HomeMy WebLinkAbout19590209_regularMembers answering Rollcall were Beim, Dickson, Kohler, Tupa and Bredesen. I Minutes of Regular Meeting of Janu'ary 26, 1959, were approved as submitted, by motion Dickson, seconded by Tupa and carried. PUBLIC HEARING ON PROPOSED REZONING TO C0IIJV"ITY STORE DISTRICT FOR BILThlORE MOTOR HOTEL. January 26th Hearings, opened with Mr, Jerry Swendseen presenting plan and layout for the motel extension. Planning Director Swanson suggested that the property owners dedicate sufficient property to complete a full-width "!'J.53rd Street", and hlr. Swendseen agreed to this proposal. reiterated statements, in objection, made at the earlier meetings; and Mr. Larson asked how Council could control the use of the property for "motel purposes'' only, if the propeety is to be rezoned "Community Store". Attorney Hasselquist told Council that rezoning for a single purpose is not legal, but that a deed restriction can be obtained if the Council so desires. Stating that the extension of the motel is the only purpose for which petitioners are asking rezoning, Mr. Swendseen agreed to such a deed restriction; also stating, in reply to a question by Trustee Dickson, that if a restaurant is installed it is hoped that it can be in the center of the development and not at either end. Francis McGuire said that in view of Council's action at the last meeting, rezoning for the Overholt Office Building, he has no objection to the motel extension. Question was raised as to the reason for asking for rezoning for the area Southwest of the property proposed to be built ons and fAr. Iiarry Gustafson replied that this property, low and unbuildable, will be used for access to proposed new #169. deed restriction for the property hereinafter described in proposed ordinance, permitting its use for motel purposes only; and with the specific understanding between the developers and the Council that development will be in confbrmance with layout presented at this meeting and that any great variance will be with permission of the Village Planning Commission, Trustee Mohler also offered the following Ordinance, moving that Council waive second reading and adopt Ordinance as. read: This Hearing, being a continuation of October 2'7, 1958, and Messrs Pratt and Larson Village Vir. Moving that the Village Attorney be directed to prepare a ORDINANCE NO. 261-44 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE ZONING ORDINANCE OF EDINA BY ESTABLISHING ADDITIONAL COI\IIIVIIJNITY STORE DISTRICT THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF THE VILLAGE OF EDINA, MINNESOTA, ORDAINS: Section 1. Section 6, Community Store District, of Ordinance No. 261 of the Revised Ordinances of the Village of Edina, as amended, is hereby further.amended by adding at the end of paragraph 1 of said Section 6 an additional sub-paragraph as follows: "[jj) That part of Govt. Lot 7, Sec. 28, Twp. 117, R. 21, described as commencing at a pt. on the N. Line of Govt. Lot 7 dist. 545 Ft. !'J. of NE Cor. thereof; th. S. parallel to E. line of said Govt. Lot 7 a dist. of 708 Ft. to pt. of beginning; th, S. parallel to said E. line 190 Ft.; th. We parallel to M. line of said Govt. Lot 7 to Vi. line thereof; the S. to SW Cor. of said Govt. Lot 7; th. E. along S. line thereof to IWly RFJJ line of U. S. Hwy. No. 169; th. NEly along said f~:IpJly RIA line to its Intersection with a line drawn E., parallel to N. line of said Govt. Lot 7, from the pt. of beginning; th. R. to pt, or' beginning. I' Section 2. This ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage and publication. Kohler's motions, as to deed restrictions and for waiver of second reading and adoption of Ordinance as submitted, were seconded by Trustee Dickssn;and $he first motion carried. On Rollcall as to adoption of the Zoning Ordinance, there were five ayes and no nays, as follows: Beim, aye; Dickson, aye; Kohler, aye; Tupa, aye; and Eredesen, aye; and the Ordinance was adopted. PUBLIC KEPEIKG ON PROPOSED AMENDMENT TO "OPEN DEVELOPMENT" SECTLOR OF ZOI'IIIdG ORDINANCE, CLARIFYII\IG SIDE-YARD SETBACK PROVISION. This Hearing, scheduled in response to Planning Commission's recommendation for clafification of the "side- yard setback" provision in the Open Development Section of the Zoning Ordinance, was held with receipt of no objections, either oral or written, to the proposed new Ordinance. Afr"idavits of Publication and Posting of Kotice of Hearing were submitted, approved, and ordered placed on file; and Dickson offered the following Ordinance, moving that Council dispense with second reading and adopt Ordinance as submitted: 72 / 2/9/59 ORDIlliQ+!CE AS TO SIDE YARD REJUIREi.iEi,TS / THE CCUIXIL OF THE VILLAGE OF EDIMA, MIM:ESOTk, ORDAIElS : Section 1. Sub-subparagraph (1) of Subparagraph (b) of Paragraph 9 of Section 3 (Open Development District) of Ordinance Eo. 261 (Zoning Ordinance) of the Village of Edina, as hereby amended, is further amended to read as folloltrs: "(b) Side Yard, Interior. (1) Uhenever the average height of a building at the side building line is 15 feet or under, the side yard shall have a minimum depth of 10 feet, but on that side of a building no part of which is designed for human occupation (as an attached garage), the side yard may be 5 feet provided that no eave projects within 48 inches of the property line, ship at the time the zoning and platting ordinances were adopted where the owner ovmed the adjoining land, uhose width at the building line is less than 75 feet, the side yard not adjacent to a garage may be reduced to 10 per cent of the width of the lot at the building line, but in no case to less than 5 feet." and publication, In the case of platted lots, or lots of record in one ovner- I Section 2. This ordinance shall be in effect from and after its adoption $/lotion €or waiver of second reading and adoption of Ordinance as submitted, was seconded by Beim; and on Rollcall there were five ayes and no nays, as follorvs: Beim, aye; Dickson, aye; Kohler, aye; Tupa, aye; and Bredesen, aye; and the Ordinance was adopted. Hay or Village Clerk PUBLIC HENUKG O:! PROPOSED SANITARY SEVER TO SERVE NO. 5129 MIRROR LAKES DFUE. Affidavit of Publication of "Hotice of Hearing", in Edina-Morningside Courier on January 29 and February 5, 1959, was submitted, approved as to form and ordered placed on file. $6,437.09 for sumner work, for $1,609.27 per Lot; $7,037.60 for winter work, for $1,759.40 per lot. Ur. R. A. Kempf, whose emergency petition had initiated this Hearing, asked for continuation of hearing to February 9. of the cost this improvement would impose on his neighbors, he is investigating with a plumbing firm for some other solution to his cesspool problems; that he should have a report before the next meeting. Drive, led the delegation opposing, stating he feels that owners of the other three lots proposed to be assessed cannot afford to spend the money for sewer at this time, even though they sympathize kholeheartedly with Lii. Cempf's problem. Gr, Kempf explained that his cesspool is some 50 feet deep; that local scavengers have no equipment to pump this deep; that he is now forced to empty dishwater outside. possibility of connecting to the Trunk Sewer through an easement. also.asked delegation to decide, now, as to whether or not they nil1 want sewer, in order that stract can bz repaired. Kohler's motion that Hearing be continued to next meeting ctas seconded by Eeim and carried., Llanager Hyde read Engineer Zikan's Estimate of Cost, in amount of He stated that because hlr, Frank Hunt, 5132 Mirror Lakes Yanager Hyde suggested that Kl. Kempf investigate the i'tanager SYII.XIKG PCOL FEES ESTADLISMED FOE YEAR 1959. recommendation that Svrirr=iling Pool Fees €or this summer be established at the following: Jr. season ticket; 5.75-single gate admission. too much to charg2 for single admission; that it may wsr!c. to the advantage of Edina residents, as most single admission tickets last year were to out-of-tocners. French stated he believes this raise will cut single adrnissions by about half. Ibhler's notion, that Par!c Board's recommendations be accepted and that fees be established in accord r:iith them, vas seconded by Dickson and carried. IJr. French reported the Par!: Board' s $lO.OO-family season ticket j $4.00-individual season ticket; $5.OO-L!orningside Some discussion v;as had on the matter, the Council agreeing that 5.75 is not i&. SYXIX1I:G PCOL COl!CESSI@;! TO E% VILL:AGE-OPERI:TED. Xr French asked, on behalf of the Park Beard, that the pool concession be Village-operated this year. this vrtuld mean purchase of additional equipment--a soft ice cream machine, and a soft drink machine, the last of v:hich is not provided for in the bJdget. He said it is the Eoard's opinion that a much better job can be done than YJas done last year by the concessionnaire; that it is his own opinion that more money can be made for the Village this way; that, if the weather is a% all good, same 31,500 to $2,500 should be made between Eemorial Day and Labor Day. (Some $400 was village share of profit during 1958). last year, in getting concessionnaire employees to do the right kind of joh. line xith this, suggestion v!as made that Village employees be made public relations conscious. not interfere with the problems heretofore discussed regarding Park 3aintenance. Kohler then moved that Council authorize Park Board to run pool concession for 1959. ?Sotion seconded by Dickson and carried. He stated that 1.k. French reported that there was much difficulty, In Trustee Tupa asked, too, that Board make sure that this operation does , 4 and 7, Block 2; Stevens First Addition was submitted, with report by the Village Engineering Department that there is a 12" Storm Sewer in this alley, referred to the Planning Commission for its recommendation. should Council act favorably on petition, easements €or maintenance of storm sewer must be secured. Petition It was noted that, PETITION FOR PERMIT TO CUT PAVING FOR WATER CONNECTION AT 6205-07 FRANCE AVENUE DISCUSSED. three connections had been put in for this unplatted property; that, subsequently, the property had been platted into four lots. satisfactorily repairing this heavy paving, Council was not pleased at the necessity of cutting; and, after Engineer Zikan had reported that there may be another way of accomplishing service (he reported that the sewer portion may be handled without a cut, but that the watermain is on the West side of the street), Kohler moved that Council have the Engineering Department investigate the matter o€ possibly providing water service to this lot without pavement cutS and report back to the Council. Manager Hyde explained that this petition has been filed because only Because of the difficulty in MINNEAPOLIS' REFUSAL TO BEAR PORTION OF COST OF 54TH STREET TRAFFIC SIGNAL REPORTED. Manager Hyde reported receipt of letter from Minneapolis Traffic Engineer, R.H. ' Sprungman, to effect that Minneapolis has denied Edina's request that the City bear a portion of the cost of an automatic traffic signal at 54th and France. Mr. Hyde asked Council's permission to continue to work on this matter, in an effort to secure Minneapolis' cooperation, inasmuch as this is a very bad corner, on which the signal is really needed. Authority granted by common consent of Counc i 1 . MINNEAFOLIS HOME BUILDERS ASSOCIATION'S REQUEST FOR FIVE-YEAR FINANCING OF UTILITIES in new plats was discussed; and Council authorized the Village Manager to make response to the letter, incorporating suggestions discussed at an informal meeting of the Council; namely, a possible five-year financing plan providing concrete paving and integral curb and gutter can be included in development. STORM SEWER PETITION FOR MILLER'S ADDITION FILED, Mr. L. V. Miller was present to support his petition dated February 5, 1959, for a "storm sewer to run North and South, 150 feet on the West side of Lots 7 and 10, on Garrison Lane, in the Miller Addition", Mr. Miller, stating that this is the second petition he has filed, claimed that Dayton and Fronk platting, and work on Valley View Road has caused additional storm water to run into this area, and asked that work be expedited. Manager Hyde explained that this proposed sewer has been considered has part of the large "Adolph Meyer" Storm Sewer, and Council informed Mr. Miller that his new petition will be taken under consideration. RECORDING OF APPROVED PLATS DISCUSSED, Director Swanson the procedure for the Administrative Office's ascertaining as to whether an approved plat has been recorded, Mr. Swanson replied that there is no regular procedure for this; that there is no time limit made by the Village for recording a plat after it has been approved; that it is sometimes necessary to call the Register of Deeds' office for this information. He stated that, in an ordinance soon to be presented for Council consideration a plat will be voided and must be re-presented to the Council for consideration if it has not been recorded within six months of council approval; that he believes the Planning Department should have a form which must be stamped by the Register of Deeds, returned to this office, and presented by the Planning Department to the hilding Inspector before permits are issued, Discussion, but no action, pending sub- mission of proposed new Ordinance. PARKWOOD KNOLLS/PRELIMINARY PLAT APPROVED. Park Board's approval of proposed park dedication, and Planning Commission's February 4th recommendation for approval of plat. on Preliminary, is a long diagona1,strip at the south side of an East-West street just south of Lots 9, 10 and 12 and north of Outlot 2, leading from View Lane to a further Park of 620 Et. by 330 Ft. by 220 Ft., just south of Block 7. also noted that the Preliminary contemplates the re-alignment of Stauder Road, which will cut the property now owned by Mr.. Robert J. Pond, 6513 Stauder Circle. At an inquiry from the Council as to Mr. Pond's knowledge of this plan, developer Carl M. Hansen reported that Mr. Pond was informed of it at the time he purchased the property; that he knows he may have to remove his tennis court. pointed out that the park dedication has been made to conform with requirement by the Congregational Conference, which will dedicate further property in the same locale, Planning Commission's recommendation was seconded by Beim and carried. Trustee Kohler inquired of Planning 8TH ADDITION ' This plat was presented, carrying The park dedication as shown It was It was Dickson's motion that Plat be approved in accordance with of Sec,29,Tvrp.117,B.21", a parcel on the south side of Interlachen Blvd. approxi- mately 500 feet Tiest of Idirror Lakes Drive and abutting Interlachen Golf Course, carried the Planning Commission's recommendation for approval. explaining that there are culverts in this location, routing storm water from Rolling Green to lilirror Lakes, asked that Village secure drainage easement, should it be determined that culverts or drainage therefrom cross this property. .+Tups moved for approval of Preliminary Plat in accord with Commission's recomnendation. Engineer Zikan, -. Llotion seconded by Dickson and c8r?ied0 CHEROKEE HILLS PRELIl.'lIBTMY PLAT APPROVED. This Preliminary, being of the old Gleason Homestead property, adjacent to Indian Hills, was presented together with Planning Commission's February 4th recommendation for approval. was had with regard to roads, and it vias noted that developer Haverly will reimburse the Village for expense in condemnation of Outlots B and C and an access road through or near Lot 3, Block 2, Indian Hills to eliminate cul-de-sac. Dickson's motion approving Preliminary in accord with Commission's recornendation was seconded by Tupa and carried. Some discussion I DREHER'S ADDITIOPI PRJXII.lIH~~Y PLAT APPROVED. and 5, Block 6, Tloodhill and Parcel #5200, Sec.30, Twp-. 28, into three lots, carried Planning Conmission's recommendation for approval conditioned upon dedi- cation of seven feet along Y1.70th Street for street right-of-way. motion approving Plat in accord with Commission's recommendation was seconded by Dickson and carried. This plat, resubdividing Lots 3,4 Kohler's PARK PAECEL AT 6GTH AND CORNELIA DRIVE-PRELII;IIf?ABYY PLAT APPROVED. presented calls for creation of an additional building lot between 1:'.66th Street and Cornelia Drive, with a frontage of 100 feet on Cornelia Drive and 160.5 feet on YJ.66th Street; a road to form right-angle entrance to Cornelia Drive from YI.66th Street, and a small island at the corner of Cornelia Drive and 1V,66th Street, to the v;est of the proposed new road. It was reported that the Park Board favors this plan and desires the sale of the proposed building lot, discussion had as to method of sale, with Attorney Hasselquist reporting that Council may sell €or "the reasonable value'; of the lot. Dickson's motion for approval of Preliminary Plat was seconded by Kohler and carried. The plan as Some BLOCKS 11, 12, 13 .44D 14, PARIGdOOD KNOLLS EIGHTH ADDITICXJ--FIP?AL PLAT APPROVED. This Final Plat carried Planning Commission's recommendation for approval subject to developer's signing standard agreement relative to grading, graveling and sanitary sewer. The Llinutes of the February 4th Planning Commission 1:Ieeting also referred to the matter of developer Carl tl. Hansen's Einancing the filling and blacktopping of existing Eden Prairie Road to existing Hviy. #169, inasmuch as a portion of Old Eden Prairie Road has been vacated for 1.k. Hansen's benefit. Some discussion was had with Ftr. Hansen on this subject; and it was noted that Llr. Lewis E. Jones has not dedicated his portion of Blake Road extended because he does not wish to assume assessments for its improvement, tJr. Hansen stated at first that he feels it is not fair to ask him to bear the full cost sf the road, but did agree to do it. subject to developer's signing agreement recommended by Planning Commission and subject to dedication by !:I. Lewis E. Jones of the required one-half of South Blake Road extended to Highway 169, and ME, Carl Id. Hansen's bearing the full cost of grading, graveling and blac!:topping of said South Blake Read extended, nith no cost 02 this construction to be borne by f5. Jones. seconded by Dickson and carried. Kohler then moved for approval of final plat, Liotictn was .- -. - F1Il.X PLAT APFROVED, i!ELSOI:-:'ICODHULL'S :;DDiTIE!./ This replat, of Lots 7 to 11 inclusive, Block 2, Feacedale Acres, had received Planning Commission's February 4th recomnendation for approval; and Dickson moved for approval by Council. Beim and carried, Motion seconded b17 THE KEIGI-ES THiRT) ;,DDITI@X FIIIAL PLAT APPROVED. Cormission's February 4th recommendation for approval, and Dickson moved for approval by Council. BLAKCHE ADDITIOI!. FITIliL PLAT APPROVED.. This Final Plat, approved by the Planning Conxission at its i!ovembzr 5th meeting, was approved by the Council, subject to developer's bearing proper share of grading and graveling of street, and sanitary sewer in Tyler' Avenue, by motion Dickson, seconded by Ibhler and carried. This Final Plat carried Planning :dotion seconded by Beim and carried. HEARIKG SCHECULED (2; BD.J SIF.iPSOX REQUEST FOR PERMIT TO BUILD AT 483332 TO;BES ROAD. Planning Commission's February 4th recommendation for approval of building on this %-foot portion of a 60-foot lot was reviewed. proposed to be constructed was presented, discussion had, Tupa moved that council schedule Hearing on proposed lot-size and side-yard setback variances from Zoning Ordinance €or IIIonday, February 23. Plan, showing 44-fOOt vide dwelling . Motion seconded by Beim and carried. property line on both sides of Lot 1, Block 1, Code's 1st Addition was discussed. 261-36, Hearings on said variances may be had before the Planning Co~rrnission, and Kohler moved that Planning Commission schedule such Hearing at their earliest convenience. Motion seconded by Dickson and carried. Attorney Hasselquist reminded Council that , under Ordinance 1:o. GASOLIKE SERVICE STATIOFi ORDINANCE HEARIKG TENTATIVELY SCHEDULED FOR FIRST COUIJCIL MEETIKG 11; MARCH. .Planning Commission's February 4th recommendation for approval of revised ordinance was reviewed, and it was decided by common consent of Council to conduct Public Hearing thereon the first regular meeting in March. COUNTY ROAD #18 PLANS REFERRED TO PARK BOARD AP!D PLANF!IKG COPd.U.SSIOil!. County Highway Engineer Peterson uas present to submit a plan for County 8oad b!o. 16 from Trunk Highway No. l69-to One Mile South of Trunk Highway No. 5. (This plan is entitled "C.S.A.H. #18, T.H. 169 to 1 bii. So. T.H.5" and is stamped by Village stamp "Rec'd Feb. 9, 1959f1)e Mr. Peterson asked that action on plan be taken at an early date, in order that County can inform interstate highway planners on the location of two bridges. He quoted figures to show that traffic on this county road had increased between 3OqL and 4OGL in the four years 1953 to 1957. acres of the "Hays Farm" park, with sufficient land at #18 to plat two tiers of lots, one tier to face old #18, the other the proposed new 818. Gonsiderable discussion was had on the plan, and Kohler moved that it be referred to Park Board and Planning Commission for their recommendations. Motion seconded by Beim and carried. Council noted that this plan will take some six CROSSTOWN HIGWIAY COMDEMNATION ALMOST COMPLETE. County Engineer Peterson reported that the acquisition of land for Crosstown Highway, between Xerxes Avenue and Valley View Road just !?rest of 100, is very nearly complete, with only four or five parcels yet to be obtained; that County does have the money, now, to begin bridges at'France Avenue and at valley View Road. PARK DEDICATION MONIES RECOA@AENDATION REFERRED TO VILLAGE ATTORNEY Planning Commission's February 4th recommendation for dedication bf monies in lieu of land dedication for parks in amounts of $50 per dwelling unit for residential plats (payable at time plat is filed) and in amount of $50 per each $25,000 of building costs for commercial properties (payable on issuance of building permit) was reviewed. Recommendation also contained provision for continued dedication of 576 of land for plats in areas designated as par!: site. Recommendation was referred to Village Attorney for investigation and report. CAR-WPSH ORDINANCE ASKED. meeting of the Planning Commission, Trustee Tupa recommended the adoption of an ordinance to regulate car-wash establishment. municipalities, stating he feels this Council should have ordinance before any application is considered. The Pursuant to review of the minutes of the February 4th He cited troubles had in other Council in agreement. POLICE DEPARTMENT OPEN HOUSE ANFJOUNCED. DeDartment's annual Open House will be conducted in the Village Hall on Thursday Manager Hyde announced that the Police ani Friday, February i2 and 13 hlrJ€!ICIPAL COURT PLAN FOR "FIRST OFFERDERS" COR&'IEfL'DED. that Itlunicipal Judge hrris and Police Chief Wayne Bennett are tentatively advocating the plan of refunding traffic fines to "first offenders" who do not repeat within a "period of time of six months or a year (yet to be determined). Some discussion was had, and Council went on record as complimenting Mr. Burris and the Police Department for this revolutionary approach, and encouraging adoption of the plan. PARK EOARD APPOINTh4EPn P,NNOUNCED. Mayor Bredesen announced his appointment of Mr. Frank R. Wheeler, 5004 Schaefer Road, to the Park Board, for a three-year term beginning January 1, 1959, which appointment was confirmed by Council. PUBLIC HEARINGS ON IMPROVEMENTS SCHEDULED FOR FEBRUARY 23. presented preliminary plans and estimates of cost for several proposed improve- ments previously petitioned. Blacktopping of Viooddale Lane, he recommends installation of curb and gutter because of the flat grade, and resultant drainage problems; and Manager Hyde asked that Council call Hearing on its own motion, without petition, on this particular project. Dickson offered the following Resolution and moved its Manager Hyde repor.ted Engineer Zikan He explained that, in the case of the petitioned f adoption: If~:PB@uEl'~E~~$ EE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the Village of Edina: The Village Engineer, having submitted to the Council a preliminary 1. report as to the feasibility of the proposed Curb and Gutter and Blacktopping Improvements describad in the Form of Notice of Hearings set forth below, and as to the estimated cost of such improvements, said report is hereby approved and directed to be placed on file in the office of the Village Clerk. in the Edina Village Hall, to consider in public hearing the views of all persons interested in said proposed improvements. time, place and purpose of said meeting to be published in the official news- paper once a week for two successive weeks, the second of which publications is to be not less than three days from date of said meeting, which notice shall be in substantially the following farm: 2. This Council shall meet on Lionday, February 23, 1959, at 7:OO P.X, 3. The Clerk is hereby authorized and directed to cause notice of the P:OTICE OF PL1BLIC HEARIKGS O)! PROPOSED STREET I~uiPiZOVE~.EF!TS KOTICE IS HEREBY GIYEM that the Edina village Council will meet at the Village Hall on IJonday, February 23, 1959, at 7:OO P.fJ., to consider the following proposed improven;ents, to be constructed under the authority granted by Llinnesota Laws of 1953, Chapter 398. ments is estimated by the Village Engineer as set forth below: 1 . CO~!STE;CTCTZO:! OF BITUXtF:CUS SURFACE TREATMEhT Ill THE The approximate cost of said improve- EST. COST FOLLC.':III!G STREETS : A. Parnell Avenue from Y1.62nd Street to Valley View Road; and !?.62nd Street from Virginia Ave. to Ryan Ave, $9,156.00 B. Grove Street from Code kve. (South) to Tingdale $we. $4,602.67 D. JS,36l 6 GO E. 'fork Avenue from!.:.6Oth Street, to include 6041 York $3,623.71 F. Chowen Ave. from M.63rd St. to 'id.64th St. $3 , 435. GO G. Chan-hey Road from Ayrshire Blvd. to P!orthvrood Drive; C. Upper Terrace from Brittany Road to Southcrest Drive $4,131.48 Idylwooci Lane from South Blake Road to Schaefer Road and 1;orthwood Drive frcm Ecisting Bituminous Surface Treatment to Glengarry Parkway. $14,582.04 H. Code Ave. from i'l.57th St. to Melody Lake Drive $4,336.75 2. COT~STRJCTIGI! OF STkllD4BD VILLAGE CURB AI!D GTJTTER , &!D COi~STRLTCTIOf: OF SITULi1I:OUS SURFACE TREiTI"ERT IF! THE FOLLCI:III% STREETS : A. ','!est Shore Orive from Dunberry Lane to Laguna Drive; and Upper Terrace from Sovthcrest Drive to "Jest Shore Drive : - Curb and Gutter $11,105.60 Bituminous Surface Treat. 12,337.27 Curb and Gutter $2,819.64 Bituminous Surface Treat. 2,827.51 3. 'A'ooddale Lane:- The areas proposed to be assessed for the cost of said proposed improvements include all lots and tracts of land abutting the respective streets proposed to be improved, Ihtion for adoption of Rwolution was seconded by Kohfer, and on Rollcall there uere five ayes and no nays, as follovis: Beim, aye; Dickson, aye; Eohler, aye; Tupa, aye; and Eredesen, aye; and the Resolution :;'as adopted. GZETCHEP! S. ALDEI!, Village Clerk LIayor c Village Clerk FURCHXE OF UP TU 51,000 OF PAPER BAGS FOR LIQUOR STORE, YIITHOUT FORXL EIDS, AJTHO2IZED, of paper bags from 1956 to 1959 was presented by tianager Hyde. He reported Ik. Dalen's request for authority to purchase in quantity, up to $1,000, in order to make a saving. granted by coram consent of Council. Finance Director Dalen' s written report, showing increase in cost Discussion had as to storage space, etc., and authority CLAIi.'iS PAID: dated February 9, 1959, was seconded by Beim and carried: Fund, 51,506.99; !'!ater Fund, $1,375.41; Liquor Fund, $23,366.64.; Sewer Rental Fund, SlOO.00; Poor Fund, $38.49 - Total, S51,1&9.78, - Tupa's motion, for payment of the following Claims, as per Pre-List General Fund, $21,701.37; Construction Fund, $2,600.88; Par!: and Park Const. Eeim' s motion for adjournment was seconded by Tupa and carried. at log15 P.L IJeeting adjotlrncd Village Clerk