HomeMy WebLinkAbout19580324_regular3/24/58 MIN~JTES'OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE COUNCIL, HELD MONDAY, MARCH 24, 1958, AT THE EDINA VILLAGE HALL d EDINA VILLAGE AT 7:30 P.M., Members answering Rollcall were Dickson, Kohler, Tupa and Bank. Bank presided in Mayor Bredesen's absence. Mayor Pro rem Minutes of the Regular Meetings of February 24th and March loth, 1958, were approved as submitted, by motion Tupa, seconded by Dickson and carried. Police Sergeant George Butler was presented with Certificate of Satisfactory Completion of the Police Administration course sponsored by the International Managers Association. . . PUBLIC HEARING ON PROPOSED 12" TRUNK WATERMAIN AND LATERAL CONNECTIONS THERETO. Affidavit of Publication of "Notice of Hearing", published in Edina-Morningside Courier March 13 and 20, 1958, was submitted by Clerk, approved as to form and ordered placed on file; the proposed project being for construction of a 12" Trunk Watermain in - Grove Street from Hansen Road to Tracy Avenue; thence South in Tracy Avenue to Whiting Street; .thence East in Whiting Street to Valley view Road; thence Southwesterly in Valley View Road to Antrim Road; thence South in Antrim Road to West 70th Street; thence East in West 70th Street to the East Side of Minneapolis, Northfield and Southern Railroad Right-of-way, to connect with existing 12" Trunk Main in West 70th Street; and for Lateral Watermain Service Connections to said 12" Trunk watermain. Manager Hyde explained that the project as outlined is the result of petitions for water service for several large properties in the area, plus the urgent request of the School Board that the new Cahill School be served; that this plan is thought to be the best for both service and economy; that it will be a loop, connecting with the present main on Hansen Road and with present main on west 70th Street, thus eliminating stagnant water troubles. installation, together with construction of a second fire station, additional water storage facilities, and lateral watermains, will be the basis for reducing fire insurance rates from Classes 9 and 10 to Class 7, which would mean a considerable reduction in premiums for those residences in Caasses 9 and 10. He told the audience that this Cost of project was reviewed; Mr. Hyde stating that it is proposed to assess, for the Trunk Main, $.58 per front foot for platted property, and $142 per acre for unplatted property; that property fronting on the trunk and using the trunk as a lateral, an additional lateral charge of $5.00 per front foot; that platted property which has more than 150 feet of frontage and which has a deed restriction against subdividing will be assessed a maximum of 150 feet; that unplatted properties, where it is impossible to determine that plats will be filed with lots facing the trunk main, will not be assessed a lateral charge even though they abut the trunk maim. Receipt of the following petitions with regard to the proposed improvement was reported : FOR THE IMPROVEMENT: - Mr. James H. Addy, owner of several lots in Valley View Heights. AGAINST THE IMPROVEMENT: - 82 Signers in the Greenleaf Manor, warden Acres, Countryside, Valley View Heights area. of six additional signers, presented at the meeting. This petition was supplemented by that and - 17 Signers in the Cahill area. (presented at Meeting). MR. H.R. BURTON, owner of approximately 50 acres in the area, with 1500 footage on Tracy Avenue, spoke in decided favor of the project. MR. VILHELM HOLAND, 5930 Dewey Hill Road, who stated he is the owner of some seven acres, half of which is low and non-buildable, expressed himself as being strictly against the project because he feels it will be of no benefit to his property. Manager Hyde explained that property which is proved to be non-buildable (very low, with peat base) will be exempt from the assessment; but that there must be definite proof that building is imposiiible. MR. HOWARD GREEN, 5417 Grove Street, inquired as to assessment for that portion of his land which lies beneath Northern States Power Company's high line, and was answered to the effect that this would be exempt if it could not be built on. MR. JAMES H. ADDY, owner of 1320 front feet, spoke for the improvement, stating he feels that natural development in the Village will be to the Southwest and that, without modern facilities and utilities, the Village will face a stumbling block to this development; that all of these utilities must eventually come, and that the later they are installed the more they cost. He reported that ThLope BIOS., owner of several lots, are also in favor of the improvement, and this statement was confirmed by Manager Hyde. ?.Q. FRANK UHLEMANN, 5520 Highland Road, sponsor*of one of the petitions against the project, explained that he and the people whom he has contacted are not objecting to the construction of the trunk main--that they do object to the method of assess- aent, believing that those properties abutting the main should not be charged a lateral charge inasmuch as they have not requested and do not need the improvement. It was explained that, should the entire cost of construction be assessed as a trunk the assessable cost would be increased to 83$ per front foot for platted property and $203 per acre for unplatted property; but that, as properties were connected to the lateral service connections a connection charge could be required to be paid into the assessment fund, which could be used to reduce the later years' assessments; or, if connections were not made until after the ten-year assessment period, cash refunds could be made on the trunk assessments paid. NIR. F. H. COLEhMN, ormer of 10 acres on cahill Road, suggested that main be run along W.70th Street from the present main oilly as far as Cahill School. he strenuously objects to Mr. Uhlemann's proposal that the trunk charge be raised in lieu of making a lateral charge. He stated has. GENE KOHNER, 5904 Dewey Hill Road, owner of approximately & acres, asked if there is any plan to bring water down Dewey Hill Road, and was informed that there are no plans simply because there has been no petition for service. complained that the assessment for unplatted properties is unfair because this area will be platted into acre tracts rather than 100-foot lots.. is any way whereby the assessment might be adjusted so that properties which will get immediate benefit from the main can be assessed a greater share of the cost. Mrs. Kohner suggested that it might be necessary to use pumps to bring the water into her area, and was advised by Mr. Banister, consulting engineer, that if laterals are constructed there will be ample pressure to give everybody in the trunk district service without any need for individual pumping stations, Mrs. ,Kohner She asked if there MR. ASP. WEINGARTNER, 5721 Z'J.68th Street, explained that while he has a fine well and does not wish to connect to.the main now, he favors the project because of the fire protection it will bring. MR. RAY HEDELSON, 6001 TRACY AVENUE, the opposition has had time to secure additional petitions. asked for poptponement of action until A GROVE STREET OWNER objected on the grounds that he is now paying three sewer assessments, does not need the'water, Grove Street is only a half street and he would rather spend h'is money for a good road. MR. DAVID HANSON, 6104 Westridge Blvd., inquired as to whether the Hansen Road well had been intended for expansion of the system or only for present users and whether this well will be adequate to serve the areas to the Southwest as they build up. Manager Hyde answered that the well was intended for use by both present and future users, that it will be adequate for this presently discussed area; that future wells may be needed in the Northwest part of the village as development continues. AIR. CURT AUSTIN, 5509 Grove Street, objected to improvement on the grounds that it will mean a $1600 assessment against his property, which would finance the digging of two or three wells. At this time Mayor Pro Tem Bank, explaining that it is not the position of the Council to force the improvement down the throats of those who do not wish to accept it, asked Mr. Banister to explain alternate routes, together with their advantages and disadvantages. plan is by far the best. main along ~~70th Street from the MN8S tracks (present main) to Antrim Road; thence on Antrim Road to Valley view Road; thence Northeasterly in Valley View Road to a point South of Nine-Mile Creek--that this will not form a loop and will con- sequently mean stagnant water difficulties. the main on Valley View Road from Antrim Road to connect with Hymani:Avenue. what would happen to the properties on the North side of the creek if the main is terminated south of the creek, Mr. Banister replied that "they just won't get water." Mr. Banister explained that crossings on Benton Avenue, W,59th or VJ-60th Street are economically impractical because of the topography-that more benefit for the same amount of money can be had by extending the mains, termination of the main South of the creek would mean as to assessments, Mr. Banister replied that the assessment for the reduced district would be about the same as the original assessment, and Mr. Hyde reported he believes it will be somewhat smaller inasmuch as the cost of the creek crossing would be eliminated, Trustee Kohler recommended that inasmuch as the majority of the petitions against the improvement have been received from the area North of Nine-Mile Creek the Council discontinue consideration of installation North of the Creek and move ahead with consideration of construction South of the creek. Mr. Banister stated that he believes the presently proposed He stated that one alternate would be to construct the The other alternate was to continue Asked Asked what the 3/24/58 7, I MR. HAROLD ROSENDAHL, owner of 33 lots in the North portion of the area, stated he is very much in favor of the project as originally outlined; that he and a number of others who own considerable property believe it will greatly aid future developmeht in this area. MR. W. M. CRAWFORD, 6128 Westridge Blvd., explained that one of the main objections to the improvement is that it is for the benefit of developers. no need for the improvement at this time and wants the North half of the project abandoned. He stated he sees - MR. ADDY told the Council that he believes there is actually a good percentage for the service; that from petitions presented so far he believes there are still not 5% against the improvement. 7 MR. UHLEMANN reiterated his statement to the effect that the objections:.are to the method of assessment rather than to the improvement itself. He stated that he, for one, is willing to take an increase of 30% in his assessment to relieve those along the line from a lateral assessment. MRS. JOSEPH W. BOWERS, 5804 Brook Drive, explained that the people in her area (LaBuena Vista) do not have property to sell--that they simply want to improve their property and to see that fire protection for both their individual properties and the School is adequate. Trustee Dickson, stating that it has been consistently proven that it is more economical to complete a full project with one contractor that it is to do it piecemeal with several bids, and informing the audience that, should the project be divided now, those to the North would pay more for the same service in the future, moved that the Hearing be continued to April 28, in order that the council might analyze the petitions before it. Motion seconded by Tupa and carried. SUPT. OF SCHOOLS KUHLMANN, reminding the Council that the School Board is working against time--that they expect to have the six-room addition available for occupancy the first of September, asked that everything possible be done to assure the School water by September 1. drawings for the improvement, at least to a point South of Nine-Mile Creek be prepared and ready for advertisement for bids by April 28, so that bids may be taken as soon as possible after that time. Council as to preparation of these plans. Manager Hyde suggested that working There was no objection from the CONTINUATION OF PUBLIC HEARING ON CURB AND GUTTER IN YORK AVENUE FROM W.60TH STREET TO 6116 YORK AVENUE. This Hearing had been continued pursuant to Engineer Zikan's recommendation that the Curb be installed South of the centerline of W.60th street 500 feet only (to approximately the/South line of 6032 and 33 York), because of the drainage problem at the South end of the block. to decide what they wished to do within this 500-foot stretch. At this present meeting, petitions for Curb and Gutter and Blacktopping for the 6000 Block were presented; the curb petition carrying signatures of 51% of the entire block, but not 51% of the 500-foot stretch just South of 60th Street. Sponsor of petition explained that those property owners t'o the South of the 500-foot area feel that they, too, should have some say as to what happens in the block. Mr. Zikan stated that it is possible to extend the curb to the end of the 6000 Block, although the drainage from the South two lots will be accelerated, toward the South, because of this construction--that the amount of drainage will not be , increased. Mr. Larson, at corner of 60th and York, objected on the grounds that the improvement is going in too soon. in the 6000 block want to enjoy the improvement now. Resolution and moved its adoption: BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the Village of Edina, Minnesota, that this Council heretofore caused notice of hearing to be duly published on the following proposed improvement: to 6116 York Avenue and at the hearings held at the time and place specified in said notice the Council has duly considered the views of all persons interested, and being fully advised of the pertinent facts does hereby determine to proceed with the Construction of Concrete Curb and Gutter in York Avenue from W.60th Street to W.6lst Street (the 6000 Block); that said improvement is hereby designated and shall be referred to in all subsequent proceedings as STREET IMPROVEMENT NUMBER B-52, and that the area to be specially assessed therefor shall include all lots and tracts of land abutting the portion of the street proposed to be improved. Petitioners had been advised I Another owner stated that the people Tupa offered the following RESOLUTION ORDERINGXTREET IMPROVEMENT NO. B-52 Construction of Concrete Curb and Gutter in York Avenue from W.60th Street Motion for adoption of the Resolution was seconded by Dickson, and on Rollcall there were four ayes and no nays, as follows: Bickwaye; Kohler, aye; Tupa, 3M58 9 OPUBLIC HMING ON 'PETITION FOR PmiiiT TO FACE D'N~LI~GS YH~ ~ohj WiY "E; *fig ~6f -f~ SOUTH GARDENS ESTATES THIRD ADDITION. was presented by clerk, approved as to form and ordered placed on file. Affidavit of Mailing of Notice of Hearing Pursuant \- to said Notice, Hearing was called on the petition of Coffman Realty Company for permit to construct dwellings the long way of the lot on Lots 1, 8 and 12, Block 2; Lot 1, Block 3; Lots 1, 11, 12, 23 and 24, Block 4; Lots I, 8, 9 and 17, Block 5; Lots 1 and 14, Block 6; Lots 1 and 5, Block 7; Lots 3, 12, 13 and 18, Block 8; and Lot 6, Block 9, all in South Gardens Estates 3rd Addition. objections had been filed with clerk prior to Hearing, and none were filed at the Hearing. Dickson's motion that petition be granted was seconded by Kohler and carried. No PUBLIC HEARING SCHEDULED ON PROPOSED EXTENSION OF SHANNON DRIVE TO DRVEY HILL ROAD. School's request for extension of Shannon Drive south to Dewey Hill Road, to facilitate safe and convenient school bus service for this area, was read by Manager Hyde. Manager Hyde recommended that the Council call another Public Hearing on this proposed extension, and Tupa's motion scheduling a Hearing for Monday; April 28,'1958 at 7:30 P.M., was seconded by Dickson and carried. PUBLIC HEALTH NURSING REPORT for February was submitted, reviewed and ordered placed on file. . PETITION FOR OILING Benton Avenue from Tingdale Avenue to Highway #lo0 was accepted by motion Tupa, seconded by Kohler and carried. BEER AND LIQUOR LICENSES FOR YEAR APRIL 1, 1958-APRIL 1, 1959 APPROVED. were presented for the followins Beer and Liquor Licenses, carrying Police Chief Applications Benneit's recommendation for apiroval. was seconded by Kohler and carried: American Legion Housing Foundation Biltmore Inn Restaurant Biltmore Lanes, Inc. Cahill Grocery Edina Country Club Gr andvi ew Market Michelson's Dairy Store Interlachen country Club McClellan's Grocery Olson Bros. Pharmacy Purity Dairy Store Ray's Dairy Store Red Orvl Stores, Inc. Village Inn Walgreen Company, Southdale Center Wooddale Grocery Edina Bowling Center Trisler's Grocery Brown Derby Cafe Wong's Grandview Cafe COVERAGE .- Tups's motion that licenses be approved BEER On Sale Off Sale X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X LIQUOR On Sale X X COMPREHENSIVE MATERIAL DAF;IAGE/ON AUTOMOTIVE EQUIPMENT AWARDED. Tabulation of bids taken February 21 was presented, showing Chas. W. Sexton Company, agent for Great Northern Insurance Company, as low bidder, with premium of $228.52 for one year. Kohler's motion that coverage be awarded to low bidder was seconded by Tupa and carried. BID DATE FOR COMPREHENSIVE LIABILITY POLICY CHANGED. It was noted that bid date for bids on this coverage has been set as Friday, April 4. Inasmuch as this is Good Friday, Clerk was ordered to send addendum to bidders, stating that bids will be taken April 3. Council will meet at 5:OO P.M. on the 3rd to consider bids. RAILROAD BRIDGE REPAIRS DISCUSSED. last meeting for a report on condition of railroad bridges at Valley View Road and W.70th Street, Manager Hyde reported the Minneapolis, Northfield and Southern Railway has agreed to bolster up the shoulders at the W.70th Street bridge, and at both bridges to install %-foot wing fences and guard rail posts 3@ above ground and eight feet apart, with lines of 3/4" cable. in addition, the Village work with the Company to make sure that the angle of the approaches is safe for vehicles, especially the school buses. Pursuant to Trustee Kohler's request at the Mr. Kohler asked that, EDINA TO PAY SHARE OF REMOVAL OF MINNEAPOLIS SEWER REGULATOR. Attorney Hasselquist reported that, under contract with Minneapolis and Richfield, Edina is obligated to pay el share of the cost of removal of a sewage regulator from the Minneapolis sewer main--that this cost is cheaper than the cost of repair to the regulator, and is part of the maintenance cost of the Minneapolis main; that the estimated cost to Edina, based on volume of sewage, is $2,707.38 of the total $7,106.00. Engineer zikan and Tupa offered the following Resolution and moved its adoption: 3/24/58 a1 (- RESO.LUTIPN FOR PAYVENT. OF -SHARE OF. .REMOVAL- OFw I MINNEAPOLIS SEWAGE .REGULATOR position of sewage through the City of Minneapolis, and sewage facilities by Richfield and Edina it is necessary to remove a sewage regulator in the Minneapolis sewer system at 52nd Street and 46th Avenue South,and WHEREAS, it has been determined that the Estimated Cost of the removal of said sewage regulator is $7,106.00, of which cost Edina's share is $2,707.38: NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Village Council of the Village of Edina, that the Village of Edina recognizes the need for the removal of such regulator and agrees to pay its share of the estimated cost of such removal. WHEREAS, the Villages of Richfield and Edina have an agreement for the dis- WHEREAS, it has been determined that by reason of the use of the Minneapolis Motion for adoption of Resolution was seconded by Di follows: Dickson, ay ion was adopted. illage C1 - JOINT BIDS WITH OTHER MUNICIPALITIES TENTATIVELY APPROVED. that Edina look toward taking bids on common supplies together with other neighbor- ing municipalities, to take advantage of quantity discounts. He specifically cited an opportunity to take bids together with Bloomington on automobiles and trucks, to secure advantage of fleet discounts; the idea, here, being that each village would draft its own specifications and that bids would be tendered to the Councils jointly. He asked for authority to take bids on the four cars and truck in the budget, together with Bloomington on its several vehicles, providing Village Attorney's opinion is favorable. with comment favorable to idea of joint purchasing. Manager Hyde suggested Authority granted by common consent of Council, RE-ROOFING OF LIBRARY--CONTRACT AWARDED. Bids taken this morning on the re-roofing of the Library, He reported receipt of six bids, Northside Roofing Company being low bidder, and A.G. Broback Company second low, with $528.00 and $764.00 Base Bids respectively. award to second-low bidder, Broback, for the reason that this is a well established and reputable concern, whereas it has been difficult to get information on the low bidder; that, from what information can be had it appears that the partners are not full-time in the roofing business and have done very few jobs in this general area. Recommendation was for award of contract to Broback on the basis of Base Bid 1 (Roof), $764.00 plus Base Bid 3 (eaves and downspouts) plus Base Bid 4 (addl. winter protection in valleys and eaves) for a total of $1,041.00. . Dickson's motion that contract be awarded to A.G. Broback Company in accordance with Manager's recommendation was seconded by Tupa and carried. Manager Hyde presented Tabulation of Mr. Hyde recommended POLICE AND FIRE DEPARTMENTS COMMENDED FOR AID TO HEART ATTACK VICTIM. Trustee Tupa reported Mr. Randy Gravell's commendation of Police and Fire Department's dispatch and efficiency in rendering first aid during Mr. Gravall's recent heart attack. TAX DELINQUENT PROPERTY LIST NO. "444-C" REFERRED TO VILLAGE ATTORNEY. It was reported that the Park Board recommends against acquisition of any of the property on this List for park and recreation purposes, but that Planning Director Swanson recommends acquisition of one strip for right-of-way purposes. delinquent property has not been acquired for this purpose heretofore, list was referred to Attorney Hasselquist for investigation as to legality of this acquisition. Because tax AUTHORIZATION GRANTED FOR ELIMINATION OF GARBAGE FUND AS OF DECEMBER 31, 19570 Finance Director Dalen presented Balance Sheet for the Garbage Fund as at December 31, 1957, recommending the elimination of the Fund by a sale of receivables and fixed assets to the Sewer Rental Fund and the tralssfer of surplus to the General Fund. as at December 31, 1957, by method recommended by Finance Director, was seconded by Kohler and carried. - CHANGE IN DOG CATCHERS AUTHORIZED. extension of their kennels the Animal Rescue League will shortly be in a position to take Edina's dog-catching business if this is satisfactory with the Council; that the present proposition is for patrol for two hours per day €or five days a week, at $175 per month. He reported that the League is in better position to rotate its patrol hours than is Merryhill Kennels; that the League is now serving most of the neighboring communities to their satisfaction; also, that the present contract with Merryhill Kennels is possible to terminate upon 30 days notice. Kennels providing recommended agreement can be negotiated with Animal Rescue League was seconded by Dickson and carried. Dickson's motion for elimination of Garbage Fund Manager Hyde reported that because of an Tupa's motion authorizing cancellation of contract with Merryhill CLAIMS PAID. list dated March 24, 1958, was seconded by Tupa and carried: Dickson's motion for payment of the following Claims, as per Pre- General Fund, I. 3/24/58 $12,333.29; Construction Fund, $112,993.11; Park and Park Construction Funds, $1,703.60; Waterworks Fund, $3,405.07; Liquor Fund, $35,647.07; Sewer Rental Fund, $282.47; Improvement Funds, $1,205.75; P.I.R., Poor 8 Special Assessment Funds, $107.35. 'Eotal, $167,877.71. iiAIXILPH MEYER STORM SEWER"REV1SED PRELIMINARY REPORT PRESENTED'" . Manager Hyde presented report for council study, suggesting that the Council meet in study session with PAr. Meyer or Mr. Barr at the earliest opportunity and before attempt- ing to set a hearing on the project. LABUENA VISTA AREA SANITARY SEWER ASSESSMENTS DISCUSSED. that some problems are arising in connectinq with the assessment district for this proposed project; that, if the sewer is to be laid in W.68th Street (North boundary of LaBuena Vista) a portion of "The Heights", for which a preliminary but not a final plat has been filed, should bear some of the cost; and that, if Antrim Road is to be sewered, certain properties in "Chapel Hill" should be charged. Zikan asked Council policy about "developer financing" of this particular utility. No formal action was taken but Manager Hyde stated he feels that something can be worked out with the developers before the Hearing. Engineer Zikan reported Mr. SPEED LIMITS INCREASE REQUESTED. Manager Hyde reported, and concurred in, Police Chief Bennett's request for increased speed limits along certain streets; request being occasioned by the results of radar, general traffic, and safety surveys taken by the Police Department over the past several months. Dickson offered the following Resolution and moved its adoption: RESOLUTION REQUESTING INCREASE IN SPEED LIMITS WHEREAS, a thorough analysis of the graphs produced by radar observation of the speed of 92,800 vehicles during a six month period by the Edina Police, a copy of which is attached, reveals that present posted speed limits in certain locations are unrealistic and not susceptible of reasonable enforcement, this Council has determined it to be in the interests of public safety and convenience to increase the speed limits on certain streets within the limits of the Village of Edina as hereinafter set forth: Present Proposed street Speed Limit Spe'ed Limit France Avenue between W.60th street and W.69th street 30 MPH 35 MPH France Avenue between ~~69th Street and South Edina Valley View Road between W.66th street and W.69th Street Village Limits 30 MPH 40 PAPH 35 MPH 30 MPH .W.66th Street between Xerxes Avenue and Trunk Highway and , No. 100 30 MPH 35 MPH WHEREAS, portions of said streets are County Roads: NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Village council of the Village of Edina, Hennepin County, Minnesota, that this Council recommendsthe above changes in speed limits to the Board of Hennepin kounty Commissioners and respectfully requests permission for said change on those portions of- the hereinbefore mentioned streets which are County Roads. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that this council make a like recommendation and request to the Minnesota Highway Department for an increase in speed limits on the hereinbefore mentioned streets. Motion for adoption of Resolution was seconded by Tupa, and on Rollcall there were four ayes and no nays, as follows: Dickqon, aye; r, aye; Tup, aye; and Bank, aye; and the Resolution was adopted. Mayor Pro Tem Tillage Clerk "EDXNA SAFETY CO13NCILtt RECOMMENDED. be formed for Edina, stating that this recommendation is the result of conferences with the School, the Municipal Judge and the Police Department. the first step would be to call a general meeting of civic, neighborhood and ministerial organizations for the Safety Council's organization. and Mayor Pro Tem Bank suggested that a 'citizens committee on driving' would be a help to the Police Department in keeping a check on juveniles and other3non- 1 awful, drivers COUNTY ROAD EASEMENT VACATION HEARING SCHEDULED. for vacation of a County Road Easement on and adjacent to his property was reviewed, and Tupa moved, scheduling Public Hearing on petition for Monday, April 28, at 7:30 P.M. Manager Hyde suggested that a Safety Council He reported that Council agreed, Petition of Mr. George Harsch Motion seconded by Dickson and carried. 3/24/58 NON-DE;IEO$ME~ OF 'iiaR6gfi (7,'5ag sf.' -AND i&gi i-fig] gf=jj@g5jg0+ Manager Hyde reported the Park Board's recommendation that funds allocated for the development of Arden Park be re-allocated for other development and that plans for Arden Park be abandoned. He told the Council that this recommendation comes pursuant to a meeting at which neighbors objected to plans and there seemed to be very little sentiment for the project. accepting the recommendation providing it is certain that people in the area have been informed on the matter of this park's development, and asked that the matter be given newspaper publicity in order to get general sentiment, before formal action is taken. Council was agreeable to I BIDS AUTHORIZED FOR IMPROVEMENTS IN PAMELA PARK. that bids be taken for grading, seeding and shrubbery for Pamela Park. Authority granted by common consent of Council, for bids to be taken. Manager Hyde recommended The agenda's having been covered, Dickson moved for adjournment. Motion seconded by Kohler and carried. ng adjourned at 10:15 P.M. Village Clerk MINUTES OF THE SPECIAL MEETING OF THE EDINA VILLAGE COUNCIL, HELD THURSDAY, APRIL 3,1958, AT 5:OO P.M., AT THE EDINA VILLAGE HALL Meeting was convened at 5:OO P.M., Thursday, April 3, 1958, for the purpose of considering bids taken this morning on Comprehensive Liability Insurance. Trustees Dickson, Kohler and Tupa were present, with Dickson presiding. Finance Director Dalen presented Tabulation of Bids, showing Norris-Nordeen Agency to be low bidder, at a total annual premium of $6,040.82; three-year premium being $18,122.46. Their alternate bid, covering $1,000 Deductible on Swimming Pool, Street 8, Sidewalks & Sewers, set forth a $575.00 reduction in premium per year. coverage from $100,000/$300,000 to $250,000/$500,000, at an additional cost of $331.00 per year over their base bid, received, that of Norris-Nordeen Agency differing from the others in that it is on a "population" basis rather than on a "payroll" basis, principally. During discussion on the bids, bidder Brandow called attention to his supple- mental bid on Liquor Liability Insurance. coverage, a Supreme Court ruling that "In order to establish liability for an illegal sale under the Civil Damage AC,, 340.95, liquor sold need not be the sole cause of intoxication, but it is enough if it is a cooperating, concurring, or proximately contributing cause".Matter referred to Village Attorney Hassel- quist for his investigation. Mr. Dalen recommended acceptance of the Norris-Nordeen bid, and Tupa moved that this bid be accepted at the base bid of $18,122.46 for three years, plus $933.00 for increase in coverage from $100/$300,000 to $250/$500,OOOt and with understand- ing that Automobile Liability rate will remain the same--that there will be no change year-b$-year except for change effected as cars are acquired and sold. Motion seconded by Kohler and carried. Tupa then moved for adjournment. Low bidder recommended that the Village increase its There was some discussion on the six bids In his reconmendation for this Motion seconded by Kohler and carried. Meeting adjourn@ ,at 5;30 P.M.