HomeMy WebLinkAbout19590413_regular3/23/59 ~ 10' (I,! I CLAIBIS PFJD, Llotion by Tupa, for payment of the following Claims, as per Pre-List' dated {larch 23, 1959, was seconded by Kohler and carried: .e General Fund $17,032.68 Liquor Fund $35,129.49 Park -Z Park Const.Fund 359.02 Improvement Funds 1,423.30 Ydaterworks Fund 1 474.6 1 Poor,PIR, and Construct ion Fund 19,000.00 Sewer Rental Fund 212.21 '2- Tempr.Improve.Funds 120.05 TOTAL $74,751.36 "S~I?IIMIXING PKIL CONTROL" ORDINANCE RECOIdAEIIDED BY ENGINEER, Stating that swimming pools are becoming ever more popular in Edina; that pool owners should be on notice that they cannot dump pool water into the sanitary sewers, Engineer Zi1:an advocated adoption of an ordinance prohibiting said dumping. to draft such an ordinance. Attorney Hasselquist directed Kohler's motion for adjournment was seconded by Beim and carried, at 10:15 P.F.1, Meeting adjourned Village Clerk MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETIKG OF THE EDINA VILLAGE CCUNCIL , HELD MONDAY, APRIL 13, 1959, AT 7: 00 P.PL AT THE ' EDINA VILLAGE EkLL Elembars answering Rollcall were Beim, Kohler, Tupa and Bredesen. MINUTES of the Regular Meeting of March 23, 1959, were approved as submitted, by motion Hohler, seconded by Tupa and carried, FUELIC HEBRIHGS OK PROPOSED IMPROVEE1IIENTS: in EdZna-Morningside Courier April 2 and 9, 1959, of "Notice of Public Hearings on Proposed Curb and Gutter and i:latermain which notice was approved as to form and ordered placed on file. Pursuant to said Notice, the following Public Hearings were conducted, and action was taken as hereinafter recorded. STREET TO 1W.68TH STREET. and Estimate of Cost was reported as $3,11 per Assessable ~o~t. informed that, if curb and gutter is constructed, there will:.be a reduction in the cost of the Blacktop project recently approved; that the assessment €or curb and gutter-blacktop can be over a ten-year period. There were no objections to 'chis proposed project, and none had been received prior to the Hearing. of later in meeting, Ordering Improvement). 2. PUBLIC HEARING ON PROPOSED WATERMAIN IMPROVEMEI\!T IN by. 69TH STREET FRO?.{ PLJItnPHOUSE AT %.69TH ST. AND FRANCE AVE. TO APPROX. 1250 FEEi 'EAST: A NORTH-SOUTH EASEIAEILT LINE LOCATED BETWEEN We 69TH AidD W. 70TH STS. : AIUD 18- 70TH ST. FROM EASEMENT LINE LOCA4TED BETWEEN In]. 69TH AND W. 70TH ST. shown of plan and benefited properties; Estimate of Cost was reported at a Total of $33,150.60, of which total Southdale Realty Company property hill be assessed $24.,300.90, and Glacier Sand and Gravel Company property, $8,?49.70. Realty Company representatives were present and agreeable to the proposed allocation of assessable costs- There were no objections from the floor, and no objections had been received prior thereto. its adoption: Clerk presented P.ffidavit of Publication 1. PUBLIC HEARING OE PROPOSED CURB AND GUTTER If.: CORRELIA DPIVE FROM VJ.66TH Vu-Graph Slide was shown of plan and benefited properties, Owners were also (See Resolution TO FRANCE AVENUE. Bu-Graph Slide was Fouthdale Tvpa offered the following Resolution and moved R ESOLUT I ON ORDER I RIG I MPROVEMEi?T S STREET IMPROVEMENT NO. B-61 , AhD VJATERMAIN IMPROVEMENT NO. 136 BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the Village of Edina, Minnesota, that this Council heretofore caused notices of hearings to be duly published on the following proposed improvements, and at the hearings held at the time and place specified in said notices the Council has duly considered the views of all persons interested, and hing fully advised of the pertinent facts does hereby determine to proceed wiCh the construction of said improvements; that said improvements are hereby designated and shall be referred to in all subsequent proceedings as follows: l Ct7I?STRUCTIOi\I OF STPJ\IdDARD VILLAGE CURB AND GUTTER Id ATdE @F Ii~Fl?C'?B4ET~IT in Cornelia Drive from W.66th St, tc Vi,OP,th St, Street 1nprove.IIo. E-61 in W.69th St, from Pumphouse at 1:~~69th St, and France Ave. to approx. 1250 Ft. E,; N-s Easement line between pj.69th and 'f1.7Oth Sts.; VJ,70th St. from easement line to France Ave. ?{aternain Imprcve. KO. 1.36, 2. CQI.,!STF,UCTI@Pj OF VILLAGE WATEPJIAIN M<D APPURTENAJ,CES and the areas to be specially assessec? for the cost of said proposed improvements include all lots and tracts of land abutting the respective streets and easement lines proposed to be improved. 1 Cr 4: 4/13/59 I:otion €or adoption 0: ths Eesolution was seconded by Beim, and on Fallcalf there were four ayes 2nd no nays? as follows: 1355. Eredesen, aye; and the Zesolution aas adopted. .* EE:jCI,TOF?III:G CIF S2TJTRXEST 3RIVE FR0i.t UPPER TEERFCE TO t'l. 6GTH STREET - CU!TI?!TJl,TICi< . CF ~.V.2CI-l 23 FUBLIC HEARIi<:G. Tlerl: reported that, in ansner to an inquiry sent out by this office, concerning method of assessment, eight answers had been received favoring the project only if all abutting lots aere assessed; two in favor only if corner lots were excluded frcm the assessment; that petition presented is, therefore, not valid. kLLI3 ITT STE?E:T:S FITST AODITfC2 V.X!I\TED. Earth I9 and 26 in Edina-t!c,rningside Courier of Yotice of Hearing" and of posting of said I:cltice. 2nd pursuant to said notice, public hearing was conducted on the petition of Edina Covenant Church for the 'lacation of the East-:'fest Alley lying between Lots 1, 2 and 3, Block 2 Stevens First C.ddition and Lots 4 and 7, Bloc!: 2, Stevens First Addition". tk. Carl Elving: representing tha Church, explained that the Church wishes -to cause no hardship to the neighbors; that they actually wish Vacation of only that portion of the alley which abuts Lot 1 and the East 1/2 of Lot 2, and Lot 7, Elcck 2. He shozed plans -Tor the Church's proposed educational wing, which will extend South, over the presen-l alley and :.tell into Lot 7. Village has a storm sewr running through the alley proposed to be vacated; that some arrangement should be made for relocation or' the storm sener; to xiiicii statement Lii. Elving replied that the Church is willing to give easement for Lhc storm sewer to pass under the proposed building--which, he stated, is often done. 1.k. Zikan stated that this method should be used only as a last resort, because of the difficulty which could ba experienced in cleanin'g anti maintaining the line; and it was felt that the seVi;ier could possibly be relocated to the side of the building. Discussion was had concerning dedication by the Church of a turn-around on Lots 2 and 7, in order that alley hig1i.t be maintained; and it was also thought that the C'nurch could allovr a drivceay easement along the Kest and South lot linas of Lot 7, in order that access might be had to Indianola Avenue. 4209 I'J, 50th Street, stating he vias speaking €or himself and for Mr. &.A. Cronstrom, owner of part of Lot 3, l31ocI: 2, objected to the Vacation on the grounds that their properties will be devaluated; and Llr. J. Gallagher of Korthern States Power Company inEormed the Council ihat the Company has a line through the alley, fro% I-ialifax Avenue, :'Jest, vinich serves a large area to the South. I-Ie asked that a permanent easement be givzn by thz Church before Vacation of Alley is considered, offered the follcning Zesolution and moved its adoption: Tupa's motion 8bandoning project was seconded by Sohler and carried, Clerk presented Affidavits of Fublicati on Affidavits were approved as to form and ordered placed on file: Engineer Zikan explained that the ' fJr. Merle 0. Anderson, E2im RESOLUTIC'X VliCkTiIIG ALLEY - P0RTICC;I OF EAST-VIEST r:tLLEY 11. BLOX 2, 4/13/5 9 POST OFFICE ZEQUEST FOR REZO~m$G DiSCUSSED--HEP&Ii<G SCHEDULED. &. I;Jil son of the Post Office reviewed for Council his request for the.rezoning of certain property West of Yne Hooten Cleaner Euilding on :*'1,49* Street, presenting two alternate plans for the building. Council, wherein he had reported that he has been able to find no other suitable spot in Edina for the post office site. residential properties again protested, also with arguments presented to the Council at a previous meeting, Commerce, made a plea for the Council's making some arrangement "to keep the post office on the 50th and France Corner", He stated he feels that Councjl should give consideration to the business people in the area, as well as to the residential property owners; that the business on the corner needs the post office there. lo($; of the owners of neighboring residential properties. Objector Calvin Kattcr said he believes that the added traffic and congestion caused by the addition of the post office building and its employee parking facilities will drive business away from the corner, rather than add to it. A Mr. and lirlrs. Anderson, owners of the vacant property at 5029 France Avenue South, explained that their property is available for post office use, but I&* yjilson objected that this property is too small; that the property facing Ewing Avenue would have to be rezoned before consideration could be given to it, and he is doubtful that such rezoning could be accomplished. Some discussion was had between the Andersons and Mr. Wilson from the floor, as to terms. Mr. Dale Fritzel, representing the Junior Chamber, stated that the Junior Chamber is very definitely interested in the retention of the post office in the Eciina business community; that it is evident the Post Office has given considerable study, over many months, to a site; and that if the post office has decided on this site, the Junior Chamber will support petition for rezoningo PIE, Fritzel added that his personal observation is that this site would be an excellent one from a traffic standpoint; that it is a little apart from the main traffic and would be a very good' location from the standpoint of those who wish to transact their business quickly and then get away. Kohler asked ab0u.t the present traffic problem, and if any studies had been made; and Trustee Tupa replisd that there had been no parking problem on the corner for the past five years. the meantime the Andersons and Ivk, Wilson will further negotiate for the France Avenue property, moved scheduling Public Plearing on the Post Office request for the Rezoning to Community Store District of the property "est of the Hooten Cleaner Building for Monday, April 27, 1959, at 2'200 P.M. Motion was seconded by Tupa and carried. repr'esentatives on notice that he, as a member of the Council which had promised residential owners t'nat there would be no further zoning of this area, could not revoke his promise and would vote No on the propose?. rezoning. He reviewed previous statements to the A delegation of owners of nEighboring Mke Hosmer E~ovJ~, representing the Chamber of Dr. Fjeldstacl presented an objecting petition, signed by Trustee Trustee Kohler, stating he hopes that in Mayor Eredesen placed Post Office F I VE-FOOT /- SETBPCKS APPROVED FOR DJELLIidGS 11; PROPOSED REPLAT OF LOTS 2 TO 22, 1;lCLUSIVE Aii;D SOUTH 40 FT. OF LOT 23, BLCCK 13, I:O%W3MLE SEC0i:D ADDITICX In compliance with request made by the Council at Public Hearing hakiFiarch 23, Mr. Dick Anderson or" Dick knderson iklilders, Inc. presented several kuusn plans, for homes he expects to build in the above named block, stating he cannot be sbro until he contacts prospective buyers as to which plans will be used, but that he wants row-housiny no more than do the neighbors. He also explained that any one of the plans could be adaptad in several ways. Ihnes. Geubrjn Taggatz? Arthur Sullivan and Lee Bemis were pressnt to review ths plans. into larger lots (Donna Dell Addition) was reviewed. Kohler moved that Council waive side-yard setbacks required under the zoning ordinance in favor of Eive-foot side-yard setbacks, on the basis of useage of the house plans presented to the Council at this meeting and the basis of the new plat for Block 13, Pjormandale Second Addition, hlotion seconded by Tupa and carried. !tkO Anderson's proposal for replating the lots in this block ZQUIPlEIJT TRAILER COPITRACT AYJAXD DELAYED TO NEXT MEETIEG. presented Tabulation of the seven bids received this morning, asking that award be delayed until next regular meeting, for further investigation of bidders' equipmente It was so ordered. Manager Hyde TORO; IidC. PROTESTS AAARD OF TRACTOR COKTRACT. Inc. , was present to support written protest against award of tractor-mov\rer to thr Gould Company, on grounds that this tractor does not meet specifica.tions for a "seven-gang unit". Manager Hyde explained that purchase order has not yet been issued; that arrangements have been made for both companies to demonstrate their equipment. was actually protesting award without opportunity to demonstrate; that this arrangement meets with Company's approval. A representative of Toro, Toro's representative explained that the Company 4/13/54 IPJPROVEliEXT PZITI11I:;S XCZPTED. and Tupa moved that thq br. accepted and referred to th~ Village Gngineer. Clerk submitted the following Improvement Petitions, I.iotion ded by Kohler and carried: 1. ?'datermain - Eillside Road, Tracy ave. to appro>:. 200 Feet East. 2. Yjatermain - Grove st., to serve Lots 1, 2, 3 and 4, Eroadrnore tiddn, 3. 4, Elacktopping - Ridge ~oad, Y.49th to U.50th St. 5. Oiling - !7.5lst St., Bsdford Ave. 'io Alley bJtvJezn Bzdford and Oxford,kvzs. 6. Oiling - Robsrts Placa, yilryan Ave. to ~olf Ave.; Rolf kve., Soberts Blacktopping - 'L.49th St., Ilestbroo!: Lane to hkwana Ave. Place to Valley Vieu Road. CURB @:D GUTTER-'JEST SHORE DkIVE FROLI Y!. 7OTH ST. TO UU1:HAl";i DRIVE--CCUI;CiL CALLS HEilRILG OII ITS OX: XlTIOi~. Clerk presented petition on this proposed improvement, stating that it is signed by less than 51;; of owners, ljut suggesting that, inasmuch as blacktopping improvament has just been ordered, it might bs wall to get opinion of owners on this improvement, in order that 10-year assessment might be made if they so wish ik. P.lut., said hearing to b2 initiated on Council's own motion, vias seconded by Beim and carried. Kohler's motion, scheduling public hearing for April 27 at 7:OO ROHXER REQUEST FOS EELiEF FKOI: ASSESSED VALUATIGI A!:D SPECIAL ASSESSX3!TS TO BE IIWESTLGATED. The request of 1.k. Harold Rohner, GOO0 Ofingzr Road, for reliaf from an assessment for Sanitary Sexer Improvement i,O. C-1, levied for 12.5 acres at $573 per acre, was read and discussed. Lir. iiohner pointed .out that the land as he purchased it was 1.25 acres; that the area has been increased by 11.25 acres by setting the boundary of ;.'ivd Lake farther to the South; that the assessment as levied is prohibitive and he will be forced to let the land go for taxes if he cannot obtain rcliei". lieport vias made by this office that land is sv~anp;. Kanager Hyds suggested tha'i investigation bs made by Engineering and Lzgal departments befor2 any action is ta!:en, and it was so ordered. BASEBALL Bi.CIST@P BiU; a-Uil-XXIAED. baseball backstops at Pamela, i,ormandale, Jackson-Belmore Lans, %th-Yor!r, 52nd- Arden Parh rras rzportaci; equipment to be paid from bond issue monsy;, ria; honor& by notion Kohler, seconded by Tupa 2nd carrieId. Park Board's reqilesi: for bids 'io bt? ta!:sn for LOT 1, 3LOCI; 1 SZTEXI5 APPROV5:D. rcccmnendatian for approval of Eive-foot sideyard setbacks for the above lo-k , JZK~E ar'tar Public Hearing on mattcr hald April S, at vhich no o'ujactions *mra ~egistar?d. Esim's motion for approval of five-foot sicieysrd setbacks, in accordanci r.6 tI; Planrjing Ccn;iiission's recci;mendation, was seconded by Tupa cnd carried. FiX.23* S FIXST ADJITIGi; (6123 FRl4;CE AVE. )--FIVE-FOGT SIUZlA:;D I PlaRnfng Director Iiite reported "Lie Plarining Cormiiss,ion's eave projections 21s restric-Led to one i'oot (made after public hearin2 ak ::rhich no cbjzctions had ban rtgisterad) were revieascl; and Ekirn's motion ?or approval oP Eive-2oot sideyard sz ibac!:s v:ith one-fooe eavc projections was seconded h-)' Tupa and carrieb. ZD L'KCE PEELII.',i;:XnY PLAT APPJOVED. --Froperty South 02 Highway ;;169 and East of Johnson ilrive. ?lanrling Dlrec'ior I-IiLe explained Lhat the Flanninp Cenqisslon has approvsd this Preliminary, inasmuch as developer is nilling to contrikote $50 Per dwelling unit in lisrl of par:: land dedication. is unwilling to accept originally proposed land dedication because oi' undsrtaintp as to Sighnay #l@ plans. Bzim' s motion accepting F'reliminary Flat in accordance with Planning Cormisslon' .$ recorlmendations was seconded by Tupa and carried. it vias explained that Par!: Board F&F'LkT OF LOT 26, ,!:GXEi .'.Cr,~:S--F~%LII.II~ZA~Y RiN FI1:AL PLATS AFP:',uVZD. 1-k. E. 11. Klopp's proposed replat of Lot 26, ';Jarden Acres into three 100;~145' loCs ?m.s given both Preliminary and Final approval, by motion Tupa seconded by Bsim and carried, and in zccord t;.ith Planning Comission' s April S recomendatlons. COUI!TF,YSiDE ADDITIC!--I?EPLAT OF LCTS 4,5 f4.D 6, ELLCK 3, EY ELLI::GSO;. i.XSO1. CC+;.PK3'-- PREXIL!il-AFiY PLfii APPAiTE.3. into four 39-Eoot front lots, had received Planning Commission's kprkl Eth approval, and Kohler moved for approval 02 Preliminary Plat in accord wit% Comission's recoixisndation. the Xid-fdina improvanent Association aas present, and stated he felt there rrould be no objection to the raplat. This proposed replat, of three larger-than-average lots ;.lotion ::ras seconded by Beim and carried. YE. Frank Uhlemann of 107 4/13/59 ,FK*AL PLAT OF WHITE 1WESTMEi:T CGMPAIN'S "Il'dTERLACHZI! VIFiP APPROVED, Oircctor Kite reported Planning Commission's April 8th approval of this Final Fla.b, and Tupa moved for Final Approval in accord with Commission's recomrilzndations. idotion seconded by Kohler and carried. Planning / ,' , PUELIC 1iEARIi:G SCHEDULED ON THOS. M. EYR2ES REQUZST FOR SUBiJIViSIOl: OF LOT 6, ELCCX 1, i;ORidAi:DALE COURTI The matter of this request for subdivision of Lot 6, Block 1, iiormandale Court into two lots9 one of which lots has an averaqe depth \ - of only 115 feet and therefore does not comply with provisions of the Zoning conversations with Fke C. Edward Swanson, then Planning Dirzc tor,. Kohlei-' s moiion, scheduling Public Hearing on request for Monday, April 27, aL 7:OO P.Eil., was seconded by Beim and carried. (-J Lumance, -_I 2 - was reviewed and discussed, with Byrnes present to explain his STOF34 SEWER HEARING SCHEDULED ON COUNCIL'S 0;iVN MOTION. si.:brnittccl to Council a petition for Stbj?m Sewer in W.55th Street between Xerxes and York Avenues and in York Avenue between 'd.55th and i'J.54'81 Streets, slgnc-d by owners of several properties abutting these streets; and a ps?%ition for Curb and Gutter in W.55th St, from Xerxes Ave. to York Ave., bearing the notation "This petition is made only to be submitted with the petition for storm sewer". Mre Zikan stated that, even with underground Storm Sewer from Xcrxes Avenue to Yorl: Avenue, and with Curb and Gutter on this same street9 there will bi? considerable surface wash and it will be difficult to main-tain the s'ireet, care of the drainage problem from Xerxes Avenue to York Avenue, with construction of underground storm sewer beginning at 55th and Yorlc and then accross park property to Zenith Avenue; that, in the long run, this would be cheaper for the Village to maintain than an underground storm sewer all the way; and the costs would be close, insofar as construction is concerned. Kohler's motion, scheduling Public Hearing on proposed Drainage construction as outlined by Engineer Zikan, was seconded by Tupa and carried; Hearing to be April 27. Village Engineer Zikan He reported that Curb and Gutter plus Blacktopping would ta!:e IP:IPRO\IEFJlZi,!T HE:?,RII<GS SCHEDULED FOR APRIL 27, Engineer Zikan presented tentative plans and estimates of cost for several improvement projects, suggesting that Public Hearings be conducted on April 27, in order that ~vork might be expedited, Eeim offered the following Resolution and moved its adoption: RESOLUTION PROVIDII\!G FOR PUBLIC HEARINGS PROPOSED SANITA2Y SEUER bVP.TERlvlAiR CURB AI'D GUTTER AND STOFN SEJER IhSPROVEIdEi. TS BE IT FtESOLVED bv the Council of the Village of Edina: 1. The Viliage Engineer, having submitted to the Council a prelimin.ary mport as to the feasibility of the proposed Sanitary Sewer, Ydatermain, Curb and Gutter and Storm Sewer Improvements described in the Form of Eotice of Hearings set forth below, and. as to the estimated cost of such improvements, said report is hereby approved and directed to be placed on file in the office of the Village Clerk, the Edina Village Hall, to consider in public hearings the views of all persons interes-Led in said proposed improvements. time, place and purpose of said meeting to be published in the official news- paper once a week for two successive weeks, the second of vinich publications is 'io be not less than three days from date of said meeting, which notice shall be in substantially the following form: 2, This Council shall meet on Monday, April 27, 1959, at 7r00 P,bf., in 3. The Clerk is hereby authorized and directed to cause notice of the NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARIFJGS ON PROPOSED GUTTER, STORM SFWR IMPROVEPJIEKTS SAIdITARY SEfdER 2 WATERMPaIN CURB &-!D 2IOTICE IS HEREBY GIVE); that the Edina Village Council will meet at the Edina Village Rail on Monday, April 27, 1959, at 7t00 proposed improvements to be constructed under the authority granted by Minnesota Laws of 1953, Chapter 398. by the Village Engineer as set forth below: to consider the following The approximate cost of said improvements is estimated EST1kl44TED COST COP!STELTCTIOI! OF VILLAGE LATERAL SPJJITARY SEWER AblD 1. Fondell Avenue from vjooddale Avenue to Oalclawn Avenue THE FOLLCYJIIIG STREETS: 1, Fondell Avenue from r,r.looddale Avenue to Oaklawn Avenue $ 9,619.20 2. Wilryan Avenue from Viest 64th Street to y1es-b 65th Street; $19,43E.EO APPUFTIEl:Ai.!CES I?.: THE FOLLCliKLI.!G STREETS :: $149317eS0 E. GO1 :STr;UCTJ.OI,! OF VILLAGE WATEPJ4IAII.J AT213 APPURTEKAi'JCES 11.' Jossphine Ave. from West 65th St- to 375 Ft, i!* of W,64th St. j West 65th St. from Josephine Ave, to YJilqan 5 Easement line betwe Lots E and 9, Block 2, and Lots 22 and 23, ElOCk 2, i.,!ormandale 2nd Addn, from Josephine Avenue to Ydilryan Avenue. 4/13/32 1.' 1. The plans and specifications for thz proposed Blacktopping, Cu.i-b and I Giuttcr, Sanitary Sewer and V!atermain improvements set forth in the following fdser-ti semcnt for Bids foi'rn, heretofore preparod by tha Villaga Enginser and now on file in the office of the Village Clerk are hsreby approved,, 2. Gmrizr and the Construction Bulletin the following notice 02 bids for said improvements : ADVERT ISEbE5:T FOI; BIDS ... The Clerk shall cause to be published twice in -;;he ~~dina-i,~orningsidc BITUiilII.!OiiS SURFACE TREATJG~~T, CUI12 P' '4. i) IJotion for adoption oi tho &solution was seconded with ths Village on JuRe 1, c'e-re four aps and no nays, as follov~s: EE B-redesen, aye; an3 the .TLssoluQion vias adopted. I Village Clerk $200,000 US:\ Treak7*r.; onc cis, 2-1/4;; tive June 15, 1962/59, vtheraas aCtiJaJ. securities pledged, as evidenced by SaTekeeping zLeceipts :.o. 313, arz $2@0,000 USA Treas:I.tr;r a,55 Bonds due Febri:ar;r 15, 1%& Tvpa's motion, that JtnlJargr 12, 1959 F.',esoli:i;ion be axended so a5 tc szt forti? Coiincil's approval 02 the pledge OT First Zdina i:ational Ban!: of $200,000 Trzascry 2,; 3xds due February 15, 1?G4, as good and sui"ficiznl collateral for deposits of piblic fi2nds9 was seconded by Eoim and carrizd, ,-? r v I. 4/13/59 ME';\IRIi G SCI-iEDULED 01: M1i:;IEAFC'LIS EGLE EJILDERS ASSCCI ATIOi I ' S REQUEST FOR f!iJJI;S'TM~, 01- POLICY OF F;EQJIRIl,G DEVELOPERS TO FIIIAIICE UTILITIES. representing the idinneapolis Home Builders Association, asked that the matter 03 the Association's request for change in Council's present policy of requiring land developers to finance their own utilities he placed on agenda for next meeting. Some discussion was had, and Manager Iiycie reported that this office had been waiting for report from the Association as to the extent of development expected, but that this had not been received. Those members of the Association present protested that they knew only what they, personally, intended to do; bui, on Ei-irther discussion it was decided that figures could be obtained in the near fvture. Tupa' s motion scheduling Eearing on this matter for iilonclay, April 27, was seconded by Zeim and carried. iittoi-ney John Abdo, CLkIidS PAID, Tvpa's motion for payment or' the follcwing claims, as per Pre-List dated April 13, 1953: General Fund $6,953 5 1 Liquor Fcncl $24.,962.69 Pari: and Fol-I; Const. Sewer F,ental Fiind 673.97 F1-1 nd 51X2E Poor Fund G49o 52 !!a tervfor!:s Fund 41 867.96 TOTAL $75,CIs3093 and for confirmation of paymen'c to i:ational Cash Register Co. dated March 23, 19Sg9 amoiJnt $2,S75.00, for "Ikrnit?,ancc ContIol iliachina" vias seconded by Eeim and carried, by Check i!ilOGO3, "DUW' TO €E Ii:VEST1GAT2De conJi Lion hehind a garage on W.54th Street. Report was made of the existance of a bad di-l~rip Matter will be invesLiyated. U3VIi;G FERIJITS M!ST FEtlST BZ APP2OVED BY PLA;,:;;Ii,;G COMMISSIO9 stating that he feels that because or' the Minneapolis Frzway and the Cross.kown Higiiway Ediqa will now and in the neax r'uti~re be faced with an abnormal nvrnbm of reqi.:ests for moving permits, moved that it be the policy of this Colmcil that no flurther permits be issVed for the moving of buildings into or intra-Edina iuntil. pc-rriiission of the Planning Conmission has been secl:rad, and that Villago !',ttorney be directed to draft an ordinance so stating. I;ohler and carried. Trli s tw? Tupa Motion sscctndeci by DQUELE EEiIGALC!'I AT 4229 VALLEY VIEW ZOAD TO BE LA?:DSCAFED, Planning Cor,missi.on action of April 2, was reviewed. Tmstee Kohler suggestcd that brrilder Gohex t Pliikkelson be reminded that he should have submit-ted his clonble-dw.ielling plans Lo the Planning Corrmission, and that Covncil would like to have him ma!:e iijiiat- ever restitution is now possible, by landscaping and screening the property, and woi.ild like to see his planting plan at the next meeting, by cormon consent of Council. I It was so arclsred IffJSrilm Councilmen End PI Fronk and Evald c. Eanl: were Lnierzsted rnembczs of thc ai-dience a ?tending this meeting, enjoying their freedom from th2 * responsibilities of office. The agcnda's having been covered, Tvpa moved for adjoiirnmentO by I;ohler and carried, and meeting adjovrned at 10~30 P,tL IAo tion VGS seconded /I Village clerk . P