY I&E, CRFSTON ROAD TO 100 FT, WEST OF POW DRIVE. Vu-Graph Slide was shown, of the proposed mute of the main and the assessable district; and Engineer Zikan's Estimate of Cost was read as $29,701,40-as against 5,330,9 Assessable-Feet, for $5.57 per Aasess- able Foot, Mr, Crouse, developer of the subdivision, who stated he stiU has five lots, asked that improvements be expedited. There were no objections registered fr6m the floor, and none had been received prior to the Hearing, (See Resolution of later in meeting, approving), 1, RD, TO DUEBEFZ?,Y WE: JunSoN LANE, POINT DRIVE TO TJZ)ODD&E ATE.: CONSTRUCTION OF SANSfITLRY SEXER AND IUPPURL'ENANCES IN: TJCODDATE AVE.9 CRESTON IU-Y LANE 2. CONSX'RUGTION OF VILLAGE WATEREWN AND APPURTENANCE3 IN: - tKDDDAfg AWL, i ./ 8/13/56 .ilroarrm. E!&'?! LINE OF TtE-~MGB~ OF BLOCK 23, MENDELSSOHN: BLliKE RD., WATERMAN - l3EWORE LANE TO SPRUCE ROAD: JO-HN ST,, EBI&GBE LANE TO SPRUCE RD.: JOHN ST,, Graph Slide was shown of the proposed route of the sewer, and of the assess- able districb, Mro Zikan's Estimate of Cost for the complete project was read at $106,463,62 83 against 13,205 Assessable'Feet, for $8,06 per Assessable Foot,; his Estimate of Cost for the project, eliminating John St,, was @81,72O,X4 as against 7,7$1,00, for $10,50 pr Assessable Foot, &', C. Re HaLlquist, 305 Grove Place, stated he had signed'up the 300 Block on John St,, for the improvement. Mr, R, A, Scattergood, 416 John Stc, stated that only one owner out of six in the 400 Block has signed. He asked that this block be deleted from the bpmvement3 Dr, Ford presented petition signed by some 39 property owners, agreeing to the improvement providing it does not cost more than $8,06 per front foot, to proposed Sewer in Arthur St,,'belmore Zme to 300 Ft, N,, signed by owners of both houses facing the street, and stating that sewer is not wanted because cesspools mcl.septic tanks are so far below grade level that cost of connections will be prohibitive, A.rthur Street from the project will raise the per assessable foot cost in the rest of the district to approximately that of the sewer without John Street, One gentlemen asked that the sewer be expedited as a health measure, stating many cesspools will eventydly contaminate the water supplyr Mrs DeKiep, 6205 Spruce Road inquired about service for the extreme Northeast portion of the area, and was told by Mqe Zikan that this present project is planned for sgravityrr sewer only; that this are; must have 1st station, Trustee Tupa suggested that alternate bids (with Arthur St, induded? ad withou-h dkthur St,) be taken; and the audience asked for similar privilege for 400 Block in John St,) Fronk then moved that the project in its entirety be approved in principle; that Council take bids September 10, 1956, Zor .(1) En+&re-project; (2) 'fiternate project, with- Arthur Street 'and %he 400 31ock on-John-Streel deleted; that if bids minus Arthur and John Streets bring the assessable cost to the balance of the district to $8,06 -per Assessable Foot or less the-Coumil automatically proceed with the improvement, excepting these streets "therefrom; that, if the bids on this basis will bring the assessable cost to more than' $8,06, the project again be presented to the people for their cdnsiderat$ons ' Motion was seconded by Tupa and carried. 4* *BLACKTOPPING OF PAFEKWOOD ROAD FROM N, LOT'LINE OF LOT 1, BLOCK 2, PARWJQ _II KNOLLS 4TH IIDDN. TO EXISTING BLACKTOP ON LONIONDERRY ROAD. Vu-Graph slide was shown of the route of the improvement; and Engineer Zikanls Estimate of Cost was given as $4,988,48 as agairst 2,068,62 Assessable-Fee%, for @,42 per Assessable Foot, Mre Hays was present, to remind the Council twt this pr'od jech is simply a coatinuation of the project accomFLkhed by. the Yillage Public FJorks crew this summer; that the-entire project should have been completed a% that %be, as per pet5i;ion; that Estimate of Cost on project already completed was $LS6 per Foot; that this proposed project should be combined with praje@ completed, to secure eqyitable assessment for all Concerned3 that petition was not clear; that Village hopes to do the work, and Hke, Zikan explained that both %he Estimates given are merely estimates;. khat cost has not' been figured as yet on first -projectb WATER%lAIN (TRUNK AND LATERAL) AMD ~ APPURTE;N&TCES IN: - We66TH~ ST. 'FRANCE AVE, TO XERXES AWL: XEEGES AVE., W.60TH ST, TO Wk66TH ST,: WNCE AVE.. W.6ND ?3T, TO TrJ,65TH ST, assessable district, @.5,254c64 will be the cost of the Lateral Main and/or Connections to the Trmnk Nain, and $59,018,36 will be spread over the Trunk District, alterFto methods of computing Trunk Assessment, the Counc-iZ agreeing that the .t;hird alternate (assuming two-90 Foot ktis per Acre of unplattelt pPoperty, and chargbg $3$'70$6 per-Acre, estimated; $2515 per Front Foe% .per small acreage abuttitig the sewer) was the mosjc @quitable; Assessabl6.Cost bewg %,Ob for . Lateral or hteral Connection to Trunk Main; $2a15 per-Front Foot, or $3€%sb per Acre for Trunko Karl H, Krahl, 6200 Xerxes Avenue, stated the Tillage has a "hold'r on his land for the Crosstown Highway; that he does not wish to be assessed for 5mpiovementse Hyde reported that Council should have infor- mation soon, which will enable them to take action in this mtter; whereas assessmen% will not be payable until 19560 'Nayor Erickson informed Mr, Krahl that improvements of this type ' are taken into consideration- when propek.ty'is appraised, Wc Krahl asked what his assessment will be, and he was told that this 'assessment will be an Estiinateii $2J5 per front foot'for Tkunk; and an __I..-?-. Esti-1T).cn;tSd $.&00 p3- Prmt.fcot 'for Lateral, There were nQ othss objections regLsLerKl from the floor, and no written objections had been received prj-or to the Heaing, AVE, TO WORTH VILLAGE LINITS: GRIF'FIT STI 9 -e LiMITS: BEU'IORE UNE, DEARBORN ST, TO GROVE 'PUCE EJVe SOUTH': GROVE PUCE, MALONEY Am" TO 380 FT, NO,: ARTHUR ST,, BEL3LE LANE TO. 300 FT, NO. BEINORE WE TO N,ORTH VILLAGE VU- Mmager Hyde read letter in protest Engineer Zikan gave his opinion that elimination of . -. Hyde explained (See Resolution approving) cI , Vu-Graph Slide was shown of route of improvkent, and . Engineer Zikants Estimate of Cost was $74,173,00; of which He presented (See' Resolv,t'ion 02 late? in meetbg, ApprorP*lng) 6, VILLAGE BTORM EiEWEB AND APPURkNANCES IN-LOT LG BETWFN L(rrS 16 AND I,.?,, BLOCK 1. SOU!EIDAI;E FIRST ADDN., FROM CORNELIA DRIVE TO LAX23 CCI3NELI.A: AND IN CORHELIA DRIVE FRCM ABOVE LOT LINE TO A POIKT 40 FT. SO, Vu-Graph Slide was shown of proposed mute of sewer, and assessable distr%; and mgiwer Zikanls Estimate of Cost was read as $4,312.00 as agakst 226,EOO Sq, Ftg, for $,019 per Assessable Square Foot, There were no objecbions to the improvement, and no Written objections had been received prior thereto, Eut-there were many questions asked by residents in surrounding neighborhcods as to why they cannot be considered along with this proposed bprnvsnentQ Krq Adolph Meyer spoke, saying that by the time a storm sewer is laid and given rsasonable coverage it is too low to discharge water frm sone of these aretrs into Lake Cornelia. . initiated by the CaunciL on June 25; that Gecm~z ol” Crosstom ,%ghqy plans, 5% seems that an additional area can be included in th2s iliiprovemn-b, He also stated that he is mzking a sturly of th5 large projsct Fronk offered the following Resolution and n?ov?cl its acbption: RESOLUTION ORDZREG IbiPROV3B:NTS SANITARY SENE3 D-FR(JEXZVT NO. 1x9; STFEZ2 WROVE34EJT NO. A-93; STOR4 SBMER DPROVE MENT NO. 34; lLlTEEtJUI€J IMPROKEZGljTS NOS, 113 & Ulc BE: IT RESOLVED by the Council of the Village of &Ana, Minnesota, tht this Council kretofore caused notices of hearings to be duly published on the following proposed improvements: 1, CONSTRUCTION OF SANITARY SEI\IER &I APPUR’I”CES in Wooddale Ave., Creston’ Rd. to Dunberry Lane; Judson Lane, Point Drive to Wooddale Ave;; Dunberry Lane,, Creston Rd, to Point-Drive; Creston RdQ, 600 Ft,, mors or less, W, of Dmberry Lane to Wooddale Ave, 2, CCINSTRUCTION OF VILLAGE WATERMAIN EXTENSION Ah?) I;SPURTEN&IQEs in the following streets: W, JXne Creston Hills to-Wooddale Ave.; Balfanz Rd3? W, Line Creston lxills to Creston Rd,; Judson Lane, Wooddale Ave. to Point Dr,; Dunberry Lane, Grestoa €id, to 100 Ft, W, of Point Dro 3. BUCKTOPPING of Parkwood Rd, from N, Lot Line of Lot I, Slock 2, Parkmod Knolls 4th Addn, to Existing Blacktop, Londonderry Rd, 4. COISSTRUCTION OF TRUNK kND LATERAL PTATE2UhYDJ BID 1iPFURTBWJCES in the foUowing Streets: St, to W.66th St.; France he,, FJo6ad St, to 1Tc65th Sis 5. Lots 16 and 17, Block 1, Southdale First Addn,, frm Cornelia Dr. to L-zks Cornelia; and in Cornelia Dr, from above Lot Line to Q pt., 40 F’t, So, - 1?ooddale Ave,, Laguna Dr, .to Dwibsrry Lme; Laguna Dr,, Wi66th Stq, France Ave, to Xerxes Avei; Xerxes live,, W,60th CONSTRUCEON OF VILLAGE STBM SEWER M?D APPURTENTWXS in Lot Lins behreen and at the hearings held at the time and place specified in said notice the Council has duly considered the views of all pereons inte,rcsted, and being fuLly advised of the pertinent facts does hereby dzternim to proceed with the construction of said improvements; thzt said 5nprnmmnLs are her&y * designated and shall be referred to in a11 Eu3seqpen-b pmceedines as Sollms: ?V!..i’4’3 OF DXJ’RCJERZ” : ,-.-. -1 .-- For No. 1 Above SfiNP%X STd?I’Gt jXX3GIBfi5IJT 110 e 119 For No, 2 Above wmrixm XS?WJE~CNT BO . 113 For No, 3 Abve ST€CET IK%C‘-IE33NT NO, 179’3 For No, 4 Above * FII’LTEE“ IKPROE”J! NO. For No. 5 Above STOXI 9PR DPROlTii3EE NO. 315 and the areas to be specially assessed therefw shall be as follcrus: FOR SANITLW SEhlER-NO; 119 - Lots 1 to 5, in~lp, R~c?-c 2; 1 to-9, in&,, Block 3; Lots 1, 2, 3, Block 4; Lots 1, 2;3, Block 5; kts 1 to 2l? in&,* Black 6; ard Lots 10 to ll+, incl,, Block 7, a31 5-n Creston Hills Additioa, FOR WATJ3R”N WROVE>mT NO. 113 - hts 1 to 5, rincl;,-B3~~3!c 1; Lcts 1 to 5, incl., Block 2; Lots 1 to 9, incl,, Block 3; L&s 1,2p3z Block 4; Lot? I, 2, 3, Block 5; Lots 1 to-21, incl., Block 6; L&s :- to 33&, incl,, Block ‘7; an6 Lots 1, 2, 3, Block 8, all An Creston Hills Addkticn, FOR STREZT INPROV~~~ NO, A-93 - All Lots and Tracts of Iand abutting the portion of the street proposed to be improved -- it being understood that the assessment for this project will be considered with the proposed assessment for Street kpmvement No. A-79. FOR WAmbmJ IM!?FiOViIPBNT NO. XI,.,$ - A, For Castruction OP Trunk Main - All bts and Tracts of Lad 1&thin %le following described boundaries: Sec.29,Twp.28,Rj24, which is the intersection of Xerxes Am3 and W,62nd St,; IIBeginrling at the ICE Corc ~f the &Nl/4 03 8/13/56 9 tho So to SE Cor, of the Nl/2 of SWl/4 of said Sec.29; th. W, 169.83 Ft,; tho N. to N, line of the S1/2 of said Sec, 29, which is the centerline of ts,66th St,; tho W, to the NN Cor. 6f the SWl/4 of said Sec.29, which is the center- line of F<ance Ave,; th, No to the centerlhe of W,&th St,; th, W. along the . centerline of W,64th St, a distance of 223 Ft,; th, N, parallel to and 223 Ft, West of the centerline Of France Ave, to the centerline of W.62nd St,; th, Emt along the centerline of W.62nd St, and W.62nd St. extended, to the point of beginning.l? Bo AI-I Lots and Tracts of Land on the Nest side of Xerxes Avenue between Wo66th Si;, and 135 Ft, Soe of V.6Oth St,, and All Lots and Tracts of Land on the Mest side of France Ave, between W.64th St, and W.62nd St, I For Construction of Lateral Main and/or Lateral Connections to Trunk Main - FOR STORM sE;wER NO. 34 - All Lots and Tracts of Land within the following described boundaries: "Beginning at SW Cor. of Lot 20, B1, 7, Southdale 1st ' Addn,; the Ely to SE Cor, thereof; tho NEly to a pt. on the Nly line of Lot 14, said B1, 7 which is 56 Ft. Wly of the Way line of '*Hillcrest Lane; tho Nly to pt. on the Nly line of Lot 13, said B1. 7, which is 65 Ft, Kly of the Wly line of Hillcrest Lane; th, Nly to a pto on the Nly line of Lot 12, said B1, 7 which is 65 Ft, Wly of the SJly line- of Hillcrest Lane; th, NEly to a pt. on the NEly line of Lot 11, said Bl, 7, which is 35 Ft, Ntlny of the Wly line of Hillcrest Lane; th, Nly.to a pt. on the NEly line of l;ot 10, said B1, 7, which is 63 Pt, Nwly of the Nwly line of Hillcrest Lane; the NEly to a pt, on the NEly line of Lot 9, said B1, 7 which is 57 Ft, NWly of the Mdly line of' Hillcrest Lane; tho NEly to a pt, on the NEly line of Lat 8, said B1. 7, which is 63 Ft, biy of the NWly line of Hillcrest Lane; th, NEly to a pt, on'the NEly line of Lot 7, said B1, 7, which is 53 Ft, May of the-My line of Hillcrest Lane; tho NEly to a pt, on the NEly line of Lot 6, said BL 7, which is 59 Ft, My of the NWly line of Hillcrest Lane; tho NE3y to a pt, on the NEly line of Lot 5, said B1, 7, which is 75 Ft, NWly of the NWly line of Encrest Lane; Bh. NWly to the Southernmost Cor, .af Lot 3, Lampels Rearrange- ment of .Lots 27 through 33, 'Bl, ?, SoutMale 1st Addn.; th, NWly along the SWly Qne of vsai-d Lot 3 to a pt, which is 45 Ft, SEly of %he Ely line of Cornelia Dr,; th. Nly to a pto on the Nly line of said Lot 3 which 2s 43'Ft; SEly of the Ely line of Cornelia Dr.; th. Nly to a pt, on the 'my line of Lot 2 of said Lampels Rearrangement of Lots 27 through 33, B1, 7, which is 43vFt, Ely of the E, line of Cornelia Drive; th, Nly to a: pt, whlch is 42 Ft, N. of the Sa line and 3& Ftg E,, of the W. line of Lot 1, said Limpets Rearrangement; the Wly to a pt. on the E, line of Cornelia Dr, which'is 42 Ft, Nly of the SW . Cor. of said Lot 1; tho Nwly to a pt, on the gy line of Cornelia Dr. which is 4l. Ft, Nly fmm..the SE Cor, of.+Lo% 11, B1, 1, Southdale 1st Addn,; tho Wly to a pt which is 41 Ftd Nly of the Sly lhe and .32 Ft . Idly of the Ely line of said Lot 11; the Sly to a pt. on the Sly line of said Lot 11, which is 52 ' Fto Wly of the TCLy'line'of Cornelia Dr,; th, SWly to a pt, on the Sly line of Lot 12, said Bl, 1 which is 67 Ft. Wly of the Wly line of Corneliq Dr,; th; SWly to a -pto on the SwLy line of *Lot 13, said B1, 2 which is 37 Ft, Wly of theJ?ly line of Cornelia Dr, ; tho Swly to a pt on the swly line 'of Lot l.4, said B1. 1 which is 31 Ft, NWly of the %sly line of Cornelia Dr,; tho SWly to a pto on th.9 SWly 'lbe of Lot 15, said B1. 1, which is 40 Ft, Nwly of 'che Wly line of Cornelia Dr.; th, Swly to a pt. on the SWly line of Lot 16, 'said B1, 1 which is 19 Ft, my-of the% W; line of CorneUa Dr,; tho SFny to a pt* on the SWly line of Lot 17, said B1, -1 which is 28 Ft, NWly:of the my line of Cornelia Dr.; th, Slay to a pto on the SWly line of Lot 18, said ,Bl. 1 y@ch is 56 Ft, NWly of-the Wly line of Cornelia Dry; th, Swly to a pt. on %he S1fiD-y line af Lot 19, said €31; 1 which 5s 82 FtT NWly of the Wly line of Cornelia Dr,; th, SWly to a pt, on the SWly line of L& 20, said B1; 1 which is 88 Ft, NTdly-of the Wly 1ine:of Cornelia.Dr.; th, SWly to a pt, on the SWly line of Lot 21, said B1, 1 which 'is 56 Ft, Nwly of the ly line of Cornelia Dr,; th, my to a pt. on the SWly line of Lot 22, sa2d B1, 1 which.is 63 Ft, NWly of the Wly line of 0orneli.a Dr..; tho Sly to a pt. which is 46 Ft, Sly from the Ne line *ad 63 Ft, t\ny of the E, line of lbt 23, said Bl.' I; tho Ely to a' pt., on the Wly line of- Co-efia D&ve which 2s 46 *Ft. Sly of the NE Cor; of saia ht 23; tho S&y to begini.ling.1 Motion for adoption of Resolution was seconded by Tupai and on Rollcall %+ere * . *' ' I. Fro&, aye; %pa, aye; .- .. ? 8/13/56 236 A1tW.D OF BIDS TAKEN: Manager Hyde and Engineer Zikan presented Tabulations of Bids taken on the various dates hereinafter listed; and Council action was as follows: 17, STH ST TO NOKI'H[.JOOD DR. 2 AYRSHIRF: BLFTD. 9 1; SAMIT!32y SEXm IN We56TH ST,, MIRROR LIJ(Es DR. TO WNDEE RDo: DUHDEE RD,, DUNDEE RD. *TO 210 FTs E. : HIDDBI - LAPJE. Three Bids-Phdps-Drake Co., kc., low, with $30,469,09, as against Engineerls Estimate of $33,550.03 for work.. Engineer z;ikan recommended award of contract to low bidder, subject to approval of plans by State Board of Health ana ViILage's obtaining required easements: Fmnk;so moved. Motion secqnded by' Tupa and carried. (Bids taken 7/23/56} Three bids, low bidder being Walbon Excavating Co., with $67,43O,CO as compared w3h Engineer's Estimate of $67,250.00, Recommendation was for mrd of bid to low bidder. Bank so moved. Motion seconded by %pa and carried, 3* SANITARY Sl3lJER LIFT STATION AT PELODY LCXE DRIVE AND CQDE AVEUUEL Manager Hyde asked Council to confirm its tentative award of August 6, made because of urgency in completion of this project, Two bids, Phelps-Drake being low, with $26,637,00- (Bids taken 8/6/56). %pars mokion, confirming tentative award to . low bidder, Phelps-Drake Go., Inc., was seconded by Fro& and carried. 4, SE%llB CLEMING EWIPEIIENT. Manager Hyde reported briefly on the two bids- taken August 6; stating that equipnerrt; of Municipal & Industrial Sewer Serdce Go., low bidder, is new in this area; that he wishes additional time for further demonstration before making recommdakion. Matter laid over to next meeting, 0UTI;E;T BD CONTROL WRKS FQR UKE CO@4ELIA AND POND (Bids taken 8/13/56). Three bids, lowbidder being Carl Bolander & Sons Cor at $.4D38OO.0O as compared with Engbeerls Estimate of #4l,OOO. Nr. Hyde reported that necessary easements have been secured. Villagets billing Southdale for cost of project as hereinbefore agreed, Mr. William Crear, representing Southdale, stated low bid is-satisfactory to the Company. Tupa and carriede .- (Bids taken July 23, 1956) I 2, WATERMAIN Al3D APPURTZNANCES IN W.66TH STo, FRANCE AVE, TO XERXES AVE,: XERXilS ATE,, Wo6OTH ST, TO Wo66TH-ST.: mzANCE AXE., W.62ND ST. TO Wm69H ST* I 5. He recommnded award of bid to low bidder, subject to Bankts motion, awarding contract to low bidder, vas seconded by 6, SANITi&Y SEVER &ID APPURTENANCES IN FJOODDALE AW., CRESTON RD, TO DiJNBERRY LAHE: JUDSON ziiw%, POINT DRe TO 10 ODDALE AVEo: DUNBERRY LANE, POIEJT DR.: CRESTON RDe, 600 FTe Ne OF DUNHERRY WNE TO IQODDALE AVX,: BALFAND-RDe, CREsTa RD. TO I CRESTON RD. TO tBST LINE OF CRESTCN HILLS. low bidder' being Bart Cqlon?, ~St.Pau1, with $28,947.80 as against Engineer s Estimate 'of $34,0l5.0Oe Recommendation'<as for award to lotr bidder, and Tup so move&. Seconded by Bank and carrjkd. (Bids taken 8/13/56) Three bids, with Engineer's Estimate of-$27,501. Tupa so moved, Notion seconded by Bank and carrkd, 8, SCUTHDLLE MUNICIPAL LIQUOR STORE-EQUIPPING AND FINISHDJG INTERXOR, (Bids - takn 8/13/56). Manager Hyde reported that there was some confusion In bidding, becsuse plans were not sufficiently detailed as to refrigeration machinery for cooler; thibt, without this machinery, Ubbey & Libby have bid $16,116,00; Stahr Go,, $17,941400; that low bidder has submitted an additional bid of $1,055 for the requ2red refrigerating ec@ipment. Manager- Hyde recommended award of contract to low bidder, Libbey & Libby, at $16,~6,00, plus an adjusted price of not to exceed $1,055. Fro& moved for award in accordance with recommend- ation. Hotion seconded by Tupa and carr&d. Recornendation was for- award to low bidder, 1 PUBLIC HEfiRING ON PETITION JBR REZONING To CcB"ITY STORE DISTRICZ -4U7 AND 4409 VALLEY VIEW ROAD. Morningside Courier Lugust 2 and 9, were presented, approved as to form and placed on file,, Posting and Publication was for "Notice of Hearing on Petition for Rezoning to Community Store District", Manager Hyde explained that a portion of these properbies is now commm5ty store; that petitioners wish the back prf; of their lots rezonedb new road the properties are ho longer suitable for residentid use, stating that he and Mr, Shuldhiess are anxious for rezoning for this reason. Manager Hyde recommend that decision be delayed for 30 to 60 dqys, pending study af this area by a Planning Consultant, as recommended by the Planning Gomission. Fro& so moved, Motion seconded by Tup and carried, Affidavits of Posting and of Publication in Edina- D Nr, Strand, petitioner, reported khat because of the ._ L c -, 8/13/56 PUBLIC HEARINGS ON PETITIONS FOR FEFKCTS TO PUT ND/OR BUID, IN NON-CONFORM- ANCE WPH VILLAGE ZONING ORDINANCE. Clerk presented copy of !!Notice of Public Hearings!!, mailed to owners of property within 90 feet of affected properties; thereto, the following Public Hearings were conducted and action taken: which Notice was approved as to form and ordered placed on file, Pursuant ... 1, plst !'The South 165 Ft, of the East 333-F't0 of the N1/2 of God, Lot 1, exc, PETITION OF ms. GER~E A, WI~ON, 5444 NORMilNDLLE ROAD, for permit to * ido, Section 33, Township 117, Range 21,tt into "George Willson * a plat having three lots, two of which will face Windsor Avenue and have dimensions of 70 F't, by 135 Ft.; the East Lot Line of ht 2 being 2.7 Ft, from the garage located on Lot lo Manager Hyde explainedthat two of the lots in this plat do not meet minimum 75-foot frontage requirements, bu% that, inasmuch as imnediately neighboring lots have only 65-foot frontages, the Plaming Commission has recommended acceptance of plat, subject to Hearing this evenings There were no objections from the audience, and no written objections had been received prior theretoa Fronkts motion that petition be granted, was seanded by Tupa and carriedo 2; FETITION OF SOUTHDALE REALTY FOR PERMIT TO CCBSTRUCT D0UBI;E DWELLINGS on Lots 1 to 6, in&, Block 1, and on Lots 1 to 9, incl., Block 2, Xerms Avenue 'Addition, located between Wo63rd and Wo66th Streets on the West side of Xerxes Avenuea favor' (subject to Heavling this evening), after looking over the site. Crabb, representing petitioners, stated that double dwelmgs Will make a good buffer between Commercial Zone and either single-family dwellings or apartment buildings, He stated it is planned that these double dwellings will have two and three bedrooms per sideo There were no objections from the audience, and no, written objections had been received prior theretoa petition be granted was seconded by Fronk and carried, ' Nanager Hyde explained that Planning Commission has recommended in a 13 m d e Bank's motion that t-4 - PUQLIC HEARING ON PETITION FOR VACATION OF NCBZTH=SOUTH .AND EAST-WEST ALLEYS L1yyI- IN BLOCK TtD, BROOQIDE HEIGHTS ADDITION, BETWEEN INTERLACHEN BLVD. A" W.51ST ST, AND BETWEEN WILLIAM AND HANKERSON AVEWES was conducted pursuant to ltNotice of Heax5ng on Petition to Vacate Alley,~1 published in Edina-Norningside Courier July 19 and 26$ Affidavibof Publication ad of Posting siad Notice were pres&ed;appmved as to form and ordered placed on fjle,, James van Vdkenberg, 5025 William Avenue, spoke in support of petition, repading that it is signed by owners of 1-9 of the 23.affected properties; tkat the 0-r of two Xots is in the hospital but that his f mily is sympathetic to the petition; that the dley is not improved and has become a !!Land of weeds", that most homes have garages with access to the street, that there is not an eltisting garage facing the alley, Mmes, D,J, Winter (5028 Hankerson) and E,G, Hwris (5032 Hankerson) protested Vacation, stating they purchased their properties with the understanding that there was an alley in the block, that their 50-foot lots do not give sufficient room for driveways. 1% was pointed out to the objectors that improvement of the alley is by petition only; that if the great majority is in fayor of Vacation it will be almost impossible driveway for the two properties was discussed; but the ladies objected, fee~g %as would hurt re-sale value. . Bankts motion, that Public Hearing be continued to September 10, for amicable settlement by neighbors, was seconded by and carried,, m.m.-*- PUBLIC HELRING ON PROPOSED ORDINANCE NO, 16.4-8--fN CBZDINI'INCE NA"G LND FIENfDiDJG CBTfiCN ROADS, STREETS AND AVENUES IN THE VIILLGE OF EDINfL, Copy of "Notice of Hearing,!! dated August 8, was produced., approved as to form and ordered placed on file, This Hearing, being an actual continuation of tk Public Hearing held July 23, Council considered only those name changes . which had not been settled at the 23rd Meeting: 1, PDIM HILLS ROADS: Hills area, to state that it is the feeling of the residents that East Ircquoj-s Trail be changed to MOHAWK TWZL, rather than changing West IroqUOiS, but that residents are still uncertain about the balance of the name changes under considerationo 20 _South Knoll Drive to UZMAR DRIVE, No objections, either oral or written. 30 Hifdmood Drive to STRATHMORE UNE. Mr, Wagner of Highwood Drive stated there is 100% objec3ion by the eight residents of Hi&wood Drive to this change. He suggested thzt tk name be allowed to remain; that either numbering system be changed, or that signs be more accurately placed, the ItEast" prefix causes mail to be delivered to the East Side Station, and asked res5.d-ents to be sure that their mail address is given as "Edina 241f* Fro& thn offeyed Dbdinanse No, 164-8 (as amended in accordance with above Hewings), no-ving that Amended Ordinance be adopted as offered, and that CIounc5.l vrrive second. reading t ke-Rreof: .. for then to have alley improved, The matter of joint easements for cornon A delegation of two was present from the Indian Council explained that $S&~XI 2, This Orctinancs s?d,l be in effect from and af'ter its passage and pubIir=ztion accor&-kg "co lawQ Motbn for adoptim of the Ordinance as re RotJcaU %here were four zyes and no naysy aye; and 2rickson, aye; znd the Or& I aye; Fronk, aye; ccm : B delegation of nine residents of ltNormandd.e m-t, by Dr, Nph Peterson, led by Mr. Richard 1Volrrrandda 2o~r$;, ccrnpbined about the re-grading of the W.9th Street pa& of Nomdale Cp2fia The delegation asked many questions of the Village Er,&eer; m& na-bter TES deferred by the Council pending full written report fmn 3k-, Z7%k.nc Dm&g ascussion nr, Ralph Peterson stated he had furnished Taylor, -."-A :L - -"% profXLes ~~5th his plat, a?,%hwgh the Village claims it has no record, Mr. - .... repliad tF~t VLLlage records show theTe were no profiles suhitited with Dra Petersmts DXa%, Engxnee? Zikan stated he (Zikan) had authorized the grades used; that dur& %he r&ter water hait e.ta&ed across the Hi&way; that the IIighvay Department cmplhd; th& a serious icy ccmndztion developed, school buses could not %urn, and same%h;,lg had to be done to safeguard the people traveling on the Eghmy; kba% this wzs Vne or&y soLution other than a storm sewer, Dr, Peterscmss a't.t;arnsy asked several- times about disposition of the dirt in the street, and, lire Zikan repiied that it had been moved in conjunction with the sewer andim waiiep contract; that some of it is on the property to the North, In rep2.y to a query from Dr, Peterson's attorneg,,., ~ ' .* -. I ,- 5/13/56 _t- KR., NYAI -I1 WANT, om'er of Swantls Garage, 4.425 Valley View Road, stated he believes that good material is not being put into Valley View Road; that AS-' the road is !'washboardings while it is being rolled, Hyde explained tha% there are competent inspectors on the project; that road is being ? Signs at corner of Valley View Road and Wooddale, and was told they will .. .- , '...: .coming up the hill from the South to enher Valley View Road without ~ *. r : laid according to high specifications, . Mr, Swant inquired about Stop *I I - pz:,j. .be repkced, He asked for Stop Sign on Valley View Road to enable vehicles 239 : stoppjkg, .I@* Sxrznt asked concerning parking f6r his property; and Mayor ,7,;Eri.&scn et... stated it has been the policy to rewire comercial properties to 'Povide tke ir own parking-to which Mr* Swant replied that the Village has .-?6eGer acquired any property from the owners on the South side of Valley J&ew Road, This statement was contradicted by Manager Hyde, who explained . kggotintor .Lorenz has stated that road! .is not outside its right-of=way, v%i Swantts. next ikcpiry was as to-responsibility for replacing stop Mr, Hyde expJ$dyed this is the contractorrs %.@,igonsibility, At the end of his t evinced his willing- :.k$'&8 to enter into the sane type of ' ..Strand and .Shuldhiess 1 ; and Yi# Hyde to get in touch with Mr* ",>. I 1- d' -.%Be dxansaction invo lving the Strand:'and Shuldhiess properties, stated ~ . ;'..c;"bokes broken last year. the Village as the .*- .. 2. ' ., , . - ,. Ed';, Lorens, . . " e I_. I t' '.BUSINESS DEVELOPERS1 REQUEST FOR Pl3RMIT TO-ldT€$ DWELLING FROM 5108 INTERLJLCFZN ROAD TO 5121 Wn48TH STREET was re&P'nd . +A%.'. discussed, Council was shown pictures of the house proposed to. be':$bved, lvianager Hyde reported that Council has issued permit for th&'&oving of another dwelling to this location; but that, after permit was 'iasygd- complaints were received; then house was moved to another locai$$ii &e Hyde reported that Building Inspection Office has inspected tb%s present dwelling and finds it structurally sand; that there is nothing in the Ordinance which reqcres that Council conduct a public hearing, Trustee Tupa suggested that someone from the Council be designated to inspect the building before a permit is issued; and Fmnk moved that Council issue moving permit subject to approval of whomever Council may designate to inspect. Mr, Tupa volunteered to make inspection, ' Y- PZTITION FOR TEEPORLRY RELIEF FROM EXCESS SURFACE WATERS was filed by a delegation from the 6900 Block on Southdale Road, led by Glen A, Croucha with water, and basements are flooded, or sct'cn Lots owmd by the Dayton Company into which this water could drain temprarily; and Mro Braddock of Southdale Realty stated that Ifas a tevp0ra.x-y solution 1: advocate this plan, but I cann0t:tel.l how soon the props-rty will be filledOtf Engineer Zikan reprted that if the Village crew can do the work he feels that it will cost less than $2,000 to install a drain in an easement between Lots 15 and 16, Block 1, * Soutkdale First Addition to the low property. Messrs, Holm and Wood, owners of Lots 15 and 16 respectively, agreed $0 give-the required ease- ments, drainage relief recomaded, was seconded by Tupa and carried. Mr, Crouch explained t'hat each time it reins the street fills He reported that there are six Fronkfs notion that Village spend not over $1,000 for temporary HOUSES BELOW REQUIP,ED GRADE: that the houses .in the 6900 Block on Southdale Road &re constructed in. a Mr, Crouch of the above delegation cmplained -rn&er not meeting Village building code as to grades; that not a single .,hou?$ deets these specifications , ,~.~w~S,~~h~'''builder of these homes, and Mr; Fronk explained that builders are ' ,$gt,ven to,understand that it is their responsibility to meet Village ' re~+~+@$tp.' Council directed Village Manager to'see khat this matter is brought to' th? attention of the builder, PETITION FOR IIJPROVXIQ~~JT OF UILLSLGEOWNED PRCPERTY IiT I\Jw CORNER OF 60TH ST AND ST. JOHNS 1.VE; by -I1 (1) Landscaping property by blading ground following general contour of land so as to maintain'present natural. drainage and prevent additional drainage into this area; (2) Draining. water pesently in the, area and restoring the culvert serving as a drain through W,60th Stsg,+&j 'Ceasing from additional filling in area except for the filling>p;&i&ary for the street shoulders- for proper drainage to the street?:,,R):i:;liilproving W,60th St, so that the water does not drain into this- a;t.e$:;,?$$].-Seeding the area; (6) Nowing at frepent intervals,!+ was filed, accepted,, and referred to the Village Engineer for a report, Delegation stated . that M, Tomeraasen ,I..C''' .- '. i. < Sr'.. .. 8/13/56 < PEXITfOlT FOR STORM SEMER 200 FT. SO, OF W.58TH ST. WoODDkLE TO FAIRFAX - wsi filed by a delegation stating W,5Efth StPeet has been butlt up so high that watsr will not drain from their area; that, during the last rain it took niQe hours of pumping at 500 gallons per minute to clear the area, The delegatkon asked that Village make survey for the improvement and make coxcction from curb line into storm sewer, stating they wiU dig their own drainage ditch and lay the pipe, will furnish catch basins and grates. Tk, Hyde explained that the Village has considerable wdrk ahead fQr sme;p; that the Village must have easements if it is to maintain the drain, He told the delegat2on that the Village would consider Mr. Paul. hrsq 5513 Fairfax Avenue, chairman of the delegation; that the Village Engb-eeribg Depas.t;man.t will investigate and see if we can get quick action, - . -- EECTICJ --.- CFFICUiLS FOR PRIMARY EBCTION OF SEPTEMT3ER U. 1956: prwen-t;ad tentative roster of Election Officials for Septeniber 11th Clerk Prkqr9 as follows : L, Q?lin~, and &x f.kCallo Clerks, Mmes. Erle Tornstmm, Orville F, Lawson. Clerks3 Ikes, Edith Waste, Eliz. K, Covnick, CIZ., Eaes, Orville Hintz, Carl Vieth, Iflmees, A,K, Peterson, Gladys Cameron, E,W, Spencer, E&, Nodlin. Ikies. Gemge Taylor, Elmer Soderberg. - - Clerks, Mrs. D&id Platter, Susan Hagen; Clerks, F&s0 iillen Odell, Henry C. Carlson, Clerks, 3hes . Betty Hess, Mabel Ziemes , Haltvrson, R, Sievertson. Fronkls notion th3t the foregoing list be of Election Officials be approved, and that Clerk be authorized to appoint Ballot Judges and Clerks for f2ve districts as hereixfore discussed, was seconded by Bank and carried. .---e- DISEW3! NO 1 - - Gudges: Mmesp Seth TCitts, Harry Perlich and Adelaide ---- DISTPZCT NO, 2 - Judges:- Mmes, Marjorie S, Rossiter, Howard L. Scott, -I_-- DISTRICT NO. 3 - Judges: DEST 'll_n NO, I, - Fmso FZorence Hallberg, Frank Sweeney, Alice Twite, w_c DISTPJCT KO, 5 - Ymes, D,W, Amundson, Frances Wood, G,T, Kesler, Clerks, ---- DISTRICT N3. 6 - Ymes, O& Bye, Roy Myhr, LE, Jones, Clerks, Mmes, -1CT NO, 7 Clerks, DISTPJCT NO, $ .- 35nes. Bertha McCraney, Erma S, HoYt;, Patricia Salisbury, __)- DISTRICT NO. 9 .- kes, Camille Kortum, Ethel S, Link, Herbert Brand, - DISTRICT NO. 10 - Ymes. Peter Henningsen, Blabel He Wilson, Marian BaiLeY. DISTBCT NO. 1l Judges: Mmes. Hazel C, Sumson, R,G, Bennett, Earl DISTRICT BO, 12 - Judges: Mmes Eleanor Oren, Mildred L. Bagley, HSda Clerks, hes, Anita Senn, Roy Drake, Nines, Ida L, Smith, Ruth &io Zipoy, Ruth Volk, Mmes. Nellie Strate, Glenn Hall, R, Sonn&erg. - . I Clerks, Ihes. E,W, Blznch, James Hetland. Clerks, Ymes. Clarice A, Hollingsvmrth, Kenneth Eiyde, BEPORT OY TRAE'FIC AT I?, 5OTH ST. AND FRANCE Am, by George I?, -ton & Associates, ms presented by Manager Hyde, who suggested that a meeting of the Coucil with the owners and tenants in the area would be in order after the CoLrxil had hzd time to study the report, No formal. action taken. __L REGUEST OF KRn E,O, 1:IZliRTIHSON FOR PERNST TO INSTALL CURB ALONG No SIDE OF FJ,60TH ST, EBTWEEBT DREW AND CHOMEU TjNENUES, at his own expense and according to Billage specifications, was reported, &tanager Hyde recommended in favor, '+ and Tup3, Eoved th& permit be granted, Motionseconded by Bank and carried: E4cBIfi-ZzETmORD?S REQUEST FOR PEFWIT TO EXCAVA!I'E AT W,76TH ST, AND YCRK - liI3XUE FOR A PERIOD OF SIX NONTHS was approved subject to staking of York Awnue boundary (135 F%,, W. of York he, extiended South) and ccxn&iance with o-tb~r Viaage Ordinance regulations, Motion by Bank, seconided by Tupa and wried, FBTITION FOR GRADIKG LhB WJELING 5;HEGINIA f~~~ BFIHEBN We64TH STo ~iND ' 245 FT, ,5- was filed ad, by motion Fronk, seconded by Tupa and carried, was referred to the Village Engineer for the scheduling of Hearing. WZST 57TH ST,I* 1,WT OF HIGBrJkY #lo0 TO BE RENiXED ~~NCTREAEDAKE COURTI', Planning Commission recommendation of August 8, honoring Ere FoZke Victor- senfs rewest for change in street name was referred to Council, and Fronk moved that p3quest be granted in accord with Commissionrs recommendation, Notion seconded by Tupa and carried, 8/13/56 , 241 I FINAL PUT OF ~rREFUIT! OF IMTS ONE @?D TWO, BLOCK TWELVE, N0RMANDAI.E ADDITION *! was approved ,in accordance with Planning Commission recomendation of August 8, by motion Fronk, seconded by Tupa ad carriedo REPUT OF LOTS FOUR LND FIVE, BLEK THREE, BROOKSIDE HEIGHTS ADDITION came under discussion when petitioner Rowland appealed the Planning Commissionz s -- August 8th rejection of liis proposed plate neighbors' permission; that his lots will be bigger than those of his nei@bors, Nr. Rowland also requested that he be perhitted to face a house on Interlachen Blvd,, rather than on Bedford Avenue (his new lots wi13- be platted to face Bedford) , Hearjng be scheduled for August 27, on proposed. plat and on request to face dwelling long way of lot I-le explained thathe has his After some-dis cussion on this hrdship case, Fronk moved that Public Motion seconded ba Tupa and carriedo FINAL PUT OF BEVERLY HIUS SECOND ADDITION, -- by Mr, Fred Child, was approved in accordance with Planning Gomissionis recommsndation of August 8, by motion Bank, secorded by Fronk and carried, FIN& PLAT OF S0U'H-l GARDEU ESTATES SEO@D &DDITTXI, by Coffmmn, and located Bouth of W,7Oth Street and West of Wooddale Avenue vas considered. Commission's recommendation for approval was "subject to an engineering check, street names, grading acd graveling, f inab arrangsmmts on pzrk dedication, and sewer- and water financing," Council evinced interest in the drainage for this plat, and Mr, Zikan reported that grades are towad W,7C%h St 6, thus taking the drainage from the plat, but that a pocket exists in 70th Stn9 which will be taken care of by the 70th Street Storm Sewsr if and when it is con- structed; that this property should be added to the proposed assessment district for sai.d storm sewer, Bank moved for acceptance of plat in accord. with Planning Comissionts recomeridation.. carried, Planning Motion seconded by Fronk and ...... ..... ..... ................. ...... FINAL PUT OF WILROB, 'the Cof'&an development between Sherwosd Avenue and Highwq 100, South of 1~~65th Street, was approved in accordance with Planning Commission's recornendations of August 8, by motion Fronk, seconded by Tuprt and - carried. .. - PRELIMINARX PLAT OF LHAD, Thernell Bros ,, subdivision South of Edina .Bel-&ir 6th Addn, and East of Ewing Avenue, was discussed when Ere Englehark asked for ass&ance that he will: not be assessed for improvements in Ewing Avenue ,if th5s"property is platteda Manager Hyde informd Nr, Englehart; that this is a.matter for Messrso Englehart, Dah1 and Themell to settle between them- selves, - - FINAL PLAT OF EVANS ADDITION, Southddle Rea1ty:s sJ5dLvision East of France Avenue and North of the proposed crosstom highway; IP~S psesenCed, Cornmissfonts recornendations of Augus% &t,hwere for am~o~d- subject to an Engineering check, Bank!s motion? approving Final Piat in accordance with Commieion's recommendation, was secondqd by Tup3 aEd carried, PETITIOIJS FOR REZONING TO COMMJNlTY STBZ DISTRICT: ' I, MISS SOPHIA B. STENSONZS PETITION FOR REEBEOTS ll$L&l'J-., %OCK 2;, . _. .... ... -_ .- s > Planning FLIRFAX ADDITION (for a Medical Clinic) : 2. MRo Res. BING'S REQUEST FOR REZtBJmLLOTS lk,~,&,IBLGCK 21, PAIRFAX: 3, STRAND AND SHULDHIESS PETITION. FOR REZONING~!J!JD -&-%----)I 4409 VAUEX VIEW: . all were brcu&t before the CounciA, rdth Mazzzger Hydets report.that Pfaming Commission had tabled uritil such time as it study can be mede by a Planning ' ewe&# Formal action was not taken by th9 Council but it was consensus of opinion that Commission* s recommendations be accepted? -,u- FTXCITjCON BY MR. H.AROTr[a HARDACKER FOR PERMIT TO FACE DWEL.TDTG OIJ ST.J_OOHNS AVE.,- RATHER THnN ON.VkUEY VIEW ROAD, Lot 8, Block 2$ Valley View Terrace 3rd Addn,. carried Planning ,Commissionfs August 8th recommdldztion for approval subject to maintenance of proper setbacks, Monday, August 27, was seconded by Tups dnd carnie& FINAL PUT OF BIRCH UUW, being Tract G, Regishered Land. Survey #327 on Valley View Road, was approved. in amordance with Planning commission!^ August, 73th recomendation, by motion Tupa, seconded by Bank and carried, GATMINE PEARCE'RIQUEST FOE REZONING PROPERTY AT 66TmmS was tabied pending proposed Planning expekt zoning study, c----u." Bank2 s mo%ion scheduljag Public Hearing for - -N *- 8/13/56 ?$2 d PLANNING EXPERT ZONING STUDY: Manager Hyde supplemented the Planning Commissionrs August 8th recornendation for emplogment of Cas1 Gardner and Associates, by reporting that he has contacted this firm relative to the proposed survey of the South portion of Edina in relation to the request for Industrial Park, rewest for Apartment Buildings, and several new petitions for rezoning to . smdu neighborhood- shopping district; that the firm is now employed by St,Louis Park, by Roseville, and by other municipalities in this area for the same type of service, St.Louis Park having a very detailed contract setting forth the exact type and extent of service to be given; that he believes Gardnerrs pro,msal to make Edinats study for $3,800 is not out of line as to price; that, if the Council approves, Edina will. draft a contract patterned after St,Louis Park's. flank's motion, that Village enter into contract with Carl Gayldner and Associates as reconnnmded by Manager Hyde and Planning Conmission, was seconded by Tupa and carried. Sp;NEARY S~~ EASEIm FOR SElrJER NO. 116 IMPROVEMENT (Shemood-Normandale 2nd) NCrr AVAIILBIE, Engineer ZilQn reported that four owners refuse, to give easements over' property; that running a line in the street trill make the sewer more expensive tkn estimated; that these owlers prefer to take their chances on-condwtion, Attorney Windhorst asked how much could be saved by condemning, to whL& Hr. Zikan replied that actual constructLon of sewer in . the street will be approximately $4,000 more than laying it through easements, but that considerable danage would accrue to the property on condemnation because it is necessary to destroy a row of trees* Mr. Wjndhorst then advised the Council to avoid condemnation unless there is a considerable anount to be saved thereby. Bank's motion that sanitary sewer be constructed in the street &I lieu of cmdemnation of easenfnts was seconded by Tup and carried, Bank offered the following Ordinance for its Second Reading, moving adoption as read: ORDINANCE NO, 231-1 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ORDINANCE NO, 231 OF THE VILLAGE - RELATING TO SEWER RENTAL CHARGES THEi VILLAciE COUNCIL 'OF THE VILLAGE OF EDIWA. MI"E;S(rrli, ORDAINS: SXXLON 1. Section 1 of Ordinance No. 231. 6f the Revised Ordinances of the VKLlage of Edina is hereby amended to read as follows: Section 1. Sewer Rerrtal Charge to be Paid. For the purpose of paying the share of the Village to the City of Minneapolis, for the operation and maintenance. oosts of the Minneapolis-St ,Paul Sanitary District sewage disposai. system, and the Mhneapolis sewage system and operation,rnain- . tenance, repairs and administrative expenses of the Edina Sewage system, a sewer rental charge is breby levied and assessed against every lot, parcel of land, building or premises situated within the corporate limits of the Village now or hereafter having any connection with the sanitary sewer system of the Village, or otherwise discharging domestic sewage, commercial and industrial waste, water or other liquids, either directly or indirectly, into the sanitary sewer system of said Village. to be so charged the proprty within said Village is hereby fixed and determined as follows: (a) Classification, Sewer rentdl charges will be based upon The rental metered water consumption during the preceding ICLnter Quarter (Three month period falling between November 1 and May 1) according to the followbg schedule: Metered FJater (Cu.Ft, per.Qtr.) Group Consum$ion Classification Less than 3,000 A 3,001 to 6,500 B Over 6,500 C (b) Fees, The following fees and rates are hereby fixed and established: Group A B C 114 per Quarterly Charge (Gross) $2.75 $3 b 30 00 Cu,Ft. of metere, wa-er cr l2,i.g per 100 Cu,Ft. of metered sewager I (c) Schools. schedule and chwged at the appropriate rate, but for only three quarters each gear, All schools will be classified according to the above 8/13/56 (d) Terms. The foregoing charge shall be payable quarterly, in advance, and shall be subject to a discount of ten per cent (lo%), except as othwwise herein specified, if paid within fifteen (15) days from and after the beginning of each quarterly periodc is not paid within thirty (30) clays after the beginning of each cparterly period, the Village shall certify the same to the County Auditor of the County of Hennepin, and the same shall be collected and the collection thereof enforced in the same manner, in all respects, as county and state taxes, and they shall be added to the said taxes, subject to like penalty, costs and interest charges. The County Treasurer of Eenneph County shall, when such sewer rental charges are collected by him, forthwith pay them over to the Village treasurer, If such rata1 charge, as herein set forth, SECTION 2, as follows: Section 2 of said Ordinance No, 231 is hereby amended to read Section 2. Installation of Meters, '7a)sidentiaJ. sewer connections not served by village water may elect to install and maintain in god order, at their own expense, a village meter on their own water supgly. Until they do so, or if they do not install a meter, they will be automatically classified in Group llBIIa Commercial and industrial sewer connections not served by xillage water must install and maintain in good order, at their own expense, a village water meter on their water supply, or Snstall and maintain in good order an approved sewage metering device, (b) SECTION 3.- Section 3 of said Ordinance No, 231 is hereby mended to read as follows: Section 3. -Statements: Sewer Rental Fund. The village shd.1 render to the owners, lessees, or occupants of such property, on the first day of each quarterly period, bills for the amount of the sewer rental charge herein set forth, sewer rental charges aforesaid shall be deposited in a separate fund-to be known as the "Sewer Rental Fundolt the purposes provided for hereina The funds received from the collection of These funds shall be used only for SECTION and publication according to law, This Ordinance shall be in effect from and after its passage Notion for adoption of Ordinance on its second reading was seconded.by Tupa, and on Rollcall there were four ayes and no Fronk, aye; Tupa, aye; and Erickson, aye; ORDINANCE NO. 51-1 - I1d.n Ordinance Revising Fees for BuiJ_d?ag Pemtts, hending Ordinance No, 51;' and ORDINANCE ITO. 67-1 --*'An Ordiqance Revising Fees for Plumbing Permits, Including Certain Gas Fittings, Amending Ordinance No, 67 both had their first readings, with second readings scheduLed for August 27, as per motion Bank, seconded by Tupa and carried, LAND TITLE SWONS l?DR BLOCK l4, BRO'XHDALE PAR:c., Attorney Windhod that the Village has received summons h connection with clearing title on the above' .tract which the Village sold; that he feels the Village is no longer interested, and that unless he is instructed to the contrary he will not enter bto tEs action. No action taken, STIUET LIGIiTS POLICY, protested against installation of a street light at the corner of Virginia Lane and Virginia Avenue, light, that it is only 200 feet between this and the next light to the South; that insta,l.ling it is a waste of money, Mr, Hyde asked Council policy concerning protests against installation by Northern States Power Company of lights approved by the Council some time ago in connection with NSP Co,?s ewansion and conTrersion plano ment of the Village Nanager, ' Mro O,E, Andreen, 4712 Virginia Lane, and a neighbor, They stated the neighbbrhood does not need the Some discussion was had, and Bank moved that matter he left to the judg- MotLon seconded by Fro& and- carried, ..... ......... ... ...... .. A. -.- --.- I ._ . ..... .... h -. .*' ::.:. ....... ..... e ..... .,!:. :;...'-.Y qr,,-,.- 7.7.. .-.1.:y . ,,,;,%-, - ., ;> .; -; ..I_ - '- . ...... ...... .:: "-6 .." ..,_. '. ic:?,'i;$;.+; ?;:;;> .; ,,,, :;.r;;~;.;' ,, .. ~:,::,i . . < . L. 3. . . .. :,.:y 7 .- .::::. '!. - . I - LI. . ...... .... . :- *.. * _. . . ,. ..... ..... ... .-. .. .... ..... ........ .. .- .. ._ -. . -. .\j.p;' I,,'. ., -- . . . 8/13/56 CLAIN FOR DAMAGES--JOHN 11. SOLBERG. 3002 HENNEPIN AVE, * APPRDX. $200,00. Clerk reported receipt of above entitled Claim for dmges resulting from an acciderrt on Irrterlachen Blvd,, July 30; that said Claim has been referred to Village Att orne ye SPECIllL BSSESSMENT HUEiXN'GS AUGUST 27, 1956: by Council of Publication of Notice of Hearings on several SFecial Assessments Hearings to be conducted August 27, ard Fronk offered the following -Resolution and moved its adoption: BE TI! RESOLGD by the Council of the Village of Edina as follows: 1, The Clerk and Engineer having calculated the proper amoUnt to be assessed for those improvements set forth in the Notices of Hearings set forth below, and the amount proposed to be assessed against the respective lots, pieces and parcels of land within the district affected by said improvements, and said proposed assessments having been f Sed with the Clerk, the same are hereby approved, and the Clerk shall keep the same on file in her office and open to public inspetion pending hearings thereon as herein provided, 2. This Council shall meet at the the and place specified in the fom of notice of hearings bereinafter contained to pass npon said proposed assessmerrts, and the Clerkrs action in/w@g of the time, place and FRlrPose of said meeting to be published in the official newspaper on August %h and 16th is hereby confirmed: Clerk asked for formal confirmation RESOLUTION PROVIDING FOR SPECIAL ASSESSENT - . HEUUNGS NmICE OF MSESSI'4ENT HEARXNG ON TRUNK IJATEXWXN NO. $6, MD UTERAL WATW! SE%VIGE TO SAID TRUNK NCII)ICE IS HERE3Y GIDEN, %hat the Coancil of the Village of Edina will meet (1) at the Village Hall on Nonday, August 27, 1956, at 7:30 orclock PoMo, to hear and pass upon all objections, if any, to the following proposed assessment for improvement which assessnents are now on file in the office of the Village Clerk and open to public inspection: 1. TRUNK M.~L~IN NOr 86 -. Construction of Village l?atemain Wension and appurtenances as follows: *!Beginning at the intersection of W.7Oth Street and the Vest service Drive of Highway No. 100; thence East under Highway No, 100 and along West 70th Street to Cornelia Drive and beginning at the intersection Of West 70th Street and the East service Drive of Highway No. 100; thence South to the South Village Limits,I1 all lots and tracts of land within the f6UOWbg described boundaries: "%menckg dong East Subdivision line of Creston Hills Addition to Morth line of Laguna Drive; tho NWly along-the N line of Laguna Drive to its intersection with the my line of Block 8,. Creston €Ells Addi.tion; th Wly along Nly line of Creston Hills Addition to the Nhr cor,, thereof; th N to centerline of tqest 66th Street; th West along the centerline of West 66th Street to a point 660 Ft. East of the Nest line of said Sec, 30,T,28,R.2&; thence South to the centerline of West 69th Street; th. West 330 Ft,; th. South to a point 165 Ft. North of the caterline of West 70th Street; thence West to'the center- line of Nomandale Blvd.; the South to the South corporate limits of the Village of Edina; thence East to the Sl/4 corner of Sec. 31, T.28, Ra.24; th, North to the South line of N1/2 of said Sec, 31; thence East to the East line of West 20 Acres of the S1/2 of the NEl/4 of said Section 3; th. North to the North line of the S1/2 of the NEl/, of said Section 31; thence East to the East line of the West 25 acres of the Wl/4 of the NE1/4; thence North to the North line of said Section 31; thence West to beginning.11 2, MER;& t?AT.IBMAIN SEEUIICE CONNECTIONS TO WM" NO, 86 - To se- the folloxinglots and tracts of land: The area proposed to be assessed for the cost of said improvenent includes the Sl/4 corner of Sec.30,Twp428,Range 24; th. Northerly ' . Sec, 3, T.28, R.24 Parcel No, 3W - Smileg - E.20 rods of W 40 rods of S 40 rods of Sa/, Parcel No. 5200 - Dreher - Com at a pt 277,08 Ft, N. from a pt 907 F't. E Parcel No. 54CQ - Siebert - Corn at a pt 30 rods N from a pt in S line Parcel. No. 5600 - Olson Parcel No. 2643 - Delaney - N 193 ft of W 100 ft of E 560 ft of NEl/4 of NQ/4 ex rd Parcel No. 27lO - Delaney - N 193 ft of W 100 ft of E 660 Ft of NEl/& of Nw1/4 ex rd Pargel No, 34W - Gulliard- N 193 ft of IT 210 ft; of NE1/4 ex rd, of sw1/4 ex rd from Sf Cor of SWt; th S 277.08 Ft,; th W 100 Ft, etc. of STn/4 dis 40 rods E from SW cor thereof; - W 330 Ft bf S 660 Ft of SWi ex rd, etc, Sec. 31, T.28, R.24 Parcel Noo 4203 - kmeson - Parcel No, 4401 - Peterson- Parcel No, 4460 - Gavin - Creston Hills Addition B~O& 4, Lots 4, 5 & 6; Block 5, Lot 4 r 8/13/56 Com at SW o3r of Ill?$ of I@; th E 30 ft; th N par with E line of Nw, of a dis of 422.*51 ft; etc, That ?art of the N 217.8 ft of the NWk of NWT lyir~g% of E 661.4 ft thereof . Com at NW cor of W-$ of NJ@; th W 492.8 ft; th S 2l'7,8 ft; etc, 4 ,* Southdale- Third Addit ion South Garden Estates (Preliminary. Plat). South Garden Estates S3-d (Preliminary Plat) consecutive annual inst&hent;s extended over a period of ten years, with first installment to be payable with taxes for the year 1956, collectible in 1957, with interest on the entire assessment at the rate of 5% per annum from the date of the resolution levying the assessmnt to December 31, 1957. To each subsequerut installment will be added interest at the same rate for one year on all unpaid installnents? the whole of assessment without interest to the Village Treasurer before 22 of clock noon on December 31, 1956, and nay thereafter make payment with accrued interest to the County Treasurer. BY ORDER OF THE VILLAGE COUNCIL, Block 5, Lots 8 through l4 Blodr 1, Lots 1, 2 & 3; Block 2; Lots 1,2,3, & 4, Block 1, Lots 1, 2 & 3; Blordc 2, Lot 1 - Assessments for the above improvement will be payable in ten equal The omer of any property assessed for the above improvement may pay GRETCmN S, ADEN Village Cl&k NOTICE OF ASSESSMENT €EXRING ON LATERAL SANDARSI (2) ._ , .. SEI4EXt NO, 97 AND QTERAL T4AThEWIM NO.10 NC13CICE IS HEREBY GXVER, %kt the Council of the Village $ Edina will. meet at the Village Hall on-Monday, August 27, 3.956, at 7:jO otclock P,M,, to hear and pass upon all objections, if my, to the proposed assessment for Sanitary Lateral Sewer No. 97 and Lateral Watemain No, 104, which assessments are now on file in the office of the Village Clerk and open to public inspection: u e . .SANITII;RY UTEXU'-SEWER NO. 97 - Constnrction of Sanitary Lateral Sewer and Appurtemnces in - . - -.la. Valley T%ew-.Road-.-fmm'Wyman Avenue to Highway No, 100. Tingdale Ave, from W,bOt;h Street to Valley View Road, -.-30' - Clover Lane Eron -Th&al,e Avenue to Valley View Road, 2ie TERlL WATEEWUN NO, 104 - Constm ction' oT. Village %kt emain esrtension le' To serve alplots in Lake Edina Additionr and appurtenances in: .. ~ -- - I The area proposed to be assessed for the cost of the above impmvemnts hgludeg all lots and tracts of land abutting the streets' improved, ' . .- Assessments for the above improvements wi3.1 be payable ih ten .equal consecutive annual hstalhents 'ejcEended over a period of ten years,'~th first year payable with taxes for the-year 1956, collectible in 1957, with werest on the enthe assessmat at the rate of 5% per annum from the date of the resolution levying the assessment to December 31, 1957, To each subsequent hstaU.menb will be added interest at the same rate for one year onall unpaid installments, Pay the whole of assessment without interest to the Village Treasurer before 12 o*clock noon on Decembgr 31, 1956, and may thereafter make pay- rnent with accrued interest to the County Treasurer, BY ORDER OF THE VILLAGE OOUNCII,, The Owner of any property assessed for the above hpmvements nay GRETCHE8 S, ALDEN 1 .I . *. .Village Clerk .. . .. -_. . NOTICE OF ASSESSENT HEARING ON-LIF'E STATION '. 1 FOR SANITiJzY LATERAL SE;cTER NO. 70. (3) NOTICE Is HEREBY GIVEN tha'c the Council uf the Vinage of Edina-will meet at the Vinage HaU. 'on Mondap, August 27, 1956, at 7:30 'ofclock Pb1f.1,; to hem ad P+SS upon 'dl objections, if any, to the fol-l-owing Proposed assessment for above improvement, which assessments are now on file 5.li the office Of the Vilhge-Clerk and .dpen to public iiispection: CONSTRUCTION OF SfLNEARY SEWER LIFT STATION - At the corner of Washindon ad Maloney-flvenues to serve por%ion Of ???d COiTl'er of the village of Ed-inae The*,area proposed to be assessed for the Cost Of Sdd FoWsed hProv&ent .. . is as' follows: -. .. .. . :* .. i 8/13/56 "All. lots and tracts of land within the following described boundaries: 246 . Beginnbg at the NW Core of Lot 26, Block 8, West Ellinneapolis Heights; tho South to the centerline of Haloney Avenue; th East along the Cerrterline of Maloney he. to the Southerly extension of the East Lot Line of Lot l.4, Block 13, WesO Ninneapolis Heights; th North to the NE Cor of Lot 17, Block 4, West Ninne- apolis Heights; th East to the SW Cor of-Lot 9, Block 3, West Minneapolis Hei&ts; th North to the rsrEJ cor of Lot 2, Block 3, West Minneapolis Heights; th Westerly to the NE Cor of Lot 1, Block 8, West Minneapolis Heigh%s; th West to beginninge '1 Assessmnts f cr tk above improvement ~dll be payable in ten equal con- secutive annual installments extended over a period of ten years, with first year payable with taxes for the year 1956, collectible in 1957, with interest on the entire assessment at the rete of 5% per annun from the date of the resolution levying the assessment to December 312 1957, installment T.Jill be added interest at the same rate for one year on dl unpaLd installments whole assessment without interest to the Village Treasurer before 12 o t clock noon on Decaber 31, 1956, and may thereafter make payment with accrued interest to the County Treasurer, BY ORDER OF THE VILUGE CCUEJCIL, I To each subsequent The owner of any property assessed for the above improvement may pay the GRETCHEN S. ALDEN Village Clerk NUTICE OF ASSES- HEIBXNG ON*BZACICTOPPIMG _mOVBBNTS NO, A-28, A-33. A&. A-67 AND A-70 (4) NCITICE IS HFtREBY GIVEN, that the Council of the Village of Edina willmeet at the Village Hall on Monday, August 27, 1956, at 7:30 or clock Po%, to hear and pass upon d.1 objections, if any, to the follo~dng proposed assessment for the above impmvements, which assessments are now on file in the office of the Village Clerk and open to public inspection. lo Street to appmhately 450 feet North; 2. line of Beverly Hills Addition to Division Street, 3, Street to West 59th Street, . 4* Street to approximately 4.50 feet North, 5. View Road to West 62nd 3treet: In Virginia Lane, BUGETOPPING IMPROVENEW NO, A-28 - In Fairfax Avenue from West 59th BUGKTOPPIhG l24PROV@ENT NO, k-32 - In Oxford Avenue fromthe North €&4CKTOPPmTG IfPROVEi%ETI' NO. A-66 - In ilshcroft Avenue from West 5f3th BUCEPOPPING IMPROVBEN!T NO, A-6z - In St,Johns Avenue from West 59th BUCKTOPPING Ii%PROIEI~ NO, A-70 - In Virginia Avenue from Vdley I The area proposed to be assessedfor the cost of the above improvements Assessments for the above improvements will be payable in five e-1 includes dl lots and tracts of land abutting the streets improved. consecmtive annual. instSLlments extended over a period of five years; with first year payable with taxes for the year 1956, collectible in 1957, with interest on the entire assessment at the rate of 5% per annum from the date of the resolution letgcing the assessment to December 31, 1957,, sequent installment will be added interest at the same rate for one year on all unpaid installments. the whole of assessment without interest to the Village Treasurer before 12 - o?clock noon on Decanber 31, 1956, and may thereafter make payment with ' accrugd Merest to the County Treasurer, By ORDER OF THE BILLAGX CCIJNCIL, To each sub- The owner of any property assessed for the above improvements may pay GFETCHEN S. ALDEN Village Clerk Hotion for adoption of the Resolntion was seconded by Tupa, and on Rollcall there were four ayes and no nays, as follows: d Erickson, aye; and the Resolution wa _._ BUCKTOPPING FOB AYRSHIRE BLW. Engineer Zikan reported that residents in the Ayrshire Blvd,-Locby Drive area, who petitioned for Sanitary Sewer, have been notrfied of the excessive cost of this extension (#20,00 pr front foot to serve all; $12,75 if the last three low homes are eliminated); that most are against installation at tkse prices; that there are a couple of dtem- atives, one of which is securing additional areas to go in with this present mea, for an increased assessable district, is in for the Blackbopping of Ayrshire Blvd, in this area, but has been held up pending Gouncil actien on the proposed sewers topping the street ~32- save a kremerrlous amount qf 'Jillage funds in replacing materkls mPheC! out 3fter rains Nro Zikm presefited p-1.zn~~ specifications Mr, Zikan z'eported that petition He explsined that Black- 8/13/56 and Estimte of Cost fcr this propesed project; and Fro& offered the following Resolution and moved its acbption: RESOLUTION PROVIDING FOR PUBLIC HEf&ING l 247 PROPOSED BLACKTOPPING IMPROVE, BE IT RESOLXED by the Council-of tk Village of Edina: 1. The Viliage Engineer, having su@tk,ed to the Council a prelhhary report 'as to the feasibility of the proposed Blacktopping Improvement described in the:Fomn of Notice of Hearing set forth below, and as to the estimated cost of such kqxwvernerrt, said report is hereby approved and directed to be placed on file in the office.of the.Village-Clerk) 2? this Council shall meet on Monday, August 27, 1957, at 7r30 P,M, in the Edha Village Hall, to consider in public hearing'the views of all persons interested in said proposed improvertent; 3, The Clerk is hereby authorized and directed to cause notice of the time, place and purpose of said meeting to- be publi&ed in the official news- paper once a week for two successive weeks, the second of which publications is to be not less than three days from date of said meeting, which notice shall be in substantially the following form: NclfICE OF PUBLIC HEARING ON PROP(xjED BLACKTOPPING IMpRom@ NT NOTICE IS HERJ3BY GIVEN that the.Edina Villaie-Couhcil will meet at the Village - - Hall on Monday, August 27, 1956, at 7:30 pome, to consider the following pro- posed imprOvt?ment, to be anstructed under the authority granted by Minnesot% bws of 1953, Chapter 398, The approxhate cost of said improvement is est& mated by the Village Engineer as-set forth below: EST. COST BLACKTOPPIRG of Ayrshire Blvd., Doncaster Way to the If; line of Edipa Highlands Addition, (existing blacktop) $1,849*50 * . The area proposed to be assessed for the cost of said improvement includes all lots and- tracts of land abutting the portion of the street proposed to be improved. GRETCHEN S. AIJIEN Village Clerk Motion for adoption of the Resolution was seconded by Tupa, and'on Rollcall there were four qyes and.no naysj as.f 011 Eri'ckson, aye; and the Resolution wa .. ? PIr. Roy H, Peterson was present, to inquire about the?propoSed Birchcrest Storm Sewer; and Mr.' Zikan recommended a Re-Hearing on this project September 10. . Fro& so moved. Engineer Zikan then presented plans and specifications for several' projects, ' advocating that bids be'taken'as soon as possible, in order that work vlight be, completed yet this yearo Fro& offered the -folLowing Resolntion and moved its - adoption: Motion seconded by Tub and' carried. RESOLUTION APPROVING PMS &D SPECIFICATIONS FOR PROPOSED. IIEROVEI~S ,.--AND.- DI.~CTING ADVERTISEMENT FOR- BIDS BE IT RESOLVED'by the Village Council of the-Village of Edina: 1, The PIGS and specifications for the proposed improvements set forth in the following Advertisement for Bids form, heretofore prepared by the Village Engineer and now on file in the office of the Village Clerk arehereby-approved. 2. The Clerk shI.1 cause to be published twice in the Edina-Morningside Courier and the Construction Bulletin the following notices for bidsufor said improvements: ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS BLACKTOPPING I'JMoTIm IS HERSBY GIVEN that sedled bids will be received and opened in the office of the Village Manager in the Edina Village Hall, 4801 W,5Oth St, at 1O:OO a,mO9 Monday, August 27, 1956, Monday, hest 27, 1956,- to '-consider said bids,, being for %xe following: 13.. BLACKTOPPING - School Rd,, Concord Ave, to Sherwood Ave.; The Edina Village Council dll'meet at 7:30 pornr, on - W,59th St,, Ruth Dr. to Hwy.#lOO; W.60th St,, Parnell he, BLAC!KTOPPING - Ayrshire Blvd*, Doqcaster Way to W. line of Edina Highlands Addn, (existing blacktop) , , rr to Hwy.#lOO; Sherwood Aver, W.6Oth. St. -to School. Rd,; Ruth - - - - .. --. - . Drive, School Rd, to-W.59th St, 2j 8/13/56 Nork must be done as described in plans and specifications on ofthe Village Clerk. Plans and specifications are avzllable file in the office for a deposit of $lO,OO, ihich deposit will be refunded upon return of said plans and ipecifi- cat5ms0 No bids will be considered unless sealed and filed with undersigned before 1O:OO a.m., August 27, accompanied by cash deposit, bid bond, or certi- fied check payable to the Village Clerk in amount of at least ten percent of. mount of base bid. The Council reserves the right to reject any or all bids, BY ORDER OF THE VILLAGE COUNCIL. GRETCHEN S, ALDEN .. Village Clerk (2) Ahf3RTISEMENT FOR BIDS -- SAN-ITARY SDIER: STOFM SETJER NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that sealed bids will be received and opened in the office of the Village Manager in the Edina Village Hall, 4801 Tfih50th st., at 1O:OO a.m,, Monday, September 10, 1956. The Edina Village Council will meet at 7:30 pome> on Monday, September 10, 1956, to consider said bids, being for the following: 1, CORSTRUCTION OF SfrNIT.hRY SEMER fWD APPURTENANCES is FOLLOTsJS: In Easement in Interlachen Golf Course from eesting Trunk Sewer to Wat erman Ave ; In Watermn we. from Golf Course Easement to proposed Easement between Blocks 21 & 22, Nendelssohn; In Tifaterman he. from Golf Course easement to 140 Ft. E,; In Easement between Blocks 22 & 22, Mendelssohn, from Waterman live, to Ikloney ilve.; Block 23, Nendelssohn; In Blake Rd. from Ifateman he. to N. Village Limits; In Griffit St. from Belmore Lahe to N, Village Limits; In Bewore Lane from Dearborn St, to Grove P1. Extd, So, In Grove Pl, from Belmore Lane to Spruce Rd,; In John St, from Belmore Lane to Spruce Rd,; In John St, from Maloney Ave, to 380 Ft. No,; In Arthur St from Belmore Lane to 300 Ft . No, 2, CONSTRUCTION OF STOR?? SEWER I;ND APPURTENANCES AS FOLLOWS: In Easements from Nine-Mile Creek to Whiting St.; Whiting St., Easement Lhe to a pt e Ten Ft, ,E. of MNM Railroad .. Tracks; Easement parallel to MN&s Tracks from Whiting st, to Dividing Line of Lots 10 and 11, B1, 1, Birchcrest 4th Addn,; Easement on above lot line from M" Tracks to Outlot ltkll, Pond; Forslin Drive, to connect Outlot llAlt Pond and Birchcrest Lake; Easement between Lots 2 and 3, B1. 9, Countryside, from lN&S Tracks to Crescerrt Drive; Porter Lane, We60thSt. to Birchcrest Lake a In NaXoney Ave. from Blake Rd. to E, line of llRearr-&gement of . .,*. . Work must be done as described in plans and specifications on file in the office of the Village Clerk, $lOoCO, which deposit r.rill be refunded upon return of said plans and specifi- cations, 80 bids will be considered unless sealed and filed with undersigned before 1O:OO a,m,, Sefiember 10, accompanied by cash deposit, bid bond or certified check payable to the Village Clerk in amount of at least ten percent of mount of base bid. Plans and specifications are available for a deposit of The Clerk reserves the right to reject any or all bids, BY ORDm OF THE VILLiGE COUNCIL, GRETCHEN Se J.?XGDEN Vfllage Clerk 3. Each and all of the terms of the foregoing advertisenknbfor bids are hereby adofled as the terms and conditions of award of the contract for said improvements lotion for adoption of thg Resolution was seconded by Tupa, and on Rollcall there were four ayes and no neys, as follows: Ekickson, aye; and the Resolution was adopted, Bank, a *-_I w Tillage Glerk I . DIXEGI'IONkL SIGNS FOR SOUTHDLLE: pernit for directional signs at corners of W,66th St, and W.7Gth StD and Normandale Road. Bemuse signs have an area of sone 65 square feet, he was told he lnust secure permission of owners of all dwellings within 500 feet of signs before permits can be given MY, Crear was once again prescnt to request $/13/56 COU"fY HIGHWAY PLANS> Manages Hyde reported briefly on County plans for stating the County Highway Engineer is, putting into his budget the County share of paving France divenue between W,sbth & W,64th Street, for next year% work; also that Mr. Peterson, County Engineer has stated (and will write us, confirmingj that the Counby has taken offi-cia1 action reqyesting Edina to secure such rig%-of-way for the crosstown highway as they can secure by dedication, committing the County to purchase improved righb-of-way. It is &he plan for the State to purchase right-of-way for the clover-leaf. Mr, Hyde reported that prmits were issued by the Village today which might be affected, but that we have no definite information which will allow a hold on this property, State and County, in orderthat Council may know, soon, just what is involved, PLr, Hyde was asked to secure all possible information from W.70TH STFEET BLACKTOP: Mr, Hyde-reminded Council that a contract has recently been awarded for replacement of blacktop in W.7Oth Street; that the street wif1 shortly be torn up once more for utilities, and probably for storm sewer. Council agreed on heavy oil until possible construction of utilities is detern&ned, ACQUfsT%ION OF PARK PRWIBTY. Mr, Clifton French reported his negotiations with Mr, Harold Rosendahl have ended in Mr, Rosendahlfs bottom figure of $14,000 for the six lots abutting Wmor Lakes Park", Fronkts motion that this price be accepted and property purchased was seconded by Tupa and carried. NINE-MILE CREEK SPNITARY SEldER, Manager Hyde reported that Engineering Dept. expects to have full report by the latter part of September or the first p& of October, Bapkts motion, for Payment of CLaius as per Pre*list No. 15, in the following amounts, was seconded by Tupa and carried: General Fund - $10,019.34 - * _. Parks Fund $959.43 Poor Fund - 39.65 Sewer Rental Fund 8,069.48 Const, Fund - 26,503,99 Improvement Funds 14 5,137.14 Water Fund - 14,194.50 Spec. Assessment Funds 511.63 21 18?& --?:62 Liquor Fund It was recomend$d 'that -the power-to *invest surplus finds be vested in the Village &Ianager; this to expedite investmat without poUing the Council, and Bank offered the following Resolution and moved its adoption: RESOLUTION ON INVESTMEWTS BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the Village of Edina, Hennepin County, Mknesota, that the Village Manager be, and hereby is, vested with authority to invest the funds of-the Village of Edina in U,S, Goverment Bonds or in Bonds of its own issue, and to pre-call bonds of its own issue, at such times as he, in his best judgnent, deems it advantageous to said Village so to do, Notion for adoption of the Resolution was seconded by Fmnk, and on Rollcall there were four ayes and no nays, as follows aye; and Erickson, aye; dnd the Resolution w ATT T: aye; Fronk, aye; Tupa, &dd Village Clerk Liz&- The hour's being late, and tha agenda's being completed, Tup moved for adjourn- ment, Tuesday, the 14th. Motion seconded by Fro& and carried Village Clerk