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7/28/58 2 0 9
Members answering Rollcall were Bank, Dickson, Kohler, Tupa and Bredesen.
Minutes of the Regular Meeting of July 14, 1958, were approved as submitted, by
motion Dickson, seconded by Tupa and carried.
Affidavits of Publication, Posting and Mailing of "Notice of Public Hearing" were
presented by Clerk, approved as to form and ordered placed on file. Village
Attorney Hasselquist reviewed for the Council the matter of the Building
Inspector's having erroneously issued a permit, some years ago, for a pasteurization
plant on this property, believing it to be a proper use for this farm land inasmuch
as the Pedersons were dairy farmers and he believed pasteurization would be for
milk from the dairy farm, whereas in reality the plant has served as a pasteur-
ization station for other dairies and as such is a commercial operation. Mr.
Hasselquist told the Council that this mistake had come to the attention of
Village officials about a year ago, when the Pedersons applied for an addition
to their present plant; that the Planning Commission has considered the matter
for some time and has now recommended rezoning to Commercial District on the
grounds that the Village should not permit an illegal use of the property to
continue, but considering, too,-that the Village does have some responsibility
in originally granting permit for the plant; said rezoning to be restricted by
covenant to use for pasteurization plant only. He informed the Council that the
Pedersons have taken the legal steps necessary to place said restrictions on their
land; that the Pedersons have agreed'to ask for no further rezoning on their 70-
acre farm, with understanding that this restriction can be waived should more
than 50% of the surrounding area be zoned for other than Open Development District.
Attorney Josiah Brill, representing Pederson Dairy, was present to corroborate IM'r.
Hasselquist's statements. There were no objections to the proposed rezoning
registered at the Hearing, and no written objections had been received prior
thereto. Dickson offered the following Ordinance, moving that the Council
naive second reading thereof and adopt Ordinance as submitted:
Section 1. Section 6, Commercial District of Ordinance No. 261 of the revised
ordinances of the Village of Edina, as amended, is hereby further amended by
adding at the end of paragraph I of sais Section 6 an additional sub - paragraph
as follows:
"(h) A tract of land rectangular in shape in the Northwest corner
of the tract of land hereinafter described, being 500 Ft. parallel
with County Road No. 18 and 300 Ft. deep, to wit: The Vilest 600 Ft.
of the East 1000.1 Ft. of that part of the West One -Half of the
Southwest One- Quarter (Wl/2 of S111/4) lying South of-the North
350 Ft. thereof; -and that part of the Vilest One -Half of the South-
west One- Quarter (W1/2 of SW1/4) lying West of the East 1000.1 Ft.
thereof, excluding roads, in Section 30, Township 117, Range 21,
Hennepin County, Minnesota."
Section 2. This Ordinance shall be
Motion for waiver of second reading
seconded by Kohler, and on Rollcall
Bank, aye; Dickson, aye; Kohler, ay
Ordinance was adopted.
Village Clerk
in effect immediately upon its passage and
and adoption of Ordinance as submitted was
there were ive ayes and no nays, as follows:
a; Tupa, ye; and Bredesen,19 ; and the /
entitled "A Development Plan for Village Property at the Sherwood Pump Station ",
dated September 23, 1957, showing in red the proposed road to be substituted for
present "Downing Street ", was submitted. According to plan, proposed road is to
be 40 feet wide, to leave Sherwood Road at the extreme Northwest end of the
Village -owned tract and to meander Southeasterly on a reverse curve to the
Wanner property at the East of the Village -owned tract, providing ingress and
egress for Lots 2 and 3, 71anner Addition. Planning Commision's recommendation
for Vacation of present Downing Street was reviewed. Mr. and Illrs. Harvey, owners
or one of the affected lots in Wanner Addition, were present and agreed to the
plan of substituting the curved road for present "Downing Street ", and Dr.
2110 7%28%58
Swendseen had signified his approval before the Hearing. 1,10 objections to the
Proposed Vacation were registered at the Hearing, and none had been received prior
thereto. Bank offered the following Resolution and moved its adoption:
WHEREAS, a majority of the owners of the land abutting the street hereinafter
set forth have petitioned for the Vacation of said street; and
77HEREAS, trio weeks' published notice and posted notice of a hearing to be had
on said petition on June 23, 1958, at 7:00 p.m., has been given and made, and a
hearing has been had thereon by the Village Council:
NMI, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Village Council of the Village of Edina,
Hennepin County, „innesota that DO"ININIG STREET, lying East of Sherwood Road and
between Blocks 1 and 2, Edenmoor Addition, all as platted and of record in the
office of the Register of Deeds of Hennepin County, Minnesota, be, and are
hereby vacated.
it4otion for adoption of the Resolution was seconded by Tupa, and on Rollcall there
were five ayes and no nays, as follows: Bank, a Dickson, aye; Kohler, aye;
Tupa, aye; and Bredesen, aye; and the Resolut' n s adopted.
ATTEST: I'll r /1
11ayor (/
Village Clerk
NZ7 "DO',W,1I1.G STREET" TO BE A DEDICATED VILLAGE STREET. Bank then moved that, for
the protection of the owners of property in 17anner Addition, the Village proceed to
have the new, proposed "Downing Street ".legally dedicated for roadway purposes.
1.:otion seconded by Tupa and unanimously carried.
:7.50TH _STREET .1IDE11II%G BIDS AUTHORIZED; STREET I1.1PROVE1.1EiTT 1d0. E -3 - Edina Theatre
Corporation's letter dated July 3, stating that work on their canopy will be
completed by October 1, and asking that proposed viidening of W.50th Street (South
Side) be accomplished as soon as possible was read. Manager,Hyde asked for
authority to take bids on the project for construction after October 1, and Tupa
so moved. Motion seconded by Kohler and carried.
Petition for removal of "unsightly and dangerous buildings" at 6300 Virginia Avenue
was considered. 1.1anager Hyde recommended that Council schedule a Hearing on this
matter, under Ordinance No. 148, and Bank moved that Hearing be scheduled for
1,1onday, August 11, at 7:00 P.M. notion seconded by Tupa and carried.
LEGAL LIABILITY FOR LIQUOR STORE. Brandow Insurance Company's quotation of July 17,
giving one -year premium of $587.50 for $100/200,000 BI; $50,000 PD; $50,000 leans
of Support; $10,000 Deductible, was discussed. Dickson moved that proposition be
tabled. Motion seconded by Kohler and carried.
PETITIONS FOR IM ROVEi NITS ACCEPTED. The following Improvement Petitions were
filed; and, by motion Tupa, seconded by Dickson and carried, xiere accepted:
1. Oiling - Philbrook Lane.
2. Oiling - Beard five., V1.57th to V7.58th St.
3. Oiling - Hansen Rd., Forslin Drive to Valley View Road.
4. Oiling - Birchcrest Drive, Code Ave. to Hansen Road.
5. BLACKTOPPING - Idylwood Drive, South Blake Road to Schaefer Road.
6. BLACKTOPPING - York Ave., ; 7.60th St. to include 6041 York Ave.
Committee's request for permission to operate a "I.Robile Registration Unit" before
the forthcoming Primary Election was reluctantly denied after Village Attorney
Hasselquist had informed the Council that the lati requires that registrations be
made at "a place" (interpreted to mean a 'stationary' place). Committee was
commended by the Council fot its interest, and asked to publicize voters
PEARCE PRELIMINARY PLAT CONSIDERED (YJ. 491.45 Ft. of Cassin's Outlot M5). This
Preliminary was submitted, with Planning Commission's July 16th recommendation
for approval subject to part: dedication of 5,a' in either land or monies and
receipt of topography and street profiles. Plat, prepared by Evert Kincaid and
Associates, Planning Consultants of Chicago, showed Zenith avenue extended South,
on a curve, to ,'7.64th Street, a curved street to the North of the lagoon; a street
just East of the ;lest boundary of the property, extending South from V1.64th Street
to meet a semi- circular street which will extend North of W.66th Street at the
East and ,*lest borders of the property for approximately 600 feet. Village Engineer
Zikan stated that ;'lest 64th Street, as platted, will be satisfactory for underground
utilities extensions.
Accompanying the Preliminary -Plat were Miss Pearce's requests for -
1. REGI0NIT SHOPPIM ZON IIIG for that area within the plat lying South of a line
600 Ft. North of centerline of 17.66th Street; the proposed use being for
office buildings; and
`Z, ) jD-(Y 23� 2-95,03
Mlage 1-1-r-mager
ISOJECT.- pamh, Fill to june, 10j 2.958 and al-maxy L9 of- PavcImses Orom
7017LLO-u _ 79 — ' s,_ --
amm-'Y Of P-mlit Fill"
Welxpa -d Fill
LOWCAO-n Required
Fam3!2a Pa2;L- 200.000
Co.melila, Fcamk 75�000
55th and York 101,000
TOT&T-5. 285s400
To Purchase
I z L -P.- M-1 C
1- 02,9390
no . 6,91, 0
Mg 562
This 'ims c2.-y mater-lal olb-bained 2rcm excavation on surfscing, s-breets :L-1-
Combrys:11-de Addition. The contractor �,-ms A'sconite but All-on Hme did
tho. The cost of material was 115� per yard? Qe mtouxfc, of
haul over thle contract dis-k-ace. (B-s-st regmlar price ii-as 700 per yard,,)
"-%'r%is is the es-binatod amomt of w."cess ercavatilon from the pooll
used to 2-:111 the axv�ea me, of the pool lombion,
2. Detail.
L6 Faxmb, pax k-
Bid Debe
1,by 2kq 1957
July 1,9 1957
council E-zes-p- ft d
1,01-i! Bidder
Hart (Sand)
Danens (Olay)
Hart', (Smd) .
Bid 0-wap&j Furcha. zsrl
75.,000 77,9M
Febrma-y 109 1958 Hare, (Sand) 10,9000 9.9270
100SICO0 1102p390
TF:?11--,,i-,,C ci-i With S-Lrae-ia P!,. alld 14r. EaUko aIr"radd "rO let Uu
ho-Aro -'u-h*iS f0m, retuni for enur',l M011-11t Of from the * r
eu par. � p o
C,, 55TH MID 17013K
Juft,-,.�r 1, 1957 •uha Council e-,,:tended the origin-al P,11-en Hart bit! to 55th and
York, --,'Or *LIP to 10,000 C., Y. Only 4,300 i-mre used. As I recallP this iras
h, ti-Led from 'coth Glacier and South Garden Estates st-va6t exxca-tr&,�ions.
IT :5%h the rovised grade, reducing the requirod fill-, i-;-a proceeded to pumhase,
topsoLl to coniplota job. A staunary of these purchases is also included in
this rarpx;t,�
Filllinlg opo-rations -nre pralso-dbly made rimy at Fonmandale Pnrk. Bids were
takm Jime 9 -includinm
., !058� Ilow bidder ims Karl Hrahl at 52r,,', par yard5 1�
dower -vzox -k as raquir-ad,,,
_ . 2 ,.
�e' D: 11, rren C., Hyde (r -on -6: rwzad)
Ai; -,;his time the council also exbanded this bid to include 55th and York and
additional fill at Cornelia. The instructions ware to stay witl m the total
authorized in all places. Referring to Table IS thv total fill pmehased is
appro -0d.matel y : C00 yards less than the total authorized.
1bst of the fill in Pamela Park carte from the "Delaney Farm,," bt:tween 70th
and ` P- d Streets crest of Cornelia Drive (extended),.
Ex- ceptions are as fol.lotrs;
1, The 10,000 yards hauled during the winter which cams
from a pit south of 62nd Street and east of Peacedal e
2s. About 1.59000 yards ha Ued late in the summer front the
same pi'ca'oove
. Various small jags hauled from small excavations
(basements in South Garden Estates, generally ) a,
probably less than 'x,000 yards,
4. Excavation from streets in South Garden Estates,
probably about 10,000 to 15,000 yards
Low Bidder Bid QuantRY Purchased
Hari 15.90W
B. Cornelia Park
Glacier 20 000
Bid Date
Har"c 1,000
&CLY 19 1957
Siranson 5 .9500
Council Ext -onded
Pamela Bid
TOTAL 41,500
Cctob. r 2.8, 1957
Febraary 10, 1958
MY 9, 1958
Low Bidder Bid QuantRY Purchased
Hari 15.90W
15 S11c
Glacier 20 000
Har"c 1,000
19 500
Siranson 5 .9500
TOTAL 41,500
About half of the original Hart fill cage from Feacedale Acraa Pi t
and a fear Unsemants in Sou:6h Garden Estates. A very small park came from
Glacier profariy somewhere.
The Glacier fill tira.s hauled by Hart and came from the excavation
along France Avenue around 72nd Street,.
The last Hart filly in 1958, came entirely from the Peacedale Acrea
Swanson Wised some fill from our park proparty near the lift station,
as par our bid to haul only, but the bulk of this fill came from the
►O: V!arron C. Hyde (continued)
The following pages summarize all of the purchases from Allen 1�,,x'u during
1957 and 195L,,,
A few- e.-tplanalory notes may bs in order. In Table IT7, Park Purchases,, 1-,-a
spent loss than 61000,,00 per project except for dozer rental and topsoil at 55th
and York ,ardi Hiehlands. Ths dozer rantal ras ex-p
.,Ia:L,i.-d in nq report for tha
Public this is, x-fhen a contractor is filling he is in the best position
to m ovc tho dirt., and also,, far t Is price is 00 pur hour cheap3r than any other.
kn the case of topsoil at 55th and York and Highlands., I simply put in i-fhat
vtas nscessairy in order to got the seeding done. At Blapllards i,,-a imuld have been
under 1A000,,00,except that our oim peat bog just llpateradll out on us,, (We vare
load:h*ig and hauling'-�dth Hari trucks and could have done the job for about v650,009
Th,-a watex- fund_, sewer funds stroet and other places charged are all. small
ax-i-ounts e3:cepIc for 60th and St. Johins and you, p3rhaps, are better inforzaad on
this than I.
I -
i -
D,,, Brauer
DGB.- rjb Park. Enginaer
C, el"
tp, r-3 P-51
ON 0% ON
T Nu�
'A rn
1. 0 11 coo
I I Al
Eli v
C, el"
tp, r-3 P-51
ON 0% ON
T Nu�
'A rn
1. 0 11 coo
I I Al
Eli v
gi two
J, 13
0 , 1
CA -1
7/28%58 _F
2. MULTIPLE RESIDENCE ZONING for the balance of the plat.
Mr. William Crear, speaking for Southdale, owners of all the property between
this tract and France Avenue (except two relatively small tracts abutting 1,1.66t4
street, owned by Messrs. Benson and Bourne, 3316 and 3412 11.66th St.), asked that
before Council give consideration to Regional Shopping Zoning for the Pearce tract,
some consideration be given to such zoning for an area on VJ.66th Street, about
600 Ft. deep, which would include as one cooperative plan, the Pearce, Benson,
Bourne and Southdale properties. He reminded the Council that Southdale has
refrained from asking for Regional Shopping Zoning North of 147.66th Street because
of Council's policy against such zoning, stated back as far as 1952. Mr. Crear
stated he feels that if the Pearce area is to be rezoned, then the whole area
(Pearce, Benson, Bourne and Southdale properties) should be regarded as one land
plan and planned together, and that the traffic situation should be thoroughly
reviewed. Kohler moved, scheduling a Public Hearing on the matters of Rezoning
to Regional Shopping and Multiple Dwelling, as requested by Miss Pearce, for the
second regular meeting in August. It was suggested that the Southdale interests
and Miss Pearce work together between now and that time, to see if a suitable
land plan for the area could be worked out. Mr. Crear protested that this date
gives insufficient time to present any plan to the Planning Commission, and Mr.
Kohler changed his motion to schedule Hearings for the first regular meeting in
September. Motion seconded by Bank and carried. All parties concerned left the
1'J. 66TH STREET AND EAST OF FRANCE AVENUE. At this time, Trustee Kohler stated
C� that he, as the new member of the Council, had had no knowledge of a former-
Council's policy of allowing no Regional Shopping zoning North of W.66th Street
' and East of France Avenue; but that he feels it to be a very good policy. He
asked Mayor Bredesen, who had stated he heartily- agrees, to request a vote by
the Council on re- affirmation of the policy. Bank moved that Council re- affirm
its policy of allowing no Regional Shopping Zoning North of 1q.66th Street and
East of France Avenue. Itiiotion was seconded by Tupa and unanimously carried.
Manager directed to notify Miss Pearce and Southdale of Council's action, on
Tuesday, July 29.
SCHEDULED. Proposed Amendment was presented, with Planning Commission's July 16th
recommendation for approval. Mayor Bredesen questioned permission for Efficiency
Apartments, and Trustee Tupa objected to the requirement of a minimum of 650 square
feet for one - bedroom apartments, suggesting that requirement be changed to 600
square feet. Developer E. C. Stow was present to ask that Council be ready to
face facts. He stated that if it is impossible to build apartments so that
they can be economically rented he must petition for rezoning to Commercial.
Bank moved that Public Hearing on proposed Zoning Ordinance Amendment be
scheduled for Monday, August 25, at 7:00 P.M. Motion seconded by Dickson and
PURPOSES. This Preliminary Plat of the Morton Arneson property, directly East
of Lake Edina Addition, South of W.70th Street, was presented, with the Planning
Commission's recommendation for acceptance subject to engineering and planning
department checks and subject to receipt of 5% park dedication, and street
profiles; and further, that a 60 -foot easement for "Aspasia Lane" as shown on
the plat, be accepted by the Village. It was brought to Council's attention that
Mr. E. C. Stow, developer of Lake Edina Eddition, had prepared the preliminary at
his oven expense, for the property owned by Mr. Arneson, in an effort to secure
from I.'Ir. Arneson an easement through his property for a gas main. At a question
directed by Mr. Bredesen to Mr. Stow concerning Mr. Arneson's intent to plat, Mr.
Stow replied that Mr. Arneson does not wish to plat, now, and prefers not to have
proposed "Aspasia Lane" cut through. Engineer Zikan reported that Minneapolis
Gas Company will not install a main until street grades are established and street
is graded approximately to established grades. The route of the gas main, as
a, proposed by Mr. Stow, is in proposed "Aspasia Lane" as shown on the preliminary,
to connect with present Aspasia Lane in Lake Edina Addition and Dunham Drive in
5. South Garden Estates Third Addition. Manager Hyde suggested that, inasmuch as
Mr. Arneson does not wish to plat, an Easement for Roadway and Utilities Purposes
be drafted, covering the area shown as "Aspasia Lane" in the preliminary plat;
and that this easement be recorded and filed with the Village, with the under-
standing that the plat presented herewith is not to be considered a "preliminary
plat" but-that Mr. Arneson's property will continue to be "acreage ". Its was
cpncensus o'f,Qouncil opinion that the Village should be held free from any liability
for damages resulting from the laying of the gas-main; that survey necessary for
preparing proper "'easement should not be the expense of the Village. Mr. Stow
agreed that he wili"-pay for the expense of the survey, and for damages resulting
from laying of gas main " (if any) if the Village will pay for legal costs of
filing easement. Bank' s' motion, that the Village proceed according to Manager's
suggestion, with the understanding that all expense of survey for easement and
any damages resulting from the laying of the gas main will be borne by Mr. E.C.
Stow, was seconded by Tupa and carried.
7/28/58 ^
� T1 TY'•fti},t <TTST ,^T T/'1T 1l� T/1'R Ti*ilTlY111T)tTS.tT T/'.i i•ri n,.f �I1n
Swanson reported that the State Highway Department has now approved that portion
of the "Orr Report" dealing with the improvement of State Highway No. 100 between
Edina South Village Limits and W.54th Street. He presented a list of recommend-
ations, as follows, relative to the proposed project, approved by the Planning
Commission on July 16:
1. In the text of the report on Page 13, it is noted that the right -of -way
of ;#100 has been adjusted to provide where possible at least 30 feet of front
yard set -back for residences fronting on #100 and 15 feet of side yard set -back
where residences side on i #100. As a basic design criteria, we have no argument
with these figures, however vie feel that there may be instances inhere these
distances are not adequate and request that consideration be given those
2. The design speed of the proposed highway is 50 11PH. 1.7e suggest that
with the restricted access, the flattening of vertical curves, the use of 12
foot traffic lanes and the construction of a median strip, a design speed of
60 MPH be used. 1`Je are not recommending a fixed speed limit of 60 MPH, we are
merely endeavoring to allow such a maximum speed at a future date vinen it is
3. "Future" frontage roads south of 70th Street are shown as being 135
feet from the right -of -way line, and the report suggests that residences be
constructed in this area to rear on #100. Vie commend the report for the
soundness of the proposal but recommend that the depth of these lots be
increased to at least 150 feet and that a barrier of some sort be required.
4. In numerous instances, the proposed right -of -way acquisition splits or
takes portions of lots. We call attention to the Village ordinances concerning
minimum interior lot sizes of 75 -foot front and 120 -foot depth and corner lots
of 80 -foot front by 120 -foot deep. In Lake Edina, the following lots will not
meet these requirements: Lot 1, Block 4; Lots 1 and 20, Block 3; Lots 1 and
21, Block 2. In Birchcrest, Lots 1, 2, 3 and 4, Block 1; In Golf Terrace
Heights, Lot 3, Block 10. In MacMillan's lst Addition, Lots 1 and 7.
5. In Item 1, it is noted that 15 -foot side yards will be maintained;
however, the residences on the following lots do not have a 15 -foot side yard.
Lot 2 of Victorsen's Addition to Normandale Court; Lots 2 and 23 of Stour's
Yvonne Terrace; Lot 22, Block 1, of Richmond Hills.
6. At the present time, with unrestricted access on #100, members of the
churches abutting it have reasonable access to their church. Under the proposed
plan, this access is reduced considerably. We recommend the construction of a
facility alloying South Bound traffic on #100 to leave #100 to travel on the
West frontage road in the vicinity of W.56th St., and a similar facility
allowing North Bound traffic on the East frontage road to reach the North
Bound lane on 1100 in the area between Wind Road and Lake View Drive.
7. Cul -de -sac streets should be avoided by providing "Loop Streets"
8. The Village has acquired a site on 17.66th Street, East of #100, for
a Fire Station in line with the Fire Underwriters' recommendations. .7e note
that access from 66th Street to #100 is not proposed, and recommend that further
study be given this situation.
Dickson's motion, that the Highway Department be informed of these
recommendations and asked for written reply as to its action on each specific
recommendation, was seconded by Kohler and carried.
CASCADE WELL REPAIRS AUTHORIZED. Manager Hyde reported that, because the water
table has dropped, the Cascade Well cannot do the job for zihich it was intended.
He recommended extending the column 40 additional feet (4 -10 Ft. lengths), u.Mch,
on an informal bid by Bergerson - Caswell, will come to approximately $750.00.
Discussion was had as to practicability of a further extension of 20 feet; and
Bank moved that Manager be directed to investigate the matter further, that he
be authorized to have Bergerson - Caswell Company male the best column extension
practicable for required use of the well, at a cost not to exceed $1,000.
Motion seconded by Tupa and carried.
PUBLIC HEfizINGS. Pursuant to previous discussion, 1-tanager Hyde reported that
Estimates of Cost for the Southview Lane project have been received; that
concrete paving with integral curb and gutter will run some $24.00 per lineal
foot, whereas the high -type blacktop (9 -tan axle load; 2,000 to 5,000 cars per
day) will be approximately $15.50 per lineal foot, with concrete curb and gutter.
Council determined in favor of the blacktop surfacing. Suggestion was made by
Trustee Bank that concrete sidewalk be constructed on one side of the street, to
rid the traveled roadway of bicycle and pedestrian traffic, the sidewalk to be
immediately next to the curb, and about trio feet wide; and it was concensus of
Council opinion that sidewalk be included in this project, to be constructed
on the South side of the street, with the School District.to be assessed
therefor. The Benton Avenue project was also discussed, with Engineer Ober -
meyer inquiring as to vtnether State Aid Funds are to be used to alleviate the
difference in the cost of the engineering required for State Aid projects and
the cost.of "ordinary village engineering. He was answered in the affirmative.
Mr. L. D. Jepson, 5024 Benton Avenue, asked that the project be postponed. Mr.
Zikan asked, as a matter of information, for Council policy as to proportion of
project w'nich is to be assessed to abutting properties; and Council's previous
thought was confirmed - -that assessment will be on basis of All of Normal Blacktop
and 1/2 of Average Curb and Gutter. Bank offered the following Resolution and
moved its adoption:
BE IT RESOLVED by the Village Council of the Village of Edina:
1. The Village Engineer, having submitted to the Council a preliminary
report as to the feasibility of the proposed Blacktopping, Curb and Gutter and
Sidewalk Improvements described in the Form of Notice of Hearings set forth below,
and as to the estimated cost of such improvements, said report is hereby approved
and directed to be placed on file in the office of the Village Clerk.
2. This Council shall meet on Monday, August 11, 1958, at 7:00 P.M., in
the Edina Village Hall, to consider in public hearings the views of all persons
interested in said proposed improvements.
3. The Clerk is hereby authorized and directed to cause notice of the
time, place and purpose of said meeting to be published in the official news-
paper once a week for two successive weeks, the second of inich publications is
to be not less than three days-from date of said meeting, which notice shall be
in substantially the following form:
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Edina Village Council will meet at the Edina
Village Hall on I.4onday, August 11, 1958, at 7:00 P.M., to consider the following
proposed improvement -s, to be constructed under the authority granted by Minnesota
Laws of 1953, Chapter 398. The approximate cost of said improvements is estimated
by the Village Engineer as set forth below: ESTIPdATED COST
Southview Lane from Concord Avenue to Trunk Highway ##100 $11,674.35
Benton Avenue from Trunk Highway #'100 to Tingdale Avenue $ 6,653.25
The area proposed to be assessed for the cost of the proposed Bituminous
Surface Treatment and Curb and Gutter listed under No. 1 above, includes all
lots and tracts of land abutting the stye -et proposed to be improved.
The area proposed to be assessed for the cost of the proposed sidewalk
listed under No. 1 above, includes all lots and tracts of land abutting the
south side of Southview Lane from Trunk Highway 11100 to a point approximately
720 feet east thereof.
The area proposed to be assessed for the cost of the proposed Bituminous
Surface Treatment and Curb and Gutter listed under No. 2 above, includes all
lots and tracts of land abutting the street proposed to be improved.
Motion for adoption of Resolution was seconded by Tupa, and on Rollcall there
were five ayes and no nays, as follows: Bank, a e; Dickson, aye; Kohler, aye;
Tupa, aye; and Bredesen, aye; and the Resolut' n,was adopted -.
illage Clerk
FOR "UNI14PROVED" PORTION OF INTERLACHEN BLVD. Manager Hyde presented a map,
showing utilities installed and proposed for Interlachen Blvd. It showed that
Sanitary Sewer is either already installed, or proposed, to serve all lots
abutting the street, between William Avenue and Blake Road; and Watermain is
either installed or proposed between William and Cooper Avenues. Mr. Hyde told
the Council that there has been no indication by owners of property abutting
Interlachen between Highway No. 169 and William Avenue, either for or against
Sanitary Sever and ;Iatermain; that the same holds true for Catermain to the
Crest of Cooper Avenue. He suggested that, if Council wishes Interlachen Blvd.
fully improved, now, a Public Hearing be called on Council's own motion for
both Sanitary Sewer and Watermain in Interlachen Blvd. between Highway No. 169
and William Avenue, and for ',late ma n In�erlgheen,BBlvd. from Cooper Avenue
as far West as Council may determine,��tgvaspno 18 atl�n$erlachen Country
Club properties extend East to Bywood West on the South side of the street and
that the Club is not now, and should not be, in need of Village water.
Bank's motion, that Council call Public Hearing on its own motion, on proposed
construction of Sanitary Sewer and Catermain in Interlachen Blvd. between Highway
No. 169 and William Avenue and on proposed construction of Watermain in Interlachen
Blvd. between Cooper Avenue and Bywood West, was seconded by Tupa and unanimously
carried; Hearing to be at Village Engineer's earliest convenience.
/2/4PAR;- BARD RECOTiIE1DATIO S APPROVED. „r8i, aTra Mill not-or] +1,m+ m mnn +; nn
Council and Parr; Board be arranged for next T.onday evening, to discuss policy
questions with reference to both Construction and maintenance programs. Because
two, and possibly three, of the Council were to be out of the Village on that,
date, Council asked that the meeting be held tonight, and discussion was had as
Board asked for authority to take bids for Grading, seeding, sodding, parking lot
surfacing, watermain and other site work for Normandale Park, all in accordance
with approved plan therefor, as submitted with the request. Llr. French told
Council that the Board had had a couple of meetings with Mlormandale and Brookview
Heights residents; that the only point of contention had been the moring of the
sliding hill, and that this had been resolved. A cost estimate of $9,532 for
work proposed was presented, together with a projected estimate of ::pork to be
done in 1959, amount :$2,598. After discussion on Maintenance, as hereinafter
recorded, Bank moved, authorizing bids for Normandale Park Improvements for
approximately $9,500 as per Park Board recommendation. Motion seconded by Tupa
and carried. Mr. Kohler inquired as to traffic study in relation to possibility
of 17.66th Street's being opened, and was informed by T:tr. Brauer that opening this,
street would be a help to the parr: plan. Also, concerning off - street parking,
Mr. Kohler suggested that consideration be given to just as much off - street
parking as is practicable in all future park planning.
At the Board's request for Normandale Parr; Improvements, Trustee Dickson asked
the Board to consider the matter of more intensive maintenance for present pars:
lands before acquiring additional land to be maintained. He asked that present
parks and islands be mowed oftener, that bushes be pruned and that bushes and
flower beds be weeded and cultivated; and that everything possible be done to
keep the parks in a condition comparable with lawns in the area. Mr. Tupa
asked that turn - grounds and islands be watered sufficiently to keep them green.
He recommended that sprinklers be used, rather than manually operated hoses.
Mr. Hill told the Council that the Board is cognizant of the fact that the
maintenance budget will have to be sized to the degree of maintenance which
the Council designates; and 1.1r. Kendall Stevens stated he believes the Council's
and Board's objectives are identical, in trying for the best possible maintenance
for the amount of dollars available. Trustee Bank suggested that, rather than
burden the present Board with both construction and maintenance problems, a
"T.iaintenance Commission" be appointed to work on this phase of park activity.
Director French, referring to the mowing record on boulevards and islands,
stated he feels the record is good, and T:+'ir. Dickson agreed that it has been
better this past month.
asked for authority to spend up to $1,000 for Grading and Topsoil for the Cornelia
Park Triangles. Mir. Brauer stated that this improvement should come to very close
to $1,000; that the balance of the $2,000 allocated for these locations should be
used for planting, seeding and sodding. Tuir. Kohler suggested that the roadway
abutting the triangles be very well defined, as a safety measure; and 'Mr. Tupa
asked that plantings, if any, be low- growing shrubs which will not tend to
become traffic hazards in the future. Bank's motion, that expenditure of up
to $1,000 for Grading and Topsoil for Triangles be authorized, was seconded by
Kohler and carried. Mr. Crinkley stated that, in connection with these triangles
he believes it would be possible to have them maintained by someone in the
neighborhood or by the Association.
BASIS. 1.1r. Brauer told Council there are five areas which need seeding and sodding- -
55th and York; 57th and Chowen; Triangles; Wooddale Park; and 59th and Tingdale. He
asked that "unit price" bids be authorized, in order that Mork may be done inhere
and as needed. Dickson's motion, authorizing "unit price" bids for seeding and
sodding, was seconded by Bank and carried.
"52ND AND ARDEJ1" PARK PLANS APPROVED. Board presented plan entitled "Master
Plan, 52nd e Arden Site ", as revised 5/58 and 758 (drawing number 5703). T,r.
Hill told Council that, pursuant to Council direction the Board has held meetings
with proponents and opposition; that, although Board felt at the conclusion of the
first meeting that general agreement had been reached, it now becomes apparent
that agreement cannot be had; that Board has studied the plan in consideration of
all objections raised, that the revised plan meets many of these objections, and
the Board feels there has been no damage to anyone in the plan recommended tonight.
He stated the Board feels there is nothing to gain by having further Public
Hearings before either the Board or the Council, and that the Board recommends
approval of the plan as submitted herewith. Plan shows off - street parking for
some 30 cars at approximately 53rd and T,iinnehaha Blvd., with a multiple -use
area directly ;lest of the parking lot, a ball diamond on the Minnehaha Blvd. side,
north of the T:iultiple -use area, which will be flooded for winter skating, a hockey
rink on the Brookviec: Avenue side, and a footbridge to be provided, now, between
the hockey and skating rinks, as features of the plan. It was noted that no
improvement is proposed for the area South of the hockey rink, except paths. Mr.
Hill told the Council that provisions of improvements as planned will necessitate
7/28/58 2 15
the changing of the Creek channel westward, and that this may require a Hearing.
before the State Conservation Commission, Division of 1.1aters, after an application
by the Council for such channel change. He stated that the Board feels that,
under the $25,000 allotment for this area from the Park-Bond Issue, the following
can be accomplished: construction of one ball field as shown on the plan;
moving of the hockey rink to the location shown on the plan; construction of one
bridge over Minnehaha Creek, near the center of the park; construction of one
off - street parking lot at Minnehaha Blvd., with winter parking off - street during
the skating season; necessary landscaping, and particularly buffer planting
between parking areas and adjacent residences. He stated it is the plan to
have the newly created play area in turf, except for the permanent parking lot
and the small all- weather surfaced multiple -use area and a minimum amount of
paths and walks. Mr. Hill told the Council it is the unanimous recommendation
of the Board that if the $25.000 allotment should not be sufficient to finance
all the above - mentioned improvements, the landscaping and buffer planting is to
be completed in lieu of a portion of the planned construction listed above. Tupa
moved that plan be approved as submitted acid that application for change in
1 channel of Minnehaha Creek, as shown on plan, be directed to State - Conservation
Commission. Motion seconded by Bank and carried.
Hyde reported that Mr. Joseph Dobbelman wants $1,500 for easement for sanitary
sewer through his property; that owner of the immediately adjacent property has
not yet been heard from. He recommended that condemnation proceedings be
initiated in order that this project be expedited. Bank's motion, that Village
proceed with condemnation of this sanitary sewer easement, was seconded by
Kohler and carried.
TO CONTRACTS 1IITH ALLEN HART. Manager Hyde presented a detailed written report
in support of his July 14th denial of Mr. E.C. Stow's statements concerning
contracts to grading contractor Allen Hart. Mr. Hyde stated that the only
possible basis for Mr. Stow's statement concerning "Hart's taking gravel
from school property and being paid for it by the Village" was that Hart
hauled out of the Delaney pit, South of ,,).70th Street, which pit borders
Village and School property. He stated that the facts are that Mr. Hart was
stopped by the Village from entering Village and School property for fill.- He
once again firmly denied Mr. Stow's statements. The report showed that Council
had granted authority for purchase of a total of 151,500 Cu.Yds. of fill =; on a
unit price basis, for the park, to.:toh ch*'Allen Hart furnished or hauled fill;
that a total of 150,562 Cu.Yds. had actually been purchased.
made to Council, by Manager Hydb, as follows:
"To LRayor and Council July 28, 1958
Report on Treasury Management
"The following information concerning the manner in which the Village's
cash balances and investrrients have been handled during the past few years,
together with some data on bonds,_ should be of interest.
Average Monthly Average Monthly Investment Income on
Cash Balance Investment Balance ca -sh basis for year
1954 $484,142.00 $260,462.00 $3,969.60
1955 6199346.00 544,854.00 5,948.37
(Plan B began operating May 1, 1955)
1956 211,110.00 824,923.00 21,814.72
1957 171,876.00 1,844462.00 50,514.26 (a)
1958 (to 6/30) 197,602.00 19181,714.00 31,187.89
(a) Includes interest on Village bonds owned by the Village.
"You may recall that Mr. Dalen began working for the Village in November,
1955. One of the first assignments I gave him was to get the cash converted into
investments. The monthly figures from which the above information was secured
perhaps coincidentally shown that the cash balance dropped from $1,143,832.00 as
of October 31, 1955, to $390,687.03 as of November 30, 1955, vrhile the investment
balance rose from $229,000 to $1,032.00.
"In the 2* years our program of treasury management has been operating,
$103,516.87 has been earned in interest, as compared with less than $10,000
earned in the previous 2 years.
"k4ost of the interest received on investments accrued to the various
improvement funds and must be held there until the last bonds for each improve-
ment series are retired, with only relatively small amounts accruing to the
General, Liquor and other funds.
"This significant improvement has been accomplished by forecasting construction
expenditures and programming short term investments accordingly, by working with the
banks to arrive at minimum working balances which would be sufficient to make the
Village's account reasonably self- sustaining, and by keeping informed as to the
sometimes rapidly- changing yields of Federal Government securities. Also, you
6,%" 1 7%28%58
will recall that some mcn•ths ago, when Federal yields were very low, we found a
new source, the Citizens State Bank, where vie secured 2°x;5 interest for less
than 1 year and 3,a interest on longer than -one year certificates of deposits.
''Je received the proceeds of the last sale, amounting to $970,000 on July 15,
and immediately invested $870,000 in 30 day Treasury Bills.
"At the same time, we have worked very closely with the bond houses and
banks concerning the proper times to issue new improvement series and have
purchased some of our own bonds when odd -lots were "left on the shelf" in the
dealer's hands. VJe have also purchased our own bonds when ore felt it was
desirable and now have $398,000 of our own. Our last several bond issues have
generally sold at very satisfactory interest rates. As evidence of this, the
July 16, 1958 I:tunicipal Finance Dews Letter of the Municipal Finance Officers
Association, Chicago, reported the following:
Selected Bond Sales Period endin JuI 11 1958
(Bond Buyer's Index,20 municipals: 6 19,2.99;5; 6/26,3.04,",; 7/3,3.05;J; 711,3.07;5)
Pop. Sold Bid or Elet Coupon
(000) Purpose Maturity 1958 Amount Int.Cost Rate
Binghampton, N.Y. 81 Various 1959 -78 6 -25 $7,739,000 2.539 2.6
Bucks Co., Pa. 145 Courthouse 1959 -87 7 -1 4,350,000 2.725 2.25 -6
EDINA 23 Various 1961 -69 6 -23 970,000 2.813 2 -3
Milwaukee 637 Various 1959 -78 6 -17 17,8001000 2.546 2.25, 2.6
New Haven, Conn. 164 Various 1960 -78 6 -26 22425,000 2.567 2.6
San Jose, Calif. 102 Improvement 1959 -78 6 -25 61000,000 21774 2.5 -5
"On August 13, 1956, the Council by resolution authorized the "Village Manager
to invest funds and pre -call bonds at such times as he deems it advantageous to the
Village to to do." I trust this report indicates the Council's confidence has been
justified." Warren C. Hyde
Village Manager
Kohler's motion, that report be smitten into the Minutes of the Mleeting, with
commendation to Messrs Hyde and Dalen (Finance Director) for their very fine
worl;, was seconded by Dickson and carried.
212) TO BE CONSTRUCTED TO SERVE OM Y VJALMJT DRIVE. Engineer Zikan reported that
Mr. Sime, developer of the 17alnut Ridge Additions, objections to construction of
the Vdalnut Drive Sewer deep enough to serve presently unplatted property to the
;vest of Ylalnut Ridge. 1.1r. Sirae has provided an easement through platted property
to the east boundary of the unplatted property, and that he has agreed to provide
the necessary easement at the time of platting, for sanitary sever line directly
from the trunk main to the proposed plat - -which eliminates the necessity of a
deep :'Jalnut Drive seder. 1.1r. Zikan recommended that the seller be constructed
at the shallower depth necessary to serve only Walnut Drive, and that only the
properties abutting the street proposed to be improved be assessed therefor.
Bank's motion, that construction of and assessment for Sanitary Set.rer Improvement
No. 145 be in accordance with Village Engineer's recommendations. Motion seconded
by Tupa and carried.
POLICE OFFICER SUED FOR $25,000. Manager Hyde reported 'receipt of Summons and
Complaint for $25,000, for injuries allegedly sustained by 14r. Clarence Rhodes
as the result of an incident occurring while Mr. Rhodes was being transported
in the squad car, with officer Hoffman driving. Mr. Hyde asked for information
concerning propriety of Village's defending officer, inasmuch as 1.1r. Hoffman
was in regular line of duty at time of incident. It was concensus of opinion
that Liability coverage mould cover defense, but that Village should do all
possible to make sure officer is adequately defended.
completion of special assessments tabulations for several improvement projects,
asking that Council meet on Monday, August 18, to publicly hear recommendations
and objections and pass on the assessments ds tabulated. Bank offered the
following Resolution and moved its adoption:
BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the Village of Edina as follows:
1. The Clerk and Engineer having calculated the proper amounts to be assessed
for the improvements set forth in the Notices of Hearings set forth below, and the
amounts proposed to be assessed against the respective lots, pieces and parcels of
land within the districts affected by said improvements, and said proposed assess-
ments having been filed with the Clerk, the same are hereby approved; and the Clerk
shall keep the same on file in her office and open to public inspection pending
hearings thereon as herein provided.
2. This Council shall meet at the time and place specified in the forms of
ntices of hearings hereinafter contained, to pass upon said proposed assessments;
and the Clergy: is hereby authorized and directed to publish notice of said
hearings in the official newspaper in accordance with law, in substantially the
following forms:
IP.'IPROVEMENTS NOS. A- 94,A- 95,A- 96,A -97,A 98,
A- 99,A- 100,A- 1.01,A -102 A -104,A -105 & A -106
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Council of the Village of Edina will meet at
the Village Hall on Monday, August 18, 1958, at 7:00 o'clock P.14., to hear and
pass upon all objections, if any, to the proposed assessments for the following
Blacktop Improvements, which assessments are now on file in the office of the
Village Clerk and open to public inspection:
1. BLACKTOP NO. A -94 - In Beard Avenue from W.60th St. to W.62nd St.
2. BLACKTOP NO. A -95 - In Windsor Ave. from Hansen Rd. to Railroad Tracks.
3. BLACKTOP 1,10. A -96 - In Chowen Ave. from VJ.61st -St. to I'1.62nd St.
4. BLJr -CKTOP 110. A -97 - In 11.61st St. from Chowen Ave. to Ewing Ave.
5. BLACKTOP T40. A -98 - In Cheyenne Circle and Cheyenne Trail in Indianhead Crest.
6. BLACKTOP 1d0. A -99 - In El Rancho Trail
7. BLACKTOP NO. A -100 - In Code Ave. from w.60th Si. to Valley View Road.
8. BLACKTOP NO. A -101 - In Birchcrest Drive from 111.60th St. to Code Ave.
9. BLACKTOP NO. A -102 In W.58th St. from Wooddale Ave. to Concord P ve.
10. BLACKTOP 1,10. A -104 - In Normandale Court in Victorsen's Addn. to Normandale
11. BLACKTOP NO. A -105 - In Ewing Ave. from 111.61st St. to Dead End.
12. BLACKTOP IO. A -106 - In Glengarry Parkway from Ayrshire Blvd. to Hivy.4 1169 -212.
The area proposed to be assessed for the cost of the above improvements includes
all lots and tracts of land abutting the streets improved. -
Assesments for Blacktopping will be payable in five equal consecutive annual
installments over a period of five years, with first year payable with taxes for
�g the year 1958 collectible in 1959, with interest on the entire assessment at the
rate of 5,`0' per annum from the date of the resolution levying the assessment to
tt`b December 31, 1959. To each subsequent installment will be added interest at -the
' same rate for one year on all unpaid installments.
The owner of any property assessed for the above improvements may pay the whole
of the assessment without interest to -the Village Treasurer before 12 o'clock noon on
December 31, 1958 or make payment with accrued interest to the County Treasurer.
Village Clerk
AND G -75
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT the Council of the Village of Edina will -meet at
the Village Hall on 1,2onday, August 18, 1958 at 7:00 o'clock P.M., to hear and pass
upon all objections, if any, to the proposed assessments for the following improve-
ments, which assessments are now on file-in the office of the Village Clerk and
open to public inspection:
1. CURB & GUTTER 110. B -47 - In Windsor Ave. from Hansen Rd. to E. Line of Lot 8,
Block 6, and to East line of Lot 9, Block 7, in Westchester Knolls Addition.
The area proposed to be assessed for the cost of the above improvement is
as follows: Lot 8, Block 6 and Lot 9, Block 7, Westchester Knolls Addition
to pay 1/2 the cost. Remaining properties on Windsor to pay the balance.
2. CURB & GUTTER NO. B -49 - In Grandview Lane from w.52nd St. to W.53rd St.
The area proposed to be assessed for the cost of said improvement includes
all lots and tracts of land abutting the streets improved.
3. CURB AND GUTTER 1\10. B -50 - In Zenith Ave. from 1'7.60th St. thru 6101 Zenith Ave.
The area proposed to be assessed for the cost of said improvement includes
all lots and tracts of land abutting the street improved.
4. CURB & GUTTER NO. B -51 - In Drew Avenue from 5900 and 5901 Drew Avenue thru
5920 and 5921 Drew Ave.
The area proposed to be assessed for the cost of said improvement includes
all lots and tracts of land abutting the street improved.
5. GRADING NO. C -72 - In Benton Avenue from Tracy Avenue to 5516 Benton Avenue.
The area proposed to be assessed for the cost of said improvement includes
all lots and tracts of land abutting the street improved.
6. GRADING NO. C -73 - In Van Buren Avenue from Belmore Lane to 1,Ialoney Avenue.
The area proposed to be assessed for the cost of said improvement includes
all lots and tracts of land 'abutting the street improved.
7. GRADING NO. C -75 - In Vandervork Avenue from Hollywood Road to Division Street.
The area proposed to be assessed for the cost of said improvement includes
all lots and tracts of land abutting the street improved.
Assessments for Curb & Gutter and Grading will be payable in five equal
consequtive annual installments over a period of five years, with first year payable
with taxes for the year 1958 collectible in 1959, with interest on the entire
assessment at the rate of 5 °b per annum from the date of the resolution levying
the assessment to December-31, 1959. To each subsequent installment will be
added interest at the same rate for one year on all unpaid installment.
The owner of such property assessed for the above improvements may pay the
hrhole of the assessment without interest to the Village Treasurer before 12.o'clock
noon on December 31, 1958 or make payment with accrued interest to the County
Gretchen S. Alden, Village Clerk
NO. C -1
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Edina Village Council will meet at the Village
Hall on Monday, August 18, 1958, at 7:00 P.LI., to hear and pass upon all objections,
if any, to the proposed assessment for SAIIITARY SEWER IMPROVEMENT NO. C -1 -- Construction
of Sanitary Trunk Sevier and Appurtenances, including Lift Station and Lateral Connec-
tions to said Trunk Sewer, as follows:
Construction of Sanitary Trunk Seger and Appurtenances along the following Route;
and Construction of Sanitary Sever Lift Station, on Reg. Land Survey No. 688:
"Commencing.at a pt. 1320 Ft., more or less, South of the Centerline of W.70th
St. and 50 Ft., more or less, East of the Centerline of. France Ave.; said point
being the manhole of the existing 33" Trunk Sewer; th. Wly along the South line of
the N1%2 of NEl %4 of Sec. 31, T.28, R.24, a distance of 2112 Ft., more or less, to
the Centerline of Oaklawn Ave.;-th. Sly .along Centerline of Oaklavn Ave. to
Centerline of Gilford Drive; th..Wly along Centerline of Gilford Drive to Center-
line of Kellcgg Ave.; th. Sly a distance of 354.75 Ft. to the extended centerline of
"A" Street in preliminary plat of Chapman's Normandale Development; th. Wly and Nally
along said "A" Street to a point which is 40 Ft. E. of 'lest right -of -way line of
State Hwy. No. 100; th. North,.parallel to centerline of State Hwy. No. 100, a
distance of 466.8 Ft., which is the South line of Govt. Lots 1, Sec. 9, T. 116,
R. 21; th. in a Illy direction to a point on the Centerline of W.70th St.; th.
Wly along Centerline of ::.70th St. a distance of 173.51 Ft. to its intersection
with the E. line of Lot 27, Bl. 75 Brookview Hts. 2nd Addition; th. Nly along said
E. line a distance of 158 Ft.; th. Wly, parallel to the rear lot lines of Lots 22
and 27, said Block 7, to West line of Lot 22, said Block 7; th. NAly to a point on
North line of Sec. 8, T. 116, R. 21, said point being 119 Ft. Wly from ME Cor. of
said Sec. 8; th. Wly along said North section line a distance of 761.35 Ft.; th.
!T ;Ily on a meandering course to Centerline of Brook Drive; th. Ely along Centerline
of Brook Drive a distance of 257.73 Ft.; th. Nly through Lots 4 through 7, Block 9,
`LaBuena Vista, to the intersection of W.68th St. and proposed North -South street
as shown in preliminary plat of Stow's property West of MN&S Ry. right-of-way; th.
Nly along said proposed street to proposed W.67th St.; th. Wly along proposed
W.67th St. to Limerick Lane as proposed in Peterson's preliminary plat of Valley
View Stables Property; th. North along Limerick Lane to proposed W.66th St.; th.
Wly along proposed W.66th St. to Valley View Rd.; th. SWly along centerline of
Valley View Rd. a distance of 78 Ft.; th. on a meandering course illy and Nally
adjacent to Nine Mile Creek to the intersection of Gleason Rd. and the South
line of Sec. 31, T. 117, Ra 21; th. along Centerline of Gleason Road to Hwy.
No. 169; th. S:°!ly along Hwy. No. 169a distance of 660 Ft. more or less; th.
Illy a distance of 470.Ft. more or less; th. Wly 570 Ft. more or less; th. Nly
130 Ft. more or less; th. Wly to Centerline of Walnut Drive; th. Illy along
Centerline of ; Walnut Drive to a point 180 Ft. Sly of the South line of the N1//2
of Sec. 31, T. 117, R. 21; th. Wly parallel to and 180 Ft. Sly of said South line
a distance of 685.6 ,Ft."
Construction of Lateral Service Connections from said Trunk Sewer to the following
Lots and tracts of land:
.Lots 1 thru 8 and Lots 23 thru 33, Block 1; Lots 1, 8 and 9, Block 2;
Lots 1 and 25 Block 3; Lots 1 thru 21, Block 4; Lots 1 thru 10, Block 6; Lots 2
thru 8, Block 75 and Lots X and 2, Block 8.
1958: Lots 1 thru 8, Bloc: 1; Lots 26 thru 33, Block 3; and Lots 1 thru 7. Block 4.
Lots 7 thru 13, Block 1; Lots 1 thru 7, Block 3.
Lot 9, Block 3; Lot 22, Block 2.
Lots 1 and 2, Block 1; Lots 3 and 4, Block 2; Lots 1 thru 10, Block 7; and Lots
1 thru 4, Block S.
PRELIMINARY PLAT OF "';7,11:UT RIDGE" - Filed September 15, 1945:
Lots (9) in Section E; and 5 Lots in Section F.
LA BUENA VISTA - Lots 4 thru 7, Block 9.
OTTO'S SECONID ADD1. - Lots 1 and 2.
SOUTH GARDEN ESTATES THIRD ADDITION - Lots 1 thru 6, Block 3; and Lots 1 and
Lots 24 thru 27, Block 4.
WALNUT RIDGE FIRST ADDITION - Lots 1 thru 6, Block 1; and Lots 1 thru 7,
Block 3.
The area proposed to be specially assessed for the cost of the Trunk Sewer and
Appurtenances thereto, including Lift Station, includes all Lots and Tracts of
Land within the following described boundaries:
"Begin. at intersection of centerline of France Aye. and W.70th St., which is ME
cor. of Sec. 31,T.28,R.24; th. W. along N. line of said Sec. 31 to pt. which is 210'
E. of II1 /4 Cor, of said section; th. S. parallel with N -S centerline of said Sec.
31, to pt. which is 715' S. of centerline of :W.70th St.; th. Wly to PIE Car. of
Lot 5, Bl. 5, South Garden Estates 2nd Addn.; th. Sly to SE Cor. thereof; th. Wly
to SW Cor. thereof; th. Wly to NE Cor. of Lot 2, Bl. 4, South Garden Estates 2nd
Addn; th. Sly to SE Coro thereof; th. v1. and Wly along rear lot lines of said Bl. 2r'1 9
4, and B1. 4, South Garden Estates to SW Coro of Lot 6, B1. 4, South Garden Estatesi
th. Nly to D111 Coro thereof; th. Mlly to SE Coro of Lot 9, Bl. 1, South Garden
Estates; th. W. to S11 Coro thereof; th. N. to a pt. which is 217.8' So. of center-
line of W.70th St.; th. W., parallel to said centerline a dist. of 661.4'; th.
N. to centerline of-W.70th St.; th. E. along said centerline to its intersection
with SEly extension of rear lot lines of Lots 1 -thru 7, Bl. 6, Wood'nill; th. Illy
along said rear lot lines to SW Coro of Lot 1, said Bl. 6; th. IJ. a dist. of 162.49'
to centerline of I11.69th St.; th.!td. along said centerline to Sly extension of E.
lot line of Lot 6, Normandale Terrace; th. N. to NW Cor. -of.Lot 1, Normandale
Terrace; th. E. along N. line thereof to a pt. which is 200' VI. of-centerline of
Brittany Rd.; th. N to Id1.1 Coro of Lot 1, B1. 1, Istallard Tvlanor; th. W. to SI-I Coro
of Lot 2, Bl. 1, N.P. Benson Addn.; th. N. a dist. of 567.48'; th. E. 551; th.
N. to centerline of 1'7.66th St.; th. W. to W. line of Sec. 30, T.28, R.24; th. No
along said Section line a dist. of 56.71; th. 1q. along centerline of W.66th St.
to Sly extension of N -S centerline of Bl. 17, Normandale 2nd Addn; th. Nly along
said centerline to centerline of r1.65h St.; th. illy along said centerline to
Sly extension of DJ -S centerline of B1. 10, Normandale 2nd Addn; th. Idly along
said centerline to DIE Coro of Lot 18,-said B1. 10; th. ally to NW Coro thereof;
th. DNI1y to NE Coro of Lot 6, B1. 9, Normandale 2nd Addn; -th. jgly to MCI Coro
thereof; th. Nly along N -S centerlines of Blocks 9 and 6, Normandale 2nd Addn.
to centerline of 111.63rd St.; th. wly along centerlines of W.63rd St. and Valley
View Road to its intersection with E. line of Valley View Hts.; th. Nly along
said E. line to NE Coro of Lot 11, B1. 59 Valley View Hts.; th. Wly to SE Coro
of Lot 7, said Bl. 5; th. Sally along Sly line of said Lot 7, to centerline of
Westridge Blvd.; th. Nly along said centerline -to extended Sly lot line of
Lot 12, Bl. 3, Valley View Hts; th. I,'11y to SW corner of said Lot 12; th. Sly
and NIVly, along rear lot lines of said B1. 3, to S: line of B1. 4, Countryside;
2 th. E. to SW Coro of Lot 2, said Bl. 4; th. Nly along extended wly lot line of
said Lot 2 to centerline of Ridgeway Rd.; th. Ely to Sly extension of E. lot
w line of-Lot 6, B1. 5, Countryside Addn.; th. Nly along said E. line to HE Coro
of said Lot 6, Bl. 5; th. Wly to SW Core of Lot 9, said Bl. 5; th.-Nly to IJ'.I
Coro of Lot 13, said Bl. 5; th. Wily to SW Coro of Lot 5, Bl. 6, Countryside
Addn.; th. Idly to NW Coro of said Lot 5; th. NEly to DIE Coro of said Lot 5; th.
Dlly to NE Coro of Lot 1, said Bl. 6; th. W. to a pt. 358.78' more or less W.
of SE Coro of Lot 15, Warden Acres; th. N. to S. line of Broadmore Addn.; th.
W. to SV1 Coro of Lot 4, B1. 3, Broadmore Addn.; th. N. to N1/4 Coro of S1/2 of
Sec. 32, T. 117, R. 21; th. W. to W1/4 Coro of said section; th. No to interesection
of W. line of said section and centerline of State Highway x#169 -212; th. SWly along
said centerline a dist. of 1109 Ft., more or less; th. irNly at 90 degrees to said
Hwy. centerline a dist. of 132' more or less; th. on a curve to the right having
a central angle of 45 degrees and a radius of 637.2 Ft. a dist.'of 242 Ft. more
or less; th. NEly parallel to centerline of State Highway No. 169 -212 a dist. of
214 Ft. more or less; th. Nly at a deflection angle of 65 degrees 30' left a
dist. of 101 Ft., more or less; th. NEly at a deflection angle of 20 degrees 30'
right a dist. of 160 Ft., more or less; th. at a deflection angle of 3 degrees 30'
right a dist. of 440 Ft., more or less; th. at a deflection angle of 58 degrees
10' left a dist. of 143 Ft., more or less, to a pt. on a curve to the right having
a radius of 535 Ft: and a central angle of 42 degrees 50'; th. along said curve a
dist. of 115' more or less to end of said curve; th. along a line tangent 2� said
curve a dist. of 122 Ft., more or less, to-a pt. on a curve to the left having a
raidius of 470.53 Ft. and a central angle of 77 degrees 50'; th. along said curve
to the left a dist. of 169 Ft., more or less; th. NEly at a right angle to said
curve a dirt. of 186 Ft., more or less; th. at a deflection angle of 85 degrees
left a dist. of 137 Ft.; th. at a deflection angle of 8 degrees 45' left a dist.
of 248 Ft.; th. at a deflection angle of 31 degrees 30' left a disc. of 130 Ft.;
th. 11. to centerline of Schaefer Rd.; th. N. on said centerline a dist. of 130 Ft.,
more or less, to the S. line extended E. of Lot 12, B1. 5, Parkwood Knolls; th.
I'I., N?Vly and Sally to and around Lot 13, said Bl. 5, to SW Coro of Lot 9, said B1.5;
th. Nly to 1M Coro thereof; th. NIVly to IdIV Coro of Lot 1, said Bl. 5; th. IT"Ily
to centerline of Parkwood Road; th. I'lly on said centerline to Sly extension of
11. line of Lot 3, B1. 3, Parkwood Knolls; th. Idly along rear Lot Lines of said
Bl. 3 to N line thereof; th. E. to pt. on Sly line of Lot 16, Aud.Subd.Dlo. 325
which is 313.85 Ft. E. of SI'1 Coro thereof; th. Nly to pt. on N. line of Lot 12,
Aud. Subd.No. 325 which is 319.125 Ft. from NVI Coro thereof; th. IV. to SW Coro
of Lot 5, Aud. Subd. No. 325; th. N. to intersection of Tyler and Maloney Aves.;
th. W. to I'l• line of Sec.30, T.117, R.21; th. Sly, along said w. line and ':'1. line
of Sec. 31, T.117, R.21, to SW Coro of -said Sec. 31; th. Ely to D-11 Coro of
Sec.6, T.116, R.21; th. Sly along Wly Une of said Section 6 to the Illy extension
of S. Lot Line of Lot 1, Aud. Subd.196; Th. Ely along Sly line thereof and Sly
line of Lot 3, Aud. Subd. 196 to SE Coro of said Lot 3; th. NEly to Nally Coro of
Lot 6, Bl. 2, Naas Lakeside Addn.; th. SEly along MEly lot line of said Lot 6
to SJ Coro of Lot 4, Aud. Subd.196; th. Ely to SE Coro thereof; th. Sly to pt.
on 1,71y lot line of Lot 17, Aud. Subd.196, said pt. being 676.5' Sly of DJW Coro
thereof; th. Ely to a pt. on Wly Lot Line of Lot 18, Aud. Subd.196, said pt.
being 120' Nly of SW Coro thereof; th. Sly to SW Coro thereof; th. Ely to ZE
Cor. thereof; th. Sly to NE Coro of Lot 8, Bl. 1, Indian Hills; th. Sly to SE
2 2. 7/28/58
Cox. thereof; th. Sly to NE Cor. of Lot 3, B1. 7, Indian Hills; th. SEly to SE
Cor. thereof; th. S ly to SO Cor. thereof; th. SEly to SE Cor. of Lot 4, said
Bl. 7; th. Ely to SE Cor. of Lot 1, said Bl. 7; th. NEly to NW Car. of Lot 2,
Bl. 2, Indian Hills; th. Ely to NE Cor. thereof; th. SEly to NE Cor. of Lot 2,
Bl. 3, Indian Hills; th. Sly along E. line of said B1..3 to a pt. which is 200'
N. of S. line of Id112 of S1/2 of Sec.6,T.1160.21; th. Ely, parallel to said
S. line to centerline of Gleason Road; th. S:lly along said centerline to its
intersection with the centerline of Valley View Road; th. Sly, at right angles
to Valley View Road, a dist. of 2001; th. Ely, parallel to centerline of Valley
View Rd., to a pt. which is 500' W. of E. line of Sec.6,T.116,021, and 200' S
of centerline of Valley View Rd.; th. Sly, parallel to E. line of said Sec. 6, to
a pt. which is 600' Si of centerline of Valley View Rd.; th. due E. to E. line of
said_Sec. 6; th. Sly along said E. line of SE Cor. of said Sec.•6; th. E. to N3
Cor. of Lot 5, Prospect Hills; th. SEly to SIN Cor. thereof; th. Ely to SE Cor.
thereof; th. SEly to SW Cor. of Lot 4, Prospect Hills; th. Ely to SE Cor. of
Lot 1, Prospect Hills; th. SEly to S ,Cor. of Lot 2, B1. 31 Carolane Addn.; th.
Ely along S. line of Carolane Addn. to SE Cor. of Lot 2, Bl. 1, Carolane Addn.;
th. Nly along E. line of Carolane Addn. a dist. of 161.21•; th. Ely and aprallel
to centerline of W.70th St, to centerline of Cahill Rd.; th. idly along centerline
of Cahill Rd. to a pt. which is 231' S. of centerline of ?'!.70th St.; th. Ely
parallel to N. line of Sec-8, T.1162R.21, to a pt. on a line which is parallel to
and 200' Sly of centerline of ,;.70th St.; th. Ely, parallel to and 200' Sly of
centerline of :7.70th St., to W. line of Sec.9, T.116, R.21; A. Sly along said
W. line to S:'I Cor. of Govt. Lot 1, Sec. 9, T.116, R. 21; th. SEly to intersection
of S. line of Govt. Lot 2, said Sec. 9 with the W. right-of-way line of State
Hwy.No. 100; th. Ely along S. line of said Govt. Lot 2 to E. line of Sec..9,
T.116, R.21; th. Sly along said E. line to,a pt. which is 200' S. of N. line of
S1 /2 of SI1 /4 of Sec.31,T.28,R.24; th. Ely parallel to and 200' S. of Wine to E.
line of 5:71/4 of said Sec. 31; th. Illy along ,E. line of said S.' ?1/4 to I;E Cor. of said
5171/4; th. Ely along S. line of W. 20 acres of SW1 /4 of NE1 /4 of Sec31,T.2S,R.24;
th. Nly to 11E Cor. of said 20 acre tract; th. Ely along A. line of SO of NE1/4 of
Sec. 31,T.28,R.24 to centerline of France Ave.; th. idly along said centerline to
pt. of beginning.''
The area proposed to be specially assessed for the Lateral Service Connections to
said Trunk Sevier includes all Lots and Tracts of Land for which said Lateral
Service Connections were constructed, as heretofore enumerated in this Notice.
Assessments for Sanitary Trunk Sewer will be payable in twenty equal annual
consecutive installments over a period of twenty years, with first year payable with
taxes for the year 1958 collectible in 1959, with interest on the entire assessment
at the rate of 5, per annum from the date of the Resolution levying the assessment
to December 31, 1959. To each subsequent installment will be added interest at the
same rate for one year on all unpaid installments.
Assessment for Lateral Service Connections to said Trunk Sewer will be payable
in ten equal annual consecutive installments over a period of ten years, with first
year payable with taxes for the year 1958 collectible in 1959, with interest on the
entire assessment at the rate of 5, per annum from the date of the ;resolution levying
the assessment to December 31, 1959. To each subsequent installment will be added
interest at the same rate for one year on all unpaid installments.
The owner of any property assessed for the improvement may pay the whole of
the assessment without interest to the Village Treasurer before 12 o'clock noon on
December 31, 1958, or make payment with accrued interest to the County Treasurer.
Village Clerk
Motion for adoption of Resolution was seconded by Dickson, and on Rollcall.there
were five ayes and no nays, as follows: Bank, Dickson, aye; Kohler, aye;
Tupa, aye; and Bredesen, aye; and the Resolution v, s adopted.
ATTR ST: �/&,fz& Winnov/ 0
a5��� V
;Village Clerk
ASSESSOR REPORTED ILL. Manager Hyde reported that Village Aseessor, Ales, Creighton,
has been ill and is in the hospital; that it may be necessary to tale emergency
action to secure a full -time assistant for Mr. Creighton. Ill
the news release appearing in the Minneapolis Star, entitled ''EDINA '.'JILTS- -VIA HOMES
xi•ID POLICE '', and going on to report that Edina Homes are rated excellent in a survey
conducted by National .association of American Homes in some 250 communities; that
the Police Department has won a certificate of achievement for outstanding - traffic
supervision from International :Association of Chiefs of Police. I:ohler moved that
Council commend Police and Building Officials for their efforts. Motion seconded
by Dickson and unanimously carried.
7%28%58 21
HOPKINS' ANINEXATION PETITION HONORED. Petition, signed by City of Hopkins and
Superior Separator Company, asking for detachment of a certain area from Edina and "-
annexation thereto to Hopkins, was discussed; this petition being the result of
previous discussions between Edina and Hopkins Councils, and Edina's determination
that it will assent to such detachment and annexation providing dedication is made
to Edina by Superior Separator of the South 30 Ft. of Lots 1 and 26, Block 8,
;Vest Minneapolis Heights, and Superior Separator will construct Spruce Road
between Washington and Jefferson Avenues; the maintenance of said road to be
by Hopkins and Edina jointly. Manager Hyde reported that this petition
estallishes the Edina North Village Limits at the centerline of proposed Spruce
Road between Washington and Jefferson Avenues; and also detaches from Edina a
strip of the old streetcar right -of -way North of Interlachen Country Club, now
owned by the City of Hopkins. He recommended adoption of the Ordinance necessary
to accomplish detachment from Edina of the property described in the petion. Bank
offered the following Ordinance and moved its adoption; with waiver of second reading:
Section 1. This Council has received and considered the petition of the
City of Hopkins and Superior Separator Company -that this Council detach from the
Village, pursuant to provisions of- Minnesota Statutes 1957, Section 413.137, the
following described parcels of land owned by said petitioners:
Commencing at the Northwest corner of Section 29, Township 117,
C Range 21; thence South along the `Vest line of said Section, 74
feet to the Southerly line of the abandoned right of way of the
17`° Mpls. and St. Paul Suburban Railway; thence Easterly along the
Southerly line of said right of way to its intersection with
the West line of Gunnary Johnson's Second Rearrangement,
Rolling Green; thence North along the West line of said
Rearrangement and its extension to the North line of said
Section 29; thence West along said North line to the point
of beginning.
That part of the Northwest Quarter of Section 30, Township 117,
Range 21, and of Blocks 7 and 8 in iffiest Minneapolis Heights
described 9s follows: commencing at the Northwest corner of
said Section 30; thence East along the North line of said
Section to its intersection with the East line of Jefferson
Avenue in West Minneapolis Heights extended North; thence
South along said East line and its extension to a point in
the West line of Lot 26, Block 6, West Minneapolis Heights,
distant 30 feet North of -the Southwest corner thereof;
thence Westerly on a line 30 feet North of and parallel
with the South lines of Lots 1 and 26, Block 7 and Lots 1
and 26, Block 8, and the extensions of said lines in West
Minneapolis Heights to the West line of said Section 30;
thence North along said West line to the point of beginning.
Section 2. Upon consideration of said petition and after hearing the views of
all persons interested, and being fully advised in the premises, the Council does
hereby find, determine and declare that the above - described land abuts on the Village
of Edina and on the City of Hopkins, that the detachment of such land from the
Village of Edina and its annexation to the City of Hopkins will be for the benefit
of the Village of Edina and for the benefit of such land, and that said petition is
in all respects correct and sufficient and complies with the provisions of said
Section 3. It is hereby ordered that the land described in-Section 1 hereof
shall be and it is hereby detached from the Village of Edina.
Section 4. The Village Clerk is hereby authorized and directed to file one
certified copy of this Ordinance with the County Auditor of Hennepin County,
Minnesota, and another certified copy of this Ordinance in the office of the
Secretary of State of the State of filinnesota.
Question was raised by Trustee Tupa as to matter of Hopkins -Edina Storm Sewer
through property to be detached. Engineer Zil;an replied that only a small Edina
area can be served by draining into Hopkins - -an area just ,Jest of Blake Road and
North of t:ialoney Avenue, i %rhich is not concerned with this proposed detachment.
Kohler seconded motion for waiver of second reading and adoption of Ordinance as
read. On Rollcall there were five ayes and no nays, as follows: Bank, aye;
Dickson, aye; Kohler, aye; Tupa, aye; and Bredes. , aye; and the Ordinance was
,� M6yor
illage Clerk
EDINA COURT P;,tJ:Ii,:G RESTRICTIOES DISCUSSED. It was reported that for some tin-,a, and
until recently, Edina Ccurt has been restricted to Trio -Hour Parking; that, at the
request of Mrs. Stanley Ewert, "Parking for Residents Only" restrictions were
recently placed on the street; that, now, the Council is in receipt of a petition
from the other Edina Court residents asking that these restrictions be removed.
Mrs. Evert was present to speak: in behalf of the restrictions, stating that
St. Stephens Curch employees and members park in Edina Court all day long and that
many times it is impossible for her to get her car put of her driveway. 71anager
Hyde suggested that a "Parking for Resident Only "APP laced on ,'.irs. Ewert's premises,
with an arrow at either end of her lot pointing to the sign, and this was informally
approved by the Council.
FINA'iCIII. REPORTS FILED. "Balance Sheet at June 30, 1958" and "Comparative Statement
of Income and Expense, Six Months Ended June 30, 1958 and June 30, 1957" for
Liquor Dispensary, 17aterworks, and Sewer Rental Funds, were filed with the
CLAIMS PAID. Kohler's motion for payment of the following Claims, as per Pre -List
dated July 28, 1958, was seconded by Dickson and carried:
General Fund $23,896.98
Const. Fund 422,455.19
Park & Park: Const. 8,607.40
1.7aterworks Fund 6,518.21
Liquor Fund 34,712.57
Improvement Funds 615,040.53
TOTAL $1,111,472.20
Tupa's motion for adjournment was seconded by Bank, and carried. !.Ieeting adjourned
at 10:50 P.M.
LM Mill