HomeMy WebLinkAbout19560827_REGULARMIMTTES OF THE RMXTLAR MEETDIG OF THE EDINA VIUGE COUNCIL, HEID MONDAY, AUGUST 27, 1956, AT 7:30 P.N., c AT THE EDINA VILLAGE HAW, . .- INVOCATION was given by the Rev. David Archie of Calvary Lutheran Church, ROLLCALL .as answered by Trusteeg Bank, Bredesen, Fronk and Tupa. presided in' Mayor Erickson!s_ absence, MINUTSS of Ithe Regular Meeting ch Au&st 13, 1956, were approved as submitted, by Motion Bank, seconded by Fmnk-.and carried, -: -AWARD' OF BIDS TAKEN AUGUST 6TH AND AUGUST 27TH: Tabulations if bids t&en were , presented to- the C,~pnci$, recommendations made and. action taken as recorded BrecIesen > r .. 1: - ,r+ >.. I-. ING-EQUI&ENT ('Bids Taken August 6, 1956), Manager Hyde recommended award .of contract to Municipal Equipmefit Company, Hopkins, the high bidder of two b%ds r.eceived. 'He stated t@t,. though both brands of ej&xnent are good, the Tlexiblaf1 equipment t2 b? &nishe'd bJt bi@-bidder: is well known and hqs proved to be sa%isfactory in-this,arGa, whereas the "Champion1! is new in this area; and accefiance,of the 1lCha@p&onr' bid would.mean the purchase of sever& items over -and above .the price bid, to be well equlipped-which will reduce the difference in the,bids to some $32l., Fronkts motipn for award of contract to Municipal Ekpipment Company for 1tFlexiblelf sewer cle-ing equipmerut;, in the amount of $3,069.35, as per recommendation by ETanager-Hyde, vas seconded by %pa and carried, 2, M&OR LAKES PAlh-HEAVy EARTH MW&G AND FINE GRADING AND FINISHING, (Bids ..-. . Taken August 27). Manager Hyde recornended award of contract for both projects . t6 "CiffoA H, FTi&cox Contracting Coo, Hopkins, who is the definit;e low bidder on'the Hkavy Earth Mo%ng"and about. equal to others on the Fine Grading and Finishing, total project as bid being about $3,500, Fro& moved that contract be awarded 5n accordance with Manager Hyde's recommendatAon, Motionvsemnded by Tupa and carried, , 3. BLACKTOPPING IMF'ROVEMEWf NO, L92: SCHOOL ROAD: W059!l!H ST.: Wo60TH ST,: I S€ER?qWD AB.: RUTH-DRIVE. Manager Hyde recommended award of contract to Jay W, Craig Cor, at $9,485.00, this being the low bid of three received %his morning, and being considerably below Engineerts Estimate, Because th%s bid is tied with the next; bid, immediate action was not taken. (See BLACKTOPPING 4, ADDITION, Manager H@e announced that low bidder is Jay W. Craig co,, at bid price of $L,507cfj0. He recommended that Council defer action pending outcome of Public Hearing on Improvement, to be held this evening; and Mayor Pro-Tem Bredesen &led Public Hearing, as follows: (See BLACKFOPPING BIDS-last Par,, " .. thistpage) PUBLIC HEARING ON PROPOSED BUCKTOPPING OF AYRSHIRE BLVD,, DONCASTER WAY TO wwi- cation ~ Edina-Morningside Courier August 16 and 23, 1956, of ltNotice of PubUC Hearing,I1 was presented by Clerk, approved as to form and ordered - placed on file. Engineer Zikants Estimate of Cost was $1,849.50 as against 552.07 Assessable Feet, ,for #3,48 per Assessable Foot. Vu-Graph Slide was shown outlining proposed improvemerrt and area to be assessed therefor* Harold Rosendahl asked that impmeEnt be deferred until late in the fall, in-order that he migkrt complete heavy construction on a dwelling abutting this street; and Mr, Folke Victorsen asked that improvenasnt be finishedthb year if possible, in order to eliminate the road's bad washing. Mr, Zikan stated that the Village will save heavy maintenance costs by doing'the work this yearr After discussion With the two property owners affected, Mr. Fro& mdved that action on this project be delayed until first meeting 5n October. Motion seconded by TUB and carried. BUCKTOPPING EDS-were again discussed; and Engineer Zikan recammend that Counc51 award bid, nm,for RLACKTOPPING BPROvEiJIENT NO. A-92 and hold in abey- ance the bid for AYRSHIRE BLVD. €lank moved that bid for Blac~oppZng ImpBke- menti No. A-92 be awarded to low bidder, and that Council hold award of contract for Ayrshire Blvd. until first rneesng in October, Motion seconded by Tupa and carried, (BIDS-la& Par., this page) BLACE(T0PPINGAYRSHIRE BLVD., IIONCASTEZi WAY TO W.LW OF EDINA HI-S ' e , 1 I $Wager Hyde reported that the Planning Commission recommended a Public Hearing on this petition, There were no objections from the floor, gnd no written objections had.been received prior to the Hearing, be granted was seconded by Bank and carried, Tupats motion that pedt -- form and ordered placed on filea It was reporked tk-5 the PPanrl&g Commissbn has recomaded against the proposed repkt for the reason tbt the lots will not confom with ottaers in the immediate areao PetitZoner Rowhnd pleaded hardship, stating his present house is constructed across the back of presenk bts 4 and 5; that he cannot sell either lot; that under proposed re-plat Lots will have a larger frontage than most 5x1 Brookside Heightsp Ee s-bated %hat his neighbors have agreed to this replat, and presented a written statema% of %-io objectionlt siwed by the owners of sever& lots on Bzdford Averme, As - his reason for facing dwelling on Jbterlachen Blvd, rather than Bdford kenue, he stated the homes acmss the street face Inter3.achsn; that there should be no objection to this facing because the back of the proposed home will be toward his own residencee Attorney Windhorst ims asked about the sethack for the proposed home; and, upon his reply that "The Ordinance says the fzoxk yard . must be not less than 30 Feet," Fro& moved thak Mk, Rowland's petitioas be granted, &lotion seconded by Tupa and ckmied, with %bee ayes, and Mr, Bredesen vo%ing nayp PUBLIC €EARINGS ON PROPOSED ASSESS?"TS FOR IMpRmRFSz -- Clerk presented Affidavits of Publication in Edina-Tlornhgstde Coilries of the foUowing: lo "Notice of Assessment.Hearing on Trunk Watermain Noo 86 and Lateral Water- main'Serv5ce to said Trunk,t1 published August 9th and Lbth, 2e rtNotice of Assessxent Hearing on Lift Station for Sanitary Lateral Sewer No, 70,1r published August 9th and l&h, 3. llNotice of Assessment Hearing on Lateral Sanitary Sewer No, 97 and Lateral. Watermain No, 104,1r published Augus-t 9th and 16thh, 4* IINotice of Assessment Hearing on Blacktopping Improvsnents NoO A-28, A-33, A-66, A-67, and ~b70,~~ published August 9th and 16tha The Affidadts were approved as to form, and ordered placed on file; and2 pursuant to the Notices, the following Public Hearings inre held, and action tzkeat 1. SEE@ICE TO'SAID TRUEa Pfanager Hse read the Tabulation of Assessxent at 8e93 psr Assessable Front Foot on Platted Property {as against an Es-Lh-he of $L3S5) I; $293,25 per Acre on Unplatted property (as against an Esthabe of $425r00), for the Trunk Main; $3.85 per Assessable Front Foot for both Pla'cted and Unpla%ted . Property for those properties served by Lateral Ccnneckions to %he Trudc Hain, Mrs Chapaq owner of the former Dale Green property on Nomandale Road, protested the me%hod of construction, c5L.a-g that park of his property is not served, nowr because the main cmissed Nomandale Road, whreas it was originally planned to continue down the East side of the Road to the South Village L3MbsB He asked that the Village arrange to serve his property as originally contemplated, Engineer,Zikan exphbd that soil conditions made the present construction a necessitye MY* E, C,'Stow objected to being assessed for the Trunk Na5.n 5z-1 Lake Edina Addition, dlaim2ngthi.s is not the usual method of assessmentn He was informed that he is being treated IAke everyone elsee Mra Hyde reported that Nr* Gavin has pmtested the assessment on the gmunds that the easement he gave the Village provides against an assessment for utilities until he petitions for them, Attorney %ndhorst explained that he believes the intention of the instrument is to provide for deferment of an assessment along a easement- orikv; that he should be assessed immediately for the watermain on W670th Street; that only the assessment over and above this should be deferred, Mre Hyde asked that, in deference to MIS, Gam, he be allowed a Hearing; that iVir, Arneson requests that he go on record as-objecting to the assessment, that Public Hearing be continued, and action be deferred, m%il Monda,ys Septanber loth, was seconded by Tupa and carrjed, =IC HEARING ON ILsSEsSm FOR TRm- 1J'A"iXN NO, r26 AID LRT3m 1"UX Fronklsmotion .- _. .- .. ' .8/27/56 2.53 PUBLIC HEARXNG ON ASSESSMENT FOR SANlTnkY SEWER LIFT STATION FCIR LATEBN, SEWER NO. 70: Front-hot (against -#1,90 Estimate of Cost) , floor, and no written objections had been received prior thereto, Resolution of later in meeting, Appmving) PUBLIC HEARING ON ASSESmNT FOR SirNITARY SEW NO. 97. Tabulation of Assessmen% at"r$5.0L, per Assessable Pro&: Foot, as agdnst $3.75 Estipla;te of Cost made by Engineer John BaZich- last yearr Mr. .Zikan explained that difference comes in general increase in costs. between bids received last year and this year, objections, had been received prior to the Hearing, in meeting, Approving) i PUBLIC HEI?RING ON ASSESSMENT FOR WATEXWUN DIPROVEMENT NO. 10h (Lake Edina Addition) ,. Manager H@e read Tabulation of Assessment at $4.08 per Assessable Front Foot, as against $3,,93 Estimate of Cost. No objections were made from the floor (Mr. Stow's opjeution was to an assessment for the Trunk Mainn-not for the Laterals); and no written ob jecticns had been recej-ved prior to the Hearing, Yiager Hyde read Tabulation of Assessment at $1.74 per Assessable There were no objections fmm the (See Manager Hyde read No objections were made from the floor, and no witten (See Resolution of later I (See Resolution of later in meeting, Approving) a% 8/27/56 '%'4 j 2, The amounts so set out are kreby levied against the respect5Tre lots, pieces and parcels of land described in said respctive assessments, and said proposed assessments are hereby adopted and confinned as the proper special assessments for said 5mpravmer-k s, respectively* The assessment against each lot, tract or parcel, together with the interest accruing on the full amount thereof from time to time unpaid, at the rate of five percent per annum from the date of this resolutions shall be a lien concurrent with general taxes upon the property described. therein and all thereof. IMPRO-T N0..104, shall be payable infk@&l consecutive annual installments, %&e&@-'&$hT%&rest on the entire assessment from the date hereof to December 31, 1957, to be payable tJith-the general taxes for the year 1956, and one of the remaining installments, with one year's interest on that and all subseq.uent installments, to be payable with general taxes for the years 1957 through 1965, collectible in the respective ensuing years. The tot& amount of each such assessment for STREET (BUCKTOPPING) ILMPROTTE Ml3TTS N05, A-28, A-33, A-66, A-67 AND A-70 shall be payable in eGa1 consecutive annual installments extending over a period of five years, the first of said installments, together with interest on the entire assessment from the date hereof to Decaber 319 1957, to be payable with the keneral taxes for the year 1956, ayrd one of the remaining installments, with one puts interest on tha% and all subsecpent installments, to be payable with general taxes for the years 1957 through 1960, collectible in the respective ensuing years. 3. of any lot, piece or parcel of land assessed hereby may pay the whole of such assessment or any installment thereof without interest to the Village Treasurer and threafter such gayment may be made with accrued interest to the County Treasurer; provided that if any assessments or installments thereof be prepaid to the Tiillage Treasurer, they shall be cancelled on the books of the Village Treasurer, and he shall promptly notify the Village Clerk and County Auditor, and the assessment or installment so prepaid shall be cancelled on the books of the County Auditor. k. The Clerk shall, as soon as may be, prepare to, and transmit to the County Auditor a certified duplicate of said assessments, with each then unpaid installment and interest set forth separately, to be extended upon the pper tax lists of the County, and the County Auditor shall thereafter cause said assessments to be collected in the manner provided by law. Said duplicate assessment roll shall be designated as ASSEsSm ROLL FOR SANTTfiRY SBBR LIFT STATION FOR U= SEwE%1 NO. 70, SANlTnRY SEVm IMpIioTTEdviEW NO, 97, F?fW?B" DIPROIGXBNT NO. 104, AND STREET (UCmOPPING) D4PRCNE;EIIENTS NOS. A-28, A-33, A-66, A-67, AND A-70; and all mounts collected in respect of the assessments therein mntained shall be similarly desigmted by the Gounty Treasurer, and by him credited to Sinking Fund Accounts as follows: For Street hprovement No, A-33 - to the Sinking Fund Account of the 1953 Impmvement Fund, For Street Improvements Nos. A-28, A-66, A-67 and A-70 - to the Sinking Fund Account of the 1954 Second Series Improvement kund. For Sanitary Sewer Lift Station for Lateral Sewer No, 70, Sanitary Sewer Zmprovemnt No. 97, and Watermain fmprovement No, 104 - to the Improvement Bond Redemption Fund, .The 'total amount of ach'such assessment for SANITARY SEWER LIFT STQION FOR *UTERAL SEYBR NO. 70, SANITARY SEWER IMPROVEBIEXJT NO. 97, AND w~mqm I Prior to certification of the assessments to the Countyhditor, the owner Motion for adoption of the Resolution was seconded by Bank, and on Rollcall there were four ayes and no nays, as -follows: d Bredesen, aye; and the Resolution w PETITION FOR DlXCA- OF UNPUTTED -LAND FROM THE VIULAGE OF EDINA. kttorney Windhorst outlined the legal. procedure necessary for detachment of Village territory from the Village, in case the Council wishes to act favorably on the petition of Walter Ne Carlson, dated May 28, 1956, The Village Clerk presented a petition signed by lrJalter Ne Carlson and Dorothy M. Carlson, owners of unplatted land adjacent to the boundary between Edina and Minnetonka Town- ship, rewesting the detachment of such land from t he Village pursuant to 3hesota Statutes, Section ,!&2,051. Said petition was examined and considered by the Council and persons interested in said matters were afforded opportunity to appear and be heard with reference %hereto, Trustee Bank then introduced the following Ordinance, moving that Cmncil dispense with semnd reading of same and adopt it as read: ... . .~ 6/27/56 ORDINANCE N0.15 AN ORDINf'WE DETACHING FROM THE VILLAGE OF EDINA UNPLATTED LAND ADJACENT TO THE VILLAGE BOUNDARY THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF THE VILLAGE OF EDINA CRDAINS: Section 1. This Council has received and. considered the petition, dated Nay 28, 1956, of the folloykg persons claiming to be the owners of the following described land, representing that the .same.. is unplatt,ed 1,qd situated within the corporate limits of the Village of Edina but' ad jacenc to 'the' Village boundary and occupied and used solely for agriculhural purposes, and petition- ing thak said land be detached from the Village pursuant %a the provisions of Minnesota Statutes, Section 43.2.051: Walter N. Carlson and Dorothy M. Carlson . Names of Owners Description of Land Thak part of the formr ri&t of way of the Minneapolis and St .Paul Suburban Railroad Company in.Sections 29 and 30, Township 1x7, Range 21, des crib ed as follows : llCommencing at a point on the North line of said Section 30, Forty-Two (42) feet West of the Northeast corner thereof; thence South, parallel to the East line of Section 30, a distance of 75 feet; thence East, parallel to the North line of. said Section 30 to the East line tbreof; thence North dong the,:.East line of said Section 30, a distance of Ope (1) foot#%&ce East, on a str thence Northerly, on a line pa. . . I : ;.I$ ,''.:';'.~~~~~',,~~~~~'~*~~~~ *he: -j$&4&~ ine of the Northwest Quarter of. said S &c+i~~k~;th.e~eof~.thence West, a .w;. * ;.,..r +.*., ). . ,,.*-+ _I,_ .:>::of sqid sections 29 and 30 to the p ..,- .. . , c ... .C . ; '. . . .. Section 2. Upon consideratrion of sa3d petition and hearing the views of persons interested, and being fully advised in the premises, the Cauncil does hereby find, determine and declare tkat said petition is in all respects correct and sufficient and- complies- .with. the- provisions .*of- said statute, and it is hereby ordered that the land described in Section 1 hereof shall be and 5t is hereby 'detached from the Village of 'Edina. 9 The Village'Clerk 'is hereby authorized'and directed to fXl.e. one certified c6py of this ordinance in the. office of the County Auditor of Hennqin County, Mimes ota , and another certified copy hereof in the offi ce Section 3. ' of the Secretary of State of the State of .Minnes-ota. .. The motion for the adoption of the foregoing Ordinance was duly seconded by Tupa; and upon vote being taken thereon the following voted in favor thereof: Bank, aye; Fronk, aye; Tupa, aye; and Bredesen, aye; the following voted against the same: no nay votes: .whereupon said ordinance was declared duly. passed and adopted ard was signed by the Mayor,€kQTem, which was attested MCCAULEY TUIL CHANGED-TO llINDIAIT HILLS ROAD1!, A delegation was present to support a written communication of August 21, asking that the name of llMcCauleyTPailll be changed to ~~Indian Hills Road"; and that the only other street name changes in Indian Hills be the renaming of East Iroquois Trail to !'Mohawk,Trail11 and West Iroquois Trail to flIrocpois Trailtl, The Council has already acted to change the last two names, by Ordinance No, 164-8 adopted Augus;t .13. &Irn Folke Victiorsenl s request for the change of name of W,57t'h_Street to !!Normandale CouTtfl was:8ho reviewed; and Bank of ferted the f ollowing-Tlrdinance, mo$ng that Council dispense with sea nd reading. and adopt Ordinance as intkoduced: - ORDINANCE NO. 164-9 AN ORDINANCE &ENDING VILLAGE OF EDINA CRDINAJKE ' NO. 164 mTIT&D lrRN ORDINANCE NANING AND AENkXING . . CERTAIN. ROADS, STREE2S ,AND AVENUES OF .THE VILLAGE .. OF EDIN& .I , THE VILLAGE COUNCILbOF THE VILLAGE OF EDINA, MmSOTA, ORDAINS: Section 1. Section 21. 'the following: Ordinance No. 164 of the Village is hereby amended by adding after Section 22. (a) . . (b) McCauley Trail is hereby renamed INDW HIUS ROAD W., 57th Street, a street lying between Normmdale Road and Nomandale Court, is hereby renamed NORMANDALE COURT 2.56 j \ #Section 2, publication 8/27/56 This Ordinance shall be in effect from and after its passage and according to law, Notion for adoption of Ordinance as offe Rollcall there were four ayes as follows: and Bredesen, aye; and the Resolution wa aye; Tupa, aye; Mayor Pro Tern PEXiTIONS FOR lplpROvEElENTS were filed as follows: le 2, 3, 4, 5. 6. Oiling - Grove St ., Code hep, to Bernard Place; Gmve St,, Bernard Oilkg - Alley between Vo51st and W,52nd Stsa and between WUiam Oiling - All Streets in Tqoodhill Addn. Oiling - 6100 Block on Eking he, Sznitary Sewer - Warren Ave,, W,63rd St. to W,&th St. Sanitary Sewer - To serve Blg $8~9, West Minneapolis Heights. (possibly an Place to Dale he.; Grove St,, Dale Ave. to Hansen Road, and Hankerson Aves. alley sewer) Fronkt s motion, for acceptance of petitions and referral to Village Engineer for the proper scheduling of work and Public Hearings, was seamded by Tup- and carried, PETETION AGAINST MOVING DIBLLIXG FRON 5108 INTERLACHEN ROAD TO 5121 We48TH -LII STXEZT, signed by some sixteen owners of property in the neighborhood of W,@th Street, was filed, reviewed and ordered placed on file, TRAFFIC CONTROL SIc;NALs ON STATE HIGHNAY NO. 10Q. Manager Hyde presented an agreement far Council consideration, covering installation and maintenance of Traffic Control Signals at Intersections of Highway #lo0 wLth Valley View Road, We66th Street and W,7Oth Street; the State to share equally with the Vjllage on cost of installation; the kUage to maintain and provide power at its om expense, These are to be temporary signals, to be in place only until the Highway is rebuilt, Ihger Hyde was directed to negotiate with the Kigbay Departme& for installation of only one signal--that at Valley View Road, PETlTION AGAINST SANITARY SEWER IN HmDm petition signed by owners of five of the ei&t lots abutting Hidden he, protesting construction of the S&kry Sewer in that streetr He explained that this petition bad been received by him at the last Council Neeting, but not until very lab in the evening, after the impmvement had been approved and contract awarded; that four of the objectors had signed an earlier petikion for construction and, on February 20, had asked that construction be exp&ted, Nr. B.B. Reynolds,5805 Hidden Lane, and Mre llnton Duoas, owner of two m5mproved lo%s, asked t,at sewer be constructed, to the Village Manager, told the Ccuncil he had interviewed some of the objectors, and that three'of the five eqect to s-ell and mve out of the Village, Fronk*s motion that contractor'be a&hoxi.zed to continue With construc-tkorm of sewer on Ridden Lane was semnded by Tupa, and carried, Manager Hyde presented Mr, Brauer, Asst, I I SUPPUXENTAL T&SE,"T FOR SlNEmY SEMEXZ NO. 81. AND OTHER ASSESSMENT ELEARINGS. Supplemental Assessment for Sanitary Sewer No. 81 (in York Avenue from W,5&h to W,6Oth St, He explained that the cost of replacing Stabilized l3ase in the 5900 Block had been omitted from the Assessment, although it had been included in the Estimated Cost at the Improvement Hearing, Manager Hyde reporbed that other Assessment Rolls have nowbeen prepared and that Hearings should be held in order that assessments may be levied this year, Fro& offered the following Resolution and moved its adoption: Engineer Zikan asked the Council'to set a Public Hearing on a I RESOLUTION PRovmING FOR SPECIliL ASSEsStENT HEfiRINGS BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of. the Village of Ed- as follows: 1, The Clerk and Engineer having calculated the proper amount to be assessed for those improvements set forth in the Notices of Hearings set forth below, and the amount proposed to be assessed against the respective lots, pieces and parcels of land Within the dhtrict affected by said improvements, and said proposed assessments having been filed with the Clerk, the same are hereby approved, and the Clerk shall keep the same on file in her office and open to public inspection pending hearings thereon as herein provided, 8/27/56 2, This Council shall meet at the time and place specified in the forms of notice of hearings hereinafter contained, to pass upon said proposed assessments, and the Clerk shall publish notice of the time, place and purpose of said meeting in the official newspaper at least once no less than two weeks prior to the date of said meeting Notices of Hearings in substantially the following forms: (1) NOTICE OF ASSESSm IWLF~ING FOR SANITARY ._ SEWZR NO. 81, SUPPIZNEN!PAL NCYTICE IS HERFBY GIVEN, that the Counul of the Village of,Edina will meet at the Village Hall on Monday, September 24, 1956, at 7:30-o'clock P.M., to hear and pass upon all objections, if any,'tothe proposed assessment for Sanitary Lateral Sewer No, 81, Supplemental, which assessments are now on file in the office of the Village Clerk and open to public inspection: SkVITARY SAW NO. 81 SUPPIXlBNTi1L - Cost of replacement of stabilized base, omitted in the original assessment for Sanitary Sewer No, 81, The area proposed to be assessed for the cost of this improvement inFludes the following lots: Wd3BIE2 PiANOR SECOND ADDITION - Block 1, Lots 13 through 24; Block 2, Lots 1 through 12; Block 7, Lots 1 through 9;.Block 8, Lots 15 through 23. Assessments for the above improvement will be payable in nine equal con- secutive annual installments extended over a period of nine years, with first year payable with taxes for the year 1956 collectible in 1957, with interest on the entire assessment at the rate of 5% per annum from January 1, 1957 to December 31, 1957* same rate for one year on all unpaid installments, whole of assessment without interest to the Viqage Treasurer before 12 otclock noon on Decmber 31, 1956, and may thereafter make payment with accrued interest to the County Treasurer, To each subsequent installment will be added interest at the The owner of any property assessed for the above improvement may pay the .. .. 3. *I ' GRETCHEN S. ALDEN Village Clerk '* .. BY ORDER OF ,THE VILLAGE OOUNCIL. . : .. .. !';...* '. .. (2) . ' ' " NOTICE OF, PSSESSMENT ~ARINO.ON SANITARY :, ' . .. . .. 7' . .' .. ,. * S-R NO, 10.4~,:W~TEBN.A~NS NO. 103 AND 112" .. ..''_' at.'+he .Village .Hall"on Monday,.'September '24, 1956, 'at 7:30 o'clock p.m., to hear and- pass upon all- Cb jections, if. any, to the pm posed assessment for Sanitary Lateral Sewer No, 104 and Lateral Watermain hp3ovements.Nosi 103 and 1U, which assessments are now qn.SiLe. .In. .the-.ofS%oe:of &he.- Village-Clerk and open ,to public insp ec-tion : ' ' SI'INITARY LATE;RAL SETrJE;R'NO. 104 L'Cb~struction of Simitary LateraJ-*Sewer and Appurtenances from .5900 Drew:Avenue through 5 920 Drew Avenue, and ,from: 5901'lhew Avenue ., through, 5921 Drew ~- Avenue;b '. . ' FKTEFWUN ~0. '103 - 'Construction of Watermain"e@ension and Appurtenances in :FTITEEWXN 'NO, ll1 - Construction 02 Watermah' exbenszon and-'Appurtqances from 5900 Drew' Avenue through' 5920 Drew Avenue, and, from 5901 Drew !wenu& 'through 5421 'Drew livenue. , : , The.-area propbsed. to .be. assess-&-f or the. cost of 'th'e' aboGe i.~!~~prqvenents &dudes all Ids !and tracbs,.of l.and abut%iri'g the s*reets,!-jinp~yed, - Ass,essmenks ~ ,...._ for the 'abive &nproyements.will be paya$le'- in ten equai ,gnS se&itive annud Tnstallments e&ending'over'.a prtod bf ten years, with f &st year payable with taxes f'or the year $956,. collectible In 1957, wit;h.'hterest on the enti1;e assessment at the rate of' 5% per' innuin f$om the' date .of the resolution levying the*as.sessment to Decaiber .3X2 195'7. ' 'To -each'subsequent hstallihekrt &ll be' add'ed irit'erest at t'hg.s&me rate for"one year On all unpaid instdlments. whole assessment without iiterest to. the VilXage Treasurer before .12 o tclock'noon 6n' Decanber, 31;-2356, ,andlmay thereafter"make pqymerrt; with accrued"i&&r&t to *- the County Treasurer, .' 2 'NOTICE is. €@REBY 'GIVEN,"that the" Cotincil.o?'the Tillage of E%na will mket .I - .. , . . '. .. ... I .- .. . . , . . . . . .. ,. We 57th~:Stree-b -frorn.State kighv .#lOO_.to 'Nomandale CourtT, ' 'I ' The owner of any proprty assessed for %he above impmv&ents may paythe BY ORDE3R OF T.h VULGE OOUNCIL; GRET&iEIQ S; ~LLDEN - .. .. Vhlage Clerk -. '* (3) . ;. : ' NOTICE. OF .:l&SESS$ENT .HEfJ?.INGS 'FCIR E[LliCKTOP , , .. . '-. . .. _. IMPROSTENE~PT ,. NQ, AND- BUCKTOE ~~~~MENT . .. NO. i'i~6'3, (INCLUDTNG 'CONCRI&TE CURB r;ND GUTTER) : . . .. .. .. . ' . NC/rICE IS HEmBY GIVEN,.that tihe'Council'of bhe Village'of Edik will.mee%" at the Village Hall on 'Monday, 'Skptember 24, 1956, at. 7:30 or clock Pelf., to hear &id pass upon all. ob jectibris, if &y, to 'the proposed ,assessm+t f or-Bl&cktoppiiig hpm vements ',Nos& ' A-51 arid- &63.' (includihg eoncrete curb. md-:gutter)', which ' ' .! :.' assessments are now on file in the office of the Village'Clerk and open to .'- In W, .&th St +.f r6m. daklawn Avenue to ' Br6O kvi ew. i~venue-i I ' . .i ., - . -. . 6. , -. .. public, jgsp.echiori$ .._ :.- . .: .. .. .. .. - .. .. ' ~ .. . ' BLACKTOPPING IMPROVEIERPT NO,. A-51 .- ,Fairfax Ave,, Nooddale Ave, to'W,60th' St, ' BLACKTOPPING DIPROVB5NT'N09 A-63 (including concrete curb and gutter) - . .. I. 2 .. , .. .. .. ,I. . .. .. . .. .... .. I .. , 'D . ." . ,- . * ._. 8/27/56 The area pmposed to be assessed for the cost of the above improvements Assessments for the above improvemerhs will be payable in five equal includes all lots and tracts of land abutting the streets improved, consecutive annual installments &ended over a period of five years, with first year payable with taxes for the year 1956, collectible in 1951, with inberest on the entire assessment at the rate of 5% per annum from the date of the resolution levying the assessment .to Decmber 31, 1957, sequent instaUment will be added interest at the same rate for one year on all unpaid installments, The owner of any property assessed far the above improvements may pay the whole of assessment without interest to the Village Treasurer before E o'clock noon on Decanber 31, 1956, and may thereafter make payment tsith accrued interest to the County Treasurer, BY ORDEi OF THE VILWGE COUNCIL, z To each sub- GIETCHEN S. !LIDEN Village Clerk NOTICE OF LSsESmNI: HEUINGS ON OILING DB OVENZNTS MOTICE IS HIBEBY GIVEN, that. the Council of the Village of Edina will meet at the Village Hall on Monday, SefiEnber 24, 1956, at 7:30 olclock P.M., to hear and pass upon all objections, if any, to tb proposed assessment for Oiling the Streets listed below for the years 1955 and 1956, These assess- ments are now on file in the office of the Village Clerk and oDen to public insp ction, S-S IMPROVED BY OILING' fishcroft &e,, W160th St, to V,View Rd, Benton he4, Tingdale Ave, to Code five. Bernard Place, W,56th St, to Grove P1, Chantrey Rd,, Hwy,#169 to Northwcod Dr, Chantrey Rd,, Ayrshire Blvdo to Northwood Dr, Circle Dre, in Brookview Hts. 1st dddn. Concord Ave., Southview Lme to ~,60th St. Conmrd iLvees Valley View Rda to W,62nd St. Cornelia Dr,, M.66th St, to W,7Oth St. Danens Dr,, Duggan Plaza to Ridgeview Dr, Dawson Lane, Southdale Rd. to Dunberry Lane Division St *, Brookside Lve, to Hilldale Duggan Plaza, Service Dr, to Ridgeview Dr. E4 Alley between York and Xerxes hves. and ?q,5%h ad menmoor Sto, Shermod Rd. to Richwood Dr. Glengarry Pkwy,, Hwy.#169 to Northwood Dr, Grove St,, Tingdale Ave, to 150 Ft, W, of Bernard P1, Haifax Lane, W,54th St, to Woodland Circle Balifzx hea, ~~6Oth St, to France lave, Hankerson be,, W050th St, to W.52nd St, Harrison Lve., Behore Lane to Maloney hez Harrison live., Belmore Lane to Tracks Hillcrest Lane, Southdale Rd, to Dunberry Lane John Stry Naloney live, to Turn-around Link liveI,, Danens Dr. to Meadow Ridge Maloney L,ve0, John St, to Turn-around Meadow Ridge, Ridgeview Dr, to Duggan Plaza Naomi Dr,, Danens Dr, to ??,66th St. Northcod Dr., Glengarry Pkwy+ to Mirror Lakes Parnell Jive6, Valley View Rd, to TnT.62nd St. Richmond Lane, IJindsor Ave, to Bichmond Dr. Rutledge iv-, Motor St. to Division St, Ryan five,, W,6,!+th St, to tf,65th St, St,Jo'm ilve,,Valley View Rd, to Approx, W062& Sto St.Johns Ave., lre63rd St, to 17.64th St, Sherwood Jive., W.63rd Sta to 1#,64th St, Shenmod Ave,, 1Ve64th Sta to W065th St, Sherwood Rd., Hwy0#L69 ta. RPcEnjl30d Dr, Southdale Rde, W,66th St ,- to Dunberry Lane Southview Lane, Normandale Rd, to Concord live. Tifton Drb, Duggan Plaza to Ridgeview Dr, Tingdale he,, Benton he, to Wo60th St, Virginia Ave., W,60th St, to V,View Rd, Virginia Lane, Concord Av% to Ashcroft Avee Walnut Dr,, Hwy,#169 to ~060th St, Warren fiveo, Danens WeWoodland Rd,, Comord AVe, to St,Johns live, 3~60th sts, to tJ966th St, - -IN IN - 1955 X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X - 1956 X X X X X X' X X X X X X x X X X X X X X X X X X X X 6/27/ 5 6 258 ( .. m IN 48. Williams i?vea, Interlachen Blvd, to W152nd St, C 1955 ,st X 49. Windsor Ave., Hwy.#169 to R.R'Tracks 50, W, 58th St , , Fairfax he. to St ,Johns live. 52, W,59th St,, Wooddale Ave. to Kellogg Ave, 53@ W.6Oth St,, France Ave. to Halifax hea 54, W,6Oth St,, Parnell live, to St,Johns Ave, 55. W.60th St., Fairfax kve, to St.Johns Ave. 56. Weboth St., Fairfax Ave. to Wooddale he. 57, W.6Oth St., Narmzbndale Rd. to Code €mea 580 W.6Oth St., Abbott kve, to France Ave, 59. Wo60th St,, Concord Ave, to Ashcroft !iVe0 62, W.62nd St., Brookview hea to France he, 63. Wo62nd St., Virginia Ave? -to Nomandale Rd, 66, W.64th St,, Normandale Rd, to Ryan he, 67. York rive,, W.58th St, to Wo59th St, 68. Xerxes fwe., W,75th St, to W,76th St, X X * 2, W.59th St,, Kellogg lirve, to OaUawn Aver X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X 60, W.62nd St,, Hwy,#lOO to Concord he, 61. Wk62nd St,, St.Johns he, to FIshcroft Ave. .x 64; Wo63rd St,, Hwy,#lOO to Valley View Rd. 65. 'InT064th St,, Hwy.#lOO to Parnell Ave, x X X The area poposed to be assessed for the cost of each of the above bpmve- kssessments for the above impi*ovements will be payable in one installment ments includes all lots and tracts of land abutting the Street improvedo with the taxes for 1956 collectible in 1957, with interest on the assessment at the rate of 5% from the date of the resolution levying the assessment to December 31, 1957, The owner of any property assessed for the above hpmvements may pay the assessment without interest to the Village Treasurer before 12 01 clock noon on Decaber 31, 1956, .- . . .- .I BY ORDm OF THE VILLAGE COUNCIL; *GRETCHEN S, ALDEN .. . E 6.. Village Clerk Mayor Pro Tem .* .s TAKING OF BIDS: insthe 5900 Block wish to have their Stabilized Base campleted immediately (see Supplemental Assessment for Sanitary Sewer No, 81), 3.d &ked that the work be done with Village labor if possible; however,-Manager Hyde recommended that bids bel taken, to relieve the crew- of this project, specifications for several projects, asking that Council take bids on September 10, to expdite ccmpletion this fallo following Resolution and moved its adoption: Engineer Zikan- reported to Council that the York Avenue residents Mr, Zikan then presented Plans and After review of plans, Fronk offered the .. RESOLUTION AF'PROVJXG PIAN3 &JD SPECIFICATIONS FOR PROPOSED BLACKTOPPING AND STORM SETnTE;R IMPROVEMENTS * AND DIRECTING ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS - BE IT RESOLVED by the Village Council of the Village of Eea: Sewer Improvements set forth in'the following Advertisement for Bids f om, here- tofore prepared by the Village Engineer and'now on file in the office of the Village. Clerk are. hereby appro Veda 2, Couriex- and the Construction Bulletin the following notice for bids for said improvanent s : 1, The plans and specifications for the proposed Blacktopping and Storm The Clerk shall cause to be published twice in the Edin+-Momingside I .- . . -. RDVERTISM~ FOR BIDS. *, e BLTiCKTOPPING: ' STORM S?3WE23 *. . NOTICE IS HEREBY G?JXN thqt^sealed'b,ids will'be recdved and opened in the'office of the-Village'Mamger in'the Edina Village Hall, 4801 W,SOth St,, a% 1O:OO k,M,, Monday, September 10; 1956; The Edina Village Council will meet at 7:30 P,M, on Monday; Septaiber 10,' 1956, to consider said bids, 'being for the following: ... Aio Conc&d Avenue from.West 6&h Street'to Southview Lane. 2? 4 .. _." _..L. .- . ... . . -_ 1,' BLACKCOPPING OF: *, . - .*. B. CONSTRUCTION OF STORM SEWER AND AF'PURTEX!iNCES - In Lot Line between Lots ,16 and 17, Bli 1, Southdale First Addition, from Cornelia Drs to La$e Cornelfa;' CorneEa Dr, fmm nbove'Lat Line to B. point 40 Ft,, So, York Avenue from West 59th Street to'West 60th Street, a 7. .. I ., , '$60 ~ j 8/27/56 Work mt be done as described in plans and specifications on file in the office of the Village Clerk, $lOoOO, which deposit will be refunded upon return of said plans and specifi- cations, IQo bids VU be considered-unless sealed and filed with undersigned before 1O:OO A0K, September 10, 1956, accompanied by cash deposit, bid bond or certified check payable to the Village Clerk in amount of at least ten percent of amount of base bid, bids , BY 0~~ OF THE VIIUGE COUNCIL, Plans and specifications are available for a deposit of The Council reserves the right to reject any or all GRMICHEN S, LLDEH Village Clerk 3, Each and all of the terms of the foregoing advertisement for bids are hereby adopted as the terms and conditions of award of the contract for said &qJmveaenta I( Motion for adoption of the Resolution was seconded by Bank, and on Rollcall there were four ayes and no nays, as follows: . aye; Fronk, aye; Tupa, aye; and Bredesen, aye; and the Resoldxion Mayor Pro Ten %illage Clerk Y PUBTTJG FZLRING : ON PROPOSED IIE'ROVENENT: P$an and Estimate of Cost on an Ornamen&l. Street Lights improvement, reprting also as to the feasibility of doing the work; and, after review of Plan, Bank offered the following Resolution and moved its adoption: Engineer Zikm presented Pre7iminary ESOLUTION PROVIDING FOR PUBLIC HELRllfG PROFOSED ORWiME8TLL STREET LIGHTS IE.IPROVE"T BE IT RESOLVE3 by the Council of the Village of Edina: 1, The Villzge Engineer, having submitted to the Council a preliminary report, as to the feasibility of the proposed Ornamental Street Lights Impmve- nent described in the Form of Notice of Hearing set forth below, and as to the estimated cost of such impmvement, said report is hereby approved and directed to be placed on file in the office of the Village Clerk, in the "&a Village Hall, to consider in public hearing the views of all persons interested in said proposed improvement, time, place and purpose of said meeting to be published, in the offricia& news- paper once a week for two successive weeks, the.-second- of :which publications is to be not less thm three days from dzte of said meeting, which notice shall be in substantially the following form: WGTICE IS HEREBY GIQ".that thFXdina Village Council ~.Kll meet zt the Edina Village Hall on Konday, September 10, 1956, at 7:30 P,N.,, to consider th2 following proposed hpmvanent to be constructed undsr the authority granted by E+€innesota Laws of 1953, Chapter 398, nent is estimated by the Village Engineer as set forth below 2, This Council shall meet on PIonday, September 10, 1956, at 7:30 PONO, 30 The Clerk is hereby authorized and directed to cause notice of the . NCZICE OF PUBI;IC HELRs-rJG CRITAIWNTkL STREET LIGHTS The appro-te cost of such hpmve- ORXf&ZNTiiL STREET LIWS: EST. COST $IJ 4T0300 West fist Street and Juanita West 51st SLreet and Indianola The area proposed to be assessed for the cost of the above inprovement includes Lot 5, Block 1 and Lot 6, Block 2, Stevens First Addition; Lots 5,6;7, and 8, Block l;-LOts 1,2,15,16,1~,18,19 and 20, Block 3; Lots 1,2,3, and 4, Block 4; Lots 1,2,3,4, and 5, Block 5, in Glenvicq Addition, Motion for adoption of the Resolution was seconded by Fronk, and on RollmIl GRY't"rCHEN So IDEX Village Clerk ' there were four ayes and no aye; and Bredesen, aye; and the BUS ROZiTE-PERfA"T CERTIFICKCE, Mlmad and Warehouse Commission; s Order granting Permanent Certificate to Minneapolis Street Railway Company to operate its buses over the folloiving route (as an extension of its Bryant- Johnson Bus line) PELS reviewed and ordered placed on file: "From We50th St, and France hee, W, on 50th St, to Eden heo; on Eden live, to TCXLson Rd,,- on Ip?illson Rd, to Nonnandale Blvd,; on Moxna&d.e Blvd, to E-1.i High School, the southerly terminus; returning on Normankle Blvd, to Eden Ave,; on Eclen 1ks, Lo Its, 50th; thence on 50th to France Inre, 8/27/56 BUS ROUTEEXTENSION INTO SOUTHDALE SHOPPING CENTER. that Minneapolis Street Railway Company would like consideration by the Council for extension of its Xerxes iivenue line from W.6Oth St, to PJ,66th St,, then Fst on W066th St, to SoutMalLe Shopping Center.; and of its France Avenue Line from WV60th St, to W,66th St,, then East on W,66th St, to Southdale, Mre Bredesen asked, with regard to the bus routes, what had happened about having the W,5Oth St, bus stop parking or, W,49& Street and tying up traffic there, Nanager Hyde reported that it is the hope of the Company that increased business will allow them to extend more buses out to tke School, thus eliminat- ing a great share of this parking, extended to the Village Hall, where thre is sufficient room to park, offered the following Resolution 2nd moved its adoption: Manager Hyde reported Mra Bredesen suggestedthat all routes be Bank RESOLUTION &PROVING EXTENSION OF BUS ROUTES BE IT RESOLVED by-the Council of the Village of Edina, Knnesota, that tI6.s Council hereby approve the proposal of the Minneapolis Street Rd%%y Compny to extend its bus routes as follows: I,, Extension of bus route from ~~60th St, and Xsrxes Avenue, South on Xerxes Avenue to W,66th Street; th, West on W,66th St, to -Southdale Shopping Center, returning by eame rouke, 2, Extension of bus route from W,60th St,, and Prance Arenue, SOUVA oa France Avenue to W,66th Street; th, East on w,66th St, to Southdale Shopping Center, returning by same route, Motion for adoption of the Resolution was seconded by Fronk, and on Rol1cd.Z thsre were two ayes and two nays, as follows: nay; B-=edesa, 327; mdthe Resolution was lost, bobh explained they will vote in favor of the future bus route extensions when snd ff the present route is extended to the Village Hall to elj.minate bad traffic condition on W,49i Sta Banlc, aye; Fronk, aye; Tu*, Messrs. Bredesen and Tups - SUBURBAN MINNEAPOLIS GAS UTILITY ALLIANCE, purmant to a Council directive of last winter, he has been doing some work in getting together with other suburbs on gathering information and finding cut where %he suburbs stand as to gas rates; that preliminary work has been done toward the fbrming of the %uburban MinneapoLis Gas Utility fLllimceti to b? rzade 3:. of the suburban communities now being served by the Minneapolis Gas. Company (Bloomington,Brooklyn Center, BrooUyn Park, Columbia Heights, Crystal,*Degphaven, Excelsior-Village and Township, Fridley-Village and Township, Golden Valley,Hopkins , Minnet onh, Irlornjngside, New Hope, Richfield, Robbinsdale, St .Anthony, St, Louis Park, Wayzata and Woodland\ "ad ourselves ; that while it 5s not ye5 known whe%'her'all communities Will join, it is hoped and contemplated that the greater proportion of them will do soc stated that membership Will elect an executive committee and empomr the ccrmitteee to hire a cmsulting engineey for the work necessary; th3t the C,H , -'c:per Ccnpany of Denver hes been contacted, this behg a nationany known firm of rate experts; that they will conduct a surxrey and represent the Alliaxo in co2ferences with the Gas Company for $5,0003 of whkh E.dha would pay &jOO--this rate being based en ratios of lhumber cf customers with5.n the municipsl-ity to number of customers in the Allb,ncell and lltotal annusl gas consumption in municipality to total consunpts.on ir~ the Uiance'l. and Pronk offered the following Resolvtion and movzd Lts achption: Manager Hyde reported that, He Hyde asked for a resolution approving participation in the proposed study, RESOLUTION APPRCTJING VILLfLGE OF EDIDTA PAR,TICIPATION IN CONSUECANT STUDY OF GPS UTILITY 'RATES L?XD REGULATIONS OF TEE NmWOLIS GM-COCOMPANY TVHEEEAS; the franchise of the Village of %dka with'the Ninneapolis Gas Company recobizes tht the entire suburban area adjacent to and near the city of bEnneapolis may be regarded as B single zone for rate making purposes and agrees that the Company has the-ribt to insist upon a uniform rate for all consumers in said suburban area, and WHEREAS, it is the desire of .the Edim Village Council that there be some mecans of joint representation and expert advisory assistance necessary to meet vith the representatives of the Minneapolis Gas Company in fubure ' rate or policy changes, and study aril report on the operations of the 1.Enneapolis Gas Company and rep resent the suburban municipal2ties in future conferences with' the Company, that the Village of Edina join in the Suburban Minneapolis Gas Utility fllliance and hereby designate Warren C, HNe, Nanager, as the Council representative, to be a regular member of the executive committee, BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the VZLlage Council of the Village' of Edina ratifies and accepts the recommendation of the spec321 Gas Rat,es Committee to employ the se~74ces nf the C,H, Hoper Company of Dmver, C~Lorado as consi2-tant. WHEREAS, the C,H, Hoper Company of Denver,' Colorado has proposed to BZ IT THEREFORE, RESOLVED by the Tillage Council of the'Village of Edina 8/27/56 BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that upon approval of the Village Council. of t c e Village of Edina, future expenditures recormrended by the Executive Committee of the Suburban 1Enneapoli.s Gas Utility Zone Alliance in repre- senting the interests of the Village of Edina in dealings with rates, policies, or replations of the Mirmeapolis Gas Company, be allocated among the member munic5palities according to the following policy: One-half the cost to be allocated on the basis of the ratio* of the number of gas consumers within each mUnicipjLity to those in the entire suburban area included in the alliance. ratio of total annual gas consumption within each municipality to the total consmption in the entire suburban area included in the aIJ-iance, . 1, 2. One-half of the cost to be allocated on the basis of the Motion for adoption of the Resolution was seconded by Tupa, and on Rollcall there were four ayes and no nays, as f oll ; Fronk, aye; Tupa, and Bredesen, aye; and the Resolutio 'May& Pro Tern Y REC0l"DATION FOR HEiiRDIG ON REVOCATION OF PLU4EEXtS LICENSE-Sm- BROWN, Manzger Hyde reprted that licenseefs sub-contractor has served notice of 47 liens being filed in West Einneaplis Heights, because he has not been paid by the contractor, Attorney Richard E. Olson, representing one indivridual on whom such notice has been served, asked that the licensee be given five days to satisfy liens,, the Council the procedure necessqry for a Village Plurnbing Ordinance; and Fronkrs motion appointing Manager Hyde to take testimony and to suhit to the Council a written recommendation after a Hearing for which Nr* Brmn is to be given five days' notice, was seconded by Tupa and carried, ' Village Attorney Windhorst outlined for 6. 7 hearing, as outlined by Bank offered for its second reading, and moved the adoption of, the following Ordinance: ORDINANCE NO. 'jl-1 AN ORDINJNCE REVISING FEES FOR BUIUDING PmlfIS, - &ENDING ORDINANCE NO, 51 THE VILUGE COUNCIL OF THE VIGUGE (E' EDINA, MINNESOTA9 ORDAINS: 1, of the Village of Edina, Minnesota", is hereby amend ed to read as follows : Section 9 of Ordinance No, 51 of the Village, knowa as the '!Building Code T3ection 9- Fees, The cpplicant for a building permit hereunder shall pay to the Village, as a fee for the expense of inspection of the building and emhation of the plans and specifications, a fee computed according to the f ollowhg schedule: "For erection of or addieon to residences, inauding residentiial garages, $loOO for esch EO0 cubic fe'et, 'or-fraction thereof, in-tk cubical contents of each such building or addition, "For erection of or addition to mercantile, commercial, industrial and other buildings and structures, $1,,25 for each 1000 cubic feet, or fraction thereof, Sn the contents of each such building or structure or addition thereto. "For re-irs or alterations to existing buildings or structures, $2.50 for each $500,00 or fraction thereof in the cost of all proposed tvprk induded in the permit, I1The minimum fee charged for any building permit shall be not less than $5.C00 'Tor the purpose of computing building fees as above provided, the cubical contents of any building or addition to an existing building shall, in the case of a building or addition of approximately uniforn height thmughout, be the product obtained by multiplying the ground area covered by such building or addition from a point 6 inches below the floor line of the basement or cellar, where there is to be a basement or cellar, or from a point 6 inches below the top of the foundation, where there is to be neither basemat nor cellar, to the average height of the upper surface of a flat roof or to the average height of the roof surface of the =in gable of a pitched roof* of any proposed building or addition to an existing structure, portions of which are of different heights, its cubical contents shall be taken as the suu of the cubical contents, sWarly determined, of said different portions, computed separately,ll ln the case 2, cation, This ordinance shall take effect immediately upon its passage and publi- I '...I . , .. .I 8/27/56 Motion for adoption of Ordinance was seconded.by Tupa, and on Rollcall there were four ayes and no nsys, as follows: and Bredesen, aye; and the Ordinance was Mayor Pro Tem -- - -. \ 1- Tupa offered for its second reading, and moved for adoption of, the following Ordinance : CRDINANCE NO, 67-1. AN ORDINANCE REX?ISING FEES FOR PLUMBING PEFiNITS INCLUDIIXG CERTAIN GAS FITTIKG3, AMEXDING ORDINANCE NO, 67 THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF THE VILLAGE OF EDIiU, M-A, ORDkINS: 1, entitled ItAn Ordinance Regulating Plumbing Work and Requiring Permits for, and Inspection and Testing of, Suuh lforktf2 are kreby madded to read as follows: Permit and Fees for InstaUation mAAseration of Fixtures Every plumber, before conneuting or alhering any fixture or constructing or altering any plumbing work, shall make application at the office of the Village Clerk for a pernit for that purpose, and shall pay to the said Clerk at the time of .such application a permit fee calculated according to the number of fixtures provided for in the pedt, whether subsequently so installed or not, and according to the schedule of fees hereinafter set forth; provided, the minimum fee for any such permit shall be %j;5000, items: drinking fountain, urinal, built-in shower, floor drain, water heater (gas or electric), or any other plumbing device arranged to be connected with the sewer or plurnbing system, Paragraphs (a), (b) an3 (c) of Section 2 of Ordimnce No, 67 of the Village, !!(a) The word Iffixturetf includes each of the following toilet, bath, wash basin, sink, la,undry tub, slop sink, .< ifpees are breby'established'as follows: For fixtures opming for proposed f:'ucture"to be installed For fixture to be set on openings previously -le€t -for. the--.- - -- . .. -. or set later, $ a95 e 80 For any other fixture, 1,20 -. . -__ - ~ . -- same,. .- . _. -. -. ' 1025" For gas piping pmviding for not to exceed 5 gas I For gas piping pro viding for more than 5 gas , fixtures or gas devices fixtures or gas devilces, .a ,25 for each fkture provided -- . ^*.... for "The fee for each permit for the alteration of existing plumbing, or for any plumbing not induded above, shll be $2,00 for the first * $100.00 or fraction thereof of the estimted cost of such proposed work; and $1600 fofor'.each a;ddi'tional.$1OOo0O or fraction thereof ,of: such COS%. - _I -. - -. . . .._r . .. ' ' ' .. * . "(b) Permit 'for, Connection to Sewer System or Cesspool, Every plumber, before connecting aqy plumbing work with a cesspool or the sewer sptem, sha1l.make aljplication at the office of .the Pillage Clerk for that purpose, and shall py to said Clerk at .the time of ,ku ch ap~lication a cdnnection permit' fee of $5000 al;d a, street resurfacing fee of '#lO,OO ' for each hole to'be dug in a gravelled street, or $20,00 for each hole to be dug in an improved street.' "(c) Pemnit for Comction to Water Works Systea Every plumber, before making any connection to %he Village waterworks system, *shall make application at the office of the 'Village Clerk for permit for that purpose, and shall pay to the Clerk, at: the time of such. application, a donnection permit fee of $5000 and, in certain cases, additional fees as follows: (1) For t apphg"main and instdiing - 3/&l1 corporati on chck, a tapping fee of $ll,OO; for tapping hain hnd &stalling 1" corporation cock, a tapping fee of $l4,00, "(2) For furnishing meter, a meter fee*'eq&L ks amoufit to'the -. . ll(3) , For each. hole to be dug in a gravelled street, a .street- resorfacing fee of 810,OO; for each hole to be.dug an , -. improved street, a street resurfacing ,, fee of $20,00, . . I acbt of the meter furnished, plus 10%. ~ -. 2. cationb This ordinance shall take effect immediately upon its passage and publi- . - .. I &27/56 Motion for adoption of the ordinance was s there were four ayes and no nays, as folloys: aye; and Bredesen, we; and the Ordinance and on Rollcall aye; Fronk, aye; Tupa, -8 -. . Mayor Pro Tem 4 ' Village Clerk SOliTH[,JEsT HOSPITAL, INC'S report of iZugust 23, scheduling a meeting of Bloomington, Edina Council, Report asks Village pxrticipation in paying forthis project. Report accepted and ordered placed on file.' and Richfield Village officials for Septmber 13, was reviewed by the POLICE RADIO SEX-UP. police radko, made some time ago, wiith understanding that Federal Government will pay half the costo He stated that the Village has nag received word that the Government has approved the requisition for same; that the State.now tJznts a check for some $5,400. recommendation was seconded by Tupa and carriedo Nanager Hyde reviewed for the Council his request for . Fronkls motion for payment in accordance with Managerrs NOIWWMLE PARK-ACQUISITION OF PROPETBTY. French, presented options for the following properties, to extend Nomandale Park. park planning; tht prices are equitable, Lots 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 243 Block 20, Normandale Second Addition - Lots ll, 12, 13, l4 and South 1/2 of Lots 10 and 15, Recreation and Park Director, Clifton He stated he feels that; accgisition of this property is essential to gmd $6,300.00 Lots 10, ll, 12, Block 9, Normandale Second Addition 1,500eOO Block 10, Normandzle Second Addition 2,500.00 Fronkrs motion that options be exercised was seconded by Tupa and carried. CZAJE3 FOR P~~. List of August 27, No. 16: Bank moved far payment of the following Claims as per Pre- General. Fund - $16,578.27 Sewer Rental Fund - @,5L5e19 Parks Fund $840 71 Bond Improvement Waterworks Fund 9,166.94 Constmctiorr Fund . 107; 502.52 Garbage Fund 15000 Total 6l.45,3 57 80 Liquor Fund 9,679,47 Redemption Fund 15070 BUDGET FOR THE YELR 1957 was presented by Pibager Hyde, who asked for an informal meeting to discuss recommendations, some time before September 10. to contact manbers later in the week for such meeting, He was directed The agenda' s hxing been corripleted, . Bank moved for ad j ournutent by Tupa and carriedo Motion seconded Neeting adjourned at I Village Clerk