HomeMy WebLinkAbout19580908_19580915_regular_adjourned9%15%58 T Y 5 MINUTES OF THE ADJOURNED PORTION OF THE SEPTEMBER 8TH REGULAR MEETING OF THE EDINA VILLAGE COUNCIL, HELD MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 15, 1958, AT 7 :00 P.1,&, AT THE EDINA VILLAGE HALL Members,answering Rollcall were Bank, Dickson, Kohler, Tupa and Bredesen. RECOGNITION? OF RET-IREbIENT OF MR. MATT MERFELD FROP4 VILLAGE E14PLOY. Mayor Bredesen publicly thanked P:Ir. Matt 11erfeld, employee of the Public ?'Iorl:s Department since 1936; Charter Member of Volunteer Fire Department, and Night Dispatcher for the Fire Department for many years, for his loyal service to the community during these many years, wishing him well on the occasion of his retirment from Village service. A PUBLIC HEA�INiGS OI,I PROPOSED ASSESSMENTS. Clerl: presented Affidavits of Publication in Edina- ; :orningside Courier ;',.ugust 28, and September 4, 19518, of "I'Totices of Assessment Hearings ", which affidavits were approved as to form and orderad placed on file. Pursuant to said Notices the following Public Hearings ware conducted, and Council action was taken as hereinafter -recorded. 1. Pi1L'LiC IIEIt1 _GOP? PF�OPC}SED ASSESSF:IENIT FOR STREET II:IPROVEialEi,'T 1,!0. E -2 - FF,fA�I'ICE ,VEI?U� Fr:0i:'i 1�1e54T',T STREET TO A POIhdT 1/10 MILE SOUTH OF ?7.60 I ?D STREET - .'JIDLP'iP:G SAID ST "LE— 77 TO 1'' TRAVELED 7,OAD''IAY 'NIDTIT OF 44 FEET.- CONTSTRUCTi017 OF COIi'. ETF P.'',,VII'G TIIERiITT: CON ?ST ^LrCTION OF CONCRETE CURB AND GUTTER THEREIN: AND COI ?STRUCTIOi' OF ,DEL r�.TED D!_'AIT?AGE APPURTEPiA1%TCES IN ANdD ABUTTING SAID PORTION OF Sf'.ID STREET ,'.Ianager Hyde reported the Tabulation of the Costs of the Improvement, as follows t J IJIDEN IEG CUnE I P: VIN?G, ETC. BRIDGE GUTTER TOTAL HE1",I711: C +tUIHY $95,690.46 $18,730.00 ':P114,420.46 WILL r Gi SITf��.r,E (including ` Capitelized Interest, Clerical Charges, etc.) 107,124.35 9,365000 124,525.89 141 015.24 TOT,J7 $2029814.61 X28,095.00 $24,525.189 :255,435.70 I-Ie roviewed for the Council the proposal made at the Improvement hearing, with regard to the Village Share of the cost of this improvement, to assess CorTfunity Store Px:ororties the full cost per front foot for both Paving and Curb and. Gutter and to assess Residential properties for 1/3 the cost per front foot for paving (on the pr;smise ';;lair this assessment would be ecp3al to the assessment for a regular b1_tci:topped street) and the full cost per front foot for curb and gutter. Estimated Cosi, as given at Improvement Hearing was $10.50 per front foot for Paving for C.or,r-unity Store properties; $3.50 per front foot for paving for Residential propeerties end $2.10 per front foot for curb and gutter for all properties. I.Sanager Hyde informed the Council that the assessment had been calculated, on this basis, to produce an Assessable Front Foot Cost of ;9.55 per front foot for paving for Community Store; 13.19 per front foot for paving for residential, and _2.22 per -front foot for curb and gutter for all properties malting a total assessment of :;9.55 against Community Store and $5.41 against -Presidential properties- - That, as of only today (after mailed notices had gone out, showing the assessment cost as hereinbefore set forth) it had been discovered that a stretch of France Avenue, involving some 550 lineal feet south of this improvement, had been erroneously included in the assessment roll; and that, therefore, the proposed front footage assessment should be amended, as the Council determines, either to conform i %ritil the originally proposed method of assessment (which would raise the assessable cost to 5`2.47 per front foot for Curb and Gutter; X3.54 for Residential, '11.26 for Community Store, for Paving); or, if the Council so determines, to the Estimated Cost given at the Improvement ;Tearing (which would mean that the General Fund of the Village will assume $4,910 more of the Improvement Cost that originally proposed). On this latter basis, the General_ Fund will bear ;70,967.95 for the -,.- mgr X9,355.00 for the Bridge, as was originally proposed; and $4,163.24 for the Curl? and Gutter, for a Total General Fund cost of $84,496.19, and properties abutting France Avenue will be asses -sed a total of $46,519.05, to male up Edina's 1141.,015.24 of the $255,435.70 Improvement. `.ttorney A.E.I :Taag, 1020 Rand. Tower, representing several France Avenue property Qviners, spa ?,e in opposition- to the assessment. He stated that the paving has made France Avenue a literal race track - -a busy speedway and thoroughfare where traffic is e:;treme_ly heavy; and people who live on the street, w1ho try to turn into their garages, are held up for a considerable period of time before they can get into their own garages. He told the Council that cement and sand trucks owned by concerns at the lower and of France Avenue use the strest constantly,- that the 1_111c is terrifically noisy; and that now the speed limit ! ni ll be increased to ^511.117,'T. 1 :1 . Ilaag stated that this is no longer a residential community; that these people not -r live adjacent to a highs ^gay; that they are now boing asI_ec- to pay for the {evaluation of their property; that property has been devaluated from thirty to thirty -five- percent as a result of this improvement; that the people he is -rep - resenting feel very strongly that they should not be called upon to pay for the depreciation of their own propexty. T -icn s ic Y27I 7rz:,nco,, told the Council he purchase,--I his, ho:7,e 1 1 five yalrs c9 '')r -0 is s er, after having had the house for sale for a long tide, he received one offer of $20,COO; that values of homes 1 16 - alonq the pave' street have gone down; that residents -Lceei this is not- a just assessment, an�, that they should not have to pay for a highway riven they have alree-ely suff2re6k in the devaluation of their homes. ,,xs. Becher, 159th and France, called council's attention to t'.'Io blind spots at intersections of ,'.58th and '.':.60th streets .Ath France Avenue. She asked that the speed of trucks be restricted to 25.'-,P ,'r1. i.',aycr Bredesen e-x-plainsd that the speed limit has recently been increased to 35 at the recoromendetion of the police departmen-IC, after a survey showing that 85 percent of the vehicles along this stretch travel 35..IFJ, or slower; that it is better to establish a realistic speed limit and be able to enforce it, than it is to attempt to enforce an unrealistic speed limit. !,*r. C.H. Jensen, 57 ,,Tcodiand Circle, objected that the France ilvenue improvement is adding nothing to any of the abutting properties; and that there is no reason r.,hy these properties should have to pay for any part of it. ,ayor Eredesen explained that the proposed assessment is not for the full cost of- the paving; that it is corLmensurate with the cost which any property owner in the Village would pay for the improvement of his street by Construction of ordinary Village Blacktop Surfacing and Concrete Curb and Gutter. ,,Lr. Simons, 3901 Grimes Lane, complained that abutting property owners had had no choice of the ',ps of improvement they wanted for France .`,venue; that there is a great desl of traffic on the street, now, that never used France Avenue before it was paved. I-'r. Robert Stichney, 5820 France, explained that his application for a mort- gage on his property had been denied for the reason that the property had deteriorated so in value that the mortgage company could not allow as much as if the home were located else-.-.hero. He stated he has no objection to paying 0 legitimate ta.x, but believes the assessment should be sproad over a considerably larger area. Ile was reminded that the Village General Fund, and Eonnopin County, are bearing more than 80,)' of the cost of the improver: ient; that property owners are being asl:eJ to pay, riot for paving, but for an amount equal to the cost of an ordinary blac!-.toppina project., ,.Irs. Virginia Deard, owner of property on 55th and France, reminded Council that she had been unable to sell her two lots residentially, due to France :!,venue's being such a speedos,. Ls. Lee Paris, 59 ',7oodland Circle, told the Council his property backs up to France j"venue, and has no particular benefit of the street. Attorney aeg stated that it does not matter r4-,ether property owners are being assessed for an orr-3inor, blacl:top job or for something elsei that the fact is that i-:Tiat has been put through rough has destroyed the value of the obutt—', nc C properties; that., ncw, the, are being called upon to bear further contribution to the very thing which -has destroyed their values. -xrs. Stane':, 30--,20 ;i.55 -h Street, asked i%,li eil-h er, prop or ty owners mould have to put up with all this prasen"-. -11-ra,13fic 5-1L they did not have this 1,r. 1-.alph Johnson, 5^0l France '.venue, stotcd it has bocn his uneers-I.,onafncl t that properties cannot be zssossed twice for s-Creet, improvements. 111a was inx-orme6 F that, to the bast 0.�-, 'ilia? Council's propart,, owaexIs have not been assessed for major impo:ovements to France .7.vanue, %%ivicil has bwDan Ccun-ty "Ioad. ::rs. Becker acl:e.6 that, If this is a residential street, abutting p:-'Opert-'r owners be gilen some control over the speed limits. "ayor Dredesen told her that a checl: will be made i-lo see if it is possible to restrict the speed of truc•'s at a lower limit -Chan- that for passenger vehicles. T 5520 - 4. A�rsnca, complained that it- is impossiibla to t-1-1Z-n into ,x. John J_y 1 -,_ ( z driveway o--F`L-' Frznco 'oeczuoe vehicles will not slow do,,.n- 71'esil6cnt of 592", ---rancc .',venvo objactod to paying for a highway 111 no wants is a res--*de--iti-al street. He also requested of spood- nesident. at 5911211 Franca ccmploinod t-hot pedestrians canr.ot. cross France Avenue. She asl:ee, tha-C, this is to be considere(.3 a residential streoI:, sorle arrangements be made for pee�cstrian crossings. T)3c!:ar, 591-0 --rznc,2 vonue, arcked for a etellindtion of the phrase- "benefited property holders ". He stated France %vonua, residents -3oel -they 'have nc,t been benefited by ti-lis ,Iayo-r Brodeson told A.x. 3ecHer and the audience that he, as one of the older members of the Council, had personall,, listened ran-,, times to complaints the France *.venue residents, before this improvzraent, I -Itc., t1l E)t there concerning dust, potholes, oles, water standing, crumbling shoulders, is no question tti-jat al:u.t1"ing properties are benefited; znd that Council, in proposing to assess an amount commensurate with current black-Lopping, ossessments, rather than for ftill cost of paving, has taken into consideration the fact ti-ist abutting properties are not benefited to the ex,-Lent of the entire cost of the paving ininro-venent.; that the assessment as proposed for this improvement is in conformity with assessments levied for previous paving assessments on France Avenue, ',:or'k-h of this area. Joseph stressed again the devaluation suffered by the properties abutting France Avenue, because of this improvement, and was answered by Trustee l'ohler that it is very difficult for the Council to determine .-:nether ti-leso hcr,.os would have debreased in value faster, or more slowly, without the improvement. ql 1,x%58 TH ir. I,,thirley, 61 `Ioodland Circle, stated he believes it is the character of the improvement which is important; that there is no mystery about the fact that France ;,venue is no longer a residential_ street; •chat it is now an artery which serves muc; traffic. Ile stated he thought the amount of money proposed to be assessed could be spread over a wider area "as sort of consolation to these people ". ,':tayor Bredesen reviewed,for the audience ='diva's long established policy of assessing abutting property owners for street improvements. He stated it would be much more convenient if all street improvements could be the responsibility of the General Fund of the Village; but that, in fairness to those taxpayers who have already paid by special assessments for their own street improvements the policy cannot be changed'., now. I.s. Benson, 5900 France ..venue, agreeing with i':,r. ;`]hirley's statements, stated that the character of this improvement has changed the character of living in the neighborhood. Trustee Bank, stating that being a councilman has its drarabacl:s because some of the actions the Council roust take are unpopular; that the Council spends much •time in study of proposed improvements, trying consistently to be 'air and equitable in its actions and trying too, to act in the best interests of each of its residents and of the Village as a whole, offered the following Resolution, and moved its adoption: RESOLUTION', XIENTDING 6J',,iD ADOPTIIIG :-JO CONFIRI:ii. IG ASSESSIJENT FOR STREET II,_IPnOV2:1ENT -I10. E -2 BE iT RESOLVED by the Village Council of the Village of Edina, iiinnesota, as follows: 1. It is Hereby F=ound, determined and declared that c-ha proposed assessment for STREET ?i::' ;CVO i.=1iT ITIO. E -2, has been calculated in accordance with the provisions of ,in�-�eSOta Statutes, Sections 429.051 and 429.O61; that notice has been duly publisiietd as xErii_aired. I _)y law, that this Council_ would meet to hear and pass upon all objections, if any, to amend said proposed assessment as might be necessary, and to adop-t:. the S�r7? by resolution; that Said proposed assessment haS at al). times Sinc€ its ':ling ;,en open for public inspection, and opportunity has been given to all interested parsons to p anent their objections; and that each of the lots, pieces and parcels o' lsnd enumerated in the assessment, except those certain properties contained in said assessr.ant, hereinafter described and ordered.to be removed from. said assess - r:ient, x'ras and is specially benefited by the construction of the improvement ''or r1hich Such assessment is levied, but not in the amount set opposite the description o;� each such lot, piece and parcel of land, respectively. 2. The amounts so set out are hereby amended and adjustediby changing the nr aunt of the assessment per front foot for.curb and gutter from " -2.22 to '2.10; I)- changing the amount of assessment per front foot for paving from 1)3.19 to $3.50 for property abutting the improvement in the Open Development District; by changing "lie amount of assessment per front foot for paving from ")9.22 to -10.50 for property abbutting the improvement in the Community Store District,-, and the assessments against the following described' properties are hereby entirely removed from said assessment roll: �. The South 80 Feet of that property described as _ "Thai part of the 71/2 of S 3 Chains of North 1/4 of IT -f1/4 lying yl of Toiun' ; ealty' s 26.ina Terrace exc. Road, in Section 29, Township 28, Range 24 - Parcel 4810, Plat 73829 ". B.- Lots 8,9,10,11,12 and 13, Block 1, Evans Addition. C. The South 20 Feet of Lot 2, Block 1, Peacedale D. Lots 3, 5, 6, and 7, Block 1, Peacedale Acres. 3. The amounts so set out as herein adjusted are hereby levied against the respective lots, pieces and parcels of land described in said assessment, but e }:cluding the parcels hereinbefore ordered to be removed from said assessment; and said proposed adjusted assessments are hereby adopted and confirmed as the proper special assessments _or said improvement. The assessment against each lot, tract or parcel, together with the interest accruing on the fill amount thereof from time to time unpaid, at the rate of five percent per annum from the date of this resolution, shall be a lien concurrent with general taxes upon the property described therain and all thereof. The total amount of each such assessment shall be payable in equal annual installments extending over a period of ten ,rears, the first of said installments, together with interest on the entire assessment from the date hereof to December 31, 1959, to be payable with general ta:;es 'or the y +ear 1958, and one of tine remaining installments, with one year's intereste,on that and all subsequent installments, to be payable with general taxes for the ;cars 1959 through 19'7,-collectible in the respective ensuing years. f. Prior to certification -of tine assessment to the County Piidi -tor, the owner of any lot, piece or parcel of land assessed hereby may pay the wi iole of such assessment' or any installment thereof without interest to the Village Treasurer and thereafter such payment may be made with accrued interest, to the County Trerot_irer; provided that if any assessments or installments tiered' be prepaid, to the Village Treasurer, he shall promptly notify the Village Cler!. and County _uc'itor, and the assessment or installment so prepaid Shall be cancelled on he bool.s of the County /auditor. 0 279 Ile-'-. si-jall, os soon as may be, nranare ind transm-it 'Lo 17ol-inty nnont, �)zlch �_i. ,on 33 or C U�; 0 �c as ment and intex-2s��,- -LForCh to be e::ten6c& upon the proper to :: lists o-_!.: the Ccvnty, the county ;xdit-or Sllznll• thoreoiFt-er cause GaL'l Osslzssr-,en.,�, to be collectarl in the ranner provided by low. Said if-upliicatla shall Ica (_Ics-iqnzltc�� as the '-OLL 77,72-T 7_3," and 3.11 anol_,rii_-s collected in r3sp_acC of the zissassmont therein coritained shall b3 s-I.milarly - designated by the Ccunty Treasurer and remitted to the village Treasurer and by 0 7E P TT '� MIT) 11EDLAPTIO',',' FUIT.). him Credited to the !,'11- 1 � - ID t I ...otion for edop`Cli'on c-E '_ne wos' seconded by Tup6,, and on 'olicall there were Y'ivo s, , ,:.,a clnC no nays, as folloi, , rs 'qn1-2 eye; -Dickson, o,,,,D7 .1,olh1cr, aye; Tupe, 87D,71 Ere6czsn' 0""e; and the t-ion Y"as zdon­ a* or ,!-Mage sp-=-!) 07- %77177 TO 'n- !,'Tlf- TIG'TED. Trustou Dicl:son in-'orm,n-' —e audience that en invastiar-.tion of allegad zpcoding on the st:raDJL- :.,111 be vary U110rovahly rhqc%Cz'; that 'I--ruc!:s are spaedinq of 40 to 7,)O'nile3 per noury this will be stopped ait: once. :x. D6c1:o_r asl:ed 'ghat so. me considerot•on be cliven to installat-ion of "(35--voa ­:ay to P.adestrians in Cross,.%,@l1:" signs, those at _venva z-11- zibcit 2-1st `roat5 ane. it :"as promf"sed, tilat C-cl-TI-1c`1 'dill, consider this suggestion. ­ .P . c , _! j C):,' - 1- ..'Oo _jZ01 IL EX1JL,%Tj`D. jc,,Oph, still Ob`eCtific to the assessment- -_-For Street 111 'proven, c nt, i7o. 2-21 -si:ed i,.hat oon now be Cone by T1 . residents v;as e%plained that an appeal oazinst the asscssmen-�11- can be te!:en L _U to Dist-rict Court within 20 days T:ro,-,i this date. 1•1r. ra-erlesen stated t-hat, the Council would .-.,elconic a Court- ruling, here; that, should ceri.--ifi cation. cf the assessment be delayed c,notl or year, an additional year's capitalized interest will accrue on the improvement. 2. PUBLIC T-712!.R11'G 07 P',,OPOSED ASSESS,'.1-E-1171 FO`1 S14± !IT*--.`V Sr",'17- T:.,P- Zr2:.'117 0.124- D, "I'VElUE —0 EUSTIEG ]J4THOLU 13_ 11-. UU-1-1- A'!Z. ) TO ZZO FEET DDI-JH. Tabulation of .%ssessrent- was read as X2,536.60 Total; against 723.6 Assessable Feet, for ;3.50 per j',ssessable Foot, as cor.-,p.1red with the Improvement Hearing Estimate of Cost of 55.11. There were no objections registered at the Hearing, and no written objections had been received prior thereto. TupE!s motion, that lissessment be adopted as tabulated, was seconded, by Dickson aril unani-mcusly carried. (See resolution of later in meeting 11;.dopt- ing and Confirming .`,ssessmen"O. "0 '0 3. PUDLIC I­11E.`,_1!'_G 011: rR'C"rOSECT) '%SSESSI,':E7 FOP, S,"7!1T,%rRY SE'7_72, Il'p' V2112(7:7 V I. If, , EST ­01�', T T`7:E-n-: ,""D Il' Ell 'PUTLTLE7� ST7`,EZT TO 190 FEET , .711 T11— 'VE:U- TO 360 A SC'TTII C)-- '.IE'T 55TI-T STZZ1'. Tabulation of �ssessnont was -read at ;;7,527.45 Tctall as aooinst 1,005 lzsessable Feet, _For per Assessable Foot as compare6 i�.,ith 1rprovement Hearing Estimate of ',S.72. i,L-s. G.E. Hardy, 5425 France Avonve Soul -h, owner of an unplatted tract of land with 2,10 feet on Fuller Street Fno,, 135 --Feet on France .`.venue, objected to an assessment- for the France 1venue side oF her property, stating it is proposed to plat the property I --racing Fuller 31traer_5 �,n6 -Chat her property has been assessed for Sanitary -a!:.er o n Fuller Street. :'--rs, 1-11,17,dy was informed that an investigation wil). be ' -. mode o1 the assessment -_For her property; that if it proves to be inecpitEble it wil-I be Cancelled. Dicl:sonls motion, that i�sseszmenit be adopted as tabulated ryas seccn6ed by Kohler ari'l unanimcusly carried. (See Resoluticn of lz,.-tsr in ricating 11,* 1.dcnting zrcci (Ion-Fir ssessmon"t 1 4 11M L ). IT _0 j ..0 4. PUBLIC HE'21EG 0" PT ' POSE-D ,SSESSLIE17 170' SE.12IR I:7'�'01171=7`7 . 126- 17" 7 ',,"7'E `ArE TIE- F `tO­ ',7. IJ2: T) ST :LEI' TO WEST Tabulation .%szessr7ie­lt re-ad it 533v555.67, as against 3,'-02.4 Feet, --',"or _'C.32 per -%sseszoble Foot, as comporcd 'At' * ir_-,provement I-Tearing Estimcta ]TO objections - I- Lions jections xegis-1-ere(2 at the Tlaaring,, anj no ­,T-itten objections ' ec' I haet been received prior -L-1 :Ioreto- Kohler' s moticn, that Assessnol-11: 77-le adontoci as I- I- ltabijlated, w2s socon6sjcclk by Tuna and unani-racusly carried. (See lllasoluti on later in meeting ".'.6cptirg anal Con-lFirrminq :'assessment "). 5. PTT T FIr .T , OVZ� 7 _,DLT�: S_.�) ASS 7 ,, 4. a - � ESS . , r- 120 "ATE1`.'jTj1 CO'-_7-TjC` S ST-E71- T` �,-ITLTI 1­_JT,J_LE-D 117 1 1 C, ': U STREET. Tabuletf_'Ion o-f %ssessment was read Total o2F 1M,994.24, as against 1,268 Assescable, F-3--t; to bo- assessed at S3.16 per `�ssessable Foot, plus '70.00 per Connection ILor the "Shor'll Connecticns on ",he East side of tile sttroat- :`J4C.00 per Connection for the Long Connections on the ,,lost side. ,:rs. G.---. Fardy, 5-1,25 France, objected to paying for more than one connection (she has been assessed for tX.,o). She sto-'r,ecl once again that if property is 6ub6iiided the lots will lace Fuller Street. She 17^5 informed that if investigation shows this assess- ment to be inequitable it be adjusted. Denl:ls mot-ion, 'Chel_- .`.ssessme.nt be adopted as '_adulated, v:as seconded. by Dickson and unanimously carried. (See Resolution la't'er in r.1.2ating "Adopting and Confirming Assessment"). • 9%1558 �, 6. FUDLIC HEAT II'G OI`T PROPOSED. ASSESSI.1Ei�IT FOR "L!1TE'I:iFII�1 iIQFRC�VEI�IEi?T IIO. 125 - COI�I'.-'TtIUC'.TION OF 12" TRULY: '3ATERI,u`,I7 i'i' 7.70TI1 ST-)LT-:---T i ROL:i EXISTIl'G L .Ii'3 550 FEET EAST OF Mr:i ?ELIA D}tIVE) TO FRAI CE AVENUE: AIND II,I F I;1'.ITCE AVE iL'E FnO: .1 "I.69TH STREET TO ?'TEST 70TH STREET. Tabulation of Assessment was read at Total of, $17,562.83, to be assessed as follows: $1.58 per front foot for Platted Properties in the ' Trunk Vlatermain District; and $223.00 per Acre for Unplatted Properties in the Trunk Watermain District; $5.44 per Front Foot for Lateral Connections along France .'.venue between 47.69th and %I.70'ch Street (west side of France Avenue only). This assessment was compared with improvement Hearing Estimate of >1.60; ;225.00; and 35.44, respectively. Attorney Hosmer Brown inquired as to : -:here the hydrants were assessed (whether they were included on the Trunk, or on the Lateral Assess- nent); and was informed that there are no hydrants on this project. It was e;;pl a-i ned by i:ir. ?iltian that hydrants on I'7.70th Street were constructed as a part of II:IPQ01M T-:17 HO. 126-- (Stpw`s Edgemoor) because the consulting engineer had t lanrie�I �T7 s p- rojact in t1Li� °inarir�er; .and that, consequently the assessment for the Pydrants is in Watermain Improvement IIo. 126- -all assessed against Stow's Edger.ioor.- 411r. Stow protested this arrangement, asking fora reduction from -I.he assessment for Watermain Improvement No. 126 for the cost of the three hydrants on '7.70th Street which I,Ir. ?ilran reports can serve that property assessed for Intcr-±ls in 1;'7atermai4n Improvement IIo. 125. ?il:an reported that hydrants were < planned for Inp, ovement I,'.o. 1?6 because there was no assurance that tiVatermain Ho. 125 mould be approved at the time IIp. 126 had been planned. Some considerable discussion was had as to allocation Cif cost of these three hydrants; and i r. , :obert Crabi7; representative for owners of the properties to be assessed for Laterals in '.Iatermain Improvement No. 125, suggested that the assessment be levied. as proposed, and that he pay P:SC. Stour directly for the cost of one hydrant. This was agreeable to i Vii.. Stow, and BanI:' s motion that `,,ssessment be adopted as tabulotcd, l-,,as seconded by Dickson and unanimously carried. (See resolution later n noe, M -ng "Adopting and Confirming Assessment "). 7. PUBLIC TIEPrljlTG OIT FROPOSED ASSESSI�.IEI'� ?T FO° S�'1;?IT���I `.I Si''i =n II `:P OVA-,iEiii - III rDGEi'00 ^. Tabulation of Assessment was reed at Total of '109460.6°, as agains'i; 3,20 'S.0 Assessable Feet, for ^3.26 per L, ,ssessable Foot, as compared with Ir,- ,nrov-cm2n', Hearing Estimate of '4.."l. I:sir. E. C;. i'isow requosted that the issess- i�ients for Lot 6, Bloch 4 and Lot 1, Blocl: 5, be amended from 125 feet each to 96 ',=o —1,— +?aCi�.o I e informed ti7at� this- would increase the pet' :front foot cos' :for 011 properties concerned. Kohler's motion, that :,ssessrlent be edoptad as tabulatedl, t'ras seconded by Dickson and Unanimously carried.. (See Resolution later �n P,octi- g ";''.dopti ng and Con irming Assessment ") . rr, ASS L�rY,C ,I -*:Ll`T 1 Gri T *_T �< <r — �t C7" :i: l i�.� � � — IT C�� 'ri 7il�r ('L)r tII?C t i, -. P..01?03 D� ;Tr .I ,II? Ii: 0V1 `,iE''T I.O. 12� I 1'Cas7 Ei_ Tabulation of tssessment was read at Total of $17,616031, as against ^,20S.21 -'',s sessable Feet, for ')5.49 per Assessable Foot as compared with improvements. Hearing 'rstlmate of 6.56. iiir. E.C. Stow requester' that 372 -foot D'locl: 9, Storr's Edgemoor be i ncludod in the assessments and that Lots 6, Bloc'.: 4 and 1, Blocl: 5, be decreased from 125 feet each to 96 feet each. i:Ianager Hyde asked for a continuance of the Ilcaring i o eptem.Der 22, so that an investigation might be made as to the -result of 'I:s. Stow' s proposal on future Svatermain installation , along France Avenue; End Tuna's motion, that Public Hearing be continued to Ilonday, September 22, at 7:00 P.I..., was seconded by Dickson and unanimously carried. e 9 PUuLIC IIEt',RIPIG ON PROPOSED ASSESSI:IEPIT F0R VJATERI:IAIiT II'.4P?OVEI:rEi`IT I'0. 129 - TRTiII'. i'111TE1�1'iAII,J II' II7E-!1; F12,T BLVD. FROM 11ILLIM, AVE. TO COOPER, AVE. - LATEY"':L C0I11ECT10I'S 'I'(7 SAID Tl ;1iI , ?'7�'.TE"J.'AII':: LATERA 7ATE, :iAI`i'S II'd COOPER AVEIiiJE I�PO "I i , EAT A +�IiE? BLVD. TO OF°CH '1 -7) L"']TE. I' ORCHARD L AI E: II S LINTE D�IVE, WEST OD, AND BLO SCOI.I COURT. N Tabulation of Assessment was read at Total of $45,304.11, to be assessed on a Per Lot Basis, at $115.39 per Lot for the Trunk and $609.13) per Lot for the Lateral Connections to the Trunk 1.Iain and for Lateral V7atermain Construction. There were no object; -ens registered at the Hearing, and no objections had been registered prior thereto. Tupa's motion, that Assessment be adopted as tabulated, was seconde6 by Dickson and unanimously carried. (See Resolution later in meeting "i,, +Iopti ng end Confirming Assessment ") . 10. PUBLIC IIEr`. MIG 011 PROPOSED ASSESS1.IE17 FOR S:! 1TITit2Y SEtIER IhiPrROV :IEI ?T I,'0. 141 - III IVITEILAC.HEH BLVD. FROIA EXISTIIIG I4AMHOLE WEST OF SEYLTNE DRIVE TO Sh:YLI13E DrIVE: IN "71'MINE D'tIVE FROM II�ITE- 'iACHEN, BLVD. TO 5116 S1,2ZLII;E DIVE: IN BLOSSOi,i COMT ;�I?D '177S'T POAD. Tabulation of Assessment was read at Total of $18,962.55, to be assessed, on a Per Lot Basis at $1,264.17 per Lot, as compared with Improvement Hearing Estimate of ';1,281.13. There were no objections registered at the hearing, aiid no written objections haec been received prior theretci. Dickson's motion, that ` +ssessm:ent b,e adopted. as tabulated, taas seconded key Mohler and unanimous)% carried. (,Seo ;escluti-on later in meeting "Adopting and Confirming : %sses:ment "). 9 OS ­0 ASS ✓11 110 11 D '7 T IIITTLL:3-7,1�-ST 6�-TFI E'E.'�,. 7 a bu 1 1 of Ii `177 cf, at Tc-1.7-11 c-2 3,1041 ,697.60, to be assessed on a Per lot basis a L -� ID CI r 61E Lots, 1� -62- 23. *2,' por Lr,-- ccnipared with Improv.-r.-_n-?C 11.7-_� ^2'incr 2s' -mc,` 51,5.24; it beincy prcposod to assess the properties in LaDoona V�sla, and thos.c L nn-" th a ?.nd tip., �:ood on a 'tcn-vcer b1sis; L proparl-ies ob?J�tirlg =i_•_ bc-12nce of the assass-2'ols p-operlies on z three-yeir basis under the present policy of require:"iants '=or developers to do their T'inancing. There ­:Iere no 17 objections registered at il-h,3 lNearing, and none had been received prior thareto. :'-rs. Eeard ziricmirec_l as tc i',IvJther A. Lhe main will run elorxi -roo!-, Drive, end was in-formed that it does do so. Echlers notion, that i`,ssessment be 'adopted as tabulated, ,•,as seccnoscl lb,? T1_3pa and unaniricusly carried. (See ilasolu�lion later in :,'eetincl "Jdcptincl and Confi°mincl :-.ssossnentII)- 12. FUEILTC Ci" F,-:07-0-ED ASSESS ?11217 FO" 71, 1:C. 126 I" T . I UIEtT_:­ I VIST,"I.-CR 7 '1=7 1-717-L 3-';I-_'-ST 6ETIT ST22E-t ATIIE-1%. Tabulation of !,ssessment was read at o Total o:LF ;79,4713.11, proposed to be assessed on a Per Lot'. Basis over 149 '3.39 per Lot, coripared with Improvement Hearing Estimate c-FF 1556-52, 1-� L lots, at Z� the properties in LaIE,-Iona Vista and abutting 1'11.6M Street to be assessed over a .1 the C11-12pel Mills ten-year perioJ, 2n.'_-3 4-1 properties over a three-year poric3- There ware no objections registered at the Hearing, and no written objections hail been recel:-t.ied prior thereto. 31onk's motion, that Issessment be levied as tabulated, .•:as seconded by Dic:son and unanimously carried. (See Resolution later in Illeeting "Adopting and Confirming I I l " ITZ"-, 13. PUBLIC A IOPOSED ASSESSI-M-'IT F01 1 S,'JTIT.-%FY SZI'6_1'1 244 - il" 7,I.'59TI"L ST,'�Z-_,-T KO,: Ti.?GDLLIE AVE"VE, Ti COD3 AVE�1112. Tabulation of ",ssess- ment was read et Total of .,:P,659.30, to be assessed on a Per Lot Basis at Z�365.93 per Lot, as co. .oared i,;i'Ch irprovement Hearing Estimate of S475.10. There .•,ere no objections made at the Hear-_1n9, and none had been received prior thereto. Kohler's motion, that I.ssessrent, lac levied as tabulated, was seconded by Dickson and unanimously carried. (See 'llesolution later in 1.13oting 11.,%dopting and Confirming i,,ssessr.--.ent" ) - 14. PUBLIC HI'_I,,21FG Oil PIDOPOSED ASSEM,27 FOIFI S.*u.'IT.' N SIE_:.7zR IrIPROVE,11277. i1c). 147 - _IIT SOUTH I:i'C'LL D"11VE EL"EE Mi",D TO SC-HI%EFP'R' FO:*,D. Tabulation of .,*.ssess- r-nent, was read at Total of ',11,929.12, to be assessed over siix'Ceen lots at 0745.57 per Lot, as comparec'. i:Atfi improvemen-'C, Hearing E"stimot-o of "C45.00. :To objections were registered, at -,,-he Hearing, and none had been received prior thereto. Tupa's motion I- - - ., that Assessmen-' I�a levied as tabulated, was seconded by Dichson, anr�, -OnEnf.- nously carried. (See nzsolution later in :.aezling 11.,*.dcpting and Confirming .,%ssass- ment" 15. PTTBT J�- C,:7 TD' P()SM P�7_f7_333�1 .7 FOn SrE'I,:Z7 Y.7,_10�pz_ '271 ­ - 1, - , I �D , 143 11' K'MLL -T - :7 1, F'CV0 TO 7A,0 FEET �':2. To'bulation wis ts 3t i_'�52'3.0? pax- read et- Total ol" __5,&_S3J.C`9, preposed 'to 11)? assessed over eleven lot Lot, as compared v.ith 17-.prove"ont Veering 7-st-inate of D791.0,0. Thera tare no objections regis"erec, '11h3 Public KnIaring, orie, no ,.,ri-'Ctcn olyiectionc lizo ba_-n -qCei,rq& 0 - C.. - aoti on, U zit b2 lovi a:1 no tchulotad, - prior or arCJ T uo s, r - . �,11 L was sec o­ cl a d by D i, c 1: 5 on and carried. x Dickson then o:F-IlereJ t- h e fo 11 o !ing ',e3olution and moved is s a & op o t) 1.17D A',SSEESC:,7173' " 7, —1 r-- " ",() " .'D T -U-Io irillago c, 7ti z n a DE TT E2�CL1,C--D 'Dy '--h,2 I.-IlEo'c of ­Iinriesotz, as io It is Ilereby clo'Ccrmined end declared 7, at 'he prc,,)ose-,, essessments or 1 1 2 141� 144� 1417 and 140 end 3�*;JTT 'Mil SZ-7EIn E.111) .-,C11 1ETTS IM. 124, 125, 120 5, 2 - T_ z ER",I'l i T,P- 0 ­_, . -1 ­0 S S-3. 12 0 12 5 120- znc' 129, and each of tnera, hove bee, properly calculated in lccoro�-znca -.13-th t- h p r o v i, s i o n s o n i i e s o t a C t a 1,�, t c s 33a c 0:•s 429.051 and 0-'29' . C�I�, I t no� - f cc has Io.2 an du 1,/ pub! J_ sh f2,3 , c s r aqu i loy 1-1w the ,.his Couric"! r,2e,% to %, d C I -L. U � hear and pass upon ell objections, if ony, to on�endl said Prcposeo, ass-ess7crit's as Might be necessary, and to a6cp`u the sane by resolution, that.-said proposed .3-zsessr:ienCs hovD c all tinics since ;;hair filing ba­n open for public inspection, end cr)po-rtv1n3C6-y tics b^en given to all interest, persons 'C present their objections; and that eech of the lots, pi iecass end pzrcals of land erumerot-cS in the respect3va ossessn-,.onts was and is spociellN V benafitef by the conSLrUCIC,ion of the irqnrovc-ents for ,:Mich such assessment is leviled in the amcunt set opposite the de'script-ilo., nc' aach such lot, piece and percel oi' land, respectively. The omcunts so set cut art` hereby levied against tita respecti 1 ts, pieces and parcels of lend described in said respective cissessmen-1-.7s, and said pro- poscd assessments ore and confirmed as the proper sp,?ci:Dl assessments for slid improvements, resoactivaly. The assessment against each lot-, `.,tact or parcel, together the interest accruing on uno 8111 amount thereof F=i time to time unpaid, at the rote of five percent per annum from the date of this resolution, shall be a lien concur--ent with general taxes upon the property described therein and all thereof. 9%15%53 ". The ''otal ^iii�y�::n'L of each assessment for Sanitary S t'13T Improvements i1CS. 14 ^, and for Watermain�Improvements 11os. 120, 125, 12g shall be payable in equal annual installments extending over a period of ten years, the _First of said installments, together with interest on the entire assessment from the date hereof to December 31,-1959, to be payable with general taxes for tho year 195,2, and one of the remaining installments, with one year's interest on that arni all subsequent installments, to be payalDle with general ta;r.es for the years 1959 through 1967, collectible in the respective ensuing ,Tears. The total amount of each assessment fo- Sanitar�J Sewer Improvement PTo. 139 shall be payable in equal annual_ installments extending over a period of three years, th!a first of said installments, together with interest on the entire assessment from the date hereof to December 31, 1959, to be payable with general ta, :es for the year 1952, and one of the remaining installments, with one year's interest on that and all subsequent installments, to be payable with general taxes for the years 1959 and 1960, collectible in the respective ensuing years. The total amount of each assessment for Sanitary Sewer No. 140, for lots abutting the following streets: A. Brook Drive from existing Trunk Manhole East of Limericak Lane tolilest End of Brook Drive to serve Lot 19, Block 1, LaBuena Vista; B. Limerick Lane from West 68th Street to ,lest 70th Street; C. Hillside Lane from � ,,lest 68th Street to ,lest Lane; D. Galway Drive from Brook Drive to l "Jest 68th Street; E. t:IcGuire Road from Brooli Drive to ?,,jest 68th Street (to serve Lot 18, Block 1, LaBuena Vista) C9 F. ''d.68th Street from Galway Drive to Antrim Road; G. ;'1.70th Street from Limerick Lane to Antrim Road H. Antrim Road from ;lest 68th Street to .Nest 70th Street shall be payable in equal annual installments extending over a period of ten years, the first of said installments,- together with interest on the entire assessment from the date hereof to December 31, 1959, to be payable with general taxes for the year 1958, and one of the remaining installments, with one year's interest on that and all subsequent installments, to be payable with general tastes for the years 1959 through 1967, collectible in the :nd the total amount of each assessment for Sanitary newer No. 140, for lots abutting the following streets: A. Chapel Drive fron Antrim Road to Chapel Lane; B. Chapel Lane from Chapel Drive to Valley View Road shall be payable in equal annual installments extending over a period of three years, the first of said installments, together with interest on the entire assessment from the date hereof to December 31, 1959, to be payable with general taxes for the year i95S, and one of the remaining installments, with one year's interest on that and all subsequent installments, to be payable with general -faxes for the years 1959 and 1960, collectible in the respective ensuing years. The total amount of each assessment for aNatermain Improvement Ito. 128, for lots abutting the following streets: A. Limerick Lane from Nest 68th Street to ''Jest 70th Street; B. Galway Drive from West 68th Street to Brook Drive; C. Hillside Lane from West 68th Street to Limerick Lane; D. McGuire Road from Brook Drive to viest 69th Street; E. Brook Drive from 'Nest 59th Street to approx. 150 Ft. South of North Line of LaBuena Vista Addition; F. 'Vest 68th Street from Limerick Lane to Antrim Road; G. ;`lest 69th Street from McGuire Road to Antrim Road; H. Easement line located approx. 150 Ft. South of North line of LaBuena Vista Addition- -Brook Drive to Ridgeway Drive shall be payable in equal annual installments extending over.a period of ten years, the first of said installments, together with interest on the entire assessment from the date hereof to December 31, 1959, to be payable with general taxes for the year 1958, and one of the remaining installments, with one year's interests on that and all subsequent installments, to be payable with general taxes for the years 1959 through 1967, collectible in the respective ensuing years; And tithe total amount of each assessment for ,latermain Improvement IJo. 128, for lots abutting the following streets: A. Chapel Drive from Antrim Road to Chapel Lane; B. Chapel Lane from Chapel Drive to Valley View Road shall be payable in equal annual installments extending over a period of three years, the first of said installments, together with interest on the entire assessment from the date hereof to December 31, 1959, to be payable with general taxes for the year 1958, and one of the remaining installments, with one year's interest on that and all subsequent installments, to be payable with general taxes for the years 1959 and 1960, collectible in the respective ensuing years. 4. Prior to certification of the assessment to the County Auditor, the owner of any lot, piece or parcel of land assessed hereby may pay the vinole of such assessment or any installment thereof without interest to the Village Treasurer and thereafter such payment may be made with accrued interest, to the County Treasurer; provided that if any assessments or installments thereof be prepaid to the Village Treasurer, he shall promptly notify the Vilage Clerl: and County Auditor, and the assessment or installment so.prepaid shall be cancelled on the books of the County Auditor. X021/ =, 5. The Cler!: shall, as soon as may be, prepare and transmit to the County _6ditor a certified Juplicate of said assessments, with each then unpaid instai'l- ment and interest set for'Ch se-paratelyp to be extended upon the prcper tax lists of the County, and the County Auditor shall thereafter cause said assessments to be collected in the menner provided by law. Said duplicate shall be desiq- nated e$ the r,',CLL FOR S.,!PITA'.\Y S"E.71ER I1 'T-,-A0VF.,F.TS MS. 124, 125, 126, 139, 140 141, 144, 147 AIM 143; 7IATEIU,,UII E.'PF,0ILr_:,:ETTS 1,TO- . 120, 125, 12' � 3 C, :I'D 129," and all amcunts collected in respect of the assessments therein con- tained shall be similarly designated by the County Treasurer and remitted to the Village Treasurer and by him to the IIT2OVE,,,EI7 EO'M PZEDET,IPTIOI�I 7 , Ty,.,Tr). The mcticn for the adopl.-ion of the Resolution was seconded by Tupa, and on ollcall there were five ayes and no nays, as follows: aye; Dic':scn, aye; Kohler, aye; Tupa, aye; and Brede.sen3 aye; and the Resolu n w adopted. ATTEST: 4 oe Mayor ,Village Cler': P.P. Eagleton, 6228 Knoll Drive, asked for street maintenance on Kzaymar Drive and Jeffrey Lane. Enginezr Zil:an reported that the streets do need scorifryi,ng; and this :rill be ejon2 as soon as practicable. HEAR-II'G SCHEMIULED ON F�.'OPQSED VACATIOP OF FIXITION (--)v" G",OVE" STF., TE"Ej. I,,zinaq!er Hyde reported that the Plcnninq Commission has recommended favorably on the 'location of that portion oaf Grove Street lying between the forth Lot Line of Lot 10, and the south Lot L-irva c--'-' Lot ',Warden Acres and between Johnson Drive ond Tracy Avenue. Benl`z motion, Chet Fublic Hearing be scheduled for October 12", on this proposed vacaticn, wc.,s seconded by Tupa and carried* Kohler's motion for zdicurnment was seconded by Diclhson and carried. I,,s9ti ng adjourned at 9:45 P.,. Village Clerl: I