HomeMy WebLinkAbout19580714_regular7/14/58 LIIXUTES OF THE REGULAR IIEETIKG OF THE EDINA VILLAGE COUKCIL, MELD L:OMDAY, JULY 14, 1958, AT 7:30 P.!d., AT THE EDINA VILLAGE HALL I.,!embers answering Rollcall were Dickson, Kohler, Tupa and Bredesen, CERTIFICATES OF K3iiRD for attendance at Department Manager's Conference at the UniverSity were presented to Village pnployees, Adam Batko, Fred Jonas and Chris Mtzel . MINUTES of the Regular Ileeting of June 9, Special Meeting of June 16, and Regular Meeting of June 23, 1958, were approved by motion Tupa, seconded by Diclcson and c arr i ed . I CONTIBXJATIOH OF JULY 7TH PUBLIC HEARIIGS ON PROPOSED SPECIAL ASSESSMENTS . of the July 7th Special Lleeting were submitted to'each Council Liember present, showing such objections and suggestions as were made at that meeting, Because there vias not a quorum present at the meeting of the 7th, it was necessary that action be taken at this meeting. The Estimated Improvement Cost, as compared to the Assessment Tabulation Cost was read for this evening's audience in the case of each of the follouing proposed assessments, and the following action taken : 1. SANITARY SEJER IGPROVff.iE€ST KO. 133 - All streets in Lake Edina Addition; Highway No. 100 from Trunk Sewer to YJ.70th St.; W.7Oth St. from Highway Il?o. 100 to 4800 I'J.70th St. Llr. E. C. Stox, developer of Lake Edina Addition, objected to the high cost, stating he believes it is the highest-priced sewer recorded in Edina, but that he had agreed to it at the Public Hearing and would have to go along with it. most expensive. Dickson moved that Assessment be approved as tabulated. Motion seconded by Tupa and carried. (See Resolution of later in meeting), 2. STREET 1I.IPROVEXIETJT NO. B-48 - Curb and Gutter in Code Ave. from I'J.6Oth St. to Valley View Road. i.:eeting. Dickson's motion for approval of assessment as tabulated was seconded by Tupa and carried, (See Resolution of later in meeting). 3, Highway #lo0 to Richmond Lane (A-44) and Blacktopping of I'lindsor Avenue from, Richmond Lane to Code Avenue, and of Kent Place (A-65). Review vias had of the objections and suggestions made at the last meeting; and 1.k. Hyde stated that the 1954 Improvement Second Series Fund nil1 not suffer by the assessment'of these projects over a ten-year period (rather than the five-year term usually assessed for Blacktopping) . that it be levied over a ten-year period, was seconded by Tupa and carried. (See Resolution of later in meeting). 4. STREET iT.?PROVEAIEIJT KO. A-83 - Blacktopping in Fairfax Ave. from 5800 and 5801 to 5812 and 5813 Fairfax, 130 objections registered at this meeting; none at meeting of July 7. Dickson and carried, (See Resolution of later in meeting). 5, to St.Johns kve.; St.Johns Ave. from Concord Terrace to b"1.58th St. TJo objections at this Hearing; none at July 7th Hearing. as tabulated vias seconded by Dickson and carried.(See Resolution of later in meeting). 6. STREET II"?OVE?EiT KO. €1-87 - Blacktopping in Llerritt Circle; and in Doncaster YJay from Highway No. 100 to Ayrshire Blvd. Review made of statements of July 7; no objections at this meeting. tabulated was seconded by Tupa and carried. (See Resolution of later in meeting) 7, STREET IIDROVELEIIT 110. pi-88 - Blacktopping of 1:',60th St. from concord Ave. to Parnell Ave, motion for approval of assessment as tabulated vas seconded by Tupa and carried, 8. No objections registered at this Hearing; none at July 7th meeting. for approval of assessment as tabulated vias seconded by Kohler and carried. Resolution of later in meeting). . 9. STREET I%iPi3OVETAEl~,TT I?O* A-92 - Blacktopping in School Road, Concord kve- to Sherwood Ave. j Vl.59th SL. , Ruth Drive to Hwy.#100; Y.60th St. , Parnell pye. to HVJY. #loo; Sherwood he., g.60th St. to School Rd.; Ruth Drive, School Rd. to V1.59th SC. Review was had of complaint on drainage, and Village's plan to install a culvert in this location. Dickson's motion that assessment be approved as tabulated was seconded by Tupa and carried. (See Resolution of later in meeting). 10. Street between Kooddale and St.Johns Avenues. tonight's Hearing; none at Hearing of July 7. assessment as tabulated was seconded by Dickson and carried, of later in meeting). Lfinutes He was informed that this improvement, although costly, is not the No objections registered at this meeting; none at July 7th STREET IE;IPROVEi.IEiJTS ITOS. k-44 AND A-65 - Blacktopping of Windsor Avenue fro3 Dickson' s motion that assessment be approved as tabulated and Kohler's motion that assessment be approved as tabulated 'was seconded by STREET iI.lPROVE.iEb!T €IO. A-84 - Blacktopping in Concord Terrace from Concord Ave. Tupa's motion for approval of assessment Dickson's motion that assessment be approved as PTo protests at this meeting; none at meeting of July 7, Dickson's STREET ILIPFlOVE!.:ElJT i:O. A40 - Blacktopping in Idylwood Drive in Idy1v:ood Addn. Tupa's 1:lotion (See No further complaints or objections were registered at this Hearing. STREET ItlP;IOWEI4T KO. C-58 - Grading, Gravelling and Storm Sewer in Tower No objections registered at the Tupa's motion for approval of (See Resolution 199 7/14/58 11. STORM SEER IMPROVEMENT NO. 38 - In Everett Place from Nine-Mile Creek to Duggan' yaza; Duggan Plaza, Everett Place to Duggan Plaza Circle; Tifton Drive, Everett Place to Ridgeway Drive. <kdditions, asked that the manholes be lowered so that the water can drain into them. He stated that the "grades are such that half the water can't run into the manholes--that it runs across private property, washing it out". Manager Hyde explained that the Village has graded and ?e-graded the streets after sanitary sewer construction and that there is still settling. IAr. Zikan then reported 'that surveyor Arleigh Smith had set the streets to "finished grade"; that, after blacktop is applied the streets will be at manhole level. On h.k. Kohler's suggestion that the manholes be dropped by one brick, to bring them down to present grade (providing blacktopping is not to be done this year), Mr. Hyde reported that this will cost some $15 to $20 per manhole, for a half-dozen or so manholes. After some discussion, Mr. Stow was informed that manholes will be dropped, pending blacktopping; and Kohler moved for approval of assessment as tabulated. 12. STORM SEWER Ik!PROVEMEIE€ NO. 41 - Beginning on ~~~58th St., midway between Wooddale and Fairfax Avenues; thence Southerly 120 Ft. more or less. Hearing; none at Hearing of July 7. as tabulated was seconded by Tupa and carried. i. Mr. E. ce Stow, developer of the Brookview Heights , Motion seconded by Tupa and carried. (See Resolution of later in Meeting). No objections at this Dicltson's motion for approval of assessment Dickson then offered the following Resolution and moved its adoption: RESOLUTION ADOPTING AND CONFIRMING ASSESSLlENTS FOR SANITARY SEWER IMPROVEMENT NO. 133 j STORM IMPROVEhENTS NOS. A-44 AND A-65, A-839 A-84, A-87, A-90, A-92, B-48, AND C-58 SEWER IMPROVEnlIENTS NOS. 38 AND 41 j STREET BE IT RESOLVED by the Village Council of the Village of ~dina, Minnesota, as follows: ments for SANITARY SEWER IMPROVEMENT NO. 133; STORId SEVER IMPROV~IENTS NOS. 38 AIJD 41, and each of them, have been properly calculated in accordance with the provisions of Minnesota Statutes section 412.441; that notice has been duly published, as required by law, that this Council would meet to hear and pass upon all objections, if any, to amend said proposed assessments as might be necessary, and to adopt the same by resolution; that said proposed assessments have at all times since their filing been open for public inspection, and opportunity has been given to 'all interested persons to present their objections; and that each of the lots, pieces and parcels of land enumerated in the respective assessments was and is specially benefited by Lhe construction of the improvements for which such assessment is levied in the amount set opposite the description of each such lot, piece and parcel of land, respectively. pieces and parcels of land described in said respective assessments, and said proposed assessments are hereby adopted and confirmed as the proper special assessments €or said improvements, respectively. The assessment against each lot, tract, or parcel, together with the interest accruing on the full amount thereof from time to time unpaid, at the rate of five percent per annum from the date of this resolution, shall be a lien concurrent with general taxes upon the property described therein and all thereof. The total amount of each such assessment for Sanitary Sewer Improvement No. 133, Storm Sewer Improvements Nos. 38 and 41, and Street Improvements Nos. A-44 and A-65, and C-58 shall be payable in equal annual installments extending over a period of ten years, the first of said installments, together with interest on the entire assessment from the date hereof to December 31, 1959, to be payable with general taxes for the year 1958, and one of the remaining installments, with one year's interest on that and all subsequent installments, to be payable with general taxes for the years 1959 through 1967, collectible in the respective ensuing years. The total amount of each such assessment for Street Improvements Nos. A-839 A-84, A-87, A-90, A-92, A-85, and E-48 shall be payable in equal annual installments extending over a period of five years, the first of said installments, together with interest on the entire assessment from the date hereof to December 31, 1959, to be payable with general taxes for the year 1958, and one of the remaining installments, with one year's interest on that and a11 subsequent installments, to be payable with general taxes for the years 1959 through 1962, collectible in the respective ensuing years. owner of any lot, piece or parcel of land assessed hereby may pay the whole of such assessment or any installment thereof without interest to the village Treasurer and thereafter such payment may be made with accrued interest, to the County Treasurer; provided that if any assessments or installments thereof be prepaid to the Village Treasurer, he shall promptly notify the village Clerk and county Auditor, and the assessment or installment so prepaid shall be cancelled on the books of the County Auditor. 1. It is hereby found, determined 'and declared that the proposed assess- STREET II1IIPROVEi'ENTS NOS. A-44 AND A-653 A-83, A-84, A-87, A-90, A-92, B-48, AND C-58, 2. The amounts so set out are hereby levied against the respective lots, 3. Prior to certification of the assessment to the County Auditor, the raa &bG 7/14/58 4. The Clerk shall, as soon as may be, prepare and transmit to the County Auditor a certified duplicate of said assessments, with each then unpaid installment and interest set forth separately, to be extended upon the proper tax lists of the county, and the County Auditor shall thereafter cause said assessments to be collected in the manner provided by law. be designated as the "ASSESStIEHT ROLL FOR SANITARY SEER IL!PROVEI.1EIITT KO. 133, STOW SWER IMPROVELEXTS TIOS. 38 AIID 41, STREET IwRov~mms NOS. A-44 AED A-65, A-83, A-84, A-87, A-88, A-90, A-92, B-48 AND C-58, and all amounts collected in respect of the assessments therein contained shall be similarly designated by the County Treasurer and remitted to the village Treasurer and by him credited as From Street Improvements Nos. A-44 8 8-65, and C-58 + to the Sinking Fund Account of -the 1954 Improvements Second Series Fund. From Street Improvements UOS . A-83, A-84, A-87/2"qoA?$@ Sinking Fund Account of the 1956 Improvements First Series Fund. From Street Improvements Idos. A-90, A-92 and Storm Sewer Improvement No. 38 - to the Sinking Fund Account of the 1956 Improvements Second Series Fund. From Street Improvenent IJo. B-48, Sanitary Sewer Improvement No. 133, and Storm Sewer Improvement No. 41 - to the Bond Improvement Redemption Fund. Said duplicate shall fOllOVJS: t.!otion for adoption of Resolution was seconded by Tupa, and on Rollcall there were four ayes and no nays, as follows: Dickson Bredesen, aye; and the Resolution was adopt Aq3T : Village Clerk PUBLIC HEARIKGS OI! PEOFOSED I!JP2OVB.lEI~TS. Affidavits of Publication of "IJotice of Hearings", published in Edina-tlorningside Courier July 3 and 10, 1958, viere presented, approved as to form, and ordered placed on file. and Estimates of Cost were read and action taken as hereinafter recorded: &J &&&A Vu-Graph Slides were shown of plan, 1, PROPOSED SAIlITdRY SEER IPI ZEI:'ITH AVEWE FROM 'J.6OTH STREET TO 50 FT. IJORTH OF CB5TERLIME OF 3.59TH STREET. against 993.56 Assessable Feet, for $12.30 per Assessable Foot (or 5642.98 per Estimate of Cost was given as $12,216.60, as Lot; however, Lfanq2r explained that because bids taken this morning are bilovr Estimate, assessable cost should be some 10 to 1%: below this estimate. &lo objections were registered at the Hearing, and none had been received prior thereto, 2, PROPOSED YKENLUlI 11: ZElJITH AVENUE FRO16 W.59TH STREET To 17.60TH STREET. Estimate of Cost was given as $5.87 per front foot--a Total of $4,634.00 as against 825 Assessable Feet, for $5.62, plus $0025 connection charge to the Eickelsen main. Because bids of this morning are lower than estimate, however, ib. Hyde stated the assessable cost should be about $5.40 per foot. the Hearing, and none had been received prior thereto. I . No objections were registered at Dickson offered the - following Resolution and moved its adoption: RESOLUTION ORDERING IMPROVRLIEPITS SAIJITARY SE'IER 1I.IPROVEtlEI'JT 1:O. 149 AI!D 3ATERMAIN I!4PROVEIENT NO. 131 BE IT RESOLVED by the council of the Village of Edina, ISnnesota, that this Council heretofore caused notices of hearing to be duly published on the followkng proposed improvements: Avenue from fl.60th St. to 50 ~t. North of Centerline of C'J.59th St. 1 . CO?JSTRUGTION OF SfXtTARY LATERAL SHIER AND I;PPURTEI2At!CES in Zenith 2. CONSTRUCTION OF VILLAGE NATENZAIN EXTEMSIOFJ in Zenith Avenue from 2059th St. to ;'I.60th St., and at the hearings held at the time and place specified in said notice the Council has duly considered the viev:e of all persons interested, and being fully advised of the pertinent facts does hereby determine to proceed with the construction of said improvements; that said improvements are hereby designated and shall be referred to in all subsequent proceedings as follovrs: KO. 1 ABOVE SANITARY SEWER iLIPROVEL%3X KO. 149 KO. 2 ABOVE I?JATERI.fAIi*J II.IPROVE:JEI*IT li0 13 1 and the areas to be specially assessed therefor shall be as follovrs: For Sanitary Sewer Improvement Eo. 149 - Lots 1 to 9 inclusive, Block 6; Lots 15 to 23 inclusive, Block 7; Lot 12, Block 3; Lot 13, Block 2, all in Harriet ZIanor 2nd kcidition. For ?latermain Improvement Ho. 131 - Lots 1 to 7 inclusive and North 1/2 of Lot 3, Block 6; and Lots 15 to 23, inclusive, Blgck 7, all in Harriet Manor 2nd Addition. lhtion €or adoption of the Resolution was second were four ayes and no nays, as follows: Dicks Bredesen, aye; and the Resolution was adopted Kohler, and on Rollcall there ; Tupa, aye; and e 2fjp PROPOSED SWIJITARY SEWER IN JOSEPHINE AVENUE FROM IN.64TH ST. TO INCLUDE LOT 9; 7/14/55 3. BLOCK 2, NORF;IAI\IDALE SECOND ADDITION. foot, or $351.60 per Lot. had been received prior thereto. moved its adoption: 6 Estimate of Cost was read at $7.03 per front There were no objections raised at the Hearing, and none Dickson offered the following Resolution and RESOLUTION ORDERII\!G IMPROVEhfENT SANITARY SEER IMPROVEMEhJT NO. 150 BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the Village of Edina, Minnesota, that this Council heretofore caused notice of hearing to be duly published on the-following proposed improvement: CONSTRUCTIOM OF SANITARY LATERAL SElVER AND APPURTEIUNCES in Josephine Avenue from West 64th Street to include Lot 9, Block 2, Normandale 2nd Addition and at the hearing held at the time and place specified in said notice the Council has duly considered the views of all persons interested, and being fully advised of the pertinent facts does hereby determine to proceed with the construc- tion of said improvement; that said improvement is hereby designated and shall be referred to in all subsequent proceedings as SANITARY SEWER IIAPROVEMENT NO. 1503 and the area to be specially assessed therefor shall include Lots 9 to 15, inclusive, Block 23 and Lots 16 to 1€, inclusive, Block 1, all in Normandale 2nd Addition. Motion for adoption of Resolution was seconded by Tupa, and on Rollcall there were four ayes and no nays, as follows: Dickson, a CONTIIJUATIOIJ OF riy 26TH AND JUNE 23~~ PUBLIC HEARINGS ON - 1 . PROPOSED SANITARY SEVER IN DIVISIOM ST FROLI VANDERVORK TO OXFORD AVENUE : OXFORD AVE. FROM DIVISION ST. TO 290 FT. S* OF W.51ST ST.2 INTERLACHEN BLVD. FROM BEDFORD AVE. TO 125 FT. Vi. OF OXFORD AVE. Manager Hyde told the audience that, pursuant to June 23rd instructions, the Engineering Department has prepared an Estimate of Cost covering this project, which prorates the cost of construction between the area South of Hollywood Road, for which a deep cut is needed; and the area North of Hollywood Road, for which only a shallow cut is necessary--the cost to the "South" portion having been figured to be some $1,200 per lot; that to the "North" area, $800.00 per lot, approximately--this Estimate depending on possible combination of lots in both areas. presented a petition in favor of sewer, signed by residents at 5311, 5317 and 5348 Hollywood Road. extension of sewer abutting his properties, on grounds of "no need". He was reminded that his earlier objections concerning sewer had helped to cause the. present high price, by keeping the Hollywood Road sewer shallow. There were no other objections registered at this time for this project. 1.k. R. W. Ringsrud, 5112 Oxford Avenue, h?r. Henry A. Anderson, 5332 Hollywood Road, protested 2. PROPOSED SANITARY SEVER IN INTERLACHEN BLVD. FROM SKYLI!IE DRIVE TO 400 FT. EAST: AND, ALTEWJATE, FROM 400 FT. VI. OF OXFOP! AVEI!UE TO 276 FT. E. OF OXFORD AVE. Estimate of Cost was given as $1,174.00 for the main from Skyline Drive to 400 Ft., as again:t some $1,200 for the Alternate, the line's being extended past his property, and asked that it be run East. especially protested being assessed for two lots; and was informed that this would be the case unless he filed deed restrictions against subdivision of the property. The petition filed by hlr. Ringsrud for the previous Hearing, which also contained signatures by residents at 5400,5405 and 5405 Interlachen, in favor of the sewer, and the qualified signature of Mr. Posthumus, 5405 Interlachen, in favor of sewer's running East, was reviewed. Manager Hyde recommended running sewer est, for both economy and practicability. Dickson offered the following Resolution and moved its adoption: Mr. Morris Hansen once again protested He RESOLUTION ORDERING IWPROVEP4EIUS SfWITARY SEWER IMPROVEMEhTS NOS. 151 AIdD 152 BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the Village of ~dina, Minnesota, that this Council heretofore caused notices of hearings to be duly published on the following proposed improvements : I. COIJSTRUCTION OF SANITARY LATERAL SEVER in Division St. from Vandervork Ase. to Oxford Ave,; Oxford Ave. from Division St. to 290 Ft, South of vl.51st St.; Interlachen Blvd, from Bedford Ave. to 125 Ft. Ilf. of Oxford Ave. 2. Drive to 400 Ft. .East and at the hearings held at the time and place specified in said notices the Council has duly considered the views of all persons interested, and being fully advised of the pertinent facts does hereby determine to proceed with the construction of said improvements; that said improvements are hereby designated and shall be referred to in all subseqaent proteedings as follows: CONSTRUCTION OF SMJITARY LATERAL SEVER in Interlachen Blvd. from Skyline IJO. 2 ABOVE SAIdITARY SEER IKPROVEGEN! IJO. 151 NO. 1 ABOVE SANITARY SE'.'JER I?b{PRoVE?&%T i$O. 152 and the meas to be specially assessed therefor are as follovrs: 0 7/14/58 For Sanitary Seux Inprovernznt F!o. 151 - All lots and tracts of land abutting the proposed impr rjvemen t . For Sanitary Seeer Improvement IJo. 152 - All lots and tracts of land abutting the proposed improvement; said lots to be assessed on a pro-rata. basis, the lots lying I+!orth of East-l'lest Hol1y;ood Road (Lots 13 to 24 inclusive, Block 2, Cleveland's Subdivision of Emma Abbott Park and the lots and tracts of land directly across Oxford Avenue from said lots) to be assessed at the rate of 2/3 of the cost prcrposed to be aspssed against those lots and tracts of land South of said East-Jest Hollyriood Road. 3,@2 l Hotion for adoption of Resolution was seconded by Tupa; and on Rollcall there were four ayes and no nays, as follows: Dickson, Bredesen, aye; and the Resolution was adopted. (Later in the meeting a delegation appeared on the two projects mentioned above. Llr. R.C. Tengdin, 5040 Oxford Avenue, objected to the proposed allocation, on the grounds that sewer is an improvement for all properties concerned; that area ilorth of Hollywood Road will need it sooner or later, and that assessments should be equal, explained to him that the cut for the area North kcould be considerably more shallow if the area to the South did not need service. 1.k. Posthumous protested the sewer's running to the ::'est along Interlachen Blvd., rather than to the East, as per the petition filed tonight. He was reminded that, at one of the previous Hearings, he had asked to have the most economical line. It vias SPJER LED !%ITER UTILITIES FOR BUAPEE OF INTERLACHEN BLVD. SUGGESTED. Pursuant to discussion on Sanitary Sewer Improvements Nos. 151 and 152, held this evening and previously, the suggestion was made by Trustee Tupa that Village Engineer prepare plans and estimates for installing underground utilities in all that part of Interlachen Blvd. vhich is not yet served, in order that this street can be finally put into good shape €or travel. but it was concensus of opinion that Interlachen Blvd. be served by underground utilities at the soonest possible time. There was no formal action taken on this suggestion, CO~STINUATION OF I.li?Y 26TH iQ!D JUNE 23RD WBLIC HEARINGS ON PROPOSED MATEWJAIN IIJF'2OVEMEJT IN OXFORD AVEIWE FROId ItTTEFE,ACHEIT BLVD, TO 330 FT. SOUTH OF 1"1.51ST STREET. per Lot. to the Hearing. Vu-Graph Slide was shown of plan, and Estimate of Cost was read at $514.50 There were no objections from the floor, and none had been received prior I Dickson offered the following Resolution and moved its adoption: RESOLUTION ORDERING TIJPROVELlBX YJATEREJL~IN 1F~IPFiOVH.lEblT Ti0 e 132 BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the Village of Edina, LEnnesota, that this Council heretofore caused notice of hearing to be duly published on the proposed COIISTRUCTIOE! OF VILLAGE FJATERLWIiI EXTEI!SIOiI AND AFRJRTENAIiCES in Oxford Avenue from Interlachen Blvd. to 330 Ft. South of I"b.5lst St.; and at the hearings held at the time and place specified in said notice the Council has duly considered the views of all persons interested, and being fully advised of the pertinent facts does hereby determine to proceed with the construction of said improvement; that said improvement is hereby designated and shall be referred to in all subsequent proceedings as 'JATERUAII.! IZF€iOVB.I!GiIT 140. 132, and the area to be specially assessed therefor shall include all lots and tracts of land abutting the street proposed to be improved. I.lotion for adoption of the Resolution was seconded by Tupa, and on Rollcall there were four ayes and no nays, as follows: Dickson, BredesenS aye; and the Resolution was adopted. Village Clerk PUBLIC HEARING ON "GHITIKG HOUSE" EUILDINGS CONSTITUTING k MJISATCE. This Public Hearing vias conducted pursuant to Notices served on Iks. Dorothy Ylhiting and lilrs- Elizabeth E. Roberts, owners, and posted on premises at 6336 Valley View Road,that Council would meet on this date "to determine vhther buildings on these premises should be ordered repaired, vacated and repaired, removed or demolished, in accordance with the provisions of Ordinance No. 148'I. that dwelling is structurally unsound and in a most dilapitated condition was reviewed. Eritten permission €or removal and demolition of house, signed by hlr. !'lilliam R. 'Jhiting, was read. 6336 Valley View Road to begin within ten days and to be completed with fifteen days, and authorizing Clerk to make up written findings necessary to serve said order. Motion seconded by Kohler and carried. Report of Ijuilding Inspector Tupa moved ordering demolition of dwelling and outbuildings at 7/14/58 * 283 STORM SEWER BETWEEN 6929 AND 6925 SOUTHDALE ROAD TO BE PAID FROM GENERAL FUNDS. anlargement of temporary storm sewer at General Fund expense, and Dickson moved for acceptance of Manager's recommendation. AWARD OF BIDS TAKEN THIS MORNING. taken this morning, recommending award of bids to low bidder in both the following cases: 1. Sanitary Sewer Improvement No, 149 (Zenith Ave. from W.60th St. to 50' I\Jo. of VJ.59th St.); and Watermain Improvement No. 131 (Zenith AVe. from W.59th to W.6Oth st.) - Three bids submitted, Northern Contracting Company low bidder at $15,720.10; Swanson Excavating Co; second low at $16,299.70; and Phelps-Drake CO., Inc. high bidder at $17,860.80. Company was seconded by Dickson and carried, I .2. B-54 (Fairfax AVe., Y?.Woodland Rd. to ~~58th St.); and curb and Gutter for Storm Sewer No, 42 (~~60th st. from Kellogg to Oaklawn Ave.) - Three bids submitted, Arnold Beckman being low bidder at $7,471.42; Victor Carlson 8 Sons, Inc., second low at $8,141.14; and Crown Sidewalk 8 Block COO, Inc. high bidder at $8,388.40. Dickson's motion that contract be awarded to Arnold Beckman was seconded by Kohler and carried. Grading and Gravelling Improvement No. c-77 - N-S Alley between York and Serxes Aves. and from W.59th St. to N. Lot Lines of Lots 7 and 18, Block 1, Harriet Manor Second Addi,tion - Only one bid submitted, that of Terry Bros. at $704.50. moved. Motion seconded by Tupa and carried, However, after a check of the Estimate made for the entire alley it was determined that bid is way over Estimate, and Manager recommended rejection of bid and re-advertisement. Tupa, Dickson withdrew his motion, then moving that bid be rejected and that Council re-advertise for bids. St. and between York and Xerxes AVeS. one bid, that of Bituminous Roadways, Inc. in amount of $1,248.95, which is way over Estimate. He recommended rejection of bid and re-advertisement, Tupa so moved. Motion seconded by Dickson and carried. Manager Hyde reviewed the arguments set forth at the meeting of July 7th, for 3 Motion seconded by Tupa and carried. Engineer zikan presented Tabulation of Bids Bids for Sanitary Sewer Improvement No. 144 (I"J.59th St. from Tingdale to Code); Tupa's motion for award of contract to Northern Contracting Bids for Curb and Gutter Improvement B-53 (Warren Ave., W.64th to W.65th St.); 3. At first Manager Hyde recommended award of contract, and Dickson so With consent of 4. Blacktopping Improvement No. A-119 - Alley between W.55th St. and ~~56th Manager Hyde reported receipt of only PUBLIC HEARING OM PETITIOM TO FACE DWELLINGS THE ''LONG WAY OF THE LOT" ON LOTS 8 PibID 9, BLOCK 4, CHAPEL HILLS. submitted too late to come before the Regular Meeting of the Planning Conmission It was explained that Mr. Boran's petiton had been but that assent had been obtained by a telephone poli of a majority of the members of the Commission. Affidavits of Publication, Posting and Mailing were submitted, approved as to form and ordered placed on file. the floor, and none had been received prior thereto. petition be granted was seconded.by Dickson and carried. No objections were received from Kohlkr's motion that MIIWEAFOLIS GAS COMPANY RATE AND FRANCHISE NEGOTIATIONS were reported by Manager Hyde, who suggested that inasmuch as he could-not be present at a meeting to be held on Thursday, 24, perhaps some of the Council members would like to attend. IAessrs. Kohler and Tupa evinced an interest in attending with Village Attorney Hasselquist. MINNEAPOLIS GAS COMPANY'S FINANCIAL STATElENT FOR YEAR 1957 vas submitted, in accordance with terms of present Franchise, and ordered placed on file. HEARING SCHEDULED ON PETITION FOR VACATION OF ALLEY. of 100% of the properties abutting 'chat part of the North-South Alley between !'/.58th and W.59th Streets and between Xerxes and York Avenues ignich lies between the North Lot Lines of Lots One and Twenty-Four, Block 1, and the south Lot Lines of Lots Seven and Eighteen, Block 1, Harriet Manor Second Addition, was filed. Kohler's motion scheduling Public Hearing on petition was seconded by Dickson and carried. Hearing to be August 11, at 7:OO P.Me A petition signed by owners EASEMENT APPROVED ACROSS NORTH ONE-HALF OF VACATED We 59TH STREET 9 FROW BROOKVIBV AVENUE, EAST TO JUNCTION 1'JITH PRIVATE EASEMENT. Form of Easement "for driveway x)umoses onlv over and across the $Torth fifteen (15) feet of the south one-half 11/2) of vaceted Nest 59th Street from Brookview Avenue to the Southerly extension of the East boundary of Lot Thirteen (13), Block Sixteen (16), Fairfax Addition, where such extension intersects vacated West 59th Street" was presented, said easement to run from the Village of Edina to Roland H. Thieling and Harriet M. Thieling and to Elmer Le Kuhlman and Ruth Ann Kuhlman, to provide the access requested by Mrs. Elmer L. Kuhlman (and informally granted by the Village Council) to the garage at 5841 Brookview Avenue--the understanding being that A4r. and JArs. Francis L. Maxson will provide driveway easement across their rear lot line, 5845 Brookview, to said easement to be granted by Village. and Clerk be authorized to sign this easement on behalf of the village,was seconded by Dickson and carried. be a "service drive". Tupa's motion, that Mayor Park Board had agreed that W,59th street will 7/14/58 LEGAL LIABILITY FOR LIQUOR STORE was once again discussed, but since no reasonable premium had been quoted no action was taken. PETITIOlJ FOR OILING - Woodcrest Drive from Y1.55* St. to Y1.56th St., and y.56th St. from approx. 150 Ft. E. of Park Place to fiinnehaha Creek Bridge was submitted, and vias accepted by motion Kohler, seconded by Dickson and carried. PETITION FOR OPENIKG OF Ti. 66TH STREET BETWEEN TIIdGDALE AVEPIUE MiD I~!,iOtlI DRIVE was again presented, with small plat showing location of petitioners--none of wlnom abuts the street. abut the street. for its recommendation as to opening, was seconded by Dickson and carried. It was noted that the south boundary of Normandale Park does Kohler's motion, that matter be referred to Planning Commission I PETITION FOR ASSESS?.'EET RELIEF REJECTED. Dr. and IQs. YJ. 13. Zuryea, 6424 Rolf Avenue, appeared before the Council to protest Front-Foot assessments for Sanitary Sewer and Watermain on Lots 6,7,8,9, N.1/2 of 10 and 15, and Lot 16, Block 10, Normandale 2nd Addition. situated, it is impossible to build more than possibly one other residente 'on this large tract (if it is possible to do even that much); that they are, therefore, being unfairly assessed for all the lots. petitioners that public hearings were held before assessments were made, and that there had been no bbjections registered the proposed method of assessment at these public hearings; that everyone else in the respective sewer and water districts was bearing front-foot assessments and that, if a reduction in assess- ment were made for petitioners the improvements would have to be re-assessed at - a higher rate to pap for the project cost. The Zuryeas explained that they were not informed of the public hearings--that they had not purchased the property until 1957. Petitioners were informed that Council could consider no re-assess- ment at this time unless other benefited property owners agreed by petition to such re-assessments. They stated that because of the way their house is It was pointed out to . BUILDING PEWIIT IN SHAUGHIJESSY ADDITION REFUSED PEflDIPIG DEDICATION OF 1/2 ROAD, Jh. HOE. Shaughnessy was present to request a building permit for Lot 3, Shaughnessy Addition. "remodeled storage shed" onto the basement begun on Lot 3; that he, as an administrator, will not even think of allowing this--that, insofar as he is concerned this particular building must be either demolished or moved out of the Village. Also, that insofar as a building permit for this lot is concerned, there is no public access to the lot because only 1/2 street has been dedicated, and, in fact, an agreement has been signed by Mr. Shaughnessy to the effect that the Village has no responsibility for maintenance of this half-street (30-foot right-of-way). Kr. Shaughnessy reported that he had filed his plat in 1954, pursuant to notification by the Village that: he could not build more than one dwelling on his tract of land without subdividing it. He maintained that he would not have platted at all, had he known that he could not build; that he now has a chance to dispose of his property but of course cannot do so unless the Village ail1 allon building thereon. matter be deferred pending dedication of remaining 30-foot right-of-way and opening af street, was seconded by Tupa and carried. Llanager Hyde explained that original request was for permit to move a Kohlcr's motionb that action on this HEE,RIWG SCHEDULED FOR ZON IPIG OF PART OF "PEDERSCDI DAIRY 'I FROfd OPEN DEVELOPLiEPF TO C0I.E.ERCIAL DISTRICT. Planning Commission's July 2nd .favorable recommendation, in the matter of rezoning a tract o€ land 500 Ft. parallel with County Road 15 and 300 Ft. deep for Pederson Dairy's continued use as a pasteurization plant, was reviewed. use of this tract for som time, inasmuch as the Village had issued building permit for a pasteurization plant some years ago, believing Pedersons were pasteurizing only their cwn milk; winereas, actually, they had discontinued their dair$ some time before this permit was issued and were acting as a receiving plant doing the pasteurization for other dairies. now want to enlarge their plant; that the immediate neighbors have no objections and that it appears to be in the public interest to allow them to do SO. motion that Public Hearing on petition to rezone from Open Development District to Comqercial District be scheduled for Monday, July 28, at 7:OO P.1.L seconded by Tupa and carried. Attorney Hasslquist reported that the Dairy has had a non-conforming He explained .$hat the Pedersons Kohler's Uotion HEARDiG APPROVED 0i;S PETITIOrJ FOR DOUBLE BUTJGAL0:'IS ON FRAKCE AVEIUE 11.1 "FARIER ADDITION". in Farmer Addition (France Avenue from ?~.62nd St., South about 250 Ft.) was reviewed, and Kohler moved that Public Hearing on petition be. scheduled for as Boon as is practical. Planning Conmission's recommendation in favor of double bungalows Kotion seconded by Dickson and carri.ed. "GAFBISOFI LMIEtl PAOPERTIES TO BECOME AUDITOR'S SUBDIVISION. information Planning Director Swanson reported that the Hennepin County Auditor has ordered that an "Auditor's Subdivision" be drafted to cover unplatted properties in and abutting Garrison Lane. As a matter of 2ea5 PREL IMrNnRY 7/14/58 F3W& PLAT OF WARREI\l'S ADDITION APPROVED. recommendation for approval was reviewed by Council, as was the XmIiSnary .of this property owned by 8.k. Warren Posthumous, be approved subject to receipt of topography, was seconded by Kohler and carried, (Property at 5401 Interlachen Blvd. ) Planning Commission's July 7th 3. Dickson' s motion that plat PRELIMINJAY PLAT OF SMILEY ADDITION APPROVED. Mr. Stvanson reported Planning Commission's July 2nd approval of 1.k~~ Augusta Smiley's Plan llBrl, subject to receipt of road profiles, topography; this property being 4812 IrJ,70th St. After some discussion as to the proximity of the proposed plat to the property of the Christ Presbyterian Church, Kohler moved for approval of Preliminary in accordance with Planning Commission's recommendations, Dickson and carried. Motion seconded by PRELII1NAF:Y AND FINAL PLATS - PATTEN ADDITION. Preliminary and Final Approval, being a re-subdivision of Lots 17 and 18, Block 1, Birchcrest Addition (5120 Valley View Road) into three lots fronting on valley View Road. View; that the present plat divides two lots into three, with frontages comparative to those in the general area. Preliminary and Final Plats was seconded by Dickson and carried. FIMfL PLAT OF FARIIIER/ADDITION APPROVED, recommendation for approval, subject to dedication of 5% of area for nucleus of 62nd and Beard Playground, was reviewed and discussed. that plat be approved subject to compliance with Commission's stipulation was seconded by Tupa and carried, FINAL PLAT OF SOUTHDALE APARTMENTS/APPROVED. with Planning Commission's July 2nd recommendation for approval subject to receipt of road easements and utilities bonds. large tract directly to the East of this plat, was present to protest the proposed construction of a row of garages on the East line of the Southdale Apartments plat. Lliss Pearce sthted that her development plans are forthcoming at an early date; that the proposed row of garages will be a detriment to her plan for high class apartments. She also decried the custom observed by the occupants of Southdale Realty Company's double dwellings facing Xerxes Avenue, of 'dumping their garbage at the rear of their residents on the properties bordering her East line, and asked that Edina authorities prohibit. Council reluctantly reminded Miss Pearce that Planning Commission and Coul?cil had waited for years to see vhat plans she had for her property. consideration of the plans previously presented for Southdale Apartments (and without being able to ascertain h'liss Pearce's plan for development) permit had been issued for apartment bui&d&8 Dickson moved for approval of Final Plat of Southdale Apartments,/F&?ion sQ$%a&d by Kohler and carried. This plat was presented for both It vias explained that original plat had excessive frontages on Valley Tupa's motion that approval be given for both .FIRST Planning Commission' s July 2nd Dickson's motion FIRST ADDITION This plat was presented, together Miss Katherine Pearce, owner of the They also informed her that,Bfter much discussion and SOUTHDALE OFFICE PARK FINAL PLAT APPROVED, Planning Commission Minutes of July 2nd, Planning Director Swanson reported Commission's recommendation for approval of Final Plat subject to easement for temporary turn-around at "dead-end" W.65th Street, topography, and bonds for graveling, and for sanitary sewer and watermain construction, approval of Fina1.Pla.t in accordance with Commission's recommendations as reported by Mr. Swanson. Although there was no record in the Kohler moved for Motion seconded by Tupa and carried, PLANIJING CO~~!S'IISS ION S RECOft4MENDATION FOR VACATION OF DOWNIPJG STREET: ACCEPTED- Commission's recommendation for Vacation of Downing Street, dated July 2, were reviewed,. Tupa moved €or approval of Commission's recommendations. by Dickson and carried. been continued to July 28. Motion seconded It was noted that Public Hearing on proposed Vacation has PLPxIiTdIPIG COmISSIOM' S "RESOLUTION FOR COOPERATION" AFFIRMED BY COUMCIL-L'L4YOR GIVl3.1 MJTHORITY TO ASK FOR ADDITIONAL SCHOOL BOARD MEMBER TO PLAIJIIING COIvIftiISSION The Council viewed with enthusiasm the following Resolution adopted by the Planning Commission on July 2nd: desirable and necessary that there be immediate and greater cooperation between the Village Council, the Park Board and the School Board and that the Planning Commission is particularly concerned with the School Board's performance and programs for the development of future school sites which have a great effect on the problems of platting which are necessarily before the Planning Commission. Further it is the consensus of the Planning Commission that without the cooperation of the variolu? governmental units of the Village, it is difficult to properly perform our du45es. the Vilhge Manager for the proper means of coordinating the activities of the Planning Commission in its advisory capacity to the Counkil." "RESOLVED That it is the consensus of the Planning Commission that it is It is our further request that the School Board confer with 7/14/58 In this connection, Cansger Hyde xeported that it is particularly important that Comiiissior? and Council be acquainted with School Board's plans for lay-out at the new school to be constructed on Z.70th Street, since we have nduacquired con- siderable surrounding property for playground purposBs. to advisability of increasing Planning Commission membership to eight, one of which members would be a representative from the School Board. asked that council affirm Conmission's Resolution, stating he will gladly contact the president of the School Board for an appointment to the Planning. Commission, if agreeable with balance of Council. Dickson's motion, for Council affirmation of Planning Commission's Resolution, and authorizing Hayor to secure appointment of School Board IJember to Planning commission, was seconded by Tupa and unanimously carried. I_ Discussion was had as Liayor Bredesen YJETER PETITIO?*! FOR REZ0ilI~;G OF LOT 3, BLOCK 1, STEVEIJS FIRST ADDITION, TO CQEJERCIAL DISTRICT, FOR OFFICE BUILDING, TABLED. petition for rezoning had been denied by the Planning Commission on July 2nd, appealed to the Council for said rezoning. Review was made of the various, unsuccessful, requests for rezoning of this property, received by the Council in the last few years. Er. YJelter countered by asking what use could be made of the property, and Council informed him that the best use of the land, in its opinion, was for a double bungalow. price of this property, a satisfactory return on investment cannot be had by construction of double bungalow. Council reviewed previous Councils' commitment not to rezone for Comnunity Store or Commercial beyond the present standard Station on y1.50th St.; and 1.k. Welter was informed that he must secure the assent to his project of a majority of the owners of property within a radius of 500 Ft, of his property before Council will consider. Xr. A.E. i'lelter, vtnose Mr. Welter stated that, at the present PURCHASE OF AERIAL PHOTOXOSAIC REJECTED. Llanager Hyde reported !*lark Hurd ' s offer €or sale of 5'x5' Photomosaid, flown April, 1958, for sale price of $350.00. Kohler's motion that offer be rejected was seconded by Dickson and carried. . SOUTHVIEJ LAHE &:D BEIJTOM AWWES IMPROVEEbIEIJTS DISCUSSED. Manager Hyde stated he believes there is general agreement on construction of the southview Lane Improvement on the basis of assessing abutting properties for 1/2 the cost of curb and gutter and all the cost of a normal blacktop street. He recormended that Council consider concrete paving for this particular street because of the excessive school bus travel it receives, stating that the cost is not much higher than for high-type, 9-Ton Axle-load Bituminous Surface. We Braddock of Southdale reported, however, that costs run about 1/3 higher. of Council opinion that 1;"anager and Engineer investigate relative costs with the k5innesota Highway Department; that if costs are reasonably comparative, Hearings and bids be schedul2d for the improvement of Southview Lane by construction of concrete paving therein. be the Bituminous Surface. It was consensus . It vras also agreed that the Benton Avenue improvement R0SB:DAHL REQUEfiT FOR RELIEF FROV 1/3 F11:AKCIIIG POLICY ON SPECIAL -4SSESSLEITS FOR EDIIlTk COUIXIXYSIDE REJECTED. Village Attorney Hasselquist's opinion, to the effect that Mr,, Rosendahl is not eligible for payment of improvements entirely by special assessments was reviewed, as was Planning Director Swanson's summary of conditions relative to delay in filing of final plat. There was no formal action taken but it was concensus of opinion that Mr. Rosendahl's request be denied. . PURCHASE OF SOD FOR SI'IIZ.IT.1ING ROL AREA, WITHOUT BIDS. APPROVED. * asked for authority to purchase some $850.00 worth of sod, for the swimming pool area, without bids. Stow appeared before the Council to state that if the present sod order is the only one contemplated without bids he has no objections, but he complained of "several consecutive contracts of about $1,000 each, given to a grading contractor, vho tcok some gravel from school property and was paid for it by the Village", which, he stated, the public knows about and vhich, in the interest of keeping his $9,000 tax bill as low as possible, he is protesting. Llr. Stow stated that the contractor he had mentioned was Allen Hart. Ihanager Hyde denied 1.k. S~OM'S statements. Kohler seconded Dickson's motion, and it vras carried. Manager Hyde Dickson moved that authority be granted. 1.k. E.C. D AUTHORITY GRXTTED TO ADVERTISE FOR OPENING, GRADIP:G, GRAVELLIllG Af\D OILIKG OF SHPJJKOE DRIVE THROUGH FJELDHEIN PROPERTY. bids for this work providinq the Fjeldheims' private contractor does not begin Hanager Hyde asked authority to take work on Tuesday, Juiy 15. not be finished for school bus travel this fall. be granted vias seconded by Dickson and carried. He stated he is most concerned that this road will Tupa's motion that request TRUPX YIATEE."u?II*J 1FAPI';OVBEi~IT NO. 127 TO BE EXTENDED FOR ONE BLOCK, TO RESERVOIR SITE. special meeting of July.7; and Tupa's motion for extension of watermain to reservoir site, under present contract, was seconded by Kohler and carried. Review was made of reports by Hessrs. Hasselquist and Hyde at the $87 7/14/58 FOOL COfCESSION ARRANGEMENTS FORMALLY COMFIRMED. report, covering arrangements for operation of the Swimming Pool refreshment stand %:x by Coin Meter Company, for this season only, was reviewed. confirmation of agreement. Manager Hyde' s detailed written Tupa moved for Motion seconded by Dickson and carried. HEARING TO BE SCHEDULED FOR TWO STORNi SEWER LATERALS FOR SOUTHDALE RESIDENTIAL AREA. Manager Hyde reported the.immediate need for construction of two Storm Sewer Laterals in Cornelia Drive between ~~66th and ~i.68th Street, asking that a Public Hearing be called on the Council's own motion, for this work. Kohler's motion, that Public Hearing'be scheduled for the earliest practicable date, was seconded by Tupa and carried. CLAIMS APPROVED FOR PAYMEidT. to be made to Great IhJestern Construction Company, in amount of $31,414.05, vhich deducts Backcharges in total amount of $1,709.50--Twin City Testing Lab's extras for tests because of compaction difficulties, $707.00; Finish Grading, $52.50; Pool Penalty for 13 days at $50.00 per day, $650.00; and Bathhouse Penalty for , 3 days at $100.00 per day, $300.00. pre-list dated July 14? as follows: Manager Hyde explained in detail the payment proposed Tupa moved for payment of claims, as per General Fund $13,090.72 Liquor Fund $26,331 -52 Construction. Fund 2: 815,92 Sewer Rental Fund 112.03 Park & Park Const.Funds 42,828.13 Improvement Funds 165 . 00 Waterworks Fund 266 . 23 Poor Fund 241 . 25 $85,850.80 RESIGNATION OF CIVIL DEFENSE DIRECTOR ACCEPTED WITH REGRET : ACTING DIRECTOR APPOINTED. Llayor Bredesen announced receipt of the resignation of Ivll. Richard G. Palen from the office of Civil Defense Disrector; and it was moved, seconded and carried that the resignation be accepted with regret, and that letter be mitten to Mre Palen expressing the Council's appreciation for his service in this office. Mr. Bredesen then announced his appointment of I4r. YJayne Direct or IdUNICIPAL COURT TO USE SOUTHDALE BANK AS DEPOSITORY FOR FUNDS. the request of Municipal Judge Burris, for change from First Edina Bank to First Southdale Bank as depository for public funds. and moved its adoption: Bennett as Acting Manager Hyde reported Tupa offered the following Resolution RESOLUTION DESIGNATING DEPOSITORY FIRST SOUTHDALE NATIONAL BANK) I BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED thit the First Southdale National Bank, Edl'na, Minnesota, authorized to do a banking business in Minnesota, be and hereby is, -designated* as official depository of the Public Funds of the Edina Municipal Court Account of the Villagg of Edina, County of Hennepin, Minnesota, for the balance of the calendar year 1958 and until further notice to said Bank. Motion for adoption of Resolution was seconded by Eohler, and on Rollcall there were four ayes and no nays, as follows: Dickso ler, aye; Tupa, aye; and Bredesen, aye; and the Resolution was adop Mayor And Tupa offered the following Resolution and moved its adoption: S IGMATORY RESOLUTIOM FIRST SOUTHDALE NATIOTdAL BANK BE IT RESOLVED, that the persons holding oEfice as Municipal Judge, Special Municipal Judge and Clerk: of Court of this Village be, and they hereby are, authorized to act for this Village in the transaction of any banking business of the Edina Municipal court Account with First Southdale Idational Bank of Edina, Minnesota, (Hereinafter referred to as the Eank), such authority including authority on behalf of or in the name of the Village from time to time and until written notice to the contrary to the bank, to sign checks against said account, which checks shall be signed by the Fclunicipal Judge or Special IIunicipal Judge, and clerk of Court. The Bank is hereby authorized and directed to honor and pay any check against such account which is signed as above authorized, except that said check shall not be payable to the order of, or deposited to the credit of, the signer or signers of the checks. Motion for adoption of Resolution was seconded by Kohler, and on Rollcall there were four ayes and no nays, as follows: Dickson, a ler, aye; Tupa, aye; and Bredesen, aye; and the Resolution was adopted / 7/14/58 wX3uILDABLE STRIP OF 100 FEET OM EITHER SIDE OF I\!INE-f,IILE CREEK TO BE EIfdiNATED FROM ASSESSI:IEf*X ROLL FOR SAIIITARY SEJER ILiPROVELtENT KO. C-1, Roll for Sanitary Sewer Inprovement No. C-1 is about ready for Council consideration and the scheduling of a Public Hearing, Clerk Alden asked Council's policy on assessing that 100-foot strip bordering either side of that part of Nine-Hile Creek in the sanitary sewer district--which property is proposed to be acquired, upon dedication of plats, by the Village for drainage and park purposes., After some discussion, Kohler moved for elimination of this area from the assessment rolls. Reporting that the Assessment Hotion seconded by Dickson and carried. COUNGIL ASKED TO COPEIDER ACQUISITION OF LOY AND PmT PROPERTIES FOR PC)I\3DIPJG AREA- PARK PURFOSES. consider the use of storm drainage water to beautify the Village, by aqcpisition of unbuildable swaEps and peat bogs €or ponding areas, around which parks and playgrounds could be inaugurated. He cited Minneapolis operations along this line--Lakes Hiawatha and Nokomis, etc. Council discussed this matter, generally, for quite some time, all members present believing the suggestion to be a most valuable one, and some general consideration was given to matter of land acquisition. In line with the above action, Trustee Tupa asked that the Council I There being no further business to come before the Council, Kohler moved for adjourn- . ment. Motion seconded by Tupa and carried. @ting was adjourned at 11:45 P.M. IJIBnTTES OF THE REGULAR lilEETING OF THE EDIMA WARD OF REVIElil, HELD TUESDAY, JULY 15, 1958, AT 5 : 00 PifL , AT THE EDINA VILLAGE HALL Board of Review convened at 5:OO P.M,, with members Dickson, Kohler, Tupa and Bredesen present, Assessor Creighton was present to explain that his Books of Valuation had not yet been completed, and to ask that the meeting be continued to Hfonday, August 18. A delegation consisting o€ Dr. Jose Abullarabe, I&r, F. 0, Hutchinson, and 1.k. George S. Barnes, Jr., asked for relief from excessive taxes which they must pay because they belong to the Hopkins School District. It was explained to them that their valuations cannot be lowered to compensate for this difference; and, that until they come into Edina-h:orningside School District they must pay the Hopkins rate for schools; that, even if they should be accepted into Edina- Llorningside, they will still have to pay their proportionate share of the outstanding bonded debt of the Hopkins'district as set forth at the time of their transfer. Hanager Hyde explained that VJalnut Drive residents had petitioned for transfer to Edina-fforningside School District,'but that this petition had been denied last fall because of Hopkins' desire to keep the property abutfing County Road #18 (which may eventually become commercial), It was noted that the vjalnut Drive area is close to Edina Highlands School, and even closer to the two proposed new Edina schools proposed to be constructed within the next two or three years; whereas it is some miles from the nearest Hopkins school, Delegation was informed that the Edina Village Council has absolutely no control over their problem; that this is the jurisdiction of the respective School Boards; but it was suggested that they re-file €or transfer; and, inasmuch as this Council is indisposed to allow Commercial rezoning along Highway No. 18 , it was thought that this opinion should be transmitted to the Hopkins School Board for its information, There was no one else present to complain or recommend, and Tupa moved that Board of Review Eeeting be continued to Ltonday, August 18, 1958, at 5:Oi) P.f:I. seconded by Kohler and carried. Eotion