HomeMy WebLinkAbout19570205_special12/213/56 eo0 NO YES NO -06 4 . e.. e. 0.0 i DJSTRUCTIONS TO VOTERS: IF YOU WSH TO VOTE It? FAVOR OF %ITHE$?, OF THE, ABOVE PROPOSITIONS, ILBK A CROSS (X) IIV THE SQUARE OPPOSITE THE WORD t1YES". ICGEDIATELY FOLXMING SUCH PROPOSITION. EIT€ER PROPCGITION, IfREIC A CROSS (X) IN THE SQU&G OPFO- SITE THE WORD "NO1' LCXEDIATELY FOLLOWING SUCH PROFOSITIOI$ IF YOU TESH TO VOTE AGi'iTN3T . On the back of each ballot there should be printed the words WFFICWL EORD the date of election, the facsimile signature of the Village Clerk and lines for the initials for two judges, 5. The commissioner of registration shall accept registrations of voters until the 20th day prior to said election and shall then conplete the &ection register for each district and deliver the register to the judges for the respective districts on the day preceding said election, Clerk shall also provide the election judges with suitable tally sheets, forms for official returns, ballot bexes and other necessary supplies for the con- duct, of said election. Said election shall be held and conducted in the manner prescribed by laihr, and the judges shall record opposite the name and address of each registered voter appearing in the election registers the words Wo-Ledtr or "not votedl' as the sase may be, and any challenge, affidavit or other in- formation as may be required. closing ofthe polls shall forthwith count the votes cask, and record the same in the official tally books, and said books, with the ballots cast and the election registers and the official returns shall thereupon be returned to the VSlage Clerk, 1957, at 1&:3O o'clock P.&, this Council shall meet as a canvassing board and declare the results appearing from said returns. I-lotion for adoption of the foregoing resolution was duly seconded by Tupa, and The Tillage The judges at each polling place upon the Within two days after the election, to-wit on February 7, Village Clerk LIQUOR CONTROL COI4tJISSION. the Liquor Control Comission, now -tnat the Village government is under Optional Plan B, of January 1, 1957, and that the Village Attorney be directed to draft an mend- Some discussion was had concerning the function of Dickson's motion, that the Liquor Control Comission be abolished as 12/28/56 ( men5 to'tlie present Xquor Ordinance to -this effect, vas seconded by 3zdc and cwried. PL2JX:Ii:G COiLLE33IOI.Z LFFOIIXEZ! to the natter o€ appointnents -to the Fla~~iing Colilrrission--Vne terms os" Ifessrs, -Eudolph J, Lofgren and John Foley expiring January 1, 1357. He suGested the appintnent of Xr. TXllian A. :;TilHnson, to replace IIr. Lofgren tho has served for three years, wd the re-apFointment 02 I&. Poley, vho hss served only ~TIO months ments was seconded by Bank and carried. beginnkg Jvluzry 1, 1957. PD3. EOAZl :iPPOIITTXXl!: POLICY. ZIr. Bredesen asked Tor confirmation of his tentative appointment of 12. Hehb H. Strachauer to the Pajrk Board, for a three-year term begbninz January 1, of eppointment was seconded by Em& and camied. Parks and fiecrea-Lion Director French asked for sone estzb?_ished policy as to procedure of advisory corm5%tees, stating that the natter of the ch&mms'aip of the con-ai-l;'cee is in doubt-does the Board elect its chaiman, or does the Council zppoint? Council asked that some formalized recomendatiozis'as to procedure be presented at the nexb regular meeting. A:J&d OF C-XTRIGT, TXhiISIT &ID LW'BL. Sids taken Deceaber 21, explaining that &e bid of H.h, Rogers Coo is low on the Transit 15th TriFod, at 2792.00, less trade-in of ;125.OO for a net of $667.00; that I-eqolis Blue Printing Co. is lorr for the L~ml t~i-th Tripd, zt :':f:05,00. He recornended award of contract to low bidder in both casesz and Tupa so moved, 'liotion seconded by Dickson and carried. Ib,yor Sredesen called Council! s attention Dichonts notion for Council confirmation of Ikyor 3rcdesen' 3 appoint- Appobtnerrts =e 2or three-year -tern, Tupslts motion for Council confirmation Engineer Zikan presented Tabulztion of ATJ!iRiI 03 COXTRACT, TF~LCTO%~ADZR. Council rsviewd Tabulation of Bids taken December 1-0, together xith a 6.ritten recornendation fron Parks RecreEtion Director French, =de after deuonstration by a31 makes, for the Interna-Lional mzc'hine. Astleford Zqyipent Coapany for the International 300 Tractor with Da-vis Eodel 102 Heavy du%y Loader, and broom and blade, at price of [;3,995.C0, was seconded by Tu= and carried. Bank's notion 'chat reconbendation be accepted 2nd award be Rade to TU31 iZZXllE 0:3 YOUTH. Eowd 5nfomaUy, soon, .to discuss various aspects of Yds meeting. agreeable wi%h Council. 1.1ayor Eredesen suggested that Council neet x.i%h School This There being no further business to come before t115.s meeting, Tupa movsd for adjournment. Lotion seconded by Banl; and carried. Keeting zdjourned. it 5:fO POL I