HomeMy WebLinkAbout19590427_regular112 4/227/59 1,"ILUTES OF THE -REGULA:-L' MEETI!:G OF THE EDII,."`. I rlLL.,---,G`- CCIJI:CILI HELD '.'01:D9Z, APRIL 27, 1959 L I AT 7:00 P. I,,! THE EDIEA VILLAGE HALL. 1'.'1:-:mbe.rs answering Rollcall were Beim, Dickson, Kohler, Tupa and Bredesen. Tljpa's motion approving :.,ini-it-es of April 13p 1959 A.1leeting, as submitted, was seconded by Kohler and carried. I T HEA11I,.-G FOSTPOHED 0:,' PROPOSIED STOS"11 SC-,',TEP HPARIEG VICII-ITY OF YORK A17D '�'% 55T I ST. 1. - �aor Bredesen anncunco-S that mailed notices had been sent to those owners in the district to be benefited by construction of storm sewer, that this Hearing, scheduled for this evening, had been postponed to allow for further study by the Village Engineering Department. CCUNCIL REZM'ES _1-01-L POST OFFICE, SITE AT V1.49-2 STREET Al.-D HALIFA,-Z AVI-:7,,:UE-. Clerk, presented Affidavits of Publication in Edina-Morningside Courier April 16 and 23, 1*959, of Posting, April 14, 1959, and of 11.4alling, April 15, 1959, of "Eotice of Public Hearing on Petition for "Rezoning". Pursuant to said !,,'otice, the following Public Hearing was held, and action taken: The Edina Planning Commission's recommendation for denial of petition .,as reviewed. 1.1r. Hosmer Bru: * Chamber !n, representing the Edina Chamber of Commerce, asked once again that the Post Offics be kept on the corner; re(Tiesting that the Council please bear in mind its responsibility 'Co judge each zoning request on its own merits as it is present* 1-1r. Richard F. '1'1--UGcn of the Post Office Department told Council he has .vorl:ed with 1,7 irs. and 1!xr. ',nderson, varners of the property at 5029 France (heretofore considered as a possible that the Andersons do have sufficient space to use; that before the Post OIC"fice, can accept a bid from the i,.ndersons on their land he .would like a s.Catome-n-c. from., lChe Edina Council that it has no objection aver tothe Post Office's being located on the East side of France i'venue. i-r. Dale L. L I L L. L L, A. Fritzl, representing the Junior Chamber, presented petition in favor of location ":es' o" Hcoten Cleaners Ma s3 �a under considerat3 on for rezoning t' -:, s Fearing). L L I L '10p le 1.,essrs. 11-11osmcr 3-cv.,;n, for the Chamber of Cojmf.erce, an' Jznies Pause, 4t, 1: -1 property proposed 0 �,oad, representing residlential properties abutting the p opert p- 3ed t be rezoned., both exprassc)6 1'--hcmss-lvcs as being heartily in favor of the proposed now (.,*.nderson) site. 1,'x. Paoss statad he and his group are definitely opposed -Co tM- - Z> L -it e. ,,-v3nu: zite. Trustee TuP8 fl'OvOCI L111a Post Office D p-='.-ffton ;' s petition for razonincl of the ".venua sito be denied for t-he reason that the Spec& available does no`C. scem, to the requirements for b: slness and traffic '-hat vlould he created -I-,171a Pc�s'- O'�Iicc at this location, and that this Council qo U1. .4 J. - t. 1. - on record as having no objection to the Post Office's bring located on the 2ast Side of France r*Xenue. 'loi--ion .,,,as seconded by Beim. Beforc taking a vote on the motion, IIayor Dredesen asked for discussion, and T271-,steal Kohler as!-,ecl 1.ir. 1,:ilson — h- 4� 6 L Lf n could guarantee that the rose Office would be located on the l.nderson property if this r.otion carried. Anderson's answer r-,as in the nsoativ--. He —,plainad that the Post 0Y—.L ice Liepartrilent must throw bidding open, if ,he present, t th -nderson ��-Talilax option is abandoned! that the Departmenk. cannot. consider -� a offer withovt open bids bacausa they have a meiltiple-purpose building; Lhat- :he Department naturally has no control over the bidding and that. all bids within an area of five blocks from 30th and France must be considered. I L 6 1.1r. Hosmer B:Eo,,,m, reminding Council and audience that a Post Office at 45th and France would be an unhappy situation for the 50th 'ranee business district, asked ',','ilson if, should a bid at this location be superior be superior to fax -chat or' the !,,ndersons, consideration could still be given to the ', .1.49'1 Eali.L site. 11.1r. '.7ilson's reply was again negative. He explained that the present option must be returned before open bidding can begin. 1.1r. James Pause, Maple Roaij speaking for owners of neighboring residential properties, reviewed for Council the proceedings of 1933 and 1954, v;hen certain rezoning was had, and ccmmitment- was made. by that Council that there would be no _further rezoning. Ea reported that, since that time, some $200,000 investment had been made in the area, in homes. Asking that the Council read previous council proceedings before voting on this issue, 11r. Pause stated that the big issue is that this Council cannot go about changing the zoning when there has been capital invested as the result of former council action establishing r zoning,- that any change of zoning in this area is going to hurt residential properties tremenduously. Dr. Fieldstad reminded Council of objecting petitions filed at the last meeting by o=ers of almost 100,J of neighboring properties; and cozITIunication ftcyr, one new property vanor, yaaking petition unanimous. Trustee TuPa, ans,:xyinq ;x. Pause, reminded audience that to say that a Council coffnii-tted itsalf som.c ten or fifteen years ago does not mean that this Council sho,-ild stand in the way of progress; that no Council can commit- any succeeding Council. I [1 4%27%59 Mr. Calvin I:atter, 3949 1'7.49 Street, reiterated the objections he had made, at the last meeting, against rezoning the W.492 St.- Halifax Avenue site. Trustee Kohler asked Mr. :,Jilson what land would be available for a Post Office site within the accepted five -block radius of 50th and France; and 14rb Wilson answered that, generally, everything along 50th Street is rezoned, now; that the block South of 50th Street is zoned, and that he believes the block I?orth of 50th Street may also be zoned. Asked by A1r. Kohler if anyone besides the Andersons has evinced any interest in bidding, Mr. Wilson replied that he has had many phone calls- -some favorable, and some not so favorable. Trustee Beim inquired if Edina could be given a chance for any other location, should a bid be received from Minneapolis. Replying that this would not be fair to those submitting bids, Mir. 17ilson said it could not be done. Trustee Dickson inquired as to the location of other possible sites, and was told that they are all on the East side of France. Trustee Kohler inquired as to whether the Anderson informal bid is competitive with other informal bids, and was informed by 1.1r. ,••:1ilson that it is. Mr. :Nilson stated he is not certain that an-%r other bids would be received, but that this is something entirely beyond his or the Post Office Department's controls that the best bid received in the accepted location would have to be considered. I,cc. Hosmer Brown, stating that the Council is now "on the spot " - -that they must either act to rezone the W.492 Street site or assume the risk of depriving the 50th- France business district and the residents of Edina of a Post Ofr'ice -- reminded Council of i.e tax revenue to be received from this new building. He stated that most of the -residential investment reported by Mrc. Pause has been in multiple dwellings, that the parking area now located at the site ender consideration is quasi- commercial,* and that, should Council rezone, 'he original " , buffer be on residential and commercial ivill still be intact. Mayor Bredesen.then called for a Rollcall Vote on Trustee Tupa's notion Lo deny the request for rezoning; and the vote was as follows: Beim, aye; Dickson, nay; I_ohler, nay,* Tupa, nay; and Bredesen, aye; and the motion was 1cst. 1,ayo2 Bredesen then called for further discussion on the matter of the petition for rezoning. Mr. ;toswell B. Rehnke, 4001 1,j.49th St., speaking in opposition, told Council that he pays over $1,000 a year on his residential property; that neighboring residents pay a great deal of taxes; that if residential values decrease (which, he stated, will happen upon this -rezoning), then residential taxes should also decrease. He stated that when neighboring residents purchased, they did so because they were told that the area would remain as it is; that 100;0 of the residents adjoining this property have signed an objecting petition and that he feels they should be considered; that the Planning Commission has -recommended against rezoning; that the 'truck nuisance will be considerable to start with and will increase as time passes. He stated the neighbors feel this matter very keenly; that they are attempting to protect the values of their home properties; that they believe their objections should be respected; that they are here to request that the petition for rezoning be denied. Stating that he is making his motion for the purpose of providing a site for the construction of an Edina Post Office, Kohler offered the following Ordinance, moving that Council dispense with the second reading and adopt Ordinance as offered, and, further , that no building permit be issued for this ORDIIJAECE NO.* 261 -44 tract except for Air' ORDIllXNCE 9',1EI3DING THE Z013IItiG OIiDIP`IU3CE OF a post office and the EDINA BY ESTABLISHING ADDITIOI11:AL Building Inspector CO1 %U.,UNITY STORE DISTRICT be so instructed THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF THE VILLAGE OF EDINA, OPDAIESa (last ph.by amond.5 /7.' Section 1. Section 6, Community Store District, of Ordinance Ise. 261 of the :.evised Ordinances of the Village of Edina, as amended, is hereby further amended by adding at the end of paragraph 1 of said Section 6 an additional sub- paragraph as follows: "(ck) The West Forty -Five (45) Feet of the East One Hundred and Seventy - Two (172) Feet of the South One Hundred and Thirty -Five (135) Feet of the North Two Hundred and Seventy -Two and Five - Tenths (272.5 Feet of Lot Thirty -Six (36) Auditor's Subdivision I:o. One Hundred and Seventy - Two (172); and the East One Hundred and Two (102) Feet of the idorth One Hundred and Thirty -Seven and Five - Tenths (137.5) Feet of Lot Six (6), Block One (1), Lund Kruse Addition." Section 2. This ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage and publication. ( and for pro- of building permit except for Post Off. 111 tion for waiver of second reading and adoption of Ordinance as of'rere was seconded by Dickson. Before calling for vote, PAayor Bredesen told audience that he has consistently felt committed to vote No on this rezoning,- but that, after reading Planning Commission's -recommendations and hearing tonight's discussion he feels even 1i J 4/27/39 more strongly than his previous comnitment, l.•iould necessitate, against this proposition; that he feels, with the residential neighbors, that promises made to any gro,jp by responsible government officials should be kept, IMayor Drcu',30en then called for 'Pollcall Vote on the mot-Ion, and It %,.ras as ; I " - ' ) aye; Bresssen, nay; an' Tollu.,js: Esim, Eyc3 Dicl:son, aye ohlex� aye; i, -51a U the Ordinance was adopted. Mayor Village Clexi: PUBLIC HEARINGS ONi PROPOSED IMPROVEHARITS. Clerk presented '.ffidavits of Publication in Edina-I. 1crningsid2 Courier on April 16 and 23, 1959, of "i:otice of F,_,blic Hearings on Proposed San iltzr, -erjer, '.01atermain, Curb L Gutter Improvements", and, pursuant to sai,:L-A 1 : o c z- , 't ho o following P�jblic Hearings 1,:ora conducted and action t a H a n L 1. PUBLIC C! -I P,.0D0S1_]:D LATE',.T,L S; 'IT ".-ff -7 r, L' FO :: EL ;X­ .UE F7014 72ODD2,LE TC C.'I IL"T `XETE.- VI--Graph Slide shorn o-47 plan and benefited 6. c t and 7_ngineor I G -EsI.- imattc i-.ra s read. as $14,3174.b0, for :530.29 per let. There wera no objac',-ions registered at that '111,ec-rinq, and none ':lad bacn received prior thorato. L"Ilickson's motion, that project go forward, secjnc,'� d b­ ':ohlex- and carsis.". (Scc -csolu'Cion or later -*in m,nat-iing, Ordering Lrpj:o ips n 2. 1:2 E, LTIC CF WE'U - I I A-- ', T 0 0 : I : L V-1, `A—Graph Slide -:.-as shown of plan and bzns.'Fi*,LCJ diistriict, an," E-nginesr's Zs-Cimate was reau-t as �9,619-20, for ,356.27 par lot. There were no objections lcxom that audience, and none had been received prior to the Hearing. DIc':scri's notion, that project be approv0d, was seconded by 7,--pa and carriea. ("Josa, Lesoll-,tion of later in meeting, Ordcring Improvarlien"L-A 3. PUDLIC 01' P.-c.0FQS'2D 't' T=,L-Ji: L! AVE . R111017.', '-7.647-11 T0 _65TIT ST. : JC,SE-PiiI,"_-- -11-, .65TH ST. TO *:�75 FT. Q- ST. Mil ST. F!-:O',* JOSELP111::-] TO AVE. LII'E BET'I.-LOTS' F. L DL, 2, A, ?D LOTS 22 23, DTL. 2, ITE 'Z:D ,DD::. , FRO,'I JQ',`t_7PTIjIIIE TO V.7 I . '11— 1 JL. Vu-Graph Slide ;.ras sho-.'.M of plan and benefited district, and Engineer's was _oead as for "'33G6.77 per lot. Engineer 7i!:an -told Council 'U'Lla-t- construction of this in&in will mean securing of four easomen-L-s. One gon',-Iaman questioned 'the estimate, stating he believes there are sours 59 lots -Co ha assess'ed, rather than 53, which will reduce the per-lot estimate. 11.7x. Zikan replied that some of the property is being taken by the -tate for the highway 100-Cxrossto.;n Cloverleaf and this may make the difference. Manager Hyde stated. this matter by th(-_�rouqhly chocked before assessra,nt`l is levied. There were no objections registare%`1 at the Hearing, and no written objections had been received prior th?r2to. Boifa's motion approving project was seconded by Tupa and carried. (,Soe il,esolution of later in meeting, Ordering Improvement). il DI 7,-':. 4. PUBLIC FIE'a�'I::G C:'Pr,0P0S3D CU ;B `LD GUTTE , !,' "I_C!--- MIVE- FF"Cid ";.70TH ST. TO D-3',1'7. Vu-Graph Slide was shat. -in of plan and benefited district, and Engineer's Estil-nate was read as $6,637.00, to be assessed against 2,133.49 assessable feet, for $3.06 per ,,,,ssessable Foot. 1'x. Husic, 4529 kndover Road, presented petition signed by owners of 64�,' of front footage, objecting to project. ."IsIked as 'Co drainage matters, Village -_.-nginoor Z-i!:an repori-,ed 'that there is no drainage problem in this inotance. Kohler's motion that petition for improvement be denied .-.ras seconded by Beim and carried. Dickson then offered the following Tesoll)tion and raoved its aSoption: 7.EISOLUTIO!' ORDEC"I"G IMPROV2I,',E:TS 3:11EF" I,'-,P::OVE2'T : :O. 155: 1,TL01,FS,I'2_IjS 'A,'OS.137 it 138 BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the Village of EE"C"ina, Minnesota, that this Council heretofore caused notices of hearings to be duly published on the follo•- ing proposed improvements, and at the hearings held at the time and place specified in said notice '.-h3 _:ovnc_il has duly considered, the views of all persons interested, and being full,,, advised of -',-he pertinent facts does hereby determine to proceed with the constzvcti'on of said improvements; `-.-hat said improve.-iients axollhsraby des-ignatsS and shall b3 rs_fsrred to in all subsequent proceedings as f0llG-3S: 1. Construction of V�JlEga Lateral S'anitary Sowjx and APP72-rtananc,es In _7-onezll i,va. from '.,TooJjclle to oaklar,n L"IFf'. 2. Const-rucClon of Village *iatexfaain and .:,ppvrtenances "s of, :lode "ve. 'o Oalzlawn in Fondell 've. _L -i I': L k, 411. 137 3. Constxiictlon of Village and :Ippux'Ccnancos z ":ilzyan ,ve. -Fro ',:.L L k, t. � L� in , I �.i ',4�h St. to ". ; Josep'l-tinc- :xe. 3t. to 375 Ft. ::. of 6 th C-L. C'_- josophinc j,vZ!. -Lo ',:.Llx7an i.ve.; Ea : -;.ant )._1na Lots c r< 0', Z1. 2, and Lots 122 L 23 2, i:c:,:,IanUIale 2nd Pddn. IL-co,I-I Josephine i'Xa. to .:il_j an 1.1. =1%i 1,I :. ::0.138 and -"-.he areas to he specially assessed th•3xefor shall be as -20110'..:s: I I 'SIER IMLPi10VEr0'_1,T G. 155 and IMP11--.0VE3: 7 :T -0. 1179 incl(_ sine, Block, 2, and Lots 1 -14, inclusive, Block: 1, Soutli Gardens �SI.aLE',`-i 1'Oi.i.L'l,l - lddltian. For ;J:,T 108, Lots 16, 17 and 16, Block, I; Lots 9-15, inclusi�,,:, Block, 2 )- Lolls 1 -12, inclusive, Block: 12 Lots 1 -24, inclusive, Block I'D, Lo'L3 11 -2 4, inclusive:, Block 14, I'orr"iandale 2nd Addition. Ih��.ic "n for za'upk.ion of the - ,esolution was seconded by Tupa, and on ;ollcall there Cw fiv,- eyes and no nays, as follows: Belm, p Dickson, aye; Kohler, ale; 7'tpa aye"; and tredesen, ale; and the °esolul on I as adopted. I.Iayor `UL;LIC 1 -i1:. _II,'G C0i.TI; UFD 0,' PETITION: OF MR. T.M. PIREES FOP, PEIWAIT TO SUBDIVIDE 6, LL(: "CI.: 1, L= COUi= 1 . Cle-rk presented Affidavits of Posting and of 11 f ling of "I'.o;;ice of Hearing ", and, pursuant to said i otice tine Council held Public Ecaring on the entitled petition. Mir. LJ. F. Webber, 5012 Iiormandale t_t:Tu_ct, spokesman for the neighborhood, presented a petition in opposition to tho proposed subdivision unless the neighbors' list of requirements (as set ioxth in p;:_ition) is met. Mr. Byrnes' petition for subdivision (in which he in ozme�? i,hc Council that he had built his present home as the result of pexmission for subdivision of lot,.granted by the then Village Planning Director, C. Ecltvard Swanson) was read. The neighbors' petition asked certain n � vL�_�aeem=nts which, 14r. Byrnes stated, he is unable to meet because he does nu,. intond to build, but wishes to sell the lot with the understanding that Building will coirhmence within 30 days from date of sale. The telegraphed objection to subdivision, by Dr. Palph J. Peterson, developer of Normandale . Clerk,; and it was brought out in discussion that the was reported b plat carries deed restrictions. Because no agreement could be reached at this meeting, ii; was suggested by Council that I,11r. Byrnes meet with his neighbors in an of.iort to effoct a satisfactory settlement of his problem; and Kohler moved that Tearing be continued to -itb .Q'_ regular meeting bf 1`wiay 25. I:Iotion socondc6 by L^im and carried. GTU'U1 u ;J rt RELIEF PSKED BY MR. JAMES GRZESKOWIAK, 4600 NIEADOW ROAD. Petitioner appoared at meeting to ask Council to "do something" to relieve his property- from the ,iater vinich accumulates after each major rain. He owns Tracts P. (his rasidencQ) and B, Registered Land Survey No. 111, and the Earth 25 Ft. of Cut1_ot i`:, ;hite Oaks 6th Addition; and now wishes to build on Tract B and extra 25 Ft. I.ir. Grzeskowial, e- plained that Tract B usually has some water in it; that the wal:or spreads to his back yard after each heavy rain. Engineer Zikan reported 'ha'; the Village has a long- standing drainage over all of Outlot A, White Oaks 6'11-h Addition. It was explained to Council that, should petitioner fill_ Tract B, I,Ic,adow Load would be full of water; that a storm sewer would involve much c : :pensc, evtDntually having to drain to I:linnehaha Creel,. I:layor Bredesen suggested that Outlot A, +Jhite Oaks 6th Addn. (and Tract B, P.L.S. 1,70 111 if rt�ec:dc•a) be dredged to provide a needed drainage basin, and that benefited p:cup"ertics be assessed therefor. By common consent of Council_, Engineer Zikan was directed to investigate costs of this project. FELT ON' VILL:.GF CFtiEDIT RATING OF FIVE -YEAR ASSESSIwIEI�IT POLICY FOR UTILITIiS TO B,; 10"'STIG..T iD Ii: "'rfJ YO,�IK. IIr. Larry Nelson, Executive Vice President of the I.Iinno "polls Home Builders 15,ssociati on, spoke on behalf of the Association for a cl -ionge in Gouncil policy of financing utilities in new plats, to allow a five - y-az assessment, with assessment to be paid in full when home is sold. 2esults ,• , t the ,, ter thw" x����il.,.aing survey taken by the Association at t,ne request o� t,ne tillage tw~r� x: =vi owed. N.,r. Ilyde told�Cgpncil that, at an average of X1,100 per lot for ter, the 7" c ".ze ;' Hlage would finance some "500,000 of , _u oz and t'wa L��_. L h- res 1,s nhow tl'ir t imp.rovemonts�_i�is year and next that, in addition to the areas listed by the sort' :3 other areas, such as the Jensen farm and an area South of 'J.70tN� :ii.. and .T_,st of llorl;landale, are about to be developed; that he feels the Village Sl- 10111u ::noD'J just where it is going before action on a change of policy is ta1:cn. I� =, reef vrs o' ,ha School Bond :lection, present school indebtedness, and present. U-ij 1 a rie. i ndeb ,ed.ness compared with valuations were briefly nevi' -Dt'wed. I.Iayor Lr+ ri. n announced that 1,oard of Directors of the E,'ina Civic and lr.lpwove men t Ac-soc i af_ion has approrad the Council's present policy; and. 1,1r. Paul Latium, 11.co.sidont o,l the i "association reported that in the opinion of Association racmbers, ilho real question is, " .Cha -C, is i,,00dy's attitude going to be if these special ztsc. "csGmcnt bonds are continually issued ?" Stating that this information is not ovallabl.o in iAinneapolis, and that from tne standpoing of the citizens of Edina i_hi5 p<)In�f should be rsl :ai-)lished i f it can be established, I.LL. Lathar:i reported i:]'tat ih , C:; ccu tivc group of the Civic and Improvement Association is so concerned at "o� i i Iia � it has adopted a resolution stating the Association will pay '200 to .4h,Y, Vil.laLye toward e.;p,,nses for some man or delegation to go to Pew Yorl: to S: -, G1-1 1G pal:Ucillar point (iIoody's attitude on -.Uture credit rating) can be ifoncUJ ou;,. I•i:t. '_tov; reported that in a recent conv''.rsatlon with Juran L 1i6 I , c A, -t. Paul ho lcrnad �ha,k it �-:as no'- the the ass3ssm3ntL s w hick ca2seU bonus i ,a sold higher, but -time a� bond-, were sold. A-19 told Co,,incil that provision for and sz�;er males insurance rates lower" that properties are sold t.,ith Erus3s- on thsm, ,:,hich makes for more 'Ua.- valuation and more taxes coming in, thus reducing the perc3nt-aga of c;cbt to valuation. '.'ayor Bicsdesen replied 'that tine only question of interest to the general taxpayer is, W.'ThaL' is going to happen to the taxes if the Village loses its credit rating by financing the building industry?" 1.7.r. Dicil-son, reading -c)-om a tabulation showing shcraing the percentage of bonded -ndebts&ness to I �.L_ - L I L valuation, showed percentages to be as follows: 10,5 4, 59.94;'4'; 1955, 67;,;; 1956, 7_2,- 1 1957, 77,:,. 195S, 69,J; 19'59 67.3;J.- and lanag-er Eyde stated he believes the Village has bean tZaading on thin ice for soicie time insofar as its credit rating is conc3rnsl�A thE''- L the reason our rating has not already been reduced -,s because of the h-igl.er E-varacre value of Edina homes. One gentleman in the audience suggested that it is I of impor2 Cance to the taxpayers for the Village to have a commitment as to credAit rat-ing, and asked that he be allc7.-.,ed to mal;e a motion that Village have this commitment before taking any action. Trustee Tupa suggested that the Council consider that a change in policy would be helping the only industry which Edina has- the b•_11lding industry; that this problem cannot be passed over lightly, just lightly, ,,,.-cause we night possibly lose our credit rating. 11-11a suggested that a call be made � I - tion as is to he had. .tr. E.U. to , o .'.body's to,i,orrow to got such inlorma reminded (:;oi_,ncil that an expensive 'trunk sewer has recently been installed, stating - 'lial so.,:,s pioperty is in jeopardy because ownars of large tracts cannot pay their C C I their that a five-year assessment policy for new developments would Invite I L I platting of these large tracts. Trustee Kohler, stating that the preponderance of opinion in&icatcs that an opinion be secured, suggested 'that '.Iessrs. Hyde and Dalen ba sent to 1'e,.'4' York to interview i,.:r. Ellinrjood at Moody's, at -,Clhe expense of the 7illaie plus the generous donation frorf, the Civic and improvement Associ2 tion. ;.:ayor Ere,-Jesen suggested that '!;he .',:inneapolis I-74ome Ll_:ilders ilssocilation con­Lri'b7_1',,2 200, an' Tuba suggested that I 1,�r. Coffman "Ir. Larry ',:elson be a delegate. L 0110106 i,-o contribute IS200 toward Lila trip, and 1'.'" . E-. C. 341-o-7 offered the cont_rib72`.-ion of fare for one person, stating he feels that Trustee 132im, being in Ufa 'L'nvcstm2n'G business, is mosil qualified. It was decided by cc:-=.on consent C, Council L aJ 01 Coijncil t'-a' Messrs. Beim, Hyde and Dalen, and a representative tc. bs appointe by ti-is '.,3,nncapolls H.'ome Builders ssociation, be a delegation for investigation in !,ew Yoa:1: of the effect o f additional V 111 ag e financing of i mp r o %r a m e n t s on -L-7 di n a ' s cX-Z,`L-L- sating. r Trista: D*lc':son was e•c-ised �hc) m2c`-ing at this Pj ''0 m- i 7 P_:_ TTIO':.'!�, TED. The following imp_-o%,srn- �..Lulons Wal"e s_ �L_0_� __T _P L and accept-26 Icy motion iVhler secon&cd lcy B a im and c a xz i C d 1. C i 11 nn - 5 6 t n _3 t., Bernard Place to Dale ;,­e. atsxmz- - 2. tiling - SO-- 11alone; ',v_�. to ,, , n (,,,:a. - - "l 50th Concord Ir,.,e• to St. Johns Avo. C. 0, FO,, C)!L!I:G 7Ilt1�1lc-4-P--TITIO*,'4 /IIZLD P2_1'DI:,G. FF111.T1`_-L presen-"_e 'd ,ps'U`L,'.ions for Oiling of Tifton and Drives. ;.tanager Zapor-Led t1-.a'C H,aigInt's miecting this next Thursday, to decide wnat t nay do !:.Dhl--i mova i L I :?until accept petitions butt t Gna C Oiling jba 0 S el air a6 p anl.: inc! r�por-L on of 1-:,!: OoLviclu rrn.ights r.riosting. 1,1otion sccon0o& by Daira 3n.j TO C0:*Z,*r'0T RTMIC C:' TG S,: 1". A:� loth plea for sa-.,;er to serve his lo" was revie,•:ad by Council. 1 '-o niin& that Council has had one public hearing on tl'is p-roblazi; t'ie' proJacl: ,,jcs 0-bandone:3, after other three alffacted propexty u:.n•azrs objected. - n Li I n a a 1- i::an 1apor-e that 'Ir. Kc-inp"'s lot might be served fro:a t1an ''ortkh3 and Kohler moys-j ' ­Lna;: Vinlanz., 7-nairiQer be directed to ':his solution, and that Public a ') d ed , Healing b:? ton`k;a�t-.ively scheduled for '.ia,, 25, 1959. 1,1o`�-ion s, c, n by Beim an' •ai�ric:a. PUBT IC !tiE-Fu�T Fo was submitted, zcvie-.,:ad and a- v.ered placed on file. C W, JULY 15, 1,71 5:00 P.1.1. Pursuant to ::otica -,- 1,',227I;'G TOD: by t1he County 3 -)pexv_Jsor of Assessments that Edina's Board of Z� ovi2w A,:ae`-Ang has 1iaen s c h e,'Au I --,d for "iainesda-, July 15, Council set hour of riiee_ ,ing at 5:00 P." TO POLICE- i,!!D D Pj-j`7':Z:,TS ._Z',D. ;.Ir. Egan's corapliff.sn' on PJ-,cc and 7_21Y3 DePEX'trnsntsl efficiency in an em-Drganc, at his home, 4902 Bruce a., was read and xacaived with than.':s. W.'_14TICI­ 07 ALLZ`I B'_CT'."=: LiX:,E- LTD ,Iu,D B277 "-' 7 D TO Esim's motion, that thi's petition bz- xel-erred to Planning Cori fission for reco=aenda 'Lion and report-, -.,,as seconded by T u p a ant ', E, I -:- ]. c & . 4-1/2-7/ 59 i;E,t IIE,.IiII`:G SCHEDULED OIL? BL:',CI:TOFPIIiG OF "CtI)TiiC `S7 DR1112 FR'0I, ,'lav6TH T'("-) 1110Pr_= Clerk presonted new petition for this project (abandoned -recently because neighbors Could not agree), together with neighbors' plea that new Hearing be held at once. Inasmuch as engineering work was all completed preparatory to previous hearing, B im moved for Pub ;ic Hearing on May 11. Motion seconded by Kohler and carried. (See Resolution of later in meeting). ,1229 VALLEY VIQJ ROAD - DOUBLE BUEGALOW LA1,1DSCAPING PLAN PRESEFTED. Mr. Robert Hoffman and Mr. Robert Mikkelson presented plans for the landscaping of this pxemises, pursuant to request for same by Council. Mr. Mikkelson also stated LI- at present stucco coat will be extended downward about two rows of brick, and chat brick will be painted; that he expects to put a fence (ba 'sket weave) along :ouch side of lot. On inquiry from Council as to when this work will be done, 14.r. Irlikl -elson stated that it will begin immediately after driveway is laid next ,:,cek. Plan for landscaping approved by common consent. REPL1tCE43TT FOR CLERK OF COURT APPROVED. Municipal Judge Burris was present to announce: the resignation or I':Irs. Margaret Lindberry as Clerk of Court and to- introduce Itlr. Robert E. Johnson, an Attorney, as the new Clerk, for the term I.I}71y 16 to September 1. Because there is no change in salary, no action was nec- osoary by the Council, except confirmation of new appointment which was 'faade by motion Kohler, seconded by Beim and carried. Mr. Burris also intro - duGed Special Judges Bruce James and Vern Moss. Pi +Rh, L1,J!0 PUI'CHr,SE APPROVED-- SOUTI�1dEST COzI~IER VJ.62PdD ST. A1,0 TRACY l,UE. futanager ' Hyde scsented Purchase Agreement in amount of $18 200.00 being the sale rice p g =- s � 9 p for 9.1 acres, at y2,000 per acre, for the tract described as follows: "The Easterly Six Hundred Sixty Three (663) feet of the I ":ortherly Six r Hundred Sixty Three (663) feet, except existing roads along the northerly and easterly lines of said tract, of the northeast One Quarter (I?E) of ihc, idorchzwest One Quarter (ivI'I4) or Section Five (5), Township One Hundred Si%.Lc n (116), F;ange Twenty One (21) '.Vest." :i condition of this agreement is that the Village, at its expense, shall cGnsi.ruci, gravelled roads along the southerly and westerly boundaries of said tr`oct, with the center lines of such roads corresponding substantially to said buun ari -2 ; and that the Vendors (In�ian Bills Corporation) shall convey to Lh,-2 Village for road purposes, without further payment, additional thirty foot wide strips along Said southerly and westerly boundaries, in order to complete ,provision for sixty foot wide rights of way for said -roads. tating that this is the best possible site for park to serve the general Valloy View Heights- Countryside area, and that funds will be taken from the "unali_ol -,ated portion" of the part; bond issue funds, Mr. Hyde reported the - ccmmoniation of the Park Board for purchase. Kohler's motion for acceptance of recorrmen +_cation and approval of purchase was seconded by Beim and carried. OF BIDS TAKEN, TODAY. Manager Hyde and Engineer zikan presented Tabulation Of Bids, ta?.an at 11.00 A.I& today, in response to Advertisements published in i_clina- Morningside Courier and Construction Bulletin on April 16 and 23, and action was taken as follows: 1. I=.EADY IatIX I,UTERIALS - Four bids received; Blacktop Service Company, 7400 ;;. Cambridge St.,St.Louis Park, being low bidder at $5.40 per Ton for 11, -495; $5.30 for SC4,5; $5.40 for Acl- -all prices Loaded at Plant; quantity, 5,000 Tons, more or less. Manager Hyde recommended award to low bidder, and Kohler so moved. Notion seconded by Tupa and carried. 2. CUTBACK :'.SPHALTS - Two bids received, Richards Oil Company, 201 Fremont Ave. F-o., being low bidder, at $.1165 per Gallong Delivered and 1P.1120 Lo ^ded at Plant, for MIC- 1,2,3,4; $.12 Delivered, $.1165 Loaded, for Ia'E- 2,3; quantities, 200,000 Gals IBC- 1,2,3,4; 10,000 Gals. 'C -2,3 (more or less). Manager -recommended award to low bidder, and Beim so moved. Iiotion seconded by Kohler and carried. 3. ROAD T, R - Only one bid received, that of Republic Creosoting Company, 7200 ''Jal::er St., at $.19 per Gal., Loaded at Plant; quantity, 7,500 Gals., more or less. Tupa's motion for award to Republic Creosoting Company, in accord with recommendation by Manager, was seconded by Beim and carried. 4. TORPEDO SAND - Three bids received. Bid of Hedberg_&_ Sans- "Cq,9.7557 France r,ve., low bid at $.52 per Ton Loaded; $.42, Stockpiled; $1.02, Delivered; quantity, 3,000 Tons, more or less. Glacier Sand and Gravel, 70th and France is second -low bidder. Manager asked that award be delayed pending field test on clay content in material of low bidder, and Tupa so moved. Motion seconded by Beim and carried. 5. BUCKSHOT GRAVEL AIvD COARSE AGGREGATE. Four bids received on each, with Itrafner & Sons, Inc., 900 Vj. 121st St., low bidder. Because this is a new supplier, Manager asked that award be delayed pending tests on mace-rials. Tupa so moved, motion seconded by Beim and carried. G. G;%S0LI1:2 - Quantities, 90,000 Ga,1s, Regular; 10,000 Gals. Ethyl. Seven 1bi&s received; Socony 1.1obil Oil Company, 606 Vandalia St., St.Pal-11, being lc,.•., bidder at $.0528 per Gallon for Regular, "3.0319 per Gallon for Z`Chy15 plus !oT-, market quotation for gasoline, Regular, designated f.o.b. Gro-p 3 Shipment (Vellich was $.125 at time of bid). Tupa's motion for award to low bidder was seconded by Beim and ca--cried. 7. DIZSZL 7JEL - Quantity, 10,000 Gals. Five bids xeceivcd. 11m.1i.11.1cCoy, 3:x'9 JOPP8 AVO-v 31. t, - IJL Louis Park, low bidder, at $.11612 per Gallon. 13­� aim's motion for award of contract to lo,.•i bidder was seconded by Tupa and carries. 1. r, L' 'TOPPIM IIiP-IOVE=17S - STC_"ET D ­O' 1245 i-131, 1: -137, -126, `,-132, A-123, A­138, '.-141, -,,-143 ;I'D A`1-121. Three bids received. Craig J. j'11exandex lc,.,i bidder, at 1350,079.70; Mac': Top See ;rice Co. second - low, at "-)54,651.67; Tarry Bros., Inc. high bidder at -5c.,424.60. :.,anagar nended award of contract to bidder, En,:, Kohler so roved. I.1-otion seconded by Zaim. and carried. Pi,'(3 IMPt_,0VE,1_.TS :'3C. �,-125, r,-127, A-.-129, DL,111�;Kl OP i,. -13-0, A-1334, 1%-135, .1-1,3,3, i,-13 9, `,-140, `. -120. Thicee biCis received. r I U l-, .35; Bleck Tup Servica Co. second— low, at ;;;69,051.12; Terry Zros., Inc., high bidder, :--t -)74,069.20. '-'anEger iaccasc.anded award of contract to low bidder, and Tupa so moved. 1,16-Lion seconded by Beim and carried. 10. C-Ua-2 i,;.'D GUTTSL-I' I1-1?r,0VQ',-7'T' ST"'7-- n DDS'. B-55, D-5LI 13-57, E-5`. E-39, L-60, B-61, QU. B GUT7E1A 1:' 2-7' D.-IJ72 71.U.: 70 1 ThrEe bids roceiva-r)'. 4,`lxnold Bac!-.mnan Ic,.-i at '; 40,741.1) Dona-!& .2. Frantz Concrete Inc. second-lo-a, at 342,239.40; Victor Carlson L', Sons, Inc. high bidder at W42,453.65. Inas�.,-ii_icla as the project in *,'.'_,st Shore Driv3 from ',17.70th at. 'to D.,nhara Drivs has been abandoned by rcqusst of property owners, Tupa moved for rejz!c�.-ion of bids on this project. "io"Gion seconded by Beira and carried. Tupa then moved for award of contract. cn balance of projects to low bidder, i_.rnold Bzc1:mI@n, at 35,S07.67. ;.lotion seconded by E3im and carried. 11. ',-0. 136, t'-!:D SEL:__%._` Fl_,Ml -"-`,I_'-TI1.-G 1�2" Tnu-,-K TO "o-TO FT. S3-LY9 U-1. 2LY_P.-,.S,*%LLa TO ',;.69Ti71 ST. 1010 FT. Four bids received. Barbarossa and Sons, Inc. lo-a bidder at X34,252.00; Phelps-Dial-2 'Co., Inc. second -late at $34,633.333; 'Shoppe PlLg. Z, 17-t'zj. Co. tilirci -1547 a',. 1`excbst Const. Co. high bidder at �:�46,439.70. a-:;e:r`A 'co low bidder, and Tupa moved for acceptance of '.1anager's i-acoaz.-,2ndiat ion zm,_i E-r' azd to Earbarossa and Sons, Inc. 1.1otion seconded by Bain and carrisc:. 12. B,,*,SZ_B:`.LL B.'-',.C1`DTOPS. Six bids received, Crowley Fence. Company= ;:,eing low bidder, at $5,569.00 on bidder's own plans; '36,409.00 on Village plans. ilyde explained that several additions had been entered on '.tillage plans! that bidder's plans are satisfactory to Par!- Department. It was reported. `-ha` the Pori: Board recorrr.ends &—ard of contract to low bidder on bi&d2r's C L plans, and Kohler so moved. ;.lotion seconded by Tupa and carried. 13. SITE I,.,PROV31-'1ES::TS. J.1anaq3x _r Hyde reported only one b1bid 2caive,'1__ v, tha of 'Narrxod & Jecho, on I-UgLan6's Park Improvements, at 1j2-'_,,0^0.00. Ella that this bid be rejected, and tha. Village ra-advertise on this improvement together with irden and, Jackson pa_rks. Kohler so moved, and motion .,;as seconded by Tupa and carried. 14. 20 1% C _,,UlF�.12::T T_AIL-,-7,,. 1'.,anager 11-11yde rocownended that this award ba delayed panding further report, and it was so ordered. (Bids t-al:en 4ril 113). C�F PAFa� AUTHMIZED. Manaqcr Eyde xrepor-".ej that the only triple :: mower to be purchased under :1,000 is made by stational i,iower Company, and can be purchased -.LFor :;975.00; that there is $900 in the budget for this rf.,achine. Ile strongly zacor-irrienu'ed purchase of this eqpjip,,;isnt, in order that grass may be kap"41 mor73d p,,jzsuant to Council direction. Kohler's motion authorizing purchase T"i '-'11 ou formal bids was seconded by Tupa and carried. L17TE: :-SCC07E_-.' 1,"EF-D CITED. 1.11anager Fo,,de reported on informal bids fox littar-. scooter. Some discussion was had in Council, concerning suppliers, and 'Aanager was directed to investigate matter -further. 03PARTMEIT 1XaAEI1,:G 0' HIG11".,%Y 100 TO BE 7-:1Y 7. 1,Lr Hyde rapoxtz:,' 'Llhat tha Highway Depar'k-,ment will hold, a 17 caring on plans for Fighway 0� "'.7"h "t. to Excelsior Blvd.) at tha -Ec;ina I.rillage Hall on Thursday, 0. Lcon I I) ,day 7, at 7:30 'that all Council racr-Zsrs are invited to attend. :.'1*, 2 L I S G., 'S C 0 1 .'P A " 71 ' 'S ', ­7': i.PPLlC,`,TIOi.' 1: 11 GM3 1-717, ,,-era held ov3r -Co ne.xt meet-incf, on request- of Villago ""Ctorney 1111asselq-Til 3-4`- 1 11 - 11anaga, T-yde repor�-.rd cite ­G_ .0 1:'G rzqv?sC of L-h,_,rclh officials for permit to n.,.ove 'this parsonage from 610', :orriandala _oat' to 5119 *­'allc,.?r View l.oad (Lot , Dlcc:,- 2, '.Ekulay's as,,ing that rc 1 1 rant LI-iis �,oqljest rather thln -to Plan,-i-i-no on. in order that: r.,oving can be, FnCi Church b2g--'.n its App--oval was an by co: ­,-.-)n consent of Council, w— ho,j'- 17orrial riction, lv_,c aiLh .-­Js'e2 "D f. 1 a 1 p -_., C 'v-a s inry. I - I I I'`ITIL -.TED FO.. 3T':.1L.T ,CCE&' TO CI 7E,O,._�. I.ILLS „ 1,- n_.inq Council J' ha"L '.'lit plat of Ci L_oIcee rills, P�:aliminary, eras approved i=o p-rovision for access from Indian Hills, and stating ti-lat 'Ch is .c,_ess can.:u_, be secured by the developer of Cherokee Hills, Attorney Hassel - q11 -13L prosan'ced documents for initiation of condemnation proceedings. Tupa o ercal the follocaing resolution and moved its adoptions - RESOLUTION FOR CONDE194ATION OF CERTAIN LANDS FOR STREET PURPOSES '.T Ic�a�.,S, I' is necessary, advisable and in the public interest that 'the "CILr ".GE 0 L'DIE ". a;;'ccnd certain public roads in the Village; and �IEi`."., In order -to accomplish such purpose, it is necessary and in the public interest fog: the Village of Edina to take an interest in certain private property situate in Iiennepin County, I.4innesota, and legally described as follows.' "Loi. B, Lola C, "Indian Hills ", and that part of Lots Two and Thr ^, (2 and 3), Block Two (2), "Indian Hills ", described as follows, to-swit: Beginning at the 1,1ortheast corner of Lot Three (3), Block Two (2), "Indian Dills "; thence Southerly along the East line of said Lot Three (3), a distance of Fifty (50) feet to a point; thence Northwesterly in a straight line to the Northwest corner of Lot Three (3); thence ilortherly along the 1"7es'terly line of Lot Two (2), Block Two (2), said l.ddition, a distance of Fifty (50) feet: thence Southeasterly in a straight line to the point of beginning, according to .he map of plat thereof on file and of record in the office of -the t,egister of Deeds in and for Hennepin County, Dlinnesota." The efforts of the Village of Edina, to obtain said real property have bean unsuccessful: and y B,T reason of the failure of the Village of Edina, to obtain said C property, it has become necessary to procure the same by right of eminent d o1,ia in. 170'4, il-Ic EFORE. BE IT RESOLVED That the Village of Edina proceed to procure Elie aforementioned real property under its right of eminent domain, and that the attorncys for said Village be instructed and directed to file the necessary potition therefor and to prosecute such action to a successful conclusion or until it is abandoned, dismissed or terminated by said "Village or by the Cou.ct; that the attorneys for said Village, the Illayor and the Clerk of said Village of Edina, do all things necessary to be done in the commencement, prosecu� ion and successful termination of such action. ,.lotion for adoption of the Resolution was seconded by Beim, and on Rollcall there ta"L four: ayes and no nays, as follows: Beim, y Kohler, ayeg Tupa, aye, and BLed,,,son, aye; and the I',esolutiori was adopte'. ' ATT""7. 2- '3 J " Iulayor 119 PUBLIC IIEI'.i;IIiGS SCHEDULED 01.' PROPOSED IIhPROVENIEi'TS. Engineer Zikan presented preliminary plans and Estimates of Cost on the following proposed improvements, and I.iana,ger H; de reported that 'the Curb and Gutter and Storm Sewer improvements ono subject to meeting of Park Director with residents of neighborhood. Beim offered the following resolution and moved its adoption: ;LSOLUTIOI'I PiiOVI.DII•dG FOR PUBLIC HEARiIEGS O1I P iOPOSED BIR,UIA T1MIS SU' FACE T1�EATIA I:T, STOttI.I :1 CU B A'D GUTTER I APROVE._ -Ts Ili R•.ECOLYED by the (�ol�ncil of the Village of Edina: 1. The Village Engineer, having submitted to the Council a preliminary epur L as to the feasibility of the proposed BITUI�flIIdOUS Si_IRF ��,t E TR�EA T I:IEi T ; STO' .i'D CUI:B r�.':D GUTTEI II.iP 0VEMEI'TS d.escribed in the Forra of I:otica oxF Hearing s t forth beloir, and as to 'the estimated cost of such improvement, said -report is hereby r,p,;rov_-J and �.;irected. to be placed on file in the office of the Village Clue:,. '. This .'ouncil shall meet on I;ionday, May 11, 195°, at 7 :00 P.i:i., to can ilcs in p�!blic h'arings the views of all persons interested in said proposed improvements. n. TI-te• CIerl: is hereby at:thorized and directed to cause notice of the "time, place anti pi?-:poso of said meeting to be published in the official newspaper once a "or t:•ao successive weeks, the second of which publications is to be not lQss Lhan 'three days from date of said meeting, which notice shall be in substantially the following fosra: IOTICE' OF PUBLIC I-I "RIP:GS UE P OPOSED BITUMII�:OUS SURs -.CL T:r�-, l—, 4T �7, STO:rL�i SL':1Q, CURB PI10 GUTTER. IDIP OVLI'.1EtITS ?'OTl�E IS 111E-ELY GIVE11 That tho _J'ina Village Council will meat at the Edina i ;fall on I:Ionday, i.Iay 1_l, 1959, at 7 :00 P.I:I., 'to consider file following p=rc.pt)se(_1 improvements to be constructed under the at?thori'ty granted by Irlin:�esota La',as of IQ53, Chapter 3910. The approximate cost o1 said improvements is estimate -6 12G as S'D o 2: Lli bolo::, 1. CC-::CT.-J_7CTIC7' OF E1TU,',M:CJ3 :7 11: 7-1:23 FOLLC3I, 'G ST -,:-T--T : A. Southcrest Drivol iron: Upp= Texxare -Co OF TEE FuLLC1.U7'G STI':":SZT: ' T - -h L from :,iexxcG 'i ve. to York tiNre. ILUBE ��T r,j -:D J�pF -TTC," O�--: 11 z S-01"., 3-- 4��, ,11 211 - 7,152.76 T,D T1127 FCLLO',71',-.G y,RE.%: ,.orl=ncing at the :.orLhW,_,zt Corner of L o `C 213, Bloc',: 1, a al cy s 1s'. r.0 &n. to H aw G..orne Far:.; th. 1,11- to C;o-. of L. 4 El . 3 -S ea !ey' s ''o Eaathorne Parl,:; th. S"':Iy to a pt. on line of L.62 21. 2, t- lst to Eaatlhorne Par; :, said pt. being 25 F-L-. of 317 Cor. of L. 6z th. U 31I , parallel to and 35 Ft4. I. of ';. line of D 1. 3, S e, 1 y t s lst :�66n. to j_T -horn-- Park to S. line of L. 13, said El. 3, th. ply to 51 Cox. of L.16, 4., S7,-J,a­I, ls,-t ,?,ddn. to 11awt-horne Park!, th. !,"-Iy 'Co a pt. in L. 16, BI. 49 said pt. being 5 Ft. :. of S. Lot Line and 25 Ft. E. of T*"?. lot, line; th. Ely, parallel the I. line of B1. 4, Seeley's 1st iddn. to Hawthorne Pail: a disIC. of 55 Ft.; th. Ely, parallel ait-h S. line of said BI. 4 Co E. lot- line of L.17, B1. 4; 'Ch. :,Ily to ::Z Cor. thereof; th. -'I,, along ::. line of L. 14� BI. 4, Seale-'s Ist ".66n. to 111awCho-me Park, a dish:. of 64 Ft. j th. S21y to c7.T_- Cor. of L. 15, said 0 Ta,�jtj_, Bl. 4; Sc-eloy's ls`�- 1,,d6n. orne Park; th. i:ly along lo-"-- lines 0-'-' Lots I L r 1 -15, s a i c� A-:,, 1 • 4 11- o !::,- Cor. o,. Bl. 4, �:3elel Is Is:,- '�,ddn. to Trilaat-ho-rne Par':; 'h. Ely to SE Cor. of L. 15:1 B1. 11 SeelcY's Is' A". t ddn. to ,awthorne Park; Th. .L - y to a pt-. in L. 15, 31. 1, said pt. being Z`0 Fi­ "I'. OF E. lo-, line and S Ft. - of 3. lot line of said L. 15, BI. 1; th. `;I-%Y parallel with S. line of L. 15, B1. 1, Seelay's Is',- Addn. to Hawt-hoxne Park to a pt. viiich is 53 Ft. _. of - ' line thereo1c; th. '!Iy parallel with ,,:. line of L. 15, BI. 1, Seeley's ls�, .,,.ddn. to Ha.7ti.orne Park to 1% line theraof; th. :Iy to SE Cor. of L. 17, said 131. 1: th. along 21Y lot lines of Ls. 17 through 23, B1. 1, Seeley's 1st Addn. 16-0, Hawthorne Park -Co 1.E Cor. of said Lot 23; th. ,',Tly to pt. of beginning'' The aria proposed to be assessed for the cost of the proposed Biturainoms 3,.:_­Lcac2 Traa'_mant listI-n.& vn6er 1-A above includes LoCs Ic", i.-hru 32 incl., B1. 19 .Jocclhiull Lo-l'I-s 6 and 7, Dl. 01, WooShill Addin.; Lo-Cs 1 th-ru 7 incl., BI.10, '.'Tocihill .'.ddn.-, and Lots I lliuru 4, incl., Block 1, Kane fddn. The a; as proposed to be assessed for the cost of the proposed Cui:b and _inder 2-,* above includes Lois 15 and 16, Bl. 1; and Lots 1 and 30, BI. "! all in 23celey's First ,.ddn. to Haa'Ahorne Par::. Thy' area proposed to be assessed for the constri. ction of said S"L-orr.,'. `3ewe-_,- 1 ; I � exacts ' land in --he area herellnb*`ora sct _�n�el- " above includes all lots and -'-xac�s oz Yorth In no"ClIce. G-ET4­111 Village �Jsxl: aclop":-Ion of i-lesolution was seconded and on t'l-.8r-2 .'razs foUr E" L'S zm'l no nays, as follows. Do- im, a n I I 1 3 .- .- aye,! Ti-,pa, aye,- and 13r:)dessn, aye; ancl Gii Z­,,:?so!u4'_-ion as adop-I'l-ocl. ',,P11'1%OVZ SUBJ-CT TO ST"72 IM .0 OF I:E,',LT T J'L C'. S7 :D: _-t­ f thc TFiprovz- J. -H) FC,,- %­Lj_�%G�' :.1anages 11"Ide reported the rcques' ol "':ast E&ina ­ I L -_ - ` o r, , a n - a n s o.­. e s i s - �"er permi�C to sin',: a deep wall, to at'empl- L i'n Lai:e. 1i,:. _71kan tolt'.4 Council -16-ia' thare shoul_' .'c -ragula"-,fon "Co :'Sqljire urcll drillers to seal the wells a-',- tlie L-lar supply does no-L-. 1330 .::3 con-Clamiinatc&. I,-- asll:ec', .co:- _n wircIc-_- wa�� - I an oxdinbncc �_-o Villag.2 ,,ana,n:)r aas clirecte,:', to 1111si4 e 1-111;_- aJ%,_-'-s1nc,x that ti-io -,r _-aquas is approvcj , sul-Ij eau- -*-- .,zC appxrnval 1,3117 u:!Il, on standaa�ds C, fox public ":aIlls (7:1.11 age, ­7 -U -.+a2 � I - - 1 " ` .T 'G 1 T`%` .1�. 11,ohloz L LA0 `L n_ a C h o V 111 E n s & a 1c n c o b c '1w c e n the th, la':z, along U`-` `z, Gnee � -, as an 11 is bain� -1L-'_ro-.-. *ore D--ivz, 7_as�u- Soma discussion ,,-.,z.s h.:,_-' as vo in%roIv2,.-3,, bot no 2ctlion t1a.:,3n. 7C CC'.71` Z.­LK OF 0,-K7-_-, C'' ILDIL' C P :,oacl, has nLv:1 ,,anage-_- E-a'a r:per::e,� %_hall .:r. L. Jchnscn, i - il A.' 'fica 116'ng pa-opcx:.,,. inas;!tuch as main,:9narics -he 3oi_,,'1-_h '�:anlz ol- --lic C, %� e r 1-1 u I ',� C,,I� I - E��, - 1 1 u�� his grading, .'etas one of tlic s`Ci1p,,_1Ia';ion5 DiF tlnz? action to rezone, I - - I - :.tanager �,s.',ZcL-1 Counc-il policy on "'.his requ-,st.-- It was noGP_J1 tiia stip-_,Iation i-lad h9san m.,��dc a-:-, _--2qmcs, of naighbcx:s; and proposed grading was approved by cc.7m.on :�' consent_ 01 it 4%27/59 1.;'CE±t±.i,,T ? E11TLI.3IOIv 01 T ACY AVEI UE DISCUSSED. Manager Hyde reported that Enginoers and At{.orneys have been working on this matter; that it is probable tha': report will be -ready for Council at meeting of Mlay 11. CLAIMS PAID. Tupa moved for payment of the following Claims, as per Pre -List dated ..pril 27, 19590 General Fund $8,067.41 Liquor Fund $26,052.47 Const. Fund 2,894.00 Sewer Rental Fund 333.66 Park & Park Constr. 581.34 Poor Fund 2.00 I7aterti ^.orks Fund 1,295.74 TOTAL ;40,026.64 Motion seconded by Beim and carried. POh1DING AREA RESERVE RECOTRJEUDED FOR PETERSON PROPERTY (4509 ?'J.70th St.) Engineer Mikan recommended to Council that before any plat of this property (South of 17.70th St. and East of Highway Po. 100) is approved, a ponding area should be reserved. He explained that this is a natural ponding area; that the Village will be in trouble if it is not -reserved for this purpose, that, even if reservation is made now, a storm sewer will eventually be necessary to carry off the overflow. Some discussion had, but no action taken inasmuch as plat is not yet before Council for consideration. Inasmuch as agenda for this meeting had been covered, Tupa moved for adjournment. Motion seconded by Beim and carried. Meeting adjourned at 11000 P.P.I. c Village Clerk J C 1'1