HomeMy WebLinkAbout19580512_regular5/12/58 - MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE EDINA VILLAGE COUNCIL, HELD h(IONDAY, IdAY 12, 1958, AT 7:OO P.M., AT THE EDXNA VILLAGE HALL . Members answering Rollcall were Bank, Dickson, Kohler, Tupa and Bredesen. Minutes of Regular Meeting of April 28 and Special Meeting of May 5 were approved as submitted, by motion Bank, seconded by Dickson and carried, LAKE CORNELIA PARK IMPROVEMENTS - CONTRACT AWARDED. lation of Bids taken Hay 9, three bids having been received, with Svranson Excavating Manager Hyde presented Tabu- Company being ~OVJ bidder. He stated that the Park Board recommends approval of award of contract to low bidder, in the amount of $16,685.00. Contract includes hauling of Village fill, grading and seedbed preparation, hauling peat, furnishing clay, surfacing of parking area and roads, furnishing and installing 30" culverts, sodding, seeding, and path construction, but does not include triangles. On inquiry by the Council as to how these expenditures compare with allocations, Mr. Kendall Stevens of the Park Board replied that expenditures will be $5,565 over allocation made for this particular improvement, viith triangles still to be improved; but that there is some $27,000 in the "unallocated" account, which was so designated to meet just such emergencies; that, although the cost of Cornelia Park improvements exceeds estimate it still is not over the moneys available, Kohler's motion for award of contract as recommended was seconded by Dickson and carried . I AQUATENPJIAL SVIIM MEET TO BE HELD IN EDINA POOL. request for use of the Edina Pool on July 21 and 22, for its swim meet, was discussed, Dickson's motion,that the request be granted subject to whatever legal requirements are imposed by the village Attorney, was seconded byBank and carried . Minneapolis Aquatennial Committee's REQUEST FOR POOL COWLETION TIME DENIED. Western Construction eorqany'for extension of time for completion of swimming pool, together with Park Board's recommendation against the extension, motion that request be denied was seconded by Tupa and unanimously carried. Council reviewed the request of Great Bank's BACKSTOPS-CONTRACT AWARDED. May 9, with six bidding and Crown Iron Works being low bidder for three Little League backstops at$4,512.00 and for three Baseball backstops at $1,968.00. explained that, after the last bids were rejected, the backstops had been redesigned with a view toward securing better bids; but that this low bid is $80.00 lower on the baseball stops and $243 higher on the Little League stops. he be given authority to negotiate with previous low bidder for order of one Little League stop at the figure then bid, and to buy one Little League stop at the present low bid price, with authority to purchase one Little League stop at present bid price if negotiations do not prove successful on old price; these two backstops to go to Mirror Lakes Park. negotiation and purchase be granted in accordance with Manager's recommendation was seconded by Bank and carried. Manager Hyde presented Tabulation of Bids received He He recommended that Dickson's motion that authority for FOUR-PLEX REQUEST FOR LOTS 3 AND 4, BLOCK 2, ELMJJOOD TERRACE (5512-5516 FRANCE) DENIED . €or permit to construct a four-plex at 5512-5516 France was reviewed. lslrs. Virginia Beard was present to support the request, as owner of the property. She stated that this solution had been recommended to her some time ago by the. Planning Commission for these two lots. led by Mr. Harris Lindquist, 5517 Halifax Lane, protested the proposed multiple dwelling, but did state they are not averse to having a double bungalow at this location. Kohler's motion that request for four-plex be denied was seconded by Dickson and carried. Planning Commission's May 7th for denial of a request by Thomas & Heller A delegation of ten or twelve neighbors, PLW@JIHG CO?.JIPIIJSSION' S RECORliAENDATIONS AS TO PRELIMINARY PLAT APPROVAL ACCEPTED. THE following Preliminary Plats were presented, carrying Planning Commission's I May 7th recommendations for approval, as follows: Commission recommended approval of entire plat as a Preliminary with understanding that Lots 1,2,5 and 6 be platted, but that balance remain unplatted at this time because of highway plans. 2. SUBDIVISION OF LOTS 1 AND 2, SKYLINE. (Doh? LEARY),. Commission's recommend- ation was for approval subject to Outlot's being deeded to Village. 3. LYLE ADDITION (Lot 46, \Yarden Acres). Commission's recommendation was €or approval subject to deed restrictions requiring dwellings on Lots 1,2,6 and 7 to face east and west and have setbacks of 25 feet from East-'Jest streets and 30 foot setbacks from North-South streets; that residences on Lots 3,4 and 5 face either North or South, with 30-foot setback from both East-West streets. SOUTH GARDEE €STATES FOURTH ADDITION - Commission recommended approval, 1- SUBDIVISION OF LOTS 12 AND 13, BLOCK 2, PEACEDALE ACRES .(C.C, YOLEZ. 3, Bank's motion that: Commission recommendations be accepted and Preliminary Plats approved accordingly was seconded by Tupa and carried. 5/12/58 1x3 PARKWOOD KNOLLS SEVENTH ADDITION--FINAL PLAT APPROVED. May 7th recommendation for approval was reviewed, and Dickson moved for approval of Final Plat. WALNUT RIDGE SECOND ADDITION--FINAL PLAT APPROVED. in accordance with Planning Commission's May 7th recommendation. seconded by Bank and carried. Planning Commission's Motion seconded by Tupa and carried. Tupa moved for approval Motion GARY ADDITION (South 1/2 of Lot 1, Block 1, Peacedale Acres)--FINAL PLAT APPROVED. Bank's motion, approving Final Plat in accordance with Planning Commission's recommendation of May 7th, was seconded by Tupa and carried. SOUTHDALE (LAKE CORNELIA COMPANY) APARTMENTS DISCUSSED. was called to the May 7th statement by the Planning Commission, reminding Council that the proposed Southdale apartment development does not meet all the requirements of the proposed Multiple Dwelling Ordinance. Trustee Kohler, stating he feels that Southdale apartments should meet the new ordinance requirements if others are to be expected to do so, asked that the Council reconsider this matter and let the Planning Commission make its recommendations. Trustee Tupa asked for clarification of a statement that Parks Director French had agreed that there would be no need for park land in this area. Upon inquiry, Mr. French reviewed for the council the matter of the dedication of part of Cornelia Park, which dedication was 'sufficient to meet the requirements for park dedication for all holdings by the Southdale interests. Mr. French stated that in view of the fact that the required area dedication had been met, the only thing that the Park Board can do is to "strongly urge" that private play areas be provided for the apartment development. Mr. Robert crabb, representing Lake Cornelia Company, stated that the Company will do whatever is necessary-- that if the Council requests.a bond guaranteeing adult and tot play areas the Company will be glad to provide it. He stated he feels that play areas are a requisite in this type of development. There was some discussion on the matter of platting, and of provisions for sewer and water; and Kohler moved that in view of the fact thatothe land has not been platted and the matter was not cleared with the Planning Commission, that it be referred to the Planning Commission and then brought back to the Council for its consider- ation. Motion seconded by Tupa and lost, with Kohler and Tupa voting aye; Bank, Dickson and Bredesen voting nay. building permit be issued, subject to the Company's supplying a bond for completion of plat within 45 days; and Dickson so moved. by Bank. Discussion, with Kohler suggesting a joint Council-Planning Commission meeting on this matter within the week, if possible, before . affirmative action. Motion withdrawn with consent of second; and Meeting with Planning Commission for discussion of Southdale Apartments matter arranged for Friday, May 16, at 4:30 P.M., at the Village Hall. Council's attention \ Manager Hyde suggested that a Motion seconded AUTOMOBILE PARKIEG ZONING DENIED. Posting and Mailing of Notice of Hearing on proposed Rezoning from Open Development to Automobile Parking District, Lot 10, Block 22, Fairfax Addition (6136 Oaklawn Avenue), which were approved and ordered placed on file. Pursuant to said notice Council conducted a public hearing on this matter. Planning Commission's recommendation for this type of zoning in preference to possible future rezoning to CommunTty Store District were reviewed. owner, does not want Automobile Parking Zoning; and a petition of protest was presented by owners of neighboring properties. Tupa's motion that proposed rezoning to Automobile Parking District'be denied was seconded by Bank and carried. Clerk presented. Affidavits of Publication, It was brought to council's attention that Miss Sophia stenson, DOUBLE BUNGALOWS APPROVED FOR LOTS 1 THROUGH 8, BLOCK 1, PEACEDALE ACRES AND LOTS 11 THROUGH 15, BLOCK 21, FAIRFAX ADDITION--6200 thru 6332 France, and 6105-6125 Wooddale, respectively. Affidavits of Publication, Posting and Mailing of Notice of Hearing on proposed Double Bungalows as hereinbefore set forth were presented, approved as to form and ordered placed on file. to said notice Council conducted public hearings as follows: Commission's recommendation for approval was reviewed. Mr. Tom Wheaton, owner of property North of 60th Street inquired as to the type of dwelling to be constructed, and was informed that definite plans have not been presented but that the price of the land will preclude economy buildings. There were no objections registered at the Hearing, and none had been received prior thereto. Bank's motion that Council approve issuance of permits for double bungalows for Lots 1 through 8, Block 1, Peacedale Acres, conditioned upon approval by Planning Commission of actcal house plans and conditioned upon said dwellings facing France Avenue. Pursuant 1. DOUBLE BUNGALOWS ON LOTS 1 THROUGH 8, BLOCK 1, PEACEDALE ACRES. Planning Motion seconded by Dickson and carried. 5/12/58 2, DOUBLE BURGALOW3 FOR LOTS 11 THROUGH 15, BLOCK 21, FAIRFAX. Planning . Commission’s recornendation favoring this type of land useage rather than possible future Community Store useage or Multiple use was read. The owner of a one-family dwelling at 6101 wooddale objected to doubles, but did state he would prefer them to commercial use, although he feels that this property is still useable for one-family buildings. the Hearing, and none had been received prior thereto. of issuance of permits for double bungalows for Lots 11 through 15, Block 21, Fairfax, subject to compliance with minimum lot requirements for these dwellings and subject to approval of actual house plans by Planning Commission. Motion seconded by Dickson and carried. There were no other objections registered at Tupa moved for approval I WEST 1/2 OF LOT 1, BLOCK 3, NORFANDALE (6201 RYAN AVE. ) 35-FOOT SETBACK APPROVED. Affidavits of Publication, Posting and hlailing of Notice of Hearing were presented, approved as to form and ordered placed on file, Hearing was conducted on the request for a 35-Foot Setback (rather than the 40-foot required by the Ordinance); the reason for request being that this lot is bordering the proposed Crosstown Highway and petition wants as much room as possible between Highway and his dwelling. objections were registered at the Hearing and none had been received prior thereto. Dickson’s motion approved 35-Setback as requested. carried. Pursuant to said notice Public Mr. P.E.H. Swanson spoke in favor of the request. No Motion seconded by Kohler and FACING OF DXLLIEG LONG WAY OF LOT APPROVED--LOT 4, BLOCK 7, LABUENA VISTA (6812 Hillside Road). were presented, approved as to form and ordered placed on file. notice Public Hearing was conducted on this petition for facing of dwelling on Brook Drive rather than Hillside Road. neighboring property owners was presented. or written, and Tupa moved that petition be granted. carried. Affidavits of Publication, Posting and Mailing of Notice of Hearing Pursuant to said Petition of assent, signed by some 12 There were no objections, either oral Motion seconded by Bank and CONTINUATION OF APRIL 28 PUBLIC HEARING ON PROWSED DISTRICT (TRUNK) AND LATERAL SANITARY SEI’JER IRIPROVEMENTS IN SOUTH BLAKE ROAD AREA. continued to give Village Engineer an opportunity for study of the route of the proposed District (Sub-Trunk) Sewer; the suggestion having been made that the sewer be laid in Idyltvood Lane rather than in Parkwood Road; and in Kaymar Drive rather than in Eden Prairie Road. these last two weeks it is the recommendation of the Engineering Department that the District (Sub-Trunk) line be put in exactly as first recommended, with the exception that that part of the line North of Pine Grove Road be eliminated; and that Lateral Sewers be constructed as wanted, only- with the balance of the proposed Lateral project eliminated. He told the audience that, based on bids and on eliminating those Lateral Sewers as requested at the last meeting, the best Estimate of cost is $588 per lot for the Laterals, or Lateral Connections to the District Sewer; and $280 per lot for the District Sewer. Mr. Leonard Gebo supported the petition filed at the last meeting, objecting to sewer in Schaefer Road North of the South 1/2 of westwood Court and on the North 1/2 of t”Jestwood Court. He maintained that this sewer should drain North, rather than into the Nine-Mile creek Trunk; and that therefore, this area--proposed to be assessed in the present Trunk District-should be excluded therefrom. Jones again objected to the District Sewer’s being laid in Eden Prairie Road, for the reason that he owns some 1300 feet along the street and the cost will be a hardship to him. ,Mr. Robert Short, new OWN on Pine Grove Road, stated he has no objection to asxsmenz ehe District Sewer but that he objects to any proposed lateral for his property; then, later in the evening, htr. Short asked if his property could not be excluded from the District Sewer area. informed that, unlike the area abutting Schaefer Road, the area abutting Blake Road could not be drained to the North and must be served by the presently planned District sewer and must therefor be assessed for it. Bank offered the following Resolution and moved its adoption: This Hearing had been I Mr. Hyde stated that, a€ter considerable study Mr. Lewis He was I RESOLUTION ORDERING SANITARY SEWER IMPROVEMENT NO. 142- . DISTRICT SEVJER AND LATERAL SERVICE CONNECTIONS THERETO. BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the Village of Edina, Minnesota., that this council heretofore caused notice,of hearing to be duly published on the following proposed improvement : CONSTRUCTION OF VILLAGE DISTRICT (TRUNK) SANITARY SEGVERS AND APPURTENANCES IbJ THE FOLLO’IJING STREETS: Highway No, 169-212 from Gleeson Road to Blake Road; Blake Road from Highway No. 169-212 to 450’ North of Pine Grove Road; Eden Prairie Road from Blake Road to Highway No. 169-212 (Highwood) Parkwood Road from Blake Road to Schaefer Road; - and CONSTRUCTION OF LATERAL SERVICE CONNECTIONS TO SAID DISTRICT (TRUNK) SANITARY SEVERS IN THE FOLLOYIING STREETS : Blake Road from Highway No, 169-212 to 450’ North of Pine Grove Road; Eden Prairie Road from Blake Road to Highway No. 169-212; (Highwood) Parkrvood Road from Blake Road to Schaefer Road 5/12/58 1 dj 1 and at the hearing held at the time and place specified in said notice the Council has duly considered the views of all persons interested, and being fully advised of the pertinent facts does hereby determine to proceed with the construction of said improvement as follows: -L 7 i CONSTRUCTION OF VILLAGE DISTRICT TRUNK SANITARY SEWERS AND APPURTENANCES IN THE FOLLOWING STREETS: Highway No. 169-212 from Gleeson Road to Blake Road; Blake Road from Highway No. 169-212 to Pine Grove Road; Eden Prairie Road from Blake Road to Highway No. 169-212 (Highwood); Parkwood Road from Blake Road to Schaefer Road and CONSTRUCTION OF LATERAL SERVICE CONNECTIONS TO SAID DISTRICT TRUNK SANITARY SEWERS IN THE FOLLOWING STREETS: Blake Road from Highway No. 169-212 to Pine Grove Road; Eden Prairie Road from Blake Road to Highway No. 169-212 (Highwood); Parkwood Road from Blake Road to Schaefer Road and that that portion of the proposed District (Trunk) Sewer and Lateral Service Connections thereto in Blake Road from Pine Grove Road to 450' Rorth thereof shall not be constructed as a part of this improvement. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that said improvement is hereby designated and shall be referred to in all subsequent proceedings as SANITARY SEWER IMPROVEMENT NO. 142, and the areas to be specially assessed therefor shall be as follows: FOR THE DISTRICT SEWER AND APPURTENANCES$ All lots and tracts of land within the following described boundaries: "Beginning at the intersection of the centerline of Highway #169-212 and the west line of NE1/4 of SE1/4 of Sec. 31, Twp. 117, R.21; th. Nly along said west line and the west line of the SE1/4 of the NE1/4 of said Sec. 31 to the NW corner thereof; th. Wly 359 feet; thence NWly along the rear lot lines of lots 11 and 10, Block 5, Parkwood Knolls a distance of 165 feet; thence NWly and SWly along the rear lot lines of lots 10 and 9, said Block 5 to the SW corner of Lot 9, said Block 5; thence Nly to the NW corner thereof; thence NWly along the Wly lot line of Lot 1, said Block 5 and its extension to the centerline of Parkwood Road; thence NEly along the centerline of Parkwood Road to the Sly extension of the Ely lot line of Lot 4, Block 2, Parkwood Knolls; thence Nly along said extension and the east lines of Lots 4 and 3, said Block 2 to the NE corner of said Lot 3; thence Wly to the SW corner of Lot 16, Aud. Subd. No. 325; th. Nly to the NW corner thereof; th. Ely to the NE corner thereof; th. SEly to the STN corner of Lot 1, Block 2, Westwood Court; th, Ely to the SE corner of Lot 4, Block 1, Westwood Court; tho Nly along the Ely line thereof to the SW Corner of Lot 43, Aud. Subd. #325; thence Ely to the centerline of Blake Road; th. Sly along the centerline of Blake R&d; th. Sly along the centerline of Blake Road to a point which is 511 feet north of the centerline of Pine Grove Road; thence Ely 658.25 feet; thence Sly 178 feet; thence Ely to the East line of the SW1/4 of the SVJ1/4 of Sec. 29, Twp. 117, R. 21; thence Sly to the SW corner of Lot I, Block 1, Carson's Hillj thence Ely to the NE corner of Lot 2, Block 1, Highwood Addition to Edina Highlands; thence Sly to the SE corner of Lot 6, said Block 1; thence Wly to SW corner thereof; thence Sly along the Wly lot line thereof to the SW corner thereof; thence Sly along the East line of Block 3, Highwood Addition to Edina Highlands to the centerline of State Highway #169-212; thence SWly along said centerline to the point of beginningu-the following area, originally proposed to be assessed for the cost of said improvement, to be specifically excluded from the area proposed to be assessed therefor: "Beginning at SW Corner of Lot 15, Aud. Subd. #325; th. Nly to NW Cor. of Lot 13, Aud. Subd. #325; th. Ely to NE Cor. thereof; th. Ely to IW Cor. of Lot 21, Aud. Subd. #325; th. Ely to NE Cor. thereof; th. Sly to SE Cor. of Lot 4, Block 1, Westwood Court; th. Wly to SW Cor. of Lot 1, B1. 2, Westwood Court; th. Wly to SE Cor. of Lot 15, Aud. Subd. #325; th. Wly to pt. of Beginning." FOR LATERAL CONNECTIONS TO THE DISTRICT SEWER: abutting the streets proposed to be improved by construction of said Lateral Connections All Lots and Tracts of Land Motion for adoption of Resolution was seconded by Tupa, and on Rollcall there were €our ayes and one nay, as follows: Bank aye; and Bredesen, aye; and the Resoluti Manager Hyde stated that, in line with sentiment of last week, it is expected that the following lateral sewers will be eliminated from the list of those proposed to be constructed: Schaefer Road, North of the South 1/2 of Westwood Court; North 1/2 of Westwood Court; South Knoll Drive from Blake Road to Schaefer Road; Knoll Drive from Parkwood Road to Blake Road; Parkwood Road from Akers Lane to Schaefer Road; Akers Lane. There were no objections registered on elimination of these streets from the proposed Lateral Sewer project, 5/12/58 There was some question concerning inclusion of Highwood Drive and West Highwood Drive. One gentleman living in N. Highwood Drive suggested that this street be eliminated and sewer put in Highwood Drive only, inasmuch as the people on that street need it; but Flr. Les Anderson, developer and owner of several lots on Y?. Highwood, asked that the street be included for construction. Mr. Robert Short, new owner of considerable property on the North side of Pine Grove Road, East of W. Highwood Drive, objected to Lateral Sewer in this street. He stated he does not need or want it, and neither do his neighbors. Mr. Bloom- berg, developer of property on the South 1/2 of the street, stated it is not needed immediately in this location. i. hlr. Poboisk, Kaymar Drive, asked that Kaymar Drive be excluded, on the grounds that the homes and private sewage systems are new, owners are still paying €or them and do not need village sewers at this time. A representative of Swedlund & Hill, developers and still owners of 12 lots, asked that this street be included. Bank: offered the followins Resolution and moved its adoption: I REsOLUTION ORDERING SANITARY SEVkR IMPROVEMENT NO. 143 BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the Village of Edina, Ivlinnesota, that this Council' heretofore caused notice of hearing to be duly published on the following proposed improvement: CONSTRUCTION OF SANITARY LATERAL SEWERS AND APPURTENANCES IN THE FOLLOlnJING STREETS : Highwood Drive from Highway No. 169-212 to \'Jest Highwood Drive; west Highwood Drive from Highwood Drive to Pine Grove Road; Kaymar Drive from Blake Road to Eden Prairie Road; Jeffrey Lane from Blake Road to Kaymar Drive; Leslee Drive; Saxony Rd. from Blake Rd. to Nest Highwood Drive; Idylwood Drive from Schaefer Rd, to West Highwood-Drive; 1 South Knoll Drive from Schaefer Road to Blake Road; Knoll Drive from Parkwood Road to Blake Road; Parkwood Road from Akers Lane to Schaefer Road; Akers Lane; Schaefer Rd. from Parkwood Rd. to 5209'Schaefer Rd. Itlestwood Court +f Pine Grove Rd. from Blake Rd. to 1300 feet east; and at the hearing held at the time and place specified in said notice the Council has duly considered the views of all persons interested, and being fully advised of the pertinent facts does hereby determine to proceed with the construction of Sanitary Lateral Sewers in the following streets: Highwood Drive from Highway No. 169-212 to West Highwood Drive; \'Jest Highwood Drive from Highwood Drive to Pine Grove Road; Kaymar Drive from Blake Road to Eden Prairie Road; Jeffrey Lane from Blake Road to Kaymar Drive; Leslee Drive; Saxony Rd, from Blake Rd. to West Highwood Drive; Idylwood Drive from Schaefer Rd. to West Highwood Drive; Pine Grove Rd. from Blake Rd. to west Highwood Drive; Schaefer Rd, from Parkwood Rd. to South Westwood Court; South 1/2 of Westwood Court and to exclude from construction of lateral sewers as part of this improvement the following streets: &Pine Grove Rd. from Nest Highwood Drive, East. South Knoll Drive from Schaefer Road to Blake Road; Knoll Drive from Parkwood Road to Blake Road; Parkwood Road from Akers Lane to Schaefer Road; Akers Lane; Schaefer Rd. from South Westwood Court to 5209 Schaefer Rd.; North 1/2 of Westwood Court. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED.that said improvement is hereby designated and shall be referred to in all subsequent proceedings as SANITARY SEilER IMPROVEMENT NO. 143, and the area to be specially assessed therefor shall include all lots and tracts of land abutting the streets proposed to be improved by said Sanitary Lateral Sewer construct ion . Motion for adoption of Resolution was seconded four ayes and one nay, as follows: Bank, aye aye; and Bredesen, aye; and the Resolution wa a, and on Rollcall there were )Vi11 age Clerk At this time Mr. Short inquired as to the possibility of assessing his tract for "one lot", restriction guaranteeing that this property could never be subdivided. He was informed that this could be done only on receipt of a deed 143 5/12/58 AWARD OF CONTRACTS FOR SANITARY SEWER IMPROVEMENTS NOS. 142 AND 143. SANITARY SEWER IMPROVEMENT NO. 142 (DISTRICT SEWER AND LATERAL CONNECTIONS THERETO), stating that Orfei 8 Mariani & Sons, Inc. is the itow bidder of the two bids received, by some $34,600; the low bid being $97,189.56 and Barbarossa-Nodland Company's bid being $121,797.60, based on the quantities estimated in the plans and specifications. to low bidder on the project as ordered by resolution this evening, and Bank so moved. Manager Hyde reviewed for the council the bids taken on April 28 for He recommended award of contract Motion seconded by Tupa and carried. Mr. Hyde reviewed the bids received April 28 for SANITARY SEWER IMPROVEMENT NO. 143 (LATERAL SANITARY SEWERS) , stating that the aggregate bids for said improvement, based on the total quantities of work and materials stated in the plans and specifications for all of the sewers originally included therein, were as follows: $125,454.46; Orfei & Mariani & Sons, Inc., $146,084.43; Barbarossa-Nodland Company, $161,563.90. He informed the Council that the plans and specifi= cations for this improvement and the bidding forms furnished in connection therewith had called for separate alternate bids on each of the sewers in- cluded in the project; that the lowest alternate bid received for each sewer was that of Northern Contracting Company, except in the case of the lateral sewer on Knoll Drive from Blake Road to schaefer Road, which was eliminated from the improvement by the resolution ordering the same, adopted at this meeting; that the alternate bids for the individual sewers were not tied, and said Northern Contracting Company is prepared to accept a contract for construction of those individual sewers which have been ordered by said reso- lution; that the unit prices stated in said alternate bid are identical with those stated in said contractor's bid for the project as a whole; that the aggregate cost under Northern Contracting Company's bids for those lateral sewers included in the resolution ordering Sanitary Sewer Improvement No. 143 is $76,186.00; and that the Manager recommends award of a contract for said ' improvement to the low bidder, Northern Contracting Company, on the basis of said unit prices. bidder, Northern Contracting Company, for construction of sanitary lateral sewers included in Sanitary Sewer Improvement No. 143, as ordered this date, in accordance with said bidder's alternate bids for the construction of said sewers, dated April 28, 1958, was seconded by Tupa and carried. Northern Contracting Company, 3 Dickson's motion, that contract be awarded to low CONTINUATION OF APRIL 28TH PUBLIC HEARING ON PROPOSED BLACKTOPPING OF ALLEY BETWEEN W.55TH AND W.56TH STREETS AND BETWEEN YORK AND XERXES AVENUES. This Hearing had been continued to give the Village Engineer an opportunity to study drainage conditions. Mr. Zikan stated that Blacktopping will alleviate the bad wash condition in the alley itself, although there will continue to be a wash down VJ.55th Street. Two ladies spoke once again in favor of this project, saying the alley is now in such bad condition it is difficult to use it at all. adoption : Kohler offered the following Resolution and moved its RESOLUTION ORDERING IMPROVEMENT NO. A-119 BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the Village of Edina, Minnesota, that this Council heretofore caused notice of hearing to be duly published on the following proposed improvement: BITUMINOUS SURFACE TREATMENT OF THAT ALLEY BETWEEN WEST 55TH AND WEST 56TH STREETS AND BETWEEN YORK AND XERXES AVENUES, and at the hearing held at the time and place specified in said notice the Council has duly considered the views of all persons interested, and being fully advised of the pertinent facts does hereby determine to proceed with the construction of said improvement; that said improvement is hereby desig- nated and shall be referred to in all subsequent proceedings as IMPROVEMENT NO. A-119; and the area to be specially assessed therefor shall include all lots and tracts of land abutting the alley proposed to be improved. HILLDALE SANITARY SEWER PETITION DENIED. for Sanitary Sewer in tlHilldale'l--subsequently defined as being for Circle East and Spur Road--and receipt, later, of counter petition against sewer by owners of 58;d of properties in Hilldale. Dr. Wm. O'Brien, 3 Circle East, defended his petition; and Mr. E. w. Krafft, 7 Circle West, explained that no one on Circle West wants sewer because of the expense of connecting, inasmuch as Clerk reported receipt of petition 5/12/58 plumbing is installed with view toward rear-yard motion, that Council accede to the wishes of the Sanitary Sewer, was seconded by Tupa and carried. cesspool connections. Bank's majority and reject petition for HILLDALE STREETS TO BE REPAIRED. BUT CONSTRUCTION TO BE PURSUANT TO PETITION. In connection with the Sanitary Sewer matter, Ab. Krafft asked that Council make its procedure on street repair and construction plain to the large delegation present. Manager Hyde told the audience that the Village can patch the present streets as part of its maintenance program, but that an actual Blacktopping project will initiated only after a petition by the owners of the majority of the property, and will be an assessment project. (Str'eets were surfaced years ago by developer Herrill Hutchinson on his ovm specifications; and property owners have never been assessed for a village project), words, we will never have A-1 roads in Hilldale until Hilldale petitions the Village for Blacktopping and is willing to pay for ik". AWARD OF CONTRACTS--BIDS TAKEN MAY 12. for bids received today pursuant to the proper advertisement; said bids being as f 01 1 OWS : BLACKTOPPING 1MPROVET.IENTS NOS. A-107, A-108 AND A-109 - Three bids received, with Asconite Asphalt Company being low bidder for the three projects at a Total Bid of $6,725,00; Blacktop Service Company, next 10i.1 with $6,973.50; and Bituminous Roadways, Inc, , high bidder with $9,437,70. contract to low bidder, and Tupa so moved. carried. received, as follows: Arnold Beckman, $9,358.00; Art Boleir Const. Co., $10,866.00; Victor Carlson & Sons, Inc., $11,208,04g and Crown Sidewalk 8 Block Co., Inc., $11,262,00. Mr. Hyde explained that the low bidder has not worked in Edina before, but that he is well regarded and has good references, He recommended award of contract to low bidder, and Bank so moved. Motion seconded by Dickson and carried. Mr, Krafft summarized by stating, "In other Manager Hyde presented Tabulation of Bids 1. Manager Hyde recommended award of Motion seconded by Dickson and 2. CURB AND GUTTER IIdPROVEnENTS NOS. B-49, B-50, B-51 AND B-52 - Four bids IPJIPROVEfIENT PETITIONS ACCEPTED. PETITION FOR OILING - Hankerson Avenue from W.52nd to Interlachen Blvd. ; W.5lst St., Hankerson to l'Jilliam; and PETITION FOR OILING - Nest Shore Drive, W.66th St. to Balfanz Road, were presented; and were accepted by motion Bank, seconded by Tupa and carried. PETITION FOR SANITARY SEVER in Josephine AVe. from W.63rd to 1y.64th St. was submitted, carrying the notation "Emergency Petition-cesspool Trouble", It was reported that this area refused sewer at an earlier date because of its proximity to the Crosstown Highway intersection--that the present petition is for service to property left after condemnation. with instructions to Engineer to expedite providing engineering has already been done in connection with previously proposed improvement, vras seconded by Tupa and carried. Bank's motion that petition be accepted, INDIAN HILLS "BLACKTOP SURVEY'' PETITION DISCUSSED. Petition "that a survey be made of the estimated costs of blacktopping, including necessary curbing and culverts that may be required", filed by residents of Indian Hills, was presented and discussed; the Council feeling that before proceedings are initiated for an improvement residents should be sufficiently interested in having work done to sign an official petition, present during the discussion and told the council that because this area has some.problems all its own it has been impossible to give petitioners any idea at all of the cost. Manager Hyde suggested that the Village prepare a rough estimate for consfderation by petitioners; and the matter was tabled pending submission of regular petition. Mr."and Mrs. Barker, 6700 Cheyenne Trail, were MUNICIPAL STATE AID STREETS - CONSTRUCTION PRIORITY DISCUSSED. Manager Hyde ' brought the matter of priority of construction under the State Gas Tax program before the council: that at one time the ConseBsus of opinion vras to widen Wooddale Avenue first; but that some problems have arisen which may change this decision. cost of this project, including the widening of the bridge, will take practically all this year's allotment of $69,000. an additional ten feet, but is asking in return that the Village provide fence for the entire length of the golf course--which is a considerable expense in itsalf. in case it is decided to abandon Wooddale. for the immediate present: I WOODDALE AVENUE, FROFJ 50TH STREET SOUTH. Mr. Hyde reminded the council First, the Then, Edina Country Club will dedicate 1:~. Hyde suggested some alternate construction for Council's consideration, -. - -- 5/12/58 345 1. SOUTHVIEW LANE BETWEEN HIGHWRY NO. 100 AND CONCORD AVEIWE - Widening to a width of 38 feet, with No Parking either side of street, Blacktopping and Curb and Gutter. He explained that property owners on the North side of the street fight improvement for the reason that they must be assessed the long way of the lot; but that the School is most anxious to have the street put into good shape because the school buses make so much use of it. preliminary estimate of cost (prepared without field survey) in the Total Amount of $36,951.77; of which cost some $7,650 would be assessed at $3.00 per assess- able foot for Blacktopping, and some $3,625.00 could be assessed for 1/2 the cost of curb and gutter, leaving some $25,600 as Municipal State Aid Share. recommended that the council call a Public Hearing on this improvement in order that construction be expedited and completed before beginning of school term next fall. to a width of 38 feet, raising approximately two feet, and Blacktopping, a Total Cost of some $39,554.00 (again a preliminary estimate and prepared without field survey). amount on a street which has proven to be practically impossible to maintain-- especially as the proposed Crosstown Highway will substantially cut traffic here within a very few years. Manager Hyde suggested that it might be possible to make temporary repairs by doing some filling and shooting with a heavy coat of oil, but without Blacktopping; and the suggestion was made that this method be followed and that street be closed off completely until oil had set. taken, although consensus of opinion was that Manager's suggestion be followed. 3. BENTON AVENUE FROM HIGHWAY NO. 100 TO TINGDALE AVENUE - Widening to a width of 44 feet, Blacktopping and Curb and Gutter, Mr. Hyde reminded Council that matter of Blacktopping and Curb and Gutter for Benton between Highway No. 100 and East View Drive is now before the Council, with owners of abutting properties protesting that assessment of curb and gutter is a "neighborhood" matter on basis that it serves as a storm sewer; that owners have complained of the heavy and steadily increasing traffic which this street bears. without survey, was in the Total Amount of $22,094.68; $4,590 of which would be assessed at $3.00 per foot for Blacktopping; and about $2,00O:f6r 1/2 the cost of curb and gutter, leaving some $15,500.00 as Municipal State Aid Share. Mr. Hyde reported that it is estimated that the widening of the lllooddale Avenue bridge could be accomplished this year, at an estimate of between $15,000 and $20,00O--widening to be ten feet to the west of the present structure, with extension of present culvert. opinion that this project be processed during 1958. Bank offered the following Resolution an4 moved its adoption: i Mr. Hyde presented Engineer Zikan's He (See Resolution of later in meeting). 2. IrV.66TH STREET ACROSS LAKE (CORNELIA CIRCLE TO WEST SHORE DRIVE) - Widening Some little discussion was had as to the practicability of spending this I No formal action was ' Mr. Zikan's preliminary estimate of cost, prepared 4. VJOODDALE AVENUE BRIDGE WIDENING. It was Council's RESOLUTION PROVIDING FOR PUBLIC HEARING ON PROPOSED WIDENING, CURB AMD GUTTER AND I BLACKTOPPING IMPROVEMENT BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the Village of Edina: 1. to the feasibility of the proposed WIDENING, CURB AND GUTTER AND BLACKTOPPING Improvement described in the Form of Notice of Hearing set forth below, and as to the estimated cost of such improvement, said report is hereby approved and directed to be placed on file in the office of the Village Clerk. 2. the Edina Village Hall, to consider in public hearing the views of a13 persons interested in said proposed improvement. 3, and purpose of said meeting to be published in the official newspaper once a week ' for two successive weeks, the second of which publications is to be not less than three days from date of said meeting, which notice shall be in substantially the PROPOSED WIDENING, CURB AND GUTTER AND The Village'Engineer, having submitted to the Council a preliminary report as This Council shall meet on Monday, , at 7:OO P.M., in The clerk is hereby authorized and directed to cause notice of the time, place following form: NOTICE OF HEARING or( BLACKTOPPING IMPROVEMENT NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Edina Village Council will meet at the village Hall on Monday, ing proposed improvement, to be constructed under the authority granted by Minnesota Laws of 1953, Chapter 398. by the Village Engineer as set forth below: , at 7:OO P.M., to consider the follow- The approximate cost of said improvement is estimated EST. COST WIDENING OF TRAVELED ROADWAY OF SOUTHVIEW LANE BETVLJEEN HIGHWAY NO. 100 APJD CONCORD AVENUE TO 38 FEET: CONSTRUCTION OF CONCRETE CURB AND GUTTER ABUTTING SAID TRAVELED ROADWAY: AND BITUMINOUS SURFACE TREATMENT OF SAID TRAVELED ROADWAY The area proposed to be assessed for the cost of said improvement includes $36,951.77 all lots and tracts of land abutting the street proposed to be improved. Motion for adoption of Resolution was seconded by Dickson, and on Rollcall there were five ayes and no nays, as follows: Tupa, aye; and Bredesen, aye; and the Re e; Dickson, aye; ICohler, aye3 5/12/58 BOARD OF REVIEJ MEETIiG SCHEDULED FOR 5:OO POLL, TUESDAY. JULY 15. County Super- / visor of Assessments' notification that Edina Board of Review Meetins will be held on July 15, at time set by Council, was reported. for 5:OO P.AL Council scheiuled meeting AYJARD OF CONTRACT-TRACTOR-h;OWER. In accordance with Council request at the last meeting an Equipment Inventory was presented, together with written report show- ing that in 1957 a total of $1,621.37 was paid for weed mowing; $1202.50 being contracted and $418.87 being village Labor. tractor as a replacement for the old 1940 tractor were given, and were discussed' at some length. Equipment Co., Inc., low bidder, at $2,760; this machine being International Idode1 1-330. LEGAL LIABILITY/FOR LIQUOR STORE RECOMENDED. Council that the Village does have liability for accidents resulting from the sale of liquor--stating, also, that such liability usually results from an illegal sale (to a drunk or to a minor), and questioned as to whether there is sufficient liability to warrant paying the very high premium for such coverage. Clerk asked to find out whether our present liability carrier will add an endorsement for legal liability to this policy. Reasons for purchasing the new Bank moved for award of contract for Tractor-Mower to Astleford !.lotion seconded by Dickson and carried. I COVERAGE Attorney Hasselquist told the ADVANCE ON JUNE TAX SETTLEMENT APPROVED. for $600,000 advance on June Tax Settlement was approved, by motion Tupa, seconded by Dickson and carried. Finance Director Dalen's recommendation ANIMAL RESCUE LEAGUE "WG CONTRDL" CONTRACT APPROVED. Manager Hyde presented a "dog control" contract with Animal Rescue League. Terms of contract call for 3-hour patrol five days a week, for $250.00 per month; additional patrol at specific request of Police Department at rate of $4.50 for each case attended; $.85 per day board for each animal. Kohler's motion that contract be approved was seconded by Dickson and carried. HENNEPIN COUNTY LIBRARY ASSOCIATION'S REQUEST for remodeling of upstairs rooms at Edina Library was mentioned, preparatory to including in budget for 1959. EDINA CIVIC AND IIdPROVE3ENT ASSOCIATION 'S RESOLUT1ONL"supporting Assessor Creighton in his request for qualified help" was read. Manager Hyde reported that the Assessor has the help he has requested; that he was never refused this help; that he is not asking for a man in his office at the present time. 1.k. Hyde asked to so inform Association. "PAMELA PARK" STORM SEWER HEARING SCHEDULED. Pursuant to Council's previous action tentatively scheduling this storm sewer hearing for May 26, preliminary plan and estimate of cost, as prepared by the Park Engineer, were presented, and Bank offered the following Resolution and moved its adoption: RESOLUTION PROVIDING FOR PUBLIC HEARING PROPOSED STORM SENER IMPROVELENT BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the Village of Edina: 1. The Village Park Engineer, having submitted to the Council a prelim- inary report as to.the feasibility of the proposed Storm Sewer Improvement described in the Form of Notice of Hearing set forth below, and as to the estimated cost of such improvement, said report is hereby approved and directed to be placed on file in the office of the Village Clerk. Ecina Village Hall, to consider in public hearing the views of all persons interested in said proposed improvement. place and purpose of said meeting to be published in the official newspaper once a week for two successive weeks, the second of which publications is to be not less than three days from date of said meeting, which notice shall be in substantially the following form: 2. This Council shall meet on Monday, May 26, 1958, at 7:30 P.M., in the 3. The Clerk is hereby authorized and directed to cause notice of the time, NOTICE OF HEARING ON PROPOSED STORM SEWER IMPROVEhlENT NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Edina Village Council will meet at the Village Hall on Monday, hfay 26, 1958, at 7:30 P.M., to consider the following proposed improvement, to be constructed under the authority granted by Minnesota Laws of 1953, chapter 398. by the Village Engineer as set forth below: The approximate cost of said improvement is estimated CONSTRUCTION OF VILLAGE STORM SEWER AND APPURTENANCES. Commencing at a point 33'feet, more or less, West and 10 feet, more or less, south of the intersection of the centerline of West 60th Street and VJooddale Avenue; thence Easterly along a line parallel to and 10 feet south of the centerline of N.6Oth Street, to a point 35 feet, more or less, East of the centerline of Oaklawn Avenue; thence Northeasterly to a point 160 feet, more or less, East of the centerline of W.59th st.; thence Northeasterly to a point 10 feet South and 10 feet East, more or less, of the intersection of the . 147 5/12/58. ' centerline of West 59th Street and Brookview Avenue; thence Northerly on a line parallel to and 13 feet, more or less, West of the centerline of Brookview Avenue, to a point 128 feet, more or less, South of the centerline of W.58th Street; thence Easterly, parallel to the centerline of West 58th Street, 150 feet, more or less, to the Outlet. EST. COST $36 , 987.00 The area proposed to be assessed for the cost of said improvement includes the following lots: FAIRFAX ADDITION: Block 1 - Lots 13 to 24 inclusive; Block 2 - Lots 1 to 24 inclusive; Block 3 - Lots 1 to 24 inclusive; Block 12 - Lots 1 to 12 inclusive; Block 13 - Lots 1 to 24 inclusive; Block 14 - Lots 1 to 24 inclusive; Block 15 - Lots 13 to 24 inclusive; Block 18 - Lots 13 to 24 inclusive; Block 19 - Lots 1 to 24 inclusive; Block 19 - Lots 1 to 24 inclusive; Block 20 - Lots 1 to 24 inclusive; Block 21 - Lots 1 to 8 inclusive, and Lots 12 to 16 inclusive; Block 22 - Lots 1 to 8 inclusive and Lots 15 to 22 inclusive; Block 23 - Lots 19 to 24 inclusive. VALLFl VIEW TERRACE - Block 1 - Lots 1 to 6 inclusive. GRETCHEN S. ALDEN, Village Clerk Motion for adoption of Resolution was seconded ckson, and on Rollcall there were SANITARY SEPZR: AND WATERMAIN IMPROVEMENT HEARINGS SCHEDULED. the Council conduct Public Hearings on several projects, and Bank offered the following Resolution and moved its adoption: Engineer Zikan asked RESOLUTION PROVIDING FOR PUBLIC HEARINGS PROPOSED SANITARY SEWER AND WATERMAIN IMPRO VEAENT S BE IT RESOLVED bv the Council of the Villaqe of Edina: 1. The Viliage Engineer, having submitted to the Council a preliminary report as to the feasibility of the proposed Sanitary Sewer and Watermain Improvements described in the Form of Notice of Hearings set forth below, and as to the estimated cost of such improvements, said report is hereby approved and directed to be placed on file in the office of the Village Clerk. Village Hall, to consider in public hearings the views of all persons interested in said proposed improvements. 3. The clerk is hereby authorized and directed to cause notice of the time, place and purpose of said meeting to be published in the official newspaper once a week for two successive weeks, the second of which publications is to be not less than three days from date of said meeting, which notice shall be in substantially the following form: NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING ON 2. This Council shall meet on Monday, May 26, 1958, at 7:OO P.M., in the Edina PROPOSED SANITARY SEWER AND WATERMAIN IMPROVEMENTS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Edina Village Council will meet at the village Hall on Monday, May 26, 1958, at 7:OO P.M., to consider the following proposed improvements to be constructed under the authority granted by Minnesota Laws of 1953, Chapter 398. the Village Engineer as set forth below: EST. COST The approximate cost of said improvements is estimated by 1. CONSTRUCTION OF VILLAGE LATERAL SANITARY SEWER AND APPURTENANCES IN THE FOLLOWING STREETS: A. Division Street from Vandervork Ave. to Oxford Ave.; Oxford Ave. from Division St. to 290' S. of W.5lst St. Interlachen Blvd. from Bedford Ave. to 125' W. of Oxford Ave. $62,295.60 B. West 59th Street from Tin dale Ave. to Code Ave. $ 5,701.20 C. Walnut Drive from West 59~ ? St. to Hwy. #169-212 $20 , 15 1.00 D. Richwood Drive; Edenmoor Street from Richwood Drive to Sherwood Rd. Sherwood Road from Eden Ave. to Richwood Drive. $55 2 862.40 E. Interlachen Blvd. from Skyline Drive to 400' East $ 4,144083 2. CONSTRUCTION OF VILLAGE LATERAL WATERMAINS AND APPURTENANCES IN THE FOLLOWING STREETS: A. Oxford Avenue from Interlachen Blvd. to 330' S. of B. West 59th Street from Code Ave. to Tingdale Ave.; Tingdale Ave. from W.59th St. to W.6Oth St.; Code Ave. from W.59th St. to W.6Oth St. $ 8,487.60 The area proposed to be assessed for the cost of the proposed lateral sanitary sewers and watermains listed above i cludes all lots and tracts of land abutting the streets proposed to be improved/ke construction of said lateral sanitary sewers and watermains. W. 51st St. $129862.50 GRETCHEN S. ALDEN, Village Clerk 5/12/58 fiqotion for adoption of Resolution was seconded were five ayes and no nays, as follows: B aye; and Bredesen, aye; and the Reso ckson, and on -Rollcall there ye; Kohler, aye; CLAIMS PAID. in the following amounts: and Claims Nos. 8466 and 8467, amounts $26544.00 and $2975.00 Bank's motion for payment of Claims as per Pre-List dated May 12, General Fund ---------- $7,257.04 Sewer Rental Fund ---- $40,462.18 Park 8, Park Const. Fund $1,486.93 Poor Fund $ 218.27 YJater Fund ---------- $1,832.06 $59,887.36 Const. Fund ---------- $8,620.00 Improvement Funds ---- - but making payment of Claim No. 8407 subject to receipt of signed itemized claim, was seconded by Tupa and carried. Tupa's motion €or adjournment was seconded by Kohler and carried. Lleetinq adjourned at 11:25 P.M. - h