HomeMy WebLinkAbout19580609_regular6/9/58 KlNUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE EDIIJA VILLAGE CO~EIL, HELD MONDAY, JUNE 9, 1958, AT 7:oo P.M., AT THE EDINA VILLAGE HALL Members answering Rollcall were Bank, Dickson, Kohler, Tupa and Bredesen. MINUTES of the Regular rieeting of May 26, and of the Special Meeting of June 2, 1958, were approved as submitted. POOL CONCESSIONS were discussed once again, report being made that bidders do not seem to be interested in Village's proposition for operation, with Village-owned equipment, on a one-year basis. PEDESTRIAN ACCESS TO POOL was considered, Manager Hyde suggesting that the Village grade a path outside the curb line along Valley View Road from just East of YJooddale, to the pool, for pedestrians and bicycles; the operation to be "grading only" for this year, with the idea that the path can be blacktopped in the future if there is sufficient travel to warrant it; and that an actuated signal light be placed at Valley View Road and yiooddale intersection, instead of actuated signal, a "Stop When Pedestrians Are In Crosswalk" sign might do as well. Council. As to access from the west, Mr. Hyde told the Council that a path along If?.66th Street would cost some $6,000, and recommended against construction. Suggestions were made that either "Pedestrians Keep Off" or "Careful-Pedestrians" signs be installed along this route; that, if possible, the youngsters South of 66th Street be encouraged to use 70th Street. Suggestion made that, Manager's suggestion on grading of path approved by common consent of PUBLIC HEARib!GS OPJ PROPOSED IKPROVEMENTS. in Fdina-Morningside Courier May 29 and June 5, 1958, of "Notice of Public Hearing oniproposed Sanitary Sewer, Curb and Gutter, Grading and Gravelling and Blacktopping", which Affidavit was approved as to Eorm and ordered placed on file. this Notice, the following Public Hearings were conducted and action taken: 1. PUBLIC HEARIKG ON PROPOSED SANITARY SEWER IN KNOLL DRIVE FROM BLAKE ROAD TO SCHAEFER ROAD. Blake Road to the Intersection of Knoll Drive with South Knoll Drive; with the properties on Knoll Drive facing the Parkway to be served from the proposed "South Knoll Drive" Main, Estimate of Cost before bids for this tin011 Drive Idlain was given at $8,259.60, as against 10 lots to be assessed, for $825.90 per lot. Fkr. Hyde told the Council that because bids taken this morning were lower then Estimate, a revised estimate would be $791.00 per lot. improvement, stating that it is the general concensus of opinion of the property owners that, because these are all new homes and have adequate cesspools, they can do without the sewer for awhile. seconded by Kohler and carried. ROAD TO SCHAEFER ROAD2 Drive from Blake Road to Intersection with Knoll Driv'e; thence through middle of Parkway to Schaefer Road; thus serving Lots 1, 2 and 3, Block 1, Parkwood Knolls 6th Addition (with addresses on Yaoll Drive) as ne11 as the lots on South Knoll Drive. against 15 assessable lots, €or $995.20 per Lot. were lower than Estimate, I&. Hyde gave as the revi"sed estimate, $835.00 per Lot. A delegation led by fkko J.K. Grotting was present to speak for the improvement. There were no objections registered at the Hearing, and no vrritten objections had been received prior thereto. Bank offered the following Resolution and moved its Clerk presented Affidavit of Publication Pursuant to Vu-Graph Slide was shown, showing this proposed Main to be from hlr. Davis spoke against this proposed Bank's motion that project be abandoned was 2. PUBLIC HEARIPJG ON PROPOSED SANITARY SEJER IN SOUTH KXOLL DRIVE FROM BLAEE Vu-Graph Slide was shown; this Main running in South Knoll Estimate of Cost, before bids taken today, was given as $14,928.00, as Because bids received today adoption : RESOLUTIOM ORDERING ILlPROVEMEhT SANITARY SEVER ILIPROVEMENT NO. 147 BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the Village of Edina, Minnesota, that this Council heretofore caused notice of hearing to be duly published on the following proposed improvement: CONSTRUCTION OF SriHITkRY LATERAL SEWER AND APPURTENANCES IN SOUTH KNOLL DRIVE FROM BLAKE ROAD TO SCHAEFER ROAD and at the hearing held at the time and place specified in said notice the.counci1 has duly considered the views of all persons interested, and being fully advised of the pertinent facts does hereby determine to proceed with the construction of said improvement; that said improvement is hereby designated and shall be referred to in all subsequent proceedings as SAMITARY SEVER IMPROVE.lE3!! b!O. 147, and the area to be specially assessed therefor shall include the follotving Lots and Tracts of Land: Parkwood Knolls 5th $,ddn. - Lots 7 to 11, inclusive, Block 1; Lots 1 to 5, inclusive, Block 2; and Lots 1 and 2, Block 3. Parkwood Knolls 6th Addn. - Lots 1, 2 and 3. LIotion for adoption of Resolution was seconded by Tupa, and on Rollcall there were five ayes and no nays, as follows: Bank, aye; and Bredesen, aye; and the Resolution was a AT Lz2zz%?/u qillage Clerk 6/9/58 P6T 3. PUBLIC HEARING ON PROPOSED BLACKTOPPING IN KNOLL DRIVE FROM BLAKE ROAD TO SCHAEFER ROAD. Assessable Feet, for $3.90 per Assessable Foot; Road. for that part of Knoll Drive facing the Parkway has been approved this evening, the proposed Blacktopping Improvement be restricted to that portion of Knoll Drive between Blake Road and South Knoll Drive (W. Lot Line.of Lot 4, Block 1, Parkwood Knolls 6th Addn). Audience was told that the street VJest of this line will settle at the cross connections after sewer constructions; that it should have a year to settle before Blacktopping; that the street will receive a coat of oil as part of the sewer project. Mr. Daws spoke in favor of this project, there were no objections, and Dickson offered the following Resolution and moved its adoption: Estimate of Cost was given as $8,368.80, as against 2,148.21 this being all the way to Schaefer The suggestion was made, however, that because the Sanitary Sewer Improvement RESOLUTION ORDERING IMPROVEMENT )i CTE: BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the Village of Edina, Minnesota, that this Council heretofore caused notice of hearing to be duly published on the proposed )Resne BLACKTOPPING OF KNOLL DRIVE FROM BLAKE ROAD TO SCHAEFER ROAD; and at the hearing )Pmend* held at the time and place specified in said notice the Council has duly considered(b,,, Res the views of all persons interested, and being fully advised of the pertinent does hereby determine to proceed with the BLACKTOPPING OF KNOLL DRIVE FROM BLAKE (3/23b, ROAD TO THE !VEST LOT LINE OF LOT 4, BLOCK I, PARKWCOD KNOLLS 6TH ADDITION; that )p,3c said improvement is hereby designated and shall be referred to in all subsequent (BE:, 22 proceedings as STREET IMPROVEMENT NO. A-120, and the area to be specially assessed therefore shall include the following Lots and Tracts of Land: Parkwood Knolls 5th Addition - Lots 1, 3,4,5 and 6, Block 1; and Parkwood Knolls 6th Addition - Lots 4,5,6,7,8 and 9, Block 1. STREET IMPROVEMENT NO. A-120 I Motion for adoption of the Resolution was seconded by Tupa, and on Rollcall there were five ayes and no nays, as follows: Ban aye; and Bredesen, aye; and the Reso 4. PUBLIC HEARING ON PROPOSED BLACKTOPPING IN SOUTH KNOLL DRIVE FROM BLAKE ROAD TO SCHAEFER ROAD. Manager Hyde recommended that, in view of fact that Sanitary sewer Improvement for this street has just been approved and street will need a year to settle before construction of blacktop, this Hearing be postponed. Bank’s motion that Public Hearing on this proposed improvement be postponed to Spring of 1959 was seconded by Tupa and carried. 5. PUBLIC HEARING ON PROPOSED. CURB AND GUTTER IN WARREN AVENUE FROM W. 64TH STREET TO GV.65TH STREET. Estimate of Cost was given as $3,520.00, as against 1,200 Assessable Feet, for $2.93 per Assessable Foot. Mr. J. D. Newell, 6434 Warren Ave., explained that there is a steep hill, dormward from 64th to 65th St.; that he lives on the \“lest side of the street at the bottom of the hill and gets much of the wash from the top; that he is very much in favor of the improve- ment. Mr. Ken Peschau, 6417Warren, owner of four lots on the East side, protested construction of curb and gutter on the East side. He agreed that the West side of street should have this improvement, but explained that the East lots are high and do not need it. He asked that a Blacktop Burm be constructed on the East side and that the street be crowned to direct drainage flow. If was explained that burms are often damaged by the snow plows; and that once the burm is damaged erosion causes the blacktop to deteriorate rapidly; that this is particularly serious on a steep grade. Mr. J. D. Madsen, 6404pjarren Ave., expressed himself as being in favor of the projkct. adoption : RESOLUTION ORDERING IMPROVEMENT I Bank offered the following Resolution and moved its STREET IMPROVEMENT NO. B-63 BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the Village of Edina, Minnesota, that this Council heretofore caused notice of hearing to be duly published on the PROPOSED CURB AND GUTTER IN WARREN AVENUE BETWEEN !V.64TH AND W.65TH STREETS, and at the hearing held at the time and place specified in said notice the Council has duly considered the views of all persons interested, and being fully advised of the pertienent facts does.hereby determine to proceed with the construction of said improvement; that said improvement is hereby designated and shall be referred to in all subsequent proceedings as STREET IMPROVEMENT NO. B-53, and the area to be specially assessed therefor shall include all lots and tracts of land abutting the street proposed to be improved. I 6/9/58 6. PUBLIC HEARIKG OPI PROPOSED CURB AND GUTTER IN FAIRFAX AVEPXJE FAOI?: WEST WOD- L&YD ROAD iO VEST 58TH STREET. 1,255.11 Assessable Feet, for $2.99 per Assessable Foot. stated there are 13 property owners in favor of the project. registered at the Hearing, and no written objections had been received prior thereto. Tupa offered the following Resolution and moved its adoption: Estimate of Cost was given as $3,751.80, as against PJr. Owen Heath, 5700 Fairfax, No objections were RESOLUTION ORDERING IMPROVE!.ENT STREET IIIIPROVJ3dENT NO. B-54 BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the Village of Edina, IAinnesota, that this Council heretofore caused notice of hearing to be duly published on the following proposed improvement: CONSTRUCTION OF COP!CRETE CURB AND GUTTER IN FAIRFAX AVEWE FRO!.! UEST \'!OODLAND ROAD TO I'IEST 58TH STREET and at the hearing held at the time and place specified in said notice the Council has duly considered the views of all persons interested, and being fully advised of the pertinent facts does hereby determine to proceed with the construction of said improvement; that said improvement is hereby designated and shall be referred to in all subsequent proceedings as STREET IMPROVBdEPJT NO. B-54, and the area to be specially assessed therefor shall include all lots and tracts of land abutting the street proposed to be improved. Motion for adoption of the Resolution was seconded by Dickson, and on Rollcall there were five ayes and no nays, as follows: Bank, aye; and the Resolution was Village Clerk 4 7. PUBLIC HEARIKG Or! PROPOSED GRADIKG, GRAVELLII*!G BUD OILING OF THE NORTH-SOUTH ALLEY BETYJEEN YORK AND XELYES AVENUES AND BETVIEEN YJEST 58TH AND 1'!EST 59TH STREETS. Vu-Graph slide vias shown, and Estimate of Cost was given as $1,201.20, as against 1,192.96 Assessable Feet, for $1.01 per Assessable Foot. Manager Hyde recommended decreasing the size of the improvement, and grading the alley to serve the first four lots PZorth of 17~59th Street, and to the top of the hill. showing homes and garages already constructed; and it was noted that owners on the six lots immediately South of 58th Street, on either side of the alley, have no need for improvement; and Bank offered a Resolution Ordering Improvement of Alley for the first six lots North of VJ.59th Street. Resolution seconded by Tupa. Messrs. D.F. Peterson, 5836 Xerxes; E. IAelander, 5848 Xerxes; R. Jones, 5832 Xerxes; and M.T. Peterson, 5824 Xerxes, and also owner of Lot 8, all objected to the improvement as now proposed. Council reminded these owners that the owners facing York had purchased their properties with the idea that they could build garages on the alley, and that they should have the privilege of so doing. hlr. !.I. Peterson told the Council that the owner of Lot 18 can build his garage without use of the alley and that he, himself, does not need it ?or Lot 7. Resolution Ordering Improvement, and offered the following Resolution and moved its adoption: RESOLUTION ORDERIKG IL4PROVEl.lENT A diagram was presented, YJith Tupa's assent, Bank then withdrew his motion for GRADING IMPROVEMENT NO. C-77 BE IT RESOLVED by the council of the Village of Edina, Minnesota, that this Council heretofore caused notice of hearing to be duly published on the PROPOSED 1f;lPROVEI.IENT OF THAT ALLEY LYIIG BET'.'fEEN YORK AND XERXES AVENUES AND BETYEEN 'JEST 58TH AND !'?EST 59TH STREETS BY GRADIifG, GRAVELLIKG AMD OILING, and at the hearing held at the time and ppecified in said notice the Council has duly considered the views of all persons interested, and being fully advised of the pertinent facts does hereby determine to proceed with THE GRADIICG, GRAVELLIP!G AND OILING OF THAT WRTIOPJ OF SAID ALLEY YMICH LIES BElTJrEEN V.59TH STREET AND THE RORTH LOT LINES OF LOTS 8 AND 17, BLOCK 1, HE-RRIET bMCOR SECOND ADDITIOf!; that said improvement is hereby designated and shall be referred to in all subsequent proceedings as GRADIb!G IMPROVEMENT NO. C-77, and the area to be specially assessed therefor shall include Lots 8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16 and 17, Block 1, Harriet Manor Second Addition. Motion for adoption of Resolution was seconded by Tupa, and on Rollcall there were four ayes and one nay, as follows: Bank, aye; Dickson, Kohler, nay; Tupa, aye; and sen, aye; and the Resolution was adopted. Village Clerk * 169 6/9/58 AlVARD OF BIDS TAKEN TODAY. Manager presented Tabulation of Bids taken June 9, on the following projects, together with recommendations, and action was taken as hereinafter recorded: to Schaefer Road. Manager Hyde reported receipt of five bids, Phelps-Drake being low bidder, at $9,927.85, ICimmas-Bartelma second low? at $10,021.50, and Northern Contracting Company third low at $10,362.40. He recommended award of contract to low bidder, Phelps-Drake Company, and Dickson so moved. and carried. 2. bids received with Phelps-Drake low bidder. of this evening's hearing, all bids be rejected. Dickson so moved. Motion seconded by Bank and carried. A-116, A-117 AND A-118. Asphalt Co. in Total of $31,013.50, and that of Blacktop Service Company in amount of $31,475.25. moved. In South Drive from Mirror Lakes Drive to Dundee Road; In warren Avenue from West 64th Street to West 65th Street; In Service Road (West Side) from W.7Oth St. to Uorth Line of Brookview Heights Addn., and in W.7Oth St. from Highway #lo0 to MI&S Tracks; and In Gleason Road from Highway No. 169 to 1800 Ft. south. Two bids received; that of Blacktop Service Company in amount of $23,393.50, and that of Asconite Asphalt Company in amount of $23,951.25. Manager recommended award of contract to low bidder, andBank so moved. Motion seconded by Tupa and carried. '*': i 1. SANITARY SEWER IMPROVElvlE€JT NO. 147 - South Knoll Drive from Blake Road Motion seconded by Bank SANITARY SEWER in Knoll Drive from Blake Road to Schaefer Road. Five Manager asked that, in view of outcome 3. BLACKTOPPING IMPROVEMENTS NOS. A-110, A-111, A-112, A-113, A-114, A-115, Mr. Hyde reported receipt of two bids, that of Asconite He recommended award of contract to low bidder, and Dickson so Motion seconded by Tupa and carried. 4. BLACKTOP REPLACEMENT AFTER SANITARY SEWER AND WATERMAIN CONSTRUCTION - 5. FILL FOR NORMANDALE PARK - 18,000 Cu. Yds., Loaded, Hauled, Dumped and Stmead. - Mr..Hyde reported receipt of seven bids, with Karl H. Krahl Excavating Cbmpany low bidier at' $.52 per Cu: Yd. ; and Wm.G. -Pearson Excavating Co. and J.A. Danens & Son, Inc., tied for second-low at $.55. to low bidder, and Tupa so moved, $50,000 P.D.) - Only one bid received, being that of lVm. E. Brandow for Natl. Indemnity Co. of Omaha, Nebraska, at premium of $1,558 per year, or $4,674 for three years. Some discussion had with attorney as to actual risk; and Dickson moved that this bid be rejected on grounds of excessive cost. Motion seconded by Tupa and carried. He recommended award of contract Motion seconded by Dickson and carried. 6. LEGAL LIABILITY INSURANCE FOR OFF-SALE LIQUOR STORES. ($250/$500,00 B.1. ; PETITIONS FOR IMPROVEMENTS ACCEPTED. submitted, and, by motion Tupa, seconded by Dickson and carried, were accepted: The following improvement petitions were OILING - W.6Oth st., Code Ave. to Hansen Rd. OILING - Wooddale Lane. OILING - Hansen Rd., W.6Oth St. to Forslin Drive. OILING - St.Johns Ave., Ashcroft Ave. to W.64th St. BLACKTOPPING - i'iooddale Lane. BLACKTOPPING - Upper Terrace from Brittany Road to Viestshore Drive. SANITARY SEIIJER - Specified Lots in Circle East and Spur Road in Hilldale. AUDIT REPORT FOR RURAL HENNEPIN COUNTY NURSING DISTRICT FOR YEAR 1957 was submitted and ordered placed on file. "PUMPKIN FARM" BUILDINGS ORDERED DEMOLISHED BY VILLAGE FIRE DEPARTMENT . Village Attorney Hasselquist presented written permission by Attorney Geimer, representing owner Nevin, for demolition of "Pumpkin Farm" buildings by the Village. Tupa's motion, that proper officials be instructed to eliminate pumpkin farm buildings from the landscape was seconded by Kohler and carried. audience that buildings would be burned by the Volunteer Fire Department and that burning would probably be on a Wednesday night as a fire drill. HEARING SCHEDULED FOR "COMPAERCIAL" AND FOR "COMMUNITY STORE" ZONING. Boyd, real estate broker, presented request for the rezoning to "Commercial District" of a 2.6 Acre tract just South of VIJ.70th Street and just west of the MI?G Railroad Right-of-Way. Double Bungalows to the west of the proposed Commercial District; then a strip adjacent to Cahill Road flor single family dwellings. Council took exception to this plan, suggesting Community Store Zoning west of the proposed Commercial District would be better land useage than double-single family use. Mr. Kohler suggested that the proposed Telephone Company Garage be constructed immediately adjacent to the Railroad tracks, but Mr. Boyd stated that because of the fill required at this point construction would be too expensive to contemplate. considerable discussion was had by the Council on the matter of Mr. Boyd's request; some members feeling that to rezone this area would be to invite "strip zoning" along both y1.70th Street and Cahill Road. favorably recommended the rezoning, although recommendation had not been unanimous. Kohler's motion, that Council conduct a Public Hearing on Mc. Boyd's request for rezoning to Commercial District, also conducting Public Hearing on the rezoning 'c0 Community Store District of the property immediately West of &. area, both Hearings to be June 23, was seconded by Bank and carried, Manager Hyde told the REZONING TO "COMMERCIAL DISTRICT" FOR TELEPHONE COMPANY BUILDING REQUESTED. -PUBLIC Mr. Walter E. With Mr. Boyd's request was a tentative land-useage plan, showing Some It was noted that the Planning Commission had 6/9/58 FWAER ADDITION - PRELIiT,IMARY PLAT APPROVED. Addition, being Parcel 5220 in Sec. 20 and Parcels 3600 and 4000 in Sec. 29, at France Ave. and ::'.62nd St. recormendations for preliminary approval, subject to engineering approval of street profiles, solution of storn drainage problems in Block 3, and agreement for park dedication in Block 50 Dickson's motion, approving Preliminary Plat with stipulations set forth by Planning Cornission, vias seconded by Tupa and carried. Preliminary Plat presented of this Council reviewed Planning Commission's June 4th SOUiHDALE APARTMEMT DEVELOPI.IE1'ST-F IRST STAGE--PRELI?.IINARY PLAT APPROVED. This Preliminary was presented, carrying Planning Commission's June 4th recommendations for approval subject to provision for Turn-Around at Abbott Avenue and :lf-64th Street, and receipt of bond covering installation of sewer, water and streets. motion that Preliminary Plat be approved in accordance with Cormission's recommend- ations was seconded by Kohler and carried. SOUTHDALE OFFICE PARK 8 KOTEL AREA - PRELI!.lINfUY PLAT APPROVED. the area between proposed Crosstown Highway and \l066th Street and between France Avenue and Valley Vieu Road, showing a proposed "W.65th Street running from France to Valley VievJ Road. it impossible to locate office buildings with proper setbacks on the property in the :Jestern part of the plat; that it is intended to develop "Lot 1, Block 1" only, at this present time. Planning Commission's June 4th recommendation vias 2or "approval of the preliminary plat, including Lot I, and the 50-fOOt street with provisions for temporary turnaround on 65th Street"; and Dickson moved for approval in accordance with Cornisgion's recommendations. Llotion seconded by Kohler and carried. Dickson's Plat presented, of it was noted that the proposed curve in V1.65th Street may make SOUTH GARDEN ESTATES FOURTH ADDITION - FINAL PLAT APPROVED. Council reviewed Planning Commission's June 4th recommendation for approval (subject to receipt of bond covering streets, engineering approval of street profiles, and provision for temporary turnarounds on Oaklavm and West Shore Drive). 1.k. Swanson then reported that the Commission has recommended favorably on the matter of facing dwellings on corner lots "either aay of the lot"; but that a Public Hearing must be held by the Council on this latter before approval can be given. Mz. Kohler took exception to this latter recommendation, stating he feels that purchasers of lots adjacent to the corner lots are in a sense unprotected, if such hearing is held while the developer still oms-all the adjacent property, that Final Plat be approved in accordance with Planning Commission's June 4th recommendations but that petition for Public Hearing on matter of facing corner dwellings "either way of lot" be denied. Discussion had, and Ilohler moved Motion seconded by Dickson and carried. VICTORSENRS EAST MIRROR LAKES ADDITION - FINAL PLAT APPROVED. June 4th recommendation for approval of Final Plat, subject to receipt of bond coverage for sewer, bond for street improvements, receipt of 5,": cash park dedi- cation, and two copies of deed restrictions requiring all corner lot residences to have 20-foot side street setbacks and to comply with all Village setback requirements, and requirement for South facing of residences on Lots 3 and 4, Block 2, with 30-foot setback from all streets, was reviewed; as was discussion by Comnission on YJalkway, and Mr. Victorsen's and Mrs. Keiser's approval of same. Dickson's motion for approval of Final Plat subject to compliance with Commission's stipulations and subject to construction of underground storm sewer in this property, to be approved by village Engineer, was seconded by Bank and carried. Planning Commission's LYLE ADDITIOF? - FIKAL PLAT APPROVED. This plat, being Lot 46, V!arden Acres, carried Planning Commission's June 4th recommendation for approval, subject to the filing of deed restrictions requiring residences erected on Lots 1,2,6 and 7 to face east or west and observe 25-fOOt side yard setbacks fDom east-west streets, and that residences erected on tots 3,4 and 5 face north and observe a 30-foot setback fo accessory buildings from south property line. It was noted by Council that the* naming of the South street on this plat presents a problem, as this is an easterly extension of the South part of "Grove Street"; that there should be a new name from Johnson Street, west to the end of this street. Dickson's motion for approval of Final Plat, subject to compliance with Planning Commission's stipulations and subject to nevi name for South street, was seconded by Kohler and carried. PLM.JP!IKG CO?~F.lISSION "JILL f.lEET TJICE A KORTH. Planning Director Swanson's report that the Planning Comnission expects to meet the first and third Bednesdays or" each month, with first meeting to be for consideration of Zoning and Subdivisions and last monthly meeting to be Planning Discussion, was well received; the Cauncil commending Commission for its industry and public interest. suggested that membership of the Commission might be increased if it is the feeling of the Commission that an increase in membership would lessen the work load for individual members. In this line, it was SHM:;DN DRIVE TO 3E 1J.IPROVED BY OYJiJERS. Mr. and Llrs. Fjeldheim presented a bid vrhich they have received from Bodie Construction Company for the Opening, Grading Gravelling and Oiling of Shannon Drive through their properties. €or their contractor to do the work; the understanding being that Egan, Field 8 Movrak will set stakes, and that Contractor will inform Village Engineer Zikan in the morning as to when he will begin aorl:. Permission granted Y 6/9/58 -3 T;Tn AMERICAN LEGION AND AUXILIARY GIFTS GRATEFULLY ACCEPTED. - ELECTRONIC RESUSCITATOR PURCHASE AUTHORIZED. if Manager Hyde presented checks in amount of $162.50 each, from"'- i Edina American Legion Post 471, and its Auxiliary, toward purchase of a new Electronic Resuscitator, total cost $650.00. this new equipment without formal bids, stating it is the only one made. Tupa's motion for purchase of an Electronic Resuscitator at $650.00, without formal bids, and directing the village Manager to write the American Legion and its Auxiliary expressing the Council's appreciation for their gifts, was seconded by Bank and carried. Manager asked for authority to purchase EMERGENCY REPAIRS TO LIBRARY WATER SYSTEM AUTHORIZED. Manager Hyde reported that the water line at the Edina Library, from the street into the building, has become so corroded that it is impossible to get sufficient pressure to flush the upstairs toilets; that repairs must be made at once if the building is to continue in use. He asked for an appropriation from surplus in the amount of $750.00 to cover the cost of this work, and for authority to have the work done after taking informal bids. taking of formal bids. Bank's motion, that $750.00 be appropriated from General Fund Surplus for emergency water line repairs at the Library, and that Manager be given authority to have this work done after taking informal bids thereon, and at the earliest possible time, was seconded by Kohler and carried. He stated there is not time for the publication of advertisement and the FIRE-EXTENDED COVERAGE INSURANCE FOR CONCORD WATER TANK AND TOWER RENEWED FOR ONE YEAR. Clerk informed the Council that the five-year $75,000 Policy covering Tank and Tower expires July 1. 1"Jaterworks property insurance expires July 1, 1959. Dickson's motion for renewal of present policy for one year was seconded by Tupa and carried. CLAIMS PAID. dated June 9, 1958, was seconded by Dickson and carried: Construction Fund, $33,755.52; Waterworks Fund, $1,231.04; Liquor Fund, $32,819.92; Sewer Rental Fund, $33.88; Temporary Improvement Fund, $8,421.00; Poor Fund, $314.70- Tot a 1 , $99,245,65 She recommended purchase of a one-year renewal, inasmuch as other Bank's motion for payment of the following Claims, as per Pre-List General Fund, $9,996.77;. Construction Fund, $12,672.82; Park and Park BUDGET CALENDAR PRESENTED. Mr. Hyde presented budget calendar, asking for an informal discussion meeting with the Council some time early in July, "just to get policy set". STORM SElliER HEARING CONFIRMED. the Council on May 5th, legal publication has been made on the proposed Storm sewer Hearing, tentatively scheduled for Monday, June 16. ratifying this notice, and Bank offered the following Resolution and moved its adoption: Clerk reported that, pursuant to action taken by She asked for formal resolution RESOLUTION PROVIDING FOR PUBLIC HEARING PROPOSED STORM SEWER IMPROVEMENT : BE IT RESOLVED by the council of the Village of Edina: 1. The Consulting Engineer,. Adolph Meyer and Associates, having submitted to the Council a preliminary report as to the feasibility of the proposed Storm sewer Improvement described in the Form of Notice of Hearing set forth below, and as'to the estimated cost of such improvement, said report is hereby approved and directed to be placed on fiJe in the office of the village Clerk. Edina Village Hall, to consider in public hearing the views of all persons interested in said proposed improvement. June 5 and 12, 1958, the following Notice of Hearing, is hereby ratified and confirmed : NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING 2. This Council shall meet on Monday, June 16, 1958, at 7:OO P.M., in the 3. The Clerk's action in causing to be published in Edina-Morningside Courier ON PROPOSED STORM SEWER IMPROVEMENT NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Edina Village Council will meet at the Edina Village Hall on Monday, June 16, 1958, at 7:OO P.M., to consider the following proposed improvement, to be constructed under the authority granted by Minnesota Laws of 1953, Chapter 398. and Associates, Consulting Engineers, as set forth below: CONSTRUCTION OF VILLAGE STORM SEWER' AND APPURTENANCES ALONG THE FOLLOWING ROUTE: "Beginning at its outlet in the pond in the NW1/4 SW1/4, Sec. 31, T.28, 1924, at a point approximately 1500' Vi. and 450' S. of the center of Sec. 31, thence northeast- ward across private property and along proposed lot lines about 300' to the proposed street containing the Sanitary Trunk Sewer of the Village of Edina; thence parallel to the said sanitary sewer and,along proposed streets of the proposed addition by the Normandale Development Corporation and the proposed South Garden Estates by proceeding east about 1180'; thence north about 180' to the E-W1/4 line, Sec. 31, thence N. about 180'; thence E. about 670'; thence N. about 1130' to W.72nd St.; thence E. along W. 72nd St. 350' more or less to the extended E. line of the Edina Grade School Property; thence departing from the route of the said sanitary sewer and adjacent to the said E. line of the Edina Grade School property to W.7Oth St.; thence W. on W.7Oth St. to Eornelia Drive; thence northerly along Cornelia Drive to the extended N. line of Lot 17, B1. 1, Southdale First Addition; thence northwesterly between Lots 16 and 17 of said Blk. 1 to Lake Cornelia. The approximate cost of said improvement is estimated by Adolph Aileyer 6/9/58 fY2 Outlet Control Structure between Nine Mile Creek and Pond in N'J1/4 Sl;f1/4, Sec. 31, T.28, R.24. northerly along Wooddale from Ellsworth Ave. to Dunham Dr. east to France Ave.; thence north along France Ave. to lV.70th st. less. less. Along Ellsworth Drive from Oaklawn Ave. westerly to !'looddale Ave. ; thence Along VJ.72nd St. from the extended E. line of the Edina Grade School property Along Heatherton Trail, northerly from W.72nd st. a distance of 532', more or Along Bristol Blvd., northerly from V.72nd St. a distance of 440', more or Along Lynmar Lane, northerly from W.72nd St., a distance of 563', more or less. Along France Ave., southerly from VJ.72nd St., a distance of 300', more or less. Along Dunberry Lane from Point Dr. easterly to Southdale Road; thence along Southdale Road to the extended N. line of Lot 17, Block 4, southdale 1st Addition; thence southeasterly across private property between Lots 16 and 17, Blk, 4, Southdale 1st Addition from Southdale Road to Valley View Road. Along W.66th St. from Soutcrest Dr. east to Lake Cornelia, Along h4ildred Ave. from 1'1.63rd St., South a distance of 250', more or less. Along Rolf Ave. from yi.63rd St., South a distance of 250', more or less.' Along W.63rd st, from Mildred he., east to Tingdale Ave.; thence South I along Tingdale Ave. to YJ-64th St.; thence east along VJ.64th St. to Josephine Ave.; thence south along Josephine Ave. to ~1~65th St.; thence east along 1Y.65th st. to Virginia Ave.; thence north along Virginia Ave. to the extended S. line of Lot 11, Block 11, Normandale Addition; thence east along said S. line to Lake Cornelia. Alternate Route begins at Mildred Ave., thence along the north line of Lots 24 and 5, Block 5, and Lots 25 and 6, Block 4 of Normandale Addition to ringdale Ave . Johns Ave.; thence southerly along St.Johns Ave. to Valley View Rd.; thence south- easterly along Valley View Rd. to the extended E. line of Valley View Ridge Addition, thence southerly along the E. line of Valley View Slope Addition; thence southerly along the E. line of Valley View Ridge 1st and 2nd Addition and extension thereof Along W.6Oth st, from the VI. line of Lot 12, Blk. 10, Fairfax, east to St. to Lake Cornelia. Along Ashcroft Lane, View Ridge Addition. Along the 14. line of line of Valley View Ridge from St.Johns Ave., east to the E. line of the Valley Lot 1, Blk. 1, Valley View Ridge Addition, from the E. Addition to St.Johns Ave. Along Valley View Rd., from the extended E. line of Valley View Slope Detention Basin within area bounded by St.Johns Ave., Garrison Lane, Wooddale Across private property between Lots 6 and 7, Blk. 1, Southdale First Addition Across private property between Lots 3 and 4, Blk. 1, Southdale First Addition Along VJ.70th St., from Nest Shore Drive, west to Nine Llile Creek. Along Rabun Drive, from YJ.70th St., north to kbekrombie Drive, thence along Across private property, from Dunberry Lane southwesterly between Lots 4 and Addition, southeasterly, a distance of 375', more or less. Ave., and Valley View Road. from Cornelia Dr. to Lake Cornelia. from Cornelia Dr. to Lake Cornelia. I Abercrombie Drive easterly to Church Place. 5, Blk. 6,'j~oodhill Addition to the E. line of a parcel owned by R. Dreher, thence south adjacent to said E. line to YJ.7Oth St. adjacent to Valley View Road, northeasterly to the extension of York he.; thence north across private property to York Avenue. Along the extension of ~4~64th St., from the line of Xerxes he. Addition, nest 1000', more or less, along a proposed street and private property, thence northwesterly across private property to the Cross-Town Right-of-!Yay. yjay, thence along the Cross-Tom Highway Right-of-Way to Lake Cornelia." all Lots and Tracts of Land within the following described boundaries: Along the Cross-Town Highway Right-of-!Yay, from the pond on Edina Park property Along W.62nd St., from the VI. line of Terry Knolls to the Cross-Town Right-of- The area proposed to be assessed for the cost of said improvement includes ESTIMATED COST - $1,208,460.00 "Beginning at the center of Sec.31,T.28,R024, thence E. along the E-':J1/4 line Sec. 31 a distance of 660'; thence northerly 1230', more or less, to a point 660' E. of the N-S1/4 line and 80' S. of the centerline of V.72nd St., thence E. parallel to a'J.72nd St. to a point 100' Vi. at the E. line of Sec. 31, thence south along a line parallel to the E. line of Sec. 31 to the E-W1/4 line, Sec. 31, thence E. along the E-!'J1/4 lines of Sections 31 and 32 to apoint 1100' E. of the W1/4 cor. Sec. 32, thence north parallel to the VI. Sec, line of Sec. 32 to a point 80' south of the centerline of W.70th St., thence E. along a line 80' south of and parallel to the centerline of I'J.70th St. to a line 650' Vl. of and parallel to the centerline of Xerxes Ave., thence N. along said line to the centerline of VJ.68th St. extended, thence E. along said centerline of V1.68th St. to the centerline of Xerxes Ave., thence north along the centerline of Xerxes Ave. to a point on the north Right-of-!'Jay line of the Crosstown Highway (County State Aid Highway No. 62), thence 173 6/9/58 northwesterly to a point 50' E. of the southwest corner of Lot 2, Blk. 1, of Town Realty's Edina Terrace 2nd Addition, thence northerly along a line parallel to York - Ave. to the N. line of Lot 6, Blk. 1, Town Realty's Edina Terrace, thence westerly to a point 50' W. of the northeast corner of Lot 1, Blk. 2, of said Town Realty's Edina Terrace, thence southerly along a line'parallel to York Ave. to the south line of Lot 2, Blk. 2 of Town Realty's Edina Terrace, 2nd Addition, thence Westerly to a point 50' E. of the southwest corner of Lot 3, of said Blk. 2, thence northerly along a line parallel to zenith Ave. to the north line of Lot 6, Blk. 2, Town Realty's Edina Terrace, thence westerly to the northeast corner Lot 9, Blk. 3 of said addition, thence southwesterly to the SE. Cor. of Lot 9, Blk. 4 of said addition, thence along the S. lot line of Lot 9, Blk. 4 of Town Realty's Edina Terrace and Lot 2 of Holt's 2nd Addition to Edina, to a point 80' E. of the centerline of Beard Ave., th. northerly parallel to said centerline to the south line of Lot 1, Holt's Addition to Edina, thence W. to the centerline of Beard Ave. SO., thence S. along the centerline of Beard Ave. to the N. Right-of-way line of the Crosstown Highway (County State Aid Highway No. 62), thence SW. along the said N. Right-of-way line to the E. lot line of Lot 2, Blk. 3, Evans Addition, thence northwesterly along said E. lot line and exten- sion thereof, a distance of loo', thence westerly to a line which is 50' E. of and parallel to the W. line of Lot 1, Blk. 1, Evans Addition, thence south along a line parallel to the west lot lines of Lots 1-6, Blk. 1, Evans Addition to the N. Right- of-Way line of the crosstown Highway, thence southwesterly along the N. Right-of-way line of the Crosstown Highway to a point 100' E. of the W. line of Sec. 29, T028,R.24, thence north along a line 100' E. of and parallel to the said section line to the north line of Lot 13, Blk. 1, Evans Addition, thence westerly along a line passing through a point on the E. line of Lot 19, Blk. 2, Peacedale Acres and 60' south of the NW. corner of said Lot 19, thence continuing along said line to a point 80' west of the centerline of Brookview Ave,, thence northerly along a line parallel to Brookview Ave. to the centerline of Valley View Rd., thence northwesterly along the centerline of Valley View Rd. to the southerly extension of a line 80' W. of and parallel to the centerline of Oaklawn Ave., thence north along said line aparallel to Oaklawn to the N. line of Lot 9, Blk. 22, Fairfax Addifi&lK thence westerly to the SE. Cor. of Lot 8, Blk. 21, Fairfax Addition, thence/wes erly to the I'JW. cor. of Lot %$,Blk. 21, Fairfax Addition; thence rlv. to the centerline of Wooddale Ave., thence northerly along said centerline to the easterly extension of the s. lot line of Lot 6, ~lk. 1, Valley View Terrace, thence w. along said lot line a distance of 80', thence northerly parallel to and 80' westerly of the centerline of Wooddale Ave. to the south lot line of Lot 12, Block 5, Fairfax; thence westerly along said lot line to a point on the south line of Lot 13, Block 5, Fairfax, which is 40 feet westerly from the southeast corner thereof; thence northwesterly to the southeast corner of Lot 10, Block 6, Fairfax; thence westerly to the southwest corner thereof; thence northwesterly to the southwest corner of Lot 17, said Block 6; thence southwesterly to the southeast corner of Lot 13, Block 7, Fairfax; thence westerly along the south line of Lot 13 and westerly extension thereof to the centerline of Ashcroft AVe.; thence southerly along the centerline of Ashcroft Ave. to the centerline of VJ.6Oth St.; thence southwesterly to the southwest corner of Lot 5, Block 2, Virginia Ave, Addition; thence southwesterly to the southwestcorner of Lot 12, said Block 2; thence northwesterly to the southeast corner of Lot 5, Block 1, Virginia Avenue Addition; thence northwesterly to the southwest corner thereof; thence northwesterly to the southwest corner of Lot 12, said Block 1; thence northwesterly to a point on the easterly line of the west 50 rods of the SW1/4 SW1/4, 'Sec. 19, Township 28, Range 24, which is 155 feet south of the centerline of W.6Oth St.; thence west 100 feet; thence north 55 feet; thencewest 108 feet; thence north 100 feet to a point 208 feet westerly of the northeast corner of said west 50 rods; thence westerly along the centerline of West 60th St. to the west section line of said Sec. 19; thence south along said Sec, line to the centerline of Valley View Rd.; thence southwesterly along Valley View Rd. to its intersection with W.62nd St., thence southeasterly to the NE. corner of Lot 4, ~lk. 3 of James A, Roberts Estate, thence southwesterly to the SE. corner of Lot 2, ~lk. 5, James A. Roberts Estate, thence W. 50', thence S. along a line 50' W. of the E. line of Blk. 5 to a point 50' N. of the S. line of Blk. 5, thence W. parallel to the centerline of W.63rd St. to the centerline of Warren Ave., thence S. to the centerline of W.63rd St., thence southeasterly to a point on the centerline of ~1.64th St. which is 50' W. of the E.line of Blk. 6, Normandale Second Addition, thence E. along the centerline of W.64th St. to the centerline of Rolf Ave., thence S. along Rolf Ave. to the extended N. line of Lot 21, Blk. 11, Normandale 2nd Addition, thence southeasterly to the intersection of the extended N. line of Lot 10, ~lk. 11 and the centerline of Tingdale Ave., thence S. along the centerline of Tingdale Ave. to the centerline of ~.61;9th St., thence south- easterly to the SW. corner of Lot 2, Blk. 17, Normandale Second Addition, thence E. along the s. line of said Lot 2 and the extension thereof to a point 50' E. of the W. line of Orrin E. Thompson's Edina Addition, thence S. parallel to said W. line to the centerline of W.66th St., thence E. to the centerline of Josephine Ave., thence southeasterly to a point 230' S. of the centerline of W.66th St. and 180' W. of the E. line of Sec. 4, T.116, R.21, thence south along a line 180' VI. of and parallel to the k. line of Sec. 4, T.116, R.21, a distance of 500'; thence southwesterly to a point on westerly line of Lot 23, Blk. 1, Brookview Heights 1st Addition, which is 80' from the centerline of Danens Dr. N., thence Northwesterly along a line 80' from and parallel to Danens Dr. N. to the Northwesterly line of Lot 16, Blk. 1, Brookview Heights 1st Addition, thence southwesterly to the centerline of Danens Dr. N., thence southeasterly along the centerline of Danens Dr. N. to the extended northwesterly 6/9/58 line of Lot 1, Blk. 5, Brookvieu! Heights 1st Addition, thence 80' southwesterly along said line of Lot 1, thence southerly along a line parallel to the centerline of Addition, thence westerly along a line parallel to the said S. line to a point 80' east of the centerline of IJeadorv Ridge North, thence parallel to the centerline of ?,leadow Ridge North and I.1eadow Ridge South to the southwesterly lot line of Lot 8, Bfk. 2, Brookview Heights 2nd Addition, thence northwesterly along the southwesterly line of said Lot 8 to the centerline of Meadow Ridge s., thence southwesterly along the centerline of t!eadow Ridge S. to the extended easterly line of Lot 2, Blk. 6, Brookview Heights 2nd Addition, thence southerly through the SE. Cor. of Lot 7, Blk. I, Duggan's Homestead, continuing southerly to a line 80' south of and parallel to the centerline of YJ.7Oth St., thence easterly along a line 80' from and parallel to the centerline of YJ.70th St. to the west line of Lot 3, Block 1, South Garden Estates-First Addition; thence southeasterly to a point on the north line of Lot 5, said Block 1, 80' westerly of the centerline of Westshore Drive, thence southerly along a line parallel to and 80' westerly of Westshore Drive to the south line of Block 9, South Garden Estates Third Addition; thence southwesterly to the NE. cor. of SE;11/4 n?J1/4, sec. 31, T.28, R.24; thence westerly 258' along the PJ. line of the SY1/4 hTJ1/4 Sec. 31; thence southvitesterly to a point on the E-W 1/4 line which is 850' t'l. of the €:E. cor. of the R:11/4 SY1/4 Sec. 31; thence southeasterly to a point which is 550' S. and 100' Yi. of the said NE. Cor. of the N,'J1/4 SN/4 Sec. 31; thence E. 100'; thence southvesterly to a point 950 feet E. and 250 feet IJ. of the S!'J. Cos. of the WU/4 S'i'U/4, Sec. 31; thence northwesterly to a point 625' E. and 575' H. of said SVJ Cor. of the N!!J1/4 S1"11/4; thence nest to the I'J. Sec. line of said Sec, 31; thence southerly along said Vi. sec. line to a point 400' southerly of said silo cor. of the EJ1/4 SJ1/4; thence northeasterly to the SE corner of the 1F31/4 SVl/4 Sec. 31; thence northeasterly to a point 650' N. and 700 feet E. of the SYJ. Cor, of the ME1/4 SV1/4, Sec, 31; thence northeasterly to the center of Sec, 31, T.28, No, R. 24 TI., which is the point of beginning." r4 Danens Dr. N., to a point 50' N. of the S-. line of Blk. 5, Brookview Heights 1st Motion for adoption of the Resolution was seconded by Dickson, and on Rollcall there and Bredesen, aye; and the Resolutio I HEARIRGS AND BIDS SCHEDULED FOR JUNE 23: Sewer Hearings continued from Llay 28 to June 23, Engineer Zikan presented plans and Estimates of Cost on projects discussed by the council at the May 28th Hearings, asking that Hearings on these two projects be scheduled for June 23. the following Resolution and moved its adoption: In connection with Sanitary Sewer and Storm Bank offered RESOLUTION PROVIDING FOR PUBLIC HEARINGS- PROPOSED SANITARY SR'JER, CURB AND GUTTER AND BLACKTOPPING 1E.lPROVB.IENTS The Village Engineer, having submitted to the council a preliminary report BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the Village of Edina: as to the feasibility of the proposed Sanitary Sewer, Curb and Gutter and Blacktopping Improvements described in the Formof Notice of Hearing set forth below, and as to the estimated cost of such improvements, said report is hereby approved and directed to be placed on file in the office of the Village Clerk. Edina Village Hall, to consider in public hearing the view of all persons interested in said proposed improvements. The Clerk is hereby authorized and directed to cause noticesoof the time, place and purpose of said meeting to be published in the official newspaper once a week for two successive ueeks, the second of which publications is to be not less than three days from date of said meeting, which noticesshall be in substantially the following form: 1. 2. This Council shall meet on Monday, June 23, 1958, at 7:OO P.f.L, in the 3. NOTICE OF HEARING OH PROPOSED SANITARY SBER IklPROVEf*IEtJT (1) ROTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Edina Village Council will meet at the Village I. Hall on Monday, June 23, 1958, at 7:OO P.M., to consider the following proposed improvement, to be constructed under the authority granted by Minnesota Laws of 1953, Chapter 398. Village Engineer as set forth below: COIdSTRUCTION OF SAB!ITirRY SE'JER AND APPURTENANCES, ID!CLUDII\IG LIFT STATION IN : Oxford Ave. from Hollywood Road to 290 Ft. South of VJ.5lst St.; and in Interlachen Blvd. from 400 Ft. nest of Oxford Ave. to 276 Ft. East of Oxford AVe. $69,875.40 following lots and tracts of land: The approximate cost of said improvement is estimated by the EST. COST The area proposed to be assessed for the cost of said improvement includes the 6/9/58 BEVERLY HILLS: Block 1 - Lots 1 to 8, inclusive. Block 4 - Lots 5 to 11, inclusive. 17% BROOKSIDE HEIGHTS : Block 4 - Lots 1 to 5, inclusive, and Lots 15 to 23, inclusive. Block 5 - Lots 1 to 11, inclusive. Block 6 - Lots 1 to 6, inclusive. Block 7 --Lots 19 to 24, inclusive. GRETCHEN S. ALDEN Village Clerk NOTICE OF HEARINGS ON PROPOSED BLACKTOPPING AND CURB AND GUTTER IMPRO VEPIIENTS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Edina Village Council will meet at the Village Hall on Monday, June 23, 1958, at 7:OO P.M., to consider the following proposed improvements, to be constructed under the authority granted by Minnesota Laws of 1953, Chapter 398. Village Engineer as set forth below: EST. COST 1. CONSTRUCTION OF CONCRETE CURB AND GUTTER IN: W.6Oth St. between Kellogg and Oaklawn Avenues $1 688.32 W.6Oth St. between Wooddale and Oaklawn Avenues $2,947.20 The approximate cost of said improvements is estimated by the 2- BITUlVIINOUS SURFACE TREATMENT OF : The area proposed to be assessed for the cost of said improvements includes the following lots: FAIRFAX ADDITION: Block 1 - Lots 13 to 24 inclusive. Block 2 - Lots 1 to 24 inclusive. Block 3 - Lots 1 to 24 inclusive. Block 12 - Lots 1 to 12 inclusive, Block 13 - Lots 1 to 24 inclusive. Block 14 - Lots 1 to 24 inclusive. Block 15 - Lots 13 to 24 inclusive. Block 18 - Lots 13 to 24 inclusive. Block 19 - Lots 1 to 24 inclusive. Block 20 - Lots 1 to 24 inclusive. Block 21 - Lots 1 to 8 inclusive, and Block 22 - Lots 1 to 8 inclusive, and Block 23 - Lots 19 to 24 inclusive, ' Block 1 - Lots 1 to 6 inclusive. Lots 12 to 16 inclusive. Lots 15 to 22 inclusive. VALLEY VIEN TERRACE: The Public Hearings hereinbefore set forth are being held in conjunction with the Public Hearing on a proposed Storm sewer Improvementrfor the lots enumerated in this Notice. GRETCHEN S. ALDEN Village Clerk Motion for adoption of the Resolution was seconded by Tupa, and on Rollcall there And Mr. Zikan presented plan for the proposed Bituminous Surface Treatment of Knoll Drive, suggesting that bids be taken June 23; and Bank offered the following Resolution and moved its adoption: RESOLUTION APPROVING PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS FOR PROPOSED BLACKTOPPING IMPROVEMENT , AND DIRECTING ADVERTISEMEIlT FOR BIDS BE IT RESOLVED by the village council of the village of Edina: 1. The plans and specifications €or the proposed Blacktopping Improvement set forth in the following.Advertisemen'c for Bids form, heretofore prepared by the Village Engineer and now on file in the office of the Village Clerk are hereby approved. Courier and the Construction Bulletin the following notice €or bids for said improvement: ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS 2. The Clerk shall cause to be published twice in the Edkna-Morningside BLACKTOPPING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that sealed bids will be received and opened in the office of the Village Manager in the Edina Village Hall, 4801lllest 50th Street, at ' 11:OO A.M., Monday, June 23, 1958, and that the Edina Village Council will meet at 7:OO P.M., on Monday, June 23, 1958, to consider said bids, being for the following: i L Work office of 6/9/58 BITUISIKOUS SURFACE TREATMENT of Knoll Drive f2om Blake Road to the ?Jest Lot Line 05 Lot 4, Block 1, Parkwood Knolls 6th Addition. must be done as described in plans and specifications on file in the the Village Clerk. Plans and- specifications are available for a deposit of $10.00, which deposit will be refunded upon return of said plans and specifications. No bids will be considered unless sealed and filed with the undersigned before 11:OO A.M., Monday, June 23, f958, accompanied by cash deposit, bid bond or certified check payable to the Village Clerk in the amount of at least ten percent of amount of base bid. The Council reserves the right to reject any or all bids. BY ORDER OF THE VILLAGE coumrL. GRETCHEM S. ALDEN Village clerk 3. Each and all of the terms of the foregoing advertisement for bids are hereby I adopted as the terms and conditions of award of the contract for said improvement. The evening's agenda's having been covered, Kohler moved for adjournment. seconded by Dickson and carried. h'iotion Aleeting ad Village CleGk ?dIIGUTES OF THE SPECIAL MEETING OF THE EDIPIA VILL?.GE COUNCIL, HELD MONDAY, JUNE 16, 1958, AT 7:OO P.M., AT THE EDINA VILLAGE HALL. IBembers answering Rollcall were Bank, Dickson, Kohler, Typa and Bredesen. FUBLIC HEARIXG ON "i"M1TItJG HOUSE" DEKOLITION, scheduled for this evening, was continued to July 14, at request of Clerk, by motion Bank, seconded by Kohler and carried. PUBLIC HEARING SCHEDULED ON PETITION TO FACE D:'JEUING "LOKG WAY OF LOT". Clerk reported the petition of Llr. Oscar Haney for permit to face dwelling the long way of the lot on Lot 1, Block 1, Hoae's Addition (6000 Parnell Ave., and Tupa moved that Council schedule Public Hearing on Petition for Monday, June 23, at 7:OO P.E.T. Motion seconded by Dickson and carried. PUBLIC HEARING ON PROMSED "LAKE CORNELIA DRAINAGE DISTRICT" STOW'I SEJER. Affidavit of Publication of "Notice of Hearing" in Edina-Morningside Courier May 5 and 12, 1958, was submitted, approved as to form and ordered placed on file. Before an audience of some 150 to 175 persons, Mayor Bredesen explained the principle of storm sewer benefit and assessment. He stated that this plan has been made on the principle of ultimate. storm sewer service for all in the area; that the Hearing is being conducted in order that .the Council may determine how much of the project should be,constructed at this . time; that, as the area develops the project will eventually have to be completed; that it may prove more economical to install the entire system at one time. kk. Bredesen then asked Consulting Engineer Adolph Meyer to outline the plan. slide was shovm, showing both the proposed mains (as set forth in the Notice of Hearing and as per Council's Resolution of June 9), and the benefited, assessable district. assessment". off into 14ine-Mile Creek. cost of those mains proposed to be constructed is $1,138,000; that some storm sewers have already been constructed in the area, at a cost of some $162,00O--for which it is proposed to give credit to the areas assessed-which will bring the cost of the entire project to some $1,300,000; that the reason for giving credit is to make a uniform spread of assessments over the entire district. Consultants reported that the estimated cost for Platted Residential property will be about $.Q25 per squzre foot, or $250.00 for an average 10,000 square foot lot--which can be payable over a ten-year period. would be given a half hour to state their case for the project. A Vu-Graph I-lr. Lleyer reported that his plan is "for uniform service at a uniform He emphasized the savings to be effected by using Lake Cornelia as a reservoir for the run-off from the large drainage district before sending this run- .. klessrs. Meyer and Barr told the audience that the estimated Nayor Bredesen then announced that the Proponents of the project PROPONENTS. 1.k. !LA. Crinkley, 6100 Cornelia Drive, reported that the level of Lake Cornelia can be raised 8s much as 18" before any basements are flooded in the South- dale area. but for improvement of streets in the area (especially Yi.66th street) and for main- tenance of Swimming Pool Parking Lot. Mr. Crinkley told the Council that, after an information meeting of the Southdale Association, the Association had unanimously adopted a resolution in favor of this proposal; then added he believes the well knoram slogan, "Eventnally, lhy Not K:oq?'' should be applied to the project. He cited the need for a storm sewer, not only for control of Lake Cornelia,