HomeMy WebLinkAbout19561210_19561228_regular_adjourned\ 50 Bank's motion, that a vote of th&s be exLended to the Park Board fron the Council for the Board's fine rrorl: in regard to %he proposed long range park plans, 1-13s seconded by Dickson and unanimously carried, Eeeting adjourned. I Acting Village Clerk SXlNJT%s 07 THE ADJOKZZD PCRTIOU' 03 THE: FZtiDAY, DECEIBZR 28, 1956, AT 4:3O P.~JI., DZCZEER 10, 1956 PGGW IZEETflJG, H3ID AT THE 3D37JA VmGE HRU; Iiembers answering Rollcall irere Bank, Dickson, Tupa and Bredeseno I SAFE DZPOSE BOX iriT lZDl5'1' 3DIIJA NAI'IOI1JPL ME. Hanager Hyde reported that z Safe Deposit Box has been rented at First Edina Bank, for safekeeping of the bonds of its 01;n issue recently purchased as an investment; that the Bad.: requires a resolution of authority on access. moved its adoption: Bank: offered the follov6ng Xesolution and r, msoLmIopr at ACCWS-SAFE DZPOSTT EOX KC FIRST EDII~JA NATiOUL 3:Q;nI TZESOLXED: That, until written notice to the contrary is given by this corporation to the Safe Depsit Department of First Xdina IJ&.oniL Bank, access to safe deposit boxes (herein called safes) standing in the nane of this corporation in -the vaults of above named bank shall be had by the following: 'JIWLGZ X.3I?AGEELY 'f;TAr"E~1 C. HYDX fXE~K-T~SU5~, GXECCHB5 S. AIBSJ .. PiWdICE DIZECTCE, JAEL IT. DXLEJ any TKO of whom shall have full authority 'co enter said safes and to nake deposits therein or remove any yar"c or all of the conterrts thereof, to rent safes and to execute leases ihereof in the nane of this corporation, to mend or cancel said leases, to ezhange or surrender the safes, ad in zll other respects to represent this corporation. llotion for adoption of 'the Resolution wa RE.$&LOC.ITIO?T OF APPiLOEIfiriOIfS FOR Tf-3 YEXR 1956. fknzger Hyde presenbed Ih. Dalen's end-of-year repr'Gs on actual receipts and disbursenents coqxred dth estimz;tes and budget appropriations, for General Fund and Park Fund, shoved that the General Fund has received some 419,000 over ZstWte; that total Gensrjl Fund Disbursements are 21,917 under appropriations; -that P,-r2rs Fund has received $1,468.46 over Estimate and has spsnt $1,290.70 over appropri5tions B& offered the following Resolution and moved its adoption: Eeports c E3SOLU2 IO31 RE-&LOCATIXG .JPPiiOPEIATIOiilS THE Cmam TYEAR 1956 - BE E RESOL-GD by the Village Council of -the Village of %ma: The action taken by this Council on ICovember 12, 1956, roallocat5ng appropriations made for -the General Fund for the year 1956, is hereby conTimed, That, in accordance u5th reporb presented, 2b is hereby deerned that certa5.n appropriations made by this Council for the year 1956 xre une:.Tended, unencumbered and not needed; and 'chat their balances be transferred to other appropriations as hereinaf-ter set forth: GZZXG FWB: 1. 2. TGJ7JSFB FZ.Oi!-i: T%V!Sm TO: I-Iayor and Council $188 . 90 Atto rney c,;211 o 34 court 319.06 Assessor 153 a 63 Library 1, e3 2g General Aclministr&ion I, 9%). 68 Village Hall 966.28 Election 526.55 Police 1,10504.0' Fire 565.31 Civil Defense 5 J 212 0 13 Street LicifLing 2$7 0 70 Traffic control & Signals 1,048.uO5 Street name signs 65.95 I Eealth Officer 24 . 20 Engineering 2,436. 52 Plumbins Znspctor 39.63 Building inspactor 35.31 z&xttnal Conti-ol 7.50 Strezt mairihenance 6,558.13 :Teed Conti-ol 122.63 Storm Sewer drainage 677.86 Contingencies 360.51 Surplus 1,917 e 72 Settlenznt of clzins 420.00 $17,021$~22 Unallocated payroll 476 . 50 TJorkmen' s compensation 9.Go Audit 10.00 Planning Cormis sion 3,8%2.O& Spec.llssess. on Qmzd Properby 13.95 $17 , 024 22 Snow & ice renoval 1,473 * 56 Garage 1,598.32 12/2$/ 56 *. ’ !. u- -- 5 I A----- ----- “Care 02 buildings 71017 Truck e,u;ens e t&ming 124 89 1-5osquito control Land 19a93 Capit a1 outlay 2,112.86 Beceipts (over estimate) 1,290 70 iJotion for adoption of Resolution was seconded y Tupa, and”on Rollcall there were four ayes and no nays, as follows: ?dye; Dickson aye; Tupa, aye; and Tree Trimicling 763 e 87 Administration SSl, e 60 Fall 0 winter program 2,302 * 77 Playground 344.17 51 o 03 Baseball 312 e 92 Cascade Pumping 510 e 93 $4,934029 $4,934.29 Bredesen, aye; and the Resolution was ado ed./ ,y CLfiIIIIs as per Pre-List No. 24 of December 28, as hereinafter listed, were honored by niotion Dickson, seconded by Tupa and carried: General Fund ----- $ 35,808097 Sewer Rerrtal Fund ----- :$ 1,069~61 Poor Fund 1,802.64 Liquor Fund 26, q70 a 86 Improvement Funds 1,566 e 60 Construct ion Fund UO 520 e 71 Parks Fund Garbage Fund 2.90 $216,513 28 4,801.35 Mat erwork$ Fund 4,4- SPECIAL EXCTIOIT OF FZznu,IIl1Y 5, 1957. Hr. Hyde reporbed that he had consulted with Village &torney and with itr, French concerning the matter of using voting machines at the Village Hall for the February 5th special election; that, as a practical matter, it seems be”c-i;er to conduct this election on the same basis as other elections--having voting at the twelve districts, with paper ballots ., and noved its adoption: Pursuant to his instructions of %he loth, Bank then Lntroduced the following resolution RESOLUTION DETEENIiKIXG THZ NECESSITY IUD EXPEDIENCY OF ISSUING PARI< SYSTEIJ!. BCNDS &iiD ‘L S?KDD*I~G POOL BOHDS +WD Cf&LIE\iG SFECia ELECTION TO TOTE ON TmIR ISSUANCE EB IT RESOLVED by the Council of the Village of Edina, I4innesotaY as 1. On the basis of recommendations received from the Park Board and fOllOTJS: upon investigation and consideration of the matter by the Council, it is hereby found and determined that it is necessary and expedient for the Village to acquire and- develop various lands within the corporate limits for park and playground purposes, in order to provide it park system! more adequste to the needs of the Village,. and also to acquire a municipal swimming pool, including necessary buildings and equipimnt in connection thereuith, and to issue its negotiable coupon general obligatio-a bonds in an amount not to exceed $650,000 for the acquisition of said park. system and 5x1 an amount not exceeding $200,000 for the acquisition of said swimming pool. of ballot prescribed below, shall be submitled to the voters at a special.election which is hereby called and directed to be held on Tuesday, the 5th day of February, 1957, between the hours of 7:OO orclock LL and 8:OO otclock P.14, shall be held at the following polling places within each of the election districts heretofore established, and there are hereby appointed three persons to act as judges of election at each polling place, as follows: ELZCTION D ETRICT POLLING PUCE JUDGES 2, The propositions of issuing such bonds, as set forth in the form Said election go* 1 Edina Covenant Church Nines e L. Dyregrov, , 80, 2 St. Stephen’s Church ihes. KarjeSe Rossiter, . Y.mh St. and Indianola Ave. Adelaide Quinn, Seth TTLtts $Je50th Ste and Pl‘ooddale Ave. Howard 5, Scott, Hax 1:. ElcCall Zipoy, Ruth Volk No. 3 Temporary Structure Plmes. Ida L, Smith, Buth IL W. 57th St . alnd Chowen be ., IfOe l, Mina Cornunity Lutheran Church Rites ,, Florence Hellberg, Wo54-bh St. and Halifax Ave. Frank Sweeney, &Lice Twite e Eo. 5 Normandale Lutk ran Church Raes D.W. hund.son, Frances Valley View SC Mormndale Roads TJood, G.T. Kesler TJo, 6 500 Blake Road Ernes e Oe14e Bye, ROY lfyhr , Shepherd of the Hills Lutheran Church Lewis E, Joaes Hal1,R. Sonnenberg If00 7 Grange Hall 3hese Nellie Strate, Clem Eden Ave. & Nomandale Ed. 12/23/56 :ios 9 J TJO. 10 No. ll Edina Grade School, East 1?.5Diih St. md I-Tooddals Ow: Lady of Grace Church 5300 Normdale Road Colonial Church of Sdina T.1.56th St. and TTooddale JUDGES Entrance Ihes. B. KcCrmey, Ave . Pa-Lricia Salisbuq znd Susan Hagen Entrance 2hese Camille Xortun, he . Ethel Lind ad Herbert Brand 1-hes , P .Hwxingsen,lfabel - Iiillson and Karion lines. IIzzel Srranson, Bdey ,he . B.G. Bennett znii Zarl Halvorson IJO .12 Ihes. %leanor Oren, liildred Bagley ad Hilda R.Sieve&son Sou-bhdale Shopping Center TJ166th St. aid France Ave. 3. The Village Clerk is hereby authorized and directed to cause notice 02 said election to be posted at each of said polling places and at least three oiher public ad conspicuous places within each election district, not less than ten days before the date of said election, and to cse such notice to bz pub- lished in the Edina-Comingside Courier not less thm seven days before daid date tzhich notice shall be in substanlxially the follot.~g form: ifOT1CZ OF SPZCii'J; VIUXGE ZL23c'TIO13 OJ Ph.Z< SJSTEl I"iim srn=am*E POOL BOlSDS VI-LL.\GZ OF EDIGL, 1.17TJzmd ITUTI(TE IS HZR.?IBY GIVEX khat a special election rral be held in and for the Village of Edine, IEnnesota, on Tuesday, the 5th day of February,l957, between th3 hours of 7:OO o*clock d.1.I. ani 8:OO o~cloclc Po140, at rtnich the following pmposYt,ions will be submitted to the voters of' the Village: Shall the Village of Edina bori-ow money and issue its negotiable coupon general oblisation bonds in an mount not exceeding 1::'650,000, for tire purpose of acquisition of parks and playgrounds, including necessary land, ease- ments, strucLures and equipnent, for the municipzl park syst en? Shall the TJillxge of Zdina, borrow money and issue its negotiable coupon general obligation b0nd.s in an amount no-L exceading $~O,OOO, for the acqisition of a muni- cipal s:.rkmiw pool? iill registered ad qualified voters of the Village are entitled to vote at said election within the respective election districts in ~hicln they reside, as heretofore established for municipal elections, and the polling place within each of said election districts will be as follow: 3XG!3CTIO?T DISTrXCT TJO. 1 IJO. 2 IJO. 3 xo* 4 uo. 5 210, 6 no, 7 310. 8 7JO. 9 No, 10 ITO. 1l Bo. 1% F0L;LTlfG FLACZ Edina Covenant Church, 'XO5Oth St. and Indinnola he. S-L, Stephen's Church, lJ.5Oth St, and Wooddale L,ve. Temporary Structure, W057th St. and Chowen Ave, Zdina Community Lutheran Church, T?.54th St. and Halifa: he. Ndkmandzle Iubheran Church, Valley View and ETomzndale Eoads Shepherd of the Hills Lutheran Church, 500 Blake Bd. Grange Hall., IJomandale Road and Eden Avenue Edina Grade School (IT. Entr.) , 71, ,%h 5%. and I I IToodda3.e Ave e Edina Grade School (E.Entr.) , FT.5Oth St. and Tfooddale he Our hdy of Grace Church, 5300 IJormandale Road. Colonial Church of Em, Me56th St. ad Voodciale ,!ve Southdale Shopping Cenber, ::.66th St. and France he, &. The Tillage Clerk is hereby authorized and directedto cause official ballots to be prepared for said election and to be distribu-ted to %he judges at each of said polling places. ink on lavender papmy if paper of such color is obtatnable., and the face Said ballot shall be printed in black .. - thereof sha'll read as follows: 12/213/56 eo0 NO YES NO -06 4 . e.. e. 0.0 i DJSTRUCTIONS TO VOTERS: IF YOU WSH TO VOTE It? FAVOR OF %ITHE$?, OF THE, ABOVE PROPOSITIONS, ILBK A CROSS (X) IIV THE SQUARE OPPOSITE THE WORD t1YES". ICGEDIATELY FOLXMING SUCH PROPOSITION. EIT€ER PROPCGITION, IfREIC A CROSS (X) IN THE SQU&G OPFO- SITE THE WORD "NO1' LCXEDIATELY FOLLOWING SUCH PROFOSITIOI$ IF YOU TESH TO VOTE AGi'iTN3T . On the back of each ballot there should be printed the words WFFICWL EORD the date of election, the facsimile signature of the Village Clerk and lines for the initials for two judges, 5. The commissioner of registration shall accept registrations of voters until the 20th day prior to said election and shall then conplete the &ection register for each district and deliver the register to the judges for the respective districts on the day preceding said election, Clerk shall also provide the election judges with suitable tally sheets, forms for official returns, ballot bexes and other necessary supplies for the con- duct, of said election. Said election shall be held and conducted in the manner prescribed by laihr, and the judges shall record opposite the name and address of each registered voter appearing in the election registers the words Wo-Ledtr or "not votedl' as the sase may be, and any challenge, affidavit or other in- formation as may be required. closing ofthe polls shall forthwith count the votes cask, and record the same in the official tally books, and said books, with the ballots cast and the election registers and the official returns shall thereupon be returned to the VSlage Clerk, 1957, at 1&:3O o'clock P.&, this Council shall meet as a canvassing board and declare the results appearing from said returns. I-lotion for adoption of the foregoing resolution was duly seconded by Tupa, and The Tillage The judges at each polling place upon the Within two days after the election, to-wit on February 7, Village Clerk LIQUOR CONTROL COI4tJISSION. the Liquor Control Comission, now -tnat the Village government is under Optional Plan B, of January 1, 1957, and that the Village Attorney be directed to draft an mend- Some discussion was had concerning the function of Dickson's motion, that the Liquor Control Comission be abolished as