HomeMy WebLinkAbout19561126_regular11/26/56 1IiPuWEs OF THZ REGuLtlR IEZTDJG OF THE EDII;JA VILL4GE COUNCIL, HELD XONDAY, NOVEiBER 26, 1956, AT 7:30 P.14, AT THE EDmA VILLAGE JULL Xembers answering Rollcall were Bank, Dickson, Fronlc, Tupa and Bredesen, I.Iinutes of Xeetings of November 12 and 19, 1956, were approved as subnitted, by motion Tupa, seconded by Dickson and carried. PUBLIC HEARIIG OIJ mZOPoiSFB It*!PR("T OF FMNCE AVEME BETITEEN TJ.5&TH STREE2 AItD A POIIfL' ONE-TEWI'H I.IPt% SOUTH OF ?EST 6Sm STREET - WIDENRK+ TO A TmYTH OF FORTY- FOUR FEET, CONSTBIJCTIOiJ OF CONCXfDZ PAVING, COIJCTRETE CURB AND GUTTER, AItD RZWIi DRUNAGE DPWI'31AXCES. El~k rad LEfi&&jb OE &U&~.TXQ k X~.&ZZ-X-&= Gow$or MOV~~QF 15 B;cn$ 22, 1956, of %tfce of Public Hearing". Affidavit was app~sved a$ $0 %em ad ordered placed on file. Ihyor Bredesen explained that &his hpzwarnent kao been planned by %he Oounty; that the Council is conducting &hAfsl H@&WI$ $0 ob%&h %hs v%mm of %he people abutting the street. Eanager Hyde %old the audience that the Estimated Cost of the entire project lo 8235,395.90; thzt, of this amount, the County will pay 1/2 the cost of the concrato paenq, which is $106,778.93, and the Qillage will pay 1/2 this cost, $106,778,93, pLue $21,776.00 for concrete curb and gutter and concrete driveways; %ha% the County will pay engineering and supervision costs, and will award the contract. stated it is proposed to assess Edinats share of the cost of this improvement as follows: 1, Residential Properties abutting the street TU pay, on a front foot basis, one-third the cost of Edinats share ofthe paving, and full cost of curb and gutter and concrete driveways--$2.10 per front foot for curb and gutter and $3.50 par front foot for paving. 2, Community Store Properties will pay, on a front foot basis, full cost of Edinats share of the paving, and full cost of curb and gutter and concrete driver~ays--$2.10 per front foot for curb atld gutter ahd $10.50 for paving. the Village. I * He 3. The balance of the cost to Edina T.rill be borne by the Genera Fund -of lIr, Hyde explained that this trill be a ten-year assessment, with the first gear payable 1958 or possibly 1959. it will be-necessary to provide Sanitary Sever from Ihmehaha Creek, Dorth fi$ IL55th-St., and from T.1.60th St., South about 530 feet. He also stated that, if this project is approved, 1.k. Hyde told the Council that one written protest has been received--that of the ow-ier of No. 57 5oodland Circle, trhose property backs up to France Avenue; that he has been asked concerning the type of culvert to cross Hinnehaha Creek-- that some owners feel a bridge-type construction would be better, but that the proposed culvert is some (@O,OOO cheaper than a bridge. He showed an artist1s drawing of the culv-ert-type construction. He asked that Council consider the request of St.Peter's Lutheran Church for relief from assessment for curb and gutter, inasmuch as they already have curb and gutter on their block; then stated ,the County feels it my be cheaper in the long run to tear up this curb and replace it than to hzve the paving in this block done by manual labor, 3Irs. Tirginia Beard inquired as to whether the Church assessment would be divided among other owners on the street and vas informed that this is not certajn but thst it probably KLl be, inasmuch as the Church receives no benefit and it r.Zl.1 be cheaper for all concerned to pave by machine rather than by manual labor. I.Irs. Ellen Hall, 55 Tt'oodland Circle, staked she has already been assessed for blackLopp5ng on the Circle; that improvement of France Avenue does not benefit her property. improveaents on all sides of a lot. Ur. Hyde explained that it has been the policy to assess for 1,k. Carl Friestad, 5925 France, inquired as to the location of the proposed curb and gutter, and I-k. Hyde reported that the street will be 44 feet xide from curb to curb; that there be an eleven-foot boulevard back of the curb. Er. 1.1, C. ITatson, 5824 France, after reading from the statutes concerning methods of levying special assessnents, stated he feels any assessment for this imprrovemsnt would be inequitable because, in talking to several real estate agents he has found they feel France Avenue property has deteriorated in value since the inception of Southdale. Qillage Attq mer Tlindhorst stated t hat the determinrit ion of benefit should be made on the value of the propzrby today compared with its value after completion of tie 2rilprovment; that the theory is that there trill be heavy traffic on France Avenue, whether or not the improvement is made; that there vLll be less nuisance with traffic over good road than with said traffic over roads full of chuck holes, and that improvement of the rozd rill also improve the appezrance of - , the property. c)l-V 11/26/56 P..* I IIrs. B. J. Stanek, 3820 'I.J.55th St., asked why concrete paving is contemplated, rather than blaclrtopping. County Xngineer Pederson answered that , although blacktopping-may be cheaper initially, repair and upkeep costs make it more expensive than concrete paving over a period of rears. Nayor Bredesen told the audience that because the Council realizes that concrete paving is more expensive initially, the assessment has been cut to make the cost to the benefited property owners appro,uimatelg that of a blacktopping assessment. Nr. Lee Paris, 59 Voodland Circle, asked Who determines the benefited property with regard to heavy truck traffic, and what vote would be necessary to defeat the proposed improvement?" He stated he feels the improvement will be of no benefit to his pmperty. Attorney Windhorst explained that the Council has the legal power to order in the improvement without regard to any technical vote of the property owners; that the method of defeating the improvement would be to prove that the council had acted so arbitrarily that the Court would enjoin the improvement. Mr. Paris commented that, in his opinion, the entire Village will share in the improvement, and he was informed that this, too, is one reason the Village General Fund will bear a portion of the cost. TJ~. Fronk pointed out that, throughout the Village there must be some access roads, to get traffic where it wants to go; that a system of purely residential streets would be of no value. feels that France Avenue property owners are paying twice for the improvement-- once by assessment and again into the General Fund for the improvement. c e- Mr. T1.K. Decker, 5920 France Avenue, sts,ted he Nr. 1-1. C. Helling, 5921 France, stated he feels that France Avenue is being improved, now, to provide access to Southdale Shopping Center, and asked thy Southdale is not being assessed. Nr. Hyde explained that Southdale will bear its shre of the General Fund levy. On inquiry as to how Valley View Road was financed, the audience was informed that the County and Southdzle paid for the blacktopping; that owners were assessed for curb and gutter, Eredesen reminded property owners that they have paid nothing for the present France Avenue, whereas owners abutting other streets have been assessed for improvements. -4 question was raised as to possibility of restricting axle weight on France; ard County Engineer Pederson answered that the County posts no weight restriction, excepb during the spring break-up. W. D.F. Darney, 5932 France Avenue, who stated he will be assessed for two lots, reported that he cannot be convinced that- his property will be benesited by curb and gutter; that he does not want the improvement, and that he protests paying for hard surfacing. Hr, -. - I Narmal procedure of cost distribution on improvement of County Roads was questioned. County Ehgineer Pederson told the audience that the presently proposed cost distri- bution for France Avenue conforms with County policy. He cited Excelsior Boulevard and Vaymta Boulevard as two streets which had been improved under the same type of co st distribution. Mrs. lillits, 55 Woodland Circle, inquired as to assessment on cemetery property, and &in Hyde explained that assessment dl1 be made against cemetery property for improvement, even though it is tax exempt insofar as general tax levy is concerned. Et?. Halloway, 6101 France, inqired concerning Sanitary Sewer south of 60th St., and wascinformed that a formal public hearing will be held concerning this improvement, before actual construction of road improvement is contemplated. Trustee Fronk inquired of the County Engineer whether the culvert type of bridge is practical across a body of water such as the creek, which reaches high levels in the spring and then dries out during the summero He asked, also, whether swift water entering the culvert might not tend to form a whirZpoo1 and result in deep holes at either side of the culvert, and whether the culvert might not be a hazard to children. Hi?. Pederson replied that Nr. Fronk's questions have been taken into consideration by designing engineers; that investigation has been made with the Hinneapolis Park Board, the I~Enneapolis Engineering Department and others to deterinihe the advisability of the culvert-type construction; that it has been found safe and that it has'more capacity than the bridge at 30t@ Avenue South over Ninnehaha Creek; that the culvert planned can take 400 cu.ft. per second. Pederson stated that the -culvert planned for France Avenue is 15$ feet wide and 10 feet 1 inch at the ceder; that one lLke it has been installed at 19th ilvenue, just East of Glenwood Hills Hospital. Nr. J. Tf. Benson, 5900 France Avenue, complained that there was a lack of comuni- cation on the part of the Village, with property owners having too little time to marshal their arguments. Ile asked thet decision on the improvement be postponed, Bank's motion, that Hearing be continued to December 10, was seconded by Tupa and carried. . HE. -. 11/26/56 Puj3LfC HEARING 01J PROPOSED CONSTBUCTION OF STOM SELEFl DJ F!.57TH ST.>- AW. TO CODE ATZo: C093 AWi0, iJ.5n'H Si'* T.0 EELODY UCI DZ.: EBLODY UYZ DR., CODE Am. TO TJELODP iJ!ilE: i43L0UY Li$G, I.IE;LODY LAKE Dit. TO GtlOVE ST. : GBOVI.3 ST., TZLODY i,.UkB TO TINGDJiLE AVX. Iilovanber 15 ard 22, 1956, of ffNotice of Hearing'l, which affidavit was approved as to form and ordered placed on file. Engineer Zikan presented Vu-Graph showing route of proposed main, and proposed assessment district, and gave as his Estimate of Cost, $30,564.46, as against 1,312,270 Assessable Square Feet, for s.0233 per square foot. the low bid taken Novmber 12; that the project proposed this evening is an enlargemnt of the project on which public hearing PELS held on November 12. One gentleman on I-lelody Lane asked for assurance that the catch basins would not be at his driveww, and was so assured. There were no objections to the proposed hprovexerrt, and no written objections had been received prior to the Hearing. Clerk read Affidavit of Publication in Edinz-Korningside Courier It was explained that-this new estimate is based on Bank o2fered the following Resolution and moved its adoption: RZSOLziTION OWEBIIJG ~~P.t?O~~~~ STO~ SEER II.PRO~.~JT NO. 40 BE IT RES0LVE;D by the Council of the Village of Edina, Iiinnesota, tha% this Council heretofore caused notice of hearing to be duly published on the proposed impromi~nt consisting of COXSTEUCTION OF VIX4GE STfXI SF.,IEFt &JD EipPUFiTZJAITcES IN: -. I.J.57th St., Dale Bve. to Code Ave.; Code Ave, , M.57th St . to lilelody Lake Dr. ; Melody Lake Dr., Code Ave. to IMody Lane; Helody Lane, 1-iielody Lake Dr, to Grove St.; Grove St., f.felody Lane to Tingdale Ave.; and at the hewing held at the time and place specified in said notice tne Council has duly considered the view of dl persons ipterested, and being fully advised of the pertinent facts does hereby determine to proceed with the construction of said improvenent; that said improvement is hereby designated and sh&l be referred to in dl subsequent proceedings as ST(€I!U SEx.TER D@EOVElZXT NO. 40; and the area to be spcially assessed therefor shall include d-1 lots and tracts of land within the following described boundaries: I1Begi.n. at I%? Cor. of Lot 12, B1. 1, Edina Ridge; tho SEly to a p-L. which is 30 Ft. S. of the $1. Lot Line ad 30 Ft. E. of 11. Lot Line of said Lot 12; th. Sly to a pt. which is 30 B. N. of S. Lot Line and 30 Ft. E. of W. Lot Line of said Lot 12; th. Sny to intersection of East View Dr. and Tingciale Ave.; th. Sly to intersection of W.5Sth St. and Tingdale he,; th. dong centerline of 11.5&h St. to Sly extension of 8. Lot Line of Lot 7, B1, 1, Edina Hts.; th. Nly to Ill? Cor. oc said Lot 7; the HXLy to a pt. on centerline of Grwe St, .r.rinich is its intersection xith Sly exten- sion of E. Lot Line of Lot 5, B1. 2, Nelody Iholls 2nd Addn.; Lh. Tny dong center- line of Grove St. to its intersection with rear lot Lbes of Lots 1-4, Townes First Edina extended South; th. Nly to NH Cor. of Lot 5, Bl. 3, Nelody Knolls 6th Addn,; th. NEly to 187 Cor. of Lot 4, said B1. 3; th. Nly a &to of 95.99 Pt. to a ptm which is 15.99 3%. IS. of S. Lot Line of Lot 2, said B1. 3, and 139.77 Ft. M. of caterline of Dale Ave.; th. Ely to a pt. on N. Lot Line of Lot 1, B1. 1, Xelody kolls 3rd Addn., said pt. being 110 Ft . E. of centerline of Bernard P1. , th. N. to centerline of ~tr.56th St.; th. E. along said centerline to a pt. which is 110 Ft. W. of centerline of Code Ave.; th. Sly parqllel to centerline of Code kve. a dist. of 180 Ft.; th. Ely to centerline of Code he.; th. Sly along said center- line a dist, of 117 Ft.; th, Sly to a pt. on 1Kl.y Lot Line of I& 1, Bl. 3, Nelody bolls 4t h Ad&. , said pt. being 30 Ft . Ely of E. line of I2elody kke Dr as measured at right angles; th. SEly, Sly, and sl%ly parallel to and 30 Ft. IEly, Ely m-d SEly of Ely line of Iielody Lake Dr. and IIelody .he to Nly Lot Line of- Lot 5, I-ielody Xnolls 1st Addn.; th. SKLy to a pt. on Sly kt Line thereof, said pt. being l40 Ft. E. of centerline of Melody Lane; tho Sly to centerline of Grove St.; th, E. to pt. of beginnhg.tl I Xotion for Rzpa, aye; and A.ZW OF Cc)ifllUCT' Fa3 STO3.i SmER D.PEOVBBGT 140. 40. contract- be awarded to low bidder of Novenber 12, Northern Contracting Company, on their original bid of Hovember 12, amount $21,056.70, plus extension of line at sam unit prices, for a -to-i;al of $27,289.70, was seconded by Tupa and carried. Fronk's motion, that 11/26/56 CCNI!Ii~UATIOi\T OF NOllEllBEEi 12TH PUBLIC HWB4WbI PETITION FOR VACATION OF ALI;E;Y U' BLOCK FIVX, l43&D2GSQm 1GST MINbIEAPOLIS HEIGR!J!S, LYING BETr;JEEN THIRD STRJ%T AT3D BEI&IORE LUG3 AND BETWEEN l4ILRDISON kND MONFiOE AIIENUES. PSanager Hyde opened this continued Hearing with the reading of a letter from 141's. Elof G, Carlson, objecting to having the alley opened for the reason that she does not wish to pay an assessment for its improvement. Nrs. Fleming, objector to the proposed Vacation, told the Council she feels there is some misunderstanding on the part of her neighbors as to what is to be done; that she, and the other neighbors who object to vacation, wish to grade the alley at their own expense, in order that they might have access to their rear yards. It was noted by the Council that there are some five lots affected at the South end of the alley, and two lots at the North end; that all property owners on both sides of the alley, between Lots 4 and 23 and Lots 9 and 18, Block 5, wish the alley vacated. told the Council he had checked with the Village office before planning his house for Lot 3, and was told that the alley had not been Pacated and he would have access to his lot from the rear; that there is now insufficient space for an att-ached garage at this new home. the Council vacate that portion of the alley on which there was unanimous petition; then, as another compromise, that the Council vacate the entire alley, upon assurance that Iblrs. Fleming, I&. Garrison and any others needing access from the rear, secure easements from their neighbors for the neighbors' portion of the vacated alley; i.e., Nr. Garrison would secure easement from the owner of Lot 2 for the East 1/2 of .the vacated alley; Nr. Curtis Reynolds, owner of Lot 10, would secure easements from the owners of Lots 11, 12 and 13 for the East 1/2 of the vacated alley; l4r. Fleming, owner of Lot 11, would secure like ease- ments from the owners of Lots 12 and 13; and the owner of Lot 12 would secure easement fromthe owner of Lot 13. this evening as $0 whether such easements could be secured, Tupa moved that Hearing be continued to Monday, December 10. carried. Mr. Garrison It was suggested, as a compromise, that Because it was impossible to ascertain Motion secondsd by Bank and -t C c BORATION OF JOHN STEEEX AFTER SENER CONSTRUCTION. and Scattergood, all of the 400 Block on John Street, asked for information concerning restoration of John Street to its original condition, after construction of Sanitary Sewer, and, second, What steps should be taken to restore it to a good, passable I condition?tf I&* Hyde -reported to them that this Villdge has not followed the policcy of requiring all excavated material to be taken away and replaced with new afgregate; that such policy would add considerable to the cost of the sewer ppoject (which the residents dready believe to be too high); that neither has the Village resorted to mechanical compaction--which is another heavy cost item. He stated that because this is a clay area the residents must be prepared to suffer some inconvenience until the backfill is settled; that Phelps-Drake has already hauled rock into the street to make it passable. Residents then asked about the possible re-opening of the street to the North, objecting to such plan, if apy. Wes Hyde informed them that this opening was secured by Phelps- Drake Company, simply to give two-way access to the property owners during the construction period; that there are no plans to re-open it permanently. As to responsibility for restoring the road, l4r. Hyde reporked that it is the responsfoility of the Village to see that Phelps-Drake performs its contract; and Ur. Guy Drake reminded residents that contractor is responsible for maintenance of the street, insofar as replzcing the turn-around and crossings off the road is concerned; also, that he knows the road is now high, but that this problem will have to be worked out neAc spring when the frost comes out of the ground. 31essrs. Cross, Vilkinson They asked, first, Who is obligated to restore the road?" Er~~~~TS FOR t.WW?.PIAIN IN ;CERES Am- (Continued from Neeting of November 12), Ihager Hyde reported that the County has consented to the Billage's installing the mags in the street, providing the Village will replace the blacktop, at an expense of some $1,200. costs of condemnation vs. costs of blackbop replacement, with Nr, Hyde reporting ha believes damages plus attorneys' fees would be greater than construction cost. He recommendedthat proposed condemnation proceedings be dropped and Bank so moved. Residents happy with decision. AIWD OF BIDS TAKEB NOW4BEB 26: presented by Village llanager as recorded below: 1. PTBPHOUSE ON DLWNING STRF;ET, bidder being Leaf Construction Company, with $11,172 for Brick, $10,030 for Frame. YP. Hyde told the Council he is well aware tht these bids are not good buk that, because frost will be deep inranother month and because a building trades increase is foreseen for spring, he recommends that award be made to low bidder, on briFk construckion. .Some considerable discussion was had, and Tup moved that Council reject all bids and aavertise for bids, ~th a Xay 1 con- struction deadline. Notion seconded by Fronk and carried. Discussion was had as to Notion seconded by Tupa and carried. I Tabulation of bids and recommendations were YI. Eyde reported receipt of three bids; low - 11/26/56 2. lJKi%Ei H3XZRS. l-Ianufacturine, Conpmy on a Disc Type Meter, lfunicipal Supply Company on a Piston- Type Neter, and Badger Isieter lhnufacturing Company on a Disc Type IVIeter. stated that the bid of l.;unicipal Supply Compzny is low on those item T.l'nich they bid, but that they did not bid on Turbine or Compound Neters. Hanager Hyde recornended award of contract to Badger Meter I.fanufactur5ng Company, for the reason thab the Badger is the standard meter for Ed-, it being customary in smaller communities to standardize to avoid stocking problems and maintenance difficulties. 1.b. Hyde reported on bids taken recently in neighboring codties, the Council taking interest in a bid received last week from Badger 1-feter Hanufacturing Company in the amount of $26.44 for 3/41rx5/6If meters, whereas their bid of today to us is $26.52. ?-;Unicipal Supply Com,Dany, advised that the Council Itlook into the reason why only three bids were received, whereas there are seven companies in mufacture*'. He stated that theirs i~ the only all-bronze meter in the Northwest; that Emeapolis and Duluth have both purchased these meters in quantity; that their product has been rated by 1.rinneapolis as one of the better meters in use. Ere Hsde suggested that the Council purchase a small numt-er of these meters, to test then, looking tqward a purchase ne& year if bid is again lovr; and Fronk moved that the Village purchase contract be awarded this yeas to Badger Xeter I4fg. Co., with recommendation that ten meters be purchased from Ihnicipal Supply Company as a test. Xotion seconded by Tupa and carried. 3. Che furnishing of tanks and pumps on a ltLoan1J basis, in conjunction T.rith the furnishing of gasoline; that no bids had been received on this basis. reported receipt of bids from Ford Deep Rock Oil Company, Standard Oil Company, and The Texas Company, with Ford Deep Rock Oil Company being lorr, at a price of $4,510.79 for the furnishing of three pumps and two underground storage tanks and accessories, together with 54,000 gallons, more or less, of Regular Gasoline at s.131 per gallon ad 6,000 gallons, more or less, of Ethyl Gasoibe at $.u&f35 per gallon (gasoline prices being subject to advance or decline as per published price in ?Tau Street Journal) . Tupa moved for award of bid to low bidder. Hotion ssconded by Fro& and carried. STATE kII) ROAD NO. 53. County Engineer Pederson Board's October 16th action, rescinding as a *'State Aid Road!' that portion of W.66th Street between I?orinandale Road and the point vrhere I.T466th Street meets Vdley View Road, and designating as a I1State Rid Roadt1 Valley Road %&ended, from" . France Avenue to the existing Valley View Road at TT.62nd Street and thence Uorthwesterly along Valley View Road to Normandale Ftoad. Council that the promise to the Valley View Road residents had been that 66th Street tnuld be kept open; that he feels it is obligatory on the Council to keep this pr&ise. 12, Hyde explained that this action does not close the road, that it simply neans that 66th Street must now be main"cained by the Village. At a westion by the CounciI, as to which road Hr. Pederson feels is more costly to rnahtcxin, he replied that 66th Stbeet will be more difficull; to service, but .only because the County has spent a great deal. of moriey on Valley View Road; that this action by the County Board is h accord with its understanding at the time it was determined to improve Vd-ley View Road; tha"c the traffic on ??.66th Street rrill decrease considerably when the CFosstovm Highway is constructed. Bank offered the following Resolution and moved its adoption: 1.k. Hyde reported receipt of three bids; those of Rocherell He / 14r4 Simcoe, re-presentative for STORAGE AREA 4JD GUOLIIJE. Ik. Hyde reported that bids had been asked fort He present to report the County Hr. Fronk told the . 'RZSOLUTIOit ON DESIGTJATIOX OF STATE . AID ROAD NO. 53 IliXBjGS, the County Board of the County of Hennepin did adopt a resolution desig- nating the exbension of and rescinding part of State Aid Road No. 53, within the corporate Wts of the Village of Edina as follows: qj3 IT RBOLVED, That State Aid Road No. 53 from its intersection with Trunk Highr.ray Bo. 100 near the West line of Section 30, ToTmship 28, Range a, to ifis intersection <kith State Aid Road No. 17 at the East Line of said Section 30, Ee rescinded as a'State Aid or County Road, and i:gE E FiJETHER BOLYED, That the following described route: the intersection of State hid Roads Nos. 53 and 17 near the Bst 1/4 corner of said Section 30, thence Westerly along said State did Road ifo. 53 for -900 feet more or less; thence Northerly along the e-dension of Valley Viev Boad so called to the existing Valley View Road at 62nd Street; thence North- ~~sterly along said Valley View Road to its intersection with Trunk Highway No; 100 near the West line of Section 19, Township 28, Range 24 and there tenninat*g, Be desipgated as State did Road Roo 53" P3Oli, THEREFCELL, be it resolved bp the VilLjge Council OF the Village of %dins that said Resolution is in d-1 things approved. BegkXhg a-b liotion for acoption of Resolution was secon five ayes and no nays, as follows: Bank,, and Bredesen, aye; and $he Besolution was onlc, and on Rollcall there were on, we; Frank, aye; Tupa, aye; 1.Iqor ?illage Clerk 11/26/56 S&fSllilrnY snm ~WROvEIm c-1. Request of Oscar Roberts Company, for transfer from their property From the proposed Sanitaxy Sewer4%pmvem& ATo-.-C-l-;assessme~~~.di.stric-i; to the- Cs2 area (where project has been abandoned), was submitted and ordered placed on fSe for consideration at the time of the public hearing on Improvement No: c-1. PROTEST AGAINST PBOFOSED QJDUSTRIAL PARK RBZOimG~l, filed by L.H. Hamlin of 5508 Woodcrest Drive, was reviewed and ordered placed on file. PUBLIC HE&LTH PJURSING REPCRT for October was submitted and ordered placed on file. . PETITIODJ FOR Bark, seconded by Tupa and carried, was referred to the Village Engineer for the scheduling of a public hearing. STORH E SEWJ3.R for Rillerts Addition was accepted and, by motion FINAL PLAT OF IiONNEIlS FIRST ADDITION was presented for approval, having received November 14th approval of the Planning Commission, subject to an engaeering check. accordance with Commission' s recommendations, was seconded by Tupa and carried. Bank1 s motion, that Council 'approves Final Plat in BARCY LECK PXCiTION FOR REZONING to cormnercial a 200-foot strip of land at IT.7Oth Street and France Avenue was considered and ordered placed on file pending recommendation by Planning Commission. PROPOSZD TAXICAB OIZDIIJAITCE AI*ENDl~ZPE, fi<D ~LOY TAXICAB ccmm~~s UPLIC~ION FOR LIC~SZ TO OPERATE 15 cm fhnager Hyde preserrted Ordinance No. 171-1, amending the Taxicab Ordinance by adding thereto provision that drivers must have driver's license, and. other detailed provisions concerning operation of business. Yellow Cab Company has made application for a license to operate 15 cabs in the Village. 958 spoke for issuance of these licenses to Yellow Cab Compny, and Attorney fiustin Morton, representing Nr. Verlin Balfanz, proprietor of Edina Taxi Company, objected. He then reported that Messrs. !Daly and Eowen for Yellow Cab and Nr. Piles of Local No. Briefly recorded, they made the follothg points: *FOR ISSUANCE OF LICENSES TO OBJXCTIONS fi)O ISSUANCE OF LICENSES TO 1, Yellow gab Company feels that kith 1. Edina Taxi Company was started at growth of population jn Edina, present request of the %Men Council at a time cab service is not adequate. when there were ody a few settled areas, hks organized "Suburban Yellow Cab Cog" roads were poor, there were long runds to ' for qervice to those cornunities which sparsely settled areas with no possibility need more cabs. Between LOO A.N. and of return msg Now that population has 5:OO A.i.i., Edina Taxi Company operates grown and cab business is becoming more only one cab. profitable, fellow feels that Edina is a plum which it can pick off. IJumber of -cabs operated at any particular hour is result of demand, to put more cabs on the street at any time the demand warrants it. ,, YXLLOtJ CAB CO%PA.NY . 'rnLO! cm COI4PISsJY c Company . - ..* Ed.ina Taxi is willbp 2. 2. Edina Taxi Company is aware of its new cabs, equ-ipped with latest type of old cabs; has ten new cabs, fully equipped two-way radio and new meters Xi11 ready '-for street tomorrow. They were spend about $60,000 for Edina equip- ordered in August but because of radio difficulties delay was had making them available. rnent . Yellow Cab plans to bring in 15 3. Cabs will be completely serviced 4. Edina Taxis are serviced every 1500 every five weeks or 4,000 miles. miles . 5. Yellow has had good worlcing con- 5. Edina drivers do not work 13 hours ditions since 1934; havenlt had a bit per day. 93 hours is longest, except in of union trouble since 1952. Working extreme conditions, No man allowed to ,. rhorim are 9-9; hours, while Edina works work long enough to become over-tired. 'from 5 A.1L to 6 P.35. Edina Taxi has been cooperative with Edina Police in having drivers checked. Character of YelloriSI s drivers is good; will main- tain present standards, in Edina. 6. Yellow Cab Company feels that 6. Edina Taxi Company cannot stand the competition is good; it is healthy for type of competition which Yellow has to the community; the <need is there; there Qffer; they know it, and Mr. Balfanx is room for both Yellow Cab and Edina knows it. Tax5 in Edina. There was an houplong disclassion, with questions by the counci1 to both compmies, and Frank moved that matter be tabled to December 10. carried, with Tupa not voting. I4otion seconded by'Bank, and 11/26/56 t 7$ FOOT STRIP FOR Ff.49; STREET. llanager Hfle reported having received a request from 13. E. C, Stow for construction of a retaining mI-1 on his property abutting the '@$-foot strip recently acquired by the Village. ment at the time 09 acquisition of this property was that the Village rmuld slpp the enibanknent. moved, directingViUage IIanager to secure estimates on construction of a retah- ing vaU, and, if bids do not seem out of line, to have the work done. seconded by Tupa and carried, EDXNA HIGH SCHOOL EUXO TO ROSE BOWL. legal so to do, the Edina Village Council might consider a contribution to Independent School District IJo. 17 to help defray e,qenses of sending the Edina High School Band to tb Rose Bor.rl. Village AttorneyT;indhorst stated that statutes do provide for such con%ributions, providing the public body benefiting ~fll adopt a resolution in accordsnce with the statutes. had, with Re. Ban$ suggesting $1,000 as a contribution, and 143. Tupa suggesting $1, 500. Bank moved that $1, 500 be made available to Independent School District ?lo. 17, contingent upon the School1s adopting thy? proper enabling resolution. Notion seconded by Fro& and carried. side be invited to bring this matter to his Council for consideration. Uotion seconded by Bank and carried. PADIEEL7 OF CLADIS: of XJovember 26, as foUor.rs: He reported that the agree- Some small discussion vas had as to comparative costs, and Bank Xotion Nayor Bredesen suggested that, if it is I There was some discussion Tupa then moved that the Nayor of Xorning- - Tup moved for payment of claims as listed on Pre-List No. 22 General Fund ---- $31,255.36 Sewer Rental Fund I--- G 3-44.75 4-49 332. a Construction Fund- 106,452.61 Liquor Fund ----- c 333 . 56 Garbage Fund ----- 12.20 Park Fund ----- Vatemorks Fund--- 2,729 -36 Debt Service Fund ----- 36 15 Motion seconded by,Banl; and carried, DPREST CASH FUND FOX SPZCIiiL ASSBSJT FEFUT4DS. is now ready to make the authorized refunds on spacial assessments, and asked for and iinprest Cash Fund in the amount of $0;,80;1.93, with checks to be signed by Ikmager and Clerk-Treasurer, to cover total amount due . such special fund, was seconded by Tupa and carried.. CHPWB OF COUmAL FOB FIRST SOUTHDAB NA'i'IOhAL 3,!!II. $100,000 U,S. Treasury Certif ieates pledged by First Southdale Bank as collateral ill. be due December 1; that the Bank VU pledge a Eke amount of Certificates due June a, 1957. Fronkts motion approving proposed exchange in collateral . was seconded by Tupa and carried. $185,296.13 Nr. Hyde reported that office Bank's motion, authorizing 7 Clerk reported thzt the BLAHKEX AUTHClKIZATnIG4 TO TAIB BIDS ON EUDGETXD I'TEIJS. policy on the mtttter of taking bids for items anticipated by the budget. notion, giving blanket aukhorization to 3Ianager Hyde to advertise for bids for budgeted items, was seconded by !Pupa ad carried, Nanager Hyde asked Councills Bank's C&$CXTAU!IOlJ OF AD TTXLO;?E-l TAXES FOR P.I.R. FUW, sufi'icient money in the P,I,9, bd to pqjr bonds and interest due; that it ill be It was reported that there is unnecessary to ievy ad vdorm tax for this fund. Resolution and moved its adoption: Fronk offered the follovring PSSOLU"IO1"s CANCEmJG F'ZRi*U"T ILPEOVEiEIE BVOLITITJG XJND AD V.tU;OEGI*I TAXES COmCTm TTjfP3 1956 GXiJEEzlL PROF%,TY T&XS ?THEREAS, the Village Council of the Village of Edina has, by Resolution adopted IJovember 6, 1947, ievied a special ad valorem tax for the payment of principal and interest of its Pemnent Lmprovemmt Revolving Fund Bond Issue Series December, 1947; said ad valorsm tax in the. amount of $2lYS40,00 being collectible with and as a part of other general taxes for the year 1956; and IEIEBEAS, Eimesota Statutes, Section 475.26, permits the cancellation of said levies providing moneys are on harid for payment of principal and interest for saia bond issues; and it has been deterinined by this Council that the required moneys are on hand for the payment of said princiwl and interest. I~OI!, TI-DBEFO~, BZ lIil FESOLJED by the Village Council of the Village of Xdina that those ad valorem tax levies made by Resolution of this Council adopted November 6, 1947, and collectible with and as a part of other general property taxes in said Village for the year 1956, be and hereby are cancelled. BZ E l?UR5!HER €i,ESOLTm that the County Auditor of HenneF5.n County, EaIinnesotza be auLhor5zed and directed to cancel the above described ad valorem tax levies and to delete said levy from taxes to be spread for the yeas 1956, I IIotion for adoption of Resolution was seconded and Bredesen, aye; and the Resolution was five ayes and no nays, as f ollovs: ATTEST : Bw!, aye; Llayor Village Clerk -, 11/26/56 Trustee Tupa, iritroduced the following Resolution and moved its adoption: - * * ~0L;UTION ATTHORTZTT\TG-TTKE ZSS'Umm OF -- - -- - IlPROVEX!XiJT BONDS OF 1956, SECOIKD SERIES, PkYABI;E FROM THE II@ROVB$EXT BOND REDBJPTION FUND BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the Village of Edina, PIinnesota, 1. as follows: has heretofore ordered, in accordance with the provisions of Hinnesota Statutes, Chapter 429 and after public hearing as required by law, the construction of various kanitary sewer, water main, storm sewer, and blacktopping improvements. as more fully described below, and has duly ordered, received and approved plans and specifications and entered into contracts for the construction of said improve- ments after proper advertisement for bids; that the total benefits resulting from each of said improvements to the properties within the area proposed to be assessed therefor, as heretofore defined, will be not less than the cost of such improvement; that it is contemplated that the total amount of said cost 1z~2.l. be assessed against those lots and tracts specially benefited by said improvements, and that such assess- ments will be made payable in ten (10) equal annual instal-bents, except that the assessments for the blacktopping iiiprovements will be made payable in five (5) equal annual installments and that said installments, together with interest at the rate of five per cent (5%) per annum on the balance of the assessments remaining unpaid from time to time, will be spread upon the tax rolls of the Village for the consecutive years commencing in 1957 and will be collected in the respective succeeding years; that the Village now OT~S easements and rights- of-way over all streets and other properties required for the construction of said improvements; that the designation of each of said improvements and the estimated cost thereof is as follows: Zmpr ovement s ' Estimated Cost Improvements Esthated Cost It is hereby found, determined and declared that the Village Blacktopping '* A-$0 A- 92 # 3,700.00 . 10,500.00 Wat ern& I 112 n3 1l-4 115 97,000.00 10,000.00 33,600,oo 101,100 eo0 31,900 -00 16,800.00 Storm Sewer 33 34 35 37 , $ 10,700.00 24,200oOO 74,200 e00 20,500,OO 2,600.00 3 , 700 .OO 5,800 .OO 97, 100 a00 Lift Station IdFj-2 29;400.00 38 17; 200 .OO TOTAL $590,000 .OO that it is necessary and expedient for the Village to borrow at this time the sum of $590,000 for the purpose of paying expenses incurred and to be incurred in connection with said impr6vementY by the issuance of general obligation im- provement bonds to be designated as the Improvement Bonds of 1956, Second Series, in accordance with the provisions of said Chapter 429 and of Ordinance Bo, l4 of the Village of Edina, adopted llugust 31, 1955, and to make the same payable from the Improvement Bond Redemption Fund created by said ordinance; that said bonds have been duly advertised and sold at public sale; and that all acts, conditions and things required by the Constitution and laws of the State of Xinnesota to be done, to e4dst, to happen and to-be performed prelirninftry to the issuance of said bonds have been done, do exist, have happened and have been performed in due form, $he and manner. There is hereby created a separzte improvement fund for each of the improvements above listed which are to be financed by the issue of bonds herein authorized. The proceeds of sale of said bonds, rvhen received, shall be credited to said respective improvement funds in amounts equal to the cost of each of said improvements as listed in paragraph 1 hereof, and the fund of each improvement shall be used for no purpose other than the payment of costs and expenses of the making thereof, as such expenses are incurred and allowed, provided that (1) there shall be transferred from the fund of each improvement to the hp-rovement Eond Redemption Fund of the Village an amount equal to interest computed at five per cent (5%) per annum on the cost of such improvement from the date of issue of the bonds herein authorized to the date upon which the assessment roll for such im- provement shall be finally confirmed, and (2) upon completion of each of said improvements any mewended prtion of the bond proceeds still held in the fund thereof may be transferred to the fund of any other improvement financed by bonds issued hereunder, or may, if directed by the Council, be transferred to the fund of any other improvement to be financed by the issuance of bonds under Xi' ~mnnesota Statutes, Chapter 429, and (3) upon completion of all of said improvements any unexpended balance in the funds thereof shall be transferred to the hprovement Bond Redaption Fund. 2. -.._ 11/26/56 3. The VLLlzge hereby covenants and agrees that it trill do and per- fom, as soon as m~ be u_mn conpletion of each of the improvements financed by this issue, all acts and things necessary for the final and valid levy of special assessments upon properties within the area herstofore desigpated to be assessed for such impmvenent, in an aggregate amount equal to -the total cost of such hpmvenent as the same shall finally be ascertained, less such port;ion, if any, as the Council shall hereafter Crect to be paid bjr tkie levy of ad valorsm taxes. In the event that any such assessment shall be at any time held invalid in respect to any lot or tract of land, due to any error, defect or irregularity in any action or proceeding taken or to be taken by the Villzge or this Council or any of the Village's officers or employees, in the maldng of such assessment or in the performance of any condition precedent thereto, the Village also covenants and agrees that it will forthcith do all such further acts and take all such further proceedings as shall be recjuired by law to make such assessment a valid and binding lien upon said property, 1% is estimated that the collections of said special assessments, together with the capitalized' interest appropriated fron the funds of said improvanents tn paragraph 2 hereof, trill produce sums not less than five per cent (5:;) in excess of the amounts needed to pay the principal and interest when due on the bonds herein authorized. and.is hereby irrevocably pledged for the prompt and full paymen-b of said principal and interest, and if the moneys in said Improvement Bond Redemption Fmd should at any time be insufficient to pay the sane when due, the Village further covenants and agrees to provide sufficient moneys to restore such deficiency as provided in said Ordinance NO. a. in anticipation of the collections of s~d special assessments, the Village shall forth&h issue its negotiable coupon general obligation Improvement Bonds of 1956, Second Series, to be dated as of December 1, 1956. number and cumbered from 1 to 590, inclusive, each in the denomination of $1,000, and-shah mature serially on I-Iarch 1 in the amom€ of:$60,000 in each of the years 1953 thugh 1966 and $50,000 in 1967, provided that each and all of szid bonds sha$L be subject to redemption and preppent at the option of the Village, at par and accrued interest and in order of their serial numbers, on the first day of Karch or the first day of Septomber immediately preceding their respckive stated matFty dates. redemption of any of said bonds the Village Treasurer shall mail notice of the call thereof to the holder, if lcnoim, and to the Bank at which principal and intgrest are then payable, and said Treasurer shall maintain a record of the names and-addresses and serial numbers of holders of prepayable bonds, so far as such in@mation is mde zvdlable to him, for the purBose of mailhg such notices. Bonds numbered 1 though 60 shall bear interest at the rate of two and ninety-hmd- redths per cent (2.90%) per annum, bonds numbered 61 through 180 at the rate of t'hree. and twenty-hundredths per cent (3.20$) per annum, bonds numbered 181 thmugh 360 at the rate of three and forty-hundredths per cent (3.402) per annum, bonds numbered 361 thmugh 480 at the rate of three and sixby-hundredths per cent (3.60%) per mum and bonds numbered 4GQ through 590 at the rate of three and eighty- hundredths per cen5 (3,803;) per annum, from date of issue until wid, payable Septmber 1, 1957, and semiannually thereafter on March 1 and Septernber 1 of each year. six tenths of one pr cent (.6 of 1%) from 14arch 1, 1957 to Harch 1, 1958, such interest being eqidence by 8 separate set of coupons designated as IIB" coupons; payable December 1, 1957 and Ikrch 1, 1958. payable at the =in office of The American National Bank of Saint Paul, in St,Paul, T.Iinnesot2, and the Village hereby agrees to pay the reasonable and customary charges or" said paag agent Zor the receipt and disbursement thereof. shd.1 be in substantially the folloxhg form: The full faith and credit of the Village shell be 4. For the purpose of paying the costs of said improvements and Said bonds shall be 590 in Not less than 30 days prior to the date specified for the Bonds numbered 61 through 590 shall bear additional interest at the rate of Eoth principal and interest shall ba 5. Said btprovernent bonds and the Merest coupons apphenanb thereto VILLAGE OF No, $1,000 11/26/56 KNOFJ ALL ME% BY THESE PRESEXTS that the Village of Edina, a duly organized and existing municipal corporation of the County of Hennepin, State of Minnesota, acknowledges itself to be indebted and for value received prom- ises to pay to bearer the sum of OIE3 THOUSABD DOLLAFCS on the 1st day of Karch, 19-, or on a date prior thereto on prhich this bond shall have been duly called for redemption as noted below, and to pay interest thereon at the rate per annum from the date hereof until said principal sum be paid, or until this bond has been duly called for redemption, plus additional interest at the rate of six-tenths of one per cent (.60 of 1%) per annum from March I, 1957 to Narch 1, 1958, such interest being payable September 1, 1957, and semiannually thereafter on March 1 and Sep'cember 1 of each year, and interest to maturity being represented by and payable in accordance with and upon pre- sentation and surrender of the interest coupons appurtenank hereto, in two sets, one representing interest at the basic rate above set forth from the date of issue to the maturity hereof and the other set, designated as slB1l coupons, representing interest at the additional rate for the period above set forth. Bank of Saint Paul, in St. Paul, Minnesota, in any coin or currency of the United States of America which on the respective dates of payment is legal tender for public and private debts. principal and interest as the same respectively become due the full faith, credit and taxing powers of the Village are hereby irrevocably &dged, of . per cent ( 74 I which are Both principal and interest are payable at The American National For the prompt and full payment of such This bond is one of an issue in the aggregate principal amount of $590,000, all of like date and tenor except as to serial number, interest rate and maturity, all issued for the purpose of defraying expenses incurred and to be incurred in constructing necessary local improvements heretofore duly ordered and contracted to be made in accordance with the provisiom of lolinnesota Statutes, Chapter 429, and is issued pursuant to and in full con- formity with the Constitution and laws of the State of Ennesota thereunto enabling, and pursuant to resolutions duly adopted by the Village CouncLL. This bond is payable primarily frora the Improvement Bond Redemption Fund of said Village, to which fund there have been irrevocably appropriated the special assessments to be levied in respect of the improvements financed by said issue, but the village Council is required to pay the same out of any fund of the Village in the event that the gssessments collected at any time are insufficient to meet the payment of maturing principal and interest. I The bonds of this issue are each subject to redemption and prepay- ment at the option of the Village, at par and accured interest and in order of their serial numbers, on the 1st day of September or the 1st day of March immediately preceding their respective stzted maturity d-ates. Not less than thirty days prior to the date specified for redemption of any of said bonds the Village will mail notice of the call thereof to the holder, if known, and to the bank at which principal and interest are then payable. Holders of prepayable bonds desiring to receive such notice may register their nmes and addresses and the serial numbers of their bonds with the Village Treasurer. IT IS HEREBY CERTIFIED, RECITED, COVEN&EIED AND AGREED that all acts, conditions and things rewired by the Constitution and laws of the StaaZ;e of 14jnnesota to be done, to exist, to happen and to be performed pre- liminary to and in the issuance of this bond in order to make i% a valid and binding general obligation of said Village according to its %ems have been done, do exist, have happened and have been performed as so required; that the estimated collections of said special assessments will be in the years and amounts required to produce sum not less than five per cent (5%) in excess of the amounts required for payment when due of the prkcipal and interest on all bonds of this issue; that ad valorem taxes, if needed for the payment of such principal and interest, may be levied upon all taxable proper'cy in the Village without limitation as to rate or amount; and that the issuance of this bond did not cause the indebtedness of said Village to exceed any cons%itutional or statutory limitation. 36 11/26/56 L IN T,miESS IriOF the Village of Edina, Hennepin Coun-ty, l.rinnesota, by its Village Council, has caused this bond to be executed in its behalf by the facsimile signzture of its Hayor and the manual signature of the Village 3fanager, and seaed vith its official seal, and the interest coupons qpurten- and hereto to be executed and authenticated by the facsimile signatures of said officers, and has caused this bond to be dated as of December 1, 1956. (Facsimile signature) Nayor . Countersigned : (Form of Coupon) No. - 2 On the 1st day of September (Narch), as-, the Village of Edina, Hennepin County, Ennesota, T.rill pay to bearer at The Anerican National Bdr of Saint Paul, in S-t. Paul, Xinnesota, the sum of DOLLARS lawful money of the U nited States of America for interest then &e on its Improvement Bond of 1956, Second Series, dated December 1, 1956, No. . - (Facsimile signature) Nayor (Facsimile signature) Vilfage lknager (The last two coupons appurtenant to each bond shall also include the phrase: IIUnLess the bond descraed below is called for earlier redemption11 .) 11/26/56 6.. Said bonds shall be prepared under the direction of the Village Clerk and shall be executed on behalf of the Village by the facsimile signature of the Mayor, countersigned by the manual signature of the Village lh,nager, and the corporate seal shall be affixed thereto, and the interest coupons shall be executed and authei?-t;icated by the printed, engraved or lithographed facsimile signatures of said Mayor and Village Nanager. ?hen said bonds have been so executed and authenticated they shall be delivered by the Treasurer to the purchaser thereof upon payment of the purchase price heretofore agreed upon, and said -purchaser shall not be obliged to see to the application of the purchase price. The Village Clerk is hereby authorized and directed to transmit a certified copy of this resolution to the County Auditor of Hennepin County for cer"tification' that the bonds herein authorized have been duly regi-stered. The officers of the Village and the County Auditor of Hekepin County are hereby authorized and directed to prepare and furnish to the pur- chaser of said bonds md to the attorneys approving the legality of the is- suance there02 certified copies of all proceedings relating to said bonds and to the financial affairs of the Village, and such other affidavits, cedi- ficates and information as may be required to show the facts relating to the legali%y and marketability of said bonds as the same appear from the books and records under their custody and control or as otherwise known to them, and all such certified copies, certificates and affidavits, including any heretofore furnished, shall be deemed representations ofthe Village as to the facts recited therein. 7. , 8, I The motion for the adoption of the foregoing resolution was duly seconded by liianager Hyde presented recornmendstion of Finance Director, J.H. Dalen, for cancellation of two P.1.k Fund improvement projects, where the momt assessed has exceeced the construction cost. in accordance txith recommendation, was seconded by Tupa and carried. atio-ris are for Special Assessments payable in 1957, for Stom Sewer Improvemen-bs Nos. ll and 13. Bank's motion that cancellations be made, Cancell- CONDEiL@rATiON OF EASE%3"S Fat STORPI SBEi3. owners have refused, to date, to give easements for stom sewers; that there is some question about the ownership of a third parcel on wh5,ch the Village wants ea5emmts . order that the Southdale and Birchcrest Storm Sewers might proceed. Pronk's motion, that Village Attorney be authorized and directed to initiate condem- nation proceedings for the following easements, was seconded by Tupa and carried: Perpetual easements for the construction, installation, operation, maintenance and repair of storm sewer in, under, over and upon the following described premises: 1. A 20-foot strip of land, the centerline being described as follows: "Comtn. at fJtJ Cor. of Lot 1, B1. 1, Birchcrest 4th Ad&. which is on E, Engineer Zikan reported that two He asked that the Council initiate condemnation proceedings in r/w line of Mpls., North€ield and Southern Railway; the W, along N. line of said Lot 10 exbended a dist. of 30 Ft.; th. S. parallel with and 30 Pt, 11. of E. r/w line of Mpls,, Northlield and Southern Railway to a pt. which is 7 Ft. S. of iJ. line of %kiting St. as platted and laid out in Normandale 3rd ilddn.; th. lily parallel with said R. line of Whiting St. to FJ, r/w line of Mpls., Northfield and Southern Railway--in S1/2 of Sec.32, T~p.117~R.21, and in N1/2 of Sec. 5, Twp.116, R. 2Lrf NN&S RX. OR PEfZRY. A 10-foot strip of land, the centerline being described as follows: r13egin. at a pt. on E, line extended S., of Lot 31, Normandale 3rd Addn., and 5 F'c. S. of S. line of W,64th St. as laid out and platted in Nomandale 3rd Addn.; th. TT. parallel with W.64th St. a dist. of 66 Pt.; th. at a deflection angle of 90 degrees left a dist. of 671.52 Ft., more or less, to Nine 24il.e Creek--N1/2 of Sec. 5, Twp.116, Rr 2Lff - INGAR JXNSEN 2. 3. The Ifilly 5 Ft. of Lot I, Bl. 3, Southdale 1st Addn. PmER G. STdENSON BIDS FOR TTmmkIAIN DPROVZ~T NO. 118. requests for construction of the Nildred Avenue Watermain at once; that, with Council*s permission bids can be taken for present construction, w5th an alternate on spring construction. moved its adoption: Engineer Zikan reported he has had Bank offered the following Resolution and 11/26/56 AIIKERTISEXENT FOR BIDS BE IT RBSOLVEI, by the Village Council of the Village of Edina: 1. The plans and specifications for Vne proposed Hatemin Iuprovement set forth in the following Advertisement for Bids form, heretofore prepared by the Villzge Zngineer and DOW on file in the office of the Village Clerk are hereby approved . Courier and the Construction Bulletin the following notice for bids for said 2. The Glerk shall cause to be published twice in the Edina-IIorningside improvement: ~~~~TIS~~~UT FCQ BIDS office of the Village Ihnager at the Edina Village HkL1, 4€01 fT. 50th SL., at ll:OO A.14., on Xondzy, December 10, 1956, for I2ildred Avenue from Valley View Road to 1T.65th Sbe, l.l.65th SL. from Xildred Avenue to Rolf Avenue, and Rolf Avenue from 1~65th St. to 1~.64%h St. The Village Council will meet to consider bids on December 10,. 1956, at 7:30 P.E.1, in the Village Hall, GOiJS'i"nUCT iCXJ OF VDJXGE TITL'iiIB,lLZII;J M\TD ,!PPURTEiJIS Vork must be done as described in plans and specifications on file in the office of the Village Clerk. $10.00, which deposit r.Sill be refunded upon return of said plans and specifi- catLons. No bids will be considered unless seded and filed with undersigned before 1L:OO AeKo, Decder 10, accompanied by cash deposit, bid bond or certified check payable to the Village Clerk in amount of at least ten percent of amount of base bid. bids. ?. BY WEE OF TI-3 VILLtnGZ COUlJCIL. Plans and specifications are available for a deposit of The Council reserves the right to reject any or a71 C c GFETCI-EDI S. ALDE2;J Village Clerk 3. hereby adopted as the terms and conditions of award of the contrzct for said improvement . Each and all of the terns of the foregoing advertisement for bids are f.Iotion for adoption of the Resolution was were five ayes and no nays, Tup, aye; and Bredesen, aye; and the and on Rollcall there as lalayor There being no furthur business to come before this meeting, Fkonk moved for adjournment . 1Iotion seconded by Tupa and i* C r. n I