HomeMy WebLinkAbout19561217_special12/10/ 56 I 4-9 Zilcan reported that the Village has had a tremendous amount of trouble with these signals because of the obsolete type of pressure pads in the system, purchsse of magnetic pressure pads, at a cost of some $275.00 each, Bankrs motion, that the Engineer's recommendation be accepted and the Village make purchase of magnetic pressure pads for this signal, was seconded by Tupa and carr ied GLADE IS PER PRELIST NO. 23 OF DECENBER 10, 1956, as follows, were honored for papent by motion Bank, seconded by Dickson and carried: He advocated General Fund ----- 8 4,463.93 Sewer Rental Fund ----- 8 350041 Poor Fund 607 e 20 Construction Fund . 87,903.00 Parks Fund 17,010.69 Spec.hssess. Fund 1,734 00 I Licpor Fund 36,4854 55 $201,0 5.4 . 49 Nat emorks Fund 6,151.11 Improvements Funds 46,34m It was reported that procedure for refunding special assessments is in order, except for a Resolution authorizing signatures against the "Special Assessment Befund Account". Bank offered 'che following Resolution and moved its adoption: SIGNKC ORY RESOILJTIOR SPECIAL ASSXSSfvENT REFUND ACCOUNT RESOLVED, That checks on the 'ISpecial Assessment Refund Account" of %his corporation drawn on FIRST BDlr\ra XATiONAL BANK, hereinafter called the Bznk, 2nd orders for transfer or @thdrawal of the funds. of said Vpecial Assessment Refund kccountll of this corporation on deposit in said Bank, in whatever form, shall be signed by two of the following officers: '%Q?EEN C, HYDE, Village Nanager GmCm S . ALDEN, Clerk-Treasur er BE E' FURTHZB Ri3SOLVED, Thzt said Bank is hereby authorized and directed to honor and pay any checks so drawn as above set forth, whethek or not such checks be payable to the order of one of the foregoing persons either in his individual or official capacity or deposited to his individual credit, and whether or not such signatures are followed by the title or office of the person signing, l4otion for adoption of the Resolution was seconded by Tupa, and on Rollcall there were four ayes and no nays, as follows: Bank, aye; Dickson, aye; Tupa, zp; and - aye; and the Resolution was adopted Village Clerk I I Xanager Hyde reported that the last regular mee-Ling or" t.he year vi511 fall on Christmas Eve; that it is customary to dispense w5th the last regular meeting each year, in favor of an adjourned meeting during the week between Christmas and n'ew Years, at which finaricial matters are consideredo DicEsonKs motion, that Meeting adjourn until Friday, December 28, 1956, at 4:30 POTI., was seconded by Bank and carried. Tillage Clerk l-iINUTES OF THE SPECIAL NEETDJG OF TEE2 XDIUA VILL4GE COUNCIL AND PA3.K COZ~~D, €BLD iKNDP'f, DECXlBER 17, Neeting convened at 8:45 P& pursuant to due call and notice, Oorrncil members Bredesen, Tupa, Bank. and Dickson; Village 14anqer Hyde; Park Board members Strachauer, Stevens ; and Parks and Recreation Director French answered Rollcall, with Nr, French acting as Clerk, Letters ffom the Xdina Civic and Improvement Association and the 3dina Highlands Homeovmer 1 s Association regarding the proposed park bond election were read. Ik, French reviewed the changes =de in the park proposal, as a result of the recomendakion made by the Council and Planning Commission at a previous meeting. The recommendation was to add sufficient land to provide for needed fu-Lure neighborhood playgrounds. This necessitated raising the bond request from $750,000 to $850,000. After full discussion as to how the proposition was to be pu5 to the voters, Ike Bank moved and Ik, Tupa seconded. the motion to place before the voters two separate propositions : 1956 AT THE VZLUGZ HALL, AT $:45 P,lglo I le $650,000 for land and development. I 2, $200,000 for s.whing pool. Ilotion carried unanimously, Bank's motfon, that $750 be appropriated to cover costs of preparing and disseminath infomation pertaining to the park board plans to the voters, was seconded by 8 ickson and unanimously carried. \ 50 Bank's motion, that a vote of th&s be exLended to the Park Board fron the Council for the Board's fine rrorl: in regard to %he proposed long range park plans, 1-13s seconded by Dickson and unanimously carried, Eeeting adjourned. I Acting Village Clerk SXlNJT%s 07 THE ADJOKZZD PCRTIOU' 03 THE: FZtiDAY, DECEIBZR 28, 1956, AT 4:3O P.~JI., DZCZEER 10, 1956 PGGW IZEETflJG, H3ID AT THE 3D37JA VmGE HRU; Iiembers answering Rollcall irere Bank, Dickson, Tupa and Bredeseno I SAFE DZPOSE BOX iriT lZDl5'1' 3DIIJA NAI'IOI1JPL ME. Hanager Hyde reported that z Safe Deposit Box has been rented at First Edina Bank, for safekeeping of the bonds of its 01;n issue recently purchased as an investment; that the Bad.: requires a resolution of authority on access. moved its adoption: Bank: offered the follov6ng Xesolution and r, msoLmIopr at ACCWS-SAFE DZPOSTT EOX KC FIRST EDII~JA NATiOUL 3:Q;nI TZESOLXED: That, until written notice to the contrary is given by this corporation to the Safe Depsit Department of First Xdina IJ&.oniL Bank, access to safe deposit boxes (herein called safes) standing in the nane of this corporation in -the vaults of above named bank shall be had by the following: 'JIWLGZ X.3I?AGEELY 'f;TAr"E~1 C. HYDX fXE~K-T~SU5~, GXECCHB5 S. AIBSJ .. PiWdICE DIZECTCE, JAEL IT. DXLEJ any TKO of whom shall have full authority 'co enter said safes and to nake deposits therein or remove any yar"c or all of the conterrts thereof, to rent safes and to execute leases ihereof in the nane of this corporation, to mend or cancel said leases, to ezhange or surrender the safes, ad in zll other respects to represent this corporation. llotion for adoption of 'the Resolution wa RE.$&LOC.ITIO?T OF APPiLOEIfiriOIfS FOR Tf-3 YEXR 1956. fknzger Hyde presenbed Ih. Dalen's end-of-year repr'Gs on actual receipts and disbursenents coqxred dth estimz;tes and budget appropriations, for General Fund and Park Fund, shoved that the General Fund has received some 419,000 over ZstWte; that total Gensrjl Fund Disbursements are 21,917 under appropriations; -that P,-r2rs Fund has received $1,468.46 over Estimate and has spsnt $1,290.70 over appropri5tions B& offered the following Resolution and moved its adoption: Eeports c E3SOLU2 IO31 RE-&LOCATIXG .JPPiiOPEIATIOiilS THE Cmam TYEAR 1956 - BE E RESOL-GD by the Village Council of -the Village of %ma: The action taken by this Council on ICovember 12, 1956, roallocat5ng appropriations made for -the General Fund for the year 1956, is hereby conTimed, That, in accordance u5th reporb presented, 2b is hereby deerned that certa5.n appropriations made by this Council for the year 1956 xre une:.Tended, unencumbered and not needed; and 'chat their balances be transferred to other appropriations as hereinaf-ter set forth: GZZXG FWB: 1. 2. TGJ7JSFB FZ.Oi!-i: T%V!Sm TO: I-Iayor and Council $188 . 90 Atto rney c,;211 o 34 court 319.06 Assessor 153 a 63 Library 1, e3 2g General Aclministr&ion I, 9%). 68 Village Hall 966.28 Election 526.55 Police 1,10504.0' Fire 565.31 Civil Defense 5 J 212 0 13 Street LicifLing 2$7 0 70 Traffic control & Signals 1,048.uO5 Street name signs 65.95 I Eealth Officer 24 . 20 Engineering 2,436. 52 Plumbins Znspctor 39.63 Building inspactor 35.31 z&xttnal Conti-ol 7.50 Strezt mairihenance 6,558.13 :Teed Conti-ol 122.63 Storm Sewer drainage 677.86 Contingencies 360.51 Surplus 1,917 e 72 Settlenznt of clzins 420.00 $17,021$~22 Unallocated payroll 476 . 50 TJorkmen' s compensation 9.Go Audit 10.00 Planning Cormis sion 3,8%2.O& Spec.llssess. on Qmzd Properby 13.95 $17 , 024 22 Snow & ice renoval 1,473 * 56 Garage 1,598.32