HomeMy WebLinkAbout19580715_regular7/14/58 wX3uILDABLE STRIP OF 100 FEET OM EITHER SIDE OF I\!INE-f,IILE CREEK TO BE EIfdiNATED FROM ASSESSI:IEf*X ROLL FOR SAIIITARY SEJER ILiPROVELtENT KO. C-1, Roll for Sanitary Sewer Inprovement No. C-1 is about ready for Council consideration and the scheduling of a Public Hearing, Clerk Alden asked Council's policy on assessing that 100-foot strip bordering either side of that part of Nine-Hile Creek in the sanitary sewer district--which property is proposed to be acquired, upon dedication of plats, by the Village for drainage and park purposes., After some discussion, Kohler moved for elimination of this area from the assessment rolls. Reporting that the Assessment Hotion seconded by Dickson and carried. COUNGIL ASKED TO COPEIDER ACQUISITION OF LOY AND PmT PROPERTIES FOR PC)I\3DIPJG AREA- PARK PURFOSES. consider the use of storm drainage water to beautify the Village, by aqcpisition of unbuildable swaEps and peat bogs €or ponding areas, around which parks and playgrounds could be inaugurated. He cited Minneapolis operations along this line--Lakes Hiawatha and Nokomis, etc. Council discussed this matter, generally, for quite some time, all members present believing the suggestion to be a most valuable one, and some general consideration was given to matter of land acquisition. In line with the above action, Trustee Tupa asked that the Council I There being no further business to come before the Council, Kohler moved for adjourn- . ment. Motion seconded by Tupa and carried. @ting was adjourned at 11:45 P.M. IJIBnTTES OF THE REGULAR lilEETING OF THE EDIMA WARD OF REVIElil, HELD TUESDAY, JULY 15, 1958, AT 5 : 00 PifL , AT THE EDINA VILLAGE HALL Board of Review convened at 5:OO P.M,, with members Dickson, Kohler, Tupa and Bredesen present, Assessor Creighton was present to explain that his Books of Valuation had not yet been completed, and to ask that the meeting be continued to Hfonday, August 18. A delegation consisting o€ Dr. Jose Abullarabe, I&r, F. 0, Hutchinson, and 1.k. George S. Barnes, Jr., asked for relief from excessive taxes which they must pay because they belong to the Hopkins School District. It was explained to them that their valuations cannot be lowered to compensate for this difference; and, that until they come into Edina-h:orningside School District they must pay the Hopkins rate for schools; that, even if they should be accepted into Edina- Llorningside, they will still have to pay their proportionate share of the outstanding bonded debt of the Hopkins'district as set forth at the time of their transfer. Hanager Hyde explained that VJalnut Drive residents had petitioned for transfer to Edina-fforningside School District,'but that this petition had been denied last fall because of Hopkins' desire to keep the property abutfing County Road #18 (which may eventually become commercial), It was noted that the vjalnut Drive area is close to Edina Highlands School, and even closer to the two proposed new Edina schools proposed to be constructed within the next two or three years; whereas it is some miles from the nearest Hopkins school, Delegation was informed that the Edina Village Council has absolutely no control over their problem; that this is the jurisdiction of the respective School Boards; but it was suggested that they re-file €or transfer; and, inasmuch as this Council is indisposed to allow Commercial rezoning along Highway No. 18 , it was thought that this opinion should be transmitted to the Hopkins School Board for its information, There was no one else present to complain or recommend, and Tupa moved that Board of Review Eeeting be continued to Ltonday, August 18, 1958, at 5:Oi) P.f:I. seconded by Kohler and carried. Eotion