HomeMy WebLinkAbout19580811_19580818_regular_adjournedZembers answering Rollcall Ysre Bank, Dickson, Kohlsr, and Bredesea.
of tv:o Hotices of Aseessrmen-t Harings, published in Etiina-tiorningside Courier on
July 31 and st 7, 1958, both of vhich affidavits v;ere approved as to 2orm and
ordered placed on file. Fursuant to said ilotices, the following Public Heerlngs
were conducted, and action taken:
I. STREET I!DEOVE.iEiT KO. 144 -' BLACKTOPPIKG of Beard ;\venue from y;.6Oth St.
to ::',62nd St. Tabulation of .',ssessment shor:led Total iissessable Cost to be $3,911.16,
as against 2,370.4 Assessable Feet, for 51.65 per Assessable Foot, as ccmpared with
Improvement Hearing Estimate of S2.27.
Hearing, and no written objections had been received prior thereto.
of later in meeting, approving assessment).
Tabulation of Assessment Eor A-95 showed Total Assessable Cost to ba $5,008.33
as against 1,531.6 Assessable Feet, for $3.27 per iissessable Foot as compared
with Improvement Hearing Estinate of $3.17. For E-47, Tabulation of Assessment
showed Total Assessable cost to be $1,572.91; Lots 8, Block 6 and 9, Block 7 to
be assessed $1.62 per Assessable Foot, and the balance of the properties at s.75
per Assessable Foot, compared uith Improvement Hearing Estimates of $1.53 and
S.65 respectively. 1.k. ;,lden Allen, 5300 Ylindsor i.venue, protested paying any
assessment for that prcperty vdiich has accrued to him because of street vacation;
and ldr. Hytie told Council that Village must have an easement for the Richc.ood
Drive Sanitary Sever, through this vacated street. (See Xesolution of later in
meeting, approving assessment) .
3. STREET IXPROVE.!ElT 110. A-96 - BLi,GI;TOPPII:G - Choven Ave. from ':r.Glst St. to
3.62nd St.
as against 2,426 Assessable Feet, for $2.42 per Assessable Foot, compared with
Improvement Hearing Estimate of $2.88.
Hearing, and no written objections had been received prior thereto. (See
Resolution of later in meeting, approving assessment) .
4. STREET Ii.iPZOVE.lEiX 110. ,447 - BLACKTOPPIEG - 'r'1.6lst St. from Chown Ave. to
Ewing Ave.
as against 1,147.4 Assessable Feet, for $2.56 per iissessable Foot as compared with
Improvement Hearing Estimate of $2.99. There were no objections rzgistered at the
Hearing, and no written objections had been received prior thereto.
of later in meeting, approving assessment) .
5. STREET IIJFGOVELIElT i:O. A-98 - BLACKTOPP1I:G - Cheyenne Circle anti Cheyenne Trail
in Indianhead Crest. Tabulation of .iseessment was read at Total iissessable Cost of
$4,348.80, bsing assessed on a "Per Lot" basis as per petition, at S484.&Q:, as
compared with Improvement Hearing Estimate of $544.32, i!o objections were registered
zt the Hearing, and none had bzen received prior thereto. (See Resolution of later
in meeting, approving assessment) .
Clerk submitted AiEfidavits of Publication
I There were no objections registered at ths
(See Resolution
c- -
i- -.
Tabulation of 1'cssessment showed Total Assessable Cost to be $6,016.12,
P!o objections were registered at the
Tabulation of Assessment was read at Total Assessable Cost of $2,937-34,
(be Zesolution
6. STBEST ILIFSOV3~ET LO. .'k-99 - EL;.CI:TOPPIii:G - El l?ancho Trail. Tabulation of
Assessment shoned Total Assessable Cost to be $1,E30.20, as aclatnst 693.5 Assessable
Feet, for $2.71 per Assessable Foot as conpared kith h&ovem&t Hearing Estimate of
$3.17, Iks. CIF. Prescott, 6416 Interlachen Blvd., protested the assessnent because
the street abuts her "side yard" and she never uses the street. I:o other objections
wre registered, and no !;Titten objections had been received prior to the Iiearing.
(See Resolution of later in meeting, approving aSs2ssment) .
7. STREET IKF20SEZi3' i;O, 1~100 - BLKKTOPP1I:G - Code he., from ~i.60th St. to
Valley view Road.
$5,978.65, as against 2,742.5 .*issessable Feet, for $2.18 per Assessable FOG^, as
compared with Improvement Hearing Estimate of $2.72.
at the Hearing, and no zritten objections had been received prior thereto. (See
Resolution of later in rmeting, approving assessment).
8. STREET ILiP2OVEXi!T il0. A-101 - BL>.?CICTOPPII:G - Birchcrest Drive from 'J.fOth St.
to Ccde iive, Tabulation of Assessment showed Total Assessable Cost to bs 55,975.02
as against 2,416.l Assessable Feet, for $2.47 per Assessable Foot as coxpared with
Improvement Hearing Estimate of 53.00.
anti ncne had been received prior thereto.
approving assessment).
9. STREET 1?.7P20I",'.Ei;T i:O. A-102 - BLXKTOPPII!G - Yi.5Eth St. frcm Uooddale xve. to
Concord Ave.
as against 2,192.9 Assessable Feet, for $2.56 per Assessable Foot as corpared with
Improvement Hearing Estimate of $2.92,
and no written objections had been received prior thereto.
in meeting, approving assessrxent) .
Tabulation of Assessment shoued Total Assessable Cost to be
Ilo objections were registered
I 110 Objections were registered at the Hearing,
(See &solution of later in meeting,
Tabulation of Assessment showed Total ;issessable Cost to be $5,613.82,
i?o objections were registered at the Hearing,
(See Resolution of laker
23/18/58 241
10. STREET IMPROVE€IEIJT NO. A-104 - BLkCKTOPPING - Mornandale Court in Victorsen's
Addition to ?lormandale Court.
Total Assessable Cost, as against 1,044.1 Assessable Feet, for $2.&3 per Assessable
Foot, as compared with Improvement Hearing Estimate of $3.50. No objections were
registered at the Hearing, and no twitten objections had been received prior thereto.
(See Resolution of later in meeting, approving assessment).
Dead End.
to be assessed at the rate of $2.54 per Assessable Foot for Blacktop only; plus
G.69 per Assessable ~oot for Blacktop Curb, to those lots where it was constructed.
A delegation led by L?r. c. y?. Tucker, owner of Lot 1, Block 3, stated that the
blacktop curb is' of inferior construction; that it has been knocked down by
children playing on it; that, last fall when it was constructed, contractor
Craig Alexander informed one resident, in the presence of witaesses, that he
realized the job was not good and would tear it out and put in a new job.
A.F. Lytle, 6116 Ewing, stated that contractor had told him, personally, that the
job was not satisfactory, and that it would be done over; that, this spring, the
contractor had told him that there were no specifications for the job, and that
residents "could take it and like Mr. Lytle stated he had believed in Lke
Alexander and that he had delayed sodding his lawn pending some adjustment as to
the curbing; that he believes this curb job is a disgrace to the construction
spring, the contractor had been required to try to "straighten" the navy curb;
that the specifications are largely for "materials to be used"; that these jobs
are not successful as a rule. Asked if the job had been accepted, Mr, Zikan
reported that the contractor has been paid but that there is still recourse under
the performance bond.
periding a report from the contractor,
to September 8, was seconded by Dickson and carried.
stands at the top of the hill each time it rains, and asked that this also be
12. STREET IIdPEiOVEiEIJT RO. A-106 - BLACKTOPPING - Glengarry Parkway from
Ayrshire Elvd. to E:vy. $69-212.
Assessable Cost of $5,528.52, as against 2,047.6 Assessable Feet, for $2.22 per
Assessable Foot9 conpared with Iriiprovement Hearing Estimate of $2070.
were registered at the Hearing, and no mitten objections had been received prior
Tabulation of Assessment was read at $3,654.35
Tabulation of Assessment'showed Total Assessable Cost to be $2,799.59,
On a query from the council, Engineer Zikan explained that, this
Manager Hyde recommended that this Hearing be continued
Bank's motion, that Hearing be continued
Mr. Tucker stated that water
Tabulation of Assessment was read at 3 Total
i!o objections
(See Resolution of later in meeting, approving assessment)
3~. to y~.53rd St.
$2,54E.&O as against 1,080 AsBessable Feet, for $2.36 per Assessable Foot, as
compared ni th Improvement Hearing Estimate of $3,26.
at the Hearing, and no written objections had been' received prior thereto.
Resolution of later in meetinq, armrovinq assessment) .
STREET II.IPEOVE'~iE!4T 132. B-49 - CURB X!D GUTTEE - Grandvievr Lane from I'J.52nd
P-.L Tabulation of Assessment showed Total Assessable Cost .to be
!\Io objections were registered
-r 1. 14. STIXET I~.lPROV~E~IT B-50 - CURB k;3D GUTTE2 --Zenit'n Avenue from !!.60th St.
throuqh 6101 Zenith Avenue. Tabulation of Assessnent shoinred Total Assessable Cost -
to be $3,207.05 as against 1,309 Assessable Feet, for $2.45 per Assessable Foot,
compared with Improvement I-Iearing Estimate of $3. 1%.
at the Hearing, and no written objections had been received prior thcrsto. (See
iiesolutiion of later in meeting, approving assessment) .
15. STREET 1I:IFROVEKEIJT !b:Oe B-51 - CURB AND GUTTER - Drevr iivenue from 5900 arid 5901
through 5920 and 5921 Drew Ave. Tabulation of Assessment was read at Total Assess-
able Cost of $2,145.00, as against 825 Assessable Feet, for $2.GO per iissessable
Foot, as coriipared with Improvement Hearing Estimate of $3,1G.
registered at the Hearing, and no written objections had been received prior
.L t.nerato. 7
16. STREET 1I:;PROVEJERT 110. .C'-72 - GRADING, GRAVELIb!G AND OILI131GIG. Benton Avenue
from Tracy itvenua to 5516 Benton Avenue.
total of $9,353.30 as against 1,700.6 Assessable Feet, for $4.92 per hssesaable
Foot as compared with Improvement Hearing Estimate of $5.50.
because of the scope of this work, assessment is proposed on a lO-year basis.
There were no objections registered at the Hearing, and no written objections
had been filed prior theretoo, (See Resolution of later in meeting, approving
assessment) e
Avenue from Belmore Lane to Eialoney Avenue.
at $4,159.99 as against 1,195.4 Assessable Feet, for $3,48 per Assessable Foot,
as compared with Improvement Hearing Estimate of $3.32; this proposed to be on a
ten-year term.
Lots 9 and 10, Block 14, complained that a vertical bank, impossible "io mow, had
been left abutting his front yard.
suggested that the Village blade go in and fix this ups and it was agreed by
the Council that this should be done,
the Idearing, and no mitten objections had. been received prior thereto. (See
Resolution of later in meeting, approving assessment) . Later, two gentlemen
appeared, to complain that water stood at the bottom of.the hill,
explained that a storm sewer is needed in this areaa
No objections were registered
iIo objections were
(See FLssolution of later in meeting., approving assessment) .
Tabulation of Assessment was read in
It was noted that,
Tabulation of Assessment rras read
Itlr. Eangtson, 416 Van Buren Avenue, owner of part of Lot E and 0
He asked that it be sloped, Manager Hyde
1\10 other objections were registered at
Mr. Hyde
18. STREET iL~PF.@EXEi!T 133. C-75 - GF;:iDIi:G, G3AVELII.G, 0ILIi:G @F: iLL THE STREETL
.@,ED COiISTRLJCTIO;: OF CUF33 ,"J'D GUTTER. RORTH PART OF STREET. - Vandersorl: i,ve. fron
Hollyvrood Road to Division Street. Tabulation of im,e0sment was read at a Total
Assessable Cost of GIi.64 per Assessable Foot, as compared with 57.5s; the Total
being $10,015.43.
term. Xr. Erickson, nev omer of the property at 5300 Hollyvrood 2oad, asked if
he is io be assessed for his side footage on Vandervork and vias informed in the
affirmative. He was told that the improvement vias initiated on the petibion of
the people Korth of his property, on Vandervork, and approved after a Public
Hearing. There nere no other objections registered, and none had been received
prior to tha Hearing.
It vias noted that this assessment is proposed on a ten-year
Bank ofTered the follouing Resolution and moved its adoption : I ZESOLUTIUIY' IJX)PTII:G IUJD COI?FIR.III:G .iSSESST.EITS
FCjL STiiEZT I1 IPROVEJ.EifiS i :OS. A-94,A-95 ,ii-96 ,
A-97 ;.-9E A-99, A- 100, A- 101 , A-102 , ,l-104~,-1 Ob,
B-47,E-LF9,E-5O,B-51,C-72,C-73 AID C-75
BE IT RESOLVED by the i]illage Council of the Village off Edina, Ihnesota, as follows:
It is hereby found, determined and declared that the proposed assess-
ments for STRZET Ii.2T,Ol!TEiTS iDS. 11,-94, A-95, $46, A-97, ji-gE, i1-99, A-100, :,-lOl,
EA-102, A-104, ;,-lC63 E-4.7, E-4-9, B-50, E-51, C-729 C-73 i4:D C-75, and each of them,
have been properly calculatzd in accordance with tiia provisfon of i.;innesota Statukes
Section 412.441; that notice has been duly published, as required by law, that this
Council v:ould met to hear znd pass upon all objxtions, if any, to amend said pro-
posed assessments as night be necessary, and to adopt the same by resolution; thot
said proposed assessments have at all times since their filing been opan for public
inspection, and opportunity has been given to all interested persons Lo present
their objections; and that each of the lots, pieces and parcels of land enumerated
in the respectiva assessments uas anti is specially benefited by the construction of
the improvements for vhich such assessment is Levied in the amount set opposite
the description of each such lot, piece and parcel of land, respectively.
pieces and parcels 01 land described in said respective assessments, aid said propesed
assessnents are hereby adopted 2nd confirmed as the proper special assessments for
said improvements, respecti.rely. The assessment agains i: each lot, tract, or, parcel ,
together with the interest accruing on the full amount thereof frm time to tine
unpaid, at the rate of five percent per annum from the tiate of this resolution,
shall be a lien concurrent uith general taxes upon the property described therein
and all thereof.
2. The amounts so set out are,hereby levied against the respactive lots,
I The total amount of each such assessneiit for Streak Ixprovements i:os.
A-94, k-95, A-36, i,-97, iL-98, {\-99, ;,-loo, >,-lOl, ;,-102, i,-1@4, A-106, E-47, E-49,
E-50 and E-51 shall 53 payable in equal .annual installzents extending over a pericd
of five years, the -" r~rst of said installments, together with interest on the entire
assessment from the dake hereof to December 31, 1959, to be payable with general
taxes €or the year 1955, and one of the remaining installments, vdth one year's
interest on that and all subsequent installments, to bz payable with general taxes
lor the years 1959 Liil'cugh 1962, collectible in the respective ensuing years.
C-72, C-73 and C-75 shall be payable in equal annual installments extending over a
period of ten years, the first of said installments, together with interest on the
entire assessment frun the date hereof to Docember 31, 1959, to be payable I.rith
general taxes for the year 195&, and one of the remaining installmznts, with one
year's interest on that and all subsequent installments, to be payable with general
taxes for the years 1959 through 1967, collectible in the respective ensuing years.
orner of any lot, piece or parcel of land assessed hereby nay pay the r;hole or" such
assessment or any installnent thereof without interest to the Village Treasurer
and thereafter such payxent may be made wit'n accrued interest, to the CGU~~)'
Treasurer; provided that if any assessments or installments thereof be prepaid
to thhe Village Treasurer, he shall promptly notify the Village Clerk and County
i-uditor, and the assessment or installment so prepaid shall be cancelled on the
books of the County .Witor.
County Auditor a certified duplicate OB said assessments, with each then unpaid
installment and interest set forth separately, to be extended upon the proper
tar: lists of the County, anti thhe County jluditor shall thereafter cause said
assessments to be collected in the manner providedlby lay:.
be designated as the "ASSESSI.'IEiT ROLL FOR STREET 8 II.iPF'OVE'f:IEI:TS IDS. 11-95, .',-94,
A-96, A-97, S-98, 11-99, :,-loo, A-101, Dbl02, A-104, ii-106, B-47, B-49, B-50,
E-51, C-72, c-73 XJID C-75", and all amounts collected in respect of the assess-
nents therein contained shall be similarly designated by the County Treasurer
and remitted to the Village Treasurer and by him credited as follov~:
Fron Street hprovenents i:os. ;1-94,.'.-95, A-96 , A-97, ;*-9E, A-99 , A-100, a*x-lOl ,
.~-T')2,;i-lO~~,i~-l06,B-4.7$C-72 C-73 and c-75 - To the Temporary Improvenen.L Fund.
The total erriount of each such assessment for Street Improvements I!os.
3. Prior to certification of the assessment to the County Auditor, the
I The Clerk shall, as soon as may be, prepare and transmit to the
Said duplicate shall
-- - 0-49,6-50, E-51
all tb"the 1LkLJ~JE.ZiT E;3i!D 2EDtl.iPTIOi: FUI!D.
iriotion for adoption of Resolution was seco
were four ayes and no nays, as follovrs: B j Kohler, aye;
ENBLE EUIJGALO\~!S IN "Fi,RIJER FIRST ADDITIOi3" (6159 -to 6207 FC:."J!t'Z k.VL SO. This
Hearing had been continued pursuant to inquiry as to cutting "!.62iid Street through
to Prance AvenuE.
by til2 Planning Commission, showing "?Jof3rd Street intersecting with Beard Place
and then entering France nvertue. Lk- Swanson explained that !?.62nd Street, East
from France Avenue, vrould have a grade of some seven percent; that it was though?;
more advisable from a safety standpoint to make the intersection with France
:!venue at !7.63rd Street, which have a minimurn grade,
objections registered at the Hearing, and Dickson's motion, granting permit for
construction of double bungalows on Lots 1 to 4, inclusive, Farmer's First
hddition, in conformance with Planning Comiiission' s recommendations, was
seconded by Kohler and carried.
Planning Director Swanson presented a preliminary plat, approved
There were no other
DISTKICT". Clerk read Affidavit of Publication in Edina-iiorningside Courier
rkUgUSt 7 ad 14, of Wotice of Hearing", vhich affidavit vias appi-ovsd .?s to Eorm
sild orderxi placed on file,
to i.ionday, .',ugust 25, was seconded by Bank and carried.
Kohler's motion, that Public Hearing be continued
Bank's motion, that Public Hearing be scheduled for Septembar 2, on this requkst
by 1.k. Stan. Thomass was seconded by Kohler and carried.
This request was brought before the Council by
Hyclc; and iik, Swanson reviewed the Planning Commission's recomritendatioh.
PUBLIC I-EALTI-I IJURSIIIG REPORT FOR JULY, 1955 was submitted, revievred, and- ordered
placed on file. f
I"Lialoney Avenue and 3rd Street was submitted and, by motion Dickson, seconded by
Kohler and carried, was accepted.
Income and Expense for Period June 16 to August 14, 195Et', showing Revenue to be
$23,591.33, Operating Expenses? $14,295.77, and Ket Income, $9,295.56. IJanager -
Hyde explained that the approved budget for operating the Swimming Pool had been
sjl6,060, as compared with original of $19,600.
to make the total $19,000, in order that the pool might be kept open in the after-
noon and evening, and all day Saturday and Sunday (all dependant on the weather)
until about September 15, Some considerable discussion vias had on this matter,
with regard to cutting personnel and other expenses, and Dickson then moved that
Idanager's request for an additional appropriation, to bring total to $19,000,
be granted.
too late to be paid at meeting of 11th:
Petition for the Oiling of Adam &,venue between
i.ianag er Hycl-e presented It S-t a lcment of I
He asked an additional appropriation
Llotion seconded by Kohler and carried.
Hanager Hyde presented three claims for payment, having been received
Beatson, Kelly G Montgomery - $120,699.32 - Consto Fund for Wdi /,U27 $!90&7 Lirs. Helen Jensen 32.00 - Gen. Fund if9086
Gladys I.iiller, City Treas., Iilpls. 190.75 - 1;laterworks Fund #9085
Dickson's motion that Claims be paid was seconded by Icohler and carried,
There being no further business to come before this meeting, Kohler moved for
adjournment. Motion seconded by Dickson and carried. bieeting was adj ovrned at
8:lO P.ivI.
Village Clerk