HomeMy WebLinkAbout19561022_regular"- I *- 10/22/56 MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETmG OF THE EDINA VILLAGE COUNCIL, HELD 3IONDkY, OCTOBER 22,1956, AT 7:30 P.11. IN EDINA VILLAGE HALL Members answering Rollcall were Bank, Fronk, Tupa and Bredesen. Fronkfs motion, approving Minutes of Meetings of October 8 and LO, 1956, was seconded by Tupa and carried. PUBLIC HEARINGS ON PROPOSED DPROVEIJENTS. cation in Edina-Morningside Courier on October 11 and le, 1956 of "Notice of Hearing on Proposed Sanitary Sewer Iinprovement,!' and "Notice of Hearing on Proposed Storm Sewer Iinprovementll. ordered placed on file, and pursuant thereto the following Public Hearings were conducted and action taken: Clerk presented Affidavits of Publi- Affidavits were approved as to form and 1. \\MITE OAKS TO 380 FT. EAST. Cost, at $4,148.20, as against 353.4 Assessable Feet, for $11.74 per Assess- PUBLIC HXARING ON PROPOSED SANITARY LATERAL SET:JER IN W.L@TH STREET FROM Manager Hyde read Engineer Zikanfs Estimate of able- foot. -&. Hyde reported that bids on th& project had been taken this morning, together with bids on the Storm Sewer next to be hearil; that low bidder on Sanitary Sewer is not low bidder on Storm Sewer. Mr. Windhorst stated that, inasmuch as Village had tied these two bids, they could not be untied unless contractors permitted. spoke in favor of the improvement, stating his cesspool is open and he is having difficulties. Mr. C.B. Kersteter, 4800 France Ave., objected to being assessed, for the reason that he can connect tothe France Avenue sewer. he will have to pay $1500 to $1800 to connect, because of the way his plumbing is laid out. like the sewer buk feels the cost is high. be allowed to construct the sewer at his own expense, sufficiently far to serve his lot. Fronkrs motion, that Council axlow Mr. Stow to extend the Sanitary Sewer on W.48th St. from White Oaks to his own lot, under private contract at his own ewense ad under Tillage supervisih &d engineering at EP. Stowls expense, was seconded by Bank and carried. CREEK TO DUGGAN PLAZA, IN DUGGAN PLAZA FROM EVERETT PUCE TO DUGGAN PLAZA CIRCLE, AND IN TIFTON DRIVE FROM EVERETT PLACE TO RIDGEYIElzJ DRIKE. Hyde read the Estimate of Cost prepared by Consulting Engineer, Arleigh Smith, in total amount of $14,500.00, as against 1,197,100 assessable feet, for $.01k5 per assessable foot. had been used in preparing the "per assessable foot" Estimate. was shown, of the proposed route of the sewer, and the assessable district. Developer Stow spoke for the improvement, explaining that the Village will have constant %ashoutIr trouble unless the sewer is installed. Nr. G.S. Peick, 5125 Tifton Drive, began to object but withdrew his objection when he vias informed that only the front portion of his lot will be assessed. There were no other objections registered from the floor, and no written objections had been filed prior to the Hearing. adoption: Mr. Stow, who had requested the sewer, Mr. George Hardisty, 4717 Meadow Road, objected on the grounds that Mr. R.E. Willey, 3905 W.48th St., stated he would Mr. Stow then asked lif he could ,2. PUBLIC HEARING ON PROPOSED STORM SEWEX3 IN EXEXEX'T PLACE FROM I6mIm Manager He explained that Low Bid of this morning, $15,631.00, Vu-Graph Slide Bank offered the following Resolution and moved its RESOLUTION ORDEEING IMPROVXFEVJT STORM SEWER INPROVEIJENT NO. 38 BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the Village of Edina, IJIinnesota, that this Council heretofore caused notice of hearing to be duly published on the follow- ing proposed improvement: CONSTRUGTION OF VILLAGE STORM SEVER AND APPURTENANCES IN: Everett Place, ,from Nine-Mile Creek to Duggan Plaza; Duggan Plaza from Everett Place to Duggan Plaza Circle; Tifton Drive from Everett Place to Ridgeview Drive and at the hearing held at the time and place specified in said notice the Council has duly considered the views of all persons interested, and being fully advised of the pertinent facts does hereby determine to proceed with the construction of said improvement; that said improvement is hereby designated and shall be referred to in all s-wbbsequent proceedings as Sf2m-n Sewer hprovement No. 38, and the area to be specially assessed therefor shall be as follows: - "All lots and tracts of land within the following described boundaries: 'Commencing at a point in the Westerly line of Lot 19, Block 7, Brookview Heights Second Addition, distant 30 feet Southerly of the South line of Abercrornbce Drive; thence in a Southeasterly direction, parallel to and 30 feet from the South line of Abercrombie Drive to the centerline of Lot 16, said Block 7; thence Northeasterly to a point on the West line of Lot 4 in the Replat of Lots 6 through 13, Block 6, Bmokview Heights Second Addition, distant 50 feet Southwesterly of the Southerly line of Tifton Drive; thence Southeasterly, Easterly and Northeasterly, parallel to the Southerly and Easterly line of Tifton Drive, to the North line of Lot 10, Block 2, Brookview Heights 2nd Addition; thence Northwesterly to a point on the South line of Lot 11, Block 6, Brookview Heights 1st Addition, distant 94 feet Easterly of the Southwest corner of said Lot II; thence Northerly and Northwesterly, parallel to and g 10/22/56 2 distant 40 feet from the Soukhwesterly line of Meadow Ridge, to the Easterly line of Lot 5, Block 6, Brookview Heights 1st Addition; thence Southwesterly to a 6 point on the West line of Lot 2, Block 6, distant 130 feet Southtresterly of the South line of Headow Ridge; thence Northuesterly to the Northwest- corner of Lot 6 in the Replat of the Southerly 1/2 of Block 7, Brookvievr Heights 1st Addition; thence Southwesterly along the Northwesterly lot line of said Lot 6 and its extension, to the centerline of Dugan Plaza; thence Northwesterly along said centerline and its extension to a point on the Northerly line of Lot 17, Block 8, Bmokview Heights 1st Addition, distant 30 feet Westerly of the Northeast corner of said Lot 17; thence Southerly and Southeasterly, parallel to and 30 feet from the Westerly and Southvesterly lines of Ridgeview Drive and Abercrombie Drive to . the point of beginning, - Notion for adoption of the Resolution was were four ayes and no nays, as f allows: Bredesen, aye; and the Resolution was ado 1 AIW?.D 'OF BlDS TAKEN PRIOR TO HEETING: Bids taken prior to the meeting (on the dates specified below), making recomend- ations as set forth herein, and the following action was taken: 1. Nanager Hyde asked Swanson Excavating eo., low total bidder on this and the Storm Sewer for Everett Place, etc,, if he would consent to cancellation of the Sanitary Sewer portion of his bid and still accept the other. Svranson's representative replied in the affirmative, and Nanager Hyde recommended ,all bids be rejected in view of Council's action taken this evening on this proposed project. Bank so moved. Hotion seconded by Tupa and carried. (Bids taka 10/22/56, 10 A.1-2.) 2, Nanager Hyde reported that Swanson Ekcavating Coo is low bidder at $15,631.00; seven bids having been received. He stated that, while this bidder's work is new to Edina, bidder has furnished sufficient references to make amrd prsctical, award to low bidder, and Fronk so moved. (Bids received 10/22/56 - 10 A.IL) 3. informal rejection of Clubb Pontiac, Inc,'s bid be confirmed, Bank so moved.. Xotion seconded by Fronk and carried. they are high for 1956 models. 4. SKRf PLcr;rl, 1-bger Hyde reported receipt of four- bids October 15; that of Public Works Equipment Co. for a Wausau Plow being high at $817.00; that of lh. H. Ziegler Co. for a Bros Plow being low at $663.00. He stated that the Wausau Plow has been standard equipment in Edina for some years but he feels that for the difference in price the Council should award bid to low bidder, for a Bms. Plov. Bank so moved. Notion seconded by Tupa and carried, Hanager Hyde presented Tabulations of SANITARY SEWEB-TJ.4.STH STREET FROM I.Mm OAKS ROAD TO 380 ET. EAST, STORI-I SENER II\T EVBZETT PLACE, ETC. (NO. 38) He recommended Notion seconded by Tupa and carried. STATION WAGONS. (Bids received 10/15/56) . Kanager Hyde recommended that Bids rejected because Council feels PUBLIC HEARING ON PETITION FOR VACATION OF THAT PORTION OF ItHOPEUNS ROADtt LYIPJG f3FT~~ NR&S R4TC;ROAD RhJ JXD ARCADIA AVENUE. Posting of ItNotice of Hearingt1 was submitted by Clerk, publication having been made in Edina-Horningside Courier October 4 and 11, 1956, and posting on October, 1956. Pursuant to Notice, Public Hearing was called on the petitbn of Business Developers, Inc. for the Vacation of that portion of 'lHopkins Roadt! ly5ng between Rinneapolis, Northfield and Southern Railroad RigM-of-Vay and Arcadia, Nr. E. E, Igelsrud, representing petitioners, presented letters of assent from Northwestern Bell Telephone Company and Ninneapolis Gas Company. Nanager Hyde reported that Northern States Power Company has an overhead feeder line in the street, but that he feels street can be vacated providing petitioner is willing to give Company an easement for this utility. following Resolution and moved its adoption: Affidavit of Publication and Fro& offered the , THAT PO3TION OF llHOPKINS ROALY LYING BEXlEEN FESOLUT ION VACATING sTmr 1.fGJl~WOLIS. NCRTHFIELD &TD SOWmiI RdILlIOAD RI&-OF-TJAY AND ARCADIA AmW TmAS, a majority of the oimers of the land abutting that portion of trH~pkin~ Road" lmg between I.linneapolis, Northfield and Southern- Railroad Right-of-?Jay and Arcadia Avenue, as the same is recorded in the office of the Register 02 Deeds of Hennepin County, Ennesota, have petitioned for the Vacation of said Street; and be had on said petition on October 22, 1956, at 7:30 pome, has been given and made, and a hearing has been had thereon by the Village Council: Edina, Hermepin County, Ibesota, that f.IsIEE1EAs, tire weeks' published notice and posted notice of a hearing to NOW, TIWEFCRE, BE: 33' RESOLVED by the Village Council of the Village of 10/22/56 That portion of llHopkins Road" lying between &Enileapolis, Northfield and Southern Railroad Right-of-?$Jay and Arcadia Avenue, as platted and of record the office of the.Register of Deeds 03 Hemepin County, EEnnesota, be, and is hereby vacated. Motion for adoption of Resolution was seco were four ayes and .no nays, as follows: Ba Bredesen, aye; and the Resolution was adopt and on Rollcall there nk, aye; Tupa, aye; and &JH& l~y62 (ATT7jT: g&i-m;*L/:J&LLs- r3- Village Clerk ( for record (Fronkt s mot ion, that tkanskirbtal of the foregoing resolution/be delayed until (such time as the Village has evidence of easement to Northe-rn States Povm (Company for utilities purposes through the Toregoing vacated street,/was (seconded by Tupa and carried, or abutting properties PUBLIC HEARINGS ON PROPOSED ASSESSIviENTS FOR IIQRDVENENTS: Affidavits of Publication in Edina-Morningside Courier October 4 and 11, 1956, for $'Notice of Assessment Hearing on Sanitary Sewer No, 86 and No. 102, I?atermain No, 91, 105, 106, 108, 109 and llOfl, and for "Notice of Assessment Hearing on Curb and Gutter No, B-28, B-33 & 42, E-35, E!-36,%38 and B-39; Grading and Graveling No. C-69; Road Improvement No. A-72; Blacktopping No. A-68". file, and, pursuant thereto, the following Public Hearings were conducted and action taken: Clerk presented Both affidavits were approved as to form and ordered placed on 1. PUBLIC HEARING ON PFDPOSED ASSESSMENT FOR SAMTARY SEkER DPROVENENT NO. 86 In W.49th St, and Vestbrook Lane to and under Highway No@ 169 to .Arcadia _Avenue and Old Hopkins Road. #5,3&05, as against 359.3 Assessable Feet, for $l4.79 per Assessable Foot. Estimate of Cost had been $29.17 per Assessable Foot. entered from the audience, and no written objections had been filed prior to the Hearing, (See Resolution of later in meeting, Approving). 2. In Waterman Circle. $4.l4l.7O, as against 463,8 Assessable Feet (each lot in circle being figured at 77.3 assessable feet to make a cost-per-lot assessment), for $8.93 per Assess- able Foot, as compared with Estimated Cost of #7.96, developer preferred winter construction, thus bringing up the cost. no objections entered at the Hearing, and no written objections had been filed prior thereto. 3. PUBLIC HEARING ON FROPOSED ASSESSNEXC FOR T?fXL'ERMAIN IEIIPROVXKEX" NO. 91, In Eden Avenue from Shemood Road to Arcadia Avenue and in Arcadia Avenue from Eden Avenue to and under Highway No, 169 to connect to existing Watermain at Nestbrook Lane and W,49th St. Ifwager Hyde read Tabulation-of Assessment at a Total of $20,965.22, of which cost $5,283.12 is to be assessed as the It Trunk" assessment, over a considerable area, at s.80 per Assessable Foot. Cost of Trunk Assessment had been $1.00 per Assessable Foot. the cost is a %ateraltl Assessment to be levied against only that footage which abuts the main; $1,290 of which Will be assessed now, against Lots 12 through 17, Block 7, Tingdde Bros, Brookside--which is connected to the - . StTatermain, and $U,392,10 of which is to be deferred until such time as properties abutting main are connected thereto. and deferred, vi11 be at $4.30 per assessable foot, as compared with Estimate of 95.36 per assessable foot. There were no objections from the audience, and no mitten objections had been received prior thereto. of later in meeting, Approving). 4. In Wooddale Ave., We62nd Ste to Garrison Lane; Garrison Lane, Nooddale Ave. to St,Johns Ave, as against 1,270.5 Assessable Feet, for $6.70 par Assessable Foot, as compared with Estimate of $5.56, had been received prior thereto, 5. In Melody Lake Drive from Code Avenue to Code Avenue, and in Nelody Lane from Grove Street to Melody Lake Drive; Code Avenue from W, 57th St . to I!. 56th St. Tabulation of Assessment was read at a total of $l4,641.68, as against 3.,445.1 Assessable Feet, for $4.25 per Assessable Foot compared w2th $3.75 Estimate. No objections were filed at the Hearing, and no mitten objections had been received prior thereto. In Hanson Road from w.62nd St. to Valley View Rd., and 5x1 Maddox Lane from t(rsman Ave. to Hanson Rd. We. Hyde read Tabulation of Assessment as a Total $8,615.36, as against 1,885.2 Assessable Feet, for $4.57 per Assessable Foot. Estimate of Cost. objections had bgen received prior thereto. Approving) . Yhnager Hyde read Tabulation of Assessment at a Total of No objections were PUBLIC HEARING ON PROPOSED ASSESSBWT FOR SAIKCTAFtY SEVER INPROVEHEXC NO. 102, Manager Hyde read Tabulation of Assessment at a Total of MY. Hyde explained that There were (See Resolution of later in meeting, Approving) , 4 Estimated The balance of Lateral assessment, present (See Resolution PUBLIC HEARING ON PROPOSED ASSESS!ENT FOR 'FJATEJ3MAIN IMPROVEb. NO. 105. Tabulation of Assessment was read as a Total of $8,518.36, No objections were registered at the Hearing, and none (See Resolution of later in meethg, Approving). PUBLIC HEARING ON PROPOSBD ASSESSENT FOR IJAT~~UIN ~WROV~lENC NO, 106. (See Resolution of later in meeting, Approving) , 6. PUBLIC HEARING ON PROPOSED ASSESSHEXL' FOR WATWUIN DPROVEB5T NO. 108, - No objections were registered at the Hezring, and no iaitten (See Resolution of later in meeting, 10/22/56 7. PUBLIC HEARING OH PEOPOSED ASSESSI*BN!T EOR T.TATEEE*I.IAIN I14PROVEHEKT NO. 109. 4 In Bernard Place frQx t?.6Oth St. to Benton Ave. as $3,957.51 as against 1,007 Assessable Feet, for $3.93 per Assessable Foot, audience, and no written objections had been received prior to the Hearing. (See Resolution of later in meeting, Appmving). 8. PUBLIC l3EARiiIIG ON PFXlPOSED ASSESS3m FOR I.fATERI4AIN UPiLOVXHEi?T NO. ll0, In Benton Avenue from Code Avenue to West lot line oft Lot 3 of Replat of Lot 6 and S1/2 of Lot 5, Block 1, Code's Highview Park. read at $2,364.10 as against 446.9 Assessable Feet, for $5.29 per Assessable Foot, compared wLth Estimate of $5.06. No objections were registered at the Hearing, and no wrikten objections had been received prior thereto. (See Resolution of later in meeting, Approving). In Bichulond Dr., Code Ave. to One Lot NE (!?.Side); Code Ave., Richmond Dr. to' Windsor Ave, (W.Side); and s.Tindsor Ave., Code Ave. to One Lot IT. (No Side), Nr. Hyde read Tabulation of Assessment at 81,121.61, as against 357.2 Assess- able Feet, for $324 par Assessable Foot, compared wtth Estimate of $2.84, No objections were registered at the Hearing, and no written objections had been received prior tkreto. €3-33 & 42, Dr. to Htv.#lOO; T.T.6Oth St., Parnell he. to Hwy.#lOO; Shemrood Ave., W.6Oth St. to School Road; Ruth Dr., School Road to 't,J059kh St. Tabulation of Assess- ment was read as $15,257.13, as against 4,694,5 Assessable Feet, for $3.25 per Assessable Foot, compared with $2.90 Estimate of Cost. registered at the Hearing, and no mitten objections had been filed prior thereto. - 35. In W.52nd St., Hankerson Ave. to Bedford Ave, Tabulation of Assessment - was read as $2,677.66, as against 1,097.4 Assessable Feet, for $2.44. per Assessable Foot, compared with $3.03 Estimate of Cost. registered at the Hearing, and no mitten objections had been made prior thereto. B-36, In W05&h St., France Ave, to 11. Lot Line of Lot 6, B1. 3, G.A.Johnson's Southwood, Assessable Feet, for $2.56 per Assessable Foot, compared with $2.93 Estimate - of Cost, had been filed prior thereto, 13. PUBLIC HELWK'iG ON PROPOSED ASSESSHBJT FOR CURB AND GUTI'ZR DPROVEIENT IiO. l3-38, In Fairfax Ave,, lT05$th St. to 5812 Fairfax Avee Tabulation of Assess- ment was reprted as $826.81, as against 347.4 Assessable Feet, for $2038 per Assessable Foot compared with $3.17 Estimate. at the Hearing, and no mitten objections had been received prior thereto. E-39. In kshcroft Ave. from W,59th St, to 200 Ft, South, Tabulation of Assess- me& was read as $1,145.66, as against 397.8 Assessable Feet, for $2.88 per Assessable Foot compared with $2.91. Hearing, and no wrikten objections had been received prior thereto. Besolution of later in meeting, Approving). NO. G69, In Grove St. from Tingdale Ave, to Code Ave, (liorth). Tabulation of Assessment vas read as $6,161.20, as against 1,688 Assessqble Feet, for $3.65 per Assesszble Foot-vihich is the same cost as estimated at Improvement Hearing. Nr, G.U. Darkenrdd, 205 Grove St., led a delegation protesting that bo gravel has been pt izl on the streetii. Because Village Engineer was absenP;,Eronk, moved that levy of special assessment be deferred pending report by Village Engineer. Notion seconded by Bank and carried, 16. t're54th St., from Wooddale Ave. to Rinnehaha Creek. Cost was read as $3,347.07, of which $1,673.54 is proposed to be assessed against 2,LlS.4 Assessable Feet, for x.79 per Assessable Foot, compared with Estimate of $.82. had been received prior thereto. (OIL ONLY). In T.T,7Oth St. from Cahill Rd. to Antrim Rd.; and in Antrim Rd. from W.?Oth St. b Valley View Rd. Tabulation of Cost vas given as $1,465.74, this being payment for Oil, 16th Hennepin County doing the actual construction work. ?-Imager Hyde explained that the $1,465.74 is being assessed over 7,328.7 Assess- able feet, for $.02 par Assessable Foot. No objections were registered at the Hearing, and no written objections had been received prior thereto. (See Resolution Approving) Tabulation of Assessment was read b, mpared with Estimated Cost of $4.15. There were no objections from the Tabulation of Assessment vas 9. PUBLIC Il3AlUlJG OX FBOPOSED ASSESSIBi'JT FB CURB AND GUTTER Lt.fPROVEXEIf 12-28 (See Resolution of later in meeting, Approving). 10, PUBLIC HEARING 014 PROPOSED ASSESSUENT FOR CURB AIJD GUTTER ItlpROVENEBT 110s. In School Road, Concord Ave. to Shemood Ave.; W.59Lh St., Ruth No objections were (See Resolution of later in meeting, Approvkg) . 11, PUBLIC HEARXCG ON PEOPOSED ASSESSI.IENT FCR CURB AND GLK'TIB II.1PROVEIENT NO. ~ (No objections were - (See Resoltrtion of later in meeting, Approving). 12. PUBLIC HEARIItG ON PFOPOSED ASSESS1*ENT FOR CURB AND GTJTTER IzipRO~*~~ NO. Tabulation of Assessment was read as $3,504.13, as against 1,368.8 No objections were registered at the Hearing, and no mitten objections (See Resolution of later in meting, Approving). No objections were registered 14. PUBLIC HEKRII~G ON PIOPOSED ASSESSNEID FOX-CURB ANID GUTTER IXPROVEIBNT NO. No objections were registered at the (See 15. PUBLIC HEARING ON FROPOSED ASSESS+EP;T FOR GRADING AND GRAYELING I~.~.P"~o~TET.E~ PUBLIC HEXKCKG ON PROPOSED ASSESS"JT FOR ROAD DPRC"T NO. A-72. In Tabulation of Construction No objections were registered at the Hearing, and no written objection (See Resolution of later in meeting, Approving). 1'7. PUBLIC JXARlnT% OX PROPOSED ASSESS" FOR BLACKTOPPING B*lPROVEI*lE" NO. A-68 Fro& offered the following Resolution and moved its adoption: 10/22/56 RESOLUTION ADOPTING AND COI\JFIR€JfiNG ASSESSMENTS FOR SANITARY SEWER DE'ROWENTS NOS. 86 AND 102: WATEENAIN IMPROVETENTS NOS. 91, 105, 106, 108, lo9 &ND 110: CURB AND GUTTER D!PROvEl~ET?TS NOS, B.28, E33 & 42, B-35, B-36, B-38 AND E39: ROAD II.~PROVBJENT NO. A-72 BLACIIIIOPPING DPROVEKEXT NO A-68 BE IT RESOLVED by the Village Council of the Village of Edina, Minnesota, as follows: I. for SANITARY SEXLEE DIPROVE~JE~"S NOS. 86 AND 102; WATERHAIN DPEOVBtGNTS NOS. E33 & 42, B-35, B-36, B-38 AND B-39; ROAD GilPROVENE2~T NO, A-72, AND BLACKTOP IIPROVEI-ENT NO. A-68, and each of them, have been properly calculated in accordance with the provisions of Minnesota Statutes Section 4l2.443; that notice has been duly published as required by law, that this Council would meet to hear and pass upon all objections, if any, to amend said proposed assessments as might be necessary, and to adopt the same by resolution; that said proposed assessments have at all times since their filing been open for public inspection, and opportunity has been given to all interested persons to present their objections; and that each of the lots, pieces and parcels of land enumerated in the respective assessments was and is specially benefited by the construction of the improvement €or which assessment is levied in the amount set opposite the description of each such lot, piece and parcel of land respectively. 2. The amounts so set out are hereby levied against the respective lots, pieces and parcels of land described in said respective assessments, and said proposed assessments are hereby adopted and confirmed as the proper special assessments for said improvements respectively. The assessment against each lot, tract or parcel, together with the interest accruing on the full amount thereof from time to time unpaid, at the rate of five percent per annum from the date of this resolution, shall be a lien concurrent with general taxes upon the property described tkreiri and all thereof. Nos. 86' and 102 and Watermain Improvements 105, 106, 108, 109 and 110, shall be payable in/&%%kcutive annual installments extending over a period of ten years, the first of said installments, together with interest on the entire assessment faom the date hereof to December 31, 1957, to be payable with the general taxes for the year 1956, and one of the remaining installments, with one year's interest on that and all subsequent installments, to be payable with general taxes for the year 1957 through 1965, collectible in the respective ensuing years The total amount of the ltTrunklr Wateyin Assessment for Watermain e ua Improvement No. 91 shall be payable i.n/c%secutive annual installments exLending over a period of ten years, the first of said installments together with interest on the entire assessment from the date hereof to December 31, 1957, to be payable with the general taxes for the year 1956, and one of the remaining installments, dth one year's interest on that and all subsequent installments, to be payable with general taxes for the year 1957 through 1965, collectible in the respective ensuing years. $51,290 6f the 1'Lateral1' Watermain Assessment for Watermain Improvement No. 91 shall be assessed against Lots 12 through 17, Block 7, Tingdale Bros. Brookside, and shall be payable in the same manner and at the same time as the Trunk Watermain Assessment for said Vatermain Improvement No. 91. The balance of the tlXa,terallf Watermain Assessment for Watermain Improvement No. 91 shall be deferred until such time as individual connections are made to abutting properties from said Lateral Watermain; at which time, assessments against connecting properties shall be %e$-ied in equal consecutive qual installments extending over a period of ten yews, the first of said installments, together with interest on the entire assessment from the date of connection to the next su'cceeding December 31, to be payable with the taxes for the year in which connection is made, providing such cmection is made before Yeptember 1, or with taxes for the next succeeding year if connection is made after September I, and one of the remaining installments with one year's interest on that and all. subsequent installments to be payable with general taxes for each year of the next succeeding nine years. Nos. B-28, B-33 & 42, B-35, B-38 and B-39 and Road Improvement No. 19-72 shall be payable in equal consecutive annual installments extending over a period of five years, the first of said installments, together with interest on the entire assessment from the date hereof to December 31, 1957, to be payable with the general taxes for the year 1956, and one of the remaining installments, with one year's interest on that and all subsequent installments, to be payable with general taxes for the years 1957 through 1960, collectible in the respective ensuing years. Only) shall be payable in one installment, together with interest on the entire assessment from the date hereof to December 31, 1957, to be payable with the general taxes for the year 1956. It is hereby found, determined and declared that the proposed assessments 91, 105, 106, 108, 109 AND 110; AND CURB AND GUTTER IMFROVEI-EKITS NOS, R28, I The total amount of each such assessment for Sanitary Sewer Improvements I The total amount of each such assessment for Curb and Gutter Improvements I The total amount of assessment for Blacktopping hprovement No. A-68 (Oil 10/22/56 3. any lot, piece or parcel of land assessed hereby may pay the whole of such assess- ment or any installment thereof without interest to the Village Treasurer and ( thereafter such payment may be made with accrued interest to the County Treasurer; provided that if any assessments or installments thereof be prepaid to the Village Treasurer, they shall be cancelled on the books of the Village Treasurer, and he shall promptly notify the Village Clerk and County Auditor, and the assessment or installment so prepaid shall be cmcelled on the books of the County Auditor, 4. The Clerk shall, as soon as may be, prepare and transmit to the County Auditor a certified duplicate of said assessments, with each then unpaid instalhent and interest set forth separately, to be extended upon the proper tax lists of the County, and the County Auditor shall thereafter cause said assessments to be collected in the manner provided by law, designated as ASSESSI~~ ROLL FOR SANITARY SEWEEi II4PROVEI-ENTS NOS. 86 AND 102, I.142B-l.AiN D~IF’FiOVBiENTS NOS. 91, 105, 106, 108, lo9 AND ll0; CURB MID GUTTEEi NO, A-72 AID BL4CKTOPPING U.IpI10V%%I$I’ NO. A-68 (OIL ONLY); and all amounts collected in respect of the assessments therein contained shall be similarly designated by the Coun%y Treasurer and remitted to ‘the Village Treasurer, and by him credited to sinking funds accounts as follows: For Road Improvement No. A-72 and Blackbopping Improvement No. A-68 (Oil Only), to the Sinking Fund of the Permanent Improvement Revolving Fund, For Curb and Gutter hprovement No, B-28, to the Sinking Fund of the ~ 1954 Improvements Second Series Fund. For the balance of the assessments, to the Bond Improvement Redemption Fund, Prior to certification of the assessments to the County Auditor, the owner of Said duplicate assessment roll shall be I II.4PPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPOVE2*Ei2$TS NOS. E-28, E-33 & 42, B335, B-36, IE-38 AID B-39, ROAD l34.PROVEI43ICl! aye; Tupa, are; and FINAL PUT OF RYAN AVElJUE SECOND ADDITION, on which approval had been delayed pending report by Engineer as to condition of street, was discussed. rezinded Council that I.%.. Craig Wing is of the opinion that Hr. Hardacker, developer of this plat, should pay his share of the graveling of Ryan Avenue. He stated he has received a report from Engineer Zikan that the street is substantially up to grade, now; and added that, because the Village bore no share of the cost for improving the street he feels that the matter of the cost of gravel is between the owners; that the Village should not enter into the matter. to this effect, Tupa and carried, 1.k. Hyde Er, IJindhorst told the Council he had advised Ik. Wing Fronk moved for approval of Final Plat, Notion seconded by PETITION FOR GRADING AND GRAVELING OF ALLl3Y BEXs;7EEN YORK AND XERXES AVZ”E AICD BEZ” lfJ.’j$”H AT,hD lJ.5PH STREETS, was presented, r.ri.th the explanation that this is not a petition signed by owners of 51% of abutting property; but that four persons who are using the alley rdll not sign for improvement. Bank’s motion, that Petition be referred to the Village Engineer for plans and estimates of cost; that it is consensus of opinion that Public Hearing be called at Council’s opm motion as soon as plans can be prepared, was seconded by Tupa and carried, RUB& HEItXWIN COWTY NURSD.. DISTRICT ANNUAL REPORT was submitted, reviewed and ordered placed on file, RIQUEST FOR PIERi.TrT TO INSTALL SANEARY SEVER TO SERVE LOTS 3,4 AND 5. SCH”E~S ADDITION. recommemded against this method, asking that Village be allowed to construct the sewer; and that it be assessed as part of the project already constructed in the immediate area. Bank’s motion, that Council act in accordance with 3hiager Hyde’s recammendation, that Public Hearing be called for this project, and that Council take bids thereon, all on Hoveniber 12, was seconded by Tupa and carried. Rr. Harold Stockels request was read and considered. Nanager Hyde REQUEST FOR EXTENSION OF EXCAVATING PER1XIT-W-f. V. TEEBY EXCAVATING GO., from January I, 1957 to January 1, 1958, was discussed. petitioner is considering a rock crusher in this area,and Fronk moved that action on request be deferred for further investigation. Tupa and carried, It vas reported that . Eotion seconded by M PE2ITIONS FOR IIPROVEE.IEQJTS, as hereinafter listed, were filed. that pztitions be accepted and referred to Village Engineer. by Fronk and carried. Curb and Gutter - Illy 1/3 of T;‘oodhill Addition, Blacktopping - Illy l/3 of I.Jo0dhi.U Addition. Blackbopping - Benton Ave,, E.View Dr, to Hv~.#LOO. Sanitary Sewer - Division St., Rutledge Ave. to Vandervork Ave. Curb and Gutter - Baton Ave., E,View Drive to Hviy.#lOO. Tupa moved Notion seconded - 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 10/22/56 I- PETZTION FOR VACATION OF ALBY BETI?TEEN MrlDISON AND MONROE AVENUES AND BET't.JEEN 4 THIRD STREET AND BELMORE LANE was filed, and Tupa moved that Public Hearing be conducted thereon on November 12. Motion seconded by Fronk and carriedr PETITION FOR PEF~HIT TO MOVE DWELLING FROM 5108 INTEBLACHEN BLVD. TO ONE OF TKREE LOTS FACING RUTLEDGE AVENUE JUST MORTH OF DIVISION STREET (Replat of Lots 9 and 10, Brookside Terrace) was filed by Business Developers, Inc. Representative E,E, Igelsrud told the Council he believes this dwelling is at least comparable to others in the immediate area, stating there are older dwellings neighboring these three lots. was seconded by Tupa and carried. Fronk's motion that permit be granted CHANGE IN STREET l"l3, the petitioner for change in the name of IfRoycar Roadtt that the Post Office has approved the name "Ormskirk Lane" for this street. following Ordinance, moving that Council dispense with second reading thereof and adopt Ordinance as read: Manager Hyde reported that word has been received from Bank offered the ORDINANCE NO, 164-10 AN ORDINANCE P;BNDING VILLAGE OF EDINA ORDINANCE NO. 164 ENTIITLED 'IAN ORDINANCE NANING AND RENANING CEarAIN ROADS, STREETS AND AVENUES OF TI33 VILLAGE OF EDINA THF, VILLAGE COUNCIL OF THE VILLAGE OF DINA, KDYNESOTA, ORDAINS: Section 1. Section 22 the following: Section 2. publication , Ordinance No, 164 of the Village is hereby amended by adding after Roycar Road is hereby renamed ORMSKBK LANE. Section 23. This Ordinance shJl be in effect from and after its passage and were four ayes and no nays, as follows: and Bredesen, aye; and the Ordinance was PROPOSED hLiEHDWT TO SIGN ORDINANCE. ment to the sign ordinance, drafted in accord with Councilfs direction. After some discussion, Ordinance was referred to Village Manager for his perusal and report. HANSEN EASEHENT FOR STOB4 SErdER. easement can be vacated; that East of HaliEa'x-Avenue. (This concerns Mr. Douglas Reite's reques for return of Storm Sewer Aasement dated April 1, 1953, as recorded in Minutes of October 8, ~ 1956, P,297, Book 19) , Bank's motion, that easement be returned in accordance with carried. Attorney Windhorst preserrted an amend- Manager Hyde reported that only half the Qyde 'S recommendation, was seconded by Tupa and AUTHORITY TO ISSUE INPROVE&EN'I! BONDS. needed for payment to contractors on contracts now under construction but not yet financed. Improvement Bonds, improvement bonds in accordance with IG?. Hyde' s recommendation, was seconded by Fronk and carried, Manager Hyde reported that funds are He asked Council authority for issuance of approximately $600,000 Bank's motion, that procedure be initiated for sale of TAX SETTLEIENT ADVANCE. on November Tax Settlement and Tupa so moved. carried, 7h-FOOT STRIP ON W.49; STRIP. Discussion was had as to payment to the Stow Company for dedication of right-of-way, the amount of $2,250 .OO having been previously agreed upon. will assume all special assessments; that I&. Brown was to have called him today but had not done SO. right-of-way on W.492 Street be approved,was seconded by Tupa and carried. Nanager Hyde recommended securing $425,000 Advance Motion seconded by Fronk and Attorney '[rdindhorst stated he believes the Stow Company Bank's motion, that papent of $2,250.00 for PAYI@EW OF CLAIMS: Pre-List No. 20 of October 22, 1956, was seconded by Tupa and carried: Bank's motion, for payment of the.following claims, as per . General Fund ----- $52,607.37 Sewer Rental Fund ----- $b b32.39 Waterworks Fund -- 2y47 5 020 TOTAL $316,940,8€3 Const. Fund 1-1- 2uy 073 e 31 Liquor Fund --I-- 43,126 . 74 Parks Fund ----- '7,225 87 8. 10/22/56 FACSIT.III;E SIGIJATURES OX CHECKS. signing checks manually, and Bank offered the following Resolution and moved its adoption: Discussion PELS had on the matter of the Mayor's RESOLUT$ON AUTHORIZING USE OF OFFICIALS FACSD*CE;E SIGNATURE3 BY PUBLIC \ > IZESOLEiZI, That the use of facsimile signatures by the following-named persons: ARTHUR C. BREDESEN, JR. - HAYOR ITARREN C. HYDE - VILLAGE NANAGER GRETCHEiT S. ALDEX - VILLAGE TREUm on checks, drafts, warrants, warrant-checks, vouchers or other orders on public funds deposited in FIRST EDiNA NATIONAL RQJK, I.IIDLAND NATIONAL R4NK OF IIDJXE- -APOLIS, and in FIRST SOUTHDALE NATIOEAL BANK be, and hereby is, approved, and that each of said named persons may authorize said depository bank to honor any such instrument bearing his facsimile signature in such form as he may designate and to charge the same to the account in said depository bank upon which drarm, as fully as though it bore his manually written signature, and that instruments so honored shall be wholly operative and binding in favor of said depository bank although such facsimile signature shall have been affixed without his authority. Hotion for adoption of the Resolution 11 RESURFACING OF ~'i,62ND ST. BXl%EEN BROOKVIE[E' AND OAKLAW AVEINUES. Gregersen, 6l4.4 Brookview Avenue, appeared to r equest that N.62nd St. between Brookview and Oaklatm Avenues be re-blacktopped this fall, if possible. Hanager Hyde e,xplained that blacktop constructed while street was a County Road had been torn up for improvements; that blacktop had not been assessed but that he feels residents should not now be assessed for replacement. He explained that street had been oiled last week. t.1-Ir. Gregersen stated he wishes to be protected against street's breaking up in the Spring, and 1.k. Hyde replied that he feels it is BOW too late to initiate procedure for this itnpmvemen'c, but that Village ifill do it if it can be done, and iuithout assessment. recommendat ion . Nr. Jerome Consensus of Council's opinion yas in favor of Kr. Hydess VILLAGE I-IAIJAGER SAL4RY. Hayor Bredesen pointed out that when the 1.Ianager was employed there was an understanding that there would be a salary increase after a yea; that the 1956 budget had provided for such increase, but that soine seventeen months had passed since Nr. Hyde had been employed, without the Council's authorizing an increase in salary. Hotion made, seconded and carried, that, effective October 1, 1956, the Village IIanager* s salary be increased to the amount allowed therefor in the budget for 1957. - - Bank's motion for adjournment was seconded by Tupa and carried. Meeting adjourned at 8: 55 P.N. L P I Village Cle?k blINUTES OF THE SPECIAL hEETING OF THE EDINA VILLAGE COUNCIL, HELD MONDAY, OCTOBER 29, 1957, AT 7:30 P.hL , IN THE EDINA VILLAGE HALL Pursuant to due call and notice, Meeting convened at the Village Hall, with Llessrs. Bredesen, Fronk and Tupa present; said meeting having been called for consideration of bids on CONSTRUGTION OF ORNAMENTAL STREET LIGHTING SYSTEM - No. L-2. tAanager Hyde reported receipt of only one bid, that of Lehn Electric Co,, Anoka, at $987.00. He recommended award of bid, inasmuch as owners are anxious to have installation immediately. Manager's recormendation, was seconded by Fronk and carried. Tupa's motion for award of bid in accordance with This being the only business before this ktion seconded by Tupa. tieeting Village Clerk