HomeMy WebLinkAbout19570314_adjourned3/14/57
THURSDAY, I.'MCH 14, 1957, AT 7:30 PA
Members answering Rollcall were Bank, Fronk and Tupa, -,.
presided in Llayor Bredesen's absence.
BIDS ON SANITARY SEKER 1E"IROVEl:iEP.T NO. C-1. The Village Wanager announced that the
bids for the construction of Sanitary Sewer Improvement No. (2-1, viith the exception
of a lift station, as provided for in the plans and specifications of the improve-
ment on file nith the Village Clerk, have been received this morning at 11:OO o'clock
at the Village Hall as called for in the advertisement for bids, and that said bids
were turned over to the Village Engineer for tabulation.
presented affidavits showing publications of notices of advertisement for bids in
the official newspaper and in the Construction Bulletin on February 21 and 25, and on
&larch 7,' 1957. Said affidavits were examined, found satisfactory, and ordered placed
on file; and upon motion duly made, seconded and carried the terms of said notices
were in all respects confirmed, approved and ratified.
Islayor Pro Tem Fronk who
I The Village I.!anager then
The Village Nanager then presented to the Council the bids for the construction of
said improvement as tabulated by the Village Engineer which were found to be as
follov?s :
Peter Lametti Const. Co., %.Paul $1,222,193.47
Phelps-Drake, Inc. , Kinneapolis $1,238,869.00
Lametti & Sons, Inc., St. Paul $1,389,527.66
$ NO BID $1,354,784.46
$1,379,564.00 31,335,734.00
NU BID $1,465,510.24
Engineer Zikan explained that proposal blanks for this bid kontained items showing
quantities of pipe at certain cuts; these items having been figured on cuts from
the existinq around level to the pipe invert; that proposal blanks also contained
a quantity of excavation--which excavation vzould decrease the amount of deep cuts
and increase the amount of shallow cuts; that, while the bids as read shor;. Peter
Lametti Construction Company to be low bidder on "A" above, that, based on removal
of the dirt from the existing ground level to the proposed street Grades in those
areas vhich are being platted, the actual total cost of constructin2 the sewer is
loaer using Plelps-Drake's unit prices than it would be using Lametti's unit prices,
the difference being some $15,000 to $20,000.
Department has not yet had time to make a complete and absolute check but that
his figures are based upon a preliminary check made between receipt of bids and
this present time.
He stated that the Engineering
I-Tanager Hyde explained that, at the time the specifications were being made up full
information was not yet in for streets in such proposed plats as Stow's, Coffman's,
Chapman's, Roy Peterson's, etc.; that, now, it is possible to determine what the
street grades will be and that it is cheaper for the Village to cause the dirt above
the proposed street grades to be removed by scraper before the sewer trench is dug.
Engineer Zikan was asked about the relative bidsL-concrete pipe vs . cast-iron pipe--
in relation to oves-all present and future economy, and stated that estimates given
at the public hearing on the improvement had been based on concrete pipe, that speci-
fications for the project had been tightened to prevent as much infiltration as
possible; that cast iron pipe cost will be way over estimate; and that concrete pipe
will meet the estimate and do a good job. At this time LIanager Hyde introduced Ut-.
Parnell, a cast iron pipe representative, who stated that in view of the Engineer's
recormendation he had no corrment.
I&. Borman, Attorney €or Peter Lametti Construction Company, protested that when
bids were read Lametti vas lov: on the over-all basis; that, now, by the Engineer's
doing the job in a little different manner and eliminating certain items and
increasing other items, another bidder comes out low bidder.
that there is a legal possibility of doing what the Council u:ishes to do.
He stated he doubts
Village Attorney 'Jindhorst stated that, in his opinion, the one major point is that
the totals as computed by all three bidders actually included two inconsistent things;
1. Deep cuts. 2. Removal of ciirt--vihich dirt removal wouldn't be necessary for the
deep cuts; and that, therefore, the contract cannot be performed as bid.
that from the Village standpoint there are tv;o ways of re-figuring the bids:
Deep cuts, with no dirt removal--in which case Lametti is low; and 2.
dirt and no deep cuts, in which case Pielps-Drake is loa; that there is no difference
between equities as far as contractors are concerned; that totals are based on a set
He said
Removal of
3/14/57 a 0'7
of circumstances which cannot exist; that the Courts have laid down the condition
that there can be a "reasonable variance in quantities without invalidating a
contract". He states he believes that the difference set forth by Mr. Zikan is a
minor variance in terms of the total contract.
refigured bids :
Idr. Uindhorst quoted Engineer's
Deep cuts, with no dirt removal--Phelps-Drake Co., $1,191,000 and Lametti,
Dirt removal and no deep 'cuts--Phelps-Drake Co., $1,208,000 and Lametti,
51,206 , 000; and
He stated that from a Village standpoint the bid which produces the lowest total
figure should be accepted--this being Phelps-Drake's $1,191,000.
Bank's motion, that contract be awarded to low bidder on basis of re-figured bid
on concrete pipe, subject to approval of plans by State Board of Health and subject
to the Village Engineer's concluding there has been no mistake on their part in
arriving at the re-figured costs on the two competitive bids; that, if any dis-
crepancy has ocnurred Council be called into session at 5:OO P.M., Friday, March 9th,
was seconded by Tupa and carried.
Mr. Borman advised the Council that "Peter Lametti Cons&uction Company reserve's its
right against the Village for what it feels is the improper award of this bid".
Attorney YJindhorst suggested that both bidders be present at the re-check on
Friday, and both indicated they would have representatives present, although Rlr.
Lametti demurred at the time to be spent, stating he would be satisfied with a
writt,en tabulation of re-figured bids.
Zikan reported that there are several easements as yet unsighend; and Bank'ls motion
authorizing and directing Village Engineer and Village Attorney to initiate
condemnation proceedings for these easements was seconded by Tupa and carried.
BEER LICENSES FOR YEAR APRIL 1, 1957 TO APRIL 1, 1958, Mr. Hyde presented the
following applications for Beer Licenses, recommending that Council approva all
applications :
Mabel S. Wong dba Wong's Grandview Cafe - Off Sale and On Sale (New)
Kermit 5. Dahm dba Brown Derby Cafe - Off Sale and On Sale (Renewal)
Olson Bros. Pharmacy - Off Sale (Renewal )
C.F. Correll dba Correll's Dairy Store - Off Sale (Rancwal )
Red Ocvl Stores, Inc. - Southdale - Off Sale (Renewal )
Tupa's motion that licenses be granted vias seconded by Bank and carried.
PROPOSED DOG ORDINANCE AMENDMENT: Bank's motion, that Village Council initiate
procedure to have "Dog Ordinance" ameqded to require leashing year around, with
first reading of Ordinance to be April 8. Motion seconded by Tupa and carried.
left the meeting, and meeting was about to adjourn, kk. Parnell asked to be allowed
to speak for his product, setting forth some telling arguments in favor of use of
cast iron pipe over use of concrete pipe--comparative lengths of pipe, superior
strength of cast iron pipe, etc. Engineer Zikan asked if State Board of Health
approval had been received on the type of joint to be used and was informed that
suppliers do not yet have this approval.
investigate the possibility that the increase in cost of constructing sewer of
cast iron pipe might be offset in future years by the difference in costs paid to
Minneapolis because of infiltration. I
At this time, after bidders had
Council asked Engineer Zikan to
Bank's motion for adjournment of meeting to
by Tupa and carried. P.M., Friday, March 15, was seconded
Village Clerk