HomeMy WebLinkAbout19580707_special7/7/58 MINUTES OF THE SPECIAL MEETING OF THE EDINA VILLAGE COUNCIL, HELD MONDAY, JULY 7, 1958, AT 7:OO P.M.7 AT THE EDINA VILLAGE HALL. 3 'I Meeting convened witkout a quorum, Cljlessrs. Dickson and Kohler being the only I members present. Because there was a fairly large audience present for the Special Assessment Hearings scheduled for this meeting, it was decided that objections and recommendations should be heard, and referred to the next Regular Meeting for action. Mr. Dickson presided, PUBLIC HEARINGS ON PROPOSED SPECIAL ASSESSMENTS. of Publication of "Notices of Hearingstt, published in Edina-Morningside Courier on June 12 and 19, 1958, which affidavits were approved as to form and ordered placed on file. Pursuant to said Notices the following Hearings were conducted, and action taken as hereinafter recorded. 1. SANITARY SEWER IMPROVEMENT NO. 133 - Construction of village sanitary Lateral Sewer and appurtenances in - All streets in Lake Edina Addition; Highway No. 100 from Trunk Sewer to W.7Oth St,; West 70th St. from Highway No. 100 to 4800 W.7Oth St, Tabulation of Assessment showed a total assessable coat of $69,042.00, as against 6,904.2 assessable feet, for $10.00 per assessable front foot, as compared with Improvement Hearing Estimate of $10.20. .Ab. E. C. Stow was present as the meeting began, but left after being asked to wait until larger delegations had been heard on other projects. He had not returned by the time meeting was adjourned. Mr. P. U. Peterson, 4809 W.70th St., appeared later in the meeting, believing that present hearing was on storm sewer construction. objection to offer on this proposed-assessment, and no other objections were offered at the hearing. prior to Hearing. Hearing continued to Monday, July 149 for action, 2. Gutter in Code Avenue betweea W.6Oth Street and Valley View Road. of Assessment showed Total Assessable Cost to be $8,556.60, as against 2,742.5 Assessable Feet, for $3.12 per Assessable Foot, as compared with Improvement Hearing Estimate of $3.45. no written objections had been received prior thereto. Hearing continued to Monday, July 14, for action. 3. STREET IMPROVEMENTS NOS. A-44 AND A-65 - Blacktopping of liJindsor Avenue from Highway #lo0 to Richmond Lane (A-44) and Blacktopping of Windsor Avenue from Richmond Lane to Code Avenue, and of Kent Place (A-65), Tabulation of Assessment for No. A-44 showed a Total Assessable Cost of $6,832.61, as against 1,802.8 Assessable Feet, for $3.79 per Assessable Foot, as compared with Improvement Hearing Estimate of $4.65. showed a Total Assessable Cost of $4,706.98, as against 1,314.8 Assessable Feet, for $3.58 per Assessable Foot, as compared with Improvement Hearing Estimate of $3.71. A large delegation was present for this Hearing. Mr. Tom Hodgson, 5500 Normandale- Road, pretested the quality of the "Seal Coat" recently.laid, stating that there are "thousands of small areas" where the original coat can still be seen. project--originating back in 1954--had not been assessed until this time. Engineer Zikan explained that because of difficulties with the blacktopping contractor (who maintained that faulty curb and gutter construction was to blame for his not being able to bying blacktopping up to gutter line), it had been impossible until this year to get him to come back to add this additional seal coat. He also stated that this last coat was not a part of the assessment; that the contractor was not paid for it. properties since the installation of-the improvement, led by Dr. Ash, 5105 Windsor, complained that they were unaware that an assessment was to be levied for this work. in view of the delay in levying, and he was informed that this would be considered praviding bond sale did not require 5-year term. adamant in h'is complaint that the work had been poor; and Manager Hyde suggested a re-seal by Village forces, members present that further consideration should be given to this project; and Hearing was continued to Monday, July 14, for report to Council. 4. 5801 to 5812 and 5813 Fairfax Avenue. Assessable Cost of $572.26, as against 397.4 Assessable Feet, for $1.44 per Assessable Foot, as compared with Improvement Hearing Estimate of $2.51. objections were registered at the Hearing, and none had been received prior thereto. Hearing continued to Monday, July 14, for action, 5. STREET IMPROVEMENT NO. A-84 - Blacktopping of Concord Terrace from Concord Avenue to St.Johns Avenue and of St-Johns Avenue from Concord Terrace to W,58th St. Tabulation of Assessment showed Total Assessable Cost to be $2,856.62, as against 1,819.5 Assessable Feet, for $1.57 per Assessable ~oot, as compared with Improvement Hearing Estimate of $2.49. written objections had been reateived prior thereto. July 14, for action, Clerk presented Affidavits He had no No written objections had been received by the Clerk STREET IMPROVENIENT NO. B-48 - Construction of Village Standard curb and Tabulation No objections were registered at the Hearing, and Tabulation of Assessment for No. A-65 Inquiries were made as to why this old Owners who had purchased their Mr. Roy Bodlund suggested that a 10-year assessment be made, Mr. Hodgson was It was the concensus of opinion of those Council STREET IMPROVEMENT NO. A-83 - Blacktopping of Fairfax Avenue from 5800 and Tabulation of Assessment showed Total I'Jo No objections were registered at the Hearing, and no Hearing continued to Monday, 7/7/58 6. Way from Highway ido. 100 to Ayrshire Blvd. Tabulation of Assessment was given at $7,647.48, as against 4,663.1 Assessable Feet, for $1.64 per Assessable Foot, as compared with Improvement Hearing Estimate of $2.44. There aere no complaints on the assessment, but Ressrs. Chambers, Shaw and Johnson all complained that, although they had checked at the Village Hall before purchasing their properties, they had been given no information concerning this pending special assessment. They were informed that the Village Hall now has a new system whereby approved improvements will be entered on the legal description cards immediately after the improvement hearings, to forestall any further such oversight. Hearing continued to IJonday, July 14, for action. 7. to Parnell Avenue. Tabulation of Assessment showed Total Assessable Cost to be $2,292.64 as against 1, 157.9 Assessable Feet, for $1.98 per Assessable Foot as compared with Improvement Hearing Estimate of $3.63. registered at the Hearing, and no written objections had been received by Clerk prior thereto. 80 Tabulation of Assessment showed Total Assessable Cost to be $2,683*55 as against 1,405 Assessable Feet, for $1.91 per Pssessable ~oot as compared with $2.66 given at Improvement Hearing. received by the Clerk prior thereto. Hearing continued to Lionday, July 14, for act i on. 9. STREET 1fAPKOVE"r:EICT KO. k-92 - Blacktopping of School Road from Concord Ave. to Sherwood Ave.; Y.59th St. from Ruth Drive to Hwy.#lOO; 1V.60th St. from Parnell kve. to Hrtry. #loo; Sheraood kve. from 9.6Oth St. to School Road; Rbth Drive from School Road to y;.59th Street. Tabulation of Assessment showed Total Assessable Cost to be $11,223.93, as against 4,618.9 Assessable Feet, for $2.43 per Assessable Foot as compared with Improvement Hearing Estimate of $2.65. There were no objections to the assessment itself, but Llr. Larson, 4800 School Road, complained that drainage needs correcting. Engineer Zikan explained that, in building the Junior High, the School had graded all the property to U.59th Street, and had filled in an existing drainage ditch; that, this year, the village will install a culvert to carry the water from the intersection of School Road and concord about 100 feet Korth; that, because of the flat grade this is the only way to remedy the drainage problem. Terry, 4805 School Road inquired as to the possibility of the General Fund's bearing part of the cost, for the reason that the street is a school bus route. He was informed that this is not the policy; but that the Village does bear the cost of maintaining blacktopped streets after the initial construction. No protests against the assessment had been received by the Clerk prior to the Hearing. continued to tionday, July 14, for action. ~ 10. Street between I'looddale Avenue and St. Johns Avenue. Tabulation of Assessment showed Total Assessable Cost to be $6,486.13, as against 1,205.6 Assessable Feet, for $5.38 per Assessable Foot, as compared with Improvement Hearing Estimate of $7.78. There were no objections to the assessment registered at the Hearing, and no written objections had been received by the Clerk prior thereto. Mre Erwin, 5640 Ylooddale, appeared to inquire about the possible blacktopping, and was told to have the necessary petition signed. Hearing continued to Monday, July 14, for action. 11, Plaza; Duggan Plaza from Everett Place to Duggan Plaza Circle; Tifton Drive, Everett Place to Ridgeway Drive. be $18,798.70, as against I, 185,290 Square Feet, for $.01586 per square Foot as conipared with Improvement Hearing Estimate of $.0145. at the Hearing, and no written objections had been received prior thereto. continued to f.Ionday, July 14, for action. 12. STORM SEER IUPROVEFENT KO. 41 - Beginning on VJ.58th St. , midway between Wooddale and Fairfax Avenues; thence Southerly 120 Feet, more or less. of Assessment showed Total Assessable Cost to be $1,221.96 as against 114,630 Square Feet, for $.01066 per Assessable Square Foot, compared with Improvement Hearing Estimate of $.0239. objections had been received prior thereto. for action. STREET 1LfPROVEi.iENT XO. A-87 - Blacktopping in klerritt Circle; and in Doncaster STREET IHFTiOVEJENT KO. A-88 - Blacktopping of r?~.60th Street from Concord Avenue There were no protests Hearing continued to I.fonday, July 14, for action. STREET Iik~PROVEit~Ei~ IdO. 14-90 - Blacktopping of Idylwood Drive in Idylwood Addition. id0 objections were registered at the Hearing, and none had been 1.b. Hearing STREET 1MPROVR:IETJT KO. C-58 - Grading, Gravelling and Storm Sewer in Tower STOR.T.1 SEIER ILEPROVBJEPJT P!O. 38 - In Everett Place from 9-fdile Creek to Duggan Tabulation of Assessment showed Total Assessable-Cost to Mo objections v;ere registered Hearing Tabulation Ik!o objections were registered at the Hearing, and no mitten Hearing continued to Llonday, July 14, TRUPX I'dATEWJAIN IIAPROVELEtlT 110. 127 - TO BE EXTENDED FROM YJ.70TH STREET AND ANT RIM^ WEST ONE BLOCI: TO RESERVOIR SITE. extending this main as set forth above will be approsimately $7,500 above the origina1'$173,000 contract; that he feels it v:ould be much more economical to make this extension nov;, rather than to advertise for a new contract at a later date; that the properties abutting the main are in the original "trunk district" and the plan would be that they would be assessed for lateral service only as they wish to connect. He asked if there is any legal reason why estension cannot be authorized; and Attorney Hasselquist replied that the legal question is "whether this is a major change" and that addition of one block of main on a contract for three miles does not seem to him to be a major change. It was the opinion of those present t'nat this extension should be approved. IJanager Hyde told the Council that the cost of 7/7/58 STOFU.1 SWJER BETWEEN 6929 AND 6925 SOUTHDALE ROAD lPiY BE PAYABLE FROM GEIJERAL FUItfDS. 19 'F Llanager Hyde recommended cancellation of the Public Hearing on this proposed Storm Server, scheduled for July 14. additional 12" pipe alongside the present pipe is cheaper than pulling the present pipe and installing a new and larger drain; that this work will cost approximately $750.00, which will mean considerably under 1/2 cent per square foot to the properties in the drainage district; that he feels .this is actually a general fund expenditure and should not be assessed. Ah. Zikan added that construction as contemplated will serve to protect the Village sanitary sewer and that, therefore, general fund expense is justified. It was concensus of opinion of those Counci.1 members present that Hearing be cancelled. . He told Council members present that the laying of an SOUTHDPLE TO PAY FOR DRAINING OF WOL. for the filling b€ its pool by Village forces. .Village did not fill the excavation; that Village forces drained it--but that Southdale will pay for the work done, Trustee Kohler asked if Southdale will pay Manager Hyde explained that the There beinq nothing further to come before this meeting, it was adjourned at 8:25 P.M. - Village Clerk