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JANUARY 28, 1957, AT 7:30 P.M. AT THE I
Members answering Rollcall were Bank, Dickson, Fronk, Tupa and Bredesen.
Minutes of the Regular Meeting of January 14, 1957 were approved as submitted,
by motion Fronk, seconded by Tupa and carried,
of "Notice of Hearing", published in Edina-Morningside Courier January 14 and 24,
1957, was submitted, approved as to form and ordered placed on file.
Hyde reviewed for Council and audience the plan for the sewer, and the proposed
assessment district.
sewer service and are unable to secure it without the proposed trunk line;
namely the Chapman interests, Brookview Heights subdivisions, Lake Edina Addition,
and other platted or about-to-be-platted tracts.
Graph drawing, explaining that the trunk sewer is ordinarily the deepest of
underground installations; that watermain, gas, and other utilities are installed
above the trunk; that, if other utilities go in before the trunk sewer is laid,
hand digging is necessary for installation of the sewer, thus making it con-
siderably more expensive. He explained that there are many areas along the pro-
posed line of the trunk sewer which as yet have no other utilities; that, for an
economical job the work should be done, now, while the streets are free from t
other installations. Manager Hyde read the Engineer's Estimate of Cost,for the;
entire project from France Avlenue to County Road No. 18, at $1,601,568.00;
proposed to be assessed at $3.30 per Assessable Front Foot for platted property--
with a 150-Ft. maximum on large lots which carries, a restriction against subdi-
vision--and $660 per Acre on unplatted property.
.that trunk sewer assessments have been on a 20-year basis, but that this might
be on a 30-year basis if property owners so desire.
connections to the trunk sewer was explained by PAr. Hyde, who stated that a
charge of $4.75 (an average of lateral sewer costs) will be charged per front
foot, in addition to the trunk sewer assessment, in those areas where the trunk
sewer can be used as a lateral.
their views, and the following spoke:
for the Brookview Heights area, in order that sewage may be gotten out of the.
He commended the Village Engineering Department for preparation of a
sound and feasible plan; recommended a 25-year assessment; and asked that the
Council expedite the project.
the sewer, now, he eventually will need it and so will everyone else; that, as
a matter of economy he feels it is sensible to complete the project how.
3. Mr. John Childers, 5216 Meadow Ridge, said he feels that the matter is
fast becoming a health problem and that sewer should go in as soon as possible.
4. Cheer at 5212 Abercrombie Drive reported considerable cesspool trouble
throughout the area, advocating installation of sewer just as soon as possible.
5. Mr. George Weatherbee, 5137 Meadow Ridge advocated installation of sewer,
now, in interest of economics. He stated he feels that the Village must grow
in this direction; that delay in construction will mean more money and more
health problems as the population grows; that installation, now, should be a
fine investment for owners of undeveloped land.
Mr. E. C. Stow, developer of Brookview Heights Subdivisions and Lake Edina,
reminded Council that installation of sewer, now, is more expensive than it would
have been when Brookview Heights was first developed; that, had sewer been
installed prior to development, the cost of cesspools would have been saved.
He stated he believes the trunk sewer is a must; that, when an average of 200 gals
of water is pumped per day into the ground on each 100-foot lot the ground
eventually becomes saturated and a sewer must be provided.
anyone is interested in selling his property installation of the sewer will
increase propert value.
stated he feels the Northwestern part of the proposed assessment district is not
yet ready for development; that it will not be developed for five, or maybe even
ten years; that the Northern portion of the construction should be delayed until
it is needed and land is ready for it.
He cited several areas which have petitioned for 1.atera.l -
Engineer Zikan presented a Vu-
Manager Hyde told the audience
The matter of direct
PROPONENTS: Mayor Bredesen asked that proponents of the project stace
- streets.
Mr, Ted Owens, 5208 Meadow Ridge, stated that this project is a necessity
2. Mr. Arne Larson, 5105 Danens Drive, stated that although he does not need
He advised that if
OPPONENTS: l*Mr. Naas, owner of Lots 4 and 17, Auditor's Subdivision No.196, -
2. Mr. Robert Ostman, 5613 County Road No. 18, concurred in Mr. Naas' statements.
He asked if Hopkins will be going into this trunk line and was informed by ltIayor
Breilesen that Edina's allotted capacity into the Richfield-Edina interceptor is
not sufficient to permit Hopkins to come in. Mr. Ostman then inquired as to the
reason for the proposed sewer out to County Road No. 18, and Manager Hyde explained
that the trunk has been designed to serve the entire area; that, if the northwestern
part does not want sewer, now, and the size of the line is reduced accordingly, it
will be necessary to lay a parallel pipe at some future time, or to relay the sewer,
to serve the northwestern area at such time as they desire sewer service; that this
is impractical to all concerned.
stated he feels that the project is premature; that his land is not ready for
development; -that, with the prospect of a lateral sewer in the area soon his
assessments on his 20-acre tract could run into thousands of dollars per year.
4. !.k. Alfred Pavelka, 6001 County Road No. 18, stated he feels that the
assessment could never be recovered on sale of the land because the land is not
yet ready for development. hlr. Hyde reminded audience that completion of plans
for Crosstown Highway and County -Road No. 18 improvements will spur development ,
but Mr. Pavelka remained adamant in his contention that it would be at least five
years before the property will be ready for development.
assessment will take fifty percent of his farming income.
3, Ikr. R, E. Olson, owner of property South of 70th St. and West of Normandale,
He stated that his yearly
Trustee Bank, stating that it seems apparent that at least that portion of the
sewer lying South and East of Valley View Road is needed and wanted, asked if the
sewer could be laid to this point, with pipe sufficiently large to allow service
to the upper area at a late$ date.
in an amount of $890,400 for laying the trunk line to Valley View Road--increasing
the assessable cost from 1643 per foot per year for platted property to 2123 per
year. The Estimate of Cost for the sewer as far as Highway No. 169 was $1,300,000,
or 17& per foot per year for plahted property. He stated that there are some legal
problems as to assessment procedure, and asked Attorney I'Jindhorst for his advice.
1.l~. li'indhorst informed the Council that if an assessment is not levied for the full
cost of installing whatever pipe is now put in, the balance would have to be paid
out of the general revenue fund or out of a bond issue in excess of-assessments.
If payment is made from a bond issue, the Council can assess the area to the':
Northwest of the present sewer terminus at such time in the future as it wishes;
that if such assessment is deferred, it would be necessary to assess at a higher
rate in the future, to cover cost plus interest which the Village would have to
pay in the meantime; that Council may levy an immediate assessment against the
Northwest area for its proportionate share of the line (necessary difference in
size of pipe plus share of construction cost plus cost of necessary lift-station).
Manager Hyde presented Estimates of Cost,-
Trustee Fronk asked about the demand for the sewer between Valley View Road and
Trunk Highway No. 169, and I&. H.R. Burton, owner of 58 acreas at Olinger Road
and Tracy Avenue, and Folke Victorsen, owner of 20 acres just North of I&,
Burton's .property, both advocated construction. Lk. Hill of Sweadlund 8 Hill, .
developers, stated he would like to be served; and Engineer Zikan reported that
it is possible that Ylalnut Ridge subdivision will be in need of sewer shortly,
There were no objections to installation of the sewer as far as necessary toe
serve V!alnut Ridge--with the exception of Mr. R.E. Olson's earlier protest.
Attorney I'lindhorst advised that since there appeared to be not too large an -
amount to be assessed hverthe area not to be immediately served, the Council
may wish to levy an immediate assessment for this area--from the proposed
Highway No. 169 or YJalnut Ridge terminus, North and West; that they also have
the power to defer the assessment-indefinitely, or for a specified number of
years; but that, in the latter cases the Council would not be committed-lega€ly
to postpone levy for the time specified by this Council.
Trustee Fronk, stating that it is the desire of the Council to provide server
for those who need and want it, but not to work hardship on those who have no
immediate need for the sewer, offered the following Resolution and moved its
BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the Village of.Edina, Minnesota, that this
Council heretofore caused notice of hearing to be duly published on the follow
ing proposed improvement:
Construction of Village Sanitary Sewer and Appurtenances as follows:
Commencing at a point 1170' South of the centerline of W.70th St. and 35.' W. of
the centerline of France Ave., said point being the Manhole of the existing 33"
Trunk Sewer; thence South parallel to the centerline of France Ave. a distance of
150.3'; thence Wly along the South line of the N& of NE* of Sec. 31, T.28, R. 24 a
distance of 2112' more or less; thence Sly along "L" Street as platted in prelimi-
nary plat of South Gardens Estates a distance of 1153' more or less to "K" Street
as shown in said preliminary plat; thence Wly along the centerline of said "K"
Street a distance of 680.15'; thence Sly a distance"of 354.75' tb the extended
centerline of "A" Street in preliminary plat of Chapman's Normandale Development;
thence Wly and Nwly along-said rrAq' Street to a point which is 40' E. of the West
right-of-way line of State Highway #loo; thence North, parallel to the centerline
of State Highway #loo, a distance of 486.47', which is the South line of Govt.
Lot 1, Sec.-9, T. 116, R. 21; thence !:in a NWly direction to a point on %he
centerline of W.70th-St.; thence Wly along the centerline of W.70th St. a distance
of 173.51' which is its intersection with the E. line of Lot 27, B1. 7, Brookvie@
Heights 2nd-Addition; thence Nly along'said*E. line a distance of 158'; thence Wly,
parallel to the rear lot lines of Lots 22 to.27, said Block 7, to the West line of
Lot 22, said Block 7; thence Nwly to a point on the North line of'Sec. 8, T. 116,
R. 21, said point being'119' Wly from. the NE corner 6f said'Sec. 8; thence Wly *
alongosaid North sectiop"1ine a distance-of 761.35'; thence NWly on a meandering
course to the centerline of Brook Drive;"thence Ely along the centerline of Brook
Drive a distance of 257.73'; thence-Nly through lots 4 through 7, Block 9; La
Buena Vista to the* intersection of W.68th St. and propos&d North-South'street as
shown in preliminary plat'of Stow's propery West of MN&S Ry."right-of-way'; thenee - Nly along said-proposed street to proposed W.67th St.; thence Wly along proposed *
W.67th St. to Limerick Lane as'proposed in Peterson'g preliminary plat of Valley
View Stables Property; thence North along Limerick Lane to pkoposed W.66th St.;"
thence Wly along proposed W.66th St. to Valley View Rd.; thence SWly along the
centerline of yalley View Rd. a distance of 78'; thence on a meandering-course
Wly and NWly adjacent to Nine Mile Creek to the intersection of Gleason Road"
andtihe South line of Sec. 31, T. 117, R. 21; thence along the centerline of
Gleason Road to Highway #169; thence SWly along Hwy.#169 a dist. of 660' more or
less; thence Nly a distance of 470' more or less; thence Wly 570' more-or less; ,
thence Nly 130' more os lep; thence Wly to'the centerline of Walnut Drive; thence
Nly along the centerline of Walnut Drive to a point 180' Sly of the Soyth line of
the N$ of Sec. 31, T. 117, R. 23; Ithence Vily parallel to and 180' Sly of said South
line to the E. line of the SW2 of said Sec. 31; thence Nly along the E; line of the
thence W. 400' more or less; thence'wly and NWly to County Road #18; thence Nly on
County Road #18 To Maloney Avenue;
andmatkthe hearing held at tbe time and place specified'in said notice €he Council
has duly considered the views of all persons interested, and being fully Bdvised
of-the pertinent facts does hereby determine tomproceed with the construction"of'
said-improvement from the point 1170' South-of the centerline of W.70th St., in
the-course hereinbefore set-forth to the point of intersection of Gleason Road
with Highway #169'i; and thence to serve Walnut Ridge Subdivisions if it is
determined that this latter area wishes to be served; that said improvement is
hereby designated and shall be referred to in a31 subsequent proceedings as
SANITARY SEWER IMPROVEMENT NO. C-1; and the area to be Specially assessed theref6r
shall include all lots andetracts of land within the following ddscribed boundaries:
@Begin. at intersection of centeflines of Frafice Ave; and W.70th St., which is NE
cor. of -Sec.31,T.28,R.24; th. W. along N. line of Said Sec. 31 to"pt. "which is 210'
E. of N1/4 Cor. of saPd' section; th. S., "parallt51 witE N-S "centerline of said "See.
31, to pt. which is 715' S.*of centerline of W.70th St.; th. WlS; to E Cor. 6f
Lot 5, Bl. 5, South Garden Estates 2nd Addn.; th. Sly to SE Cof. therQof; t5. Wly
to SW Cor. thereof; th. Wly to NE Cor. of'Lot 2, B1. 4; South Garden Estates 2nd
Addn; thz Sly to SE Cor. thereof; th. W. and Wly along rearlot fines of said B1.
4 and B. 4, South Garden Estates to SW Cor. of Lot'6, B1. 4, South Garden*Estates;
tho Nly to NW Cor< thereof; th; NWly to SE Cop. of Lot 9, B1. 1, South Garden
Estates; th. W to S\Y Cor. thereof; th. N. to a pt. wEich is 217.8' So. of center-
line of W.70th St.; th. W.3 parallel to said centerline a dist. of 661.4'; th.
N. to centerline of W.70th St.; th. E. along said centerline to its intersection
with SEly extension of rear lot lines-of Lots 1 thru 7, B1. 6, Woodhill; th. NWfy
along said rear lot lines to SW Cor. of Lot 1, said'B1. 6; th. N. 6 dist. of 162.49'
to centerline of W.69Ch St.; th. Vi. along said centerline to Sly egtension of E:
lot line of Lot 6, Normandale Terrace; th. N. to NW Cor. of Lot 1, Normandale
Terrace; th. E. -along N. line thereof to a pt'. which is 200" W. of centerline of'
Britt'any Rd.; th. M to NW Cor; of Lot 1, B1. 1; Mallard Manor; th. W. to SW Cor. '
of Lot 2, B1. 1, N.P. Bsnson -Addno; tho 1% a'dist. "of 567.48'; th. E. 55'; fh.
N. to centerline of W.66th St.; th. W. to=W. line of Sec. 30, T.28, R.24; th. N.
along said Section line a dist. of 56.7'; th. W. along centerline of W.66th St.
of said Sec. 31 to the NW corner of Lot 1, Block 2, Parkwood"Knoll6 4th Addition;
t 1
to Sly Gxtension 02 N-S ceherline of B1. 17, Normandale 2nd Addn; th. Nly along
said centerline to centerline of Vi.65th St.; th. Wly aiong said centerline to
Sly extension of 'N-S centerline of B1. 10, Normandale 2nd Addn; th. Nly along1 ~
said cGnterline to $JE Cor. of Lot 18, said B1. 10; th. Wly to NVJ Cor. thereof;
th. ~Wly to NE Cor. of Lot 6,tBl. 9, Normandale 2nd Addn; th. VJly to NN Cor.
thereof; th. Nly along N-S centerlines of Blocks 9 and 6, Normandale 2nd Addn.
to centerline of VJ.63rd St.; tho Wly along centerlines of V4.63rd St. and Valley
View Road to its interseition with E. line of Valley View Hts.; th. Nly along
said E. line to NErCor. of,Lot 11, B1. 5, Valley View Hts.; th. Vlly to SE Cor.
of Lot 7, said 61. 5; th. SKly along Sly line of said Lot 7, to centerline-of
Viestridge Blvd.; th. Nly along said centerline to extended Sly lot line of
Lot 12, B1. 3, Valley View Hts; th. Wily to"SV? corner of satd Lot l?; th.*Sly
and N1.vlyy along rear lot lines'.of said B1. 3, to S. line of*Bl. 4, Cobntryside;
th, E. to SY'Cor. of-Lot 2, said B1. 4; th. Nly along extended VJly lot lime qf -
said Lot 2 tbtcente$line of Ridgewai Fd.; th. Ely to Sly extension of E. lot
line of Lot 6, B1. 5, Countryside Addn.; th. Nly along said E. line to NE Cor.
of said Lot 6, B1. 5; th, Wly to SR'Cor. of Lot 9, said B1. 5; th. Nly to Nil
Cor. of*Lot 13, said Bl. 5; th. Nly to SW Cor. of Lot 55 B1. 6, Countryside
Addn; th. Nly to W'Cor. of said1Lot 5; th. NEly to NE Cor. of said Lot 5; tho
Nly to NE Cor. of Lot 1, said B1. 6f th. Vi. to a pt. 358.78' more or less W.
of SE Cor. of Lot 15, Warden Acres; th. N. to S. line ofrBroadmore Addn.; tho
W. to SVJ Cor. of Lot 4, B1. 3, BroadmoFe Addn.! th. N. to $Cor. of S1/2 of
Sec. 32,T0117,R.21; th. W. to !%$Cor. of said section; th. N. to intersection of
W. line of said section' and centerline. of State Highway #169-212; the SliJly along
said centerline a dist. of 11OQtFt. more or less; th. NVly at 90 degrees $0 said .I
fiq. centerline a dist. of 132' more or less; th. on a curve to the right having
a ceniral angie of 45 degree? and a radius of 637.2 Ft.-a dist. of 242 Ft. more
or less; th. NEly parallel to centerline of State Hightiay No. 169-212 a dist.-of
214 Ft. more or less; th. Nly at a deflection angle of 65 degrees 30' left a
dist. of 101 Ft. more or less; th. NEly at-a deflection aGgle of 20 degrees 30'
right a dist. of 160 Ft. more OF les; th. at a deflection angle of 3 degrees 30'
right a dist. of 440 Ft. more or less; th. at a deflection angle of 58 degrees
10' left a dist. of 143 Ft, more or less, to a pt. on a curve to therright having
a radius of 535 Ft. and a central angle of 42 degrees 50'; th. along said curve a
dist. of 115' morelor less to end of said curve; th. along a ltne tangent to said
curve a dist. of 122 Ft. more or less to a pt. on a curve to the 1eft.having a
radius of 470.53 Ft. and a central angle'of 77 degrees 50'; th. along said curve
to the left a dist. of 169 Ft. more or less; th. NEly at a right angles to said
curve a dist. of 186 Ft. more or less; th. at akdeflection angle of 85 degrees
left a-dist. of 137 Ft.; th. at a deflection angle of 8 degrees 45' left a dist.
of 248 Ft.; th. at a deflection angle of 31 degrees 30' left a dist. of 130 Ft.;
th. YJ. to cpterline of Schaefer Rd.; th. N on said centerline a dist. of 130 Ft.
more or less, to the S. line extended E. of Lot 12, BJ.. 5, Parkwood Knolls; th.
W., "JIBmand SWl? to and around Lot 13 said B1. 5, to SVJ Cor. of Lot 9, said! Bl.5;
tho Nly to Nl'i Cor. thereof; th. NNly to NV Cor. of Lot I, said B1. 5; th. NWly
to centerline of Parkvtood Road; th. Wly on said centerline to Sly'extension of
1'1. line of Lot 3, B1. 3, Parkwood Knolls; th. Nly along rear Lot Lines of said
B1. 3 to N line thereof; th. E. to pt. on Sly line of Lot 16, Aud.Subd.No.325
which is 313.85 Ft. E. of SW Cor. thereof; th. Nly to pt. on N. line of Lot 12,
Aude Subd.No. 325 which is 319.125 Ft. from Cor. thereof; th..VJ. to SVJ Coy.
Qf Lot 5, Aud.S6do No.325; th. "N. to intersection of Tyler ana Maloney &res.;
th. W. to VJ. line of Sec~30,T.117,R.21; th: Sly, along said l'?. line gnd Vi. line of Sec. 31, T.117,R. 21, to SVJ Cor. of said Sec: 31; th..Ely to NW Cor, of
Sec.6,Tof16,R.21; tho Sly al6ng Wly line of said Section 6 to the IVly extgnsiqn '
of S. Cot Line of Lot 1, Aud.Subd.196; {h. Ely along Sly line thereof and,$ly
line of Lot 3, Aud.Subd.196 €0 SE Cor. of said-Lot 3; th. Qly to NWly Cor, of
Lo€ 6, B1. 2, Naas Lakeside Addn.; th. SEly'along NEly lot line of said Lot.6
to SW Cor. of Lot 4, Aud.SGbd.196; th. Eiy to SE Cor, thereof; th., Sly to pt.
on Uly lot line of; Lot.17, 'Aud.Subd.i96, said pt. being 676.5' Sly of Ifti Cor.
thereof; th. Eby to'a pt. on Wly iot Line of cot 18, Aud.Subd.196, said pt.
being '120' Nll'.of SYJ Cor. thereof; th. Sly to sl;r Cor. *thereof; th. Ely to SE
Cor. thereof; th."Sly to NE Cor. of Lot 8, B1. 1, Indian Hills; tho Sly to SE
,Cor, thgreof; tho Sly to'E Cor. of Lot 3, B1. 7, Indian Hills; tho SEly to SE
Cor'. thereof; th. SWlf to SU 'Cor. theieof; -tho Sg1.j *to Ss Cor. of Lot 4, said
Bl. "7; th. Ely to SE Cor. of Lot 1, said B1. 7; tho NEly to Wd Cor. of Lot 2,
B1. 2, Indian Hills; th* Elf to NE Cor: thereof; th. SEly tq NE Cor. ,of ,Lot 2,
€31. 3, Indian Hills; 'th. Sly along E. 'line of said B1.- 3 to a pt. yhich ,is 200'
N. df S. ljne of @ of of Sec. 6, T. "11.6, *$. 2:; th. Ely, pqrqllel to said S. lirie to cenferrine of dleason Road; th. SWy qlong .said cerlterline to its
intejrselction viith tKe centsrline of Val& View Road;+ th. Sly, at right angles
to Vie'J %'ad, a dist. of 200:; tho Ely, parallel to centerline of Valley . _-.
1/28/57 75
View Rd., to a pt. which is 500' W..of E. line of Sec.6,T.116,R.21,
of centerline of Valley View Rd.; th. Sly, parallel to E. line of- s
and 200' S.
id Sec.6, t
a pt. which is 600' S. of centerline of Valey View kd.; th. due E. to E. line of
said Sec. 6; th. Sly along said E. line to SE Cor. of said Sec. 6; th. E. to NW
Cor. of Lot 5, Prospect-Hills; th. SEly to SW Cor. thereof; th. Ely to SE Cor.
thereof; th. SEly to SVd Cor. of Lot 4, Prospect Hills; th. Ely to SE Cor. of
Lot 1, Prospect Hills; th. SEly to SW Cor. of Lot 2, B1. 3, Carolane Addn.; th.
Ely along S. line of Carolane Addn. to SE Cor. of Lot 2, B1. 1, Carolane Addn.;
th. Nly along E. line of Carolane Addn. a dist. of 161.2'; th. Ely and parallel
to centerline of W.7Oth St. to centerline of Cahill Rd.; th. Nly along centerline
of Cahill Rd. to a pt. which is-231' S. of centerline of W.70th St.; th. Ely
parallel to N. line of Sec.8,T.116,R021, to a pt. on a line which is parallel to
and 200' Sly of centerline of W.70th St.; th. Ely, parallel to and 200' Sly of
centerline of W.70th St., to W. line of Sec. 9,T.116,R.21; th. Sly along said
W.line Co SVJ Cor. of, Govt. Lot 1, Sebc 9, T.pl16, R. 21; th. SEly to intersection
of S. line of Govt. Lot 2, said Sec. 9 with the W. right-of-way line of State
Hwy.No. 100; th. Ely along S. line of said Govt. Lot 2to E. line of Sec. 9,
T.116, R.21; th. Sly along said E. line to a pt. which is 200' S. of N. line of
S* of SV?* of Sec.31,T.28,R024; th. Ely parallel to and 200: 5. of N. line to E.
line of SW* of said Sec. 31; th. Nly along E. line of said SVk$ to NE Cor. of said
SV& th. Ely along S. line of W. 20 acres of SV& of NE+ of Sec. 31,T.28,R024;
tho Nly to NE Cor. of said 20 acre tract; th. Ely along N. line of S-$ of NE$ of
Sec. 31,T028,R.24 to centerline of France Ave.; th. Nly along said centerline to
pt. of beginning."
Fronk's motion for adoption of Resolution was seconded by Tupa.
Bredesen asked the audience if it was clear to all that the Council-will levy
an assessment immediately upon completion of the project, against the area beyond
the terminus of the line, for that area's proportionate share of construction cost
of the line--which is being constructed sufficiently large to serve this area in
%he future--and of the lift station also necessary to serve this area.
no objection from the audience on this method of assessment.
asked that some provision be mads for deferment of assessment in the area to be.
immediately served, but Mr. Bredesen stated it is the Council's feeling khat the
Village General Fund should not be required to finance costs in the area to be
immediately served; that it is doubtful whether any deferred assessment would be
Before calling for a rollcall vote on the above resolution, Mayor
There was
Mr. R.E. Olson I
Upon Rollcall on adoption of the were five ayes and no nays, as
follows: Bank, aye; Dickson, aye; and Bredesen, aye; and
the Resolution was adopted. /-
.'Village Clerk
Manaqer Hyde presented Tabulation of Bids, showing seven bids, for Ford,. Chevrolet,
Plym&th,-Buick and Pontiac; with the bid of Hopkins Motor Sales Co. on two-4Dr.
Custom Suburban Station Wagons being low, at a cost of $4,-797.00 less tax of
approximately $150 per vehicle.
and Bank so moved.
He recommended award of contract to low bidder
Motion seconded by Fronk and carried.
COMPLAINT ON CONDITION OF WATER. Mr. and Mrs. Keith L. Carlson, 6021 Chowen Ave.,
were present to complain that their water is rust colored.
articles of clothing, to demonstrate the validity of their complaints.
Carlson stated she can bleach her yellowed clothes with oxalic acid, but that this
ruins them in time. Manager Hyde explained that, after considerable research, the
Village has contracted for a treatment to keep the iron in the water in suspension;
but the Carlsons maintained that the problem is singularly their own--that their
neighbors are not having trouble; that they feel the water tap may have been
improperly made at the bottom of the pipe, thus allowing foreign matter to enter
their pipe. Mr. Carlson stated that there are actually flakes of foreign matter
in the water--that it is not only the color which is bothering them.
Hyde was instructed to have the house connection dug up and inspected at the
earliest possible time--preferably tomorrow.
They brought several
PUBLIC HEALTH NURSING REPORT FOR DECEMBER, 1956, was filed, reviewed, and ordered
placed on record.
reported that Ab. Folke Victorsen's release to thenvillage from damages for
change in grade awaits Council's decision on assessment for stokm sewer.
Engineer Zikan reported that the-work is finished and the sewer in-operation;
that.Rublic Hearing.can be had, soon, if Council-so wishes, and after payment .
of final estimate. Public Hearing was tentatively scheduled for first-regular
meeking in March.
reported receipt of letter from owner, asking for relief from street improve-
ment assessments along %he North line of his ptcoperty (100.15 Ft.), which now
abuts a street (the turn-around pprtion of "Nprth" flormandale Court,,
constructed' after Lot 6 was purchased, by this orirney. ) Discussion was had,
with Attorney Windhorst advising $hat ;this Council .cannot bind future
Councils on any policy in this jpat>er., Letter referred $0 k. Gipdhorst for
reply .
an amendment to the sev&r rental ordinance, to make the-discpunt provision
clearer. bank offered the following ,Ordinance, moying thqt Council dispense
with secpnd reading. and adopt Ordinance as read: I
Section 1. I
Subsection (b) of Section 1 of Ordinance No. 231 of the Village of Edina - is hereby amended to read:
"(b) Fees, -: The follovlring gross and net fees and rates are hereby
m Quarterly Charge
Group Gross Net
r'ixed and established :
A $2. 75 $2.50
B $3 30 $3 00
II . C -(Metered Water) 114 C cu. ft. 104 C cu. ft.
(Metered Sewage) 12.14 C CU. ft. 11+ C CU. ft."
Section 2. 1
is hereby amended to read:
Subsection (d) of Section 1 of Ordinance No. 231 of the Village of Edina
"(d) Terms. Thegross rates shall apply unless the bill is paid
If such rental charge is not paid within (30) thirty
within the discount period, in which case the net rates shall
apply. days after the billing date, the Village shall certify the same
to the County Auditor of the County of Hennepin, and the same
shall be collected and the collection thereof enforced in the
same manner, in all respects as county and state taxes, and
they shall be added to such taxes, subject to like penalty,
costs and interest charges. The County Treasurer of Hennepin
County shall, when such sewer rental charges are collected by
him, forthwith pay them over to the Village Treasurer,*'
Section 3.
cation according to law. ID This ordinance shall be in effect from and after its passage and publi-
Motion for adoption of Oqdinance as read, and for waiver of second reading,
was seconded by Dickson, and on Rollcall t f..ollov~s: Bank, aye; Dickso,n, aye; Fronk, aye.;
the Ordinance vias adoptefi.
Village Clerk I
model ordinances, which were ref erred to Attorney Windhorst for study.
Zikan reported that the State Board of Health recommends adoption .of a
contiuolling ordinance.
Engineer Zikan presented two
complaint by IJr. Robert E. Ostman, 5613 County Road 18, that Village surveying
crews had damaged his alfalfa fields and cut some trees during work for the
Nine-lJile Sewer. I.lr. Zikan told the Council he had investigated .to the best
&h%s &i.1-i-ty but has been unable to pinpoint the blame; that he has asked
Mr- Os-tman fo? further information..
Engineer Zikan reported
Y- 1/28/57 I4
Manager Hyde reported that a Mr. Allan Hart has taken over the excavation on the
Delaney property; that Terry's bonding company has so informed the Village.
Tupa's motion, that Council deny Terry's requestifor extension of permit
beyond January 1, 1957, was seconded by Fronk and carried.
subdivision, stating that it has not yet come before the Planning Commission but
that it meets all requirements as to frontage and square footage minimumshnd
is merely a subdivision of already platted property.
Council approve subject to Plannins Commission's approval.
Manager Hyde presented Final Plat of this
He recommended that
Fronlc so moved,
Botion secbnded by Dickson and carried.
take bids on well and pump for the new site at
Fronk's motion granting authority to take bids
Dickson and carried.
Hyde asked for authority to
Hansen Road and Benton Avenue.
on February 11, was seconded by
METROPOLITAN PLANNING CONWISSION BILL. Pursuant to discussion held at the,
last meeting, Mr. Hyde asked Counci1"s policy on this proposed legislation.
It was consensus of opinion that the.Metropolitan Planning Commission, as
established by this bill, would serve a good purpose; namely that of a
clearing-house for the plans of the various municipalities, but some
disapproval was voiced on the possibility that 'future legislation would make
the recommendations of the Commission mandatory upon the municipalities.
Hyde strongly recommended going along with this legislation, citing strides
made by other metropolitan areas under the same type of system. Fronk's
motion, that the Council back this proposed legislation, was seconded by Tupa
and carried.
PAYMENT OF CLAIMS: Tupa's motion, for payment of the Eollowing Claims, as per
Pre-List No. 2 of January 28, was seconded by Dickson and carried.
General Fund ----- $8,416.7% Liquor Fund ------ $37,073003
Construction Fund- 76,434 -43 Sewer Rental Fund 803 . 41
Park Fund -------- 6,596.05
Water Fund ------- 1,492.08 . TOTAL $130,815078
This evening's agenda"s having been covered, Tupa moved for adjournment.
Motion seconded by Bank and
/ Village Clerk