HomeMy WebLinkAbout19580310_regular3/10/58 MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE EDINA VILLAGE COUNCIL, HELD MONDAY, MARCH 10, 1958 AT 7:30 P.M., AT THE EDINA VILLAGE HALL. Members answering Rollcall were Bank, Dickson, Kohler, Tupa and Bredesen. - CONTINUATION OF FEBRUARY 24, 1958 PUBLIC HEARINGS ON PROPOSED IMPROVEFJENTS: - AND 5921 DREW AVENUE. Council was appraised that majority of petitioners wish the two improvements without hiveway repairs of sodding of boulevards (at Estimates of $3.16 per front foot for the Curb and Gutter and $2.22 for the Blacktopping). were no objections registered to these improvements as set forth. the following Resolution and moved its adoption: 1. CURB AND GUTTER AND BLACKTOPPING - DREW AVENUE FROM 5900 AND 5901 THROUGH 5920 There Dickson offered RESOLUTION ORDERING STREET IMPROVEMENTS NOS. B-51 AND A-189 BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the Village of Edina, Minnesota, that this Council heretofore caused notices of hearings to be duly published on the following pro- posed improvements: 5900 and 5901 through 5920 and 5921 Drew Avenue. Drew Avenue. and at the hearings held at the time and place specified in said notices the Council has duly considered the views of all persons interested, and being fully advised of the pertinent facts does hereby determine to proceed with the construction of said improvements; that said improvements are hereby designated and shall be referred to . 1. CONSTRUCTION OF STANDARD VILLAGE CURB AND GUTTER in Drew Avenue from 2. BLACKTOPPING of Drew Avenue from 5900 and 5901 through 5920 and 5921 in all subsequent proceedings as follows: NO. 1 ABOVE NAME OF IMPROVEMENG STREET IMPROVEMENT NO. B- 5 1 NO. 2 ABOVE STREET IMPROVEMENT NO. A- 109 and the area to be specially assessed therefor shall include all lots and tracts of land abutting the portion of the street proposed to by improved. Motion for adoption of the Resolution were five ayes and no nays, as follows: Ba aye; Kohler, aye; Tupa, aye; and Bredesen, aye; and the Resoluti T&Ad Village Clerk u- 2. a combination continued-new Hearing, honoring petition to extend project from 6105 York Avenue, South to the dead end. Clerk sub~itted Affidavit of Publication of Notice of Hearing, published in Edina-Morningside Courier February 27 and March 6, 1958, which was approved as to form and ordered plated on file. reported that drainage does pocket.at the dead-end and that the ultimate solution will be to drain it to the crosstown or its service drive, together with drainage from York and Zenith Avenues; also, that there is no sanitary sewer at the South end of the street. He recommended that curb and gutter be constructed at this time in only the North portion of the street, which drains toward 60th Street--that it terminate at approximately 500 feet South of the centerline of W.6Oth Street. petition was presented, asking that Curb and Gutter be abandoned and that Blacktopping be substituted, bu.t Engineer Zikan informed Council and Audience that this would not be good construction because the Blacktop will tend to deteriorate at the edges without the curb and gutter. Considerable discussion was had, and, because petitioners could not clearly define their wishes petition filed earlier this evening was withdrawn.- KoB1'eh moved for continuance of Hearing until the next meeting, to give petitioners more time to study the project. Dickson and carried. CURB AND GUTTER IN YORK AVENUE FROM W.6OTH STREET TO 6116 YORK AVENUU this being I Engineer Zikan A Motion seconded by - PUBLIC HEARING ON PROPOSED VACATION OF PORTIOfiS OF EDEN PRAIRIE ROAL Clerk submitted Affidavits of Publication in EdinayMorningside courier February 13 and 20, 1958, of Posting, February 13, and of Mailing to affected property owners, all of which were approved as to form and ordered placed on file. Pursuant to said Notices, Public Hearing was called on the proposed Vacation of Eden Prairie Road "Beginning at West Right-of-way Line of 'Blake Road Extended South; th. in a S'tdly direction to inter- section with U.S. Highway #169; Beginning at East Right-of-Way Line of Gleason Road, th. in a NEly direction to intersection with U.S. Highway #169; Beginning at West Right-of-way line of Gleason Road; th. in a SWly direction to intersection with U.S. Highway #169--All in E1/2 of Sec. 31, T.117, R.21". recommendation for Vacation of Eden Prairie Road, and for Extension of Blake Road to the South across Eden Prairie Road to Highway No. 169 was reviewed, as was its March 5 recommendation in connection with the Overall Preliminary of the old "Iverson Addition" (PARKWOOD KNOLLS). Road to the South, a dedication of a 33-fOOt wide strip is needed from Mr. Lewis E. Jones; and Mr- Jones' letter of intent to dedicate (upon compliance with certain Planning Commission's February 5 It was noted that in order to extend Blake stipulations) was read--the stipulations being as follows: 1. That road, curbs and gutters, server, water and paving on and under the street (extension of Blake Road to the South) will be installed without assessment against the balance of Mr. Jones' land to the east of the p;coposed road. dedicated. removed by Mr. Jones at his expense. 2. 3. 4. That the grade for the road be properly established before the road is That trees now on the proposed road be cut and left in place, to be That proper culvert and drainage plans be made before dedication. i This letter, dated February 20, 1958, was signed by Attorney William C. Kelly, Counsel for Mr. Jones. proposed sub-trunk sewer, to serve the Parkwood Knolls-Valley Park Area, call for the main to be laid in this proposed Blake Road Extension; but that no laterals are planned for the "Jones" side of the street; that the Jones property must be assessed for its share of the sub-trunk, regardless of the street dedication, but that there would be no lateral assessment for this utility. (The sub-trunk is being planned for ultimate service to large area, of which the Jones property is a part, and this area would be assessed for sewer whether the main is laid in Eden Prair2e Road, or on any other street in the area). It was noted that developer Carl M. Hanson will gain some lots by the proposed Vacation, and he was queried about paying for thB trunk main in the South extension of Blake Road. He stated that he will Sbuild the road"--will fill it, and will blacktop it if the County does not see fit to do so, and will accept lateral charges for the "Hanson" side of the street, but that he feels it unfair to ask him to pay for the trunk sewer. Bank offered the following Resolution and moved its adoption--Vacation being subject to the following stipulations: 1. Agreement between Mr. Carl M. Hansen and the Village whereby Idr. Hanson will fill to grade the South Extension of Blake Road to U.S. Highway No. 169, and wilL either blacktop it himself, under Village specifications,or will pay for blacktopping by the Village. understanding that the Village will hold him free of assessment for construction of the street except for an "areal' assessment for the proposed sub-trunk sewer and except for lateral assessments for said sewer, should his property be platted to face said Blake Road Extension (and like assessments for trunk and lateral water- mains, should they be constructed in Blake Road Extension at some future date). through to U.S. Highway No. 169. Manager Hyde reported that preliminary plans for the I 2. Acceptance of lir. Jones' offer of a 33-foot wide dedication, with his 3. Approval by the Hinnesota Highway Department on cutting Blake Road I RESOLUTION VACATIKG PORTIONS OF EDEN PRAIRIE ROAD VHEREAS, two weeks' published notice and posted notice of a hearing to be had on March 10, 1958, at 7:30 P.M., on the proposed Vacation of the following portions of Eden Prairie Road; "Beginning at the West Right-of-Yay Line of Blake Road Extended South; thence in a Southwesterly direction to intersection with U.S. Highway Go. 169." Northeasterly direction to intersection with U.S. Highway No. 169." Southwesterly direction to intersection with U.S. Highway No. 169. 'I has been given and made, and a hearing has been had thereon by the Village Council: Edina, Hennepin County, Xinnesota, that 1. 2. "Beginning at the East Right-of-JJay Line of Gleason Road; thence in a 3. "Beginning at the Uest Right-of-Y?ay line of Gleason Road; thence in a All being in the East One-Half of Section 31, Township 117, Range 21 KW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Village Council of the Village of Those portions of Eden Prairie Road described as follows: 1. 2. 3. All being in the East One-Hal of Section 31, Township 117, Range 21, as "Beginning at the !'Jest Right-of-Way Line of Blake Road Extended South; thence in a Southwesterly direction to intersection with U.S. Highway 140. 169." "Beginning at the East Right-of-3ay Line of Gleason Road; thence in a Northeasterly direction to intersection with U.S. Highway No. 169." "Beginning at the Vest Right-of-l'lay Line of Gleason Road; thence in a Southwesterly direction to intersection with U.S. Highway No. 169." platted and of record in the office of the Register of Deeds of Hennepin County, Minnesota, be, and axe hereby vacated. I Motion for adoption of Resolution, with Vacation contingent upon stated stipulations, was seconded by Tupa; Bank, aye; Dickson, aye; Kohler, aye; Tupa, and on Rollcall there Village Clerk 81 311 0/50 - GASOLINE AND DIESEL FUEL CONTRACTS AWARDED. Manager Hyde presented Tabulation of of the six bids received this morning. He recommended award of contract for Gasoline to low bidder, Sinclair Refining Company at $.0549 and $.0724 per Gallon respectively, for "Regular" and 2Ethyl" over 'low market quotation'; and to low bidder, Sinclair Refining Company, for Diesel Fuel, at $.036 Discount from posted tank wagon price. Dickson's motion, awarding contracts in accordance with Manager's recommendation, was seconded by Kohler and carried. -- PROTEST REGISTERED AGAINST SANITARY SEiiVER AND WATERMAIN ASSESSMENTS FOR CRESTON HI= Mr. Richard B. Beeson, 6825 wooddale Avenue, owner of Lot 3, Block 3, Creston Hills (assessed for 155 front feet) registered a protest against the assessments, stating he is paying twice as much for the services as are some of his neighbors. He told the Council he feels that some of his neighbors share his opinion that his assess- ments are unfair. Matter of public hearings on the assessments was reviewed, and Mr. Beeson was informed that the Council will consider re-assessing only if he is able to get'written statement from his neighbors asking that they be permitted to share his assessment. REQUEST FOR CONTRIBUTION FOR HENNEPIN COUNTY FAIR, filed by Hennepin County Agricultural Society, was received, and ordered placed on file. "CROSSTO$dN HIGHWAY" RESOLUTIONS FILED BY EDINA CIVIC AND IMPROVEMENT ASSOCIATION. The following two Resolutions, adopted by the Board of Directors of the Edina Civic and Improvement Association at a meeting held February 25, 1958, were read: #l - "That for the "Long Range Plan", anything less than a vehicle and pedestrian underpass or overpass in the vicinity of Wooddale Avenue and Crosstown Highway to provide safe ingress and egress to and from the Edina Swimming Pool, will be unacceptable." #2 - "Because of the proposed dead ending of Valley View Road at Normandale Avenue we request that the Village council give consideration to the rerouting of the eastern portion of Valley View Road in such a way that it will be joined with France Avenue and thus eliminate the necessity of a grade separation at Crosstown Highw&y". Mr. C. C. Volk, owner of Lots 12 and 13, Block 2, Peacedale Acres (Northwest corner of proposed Crosstown-Valley View intersection) stated that he is vitally interested in the Council's action on this second resolution; that, to date, nobody seems to know anything about what is expected to be done. the Village transmit to the Highway Department and the County its ideas about what Trustee Kohler suggested that is needed by the Village, with regard to both Highway No. 100 and the Crosstown. Resolutions accepted for study by Council. SCHOOL BOARD REQUESTS SANITARY SEWER AND WATERMAIN SERVICE FOR CAHILL SCHOOL BY SEPTEMBER 1. supported by several members of the Board, who outlined for the Council the reasons for their urgent request. Department has been working on the proposed sewer project for some time, in response to petitions for service by LaBuena Vista, Chapel Hills and The Heights; that this project is not yet ready for Public Hearing but that it should be shortly. (See next action as regards watermain). The School Board's February 28th request, read for the Council, was Manager Hyde reported that the Village Engineering - PUBLIC HEARING SCHEDULED FOR "SOUTHWEST TRUNK WATERMAIN". that Banister Engineering Company has completed its study of a proposed trunk- lateral main to serve a large area in the Southwestern part of the Village. outlined in detail the route of the proposed "feeder" main, and reviewed for the Council the main points of the Banister report. the Council schedule a Public Hearing on this project at its next meeting, in order that the School Board could know what to expect insofar as watermain service is concerned. Manager Hyde reported He Manager Hyde recommended that Dickson offered the following Resolution and moved its adoption: RESOLUTION PROVIDING FOR PUBLIC HEARING PROPOSED TRUNK-LATERAL WATERMAIN IMPROVEMEE BE IT RESOLVED by the SR~OE~~ as to the feasibility of the proposed Trunk-Lateral watermain Improvement described in the Form of Notice of Hearing set forth below, and as to the estimated cost of such improvement, said report is hereby approved and directed to be placed on file in the office of the Village clerk. Edina Village Hall, to consider in public hearing the views of all persons interested in said proposed improvement. The Clerk is hereby authorized and directed to cause notice of the time, plaqe .and purpose of said meeting to-be published in the official newspaper once a wee,k for tvio successive weeks, the second of which publications is to be not less than three days from date of said meeting, which notice shall be in substantially the following form: f the Village of Edina: 1. The Village/&gmeer, n8 having submitted to the Council a preliminary report 2. This Council shall meet on Monday, March 24, 1958, at 7:30 P.M., in the I 3. 3110158 KOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING ON 1 PROFOSED TRUKE YATERMAIN AND LATERAL CONIZECTIONS THERETO. KOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Edina Village Council will meet at the ' Village Hall on Monday, !:arch 24, 1958, at 7:30 P.M.,-to consider the following proposed improvement, to be constructed under the authority granted by Minnesota Laws of 1953, Chapter 398. by the Village Engineer as set forth below: EST. COST CONSTRUCTION OF 129 TRUNK WATERMAIN AND APPURTENANCES IN: Grove Street from Hansen Road to Tracy Avenue; thence South in Tracy Avenue to YJhiting Street; thence East in Nhiting Street to Valley View Road; thence Southwesterly in Valley View Road to Antrim Road; thence South in Antrim Road to West 70th Street; thence East in Vest 70th Street to the East side of the Minneapolis, Northfield and Southern Railroad Right-of-Yay, to connect with existinq 12" Trunk !.lain in Nest 70th Street; and The Approximate cost of said improvement is estimated $223 , 705.00 CONSTRUCTION OF LATERAL YATERMAIN SERVICE CONNECTIONS TO SAID 12" TRUNK X"X'TERMAIN~ The area proposed to be assessed for the cost of said proposed TRUNK :ViTERMAIN IMPROVF3AEPlT includes all lots and tracts of land within the following described boundaries: "Commencing at the intersection of U.S. Hrvy. No. 169 and Hansen Road; th. South along the centerline of said Hansen Road to its inter- section with the Best Line of Mi.nneapolis, Northfield and Southern Railroad Right- of-Way; thence in a generally Southerly direction along the VIest line of Minneapolis, Northfield and Southern Railroad Right-of-;IJay to its intersection with the Center- line of Dewey Hill koad extended East (East-yest Centerline of Sect+oti'8) Tovvrlship i16,Range-21); thence :'Jest along the Centerline of Dewey Hill Road extended East and Dewey Hill Road, to the yest Section Line of Section 8, Township 116, Range 21; thence due North on said 'Jest Section Line and the West Section Line of Section 5, Township 116, Range 21, to the Korthwest Corner of said Section 5, Township 116, Range 21; thence due North along the \'Jest line of said Section 5 extended North, to a point on U.S. Hwy. No. 169 which is 650 feet, more or less, East of the Tiest Section Line of Section 32, Township 117, Ran'ge 21; thence Northeasterly along the centerline of U.S. Hvv. No. 169 to Hansen Road, the point of beginning." tracts of land in the North 1/2 of Section 8, Township 116, Range 21, Yest of MKBS Railroad RhJ; all lots and tracts of land in Section 5, Township 116, Range 21, Mest of MN8S Railroad R/;l; and all lots and tracts of land in Section 32, Township 117, Range 21 which are South of Hwy. No. 169, \Yest of MN&S Railroad R/IJ and East of a line 650 Feet East of the Nest Line of said Section 32. 'JATEWNN IMPROVEI?IEPlT INCLUDES the following described properties: Lots 16, 20, 21, 23,24,25,35,36,37,38 and 45, Warden Acres; Lots 11,12,13 and 14, Greenleaf Manor; Lots 1,2,3,4,5,6 and 7, Block 3; Lots 10,11,12,13,14 and 15, Block 4; Lot 1,Block 5; and Lots 1,2,3 and 4, Block 6, Countryside Addition; Lots 1, 2 and 3, Block 1, Kiichli's Addition; Lots 8,9~10,11,12,13,14,15,16 and 17, Block 1, Valley View Heights; Lots 25,26,27,28 and 29, Mormandale Third jddition; Lots 1,2,3 and 4, Scotland Heights; Lots 11 to 16, incl., Block 1; Lots 12 to 27, incl., Block 3, and Lots 11 to 18, incl., Block 6, LaBuena Vista; Lots 1 to 8, incl., Block 4, Chapel Hill; and all tracts of land abutting \'?.70th Street from kntrim Road to Minneapolis, Northfield and Southern Railroad Right-of-\Yay except those lots in Carolane Addn. The area within the above described boundaries includes all lots and The area proposed to be assessed for the cost of said proposed LATERAL GRETCHEN S. ALDEN Village Clerk Motion for adoption of the Resolution was were five ayes and no nays, as follows: Ban ; Kohler, aye; Tupa, aye; and Bredesen, aye; and the Resolu HENNEPIN COUNN AUDITOR'S LIST OF TAX DELINQUENT LANDS was referred to Park Board for investigation and recommendation as to acquisition by Village for park purposes, by motion Tupa, seconded by Dickson and carried. CITY OF HOPKINS' REQUEST FOR JOINT MEETING ON EORDER ROAD was read by Manager Hyde. Engineer Zikan reported that Hopkins was to get for Edina an estimate on right-of-way costs, which have not yet been received. report before scheduling a meeting. I He suggested that the Council have this hfatter tabled pending report. PETITIONS FOR IMPROVEMENTS, as hereinafter set forth, were filed and, by motion Tupa seconded by Dickson and carried, were accepted: A. Oiling - Roberts Place from "Jryan Ave. to Rolf Ave. B. Sanitary Sewer - Zenith Ave. from First Lot N. of 59th St. to W160th St. C. YJatermain - Zenith Ave- from First Lot N. of 59th St. to ~1.60th St. -- SOUTH DISTRICT STORM SEWER REPORT EXPECTED SHORTLY. the report from Mr. Adolph Meyer was expected for this evening's meeting but that it should be ready in the very near future for Council consideration. BIDS TO BE TAKEN FOR RE-ROOFING OF LIBRARY. recommendation that bids be taken once again for re-roofing of the Library, Bank moved that Council consider bids at the March 24th meeting. Dickson and carried. Manager Hyde reported that In accordance with Manager Hyde's Motion seconded by CITIZENS STATE BANK AN OFFICIAL DEPOSITORY. Director Dalen's recommendation that the Village use Citizens State Bank, St.Louis Park, as an official depository for public funds, in the amount of $100,000. Tupa offered the following Resolution and moved its adoption: RESOLUTION DESIGNATING DEPOSITORY Manager Hyde reported Finance CITIZENS STATE BANK BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED that Citizens State Bank of St.Louis Park, hqinnesota, authorized to do a banking business in Minnesota, be and hereby is, designated as official depository of the Public Funds of the Village of Edina, County of Hennepin, Minnesota, for the calendar year 1958. Motion for adoption of Resolution was seconded by Dickson, and on Rollcall there were five ayes and no nays, as follows: , aye; and Bredesen, aye; and the Resolu And Tupa offered the following Resolution and moved its adoption: RESOLUTION APPROVING ASSIGNMENT OF SECURITIES IN LIEU OF BOND CITIZENS STATE BANK BE IT RESOLVED, that the Village Council of the Village of Edina approve the assignment by its depository, Citizens State Bank of St.Louis Park, Minnesota, of the following securities, as good and sufficient collateral for the Village of Edina Public Funds deposited in said depository: $100,000 - U.S. Treasury Bonds - 2-1/2% due August 15, 1963. Motion for adoption of Resolution was seconded by Dickson, and on Rollcall there And Tupa offered the following Resolution and moved its adoption: BE IT RESOLVED, that the persons'holding office as Mayor, Mayor Pro-Tem, Manager, Engineer, Treasurer and Deputy Treasurer of the Village of Edina be, and they hereby are, authorized to act for this Village in the transaction of any banking business with Citizens State Bank of St.Louis Park, Minnesota (hereinafter referred to as the bank), such authority including authority on behalf of or in the name of the Village from time to time and until written notice to the bank to the contrary, to sign checks against said account, which checks shall be signed by the Mayor or Mayor Pro-Tem, Village Manager or Village Engineer, and Village Treasurer or Deputy Treasurer. honor-and pay any check .against such account which is signed as above described, whether or not said check is payable to the order of, or deposited to the credit of, any officer or officers of the Village, including the signer or signers of the checks. Motion for adoption of Resolution was seconded by Dickson, and on Rollcall there were five ayes and no nays, as follows: Ba Dickson, aye; Kohler, aye; Tupa, aye; and Bredesen, aye; and the Resol SIGNATORY RESOLUTION CITIZENS STATE BANK The bank is hereby authorized and directed to And Tupa offered the following Resolution and moved its adoption: 311 0158 RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING USE OF OFFIC I ALS FACSIkIILE SIGNATURES BY PUBLIC RESOLVED, That the use of facsimile signatures by the following named persons: ARTHUR C. BREDESEN, JR. - MAYOR !'JAWEN C. HYDE - VILLAGE MANAGER GRETCHEN S. ALDEN - VILLAGE TREASURER on checks, drafts, warrants, warrant-checks, vounchers or other orders on public funds deposited in CITIZENS STATE BANK, ST.LOUIS PARK, P.IINNESOTA, be and hereby is, approved, and that each of said named persons may authorize said depository bank to honor any such instrument bearing his facsimile signature in such form as he may designate and to charge the same to the account in said depository bank upon which drawn, as fully as though it bore his manually written signature, and that instru- ments so honored shall be wholly operative and binding in favor of said depository bank although such facsimile signature shall have been affixed without his authority. Motion for adoption of Resolution was seconded by Dickson, and on Rollcall there were five ayes and no nays, as follows: Ban and Bredesen, aye; and the Resolution was KRESSE ADDITION PRELIMINARY PLAT APPROVED (S-58-4) reported Planning Commission's March 5th approval of this plat, subject to increase in radius of turnaround to 60 feet, drainage easements, and engineering approval of proposed grades, Commission was seconded by Dickson and carried. Planning Director Swanson Bank's motion accepting the recommendations of the Planning VICTORSEN'S EAST MIRROR LAKES PRELIMINARY PLAT APPROVED (5-58-5) Commission Minutes of March 5, showed Commission's approval of this Preliminary Plat (2ndY3rd and 4th lots East of Mirror Lakes Drive on South side of Interlachen), subject to engineering check with possible revision of lot sizes, park dedication, utilities, and consideration of including a walkway easement for access to Park from proposed street. Dickson's motion, approving Preliminary Plat in accordance with Commission's recommendations, was seconded by Tupa and carried, Planning VICTORSEN'S INTERLACHEN PRELIMNARY PLAT APPROVED (S-58-6). This plat, being of the South portion of Lot 21, Mendelssohn Addition, was presented carrying the Planning Commission's March 5th recommendation for approval subject to - 1. Pro- vision for profile of proposed street. how Lots 1 through 5 will be graded as regards drainage. adequate utility easements on Lots 1 and 2. permits will be issued on Lots 1 through 5 until rest of street is dedicated. Commission recormended that Lot 6, below minimum lot requirements, be approved and requirements waived because of hardship. Bank's motion that Preliminary Plat be approved in accordance with Commission's recommendations was seconded by Dickson and carried. 2. Submission of topography indicating 3. Provision of more 4. Understanding that no building (Note: Public Hearing needed for Lot 6 before Final kpproval of Plat). FRIDLUND'S ADDITION PRELIMINARY PLAT APPROVED (S-58-10]. of the "South 225 Feet of Lot 9 and North 150 Feet of Lot 9 except the South 110 Feet of the :vest 91 Feet thereof, Warden Acres'?, carried the Planning Commission's March 5th recommendation for approval subject to the Village's rebention of the present easement between Lots 1 and 2, Block 1 or the developer's granting of a new and wider easement to the North. Dickson's 'motion that Commission's recommendations be accepted was seconded by Bank and carried, This Preliminary, being OTTO'S THIRD AND FOURTH ADDITIONS PRELIMINARY PLAT APPROVED (S-58-11 8. 12). plats, being of the western portion of Tract "A" of R.L.S. #710, had the Planning Commission's March 5th recommendation for approval subject to an increase in size of Lot 3, elimination of Lot 7, and submission of profiles showing the drainage; it also being suggested by the Commission that the plats be combined. motion approving plat in accordance with Planning Corrmission's recommendations was seconded by Dickson and carried. CHAPEL HILL FINAL PLAT APPROVED. This plat, of property at the Southwest corner of Valley View and Antrim Roads, was presented. In its recommendation for approval the Planning Comnission at its meeting of March 5 had requested copies of restrictive covenants; said covenants to carry requirement that all residences constructed.on lots in Block 1 shall face South on Chapel Drive, except that residences on Lots'l and 11 may face East and West providing they observe a 30-foot building setback from all streets, lanes and roads; also requesting Park Dedication in amount of 5$, Developer Boran was present, stated he is willing to provide Park Dedication and will sign utilities financing agreement as soon as it is prepared by the Village, Bank's motion that Final Plat be approved in accordance with Planning Commission's recommendations was seconded by Tupa and carried. These Bankjs 3/10/58 85 - STREET NAMES TO BE STUDIED. Kohler objected to the present system, or lack thereof, of naming streets without relation to their direction or to street names in surrounding areas. He stated he feels that it is almost impossible to locate addresses under the present "system". Manager Hyde reminded the Council that a memo had been sent out on this subject some time ago, but without result. copies of memo to members for further study. HANSON'S SECOND ADDITION FINAL PLAT APPROVED. the South side of Maloney Avenue, adjacent to and East of Grandview Cemetery, carried Planning Commission's recommendation for approval subject to dedication of street and dedication of an additional ten feet on the South side of Maloney to increase the width of Maloney to 63 feet. Final Plat in accordance with Commission's March 5th recommendation was seconded by Tupa and carried. In connection with the plat of Chapel Hill, Trustee 1% i Manager Hyde was directed to transmit Final Plat of this area fronting on Bank's motion for approval of - THE HEIGHTS FINAL PLAT APPROVED.' Final Plat, being of about 1/3 of the Valley View Riding Stables property on which preliminary has been filed, was presented with the Planning Commission's March 5th recommendation for approval. Developer Roy Peterson requested Village Financing of sanitary sewer and watermain for this entire Final Plat, but was informed that the Council will continue its policy of financing only 1/3 of the utilities necessary for Final Plats. was had, and Mr. Peterson stated he would give further considkration to his request for utilities, inasmuch as the tax situation may preclude his filing a final plat on the balance of his property at this time. Dickson's motion for approval of Final Plat in accordance with Planning Commission's recommendation was seconded by Kohler and carried. FINAL PLAT APPROVED. OTTO'S SECOND ADDITION./ This Final Plat, being of an area North of 70th St., West of MN&S Railroad and East of LaBuena Vista, had received Planning Commission's recommendation for approval; and Bank moved for approval of plat in accordance with Cornmission's recommendation. - ROSENDAHL'S/COUNTRYSIDE ADDITION FINAL PLAT APPROVED. Planning Commission's March 5th recommendation for approval subject to Developer Rosendahl's submission of written acknowledgement that building permits will not be issued to Lots 1,2,3 and 4, Block 1 until the remainder of Crescent Drive is dedicated, and submission of bond for streets and park dedication. Trustee Kohler protested the platted' "jog" in Crescent Drive at W.59th Street, suggesting that developer make arrangements to plat it straight through from the South, inasmuch as this street is becoming more and more heavily traveled and the jog will prove a traffic hazard. It was explained that the developer does not own the property which would make such platting possible, that he has tried to obtain it without success. Bank's motion that Final Plat be approved in accordance with Planning Commission's recommendation was seconded by Dickson and carried, with Kohler voting No. Some discussion Motion seconded by Dickson and carried. ED1 NA This Final Plat had the WALNUT RIDGE SECOND ADDITION FINAL PLAT CONSIDERED. Planning Commission's qualified recommendation for approval. had on the matter of street names, as well as the other recommendations of the Commission, and action was delayed pending compliance with Commission's recommendations. This plat was presented with Some discussion was MULTIPLE DNELLINGS ON LOTS 3 THROUGH 6 AND 9 THROUGH 12, BLOCK 4, TINGDALE BROS. BROOKSIDE. New plan for these multiple dwellings, locating garages beneath dwellings and moving driveway from center to West side of plot, was presented by Planning Director Swanson, who stated he feels that this plan is advantageous to surrounding property owners. Planning Commission had recommended approval as of recommendations was seconded by Tupa and carried. .March 5th. Bank's motion for approval of plan in accordance with Commission's - SOUTH GARDENS ESTATESTHIRD ADDITION--CORNER LOT DJJELLINGS MAY FACE SIDE STREETS. Request of developers for permit to face dwellings to be located on corner lots at the long way of the lot if so requesked was considered. Planning Commission's March 5th recommendation was for approval provided all setbacks are complied with and there are no requests for variances of any setbacks. approval of request in accordance with Planning Commission's recommendation and subject to a Public Hearing on request to be held Monday, hlarch 24, 1958, was seconded by Tupa and carried. Bank's motion for ESTABLISHMENT OF "PARK DEDICATION FUNDS" AREAS RgOMWIENDEL recommendation of March 5, for establishment of five areas for the allocation of Park Dedication Funds was reviewed; recommended areas being the following: of Hwy.100. 3. South of Crosstown and East of Hwy.lOO. 4. South of Crosstown and Nest of Hwy.100. No action taken. Planning Commission's 1. - North of Crosstown and East of Hwy.100. 2. North of Hwy.169 and "Jest 5. Between Hwy.169 and Crosstown and West of Hwy.100. 86 3/10/58 - PUBLIC HEARIKGS OIL' PROPOSED STREET VACATIONS SCHEDULED. Planning Sommission's , recorrmendations for the followinq street Vacations was discussed: I. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Mildred Avenue, North from ~4.66th Street to a point 100 Ft. North of W.65th Street East from warren Ave. to Rolf he. Park Place from 141.58th Street south to a point 200 Ft. North of W.62nd Street. Brookview p,ve. from W.59th Street to V1.6lst Street. !;1.59th Street from Brookview Avenue to Park Place. W.60th Street from Oaklawn Avenue to Park Place. Y.6lst Street from Brookview Avenue to Park Place. W.65th St. Bank's motion scheduling Public Hearing on proposed street vacations for Monday, April 28, 1958, at 7:30 P.M., was seconded by Kohler and carried. PURCHASE OF HEATER FOR POOL WATER AUTHORIZED. the Board's recommendation for purchase of a Pool Water Heater, part of the original pool specifications, for $5,100. a gas main extension to the pool unless the heater is installed, whereas the Gas Company will extend the main without charge if the heater is included; that this would make the net cost $4,100, plus about $1,300 to operate heater for the 90-day season. Mr. Strachauer told the Council the Board has no "standard on increase of revenue" to be expected because of heater use, but feels that the pool will be better patronized during the cooler days, and is certain that users will derive more satisfaction from the pool if the temperature is kept constant. Board is willing to cut expenses on other improvements at the pool site to substitute the heater. could be cut, by substituting asphalt; and Mr. Strachauer stated he felt that some different arrangements could be made for concession equipment, to cut the cost there. Kohler's motion, that Heater be authorized provided total capital expenditures for the pool stay below $200,000, was seconded by Tupa and carried. Park Board Chairman Strachauer reported He explained that the Village must pay $1,000 for He stated that the The proposed concrete walk was cited as one improvement on which expenses SVJIMMING POOL SEASON TICKET RATES ESTABLISHED FOR EDINA RESIDENTS. The Park Board requested that the Council take action on establishing rates for swimming in the new pool. a Junior Season Ticket (for all under 18) of $3.00; and an Adult Season Ticket of $4.00. Admission rate of $.25 and an Adult Single Admission rate of $.50. latter recommendation the Park Board cited Minneapolis' cooperation in allowing the Calhoun swimming program these last several years without charge, the fact that Richfield and Bloomington make no charge for use of their swimming facilities, and the small charge that Hopkins has made to Edina for use of Shady Oak Beach. considerable discussion was had on the matter of rates to be charged non-residents, and it was decided that this matter needed further study. season ticket rates for Edina residents be established in accordance with Park Board's recommendations. The Board recommended for Edina Residents a Family Season Ticket at $10.00; Also recommended, both residents and non-residents, were a Junior Single In making this I Some Dickson's motion that I Motion seconded by Tupa and carried. - PUBLIC HEARING SCHEDULED ON PROPOSED SANITARY SEWER FOR CAHILL-LABUENA VISTA AREA. Engineer zikan reported that plans and specifications for the Sanitary Sewer to serve Cahill School and the LaBuena Vista area will be ready very shortly; and Tupa moved, scheduling Public Hearing for Monday, April 28. Motion seconded by Dickson and carried. CLAIMS APPROVED. dated March 10, and for additions to Pre-List as set forth on the agenda, as follows, was seconded by Bank and carried: General Fund - $17,782.19; Construction Fund, $l,l~O.OO; Park and Park Construction Funds, $4,936.55; Waterworks Fund, $612.41; Liquor Fund, $20,282.43; Poor Fund, $102.61. TOTAL PRE-LIST, $44,836.19; Addition to Pre-List, Park and Park Construction Funds, $36,105.00. Tupa's motion for payment of the following Claims, as per Pre-List BUILDING ORDINANCES DISCUSSED. The group of proposed Ordinances having to do with building, presented at the last meeting, were briefly discussed, the Council being disposed against adoption without considerable study and expert advice. No action taken- BRIDGE REWRT REQUESTED. Hyde within two weeks on the condition of the two bridges over MN&S Tracks, at Valley View Road and EV.70th Street. and safety hazard inasmuch as there are no guard rails for the protection of vehicles. Company . Trustee Kohler requested a report from Village Manager He stated he,feels approaches are a traffic Mr. zikan reported that the bridges are maintained by the Railroad Tupa moved for adjournment. Motion seconded by Dickson and carried. Meeting was adjourned at 12:30 A.M., Tuesday, March Village clerk