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!.:embers ans::lering Rollcall xere Bank, Dickson, Kohler, Tupa and Bredesen.
!;inUtes of the Regular I.:eeting of .iugust 11, and of that adjourned portion of
the August 11 meeting held August 18, were approved as submitted by motion
Tupa, seconded by Kohler and carried,
(Construction of Sanitary Trunk Sewer and Appurtenances including Lift Station,
and of Lateral Connections to said Trunk Sewer).
"Tfotice of Assessnent Hearing" in Edina-Morningside Courier on July 31 and
Jugust 7, 1958, v~as submitted by Clerk, approved as to form and ordered placed
on file, Tabulaticn of Assessment vas read by Lianager Hyde; total cost of
proSect being $1,410,314.43; it being proposed to levy assessment as follows:
For the property yhich can b~ immediately served by the Trunk Sever - $3035
per front foot for platted property and $675 per acre for unplatted property,
for the -- Trunk Se!:ler (fncluding Lift Station). For the property abutting the
Trunk SmJer, which is served in both Trunk and Lateral capacity by the Trunk,
95,85 per front foot in addition to the above stated Trunk Sewer Assessment, for
a Lateral Assessment.
County Road 18 north of the Roushar property (which will need an additional
"district sewer" to benefit from this present trunk seuer) Sl.10 per front
foot for platted property, and $225 per acre for unplatted property.
cases of platted property it is proposed that platted property vhich has more
than 150 feet of frontage, and winich has a deed restriction against subdivision,
v~Zll be assessed a maximum of 150 feet.
restriction against subdividing and Which is large enough to be divided into
tv:o or more legal lots will be assessed on the full frontage.
Affidavit of Fublication of
For the property north of Idine-ldile Creek or fronting on
In all
Platted property wnich has no deed
The audience for this Hearing numbered 28 persons.
Gr. John R. Loeqerinq, 6525 Tingdale Avenue, owner of Lots 16 to 13, inclusive,
Block 17, Xormandale Second .iddition (a total of 200 front feet), stated he has
been intending to put a subdivision restriction on these four lots but has not
yet done so,
would be sufficient to reduce his assessment to a total of 150 feet.
Attorney Hasselquist replied that, if the Council wishes to make this exception
it has the power so to do; but that it is always more proper to have sucl: kovenants
made in advance of formal action.
He inquired as to vrhether the placing of such restriction, nov,
Dr. Erlinq Hansen, 6526 Tingdale Avenue, inquired about the method of assessing
his property, He ot;ns Lots 5 to 10, inclusive, Block 18, Xormandale Second
Addition, abutting Tingdale Avenue; and Lots 15,16 and 17, Block IS, abutting
Rolf Avenue--w?nich latter street is proposed to be vacated; only four lots
along the street being ovmed by a contractor vinb wishes that portion of the
street improved, and it being in Park Board plans to have street vacated.
f.!anager Hyde explained that because of the Park Board plans there is considerable
merit to cancelling the proposed assessment for Lots 15, 16 and 17.
fS. Robert Ostman, 5613 County Road #18, ovmer of acreage, protested paying "for
any more than the difference in the costs of the pipe", insofar as those properties -- -- -
outside the area irrmediately benefiting by this trunk are concerned,
reminded of the Improvement Hearing, at which time this area had been natified
of the method of assessment
He vias
1.k. Clarence Ostman, 5833 Olinger Road, protested paying $675 per acre for his
property, when the area to the I!orth and !'lest pays only $225 per acre. It was
explained to him that his property can be directly served by this Trunk, vhereas
the Xorth-and-:'iest area must have an additioaal "district ser.ler" for service.
Hr. Dvorak, 5605 County Road #18, asked about assessnent relief for snamp properties,
and was inforned that s::lamp properties have been relieved from assessnent on the
same basis as for Sanitary Sewer $53; from topographical maps on hand and where
low lands can be definitely classified as "swamp" or "pond".
XrO Elmer Cerna!:, oymer of ?$ acres near i'lalnut Ridge, complained that this assess-
ment is taxing him beyond his ability to pay.
serviced by the improvement must pay for it; that assessment is proposed to be levied on a 20-year basis in order that it might be more easily paid for, 3.
Cermal: protestd he had received his mailed notice too late to get detailed
information before the Hearing,
only; that official notice v:as published weeks before the Hearing.
It was explained that the land
He was informed that mailed notice is a courtesy
i"Y. R. Bo Edwards, owner of Registered Land Survey #590, explained that a part of
his land is ready for immediate development but the balance cannot be developed for
some years,
can be developed,
but that it is not recommended because bonds have been sold and must be paid from
assessments during the 20-year term. \
He asked that assessment be deferred on the latter portion until it
Idanager Hyde explained that deferment can be legally accomplished
LIr0 H. I, I<enney, owner of 2,84 acres (275 feet) on the South side of lfl1066th
Street, inquired about deed restrictions covering unplatted properties.
explained that his acreage now has such a restriction against it.
Hasselquist told the council that deed restrictions, if the Council decides to
accept them, should be "with the village" rather than with the seller; that they
should be "permanent", to be fair to' other property owners.
Pro C,F. Hansen, 5109 W.66th St., explained that he oivns acreage just next to IJr.
Iknney's and has a deed restriction on his property against subdivision. He asked
for relief from proposed assessment on this basis.
lirs. Ostman, County Road #18, explaining that her land is not yet ready for
development, asked that the assessment for this area be lowered,
Sor? rlj scussion was had on possible deferments of assessments.
that if deferment is granted to one, the privilege of deferment would be open to
many; that this would then upset the bond payment schedule and the village must
then resort to a General Tax Levy on all taxable property in the village; that on
a project of this size it would be very dangerous to open up the matter of
Mr. Hyde explained
"Deed restriction" policy was again discussed; and Trustee Bank, remarking that
he feels that property owners have had sufficient time since the Improvement
Hearing to do everything necessary to have their properties restricted against
subdivision, offered the following Resolution and moved its adoption:
EE IT RESOLVED by the Village Council of the Village of Edina, Minnesota, as
€01 LOlVS z
It is hereby found, determined and declared that the proposed assessments
for SANITARY SEJER IMPROVEMENT NO. C-1, and each of them, have been properly calcu-
lated in accordance with the provision of Minnesota Statutes Section 412.441; that
notice has been duly published, as required by law, that this Council would meet to
hear and pass upon all objections, if any, to amend said proposed assessments as
might be necessary, and to adopi the same by resolution; that said proposed assess-
ments have at all times since their filing been open for public inspection, and
opportunity has been given to all interested persons to present their objections;
and that each of the lots, pieces and parcels of land enumerated in the respective
assessments was and is specially benefited by the construction of the improvement
for which such assessment is levied in the amount set opposite the description of
each such lot, piece and parcel of land, respectively.
pieces and parcels of land described in said respective assessments, and said pro-
posed assessments are hereby adopted and confirmed as the proper special assessments
for said improvements , respectively.
parcel, together with the interest accruing on the full amount thereof from time
to time unpaid, at the rate of five percent per annum from the date of this
resolution, shall be a lien concurrent with general taxes upon the property
described therein and all tliereof .
SEdER ATID APRTRTENAL!CES (INCLUDING LIFT STATIOIJ) shall be payable in equal annual
installments extending over a period of twenty years, the first of said installments,
together with interest'on the entire assessment from the date hereof to December 31,
1959, to be payable with general taxes for the year 1958, and one of the remaining
installments, with one year's interest on that and all subsequent installments, to be
payable with general taxes for the years 1959 through 1977, collectible in the
respective ensuing years.
S.'IrJiTARY TRTJTX SEWER shall be payable in equal annual installments extending over
a period of %en years, the first of said installments, together with interest on the
entire assessment from the date thereof to December 31, 1959, to be payable with
general taxes for the year 1958, and one of t'ne remaining installments, with one
year's interest on that and all subsequent installments, to be payable with general
taxes for the years 1959 through 1967, collectible in the respective ensuing years.
Prior to certification of the? assessment to the County Auditor, the
ovmer of any lot, piece or parcel of land assessed hereby may pay the whole of
such assessment or any installment thereof without interest to the Village Treasurer
and thereairter such payment may be made with accrued interest, to the County
Treasurer; provided that if any assessments or installments thereof be prepaid
1. I
2. The amounts so set out are hereby levied against the respective lots,
The assessments against each lot, tract, or
The total amount of each such assessment for CONSTRUCTIOIJ 0% SA1:IITARY TRU€I:
The total amount of each such assessment for LATgRAL COi'IITCTIOIJS TO SAID I
to the Village Treasurer, he shall promptly notify the \,rillage Cler!; and Ccunty
Auditor, and the assessment or installment so prepaid shall be cancelled on the
books o€ the County Auditor.
The Clerk shall as soon as may be, prepare and transmit to the County
Auditor a certified duplicate of said assessments, with each then unpaid install-
ment and interest set forth separately, to be extended upon the proper tax lists
of the County, and the County k,uditor shall thereafter cause said assessments to
be collected in the manner provided by law, Seid duplicate shall be designated
as the "ASSESSIIET ROLL FOR SE.idITXRY SEJEII II.lPKOVE~JS!T 110, C-1, and all am6unts
collected in respect of the assessments therein contained shall be similarly
designated by the County Treasurer and remitted to the Village Treasurer and by
him credited to the II'.;PEOVEI iE1E EOND RED&iFTI@It! FIU?D,
4, /
I Lka Alfred Pavelka, County Road 2J18, objected to the method of levying the
assessment for Sanitary SevJer #53; and stated he feels mailed notices shculd have
been sent out earlier.
1.3. E. C. Stow inquired as to the possibility of including the Southwest corner
of the Village for service by this trunk line; and LILT. Zikan stated that it
cannot be included.
Trustee Bank's Resolution for Adoption of Assessment was seconded by Dickson; and
on Rollcall there were Em ayes and no
Kohler, nay; Tupa, aye; and Bredesen, aye
reviewed by Council.
of a site area ~ontaining*~12,000 square feet for the first trio units plus 2,500
square feet €or each' additional unit" VJEIS read and considered.
directed a question to Planning Director Snanson as to the reason for this provision;
and Xr. Snanson explained that the present Zoning Ordinance, which provides that 30::
of the site area nay be covered, allows for 19 units per acre; that the proposed
ordinance reduces this to 14 units per acre; that the 30;": provision is standard, to
insure adequate open space around an apartment building, Trustee Tupa asked for
clarification of terms as to "land" and "building" areas, and these terms were
reviewed. ?.bo I-iosmer Brovm stated he believes there is a conflict in the terms
of the proposed Ordinance, as to the requirements of 12,000 square feet of land
area, and the requirements of floor area; and lir. E. C, Stoa protested that small
building sites are unduly penalized in favor of the larger sites.
ordinances covering multiple dwellings in Xnneapolis, St, Paul and Duluth--these
ordinances zaking provision for "graduated" zoning. 1:s. Kohler asked Era Stow if
the proposed requirement of 14 units per acre is realistic; and !ke Ston replied,
from the audience on the terms of the proposed ordinanceo
to allowance of efficiency apartments, and Xanager Hyde reports that Eichfield does
not allo?:l thein and that there are many apartments being built there,
Victorsen suggested.that it is practical to allow efficiency apartments on the
lover level to use the space made available after installation of heating plants
and utility rooms. Planning Coiriiission Chairman Todd repcrted at sone length on
the study made by the Csrmission, ctith both architects and builders, before
making recomcendations for this ordinance,
believed that Edina cculd well get along v:ithout efficiency apartments j but that
on further study it was felt that many desirable and respectable citizens (office
employees, school teachers , and even some Village employees) aauld like to occupy
efficiency apartments; and that the present recommendaticn of "not more than l@L
of efficiency apartments per building" has been the result. ,Dicl:son offered the
following Ordinance, n,oving for naiver of second reading and adoption of Ordinance
as submitted :
Ordinance, as presented at the meeting of hx~~st lE;, r:as
The Stow Company's letter of protest against the requirement
Trustee Kohler
He spoke of
$137 I,O, not at the price of land in Edina today." There were no other objections
fdapr Bredesen objected
:ko Folke
Ee stated that the Coriissicn first
I" ORDIrlN:CE I.!O 261-32
Section 1.
"Section 2. Districts Established. For the purposes of this ordinance
Section 2 of Ordinance i?o. 261 (ioning Ordinance) of the
Village, as arrended, 5s hereby 5urlher amended to read as fo1lor.i~:
the Village of Edina is divided into the following districts, and the uses of
structures and lands, the height of buildings and the area of prelslises for buildings
are to be uniform in each district.
' s/25/52 247 1. Open Development District.
2. Ihltiple Residence District,
3. Automobile Parking District.
4. Community Store District.
5. Commercial District.
6, Regional Shopping District,
7. Regional Medical District.
These districts and their boundaries are hereby established.
shall be erected br used for any purpose that does not comply with the use, height
and area regulations of the district in which such building or premises is located."
Section 2. The following sections of Ordinance f\!o. 261, as amended, shall
be, and are hereby, renumbered as follows:
Section 4 (Automobile Parking District) is renumbered Section 5;
Section 5 (Community Store District) is renumbered Section 6;
Section 6 (Commercial District) is renumbered Section 7;
Section 7 (Regional Shopping District) is renumbered Section E;
Section 8 (Regional Medical District-) is renumbered Section 9;
Section 9 (Definitions) is renumbered Section 10;
Section 10 (Administration) is renumbered Section 11.
Section 3.
PI0 building or premises
Said Ordinance No. 261 is hereby amended by adding thereto a
new Section 4, vhich shall read as follows:
"Section 4. Multiple Residence DPstrict,
1. Multiple Residence District Boundaries. The Kultiple Residence District
is established to include the following areas;
(a) All that part of Lot Two (2), Cassin's Outlots lying North of the
South seven Hundred Sixty-eight and Six Hundredths (868.06) feet of
said Lot Two (2); and
All that part of Lot Three (3), Cassin's Outlots lying IJorth of
the South One Thousand Three Hundred Twenty-two and Thir-ty-five
Hundredths (1322.35) feet of said Lot Three (3); and
Lot Four (4) Cassin's Outlots, except the South Three Hundred
Thirty-three (333.0) feet of the VJest IJinety-eight (98,O) feet
of said Lot Four (4), and except the South Three Hundred and
Eighty-three (383,O) feet of the East Two Hundred Minety-four
and Forty-eight Hundredths (294.48) feet of said Lot Four (4);
All that part of Outlot Two (2), Evans Addition except that part
of said Outlot Two (2) lying South of a line parallel to and Seven
Hundred Sixty-eight and Six Hundredths (768,06) feet IJorth of the
south line of Lot Two (2), Cassin's Outlots,
(23 in
a??- e e 22
Block 9 and Lot 1, Block 2, Stow's Edgemoor.
Specific Uses Permitted in District. The following uses are permitted,
if and when a building permit shall have been issued by the Building Inspector, and
no person shall erect, alter, enlarge, move, demolish, use7 occupy or maintain any
building, structure, improvement or premises without first having obtained such
All uses permitted within the Open Development District.
residences; one-family, two-family, and multi-family (3 or more family.)
Accessory uses customarily incidental to multi-family uses, including
private garages and parking areas for non-commercial vehicles and
laundry buildings for the use solely of t'ne residents of the building
or development and central heating facilities for the residential
building or development.
(a) Lot Area.
Restrictions on Use. A11 property zoned as Lultiple Residence District
shall be subject to the following restrictions on the use thereof:
There shall be 12,000 square feet of buildable lot area
for the first two (2) dwelling units, plus an additional 2,500 square
feet of buildable lot area for each additional dwelling unit.
Efficiency Apartments. No more than ten (10) percent of the dwelling
units in any one building shall be efficiency apartments.
The minimum floor area of an efficiency apartment shall
be not less than four hundred (400) net square feet, that of a one (1)
bedroom apartment shall be not less than six hundred fifty (650) net
square feet, and that of a two (2) bedroom apartment shall be not
less than eight hundred (800) net square feet.
three (3) or more bedrooms shall have an additional one hundred
fifty (150) net square feet of floor area for each bedroom in
excess of two (2) bedroomso
For purposes of measurement, -the net floor area of an apartment shall
mean that area within a building used as a single dwelling unit and
shall be measured from the inside of outside walls to the center of
partitions bounding the dwelling unit being measured, but shall not
include public stairways, public entrys, public foyers, public
balconies, or unenclosed public porches, separate utility roorfls,
furnace areas or roomss storage areas not within the apartment,
or garages.
(c) Floor Area.
Units containing
Heiaht of Euildinqso
I:o dr.lelling structure shall be erected to a height greater than
t~;o and one-half (ai-) stories measured at the front of the
structure except where, in the opinion of the Village Planning
Conmission and the Village Council after public hearing, the
best interests of the Village would be served by a waiver of these
a height greater than %v:o and one-half (&) stories unless a public
elevator is provided.
210 accessory buildin
Yards Remired. In the erection of any multi-family residence, the
i!o building shall be erected under this section to
shall exceed one (1) story in height.
following minimum set-backs are required from property lines.
(1) Front Yard.
A front yard set-back of thirty-five (35) feet.
Interior Side Yard.
height of the building less fifteen (15) feet, but in no case less
than fifteen (15) feet.
Rear Yard, A rear yard set-back of forty (40) feet.
Side Street. A side yard set-back adjacent to side streets equal to
the height of the building less thirty (30) feet, but in no case
less than thirty (30) feet.
(f) Distance Betueen Buildings.
An interior side yard set-back equal to the
No building shall be closer than twenty-
five (25) feet to any other building on the lot.
. (9) Lot Coveracje. Cot more than thirty (30) percent of the buildable lot
area shall be used for buildings.
There shall be provided on the lot at
least one (1) completely enclosed parking space for each dwelling unit, the location
and design of such enclosed parking space to be approved by the Planning commission
(h) Off-street Parkinq Facilities.
and the Council.
to the location and construction of accessory buildings: (i)
Accessory Buildinq Set-Backs. The following restrictions shall apply
An accessory building must be located at least twenty-five (25) feet
from the main structure if it is not attached thereto by a common
.4ccessory buildings on a corner lot must be located at least thirty
(30) feet from any side street property line.
On an interior lot, accessory buildings erected within the required
side yard of a residence street shall be at least fifteen (15) feet
from the side property line.
Accessory buildings erected within the rear yard of a dnetling
structure shall not be closer than five (5) feet to the interior
side property line.
Accessory buildings shall be erected not closer than five (5) feet
to the rear property line, except that any parking structure having
vehicle doors opening to the rear property line shall be not
closer than twenty (20) feet to said property line.
Accessory buildings may not be erected xithin a required front yard
of a residence structure except upon approval of the Planning
Ccrrmission and the Village Council.
Exteriors of accessory buildings shall have the same exterior
finish as the main structure.
The side and rear yard setback restrictions provided in this sub-
division (i) shall, not prevent the Planning Conmission and Village
Council from requiring common walls for accessory buildings !*here
said cormon wall will eliminate unsightly hazard areas.
Projections Into Open Spaces.
YJElll e
I (4)
(j) Cornices and eaves may project not to
esceed thirty (30) inches into a refIuired open space, and fireplaces and chimneys
may project not to exceed eighteen (18) inches into the required open space of any
residence structure.
thirty inches (30) inches above grade and canapies not supported by posts may
project into the front, side, or rear yard a distance of not to exceed three (3)
feet, and a bay vrindow or balcony may project into the front or side yard of any
residence structure, a distance of not to exceed three (3) feet.
accessory buildings, except that dwelling units may be permitted in basements only
:if the finished interior is of same quality as the majority of the non-basement
Section 10 (as herein renumbered) of Ordinance 1t0. 261 is
hereby amended by adding the following definitions thereta:
(k) Porches, Steps, Bay Uindows, Balconies. Entrance steps not more than
(1) Ixlo dwelling units shall be permitted in basements, cellars, or
Section 4..
"Basement" - k story partly undergound but having at least one-half (1/2)
of its height above the curb level and also one-half (1/2) of its height
abase the highest level of the adjoining ground.
counted as a story, except that a basement, the cieling of vhich does not
extend for more than five (5) feet above the curb'level or above the
highest level of the adjoining ground, shall not be counted as a storyo
A basement shall be
Vellar" - A story having more than one-half (1/2) of its heiqht below
the curb level and below the highest level of the adjoining ground.
cellar shall not be counted as a story for the purpose of height
"Dwelling Unit" - One or more rooms connected together, but structurally
divided, from all other rooms in the same structure, which together
constitute a separate, independent housekeeping unit for a permanent
residential occupancy by a family or an individual, with facilities to ~
sleep, cook and eat,
"Efficiency Apartment" - A dwelling unit consisting of one room exclusive
of bathroom, kitchen, hallway, closets, or dining alcove directly off the
principal room.
Section 5, This ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and
after its passage and publication according to law,
falotion for waiver of second reading and adoption of Ordinance as submitted was
seconded by Bank, and on Rollcall there were five ayes and no nays, as follows:
Ordinance was adopted.
Bank, aye; Dickson, aye; Kohler, aye; Tupa, d Bredesen, aye; and the
Affidavit of Publication of t!"tice of Public Hearing" in Edina-Morningside Courier
on August 14 and 21, 1958, was submitted, approved as to form and ordered placed on
lateral house connections to "Lot 3 and N1/2 of Lot 4, Block 1" and to "S1/2 of
Lot 4. and N1/2 of Lot 5, Block 1," Code's Highview Park; estimated cost being
$3,27 per Assessable Front Foot. There were no objections from the audience, and
none had been received prior thereto.
moved its adoption:
Manager Hyde told the Council that this hearing covers the provision of
Kohler offered the following Resolution and
BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the Village of Edina, F:',innesota, that this
Council heretofore caused notice of hearing to be duly published on the following
proposed improvement:
NO. 124 to the following Tracts of Land:
Lot 3 and N1/2 of Lot 4, Block 1, Code's Highview Park
S1/2 of Lot 4 and N1/2 of Lot 59 Block 1, Code's Highview Park
and at the hearing held at the time and place specified -in said notice the Council
has duly considered the views of all persons interested, and being fully advised of
the pertinent facts does hereby determine to proceed with the construction of said
improvement; that said improvement is hereby designated and shall be referred to
in a11 subsequent proceedings as an integral part of IVATERF!WIN 1~4PROVEMEI.TT NOe 124,
and the area to be specially assessed therefor shall consist of the two tracts of
land hereinbefore set forth.
Motion for adoption of Resolution was seconded by Tupa, and on Rollcall there were
AI'JARD OF BID TAKEN TODAY. - SEEDING - PARKS. Manager Hyde reported receipt of only
one bid for the 25,000 Sq. Yds. of Seeding for Parks; that of Bollig 8 Sons, Inc.,
Hopkins, at 5-07 per Square Yard, with $6.00 per hour for Tractor; $2075 for Labor;
$5.50 per hour for dump truck; and $7.00 per hour for tractor and seeder, This bid
is LO2 per square yard lower than the August 11 low bid, and Lk. Hyde recommended
that it be accepted. Motion by Tupa for acceptance of bid was seconded by Dickson
and carried.
Valley View Road, for Council action to relieve his property of its major drainage
difficulties, vias considered.
the area and that water pours into it from all sides; that the house vias built
considerably below grade, although it is the contractor's responsibility to put
the house 18" above road level. IAr, Podalinsky asked for a storm sewer, and
presented a petition, signed by only himself and his wife, for this work. He was
informed that storm sewers are most unpopular and that his neighbors will object
to paying for it,
peti.tion. He then asked for installation of a 24" culvert to replace the 15:; he
has installed,
much to solve his problem but suggested that the Engineering Department investigate
Manager Hyde explained that this is the low lot of
He admitted that he had had no success in circulating his
Manager Hyde informed him that he is doubtful that this rii11 do
358 8/25/51
to determine vhether the requested installation will be satisfactory.
that the matter be expedited. Xotion seconded by Kohler and carried.
for Extension of District Sewer, and €or Lateral Connections thereto, to serve
properties on South Blake Road, rforth of Pine Grove Road, cere received from:
1. Robert E. Zuppke, 5316 So. Blake Road - Lot 47, Auditor's Subd. f325.
2. John R. Nartmann, 5324 So. Blake Road - Lot 45, iluditor"s Subd. iY2125.
3. tliss Esther 0, iisplund, 5309 So.Blake Road - Lot 1, Block 3, Idylnood 3rd
4. Hr. Gilbert ?.I, Darkenwald, Ovmer of Lot 3, Block 3, Idylwood 3rd (5317
South Blatre Rd)
and it was noted that lir. Harlan Strong, owner of Lot 4, Block 3, Idylaood 3rd
Addition, has already paid a consumer's deposit for sewer to his lot (5321 South
Blake Road), The extension requested would be some 300 feet beyond Pine Grove
be a major addition to the contract; and Lianager Hyde reported that contractor
nil1 extend the sener at price bid for original contract. Some discussion was
had by the Council concerning this extension, inasmuch as some of these petitioners
were vehemently opposed to the improvement as originally planned.
asked to go on record as not having been opposed to the improvement.
that Sanitary District Sewer be extended, and Lateral Connections thereto be
constructed, to serve these petitioners, and as an integral part of Sanitary
Sewer Improvement PJo. 142. iilotion seconded by Dickson and carried.
Tupa moved
I Attorney Hasselquist stated that in his opinion this extension would not
Hr. Darkenmld
Kohler moved
Lewis BI $ones-.are as yet unwilling to grant a road easement for South Blake Road
Extended, they have now granted a Sanitary Sevjer Easement over the '".'Jest 33 Feet
of Tract Cy Registered Land Survey #194" so that Sanitary Sewer Improvement Xo.
142 may go forward without further delay.
Easement be accepted with thanks was seconded by Bank and carried,
trIanager Hyde reported that although Lii. and iks .
Tupa's motion that Sanitary Sewer
GUTTER, MfD SIDE'i'&LI;, SOUTI-IVIF:] LAtJE. I.:essrs. Blanche, 3ooney and inclerson wre
present to protest .the proposed improvement of Southvievr Lane. They agreed to
the necessity for Elac!:topping and Curb and Gutter, but protested the widening
of the street to 38-foot traveled roadway, on the grounds that it rill encourage
heavy traffic, and %ha-t it will take a part of their lots and thus devaluate their
property, Gcntlenen stated they felt the ?lotice of Hearing vfas incorrect in not
stating that street vridening vas contenplated in conjunction with the other
impovements. Delegation as!:ed that, if street must be widened, the widening
be done to the South of the centerline.
of the curb and gutter constructed by the school will cost considerable more
than originally conterrplated. Kohler's motion, that Council instruct the
Village IIanacjer to make a'report at the Regular I.!eeting of September*S, as to
ccnparative costs, available funds for additional ctork and other pertinent
infornation, in order that Council may decide on matter at the September Bt'n
meeting, vias seconded by Tupa and carried,
specifications are ready for several proposed improvement projects,
Fublic Hearings and Bids be scheduled for September 8, in order that rorl: might bz
I Kanager Hyde reported that the noving
Engineer Zi!:an reported that plans and
Ne asked that .
Ban': offered the following Resolution and moved its adoption :
BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the Village of Edina:
1. The Viliage Engineer, having submitted 'io the Council a preliminary report
as to the feasibility of the proposed Sanitary Sever, 3atermain and Storm Sewer
Improvements described in the Form of Hotice of Hearings set forth below, and as
to the estinatrpd cost of such improvements, said report is hereby approved and
directed to be placed on file in the office of the Village Clerk.
the Edina Village Hall, to consider in public hearings the viens of all persons -
interested in said proposed improvements.
The Clerk is hereby authorized and directed to cause notice of the time,
place and purpose of said meeting to be published in the official nevspaper once
a vieel: for two successive neeks, the second of xhich publications is to be not
less than three days from date of said meeting, vhich notice shall be in sub-
stantially the folloving form:
2. This Council shall neet on !.?onday, September e2 1958, at 7:OO POL> in
D 3,
AED §TORI.; Smms
MOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEP? that the Edina Village Council will meet at the Edina
Village Hall on I:onday, September 8, 1958, at 7:OO P.X., to consider the following
proposed improvements, to be constructed under the authority granted by Liinnesota
258 S/25/5€
Laws of 1953, Chapter 398. The approximate cost of said improvements is estimated
by the village Engineer, as set forth below: . ,*
1 . Interlachen Blvd. from cooper Avenue to Bywood West - $35,709.60
2. Interlachen Blvde from-l'/illiam Avenue to Hrvy.#169-212 - $20,523,91
1, Interlachen Elvd. from Highway #169 to summit Ave. .
Interlachen Blvde from VJilliam Ave. to 454 Ft. East $ 9,156.20 .
1. On an Easement line between Lots 3 and 4, Block 1, .
Southdale First Addn. from Cornelia Drive to 165 Ft.
On Easement line between Lots 6 and 7, Block I,
Southdale First Addn. from Cornelia Drive to 170 Ft.
On an Easement line between Lots 3 and 4, and Lots 12
and 13, Block 4, Brookline First Addn. from Ewing
- West, $- 2,482e65
Vjest. $ 2,753.10
Ave. to France Ave. . $ 3,340.65
The area proposed to be assessed for the cost of the proposed Watermain listed
under A-1 above, includes all lots and tracts of land within the following
described boundaries:
"Beginning at the NE Cor, of Lot 7, Brum's Subd.; kh. Uly to NbV Cor, thereof;
th. Nly- to ME Cor. of Lot 1, B1, 1-, \Valling*s Addn.; -tho Wy along Nly lot line
thereof and PJly lot lines of Lots 2-4 and 9-12, Block 1, Gunnar Johnson!'s
Second Re-arrangement, Rolling Green, to hM Core of Lot 2, said B1. 1; the Sly
to NI'l Core of Outlot 1, Gilwood Addn,; tho Ely .to NE Cor. thereof; the Sly to
SE Cor. thereof; the Wy to SW Cor. thereof; th. Sly to IW Cor. of Lot 6, B1, I,
Gilwood Addn.; th. SEly to NE Cor. of Lot 5, said El. 1; the SEly to SVI Cor.
of Lot 2, said B1. 1; the Sly along LUy lot line of Lot 3G, Rolling Green to
centerline of Interlachen Blvd.; th. Ely on centerline of Interlachen Blvd. to
a pt. which is 165 Ft. ~$1- of the center of Section 29, Twp. 117, ~~21; th. Sly
293.56 Ft.; the Ely 165 Ft,; the Ely to a pt. 230 Ft, Em and 186 Ft. S. of
center of said Section 29; the E. to w. line of Victorsen's East Mirror Lakes;
th; Sly to Sd Cor. thereof; th. Ely and SEly to SE Cor. thereof; th. TJ1y to
centerline of Interlachen Blvd,; the Ely to Sly extension of 8. lot line of
Lot 4, Brum's Subd.; the PIly to NIY Cor. thereof; th. P$.iJly to WJ Cor. of Lot 3,
Brum's Subd,; the Mly to Beginning."
listed under k-2 above, includes all lots and tracts of land within the follow-
ing described boundaries:
"Commencing at SV! Cor. of Lot 5, Limbacl:; the Ely to SE Cor. of Lot ?$ Limback;
the Sly to S!V Core of Lot 17, Edina Terrace; th. SELy to SE Cor. thereof; the
Ely to NE Cor. of Lot 48, Aud. Subd. No. 176; the Sl.j.;to SE Cor. of Lot 50,
Aud.Subd. No. 176; th. SWly to SW Cor. thereof; th. SNly to SE Cor. of Lot 30,
B1. 3, Grandview Hts.; the SWly along Nly R/N line of State Hvdy N69-212 to
SE Cor. of Lot 10, B1, 4, Grandview Hts.; the Wly to ST?! Cor. thereof; tho
PTly to SE Cor. of Lot lo, Bl. 1, Brookside Hts.; th. Vly to SW Cor. thereof;
th. Wly to NE Cor. of Lot 14, El. 2, Brookside Htse; the IVly to %'J Cor,
thereof, which is centerline of N-S poFtion of vacated alley in said El. 2,
Brookside Hts.; the Mly along centerline of said vacated alley to centerline
of E-VI portion of vacated alley in said gl. 2; th. YJly along centerline of said
vacated~ alley to centerline of 'Jilliam kve.; tho ffly along centerline of
'dilliam Rve. to centerline of Interlachen Blvd,; the Ely along centerline of
Interlachen Blvd. to Sly extension of E, LO~ Line of Lot 6, Block 59 Beverly
IHills; th. IUy to beginning,"
Sewer listed under B-1 above, includes the following lots and tracts.of land:
Lots 4E: and 49, Aud.Subd. No, 176; Lot 1, B1. 4, Grandview Kts.; Lots 1 and 2,
B1, 1, Broolxiide Htse; Lots 1 thru 5 incot B1, 2, Brookside Hts.; Parcels LIOO,
2010, 2205 and 2215, a11 in Sec. 28, Tcvp.ll7, R. 21,
listed under C-1 above, includes all lots and tracts of land within the
"Beginning at a pt. on Wly lot Line of Lot 1, Elop 1, Sout'ndale First Addn.;
said pte being 35 Ft. SlVly from NVJ Cor.; the PJ1y to bllV Cor. thereof; the IEly
to intersection of Sly R/W line of We66th St- and LJly R/VJ line of Cornelia Dr.;
th. SEly along Mly R/W line of Cornelia Dr. a dist. of 186.31 Ftc3 rnore or
less; tho Ely to a pte on €Wy lot line of Lot 21, B1. 2, Southdale First &ddn.,
said pt. being 94 Ft, IJEly from S"J Cor-. thereof; the SEly to a pi, on "Jly lot
line of Lot 20, said B1. 2, said pt. being 87 Ft. NEly from N'!? Cor. thereof; the
Sly to a pt. on Nly lot line of Lot 19, said EL. 2, said pt, being 57 Ft. fJE1y
from P?J Cor. thereof; th. Sly to a pt. on Sly lot line of said Lot 19, said pt.
being 90 Ft. Ely from SW Cor, thereof; the YJly to SW Cor. thereof; th. I'lly to
a pt. in Lot 5, B1. 1, Southdale First Addn,, said pt. being 77 Ft, PJly of Sly
lot line of said Lot 5 and 35 Ft, Wly of Wly right-of-way line of Cornelia Dr.;
tho Nly and IW?ly parallel to and 35 Ft. YJly of Wly R/W line of Cornelia Dr. to
pt. of beginning."
The area proposed to be assessed for the cost of the proposed Watermain I
The area proposed to be assessed for the cost of the proposed Sanitary
The area proposed to be assessed for the cost of the proposed Storm Sewer
following described boundaries 2 - ..
The area proposed to be assessed for the cost of the proposed Storm Sewer
listed under c-2 above, includes all lots and tracts of land within the following
described bcundaries :
"Beginning at a pt. on illy lot line of Lot 1, gl. 1, Duoos Re-arrangement of Lots
12,13 and 14, Bl. 2, southdale First hddn., said pt. baing 35 Ft. Ely from i,rt'J Cor.
of said Lot 1; th. Sly parallel to and 35 Ft. Ely of Ely line of Cornelia Dr. to a
pt. which- is 20 Ft. IIly from Illy line of :'].68th St.; th. Tlly parallel to and 20 ~t.
IJly of Ely line of Yi06Sth St. to Ely line of Cornelia Dr.; tho SMly to pt. on 'Jly
line of Cornelia Drive, said pt- being 64 Ft. Sly of P!E Cor. of Lot.11, B1. 1, Southdale First Addn.; th. Mly parallel to l!ly lot line of said Lot 11, a dist. of
40 Ft.; th. rIly to a pt. on Fly lot line of Lot 8, said 31. 1, said pt. being 35 Ft. vjly of Uly line of Cornelia Dr.; th. Kly parallel to and 35 Ft. Cly of the 'Jly
line of Cornelia Dr. to a pt, in Lot 5, said Bl. I, which is 77 Ft. K1.j of Sly
lot line of said Lot 5; th. Ely to a pt. on I!ly lot line of Lot 18, Bl. 2, South-
dale First Addn., said pt. being 90 Ft. ~ly from K! Cor. of said Lot-18; th. SEly
to S:'] Cor. of Lot 5, said B1. 2; th. Sly to SF/ Cos. of Lot 7, said El. 2; th.
Slly to beginning."
listed under C-3 above, includes all lots and tracts of land within the folloning
described boundaries:
"Eeginning at IIE Cor. of Lot 1, gl. 4, Brookline First- Addn.; th. Ely to a pt.
35 ~t. Ely from IT;? Cor. of Lot 13, 131. 2, Brookline First kddn.; th. Sly to a pt.
on the So lot line of Lot &, El. 2, kbercrombie kddn., a distance of 35 Ft. E. of
S'J Cor. thereof; th. :11y to a pt. on S. Lot Line of Lot 7, B1. 4, ,;,hercrombie Addn.,
a dist. of 35 F-t. 7;~. of SE Cor. thereof; the iJly to a pt, on 2. lot line of Lot, 1,
Bl, 4, Brookline First Addn., a dist.' of 35 Ft. YJ, of TIE Cor. thereof; the Ely to
beginning . 'I'
The area proposed to be assessed for the cost of the proposed Storm Sewer
Village Cler!:
1.Iotion for adoption of Xesolution vias seconded by Tup, and on Rollcall there were
Dickson offered the follosing Resolution and moved its adoption:
BE IT RESOLVED by the \.rillage Council of the Village of Edina:
The plans and specifications for the proposed Senitary Seuer, :'latermain
and Storm Sewer Inprovements set .forth in the folloving Pdvertisement for Eids form,
heretofore prepared by tiis ijillage Engineer and nou on file in the office of the
Village Clar!:, are hereby approved.
Courier -and the Construction Eulletin the following notice for bids for said
The Cler!: shall cause to be published tvice in the Edina-:;orningside ~
ITOTICE 1s I-IEREE" GIYi3: that sealed bids will be received and opened in the QffiCe
of -the Village Ilanager in the Edina Village Hall, 4E01 I'lest 50'ih Street, $t 1l:OO
X.I.I., ::onday, September 8, 1958, and that thc Edina Village Council ail1 meet at
7:CO FOX., on iionda.;, September E, 1958, to consider said bids, being for the
3. Interlachen B17.d. from Skyline Drive to 400 Ft, E.
4. Division St. from Vandervork Ave. to Ocford Ave.; Oxford 12ve. from
lalnut Drive front !':est 594- Street to Ilighaay 8169-212.
Josephine Avenue fro3 yf.64th Stc to include Lot 9, ~1- 2,
Iformandale 2nd "cldn.
Division St. to 2'30 Ft. S. of !'/.51st St.; Interlachen Blvd. frcm
. Bedford Ave. to 125 Ft. !';. of Oxford Ave.
Interlachen Rlvd. from Highuay #169 to Summit Ave. ;. Interlachen Blvd.
from ?'lilliam .4ve. to 454 I=t. E.
- 1. Oxford Ave. from Interlachen Blvd, to 330 Ft. So of V!.51st Sto
2, Interlachen 53lvd. from Cooper Ave. to Bywood YJestd
3. Interlachen Blvd. from 'Jilliam Ave. .to Highway #69-212.
c a On an Easement line from Lake Pamela Park Fond to Erookvien Avenue;
Brookview Avenue from 150 ~t. 5. of U.58th St. to C.59th St.; Through
Lake Pamela Park from YJ.59th St. and Brookvievr iive. to !'!.60th SL. and
0aklav.n Avzni-ie.
263 8/25/58
On an Easement line between Lots 3 and 4, B1. 1, Southdale First
Addn,, from Cornelia Drive to 165 Ft, 'U,
On an Easement line between Lots 3 and 4, and Lots 12 and 137
B1, 4, Brookline First Addn, from Ewing Ave. to France Fiveo
On an Easement line between Lots 6 and 7, B1. 1, Southdale First
Rddn,, from Cornelia Drive to 170 Ft. I\!.
'iJork must be done as described in plans and specifications on file in the office
of the Village Clerk.
!$l5,00, which deposit will be refunded upon return of said plans and specifi-
cations, 110 bids will be considered unless sealed and filed with the under-
signed before 11:OO A.M., Monday, September 2, 1958, accompanied by cash
deposit, bid bond or certified check payable to the Village Clerk in the
amount of at least ten percent of amount of base bid,
the right to reject any or all bids.
Plans and specifications- are available for a deposit of
The Council reserves
Village Clerk
hereby adopted as the terms and condition3 of avrarid of the contract fop said
Each and all of the terms'of the foregoing advertisement for bids are
Motion for adoption of Resolution was seconded by ICohler, and on Rollcall there
DiCkSOn, aye j Kohler, aye j
completion of special'assessments tabulations for several improvement projects,
asling that Council meet on ivlonday, September 15, to publicly hear recommendations
and objections and pass on the assessments. Bank offered the following Resolution
and moved its adoption:
BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the Villaqe of Edina as folloivs:
1. The Clerk and Engineer having calculated the proper amounts to be assessed
for the improvements set forth in the Notices of Hearings set forth below,'and the
amounts proposed to be assessed against the respective lots, pieces and parcels of
land within the districts-affected by said improvements, and said proposed assess-
ments having been filed with the Clerk, the same are hereby approved; and the Clerk
shall keep the same on file in her office and open to public inspection pending
hearings thereon as herein provided. .
notices of hearings hereinafter contained, to pass upon said proposed assessments;
and the Clcrl: is hereby authorfzed and directed to publish notice of said hearings
in the official newspaper in accordance with law, in substantially the following
forms :
2. This Council shall meet at the time and place specified in the forms of
EOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Council .of the villaqe of Edina will meet at I
the Village Hall on Llonday, September 15, 1958, at 7:OO o'clock P.I.I., to hear and
pass upon all objections, if any, to the proposed assessment for the following
and open to public inspection.
54th St. to a point one-tenth of a mile South of yjest 62nd St, by:
This assessment is now on file in the office of the Village Clerk
1 STREET I~~IPROVEMENT 1\10. 52 - The improvement of France Avenue from 'Jest
a 1, Uidening said street to a traveled-Roadway width of fourty-four (44) feet.
2. Construction of concrete paving.
3. Construction of concrete curb & gutter, .
The area proposed to be assessed for the cost of the above improvement includes
Related drainage appurtenances, in and abutting said portion of said street,
all lots and tracts of land abutting France Avenue from Vest 54th St. to a point
one-tenth of a mile south of Vio 62nd Street.
consecutive annual installments over a period of ten years7 with first year payable
with taxes for the year 1958 collectible in 1959, with interest on the entire
assessment at the rate of 5;: per annum fromthe date of the resolution levying the
assessment to December 31, 1959.
interest at the same rate for one year on all unpaid installments.
of the assessment without interest to the Village Treasurer before 12 o'clock noon
on December 31, 1958 or make pafment 'with accrued interest to County Treasurer.
!?ssessment for, Street Improvement fdo. E-2 will be payable in ten equal
To each subsequent installment will be added
The mmer of any property assessed for the above improvement may pay the whole
Village Clerk
YJATEFWdF! ILiPROVE:lE?iT 120 ( PIOTICE IS KEXEBY GIVER that the Council of the Village of Edina nil1 meet at
the ?rillage Half- on I.:onday, September 15, 1958 at 7:OO o'clock P.L, to hear ,and
pass upon all objectians, if any, to the proposed assessments for the following
Clerk and open to public inspection.
in France Avenue from existins ;.ianhole at easement (132 Ft. North of Halifax
These assessments are now on file in the office of the lrillage
SXfITXX SEER II:F;O?UZIET t!O. 1.24 - Construction of Sanitary Lateral Sewer
- Avenue) to 280 Fto IJorth.
all lots and tracts of land as follow:
The area proposed to be assessed for the cost of said improvement includes
EDIKA BEL AIR S1:CTI-i .XXXTIOI! - Block 1, Lots 11, 12 and 13
THE PITIES - Lots 1, 2 and 3
SAI41,TITAEZ'I SE!ER KPI?OIIEI.~B!T KO* 125 - Construction of Sanitary Lateral Sexr
in France Avenue from 'J. Fuller Street to 190 Ft. I!.; and in France Avenue from
I7. Fuller St. to 3GO Ft. S. of 17. 55th St.
Tine area proposed to be assessed for the cost of said improvement includes
all lots and tracts or" land as Eollo~is:
Sec. 19-28-24. - Parcels ;'63829, 6800 c 6300
Sec. 20-23-24 - Parcel #1600
ELIXOD TEI-7,W.E - Glock 1, Lots 1 and 2; Block 2, Lots 1 thru 6, incl,
IVWDALE PA?!: - Block 4, Lots 7 and E.
XQDBURY PLX - Parcel #&IO0 in Block 5; Parcel ,'SL].GOO in Block 5.
S.Li:ITA?Y SEE? iZF3Y!E?XT I:@. 126 - Construction of Sanitary Lateral Sewer
in France Avenue fron I'1.62nd Sto to :'!.64th St., and in Evans Addition.
The area proposed to be assessed fer the cost of the above improvement
includes all lots and tracts of land as follows:
Shc. 29-21-24 - Parcels $3600, 4000, 4810, 84.00 and. €800.
EVU!S .4DDITIOi! - Eloc!: 1, Lots 1 thru 13, incl; Bloc!: 2, Lots 1 thru G,incl;
Bloc!: 3, Lots 1 and 2,
FEXEDALE XEES - Eloc?: 1, Lots 1 thru 8, incl.
YN'EX.LAIlI IT3K@!Er3X I!@, 120 - :;'ater connections installed in France .",venue
fron Y.54th St. to C.64-th St,
The area proposed to be assessed for the cost of said connections includes
all lots and tracts of Land as follows:
Sec.19-28-24 - Parcels $3329, 6E00 and 6900.
Sec.20-28-24 - Parcel ,'!l6OQ.
ERCCNZIiIE FIRST ADDX. - Block 4, Lots 11 thru 14, incl.
COLOIIIAL GROVE TIHIRD ADD;!. Bloc!: 7, Lots 1, 2 and 3.
EI.T:!COD TEX:::,SE - Bloc!: 1, Lots 1 and 2; Block 2, Lots 1 thru 6, incl,
ELI.XCOB TE2..ZLCE SEIZ0iID - Block 1, Lot 1.
IVAI!DfLE FhM: - Eloc!: 4, Lots 7, t? and 9.
:'IQODEURS PL?X - Sloc!: 4, Lot 5; Block 5, Lots 1,2,3 and 4.
Assessments for the above improvements will be payable in ten equal consecutive
ZnnUal installnents Over a period of ten years, v;itb first year payable vLth tams
for the year 1955 collectible in 1959, with interest on the entire assessment at
the rate of 5:: per annum fram the date of the resolution levying the assessment
to December 31, 1959.
€03: one year en all unpaid installments.
The owner of any property assessed for the above improvements may pay the
vhole of the inprovenent aithout interest to the Village Treasurer before 1.2 o'clocl:
noon on December 31, 1955 or ma!:e payment with accrued interest to the County
To each subsequent installment t.rill be added interest at 5;:
Village Clerk
i~7;~,~ ERI~AII !
I:OTICE IS HEREBY GIVEil, that the Council of the Village of Edina vrill neet
at the Village Hall on !."onday, September 15, 1958 at 7:00 o'clock P.I.!,, to hear
and pass upon all objections, if any, to the proposed assessment for the follow-
ing improverrent.
Clerk and open to public inspection.
I'h4TERI.YdII It:PXC?lrEI.EI;T i!O. 125 - Construction of Village Em Trunl: ::'atermain
and appurtenances in 'J.70th St. from existing main (550' E. of Cornelia Drive) to
France Etve.; and in France ;be. from U.69th St. to N.7Oth St.
The area proposed to be assessed for Trunk :'laterpain and appurtenances
includes all lots and tracts of land within the following described boundaries:
"Comencing at a pt. on centerline of Y1.70th St., vtnich pt. is 145 Ft. !7=
of centerline of France kse.; th. sly to a pt. on centerline of V.72nd SL., which
pt. is 145 Ft. YJ. of centerline of France Ave.; th. !'Dy along centerline of :;'.72nd
St. and its extension to S:'? Cor. of E. 30 rods of IW1/4 of €IE1/4 of Sec.31,T.28,
R.24; th. T!ly along '.'J. line of said E. 30 rods of 131/4 of KE1/4 to centerline of
'2.70th St.; th. Ely along said centerline to pt. of beginning."
I This assessment is now on file in the office of the Village
8/25/58 255 The area proposed to be assessed for Lateral connections to said Trunk I
Watermain includes all lots and tracts of land abutting the Mest side of
France Avenue from C’lest 69th Street to ?yest 70th Street.
equal consecutive annual installments over a period of ten years, with first
year payable with taxes for the year 1958 collectible in 19599 with interest
on the entire assessment at the rate of 5;; per annum from the date of the
resolution levying the assessment to December 31, 1959.
installment will be added interest at the same rate for one year on all
unpaid installments.
The owner of any property assessed for the above improvement may pay the
whole 02 the assessment without interest to the Village Treasurer before
12 o’clock noon on December 31, 1958 or make payment with accrued interast to
the ~ounty Treasurer.
Assessments for Watermain Improvement No. 125 will be payable in ten
To each subsequent
Village Clerk
HOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEP:, that the Council of the Village of Edina will
meet at the Village Hall on I.londay, September 15? 1958, at 7:OO POLL, to hear
and pass upon all objections, if any, to the proposed assessments for the
following improvements.
the Village Clerk and open to public inspection.
SAPTITARY SEYJER 183. 139 - Construction of Sanitary Lateral Sewer and
Appurtenances in :
1. Heatherton Trail from VJ.70th St. to iJavelle Drive;
2. Bristol Blvd, from VJ.70th St. to Mavelle Drive;
3. Sandell Rve, from yi.70t’n St. to Lynrnar Lane;
4. I.lavelle Drive from Iieatherton Trail to Lynnar Lane;
50 Lynmar Lane from 7.’1,70th St. to Xavelle Drive,
The area proposed to be assessed for the cost of the above improvement
These assessments are now on file in the office of
includes all lots and tracts of land abutting the above described streets,
WP.TERIZP,II! IItPROVEIIIEPT NO. 126 - Construction of Village Lateral JaLermain
l. Heatherton Trail from ~~70th St, to Flavelle Drive;
2, Bristol Blvd. from ;~.70th St, to Kavelle Drive;
3. Sandell Avenue from v1.70th St. to Lynmar Lane;
5. Lynmar Lane from TJ.70th St. to A’lavelle Drive.
The area proposed to be assessed for the cost of the above improvement
appurtenances in:
Mavelle Drive from Heatherton Trail to Lynmar Lane;
-- includes all lots and tracts of land .abutting the above described streets.
payable in three equal consecutive annual installments over a period of three
years, with first year payable with taxes for the year 1958 collectible in
1959, with interest on the entire assessment at the rate of 57< per annum from
the date of the resolution levying the assessment to gecember 31,.1959, To
each subsequent installment will be added interest at the same rate for one
year on all unpaid installments.
the bvhole of the assessment without interest to the Village Treasurer Zde” I ore
12 o’clock noon on December 31, 1958 or ma6e payment with accrued interest to
the Cciunty -Treasurer.
Xssessments for Sanitary Sewer No. 139 and ?‘!atcrmain Noe 126 will be
The owner of any property assessed for the above improvements may pay
Village Clerk
VOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Council of the Village of Edina will meet
at the Village Hall on Llonday, September 15, 1958 at 7:OO o’clock P.lL9 to hear
and pass upon all objections, if any, to the proposed assessment for the follow-
ing improvement.
Clerk and open to public inspection.
Appurtenances in:
This assessment is now on file in the office of the Village
S,WITARY SEYER LIOe 140 - Construction of Sanitary Lateral Sewer and
1. Brook Drive from exist. Trunk ILH. Ee of Limerick Lane to Y1. end of
Brook Drive, to serve Lot 19, ~l. 1, LaBuena Vista,
2, Limerick Lane from ~.68th St. to 13~~70th s*L-
’3. Hillside Lane from :7.66th St. to Limerick Lane.
% Galway Drive from Brook, Drive to 1:~068th St.
5. McGuire Ed. from Bropk Drive to VJ.68t.h St. (To serve Lot 18, B1. 1,
LaBuena Vista) e
6, YJ06Eth St, from Galway Drive to Antrim Road, 7; YJ070th St. from Limerick Lane to Antrim Road. 8- Antrim Road from ~068th ste to \lro70th St. 9. Chapel Drive from Antrim Rde to Chapel Lane.
10. Chapel Lane from Chapel Drive to Valley View Road.
The area praposed to be assessed for the cost of thhe above improvement includes 256
all lots and tracts of land abutting the streets improved.
FOR i:O. 1 TE2U 8 id3VE - Assessments for Sanitary Sewer ITo. 140 ai11 be pay-
able in ten equal consecutive annual installments over a period of ten years, with
on the entire assessmnt at the rate of 5;; per annum from the date of the reso-
lution levying the assessment to December 31, 1959.
, first year payable uith taxes for the year 1958 collectible in 1959, with interest
.will be added interest at the same rate for one year on all unpaid installments.
FOR KO. 9 RID 10 AEOVE - Assessments for Sanitary Secer 120. 140 nil1 be pay-
able in three equal consecutive annual installments over a period of three years,
nith first year payable uith taxes for the year 1958 collectible in 1959, with
interest on the entire assessment at the rate of 55 per annum from the date of the
resolution levying the assessment to December 31, 1959.
ment will be added interest at the same rate for one year on all unpaid installnents,
The owner of any property assessed $or the above improvement may pay the whole
of the assessment v;i-thout inlerest to the Village Treasurer before 1-2 e'clooI: noon
on December 31, 1958 or make paynent'with accrued interest to the County Treasurer.
To each subsequent installment
To each subsequent install-
Village Clerk
KOTIGE IS HEFSEY GIVE!, that the Council of t'ne Villaqe ef Edina ui11 meet at
the VilS-age Hall an ;.:onday, September 15, 1958 at 7:OO o'ciock F,L, to hear and
pass upon all objections, if any, to the proposed assessment for the following
open to public inspeciion,
and >.ppurtenances in:
-1 inis assessnent is nor? on file in the office of the Village Clerk and
S.U!ITARY SE:'%R I:!PZOVEiE:!T i:@. 141 - Construction of Sanitary Lateral Swer
2. Slryline 3x. frori Interlachen Blvd. to 5116 Skyline Dr.;
4.- !'!est Ro2d.
The area prcposed to be assessed for the cost of the abova irprovement
includes all lots and tracts of land as follovrs:
Incl.; and Lot 2E.
ilssessments for Sanitary Secrer Improvement ?lo. 14.1 nil1 be payable in ten
equal consecutive annual installments over a period of ten years, with first year
payable viith taxes for the year 1956 collectible in 1959, with interest on the
entire assessnent a'c the rate of 5:: per annun fron the date of the resolution
levying the assessmnt to necernbcr 31, 1959.
Interlachen 31vcl. frcx existing LI-1. !'lest of S?;y.!ine Drive to S!:yline Dr,;
3. Blossom CCU~~;
Lots 3, 5 and 6; Lots 8 thru 12, Incl.; Lots 20 'ihru 25,
I To each subsequent installr.mt v5ll
added i-nterest at the same rate for one year en all unpaid installments*
The owner of any property assessed for the above improvement nay pay the vhole
the assessment :;'ith~ut interest to the riillagc Treasurer before l2 0' cloc!: noon
December 31, 1952 CQ nal:e palzent with accrued intorest to the County Treasurer.
Village Clerk
the Village Hall on ;.'.onday, September 15, 1958 at 7:QO orclock P.L, to hear and
pass upon all objections, if any, to the proposed assessment for the follmring
improvement, This 8ssessra-k is noa on file in the office of the Village Clerk and
I open to public inspection,
SAEITARY SEJET: 112PZQ~!Z.~E!!T IIO. 144 - Construction of Sanitary Lateral Sener
and Appurtenances in 'J.59th St. from Tingdale Ave. to Code he.
The area proposed to be assessed for the cost of the above imprevemnt includes
all lots and tracts of land abutting the street improved.
Assessments for Sanitary Sec.er 110. 144 will be payable in ten equal consecutive
annual installments over a pericd of ten years, with first year payable r;.i-Lh taxes
for the year 1958 collectible in 1959, with interest on the entire as'sessment at the
rate of 5:; per annum from thhe date of the resolution levying the assessment to
December 31, 1959. To each subsequent installnent cill be added interest at the
same rate for one year on all unpaid installments.
The ov.ner of any property assessed for the above improvement nay pay the whole
of the assessment vrithou-t interest to the Village Treasurer before 12 o'clock noon
on December 31, 1958 or make paymnt with accrued interest to the County Treasurer.
Village Clerk
257~ 8/25/58
IIOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that the Council of the Village of Edina will meet at
the Village I-Iall on Lionday, September 15, 1958 at 7:OO o'clock PJI., *to hear and
pass upon all objections, if any, to the proposed assessment for the following
Clerl: and open to public inspection.
SAI!ITARY SF?VER IF4FROVEIvEIJT NO, 147 - Construction of Sanitary Lateral Sewer
and Appurtenances in South Knoll Drive from Blake 2oad to Schaefer Road,
The area proposed to be assessed for the cost of the above improvement
includes all. lots and tracts of land as follows:
PAR€:VEOD KIIOLLS FIFTH ADDITIOPJ - Block 1, Lots 7 thru 12, incl.; Block 2,
PAFKVJOOD KIfOLLS SIXTH ADDITION - Block 1, Lots 1, 2 and 3,
SAI~!ITARY SEW3 1l.lpROVEIiEFIT 110. 148 - Construction of Sanitary Lateral Sewer
The area proposed to be assessed for the cost of the above improvement
FAWJ'KIOD KNOLLS FIFTH ADDITIOIY - Block 1, Lots I and 3 thru 6, incl. j
PAXY@OD KNOLLS SIXTH ADDITION - Block I, Lots 4 thru 9, incl,
.2ssessments for Sanitary Sewer No. 147 and No. 148 will be payable in ten
equal consecutive anhual installments over a period of ten yearsg ni'ih first year
payable with taxes for the- year 1958 collectible in 1959, v!ith interes-t on the
entire assessment at the rate of 5,.,' per annum from the date of the resolution
levying the assessment to December 31, 1959.
uill be added interest at the same rate for one year on all unpaid installments.
The owner of any property assessed for the above improvements may pay the
whole 02 the assessmentwithout' interest to the \]illage Treasurer before 12 0' clock
noon on December 31, 1958 or make paymeni with accrued interest to the County
Tre a surer .
T~ese'assessm'ents.are nbw on file in the office of'the Village
Lots 1 'chru 5, incl.; Block 3, Lots 1 and 2.
and Appurtenances in Knoll Drive from Elake Road to 740 Ft. !*jeste
includes all lots apd tracts of land as follows:
To each subsequent installment
Village Clerk
I'OTICE IS HE5EEY GIVEM, that the Council of the Village of €dim will meek at
the Village Hall on IIonday, September 15, 1958 at 7:OO o'clock P.fI., to hear and
pass iqon all objections, if any, to the proposed assessment for the following
and open to public inspection.
Appurtenances in 2
This assessment is now on file in the office of !he Village Clerk
'YlATErJ!AI~I 11"1P!?OVEI.IEIT P!O. 128 - Construction of Lateral I'latermain and
I.. Limerick Lane from W.6Eth St. to ~1~70th St.;
2. Cal-\?ay Drive from l'J.68th St. to Brook Drive;
3. Hillside Lane from Wo68th St. to Limerick Lane;
4. LlcGuire Road from Brook Drive to 1'1.69th st.;
5. Elrook Drive from I"J.59th St. to approx. 150 FL, S. of 1:orth Line of
LaEuena Vista P,ddn;
'1. !'!.68th St. from Limerick Lane to Antrim Rd; f.' !'I.G9th St, from LicGuire Road to Antrim Road;
5. Easement line located approx. 150 Ft. S. of 11. line of LaEuena Vista
Addition - Brook Drive to Ridgeview Drive;
9. Chapel Drivs from Antrim Road to Chapel Lane;
10. Chapel L$ne from Chapel Drive to Valley View Road,
The area proposed to be assessed for the cost of the above impkovement includes
Fn? I!O. 1 TMRU 8 AB3VE - Assessments for a Watermain iJo. 128 will Jx payable
i '
all lots and tracts of land abutting the streets improved.
in. ten equal consecutive annual installments over a period of ten years, with first
year payable with taxes for the year 1958 collectible in 1959, wt-th interest on
the entire assessment at the rate of 5;; per annum from the date of the resolution
levying the assessment to December 31, 1959.
be added interest at the same rate for one year on all unpaid installments.
FOR IJO. 9 AIJD 10 A~VE - Assessments for Watermain IJo. 128 will be payable in
three equal consecutive annual installments over a period of three years, with
first year payable with taxes for the year 1958 collectible in 19599 with interest
on the entire assessment at the rate of 5% per annum from the date of the reso-
J-ution levying the assessment to December 31, 1959. To each subsequent installment
will be added interest at the same rate for one year on all unpaid installments.
The owner of any property assessed for the above improvement may pay the vilnole
of the assessment without interest to the Village Treasurer before 12 o'clock noon
on December 31, 1958 or make payment with accrued interest to the County Treasurer.
To each subsequent installment
Village Clerk
258 .- "I 9-T-r. I r ..1.1 CLd.fP,II! I::PK@~.EI:Ei?T ID. 129
1 IJQTICE. IS HZZEEY GIVE;!, that the council of the Village of Edina vfill meet
a'c the Village Hall on FIonda'y, 5eptember 15, 1952) at 7:OO o'clock P.I;., to Iiear
and pass upon all objections, if any, ,to the proposed assessment for the fo1lor.1-
Clerk and open to public inspection.
This assessment is now on file in the office of the village
'."IAl'EXIfi~IP! Ii.;PF;OVEI.EiT i:Q, 129 -
I. Construction of Village Trun!: ','latermain and appurtenances in: - __ Interlachen Blvd. from 'Jilliam Avenue to Cooper Avenue.
2. Lateral :'latermain conneckions to said Trunk.
3. Construction of Village Lateral Yiatermain and Appurtenances in:
Cooper Avenue from interlachen Blvd. to Orchard Lane;
Orchard Lane
Skyline Drive, :'!est Road and Blossom Courto
KO. 1 AEOVE - The area proposed to be assessed for the cost of the Trunk I'latermain
and appurtenances includes all lots and tracts of land within the boundaries
hereinafter set forth: "Beginning aL iIU Cor. of Lot 1, Erum's Subd.; th,Ely
to IE Cor. thereof; the Ely to 147 Cor. of Lot E;, B1. 1, Hilldale; th. Ely,
IISly and SEly along illy lot lines to tE Cor. thereof; the Ely to SE Cor. of
Tract "C", El. 1, Hilldale; th. Illy to I!'XCor. of Lot 2, B1. 1, Beverly Hills;
tho Ely to ;!E Cor, of Lot 2, %lo 3, Beverly Hills; th. Sly to S1 Cor, or" Lot 2,
El, 5, Beverly Hills; the Ely to SE Cor. thereor"; th. Sly along E. line of said
Bl. 5 to centerlln? of interlachen Blvd,; 'ch. 'Jly along said centerline to
centerline of !'!illi8m .'.ve.; tho Sly along said centerline to El17 extension of
S lot line 01 Lot l, El. 3, Broo!:side Kts.; th. Yly to SJ Ccr. of Lot 3,
31. 3; the 1: to I:.': Cor. thereof; th ','!ly to i!E Cor. of LQ~ 1, El, 4-, Erool:side
I-Itts,; th. sly to SE Car. thereof; th TI. 130.68 Ft. to centerline of i:-S
Alley in El. 4.; th sly on centerline of said Alley to 7ya5lst St,; th .:!ly on
centerline of :'I 51st S'c. to 3 line of El/4 of %l/4 of Sec. 29-117-21: bh.
Sly to the S line of 1:21/4 of SEl/4 of Sac. 29-127-21; th !'!l-y to S:! Car, of
?b!El/4 of S3/4 cf Sec, 29-117-21; th I!ly along I'I line of said i!Zl/4 of SEl/4
to centerline of Interlachen Blvd,; th Ely along centerline or" Interlachen
Blvd. to Sly extensictn of I'! lot line of Lot 4, Brum's Subd. 5 th i'ly along I!
line to IX Cor. thereof; th T3ly to the IT;] Cor. of Lot 3, Ervm's Sulscl,; th.
Xly to beqinning."
connections to s3id Trunk Y!aternaln are as follows:
§ECm 29, i.117, X, 21 - Parcels &000, 6200 and 6400,
I-IILLB'LZ - Eloc!: 1, Lots 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 8.
ESVELY I-KLLS - Bloc!; 1, Lots 7 and 8; Elock 4, Lots 8 and 10,
BE?EWI IIILLS SE2O;ID - Bloc!; 1, Lots 2 and 3.
BF,COI<SID? MEIG-TS - 8lock 3, Lots l9 2 and 3; Block 4, Lots 1, 2, 3, 4. and 5;
i:Q, 2 JiEOVE - The lots'and tracts of land proposed to be assessed for the Lateral
bloc!^ 5, Lot 1.
110. 3 Ai33LE - The lots and tracts of land proposed to br. assessed for the Lsteral a
-:Takermain constrrrction are as Eollo:.rs :
B2UI:'S SIiBDiVISIc?:! - Lots 2, 3 and 4.
YEPLAT 07 LOTS 6 C 7 .'J!D PAX OF LOT 1, ELOCI: 1, HILLD.'ILE - Lots 1 and 2.
SI?fLIi!E :.D3ITIC:! - ?,ll lots in Skyline Addition ezeept Lots 4,7,25 and 27,
Assessrzents for '' .latermain I!o. 129 will be payable in ten equal. consecutive
annual installments over ;I period of ten years, nith first year payable :.!ith taxes
for the year 19% collectible in 1959, with interest on thz entire assessment at the
rate of 5:'; per annum from the date of the resolution lesying the assessrent to
Dece~ber 31, lft59.
sane rate for one year on all unpaid installments.
The o1:ner of any property assessed for the above improvement nay pay the t4iole
of the assessment r:lithcut tnterest to the Village Treasurer before 12 o'cloc?: noon
on December 31, 1958 or ma!:e payment with accrued interest to the County Treasurer.
To each subsequent installment will ba added interest at the
Village Clerk
:.:otion for adoption of Fesolution vias s
five ayes and no nays, as follnns: Eanl:, a
and Bredesen, aye; and the 2esolution vas a I
dated iagust 21; for payment, also, to Karl Krahl Excavating Co. from Parks Const.
Fund, in mount of $7,003.20,;c.as seconded by Kohler and carried:
$12,568-46; Construction Fund, $179,559.29; Park, Park Constr. & Park Sinking Funds,
$17,098.00; :'!atercor!;s Fund, 519,175.04; Liquor Fund, 227,767.79; Seuer Rental Fund,
$16,247.73; Inprsvement Funds, $437,239.97 - Total Pre-List, $709,656.28.
Dickson moved for payment of the following Claims, as per Pre-List
General Fund,
BUCGET FOR YEAX 1959 ms presented by Lianager Ilyde for Council consideration.
Tupa' s notion for adj ournment vas second d at lO:l5 POL?. Village Clerk