HomeMy WebLinkAbout19560910_REGULARMINUTES OF THE RKSULAR MEETING OF THE EDINA VILMGE COUNCIL, HELD MONDAY, SEPTE;MBER 10, 1956, AT 7r30 P.M. f AT THE EDINA VIUAGE HALL . Menibers answering Rollcall _- were Bank, Bredesen, Fronk, Ttlpa and Eriokson, -_- -. MINUTES of the Regular Meeting of August 27 were approved a3 submitted, by motion Fro&, seconded by Tupa and carried* AWARD OF BIDS: Affidavits' of Publiaation in Edina-Mc)rningside Courier August 30 and September 6, 1956, *of ~IAdvertisement for Bids, .Tmctor-S&vel,c' and of "Advertisement for Bids, of Publication August 16 and 23, 1956 , of Itbdvertisement for Bids, Sanitary Sewer: Storm Sewer,I1 were presented, approved as to form and ordered placed on file, as were Affidavits of Publication for the same advertisements in the Construction Bull&h on the same respective dates. advertisements, Tabulat lons of Bids were presented, recommendat ions -de, and aotion taken as hereinafter recorded: lt RUBBER MOUNTED TRACTOR43HOVEL (Bids taken 1Q:OO a,m,, Sept.lO), Manager Hyde reported three bids received: Phillippi EqUipment Company, on a "Hough Model HU Payloader, at $l2,23O,OO plus #l,r+OO for Diesel if desired; Petti- bone Minnestoa Corporation, on a "Pettibone Speedall11, at #ll,319,00; and Mbrk-Witthauer Equipment Company on "Model 75 A Michigan Tractor Shovel," at $9,990,OOd Mr, Hyde recommended award of contract to low bidder. explained that demnstrations have been had on all three types; that contractors in this area are satisfied with, and recommend the Wichigabtt machine. of contract to Mork-Witthauer Equipment Company at $9,990.00, was seconded by Tup and carriedc Blacktopping: Storm Sewer," and Affidavit Pursuant to said He Bankts motion for acceptance of Manager's recommendation and award 2* Manager Hyde reported that 'only one bid was received'this morhing-&that of Earl A. Sewall Co,, Incc, in the amount of @7,376,25--~hich is'slightiy higher than the Estimate of Cost. made in 1955, He recommended award of contract, and .Tup so hoved, 3* OIL STABILIZED BASE, YORK'AVka, %,59TH TO tJ,60TH'STS, Manage; Hyde ' reported that only one bid has been received--tha$ of Earl A, Sewan GO,, Inc, , in the amount of $2,220. .ing Assessment Hearing. on Supplemental Assessment for Sani+ary Seker, to be'held September 2.4, and-Tup so~mu~ed,' .'Motion.seconded .. by Ba' &d 'I* '.' BLACKTOPPING OF CONCORD AVENUE FROM W&T boTH STREFP TO 'SOW€" W.NE ... Mot ion. seconded by Bank- and carried, ' *. .- Mrp Zikan recommended dflafig award, ,pend- .. .. .. .I .- . ... ., . ._ .. carried, .. .. 4. S%lRM SEWER IMPROVENFXl"N0, 34-~In Lot'Line-between Lbts 16'and 1'7,' ' .I Block 1, Southdale First Addn,, from Cornelia Drive 'to Lake . Cornel5a; CokkkLia Dr, from above Lot Line.to a point 4O.Pt,* Sou+h. reported receipt 'of one. bid, today, that being the- b5d of' Phelps-'Drake Go,, cafiied, 1 kager H$de .. 1 Inc,, in. the amount of $3,335;50, just +lightly below Estimate, recommended .awara, ,. Fro&'. so. moved, ' Motipn seconded bs. Bredesen and - He . , .. . . .. .( .. -. r . - =. .. .. .. .. .. . '. ,I. . . I. '5, , BIRCHCREST ARFA STOFW S-. 'It &s noted that award of bidsedepe_n& on 'outcome of' Public Hearing to be held tonigh%, (See action'bf later 9n : - ..I ,. even'hg, for new bids), , . ... , .. PUBLIC HEABIN[;. ON PROPaED SToREl SEWBZ IMPROVEMENT FOR BIRCHCREST. AREA (For Detdled Route of Sewer, See Minutes of 7/16/56, Page 2l4 of this%ok); Affidavit of Publication in EdSna-Marn~gside Courier, Augbt'23 and 30, 1956; was presented, approved as to form, and ordered placed on file* It was pointed out that this is .a re-hearing.on the construction proposed..at a puy?lic Hearing .held July 1&h; Esthte of Cost' being $U3,977@0 for. p'er &sessable Square Foot, Manager Hyde read a letter .of protest a@- Assessment for the' project, by Mr. A, *C, Stringer, * 5200 Valley View Road, which pleaded Itno benefit" from the improvement; and, petitions 'fLlsd-by ,. the' Rosendahl Company, and Owners of twenty-seven lots in Countryside, objecting to exkensisn of the sewer West of the RBilroad Tracks because it will not benefit their' properties, -were read, -Cbnsulting'Ehggineer. John propWbfes West of the Railroad Tracks at this time, but'that, now,, .'* spface water- is drairdng intp several vacant lots; that, when these dotk - are filled +he mea will be flooded unless a storm sewer is .installed; that the present line will act FS a trunk sewer, for this wrea; that without the 1 I. Bsrlich explained that the proposed sewer does not seem to benefit the .-- , .- a -. C* 1 *- L. .. . -- 9/10/56 present line, the residents $$e& t3f t.3~ Es%XrfiLa T~YM&S Will be faced with paying the entire cost of runnul ga line for their mea alone; that, pwhaps, even With the present line, these residerrts of this .area may be faced with 1ateral.storm sewer assessments at a later date but that construction oftha trunk line, now, wou3.d mean a subsbtial'saving, Mr, Angus G. Grant, . representing Greenwood Investment Company, and himself as an ewner in Countryside, asked that the bpovement West of the tracks be eliminated; and Harold Rosendahl told the Council. his property has been graded so khat the streets will not drain into this drainage basin, in the area of W,58th Street, Berrton Avenue and Code Avenue-delegation being led by Messrs. C, C, Hess, 5120 Benton Avenue, Oscar Johnson, 5@8 Code AvenQe, wd another_-gentlemen living on W,5&h Sbreet-all stated they feel. an' assessment for ,the proposed improvement is unjust because the* storm water does not drain into it; that they will be willing to pay an assessment 2Z the Engineers can prove to them that the water does drab into the proposed stcrnrn sewera ViUage A%torney Windhorst explained that this is not an k-issessnent hearing," that i-t; is a hearing on the Improvement; that, at the time of the assessment hearing if proof can be kunlshed %ha% storm water does not drain from the area proposed to be assessed into the proposed improvement the Council will amend the assessment, lbe Balich' explained that determination of the assessable area hasbeen m4e frm the topographical data on haqd; that a detdled survey would take a-good month and be most eqensive. Mr, BaXich was asked whether the elimination of the West-of-the-Tracks portion of the project will. increase the cost to the balance of the mea, arid he stated that it would do so, but that the proposed sizes of the pipe an be cut, to offset this increase somewhat* Trustee Bredesen then suggested to the Council that the area West of the Railroad Trac's be eliminated, stating he believes the Engineers are attempting to do 'these residents a favor which said residents do not rant at tas time; that the feeling seems to be that mpne East of the Tracks whssa phperty drains into the proposed improvement is WjUing to pay his share of 5% and tnat if Us property does not &rain into it he wiJ.1 not be assessed for itI, He stated that, T&th that explanation and with the understanding that the area West of the Tracks noi"( be served or assessed,he h~usd offer Resolution and move its adoption: RESOLUTIOH ORDEBING lMPR0VE"T 266j. Several persons I the following ST0R.N SEWSEl IMPROIEXE" NO. 32 I BE TT RESOLW by the C~mci.3. of the V2llage of Edina, Minnesota, that this GouncS heretofore caused notices of hearing to be duly published on the foUowj.ng proposed inprovernent: CONSTRU~IOX OF t7.11,LAG?3 STORM SB1R AND APPURTENANCES AS FOI;tOWSt fn Easeads fro3 HZne-Nile Creek to 'whiting Street; Whiting Sfzeet, Easemen% Iiine to a pt, Ten Feet East of 'E;WeapoEs, Northfiehl and Southern Railroad Tracks; Easement parallel to MN&s Tracks from l?Mtbg SLLo to Dividing kine of Lots 10 and 11, Block 1, B5rchcrest Fourth Adb,; - Easemen% on abm3 lot line from IN&S Tracks to Outlot 'tAlt Pond; Forslin Dr2v.s to connect Outlot l[Al' Pond and Birchcrest Lake; Easemeat between Lots 2 and 3, Block 9, Countryside, from MN&s Tracks Porter Lane, W,601;h St+ to Birchcrest Lake to Crescenti Drive; and at the he23lings held at the tine and place specified in said Notice the Council has duly consTdered the views of all persons interested, and being fuI2.y advised of the pertinent facts does hereby determine to proceed with the construction of said hprovement; except that said Storm Sewer shall be constructed in irn Easementi, Between Lots 2 and 3, Block 9,, Countryside from MN&S Tracks to Crescent Drive; that said Smprovement is hereby designated and shall be referredtto, in, all's'ubsequent proceedings as STORB1 SEWEEt ~0~ NO, 35, and the area to be specially assessed therefor shall. be as follows: All hts and Tracts of Land within the following described boundaries: "Beginning at ktersection of Hansen Rd, and Benton Ave,; the E, to centerline of Dale Ave,; thj No along centerline of Dale Ave, a distance of 65 Ft,; the E* parallel to Benton heo, to E, lot line of Lot 7, Bl. 2, Code*s Highview Park; th, N, to SW Cor, of Lot 1, said BZa 2; th, Place and Groire St,; th. Ely along centerline of Grove St6 to EZy line exbided S, of Lot 5s B1, 2, Melody Knolls 2nd Addn,; th, SEly to NW Cor, of ht 7, . BX, 1, Edina Hts,; th, Sly to centerline of FTq5E4th St,; the Ely to centerline of Tingdale Am,; th, Sly a distance of 300*74 Ft, to intersection of Benton AveQ and Tingdale live,; th. SEly to intersection of centerline of Benton Ave, arid E, ID% line edended North of Lo% 4, Donna Ridge Addn,; th, F3y along center-e of Ben-hn Ave* to CenterJ-ine of Josephine Ave, th, Sly along centerline of Jcsephine Ave, to centerline of Wa60th St,; th. SFTLy to NW Cor, of bt 2: Clover he Addno; th, S, to SW Cor, thereof; th, E, to NW Cor* of Lot 6, J31e E, Clover Tyane Addn,, Thkrd Unit; tho Sly along hng line of said I to intersection of Bernaml. - 9/10/56 pot 6 to pt.-which is 65 Ft, Nly of centerline of Clover Ridge; th, Ely and Valley View Rd,; th, SWly along centerline of Valley-View Rd. to pte which is 199.7 Ft, W, of the W, -Right-of-way line of State Highway #loo, as measured along centerline of Valley View Rd,; th. Sly 153 Fb.; th, SWly to pt. on E* lot line of Lot 1, B1, 1, Eihlayrs Addn, which is the 5ntersection of said E, lot line with a line drawn parallel to and 75 Ft, SEly from centerline of Valley View Rd.; th, SWly, parallel to and 75 Ft, from centerline of Valley View Rd. to E. lot line of Lot 3, Bla 6, James A. Roberts Estate; th, Sly and Sly along E, line of said Lot 3 to the centerline-of W,63rd St.; th, along said centerline to a pt, which is 60 Ft, E, of-centerline of Warren Ave,; th, S, and parallel to said centerline to ,centerline' of W.64th St;; th, Sly along centerline of W,64th St, to centerline of Holborn Ave.; th; NWly to SE Cor, of Lot 1, Nomandale Third Addn,; th, Fny to SW Cor, of Lot 6, Normandale Third Addn,; th, Nly to centerline of Whiting St,; th, tJl;y to centerline of Minneapolis, Northfield and Soubhern Railroad Right-of-way; th, Nly along the centerline of the MN&S Railroad Right-of-way to the centerline of Benton Ave,; th, Ely to be&nnine,tf eEly, parallel to and 65 Ft. from centerline of Clover Ridge to centerline of c \-I Motion for adoption of the Resolution was seconded by Fronk, and on Rollcall there were five ayes and no nays, as follows * sen, aye; Bank, aye; Fronk, upa, aye; and Erickson, aye; and the Village Clerk bids-one from Phelps-Drake Co, at $ll5,006,00, and one from Bart Carlone at $L!@,062,5Q, both bids being on the entire improvement as f5.A proposed, Because a portion ofthe project is being eliminated, Bredesen moved that Council take new bids on revised project, Motion seconded by Fronk and carried, BIRCHCREST AREfi STCEDI SEFJER BIDS Manager Hyde reported receipt of two BIDS FOR SANITARY SEWER IN BW(E-3OAD-MENDELSSOHN AREA, Engineer Zikan reported receipt, today, of one bid-that of Phelps-Drake Company in the amount of $91 Sf$+,sO. He stated this will bring work'on the entire projed; , to less than $8,06 per Assessable Front Foot, but that if the 400 Block on John Street, and Arthur Street are eliminated the cost b the balance of the area will be $8.17 per assessable foot, After review of the C~uncil~s action of August 13, Mayor Erickson called for views of the John and Arthur Street owners. No objections were ra5sed. Rredesen offered the followhg Resolution and moved its adoption: BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the Village of Edina, Minnesota, that this Council heretofore caused notice of hearing to be duly published on the following proposed improvement: CONSTRUCTION OF SANITARY SEWER AND APPURTENANCES in--Easement b Inter- lachen Golf Course from existing Trunk Sewer to Watemnan Ave.; In Hateman Ave,, from Golf Course easement to l.40 Ft, E,; In Easement between Blocks 21 and 22, Mendelssohn, from Waterman Ave, to Maloney hve, ; In Maloney Ave, from Blake Rd. to E. line of *tRearrangement of Block 23, Mendelssohnl' j In Blake Rd, from Waterman Ave. to N, Village Limits; In Griffit St, from Belmore Lane to N, Village Limits; In Belmore Lane from Dearborn St, to Grove .glace Extended So.; - In John St In John St, from Maloney Ave. to 330 Ft, No,; In Arthur St from Belmore Lane to 300 Ft. No, RESOLVTION ORDERING IMPROVEMENT SANITARY SEWER IM€BOw NO. 120 . 3. In Grove St, from Belmore Lane to Spruce Rd,;- ~ ..? from Belmore Lane to Spruce Rd,; and at the hearing held at the time and place specified in said notice the Council has duly considered the views of all persons irherested, and being fully advised of the pertinent facts does hereby determine to proceed with the construction of said improvement; that said improvment is kreby designated and shall be referred to in all subsequent proceedings as SANITfULY SEWER IMPRCKEMENT NO. 120; and the area to be specially assessed therefor shall be as follows: "Lot 5, Block 1; Lots 5 to 8, incL, Block 2; Lots 3 to 10, incl., Block 3;'Lots 1 to 10, incl,, Block 4; bts 1 to IO, hcl,, Block 5; Lots 1 to 10, incl., Block 6; Lots 1 to 5; incl,; Block 7; 100 Ft, on Maloney * Avenue, in Block 9; Block 10; Lots 1 to 8, incl., Block 11;-Lots 1 to 3.2, i.td.,, Block 12; Lots 1 to 12, incl., Block 13; Lots 1 to 51 incl,, and Lot 8, Bl0ck.U; 9/lQ/56 the North 1/2 of ]Block 15; 190 Ft, on Belmore Lane, Block 16; Block 21; Block 22; that part of the S. 330 Ft. of Block 23 lying W, of the E. 2k.O Ft, thereof; all in Mendelssohn Addition; and Lots land 2, Rearrangement of Block 23, Mendelssohn Addition; that part of Block 27, Mendelssohn Addition lying North of Interlachen Blud,; and all of Ascension Addition,*t 268. / Motion for adoption of Resoltrtion was seconded by Tup, and on RoUcall there were five ayes and no nays, as follows: Fronk, aye; Tupa, aye; and Erickson, aye; an..,$@ Resolut5on was adopted* Bank, aye; Bredesen, aye; Mr. Z-lkan reported that there are several easements to obtain before improvement can be started; and Bredesen moved that bid be awarded tQ Phelps-Drake Company at bid price, saject to the Villagets securing required easements. Motion seconded by Tupa and carried, - PUBLIC HE%RING ON PROPCBED STRE32 LIGHTS FOR WEST WT STREET. INDIA NO^ - AND JUANfiA AVEUUES. of Hearing, Ornamental Street Izights,ll published in Edina-Morningside . Courier August 30 and September 6, 1956, which was approved as to form and ordered placed on file, Public Hearing oh proposed Construction of Orn&ental Street Lights at the corners of W.5lst St, and Juanita he. and at corner of IjNorthtr intersection of W,!jlst St. and Juanita Ave, Estimate of Cost was given a$ $1,450.00, for $,@8 per Assessable Front Foot. Mrs , Houck, sponsor of petition, complained that additional lots should be included 5.n the assessable district but was informed by &Tanager Hyde that this is the area Northern States Power Company believes will be benefited by these lights, There were no objections from the floor, and none had been received prior to the Hearing, the fol'lowing Resolution and moved its adoption: Clerk presented Affidavit of Publication for '!Notice Pursuant to said Notice, Mayor Erfckson called + ' Bank offered RESOLVTION CRDERING IMPROvEf.IENT STR333' IpPRoOE3ENT NO, L-2 BE 33 REsOLm by the Council of the Village of Edina, Hnnesota, that this Council heretofore caused notice of hearing to be duG published on the following proposed improvement: tlr,!jlst Street and kdianola Ave. (North intersection) W,5lst Street and Juanita INSTUTION OF ORN-AL STREET LIGHTS AT and at the hearing held at the time and place specified in said notice the Council has duly considered the views of all persons interested, and being fully advised of the pertinent facts does hereby determine to proceed with the construction of said improvement; that said improvement is hereby desig- nated and shall be referred to in all subsequent proceedings as STREET I&PROVEl4EN!i? NO, L2; and the area to be specially assessed therefore shall be the following: and 8, Blockl; Lots 1;2,15,16,17,18,19 and 20, Block 3; Lots 1,2,3, and 4, Block 4; Lots l,2,3,4, and 5, Block 5, in Glenview Addition,I1- Motion for adoption of Resolution was seconded by Fronk, and on Rollcall v 5, Block 1 and-Lot 6, Block 2, Stevens First Addition; Lots-5,6,7, _j CE?;l\fuATION OF AUGUST 27TH PUBLIC HEARDIG ON PROPOSED ASSEsSm FOR Hearing had been continued from August 27, for consideration of certa5.n I_ TRUNK l?mmXIN NO. 86 1LND' LiITEE?.AL WATEFUQJN SERVICE TO SAID TRUNKS This objections raised. Mr, Norton heson, 4709 W.7Oth Street, a nurseryman, who stated he is using his property for agricultural purposes only; that he has his own private water system and does not need the Village main; that he cannot get a fair return on the investment in his land until the nursery stock now planted has been raised, The amount of the proposed assessment against 3ir, hneson's property is $8,328,03, Manager Hyde suggested that interest be collected from Mr, Pmeson each year, inasmuch as the Village has sold bonds for the improvement and must pay the interest thereon; but be- Arneson protested paying even the interest. Manager Hyde read a plea for deferred assessment, by &, Hyde suggested, too, %Pi% c i -- ,I .9/.10/56 that assessment be'deferred for a five-year period; that the assessment then be le-.?.ed on a five-year basis, in order that total assessment be paid within a ten-year period. The matter of the Peterson and Gavin deferments cme before the Council, Attorney Windhorst reporting that Mr, Gad expe.cts a deferment for a longer period than five yearsa !trustee Bank inquired whether, in view of the agreement with Mr. Gavin, Xr, Arneson would be interested in giving an easement, and Arneson appeared to be interestifd, At this time, Nr. E, C, Stow inquired as to the action by the Council on Mr, Gavin's property, considering the fact that the Highway Department intends to kake nost of this property for a cloverleaf. He also wanted to know abut the hteral Assessment for the Gafi property, Trustee Bank, stating that &. Stow's questions needed further study, moved that Assessment Hearing be continued to September 24. Motion seconded by Tupa and carried. I CONTINUATION OF AUGUST 13TH PUBLIC HEWZING ON PETITION FOR VACATION OF THE NORTH-SOUTH ALI;Fy AND T,HE EAST-WST. ALmY IN BLOCK TWO, BROOKSIDE HEIGHTS :$DITION. objectors were adamant ;.in their decision that they wouJd be qamaged by having to have a joint driveway. Attorney Windhorst. stated that the only legal problem is that the Village is liable for sllch damages as may'accrue against any property by yeason of the vacation of the mey; that, if the &ley is not vacated, any property owner abutting it will have cause for action to open it. after an explanation to the audience that the Council endeavors to act in a democratic manner3 that some prob3ems are controversial and cannot be settled. to the satisfaction of everyone concerned, offered the following Resdution and moved its adoption: Petitioners" repea*ed their arguments of August 13th, but two On question from the Council, Village' Trustee Bank, RESOLUT ION VACATING ALaYS NORTH-SOUTH ALLEX AND EAST-WEST ALLEY IN BLOCK TWO, BROOKSIDE WIGHTS AQDITION, LYING BJ$I""kNTEELBC~ BOULEVARD AND WEST _. 5lST ' STFEE? j AND' EETIdE3N''l~ELLIAM AND 1 HANKERSON Am. '. , .y . .~ I .: .. A vim$,, a ,maj&.tX of. $he. Q-Vmers . of the, land' abutFing bn the Noeh- ...... South".AkLey and: t$,e East+Westl Alley lying ?& BLOCIf: ,mO;,..BkOOBBE HEIGmS' I, 1- ' ADDI!'J!ION be€ween Ir+ter$acli&' Baulevard and. West 3st Ssreet ' and' betweb' ... . Wil1.lam &-d fIa&eripp:'Avenies,;'ha?e ...... *. petXioned, for $6. ._ . ~ v6cationn:of .... said,. ' '' GUeys; and : . ' :, -EA$, .'two w&kS! ,.~$ublished'notice:,~d ,posted.-n6tice:of, a hearwg * ^' ' kd, be had on sa%d', -getition. @n,'AugySt .l?,,, 19'56;'.,a% '7.:36"p.m.( has'been ~ '. -.:.I . ~. .I I. '.*. I, . .... given :and .made, ,and :ai hgaring. has 'been'haa- t"hereori'b$ 'the' Vili+ge council: "' .I NOW TmEFORE, BE IT'RESOLPED 'by %,he 'V&llag$.'CodcU of, the Viilag6;' ...... I 1. . '. .- 1 .. of Edina,"He&epin Cou&y;-'f&i&&&&,.- that'" 9' '' ,: "Those '..cer;tw ,alleys rming 73n a Nort&ly an& Southerly -&ire&ion* &'id-: in an Easterly 'ahd' WcSs+,eclF Direction and lying between Interlachen Boulevard, and West gst Street ,ad between WiUiam and Hankerson- Avenues, as-qiatted in-l3lock.2'.m~ (2).? .Brooks&k, Be~~~ts"..Add~~on,~..-Wle. s'~unek - - Eecbrded .in .the bffice-of the' Beq&ster :-of Deeds..of. Hennepip:County, .---. -.- Minnesota, are-' hereby .vacated; provided 3h;Z-t.. said Village ' excepts from this 'vacation proceedings and reserves unto' itself and ' its assigns- ,m.' easement fbr 'a11 public it~ility4purposes, bcluawg, ' wi.t;fiout limiting %he general natuee of said reservation, an easement for electri'c, gas,', * , sewer,' water 'and'telephone eQUipment :on, over ?nd.'u@der the' center ten f eet'Fri' width of the aheys kiereby vacated" Mot ion for '8 adopt ion o *herk? were fi've ayes '&d, no' nays, '.as Fronk, 'aye; Tupa, aye j .'and Ereckson, .aye; .......... .. . I. .. ........ . '- -I ,( .* .' -~ .. .. -. ., . . ... .. : .. , !- . ....... .l . .. . ........-.. .... i.. ........ .._._ 2"" . _- .. &*_..._ ........... .;-. . - ..... - -.--- L ............... .. Village Clerk " - PIEITIONS FOR IMPROVEMENTS: . Bredesenr s ~moticmi .'tihat- the' Tolloeg hprov,emd% petit'ions be' accepted', pXaced. on,'file ,'and refehed to .the Village Eneneyb for the schedulbg of .Public Hekings,. except- that 'Oiling be done,.as soonias ... . possible 5n Xie with pett.ion, was seconded by BAnk ,and. carried: . I, 2Q 9 Oiling-Gode Ave,,. Grove St, -to W,57th. St*; Nklody'Laltes GraS *. Code Ay&,- 4, , S&tary Sewer-South,'Garden J Estates , .- 1st ahd .Znd.Addns, : ' 5 ,, 6, Blacktopping aqd Blacktop Curb, Ewing Ave, f 'om Wq61s.t; St, to.Dead End,, .. 'to Code -AyG.;. Code Avk.,'-Melody Lakes,-Dr. to"W,56thi Stg? .. . ...... . 'i i, .. . I? ' 9. ' Waterrnkin-Mildred Ave&,,:W.6lgt2i Stt;,'to:W,65th St, . '1 ... . ', . Wat ermain=S+e as -*ibbve, Oiling-Bikchcrest Dr?, 'W.6Otki St. t H~s6n' Ra, ; ' Code live, ,' W.6Oth St + i to .. ...... ... . *. I .. . Ei~chc~cdf, Dr-; w,blst Stni Code-'Av&, to SHansen RdO.* .'. , ,. -.. '.L ', : .... ._. ... ..... . ._ .._ ......... - .. .. ' . . '* . I* ,t ... .- . .-. . 9/10/56 7@ Welimhary Survey for Storm Sewer-lT.Woodkknd Rdr, Wooddale Ave, to 2 1'0 Co~coz-3 Aoe,; Concord Terrace, St,Johns Ave, to Concord Ave* CLAD3 FOR DANAGES FRO14 STORM r.TPTERS, Southdale Road, amount $98,45, ms filed; and, by motion Fronk, seconded by Bredesen, was referred to the Village Attorney'for his investigation and action, Claim of lk. A&, Banks, 69-16 i NORM.AI?DUE C0M"lTY SERVICE COUNCII fS September 6th comuunication, thank- ing Council for the development of Nokdale Park, and stating the - organization's willingness to support a bond issue for park purposes, was read and ordered placed on filetr MR- AI;BERT LARSONIS LETTER, giving arguments in favor of proposed indus-krizl honing, was rehewed and ordered placed on file:, c. PETEIOIT . , FOR RECLOSING OF STFUBT ACROSSOLD STREXlCup.AT MONROE Amas, which staked tht Hopkins has opened the street, wit,hout conseat by Edina; that residents want street dosed because of the number of children in the area and the increased traffic haeard to then if the street is allowed to remain open, Frizzell had looked over the situation informally, sone time ago, but that Hopkins had received no formal permission for opening the street, moti.cn, that Manager secure report from Hopkins on this wtter, was seconded by Fronk and carried, Manager Hyde reported that he and Hopkins City Manager Bank's - EBLININARY PUT BY R.O,RONNEI, 6217 Behgre Lane, was approved in accord t&bh Planning Commission1 s Seitaaber 5th recommendations, by motion Bank, seconded by Fronk and carrieda - REPLATTING IN NORMANDAlX ADDITION. Commission's action of September 5th, referring to Village Attorney Windhorst the matter of ending the present requirement for a plat to sub- divide lots Eastand West in Normandale Addition, Manager Hyde reported the P-g , REK.IUEST ,FOR SUBDIVISION OF LCES 1, 2 AND 3, BROOI{SIDE TEJBACE into two lots, Tdth houses to ' face on Xotor Street, had received Planning Conmission's September 5th kecoarmendation for approval without hearing, and Fronk moved for approval in accord with Commission! s recommendation, Motion seconded by %pa and carried, FINN, PLAT OF GEORGE A WIUSONrS ADDDION was approved by motion Bredesen, seconded by Bank and carried, Plannhg Commission had approved, September 5. IzE;&uEsT TO FACE DWELLINGS LONG WAY OF LcrrS IN SOUTH GNZDENS ESTATES AND SOUTH GARDENS ESTATES SECOND ADDITION received Council consideration; the Planning Commission havbg recomended approval as of September !5* Council was informed that, according to Ordinance-a Public-Hearing is necessary before Council can take action. Bredesents motion, scheduling Public Hearing on request to face dwellings long way of lots on Lots 4'and 5, BL 2; Lots 6 and 7, Bl, 3; and Lot 6, 131, 4, South Gardens Estates, and on Lots 3 and 5, Bla I; Lots 1 and 2, B1, 2; Lots 1 and 4, Bl, 3; and Lot 1, Bl, 5, South Gardens Xstates Second Addition, for Monday, September 24, was seconded by Fronk and carrieda PRELIEiNARY PLAT BY JOHN A, KO-, T7l7 Highway #169 (Lot 6, Warden Acres), had received Planning Commission's September 5th "acceptance subject to future plans of the Highwas Commission", and Bredesen moved acceptance by the GounciL with the same reservation, Motion seconded by Bank and carriedF PROPOSED SHOPPmTG CENTER, VICINJ!TY OF VALLEY VIEW ROAD AND TRACY AVENUE was discussed, this being a development by Mr, Roy H, Peterson, Codssion had acted September 5th to defer action on plat pending Gardner report on Zoning Study, Planning ETedesenIs motion, accepting Commissionls recommendation, was seconded by Fro& and carried, CBOSSTOFJN HIGHWAY-ACQUISITION OF PROPERTY Elanager Hyde explained that, under the present proposal the-cost to Edina would be for acquisition of right-ofmay; with the Village to secure all land possible through dedi- cation, and to buy where it could not get dedicabion, except that the County will pay for land with houses on itq I&, Ed, Lorenz was present to. give his Preljiminary Estimate of the cost of acquisition-it being some $300,000 foa .the land between Xerxes Avaue and that pmt of VaUey View Road West of Highway #I.C!O; approxbztely $200,009 fo2 the land on whish there are no 4 .. c 9/10/56 that part of tFJ,57th St, in Dr. Peterson's Addition. Attorney Bartow, representing Dr, Ralph Peterson, developer of Normandale Court, asked that the 'loriginal grade'! be restored, stating that his client faces damage suits if this is not done, Court11 spoke in opposition to the recent grading. got the djrt?Il covered in Engineer Zikants report (page 5) was again discussed, with Mr, Bartow asking howmuch developer Victorsen paid for that portion he received. Mre Victorsen replied tkt he had paid nothing for it; that he had taken it as a favor to the Village; thzt, if the Village so desires, he will be glad to return it, Trustee Bank suggested that a compromise be made by re-grading to a depth which will damage no-one and then establish a storm sewero PIrq Pit% asked th& - study be given to cutting the grade and thus establishing drainage without a storm sewer. It became evident that Council could not arrive at a solution at this meeting, and Mayor Pro Tem Bredesen suggested that action be delayed until September 24, in order that Council might inspect premises and give further thought to t6 solution, Bank so moved, MotLon seconded by Fronk and carried, TRAFFIC SIGNALS FOR STATE HIaIAY NO, 100, for Council's consideration, Highway Departmentrs agreement for install- ation of three temporary Traffic Control Signals on Highway $100. He recomended that the Council approve the agreement, stating thzt if the Village will pay for one installation, other sources will finance the other two. "Bank offered the following Resolution and moved its adopt ion: Several residents of l'Normandale The matter of Who Manager Hyde presented again, State RESOLUTION FCR TEMPORARY TRAFFIC SIGNfILS of Ennesota, Department of Highways, for the following purposes, to- BE: IT RESOLVED that the Village enter into an agreement with the wit: Installation of Traffic Control Signals at the intersections of: T.H. #lo0 & Valley View Road T.H. #lo0 & 66th Street T.H. #lo0 & 70th Street Village of Edina BE IT FURTHER RESOLED that hereby, -are authorized to execut.e such Motion for adoption of the Resolution there were three ayes and no nays, as Bredesen, qe; and the Resolution was Tmage Clerk the Mayor and Clerk be and they agreement. Fronk, and-on Rollcall , aye; Fronk, zye; and REXOCkTION OF SAT4 BROWN i?LUHBING LICENSE. had asked licensee to appear at the Village Hcall relative to his operations in Vest i'lhneapolis Heights; that licensee was unable to make the appointment; that licensee has been informed that no further permits Will be issued until this matter is settled, Manager Hyde reported that he CUTOFF DATE FOR INF'ROVEIEIIT PETITIONS, for the filing of improvement petitions (except Oiling) to be processed during 195'7-be established as December 1, 1956. Fronk and carried, PPRK €?OED BOND ISSUE. ready to present its report on a bond issue to the Council on Nonday, October 1, PAY"T OF CWl4S: of Septmber 10th; and for Additions to August 27th Pre-List $16, as follows: Manager Hyde asked that cutoff date Bank so moved, Notion seconded by Manager Hycle reported that the Pzrk Board will. be He asked that Council meet with Park Board at that time, Bank moved for payment of clasns as per Pre-List No, 17 Pre-List No, 17: - Additions to Pre-List Ho. 16: General Fund - $1;738,32 G5ricral: Fund - $21, 61tknO0 Construction - 29;861.80 Park3 Fund I 95 a00 tkt erworks - 24,uIJ,*13 Parks Fund - l;717;08 Liqor Fund - 50,000.00 Sewer Rental - 6,oo Licpor Fund - l2,805,02 Poor Fund - - 68,62 Total, @7O2357n97 Notion seconded by Fronk and carried.& t 9/16/56. SN-Ip;RIES FOR LIQUOR STORES: rates for Southdzle Liquor Store and make adjustments in the rates at the 50th Manager Hyde asked authorization to establish Street Store, as follows: month for the Manager at Southdale; $lr25%o $l&O per hour for a lady cashier at Southdale; increase in Clerkst rates at 50th Street from $1,50 to $1.60 per hour, with these rates established, too, for the Southdale Store. also recommmded employing a consultant for the Southdale store for four months, at $300 ,per month, Kippley to buy for both stores the stock that both stores will have; for the Southdale manager to purchase special items he wishes to stocko MI?, Bredesen suggested that Council approve all recommendations except that for a consultant (this recommendation had been disapproved by the Liquor Commission) , but Bank moved that the kagerts full recommendation be accepted, Motion seconded by Fronk and carried. A $25t00 increase for Nanager Kippley; $450eOO per 1 He He explained that the present plan is for Manager PUBLIC HEf'BINGS AND BIDSr South Gm'dens Estates and South Gardens Estates Second Addition has employed private engineering services to prepare plans and specifications for Sanitary Sewer and Watermxh for these plats; that this developer platted his property after Council had issued warning that developers must consider financing these improvements but that to date there is no ordinance compelling the developer so to do, Mr. Hyde stated the developer feels it is unjust to endeavor to compel him to finance the improverbents because he is not, at this time, developing at the scale he contemplated, Council olnduct Public Hearing and take bids on these-projects, lboking to assessments therefor, Engineer Zikan presented Plans Specifications and Estimates of Cost on the following projects, and Bank offered the following Resolution and moved its adoption: Manzger Hyde explained that the developer of Manager then suggested that RESOLUTION PROVIDING FOR PUBLIC HEARING PROPOSED SfiTIThRY SENER AND WATE8W.N .. . ._. .1 . . ..-. - . .. : II"R0VE;MENTS BE "IT RESOLVED by the Council of the Village .of Edina;' ' * 1, ' The -Village Engineer, ha&g' sbbmkted :to, the C'O&C~~ a'-preWaq" report as to the feasibiEty' of 'the prbposed Sani-taky Sewer' agd Wakermain :' Ithprovement s 'descr'ibed h the. Foh of Notice of hearing^ seti forth below,. and its to the estimated cost of such irripromierrts, 'said report is herebyeapproved ad directed to be placed on. file,&.:thc'ofQice of the Village Clerk. in the Wna Village HalI, to' consider in public' hearing the 'vice df .all persons 'htePeste'd in' said proposed improvement newspaper once a week for'two successtve weeks, the second of whieh pubii- cations is to 'be not le'ss than three days from date of said meeting, which notice .. - shall be in substantially the following form: NCYTICE IS HEREBY GI" that the EdFna.Village Comcil will meef, at the Village Hall on Monazy,. September'24, 1956, .at 7:30 PcM,,, to consider the followbg. proposed improvements, ' to be constrizi=l;ed:tmder %he authority grahted ,by Minnesota Laws of 1953, Chapter 398, ;The jpproximite'cost of said improye- *. meiXs is estimated by the ViXge Mgmeer as 'set 'fortki below: " . '. ZC This Council shd.1 meet' on'Monday; September, 2,$? 1956,. at.:7i3Q'P,M.,.'-. . .-.. - 0 .'. , ' 3.' The.Clerk is hereby authorized and directed to cause notice'of the time; place and purposb of said meeting to be published in the'official . .. .. .. .__ f.l , . ... . -. : . __ .NOI'I!2E OF PUBLIC HE&mS. ON PROPOSED " 'IMPROVEEENTS-SAND~Y SEIdER.kQJD WATETL"' . ' . ,- ESTDUTED COST ' CONSTRUCTION OF VILUGE W..TEBWN EXTENSION 'f4lD APPURTENANCES rin the following streets: West Shore Drive,. W.7Otlh St. to Belvidere Lane; Andover Rd,, West Shore Drive to Wooddale five,; Belvidere he, West Shore Drive to Wooddale he,; 2 Wooddale Ave., W,70th St to Belvidere' Laneo $20,.535,E CONSTRUCTION -OF SP$JlfI&LY SENI3R E~.ENSI-ON .Am ______ ~ _._ - . . APPURTENANCES in the following streets: West Shore Drive, W,?Oth St. ,to Belvidere Lane; Andover Road, West Shore Drive to Wooddale live,; Belvidcre Lane, Wes*- S hore Drive to'FJoodddc Avei,; Wooddzle he,, Belvidere Lane to 155 M;b No, of .a .I 1 -* c a. I ' Andover Rd,' ' '$17,778&2 ' 8. I .e * *: ,. CONSTRUCT ION OF VIUAGE WATEKMIN EXTENSION JJVD APPURTEXINCES 'iri the following st'reet s : VeXLey View Rde, ?Qman Ave, to Whiting Stj 5 Whiting St,+ Valley View Rd, to Tracy Ave. ; Tracy Ave 2, Whiting St to ltrbour Lane No.; Arbour Lane No,, TracyAve, to ?de ' * P ..' -. Line of Countryside Addn. $107;8Ucp56 274 9/10/56 The areas proposed to be assessed for the cost Gf said proposed improvements are as follows: For Nos. 1 and 2 Above, All Lots and Tracts of Land abutting the portions of the streets proposed to be improved, i For No, 3 Above, boundaries:. "Comencing at the intersection of the W, R/W Line of the Nimeapolis, Northfield and Southern Ry, and the South line of Lot 33, Warden Acres; th. Sly along said W. R/W line to its intersection with the Ely extension of the S. line of Lot 14, Normandale Third Addn.; tho t\ny to the SJ Cor, of Lot 2.4, Normandale Third' Addn,; th, Nly to Nt\T Cor. of said Lot 24; th, 11. to centerline of Valley View Rd,; ,+ha SUy along centerline of Valley View Rd, to a pt , 153 Ft. S., measured at Fight -angles -from the centerljke of Whiting St,; th, IJly, parallel to and 153 Ft- S. of the centerline of Whiting St. to E. Line of NE1/4 of NQ/4 of Sec, 5, T, 116, R, 21; th.'Sly to SE Cor. of said NEl/4 of N?l/4; th, \fly to SW Cor. of Govt, Lot 1, Sec. 5, TI 116, R, 21; th. my, NEly, and Ely, along W,, NtJ., and N, lines of said Go*, Eot 1 to intersection of W,62nd St, and Olinger Rd,; th. Nly along centerline of Olinger Rd, to a pt. 330 Ft, S. of N, line of Govt, Lot 1, Sec,, 32, T;117, R, 21; th, Ely a distance of 1320 Ft, to a pt. on E, line of God, Lot 1, 'Sec. 32, T, 117, R, 21, which pt, is 990 Ft, N, of Sl/4 Cor. of Sec.32, T,ll7, R.21; th. Nly to J!W Cor. of Lot l.4, Warden Acres; th, Ely to the NE Cor, of said Lot of said Lot 21; th, Sly to a pt, on E. line of said Lot 21, which pt,'is 96.99 Ft, Sly of NE Cor, of said Lot 21; th, Ely to SE Cor, of Lat 47; Warden Acres; th, Nly to NE Cor. of said Lot 47; th, E, to NW Cor, of Lot 49, Warden Acres; the-Sly to SI? Cor, of said Lot 49; th, E. along S, Lot Lines of Lots 49, 31, 32, and 33, Warden Acres to W, R/W Line of MN&S Ry,, which is the ptc All lots and tracts of land within the following described I th, SEly to Nf Cor. of Lot 21, Warden Acres; th, Ely to NE Cor, of beginning, It; 1. GRETCHEN S, liIDEN Village Clerk Notion for adoption of ResoXution was seconded- by Fronk, and on Rollcall there =ere three ayes and no nays, as follows: aye; and the Resolution was adopted. B Bank then offered the following Resolution and moved its adoption: RESOLUTION IPPROVING PLANS AND SPECIFTCATIONS FOR PROPOSED SMITLRY SEf:JER AND IVATEFibZkIN D.PROVE$EBITS ilND DIRECTING ADVERTISBaENT FOR BIDS BE IT RESOLVED by the Village Council of the Village of Edina: Watermain hprovenents set forth in the following Advertisement for Bids forms, heretofore prepared by the Village Engineer and now on file in the office of the Village Clerk are hereby approved, 2, The Clerk shall cause to be published twice in the.Edina-Morningside Courier and the Construction Bulletin the followjng notices for bids for said improvements : 1, The plans and specifications for the proposed Sanitary Sewer and ADVZRTISmWT FOR BIDS WPZmaIN DPROVEMENT (A) NOTICE IS HIBEBY GIVEN that sealed bids will be received and opened in the - office of the-Village*&nager in the Edina Village Hall, 4801 West 50th St., at 1O:OO AJb, Monday, October 8, 1956. The Edina Village Council will meet at 7:30 P&, on Monday, October 8, 1956, to consider said bids, being for the following: FOUamG SI'REZTS: CONSTRUCTION OF VIXLAGE IfATER" EXI'ENSION AND APPURTENELWCES IN THE Valley View Road fron Wyman Ave, to Whiting St.; Uhiting St, from . - Valley View Rd. to Tracy Ave.; Tracy Jive., Whiting St Lane Bo,; Arbour Lane No. from Tracy Ave. to W,Line of Countryside I to Arbour Addn. Worknust be dme as described in plans and specifications on file in the office of the Village Clerk. Plans and specifications are available for a deposit of #10,00, which deposit will be refunded upon return of said'plans and specifications, No bids will be considered unless sealed and filed with undersigned before 1O:OO A.M., October 8, 1956, accompanied by cash deposit, bid bond or certified check payable to the Village Clerk in mount of at .. -_ I I 275 9/10156 1 f' least ten percent of amount of base bid. The Council reserves the right to reject any or all bids,. BY ORDER OF THE VILLAGE COUNCIL, .= GREICHEN S, ALDEN Village Clerk (B) ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS .. SANITARY SEIIJER: T$ATEF@%AIN NOTICE IS =BY GNEN.that. sealed bids will be received and opened in the office of the-Village.Manager in the Edina Village Hall, 4801 W. 50th Street, at 10:QO A.Me, Monday, 'September-,21C, -19564 meet at 7:30 P,M,, on Monday,"S6ptt'emb-er .2,!+, 1956, to consider said bids, being for the. following: The Edina Tillage Council will 1, CONSTRUCTION OF V~GZ wmmum EXTENSION ND APPURTENANCES IN TIFE FOLJXWING STFZZTS: R West Shore Drive, W,7Otb St. to Belvidere Lane; Andover Rd.., West Shore Dre to Wooddale Ave.; Belvidere Lane, West Shore Dr, to Wocddale Ave, 3 Wooddale he,, W,?0th St, to Belvidere Lane, . 2,' CONSTRUCTION OF SANITARY smm AND APPURT~ANCES IN THE FOLLOWING STREETS : West Shore Drive, W070th St, to Belvidere Lane3 Andover Rd., West Shore Drr to Wooddale he,; Belvidere Lane, West Shore Dr. to Wooddale Ave.; Wooddale Ave,, Belvidere Lane to 155 Ft, N, of Andover Rd. Work,must be done as described and specified in plans and specifications for said improvement on file in the office of the Village Clerk; which plans and specifications are available on depos& "of $lO,OO, said deposit being Sefddiible 'prom@ly upon ~retum ko- the Vill$ge of "sa$d-pla@ and' spe6iG" flcat3ons; Bid's must be submitted on basis of cash pazyment for work, No bids*will be* considered unless sealed and filed with undersigned-by 1O:OO A.M., Mcnday, SepteAer; 24, 1956 ad accompanied by cash deposit, bid bond, or certified check payable to the.Village Clerk iri amount of ten percent of amount of bid, 1 +,'- 1- BY ORDEB '7 - , . . _t .. OF,. THE VILIXGE (I 3,', &a;.& &d .sa1 of::the .&rm ;'of th.e fo;.'egoing. adveY.t;is&ienk'fdr bid;?i are-:: Eere& 'adopt& 'and confim&dr .as. tEe''%em: and: conditions .of' dwaiid' of' &he ., , .*.-.. > I .. .... /.. .. 7 . . ~ ..I ,I. .~ I. ... .I , .I cbnWac6 for, said'. . h5r I'' I ovement,s. .I I.:, , 1 . . Motion for. a&optio&-of the 'fies6lut:ion was seconded by Fronk, and* on Rollcall there were three ayes and no nays,' as"fol1ows: Bredesen, aye;: and' the Resolut2on was 'adopted. Bank, aye;: Fronk, aye; and ,. ... .. 3.; . *. ' . . - : 1'' .,* , ..... ;, I.. - .. .. Mayor Pro Tern, . .' . 3" .. , ' . -7 :! ' . -,. _. '8 . .: I , " , . ,.. I ~. . 1. . ,., ..... - .. , ..... ;.. EXCAVATION PE&kT-'FOR PIC&AASTLEFbR~~ CO. . hager. Hyde , r&omnended allowing McLean-AstlefOTd ,to exC4vate on,. 'their, terms; sk,ati@g: thc$re ycm2.d be no damage to the land $2 -they-aih So: that their,.exbavation would br.ihg ;tFe:,lwd down to the level, of %he suyy.o&dM&: &ea,': He recommended .$ha6. they, be ,al&ow;d the . , perat .they 'I. , , have rep,ue.s%ed, and Bank.s.0 ..... ' agved, Mbkion seco,rided,'bk..Fronk and: car&$, Reqiest for 'permit: was for .s&x-months ..permit to, excavate %he W. 0f;'~i/2 of:sg/L; of pf m/4 10f..s&32,~: R.24' e-q&,-'tha$ pa@ EX~~SION OF FRANCE 'AYE: AND mms'xvx., Bus 'id 'F~OM w.doTH sT. 'To'..w.~~TH ... . I .' ............. .. , .* 2. . .:!I : .,I ?'I , . ...... ' I _' .I. .' n, %or ,ro&&! ?, . . ; ---:.- .' ~ ST:, 'AND THENCE'. INTO SOUTHDALE: SHOPPING' CZNTnZ,.. Ma$ager. Hyde reporte'd'. .a meetiiig., .. of two Council Members 'dth fie: Gepber of T@ City Rapid Transit C.o',, ' &%'which the'.Company'agreed to extend its 50th and France line to the School P.arking.,Lot,at Wooddale Ave. md Wbmh St, for all buses termi- nating at 50th 'and. France 'on weeltday. schedule, between. the hmrs of 4: 15 and 5: 45 P ,PI, Fronk then moved that -TFjin-'City:~R&pZd. T?ans$$ Company be giyeri n to extend its France Avenue and Xe.rxes Avenue lines fromW,6Obh, .t . W,66th..Street, .and thence. into. Southdaie-Shopp&g Cente.r,, retwine ..... e roFke', Motion s.ecpndedi:'liy 'Bank, &d ,cakried; 'i I ." . ,.. .. ~. ., :. - .. .. .. .... ... -. .. I '. I. .. I .. I : ,. , , ; .. , .. ., .. ! i .. 3I.JDGm. by the Council, stating that according to best informatlon available now on our assessed valuation this budget will total. a levy of 27.63 mills. He reported, however, that Mrs McClellan of the Union feels that wage adjust- ments are insufficient; and Mr, McClellan spoke in favor of larger increases than those set forth in the budget. The business of the agenda's having been covered, Bank moved for adjournment, Motion seconded by Fronk and carrifle Manager Hyde transmitted copies of the budget tentatively adopted No action taken. Meeting adjourned at ll:lO P.N, I Village Clerk i