HomeMy WebLinkAbout19581208_regular12/8/58 'JINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETIhG OF THE EDIiiA VILLAGE COUKCIL, HELD MONDAY , DECEhlBER 8, 1958, AT 7:OO P.M. , 34 AT THE EDINA VILLAGE HALL r' Members answering Rollcall were Bank, Dickson, Kohler, Tupa and Bredesen. ROBERT CHRISn RECEIVES MJN ICIPAL POLICE ADIVIINISTRATION CERTIFICATE. presented Police Sergeant Robert Christy with his certificate of completion of a course in Municipal Police Administration sponsored by the International City Managers' Association, complimenting him on the industry which made completion of this course possible. HIGHLANDS PARK DEVELOPMENT PLAN PRESENTED. Council review, "Development Plan-1959-Hsghlands Park", together with a cost estimate for completing the plan. He told Council that the primary purpose of his presentation is to give the Council an understanding of the proposed plan before it is presented to interested neighborhood groups. proposed clean up the two existing ball diamonds, to landscape by screen-planting all dorm Duncraig and Doncaster Way, to install a water system, to have parking on the West and just as the parking is now, except that it will be screened, to finish off the North end of Doncaster Way with a turn-around, which will provide parking in connection with the children's playgrounds and perhaps in connection with skating; and to provide paths. provided at a future time, when there is money available. Cost estimate was in amount of $21,500. saving can be effected by having our own dirt hauled, rather than taking bids on hauled fill; and Mr. Brauer replied he believes bids should be taken both ways. There was some discussion, but no formal action was taken, inasmuch as the Park Board expects to take the plan to the neighborhood groups for discussion very shortly. Mayor Bredes en Park Board Chairman Hill presented for Mr. Hill stated that, under this plan, it is He stated that the tennis courts shown on the plan should be In connection with cost item, Council inquired as to whether a PUBLIC HEARIKG ON PETITION FOR DOUBLE BURGALOE3 ON LOTS 1 AND 2, BLOCK 1, CLIFTON TERRACE (4202 and 4206 Valley View Road). Affidavits of Publication and Postinq of "Notice of Public Hearing" were presented by Clerk, approved as to form and ordered placed on file. The Planning Commission's favorable recommendation of November 5, was reviewed. There were no objections from the floor, and none had been received prior to the Hearing. Tupa's motion that permit for double bungalows be granted, subject to approval by the Planning Commission of building plans before permit is issued, was seconded by Dickson and carried. Pursuant to said Notice, Public Hearing was held on this matter. PUBLIC HEARING ON PROPOSED ZOfiING ORDINAhCE ALENDMEMT TO PERMIT DIVISION OF ONE LOTSINTO TEIIO WTHOUT PLATTIKG. of Hearinq" were presented by Clerk, approved as to form and ordered placed on file. Affidavits of Pub1 ication and Posting or "luotTce Pursuant to said kotice, Public Hearing was held on the matter. objections to the proposed amendment from the floor, and no written objections had been presented prior to the Hearing. Bank offered the following Ordinance, moving that Council dispense with second reading and adopt Ordinance as submitted: There were no . ORDINANCE NO. 261-38 AN ORDINANCE AMENDIIvG THE ZONIKG ORDINANCE OF EDIlIA AS TO CONDITIONS OF ISSUANCE OF ADDITIONAL BUILDING PERMITS THE VILLAGE COUiiCIL OF THE VILLAGE OF EDINA ORDAINS: No. 261 of the Village, as amended, is hereby further amended to read as follows: Section 1. Paragraph 3 of Section 3 (Open Development District) of Ordinance "3. One Dwelling- per Lot; VIaiver~of Lot Requirements. When land has been Dlatted or subdivided and the plat is recorded, no more than one dwelling may be erected or altered on any lot, and such lot must conform to the requirements for platting or subdividing set forth herein; Provided, that if it is proposed to erect a single family dwelling on a lot which does not conform to such requirements, and it would work an unreasonable hardship on the wmer to obtain additional property in order that his property will meet such requirements, the Council may nevertheless permit the erection or alteration and use of a-single family dwelling on such lot; and Provided further, that if the limitation herein of one dwelling on each platted lot would cause unnecessary hardship, and waiver of such limitation would not in the opinion of the Council interfere with the purpose of the platting regula- tions of this' ordinance,'the CouncilL may by res6lGtion wa%ve Eompliance'wifh platting regulations and with this section, and permit the erection of two single- family dwellings on a platted lot, without replat or subdivision thereof into two lots, if the platted lot is divided into not more than two equal parts by a legal description in the form "the (West) half of Lot (12)" or "the (North 100) feet of Lot (6)", and each part complies with all other requirements of this ordinance, and if the application is further accompanied by the consent of the planning commission thereto." its passage and publication according to law. I *_ Section 2. This ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after 35 12/8/58 e. Motion for waiver of second reading, and adoption of Ordinance as submitted, was'. seconded by Tupa, and on Rollcall there were five ayes and no nays, as follows! Ordinance was adopted. :,, Bank, aye; Village Clerk PUBLIC HEARING 011 PROPOSED "HEIGHT OF BUILDINGS'' AMENDMENT TO REGIONAL SHOPPIfdG CENTER DISTRICT SECTION OF ZONII\IG ORDINANCE. of Notice of Public Hearing were presented by Clerk, approved as to form, and ordered placed on file. buildings in the Regional Shopping District to a maximum height of 100 feet under certain specified conditions, was read by Manager Hyde, and discussed at some length. Mr. Warren Sturm, 6713 Southdale Road, explaining that the Executive Committee of the Southdale Improvement Association had caused transmittal of information about this ordinance only very recently, asked that action be post- poned until the residents have time to go over the plan and understand it, Mr, Robert crabb told the Council he had followed Council's direction, in having a meeting with the Executive Committee. Kohler's motion, that Public Hearing be continued to Monday, December 22, was seconded by Bank and carried. Affidavits of Publication and Posting Proposed ordinance, which would allow construction of DISCOI~TINUAI~ICE OF OWL SERVICE PROPOSED BY TWIN CITY RAPID TRANSIT CONIPAI~Y. Railroad and Warehouse Commission's notification of a hearina to be held Januarv 6. The 'a at 9:30 A.M., on the petition of Twin City Rapid Transit Comcany's petition for discontinuance of owl service in Minneapolis, St. Paul, and suburban municipalities, was discussed. Bank offered the followinq Resolution and moved its adODtion: 1- RESOLUTION OPPOSING DISCONTINUANCE OF OWL SERVICE WHEREAS, this Council has been notified by the Minnesota Railroad and Warehouse Commission of a petition filed by Twin City Rapid Transit Company for an order authorizing discontinuance of owl service in Minneapolis and St. Paul and in suburban municipalities; and not be in the public interest and would cause hardship to the users of this public transportation system: IvOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE VILLAGE COUidCIL OF THE VILLAGE OF EDIidA, that this Council go on record with the Minnesota Railroad and Warehouse Commission and with Twin City Rapid Transit Company as being in opposition to discontinuance of owl service in the Twin Cities and suburban municipalities. WHEREAS, in the opinion of this Council, discontinuance of owl service would A'lotion for adoption of Resolution was seconded by Kohler, and on Rollcall there were five ayes and no nays, as follows: B II'IINNEAPOLIS GAS COMPANY MEETING ANNOUNCED. officials to attend a meeting on Wednesday, December 17, to discuss Northern Natural Gas Company's announced rate increase was discussed. attend if it was possible. The Gas Company' s invitation to village Manager Hyde stated he would SANITARY SEWER IMPROVEI\IIE%T NO. 146 CONDEMNATION AWARD ACCEPTED. Manager Hyde reported that Court-appointed appraisers have awarded Rlr. Schuler, 5217 Richwood Drive, $1,700; and Mr. Dobbelman, 5213 Richwood Drive, $1,300, for a sanitary sewer easement through their properties. Ab. Hyde stated that this award is higher than it was expected to be; that some reasons for the large award would be the close proximity of the easement to the housesg and the removal of a tree. Irk. Dobbelman stated appraisers knew there would be winter digging and resultant problems with settlement. Manager Hyde asked Council's policy on appeal of this award, and matter was discussed, with Mr. Hasselquist advising that if matter goes to a jury the outcome is always uncertain--that award might possibly be higher than the present one. was seconded by Tupa and carried. Kohler's motion that Council accept the condemnation award, and do not appeal, GRADER AWARD DELAYED TO DECEbAE3ER 22. five bidders, presenting tabulation of bids to Council. Ormes Const, Equip, Co. to be low bidder, at $23,474.00 on a Huber-Warco 6-D2, less trade-in of $7,500 on Village Caterpillar No. 12 of 1940, for net bid of $15,974.00; and Road Machinery & Supplies Co. next low, with bid of $21,965.00 on an Austin-Western Super 88, less trade-in of $5,500, for net bid of $16,465.00. Explaining that the low bidder's machine is new in this area but is well thoughtoof by the Villa.ge of Maplewoods and by the State Highway Department, Mr. Hyde asked that action be delayed for two weeks for further report. Motion seconded by Tupa and carried. Manager Hyde announced receipt of bids from Tabulation showed H,C. Bank so moved. 36 12/8/56 PUBLIC HEARING SCHEDULED ON PETITIOli FOR hORTUARY. Mr. Dick Enroth appeared before the Council to support his petition for the rezoning of part of Lot 14, and Lots 15 through 20, Block 1, Brookside Heights Addition to permit the erection and operation of a mortuary there. This site is at the junction of Highway KO. 169 and Hankerson Avenue. Sketch of proposed lOO'x50' building was shown, plan showing a "private boulevard" twelve feet wide behind the #169 boulevard proper, and some landscaping. Bank's motion, that public hearing on petition be scheduled for Monday, December 22, at 7:OO P.M., was seconded by Dickson and carried. PUBLIC HEARI;;G SCHEDULED 0;. RECOM.lEi:DATIOI4 FOR DI)UBLE BUMGALOYS FAC1i;G VALLEY VIE!!!'I ROAD BET:IEEi: ;V. 62i:D AED VI. 64TH STREETS. were reviewed. facing Valley View Road between W.62nd and Yi.64th Street. public hearing on the recommendation be scheduled for December 22, was seconded by Bank and carried. HAFSOIZ'S THIRD ADDITION PRELIMINARY PLAT APPROVED, This Preliminary, showing street running South from Vialoney, with a cul-de-sac, was presented carrying Planning Commission's recommendation for approval. first plan had been to run a street through from Maloney to Viaterman, but that this involved a nine percent grade, whereas the maximum grade allowed by the Village is seven percent; that the amount of fill needed to comply with Village regulakion would prohibit platting. with Planning Commission's recommendation, was seconded by Bank and carried. Planning Commission minutes of December 3rd They contained a recommendation for permit for double bungalows Tupa's motion, that I Planning Director Swanson stated that Dickson's motion, approving preliminary plat in accord GORIBhT ADDITIOIJ PRELIMINARY PLT APPROVED. and the North 40 feet of Lot 6, Block 2, Peacedale Acres, into two 75-fOOt lots fronting on Valley View Road, carried the Planning Commission's December 3rd recommendation for approval. Bank's motion,for approval of plat in accordance with Commission's recommendations, was seconded by Dickson and carried. This plat, being the subdivision of Lot 5 VICTORSEK'S INTERLACHEI! FIXAL PLAT APPROVED. 1/2 of Lot 22, Idendelssohn, had been approved by the Planning Commission on December 3, and Dickson's motion for Council approval of final plat was seconded by Kohler and carried. This final plat, being of the South APARTMENT BUILDIKGS FOR "STO!V ' S EDGEKOOR" TENTATIVELY APPROVED; 14ULTIPLE RESIDEKE DISTRICT SECTION OF ZOMING ORDIXAXCE REFERRED BACK TO PLANNIPJG COk~.lISSION FOR CLARIFICATIOI:. Mr. E.C. Stow's plans for two apartment buildings at 70th and France, on Lot 1, Block 2, stow's Edgemoor, wereikhe subject to some considerable discussion. "land coverage" requirements of the Multiple Residence District section of the zoning ordinance are met and exceeded--that one-bedroom units will contain 650 square feet; two-bedroom units, 880 square feet; and that only 19;: of the land will be used, whereas the ordinance states 307g may be used--but that the ordinance requires no more than 32.74 apartments on this area, whereas hb. Stow's plans call for 34 apartments; also, that there is the problem of vfhether or not to require Mr. Stow to divide his property by plat. Planning Commission recommendations of December 3rd were reviewed, in which. it was noted that the Commission looks with favor on the plan, deeming the extra two apartments reasonable inasmuch as only 19% of the land is used* that he might proceed with project, but he tvas informed that such formal approval cannot be given until the ordinance is clarified. Trustee Tupa suggested that the 'lfour-plex" section of the ordinance might be treated differently than the "apartment" section. Mr. Lyle Landstrom of Thorshov & Cerny, Architects, explained details of planned construction. Bank moved that Council indicate preliminary approval of plans as presented and that Council refer "Llultiple Residence Section" of the Zoning Ordinance back to the Planning Commission for its recommendation as to the elimination of the two problems experienced by Mr. Stow--maximum unit requirement and matter of platting. Hasselquist stated he believes that the "Multiple Residence Section'' carries no provision which requires platting for the construction of more than one building per lot. Manager Hyde explained thet the "floor space" and the 1.k. Stow asked that Council give approval, in order Kotion tvas seconded by Tupa and carried. Village Attorney REQUEST FOR PREVEIJTIOP! OF LOT SUBDIVISION DISCUSSED. Council find way to prevent the sale of part of a building lot to add to the footage of another lot; thus leaving a portion of a lot for building purposes. He cited one instance in which an especially large double boungalow is being constructed on one lot plus an additional several feet, leaving room for only a small double on the remainder of the one tract. Matter was discussed, but no action taken. Mr. Stow requested that the . H1GHi;'AY NO. 169 RELCCATION PRELIMINARY PLAN APPROVED. ME. LIcCubrey of the State Highway Department was present to discuss with the Council the State's preliminary plan for the relocation of Highway ;!o. 169 from County Road 18 to Hansen Road. This plan had been reviewed by the Planning Commission at its meeting of December 3, and prior thhereto, and the Commission had gone on record as not favoring the plan. The Commission's reasons for its reconmendation, and Mn. McCubrey's arguments for the plan, given to the Council at this meeting, are hereinafter set forth: .- 12/3/58 1. Planning Corn-ission - Proposed route does not serve Edina; only about one- quarter of Village would have direct access to it. IvIr. McCubrey - One of the pur- '+ poses of the new route is to divideap the traffic, which the State feels will not be accommodated by Highway #loo; consequently, the diversion of through-traffic from Highway #lo0 will be an aid in serving Edina traffic. Planninq Commission - As a State route, #169's main purpose is to accommodate through-traffic, and since this traffic has its origin outside Edina, Commission sees no need to carry it through the Village. Department feels that new Highway #169 will give through-traffic a definite route to get through the Village--the traffic will go through the Village some way, whether or not it is accommodated, but a definite route will make travel safer. Planninq Commission - Village has already given approval for Hennepin County plans for Crosstown Highway and for improvement of County Road No. 18; and Commission can see no sound reason why additional tax monies should be expended on a new highway when these two county projects could be used. Mr. McCubrey - These two highways are not in the traffic corridor, and will not take care of the traffickwhich would use Highway #169. ' 2. Mr. McCubrey - Highway 3. 4. Planninq Commission - If it is proven that anticipated Highway #169 traffic could not be routed on either county Road 18 or the Crosstown, then State should consider the re-alignment of 165 by widening on the south, with a frontage road from Gleason Road to Doncaster and that alighment be carried on Eden Avenue and a cloverleaf be considered at Eden and Highway 100 with a half diamond on 50th Street north of Highway 100. Mr. McCubrey - This route has been considered and abandoned, for the reasons that this route would take 14 of the 22 acres of Our Lady of Grace Church property, and Highway 100 could not carry the traffic dumped into it at 50th Street. 5. Planninq Commission - Highway #lo0 north of 50th Street should be improved to a level parallel to the remainder of the proposed construction south of50th Street. 1960, but trunk highway monies are coming through very slowly. Mr.-McCubrey - State had hoped to get Highway #lo0 improved in 6. Planninq Commission - Under proposed routing for Highway #169, approxi- mately 100 acres would be required for new right-of-way, which could conceivably contain approximately 150 to-200 homes of $25,000 average value, meaning that tax base could be reduced some 3* to 5 million dollars. Mre McCubrey - Sould we relocate anywhere else the amount of land taken would be the same; there are very few homes now located in the proposed right-of-way, and some of the area is swamp. values near freeways but a rise in values a block away. have seen indicate that property values near freeways are enhanced, both in the East and in the west. 8. accommodated, the Commission questions the need for it to be kouted through heavily populated areas. land area is needed to get the traffic into the central city. Traffic will route itself through the suburbs one way or another, be it by a planned, safe route or through.suburban streets not designed to carry it. additional segregated neighborhoods. the Village streets, anyway. the disadvantages are well outweighed by the advantages of having a safe, well planned route to travel. 7. Planninq Commission - Recent study indicates a decline in property Mr. McCubrey - Studies I Planninq Commission - Being aware that vehicular traffic needs to be Mr. McCubrey - A route through the heavily-populated 9. Planninq Commission - Proposed route of #169 has affect of creating Mr. McCubrey - Edina traffic must get into One may have to travel a block or two further, but The Council queried Mr. McCubrey about the route North of Hansen Road, and he stated it is expected to generally follow Northern States Power Company's highline into St.Louis Park; that plans have now been changed to relocate farther away from new Asbury Hospital; that #169 will cross Wayzata Blvd. at Penn Avenue. Asked about consideration of a plan for widening #169 to the South, Mr. McCubrey replied that the area Morth of Hansen Road along the present route is so highly developed that this plan has been abandoned. would happen to the County Road #18-Hansen Road portion of the relocation, should St. Louis Park refuse approval of the proposed route in that city, and Mr. McCubrey replied that although the Highway Department would prefer to have the entire route approved, the #lE-Hansen Road portion of the right-of-way would probably be acquired; but that, inasmuch as this is a preliminary plan only, the building would not take place until St. Louis Park has approved. the referral of the plan back to the Commission for further recommendations. However, Mr. McCubrey requested adoption of resolution approving preliminary plan, stating that the Highway Department is anxious for Council action. It was noted that the persons owning property in this general area have been kept on the fence for quite some time, being unable to plan for their properties; and Bank offered the following Resolution and moved its adoption: Manager Hyde inquired as to what Considerable discussion was had concerning 12/8/58 38 RESOLUTION APPROVING PRELIMINARY PLAN FOR RE& IGMMENT TO HANSEN ROAD OF HIGflJAY N0.169, FROM COUNTY ROW) l*:Oo. 18 BHEREAS, The Commissioner of Highways has prepared preliminary plans for the improvement of a part of Trunk Highway Number 5 renumbered as Trunk Highwiay Eo. 169 within the corporate limits of the Village of Edina from the \'Jest Corporate Limits to Hansen Road; and of Highways, Saint Paul, Minnesota, being marked, labeled, and identified as Layout KO. 4, T. H. 169, Vicinity of Edina from Rowland Jct. to Hansen Road S.P. 2745-11 (T.H. 169-5); and VJHEREAS, copies of said preliminaryplans as so marked, labeled and identi- fied are also on file in the office of the Village Clerk; and I'MEREAS, the term "said preliminary plans" as hereinafter used in the body of this resolution shall be deemed and intended to mean, refer to, and incor- porate the preliminary plans as in the foregoing recitals particularly identified and described; WH, THE?.!, BE IT RESOLVED that said preliminary plans for the improvement of Trunk Highway i+Iumber 5 renumbered Trunk Highway Number 169 within the limits oE the Village of Edina be and hereby are approved. WHEREAS, said preliminary plans are on file in the office of the Department I Mayor WATER RESERVOIR CONTRACT AWARDED. the proposed water reservoir, from lilessrs. Louis Gross, 7012 Kerry Road and YJilson, 7004 Dublin Road, requiring, as conditions ef assent, that certain guarantees be made by the Village as to the location of the reservoir, the character of the work to be done and the maintenance of the property thereafter. that Village water be furnished to him; and, while the other guarantees imposed were agreeable to the Council, it was suggested that water be furnished the Gross property only so long as the Gross family is in residence there, Manager Hyde was instructed to confer with Maynard Hasselquist as to the proper way to make these guarantees--whether by contractual agreement or by deed restriction. Mr. Hyde reported that Consulting Engineer Bannister has made a firm recommendation for award of contract to-the low "Total Job" bidder, Phelps-Drake Company, at $2759473.00. He explained that the dirt will be hauled to the Hays Farm, over a route pre-determined, and known to the bidders at the time bids were submitted. (Gunnar I. Johnson had bid lower than Phelps-Drake on the "Lump Sum" price, but higher on the hauling, making the "total bid" higher than that of Phelps-Drake). It was then moved by Bank, seconded by Dickson and carried, that contract be avrarded to TELECOETROL VS. OTHER IVATER DEPARTMENT IMPROVEMENTS DISCUSSED. Manager Hyde /pnelps- reported that, upon completion of the reservoir, he will suggest purchase of a $10,000 item, a Telecontrol which will enable full use of the reservoir and the other tanks, involving a central panel at the police station and the leasing of ~~iilson telephone wires, and permitting every well to operate all the time it is needed /conditions to be used. also, that it might be well to consider completing the circulatory system before considering this purchase, cover cost of completing the dead-end mains. IJr. Hyde had stated, with regard to the reservoir, that it will be necessary to finance $225,000 of the cost by the sale of bonds, and that bonds should be sold in January. suggested that matter of cost of dead-end completion be studied, and final report on bonds be made at the next regular meeting. Manager Hyde presented letters of assent to Mr. Gross also required and Gross and I( Llr. Tupa suggested that the iron problem might be of more importance;/accepted. 1.k. Bank suggested that additional bonds be sold to Mr. Hyde then VEHICLE COITRACTS AVJARDED. bids received today, on a public safety cruiser as a replacement for the Police Department, and on four other vehicles, as replacements for vehicles in other village departments. Tabulation of bids was presented, showing receipt of five bids on the public safety cruiser, five bids on pickup trucks.; (4); and eight bids on business coupes (4)* 1. That, for the Public Safety Cruiser, the Council accept the low bid of Hopkins r.biors, of $2,439.10 for one 1959 Plymouth 2-door Deluxe Suburban, less $1,700 trade-in on a 1958 Plymouth 4-door Wagon--IIet, $739.10. moved for acceptance of low bid. inspectors, the low bid on these vehicles being that of Grossman Chevrolet at $3,240 for 2 Chevrolet Llodel 3104 1/2 Ton Pickups, less trade-in of $200 for a 1952 Ford 2-door Sedan, and $150 for a 1950 Chev, 4-door Sedan, for net bid of $2,890.00. Plumbing Inspectors, at $3,200, less trade-in of $200 on a 1953 Chev. 2-door, and $50.00 on 1949 Chev. 2-door. Administrative Assistant George Hite reported on He recommended as follows: Dickson Motion seconded by Tupa and carried. 2. ihat Council determine to buy pickup trucks for the engineering And that Ramblers LIodel 5902-1959 be purchased for Building and 12/8/58 39 Bank's motion, that recommendation be accepted and that the low bids of Grossman ,., Chevrolet Company and of Lyndale Automotive Company, for trucks and automobiles respectively, be accepted, was seconded by Dickson and carried. 1959 COI\ISTRUCTION SCHEDULE was presented for Council information. ASPHALT HEATER-MIXER BIDS AUTHORIZED. Manager Hyde recommended purchase of an asphalt heater and mixer, to be used in winter patching. on the technical aspects of the equipment, and Bank moved that Manager be authorized to take bids. Motion seconded by Tupa and carried. VILLAGE HALL PAIMTIMG DISCUSSED. 1"Jrks crew are painting the interior of the Village Hall; that although this item was not in the 1958 budget the hall is very badly in need of redecorating and, because of lack of snow, this is the best time to get the work accomplished. Some discussion was had Manager Hyde reported that members of the Public OVERHOLT REZONING HEARING RE-SCHEDULED FOR JANUARY 12. Discussion was had on the matter of the two rezoning petitions, filed by Biltmore Motor Hotel Gorp. and Mr. Overholt, for community store district zoning along present Highway No. 169; and it was agreed that the re-hearing on the Overholt petition should be moved up from January 26 to January 12; that the January 26th date for the Biltmore hearing be unchanged. TEMPORARY IMPROVEMENT BONDS ISSUED AND SOLD, Finance Director Dalen recommended issuance of $300,000 Temporary Improvement Bonds, to be sold to several of the Village sinking Funds which have money available for investment, Trustee Tupa introducid the following resolution and moved its adoption: RESOLUTION AUTHORIZIPJG THE ISSUANCE, SALE AND DELIVERY OF $300,000 TEMPORARY IMPROVEMENT BONDS, SERIES B BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the Village of Edina, Minnesota, as follows: * 1. heretofore ordered, in accordance with the provisions of Minnesota Statutes, Chapter 429, and after public hearing as required by law, the construction of various improvements as more fully described below, and has duly ordered, received and approved plans and specifications and entered into contracts for the construction of said improvements after proper advertisement for bids; that the total benefits kesulting from each of said improvements to the properties within the area proposed to be assessed therefor, as heretofore defined, will be not less than the cost of such aimprovement; that it is contemplated that the total amount of said cost, less such sum, if any, not exceeding 80% of such cost, as the Council shall determine should be paid by the Village, will be assessed against those lots and tracts specially benefited by said imprbuqments; that the Village now owns easements and rights-of-way over all streets and other properties required for the construction of said improvements; that the designation of each of said improvements and the cost thereof, as presently estimated, are as follows: IMPROVEMENTS ESTIMATED COST Blacktopping Street Imwovement No. A-112 $ 2,577.96 It is hereby found, determined and decalred that the Village has A-114 952.84 A-115 29917.03 A-116 7,676.78 A-Jl9 1,228.60 A-118 9 9599.60 Curb and Gutter Street Improvement No. B-53 $ 3,232.25 3-54 39803.47 Sanitary sewers District Storm Sewers NO. 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 No. 42 43 44 $ 3,553.95 26,233.00 11 , 559 e 58 5,728.47 5,716 75 3 488.40 4,387.80 51,542.23 6 012.75 28,978.48 9 2 844.75 $ 24,542-10 1,773.94 1,573.57 $24,952.81 $ 7,035*72 $157,046 16 $ 27,889.61 42 Motion for adoption of Resolution was seconded by Tupa, and on Rollcall there were five ayes and no nays, as follows: Bank, aye; aye; and Bredesen, aye; and the Resolution illage Clerk Bank moved for payment of the following Claims, as per Pre-List dated December 8: General Fund $12,779.95 Sewer Rental Fund $ 18.40 Const. Fund 42,192.54 Improvement Funds 64,755.44 Park 8 Park Const. 4,836.23 Tempr. 1mpr.Fund & Water Fund 28.87 Poor Fund 13,676.56 Liquor Fund 37,3 08.36 TOTAL $175,656.35 Motion was seconded by Tupa and carried. Tupa moved for adjournment, and motion was seconded by Kohler and carried. Meeting adjourned at 10:15 P.M. *GJJ% u-- Village Clerk