HomeMy WebLinkAbout19590112_regular1/12/59 MThVTES OF! THE #EGUL& MEETThtG OP THE MTNA VILLAGE COUNCTL,- HELD !!ONDAY',' YANUARY 12, 1959, Ai' 7!00 P.M., AT THE EDINA VILLAGE HALL Members answering Rollcall were Beim, Dickson, Kohler, Tupa and gredesen. c Minutes of the Regular Iieeting of December 22, 1958, were approved as submitted, by motion Tupa, seconded by Gohler and carried. PUBLIC HEARING ON PROPOSED REZONIRG FROM OPEN DEVELOPhWST DISTRICT TO OFFICE EUILDIKG DISTRICT - LOT 4, BLOCK 3, EDENKOOR ADDITION. This Public Hearing was conducted pursuant to "Notice of Hearing" published in Edina-Morningside Courier December 31, 1958 and January 8, 1959, posted on official village bulletin boards January 2, 1959, and mailed to owners of property within 500 feet of affected property. Hearing was instituted upon the petition of MS. Ralph Overholt, for the rezoning of this lot for the purpose of constructing an office building thereon; and was a supplement to the public hearing held on October 27, 1958. Messrs. Maurice Hessian and Overholt presented their case for the rezoning, by showing pictures of the property proposed to be rezoned, together with the neighboring community store, commercial and resi- dential property. an insurance business employing few people and having very few customers calling the traffic at this point will not be aggravated; that the building should prove to be an excellent buffer between community store-commercial and residential properties and should add to, rather than detract from, the attractiveness of the area. Mr. Desmond Pratt, 5241 Richwood Drive, led a delegation of some 30 neighbors, protesting rezoning on grounds that - 1. It is not the function of the Council to find a use for this property; 2. There is no community need for this business; that Sherwood Road is the only entrance to the Richmond Hills residential area; 4. That because of the bad existing traffic pattern at the Shernood-Highvzy #169 corner, an additional business would further endanger children getting school buses, and vehicular traffic entering #169 from Sherwood Road. Johnson, 5338 Sherwood Road, whose property abuts the proposed of.fice building on the South, stated he does not want a commercial enterprise so near his residence; that it will devaluate his property, and that he will be able to see the building from his windows, which will be unpleasant to him. Francis McGuire, 5333 Hwy. #169, whose property also abuts the proposed office building, objected to further encroachment of business upon residential properties; stating he believes Sherwood Road should be the buffer line. Frank Larson, 5244 Richwood Drive, reiterating Ab. McGuire's statements, added he feels Sheraood Road is not sufficiently wide to take any additional traffic or parking. Mr. H. R. Reinhardt, 5240 Richwood Drive, stated he believes this property could be put to a better use to effect some control of traffic. On rebuttal, Mr. Hessian stated that petitioners are completely agreeable to the establishment of a no parking zone on Sherwood Road; and Mr. Overholt stated that the "ridge" on the property will remain, to a great extent, and that there will be planting on the ridge, to screen the office building from residential property. property for their ovm uses; and I&. Pratt replied they would be willing to consider the matter, and promptly. At a question from Mr. Bredesen as to whether he would be willing to sell, Ab. Overholt's reply was, "Perhaps, for a price." Considerable discussion was had by Council and Mr. Overholt as to the placing of the building on the lot, placement of entrance drives and parking lot. ltlayor Bredesen then told the audience that, contrary to hk. Pratt's first statement, the Village Council does have the problem of finding a use for the property, because of increase in tax base; that, unless this use is made of the property there will be continued hearings on rezoning petitions, for the reason that the property is not adaptable to residential use; that, in the Council's opinion (and that^ of the Planning Commission, which has recommended favorably on the petition) this type of building will be less objectionable to neighboring residents, and will offer more in the way of taxes without services than any other type. District, with the understanding that there will be no entrance or exit from Sherwood Road, no parking on Sherwood Road, and that ridge will be retained and landscaped, was seconded by Beim and unanimously carried. Dickson then offered the following Ordinance, moving that Council dispense with second reading and adopt Ordinance as submitted: They told the Council that because the building will house 3. This is a unique area in Mr. W.L. Mr. kk. Trustee Tupa asked objectors if they would be willing to purchase the Dickson's motion, that the property be rezoned to Office Euilding ORDINAKCE NO. 261-42 MI ORDIIWGE AMENDIRG THE ZON1b.G ORDINARCE OF EDIRA BY ESTABLISHIKG AN OFFICE BUILDING DISTRICT THE VILLAGE COUPXIL OF THE VILLAGE OF EDIIA, P.II!GESOTA, ORDAINS: Section 10, Office Building District, of Ordinance No. 261 of the Revised Ordinances of the Village of Edina, is hereby amended by adding at the end of Paragraph 1 of said Section 10 a sub-paragraph,(a), as follows: Section 1. (a) - Lot 4, Block 3, Edenmoor Addition Section 2. This ordinance shall take effect upon its passage and publication according to law. 1/12/59 I 58 Motion for waiver of second reading and adoption of ordinance as read was seconded by Beim, and on Rollcall there were five ayes and no nays, as fol1ovist.r; Beim, aye; Dickson, aye; Kohler, aye; Tupa, and Bredesen, aye; and the Ordinance was adopted. i 1 Village Clerk PUBLIC HEALTH NURSING REPORT FOR NOVEMBER, 1958, was submitted for Council review, SOUTHDALE RESIDENTS' LETTER OF THANKS for.Counci1 action in the matter of zoning as to height and setback of buildings on France Avenue was reviewed and ordered placed on file, PETITION FOR SANITARY SEWER TO SERVE 5129 MIRROR LAKES DRIVE was discussed at some length, with Manager Hyde reporting that petitioner is in a difficult position because his neighbors to the North can be served by the Trunk Sewer and his neighbors across the street have not petitioned for service. Petitioner Kempf had asked that this petition be treated on an emergency basis, inasmuch as he is having serieus cesspool difficulties, and Mr. Hyde recommended that Council call a public hearing on its own motion, to obtain sentiment on the possible installation of the main. the Council set a public hearing on this matter for the first meeting in February if possible, or for the earliest date at which cost figures can be prepared, was seconded by Kohler and carried. Dickson's motion that CARL M. HANSEN REQUEST FOR COUBLE BUNGALOWS FRONTING ON BLAKE ROAD AND HIGHWAY NO. 169 was reported, the Planning Commission having acted, January 7, to recommend favorably on the request. Planning Director Swanson told Council Mr. Hansen has brought this request before the Commission, so that he might inform purchasers of neighboring properties of possible double bungalow construction; that the property for which he is petitioning has not yet been platted. General concensus was that Council was in favor; but, inasmuch as plat has not yet been filed, no formal action was taken. BLOCK 2, PEACEDALE ACRES) was approved by motion Kohler, seconded by Dickson and carried. for approval. PREIMINARY PLAT OF NELSON-WOODHULL FIRST ADDITION (WEST PORTION OF LOTS 7-11, I Plat had received Planning Commission's January 7th recommendation PRELIMINARY PLAT OF BROADMORE REPLAT OF LOTS 1, 2, 3 APJD 4, BLOCK 2, was presented, carrying Planning Commission's January 7th recommendation for approval subject to receipt of drainage easement over Southwest corner of Lot 4. Mr. Swanson pointed out that this replat has been presented in an effort to make the best use of the land in view of proposed plans for Highway No. 169. Kohler's motion that Plat be approved in accord with Commission's recommendation was seconded by Dickson and carried. PRELIMINARY PLAT OF FRIDLUND'S ADDITION APPROVED AND EXCHANGE OF PROPERTY AUTHORIZED. Commission's January 7th recommendation for approval subject to approval of ) MAENDING, Village Engineer, 15 feet of the village Lift Station site be deeded to him in return for his ) 1/26/59-- dedicating the property between the remainder of the Lift Station site and Warden Avenue. but asked that the Village be certain to retain all utilities easements in the area. hpa's motion, that Preliminary Plat be approved in accord with requested by Mr, Fridlund, be approved; and that Village retain utilities ) SEE ) SUPPLE. This Plat, being of property on the West side of Tracy Avenue between Grove Street and Warden Avenue, was presented carrying Planning ) ACTIO1.J It-was reported that developer is asking that the East ) AS OF ) PAGE 60 Engineer Zikan approved the proposed exchange of properties,) ) ) ) Planning Commission's recommendation; that exchange of properties, as easements as recommended by Engineer, was seconded by Beim and carried, 1 1 FINAL PLAT OF WOODHULL ADDITION (LOT 5 AND NORTH 40 FEET OF LOT 6, BLOCK 2, PEACEDALE ACRES) APPROVED. Kohler's motion, approv5ng Final Plat in accord with Planning Commission's January 7th recommendation, was seconded by Tupa and carried. PRELIMINARY AI\ID FI~JAL PLATS APPROVED-- HIRSH BROS. FIRST, REPLAT OF LOTS 1-8, BLEK 17, NORMAhDALE SECOND ADDITION. feet to 80 feet. had received the Planninq Commission's January 7th recommend- This plat, increasing lot size from 50 ation for both Preliminary and Final Approval; and Tupa moved for approval in accord with Commission action. Motion seconded by Beim and carried, 1/12/59 FfX& PLAT CF' Y.k" D!illETk?d%'S ~dIX?I''4QId .&PF%~vRL4 This replat of Lot 7, Block 1, Broadmore Addition, vas presented carrying Planning Commission's January 7th ecommendation for Preliminary and Final Approval. It was noted that the house 'y ituated on Lot 2 is some nine feet from the line of the new lot, and Kohler moved €or approval of Preliminary and Final in accordance with Commission's action. F.lotion seconded by Tupa and carried. FINAL PLAT OF HAKSON'S THIRD ADDITION APPROVED. Commission's January 7th approval of this Final Plat subject to receipt of bond covering cost of grading and graveling and installation of sanitary server in Tyler Street and in Materman Avenue. the general platting in this area, MI. Swanson stated that the Commission would prefer to have a thru-street, rather than a cul-de-sac in this plat, but that because of the very steep grade involved it was impractical to require the thru-street. Commission's recommendations was seconded by Kohfer.and carried. LIT. swanson reported Planning At a question from Mr. Kohler concerning Dickson's motion for approval of plat in accord with Planning FINAL PLAT OF LYLE THIRD ADDITION APPROVED. Avenue, with Tracy Avenue and Johnson Drive had received the Planning Commission's qualified recommendation for approval as of January 7. On review ,of the plat, Trustee Kohler protested the developer's building a house facing Tracy; then platting the lot to face the other street. subject to agreement from developer that no building permits will be requested for lots within the right-of-way of U.S. Highway 169, and receipt of bond to cover cost of installing utilities. with Kohler voting no, This plat of property at Benton Dickson moved for approval of plat, Beim seconded the motion and it carried, FIR& PLAT OF DORIS ADDITION APPROVED. This Final Plat, renamed "Doris Addition" from "Ostmun Addition" carried Planning Commission's recommendation for approval, and Dickson moved for Council approval of plat. carried. Llotion seconded by Tupa and HEARIRG SET ON HALEY REQUEST FOR PERNIT TO FACE DYJELLIISGS LOPIG VJAY OF LOT-LOTS 7 Ai:D 8, BLCCK 1, PAUL I'IItJD-CHRISTOPHER ADDITION, Planning Comnission' s favorable recommendation of January 7th was reported; and Tupa moved scheduling Public Wearing on request for Monday, January 26. Motion seconded by Beim and carried, PARK DEDICATION FCR LES ARDEIISON'S HIGHIVCOD SECOND ADDITION TO BE $750. Council reviewed at some length the action taken by the Planning Commission on January 7, in recommending that the proposed $1,450 dedication in lieu of land be decreased to $750; and that recommendation for future park acquisition dedication policy by prepared by Park Board, Planning Direkkoi. and Manager--all as reported in OEnutes of Planning Comnission Meeting. Tupa's motion, accepting Planning Commission's reconmendation and allowing reduction in proposed park dedication accordingly, vias seconded by Dickson and carried. GROHhXE PROTEST AT SIDE-YiBD SETBACK REPORTED, Manager Hyde called Council ' s attention to the protest registered by Irk. and Idrs. R. Grohnke, 4617 'X.62nd St. at the January 7th Planning Commission Meeting, that the house immediately West of them is too close to their lot line. Mr. Hyde explained that the side-yard setback is the full five feet required by ordinance aZ the time the home was built; that, although Village officials would like to help the Grohnkes, there is nothing which can be done, legally, to better the situation. GASOLINE SERVICE STATIOir 0RDII:Ab:CE DISCUSSED. This matter was discussed relative to the Planninq Commission's recommendation for addition of a variance clause; and Mr. Hasselquist stated he believes it would be good to add a variance clause to the entire zoning ordinance. at its next meeting. Planning Commission will study ordinance further PUBLIC HEAR1I.G SCHEUJLED ON PROPOSED "LOT AREA" AME&DE" TO E.ULTIPLE DrlELLII.:G SECTIOF! OF ZOIAG ORDII.!AtCE. Planning Commission's recommendations for amendment of Lot Area for Kultiple Drrellings was reviewed and discussed at Some length; and Dickson' s motion scheduling Public Hearing on proposed amendment/was seconded by Kohler and carried. For Monday, January 26, EffiE~sIOOR'DOUBLE B~~LJGALGV'I' DISCUSSED. Council reviewed matter of EJr, E.C. Stow's protest, registered at January 7th Planning Commission Meeting, that the double bungalow under construction at hlavelle Drive and Lynmar Lane is a potential 4-plex. Mr. Hyde reported that plans are for a double bungalow; that building inspector had checked with both contractor and owner before issuing permit; that Village will check from time to time to see that it is not converted; that building agrees with building code, and that under the circumstances there is nothing to be done to prohibit its construction. c3 1/12/59 E'DPNA-CBII"rV-H8~~Pr;lS JOINT $!i%El? HE!$lIiJG eAh!CRLED. county Engineer was present, and heard Manager Hyde explain that, because a large portion of the property within the drainage area for the proposed County Road No. 18 Storm Sewer consists of a cemetery and thus cannot be assessed, the assessable cost of Edina's share of this trunk sewer project would be approxi- mately S.0314 per square feet; that the project, together with the laterals necessary to take the water from the low alleys as well as the streets would be about $.OM per square foot; that laterals without alley pick-up would be only slightly less--$*063 per square foot. that this area has neither the highest tax base, nor residents of the highest income bracket; but that it would have the highest storm sewer cost, were the project to be initiated. hearing on the project, affected property owners be given the particulars by letter, so that they could some to some conclusion as to whether they wish the project. Mr. McKay reminded the Council that, unless Edina goes along with the county at this time, the County will build its sewer sufficiently large to accommodate only the County Road #18 drainage; that, should Edina wish to construct a storm sewer at a later time, it must do so entirely at its own expense. Mr. Zikan reported that it may be possible, if Council wishes so to act, to get gas tax aid for some of this cost; and some discussion was had on this. Also, it was noted, some of the problems arise from the wash to County Road 18 from Edina streets, and it was thought this could be remedied by surfacing these particular streets. Mr. Hyde as to the urgency of the project Mr. McKay replied that Hopkins is anxious to have it done, and that County hopes to have it completed within the year to serve its new county shops. It was agreed by council that a letter should go out to affected property owners, informing them of this proposal and requesting their sentiments as to construction; that Village will attempt to inform County within a month or six weeks as to the results. Mr. A. L. IincKay, Assistant Mr. Hyde reminded the Council He recommended that, rather than hold a public At a question from CAI? RADIO PURCHASE AUTHORIZED WITHOUT BIDS. budget makes provisions for purchase of two car radios--one for the village garage and the other for the street foreman's truck; that both can be purchased for slightly under $1,000. for bids, and Dickson so moved. Motion seconded by Tupa and carried. Manager Hyde reported that He asked for authority to buy without advertising TRUSTEE DICKSON APPOINTED MAYOR PRO TEM FOR YEAR. ment of Trustee Dickson as Mayor Pro Tem for the year 1959 was confirmed by common consent of Council. Mayor Bredesen's appoint- BAIKIIIJG RESOLUTIONS ACOPTED: for adoption at first yearly meeting; and Tupa offered the following Resolution and moved its adoption: Clerk presented the following banking resolutions RESOLUTION DESIGNATIEG DEPOSITORY (FIRST EDINA NATIONAL BARK ) BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED that the First Edina National Bank, Edina, Minnesota, authorized to do a banking business in Minnesota, be and hereby is, designated as official depository of the Operating Account and the Special Assessment Refund Account for the Village of Edina, County of Hennepin, Minnesota, for the calendar year 1959. Motion for adoption of Resolution was seconded by Beim, and on Rollcall there were five ayes and no nays, as follows: Tupa, aye; and Bredesen, aye; and the R %illage Clerk Dickson offered the following Resolution and moved its adoption: RESOLUTION APPROVING ASSIGNMENT OF SEURITIES IN LIEU OF EOKD FIRST EDIMA NATIONAL BAhK BE IT RESOLVED, that the village Council of the Village of Edina approve the assignment-by its depository, the First Edina National Bank of Edina, Minnesota, of the following securities, as good and sufficient collateral for the Village of Edina Public Funds deposited in said depository: U.S.A, Treasury 'Bonds 2-1/4% due June 15, 1962/59 $200,000*00 Motion for adoption of Resolution was seconded by Kohler, and on Rollcall them were five ayes and no nays, as follows: e; Dickson, aye; Kohler, aye; Tupa, aye; and Bredesen, aye; and the Village Clerk 1/12/59 54 Tupa offered the following Resolution and moved its adoption: 1 S IGI&!ATORY R ESOLUT 331: FIRST EDTAA l,!kTTQI.!AL BAX BE IT RESOLVED., that the persons holding office as hlayor, Mayor Pro-Tem, J Manager, Engineer, Treasurer and Deputy Treasurer of the Village' of Edina be, and they hereby are, authorized to act for this Village in the transaction of any banking business with First Edina National Bank of Edina (hereinafter referred to as the bank), such authority including authority on behalf of or in the name of the Village from time to time and until mitten notice to the bank to the contrary, to sign checks against said account, which checks shall be signed by the Mayor or Mayor Pro-Tern, Village Manager or Village Engineer, and Village Treasurer or Deputy Treasurer. honor and pay any check against such account which is signed as above described, whether or not said check is payable to the order of, or deposited to the credit of, any officer or officers of the Village, including the signer or signers of the checks. The Bank is hereby authorized and directed to Motion for adoption of Resolution was seconded by Gohler, and on Rollcall there were five ayes and no Tupa, aye; and 1 I Mayor Village Clerk Tupa offered the following Resolution and moved its adoption: RESOLUTION DESIGNATIhG DEPOSITORY (FIRST SOUTHDALE P!ATIONAL BAhK ) BE IT RESOLVED that the First Southdale National Bank, Edina, Minnesota, authorized to do a banking business in Minnesota, be and hereby is, designated as official depository of the Public Funds of the Payroll Account and Jhnicipal Court Account of the Village of Edina, County of Hennepin, Minnesota, for the calendar year 1959. Hotion for adoption of the Resolution was seconded by Beim, and on Rollcall there were five ayes and no nays, as follovts: E Dickson, aye; Kohler, aye; Tupa, aye; and Bredesen, aye; and the Reso ATTEST : c Village UdJQU Clerk And Dickson offered the following Resolution and moved its adoption: RESOLUTION APPROVIIlG ASS1Gt.MEI.T OF SECURITIES Ii.! LIEU OF .END FIRST SOUTHDALE NATIORAL BAPX BE IT RESOLVED, that the Village Council of the Village of Edina approve the assign- ment by its depository, the First Southdale National Bank of Edina, Minnesota, of the following securities, as good and sufficient collateral for the Village of Edina Public Funds deposited in said depository: U*S.A. Treasury 3-4/8$ Series B Motes due May 15, 1961 $100,000.00 Village of Edina 2.7Qi Improvement Bonds $10,000 due March 1, 1966 $10,000 due March 1, 1967 20,000*00 $120,000.00 Motion fof adoption of Resolution was seconded by Gohler, and on Rollcall there were five ayes and no nays, as follows: aye; and Bredesen, aye; and the v hlayor Tupa offered the following Resolution and moved its adoption: SIGNATORY RESOLUTIO?! FIRST SOUTHDALE IdATIOI*JAL BMIK BE IT RESOLVED, that the persons holding office as Mayor, Mayor Pro-Tem, Manager, Engineer, Treasurer and Deputy Treasurer of the Village of Edina be, and they hereby are, authorized to act for this Village in the transaction of any banking business with First Southdale IIational Bank of Edina (hereinafter referred to as the bank), such authority including authority on behalf of or in the name of the Village from time to time and until written notice to the bank to the contrary, to sign checks against said account, which checks shall be signed by the Mayor or !.layor Pro Tem, Village Manager or Village Engineer, and Village Treasurer or Deputy Treasurer. The bank is hereby authorized and directed to honor and pay any check against such account which is signed as above described, whether or not said check is payable to the order of, or deposited to the credit of, any officer or officers of the Village, including the signer or signers of the checks. 55 1/12/59 Motion for adoption of Resolution was seconded by Kohler, and on Rollcall there were five ayes and no nays, as follows! aye; Dickson, aye; Kohler, aye; Tupa, aye; and Bredesen, aye; and the Village Clerk Tupa offered the following Resolution and moved its adoption: RESOLUTION DESIGBATIBG DEPOSITORY (MIDLAND NATIONAL BANK ) BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED that Midland National Bank of Minneagolis, Minnesota. authorized to do a banking business in Minnesota, be and hereby'is, desig-' nated as official depository of the Public Funds of the Investment Account of the Village of Edina, County of Hennepin, Minnesota, for the calendar year 1959 Motion for adoption of Resolution was seconded by Beim, and on Rollcall there And Dickson offered the following Resolution and moved its adoption: RESOLUTION APPROVING ASSIGNMENT OF SECURITIES IN LIEU OF BOND MIDLAND NATIONAL BANK BE IT RESOLVED, that the Village council of the Village of Edina approve the assignment by its depository, Midland National Bank of Minneagolis, Minnesota, -. of the following securities, as good and sufficient collaterai for-the of Edina Public Funds deposited in said depository: $15,000 City of Moorhead, Minnesota Certificates of Indebtedness of 1954, 1.9Wh due February 1, 1964 $35,000 Independent School District No. 1 Rice County, Minnesota, School Building 2.60,% Bonds due January 1, 1964. Village Motion for adoption of Resolution was seconded by Beim, and on Rollcall there were five ayes and no nays, as Tupa, aye; and Bredesen, aye; Tupa offered the following Resolution and moved its adoption: SIGNATORY RESOLUTION MIDLAND NATIONAL BANK BE IT RESOLVED, that the persons holding office as Mayor, Mayor Pro-Tem, Manager, Engineer, Treasurer and Deputy Treasurer of the Village of Edina be, and they ,hereby are, authorized to act for this Village in the transaction of any banking business with Midland National Bank of Minneapolis (hereinafter referred to as the bank), such authority including authority on behalf of or in the name of the Village from time to time and until written notice to the bank to the contrary, to sign checks against said account, which checks shall be signed by the Mayor or Mayor Pro-Tem, Village Manager or Village Engineer, and Village Treasurer or Deputy Treasurer.. The Bank is hereby authorized and directed to honor and pay any check against such account which is signed as above described, whether or not said check is payable to the order of, or deposited to the credit of, any officer or officers of the Village, including the signer or signers of the checks. Motion for adoption of the Resolution was seconded by Kohler, and on Rollcall there were five ayes and Tupa, aye; and Tupa offered the following Resolution and moved its adoption: tr e 1/12/59 a tk RESOLUTION DES YGNATTNG DEPOS TTCIRY CITIZENS STATE BARK \BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED that Citizens State Bank of St.Louis Park, Minnesota, Lauthorized to do a banking business in Minnesota, be and hereby- is, designated as official depository of the Public Funds of the Village of Edina, County of Hennepin, Minnesota, for the calendar year 1959. Motion for adoption of the Resolution was seconded by Beim, and on Rollcall there were five ayes and no nays, as Tupa, aye; and Bredesen, aye; and the , Mayor billage Clerk And Dickson offered the following Resolution and moved its adoption: RESOLUTION APPROVING ASSIGNEEhT OF SECURITIES IN LIEU OF BOND CITIZENS STATE BAhK BE IT RESOLVED, that the Village Council of the Village of Edina approve the assignment by its depository, Citizens state Bank of St.Louis Park, Minnesota, of the following securities, as good and sufficient collateral for the Village of Edina Public Funds deposited in said depository: $100,000 U.S. Treasury Bonds 2-&$ due November 15, 1961 100,000 U.S. Treasury Bonds 496 due August 15, 1962 100,000 U.S. Treasury Bonds 2&% due August 15, 1963 Motion for adoption of the Resolution was seconded by Kohler, and on Rollcall there were five ayes and no nays, Tupa, aye; and Bredesen, aye; and the as May or Village clerk Tupa offered the following Resolution and moved its adoption: SIGNATORY RESOLUTION CITIZENS STATE BAM BE IT RESOLVED, that the persons holding office as Mayor, Mayor Pro-Tem, Manager, Engineer, Treasurer and Deputy Treasurer of the Village of Edina be, and they hereby are, authorized to act for this Village in the transaction of any banking business with Citizens State Bank of St.Louis Park, Minnesota, (hereinafter referred to as the bank), such authority including authority on behalf of or in the name of the Village from time to time and until written notice to the bank to the contrary, to sign checks against said account, which checks shall be signed by the Mayor or Mayor Pro-Tem, Village FAanager or Village Engineer, and' Village Treasurer or Deputy Treasurer. any check against such account which is signed as above described, whether or not said check is payable to the order of, or deposited to the credit of, any officer or officers of the Village, including the signer or signers of the checks. Motion for adoption of the Resolution was seconded by Kohler, and on Rollcall there were five ayes and no nay$, as follows: Tupa, aye; and Bredesen, aye; and the t The bank is hereby authorized and directed to honor and pay Kohler offered the following Resolution and moved its adoption: RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING USE OF FACSIMILE SIGNATURES BY PUBLIC OFFICIALS RESOLVED, That the use of facsimile signatures by the following named persons: ARTHUR C. BqEDESEN, JR. - MAYOR GRETCHEN S. ALDEN - VILLAGE TREASURER . VlAFtREh' C. HYDE - VILLAGE MANAGER on checks, drafts, warrants, warrant-checks, vouchers or other orders on public funds deposited in FIRST EDINA NATIONAL BALK , MIDLAhD NATIOliAL. BAM OF M1N;L'EAPOLIS FIRST SOUTHDALE E?IATIO€!AL BAKK ARD CITIZERS STATE BAhX be, and hereby is, approved, and that each of said named persons may authorize said depository bank to honor any such instrument bearing his facsimile signature in such form as he may desig- nate and to charge the same to the account in said depository bank upon which drawn, as fully as though it bore his manually written signature, and that instruments so honored shall be wholly operative and binding in favor of said depository bank although such facsimile signature shall have been affixed without his authority. I 5'7 1/12/59 EDTNA-MORNTNGSIDE C~UMER DESIGNATED AS opFtmfi PUBLICATTON POR YEAR. The courier's bid for publication of legal notices--First publication, $1.50 :*% per folio and subsequent publications $. 75 per folio; with 504 additional per folio on first insertion, was submitted. Dickson's motion, designating Edina-Morningside Courier as Official Publication for year 1959,was seconded by Kohler and carried. PLANNING COMMISSION APPOINTMENTS MADE. ment oE Messrs T.L. Todd and Harry Gustafson to the Village Planning Commission for additional three-year terms beginning January 1, 1959--appointments predi- cated upon their willingness to serve, inasmuch as Mayor had not been able to contact them before this meeting. Appointments confirmed by common consent of Council. Both gentlemen have served on the Commission prior to this appoint- ment. There were no other bids. Mayor Bredesen announced his appoint- PARK BOARD APPOINTMENTS CONFIRMED. Mayor Bredesen announced his appointment of Mr. Kendall Stevens for an additional three-year term, and his tentative appointment of Mr. S, J, Phillippi for the balance of the term of Mr. George Weatherbee, which expires January 1, 1961. Appointments confirmed by common consent of Council. BIDS AUTHORIZED FOR COMMODITIES ON YEAR'S SUPPLY BASIS. for authority to advertise for bids from time to time during the year on budgeted commodities such as Sand, Gravel and Rock; Road Oil and Tar; Gasoline; Diesel Fuel and Fuel Oil and such other commodities as can be contracted for delivery as needed, Kohler's motion, granting Manager authority to advertise 'for these commodities as he deems necessary, was seconded by Beim and carried. Manager Hyde asked GAS AGENCY DISCUSSED, Informal discussion was had as to Edina's entrance into the Gas Agency, as the result of a report by Mayor Bredesen on a meeting he had recently attended. HIGHWAY NO. 100 PLAN JOINT MEETIhG SCHEDULED. he expects to have a meeting with the Highway Department and the churches a,long Highway No. 100, concerning new plans for Highway No. 100. Meeting will be held Wednesday, January 28, and report thereon will be brought back to Coitncil. ' . No action taken. Manager Hyde told the Council SALARIES AND WAGES SCHEDULE ESTABLISHED. Manager Hyde presented for Council review his schedule of salaries and wages for Village employees for the year 1959. Union Representative Larkin McClellan spoke for increases, over sub- mitted schedule, for Heavy Equipment Operators, Maintenance Man, Sewer-Water Utility Man, md Park Keeper 111, stating that wages for these classifications are under the average paid by surrounding municipalities. Some ~onsiderable discussion was had on the proposed schedule, and Dickson offered the following Resolution and moved its adoption: RESOLUTION ESTABLISHING SCHEDULE OF MAXIMUM SALARY AND VlJAf& RATE FQR 2959 BE IT RESOLVED,that Maximum Salaries and Wages be est2blished as follows: GEIJERAL ADFAINISTRATION PER MBITH Finance Director $675 - Assessor Depu-ty Assessor Deputy Assessors- Part Time Clerk-Treasurer Administrative Asst. Office Clerical-fiscal-secretarial: Senior Clerk-Stenos (Secy' s) (5) Senior Account Clerks (2) Account Clerks (3) Clerk-Stenos (2) Village Attorney Prosecuking Attorneys Legal : PUBLIC SAFETY POLICE Chief 650 (12 mo.) 500 1.85 Hr. 525 400 343 375 302 250 155 200 675 Sergeants (5) 517 Patrolman - 482 I1 - 2 Yrs. Service 462 I11 - 1 Yr. Service 442 IV - Less than 1 Yr., Service 412 Dispatchers - Desk Clerks 312 Dispatchers - Desk clerks-hrly I - 3 Yrs. Service 1.45 Hr. Of the total compensation for members of the Police Department, $20 a month shall be considered as payment for taking at least 30 hours off-duty 58 1/12/59 training from the Fire Department in fire fighting techniques, for aiding in the extinguishing of fires, and for qualifying for Red Cross first aid certificates. PER Al0i:TH FIR-EI4EI.J Chief $607 Asst. Chief 517 Firemen - I - 3 Yrs. Service 482 I1 - 2 Yrs. Service 462 I11 - 1 Yr. Service 442 IV - Less than 1 Yr. Service 412 Volunteers 2.50 Hr. 2.00 each drill $20 per month of the compensation paid firemen shall be considered as payment for such duties outside normal fireman’s duties as may be assigned by the Village Manager, IPISPECTORS - Plumbing Building Electrical 485 450 475 HEALTH OFFICER 150 PUBLIC W03KS : EKGINEERII~G A Enqineer-Director of Fublic Uorks Planning Director Assistant Engineer Instrument Elan Inspector Senior Draftsman Draftsman Rodman-Chainman Supt. -Public !Yorks Supt . -‘dater Foremen - (Str., Sewer, Parks, V?ater) Electrician Office Clerk Heavy Equipment Operators Light Equipment Operators LIa in t en an c e Man Me ch ani c Mechanic Helper Janitor Sewer-Water Utility Llan COURT : Judge Special Judges Clerk of Court Deputy clerk ELECTIOMS : Judges and Clerks Ch a &men PAIiKS AND RECREATIOR : Director Pool Manager Asst. Pool Eanager C onc e s s i on !.la n a g er Pool Cashier Bathhouse, Concession Attendants Swimming Tnstru ctor s Life Guards Maintenance Baseball Supervisor Baseball Assistants Hockey Coaches Rink Attendants Playground Supervisors Playground Leaders Skating, Skiing Instructors Park Keeper - J I1 I11 78 0 600 577 525 489 489 447 416 6 05 6 00 500 500 365 484 425 390 484 390 338 41 0 400 312 112.50 (1/2 time) 40 per diem 20 day 2 Addl. 650 400 375 1.75 Hr. 1.25 Hr. 1.00 Hr. 2.00 Hr. 1.80 Hr. 1.50 Hr. 1.60 Hr. 1.80 Hr. 1.50 Hr. 2.00 Hr. 5.00 Mr. 400 325 445 425 390 1/12/59 -* 59 LTQtfbR STORES ! Manager Branch Manager Asst. Managers C1 erks-Regular Clerks-Part Time $625 550 425 1.85 Hr. 1.50 Hr. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that, on a trial basis for this year of 1959, all work per- formed by other than heads of departments in excess of 40 hours per week constitutes over-time and shall be compensated by compensatory time off dr cash payment on the basis of time and one half in either instance. Compensatory time shall be taken within 90 days of time earned. be limited to 16 hours worked (for which the employee receives 24 hours off) and any over-time in excess thereof shall be paid in cash payments. Manager shall designate those classes of work which shall be compensated by compensatory time off, or cash payment for over-time. AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that each permanent employee in the Village service six months but less than one year shall be entitled to five working days of vacation. Each employee in the village service one year but less than ten years shall be entitled to ten working days annual vacation. service ten years or more shall be entitled to fifteen workjng days annual vacation. Compensatory time in any one calendar month shall The Village Each employee in the Village Motion for adoption of Resolution was seconded by Beim, and on Rollcall there were five ayes and no nays, as follows: Beim, aye; Dickson, aye; Kohler, aye; Tupa, aye; and Bredesen, aye; and the Resolution ATTEST : VILLAGE MANAGER'S SALARY ESTABLISHED. budget provides €or a $600 increase in salary for Manager Hyde for the year 1959, and Dickson moved that the Manager's salary be increased to the amount set forth in the budget for this year. Mayor Bredesen reminded Council that the Motion seconded by Kohler and carried. DESTRUCTION OF 1948 RECORDS AUTHORIZED. ten years old, was recommended; and Kohler offered the following Resolution and moved its adoption: Destruction of old records, more than RESOLUTION F@R DESTRUCTION OF RECORDS DATED JANUARY 1, 1948, TO AND INCLUDING DECEMBER 31, 1948 WHEREAS, M.S.A. 412.841 authorizes the destruction of certain village records more than ten years old; and WHEREAS, A list of records has been presented to the council with a request in writing that destruction be approved by the council; and WHEREAS, the Village Attorney has approved the destruction of such records in writing; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF EDINA, MINNESOTA: 1. All orders, vouchers and checks )Dated January 1, 1948 through All receipts and correspondence ) - The Finance Director is hereby authorized and directed to destroy the following classes of records described in the list submitted to the council: (a) (b) December 31, 1948 Motion for adoption of the Resolution was seconded by Tupa, and on Rollcall there were five ayes and no nays, as follows: Dickson, aye; Kohler, aye; Tupa, aye; and Bredesen, aye; and the adopted. ~ A INSURANCE REQUIREMENTS DISCUSSED. Village fire 5nsurance policies expire in 1959, and suggested a revaluation of properties, more realistic with today's values. Some discussion had on method bf appraisal; and Dalen directed to prepare schedule of present coverages for Council review. Finance Director Dalen reported that most 1/12/59 CLAIMS PAfD: Tupa's motion, for payment of the following claims, as per Pre-List dated January 12, 1959, was secdnded by bickson and carried: 6 c4 General Fund $7,069.95 Construction Fund 4,792.21 Park and Park' Const. Fund 2,658.73 "la tervrorks Fund 1,132.57 Liquor Fund 23,689.00 Sewer Rental Fund 37.37 " Poor Fund 131 . 13 $395510.96 The evening's agenda's having been covered, Tupa moved for adjournment. Motion seconded by Kohler and carried. LIIIIUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETIb!G OF THE EDIIiA VILLAGE COrJP.!CIL y HELD !:OrJDAY; JAIXJkRY 26 y 1959 AT 7:OO P.M., AT THE EDIF!A VILLAGE HALL Hembers answering Rollcall were Beim, Dickson , Kohler, Tupa and Bredesen. WINUTES OF Jlif!UitRY 12TH NEETIKG lik.ZEh!DED. Engineer Zikan asked for an amendment to the idinutes of the iketing of January 12, the paragraph entitled "PRFLII.IINil3Y PLAT OF FRIDLUE:D'S ADDITIOl! APPXOVED kF!D EXCHAP!GE OF PROPERTY :?UTKQRIZED" (See ?age 51 this Xnute Book). property, as reported in these minutes, had been qualified by the phrase "if it is in the public interest"; that, upon a check of the premises he finds that it is not to the public interest to dedicate the entire East 15 feet of the Village Lift Station property to Developer Fridlund because of a cast iron pipe, and easement therefor, running from the Lift Station property through Lot 9, garden Acres, East to Tracy Avenue. h. Zikan told Council that the Village now maintains a road over this sewer easement, which road is in good condition; that if the road is to be abandoned, the Developer should be required to build a road from the Lift Station, north over the property proposed to be dedicated by him to the Village, to the new street, !'larden Avenue; that, providing the Developer will build such a road, and will dedicate the property North of the lift station property to the Village, he, T4r. Zikan, will recommend dedicating to the developer "that portion of the East 15 feet of the Lift Station property located North of the Village force ma in I' . be stricken from the record, and that Council now act to approve the Preliminary Plat of Fridlund's Addition, and exchange of such properties as are recommended by Mr. Zikan to be exchanged, upon written assurance by the Developer that road will be built at his espense from the Lift Station to \Varden Avenue. seconded by Dickson and carried. of the fJlinutes of the Regular Meeting of January 12. and carried. He explained that his approval of the requested exchange of I Tupa then moved that the action taken by the Council on January 12 Motion Tupa then moved for approval of the balance Motion seconded by Dickson GRAVELI?!G OF HA!'KES TERRACE, HAYJKES DRIVE AND YJARDEN AVERUE TO BE 11:CLUDED IF! UTILITY SPECIFICATICXS. Engineer Zikan explained that because of probable Highway #169 construction through the plat, the developer of Hawkes Lake Addition was not required to gravel Hawkes Terrace, Hawkes Drive and Narden Avenue in "Havkes Lake" Addition at the time this plat was approved; that the streets have not been graveled; and that the original developer, Roy Peterson, has now sold the plat to Developer Lyle Otto. included in the specifications for sanitary sewer and/or aatermain in this plat, in order that the Village night be protected against having to gravel. so moved. Ec. Zikan asked that the cost of graveling the streets be Dickson hlotion seconded by Tupa and carried. - PUBLIC HEAR1I:G PETITIOX TO REZORE TO C0XALIt~:ITY STORE DISTRICT FOR EXTEPSIO>! I OF BILTXORE t:flTOX EOTEL. pursaant to "?!otice of Public Hearing on Petition", published in Edina-Morningside Courier January 15 and 22, 1959, posted on official bulletin boards, and mail,ed to property owners. petition for the rezoning of a tract of land abutting Highway No. 169, South and Southwest of the present motel. proponents in their absence. at the original Hearing held October 27, 1958, are not available tonight; and Attorney Desmond Pratt, representing the opponents, asked for continuance of Hearing until the plans can be inspected. of Hearing to February 9, was seconded by Tupa and carried. 5209 DlJncraig Road, stated that he has no :objection to the proposed rezoning providing proposed Highway $169 is routed between the property proposed to be rezoned and Edina Highlands. This Public Hearing was called by Kayor medesen It was relative to the Biltmore Llotor Hotel Corporation's Attorney Ualter Gustafson represented the hlr. Gustafson explained that the plans, presented Dickson's motion for continuance tk. H. A. Murphy,.