HomeMy WebLinkAbout19570422_regular412215 7 ISINWES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE EDINA AT-7:30 P.M., IN THE EDINA VILLAGE HALL. I'TLLAGE COUNCIL, HELD A:OiNDAY, APRIL 22, 1957, IPlembers answering Rollcall were Bank, Dickson, Fronk, Tupa and Bredesen. Xnutes of the Regular Xeeting of April 8, 1957, were approved as submitted, by motion Fronk, Seconded by Tupa and carried. , AVJARD OF BIDS TAKEN APRIL 22: Bids taken this morning on the France Avlenue Project5 approved at the last regular meeting. Excavating Company is low on Total Bid, at $63,648.26; Pnelps-Drake is second- low, with $65,712.28. stating that he believes this company can do the job even though it is a small concern. Low bid was read as follows: Slt'ANSON EXCAVATING CO. SANITARY SEER NO. 124 - France Ave. from 132 Ft. N. of SANITARY SELER NO. 125 - France Ave. from Fuller St. to IdIanager Hyde presented Engineer's Tabulation of He reported that six bids were received; that Swanson Hanager Hyde recommended award of contract to low bidder, Halifax Ave. (Two Oaks Addn.) to 280 Ft. N. 190 Ft. I?.; and France Aske. from Fuller St. to 360 Ft. S. of tY.55th St. $ 6,460.05 SANITARY SEYZR NO. 126 - France Ave. from W.62nd St. to U.64th St.; Easement on N. Line .of Evans Addn. from France Ave. to Dodd Place; Chowen Ave.; Dodd Place. $28,570.51 Crosstown HI,.y.; Crosstown H;.y. from France Ave. to Dodd Place; Dodd Place from Crosstown *.yo to N. Line of Evans Addn.; Chovren Ave. from Crosstown %vy. to N. Line of Evans Addn. $13,791.50 SANITARY SEVER NO. 127 AND I'IATERMAIN NO. 120 - Installation of Sanitary Sewer and Watermain Connections to existing mains in France Avenue between W.54th and 1;'.62nd Sts. $12,530.00 $ 2,296220 XATERMAIN NO. 119 - France kve. from M.62nd St. to TOTAL BID $635648.26 Engineer Zikan reported that State Board of Health approval hadhot yet been received, and Fronk moved for award of contract to low bidder, subject to receipt of approval by State. Motion seconded by Tupa and carried. I PUBLIC HEARINGS OPJ PROPOSED IMPROVEfENTS: in Edina-1;lorningside Courier April 11 and 18, 1957, of "Notice of Public Hearings on Proposed Grading and Gravelling Improvements," which was approved as to form and ordered placed on file. Pursuant to said Notice, the following Hearings r:lere conducted and action taken: BELMOFZ LANE TO SPRUCE ROAD. Consulting Engineer, Mr. Keith Casvrell , presented as his Estimate of Cost (revised from that appearing in Notice of Hearing) a total of $4,002.00, as against 1,194.00 Assessable Feet, for $3.36 per Assess- able foot, this amount to include Oil. hlr. C. T. Bennett, one of the original petitioners for.the improvement, protested that the street is in fair condition, now; that the improvement is not needed. the proposed improvement, signed by fourteen of the sixteen property owners on the street. by Tupa and carried. 2. PUBLIC HEARIKG ON PROPOSED GRADING AND GRAVELLING OF BENTON AVENUE FROX TRACY AVENUE TO 5516 BENTOH AVENUE. presented as his Estimate of Cost (revised from that appearing in Notice of Hearing) a Total of $8,373.00, as against 1,700.69 Assessable Feet, for $4.92 per Assessable Foot, this amount to include 0il.Lk. Vl.1. Anderson, owner of Lots 22 and 47, asked that the work be expedited. the floor, and no written objections had been received prior to the Hearing. (See Resolution of Later in Meeting, approving). Clerk presented Affidavit of Publication 1 1 1. PUBLIC HEARING ON PROPOSED GRADING AND GRAVELLIKG OF ADALS AVENUE FROM He kthen presented a petition against Bank's motion, that proposed improvement be abandoned, was seconded Consulting Engineer, PJr. Keith Casnell, There were no objections from 3. PUBLIC HEARING ON PROPOSED GRADING AND GRAVELLING OF VILRYAN AVENUE FROIJ We66TH ST. TO 200 FT. NORTH OF VJ.65TH ST: AND YEST 65TH ST. FROM HIGH;:AY NO. 100 TO 150 FT. Vi. OF UILRYAN AVENUE. presented as his Estimate of Cost (Revised from that appearing in Notice of Hearing) a Total of $6,036.00 for the IYilryan portion, assessable against 1,500 Ft., for $4.04 per Assessable Feet; a Total of $3,716.00 for the YJ.65th St. portion, assessable against 760 Ft. For $4.90 per Assessable Foot. Parsons, 6509 'Slryan Avenue, presented petition in opposition to the improvement; others objected from the audience, and Fronk moved that proposed improvement be abandoned- Consulting Engineer, Xz. Keith Casvrell, Er. Cotion seconded by Tupa and carried. 4/22/57 4, NO. 100 TO TINGDALE AVENUE. Estimate of Cost (Revised from that appearing in Notice of Hearing) a Total of $9,138.84, as against 1,527 Assessable Feet, for $5.00 per Assessable Foot; of ' which cost $2.76 per Assessable Foot is for Curb and Gutter necessary for wash protection. hk. Pat Gerard expressed himself in opposition to the improvement, and another gentleman objected on the grounds that W.66th Street may possibly become an access road to the Highway and, also, that the proposed project offers no appreciable improvement over what is now there. no one present to speak in favor, and Bank moved that project be abandoned. Motion seconded by Tupa and carried. PUBLIC HEARING ON PROPOSED GRADING AND GRAVELLING OF IV.66TH ST. FROM HIGHNAY Consulting Engineer Keith Caswell presented as his There was 5. PUBLIC HEARING ON PROPOSED GRADING AND GRAVELLING OF VJATERMAN AVENUE FROM ARTHUR STREET TO WATERMAN CIRCLE. his Estimate of Cost a Total of $1,482.00, assessable against 930 Assessable Feet, Consulting Engineer Keith Caswell presented as for $1.59 per Assessable Foot; this amount to include Oil. A spokesman for of the owners of abutting property stated the owners are opposed to the improvement; that they believe the grade is satisfactory and feel that gravel will not improve the situation; that they are unanimously opposed. Tupa's motion, that project be abandoned, was seconded by Bickson and carried. 6. PUBLIC HEARING ON PROPOSED GRADING AND GRAVELLING OF VAN BUREN AVENUE FROM BELllORE LANE TO MALONEY AVENUE. ItIr. Keith Casnell, Consulting Engineer, presented as his Estimate of Cost (Revised from that appearing in Notice of Hearing) a Total of $3,973.00 as assessed against 1,196.00 Assessable Feet, for $3.32 per Assessable Foot. Pjlr. Jack Ziegler, 400 Van Buren, stated he believes that no one in the area is in favor of spending this money. 1.k. Hall asked just what the project would do, and Alr. Caswell told him that the project will bring the street to grade, that 4'' of gravel will be applied and that a coat of oil will also be applied. Mr. Hall reminded Council that Lots 21 to 26 are owned by one individual who has a fence in the road right-of-way, and was told that removal of the fence would be part of the project and assessed over all properties. Mr. Lindemark, 414 Van Buren, asked that the petition be altered, inasmuch as the South part of the street is already widened and does have some gravel on it. him that the contractor is always instructed to use as much as possible of the material on the street as an integral part of the project. present it was discovered that owners of 15 lots approved of the project; and Mr. Ziegler then withdrew his objections. Council cannot firmly determine, now, that the exact cost will be $3.32 per foot; that said cost will depend upon bids taken; that cost may be more and may be less than Estimate. specifications on project instructions to contractor to use material now in street as part of project. in Neeting, approving project). 7. PUBLIC HEARING ON PROPOSED GRADING AND GRAVBLING OF GROVE STREET FROM 150 FT. EASTTO 150 FT. VEST OF DALE AVEW Consulting Engineer Keith Caswell's Estimate of Cost (Revised from that appearing in Notice of Hearing) was given as $2,380.50 assessable against 400 Ft., for $6.00 per Assessable Foot. present to ask that improvement be expedited. floor, and no written objections had been received prior to the Hearing. Zikan reported receipt of request by one of the owners on the South side of Grove Street, at Dale, for Sanitary Sewer and Water Service. He suggested that completing the project, now, before underground services were installed, would be expensive and would mean tearing up the completed intersection. approved, approval be given subject to completion of sewer and watermain installation. Fronk's motion, approving Engineer's recomendation, was seconded carried. (See Resolution of later in Meeting, approving project.) HOLLYWOOD ROAD TO DIVISION STREET. of Cost (Revised from that appearing in Notice of Hearing) was given as $9,172.00, being fi4,94 per Assessable Foot for Grade-Gravel-Oil, and $2.64 per Assessable Foot for Curb and Gutter which should be considered integral part of the project. Hyde reviewed for Council the history of the project, including the Council's action of 1952, to closekhat portion of the road abutting the Hollywood Road properties now owned by Dr. R.N.Albinson and Mr. Clinton Carlson. IGr. Caswell told the Council that curb and gutter should be installed to insure the gravel's remaining on the street. Dr. Wohlrabe protested the improvement, acting for Dr. Albinson and !fir. Carlson. of the abutting properties, and there were no other objections. asked that improvement be expedited, and Bank offered the following Resolution and moved its adoption: The Engineer informed Upon a poll of those Trustee Bank told the audience that the Fronk then moved that Engineer be instructed to include in Motion seconded by Tupa and carried. (See Resolution of later Mr. Ernie Hansen was There were no objections from the Engineer He asked that, if project is by Tupa and 8. PIIBLIC HEARING ON PROPOSED GRADING AID GRAVELLING OF VANDERVORK AVENUE FROM Consulting Engineer Keith Caswell's Estimate Manager However, it was determined that petition is signed by owners of a majority Mr. W. R. 14antin I P 4/22/57 RESOLUTION ORDERING 1E;IFRWEFtIENTS GRADING AND GRAVELLING Tf:IPROVEKENTS NOS. 72, 73, 74 APD 75 BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the Village of Edina, Llinnesota, that this Council heretofore caused notices of hearings to be duly published on the f o 11 ouing proposed improvements : 5516 Benton Avenue. Baloney Avenue. Kest of Dale Avenue. to Division Street. 1. 2. 3. 4. Grading and Gravelling of Benton Avenue from Tracy Avenue to Grading and Gravelling of Van Buren Avenue from Belmore Lane to Grading and Gravelling of Grove St. from 150 Ft. East to 150 Ft. Grading and Gravelling of Vandervork Avenue from Hollywood Road and at the hearings held at the time and place specified in said notice the Council has duly considered the views of all persons interested, and being fully advised of the pertinent facts does hereby determine to proceed with the construction of said improvements; that said improvements are hereby designated and shall be referred to in all subsequent proceedings as follows: NO. 1 ABOVE NO. 2 ABOVE NO. 3 PBOTIE NO. 4 ABOVE NANE OF 1f.fPROVEIEIdT Street Improvement Xo. 72 Street Improvement No. 73 Street Improvement No. 74 Street Improvement Xo. 75 BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that construction of STREET I!tiROVEiENT NO. 72 shall be with express understanding, incorporated in specifications, that material in street shall, insofar as possible, be used by contractor; and, that construction of STREET IVPROVErEiNT NO. 73 shall proceed only after installation of requested sewer and water connections. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the areas to be specially assessed for the foregoing improvements shall include all lots and tracts of land abutting the streets proposed to be improved. I2otion for adoption of Resolution was seconded by Fronk, and on Rollcall there were five ayes and no nays, Tupa, aye; and Bredesen, aye; and the as Llayor Village Clerk REQUEST FOR PERMIT TO BUILD BEFORE PLATTING-NORTH 1/2 OF LOT SEVEN, ROLLING GREEN. Ik. T~alling'requested permit to build before platting. He was informed that he must submit approval in writing, by Rolling Green Association, for both replat and house plan; that, if Association approves, a $200 performance bond or certified check will be * required to insure his platting at a later date. REQUEST FOR PERIAIT TO INSTALL PRIVATE GAS PUS' AND STORAGE TANK AT 6200 XERXES AVE. Ifz. Karl &ah1 requested permit to install gas pump and storage tank to service his own trucks and equipment. 200 feet back of Xerxes Avenue; that it will be only for his own use. that permit be granted, was seconded by Dickson and carried. He stated the pump will be 100 feet behind his garage and Fronkts motion, PETITIONS FOR Ik?PROVEE;IEiJTS: and action taken as hereinafter recorded: 1. The following petitions for improvements nere filed, Petition on Eatermain in Kilryan Avenue between !'/.63rd and I'1.64th St. - ?.!!. Peter Elsen supported his petition, stating that the watermain is needed, that it should have been constructed as a part of the large watermain improvement ordered in last fall. the Hearing on this watermain; stating that preliminary engineering has been completed on this line. Hearing thereon €or Llonday, !.lay 13, 1957, and ordering that bids be taken at the Engineer's earliest discretion, was seconded by Tupa and carried. 2. Petition €or Blacktopping - Rorth Avenue between Koore--F"-North Side, and Dead End. - 3. Petition for Oiling-South Knoll Drive between Blake Road and Schaefer Road; and Knoll Drive between Blake Road and Schaefer Road. - 4. Petition For Sanitary Sever - Sherwood Road from fi~y.#169 to Richwood Drive; Edenmoor Street, and Richwood Drive - Fronk moved that petitions 2, 3 and 4 be accepted, that Oiling proceed in accord with Village policy, and that other two petitions be referred to Village Engineer, blotion seconded by Dickson and carried. Kz. Hyde revievzed for the Council the action taken at the time of Bank's motion, accepting petition, scheduling Public 4/22/57 PETITION FOR PERMlT TO BUILD DOUBLE BUNGALOYJS on Lots 3,4,5,6,9,10,11,12, Block 4, Tingdale Eros. Brookside Addition, filed by Mr. C. Walter Jarnberg, was referred to the Planning Commission for recommendation, by motion Fronk, seconded by Dickson and carried. '( PURCHASE OF PARK PROPERTY AT FORSLIN DRIVE AND HANSEN ROAD was discussed, with 1:lanager Hyde reporting that this property now has a new owner, who wants $2,800 per lot for six lots. No formal action was taken, but it was consensus of opinion that $2,800 for the entire tract would be closer to its true value. HOPKINS-EDINA JOINT ROAD. alternate plans for "Spruce Road", which Hopkins is proposing as a joint project, involving purchase of some of the old Streetcar Right-of-\!'ay. reluctant to consider the abandonment of its presently dedicated 40-foot street in this area, and Fronk moved, directing the Village Engineer to study Hopkins' proposition and make recommendations thereon to the Council. Bank and carried. Hopkins City Manager Frizzell was present , with three Edina Council is Motion seconded by COIflINUATION OF PUBLIC HEARING ON ASSESSPENT FOR STORM SE!'IER IMPROVEMENT NO. 23. Engineer Zikan reviewed for the Council the proceedings to this point, including the Council's action in ordering the replacement of a line from France Avlenue, \'!est; and h-mger Hyde reported it has been suggested that the General Fund, through its Storm Sewer Maintenance Account, bear the cost of the replacement of this line, and that the balance of the project be assessed. $2,437.15 be borne by the General Fund; and that Assessment be levied in the amount of $4,449.96--vrhich is made up of $3,808.39 Construction Cost, $30.00 for miscellaneous easements, $385.34 for Engineering and Clerical Cost, $15.00 for Publishing and Supplies, and $189.08s ag$pitalized Interest; and which means an assessment of $.0232 per Assessable B rmC Foot, as compared with an Estimated Cost of $.028 per Assessqble Square Foot. Mr. Wm. Shaw protested method of assessment, on the grounds that the storm sewer is primarily to drain France Avenue and the assessment district should, therefore, be enlarged. He was informed, however, that the area cannot be enlarged after the Public Hearing on the Improvement has been held; that the General Fund assessment, here, is because of the fact that France Avenue is drained; that, the present line running from France Avenue is only to replace a drain previously installed across private property. 54th St., complained that shubbery on his property had not been replaced, and Llanager Hyde replied that this would be done. and moved its adoption:/ He stated it is the recommendation that IJr. Glenn A. Burdick, 3909 VI. Bank offered the following Resolution RESOLUTION ADOPTING AND CONFIRMING ASSESSMENT FOR STORM SEWER IMPROVEMENT NO. 23 BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the Village of Edina as follows: 16 It is hereby found, determined and declared that the proposed assessment for STORM SEWER IMPROVEMENT 29 have been properly calculated in accordance with the provisions of 'Alinnesota Statutes Section 412.441 j that notice has been duly published as required by law, that this Council would meet to hear and pass upon a11 objections, if any, to amend said proposed assessments as might be necessary, and to adopt the same by resolution; that said proposed assessments have at all times since their filing been open for public inspection, and opportunity has been given to a11 interested persons to present their objections; and that each of the lots, pieces and parcels of land enumerated in the respective assessments was and is specially benefited by the construction of the improvement for which assessment is levied in the amount set opposite the description of each lot, piece and parcel of land respectively. 2. The amount so set out are hereby levied against the respective lots, pieces and parcels of land described in said respective assessments, and said proposed assess- ments are hereby adopted and confirmed as the proper special assessments for said STORM SEVER IJdPROVEbENT NO. 29. The assessment against each lot, tract or passal, together with the interest accruing on the full amount thereof from time to time unpaid, at the rate of five percent per annum from the date of this resolution, shall be a lien concurrent with general taxes upon the property described therein and a11 thereof. annual installments extending over a period of ten years, the first of said install- ments, together with interest on the entire assessment from the date hereof to December 31, 1Q58, to be payable with the general taxes for the year 1957, and one of the remaining installments, with one year's interest on that and all subsequent installments, to be payable with general taxes for the year 1952 through 1366, collectible in the respective ensuing years. 3. Prior to certification of -the assessment to the County Auditor, the oivner of any lot, piece or parcel of land assessed hereby may pay the whole of such assessment or any installment thereof without interest to the Village Treasurer and thereafter such payment may be made with accrued interest to the County Treasurer; provided that if any assessments or installments thereof be prepaid to the Village Treasurer, they shall be cancelled on the books of the Village Treasurer, and he shall promptly notify the Village Clerk and County Auditor, and the assessment or installment so I The total amount of each such assessment shall be payable in equal consecutive i 4/22/57 prepaid shall be cancelled on the books of the County Auditor. 4. a certified duplicate of said assessments, with each then unpaid installment and interest set forth separately, to be extended upon the proper tax lists of thhe County, and the County Auditor shall thereafter cause said assessments to be designated and collected in the manner provided by lau. ment roll shall be designated as ASSESSIENT ROLL FOR STORU SECER 1LIPROVEl.IENT EO. 29; and all amounts collected in respect of the assessments therein contained shall be similarly designated by the County Treasurer and remitted to the Village Treasurer, and by him credited to the I!:lPROVEMENT BOND REDE!:PTIOiJ FW. The Clerk shall, as soon as may be, prepare and transmit to the County Auditor Said duplicate assess- Xotion for adoption of Resolution was seconde were five ayes and no nays, as follows: Bank Tupa, aye; and Bredesen, aye; and the Resolut n, and on Rollcall there I STREET LIGHT REQUEST. Halifax Lane, about even with ;:'.55th Street and down in the hollow. Eanager Hyde pointed out to Council that Northern States Power Company does not include such a light in its new program, and informed applicants that the Village would order the Company to add this light. A request was made for installation of a street light on REQUEST FOR STREET NAE CHANGE--"ORWKIRRK LANE" BACK TO "ROYCAR ROAD". Hyde reported having received heartfelt requests by two of the new residents of Ormskirk Lane for a change in the street name, back to Roycar Road. had reviewed the reason for the Council's action (this being Alr. Ormes' request for the name change, at the time he was the only resident on the street), but that the two ladies still were not satisfied. Bank's motion, that Public Hearing be set on the proposed change of name back to Roycar Road €or Konday, Kay 13, was seconded by Dickson and carried. Manager He stated he ORDINANCE LICEPISIKG AfJUSEIXNT DEVICES. $10.00 per year license fee for kiddy rides; that $15.00 per year seems to be agree- able to distributors. also reported that there are now several "bowling" games, "football" games, etc., in operation in the Village; that l.'iinneapolis charges $25.00 per game for these devices. Council suggested that Uanager work with Village Attorney on a strict ordinance covering these latter games, and was agreeable to license fee recommended by the Llanager for the kiddy rides. Manager Hyde reports that r5nneapolis charges HZ recommended that a licensing ordinance be adopted. He I HELIPORT REQUEST. Heliport, to be ?illage-owned but financed by State and Federal Funds and t'ne Company was reported and discussed. seconded by Tupa and carried. The request of Heliflights, Inc., for space and pernit for a Bank moved that the request be tabled. Xotion OEtDINANCE REGULATIPG TAG D,4YS. Kanager Hyde reported receipt of many requests for Tag Day perinits, some by organizations heretofore unheard of. Helsuggested Ynat a strict regulatory ordinance be adopted, and Council directed him and Attorney 'i.!indhorst to draft such an ordinance for Council review. BUSHES AID EVERGREENS IN BOULEVARDS A TRAFFIC HAZARD. attention to the traffic hazard posed by the evergreens growing at the Interlachen entrances to Hilldale and Rolling Green; and Manager Hyde reported that the Police Department is doing wiiat it can to have shrubbery hazards removed throughout the Village. Village Xanager instructed to have hazards in Rolling Green and Hilldale removed at earliest opportunity. Trustee Bank called Council's OVERHEAD STREET LIGHTIG PROPOSAL BY NORTHERN STATES PPER COZANY, dated IJarch 1, 1957, was submitted to thhe Council by Manager Hyde, for study and revier:. STREET CO?JDITIONS AID PXOPCjSED CHANGED IN LETHOD OF ASSESS!-ENT FGR BLACKTOP REPLACE- IVENT. Kanager Hyde reported that the Village Fublic X'orks Department is making a survey of the condition of Blacktop Streets; that it is evident that there is serious trouble in the Golf Terrace area, in Rolling Green and in Hilldale; that, \-:here the base is bad the streets must be dug up and new base put in; that there is considerable seal coating to be done all through the Village; that he cannot give an- estimate of cost because the volume of work is too great. especially bad because of this winter's lack of snow oovering. suggested that the Council revise its method of assessment, and that an assessment be made for blacktop replacement. feeling that the General Fund should bear the cost of maintenance once a street is hard surfaced. He reported that the brea!tup is Ranager Hyds The Council disagreed with this last recormendation, 4/22/57 FINAL PLANS FOR STREET IIdIPROVEI~ENT NO. E-2 (County Projec't No. 5612) FRANCE AV%. 1 Manager Hyde reported receipt in this office today of Final Plans for the France - Avenue Paving Project, our Street Improvement No. E-2. He stated that the County Engineer is most anxious that the plans'be approved, in order that the County may take bids; and, inasmuch as this Council will not meet again for three weeks, he recommended adoption of a resolution asked by the County, with the understanding tiia'c said resolution will not be.forwarded to the County until both the Village Engineer and the Village IJanager have examined and approved these plans. Bank moved for adoption of the following Resolution, with the reszrvation that copy thereof be not forwarded to Hennepin County until Village Manager and Village Engineer have app.endedktheir approval of said plans: -I_ RESOLUTION APPROVING PLANS FOR ED INA STREET IMPROVEI~ENT NO. E-2: HENNEPIN COUNTY PROJECT NO. 5612 YIIHEREAS, plans for Grading and Concrete Paving Project No. 5612 (Edina Street Improvement No. E-2) , showing proposed alignment, profiles , grades, and cross-sections, together with specifications and special provisions for the construction of State Aid Road No. 17 within the limits of the Village as a State Aid Project have been prepared and presented to the Village: special provisions be in all things approved. NOY!, THEREFORE, IT IS RESOLVED: That said plans, specifications and Motion for adoption of the Resolution, with its accompanying reservation, was seconded by Tupa, and on Rollcall there were fiv Resolution was adopted. ATTE a es and no nays, as follows: Bank, aye; Dickson, aye; Fronk, aye; Tupa, ay 0 and, Bredeseq,aye; and the - Mayor Village Clerk PAYbENT OF CLAIMSE Bank moved for payment of Claims as per Pre-List dated .'ipril 22, 1957, as follows: General Fund ----- 3 11,343.61 Liquor Fund ----- $ 14,744.88 Construction Fund- $ 11,801.01 Sewer Rental Fund $ 4,121.79 Parks Fund $ 555.52 Improvement Funds 3212,134.15 TOTAL $287,451.05 Katerworks Fund -- $ 32,639.26 Poor Fund $ 110.80 TERRY EXCAVATING COFhPANY PERMIT TO EXCAVATE ON 1'1.70TH ST.-DELANEY PROPERTY. In connection with the Bonding Company's request for release of their bond in the above operation, a report, dated March 28, 1957, setting forth the matter of Ik. Allen Hartns assuming the operation of this excavation in 1956, was submitted. The report stated that the grade Geems to be satisfactory; suggested that a survey be requested in order to determine if more excavation is desirable; that, if further excavation is to be allowed a new contract be drawn and new permit be issued. take out his gravel and crushed material; that there nlll be no furtli?r excavation. He suggested that the back part of the property be cut to street grade, and it was noted that this is in line with a suggestion by the Village n ineer L an e?rlier m t'n a r latin to San'tay Sewer Im rovemen$ N0.C-1. ktfance oFLoperafiong wiff %$e god six jeeks. IhgiXeer and dnager directed to continue checku until operation ceases. Bond to be cancelled June.15 if land in PUBLIC HEARING ECHEDULED FOR STORhl SEIVER IMPROVEMENT.,. Plans and Estimates of (proper Cost were presented on a proposed storm sewer improvement, which Engineer Zikan asked be scheduled for a public hearing on May 13. following Resolution and moved its adoption: Mr. Allen Hart was.present, stated that all he wishes to do is to (conditior Bank offered the RESOLUTION PROVIDING FOR PUBLIC HEARING PROPOSED STORM SEWER IMPROVEAEE BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the Village of Edina: report as to the feasibility of the proposed Storm Sewer Improvement described in the Form of No-tice of Hearing set forth below, and as to the estimated cost of such improvement, said report is hereby approved and directed to be placed on file in the office of the Village Clerk. Edina Village Hall, to consider in public hearing the views of all persons interested in said proposed improvement. tJme, place and purpose of said meeting to be published in the official new- paper once a week for two successive weeks, the second of which publications is to be not less than three daysk€rom date of said meeting, which notice shall be in substantially the following form: NOTICE OF HEARIbJG ON 1. The Village Engineer, having submitted to the Council a preliminary 2. This Council shall meet on Monday, May 13, 1957, at 7:30 P.M., in the 3. The Clerk is hereby authorized and directed to cause notice of the PROPOSED STORM SEWER IhiIPROVEhlENT NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Edina Villaqe Council will meet at the Villaqe - Hall on Monday, May 13, 1957, at 7:30 P.M. ,' to consider the following proposed 4/22/57 imp?ovement to be constructed under the authority granted by Minnesota Laws of 1953, Chapter 395. Village Engineer as set forth below: FOLLOXS: Avenue and Fairfax Avenue; thence Southerly 120 feet more or less. The approximate cost of said improvement is estimated by t‘ne EST. COST CONSTRUCTION OF VILLAGE STORM SEER AND APPURTENANCES AS Beginning on Yiest 58th Street midway between Eooddale $ 2,617.94 The area proposed to be assessed €or the cost of said improvements includes All lots and tracts of land within the following described boundaries: the Id€ Corner of Lot 1, Block 5, Fairfax; thence Southerly to the SE Corner of Lot 2, said Block 5; thence Nesterly along the Southerly lot line thereof a distance of 35 feet; thence Southerly to a point on the Hortherly lot line of Lot 9, said Block 5, said point being 35 feet VJesterly of the hE Corner Thereof; thence Easterly to the IE Corner thereof; thence Southerly to the SE Corner thereof; thence Y!esterly along the Southerly lot line of said Lot 9 a distance of 35 feet; thence Southerly parallel with the West line of Yiooddale Ave., a distance of 90 feet; thence Easterly 20 feet; thence Southerly 10 feet to the Horth lot line of Lot 12, said Block 5; thence E’esterly along the North lot line thereof a distance of 75 feet; thence Southerly 25 feet; thence Westerly a distance of 120 feet; thence Northerly a distance of 20 feet; thence l‘s‘esterly to the East line of Fairfax Avenue; thence Northerly to the SCJ Corner of Lot 15, said Block 5; thence Easterly along the Southerly line thereof a distance of 35 feet; thence Northerly to Southerly line of Lot 17, said Block 5; thence Easterly 15 feet; thence Northerly 100 feet; thence Kesterly 15 feet; thence Northerly 260 feet; thence Easterly 75 feet; thence Northerly to the North line of said Block 5; thence East to beginning. “Beginning at I GRETCHEN S. ALDEN Village Clerk Izotion for adoption of Resolution was on Rollcall there were five ayes and no nays, as follows: aye; Fronk, aye; Tupa, aye; and Bredesen, aye; and the ATTEST: Village Clerk There being no further business to come before this meeting, Tupa moved for adjournment. L!otion seconded by Dickson and carried. Eeeting adjourned at 11:lO P.IJ. c Village Clerk .. ..