HomeMy WebLinkAbout19561112_regular11/12/56 I-IIf\TuTES OF THE REUW T-EETING OF THE EDIEJA VILLAGE COUl?CcTT-I, HXD NONDAY, NOlX4m 12, 1956, AT 7:30 P.1-i. AT THE DINA VILLAGE HALL I4embers answering Rollcall were Fronk, Tupa and Bredesen. Einutes of the Regular Heeting of October ad, 1956, irere approved as submitted, by Notion Fronk, Seconded by Tupa and carried. The Village Clerk preseded affidavits of publication of notice of sale of $590,000 Improvement Bonds poposed to be issued for the financing of various sanitary sewer, water main, storm sewer and blacktopping improvements. Said affidavits were examined and found satisfactory and directed to be placed on file in the office of the Clerk, in her office prior to the time of this meeting, Ir'nich bids were thereupon opened and publicly read and considered, and the highest and best bid of each bidder was found to be as follows: KADm & a1.rPANY, mc,, ) lilaturity Dates Int .Rate PADJE, ??EBBEL, JACKSON & CURTIS,) JlJRAH & EOODY, ITJC, , 1958 2 90% -0- X4ERICA.N NATL.BAUK OF ST.PAUL, ) 1959 & 1960 3.20% EbJ. PmCmT & cap&$Y 1'96Ly1962,1963 3.40% 3 . 80% SALE OF II*P~V;43~ E31JDS. ~ The Village Clerk reported that two sealed bids had been received I Name of Bidder Interest Rate or Rates Premium ' krch 1 - 1964 & 1965 3.60% 1966 & 1967 Plus Separate and Additional Coupon on the $530,000 Bonds maturing 1959 to 1967 both inclusive, at annual rate of 6/10 of 1% from March 1, 1957 to EIarch 1, 1958 Average Tnt. Rate - 3.647% Trustee Tup then irrtroduced the follovrjng Resolution and moved its adoption: RE3OLUTION AXARDIlJG Skm OF $590,000 JXPF?,OVBZIJT BONIS BE IT RESOLVXD br the Village Council of the Village of Edina, Ikinnesota, that in accordance with instructions of this Council notice has been published of the sale of $590,000 negotiable coupon general obligation Improvement Bonds to be dated as of December 1, 1956, and all bids received pursuant to said notice of sale have been duly opened and considered and the hi&est and best of such bids is hereby found and determined to be that of KAIUAN & COWA!8Y, ING., of I.IDINZliFOLIS, 14IHTE30TA, and associates nzmed therein, to purchase said bonds at a price of par and accrued interest, plus a premium 02 &O-, the bonds maturing in the years set forth below to bear jnterest at the respective rates per annum set forth opposite said maturity years: Naturit y Years 1958 Interest Rates 2.90s 1959 and 1960 3 20% 1961,1962 and 1963 - 3.40% 1964 and.1965 3 .bo$ 1966 and 1967 3 . 80% Plus Separate and Additional Coupon on the $530,000 Bonds Maturing 1959 to 1967, both inclusive, at the Annual Rate of 6/10 of One Percent, fro,?! llarch 1, 1957 to Narch 1, 1958. The liiayor and the Villa$e Clerk are hereby authorized and directed to endorse the acceptance of the Village upon duplicate copies of said proposal and to return a copy thereof to said bidder and to file the original in the office of said Clerk. The good Taith check furnished by said successful bidder shall be retained by the Village Treasurer pendkg delivery of the bnds and payment of the purchase price, and the checks of other bidders shall be returned to them forthwith, The motion for the adoption of the foregoing resolution vas duly seconded by Trustee Fro&, and on rollcall there were three Xyes and no Nays, as follovrs: Fronk, aye; Tupa, aye; and Bredesen, aye; whereupon s8id resolution was declared duly passed and adopted. 9 11/12/ 56 PUBLIC HEARING ON PETITION FOR VACATION OF NORTH-SOUTH ALLEY IN BLOCK FIVE, WEST KCNNWOLIS HZIGEflCS ADDITION AND LYING EEINEEN THIRD STRXEX AND BElXOE UBE AND IQDISON AND YDNROE AVENUES. Clerk presented Affidavit of Publication of *'Notice of Hearing" in Edina-Morningside Courier October 25 and November 1, 1956,qnd of Posting of said Notice on October 25, to form and ordered placed on file. and objections on the proposed vacation. Mrs. Robert E. Fleming, 318 Monroe Avenue, presented her objections, together with the written objection of Curtis Reynolds, 316 Nonroe Ave., and Arthur Hurtig, 323 Nadison Avenue; and letters from Ralph Schmidt and Celia A, Nightingale, asking that their names be rmoved from the petition. Mr. Everett Garrison, owner of the lot at 302 Monroe, explained that when he purchased this lot he inwired at the Village Hall as to whether tkre were plam for vacation, and was told that there were not; that he wants the alley to renain, Council decision be postponed fur further study, and Fronk moved that Hearing be continued to Monday, Noveniber 26, Affidavits were approved as &yor Bredesen called for recommendations Mrs. Reynolds asked that Motion seconded by Tupa and carried. APPOIPiTTdENT OF TEUSTEE FOR UT\IEXPIRED TERN OF ARTHUR C. EBEDESEN, JR. Mayor Bredesen made the appointment of Nr, Irl. N. Dickson to the office of T&tee, for Mr. Bredesen-1s unexpired term ending Decanber 31, 1956. ment confirmed by Messrs. Fronk and Tupa. I*. Dickson was sworn in, and was in attendance for the balance of the meeting. Appoint- PUBLIC HZARTNGS ON PROPOSED IMPROVEMENTS. cation in Edina-Morningside Courier November 1 and 8, 1956, of "Notice af Public Hearings on Proposed F?atermain, Sanitary Sewer and Storm Sewer Improvements, n which Affidavit was approved as to form and ordered placed on file. Pursuant to this notice, the following Public Hearings were conducted and action taken: 1. ST., AND IN W.57TH ST., DUE AVE. TO CODE AVE. Vu-Graph Slide, showing route of proposed main, and the assessable district therefor, was shown by Engineer Zikan. Manager Hyd-e read Estimate of Cost at $18,045.69, for $8.17 per Assess- able Front Foot. as against the Engineer1 s Estimate of $16,112.22 for actual construction, which will reduce the Estimate to about $6.35 per Assessable Front Foot. no objections from the floor, and no written objections had been received prior to the Hearing. 2. ST. TO GffOvE ST, able district therefor, was shown by Engineer Zikan, Manager Hyde read Estimate of Cost at $9,497.60, as against 2,208.24 Assessable Feet, for $4.30 per kssess- able Foot. with Zngineer's Estimate of $$,&,SO for construction, which will reduce the assessable cost to approximately $3.70 per assessable foot, There were no objections from the floor, and no written objections had been received prior to the Hearing. CODE AVE., I?. 57TH ST. TO NELODY LAm DR.: NELOD'I LAKE DR., CODE AVX. TO NZLODY LANE: EELODY LANE, 1GLODY LAKB DE. TO S .LINE OF LOT 4q EELODY KNOLLS 1ST ADDfJ. Vu-Graph Slide, showing route of proposed storm sewer, and the assessable district therefor, was shown by Engineer Zikan. Manager Hyde read Estimate of Cost st $38,909.36, as against 1,180,000 Square Feet, for gS.033 per Assessable Square Foot. as against the Engineer's Estimated Construction Cost of $34,740.50 to about $.02 per assessable square foot. the drainage area around Tingdale Ave. and Grove Street be included in the assese- menk district, inasmuch as they feel that the wa,ter their lots are receiving comes from this district. Clerk presented Affidavit of Publi- PUBLIC HEARING ON PROPOSED SANITARY SEWER IN DU Am., W.56TH ST. TO GROm He explained that the low bid taken today was %L2,497.36, There were (See Resolution of later in meeting, approving). - PUBLIC HEAFtII\TG ON PROPOSED 'WATEH4A.IN EnE;RTSION IN DkLE AKENUX FR0L.I If.56~~ Vu-Graph Slide, showing route of proposed main, and the assess- He explained that the low bid received today is $7,236.00 as conpared (See Resolution of later in meeting, approving). 3. Pl He reported, though, that the low bid received today was for $21,056.70 A delegation from Melody Lane asked that Mr. Zikan reported that there is not a petition for storm sewer in this area in the office t the present time; that a-storm sewer will needed there, eventually; that a new public hearing must be held if Council wishes to initiate proceedings for inclusion of this area with the foregoing. Nr. J, B. Hoore, 5100 Grove St., stated residents have been trying to secure a remedy for the bad street-drainage situation for some time, but have been unable too.. get mything done; that, if a storm sewer will effect a remedy he feels it should be put in. Engineer Zikan inquired from Attorney Spencer, as I be to the legality of adding to the contract on which bids were taken this mbrning, if cmtractor will consent at his present unit prices, and was. told that this would be legal. Ivir. Ferron, representing low bidder, Northern Contracting Company, asked that, if Council intends to award any bids tonight, he be given the privilege of going ahead with the sewer and water work i~ this general area pending the outcome of Council action on the storm sewer. accept an addition to the storm sewer project, at his unit prices as bid, if this should be the Councills desire; khat he will accept; sewer and water work wi%h the understanding that storm sewer bid migM be rejected pending outcome of further action. He was reninded by-Ik. 21ika.n that the Council has 30 days in which to accept or reject bids, but asked that- Council take action as soon as possible, inasmuch as good bid price was based on assumption that contractor could work before heavy frost. He stated he would be willing to , After some further discussion by Council, Trustee l-J-/12/56 Fronk explained to the audience that it is consensus of Council's opinion that Sanitary Sever and Vatemin projects be approved tonight, that contracts on these projects be axarded to the 1011 bidder; that the Public Hearing on the proposed storm sewer be continued to November 26, for opportunity for the Council to have a Public Hearing on the proposed enlarged improvement and increased assessment district, and that contract on the storm sewer be held in abeyance until outcome of said public hearing is ascertained, and moved its adoption: Fro& then offered the following Resolution BZSOLUTION APPROVING SANITARY SEVER II*PEOVXI*mfl PROVIDING FOR PUBLIC HEFRING ON PFiOPOsED STORE uo. 122 AND IIATER~IAIN nmommrr No. 117, AND smm I!..iPRO~*BNT BE IT RESOLVED by the Uouncil of the Village of Edina; Kinnesota, that this Council heretofore, caused noCices of hearing to be duly published on the follow- ing proposed impmvements: 1. CONSTEUCTIOIJ OF SANITARY LATERAL SEVER AiiD APPURTEIW~JCES IN: Dale .he. from W.56th St. to Grove St,, and in T.T,57th St. from Dale Ave. to Code Ave, 2, Ave. from W.56th St. to Gmve St. and at the hearings held at the time and place specified in said notice the Council has duly considered the views of all persons interested, and being fully advised of the pertinent facts does hereby determine to proceed with the construction of said improvements; that said improvements are here%y COIJSji!RUCTIOI(T OF VILUGE WATERZ.IAIN EXI'ENSION AND APPURTETWGES IN Dale desigzlated and shall be referred to & all subsequent proceedings as fo%Lo.r.rs: FOR No. 1 mom SIG-NIT-rnY smm C*PROrn.Drn HO. 122 NR-E OF I!-IPBOVEI-~'IT FOR NO. 2 mom TIATERT.~ALN IHPROVEXDJT NO. 117 and the areas to be specially assessed therefor shall be as follows: FCE SDJEARY SEVER IIEROVEXEIiE IJO. 122 - Lots 1 through 4, Block 1, Tovms First Edina Addition; Lots 1 through 5, Block I; Lots 1 through 7, Block 2, and Lots L . through 10, Block 3, Nelody Knolls 6th Addition, FOR VATEWAiN DPi3OVBEDT EO. 117 - Lots 1 throu& 4, Block I, Towns First Edina Addition; Lots 1 through 5, Block 1; Lots 1 through 7, Block 2; and Lots 1 through 10, Block 3, Elelody Knolls 6th Addition, BE IT FURTHEB RESOLVED by this Council: report as to the feasibility of the proposed Storm Sewer Improvement described in the Fom of Notice of Hearing set forth bslow, and as to the estimated cost of such improvement, said report is hereby approved and directed to be placed on file in the office of the Village Clerk. the Edina Village Hall, to consider in public hearing the views of all p.. vsons interested in said proposed impmvement . place and purpose of said meeting to be published in the official newspap, ar once a week for two successiTe weeks, the second of vhich publications is to be not less than three days from date of said meeking, which notice shall be in sub- stantially the following f om: 1, The Village Engineer, having submitted to the Council a preliminary 2. This Council shall meet on lionday, November 26, 1956, at 7:30 P.EL, in '3. The Clerk is hereby authorized and directed to cause notice of the time, NOTICE OF €BARING IN: The area All Lots PROPOSED STOR-i SXEE?, II*PFtOVEX4EUT / fLToTICE Is HXREBY GIVEN tha3 the Edina Village Council will meet at the Village Hall on Nonday, Eovenber 26, 1956, at 7:30 PSK, to consider the following proposed improvement, to be constructed under the authority granted by lE.n.nesotz, Laws of 1953, Chapter 398, Village Engineer as set forth below: The approximate cost of such improvement is estimated by the COIJSTEUGTIOIJ OF VIUGE STORli SEMB 4iD APPURTaAJCES EST. COST W,57th St., Dale Ave. to Code Ave.; Code Ave. ,$T. 57th St , to I4elody Lakg Dr. ; Melody Lake Dr., Code Ave. to Nelody kne; Xelody Lane, 3Ielody Lake Dr. to Grove St.; Grove St,, Ielelody Lane to Tingdale Ave, proposed to be assessed for the cost of said proposed improvemen-k includes and Tracts of land within the following described boundaries: $30,564.46 liBe&nning I at %.I Cor. of Lot 12, Bl. 1, Edina Edge; the SEly to a pt, which is 30 Ft. 3. of- N, Lot Line and 30 Ft. E, of 11, Lot Line of said Zot 12; th. Sly to a pt, which is 30 Ft. N. of S. Lot Line and 30 F%. E. of 118 Lot &e of said bt 12; the S!fly to in%ersection of East View Drive and Tingdale Ave.; th. Sly to intersection of TI,5$th St. and Tingdale he.; th, along centerline of ?1.5€%h St. to Sly e,utension of 11, Lot &e of Lot 7, B1. 1, Edina Hts.; th. Nly to Nf.l Cor, of said Lot 7; th. k??ly to a pt, on centerline of Grove St. which is its btersection with Sly ex%ension of E. Lot Line of Lot 5, B1. 2, IIelody Knolls 2nd Addn,; th. Illy along centerline of Grove St. to its intersection with rear lot lines of Lots 1-4, Townes First Edina extended South; th. 1Ly to 1JT.J Cor. of Lot 5, B1, 3, Ifelody Knolls 6th Addn.; th. imly to iR.I Cor. or" Lot 4, said B1. 3; th, Nly a distance or" 95.99 3%. to a pt. :.rhich is l5,99 Ft. M. of the S. Lot Line of Lot 2, said B1. 3, and 139.77 Ft. 1:. of centerline of Dale he.; th. Ely to a pto on the 11. Lot Line of LOt 1, BL, 1, I-Ielody Knolls 3rd Addn., said pt. being 110 Ft, E, of centerline of Bernard Place; th, ?J. to centerline of ~~56th St.; th. E. dong said centerline to a pt. r.rhidh is . .I 11/12/56 which is 110 Ft, We of the centerline of Code Ave.; th, Sly paallel to the the nn.Jly Lot Line of Lot I, B1, 3, Melody Knolls 4th Addn., said pt, being 30 Ft. 13 1 < centerline of Code Ave. a distance of 180 Ft,; th. Ely to the centerline of Code Ave.; th. Sly along said centerline a distance of 117 Ft,; th, Sly to a pt. on Ely of the E, line of Melody Lake Drive as measured at right angles; th, SEly, Sly, and STrsly parallel to and 30 Ft, NEly, Ely, and SEly of the Ely line of Helody Lakes Drive and Melody Lane to the Nly Lot Line of Lot 5, Melody Knolls 1st Addn.; th, SKLy to a pt. on Sly Lot Line thereof, said pt. being l40 Ft, E, of the centerline of Nelody Lane; th. Sly to centerline of Grove St.; the E. to the point of beginning.!1 Notion -for adoption of the Resolution was seconde were four ayes and no nays, as follows: Bredesen, aye; and the Resolution was ado Tupa, and on Rollcall there Fronk&ye, Tupa, aye; Dickson, aye; and 9 Village Clerk I* RORTH TO EHD OF ROAD. district, was shotm. Manager Hyde read Engineer's Estimate of $7,597.20, as amst 901.21 assessable front feet, for $8.43 per Assessable Front Foot. that the low bid received today is $3,305e70, as agakst the Engineer's Estimated Construction Cost .of $4,332.50; so that estimated cost will be somewhat reduced, but that it is felt that this project should pay its fare share of the expmsive "El Rancho" project, into which this project must connect. signed petition covers 60% of the lots in Ridge Road, that he can be served from the other sewer, but Pk, Zikan informed him that because of the length of run to serve his house in this manner, it ~611 be cheaper for him to take the line from the street, objection. PUBLIC HEARING ON PROPOSED SANITARY SEWER IN RIDGE ROAD FROM INTERLACHEN ROAD., Vu-Graph Slide af proposed route of main, and assessable He reported It was noted that the Dr, Schwantes protested He thereupon withdrew his Fronk then offered the following Resolution and moved its adoption: RESOLIEEON ORDERING SATXITARY SBE2 DPROVTXB'JT NO, 123 - BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the Village of Edina, Minnesota, this this Council heretofore caused notice of hearing to be duly published on the following proposed impro venent : (. CONSTRU&'ION OF SANITARY LATERAL SEWER AND APPURTENANCES IN Ridge Road from Interlachen Road, North to end of Ridge Road and at the hearing held at the time and place specified in said notice, the Council has duly considered the views of a11 persons interested, and being fully advised of the pertinent facts does hereby determine to proceed with the construction of said impmvemeat; that said improvemat is hereby designated and shall be referred to in all subsequent proceedings as SANITARY SEWBi II@ROVE~JIEI~T NO. 123; and the area to be specially assessed therefor shdl consist of Lots 1 through 8, Schwantes Addition. Notion for adoption of the Resolution was second pa, and on Rollcall there 5. SOUTHDALE FIRST ADDN,, FROM SOUTHDKE ROAD TO HEN1\T. CY, STORM SEXlB ON VALLEY VIEW - ROAD. Vu-Graph Slide showing route of proposed sewer was shown, and Nanager Hyde read Zngineerf s Estimate at $5,062.40, as against 65,200 Assessable Square Feet. He reported, however, that low bid received today is $3,305.70, as compared with Engineer! s Estimated Cost of Construction of #4,332,50, which will decrease the cost considerably. water must be taken to the high point of the street; and Elk. Hyde explained that the present street is not at5ts finished grade, the audience, and no written objections had been received prior thereto. The audience asked that the project be expedited, 2nd Fronk offered the following Resolution and moved its adoption: PUBLIC HEARING ON PROPOSED STORM SEMfEt IN NORTH LOT LINE OF LOT 1, BL, 3, Mr. McDowd, on Lot 4> stated he cannot understand why the There were no objections from RESOLUTION A'.ORI!EXtNG STORM SEWEX3 IMPROVXPW BE IT. FBSOLVED by heretofore caused improvement: CONSTERSCTION NO, 39 the Council of the Village of Edina, IEnnesoJGa, that this Council notice of hearing to be duly published on the following proposed OF VILLAGE STORM SENE3 AN!l APPURTEI$ANCES IN: North Lot Line of Lot 1, Block 3, Southdale First Addn., from Southdale Road to Hennepin County Stom Sewer on Valley View Road, and at the hearing held at the time and place specified in said notice the Council has duly considered the views of all persons interested, and being fully advised 11/12/56 of the pertinent facta does hereby determine to proceed w5th the construction of said improvaerrt; that said hprovernent is hereby designated and shall be referred to in a,ll subsequent proceedings as STOP$I SEIl3R D.iK!OVEH.EEiiT IJ003P; and the area to be specially assessed therefor shall include all Lots and Tracts of hd within the following described boundaries : *lBegkning at a pt, on IRZy lot line of Lot 1, B1. 2, Southdale 1st Addn., said pt. be~-g 4.8 Ft, SIly of Ifil Cor. of said Lot 1; th, SEly to a pt. on SEly line of said Lot 1 distant 36 Ft. StIly from SE Cor. thereof; th. -SEly to a pt. on Sly line of Lot 2, said B1. 2, &stan6 45 Ft. SIi3.y from SE Cor. thereof; th. Sly to a pt. on S, line of Lot 3, said B1. 2, said pt. being 53 Ft. Illy fmm TT. line of Southdale Rd.; tho Sly to a pt. on Sly line of Lot 4, said B1, 2, said point being 39 Ft. 53.y from W. line of SoutMale Rd,; tho Sly to a pt. on Sly line of Lot 5, said BI. 2, said pt. being 37 Ft. XLy from B. line of Southdale Rd.; th, Sly to a pt. on Sly line of Lot 6, said B1. 2, said pte being 35 Ft. MLy of Ti. line of Southdale Ed,; th. Sly to a pt, on Sly line of Lot 6, B1. 2, said pt, being 35 Ft. tny of ?J* line of Southdale Rd,; th, Sly to a pt, on Sly line of Lot 7, said Bl. 2, said pt. being 46 Ft. IJly of W. line of Southdale Rd.; th. SEly to a pt. on a line dra7.m parallel to and 30 Ft, Sly of N1y line of Lot 8, said Bl. 2, said pt. being 35 Ft, 3Jl.y of ?le line of Southdale Rd,; th. Ely to a pt. on E. line of Southdale €id., said pt . being 18 Ft. Sly from N[tT Cor. of Lot 7, B1. 3, Southdale 1st Addn.; th, Ely paallel to and 18 Ft. Sly from Nly line of said Lot 7, to a pt. 80 Ft. Ely of E. line of Southdale Rd,; th. Nly to a pt. on Nly line of Lot 6, said Bl. 3, said pt, being 75 Ft. Ely of E. line of Southdale Rd.; th. Nly to a pt. on No line of Lot 5, said'B1. 3, said pL. being 4l Ft. ELy of E. line of Southdale Rd.; the IJls to a pt, on li. line of Lot 4, said B1. 3, said pt. being 41 Ft. Ely of E. line of Southdale Rd,; th, Nly to a pt. on N. line of Lot 3, said B1. 3, said pi. beip4 40 Ft. El7 of E, Line of Soubhdale Rd.; th. Nly to a pt. on N. line of Lot 2, ssid B1. 3, said pt, being 43 Ft. Ely of E. line of Southdale Rd.; th. Nly to a pt. in IQy line of Lot 1, said B1. 3, said pt. being 39 Ft. Ely of the Ely line of Southdale Rd.; th. Illy to a pto vhich is 26 Ft, S. of S. line of W.66th St, and E30 Ft. Sely of intersection of S. line of N.66th St. and Ely line of Southdale Xd.; th. NI%Ly to intersection of S, line of W,66th St. and Ely line of Southdale Rd.; th. W. along the S. line of ?F,66th St. to a pt. which is 70 Ft. TI. of Illy line of Southdale Rd,; tho SEly to be@nniag.ll i" Hotion for adoption of the Resolution tms seconded by Tupa, and on Rollcall there were Saur ayes and no nays, as follow: e; Tup, aye; Dickson, aye; ad Bredesen, aye; and the Resolution was a FAM4, U 1.fayor 6. PUBLIC l3ELiXUIG OX FEOPOSED TTATERI*IAIN IN WILLIktI AVEUE FROX DJmLA-GmJ BLTTD, TO 5.1.5lST Si!RZXC. assessable district therefore, was shown, and Xanager Hjde read Engineerrs Estiknated Cost as $8,672.16 as against 1,008.5 Assessable Feet, for $8.60 per Assessable Foot. He reported that 101-7 bid received this morning vas in the amount of $6,942,30, as coqared with Engineer's can struction estimate of $7,743.00, wlnich will. reduce the assessable cost per foot. A delegation was present to ask r.rhy the cost of this min should be higher than most; and vas told that this is a U1I main, Tzhich r.rill mean that thy T.rill be 7-paying their trunk and lateral assessments in one. There was no objection from the wdience, ad none had been received prior to the Hearing, Fronk offered the following Resolution and moved its adoption: BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the Villzge of Edina, I-ijnnesota, that this Council heretofore caused notice of hearing to be duly published on the follotLng proposed impro-F-ement ; COEJSTXUCi'ION OF VILLAGZ TJATFBfAIN EXL'ETSSION AND APPURTZXDKXS IN TTilliam Avenue from Interlachen Blvd, to IT. 51st Street and at %he hearing held at the time and place specified in said notice the Council has duly considered the views of all persons interested, and being fully advised of the pertinent facts does hereby determine to proceed with the construction of seid improvement; that said improvaent is hereby desippa-bed and shall be referred -bo in all subsequent. proceedings as IJATWfiN R@FLOVEEGT NO, 116, and the area to be specially assessed therefor shall include Lot 5, and Lots 15 through 23, Block 2, and Lot I ard Lots h throu& U, Block 3, Brookside Heights. Vu-Graph Slide, showing proposed route of watermain, and RES0LU'rIG;J BZDEXING WD"?!E.IAIsJ R.IpIiOVEX?34T NO. 116 Tupa, and on Rollcall there Tupa, aye; Dickson, aye; and were four VLllage Clerk 11/12/56 ATTABD OF BIDS TAIZE;N MONDAY, NOvEi\lBEFt 12, 1956, AT 1O:OO A.N. Engineer %&an and 1 5 i Nanager Hyde presented Tabulations of Bids taken this morning, which were reviewed by the Village Council, and action was taken as follows: 1. Code Ave. Contracting Company, at bid price of $12,497.36. by Tupa and camied. 2. Nar~ger Hyde recommended award of contract to low bidder, Northern Contracting Company, at $7,236.00. Fro& so moved. 3 . Nelody Lake Drive; Melody Lake Drive, Code Ave. to Nelody Lane; Melody Lane, Helody Lake Drive to S. Line of Lot 4, Nelody Knolls 1st Addn. Ranager Hyde recornended tentative award of contract to low bidder, Northern Contracting Company, a% bid price of $21,056.70, subject to their stated t.rillingness to add to contract at unit. bid prices, to delete from contract at unit bid prices, or to accept cancellation of contract, depending upon outcome of November 26th Hearing. Fronk so moved. Notion seconded by Tupa and carried. 4. SANITARY SBfER - Ridge Road from Interlachen Road, North to end df Ridge Road. Hanager Hyde recommended award of contract to low bidder, Rar-Ehem ContYaetin& CO., at $3,305.70. Tup so moved, Motion seconded by Fronk and carried. 5. STOP~JI SE[:,DB - North Lot Line of Lot 1, Block 3, Southdale First Addn., from Southdale Road to Hemepin County Storm Sewer on Valley View Road. recomended award of contract to low bidder, Phelps-Drake Co. , at $2,956.50. Engineer Zikan asked that award be made subject to consent by Hennepin County to connection with their storm sewer, and subject to securing of easement in Lot 1, Block 3, Southdale First Addition. be made to low bidder, subject to those provisions set forth by Village Engineer, was seconded by Fronk and carried. 6. WATERIIAIN - Tdilliam Ave. , Interlachen Blvd. to W. 51st St recommended award of contract to low bidder, Phelps-Drake Company, at $6,942.30, Tupa so moved. 7. EEBOOFING OF XDIIU LIBRARY - Manager Hyde recommended that the three bids received todzy be rejected. He stated he feels that the bids reflect the roofers' fear of pending inclement weather; that Council should re-advertise in the spring. Fronkls motion that all bids be rejected was seconded by Tupa and carried. 8. the complete project, but that none had been received; that it is customary in this area for the gasoline suppliers to furnish tanks and pumps on a trloanrl basis in connection with bids for furnishing gasoline; that, if said supplier does not receive bid the second year, his equity in tanks and pumps is transferred to the successful bidder. advertisement for codination pump,tank-and gasoline bids. Motion seconded by Dickson and carried. COJ!'~~IUNiCATiON FRON CITIZENS LEAGUE OF IJiINmAPOLIS AND HENNEPITJ COUNTY, announcing a Neetjllg to be held Novernber l.4, concerning the securing of legislation for further consolidation of lfinneapolis and Hennepin County library systems , was reviewed. Nanager Hyde reported that he will ask Librarian Heath for a report. SANITARY SE;r;lfB - Dale Ave., W.56th St. to Grove St.; W.57th St., Dale Ave. to Ymager Hyde recommended award of contract to low bidder, Noi4,hern Fro& so moved. Motion seconded IJATEEGIAIN - Dale Ave., W.56th St. to Grove St. Motion seconded by Tupa and carried. STORN SEJJER - W. 57th St. , Dale Ave. to Code Ave.; $ode he. , W.57th St. to I Nanager Hyde Tupa's motion, that award of contract I4anager Hyde Motion seconded by Fronk and carried. FUEL STORAGE AFEA - Ik. Hyde informed Council he had hoped to receive bids on Nanager Hyde recommended rejection of present bids, and Tupa so moved. IEZTIi'JG GrBDItER REPORT AT PLANNING COIQ-lISSION/TO BE HELD NOVE&BER a. told the Council a preliminary report will be filed by Carl Gardner with the Nanager Hyde Planning Commission on the Uth; that the Council is invited to attend meeting. REPORT OF CC"TEE ON COUNTY PARK DISTRICT, TO ISAGUE OF HENPIEFIN TOTINS AND NU@JICIPALITBS, dated October 12, 1956, was reviewed for the Council by Hanager Hyde. This committee report advocates - 1. Hennepin County Park District should be immediately activated under the 1955 law by affirmaiive resolution of the majority of governing bodies of the municipalities in Hennepin Countytt. 2. Legislature to limit regulatory power of the proposed coun$y park board over lakes within the county solely to lakes lying wholly within parks and to any Lake shoreline within a park1'. The detailed rep& listed seven reasons for the committee's action, being in part - 1. Hennepin County needs to acquire as soon as possible, large tracts of land which are suitable for eventual developnent as natural parks. 2. It is not fair to expect some municipalities to,provide large parks for the entire county to use. which can receive and hold gifts of land for general county park purposes. Rural and suburban Hennepin will elect and control the proposed county park board. Hr. Hyde reported that the Rinnetonka Communities no longer oppose this project because they have. gotten together to prbvide for local regulation of Lake Pkhnehonka by joint action; and Attorney Spencer reported that the Executive Committee of the Citizens League of Minneapolis and Hennepin County has agreedto sponsor this project, also. Upon inquiry by the Cokcil as to the administrative body for the proposed County Park Board, Mr. Hyde said the present plan is for a seven-man park board, appointed in the first instance by the county board, and elected thereafter, He presented two resolutions, advocated by the committee for adoption by the various municipalities. Fro& ItModification of the 1955 law should be sou.ght in the 1957 session of the - 3. No present body e,uists 4. 11/12/56 16; offered the following Resolukion and moved its adoption: FESOL~~TION PETITIONING mmpm COUNTY BOARD TO ACTIVATE A PAFLK DISTRICT - €EiSOLVED, that the Village Council of the Village of Edina, Hennepin County, Ivhnesota, hereby petitions the Board of County Commissioners for Hennepin County, pursuant to Chapter e06, Laws of I-fimesota 1955, to activate a park district consisting of all of the County of Hennepin except that portion lying within the boundaries of the City of Ninneapolis . Notion for adoption of the Resolution was seconded by Dickson, and on Rollcall there were four ayes and no nays, as follovs: aye; and Bredesen, aye; and the Resolution Nayor Village Clerk And Fronk offered the fo1lov;ing Resolution and moved its adoption: principle the cbanges in Chapter 806 Laws of Iflinnesota 1955, set forth in the proposed bill (attached) being: RWOLff”rJ), that the Village Council ofthe Village of Edina supports in A BILL $02 &J ACT REDUCIIJG THE REGULi4TORY POIERS OF’ COUPEY AND ~~~TI-COUHTV PARK EOARDS OTEE LAKES: LAtS OF I-IEI‘KESOTA 1955. BE Tf ETACUD BY THE LEGISLATURE OF TI43 STATE OF I*lmWOTA: WEXDIEJG CHApriEXt $06 Section 1, Section 9a, Chapter 806, Laws of Erinnesota, 1955, is hereby amended as follows: 9 (a) The power to regulate by ordinance (1) the use of the waters of any lake lying wholly within %e-Pa~k-Q&e%i?&% 9 park established under this act and acts amendatory thereof by all parsons, including persons boating, sf.rinrming, fishing, skating or otherwise in, upon or about said lake; and w~~s-etrek-~~~e-~~-~Q~-~~~ea~~ ~~~e9~-Be-ei~~~-~e~~~g~e~~-~~~-~~~~~~ ~,e~~P~~el-e~-i?%~~~~~~-~e~~-er-~ke-~~lj~e-sg :&Bes&aT - (2) the use of any lake shore which is within a park established under this act and acts amendatory thereof and the waterfront abutting such lake- shore by all persons induding persons boating& STME, fishing, skating or othen~se in, upon or about said lakeshore ad abutting m.terfront. sub.iect to the regulation of regulatow bodies of the State of Iiinnesota. %tion for adoption of the Resolution were four ayes and no nap, as Bredesen; and the Resolution tms adopted. pmmorr FOE VAC~!~OX OF TI-LU ALLY LYING BECUEEN NADISON AND ~~msoiq A~JUES &JD 3ETIam4 B3UiO?& LAUD &liTD EWLOXEY AVENUE T~S submitted. Public Hearing on Petition be scheduled for llondq, December LO, 1956, at 7:30 PJI., was seconded by Tup and carrhd. PETITION AGA.INST FLEZOXDIG TO COXIUNITY STORE DISTRICT IN THX VICIl!JITY OF ~~61s~ ST., AlJD VUET VIE; ROAD &ID 1:OODDkI;E AYXIJUE, dated October 19, 1956, and signed by some forty-one husbands and vives, was submitted and ordered placed on file, for consideration after receipt of the Gardner Report. Fronkls xotion, that . PROPOSED -4SSEW-EZ” FOR STREET It4PRovEt-iENT 1150. C-69, Grading and Graveling of Grove Street from Tingdale Avehue to Code Avenue, was discussed, pursuant to complaints by abutting property owners that there was no gravel in the street, Engineer Zikan stated that the project was checked in the field; that gravel vas put into the street in accordance with specifications; that Edina gravel specifications are those of the I.Zinnesota Highray Department. led a delegation which asserted that the gravel is that the Engineer inspect the project personally in the field before further action is taken. assessment for Isionday, December 10, 1956, vas seconded by Tupa; a rollcall vote was taken, there being four ayes, as follows: aye; and Bredesen, aye; and motion was unanimously carried, 1.k. Darkenwa.33 just sand! ; and suggested Frank's motion, scheduling new Fublic Hearing on proposed Fronk, aye; Tupa, aye; Dickson, . , " 11/12/56 PEOPOSED &JENDI!EhT TO SIGN ORDINANCE. amendment has been re-drafted; that he will send memorandum copies to Council for review before next meeting. DOG CONTROL-POSSIBLE CHANGE, Nanager Hyde reported that there is some discussion concerning a possible joint contract with Bloomington and Richfield for service by the Animal Rescue League, with a kennel to be built in a location central to the three municipalities. expensive than the present contract with Merry Hill Kennels, Council asked Hr. Hyde to get more complete information before presenting for Council consideration. Manager Hyde reported sign ordinance .g '7 Because preliminary figures show this would be more EASEJQXTS FOR WATERMAIN IN XERXES AVENUE BETWEEN 11.62~~ AND W.63RD STSO-POSSIBLE -COI\TDEXbJATION. to a standstill, on easements for a watermain to be constructed abutting Xerxes Avenue between s?~.62nd and w.63rd Sts.; that the owners will not give said easements; that they are necessary for the main. proceedings. Krahl, Jutting and Doitz families, and an attorney representing them. attorney asked that this matter be postponed until next meeting, far further study; and Xngineer Zikan stated that Hennepin'County might be approached as to allowing the main to be constructed in the right-of-way. this matter be laid over to November 26, for further study as to possible solution, including consultation with the County. carried, Appraiser Lorens was present to report that negotiations have come He asked that council initiate condemnation Several property owners were present to plead their cases, being the The Fronkts motion, that Motion seconded by Tupa and PLANNING COBIMISSION APPOIN"BIE!sT e , Mr. John Foley, 5029 Bruce Avenue, as a member of the Planning Commission for the unexpired term of Mr. E.W. Krafft, ending January 1, 195Y0 Appointment confirmed by Council. Nayor 'Plredesen announced his appointment of .PETITIONS FOR DJPROVB~BNTS. Fronk, seconded by Tupa and carried, they were accepted and referred to the Village Engineer for the scheduling by the proper Public Hearings: The following petitions were filed; and, by motion ' 1, 2. 3. Oiling - Philbrook Lane from Nooddale Ave. to W.58th St. Curb and Gutter - Chowen Ave. from ~.6lst St. to W.62nd St.; and Chowen Curve from Chowen Ave. to Ethg Ave. Blacktopp'ing - Hansen Road from 1$.6Oth St. to Valley View Road; Maddox Lane from Hansen Rd. to FQma,n Ave.; W.62nd St. from Hansen Rd. to Wyman Ave, 4. 5. 6. Blacktopping - Code Ave. from W.62nd St. to Valley View Rd. Blacktopping - Chmen Ave. from ~1.6lst St. to W.62n.d St.; and Curb and Gutter - Hansen Rd. from W.6Oth St. to Valley View Road; Chowen Curve from Chowen Ave. to Ewing Ave. Maddox Lane from Hansen Rd e to Wyman Ave. ; FJ,62nd St. from Hansen Rd. to Wyman Ave. Xerxes Ave. Highway to W.63rd St. E~ended. 7,, 8. Sanitary Sewer - W.65th St, Extended from Beard Ave. Extended,to Sanitary Sewer - Chowen Ave., and Dodd Place, from Proposed Crosstown STREET NAME CHANGES. Manager Hyde reported that it is the recommendation of 'the Building Inspector and the Assessor that the name of Birchcrest Drive be changed in the 6000-6200 Block, to BIiFCCHCRXST LANE; also, that now, before there are residences on the street, the name of Ridgeview Drive by changed to STEBLING DRTOF;; the post office concurring in this last recommendation because of the number of "Ridge" derivations in Edina dnd Minneapolis. Engineer Zikan suggested that these name changes be postponed, pending a review of the new map, in order that all required changes might be settled at one time, for future mapping, and it was so ordered. SANITARY SENE3 I"R0VEPENT NO. 120 - PROTESTS AGAINST CONSTRUCTION IN ARTHUR. AND JOHN STREXCS. of Sanitary Sewer in Arthur Street, to serve Lots 7 and 8, Block 2 and Lot 3, Block 3, Kendelssohn. s-ewer should be shortened to serve Lot 4, Block 3, which would take it about- 165 feet North of Belmore Lane on Arthur Street, instead of the 300 feet planned for it. Mr. .Zikan reported that this will raise the cost to the balance of the district somewhat. Fronkls motion, that sewer be laid to a point approhately 165 feet North of Belmore Lane on Bfihur Street, was seconded by Tupa and carried. Mr. Zikan reported having received telephone dalls protesting the John Street portion of the sewer, also; that if this is cut from the project the cost to the balance of the district will possibly exceed the $8.06 Estimate. t.he sewer. Manager Hyde reported telephoned pkotests against construction He reviewed Council proceedings to date, suggesting that - - No action was taken on the John Street portion of PUPHOUSE ON SHERIIOOD AVENUE-BIDS. pumphouse on Sherwood Avenue, estimating cost of construction at approximately $8,0OO--this being a garage formerly planned. Manager Hyde presented plan for proposed pumphouse only! , rather than the proposed pumphouse- Council suggested taking bids on plan as presented, \ 11/12/56 28 and, as an alternate, on the plans of the 53rd and Halifas house, motion that Council take bids as of Novmber 26, 1956, was seconded by Tupa and carried, i~JEX WELL SiTES BEIRG STUDIED. Tank in operation the VLllage is running short, with seven of its eight wells operating; that he is beginning to look for new well sites, in the general locations recommended in the Bannister survey. Fronk's < Hanager Hyde reported that even with the Southdale SULPHUR SI.IEL;L iN WATER, be pulled this winter, and possibly sealed off; that the crew t&ll pull and recondition the Junior High well. IJr, Hyde reported that the 50th and T'looddale we11 will TREATI-~~ OF IJATEEt FOft COLOZ AID ODOR. chemical conpanies have mde proposals for water treatment, which have been referred to the State Board of Health for its consideration. Report was made by Nrm Hyde that two F0RXA.L PPPIZOVAL FOR PUBLIC €EARINC;S HELD, AID BIDS TMEM NOVEIBER 12, Attorney Spencer reminded the Council that the minutes of the meeting of October 22nd do not show Council's formal approval of plans and specifications for, or authoriz- ation for public hearings on those projects heard this evening. the following Resolution and moved its adoption: l?ZSOLUTiON APPROVlNG PUBLIC HEARINGS OX SPECIFICATIOI+LS THEREFm, AND RATIFPII$G CUBK'S ACTION IN PUBLISHING HOTICE OF PROPOSED Tup8 offered PEOPOSED B*PRcNEiiFXi!S, APPROVING PLiUJS ANI E43"KEEflS AND ADVEBTEB*EPJT FOR BIDS THEfBF'CS BE 7T RESOLVED by the Village Council of the Village of Edina: 1. The Village Engineer, having submitted to the Council a preliminary report as to the feasibility of the proposed Improvements described in the Fom 02 Notice of Hearing set forth below, and as to the estimated cost of such improvements, said report is hereby approved and directed to be placed on file in the office of the Village Clerk. 2. a wekk for two successive rreeks, the second of Which publiczbions YTZS not less than three days from the date of this meeting, which notice was in substantisblly the following fora, is hereby ratified and confirmed: The action of the Clerk in publishing in the official newspaper once ItJOTiCE OF PUBLIC I-IEiBiIJGS Olif PROPOSED I.J11TIBIXCNY SAfI3TJB.Y §%,,%R BPID STOR31 SEI;m IIPROVEXEXITS BUTICE IS I3REm GITEN that the Edina Village Council will meet at the Village Hall on Honday, November 12, 1956, at 7:30 p.m., to consider the following proposed kprovements to be constructed under the authority granted by IEnnesota Laws of 1953, Chapter 398. TZLlage Engineer as follows: The approximate cost of such improvements is estimated by the EST. COST' I, CONSTRUCTION OF SAIJITARY hU!iE&L SEVER kfD APPURTBiUdIIJCES ZJ: Dale Ave. from T'f.56th St. to Grove St., and in V.557th St, from Dale Ave. to Code Ave. $18,045.69 The area proposed to be assessed for the cost of said improvements includes Lots 1 through 4, Block I, Tovms First Edina Addition; Lots 1 through 5, Block 1; Lots 1 thzough 7, Block 2 and Lots 1 through 10, Block 3, Helody Ecnolls 6th Addition, 2, CONSTEUCTiON OF SAiIITmY LATE;REJ; SEXfB ATJD ,4PPURT3iUXCES IIJ: Ridge Road from Tnterlachen Blvd,, I.Jorth to end of Road The area proposed to be assessed for the cost of said improvement includes Lots 1 through 8, S chtmt es kddit ion. 7,597.20 3. Ci>lJS!Ci?UCTiOT;J OF VIZLAGZ $'j!ORI*i SEWB AND APPUiZTEWJCES IN: North Lot Line of Lot 1, Block 3, Southdale First Addn., from Southdale Road to Hennepin County Storm Sewer on Valley View Road. 8 5,062,40 The area proposed to be assessed for the cost of said improvement includes all Lots ad Tracts of land within the following described boundaries: "Beginning at a pt. on 1EJl.y lot line of Lot 1, B1. 2, Southdale 1st kddn., said pt. being 48 Ft, SXLy of IW Cor, of said Lot 1; tho SEQ to a pt. on SEly line of said Lot 1, dist, 36 Ft, 3Jly Tron SE Cor. thereof; th.SEly to a pt, on Sly line of Lot 2, said B1.2, dist. 45 I?%, SIly from SE Cor. thereof; tho Sly to a pt, on S, Line of Lot 3, said B1. 2, said pt, being 53 Ft. ILLY from l.f,line of Southdale Rd,; th, Sly to a pt. on Sly line of Lot 4, said B1. 2, said pt, being 39 Ft. KLy from 3.f. line of Southdale Rd,; tho Sly to a pt. on Sly line of Lot 5, said B1, 2, said pt. being 37 Ft, KLy from ?I. line of Southdale Rd,; th, Sly to a pt, on Sly line of Lot 6, said B1, 2, said pt, being 35 Ft, XLy of M, line of Southdale Rd.; tho Sly to a pt. on Sly ke of Lot 7, said B1. 2, said pt. being 46 Ft, lny of Yo line of Southdale Bd.; th, SXly to a pt, on a line dratm parallel to and 30 Ft. Sly of Uly line of Lot 8, said B1, 2, said pt, being 35 Ft. Illy of If. line of Southdzle Rd,; th, Ely to pt. I I 11/12/56 on E, line of Southdale Rd., said pt. being 18 Ft, Sly from NW Cor, of Lot 7, B1, 3, Southdale lst Addn,; th, Ely parallel to and 18 Ft, Sly from Nly line of said Lot 7, to a pt. 80 Ft. Ely of E. line of Southdale Rd,; th, Nly to a pt. on Nly line of Lot 6, said B1. 3, said pt. being 75 Ft. Ely of E. line of Southdale Rd.; th. Nly to pt. on N. line of Lot 5, said B1, 3, said pt. being 41 Ft. Ely of E, line of Southdale Rd,; th, Nly to pt. on N, line of Lot 4, said BL -3, said pt, being 41 Ft. Ely of E, line of Southdale Rd,; th, Nly to pt. on 31, line of Lot 3, said B1, 3, said pt, being 40 Ft, Ely of E, line of Southdale Rd.; th. Nly to pt, on N, line of Lot 2, said B1. 3, said pt. being 43 Ft, Ely of E, line of Southdale Rd,; th. Nly to pt. on Nly line of Lot 1, said B1. 3, said pt. being 39 Ft, Ely of Ely line of Sotrthdale Rd,; th. Nly to pt. which is 26 ft, S. of S, line of I{, 66th St, and 80 Ft, SEly of intersection of S. line of W.66th St, and E1y line of Southdale Rd,; th, NKLy to intersection of S, line of W.66th St. and Ely line of Southdale Rd,; th. W, along S. line of N,66th St, to a pt, which is 70 Ft. W. of lay line of Southdale Rd.; th, SZly to beginningIt, CONSTRUCTION OF VILUGE STOBI SEWER AND APPUFLTBUNCES IN: Code Ave., U,57th St. to Helody Lake Dr.; Melody Lake Dr,, Code Ave. to Melody Lane; Melody Lane, Melody Lake Dr. to S, Line 4, 1$,57th St., Dale Ave. to Code Ave.; I Lor 4, Nelody Knolls 1st Addn, $38,909.36 The area proposed to be assessed for the cost of this improvement includes all Lots and Tracts of Land within the following described boundaries: centerline of Grove St. and Melody Lane; th, Illy along centerline of Grove St. to its intersection with rear lot lines of Lots 1 through 4, Tomes First Edina extended S,; th. Nly to NTIJ Cor. of Lots 5, B1, 3, Helody Knolls 6th Addn,; the NEly to NW Cor. of Lot 4, said B1. 3; th. Nly a distance of 95.99 Ft, to pt. which is 15.99 Ft. N. of S. Lot Line of Lot 2, said B1, 3 and 139.77 Ft, W. of centerline of Dale Ave.; th, Ely to pt. on N, Lot Line of Lot 1, Bl. 1, Nelody ISnolls 3rd Addn,, said pt. being 110 Ft, E, of centerline of Bernard Pl,; th, N, to centerline of W.56th St.; th. E. along said centerline to pt. which is 110 Ft. W. of centerline of Code Ave.; the Sly parallel to centerline of Code Ave. a dist. of 180 Ft,; th. E1y to centerline of Code Ave.; th, Sly along said centerline a distance of 117 Ft.; tho Sly to a pt. on My lot line of Lot 1, B1. 3, Nelody Knolls 4th Addn., said pt. being 30 Ft. Ely of E. line of Melody Lake Dr, as measured at right angles; th, SEly, Sly and SWly parallel to and 30 Ft, NEly, Ely and SE1y of Ely line of Melody Lakes Drive and Melody Lane to lvly lot line of Zot 5, Nelody Knolls 1st Addn,; th, SMly to pt. on Sly lot line thereof, said pt, being 14.0 Ft, E. of centerline of Nelody Lane; th. S, 35 Ft,; th. Wly to centerline of Melody Lane; th, S. to beginningI1, l%omm. at 5. CONSTRUCTION OF VILLAGE WATERMAIii EXTENSION JGD APPURTENANCES IN: ‘bdilliam Ave. , Interlachen Blvdo to W05lst St. $8,672.16 I The area proposed to be assessed for this improvment includes Lot 5, and Lots 15 through 23, Block 2, and Lot 1 and Lots 6 through 14, Block 3, Brookside Heights . 6. COPISTRUCTION OF VILUGE IJATERIQUN EXTENSION AND APPURTE8ANCES IN: St. to Grove St. Dale Ave., fmm W.56th The area proposed to be assessed for the cost of this improvement includes Lots 1 through 4, Block 1, Towms First Edina Addition; Lots 1 through 5, Block 1; Lots 1 through 7, Block 2; and Lots 1 through 10, Block 3, Melody . Knolls 6th Addition, - GRETCHEN S. ALDEN Village Clerk BE IT FURTHIB RESOLVED BY the Village Council of the Village of Edina, as follows: The plans and specifications for the proposed Sanitary Sewer, Storm Sewer and Watermain Improvements set forth in the following Advertisement for Bids form, heretofore prepared by the Village Engineer and now on file in the office of the Village Clerk are hereby approved, Morningside Courier and the Construction Bulletin the following notice of bids for said improvements is hereby ratified and confirmed:. 1. 2. The Clerk’s action, in causing to be‘published twice in the Gdina- ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS-SKNITARY SE\fi?X, STOBf SEMER,, IfiJATl3RMA.IN I&PROV%IENTS NmICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that sealed bids will be received and opened in the office of the Village Manager in the Edina Village Hall, 4801 WJ.50th St;, Edina; 12inn., at 1O:OO aem., Nonday, Noveniber 12, 1956, for the following: 1. CIZC3TfRCTION OF SANITARY LATERAL SEW3 &\TD APPURTENAMCES IN: A, B. A. 1ti.lliam Ave. from Interlacha Blvd. to W,5lst St. B. A. Dale Ave. from lJ.56th St. to Grove St,; W.57th St. from Dale Ave,^ to Code Ave. Ridge Road from Interlachen Blvd., North to end of Road. 2. CONSTRUCTIOPI OF -TILLAGE WATEJ4AIN EXTENSION AND AF’PUBTEIWTCES IN: Dale AGe. from W,56th St, to Grove St. CONSTRUCTION OF VILLAGE STOFllJi SEhiiER AND APPURTENANCES IN: N. Lot Line of Lot 1, B1. 3, Southdale First Addn., from Southdale Rd, to Hemepin County Storm Sewer on Valley View Road, 3 . 11/12/56 B. M.57th St., Dale Ave. to Code Ave.; Code he., tJ.57th St, to Helody Lake Dr.; Xelody Lake Dr., Code live. to I-felody Lane; I.lelody Lane, Helody Lake Dr. to S, Line Lot 4, Xelody bolls 1st Addno at 7:3 p.n., in the Village Hall, 20 The Village Council xiill meet to consid-er said bids on November 12 Ilork mst be done as described in plans and specifications on file in the office of the Villzge Clerk. of $10.00, which depsit will be refunded upon return of said plans and specifi- cations. before 1O:OO a.m., November 12, accompanied by cash deposit, bid bond or certi- fied check payable to the Village Clerk in amount of at least ten percent of - amount of base bid. The Council reserves the right lx reject any or all bids. Plans and specifications are available for a deposit No bids will be considered unless sealed and filed with undersigned BY ORDIG3 (JF THE VlUAG3 COUIKIL. GRETCHEiJ S. JXDEIJ Village Clerk 3,, hereby adopted as the terns and conditions of award of the contract for said kpmvements , Each and all of the terms of the foregoing advertisement for bids are ~ Notion for adoption of the Resolution was seconde Bredesen, aye; and the Resolrxtion was adopted Fronlc, and on Rollcall there were four ayes and no nays, as follows: Village Clerk Clerk reported tha’t, in accord with Council action taken October 8, 1956, she had published Notices of Hearings on the proposed Watermain Improvement in Normandde Second Addition, and the proposed Trunk Sewer C-2 in the Southvest area of the Village. notices, and Tupa offered the following Resolution*and moved its adoption: She asked for formal approval of publication of these msoLuTIoir ~OVZDING FOR PUBLIC HEARINGS PROPOSED SAITITARY SEVER AND ITATERNAIN ILILPROVE3*ENTS BE IT EESOLVED by the Council of the Village of Edina: rep& as to the feasibility of the proposed Sanitary Sewer and Watermain Improve- ments described’in the Form of Noticescof Hearings set forth below, and as to the estimated cost of such improvements, said repor& is hereby approved and directed to be placed on file in the office of the Village Clerk, This Council shall meet on I4onday; November 19, 1956, at 7:30 P.I.I., in the Edina Village Hall, to consider in public hearings the’views of all persons interested in said proposed improveiients. The action of the Clerk, in Gausing notice of the time, place and pur- pose of said meeting to be published in the official newspaper once a week for ~PJO successive weelrs, the second of which publications was not less than three days from date of said meeting, trhich notices were in the following forms, is hereby ratified and approved: 1. The Village Engineer, having submitted to the Council a preliminary 2. 3. (1) NOTICE OF HEARING ON PROPOSED lTA!T~~~~ DPROVBZNT WTICE IS HIBEBY GIVEN that the Edina Village Council r.rill meet at the Village Hall on I.fond2~;EJovember 19, 1956, at 7:30 P.I~I,, to consider the following proposed improvement, to be constructed under the arbhority granted by Ennesota Law of 1953, Chapter 398. Village Engineer as set forth below: The approximate cost of such improvement is estjmated by the THE FOLLOYDJG STREE’jlS: I.lildred live,, Valley View Road to 1~65th Street; golf Ave,, I.J.64th St, to W.66th St,; Tingdale Ave,, f.J,63rd St. to 1~066th St.; TJLlryan Ave., Roberts Place to W.66th St . ; Josephine Ave., 11,64Y;l St. to 11.66th St.; Highway #loo, ll.65th St. to N. Line Brookview Hts. 1st Addn,; IJ.63rd Sts, Rolf Ave, to Tingdale he.; T.J.64th St., llilr~ Ave, to Jsephine Ave,; 1~65th St,, WLdred Ave, to Rolf Ave.; W.66th St., Naomi Drive to Highww #lo0 $109:,734024 The area proposed to be assessed for Trunk Watermain =ension includes all lots and tracts of land within the following described boundaries: llComtn. at intersection of cmterline of State Hvg.#lOO and centerline of If.63rd St.; th. Sly along centerline of. State Hwy.#lOO to its intersection with Ely extension of I.Line of Lot 3S, B1. I, Brookview Hts, 1st Addn.; tho IKLF to N?J Cor. of Lot 23, said Bl, I; th, 1Jly to EB Cor, of Lot 22, said B1, I; tho lJly to IRT Cor. of Lot 18, sqid B1, 1; tho 1413~ to NE Cor. of .I& 13, said €31, 1; th. Iny to LFJ Cor. of said Lot 13; th, KLy to N3 Cor. of Lot 12, said B1, 1; th. lv%y to IE Cor. of Lot 7, said B1. 1; th, Nly along rear lot lines of Lots 1-6, said Bl, 1, and its -&&ension to centerline of 11.66th St,; the 11/12/ 56 Ely dong centerline of IJ.66th St. to its intersection with N-S centerline of B1. 18, iVornandale 2nd Addn. extended S.; th. Nly along said centerline and centerlines of 31s. 11 and 4, Normandale 2nd Addn. to centerline of w,63rd St.; th. Ely along said centerline to pt. of beginningtt. The &rea proposed to be assessed for Lateral Vatermain Exbension includes the following Lots and Tracts of Land: Lots 16 to 30, incl., Bl. 2; Lots 1 to 30, incl., B1. 3; Lots 1 to 15, incl., B1, 4; Lots 15 to 28, incl., 31. 5; Lots 1 to 14, incl., B1, 6; Lots 1 to 12, incl., B1. 9; Lots 1 to 24, incl., 51. 10; B1. 1.3; Lots 13 to 24, incl., B1. 1.4.; Lots 13 to 24, incl., Bl. 15; Lots 1 to 24, incl., Block 17; Lots 1 to 24, incl., Block 18; and Lots 1 to 12, incl., B1. 19, all in Normandale Second Addition; Lots 1 to 16, incl., Orrin E, Thompson's Edina Addn.; Lots 7 and 8, 131, 1,; Lots 14, B1. 4; Lots 6, 7 and 8, B1. 5; and Lots 1 and 2, B1. 6, all in James A. Roberts Estate; and the following Parcels of Unplatted Property located in Section 4, Toldmship 116, Range 21; Parcel 3500, Kenney; Parcel 3000, Hansen; Parcel l+OOO, Waller; Parcel 2510, Hauser; Parcel 0500, Murphy; Parcel 1000, Dornblaser; Parcel 2000, Bell; Parcels 1500 and 4500, Sears; and Parcel 5000, Egekvistft'; Lots i to 24, inci., BL 11; Lots 1 to 24, inti., BL 12; LO~S 1 to 24, inc~., (2) ' NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARDqG ON PROPOSED SANITARY sam mmoirmm MOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Edina Village Council will meet at the Village Hall on Monday, November 19, 1956, at 7:30 P.IL, to consider the following proposed improvement, to be constructed under the authority granted by Minnesota Laws of 1953, Chapter 398. by the Village Engirreer as set forth below: The approximate cost of such improvement is estimated GST. COST COIirSTRIJCTIOIV OF SAIUY;iP,Y TRUNK SDm AILD Pi'URTEiqmJCES , L4TERAL COiflECTIONS THERFX'O, AND LIFT STATION AND APPURTZlWiCES - Begin. at IT. Line of Govt. Lot 3, Sec,9-116-a and HYI~.#~OO; th. I?. to center of Sec,7-116-21; th. No to S, Line of N1/4 of Sec.7-116-21; th. W. to Valley View Road; th. iVly and IWly on Valley View Rd. to a pt. on said Road which is 1200 Ft. due E. of W. line of said Sec. 7; th. No to N. Line of Sl/4 of Sec.6-116-21; th. W. to I?. Line Thereof; th. N. along said Section Line to Se Line of Lot 4, Auditor! s Subdivision No. 196. The area proposedto be assessed for the cost of said proposed improvement includes all lots and tracts of land within the following described boundaries: ttBegin. at SW Cor. of Sec7,Twp,,lL6,R. 21; tho Nly along T4I.y line of said Sec.7 and Illy line of ~ec.6, ~~p.116, R. 21 to the Sly line extended IJ. of Lot 1, Aud. Subd.#l96; th. Ely to centerline of State Hvg.#169-212; th. ILsEly to Cor. of Lot 6, B1. 2, Naas Lakeside Addn.; th. SEly to Sly line of Lot 4, Auditor's Subd. #196; th. Ely to SE Cor. thereof; th. Sly to pt. on lay l5ne of Lot 17, Aud. Subd.#l96, said pt. being 676.50 Ft. Sly of N+? Cor. thereof; th. Ely to IJt. on l?ly line of Lot 18,Aud.Subd.#196, said pt. being 120 Ft. Nly of SW Cor, thereof; th. Sly to SW Cor, of said Lot 18; the Ely to SE Cor. thereof; th, Sly to NE Cor. of Lot 8, Bl, I, lndian Hills; th. Sly to SE Cor, thereof; th. SEly to NW Cor. of Lot 2, B1. 7, Indian Hills; th. Sly to Sly cor thereof; th. SKLg to S? Cor. of Lot 3t said B1. 7; th. SEly to SW Cor. of ht 1 said B1. 7; th, Ely to SE Cor. thereof; th. NEly to SIT Cor. of Lot 1, Bl. 2, Indian Hills; th. SEly to SE Cor. of Lot 25, Aud, Subd,#196; th. Sly to SE Cor, of Lot 7, Bl. 3, Indian Hills; th. E1y along Sly line of Lot 32, Aud, Subd.if196 and its e,Y;tension to centerline of Gleason Rd,; th. SEly to a pt. which is 600 Pt. S, of centerline of Valley View Rd. and 500 Ft. V. of E, line of ~ec.6, Ttnrp.ll6, FL 21; th. E. to E. line of said Section 6; th. Sly to SE Cor, thereof; th. Ely to NU Cor. of Lot 5, Prospect Hills; th. SEly to SW Cor. thereof; th. Ely to SE Cor. thereof; th. SEly to SI$ Cor. of Lot 4, Prospect Hills; th. Ely to SE Cor. of Lot 1, Prospect Hills; th. SEly to SI? Cor. of Lot 2, B1. 3, Carolane Addn.; th. Ely'to SE Cor. of Lot 2, Bl. 1, Carolane Addn.; th. Nly along Ely line of said Lot 2, to a pt. which is 27l.8 Ft. S. of centerline of W.70th St.; th. Ely, parallelto centerline of W.70th St. to W, line of Sec.9, Twp.l16,R,21; tho Sly along said W. line to NW Cor, of Govt. Lot 2, said Sec.9; tho SEly to pt, which is 515 Ft . S. of N. line of said Govt. Lot 2 qnd 900 Ft. E, of W. line thereof; th. SWly to pt. on N. line or" God. Lot 3, said Sec, 9, said pt. being 710 Ft. E. of Ntl Cor, thereof; th. SWly to a pt. vhich is 415 Ft. E. of 11. line of said Govt. Lot 3 and 270 Ft. N. of S, line thereof; th. Sly parallel with W. line of Govt. Lot 3 a dist. of 800 Ft.; th. SElyto pt. on S. line of Sec, 9, Twp.116,R.2lY said pt. being 780 Ft. E. of ,511 Cor. thereof; th. lay along'Sly lines of Sections 9, 8 and 7, Tamhip 117, Range 21, to place of beginning". $908,76 5.00 GRETCHEN S. lLDEX Village Clerk Hotion for adoption of the Resolution was were four ayes and no nays, as follows: Bredesen, aye; and the Resolution was by Fronk, and on Rollcall there e; Tupa, aye; Dickson, aye; and Mayor VOTIHG NACHINES were discussed at length, with Council asking that a complete study be prepared, looking toward the purchase of approximately twenty machines for use in Village Election of 1957. 11/12/56 22 PROPOSED II-iFfLOlE.XR OF F?WXE AWFIUE BF=r,.EP$ IJ.54TH STREET AX0 AFPZOXilLkfF'ELY V.6.4TH ST. fianager Hyde reported that Clerk had overlooked making the necessary legal publication for a Public Hearing to have been held this evening on this project in accordance vk-bh Councilts action of October 8. Council approve the scheduling of a public hearing for November 26. asked concerning the natter of 'bridge 7~s Culvert*, and Engineer Zikan reported thzt the matter of drainage must be worked out because the storm sewer for TZoodend Drive-wi.I-3. not take France's drainage waters. hopes to have these matters worked out rrith the County before the 26th. offered the following Resolution and moved its adoption: He susested that 143. Fro& - Hanager Hyde stated he Fro& RESOLUTIOIg ROVIDING FOR PUBLIC HEARING OiJ PROPOSED II.IPROVE3iEXC FOR FRANCE Am BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the Village of Edina: report prepared by the County Engineer of Hemepin County as to the feasibility of the proposed Improvement described in the Form of Notice of Hearing set forth below, and as to the estimated cost of such improvement, said report is hereby approved md directed to be placed on file in the office of the Village Clerk. the Edina Village Hall, to consider in public hearing the views of a11 persons interested in said oroposed hprovement. time, place and prpse of said meeting to be published in tne official news- paper once a week for two successive welts, the second of which publications is to be not less than three days from date of said meeting, which notice shall be in substantially the following form: I 1. The Village 1-Ianager, having submitted to the Council a pre7iminary 2, This Council shall meet on lionday, November 26, 1956, at 7:30 P.L, in The Clmk'2s hereby authorized and directed to cause notice of the 3. IJOTICE OF' PUBLIC HIMRING ON PROPOSED VIDE€JDIG, ?AViIG, C-URB &D GUTTER, ZZIJD RELRi"ZD DFhUIJAGE APPUFTEiUGJCES, FRANCE AWBW EETtEZIT TT.54TH SmT IGD A PODE 1/10 311I;E SOUTH OF 1.1, 62ND STREXI NOTICE Is HEREBY GIVEV that the Edina Vjllane Council will meet ai; the Village v Hall on Honday, Novmber 26, 3.956, at 7:30 P.&, to consider the proposed improvement of FRfUTCZ A9XIJI-E l33!3.~1 6.1.54TH ST . AlaD A POILIT OUE-TXITH TZUJI SOWH OF 1f.6ZfD SREX, by YIDElJDJG SAID STREEX TO A T&\EXED-RO!IIIIfAY XiDTH OF FOZTY-FGUR (&) FZB, AilD BY CQIJSTI-ZUCTION OF CGJCmE PAVING, COIEREZE Cui23 AID GUTTZX, MFU'JD RELATED DRARJAGE APPTJRTBJANCES in and abutting said portion of said street . The approximate cost of such improvement is estimated by the County Highway Engineer as $235,333.90. - The area propmedto be assessed for the cost of said pi?oposed improvement includes all lots and tracts of land abutting the portion of the street proposed to be hproved. For those residential, tracts abutting the portion of the street proposed to be. improved, it is proposed to assess, on a front-foot basis, 1/3 of Edina's share of the cost of :i'idening, Paving, and Construction of Related Drainszge Appurte- nances, and full cost of Construction of Curb and Gutter. For those 11ComunLty Store District11 tracts abutting the portion of the street proposed to be im9roved, it is proposed to assess, on a front-foot basis, the full-cost of Edba's share of the cost of Ifidenhg, Paving, and Construction of Related Drainage kppurtenulces, and the full cost of Construction of Curb and Gutter. GlXETCmqT S. i&DEX Village Clerk Notion for adoption of the Resolution was secon I FIIUL PL4T OF WEPIAT OF BLOCK MINE, N0IUWF)kLE SECOND ADDITION,lr .oi?:uhi'ch approval hd been delayed pending decision as to Crosstown Highmy, was presented by Eanager Hyde, who stated he feels the Council has no choice but to approve, subject to Phing Commission1 s approval. of Fixid. Plat, subject to approval of Planning Commission, was seconded by Tupa and carried. Fronkl s motion, granting approval EASE-ENT FOR GAS NADJ TO SEVE SCHOOL BUS GARAGE. Engineer zikayl reports the Gas Company hzs asked for an easement across Village-ot.rned property, to serve the School Eius Garage at Eden Avenue and Brookside. He recomuended that the Gas Company be required to edend its main dovm the street. Fronkls mo-Lion, thzt request for easement be denied, was seconded by Tupa and carried. 11/12/ 56 PROPOSED GRADIi'JG AUD GRAVELING PROJECTS. consulting engineers have just completed their work on some eight or nine petitioned grading and graveling projects. hold public hearings thereon, now, and award bids for spring, rather than present, construction because inclement weather could make these streets impossible to travel if work is started now and must be left to spring for completion, by Tupa and carried. ACQUISITION OF PROPERTY FOR PARK PURPOSES. French has negotiated for acquisition of Lots 13, 1L, and 15, Block 9, Normandale Second Addition, for $500 per lot to sign purchase agreement on behalf of the Village, was seconded by Tupa and carried. Engineer Zikan reported that the He recommended that the Council Fronk' s motion, accepting Engineer! s recommendation, was seconded Manager Hyde reported that Ih. Fronk' s motion, authorizing Manager and Clerk PAE-E" OF CLADS: No. 21 of November 12, 1956, in the following amounts, was seconded by Fronk and carried: Tupa's motion, approving Payment of Claims as per Pre-List General Fund ----- $3,583 . 53 Construction Fund ----- $1 52,040 e 79 Parks Fund 201.65 Poor Fund 38.82 Sewer Rent a1 655.55 Liquor Fund Water Fund 897 a 64 Improvements Funds 65,385.74 ,*72::t: RELEASE OF COUTERLFBST EDINA NATIONAL BANK. enclosing new trust receipts pledging $200,000 U,S. Treasury Bonds, 2@, due June 15, 1962/59, as sufficient collateral for Village funds; and asking for release from their pledge of $10,000 U,S,A, Treasury 2-5/8$ Series D. Certi- ficates due December 1, 1956, and $$240,000 Treasury 2-3/8,% Bonds due June 15, 1958, was discussed, be approved, and that #200,000 be accepted as good and sufficient collateral for the funds of %he Village deposited in First Edina National Bank, Xotion seconded by Fronk and carried. REALLOCATION OF APpROFBJA!lIONS FOR THE: YEAR 1956. Nanager Hyde presented a schedule showing esthted expenditures for the year 1.956, as compared with Budget Appropriations. differences - A. repairs, Indian Hills repairs, rebuilding of Willson Road, and seal-coating of the Country Club, a11 authorized by the Council after adoption of the budget; and a low provision made for gasoline, oil and repairs of equipment, due to more work's having been done by Village crews on assessed projects to w'nich machine time has been charged. - B. Low provisions for salmies, wages, insurance, supplies and stock for the Village garage; and purchase of several capital outlay items which were needed at this time for efficient operation. - C, The Bank's October 30th letter, I Tups's motion, that release of the $250,000 of collateral His schedule set forth some of the reasons for the Street maintenance, this year, included SZryline Drive I Najor repairs to fire gruwks. Tupats motion, re-allocating budget I appropriat Lons for TRANSFStS FROM: Nayor and Council Attorney Assessor Election court Youth Council Administration Engineering Village Hall Library Animal Control Traffic controls & Street Lighting Street PJame Signs Snow 8: Ice Removal Weed Control Refuse disposal Contingencies the year 1956, as follows, was seconded by Fronk and carried: $1,000.00 1,000.00 5,000.00 700 .OO 800 eo0 50 . 00 3,700 .OO 5,800.00 5,600.00 1,000.00 300.00 signals 2,500 .OO 400,OO 200,00 1,425 e00 1, LOO. 00 150.00 1,400aOO TRATISSFEXLS TO: Fire Plumbing'hspector Building Inspector Civil Defense Street Maintenance Garage Storm Sewer Drain Unallocated Payroll lrJorkmanl s Compensation Planning Commission TOTAL settlement of Claims 500.00 Audit 1,900,OO - If is cehe ous 200 . 00 Special Assessments on Village TOTAL Property 300 .OO $3 5,025 -00 $1,700.00 1,400 .OO 900.00 3,700.00 7,200 .OO 5,200 .OO 2,700.00 6,600 . 00 925.00 4,700 .OO -$3 5,025 .OO Notion by Tupa for adjournment of Meeting to Monday, November 19, 1956, at %7:30 P.M., was seconded by Fronk and carried. M