HomeMy WebLinkAbout19560924_REGULAR9/24/56 29'7- MINUTES OF THE REGULAR KEETING OF THE EDINA VILLAGE COUNCIL, HELD MONDAY, SEPTEI!4BEZ 24, 1956, AT 7:30 Po&, .~ .. .AT THE EDINA VILLAGE HAL% .. ROLLCALL .was kswered by Tkst ees Bank, Bredes&,- .- Fronk and Tupa, and by Mayor m September: 10,' 19 56, were approved as' submitted, and carried. Clerk presented Affidavit of Publication in . . .'I Kt"TES of the'Regular Meeting of by Motion Fronk, Seconded by Tupa & .I. __ PUBLIC' HEARINGS ON DPROVET~-TS. Edina-Norningside Courier September 13 &d 20, 1956, of "Notice of Public Hearings on Proposed Improvements--Sanitary Sewer and Watermain, *I which affidavits were appmved as to -farm -and ordered placed. on file. Pursuant to notice given, the following Public Hearings were held, and action taken: 9. PUBLIC HEARING ON PROPOSED CONSTRUCTION OF VIJLAGE WATERUIN ESTBNSION AND APPURTENANCES in West Shore Drive, W.70th'St . to Belvidere Lane; Andover Rd., West Shore Drive to Wooddale Ave.; Belvidere Lane, West Shore Drive to FJooddale he.; Wooddale Ave,, W.7Oth St. to Belvidere Lane; at $20,535.12. had been received prior to the Hearing. approving) . 2. APPURTENANCES in West Shore Drive, W.7Oth St. to Belvidere Lane; Andover Road, West Shore Drive to tfooddale Ave.; Wooddale Ave., Belvidere Lane to 155 Ft. NO. of Andover Rd. Estimate of Cost was given at $17,778.42, There were no - Objections from the floor, and no iflitten objections had been received prior to the Hearing. 3. APPURTENANCES in Valley View Rd., tQman Ave. to Whiting St.; Whiting St., Valley View Rd, to Tracy Ave.; Tracy Ave., Whiting St. to Arbour Lane No.; Arbour Lane No., Tracy Ave. to W. Line of Countryside Ad&. this Trunk and Lateral Main has been engineered in response to a petition for Watermain in Tracy Avenue, Arbour Lane and Crescent Drive; that it has been necessary to bring th main a long way to serve this area; that the trunk main has been proposed along the route recommended by the Bannister Engheering Study. At this time it was reported that petitions have now been received from the majority of the owners favoring the project by former petition, against the proposed construction; that, in addition, opposing petitions have been filed by owners of properties in the Thk District--some 60 properties in all; and a petition was filed at the meeting, containing names of owners of some 25 additional properties, protesting the improvement. Mr. Addy, owner of ten lots along Crescent Drive, spoke in favor of construction, and stated that Thorpe Bros., owners of some twelve lots in the mea, are also in favor. original petition had been voided by opposition petition, Bredesen moved that project be abandoned. -Motion seconded by Fronk and carried. Fronk then offered the following Resolution and moved its adoption= Estimate of Cost was given There were no objections from the floor, and no mitten objections (See Resolution of later h meeting, PUBLIC HEARING ON PROPOSED CONSTRUCTION OF SANITARY Sam EXTENSION AND (See Resolution of later in meeting, approving). PUBLIC HEAR3NG ON PROPOSED CONSTRUCTION OF VILLAGE WATEBMAIN EXTENSION AND Manager Hyde explained that Because the 9 RESOLUT ION CRDEEING IMpRcmEMENTSl WATERMAIN 71UIPROVE%f€NT NO. 115, SANITARY SENEB IMPROvElviENT NO. b1 BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the Village of Edina, Minnesota, that this Council heretofoEe caused notices of hearing to be duly published on the follow- ing proposed improvements: 1. CONSTRUCTION OF VILLAGE WATERMAIN EXTENSION AND APPURTENANCES in the following streets: West Shore Drive, W.7Oth St. to Belvidere Lane; Andover Rd., West Shore Drive to Wooddale Ave.; Belvidere Lane, West Shore Drive to Wooddale Ave.; Wooddale he., W.7Oth St. to Eelvidere Lanea 2. CONSTRUCTION OF VXLTAGE 8mX:SEmE 3Xl"STON 'ANDL APPURTENANCES in the following streets: West Shore Drive, W.70th St. to Belvidere Lane; Andover Rd., West Shore Drive to Wooddale he.; Belvidere Lane, West Shore Drive to Wooddale Ave.; Wooddale Ave., Belvidere Lane to 155 Ft. No, of Andover Rd. and at the hearings held at the time and place specified in said notice the Council has duly considered the views of all persons interested, and being fully advised of the pertinmt facts does hereby determine to proceed with the construction of said improvements; that - said improvenents BEE hereby designated and shall be referred to in all subsequent proceedings as follows: NAME OF IMPL)VEMEXT T2TATERYAIN IIQROVEBENT NO. 115 SAN.SEcilER IMPROTEXENT N0.121 No. 1, Above No. 2, Above 9/24/56 and the areas to be specially assessed tbrefor shall be as follows: be improved. Notion for adoption of the Resolution urns seco trere five ayes and no nays, as follows: Barik, All lots and tracts of land abutting the portions of the streets proposed to ANARD OF BIDS TAXEN AT 1O:OO A.N,, SEPTBW 2b Affidavits of Publication 5n Edina-Norningside Courier and Construction Bulletin September 13 and 20, 1956, of ffAdvertisernent for Bids-Sanitary Sewerr 'Watermain, for Bids-Chlorinators and FluoridatorsYtf were submitted by Clerk, approved as to form and wdered placed on file. follorhng reports and recommendations were made, and action taken: 1. and of IfAdvertisement Pursuant to said Advertisements the SmEARY SEI.IER-l.lest Shore Drive, t?.7Oth St. to Belvidere Lane; Andover Road, West Shore Drive to Vooddale Ave.; Belvidere Lane, West Shore Drive to Vooddale Ave.; Belvidere Lane, Hest Shore Drive to Wooddale Ave.; {Joodale Ave., Belvidere Lane to 155 Ft. No. of hdover Rd.; JSduth Garden Estates and South Garden Estates 2nd Addn,) - and Shore Drive to Uooddale he.; Belxidere Lane, West Shore Drive to Wooddale Ave.; Vooddale he., Trl.70th St. to Belvidere Lane (South Garden Estates and South Garden Estates 2nd Addn,) - 3faager Hyde presented Tabulation of Bids, showing Bart Carlone to be the lowest bf three bidders at $32,893.10 for both projects; Phelps-Drake, Inc., to be second low, with $33,799.60; and Art Boxer to be high, with $45,302.25. He recommended award of contract to Phelps-Drake Company at 833,799.60 because Carlone does not have pipe and has no& fMshkd contract awarded him earlier this year. He stated developer Coffman is very azlxious to haGe work completed by Noveanber 1 and would favor awardhg to Phelps-Drake on completion date of Novenber I, Bank's motion, that bid be awarded to Phelps-Drake in accordance T.iith 3Ianager's recornendation, was seconded by Tupa and carried. 3 . CHLORINATORS AND FLUORIDATORS-lknager Hyde reported, receiving two bids on this equipment--from TtJallace and Tiernan Company, and from Fischer and Porter Company; the bid of Fis'kher and Porter Company not meeting specifications for a water diaphragn chlorinator; the al%ernate bid of Wallace and Tiernan Company not meeting these specifications either. He presented Banister Engineering Companyts -recornendation for award of contract to Wallace and Tiernan Company in the amount of $6,823.00 for Two Prater Diaphragm Chlorinators and Six Flwaidators, plus $2,246,00 for one additional Chlorinator and one additional Fluoridator. were - 1. Chlorine purchased today contains inpurif&es. 2. 'I.la-ter usage in Edina varies greatly between winter and summer months, resulting in certain r.rells not being used at times. I*lhen unused wells are starbed up, iron" canted of water from them is high. This iron content could affect operation of the mechanical diaphragm type. 3. Village now has four water diaphragm type chlorinators, and uniformity of equipment is desirable from standpoint of operating personnel. Bianager Hyde recommended amrd to %illace and Tiernan Company at their base bid of $6,823.00, with option of purchasing additional equipment at $2,246.00, depending on how many wells trill be in use next year. Bank's motion,, that bid be arwded in accordance with E.lanagerts recommendation, 7~s seconded by Tupa and carried. 2. WYEERlW-IIest Shore Drive, W.7Oth St. to Belvidere Lane; Andover Rd., Vest - Reasons given by Banister for his recommendation - PWLIC €lEARINGS ON PEPE33NS FOR F!EEKtTS TO BUILD IN NON-CONFE&IAi!JOE NITH VIJUGE ZONING ORDINAXCE. Clerk presea ed copy of Notice mafied to owners of properties within 500 feet of the affected lots. and. pursuant to said Notice the followina r - Public Heasims were held ad action-tabk- 1, Block 2, I%ymants Southview (6200 l&mm Ave.) facing said dwelling on TJ.62nd PETEION 6F 1-Re L, De, STOCKIEU for permit to construct a dwelling on Lbt 3, Street Gather than on ?lyman Avenue, There were no objections from the audience, and no written objections had been received prior to the hearing, (See.motion of later in meeting, approving). 2, facing dwellings the long way of the lot: - In SOUTH GARDEN ESTATES - Lot 4, ESTATES SECOND ADDITION - Lots 3 and 5, B1, 1; Lots 1 and 2, B1. 2; Lots 1 and 4, Bl, 3, and Lot 3, B1, 5. no written objections had been received prior to Hearing. Council reviet<ed site of proposed dwelling. PETE'lOIa OF fiIR. 17. D. COFF2.fAN for permit to construct the follor.Jing dwellings, B1. 2; Lot 5, Bl. 2; Lots 6 and 7, B1. 3; Lot 6, B1, 4, - In SOUTH GARDEN These were no objections from the audience, and Bredesen' s .motion, approving Petitions, was seconded by Tupa and carried. .I 9/24/56 37 9 PUBLIC HEARINGS ON PROPOSED ASSESSHmS: of Publication: from the Edina-Morningside Courier: "Notice of Assessment Hearing on Sanitary Sewer No. 104, llatermains Nos. 103 and lll.,ll - Published September 6th and 13th. IINotice'of Assessment Hearings for Blacktop Smprovement No. A-51 and BlacKcop Impmvanent No. A-63 (Including Concrete Curb and Gutter) It, published September 6th and 13th. "Notice of Assessment Hearing for Oiling Improvements, 11 published September 6th and 13th. "Notice of Assessment Hearing for Sanitary Sewer No. 81, Supplementa1,tt published September 6th and 13th. Said affidavits were approved as to fonk and ordered placed on file, and, pursuant thereto, the follming Special Assessment Hearings were held and action taken: Clerk presented the following Affidavits'^'( 1. 2. 3. 4. 1-A. -PUBLIC HEARING OX PROPOSED ASSESSbENT FOR SANTTARY SENE8 NO, lO,!+-ln Drew-Avenue from 5900 and 5901 Drew throud 5920 and 5921 Drew. Tabulation of Assessment was given as $2,747.&3, as agabt 801 Assessable Feet, for $3.43 per Assessable Foot, as against an Estimate of Cost of $3.35. There were no objections from the floor, and no*wri%ten objections had been assessed prior %o the Public Hearing. In Fl.57th Street from State Highway No. 100 to Nomandale Court. Tabulation of Assessment was given as $3,775.10 as against 458.7 Assessable Feet, for $8.23 per Assessable Foot, as against a 1955 Estimate of Cost of $5.52. Ik. Folke Victorsen complained that it would have been better and more economical to have had the mrk done last winter; but it was explained that the large increash in prices over last year could not be forseen. Approving) , PUBLIC HEARING ON ASSESSMENT FOR WATE3" IllPROVEI~NT NO, IXL-ln Drew Avenue from 5900 and 5901 Drew Through 5920 and 5921 Drew. Tabulation of Assessment.rvas given as $2,931.66 as against'801 Assessable Feet, for $3.66 per Assessable Foot, as against an Estimate of Cost of $3.61. There were no objections from the floor, and no written objections had been filed prior to the Hearing. (See Resolution of later in Meeting, Approving). from Wooddale Ave. to W.60th St. as against 1,597.6 Assessable Feet, for $2.58 per Assessable Foot, as against Estimate of Cost of $3.15. written objections had been received prior to the Hearing, 2-B. ' PUBLIC HEARING ON PROPOSED ZSSE3S~:'FOR: BUCKTOPPING DiF"iFOVEI@NT NO. A-63 (INCLUDING CONCREfE CURB AND GUTTER). Avenue to Bcookview Avenue. Tabulation of Assessment was given as $2,852.50 as against 578.6 Assessable Feet, for $4093 per Assessable Foot, compared with Estimate of Cost of $4..92. written ob Sections had been received prior to the Hearing, (See Resolution of later in Heeting, Approving) 3. PUBLIC HEARING ON PROPOSED ASSESSNENTS FOR OILING INPROVEI~TS. Nayor Erickson announced that there are some sixty-eight streets on which Oiling has been accmplished in 1955 and 1956; that mailed Notice of Hewing has set forth the proposed Assesam'&% p"er Z2sseksfoo-b on each street benefited by Oiling in 1955; that, in 1956, costs of Oiling have been cmbined, and the cost per &SS&S. foot will be $.l8 for all streets oiled. proposed assessments for the following streets: Cost per Assessable Foot, $.18. Er. John McCartin, 5264 Richwood Drive-- vrho is to be assessed along the side of his lot-complained that Shemood Road was in good shape until such time as it was dug up for the Village pmp; that this contractor never did get around to repair the street; that the Village established a gravel storage lot in the area, using Sherwood Road, and that the heavy trucks helped in the road's deterioration; that, inasmuch as everyone in the Village received benefit from the gravel storage lot, (I) the Village should pay the cost of the oil; or (2) the cost of the oiling should be spread against the entire subdivision (rather than only the abutting properties) because this is the only entr to the subdivision. of later in Meeting, approving assessment 3 . Cost per Assessable Foot, $,18, that the Assessment for Sanitary Sewer Improvement No. 81 was to have included Oiling. Bredesen movedthat thematter of expense for Oiling York Avenue from W,5$th Street to West 59th Street be included .in the Hearing for Sanitary Sewer Improvement No. 81, Supplemental. Cost per Assessable Foot, $.18. Nr. Knearl, 5617 St.Andrevrs Avenue--who is to be assessed along the side of his lot--complained that the street abutting his home has, since the oiling, been filled in with 411 to 6'1 of dirt because of the construction of the new school. oiling has been spoiled it is the obligation of the Village to re-oil, (See Resolution of later in Meeting, approving assessment) . (See Resolution of later in Neeting, Approving). 1-Be PUBLIC HEARING ON PROPOSED ASSESSMENT FOR 'WATERMAm INPROVBW NO, 102 (See Resolution of later in Neeting, 14. 2-A . PUBLIC HEARING ON PROPOSED IIE'EOTTEX3 ITlLBLACfcT OPPING NO. A-51-Fairf ax Ave . , Tabulation of Assessment was given at $4,121.81 There were no objections from the floor, and no In W.58th Street from Oaklawn There were no objections from the floor, and no Objections were raised on the A. Shmmod Road from Highway #169 to Richwood Drive. Oilivig in 1956, (See Resolution B, York Avenue from West 58th Streeti to Vest 59Lh Street, Oiling in 1956, Mr. C. He Reisdorph, 5833 York, complained Notion seconded by Tup and carried. Oiling in 1956, C, Southiriew Lane from Normandale Road to Concord Avenue. Mayor Erickson explained that if the D. W.6Oth St., Normandale Road to Code Ave. Oiling in 1956, Cost per . 280' 9/24/56 Assessable Foot, 8.18. is still considerable sand at the corner; that there are holes there and water still stands, He was informed that this is a maintenance matter, of later in Heeting, Approving). . . E, Naomi Drive-from Danens Drive to Tf.66th St. lfr. E. J. ODonnell, 6624 Naomi Drive, complainedthat he is once again being assessed on a large tangent, whereas the Council had informed hi& that they would look into the matter. complained that he is being unfairly assessed; that the 5O-foot tangent means nothing to him; that he does not consider it his property, that the method of Wangent assessrnent1I is one generally used throughout the Village; that the Council has the power to make assessments on this basis; that it also has the power to make adjustments in special cases if it so wishes. Nr. ODonnell stated he is anxious to how about future assessments because he feels he vrill soon be assessed for Sanitary Sewer, Blacktopping and Curb and Gutter, HI?. Hyde stated he believes the Council should adopt a general policy on assess- ment; and suggested that on any future assessments 8 maximum assessment (to be determined by the Council,) be added for tangents, Nr. ODonnell protested that he had been promised this consideration before this presently proposed assessment. (See Resolution of later Zn Neeting, approving assessment). Nr. W. Go Fredel, 504.4 if.60th St,, complained that there (See Resolution He Bfr. FEndhorst stated I F. West 62nd Street from St.Johns Ave. to Ashcroft Ave,; and St,Johns Ave., Valley View Rd, to 8,626 St, Cost per Assessable Foot, $.151. MI=. S.J; Garlson, 4605 lt3;62nd St,, complained that B very narrow strip had been Oiling in 1955. laid darn the center-of the street only; that the sides of the street had not been oiled and were allotled to remain rough and full of holes. protest filed by $Si?. John F. EfcN~i/Jiy, 6200 St.Johns Avenue, confhed this report. assessment be deleted from rolls. G. Halifax Avenue from lT.6Oth St. to France Avenue. Oiling in 1955. Cost per Assessable Foot, s.163. 15r. F. Lo 18arkle, 60% Halifax he., stated that petition for Blacktopping had been filed in the Spring; that, la% in the summer France had been closed to southbound traffic, which had been re-routea onto Halifax Avenue; that, because of the dust storms occasioned by the heavy traffic, residents had been forced.to petition for Oiling, even though they kew Blacktopping would be done later; thm, five or six weeks after the street was oiled, it was blacktopped. fact that benefit had been received from the oiling, request for abandonment of assessment be denied. H, W.64th Street, Highway No. 100 to ParneU. Avenue. Oiling in 1955. Cost per Assessable Foot, $.067, Mr. 0.J. Thorpe, 6332 Ryan Ave., stated he has no complaint on the Oiling, but wants to know when the street 16ll be repaired so that it can be used; that, shortly after Oiling, contractor Phelps-Drake dug up the street for water; that, now, they are putting in sewer. 'He was informed that this is a maintenance matter. Meeting, approving assessment) . A t.rritten It was consenses of Council(s opinion that complaints are valid and Bredesen moved that; in view of the Motion seconded by Eknk and caPried. (See Resolu€ion of later in :. 4. SUPPIJ31IENTAL. Bhnager Hyde explained to the audience that the repair of the Stabilized Base in York Avenue between W.59th and W.6Oth Street had not been included in the Assessment for the Sanitary Sewer between W.58th and tJ.60th Streets, although an Estimate of Cost for this work had been included in the Public Hearing on the Improvement; that, at present bid, the cost per front foot for repair of the Stabilized Base tsill be $1.06; that, if the assessment of $.le per front foot is divided between the two blocks (for the Oiling of York between tf.5&h and U.59th Sts,, as determined by the Council earlier this evening), the total cost per Assessable Foot for street repair uill be $1,15--$.01 per assessable foot over the Estimate of Cost given at the Hearing. Bank then offered the follmxing Resolvtion and moved its adoption: PUBLIC KEARIhTG ON PROPOSED ASSESSIBNT FOR SANITARY SE[W DPR(XTEII1E;E N0.81, RESOLUTIOM ADOPTING AND CONFIRKING ASSEsSblENTS FOR SANITARY SEXEB ~IPRO~EWT NO. 104; ~~NAIN DPROTTE ~ms NOS. 103 AND xu; AND STREEX DPROQEMENTS NOS. , A-51 AND A-63: AND AMENDING AND ATIOFTING ASSESSEXJTS FOR OILING Il4PR0VE3WS-l9!j5 AND 1956, AND FOR SUPPI;EEmaAL.-ASSEsSm Fk SmITARY SEJEEt NO. 81 BE IT BIZSOLVED by the Village Council of the Vfllage of Edina, IWesota, as -*. f 0llOr.rs : 1. for SANITARY SBER D@ROvEs.IENT NO. 104, 'WATEEWIN DPROVEM3lES NOS. 103 AND 111, and STREET IT.IPROVEEWS NOS. A-51 AND A-63, and each of them, have been properly calculated in accordance with the provisions of lkesota Statutes Section 4l2.&$l; that notice has been duly publiskd as required by law, that this Council would meet to hear and pass upon $ll objections, if any, to amend said proposed assessments as might -be necessary, and to adopt the same by resolution; that said proposed assessments have at all times since their filing been open for public inspection, and opportunity has been given to all interested It is hereby found, determined and declaredthat the proposed assessments 9/24/56 - 281 persons to present their objections; and that each of the lots, pieces and parcels of land enumerated in the respective assessments was and is specially benefited by the construction of the improvement for which such assessment is levied in the amount set opposite the description of each such lot, piece and parcel of land respectively. 2. It is hereby found, determined and declared that the proposed assessment for OILING DPROVEZE3ITS--l955 AND 1956--has been properly calculated in accordance with the provisions of Minnesota Statutes Section LJ2.4.4l, with the exception of those assessments proposed to be levied for the Oiling of the following streets: benefit . in the assessment for Sanitary Sewer Improvement No. 81 Supplemental. Valley View Rd. to W, 'b@ Street--which have received no benefit. that notice has been duly published as required by law, that this Council would meet to hear and pass upon all objections, if any, to amend said proposed assessments as might be necessary, and to adopt the same by resolution; that said proposed assessments-have at all times since their filing been open for public inspection, and opportunity has been given to a11 persons to present their objections; that the proposed Assessment is hereby amended by deleting from said proposed Assessment Ron the assess- ments levied against the properties abutting the streets heretofore enumerated; and that each ofthe lots, pieces and parcels of land enumerated in the amended assessment was and is specially benefited by the construction of the improvement for which such assessment is levied-in the amount set opposite the description of each suoh lot, piece and parcel of land respectively. 3. for SUPPIXLENTAL ASSESSMENT TO SANITARY SEFER DPRCIVEMENT NO. 81 has been properly calculated in accordance with the provisioms of Ermesota Statutes Section &U.&l, with the exception that the Proposed Assessment for Oiling York Avenue fromW.58th St. to tJ.59th St. shall be added thereto; that notice has been duly published as required by law, that this Council2.rould meet to hear and pass upon all objections, if any, to amend said proposed assessments as might be necessary, and to adopt the sane by resolution; that said proposed assessments have at all times since their filing been open for public inspection, and opportunity has been given to all persons to present their objections; that the proposed Assessment is hereby amended by adding there%o the cost of the Oiling of York Avenue from W.58th St. to W. 59th St.; that the amended Assessable Cost per Front Foot is hereby determined to be $1.15; and that each of the lots, pieces and parcels of land enumerated in the assessment was and is specially benefited in the amount set opposite the description of each such lot, piece and parcel of land respectively. 4. The amounts so set out are hereby levied against the respective lots, pieces and parcels of land described in said respective assessments and amended assessments, and said proposed assessments are hereby adopted and confirmed as the propea special assessments for said %nprovements, respectively. The assessment against each lot, tract or parcel, together with the interest accruing on the full amount thereof from time to time unpaid, at the rate of five percent per annum from the date of this resolution, shall be a lien con- current with general taxes upon the property described .ther&Sn and all thereof. ten equal consecutive annual installments, &ge*Ker vntiIaZltSSst neg entire assessments from the date hereof to December 31, 1957, to be payable with the general taxes for the year 1956, and one of the remaining installments, with one year's interest on that and a11 subsequent installments, to be payable rvith general taxes for the years 1957 through 1965, collectible in the respective ensuing years. The total amount of each such assessment for SUPPLEMENTAL ASSESSIEMT TO SANITARY SEXER ITGROVEMENT NO. 81 shall be payable in nine equal consecutive annual instalbents , the first of said installments, together with interest on the entire assessment fram the date hereof to December 31, 1957,- to be pay- able with the general taxes for the year 1956, and one of the rqaining install- ments, with one year's interest on that and all subsequent installments, to be papble with general taxes for the yeass 1957 through 1964, collectible in the respective ensuing years. and A-63 shall be payable in five equal consecutive annual installments, the first of said installments, together with interest on the entire assessment from the date hereof to Dece&er 31, 1957, to be payable with the general taxes for the year 1956, and one of the remaining installments, with one year's interest on that and all subsequent installments, to be payable with general taxes for the years 1957 through 1960, collectible in the respective ensuing years + Shervmod Avenue from W.63rd St. to W.64th St.--which has received no York Avenue from W. 58th St . to W.59th St .--which cost shall be included 1qlest 62nd Street from St.Johns Ave. to Ashcroft Ave.; and St.Johns Ave., It is hereby-found, determined and declared that the proposed assessment The total amount of each such assessment for SANITARY SEtJIB ~ROVENE" NO. 104 AND WATERMAIN IMPROTIEIENTS NOS. 102 A~.N:* 7 8 b-f vbP in The total amount of each such assessment for STREET IMPROVEMENTS NOS. A-51 9/24/56 The total amount of each such amended assessment for OILING IpspROVB~~S-19~5 i82 { AND 1956, shall be payable in one installment, together with interest on the entire assessment from the date hereof to December 31, 1957, to be payable with the general taxes for the year 1956. 5. any lot, piece or parcel of land assessed hereby may paythe whole of such assess- ment or any instalhent thereof without interest to the Village Treasurer and thereafter such payment may be made .r.sith accrued interest to the County Treasurer; provided that if any assessments or installments thereof be prepid to the Village Treasurer, they shall be cancelled on the books of the Village Treasurer, and he shall promptly notify the Village Clerk and County Auditor, and the assessment or installment so prepaid shall be cancelled on the books of the County Auditor. 6. The Clerk shall, as soon as may be, prepare and transmit to the County Auditor a certified duplicate of said assessments, with each then unpaid installment and interest set forth separately, to be extended upon the proper tax lists of the County, and the County Auditor shall thereafter cause said assessments to be collected in the manner provided by law. assessment roll shall be designated as ASSESSHFAT ROLL FOR SANTTARY SENER Prior to certification of the assessments to the County Auditor, the owner of . I Said duplicate ILPROVEDENT NO, 104, WATERNAIN IWROVE~NTS NOS, 103 AND m, STREET D~OVE_~~ENTS NOS, A-a AND A-63, OILJNG DPROV3NEbES-19~~ AND 1956, AND SUPP~XENTAL TO SAXITARY SEWB WRO'KR4E2$T NO. 81; and all amounts collected in respect of the assessments therein contained shall be similarly designated by the County Treasurer, and by him credited to Sinking Fund Accounts as follows: For Sanitary Sewer Improvement No. 104, Watermain Improvements NOS. lo3 and U, and Supplemental to Sanitary Sewer Improvement No. 81 - to the Improvement Bond Redemption Fund For Street Improvemats For Street Improvements For Oiling Fund. Improvemerrt No. A-!jl - to the Sinking Fund Account of the 1954 First Series Fund. Second Series Fund, lmprovements 1955 and 1956 - to the/Permanent Improvement Revolving Improvement No, A-63 - t6 the Sinking Fund Account of the 1954 Bond Sinking Fund of Itlotion for adoption of the Resolution was -seconded by Fronk, and on RollcaZl there .five ayes and no nays, as follows: Bank, I AWARD OF BIDS FOR STABILIZED RUE FOR YORK Am BE=ct.TEEN W.59TH AND IL6OTH STREETS (Supplemental to Sanitary Sewer Improvement No. 81) Manager Hyde explained that bids had been taken Septe~eY 10; that only one bid had been received--that of Earl Sewall at $2,220. P.Ir. Eugene Finkenauer, 5900 York Ave. So., protested increase in this bid over the $1,365.00 Estimate of Cost made by the Engineers at the time of the Public Hearing on the Improvement. He stated he feels that a 60 to 65% difference points to a miscalculation in the estimate made by the engineering deparbment. IIr. Bredesen pointed out that bids increased some 30% this year, over last year; that only one bid was received, which would tend to prove that contractors are very busy; that this, in turn, vmuld bring prices higher. 14r. C.14. Scott, 5920 York Ave. So,, asked if it would be possible to get the t-rork completed this year, and Ilk. Hyde replied that, if bid is awarded this evening, work could be done. Bredesen's motion, for award of bids to Earl A. Saval.1 a% $2,220.00, vas seconded by Bank and carried. COi'JTINUATION OF AUGUST 27IPH AND SEPTEi*iBER lOTH PUBLIC KEARINGS ON ASSESSIEXf FOR TRIJN! IJAmJD NO, $6 AND LmERBL CONNECTIONS THERETO, reported as follows: On the proposed assessment for Xr. E4orton heson's property, proposed assessment would be made in the full amount, but first year's assessment would not be payable until 1962. 1962,1963,1964,1965 and 1966, which would make the last year payable the same as that for the balance of the assessment. No interest trill accrue on this assess- until 1961. lek. Arneson will agree to give the Village an easement seven feetwide on the Bonth &de of his property, easement to contain a covenat to the effect that if use of property requires removal of a fence, Village will remove at its own expense. >Fro Windhorst recommended this assessment deferral on the grounds that Village is securing a needed easement in return for not charging interest on five years' assessment. with regard to the Arneson property assessment, be accepted, was seconded by Tupa and carried. 2. On the proposed assessment for the R.EL Gavin property, $fro t?indhorst recommended that $1,673.00 of the proposed $2,752.17 assessment be made immediately; that the $1,079.17 balance be deferred until. such time as connections are made to the 3Jatermain. He explained that, from the way he (Whdhorst) reads the easement Village Attorney Windhorst 1, The assessment would be made on a five-year bssis payable I Fronkls motion, that recanmendation made by Attorney I 9/24/56 tendered the Village by Mr. Gavin, said easement requires that no assessment be made for the Development ,~%?e%d~, ATb% Zhai g8% easemht does not pr?ohibit assessment against the W.7Oth Street frontage; whereas Mr. Gavin believes the easement demands deferment of entire assessment. Mr. Hyde suggested that, if Mr. Gavin is agreeable to giving the same easement along W.70th Street as has been given by Mr. Ameson the same five-year deferment be given for this assessment. &, Ffindhorst stated that, in his opinion, making an assessment, now, for $1,673.00 (which is a Trunk Assessment of $.93 per front foot on 350 Front Feet:. plus a Lateral Connection Assessment of $3.85 per front foot on 350 Front Feet on W.7Oth Street), and deferring the balance of $1079.17 until connections are Mr. Windhorst %old the Council that,if the State of Minnesota acquires the Gavin property before the deferred portion of the assessment is levied, the Village will be out this part of the assessment; that, othe-e, the assessment will be part of the damages of condemnation. behalf of MI?. E.C. Stow, stated he feels there tdllbe a decided inequity if the State condems this land before levy of assessment, inasmuch as value Will be added to the land by construction of the main, which W. Gavin would receive as part of condemnation. the Village will have a claim against the State for damages in this case, but that he is not prepared to make a $irin..statement on it at this the. Fronkls motion that the Gavin assessment bekvied, now, in the amount of $1,673.00, and that the balance of $1,079.17 be deferred until such time as connections are made to the main, was.seconded by Bank and carried. oin South $n ~~rmand&i$~ East on the road abutting the . made, would :carry out the Tillage's present agreement with Mr. Gavin, Attorney Hosmer Brown, speaking on Mr. Windhorst stated that, conceivably, Bank then offered the following Resolution and moved its adoption: RESOLUTION &ENDING AND ADOPTING ASSESSNEXIT FOR TRUNIC WATIZMAIN DPROVENEKC NO. 86 AND LATERAL COiWCTIONS THERE710 BE TT RESOLIED by the Village Council of the Village of Edina, 14hnesota, as follows: 1. It is hereby found, determined and declared that the proposed assessments for TRUNK lJA!PERMAIN D@ROVEMENT NO. 86 AND UTEWL CONNECTIONS THERETO, and each of them, have been properly calculated in accordance with the provisions of Ninnesota Statutes, Section 4l2:44l; that notice has been duly published as required by law, that this Council would meet to hear and pass upon all objections, if any, to amend said. proposed assessments as might be necessary, and to adopt the same by resolution; that said proposed assessments have at all times since their filing been open for public inspection, and opportunity has been given to a11 interested persons to present their objections; and that each of the lots, pieces and parcels of land enumerated in the zssessh&.ts was and is specially benefited by the construction of the improvement for which ' such assessment is levied in the amount set opposite the description of each such lot, piece and parcel of land respectively. 2. presently opmed by Morton Armeson and known as Parcel No, 4203, Plat No.73831 in Section 31, Township 28, Range 24, being the following:: "Corn. at SW Cor. of "L/4 of Ntin/ic; th. E. 30 Ft,; th. N. parallel with E. line of JWl./& of NKl/4 a dist. of &22.51 Ft.; tho along a curve deflecting to the left with a delta angle of 46 30' and a radius of 316.53 Ft. a dist. of 139.12 Ft. to intersection of W, line of E. 661.4 Ft. of NWL/4 of M/4; th. N. along said W. line to NW Cor. thereof; th. E. to NE Cor. of said M/4 of NKL/4; th. S. along E. line thereof to S. line of N 1317.1 Ft. of E. 661.4 Ft. of tVl/Z of Ntnn/k;tB.lJ. to beginning." be deferred for five years, to be levied in 1961, in five equal consecutive annual installments, the first installment together with interest at five percent per annum Zpom October 10, 1951to December 31, 1962, to be payable with general. taxes for 1961, and one of the remaining installments, with one year's interest on that and all subsequent installments, to be payable with general taxes for the years 1962, 1963, 1964 and 1965, collectible in the respective ensuing years; said Total Principal Assessment being $8,318.03. 3. presently amed by R.N. Gavin and known as Parcel No. 4460, Plat No.73831 in Section 31, Tomship 28, Range 24, being the following: *lCormn. at NW Cor. of W?l/4 of NILL/4; th. I?. 492.8 Ft.; th. S. 217.8 Ft.; th. E. to I?. line of E. 661.1, Ft. of NKL/4 of NtKL/4; th. S. 159.2 Ft.; th. PI. parallel with the N. line thereof to W line of Sec.; th. N to Beg. ex. Rd. and State, Hwy.I1 is $2,752.17; of which $1,079.17 shallcbe,and hereby is, deferred until connections are made for such property from Watermain in Normandale Road or the Northernmost street in "Lake Edina" Addition; that $1,673.00 of said proposed assessmen% shall be payable in ten equal consecutive annual installments, the first of said installments, together rdth interest on the entire assessment ($1,673.00) from the date hereof to Decmber 31, 1957, to be payable with the general taxes-for It is hereby determined that the proposed assessment against that property It is hereby determined that the proposed assessment against that property $84 j 9/2&/56 th year 1956, and one of the remaining installments, with one yearts interest on that and all subsequent installments, to be payable with general taxes for the years 1957 through 1965, collectible in the respective ensuing years, assessment roll for each lot, tract or parcel not hereinbefore specifically enumerated, are hereby levied against the respective lots, pieces and parcels of land described in-said assessment, and said proposed assessments are hereby adopted and confirmed as the proper special assessments for said improvement. The assess- ment against each lot, tract or parcel, together with the interest accruing on the full amount thereof from time to time unpaid, at the rate of five percent per annum from the date of this resolution, shall be a lien concurrent with general taxes upon the property described therein and all thereof. Mmfi CONMECTIONS THERETO shall be payable in ten equal consecutive annual installmenks, the first of said installments together with interest on the entire assessment from the date hereof to Decerriber 31, 1957, to be payable xyith the general taxes for the year 1956, and one of the remaining installments, with one yearts interest on that-and all subsequent installments, to be payable with general taxes for the years 1957 through 1965, coQectible in the respective ensuing years,unless hereinbefore specifically excluded from said term of assessment. Prior to certification of the assessment t6 the County Auditor, the owner of any lot, piece, or parcel of land assessed hereby may pay the whole of such assess- ment or any installment thereof vithout interest to-the V illage Treasurer and thereafier such payment may- be made with accrued interest to the County Treasurer; provided that if any assessments or installments thereof be prepaid to the Village Treasurer, they shall be cancelled on the books of the Village Treasurer, and he shall prmptly notify the Village Clerk and County Auditor, and the assessment or installlment so prepaid shall be cancelled on the books of the County Auditor, The Clerk shall, as soon as may be, prepare and transmit to the County Audibor a certified duplicate of said assessment, w2th eachthen unpaid install- ment and interest set forth separately, to be exzended upon the proper tax fists of the County, and the County Auditor shall thereafter cause said assessments to be collected in the manner provided by law, be designated as ASSESSHENT ROLL FOR TRUNK TJATEEU4AIN NO. 86 AND LATERAL CONNECTIONS TWO; and all mounts collected in respect of the assessments therein coatained shall be similarly designated by the Comty Treasurer, and by him credited to the Improvement Bond Redemption Fund. The amounts hereinbefore specified and-the mounts so set out &:the proposed The total amount of each such assessment for lXC~-lAIN IWROVEUEW NO. 86 AWD Said duplicate assesslnent roll shall Hotion for adoption of the Resolution if there were five ayes and no nays, as follows aye; Tupa, aye; and Erickson, aye; and the R NORI-IANDALE COURT. Ralph Petftrson, opened discussion by stating that his client trants the road replaced as nearly as possible to its original grade. reiterated the points made in his mitten report submitted At the last meeting; stating that approxima;te cost of a storm sewer wuld be $5,137.00. and another Normandale Court resident ,showed Vu4raph slides of former route of water into the pond to the West, advocating that present grade of the B.57th Street portion be raised to a point between Lots 1 and 2, Victorsen's Addition, and the mter allowed to run from W.57th Street to the back of the Victorsenls Addition lots, thence to the pond, They maintained that this would not dmge the Victorsen property, inasmuch as the natural drainage had been along this route, &. Donald 3undlie, represerrting 3k. Folke Victarsen, pointed out that the grade. on W.57th Street has been established; that it was established last spring before any homes were built; that building was done Tdth reliance upon the grade established; that, if Council changes grade, damages must be paid; that, in his opinion, any change in grade rillr result in considerable damage to ~ the Victorsen property. After a discussion of an hour or more, and an attempt by the Council to get this matter settled, Bank moved tht the grade on V,57th . Street at the Pkst end of the Tm-around be established at fray inches above the present level of the manhole in the turn-around; that the grade be sloped from the turn-around toward State Hightsay No, 100 to-a point approxkately ten &?et West of a line between Lots two and three, Victorsen's Addition; and that a Public Hearing be called for Monday, October 8, on construction of a Storm Sewer from said point ten feet Vest of a line between Lots two and three to the end of the turn-around and into the lake; that Council take bids on construction of said storm sewer on October 8, Notion $as seconded by Tupa and unanimously carried, Attorney Barto, representing "Normandale Court developer, Dr. VCLlage Engineer Zikan Mr. Taylor ~ I 9/24/56 2.8 5 - RYAN AVENUE - CHARGE AGAINST BOND, Mr. Craig Wing protested the charge of $$0.05 the Village proposes to make against the $750.00 Cash Bond filed by him and Mr. George Ettner for the Graveling of Ryan Avenue abutting Ettner's and Wing's kddn; this charge being for work done April 11, 1956. Mr. Wing stated that he and Mr. Ettnek-,: had no notice from the Village that the work was to have been done; that they irere in the same position with Ryan Avenue as many others in the Village because of the very heavy rains, and should not be pnalized because of this condition. well beyond the usual time allotted for such work, but he protested that graveling had been delayed for installation of utilities, of Mr. Wing's problem, Fronk moved that the item be split, with Ettner and Wing bearing one-half the cost and the Village General Fund bearing the other; seconded by Bank and carried. Mr. Wing was reminded that grave-ling of the street had been delayed After consideration by the €ouncil Motion RYAN AVENUE - GRAVELING OF THllT PORTION OF STREMT ACROSS FRON ETTXER'S AND WING'S ADDITION. graveling of only that portion of Ryan Avenue abutting Ettner's and Wing's Addn. He stated-that a plat of ItRyan Avenue Addition]' is under consideration, and asked that the Council see that the developer ofthis plat file a like bond for the one-half the street abutting this addition. Mayor Erickson suggested that Mr. Wing talk with the Planning Commission and the Village Engineering Department about this. Nr. Wing reminded Council that the bond he had submitted was for the MIRROR LAKES PARK - PROTEST AGAINST PRESENT IMPROVEMENT. a delegation of some twenty persons in protest against the present grading project in >Error Lakes Park between Glengarry Parkway and Doncaster Way and between Ayrshire and Interlachen Blvds. do not object to the area as a park,or as a reasonable development for recreational facilities for the children in the immediate area; that they do object to its proposed use because it will depreciate the value of the homes in the area by some $10,000 per home and that it will have a detrimental effect on the enjoyment of the houses in the way they were intended to be enjoyed. that the area of the park has recently been increased; that part of the lake has now been filled. activities for children of all ages, whereas present proposal is for three baseball diamonds and two softball fields.,_,@.-Strong asked that, if this area is to be developed (1) it be developed in a rea$onable perspective to the area it is going to serve--maybe one baseball diamond, or two, now, with a wait to see what use would be made of them, before proceeding further; or (2) perhaps, instead of baseball and softball fields, there should be more variety of activities planned. He asked that the Village give some consideration to the surrounding land omers and how the park development trill affect them, insofar as sodding, tree planting, and landscaping are concerned. that the estimated grading cost of $6,000 will over-run somewhat, principally because of the purchase of additional land; that he feels we should do some other work in the park this year, rather than leave this as a bare field; that for some $3,500 we can seed the entire low spot with rye grass, plant several trees along Glengarry Parkway, and landscape behind backdrops. He stated that, as regardstraffic, it is planned that there be no parking on the East side of Glengarry Parkway. of right-of-way for extension of Glengarry Parkway to Mirror Lakes Drive, but that this property will revert to its former owner if road is not put in within a year, and asked what the Village wishes to do. Park and Recreation Director French explained that, before present project was instituted, he had met with League of IqJomen Voters groups and a committee of home owners in the area, and had received enthusiastic agreement on this development. He explained that present plans call for year-around activity--skating, sliding, etc.; that 30" high bank can be kept in turf, which should be of definite advantage to the area. stated that this should be thought of as more than a neighborhood park, of the delegation supported Mr. Strong, being Dr. Thomas, Messrs. John Dunn, Sundblad, and others. Trustee Fronk told the delegation that the budget does not provide for further immediate development of the area, and Trustee Bredesen stated that Park Board and Council will consider the matter further, at their next joint meeting. Mr. Harlan Strong led He stated, in brief, that neighborhood residents He reminded Council Also, that the plan tloriginally proposed1' had a variety of 1 lanager Hyde reported He then reminded the Council that the Village has dedication He Several PEXZTION FOR VACATION OF PORTION OF I'HOPKINS ROADt1. 3.k. E.E. Igelsrud was present to support the petition of Business Developers, Inc., for the vacation of that portion of lYHopkins Roadt1 lying between kcadia Avenue and the >NW Right-of-Way. Elonday, October 22, was seconded by Tup and carried. TRUSTEE BREDESEN was excused from the meeting at this time, and meeting proceeded with four members present . Bank's motion, that Public Hearing on petition be scheduled for * PUBLIC HEALTH NURSING REPORT for Auwst, 1956, was received, reviewed, and ordered placed on file. 9/24/56 M.IINN"~;APOLIS & SUBURBAN BUS COHPAHX*S REQUEST FOR EXLPENSION OF BUS LINES mea SOUTHDKLE, from 66th Street and Vincent Ave. So,, on 66th Street to Southdale; * then from Southdale on York Ave. to 69th Street, and on 69th Street to Upton Ave. South in Richfield, vas filed. Bankls motion, that request be granted, was seconded by Tupa and carried. PETITION AaINsT BLACKTOP, CURB AND GUTTER ON CHOMEN AVE. BEL" W.60TH AIEJ FJ.61STS. was reviewed and ordered placed on file. - for said improvements has not yet been received, PETITIONS FOE D4PROVEI-EXTS: The following hprovement Petitions were f iled, with Bank moving for acceptance of petitions, scheduling of public hearings at Engineer's earliest convenience on Blacktopping project, and completion this year of Oiling, if possible. Blackkopping - 1-lelody Lane, Grove St. to Nelody Lake Dr.; Nelody Lake Drive, Code Ave. to Grove St. Oiling - Abercrombie Dr., Duggan Plaza to Everett Place; Church Place, Abercrombie Drive to Nomandale Rd.; Rabun Drive, Tifton Drive to TJ*?Oth st . Oiling - 1.iirror Lakes Drive, End of Blacktop to Lot 6, Block 2, Yid?s Addn.; Ayrshire Blvd,, Chantry Rd. to Error Lakes Dr, It was noted that petition I Motion vas seconded by Fronk and carried. '1, 2. ". - 1 3. PUBLIC HEARING ON PROPOSED BLACKTOPPING OF RYAN AVENUE: that Ryan Avenue should be Blacktopped; that it is some 2'1 below the grade of Valley View Road. He presented Preliminary Plan and Estimate of Cost on this project, suggesting that the Council call a public hearing on its otm motion, Eronk offered the following Resolution and moved its adoption: BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the Village of Edina: report as to the feasibility of the proposed Blacktopping Improvement described in the Form of Notice of Hearing set forth below, and as to the esthted cost of such improvement, Said report is hereby approved and directed to be placed on file in the office of the Village Clerk. This Council shall meet on Elonday, October 8, 1956, at ?:30 P.N., in the Village Hall, to consider in public hearing the views of all persons interested in said proposed improvement. 3. The Clerk is hereby authorized and directed to cause notice of the time, place and purpose of said meeting $0 be published in the official news- paper once a week for two successive weeks, the second of which publications is to be not less than three days from date of said meeting, which notice shall be in subs%antially the following form: Engineer Zikan reported RESOLUTION PROVIDII\JG FOR PUBLIC HEARING PROPOSED BLKCKTOPPIiiG EPROVEKE" 1, The Village Engineer, having submitted to the Council a prel5ninay.g 2, NOTICE OF NEARING ON PROPOSED BLACKTOPPING DPROVEHENT NOTICE IS HEREBY GIDN that the Edina Village Council trill meet at %he' Edizla Village Hall on Nondcy, October 8, 1956, at 7:30 P.M., to considep the followhg proposed improvement to be constructed under the authority granted by liiinnesota Laws of 1953, Chapter 398. The approximate cost of said improve- ment is estimated by the Village Engineer as set forth below: EST. COST $4, 267 . 20 BLACKTOPPING of Ryan Avenue from Valley View Road to W.62nd Street The area proposed to be assessed for the cost of the proposed improve- ment includes all lots and tracts of land abutting the portion of the street proposed to be improved, All objections and recommendations vsill be heard at this meeting. , GRETcms. mEN Village Clerk Hotion for adoption of the Resolution wa were four ayes and no nays, as f 0llor.s : Bank, I r r-- BIDS FOR PEOPOSED BUCETOPPING OF RYAN AVENUE. &fro Zikan recomended that Council take bids on this proposed project on Oc%ober 8, in order that it might be completed this years and Fro& offered the following Resolution and moved its adoption:: RESOLUTION APPROVING PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS FOR PROPOSED BUCKTOPPTNG IDPR0VE1*ENTy AND DIRECTDjG ADVE3,TISBJQGJT FOR BIDS BE IT RESOLVED by the Village Council of the Village of Edina: 9/24/56 287 1, The plans and specifications for the proposed Blacktopping Imp-mvement < set forth in the following Advertisement for Bids form, heretofore prepared by the Village Engineer and now on file in the office of the Village Clerk are hereby approved. 2. Courier and the Construction Bulletin the following notice for bids for said improvement= t The Clerk shall cause to be published twice in the Edina-Norningside ADVERTISEI&NT FOR BIDS BLACKTOPPING NOTICE IS HEREBY GrVEN that sealed bids will. be received and opened in the office of the Village Manager in the Edina Village Hall, 4801 PL 50th St. , at 1O:OO A.M., Monday, October 8, 1956. at 7:30 P.M., on Efonday, October 8, 1956, to consider said bids, being for the following: The Edina Village Council will meet BLACICCOPPING - Ryan Avenue from Valley View Road to W.62nd Street Work must be done as described in plans and specifications on file in the office of the Village Clerk. Plans and specifications are available for a deposit of $10.00, which deposit .trill be refunded upon return of said plans and specifications. No bids will be considered unless sealed and filed with undersigned before 1O:OO A.M., October 8, 1956, accompanied by cash deposit, bid bond or certified check payable to the Village Clerk in mount of at least ten percent of amount of base bid. reject any or all bids. The Council reserves the right to BY ORDER OF THE VILLAGE COUNCIL. GRETCHEN S. ALDEN Village Clerk Each and all of the terms of the foregoing advertisement for bids are 3. hereby adopted as the terms and conditions of award of the contract for said improvement. Notion for adoption of the Resolution was seconded by Tupa, and on Rollcall there were four ayes and no nays, as follows: and Erickson, aye; and the Resolution was Bank, aye; Fronk, aye; Tupa, aye; PUBLIC HEARINGS ON SPECIAL ASSESSMENTS FOR IMPBOvEMENTSk assessment rolls, asking that Council confirm her action in making publication September 20 and 27, of a notice scheduling Public Hearing thereon for October 8; that Council schedule Public Hearings on others for October 22nd. the following Resolution and moved its adoption: Clerk presented several Bank offered I - RESOLUTION PROVIDING FOR SFECIAL ASSESSMEIQ HEARIhTGS BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the Village of Edina as follows: 1, The Clerk and Engineer laaving calculated the proper amount to be assessed for those hprovements set forth in the Notices of Hearings set forth below, and the amount proposed to be assessed against the respective lots, and said proposed assessments having been filed with the Clerk, the same are hereby approved, and the Clerk shall keep the same on file in her office and open to public inspection pending hearings thereon as herein provided. of notice of hearings hereinarter contained, to pass upon said proposed assessments; the Clerk's action in publishing notice of the time, place and purpose of said meeting to be held October 8, 1956, is hereby confirmed; and said Clerk shall publish notice of the time, place and purpose of said meeting to be held October 22nd, in the official newspaper at least once no less than two weeks prior to the date of said meeting, said Notices of Hearings being in substantially the follothg forms: 1 pieces and parcels of land within the district affected by said improvements, 2. This Council shall meet at the time and place specified in the forms (1) NOTICE OF ASSESSNEETS HEARINGS ON SANITARY LATE3.A.L SEdER D4'PROVEMENTS NOS 0 80,101,103~ 107, 108,1099 110 , lll,ll2.113.1l.4 m. I15 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that the Gouncil of the Village of Edina will meet at the Village Hall on Monday, October 8, 1956, at 7:30 o1Elock P*M*, to hear and pass upon a11 objections, if any, to the proposed assessment for the Sanitary Lateral Sewer Improvements listed below, which assessments are now on file in the office ofthe Village Clerk and open to public inspection: CONSTRUCTION OF SANITARY LATERAL SEbERS AND APPURTENANCES AS FOLLOVS: West 60th Street; West 60th Street bet-creen Highway No. 100 and Code Avenue. SANITARY LATERAL SEWER NO. $0 - Josephine Avenue between Benton Avenue and ?$S 5l 9/24/56 ' / SANITARY SEER ItO. 101 - Nendelssohn Lane between IIaloney Avenue and Blake Rda SANITARY U!PEE?.AL SEm NO. 103 - Valley View Road from St.Johns Avenue to 160 SANITARY UTU SENE8 PJO. 107 - Brookview Avenue from West 63rd Street to SANITARY LmERAL SEIBFt NO, 108 - Benton Avenue from existing lkmhole West of SAIirITARY GlTERAL SEWER NO. 109 - To serve 5808 Code Avenue and 5816 Code S14NITARY UTERPL SBBR IJO, 110 - Glengarry Parkway from Ayrshire Blvd. to S&ilITABY LATEAL SBER €40. Ill. - Tracy Avenue fro8 Grove Street to Grove' Stfeet (South extension) 3 Grove Street from Tracy Avenue to Stuart Avenue; Stuart Avenue from Brove Street to Broadview Road; Broadview Road from Stu& Avenue to Tracy Avenue, SANITARY LATERAL SEI.lEB NO. ll2 - Maloney Avenue and Nendelssohn Lane to serve 64.20 and 6424 Haloney Avenue. SAEITARY LEERIIL SEWER NO. 113 - Hanson Road from Birchcrest Drive to Valley View Road; EIaddox Lzne from l?pan Avenue to 345 Feet West; Vest 62nd Street from W'pan Avenue Zo Hanson Road, SATJITARY lXTmAL SEXEB NO, 1U - Bernard Place from Vest 60th Street to Grove Street, A SANITARY LATERAL SREEt NO. llz - Grandview Lane from existing manhole on Grandview Lane to West 52nd Street; West 52nd Street fram Grandview Lane to Bedford Avenue; Bedford Avenue from West 52nd Street to Interlachen Blvd.; Interlachen Blvd. from l?illiam Avenue to Bedford Avenue; Vandervork Avenue from Interlachen Blvd, to Hollywood Road; Hollywood Road from Vandervork Avenue to Rutledge Avenue; Rutledge Avenue from Hollywood Road to Vest 48th Street; William Avenue from West 52nd Street to Interlachen Blvd.; Hollymod Road from Oxford Avenue to Varzdervork Avenue, The areas proposed to be assessed forthe cost ofthe above improvements include all lots and tracts of land abutting the streets improved, Assessments for Sanitary Sewer No. 80 ?rill be payable in fifbeen equal consecrrtive annual installments over a period of fifteen years, with first year payable with taxes for the year 1956, collectible in 1957, with interest on the entire assessment at the rate of 5% per annm from the date of the resolution levying the assessment to December 31, 1957. ~~532. be added interest zt the same rate for one year on all unpaid installments. 13.4 and 115 will be payable in ten equal consecutive annual installments extended over a period of ten years, uith the first yea2 -payable with taxes for the year 1956, collectible in 1957, with interest on the enthe assessment at the rate of 5% per annum from the date of the resolution le- the assessment to December 31, 1957. To each subsequent installment will be added interest at the same rate for one year on all unpaid instdllments. whole of assessnent without interest to the Village Treasurer before I2 o*clock noon on December 31, 1956, and may thereafter make payment with accrued interest to the County Treasurer. feet East; Valley View Road from St,Johns Avenue to 168 feet Tlest. Vest 64th Street, Code Avenue to Approximtely 80 feet Vest. Avenue, Highway No, 169, -. 4 To each subsewent installment Assessments for Sanitary Servers Nos. 101,103,107,108,109,~0,~,1L2,113, The mmer of ;any property assessed for the above improvements may pay the Dated September 20, 1956. BY ORDER OF THE VILLAGE COUNCIL. GRETcm1.I so ALDEN (2) Village Clerk XUFICE OF ASSESSNEXT HEARINGS ON CURB AND GUTTER NO. B-28, 8-33 8t 42, ~3-35, 8-36, 8-38 AND 13-39; GRADING AND GRA~I~JG NO. C-69; ROAD I1.1PROVEIENP NO, A-72; BLACKTOPPING NO. A-68 - NOTICE IS HEREBY GNEN, that the CouncZL of the Village of Edina will meet at the Village Hall on I.fond&y, October 22, 1956, at 7:30 o'clock P.P.I., to hear and pass upon all objections, if any, to the proposed assessments listed above, which assessments are now on file in the office of the Village Clerk and open to public inspection: 1. CURB AND GUTTER 8-28 - Construction of sandard Village Curb and Gutter in Richmond Drive from Code Avenue to 1 lot Northeast (West Side); Code Avenue from Richmond Drive to Windsor Avenue (West Side); and Vindsor Avenue from Code Avenue to 1 lot Vest (North Side). The area to be assessed for the cost of said improve- ment includes Lot 1, Blo& 4, Richond Hills Addition, and Lot I, Block 5, Vest- Chester Knolls Addition. 2. CURB APJD GUTTER B-33 & 42 - Construction of hdard Village Curb and Gutter in: School Road from Concord Avenue to Sherzmod Avenue; ISesL 59th Street from Ruth Drive to Highmy No, 100; Vest 60th Street from Parnell Avenue to Highway No. 100; Shenmd Avenue from West 60th Street to School Road; Ruth Drive from School Road to West 59th Street, The area to be assessed for the cost of said improvement includes ~12.1 lots and tracts of land abhting the streets improved. 3. CUBB AND GlXCTER EL35 - Construction of standard Village curb and gutter in West 52nd Street from Xankerson Avenue to Bedford Avenue. The area to be assessed for the cost of said impravement includes Labs 12 and 13, Block 8; Lots 12 dnd 13, Block 9 in Brookside Hei@ts; Lots 1, 2 and 3 in Grandview Plateau, and Lot 1, Block 1 and Lot 1, Block 2 in Replat of part of Grandview Plateau. , . .- , 9/24/56 4. Vest 59th Street from France Avenue to West lot line of Lot 6, Block 3, GOA. Johnson's Southwood. includes Lots 1 through 7, Block 1; Lot 1, Block 2, in Boran's Edina Hanor; Lots 1 through 6, Block 3, G.A, Johnson's Southwood; and 2 parcels of property in Sec. 19, Tiup.28, Range 24, as follows: The S 165 Ft, of W.lOO.75 Ft. of E, 298.25 Ft, of SE1/4 of NE1/4 and N. 9 Ft. of S, 119 Ft. of E. 198 Ft. of SEl/& of El/&; The N. 80 Ft, of S. 110 Ft. of W.165 Ft. of E. 198 Ft. of SEl/4 of NEl/4. 5. CuElB AND GUTTER B-38 - Construction of standard Village curb and gutter in Fairfax Avenue from West 58th Street to 5812 Fairfax Avenue. The area to be assessed for cost of said improvement includes Lots 22, 23 and 24, Block 5; and Lots 1 through 4, Block 6, in Fairfax Addition. 6. CURB AND GUTTER B-39 - Construction of standard Village curb and gutter in Ashcroft Avenue from West 59th Street to 200 fekt South, assessed for the cost of said improvement includes Lots lthrough 4, Block 9; and Lots 21 through 24, Block 10 in Fairfax Addition, 7. between Tingdale Avenue and Code Avenue. of said improvement includes all lots and tracts of land abutting the street improved. 8. ROAD DPROVEtENT NO. A172 - The Blacktopping of West 54th Street from Wooddale Avenue to Minnehaha Creek. The area to be assessed for one-half the cost of said improvement includes Lot 1, Block 1 in Plinnehaha Woods; Lots 10 and ll, Block 4, Lots 10 and 11, Block 5, Lots 10 and 11, Block 6, Lots 1 and 20, Block 8, Lots 1 and 20, Block 9, Lots 1 and 20, Block 10 and Lot A in South Harriet Park Addition. CURB AND GUTTER B-36 - Construction of standard Village Curb and Gutter in The area to be assessed for cost of said improvement The area to be GRADING AND GFtATELING NO. C-69 - The Grading and Graveling of Brove Street The area to be assessed for the cost 9. Antrim Road and Antrim Road from West 70th Street to Valley View Road, BLACKTOPPING NO. A-68 (OIL ONLY) - In West 70th Street from Cahill Road to The area proposed to be assessed for the OILING COST ONLY of said improvement includes all lots and tracts of land abutting the streets improved. ment will be payable in five equal consecutive annual installmeul.ts extended over a period of five years, with first year payable with taxes for the year 1956, collectible in 1957, with interest on the entire assessment at the rate of 5% per annum from the date of the resolution levying the assessmznt to December 31, 1957. one year on all unpaid installments. ment with the taxes for the year 1956, collectible in 1957 with interest on the assessment at the rate of 5% from the date of the resolution levying the assess- ment to December 31, 1957. whole of the assessment without interest to the Village Treasurer before 12 o'clock noon on December 31, 1956, and may thereafter make payment with accrued interest to the County Treasurer. Assessments for Curb and Gutter, Grading and Gravelling and Road hprove- To each subsequent installmat will be added h-terest at the same rate for Assessments for Blacktopping A-68 (Oil only) will be payable j, one install- The owner of any property assessed for the above improvements may pay the BY ORDER OF THE VILLAGE COUNCIL. GRmCmI S. ALDEX Village Clerk (3) NOTICE OF ASSESSPIEXI! HEARINGS ON SANITARY SEWER NO, 86, AND NO, 102, WKIXEMAIN NOS.91,105,106,108,109 AND 110.- NOTICE IS HEREEE GIVEN. that the Council ofthe Village of Edina will meet at the Village Hall on Monday, October 22, 1956, at 7:30 orclock P.N., to hear and pass upon all obje'ct.ions, if any, to the proposed assessment for Sanitary Lateral Sewer No. 86 and 102, and Watermain Nos. 91,105,106,108, 109 and 120, which assessments are now on file in the office of the Village Clerk and open to public inspection: 1. Amurtenances in West 49th Street and Westbrook Lane to and under Highway No. SANITaY LATEEBL SEVER NO. 86 - Construction of Sanitary Lateral Sever and 1% to Arcadia Avenue &d Old Hopkins Road, cost of said improvement includes Lots 10 through 17, Block 7, Tingdale Bros. Broo kside . The area to be assessed-for the 2. and Appurtenances in Waterman Circle, SANITAFiY LATERAL SEWER NO. 102 - Construction of Sanitary'hteral Sewer The =ea to be assessed for the cost of said improvement includes Lots I through 6, Block 1, in Lampe's Subdivision of Block 17, Mendelssohn Addition. 3. appurtenances in Eden Avenue from Shexwood Road to Arcadia Avenue and in . ilrcadia Avenue from Eden Avenue to and under Highway No. 169 to connect to existing Ir?atemairz at Westbrook Lane and West 49th Street, The area to be assessed forthe cost of said improvement includes all lots and tracts of land abutting the following streets: No. 100; Brookside Avenue from Eden Avenue to Highway No. 169; Sdt Avenue from Highway No. 169 to 120 feet more or less South; Highway No. 169 (So,Side) from NN&5 Ry. to West 50th Street; Highway No, 169 (No.Side) from Pukwanq Lane to West 50th Street; Hopkins Road from E"L5 Ry.R/W to Highway No. LOO; Highway No. 100 (W.Side) frm Hopkins Road to West 50th Street; and Arcadia Avenue from Eden Avenue to Highway No. 169, Sq'ATm+m UPROVEMEXC NO, 91. - Construction of Village Watermain and Eden Avenue from Sherwood Road to State Highway 9/24/56 4. and appurt;enances in Wooddale Avenue from West 62nd Street to Garrison Lane arid in Garrison Lane from H'ooddale Avenue to St,Johns Avenue. assessed for the cost of said improvement includes Lots lthrough 7, Block 1, and Lots 5 through 10, Block 2 in l-Iillert& Addition and the N 150 Ft. of If. 450.5 Ft. of NEL/2 ex, stceet in Sec, 30, Trq.28, Range 24, 5, XATERNAIN ~-P€lOVE~riENT NO, 106 - Construction of Village Fratemah extension and Appurtenances in: Lane from Grove Street to Nelody Lake Drive; Code Avenue from Nest 57th Street to Zest 56th Street. Lots 1 through 6, PIelody Knolls First; Lots 1 and 2, Block 1, Lots 1 and 2 and Lots 6 through It., Block 2, Lots 1, 2 qnd 3, Block 3 in Helody Knolls Second; Lots 1,2,3,6,7 and €3, Block 1, Lots 1 through 6, Block 2 and Lot I, Block 3, Helody Knolls Fourth. 6. IfHmW ~ROTI~~€ENT NO. 108 - Construction of Village TJatermain extension and appurtenances in Hanson Road from West 62nd Street to Valley View Road and in Sfaddox Lane from Vymn Avenue to Hanson Road. The area to be assessed for the cost of said improvement includes Lots 4 through 9, Block 1, Lots 1 through 5, Block 2, Lots 1 through 9, Block 3, WymanIs Southview Second and Tract A in Riigistered Land Survey ITo, 424. 7. l&l!L%RlWJ IWROVE%EIJT NO, 109 - Construction of Village Watermain extension and Appurtenances in Bernard Place from Nest 60th Street to Benton Avenue. The area to be assessed for the cost of said improvemen-b includes Lots Sr, through 18, Block 1, and Lots 1 through 5, Block 4, Code's Hi&view Park, 8. ?lATER!iAIH IMPROVEIZET NO, 110 - Construction of Village Watermain extension and appurteaances in Benton Avenue from Code Avenue to West Lot Lhe of Lot 3 of Replat of Lot 6 and S1/2 of Lot 5, Block 1, Code's Highview Park. The area to be assessed-for cost of said improvement includes Lot '7, Block 1, Code's HighvLew Park and Lots 1, 2 and 3, Block 1, Replat of Lot 6 and S1/2 of Lot 5, Block 1, Code's Highview Park, annual installments extended over a period of ten years, with first year payable with taxes for the year 1956, collectible in 1957, with interest on the entire assessment at the rate of 5% per annum from the date of the resolution levying the assessment to December 31, 1957. To each subsequent instalhen% will be added interest at the same rate for one year on all unpaid installments. The owner of any property assessed for the above improvements may pay the whole of the assessment without interest to the Village Treasurer before 12 o'clock noon on December 31, 1956, and may thereafter make payment with accrued interest to the County Treasurer, tJ&mvmJ R.JI?ROVECiE??T NO, 105 - Construction of Village Waterrnak exbemion- 2.9 0 The area to be [ IbIelody Lake Drive from Code Avenue to Code Avenue; Nelody The area to be assessed for cost of said improvement includes I Assessments for the above improvements wjll be payable in ten equal ansecutive r BY ORDER OF THE VILLAGE COUNCIL, Hotion for adoption of Resolution was sec were four ayes and no nays, as follows: Erickson, aye; and the Resolution was ado QZETCHEN S, ADEN Pillage Clerk Fronk, and on Rollcall there e; Fronk, aye; Tupa, aye; and HIGfSIJAY SEtVICE DRIVXS--ViLLAGE CONSULTING EN'GDJEEB, ORDERED TO STOP WORK, &k* Zikm reported that he has received worB that the Highray Deparhent has appointed consultants to plan Semrice Drives along State Highway No, 100; that, therefore he has ordered John Balich ta cease work on service drives &I Edina. 1Y31@~fRDS'* CRDINANCE. offered the following Ordinance, moving that Council dispense with second readin-g thereof and adopt Ordinance as read: Ordinance proposed last spring was reviewed, and Bank ORDINMJCE NO. 191-2 fir ORD~~I~ ABEI'JDING THE TRAFFIC ~~DB'JANCE OF THE VILLAGE OF EDINA BY ADDING mr PROVISIONS "HEREIIO AS TO m.rovAz, OF PARKED v~mcms TO PE;RNST SNOW PL0W"G THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF THE VTLLAGE OF EDINA ORDNNS: Section 1, There is hereby added to Ordinance No, 191 of the Village (traffic and parking ordinance) an additional subsection, as follows: 1W2L Removing Vehicles for Snow Plor&n~r;. No person shall park or leave standin any vehicle on -any street in the Village after a snowfall of at least 12 inches in depth until after the snow from such street has been removed or plowed to the curb line, In case any vehicles are parked or left standing on the street in violation of this section, they may be removed by or'under the direction of any police officer or Village employee after such officer or employee has attempted to natify the owner to remove such vehicle and it has not been removed, In case such car is removed, by or at the direction of the Village, the expense of such removzl may be charged against the omer of the vehicle. The removal of the car by or under the direction of the Village shall not prevent prosecution under the ordinance.f1 B . 9/24/56 28 I! Section 2, This ordinance shall be in effect from and after its passage and publication according to law. Motion for adoption of Ordinance as read was seconded by Fronk, and on Rollcall there were four ayes and no nays, as follows: and Erickson, aye; and the Ordinance was adopt Bank, aye; Fronk, aye; Tupa, aye; village Clerk PROPOSED RECIPROCAL UTILITIES AGREEXENT BEfT4EEN RICHFIELD AND EDINA. Attorney Windhorst inquired of Council as to the l'(Tost per Front Foot!' to be . collected for connection to sanitary sewer and watermains in Xerxes Avenue. He explahed that, in other cases, construction of the mains includes connection to the curb line; that, of course, no connections have been constructed by the respective municipalities to the curb lines of the neighboring municipality; that, in his opinion, some concession should be made from the usual assessment cost, for the cost of the connections. Sewer from 75th to 76th, the Council use the base rate charged by Richfield, which is $5.55; that on Water from 62nd to 66th, the Council use its Estimated Cost of $%.15--making a concession of an amount to be determined by Council for cost of connections. Council agreed that $.75 per front foot from these base rates would be equitable, and, by common consent, &. Windhorst was authorized to present the amounts of $5.55, less $.75 per front foot, for the Sewer, being a Net 02 $4.80 per front foot; and $6.15, less $.75 per front foot, for the Water, being a Net of $5.40 per front foot, for Richfield's consideration as to the proposed agreement. BALLOT JUDGES AND CLERKS FOR THE NATIONAL-VILLAGE EIECTION OF NOWBER 6. asked for authority to appoint a Ballot Judge and two Ballot Clerks for each of the twelve voting districts for the National-Village Election to be held November 6, inasmuch as there are four ballots to be counted, and a heavy vote is expected. e,xtra officials as recommended, was seconded by Tupa and carried. EASEI@3T FOR E"ARY SEIEE-INTERLACHEN GOLF COURSE. that Interlachen Golf Club will grant an easement for Sanitary Sewer Improvement No.320, providing Village will agree not to assess them for cost of construction and will also allow a connection to this main without assessment, if and when tl-s! Club wants it, He pointed out that there are several other easements to obtain in this area; that, if a concession is made to the Club, others will rightfully expect the same treatment. on Village terms, Village Attorney Nindhorst be authorized to initiate condemnation proceedings, was seconded by Tupa and carried. Village He suggested that for the Sanitary Clerk Fronk's motion, that authority be granted for appointment of Engineer Zikan reported Bank's motion, that if Club refuses to grant easernent NORTHERN STATES POWER STREET LIGHTING PROGRAM - ROLLING GREEN. Mr. Zikm reported an inquiry from Northern States Power Company as to Council policy for lighting in Rolling Green, inasmuch as lighting the street intersections will mean bringing overhead wires down the streets, thus interfering with view from residents' picture windows . which includes this area. Mr. Zikan mentioned four alternatives: $3) eliminating lighting program; (2) installing underground wiring, at residents' expense, vdth ordinary light polls; (3) installing underground wAring and ornamentd. polls, all at residents' expense; and (4) installing aboveground wiring and ordinary polls as per NSP Co.1~ original plan. should decide policy. Council has previously approved NSP Co. s lighting program Council's opinion was that Rolling Green Association GRADE OF BEARD AVENUE FROM W.60TH STREET TO APPROXIMATELY W.61ST STREET. Zikan ceported that residents are objectha to the established 4/10ths made on Mr. Beard Avenue from W.60t;h Street to GproxGately W.6lst Street; 'khat he-feels that installation of curb and &ter will alleviate the drainage situation; that present grade has been approved by utilities companies and was established by Engineer 14itcheI.l. the grade changed they must so petition and must pay for cost, was seconded by Bank and carried. Fronkls motion, that residents be infonned that if they wish CRCESTOIVN HIGHI$AY-BUILDING BAN, County bub has had no definite reply from them as to method of financing. He reminded Council that the building ban expires October 1 unless Council takes further action, and asked what to do about applications for building permits within the right-of-way, It was consensus of Councilts opinion that Building Inspector be authorized to issue permits within the pmposed right-of-way, inasmuch as Tillage does not have definite information concerning proposed highway's constru cti0n.O Maraager Hyde reported that he has written the 9/24/56 TRAFFIC CONTROL IN 50TH AND FRANCE BUSTNESS DISTRICT AREA, Elanager Hyde reported a meeting today, with 3k. Roy Clancy and others, andreceipt of a Resolution by the Chaniber of Commerce endorsing changes in traffic control and parbg ) restrictions as set forth in survey by George Barton Associates, and asking that certain important phases be considered for immediate action, namely: Library Lane, to give two outlets to 50th St,; 3. Restriction of Parking on -If. 50th St , and on France Ave. SO, ; 4* Videning of 50th St. with left turn refuges at Halifax and at France Aves.; 5. Lighting on We495 St.; 6, Improved lighting on .W.gth St. Mrm Hyde reported that, with Council permission, the Village will .establish ['No Parking-4:00-6:00 Pe14,~~ Zones on the South Side of W.50th St, from France Avenue to Indianola Avenue, and on the West Side of France Avenue from W.4Sh St, to W.5lst St,; that Library Lane vLll be made a two-my street; that a Wo Parking*rZone will be established on the West Side of Library Lane, agreed, infomally, to this program, Trustee Tupa asked that copies of the Barton report be furnished members of the Chamber of Commerce, if possiMe. FACSIlilILE SIGNATURES OX CHECKS, Nanager Hyde reported that the check signing machine has beenspurchased, in accordance t&th Council direction; that Village depositories require authorization to honor facsimile sigpatures. the followhg Resolution and moved its adoption: "$2 -1. Intersection of Iq1,49$ St, and France Ave.; 2. Estension of V.49g St, to Council Bank offered RE;SOLU'JTON AUTHOFUZING USE OF FACSD-DD SIGNATURES BY PUBLIC OFPICUTS RESOLVED, That the use of facsimile signatures by the followjng-naned persons: on checks, drafts, tamants, warrant-checks, vouchers or other orders on public funds deposited in FIRST EDINA NATIONAL BANK, BEDLAND NATIONAL BANK OF PIINNBAPOLIS, and in FEST S0UTHDAI;E NATIONAL BANK be, and hereby is, approved, and that each of said named persons may authorize said depository bank to honor any such instrument bearing his facsimile sigature in such form as he may designate and to charge the same to the accmnt in said depository bank upon v&ch drawn, as fully as though it bore his manually written signature, and that instruments so honored shall be aholly operative and binding in favor of said depository bank although such - ZZicUle signature shall have been affixed wzthout his authority. I.JBR;REN C, HIDE - VlLLAGE MANAGER GRETCHEN So ALDEN - VILLAGE TREASURER ; Tupa, aye; and Village Clerk AUDIT OF VILLAGE RECORDS FCPtE YEllR 1956. Manager Hyde reminded Council that the Auditor for the Village Records forth current year is usually appointed at this time of par, so that audit may be made shortly after January 1, appointment of Ernst and Ernst, which has done the Village Audit for sever& years, Hyde advised tht bidding on this type of service is not customary; that it is doubtful that a bid ~muld be received. Ernst as Auditors for the 1956 Village Records, vas seconded by Fronk and carried, He recommended lnquiry was made concerning a bid on this professional service, but RPe Tupats motion, appointing Ernst and CLAITC3 FOR PAYTEK'i' Fronkls motion that Claims be paid in accord dth PrbList No. 18, dated September 24, 1956, in the following amounts, was seconded by Tupa ad carried: General Fund --- 8 9,17125 Liquor Fund --- $25,541.10 Parks Fund 1,161 . 37 P.I.R. Fund 10,313 m 50 Waterworks Fund 4,221to03 Const, Fund 187 779.12 Sewer Rent a1 1540.25 li3$3mE BUT)Gm. f.Ian;bger Hyde presented the Budget for find. adoption. Council ansider once again possible appropriation of additi nal funds.for Nosqito Control, stating he feels that if Village can make 84,000 available for work early next spring, results would be most satisfactory. Wonk moved that $3,000 be included in the budget for mosquito control on an eqerimental bases, was present to support a letter asking for higher salaries for some personnel, on the grounds that neighboring municipalities (specifically Bloomington) are above Edinars scales, No action taken on union request. follotdng Ordinance and moved %Hat :Codd&:dispense with second reading and adopt Ordinmce as read: He asked that Motion lost for want of a second. Hr, NcClellan, union representative, * Bank offered the u 9/24/56 OFLDINANCE Sro. 16 ORDINANCE ADOPTING BUDGET FOR THE VILLAGE 0F.EDINA FOR Tm YEAR 1957, AND ESTABLISHII?G TLY LEVY FOR THE YEAR 1956 PAYABU IN 1957 THE VZUGE COUNCIL OF THE VILLAGE OF EDINA, IU"ESOTA, DOES ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: Section I. hereby adopted as hereinafter set forth; and funds are hereby appropr5ated therefor : The Budget for the Village of Edina for the calendar year 1957 is Election 1; 950 . 00 General. Administration 65,522.00 HealfihyOfficer 500 . 00 - Village Hall 24,990 000 Setklement of suits 2,000.00 5, !200e00 Contingencies 5,000.00 Audit 2,500.00 Planning Comission 4,700cOO Grants (Park Fund 249975.00 , Workment s Cornpensat ion Special Assessments on Village Property$, 500.00 TOTAL GEKERAL G0VERN"T &53,277.00 PUBLIC SAFETY Police $112,707 .OO Fire '749 8'BoOO Buil- Inspector 69485eOO I Plunibing Inspector 6,101.00 Civil Defense TmAL PUBLIC SAFEX'Y PUBUC woms Engineering Highways Garage Street Lighting Attorney Municipal Court Assessor Library Animal Control TOTAL PUBLIC WDmS SPECIAL SERVZCES TOTAL SPECIAL SEWICES TOTAL GENHZAL FUND PARK FUND Administration General 3hint enance Skating rink maintenance Care of buildings Tree care Vehicle operation Nosquito control Cascade pumping Fa11 and Iqinter Program Playground Sphing Baseball Capital Outlay TOTAL PARK FUND POOR FUND Administration Public Health Nursing TOTAL POOR FUND FIRENEWS RELIXF FIRE PROTECTION U3; 345 . 00 19,021.00 20,000,00 $203, 57Se00 $283,621.00 $ 39,470,OO $679,939000 $ 8,700.00 u,625.00 4, 000 .oo 2,000 .oo 500.00 200.00 4,00OeO0 6,000 .OO 9,000.00 3,000.00 59 1-50 000 1,300 e00 @ 4,000.00 3; 600.00 S 7,600.00 BON'DS AND INmEST * TOTAL BUDGET $ 5,600.00 $ 6,600.00 S 6 600.00 .#* i 994 9/24/56 Section 2. as herehafter set forth: Estimated Receipts other than General Tax Levy are hereby established GBBRAL FUND Village ShareState Liquor and - Cigarette Taxes $19,000 ;OO 1.1imicipal Court 25,000.00 Hiscellaneous 8,710 .OO Transfer from Liquor Fund 50,000 .OO Licenses and Permits 29,145.00 Deplrtmental Semrics Charges 125,800 .oo TOTAL GE2JH1AL FUND $258,255.00 PARK m1m Sxbiming Registration Transfer from General Fund 24,975.00 TOTAL PARKS FUND $ 28,475.00 TOTAL ESTILJATED RECEIPTS +)286,730.00 Section 3. property in the Village of Edina B tax rate sufficient to produce the mounts hereinafter set forth: That there be and hereby is levied upon all taxable real and personal I For the General Fund $421,684 .OO For the Poor Fund 7,600 .OO For Fire Protection 6,600 .OO For the Park Fund 36,000 .oo For Firemen's Relief 5,600 .oo For Bonds and Interest 36; 600.00 $53.4,084.00 Section 4. This ordinanc-e shall be in effect from and after its adoption and publication according to lair. I-Iotion for adoption of Ordinance as read was se there were four ayes and no nays, as follows: and Erickson, aye; and the Ordinance was adopte d on RozlcaU. The business of the agenda's having been finished, Bank moved for adjournment. Eootion seconded by Tup and carried. Heeting adjourned at l:O5 AJL, Tuesday, Septt anber 25. . &%/JW Village Clerk