HomeMy WebLinkAbout19580908_regular9/8/58 hIIIdUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE EDIlA . VILLAGE COUNCIL , HELD !JONDAY , SEPTEblBER 8 , +!' 1958, AT THE EDINP; VILLAGE HALL members answering Rollcall were Bank, Dickson, Kohler, and Tupa. Bank presided until Hayor Bredesen arrived as hereinafter recorded. Mayor Pro Tem F.IIF!UTES of the Regular Iuleeting of August 25, 1958, were approved as submitted, by motion Dickson, seconded by Kohler and carried. EUEET FOR YEAR 1959 PRESENTED, and in accordance with State Statute, Manager Hyde presented for Council con- sideration and action his Eudget for year 1959. Tupa moved that records show that budget has been received; that action thereon be held in abeyance, seconded by Kohler and carried, As the first order of business for this meeting, ' Zotion PUBLIC HEARINGS ON PROPOSED IXPROVEMENTS. Affidavit of Publication j-n Edina- Xorningside Courier on August 28 and September 4, 1958, of "FJotice of Public Hearing on Proposed Sanitary sewers \?datermains , and Storm Sewers" was presented, approved as to form and ordered placed on €ile. Pursuant to said Notice the following Public Hearings were conducted and action taken: FROM COOP32 AVEfXJE TO BYIJOOD 'JEST, the Hearings en the following two proposed improvements, ha,m been called at the Council's own motion, and without petitions, in an attempt to get Interlachen Blvd. in shape for permanent improvement by Blacktopping; that, because of petitions which have been received. for underground improvements in the area Interlachen ha3 been torn up in one place or another for the past four.or five years. He stated that if these propositions are not accepted, now, future assessments for the work will be larger, to provide for blacktop replacement, proposed !:!atermain Improvement in Interlachen Blvd. from Cooper iivenue to Bywood ':;lest, LIr, Hyde gave $170.00 per Lot for the 102 affected lots'in the Trunk, Watermain District, and $741,00 per Lot for the lots abutting-Interlachen Blvd., which nould get Lateral Service from the Trunk Main; making a total of $911.00 per Lot for the properties abutting Interlachen Blvd; that the assessment is proposed to be-made over a 20-year term on the trunk, 10-year term.on the laterals.. No one spa!-:e in favor of the.project. ME. Philip Neville, representing the Rolling Green Association, protested construction on the grounds that - 1, Rolling Green consists of large lots of an acre or more, with homes already supplied with their own wells and septic tanks. - 2. on the North by the North \]illage Limits, and on the West by Interlachen Country- Club, which is provided with its own water system and will not need water in the forseeable future, 3. needs service, but is "at the end of the line"; consequently abandonment of proposed project will damage no one. some 86 property owners, in opposition to the improvement, and requesting Blacktopping of Interlachen Blvd. from Bywood West to Hiqhrvay b!o. 169, Mr. Neville stated that the officers of the Rolling Green Association understand that if the watermain is necessary in five or ten years there will be some additional assessment because of re-blacktopping, in Mr. Meville's statements, also stating that all officers of the Rolling Green Association are present at this ,Hearing. Mr, Gregg Andrew, 8 Llerilane, asked that Interlachen Blvd. be paved just as soon as possible. Manager Hyde that this work cannot be done until after completion of contracts to be awarded this evening. by Kohler and carried. 1 e PUBLIC HEARING ON PROPOSED WATEFiMAIN IMPROVEMENT IN I€;STEFiLP,CHEII BLVD. blanager Hyde explained that this Hearing, and As an Estimate or' Cost for the . Rolling Green is bordered This proposed project is not'a link to any area which He then presented. a petition, signed by Jk. Frank Lo Tracy, 20 Merilane, concurred He was informed by Tupa's motion that project be abandoned was seconded 2 and 3, PUBLIC HEARINGS ON PROPOSED WATERIMIN IN IhTERLACHEPI BLVD. FROP.4 VJILLIA~/'I AVENUE TO HIGH'JJAY #lG9 j #1G9 TO SUIffIIT AVENUE, SANITARY SFJIER FROM. IPJTEPLACHEI! BLVD, FROIrl HIGH'jJlrsY AND IIJTERLACHEM BLVD. FROI-I VJILLIALI AVENUE TO 454 FT. EAST. A, ?'3P,TEFJ.LfiLII~J. Llanager Hyde gave as Estimate of Cost, $281,32 per Lot, for each lot in the Trunk Natermain District, plus $787,70 Lateral assessment for the properties abutting Interlachen Blvd., which will receive Lateral service from the Trunk liain; the assessment to be over a 20-year term-for the Trunk; 10-year term for the Laterals, Mr. George Carlson, ovmer of 115 feet abutting Interlachen Blvd. on the North, stated he feels the improvement will add to the re-sals value of the property. !!E.* G. Cramer Lyon objected to the improvement, asking that more maintenance be put on Interlachen. Llr, Kobert Soelberg objected ' on the grounds that there is no need for service between Highway ,',M9 and Surmnit. He withdrew his objection after being informed by Engineer Zikan that thei-e arc plans to loop the main from 49th and Brookside with construction to be paid by the I'!aterworks Fund. in favor of the improvement, objections had been received prior to the Hearing. !Ieeting , Ordering Improvement). ?&So Bingham, 5211 Interlachen Rlvd, , expressed hereslf l!o other objections were registered, and no written (See Resolution of later in Cr/E./x E. Lot, for the 15 lots vhich r:lculd be connected. aater but not sewer; was informed that it is better to get sewer in first because installation of seaer, after watermain construction, is nore e:qxnsive. There r:ere no objections registered at thhs Hearing, and no written objections had been received prior thereto. SXITAXY S€'X2e Estimate of Cost of .Lhis project uas given as $4.27,@0 per ?8@ Ers. Binghan stated that she nfleds Tupa offered the following Resolution and rnoved its adoption: ~ESOLWIOI! OIIDER1I":G It:PEOYEEiTS i' SX!ITI:lX! SE!ER Il.iFXlVE.!EIIT 1:O . 153 FS!D JATERI??AIld ILP2QVEJ2iJT l!O . 133 BE IT RESOLVED by the Ccvncif. of thhe Villaqe of Edina, I.:innesota, that this Council heretofore caused notices of hearings to be duly published crn the folloving proposed improvements : 1. 2. C@€!STRUXIO;: CIF TFXII~~ Y.~.TEi?J.>41i~ !8TD LATERAL CO;C!ECTIOI!S TI-IERETO in CQ:!STN'L'"TIOi! OF !%.J!I'i'A?iY LATERAL SELIER in Interlachen Elvb. from Hwy. $169 to Sumit .:,me, and in Interlachen Blvd. from {yilliam .We. to 454. Ft, East, Interlachen Elvd. from :!illiam iise. to Krrjo.is'lG9 I and at the hearings held at the time and place specified in said notice the Council has duly considered the vicm of all persons interested, and being fully advised of the pertinent facts does hereby determine to proceed viith the construction of said improvements; that said inprovenents are hereby designated and shall be referred to in all subsequent proceedings as Eollovrs: ID. 2 ilEj3\1E !'U.TEK.X!I! IiJPRWE: :€IT i?@. 133 and the areas to be specially assessed therefor shall be as fo1lor.i~: For SXu'lITA?Y SELIEI? I:!PROVEI.IEIl" MO. 153 - All lots and tracts of land abutting the street proposed to be inprmed. For :'IATEFX.ZII: I~.!PXl?E:;EZIT I!@. 133 - All lots and tracts of land ai-Lhin the follov5ng described boundaries: to SE Cor. of Lot 9, Limhacl:; the Sly'to §':I Cor. of Lot 17, Edina Terrace; th. SEly to SE Cor. thereof; th. Ely to ??E Cor. of Lot 48, Aud. Subd. Eo. 176; th, Sly to SE Cor. of Lot 50, .cud. Subd. Ilo. 176; th. S!'ily to S.7 Cor. thereof; th. S!'Jly to SE Cor, of Lot 30, €1. 3, Grandview Heights; th. St'lly along Kly R/h line of State Hwl, .#169-212 to SE Cor. of Lot 10, Bl. 4, Grandview Hts.; th. !Tly to S.'f Cor. thereof; th, Mly to SE Cor. of Lot 10, ~1, 1, Brookside H%s; th. Yjly to S!7 Cor. thereof; th. 'Jly to IJE Cor. of Lot 14, gl. 2, Brookside Hts.; th. !'!ly to tf:J Cor. thereof, vlhich is centerline of I!-S portion of a vacated alley in said B1. 2; th. i!ly along centerline of said vacated alley to centerline of E-Y! portion of a vacated alley in said Bl. 2; th. I'lly along centerline of said vacated alley to centerline of V!illiam *:.,e.; tho Illy along centerline of t'2illiam Ave. to centerline of Interlachen Blvd.; th. Ely along centerline of Interlachen Blvd. to Sly extension of E. lot line of Lot 6, Bl. 5, Beverly Hills; th. f+!ly to beginning.'' "Ccrmencing at S,I Cor. of Lot 5, Limback; th. Ely Potion for adoption of Fiesolution was seconded by Dickson, .and on Rollcall there were four ayes and no nays, as follov~s: Dickson, aye; Kohler, aye; Tupa, aye; and Bank, aye; and-the Fesolution was adopted. I.fayor Pro Tem PUBLIC HEkRII!G @I? P2OI;USE.D STORI SEER ClP? EASEEECT LII?E BEK!EEN LOTS 3 '*ED 4, BLOCI: 1, SQUTHDIZLE FIRST ADDITIOZ, X@!: CORI!ELIA DRIIT TO 165 FEET YEST. that this proposed project, and the one to be heard directly folling this one are to solve "lovr spot"" problems on Cornelia Drive south of 66th Street, and are being proposed as part of the over-all storm sewer plan still being considered for thhe general erea; that they nil1 solve an immediate problem and will alloa the Blacktopping of Cornelia Drive next year; that Estimate of Cost, based on bids ta!:en this morning, is 5.05 per Square FGO~. drainage district is proper and rhether the Villsge-ov.ncd triangles are proposed to be assessed enough; t'nat it is possible that thhe Village triangles should take more of the assessment, Iir. B. Y!. Eauernfeind, GG12 Cornelia Drive, inquired as to idlether this particular project nil1 care for the area, or yhether they r.511 also be assessed for the "general storm sewer project", area ~511 also be assessed for the trunk storm swer project wlnen it is constructed;. and ;!re Kohler stated it is possible that the lateral storm sewer program as originally outlined v.6.11 not develop. There were no obj ections registered against the improvememi; at the Hearing, and no vrritten objections had been received prior theralo. offered the follcaing Zesolution and moved its adoption: Xanager I-Iyde esplained I-le said there has been some question as to whether the I ;Janager Hyde reported that this Tupa RESOLUT I@P! @XDERII!G IXFZOWXE?!T STON.1 SEE2 II ~?XW2!.iZKT I!@. 43 BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the Village of Edina, I,:innesota, that this Council heretofore caused ncltices of hearing to be duly published on the following proposed improvement: COtSiY"STIOi! OF LATERPL STOX; SE2ES iV!D APFURTET!@XES @n an Sasemen'i Line between Lots 3 and 4, Block 1, Southdale First !.dcln. Ercm Cornelia Drive to 165 Ft. !!est 9/81/58 and at the hearing held.at the time and place specified in said notice the Council has duly considered the views of all persons interested, and being fully '!., advised of the pertinent facts does hereby determine to proceed with the con- struction of said improvement; that said improvement is hereby designated and shall be referred to in all subsequent proceedings as STORE SE'IER II.lPROVEIl~TT' !T@. 43; and the area to be specially assessed therefor shall include all lots and tracts of land within the following described boundaries: "Eeginning at a pt. on the Wly lot line of Lot 1, B1. 1, Southdale First Addn., said pt, being 35 Ft. SWly from NYJ Cor,; the Illy to fIBI Cor. thereof; tho I"E1-y to intersection of Sly R/VI line of V1.66th St. and Illy EPJJ line of Cornelia Dr.; th. SEly along Nly R/tI line of Cornelia Dr. a dist. of M6.31 Ft., more or less; th. Ely to pte on PRv'ly lot line of Lot 21, El. 2, Southdale First Addn,; said pt. being 94. ~t, It!Ely from S!'? Cor. thereof; th. SEly to a pt. on Wly lot line os' Lot 20, said El. 2, said pt, being 87 Ft. NEly from NJ Cor. thereof; tho Sly to a pt. on I!ly lot line of Lot 19, said Bl. 2, said pt. being 57 Ft. NEly from I;?N Cor. thereof; th. Sly to a pt. on Sly lot line of Lot 19, said pt. being 90 ~t, Ely from SY? Cor, thereof; the I'lly to S?] Cor. thereof; th. Ylly to a pt. in Lot 5, Bl. 1, Southdale First Addn,, said pt, being 77 Ft. Nly of Sly lot line of said Lot 5, and 35 Ft, !'?ly of IfJly RbJ line of Cornelia Dr.; th. N1y and NWly parallel to and 35 Ft. U3.y of Wy R/W line of Cornelia Dr. to pt. of beginning," IJotion for adoption of Resolution was seconded by Dickson, and on Rollcall t'nere were four ayes and no nays, as follows: Dickson, aye; Kohler, aye; Tupa, aye; and $an€? ~ .: aye; and the Resolution was adopted, Village Clerk PUBLIC I-IEARIIJG OM PROPOSED STORM SEIFIER ON 'EASEMENT LINE BETJEErT LOTS 6. AHD 7, BLOCI: 1, SOIITHDALE FIRST ADDITION, FRO14 CORI\JELIA DRIVE TO 170 FT. :JEST. Estimate of Cost, based on Bids taken this morning, vias given at $,027 per square foot. ?.Ire C, Lo Ammerman, 6701 Cornelia Drive, objected not to the proposed improvement but to the method of Assessment, He asked that assessment be made on a per front foot basis. !Ira Id. 8. Crinkley, 6700 Cornelia Drive, stating that the improvement is badly needed, suggested an alternate assessment basis of "per lot" , which. r.rould be approximately $133 per lot, hfr. Rademacher, owner of Lot 5, inquired about his assessment, inasmuch as his lot is proposed to be assessed both improvements proposed this evening, and it was thought that if the "per lot" basis is approved there should be some adjustment made for the two lots vhich drain only a very small portion of their lots into this improvement. Council tlis'c this is not an assessment hearing; that method of assessment can be determined later. The matter of a small area, directly East of the area proposed to be assessed was discussed, Llanager Hyde reporting that perhaps this area should have been included in the proposed assessment area. believes the area to be so small that it viill make very little, if any, difference in the ultimate assessment. proposed improvement; and no written objections had been received prior thereto. Jlicl:s.cn offered the following Resolution and moved its adoption: Attorney Hasselquist reminded I I-Ie stated, however, he There were no objections registered against the RESOLUT IOIJ ORDERING LE3PROVE1IEfST STOFIF4 SEVJER IIdPROVELENT Id@. 44 EE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the yillage of EdTna, Ilinnesota, that this Council heretofore cause$ notice pf hearing to be duly published on the following proposer1 improvement: (SOT'STRUCTIOf! OF VILLAGE LATERAL ST@RM SEYEP, PJJD APPUP;TEIJ!!I:CES on Easement Line betwen Lots 6 and 7, Block 1, Southdale Firs% ;,ddn., frcm Cornelia Drive ~CI 1.70 Ft. "JBs~ and at the hearing held at the time and place specified in said notice the Council has duly considered the views of all persons interested, and being fully advised 02 the pertinent facts does hereby determine to proceed with the construction of s.7 id improvement; that said improvement is hereby designated and shall be referred 'Lo fn all slibsequent proceedings as STOFlri SEYJER Ii.;PXOVE?.IEIIT 1'0. 44, and the area to be specially assessed therefor shall include all lots and tracts of land within the following described boundaries: "Ceginning at a pte on the b!ly lot line of Lot 1, B1, 1, rXroos Re-arrangement of Lots 12,13 and 14,Elo 2, Southdale First Addn,, said pt. being 35 Ft, Ely from IRI Cor. of said Lot 1; the sly parallel to and 35 Ft, Ely of Ely line of Cornelia Dr. to a pt. which is 20 Ft, Kly from Nly line of llro6€th St.; th. '?ly parallel to ana" 20 ~t. fIly of illy line of 1'1.62th St. to Ely line of Cornelia Dr.; th. S!lly to a pt. on Yj1-y line of Cornelia Dr., said pt, being 64. Ft. Sly of NE Cor. of Lot 11, Bl. 1, Sorithdale First Addn.; tho Wly parallel to Plly lot line of said Lot 11, a dist. of 40 Ft.; .tho I?ly to a pt. on IJly lot line of Lot 8, said El. 1, said pi. being 35 Ft. YJ1-y of ';Jly line of Cornelia Dr.; th. Nly parallel to and 35 Ft. I'lly of YJly line of Cornelia Dr. to a pt. in Lot 5, said Bb, 1, which is 77 Ft. Illy of Sly lot line of said Lot 5; the Ely to pt, on Nly lot line of Lot 18, B1, 2, South- dale First hddn., said pt. bengi 90 Ft. Ely from NVJ Cor. of said Lot 123; th. SEly to SI'! Cor. of Lot 5, said B1, 2; tho Sly to SVJ Cor. of Lot 7, said El. 2; the Si'Jly to beginning." 9/8/58 Xotion for adoption of the Resolution ctas seconded by Tupa, and on Rollcall there viere four ayes and no nays, as follovis: Dit!-:son, aye; Kohler, aye; Tupa, aye; and Eank, aye; and the Yesolution vias adopted. B#JJO& Village Clerk LL4Y08 BREDESET! entered the Xeeting at this time, and pr-ided for the balance of the meeting. FUBLiC HEAFXIIG @:I PRQFOSZD STOR'.; S€JER 017 EASEIP.E?JT LIKE BET;"IzEI! LOTS 3 &!D 4, :ld;D LOTS 12 &ID 13, KOCK 4, BRWKLIi!E FIRST ADDITIOI!, FROY EJIE!G AVEIXJE TO R?:li:CE AT - T: Xayor Pro Tem AVEXUE. 8.017 per Square Foot. stating that 32: of the o?:ners of affected properties are in opposition to the project, first because of the cost and second because the basis 0.' assessment is vnong; that thhe propmties on DJing Avenue are not being sufficiently assessed. ?Io one spoke in favor of the improvement. favorable corfient the petition be denied. in the area can resign themselves to hearing about drainage troubles fron time to time until this present problem is somehow resolved. by Bank and carried.*.,, . IJanager Hyde gave as Estimate of Cost, based on bid received this morning, I'3. John D. Kenaston, 5737 Ewing Avenue, spoke in pro-test, Kohler moved that since there is no NE stated he feels that property ovrners Kohler' s motion nas seconded ..- . '3r .%e ' - '* FUBLIC HZA2iiTG O;! PROFOSED REZOIJIKG FRO.'! "OPEE! DE\EJ40P:IST DIST7,1CTt1 TO ttIVJLTIPLE FESIDEIE DISTPIST" - I~*.TI-lERIi~E PEASCE PROPEZTY - "TI-i:T PXtT OF LOT 5, CI'SSIIf'S OUTLOTS, LYIi:G 221-1/10 FT. Yle FECI ITE CC?. OF LOT 5, EXLUDII:G ROADS AT!D EXLUDII'G TI-LT PART OF SIJD LOT 5 LYLI!G S. CG YON< .l?rE. BXBIDED. Affidavits of .P:Lflication of "ilotice of Hearing" in 2dina-Ilorningside Courier .4ugust 28 and Septembar 4, 1958, and of Posting said Ihtica on ZfJlletin Boards, c'er~ submitted, approved as tc fom and ordered placed on file. Lttorney Le kckman, representing th2 ;:isses Pearce, reviered events leading up to this Hearing; and, statinn that the 1:isses Pearce are decidedly interested in thhe property proposed to be rezoned, referred to "Council Policy" referred to in previous meetings, with regard to rezoning for Comercia1 East of France and l!orth of 66th Street. He asked the council to explain just chat this policy is. Southdale Xealty Company applied for Regional Kedical Zoning tlle Council did rezone for a medical building and potential hospital; that, at the tine the Council indicated that this particular rezoning was as far as the Council. intended to go with comercia!. r3zontnG Zast of France and I!arth of GGth Street, ?Ye ;ic!:man as!:ed that it be entered into the record that thhe IIisses Fearce have not changed their minds since they first made application for "Regional Shopping p-hg" for the South 600 feet of their property; that they still feel that the reasonable, proper, and practical use of the are2 bmdering GGth Street is a reasonable, proper and practical coxercial us?, fitting in with the over-all design for the area; that the Pearccs concur that the interior part or" the property shculd be zoned for "l"iu1tiple CmLling Districtf1. !.ir. kckman told the Council he feels that the present proposal to rezone the front GOO feet to ''Kul.tiple Residence District" is not of Lmxdiat, concern because he believes that, sconer or later, CGuncil r:ill be faced nikh a -?asonable use of the land bordering GGYn Street and that rihether or not the property is then zoned Ihltiple Residence District the Gouncil ~5ll be asked for consideration of this proper use. Tk. kckman stated he feels that a policy binding the Pearce property to a commitment made in connection with developxent of other lands, so that the Pearces cannot use their pruperty for dnat it should be practically used for, is confiscatory, deprives the Pearces of a reasonable use of property, and that if proper use cere put before the council it rrould be arbitrary to deny such a petition; -that there is no particular plan at the present moment, except that the Pearces believe l*Regional Shopping District" to be the proper use of the land. Asked by the Council, !!Are you objecting -lo the rezoning of this GOO feet -to 'bii~ltiple Residence Zoningf 7" Xz. Achnan replied, ";le do not object to this in a real senseo petition for comnercial. to "2~ul2;iple Residence Zoning". Ifasselquist, "If another Council should wish to act on this front GOO feet9 there crculd be no trouble in changing? :.Yo I-lasselquist replied, concerning apartment building restrictions, and was informed that Village Ordinance placed re,strictions upon height of buildings and upon land area to be used, Faui$$sr also inquired-about restrictions but did not object. objections to the proposed rezoning registered at the Hearing, and no mitten objections had been received prior thereto. moving that Council dispense with second reading' thereof and adopt as submitted: OF ,", LIIT FRClf! i, PT. 219-1/10 FT. 3. FROII SE COE. OF LOT 5 TO FT. :dayor Bredesen replied that, at the tine I Our objection is if ce were denied a proper :'le do not urge you to rezone the front part of this tract At a question by Trustee Bank, to Attorney Tie vjould not prejudice our position at all?", Lliss Kathleen Gannon, 6300 Xerxes :jvenue asked Ere There were no Kohler offered thc f~~~o~.$ng Ordinance, 9/8/5€ ORDIT!AI\ICE NO. 261-33 A€! ORDINANCE AFEND'IT!G THE ZONING ORDITJAIITCE , i OF EDIFTA BY ESTABLISHIIJG ADDITIONAL e MULTIPLE RESIDENCE DISTRICT THE VILLAGE COUPJCIL OF THE VILLAGE OF EDIiY.JP,, MINIJESOTA ORDAIIJS : c 1 Section 1. Section 4, Multiple Residence District, of Ordinance No. 261 of the Revised Ordinances of the Village of Edina, as amended, is hereby amended by adding at the end of paragraph 1 of said Section 4 and additional sub- paragraph as follows: "(c) That part of.Lot Five (5), Cassin's Outlots, lying Yest of a line running from a point 2L9-1/10 feet yest from the South- east Corner of Lot Five (5) to a point 221-1/10 feet 1:Iest from the Northeast Corner of Lot Five (5), excluding roads9 and excluding that part of said Lot Five (5) lying South of York Avenue Extended." Section 2b and pu bl i c at i on Motion for waiver of second 'reading and adoption of Ordinance as submitted was seconded by Tupa, and on Rollcall there were five ayes and no nays, as follows: This ordinance shall be in effect immediately upon its passage Village clerk FUPLIC: II%tlRIT?G OF! PETITIOP! OF V.H. LL4THIEU FOR REZONING FROG OPEI! DEVELOPISIE€!T DISTZICT TO 17JLTIPLE RESIDEICE DISTRICT--LOTS 10~11,32~BLOCI< 9, BROOKSIDE KTS. 5134-40-44 HXTKEXDF? AVEIKJE). Affidavits of Publication of I\Io+ce of Hearing in Fdina-Uorningside Courier, August 28 and September 4, 1958, and of Posting sa%d 1Idi.ce on bulletin boards, were submitted, approved as to form and ordered placed on file. has recormended favorably on the placing or' a four-plex on this property. also reported receipt of a favorable petition by many of the neighbors v1no formerly protested Ik* i.:athiev * s plan. at the IHearing, and no mitten objections had been received prior thereto, ?Ira Tom Xiirst, 5136 !"?illiam Avenue, told Council that the neighbors agree to the proposal. on the conditicn that the building placed on the site is according to plan presented by ilr, f;athieir to the neighbors, He asked that Comcil do the things necessary to afford 'chis protection. e:cpl-aiiiecl 'chat this restriction cannot be entered into the zoning ordinance. Idr. Rebers, 5129 'Jilliam Avenue, inquired about the possibility of I"kb i.lathiev's later placing of a double bungalow or single dr:ielling on the FJorth lot, and was informed that the zoning ordinance prohibits such additional dwelling by its land area requirements. ?Are Ihthieu stated he9 himself, intends to construct this four-plex, in accord with the plan being discussed, that he intends to begin construction during the last part of September or the early part of October. Bank offered the following Ordinance, moving that Council dispence with second reading thereof and adopt Ordinance as submitted: Planning Director Swanson reported that the Planning Comnission He There were no objections registered Village Attorney Hasselqvist ORDINANCE NOe 261-34 Ap! ORDIIIAPTCE MEPJDITJG THE ZONING ORDIIUPGE OF EDINA BY ESTABL ISHIIIG ADDIT IOkiAL KULTIPLE RESIDENCE DISTRICT THE VILLAGE COUI%EIL OF THE VILLAGE OF EDIPIA, l~.'IIMPJESOTA OPD~4114S Section 1. the Revised Ordinances of the Village of Edina, as amended, is hereby amended by adding at the end of paragraph 1 of said Section 4 an additional sub- paragraph as follows: Section 2, and public at ion . IJotion for waiver of second reading and adoption of Ordinance as submitted, was seconded by Dickson, and an Rollcall there DrdihanCe vms adopted, Section 4, I:lultiple Residence District, of Ordinance fi'o- 261 of "(a) Lots LO, 11 and 12, Block 9, Brookside Heights. This ordinance shall be in effect immediately upon its passage ve ayes and no nayss as follows: 9/8/58 284 FUELIS S:E.P\RI;IG 011 PZOFOSED iI?:El:Di.Ti:T TO VEL *GE ZO;!Ii:G @RDIIlX.CE, EST.XT,I;I-:Ii:G !XXX~ SIZES ClF FL:.TTED LQTS. Affidavits of Publication of "i!otice of Fublic Rearing" in Wna-Lbrningside Courier August 2E and Septenber 4, 1958,t and of Posting of said ilotice, aere submitted, approved as to form, and ordered placed on file. Planning Director 3;mnson reported that the Planning Cornmission has recommended favorably on this ordinance, wiiich establishes minimum lot sizes €or platted property as follons : depth; 9,000 square feet of area, foot frontage; 125-foot depth; 10,00@ square feet of area. frontage; 130-foot depth; 15,000 square feet of area. and provides fer miver of some of these provisions by 4./5 vote of Council, Eefore Council considered this Ordinance, Zayor Brcdesen informed the eudience that, should the Ordinance be adopted, Public Hearings on four proposed plats wuld automatically be vmived, because these four plats will conform vith the amended Zoning Ordinance , rhereas they are in non-conformance with lot sizes required by the present ordinance. objections against the following : (1) !%-:ERE RrBLIC SFJET: AiTD T,'IATER ARE AVAILABLE - 75-foot frontage; 120-foot (2) ?%ERE WELIC SE.'JER IS AVAILABLE BUT FUELIC !;':ITER IS €!Or A?rllIL!\BLE - 75- (3) XHEX ITEITI-lE? PUBLIC SEJER IIOR FUBLIC ','!ATEX IS I;,ViiILizI3LE - 90-foot He asked that audience register any I, PETITZOI! OF ?I?. A. 'J. LX.iFE FOX PEX.?IT TO PLAT "the !'!est 220 Ft. of the Iil/2 cf Lot 22, I:endelssohn" into 5 lots, 3 of wXch have 75-foot frontages, and 2 of vhich ha7.r.e 20-foot frontages; all lots containing more than 12,000 square feet. (110 oral objections nere registered, and no vxittcn objections had been received prior to tha Hearing) a Elock 21, :.Iendelssohn, except the South 103.33 Ft, of the Ilorth 310 Ft, of the yest 143.5 Ft." fnto 6 Lots, 2 of vhich have frontages of 75 feet; 3 of vMch have frontages of SO feet; and 2 of v;liich have frontages of 60 fezt on a cul-de-sac; 211 lots ccntaining more than 12,00@ square Eeet in area. (:To oral objecticns vera registered, and no vrritten objections had been registered prior to the Hearinq), 2. FFTITIOI: e? z. FLKE VICTORSET FOR rvxr TO FL:.T rftlie s & of 30 PET~TIo;: OF x. D.XE ,TOHI!SOI! FOR PEFXT TO PLIT mts 24 to 30, inclusive, 3illard1s Subdivision of Block 17, ZIendelssohn" into 2 lots fronting on Tyler >xenue Extended and having 75-foot frontages, and 2 lots fronting on :Ialoncy Avenue and having 7P-foot frontages; lots containing less *thm 12,OQO sqwar~ feet in- area. (?To oral obj'ec$ions nsre registered. L'ritten7 objectibns cjf g.F. * Casanova, 605 ':raterman Circle, and fir, Richard 11. D?Deo, 609 ','!aterman Circle, viere read and erderecl placed on file), 4. PETITIQ;! 0; 12. I-:a!F!S A. WarSQIf FOR PEE.iIT TO PLr',T the follu-ing described property into 4 lots having 85-foOt frontages and 2 Lots having 105- foot frontages; all lots containing more than 3.2,0@0 square feet: "Parcel QEOO, Sectron 3@, To:;llship 1175 Range 21, lying South of Wansonl s Second r.ddftion". (i!o oral objecticns wre registered, and no mitten objections had been registered prior to the Hzaring). Yr, Balph Larpe spoke in favor of the proposed amendment. by the audience present, and no i;?.itten objections to the zmendment had been received prior to the Kearing, that Council dispense nith second reading thereof and adopt Ordinance as submitted : :Io objections were made Dickson offered the falloning Ordinance, movinq - @RDII!13:CE I.D. 261-35 LT! 02DIYZ!iX FLZ3TDII;G SECTIOT! 3, PPJ3AGMPI-I 4, OF THE ZOEIt!G OSDIITi\lEE OF EDII.!A THE VILLAGE C(?U;:CIL OF TEE VILLhGE OF EDiI'TA , I.IIIS!ESOTA, OT;DiLti!S : nanee of the Villaue is hereby amended to read as follovts: Section 1, Faragraph 4 of Section 3 of Ordinance ?To. 241 (the Zoning Ordi- - "4, Size, Frontage and Depth of Lots. (a) T!o land shall be platted or subdivided which at the time of application for approval of the plat is provided with public vrater and sewer connections or fn vAiic'n public water and sewer connections are contemplated, unless such plat or subdivision meets all the following minimum requirements: not less than 75 feet, except that in case of corner lots the minimum front- age shall be not less than 80 feet; and in case of Lots fronting on curving streets a smaller frontaGc may be approved by the council, provided that in no event shall there be a smaller frontage than GO feet. The average minimum depth of each lot shall be not less Ynan 120 feet; provided, that this requirement may be waived by a 4/5 vote of the council, (3) feet, i!o land shall be platted or subdivided which at the time of application for approwl of the plat is provided with public secrer connec- tions or in YJhich public wver connections are contenplated, but in vhich public water Connections are not provided or contemplated, unless such plat or subdivision Keets all of the following ninimLtm requirerr,ents: (1) Esch lot shall have a frontage on a public street of (2) Xh2 area of each lot shall be not less than 990@0 square (b) 265 9/8/5E (1) Each lot shall have a frontaqe on a public street of not less than 75 feet, except that in case of corner-lots th'e minimum frontage shall be not less than 80 feet; and in case of lots fronting on curving streets a smaller frontage may be approved by the council, provided that in no event shall there be a smaller frontage than GO feet. The average minimum depth of each lot shall be not less than 125 feet; provided that this requirement may be waived by a 4/5 vote of the council, >:- (2) - (3) (c) The area of each lot shall be not less than 10,500 square feet. No land shall be platted or subdivided which at the time of - application for approval of the plat is not provided with either ljublic water or sewer connections and in which neither public water nor sewer connections are contemplated, unless such plat or subdivision meets all of the following minimum requirements: (1) Each lot shall have a frontage on a publl ic street of not less than 90 feet, except that in case of corner lots the minimum frontage shall not be less than 95 feet; and in case of lots fronting on curving streets a smaller frontage may be approved by the council, provided that in no event shall there be smaller frontage than 65 feet. 120 feet; provided that this requirement may be waived by a 4/5 vote of the council , feet e have side lines as nearly as practical at'right angles to the street line, has been platted or subdivided in violation of this section or which has been conveyed in contravention of Minnesota Statutes, .Chapter 471, Section 471.29." passage and publication according to law. (2) The average minimum depth of each lot shall be not less than (3) All lots contained in land hereafter platted or subdivided shall F!o building permit shall be issued relating to any land tdnich The area of each lot shall be not less than 15,000 square (d) (e) Section 2, This ordinance shall be in effect from and after its Motion for adoption of the OEdinance was seconded by Tupa, and on Rollcall there were five ayes and no nays, as follows ; Dickson, aye; Kohler, aye; Tupa, aye; and Bredesen, aye; and the r, W Mayor u PUBLIC I-IEARIPJG ON PETITION FOR PERdIT TO ADD ADDITIOI.I& D!'ELLING WIIT TO IULTIPLE DiIELZ II.!GS-LOTS 3,4,5,6,9,10,11 AND 12, BLOCK 4, TIMGDALE BROS. B8OOKSIDE (51.07-13 Ulll 5115-21 t'J,49th St.). Affidavits of Publication of Ilotice of Hearing in sdina- __ :Iorningside courier on August 21 and September 4, 195e9 and of Posting said I!otice on bulletin boards, were submitted, approved as ta form and ordered placed on file. Ilr. Robert Soelberg protested until he learned that the extra apartment (to be used by the caretaker) is to be in one of the buildings. it is bo be at the Southwest Corner of the West building, above the &car garage. IkC Soelberg, stating he had believed that this was to be an additional building, withdrew his objection, addition, and none had been received prior to the Hearing. permit was seconded by Bank, and on Rollcall vote there were five ayes and no nays, and the motion was unanimously carried. PUELIC HE.42IPIG ON PETITION FOR PERILIT TO CONSTRUCT DOUBLE BUflTGAJ-OTE Oi! LOTS 9 &ID LO, EICCI; I., VALLEY VIEW TERRACE THIRD ADDITION (4516 and 4520 Valley View Road) Affidavits of Publication of "Notice of Public Hearing" in Edina-Plorningside Courier August 29 and September 4, and of Mailing of said Notice, were submitted, approved as to form and ordered placed on file. !,Ire Emil P. Fronk supported his petition by stating that these two lots are directly West of commercially-zoned and used property (National Foods Store) and across the street from other commercial property; that he feels double bungalows are a good buffer between commercial and one-family property, building, Lke Fronk replied that the lot faces Valley View Road; that an additional request may have to be presented to the Council in case it is decided to face the house on St.Johns--that plans have not yet been drawn, Tupa's motion,that permit be granted subject to approval of Planning Commission of construction plans, was seccmded by Bank and carried. Mo objections were registered at the Hearing. * It was explained that There were no other objections filed to the proposed Tupa's motion granting At a question from Mr. Kohler as to the facing of the corner I PUBLIC HEARING ON PETITION FOR PERMIT TO CONSTRUCT DOUBLE BUfJGALOV?S ON LOTS 1 TO 5, INCLUSIVE, BLOCK 1, LAKE PAMELA ADDITTOPJ (6108, to 6124 France Ave. So.). A-kfidavits of Publication of "Notice of Public Hearing" in Edina-T;lorningside Courier August 28 and September 4, and of Mailing of said Notice, were submitted, approved as to form and ordered placed on file, Commission's favorable recommendation. across the street, and to the South of these lots. at the Hearing, and none had been received prior thereto. Perfflit be granted subject to approval of Planning Commission of construction plans, was seconded by Dickson and carried, Planning Director Swanson reported Planning It was noted that there are double bungalows No objections were registered Tupa's motion, that 9/8/58 E:JARD OF BIDS TXE;! TODAY, i.lanager Hyde presented Engineerr s Tabulation of Bids taken today, pursuant to"kdverliscment Eor 3ids-Sanitary Sewers, :'ratermains and StorncSevms" published in Edina-hIorningside Courer and Construction EulletLn cn fiugust 26 and September 4, hereinafter recorded : presented for the follouing improvements: Reconmendations by !.'anager, and action by Ccuncil are SAEITAW SZEX AIlD ?lATEX.7~.It! II.:PR@VEI.;E?!TS: Detailed Tabulation of Et& cas a. A, S:JJ!ITARY SZ!E; 33. 145 - In 1:'alnu.t Dzive frcm T:j.59-A- St. to H1:ryoi';169 E. SXLiTTTi.RY SZ3K iD. 150 - In Josephine .-,gve. from Y1.64th St., to include C. S.TIThFl SE.'!ET: ID. 151 - In Interlachen Blvd, fron S1:yline Drive to 5). SA~IITRRY SEXR ::Oe 152 - In Divisicn St, from Ipndervork i',ve. to Oxford Lot 9, Bloc!: 2, ;!ormandale 2nd !,ddition. 4-00 Ft. ask, .+.;e.; fixford :;ve. ?rem Division ~t, to 290' so of ;'~.51st St.; Inter- lachen l3lvd. fron Sedford ::,ve. to 125' 3. of Oxford Iive, E, S?J!IT!xSY SE;!ER ZOO 153 - In Interlachen Blvd. from Hr,y,{f169 to Sumit Ave.; Interlachen Eivd. from yilliarn b,ve, to 454 Ft, East Fo ';'ATEF!L'AIII ITIPRO!rEiEiTT I:O. 132.- In Oxford kue. from Interlachen Blvcl. to 330 Ft. Soi~tl-I of y:.5lst Street G, TIATEE3iU! I:.'.PRCIVE:::EI!T F!Cbm 133 - In Interlachen Blvd. frm Cillian Ave. to Kt;.y. $69 K. YATERLU! ( N3~~~!IXXT3l AFTER WE& IC I-IZ:ARIi!G TJIIS EW!Il!Ci)- In Intesl achen Rl~d. fron Ccoper to Zyvrocd :'!est Total SLds being 2s follot?ts: and LAXTTI L SOI:S, IK. - $.51,463.03. Interlachen Blvd, from Cbper Avenue' to' Eywobd 'Vest, and that contract for the balance of the Irpovemnts be awarded to low bidder, Esatson and I:elly? Inc. at their Total Bid, $12~:,2410E0, less their bid on the rcjected I'laternaln, $27,967A-O, for Azara" of ~98,274,4.0., all subject to State Eoard of Health and Hennepin Ccunty appoual. Bank' s motion that contract be a!:tarded in accordance wi-i;'n LIanager' s recorrmxdation vas second.ed by Tupa and carried, Bf?EPPTSCIl! AID IIELLY, II:!?. - 51269241oEO; FHELPS-DZAJCE C@. , 1i:G. - 5129,544,25; Xanager SIyde recomender? that Council reject all bids far that !'latermain in 2. STOR?.: SEER Il.:PLO?Ti!EI!T I!@. 42 - In Easement Line from Lake Pamela Park Pond to Erookviea i;ve.; Broo!:vievr .yve. from 150' S. of !1,58th St. to %',59th St.; Through La!kr Pamela Park from U.59th St. znd Brookview kve. to !?,60th St. and Oa!:laim i',ve. Detailed Tabulattlon of Bids for December 31st completion date vias presented, showing Swanson Excavating Company to be low bidder of six, with 322,607.00; Allied Excavating Gonpany, second low with %23,948.60; and Allied Excavating Ccmpany, third loa with 326,363.57, l.%-ir.recommended arard of contract to lov: bidder, Snanson Excavating Company, and Dickson so moved, Kohler and carried.. I !.!ation seconded by 3. ST0X.I SE'JER Ii~F~OEiEiT I?O. 43 - In Easement Line betwen Lots 3 and 4, and 4 STOFJi SEZR I::F;;OW:El!T I!@. 44 - In Easement Line betneen Lots 6 and 7, Block 1, Scuthdale First Addition from Cornelia Drive to 165' Jest; Block 1, Sowthdale First Addition frcm Cornelia Drive to 170" :;'est. i.lanager presented Engineer' s detailed Tabulation 0% Eids, shouing Allied B:cavat- ing Conpany to be loa bidder of five, for both improvenents. Company is s&ond low, ahS:FFren?: Serratore is third OW. He recommznded award of contract to lot.: biddkr, Allied Excavating Company, at $1,4.40 for Storm Seaer Zoo 43, and $1,629.95 for Storm Secer ?to, 44. :it a question from Trustee Eanl:, :ir, Hyde replied that this company has not done work for us before, but that they must be bonded and he believes these small jobs should not be difficult. Bank moved that a::.ard be macle to low bidder, subject to investigation by Xanager on contractor' s reliability; Lila%, if investigation be unfavorable contract be awarded to second-lou bidder, Bhxk 4, Erookline First ?.ddition froin Ewing i\ve. to France kve. Tabulation of five bids taken, recommending that all bids be rejected pursuant to Council action this evening abandoning project, Dickson so moved. Kohler and carried. COifiIIZd3,TI@I! OF >,UGIJST 1ETI-I FITBLIC I-IEi-iSiIi:G Oil D;-I@P@SED fiSSESSIJB!T FOX STREET I~.PEOJ,EKE?T I:@. 1?-105--Elac!:topping Ewing Ave. from K.61st St. to Dead End. ;Janager Eyde, explaining that the major objection at the August 18th Rearing had been the condltion of the machine-laid blacktop curb, reported that contractor Craig kle?:ander ~.<ll replace present curb. again of 8 lor-r spot ?,%ere the c.ater stands; and it ctas reported that ccntractor has agreed to reneciy this, also. ment as originally tabulated, at 52.54 per foot for Blac!:top only, plus 5.69 per fcot for Blac!:top CIJ~~, to those- lots were !%was constructed, Ban!: offered the folloaing Resolution an3 ncr1.~3 its adoption.: Snanson Exavating 2!otion seconded by Tupa and carried. 5. STOR.: SE;E2 Oil EJ:SEXEi~T LiI.!E between Lots 3 and 4, and Lots 12 and 13, lzanager presented Seconded by I Onner a.t 3709 Chouen Curve complained llanager recomended, that Council levy the assess- 9/&/% RESOLUTIOFT ADOPTIfJG A€JD CO1GIRlIII:G P.SSESSLEKT 1 FOR STREET Ir.movamx ITO. A-105 - EE IT 3EESC)LVED by the \]illage Council of the Village of Edina, Llinnesota, as fclll:&:j 1. It is hereby found, determined and declared that the proposed assess- \ ments for STREET IIIPEOVE.lEEI!T IIO. A-105, and each of them, have been property cal- culated in accordance with the provisions of Ilinnesota Statutes Section 4.12.441 ; that notice has been duly published, as required by law, that this Council. ncvld meet to hear and pass upon all. objections, if any, to amend said proposed assess- mcnts as might be necessary, and to adopt the same by resolution; that said pro- posed assessments have at all times since their filing been open for public inspection, and opportunity has been given to all interested persons to present thsir objections; and that each of the lots, pieces and parcels of land enumerated in tlic respective assessments was and is specially benefited by the construction of the improvement for -which such assessment is levied in .the amount set cpposite the description of each such lot, piece and parcel of land, respectively, pieces and parcels of land described in said respective assessments, and said pro- posed assessments are hereby adopted and confirmed as the proper special assessments for said improvement, The assessment against each lot, tract or parcel, together with the interest accruing on the full amount thereof from tine to tim? unpaid, at the rate of five percent per annum from the date of this rssolution, shall be a Lien concurrent vrith general taxes upon the property described therein and all th-ereoi". sha.ll be payable in equal annual installments estending over a period of five years, the first of said installments, together with interest on the entire assessment Prom the date hereof to December 31, 1959, to be payable with general ta::es for the year 195&, and one of the remaining installments, with one year's interest on that and all subsequent installments, to be payable with general taxes for the years 1959 through 1962, collectible in the respective ensuing yearso owner of any lot, piece or parcel of land assessed hereby may pay the vhole of such assessment or any installment thereof without interest to the Village Treasurer and thereafter such payment may be made with accrued interest, to the County Treasurer; provided that if any assessments or installments thereof be prepaid to the Village Treasurer, he shall promptly notify the Village Clerk and County Auditor, and the assessment or installment so prepaid shall be cancelled on the books of the County Auditor. The Clerk shall, as soon as may be, prepare and transmit to the County Auditor a certified duplicste of said assessments, with each then unpaid installment and interest set forth separately, to be extended upon the proper tax lists of the County, and the County Auditor shall thereafter cause said assessments to be collected in the manner provided by law. shall be designated as the "ASSESSlAENT ROLL FOR STREET IIJPROVEIIENT I!O. A-1059 and all amounts collected in respect of the assessments therein contained shall be similarly designated by the County Treasurer and remitted to the Village Treasurer and by him credited to the Temporary Improvement Fund. 2. The amounts so set our are hereby levied against the respective lots, The total amount of each such assessment for Street Improvement IJo. r',-l05 3. Prior to certification of the assessment to the County /tuditor, the 4.. Said duplicate Ilotion for adoption of the Resolution was seconded by Tupa, and on Rollcall there aye; and Bredesen, aye; and the STREET ILIPR@VEZEMT PIO. A- 122 (ELACKTOPPITJG, CURE AID GUTTER, AND SIDEJALK, SCXJTHVIEU LAIIE) - COiISTRUCTIOIJS PLANS REVISED. liugust 25, a delegation was present to hear Kc., Hyde's report as to cost of removing present curb and gutter and sid,ewrall: at the Junior High, looking toward widening of the street entirely .to the South of the centerline, tlr. Hyde reported that the cost would be some $3,500; that it would be eligible for gas tax moneys; that the School Board offers no particular objection to nidening of the road over school property, -i:~aveleci roadway would be widened five feet to the i^lortli?, Delegation spol:esman, who did. not give his name, asked that street be left at its present width? stating he feels residents will gain nothing but aclditional traffic, by the v!ideiiLng. brises, whereas regular Village blacktop is not set up for this type of traffic. A Sl-lggestioil was made by one of the delegation that, rather than widen Southviea Lane, consideration be given to providing a school bus service drive. Info-rmed that there is insufficient room for such construction. Anderson's written ctbjection was reviewed. because the State requires a traveled width of 4-4' feet where parking is tct be alLovied on both sides of the street, it is planned to prohibit parking Bn the school sick. Kohler's notion, that pl.ans be revised so as to widen So1.Jthvier.I LailC eiitirsly South of the centerline, nith cost to be absorbed from gas tax moneys, was seconded by Sank and carried. Pursuant to discussion had on He stated that, under the present plan, the It was explained that road must be widened to be eligible for gas .5 I,~~,. .-' .., help; that residents are gaining a blacktop job vtnich ~il1 hold school He 1x1s ik. D. >. ilanager I-Iyde tolcl delegation that, J .Z!:sCiI! iilGLF f-i:TTTST -Z313T?;ZD. Jackson ihwxie -.-!a; r.iosC vuhcricnk in its prok?sts that the !rillag,a i1alirl ?-"i"t their nerl.; constructed drii.~e:!~ys hi~h abcve the st met, in grading Jac!:son iLvenuco Paul l-:cdbloon, 412 Jac!:son, told Council that, pursuant to grade infomatio.? received frcm the Village Enginxring Dzpartment-that the grade v:csulrl not be chsrig~d cme -man 'CYX inches--fi~.7r r3sidents have put in neu blacktop drivevrays j and that after this v:as dcne the ?illage cxployed contractor -too!: dozn three or fotw feet Q: these driverays j ,-and the Engineer's office has informed residents that con-bractor r.ril1 not repair then. repaired at ?illage expnse. Engineer Zi!:an told the Council that grade 1'13s set 2;.;ien developer put in his development j that during dnclling construction considerable dirt YJ~S dunpad on the street by building contractors, during their building operations, building the street up beyond its established grade, reminded Council that "repair of drivemys'' had been included in sone estimates of cost, at Council suggestion: and that it had been fcund that most ormers prefer to repair :their w.m drive:7aysII He told the delegation that if the Village repairs the driveways, ovmers xi11 pay for this repair in their assessments, aas raised as to the grade of Jacl-.son at both I:aloney and Selmore Lane; and the ovmer at 410 Jac!:son stated he has tno inches of water standing in front 02 his hause, me.eting. ,*, delegation of residents the ~1.00 ??.Qc!: on ?ke 17 He reported that residents fee.! that the dri7:ecfays should be llanager Eyde 1 Some question Engineer nas instructed to survey problem and report at the next regular E.LACETOPPII:G PmIT IC; 1 FXSEi?TEC--CM~aTREY F'IOI:.D X!D f!@?TK.';2@D D2IVE. 1.:~ ,, :Imlan B. Strong presented Petition for Elacktopping of Chantrey Road batwen .'\,yrshire Blvd. and TTorthwood Drive, and of I!osthwood hive from Glengarry Parlxay to- end of present Elacktop. small "park" island et the intersection of Ilorthvrood Drive and Glengarry ParI:~ay. it uas suggested that the island might be removed and the entire intersection blacktopped, to eliminete maintenance of the island, :!re Strong stated, ha::tever, that he wuld be willing Zo nor! the island. Discussion was had as to the eventual extension of Glengarry Psrkay to the i!orth, to intersect with I.Srror Lakes Drive; 1.k- Strong reporting that residents abutting the proposed street do not nant it. It cas pointzd out to Ik. Strong that this proposed street would provide access to the par!: frm the i!or.th; and, during discussion, the suggestion was made that, in lieu of a road, a pedestrian bicycle access might be provided. Lk. Strong vras informed that street around "island" will be blacktopped. Lk. Strong vas concerned about the Blacktopping of the street around the .- TECtfl!ICd, ZO;tIl:G @ADIKAl:CE lilFEl.f;TiIQ;! CORRECTED, Attorney Richard E. Olson, representing Xr. Eay Urrrnel, 5300 'd.60th Street, asked the Council to adopt a rezolution recognizing "Tile East l/2 oE Lot 6, Block 4, Code's I-Iighvierr Park'' as a separate parcel of propsrty, and cancelling Yillage rights for action for infraction of zoning ordinance. I-:@ explained that, in 1949, a building permit nas issued for this "partial lot"; that this property has been sold on unrecorded contracts for deed several times since the dv;clling !":as constructed; that, Tn 1952, the Council filed with ths Zegistsr of Deeds a document prohibiting the subdivision of a tract cf less tiim 2:- acres in area; that the present ormer cas not aware of this restriction until he attempted to obtain a liiortgage on his property and nas informed that a nortgage could nct he granted until this matter of technical infraction of zoning oru'inancz is resolved . and. moved its adcp-tion: Eanl: offered the folloning :@solution - -. ser1.p his thrEe lots. It :.:as tilcugiit that perhaps these lots are on the wrong Awks& sxt of the drop in grsde an? should bo served from the South, but iIanager 'cold 3. Lecy that Engineers vill check plans, to see if he can be served, and aill inform him of the results of the investigation. submitted, and Bank offered the follotvinq Resolution and rnoved its adoption: BE SOL UT IOPJ R&,iE!!J IF!G COTdT R ACT DE IT RESOLVED, That the contract heretofore submitted, sicrned and - r?:;ccuted by the Suburban Hennepin county Relief Board of the county of Hennepin :or am1 during the year 1958-59 for the administration and supervision of poor rcl-icf in the Village of zdina be, and the same is hereby accepted, app-roved, renewed and extcnded for and during the year 1958-59 with the same force and affect c's though said original Contract , above described, wre redated and rcsignecl and execu.i:xl as of the date hereof, The question was on the adoption of the Resolution, and a roll being called, tliore were five ayes and no nays, as follovis: upa, aye; and Eredesen, aye; and the SPEED LII.:IT IICREASE REQUESTED FOR FW?CE AVEFTUE F2@;.1 Y1.55TH TO Ye GOTH STREET. I:snager I-:\& reported the Police Department's recommendation that the speed limit on France ,",venue between 55th and 60th Street be increased from 30 to 35 I,IPI-:. Tupa offered the following Resolution and moved its adoption: RESOLUTLOIJ REQUESTING IITCREASE I11 SPEED LIIAIT FRANCE AVENUE SOUTH EET!'IEEP,' !'I055TII AID !?~&OTH STREETS FX-IEZEAS,/a thorough analysis of the graphs produced by radar observation -. of the speed of 3049 vehicles during a recent study of this location, by the Fdina Police Department, a copy of which is attached, reveals that present posted speed limit on France Avenue, betmen 55th Street and Goth Street, is unrealistic and not susceptibla of reasonable enforcement, this Council has qletcrrninecl ii; to be in the interest of public safety and convenience to increase the speed limit on said street, located within the Village Limits of the Village of Edina,-as herein set forth: Franca ",venue from 1'1.55th Street to I'J.6Otli Street, increased from ND 'X-1EREAS9 a portion of said street is county road: IIO'd, THEREFOZ, EE IT RESOLVED, by the Village Council of the Village of the present 30 idFN to 35 IIPI-?, Edina in sped limits to the Eoard of Hennepin County Connissioners and respectfully reqilesds permission for said change on this portion of the hereinbefore mentioned street , BE IT FLJZTI-IER RESOLVED, that this Council make recommendation and request the Minnesota Highway Department for an increase in speed limit on the herein- before mentioned street. I-Iennepin County, 1.linnesota , that this Council recommends the above change I:o+:ion for adoption of Resolution was seconded by Bank, and on F;ollcall there were five ayes and no nays, as folloivsr Ba ickson, aye; I:ohler, aye; Tupa, aye; and Eredesen, aye; and the Resol VPLLEY VIE?! ROAD F!!c3@RB4kE AVEITiJE SPED LILIIT TO E€ STUDIZD. as to the possibility of increasing the speed on BaPkey Vieri Road Hycle e;:plaincd th2t pedestrian traffic for swimming pool is one reason for not increasing the speed, Question was raised by Trustee Ban!: . -. i:anager He will have Police Department make a check. TZ:',FFIC SIGIT:',T,S FO2 FR/liTCE AIID 54TH STREET II?T%f,SXTIQIT DISQJSSED, TrLiStee Ihhl er inquired concerning this matter, and ihnager Hyde reported that the State will. not honor tr!o-T;Ja.j signal; that signals musf; be fwr-corner instsllation. Ik suggested khat Council ask IJinneapolis to pay a quarter of the installation cost, and Kohler offered the following RQs-olution and rnoved its adoption: 2ESOLUTIOII F@:: TRAFFIC SIGiIAL and !'lest 54Lh Street is located in the City of I.hnsapolis, and standard automatic traffic signal at said intersection, and signalized at the earliest possible time; to ;~~~~~~~~~at.~~~.."ente~ ..,into . ,, an-%agreement ' with the Village of Edina whereby the coP k of rnstallati6n of auf;oma*t?c traffic signal at intersection of France .':veuiie 2~1h-i and !7est 54th Street ail1 be divided 25 percent to the City and 75:: tt? the 11 i 1 I ag e , 1:II-IE1Xf?S, the traffic volume justifies and requires the installation of a yLT 3 L.~~A, -7 72 fi the Village -of Eclina is desirous or' having this intersection 01 I~JJ?~, 7 THEREFORE.,. PE IT RESOLVED that the City of Xinneapolis he requested, .. explained khat the presont traffic signal plat should be replaced before anything mch is done, here, I STOP SIGY jZ Y:LLEY VI5,; 2WD fd!D '.'1.66TE STREETS TO EE LI'iDE II:@PE17l".TIEi=,, Trustee Kohler suggested that the traffic volune at the viciniky of 66th St~~et and ?l/al?ey %en Soad does not 7:rarrant 3 stop signals within a block, and asked that insesti- gatidn be made concerning necessity of keeping the middle sign in operation. Suggestion r:ras made that Ynis sign be made inoperative, and a "Yield Zight-of-!'laytt sign be installed to replace it. AUDIT SETXRT FO:: 'EAR 1957, as submitted jointly by Ernst and Ernst and State ,Public Examiner, was furnished to Council. DE:lrEL@PERS' OVE2-T;LL F1i:AKIKG .4GR.€EL!E4T. Copies of proposed agreement wre submitted for Council revie'::, nith IJanager's corrnent that at least tco developers are ready to sign. EUCGET IXEri?!G SCEEDULED FOR i.?JKDiiY, SEPTEI.:BER 15, AT 5:OO F.I.I. IIanager Hyde asked that Council set date for budget meeting. After camparison of itineraries, Council set Xonday, September 15, at 5:OO P.&, as date and time ?or said meeting. PUELIC HEAT,II?GGS Ob! I~KLOEl.~El!TS SCHEDULED. three improvement projectso in order that work might be expedited. and moved its adoption: Eanager Hyde reported on plans f or n He asked that Hearings be scheduled on September 22, Dickson offered the follov!ing Resolution PESOLUTIOiJ PZ3VIDIHG FOR PUBLIC: HEA;IIi!GS PEOPOSED SjdIITARY SEYER, Y?ATEX.i.?I~!, 3lD STREET Ii.iPROVE,'EXI'S BE IT RESOLVED by -the Council of the Village of cdina: report as tc the feasibility of the proposed Sanitary Sewer, !:atemain, and Street Improvements described in the Form of rIotice of Hearing set forth below, and as to the estimated cost nf such improvements, said report is hereby approved and directed to be placed on file in the office of the ?illagz Cler!:. -the Edina \.rillage I-Iall, to consider in public hearings the views of all persons interested in said prqmsed improvements. place and purpose of said meeting to be published in the official newspaper once a aeek for tm succzssive ':1ee!:s, the second of vhich publications is to he not less Ynan three days fro3 datz of said meeting, which notice shall be in sub- stantially the 2ollol:ring form: 1, The ?rillage Engineer, having submitted Lo the Council a preliminary 2. This Ccuncil shzll nest on ;:onday, September 22, 1958, at 7:30 Pd:.y in 3, The Clerk is hereby authorized and directed to cause notice of the tine, I!OTICE OF RiBL IC HEi.,RIi:GS Oil P;t3Z'@SED SAiIZTliliY SF:IER '.'Ji.\TEPJ.YiIT.?~ OPEIII1:GY G3DI~Z, GWiVJ%LII:G, BLt;CI;TOPFiI:G AI!D CURB .!!ID GIVTE5 II.:FXIVEI.:EI.TS 1,IOTICE IS I-EEEiY GI?E! tha! the Edina Village Council ail1 meet at the zdina village Hall on I.londay, Septsmber 22, 195Ey at 7:OO P.i?., to consider the follcning proposed improvements to be constructed under the authority granted by Kinnesota Lms of 1953, Chapter 396. Village Engineer as set forth belor: EST II XTED COST I The apFroxima-te cost of said improvements is estimated by the A. CQIISTRUCTIC;: @F VILLAGE LATE2AL SPXITitRk' SE:!ER XYD AWUETEI:M:CES 1;: TEE F@LLO:'III,:G STREZTS : -d 1. ?':est Shore prive frcm Dmham s rise Lo Gilford Driva Fondell ~pi~e frcn Ykoddale Kse. to @al:lal;n Ave. . Uooddale .;ve. frcm El1sv:orth Drive ta Gilford Drive Gilford Drive frcn yest Shore Drive to I;ellc-gg Ave. 536,258.86 9/8/58 j': $71 Eo CONSTRUCTIOTd OF VILLAGE VJATENQt IM AL!D APPURTEIJAIICES IrJ THE FOLLO!KIPJG STREETS : 4- I. i Yest Shore Drive from Dunham Drive to Gilford Drive VJooddale Avenue from Ellsworth Drive to Gilford Drive Fpndell Driv3. from Yiooddale Avenue to 0al;lal;m Avenue Gilford Drive' from West Shore Drive to Oaklawn i?ve. Oaklawn i.,ve. from Ellsworth Drive to Gilford Drive, :.. b. I $45,@41.65 rl o OPEI*JII'IG, GRADII.TG, GRAVELL IIdG, ELI~CI<TC)PPIIIG~ &ID CURB At!D GUTTER OF THE FOLLO'WIIIG 1, ?rest 66th st. from Naomi Drive to Tingdale ~ve. 516,555.16 STREET The area proposed to be assessed for the cost of the proposed Sanitary Sewer 2nd YJatermain listed under A-1 and E-1 above, includes all lots and tracts of land abutting the streets proposed to be improved by the construction of sai-cl Saiii tary Seaer and Ylateriain. The area proposed to be assessed for the cost of Yne proposed Opening, Grading, Gravelling, Elacktopping, and Curb and Gutter listed under C-l above, includes Lot 1, Slocl: I, Erookview Heights First Addition; Parcel 3500 and Parcel 3000, Section 4., Township 114, Range 21; Lots 12 and 13, ~loc!; 18, and Lots 12 and 132 Elocl: 19, Normandale Second Addition. GRETCHER S o ALDEN Village Clerk Idotion for adoption of the Resolution was seconded by Tupa, and on Rollcall Village Clerk IklPJOEiE€JT EIDS SCHEDULED FOR SEPTEliiBER 22, Llanager Hyde asked that Council take bids on several projects.September 229 and Dickson offered the following Resolution and moved its adoption: R ESOLUT IO1 I APPRO VIIiJG PLANS AIlD S PZC I F ICAT IOI!S FOR PROPCISED S?,IIITARY SEER, TI!';TEPXL'IITI !Q!D STXEET 1I.ITROVEI.iEI~iTS M?D DIRECTIII!G ADVERT ISE?.IEKT FOR EIDS EE IT FSSOLVED by the Village Council of the Village of Edina: lo The plans and specifications for the proposed Sanitary Sewer, y!;rtarmain and Street Improvements set forth in the following Advertisement for Bids form, heretofore prepared by the Village Engineer and now on file in the office of the Village Clerk are hereby approved,. Courier. and the Construction Bulletin the following notice for bids for said improvements : ADVERTISELENT FOR EIDS 2. The Clerk shall cause to be published twice in the Edina-i:Iorningside SANITkWY SEUER, WATEFJAAII,!, AFD VIIDEl~II!*?G OF STREET AI9ID 2ELOCATIT?G OF UTILITIES IIOTICE IS HEWEEY GIVEN that sealed bids will be received and opened in the office of the Villzge hlaiiager in the Edina Village Hall, 4801 West 50th Street, at 11:OO A.?!!., J.'ionday, September 22, '19589 and that the Edina Village Council will meet at 7:OO P.lh.9 on Monday, September 22, 1958, to consider said bids, being f~r the following : A. CONSTRUCTION OF -VILLAGE LATERAL SAXITAWY SEWER AFD APPURTEiL44I.JCES 11,: THE FCkLO?JII!G STREETS : - 1. Yest Shore Drive from Dunham Drive to Gilford Drive Fondell -Drive from Wooddale 8ve. to Oaklawn Ave. !'looddale he. from Ellsworth Drive to Gilford Drive Gilford Drive from 'Jest Shore Drive to Kellogg Avenue. Bo COIISTRUCTIOI.,! OF VILLi2GZ \VATER?L@,IIZ AITD APPURTEiVJICES IN THE FOLL@';IIT-!G STREETS : 1, :?est Shore Drive from Dunham Drfve to Gilford Drive . Fondell Drive from Wooddale Ave, to Oaklawn Ave. \yooddale Avenue from Ellsworth Drive to Gilford Drive - Gilford Drive from West Shore Drive -to Oaklawn Ave. -Oaklawn Ave. from Ellsworth Drive to Gilford Drive; South side of !'lest 50th Street from approximately 225 feet !'lest of the centsrline of France Avenue to France Avenue. C '.'IID3III.IG AF!D FELOCATING OF UTILITIES 0I.J THE FOLLOYJIIIG STRZET 1.' mist be done as described in plans and specifications on file in the offfce OE the Village Clerk. Plans and specifications are ava5labl.e for a deposit of 55.*00, vhich deposit will be refunded upon return of said pl-ans and specifications. 110 bids vrill be considered imless sealed and filed with the undersigned before 1l:OO !\.I,,?., Lionday, September 22g 1958, accompanied by cash deposit, bid bond er certified check payable to the Village clerk in the amount of at leas+: ten percent of amount of base bid. all bidso ' The Council-reserves the right to reject-any or F>{ C~]?l)zFl @F THE TJILLlo,GZ -COLTtCIL GZ2TCEET.I So I.LDEh! Village Cler!: ?/E/SS 272 3, hereby dopteb as 3-1s t2rrr.s and conditions of amrd of the contract :or said improvernsnt , Zotiion for adoptinn 02 7esolution rms seconded Isy Tupa, and on Follca1.l there nere five ages and nn nays, as follovrs: Tupa, aye; and Erelesen, 3ye; and the Zes Each and all cf the terms clf tile foreqoing advartiscnmt for bfds are i ?illage clerk BE IT RESOLE3 by the council 02 tht:! \:illage of Edina as folloy~s: The Cl?r!: and 3qZneer having calculated the proper smosnbs assessed for the irr,pra~~enents set forth in the i!otices or" EIeorings 3s:: forth b%iovJ9 and the zncrim-ks pmposeci lo be assessed against -Lh? respective lots, pieces anti parcels oE land YJi'chin the districts affected by said improvements, and said prc.~lposeld assessnents having been filed ~jitk the Clerk, the saEe are hereby approved; and the Cler!: shall keep the sane on file in her oEfice and cpen to public inspection pending hesrings thereon as herein provided, of notices of hearings hcr5inafter contained, to pass upon said proposed assess- Rents; and the Cler!: is hereby authorized and directed to publish notice of said hearings in the official newspaper in accordance nith la:.], in substantially the following forms : 1. bs 2. This Ccuncil shall meet at the time and place specified in the forms (1) IDTICE IS HEEEY GIVE!, that the Council of the ?rillage of Edina nil1 meet 1:QTLCE QF irSSESS:.iEiF I-IEARIIIG @I! DISTXICT SE!E:! Kt. lL.2 ,*bI!D LAT5R:X SEWICE CQCI!ECTI@?!S TO S!,ID DISTRICT SP,':2;; at the Village Hall on !:onday, September 29, 1955, at 7:OO o'clock Po;:., to hear and pass upon all objections, if any, to the proposed assessment for the following improvement. This assessmwt is non on file in the office of ti12 yillage Clerk and open to public inspection, Seaer and >&ppurtenances in the following streets : I S>+i!IT.W'\l DISTRICT SEI'IEE I:O. 142 - Construction of Village District Sanitary 1. Highway ilo. 169-212 from Gleason Road to Blake Road; 2. Blake Road frarn IHighway 110. 169-212 to '450 ?Le IIorth of Pine Grove Xoad; 3. Eden FTairie Road from Blake Road to Highrood Drive; 4. Par!:aoc?d Eoad fron Bla!:e Road to Schaefcr Road, The area proposed to bz assessed ?or the cost of the above improvement includes all lots and tracts of land nithin the following described boundaries: "Eegin. at intersection of centerline of Ew/.?+59-212 and 2est line of IEl/4 of SEl/4 of Sece31,T~,~.l17,Ro21; the Illy along said Jest line and 7JJest line of SEl/4 of llEl/4 of said Sec. 31 to 13 Cor. thereof; th. Yly 359 Ft.; th, :n'!ly along rear lot lines of Lots ll and 10, gl. 5, Parkwood Knolls, a dist. of 165 FL.; th. TX!ly and S;!ly along rear lot lines of Lots 10 and 9, said ~31. 5 to S:'l Cor. of Lot 9, said 51. 5; th. illy to E! Car. thereof; tho 12"i'l-y along 3l-y Lot line or" Lot 1, said ~1. 5 and its esctensim to centerline of Parkcood Road; th, IiEly along centerline of Par1:nood Road to Sly extension of Ely lot line of Lot 4, El. 2, Parkaood Ibolls; th. Zly along said e:ctension and East lines of Lots 4 and 3, said B1, 2, to 12 Cor. of said Lot 3; th. 17ly to SY? Cor, 02 Lot 16, ii~d. Subd, ?T 1.0. 325; th, I!ly to 1-2 Cor, 'diereof; th. Ely to il2 Coro thereof; th, SEly to S!! Cor, of Lot I, ~1- 2, ..estr.mod Court; tho Zly to SE Cor. of Lot 4, El. 1, Uestr.rood Cour-L; th. I!ly along Ely Ling thereof to S?? Cor. of of Lot 43, id. Subd. #325; th. Ely tt- centerline of Ela!:a Road; tho Sly along centerline of Bla!:e Eoad to a pt. ~hich is 511 Ft. I!. of Centerline of Pine Grove Road; the Ely 65E.25 Fts; th. Sly 178 ~t.; t11, ~1-y LO E. line 02 5:!1/4 of SX/. of Sec, 29, ~tp. 117, 2. 21; th. Sly to S;J Cor, of Lot 1, El. 1, Carson's Hill; til. Ely to IIE Cor. of Lot 2, 21. 1, Highnocd Addition to Edha Wighlands; th. Sly to SE Cor. o? Lot 6, said El. 1; til. Yl-y to S'J Cor. thereof; th. Sly along 'JIy lot line thereof to S:! Cor, thereof; th, Sly along E. line or" El. 3, I-:iglir.lood Addition to Edina Highlands to centerline of State Kr.1p~:l6?-2l2; 'ch. S:'!ly along said centerline to pt. cif beginninq." and .* I COi!STF,UGTIU;I OF Ll,TExL SERVICE COXf!ECTI@X TO S,*,ID DISTRICT SEXL III THE 1. Gla!:e Eoad ii-on 1Iigh:;tay ITo. 169-212 to 450 Ft, I!orth oP fine Gi-ow .load. 2, Eden Frzirie Road from Blake Road to I-Iighrood Drive. 3. Parkctocd Rozd frcm Clal:e Road to Schaefzr Zoad. The area proposed tcr ba assessed for lateral connections to the District FOLLC;.'!T;:G ST'ZETS : f * Sexer includes 211 lo'is and tracts of land abutting the streets imFrovscl by construction of said la.i;:~al connsctions. 9/s/58 2 7-3 iwessments for the above iniprovement will be payable in ten equal consecutive annual installments over a period of ten yearss with first year payable with taxes for the year 1958 collectible in 1959, with interest on the entire assessment at the rate of 5:: per:snnum from the date of the resolution levying thz assessment to Decenbcr 31, 1?59. To each subsequent installnent will be added interest at the samc rate for one year on all unpaid installments, The or:mr of any property assessed for the above improvement nay pay the vhole 01 the 8ssessnen.t without interest to the Village Treasurer before 12 o'clock noon on rlecomber 319 195E or mafe payment with accrued interest to the i+xmnty TreasurerD 2X CiXEC., 0% THE VILLAGE COTJiTCIL. GRETCHEI! S :%DEI: ljillage Clerk (2) IIOTICE IS HER%E\I GIVEI!, that the Council of the villags of Edina 1;rill meet at I'OTICE OF ASSESS:EIIT HZARING ON SAI!IT:\tRY LATERAL SNER 110. 143 the Village Hall on !.Ionday, September 29, 1958, at 7:0@ o'clock Pa;:., to hear and pass upon all objections, if any, to the proposed assessment for the folloiving I improvcment. open to public inspection. SAi!ITz*,R'L LITTELX SE!:!EE I!O. 143 - Construction of Sanitary Lateral Sewr and !qpurte- nances in the fol lowing streets : This assessment is now on file in the office of the Village Clerk and 1. 2, 3, Highwood Drive from Highvray Ilo. 169 to yes-L Highwood Drive; and 4, 5. 6. Jeffrey Lane from Elake Road to Kaymar Drive. 7. E, 9. Schaefer Road from Parkwood Road to YJestvrood Court, South end of YJestvrood Court. Idylnocd Drive from Blake Road to Schaefer Road. !!est Highwood Drive from Highwood Drive to Saxony Road, Pine Grove Road from Blake Road to Highwood Drive; and West Highwood Prive in Idylwoocl Third Addition. Idylrrood Drive from Elake Road to !'lest Highwood Drive. 1:aynmr Drive from Blake Road to Eden Prairie Road. Leslee Drive Erom Jeffrey Lane to Turn-Around, Sacony Road from Blake Road to Itlest Highwood Drive. The area proposed to be assessed for the cost of the above improvement includes Assessments for Sanitary Sewer No, 143 will be payable in ten equal consecutive all lots and tracts of land abutting the streets improved. annual ins%allments over a period of ten years, with first year payable with taxes for the year 1958 collectible in 1959, with interest on the entire assessnent at the rate of 5:: per annum from the date of the resolution levying the assessment to December 31, 1959. To each subsequent installment will be added interest at the same rate for one year on all unpaid installments. The ovrner of any property assessed for the above improvement may pay the whole of the assessment without interest to the Village Treasurer before 12 o'cloc!: noon on December 31, 1958 or make pa7ymen.t with accrued interest to the County Treasurer. BY ORDER OF THE VILLAGE COUPICIL. I GRETCHEN S. ALDEIJ Village Clerk (3) 1:OTICE OF ASSESShlEIlT HEARINGS OII SAIJITARY SE!'IER BJO. 1.49 MJD WATEHJA1I.J hJ0. 131 TDTICE IS HEREESI GIVEN, that the Council of the Village of Edina will meet at the Village Hall on Lionday, September 29, 1958, at 7:OO o'clock P.L2 to hear and pass upon all objections, if any, to the proposed assessments for Sanitary Sewer 11r-1. 149 2nd Ua-termain Noe 131. These assessments are now on file in the office of the Village Clerk and open to public inspection, in Henith :\venue from luT.6Oth St. to 50 Ft. IJorth of centerline of '.'JV59t1i st. lots ancl tracts of land as follotvs: Lots 15 thru 23, inclusive; Block 2, Lot 13; Block 3, Lot 12. 77citit1-1 1veniie from I;.Je59th Street to !?.6@tk St. I-OZS and trzcts of land as follons; of Lot 8; Elocl: 7, Lots 15 thru 23, inclusive, anniial insta1Unents over a period of ten years, \with first year payable with taxes for Yie year l95E collsctible in 1959, v~itli interest on the entire assessment at the rate oF 5,: per ?nr.um from the date of the resolution levying the assessment to December 21, 1959. To ezch subseqvent installment 1vril.1 be added interest at the sane rate for one \'ear on all unpaid install-ments. of assessment without interest to the Village Treasurer before 12 o'cloc!: nom on. !?ecembs 31, LEI? or make payment with accrued in.tercsl to the Coun%y Trzasurer, PY om: OF TIE vIrx.:;Gz COUKIL. S~JiITARY SEVJER I!O. 14.9 - Construction of Sanitary Lateral Sewer and !,ppvrtenanccs The area proposed to be assessed for Yne cost of said improvement iiicludes a11 I-Xk?'?IZT LiA>:02 SEC@i:D ADDLTIOI! - Block 6, Lots 1 thru 9, inclusive; Block 79 '.lPITZ;:VLI~~ I:@* 131 - Construction of Village yjatermain ancl Appurtenances in The area proposed to be assessed for the cost of said improvement includes all . ET ;l.41:@2 SZC@i;D ADDITIOi! - Block 6, Lots 1 thrv 7, inclusive and l!l/2 fissessmcnts for th2 above inprovements will bc payable in ten equal consecutive The omer of any property assessed for the above improvements may pay the cdrole GRETCI-IEiT S e >LEE1 i V5llage Clerk at the 'li1laq.e Hall on ::onday, Septembir 29, 1958, at 7;OO o'clcc!: P.!L3 to hear and pass upon 211 objections, if any, to the proposed assessments for the Tollc~:- ing improvements. These assessments are novJ on file in the ocfice of ths Vfllage Clerk and open to pub15.c inspection. EL.CKTOFFL::G i:O. .<-LO7 - In Grandview Lane from ri.52nd to y053rd St. EL.:.CI:TCF?I;:G i:O. A-LO3 - In Zenith jye. fren ';im60th St. to GlOl Zenith :::ee P3L;iCIIT@P?ZI:G ;?(lo L-109 - In Drer: $m?. from 5900 and 5901 thm 5920 and 59'21 3rsvr. j3LFCKTOPfII:G iX3, A-1x0 - In !;psilire Blvd, fram Doncasxter ;'lay to :"lo line of PL.'.CKTOPPI;:G I.D. R-l!.l - In ;Iendelsso?m Lane, EL:ICKTC)?PI;:G ;XIo 1:.-113 - In itndover Rd. from ::rooddale .',ve. to :?est Shore Ur.; and BLACI:TQPFE:G IL:Oe A-115 - In Jac!;son j.vee from IJaloney ppe. to Eelmore Lane, EL.XKTOPPII:G ?@, i.-ll7 - In Josephine Ase. from Bellton Ave, to !'!,COth Ste E~LX€::TOFFII:Ci ;,:O. A-11% - In Co3e .we. from Grove St. Lo '::.57th St.; In Code I;,ve. from 'J.5Gth St. to 7Ielod-j Lake Drive; and In Xelody Lake Dr. frGm Cede Ave. to Code kve. CURE k;'D GUTTI3 I:@* E-52 - In York ,we. in the 6000 3loc!:. CURB KTD GUTTER ;:2. E-53 - In Ylarren Ave. from X.64th St. to y0G5Lh SL, GW!DII:G iI6. C-59 - In alley bstu. 'for!: and Xerxes !xes. and betw. 1'1.5GLh and :1.57th I Edina ~igiilands '.rjciition (existing b1aci:top) in Ezlvidere Lane frcn Yooddale l'rve, to 'Jest Shore ~r. S ti- e e .i; s The area proposed 'io be assessed for the cost of the above improvernmts includes all lots and tracts of Land abutting the streets improved. Assessments for Blacktopping and curb C Gutter will be payable in five equal consecutive annual installnents over a period of five years with first year payable r;ilth taxes for the year 1953 coliectible in 1959, with interest on the entire assess- ment at the rate of 3:: per annum from the date of the resolutiorl levying the assess- ment to D%err;ber 31, 1959. To each subsequent Snstallnent will be added in2eres.L at the sane rate for one year on all unpaid installments. kssessnents for Grading i!oo C-59nwill bs payable in three equal consecutive annual installrrents over a period of three years with first year payable with taxes for the year 1958 collectible in 1959, with interest on the entire assessment at the rate of 5:; per annun from the date of the resolution Levying the assessment to December 31, 1959. same rate for one year an all unpaid installments. Ths owner of any property assessed for the above improvements may pay the rziiole of thhe assessment v.C-i;hout interest to the ljillage Treasurer before 12 o' clock noon on December 31, 1358 or make payment with accrued interest to the County Treasurer E'{ OEDER OF THE ~.YI.LL,XZ COUI*?LL. GRETCFE! S. ?LDZ! I To each subsequent installment will be added interest at thhe ?illage Clerk :,",tion for adoption of Resolution was second aere five ayes anti no nays,. as follow: Ban iupa, aye; and Ei-ccdesen, aye; and the r'esolv. and on F:ollcall there - CLXC:S ?,:,ID. T~rpa's notion for paynent of the following Claims as per Fre-LIst dated Saptecnber 9, 2nd for pa'll;lant of Claim ;;9202 issued to Fostnasteer for 5200 s extra postage for ;:ater Eills, 1'1a5 seconded by Diclrson and carried;: General Rind, S54.,700.93; Const. Fund, $74,665.305 Par?:, Park Const., and 235 239 e 01 ; Park Sinking Funds, ':12,371.76; ;:'aternor!:s Fund, $1,060.67; Liquor Xspenszry Fund, Poor, PI?, and In?i-ovc?ent Fvncis, 5155.87 - Total %3%,@29.E20 I;ohler* J' motion i"or adjcxirnncnt/::as seconded by Dic!;son and carrfccl . ,E31. C9 ; Ser.:er 2w:sl Fund , $1 ,915. 19 5 Impra~.~emen% Fvn6s to Konday, Septembsr 15, 1958at 7:CO Po!:. Lke-king