HomeMy WebLinkAbout19590511_regular2 5/11/5c) 1,11A.UT- 0�z THE 12 G UL.," AL',E-_27I1"G OF THE EDIF.­, VlLL,,.G"7 CC'.',`CIL, 'f'1ZL0 1.*,Oi'.W.Yg ll, 1959, S.T 7:00 P.,-,'. , THE E-DIIIA VILD GE Mi-Il. Members znsi:.tar-ing i'Lollcall .-.are Eolm, Dickson, Kohler, Tupa F-nd-Bredesen. "I" TES OF I,' EM'G OF ,PRIL 27, 1959 Atla`DID. Minutes were presented for action and Mayor Bredesen quest-,icned record of action taken on rezoning of property to Community ,Dtlore,as recorded on Page 113 of this Minute Book, stating it is his opinion that Mx. Kohler's motion was not completely recorded. Kohler moved that the lainutes of !,pril 27,1959 be amended by adding, after the phrase "and arlopi-I Ordinance as offered", the folici-jing: "and, further, 'Ghat no building permit be issued for this tract except for a post office and the Building Inspector be so instructed ", and that second be r amended accordingly. I.Iction seconded by Beim and carried. Beim then moved. that Minutes of r':pril 27, as amended by foregoing motion, be approved. Motion seconded by Dickson and carried. PUBLIC Clarl: presented -'.ffidavit of Publicaticn in Edina-1.1,orningside Courier on ;,pril 30 and May 7, 1959, of "llotice of Fublic Hearings", 1.•.,hich affidavit ryas approved as to form and ordered placed on file. �;.rsuant, tc said iVL_ ce 'L -na following Public licarings were held, and action ta.:cn: 'G 0' IcN2 -T I TG OF SC�TTEC.-IIIEST Qi�IVE FRO' UP'7--', T71"':;�CE- TO _.- I L i C T 31.,'- •7, -• -T1 P I '6TH ST�- 2 El ..-2T. i.iana0 -x :Iyj for Council previois proC,1?e'inqs on an old petition, at p:,.-ojsct !-,ad barn abandcne& b2cause neighbors could not cc.ms to an agreement as `Cc mat-iic,_J of as--sessment for s,3me, the filing of a new petition, calling for ass_cssmcnt- on a strailgh'L, por-asGassable-foo'L- basis; said nz,.,; petition being by oaners of Ziftcan of twenty-eight affected loll-s. Vu-Graph Slide and _:7stir.qa-e o" Ccst was given at �10�'09.75 far �3.52 per ,',ssessabl.- foot. nO, Estimate 1 - - U %) Objections of L,:_;wronca Clark, 6720 Southcrest Drive, were reviewead. One of the objections r :as thzt-1 the street is not fully built up, and subsequent heavy hauling may bra@!: up the improved street. It brought out, after a question by the Council that a few lots at the Porth end of the street are not vet- built on, but that the rest oY' tho street is largely built up, with some four houses about ccmplete6 hut not yet occupied. There were no other objections to the pro- posed improvement-, and 'Chase in tho audience asltad that worl, be expedited. 'Manager Hyde told Council that part of Clark's problem arises from an agreement ­.hich he had with the '.7co6hill developers to the effect that corner lots would not be assessed for the full corner. 7,1r. 11,'ohler told audience that it is immaterial to the Council as to which way this improvement is assessed- -that if majority agrees to assume a share of the "corner lot" assessment this can be done. Eo offers %• „ere made from the audience for this type of assessment. (See Resoluticn of later in meeting, Ordering Improvefiient.). PUBLIC EEARI,.'GS 0:.': 1. CURB �.:D GUTTER I,' '1.53TI-1, STkEIET FROIL'i TO YO ,-,K AVELJUE: J-*,.,:D 2. STOTLL', SZ'.1E-R, FOR ',':.55TE ST BEET, _XERXES AVEi:UE TO ZI.ITH AVEE.UE A-,EA. Hearings on these -k'.'.10 proposed projects were conducted together. VLF GrP_ph Slides were shone, and the follo',,ling Estimates of Cost wsre given: I. CURB 1:D G2TTE-1 L: W.55TE STREET FROM X3RX AVF 1TUE TO YORl” I WE .UE, proposed to be assessed against abutting properties only: - $1,565.50, as against 511.66 .ssessable Feet, for '4J3.10 per Assessable Foot. 2. CO: STF-LUCTICI: OF VILLAGE UVDERGKCU1,1D ST02,11 SE-71ER 1,1JD APPURT E1,1 1,1 CES IV `TEST 55TE- STREET FROM YCSK` ::EST TO 1,1I1J:!EHAH1 - =', CIREEK Al2 ABOVEGROUID STGI-_'aL'; SE-1EF. "Z-T 55TI1 STREET FEOM XZ1_",XES iWENUE TO YC 'El:U13--proposed to be assessed against a drainage district described in the .otice of Irlealing- L Total Estimated Cost, v:7,132.7G, loss 1/3 to be paid by Park Fund, 2,324.25, for Total Estimated Assessable Cost of Z"P4,768.51, as against 191,560 Assessable Feet, for '.025 per .assessable Foot. 1.1r. E. C. Shaughnessy, 5433 York. -"ve., Inquired about the boundaries of the drainage district set forth, maintaining that the ."rater from his lot drains 1:orCh. 11.11r. _Zilan explained that a previous installation of a drainpipe 1..est from Lot 21, Block 1, amount $341.09, is included/iRle project no,:i proposed to be assessed; that 1.1r. Shaughnessy is correct in that his drainage is to this previously constructed line; that this line ti,.,as paid, t-crporarily, from Park Department Funds. "Ir. I­Dhau gline, s sy then protested 'thai. Lots 24, 25 and 20 should be included in the drainage district, bDcause drainage from these lots is also tc the praviously-constructed line. Engineer Zihan told Council that, accor6ing to a survey ta!:en months ago, the drainage from Lots 24, 23 and 26, is not 'co I- L G directly to "1_112 this older line, ;:n6 that ic's on the side of Yorl: drain direct creel:. One gentleman asl:cd if the drainage level of Yorl: Avenue has been asLablishcd., and far. Zil.!-En replied that ;:hare are no plans to change Yorll.'s leval. Lr. 13haughnassy e::pressed himself a-s being in favor of -the project b,-)t as s'.-ill questioning the drainaga district. Th2ro nu oloj ec 'Lions frond the audi2nca to oi-Cher proposed impiovemcn-t-, an:; no .JIit'L�­n objections :iad been received prior to the Hearing. K T U I - d odo t ohler -of-fersd '-ho -Follc-..,ing �,,aGolu-Zion and move its p ion: .1_­S0LTJTIC:: O,",D2::11J!.'G IMP1-1OVZ'.1Z.'TS 'STc-i-SET IM2,7,OVEL1Z;'TS '031. h-14­1 D-62 STO:�:: I1,1PROVEPI-12- T :.0. 45 BE IT R_71301VED by the clo�_in-:;il of ailb Village of _Edina, Llinnasota, that 'Ji-is council heretofore caused no_�ic s of licarings to be duly publish--d on the following 5/11%59 1 -) propOs'yu improvements, and at the Bearings held at the time and place specified ° in said notice the Council has duly considered the views of all persons intarestc�d, and },bung avlly advised of the pertinent facts does hereby determine to proceed with t'ie constrLUct:ion of said improvements; that said improvements are hereby designat::d and shall be referred to in all subsequent proceedings as follows: FA:,-ii OF I,:iPi_- L'OVZh1 ' T 1. COiiSTfiUCTII�i; OF BITUi'.III;OUS SUPLF.'CE TREPTMEilT Ii' SOUTI;Ci:EST DIIIVE FI2101.1 UPPER TERRACE TO 11.66TH STID.EET ST.:EET II:iP O'JEi.'i 1:T I v. r. -1_x.4 2. COi STI:UCTIOi OF CC7C;tETE CU-IB .'GUTTE=t Ii; 17.5 5TH 1ET i10. B -u 2 STc -,EE T F1 I AJL. 1O IO1LIl AVE. ST11 COI "I�STT:UICTIOiu OF VILLAGE STORIeI SE`.IE AE'D APPUPITEEAI�ICES TO SE HIVE THE FOLLUMIG DESCRIBED AREA: ST0Rid SE.IE:; "Commencing at ETI Cor. of L.23, B1.1, Seeley's 1st "Lid.n. to I IPROVEI:IEI T 1,10. 45 ;Iarithorne Parl :, th. S':Ily to SE Cor. of L.4,B1.3, Seeley's 1st ':ddn. to Ilawthorne Park, th. S'.`Ily to a pt. on S. line of L.6, Dl. 3, Seeley's lst Addn. -to Hawthorne Park; said pt. being 35 Ft. ,'I. of SE Cor. of said Lot 6; th. Sly, parallel to and 35 Ft. ',':, of W. line of Bl_. 3, Seeley's 1st Addn. to Hawthorne Park to S. line of Lot 15, said Bl. 3; th. Ely to S':'I Cor. of L.16, Bl. 4, Seeley's 1st Addn. to Hawthorne Park; th. 1;Ely to a pt. iry L. 16, Bl. 4, said pt. being 5 Ft. i'. of S. lot line and 25 Ft. E. of ?'I. lot line9 th. Hly, parallel with ,7. line CQ of El. 4, Seeley's 1st Addn. to Hawthorne Park a dist. of 55 Ft.; th. Ely, parallel with S. line of said Bl. 4 to E. tot line of L. 17, Bl. 4, th. fitly to i<E Cor. thereof; th. Ely along is line of L. 14, B1. 4, Seeley's 1st Addn. to Hawthorne Par', a list. of 64 Ft.; th. SEly to SE Cor. of L. 15, said Bl. 4, th. IJ I along E. lot lines of Ls. 1 -15, said B1. 4 to EE Cor. of L.1, DI.4, Seeley's 1st Addn. to Hawthorne Park, th. Itly to SE Cor. of L.15, Bl.l, Seeley's lst Addn. to Hawthorne Park; th. 1 'Ily to a pt. in L. 15, Bl. 1, said pt. being 30 Ft. ;'I. of E, lot line and 9 Ft. N. of S. lot line of said L. 15, Bl. I; th. "lly parallel with S. line of L. 15, Bl. 1, Seeley's Ist Addn. to Hawthorne Park to a pt. which is 53 Ft. E. of ,'% line thereof; th. illy parallel ,rith 'J. line of L. 153 Bl. 1, Seeley's lst Addn. to Hawthorne Park, to 11. line thereof; th. igly to SE Cor. of L.17, said Bl.l° th. illy along Ely lot lines of Ls. 17 thru 23, Bl. 1, Seeley's 1st Addn. to Hawthorne Park to HE Cor. of said L. 23; th. Wly to pt. of beginning." and the areas to be specially assessed therefor shall be as follows: FOR STREET IMPROVEIMENTS NOS. A -144 A1%1D B -62, all lots and tracts of land abutting the respective streets proposed to be improved. FOR STO117d.I S2,7ER II"LIPROVi.1;IEI"IT IdO. 45 - All lots and tracts of land within the boundaries 'iereinbefore set forth as the boundaries of the district to be benefited by said proposed improvement. ..lotion for adoption of the Resolution was seconded by Tupa, and on Rollcall -there were five ayes and no nays, as follows: Beim, aye; Dickson, aye; I,ohler, ayes Tupa, aria; and Bredesen, aye; and the Resolution was adopted. =DST: Mayor Village Clerk 1''11 D OF COIF T RACT S FOR EQUIPI:IaI7 1,1"D SUPPLIES. 1. EQIJIPi:iLikT TYi±.ILER. Manager reported that low bidder, on bids taken April 13, was Ilaydan- 1,,1urphy, at $1,670? but that their bid is on Single - Tanjore egvipment. The low bidder on the Dual- Tandem, which is what the Village desires and can use, is i,'�7ffridga- Johnson, at $2,310.00. I-:r. Hyde reported that there is only 51,600 in Ulu- budget for this particular item, but that the total "Equipment" allocation ;rill not over -run. r,ohler's motion that contract be awarded to low bidder on Village specifications, i .'u ridg'o- Johnson, was seconded by Dickson and carried. 2. TOF.PEDO S,!,,10. i.Ianager recommended award of contract to Hedberg L Sons Co. (plan, at 7557 France ilve), low bidder of three, at 91.02 per ton delivered, ;x.52, loacled at plank, S.42, Stockpiled--this reeonmendation after investigation at plant, of material. 1,'ohler's motion that contract be awarded in accord with ;.Ianager's rocom;acnda ticn iwas seconded by Dickson and carried. 3. L'I.�I:Sr1OT G t!,VEL :=.I D COP, ISE .GG EGAT E. manages' s recor:,mendation was for awai -L' or contract to I:iarier c: Sons, lnc., love bidder at ;2.00 per Ton +_lelivered, ;1 5 Lo, ded arna 41.45 Stockpiled for each classification, wit'1 special bid of ;11.11 Dalivexad, x.90 Loaded to Stockpiled for D- ickshot Gravel. H:� stated that r rt1 b hauling r EeJ.rG7' S t�a.�J plant, a�c L,naale � I_ s�� St., is consi�.;ersc� to o, in range. notion x or a%,:ard in accord with iwanager' s racom,nandation was seconded by Dic::son and carried. 12 41 TO T­­_7 ­f7T 7 ':0 , = .r.`:.: ' E__% r7, EQ T �! 7 = F 7�,-_ '.- I - ­ - _j L ".1 " D. This reques L, ci' a iha 7 gu, I a r a iGil ng of i,pril I'), b-,as and discussed at same ..ttorncy HasSolquist 'Cold the Council ti-tat '1111s let a r2cliest 6i1'-.1E,,SxS ally o'Lh�:r delayed ravests for assess-mgnt ac_',j.'St- mant, in that 1'1. 1ic-1 no aay of lknoL-lring he .,;ould ba assssscd fox anytLhinq t1han 1.25 acz3s. actUally.assessed foj: 12.5 acres due `�.-o Z-26sons set forth in !.,invtes a--' ',X. Easselqjist tol& Co-oncil t-hat t"i'le Villarle could either ze-a3s,-;ss i-ha arron O amoun'! (so-.: _�6,000) ovcr all ti-is oL.1ar parcels in th,--- w1nich 'IF-inance DixEctor Dalen objactC6, bocause of the very cl-nrical c;:ponsa involved--or levy an ad valoram tax, .%-Iich ta.x is cancellable yeasly A-- :[ands in the improvement Fund L-jildl up. 1121e statcc7, he feels that D'ol-Inel- is an�AlAeJ to relief. Trustee Tupa voggc-stad in,:.-.rn-,-jch. as Pohnor has s' a'_ad 'C_- coos not want- this additional "riezndlarzd" land, tha Villaqa ta::e title -to ii'u-, holding it fo-_- drainage basin. 'Ir-. --,ohn--r .,.,as p.'�esent L L.- L during discussion� stating hz wants a re-surve baiFore any c1riange in Mla; and 2:ngineer Zil:an an& 'Lo--f-n_­; „assalquist were directed to make sl_lrvcy and draft the necessary popc:cs, -11-o provide relief for i.1x. 'E,,ohner and give the pillage title to this meandered land. FOF, PEI-ITIC' FILED F-C!, LOTS 4 !C!D 5, UTILITIES TC DEL :�VT-A;UE TO HIGI;,.,%Y M. 169. This petition, citing the nae6 of those Clwi�llings for sanitary sewer j.lst as soon as possible because of cesspool-troublas, asl:eJ that service nor., enginaerad for the "llawkes Lalke" sub:ii- vision be extended to thei.-i. Engineer Zil-an reported, on question from Trustee Kohler, `ha cost would not be matori,,117 increased if service to these --L i:,xo lots is provicle&. Some discussion was had on proposed Sanitary Sel,,ior and ,'.ate r] in tnis irim.3diai.e area; and !:ohler n-iovaJ 'L--hetl plans for the "F1a,;.,1:es La!:e" s:,_rvicas ho c,.:'Lan&sj to include Sanitary sawor am-, *,':;_;'-'.-ermain in Tracy *,venuo to H!gh,.-.,ay o. 169. Ece 0, -',- a a J` Chat Tracy :.venue is carz-zing' an increasing amount of traffic; that he sees no reason .•fny it should bo ",:nothor Intorlachen Boulevard" insofar as piecemeal utilities construction and. sttreat rcpair are concerned. 1,ohler's motion was seconded by Tupa and carried. It .-:Bs notcc, -t-hcnt- 7a'C,,2rm8in will, for M-io time tieing, be a ulea(_'l 2n.d but will eventually* ccnr­::ct `'riff, Paz4l, .:a`Cermain in 7,-jina EighlEnds. DI-IC01'".11E." PETIT ic):.-,- 1_71LED, 70.-, P0ST1'-`U`;T_Z,-n':T 03 P OIL OILI_�TG 01"I.Y. C'Iark pr .:,..n:, p�,2t"o,-)z �"12` Lir .!r Irani: L � q11 -. 1 -,.rr a: --- a- Cli n 9 &3 follows: --h,, vnc-ars�'cnoC1, C-1-i-ect 'he 11Hlogc2 Co,.incil '-o hold i n aj: ance an, decision as 'Llo in to 1.11c concxraLa v_rb and guiCter on -_1 paving until such time '_hat loi:­: I against saiQ' pZopex'.'-y i-,as 6ecxSasoS. Th2 FSLI'it-ional as�:essr:,.-,n*,- cost will ba 6`Ciii;;,:nt�l to florae values in -'Che area, bot.1-4 1_-3ale OZ p-rasent property and new home construction. '.Is al"Lk; f-r-al thac ccncret,'D curb anJ .;uttcr a.-:cep'_- ',.here necsssar,J, is feasible anck more practical L, i rac"ical in L --he ax+aa.` Petitions ;-,-ra si-9nad by 1--,si6onts crl' Danons Erivo, 'idgap .venue, D­_-gan -Plaza, -1i,_@fa-,,i­,. D1 Pa�H-C.ionS Zor 01l1n,,-,, C-TJy) Ii led L7or ]v&_7a'C-t Piece frtill Ti--L-on _Dli-io.-c. *L--- `!­rcrombiz: enu, 11:L460"; ..ic:,�o. aill ;lave anot'rj,r ji,.2-zt.ing b-n-fore the ne;:-". Co.mcil --"o--- furthex evaluaGion of opinion. :11] rasu3lts OIL the L­ool:viow Cuuncil last Thl_,a:sJa­ -'-aHnn ::nc,.,., of no oth°r rne:-'Ling lnasm,.,ch as r":--la presanced tonight cDvll` no ll aluctccl a'L Co ley I : attar over '4o 1-enLiie:: Zf:7 : D C-'7DIT !I:', `7-G,��7!0' LTS Trustee Bo-Im reporl-26 bxia'"I, on `_-he I C­ I:- a I - - - L 6 r e su 1 t s o -1�' the hon,� cr : U' i t inve st il ga t i on c omStu c �Le� in 17ci-., York th i s ps. s I` ,,:L-1 -III: - -Fu 1 -report iS 8tt-BC1713d t0 Li_133C ilinutes end is to be considered a part C o:--i,, i i t t o e consisted of i.lessrs. E2`Lm, E- dc: and Dalen representing the Village, anj !.�-�lson representing -t-.hz-) Ilinneapolis Eomo- aj.ijdars Association. l.,r. B3im s aa, ad that the concensus is that "if the Village is Careful and eocsn' t go 'Coo far and -Coo -_.Fas-L`1, it, can continue, on a altered policy, to finance serer and water in no,.-., plats, contingent upon su-mission bi jevolop3rs of performanco bonds guaranL c�ing payncn-% Of ass2ssrnents, -,'dith assessments to be three or �-year -ycar term, payable in full at .L t. j time property changes ""lands. I`,`L: this time it eras noted that many others are in the 1 -C T, 'CIE L -1 �,_ .CT D_ix`on's probes -, filc.:1 a er the 11 i,pyil 27th action by _-c,_,nciI condleranation of certain lanais for str3a".- -.,rposes:. riiscLSSC p. ittcrnejr Hcose1quist -c mincjeo -ounc11 `1%zi- c�ndr:znzt ion t:,as is ini Liz- L. e%+ =s,an' o ` Pian-ing sion's ,`2 32t S ins =a _ccoi,,%endzons ox s`rLt fire protection Ix - . __ I- - Y .-:as pxes3nt, to 7,nForra thc Co­ncil '­a' E­, ­on A. 6 1 'clot U ­ wouldi not n&mc e price for a'7thorizing Village ocri­ 'this land. Furlkher discusoiion haID, an,--A' Llicl:son miovol'j, to conl,cl- L-i-ton and, if fiaogol-iations cc%ild not be to pxocsod condefanat-ion. 1.1k)'I-.I'on secunc;eJ by Tups ane, C ar --- i e d. . Zf:7 : D C-'7DIT !I:', `7-G,��7!0' LTS Trustee Bo-Im reporl-26 bxia'"I, on `_-he I C­ I:- a I - - - L 6 r e su 1 t s o -1�' the hon,� cr : U' i t inve st il ga t i on c omStu c �Le� in 17ci-., York th i s ps. s I` ,,:L-1 -III: - -Fu 1 -report iS 8tt-BC1713d t0 Li_133C ilinutes end is to be considered a part C o:--i,, i i t t o e consisted of i.lessrs. E2`Lm, E- dc: and Dalen representing the Village, anj !.�-�lson representing -t-.hz-) Ilinneapolis Eomo- aj.ijdars Association. l.,r. B3im s aa, ad that the concensus is that "if the Village is Careful and eocsn' t go 'Coo far and -Coo -_.Fas-L`1, it, can continue, on a altered policy, to finance serer and water in no,.-., plats, contingent upon su-mission bi jevolop3rs of performanco bonds guaranL c�ing payncn-% Of ass2ssrnents, -,'dith assessments to be three or �-year -ycar term, payable in full at .L t. j time property changes ""lands. I`,`L: this time it eras noted that many others are in the 0 May 5, 1959 Council Members, JVillage of Edina, t Edina, Minnesota. Gentlemen: The following is a report of the interviews with Standard and Poor and Moodys in their New York offices where Mr. Hyde, Mr. Dalen, Mr. Nelson of the Home Builders Assn. and myself called on them. The purpose of the interviews was to find'out as much as possible about what factors determine the rating of a municipality's bonds, how high the debt of Edina can safely go without jeopardizing our Baa rating, and whether or not it would be advisable to revise our present policy regarding financing of sewer and water in new developments as the Home Builders Association has requested. We interviewed Mr. Tyler of Standard and Poor and Mr. Dalen presented complete financial data on Edina to him. Mr. Tyler explained that they were strictly an invest- ment house and any ratings they placed on municipal bonds were primarily for their own accounts and did not necessarily conform to any formula or ratings by other investment houses. He mentioned that many suburbs in the East no longer encourage development, also that a residential suburb pleasant to live in might not be as good an investment risk as one with considerable industry that is not such a desirable place to live. The lower the bonded debt of a municipality in relation to its total valuation, the more desirable are its bonds. He would not say how high the ratio for Edina could.go with- out changing our present rating. He did say that a few years ago they decided to lower our rating but immediateIy restored it at the request of other investment houses. He thought our projected debt for the next few years was high but would probably not change our rating. He stated more industrial and commercial property would benefit us. He also stated that a bond issue put out to finance sewer and water to help contractors in the development of new areas would not affect our rating nor detract from our total borrowing power if the payment of such bonds were guaranteed by surety bonds of good reliable insurance companies furnished by the contractors. We also interviewed Mr. Ellinwood of Moodys. He, too, told us there were many things that were considered in determining the ratings of municipal bonds. He could not give us any formula to go by nor could he tell us how high our debt could go in relation to our assessed valuation and still keep our present rating. He did think we were getting along allright on the present basis although he considered our present debt high. One factor they watch carefully is the rate of growth of a community and how well a community keeps up with present needs. Some communities postpone too long needed schools, utilities and roads so that ultimately they run into great trouble try- ing to catch up. He did not stress new industry as necessarily being highly important. The taxes levied by the State and County are also a consideration. He did not favor municipalities using their credit to finance private industries, such as contractors', like we used to do, stating that it was bad public policy. If such a bond issue were guaranteed by good surety bonds, however, he did concede that this issue might not be included in our overall debt, provided Moody's and investors were well informed on the matter whenever they made their ratings. He emphasized the need to specifically point out the additional guaranty a surety bond would provide. { i i 5%1159 s� i,:erting for other business; and, because a lengthy discussion was expected, th 12 i�. e (matter was laid over to later in meeting. ( (UTILITIES FIJI!,' i=,,IG POLICY FOR PdEfIJ DEVELOPItIE- `ITS-- I.'IAI:AGER TO PREP! ^,ZE ,,.IEI.iORfd,1DTJM. Later in the Meeting, after transaction of other business, and after Trustee Dickson had been excused, the matter of Bond Credit luting as it relates to the Minneapolis Home Builders Association's request for change in policy of financing utilities in new land developments was again discussed. Manager Hyde recommended that the Villaga still maintain a program of bringing down the Total Village Debt, both in' percentage to assessed valuation and in actual dollars. Finance Director Dalen's tabulation of the maximum amounts which could be set aside each year for the next five years for tha.s particular type of financing was presented- and it was recommended that this amount be backed by standard performance bonds; that the Village issue a separate sc.eios of bonds for this particular type of financing. ?Ir. Hyde stated this plan would set up maximulr,s to be allocated; that financing would be on a first -como first - served basis. He stated that one of the main points made by the bond credit po6pl3 (1,occ -1, 's and Standard & Poor) was that the Village should show some progress in zoducing cleft or at least in holding its own as valuations increase. Developer )toy neterson told Council that the number of developers who could get t�ie required. performance 'bond can be counted on one hand; that the requirements are so great that anyone who can qualify for a bond is in a position not to need one. This srat:=raent was corroborated by developers Victorsen and Stour. I.tanager told Council one of the problems is that of assuring, somehow, ic.hat streets will be improvod; and developer Stow recommended that a heavy application of oil be required), -rather than full permanent surfacing. Considerable additional discussion was iiad, and because the hour was late and it was apparent that noticing could be se,Jticd at this meeting, Manager Hyde was directed to prepare a 'orie -.F on the . prr,posvd aiLcred method of financing utilities for new developments, for 7 rtl;.er 4 consi +eration by the Council. Before this discussion ended, however, 1.1r. Boim again told developers tI-iat the matter of 'the performance bond. 1s Trios;; important to any altered policy and to the bond crediit rating. ,�IiEJattL ED Oi PETITIOI'' FOR i:E? I i d "�� I: "L DIST"'I 'i ;`:esiern =;1 C I G TO Oil�d� �,v I,reat, Inc.'s request for the %ezoning of Parcel 702, Sec.c, Twp.116, Lange 21 (an area South of the junction of Highway IJo. 1-1 ► and Cahill road) to "Comaercial District ", for the purpose of erecting and operating a meat processing plant thereon, was presented, together with the Planning Commission's I.Iay th recommend - ation for approval of the rezoning of that portion of the tract to be used by the plant. Hite showed the Council a letter from the Bloomington Planning Consultant, stating that Bloomington plans only high -type residential directly Sr.uth of this plot, which, he stated, is contrary to rumors constantly heard. I:ohler's motion, that Public Hearing on petition be scheduled for I,ay 25, with Bloomington officials invited to attend, was seconded by Tupa and carried. PLAi`I`II G COi:u,iISSIOI, TO COEDUCT HEARIEGS Or,' PETITIONS FOR V.: I dICES IIi SIDE -`{ 's .17 SETIAC,So George Hite reported Commission's action of Nlay 6, on the following petitions for side -yard setbacks in variance with Zoning Ordinance requirements: 1. STS,' SIVETSEi - For seven -foot side yard setback on living side of home at 4I08 11. 62nd St. 2. GJST A. JOHI'SO1 - For five -foot side yard setbacks on remaining six lots on his development at Philbroo, Lane. CECIL B RENTHAitl - For five -foot side yard on interior side of his lot at 5164 Danens Drive. (Motes Brenham was in the audience, and stated that in line with Dir. Stow's -report given at Planning Commission ieeting he is willing to amend this request to ask for eight -foot side yard. Tupa's motion, that Public Hearings be conducted by the Planning Commission on these requests, in accordance with provisions of Ordinance No. 261 -36, was seconded by Beim and carried. LOT DIVISIOE' ,.PPROVED. Council reviewed Planning Commission's recommendation of I:Iay 6, for approval of the split of Lot 2, Block, 1, Peacedale Acres into two lots of 175;:115 Each and a 30 -11oot half street. I`ohler's motion, for approval of split in accordance with Commission's recommendations, was seconded by Dickson and carried. IIEAF;IIdG SCHEDULED 0:-' VACATION OF ALLEY, BE7,1EEhl I:1AL ONE:Y AFD BELI:IORE LA1,1E, 1,4ADIS0I PJID i.101 F;OE. Planning Commission's I.Iay 6th -recommendations in favor of this Vacation, were reviewed, and Kohler moved, scheduling Public Hearing on petition for Itfonday, June 0. Motion seconded by Dickson and carried. PUBLIC HEA'.IEM AUTHORIZED. Engineer Zikan presented) preliminary plans and estimates of cost on several construction projects, advocating that Public Hearings be conducted as soon as possible, so that taorl, might be expedited. Tupa offered tho following „esolution and moved its adoption: 126 3CrLt'TI FOR rP1_11-3_1I1'' HE' ,I: :G- ,. =i:IT.� `s' S,_ :; .=� ; �� ",'!. ":T - ,;.;.�.1: ! I:.;P ;.ui'�.:=.,;Tu u� IT EEESOL'IiD b- t'ze Council of `-he v*llaqe of Edina: 1. The 7 i 11 o g e; E n g inaa x h a v _1 n g s F_ i bn, i t L 3J to o-Incil a p;,21im.inary report as to the fessibilit. - of ;h3 proposo6, Sanitary -zvter and .!- c- rraain Improve- mants described in the Forra of 1:otico of 1,11oarings sot forth balo,•i, anJ as to the estima-'Ced Cost Of S'_Ich said report is hareb,= approved and dlrectad to be plzca6 on -Eil:! in office of the Village Clerl:. -�ll i=- on :,'onclay, ilay 25, 19599 at 7:00 'n '-he 1�_ 71is Council s11Z .1 1� 4 .1 -1 1- ---dina 7:ME�cre Y!ell, to cc,nzidar in public hearing L -ho visas of all pt-_�sons interested in said p---oposzd limprovam2n'is. 3. Tha Clerk is ;-,u4ho-,_izo& and dircc'u J, i.-o cajsc notice of the tui.=, place and purpose of szij me-cLint 'Co ba publislnod in ILIII`c official newspaper once a t','Ie, second of vii-tich publications is to 'Le not ass than 'three days _rora clat­,e of sai(-; ma Ling, nOCAGe shall be in sub- stantially :.-m 011 PjBLIC 0:: pnC,rr o,� - _2D T D I:" L. L I_ LAI FOTICE IS' GTE,` tlr.z�, Edina village Co•_incil will mse; at �-he 7:-'ina V'116,Dc, I a 11 tin 1.'0 n 3y 8y _2 5 1, a', a L 7:00 P.1,1. to consider the 2olIo,.,.,.1ncf proposed linprovz- r.-,ents to be cons: _­J c'. '1--h,3 a,_j.Lhox1Ly by L'inneso".-z or 19531 Chapt2r En The appro:.::_X.aL3 cuz;, o" Ecid i.aipro%,c,-.,.-r.ts is cs`ima�-ee, by Villaga 2-2,ns,33: as se'- L"or'tl-h O. D 1:' -,:- -,-0L1C`i'i`I1,-�G 7,-ZE-73. IL - — 1i A — .1 Zi L:-:.c-s Dslvo froi.-. ,_,ist-ing ipanholC- on the TL-un': to ant_-'k including 5123 , an"I 512c., L`iz:.-or s Diiva: Terrace; '7asemon'- line fro: Drive to D.-ist-ing Trunk Sewer; '.:a_--den "ive. fro.-,. 90 Ft. 1.'.'est of Tracy 4�ve. to 255 Ft. ,,:esL of Tracy Ave.; Ease-mant line frora :axdcn eve. Co Li,.L7-%% '31tetion; Tracy :,v--. from tlaallzcls Drivc Co 1-11"ghaa, I:o. l,L,9-212 ;,25,201. SO B. CG:'3T1,L �C71C'* 0F 71ITT.' Tj.' 71" 1. TrE,, y _rota existing main at Grove %20"L-Ireet to Highv:ay ,`143 ­212 317P676.60 C. T-7k.,'iL '17: 7 3 FOLLC"TIFG: 1 a I s D 11' v -a i! ­1 6. vill: a I s T orz a c e r d c n i. v e . from T--ai_-y i,vc. to LIN Ft. The areas proposal ",-o 3ca ass-eszad I-L-*o--..- the cost of saiu proposed under !.-I, A-2, and C-1 alco,.,a Inclucles all lots, bloc.':s and tracts of lanr_', ab•_jtjf-ing the streets proposed to be improved by 'she construction of 'Sanitary Soev;er and ,,!ato-zmain. The area proposed to 'ca assesse3 for the cos'C. of the proposed improvomient, under B-I above includes all lots, bloc';:s and tracts of land •ithin the follo,.-:ing described boundaries: "Cor.r.encing at tl;ie int.cxrsec Lion of the south line of U.S. H,,47.,J601-212 and no--th e­.tensilon of 1':. line of Sec. 5, Tw 116, R.21; t17. S. along 1.'. ext-2nsion of line o" said 5 to S. line of " �L I L Sec. L 1.172*of Sec. 32, Trip. 117, . 21; th. E. along S. line of said :J/2 n:Z to '.1. lot line of Lot 9, ':ardcn acres; th.::. to a pt. on -,,!. lot line of Lct, 9, oai"' pt. Licing 227.91 Ft. 11. o-17 S7,.' corner of Lot 9; 'h. Ely parallel vdiGh S. Ict'u line o-17 Lo'C 9. i1arden '.cras '[-.o 2. lot line ','­,arco.LF; t j 0 -th. 1:21y to -'or. of T_ot.-. 6, Greenleaf 1.1onor; th. E. to SZ- Cor. of Lot 10, Greenleaf 1.',anor! ;,o a pt. on ";. lot line of Lot 5, GE2:jcn Parh, said pt. being ' S" Cor 'M cof; th. E. parallel .,;i--h lines of Lots 5 and 6, e'ng 264 of � i - 1 . L 1_r L L. 0 I Co a pt. disc:. 55.6 Ft. V�jt. o '.7 of `:&S 'ailroad; th. 1'. 33 00, 2, Garden Par:: J f I 1,L 4. L a dist. of 14') Ft.- th. north 20 ool Z. a dist. of 630 Ft.; th. Fly parallel - -o t' `169 L - I k- C I I I Y lot lines of Lots r� and G Garden Per!. he ill.: line of U.S. Ewy. -212; L th. 1•;Iy along said S. I-V � line '110 the point of beginning." GRETCHIFE' S. 11DE' Village Clorl: 1.10tion for adoption of the :resolution was live eyes and no na, s, as follows: Beim, and Eredesen, eye, and tna .-,esolutkion .-ias 7illage Clarl: seconded by Beim, and on iLlollcall 'here were aye; Dickson, ale; Kohler, aye; Tupa, aye; adopted. ilayor 5/11/59 197 I I 41ri IRO V E- t E i 7 , T BIDS 1,.UTEOF'=E-D. Village Engineer presented plans and specifications3- for several improvement ects, suggesting that bids be taken at the next meeting; Lt , and Tupa offered the following Resolution and moved its adoption: RESOLUTIO' APPROVING PLANS A11 11D SPEC IFICATI01" S) FOR PROPOSED BITU1.6MIOUS SURFACE, VATERI.111,Ill PUID SA1,1ITARY SZ-11ER I1.PR1OVZ11v'Z-,TS BE IT RIESSOLVED by the Village Council of the Village of Edina: 1. The plans and specifications for the proposed Bituminous Surface, 1.7atormain and Sanitary sewer Improvements set forth in the follov,jing Advertisement for Bids form, heretofore prepared by the Village Engineer and now on file in the office of the Village Clerk are hereby approved. 2. The Clark shall cause to be published twice in the Edina-Taorningside Courier and the Construction Bulletin the following notice for bids for said improvements: ADVERTISE?I,ENT FO'-' BIDS BITUIMMIOUS SSURFI`.CF- T1:-'E,%T1.12PT IT 'P "17,D S.,. TITA.-'ff SEI',IE,'-' IMPROVEIAENTS 0TICE 11:3 E---1'--,E= GIVEI-., that sealed bids will be received and opened in the office of 'uno Village 1.1anager in the Edina village Hall, 4(001 17est 50th Street at lltOO �,. I'l. , 1,1 ion6ay, i.,iay 25, 1959, and that the Edina Village Council will r.,-,Sct- at 7:00 P.11., cn 1.1onday, IMay 25, 1959, to consider said bids, being for the following: I -UfFj6,CE TIRE" 1--tE`17 OF THE FCLLC)!IIITG Si EET A�T i. 1. InllaiE1achen Blvd. from Cooper Avenue to Highway ;T1t`)9-212; Cooper AvenUO� Oic'aaxd Lane. 2. Blake Road from Eden Praiiie lRoad. to 450 Ft. forth of Pine Grove "I'ddit-ion3 Edon Prairie r`-L'oad from Blake Road to Highwood Drive- Par'.; rood ",,oad from Blake "Load to Schaefer Road. 3 Schaefer Road from Parkwood Road to Westwood Court. 4. Highwood Drive from highway il-,1'169 to ,,lest Highwood Drive; ',".Test Highwood Drive from Highwood Drive to Saxony Road. 5. Idyl,,,iood Drive from Blake :toad to ;jest Highwood Drive. Zenith Avenue from 1'!est 59tiz St. to 1,-7est, 60th 'St. 7. Valley View 171'oad from Antrim Iload. to Tracy Avenue. O. Oxford Avenue from Division Street to 1,,%Test, 51st Street. 9. 31:ylino Drive. E. ColiMi-liCTICU OF VILLAGE W1,LTE17d-,,1AI1-1! AED APPUl"ITEH 1,TCZ-S I1,1 THE FOLL6,',.T11-.G ST-i:,�EETS. .A . -I 1. Fondell Avenue from Wooddale Avenue to Oak-lavin :.venue. 1 ilryan Avenue from 17est 64th St. to �qost 65th St. - Josephine `,,vo. fror,,i 7. Tosi, 65th St. to 375 Ft. F. of '.Iest. 64th St. , ","Test 35th St. -from Josephine Ava. to Ililryan Ave.; Easement line between Lots 6 and 9, Block 2, and Lots 22 and 23, Block 2, 'Normandale 2nd Addn. from Josephine Ave. to 1'1ilryan Ave. C. COFSTiRUCTIOIJ OF VILLAGE SANITARY SEWER' A1,1D APPURTE1,111r"CES III THE FOLLC1*!I!,TG STi-L,'1---2T. J Jr 1. Fondell Avenue from Wooddale Avenue to Oaklawn Avenue. V`o.ckl must be done as described in plans and specifications on file in the office Of the Village Clerk. Plans and specifications are available for a deposit of 'S10.00, wbich deposit will' be refunded upon return of said plans and specifications. 141 o bids will be con sidered unless sealed and filed with the undersigned before 11"00 1%londay, Tvlay 25, 1959, accompanied by cash deposit, bid bond or certified check payable to the Village Clerk in the amount of at least,- ten percent of amount of base bid. The Council reserves the right to reject any or all bids. BY ORDE.", OF THE VILLAGE COUNCIL. GRETCHEI' S. ALDEN Village Clerk 3. Each and all of the terms of the foregoing advertisement for bids are hereby adopted as the terms and conditions of award of the contracts for said improvements. Motion for adoption of the Resolution was seconded by Beim, and on lRollcall there were five ayes and no nays, as follows: Beim, aye; Dickson, aye, Kohler, aye; Tupa, aye; and Bredesen, aye; and the Resolution was adopted. AT ST: 148yor Village Clerk HIG1-r,-,'1AY 110. 100 U D HIGH-4AY NO. 169 PLANS DISCUSSED. 1ilanager Hyde reported that at the Highway Department's Meeting of last Thursday evening it had become apparent that the Department has no plans for a cloverleaf at Highway illo. 100 and Excelsior Blvd.; also, that the traffic coming North on Highway No. 169 will have to turn left off 11.50th Street (protected by stop signs) to continue onto No. 100; that this will continue until new -g-169 is constructed. He reported that St.Louis Park would like to get the Excelsior Blvd. intersection matter settled, and that, because of the uncertainty of plans for i':;'169, Edina may be caught with two opposing forces within its Village limits. Lir. Hyde also stated he believes the Department has done a poor job in its projected traffic flow and the justification for it; that the Country Club protests have gone unanswered, that there is some protest 11 '? 8 311 %`? Aa and 'ha'- ':.70`h in'-ersac-`on h.,--- begin GIOZricat-1. ra t1ic 3-' e;�; zJ304/ (Sc�� t_;G'',-.ion Z�o,�OICQ-'ed 1'n nz.-, paxa 7`rzip!" 11AEGE: PjU'J, '_­D 70 :T. 'Ir. 1,cFodrIen of thy, `ate Hig'i-wiay D3pzrillr,Dn-c request-ad apprGlial by 'Caz y.ojncil of plans fo�c the bridg3 at High,.,,ray 100 anal tha I— - '- th a Department ts reason for reql,jss ing a! Cr a s s t- c-.�.,n 11-11 a y -D a 'C 0' -7 U I I C _ k. i. I L_ - now is that the Coun'--,, has high p_-ioz_it-y on construction of the zz`L-U__2n :.'sr.,es vranL :s zinC" `--he if the S'Ca'+_­d bridge is bjil"1.v no-.;, '_-?-.Fua C-ossto-.-.,n consLzuction, can bs handlod o%pzt2iitio_lsly Jul-ing constr,_,c'Lion. 7 a ma-­ar a' `e prog2�arfuming diSU'_'GG06, ii-,z Council X-,:­1Fcr_C 'n9 h L, L j: L­ L 2:c,peated1j, to :hangas by '�-h,e Department in plans for 11-11ighways ','cjs. 100 and IL9, and as',:-ing that Z­J-1e "consl6e-r first things a suggestion from Manager Hyde thFt, it b-- well for :`C".Louis ;?,jz: an-_-3 Edina :1-ouncils to maot- With of is aIs from t"j-.: "lici-,wav D�,-nartfrent concerning plans Ear 1-1ig0.-.,aN s ::as. j - C, and 10 0 , 1 i a I -i I e rf, ct v _= d t} -.3 "t 'C", f, , a t ti zx of 'u- 11 �:? C r a s G 'I- a n b i Ci g s lz a J-) 1 CD p 2 n C; i n C a m �L. ing L"I �:a L .jo 1cunc- and the Higiiway Dapar Lm:nt, and -hat ,ta,C,, Coal-,:Iissionaz Ziri-L,-,arman •---- invi ;,o att-::nd by 1 Dic'­. son anS ca-r-i-iadj. Ls'I-cx- in t-1,,e cvaning, ',,ancgaa: Eycie told Council 'C'aat- me D.-J"ing haS hr. scn tcn-'_-;_;'Livzly for 3:00 P.1.1., 1:onway, '.Iay 25. 1`1 T,- Fo,, "0 5) ;,PP"L'v:-:3. _70TE ,.!r. 1.,cf:adden of 1,he Cligh,.�.ay Department- requested approval by t(1'_ Ccuncll C:F plans for that part of ',.'.710th Street lying within the Villagz? limits. Some dis- cussion was had, and Dic!:son offered the following resolution: 1,7__'D,-)1LUTIO,11 APP,-,C,,VIVG STATE FIGT,-I*.'7 X P'Lk'd"S F01`11 :,.78TH STREET (T the Ccz,.misG1on,3x of Highways has prepared plans and speci:Ficat ions for the improvemient of s part of T:cunl: High,,°.,zy !.a. 393 renumbered as Trunk High,.-:a, i:urib9_r 494 .,.,ithin the coxpo:c-at-e limits of tha Village of !:din& I-Exom the 'South Corporate Limits to the Last Corporate Limits; and Said plans ara on file in the office of the Depax t m2n-- of Flligh-aays, Saint Paul, Mlinnesota, being marked, labeled, and identified as -3.P. 2765-02 (494-393); and j y� E- C H " . zl',ZAS, said specifications are on file in the office of the Department of Hig!T.-.Tays, Saint Paul, 1.1innzsota, being marked, labeled, and identified as S.P. 2765-02 (T.F-I.C94-393 ),I.,1nn.Proj.I494-4(31)2'-D4, -Mhich, together with the 1.1innesota Department of Highways -Specifications for highway Construction, dated July 1, 1947, and Supplement 1:o. I to the 1.',innesota Department of highways Specifications for Highway Construction, effective :.pxil 15, 1953, an file in the office of the Commissioner of Highways, constitute the specifications for said improvement of Trunk Highway Fumher 393 renumbered as Trunk Highway 1:umber 4.94; and copies of said plans and specifications as so marked, labeled, and identified are also on -file in 'the office of the Village Clark; and t-1he 'casr, "said plans and specifications" as hereinafter used in the body of this resolution shall be deemed and intended to mean, refer to, and incorporate the plans and specifications as in the foregoing recitals particularly identified and described. 1'0'�7, THEI, BE IT 1�E3MIED -that said plans and specifications for the -improvement. of Trunk High-.,.,ay }' umber 393 renumbered as Trunk 1-7,ighway 'umber 494 within the limits of the village of Edina be and hereby are approved. BE IT 1PE-SOLVED that the elevations and grades as sho-.,,,n in said plans and specifications be and -they are hereby approved and consent is hereby given to any and all changes in grade occasioned by the construction of said Trunk Highway :umber 393 renumboxed as Trunk High,.•ray Lumber 494 in accordance with said plans and specifications. T., I- isolation was seconded J Kohler, and an Rollcall L'-hzre .;are 1.1otion for adoption of A_� U five ayes and no nays, as follo*.-is: Beim, a , DM son, aye; 1,ohler, aye; Tupa, a,-, y CA U-. and Bredesen aye; and 'the Resolution was Roolttj'u AT'r, 7: (village Clerk ,,.,ayor (And Tupa offered the following Resolution and moved its adoption: RESOLUTM4 Foil EM EXR&ICENMENIT " ST .J' .7- H STREET (T. H. D:6. 5) "THEHE:"-, the Village of =diva has approve' the plans and specifications for the L Ut L, improvement of t',,,a' park o--' Trunk Highway Eumber 393 renumbered as Trun1l: Highway L L Number 494 within the corporate limits of the Vlllcoge of Edina -J'7x-om the South Corporate Limits to the East Corporate Limits; and AHELE:`3, in order Lo obtain Federal aid in Cho construction of said Truni- H ighway ::ur,b2r 390 r en%lm!3-red as Trunk High ray ,!ijmber 494 the Euroau of F'!blic 7� Roads requires the assu-r,-nce that the Village of Edina .-rill not' suffer any ancroachinant, of any natu.-rz? or !.in& v.ha t so ever an the right of gray of said Trun,`. Hight,.,ay 23c,,33 ran.,,,.ibDxad as Trunk Highway 1.i.!n.b= Z-94 within '--he corporate limits of the said llillalie of Edina. I 5%11 /59 WEF, BE IT ?RESOLVED that said Village of Edina does hereby agrae and cov na.n,S that it will never permit or suffer, within its corporate limits, any encroachra3nt of any Lind whatsoever, including curb gas pumps and gas scallions, billboards or other structures of any kind vinatscever, upon the right, o:' ray of Trunk highway EEmber 393 renumbered as Trunk High�ijay hiurribor 49-1 and to the above 6nd saki Village of Edina hereby agrees that it will never issue any license, permit, or grant or give any leave or liberty or any other consent of .rhaLevax iej -m for the construction or maintenance of any encroachment whatsoever, including curb gas pumps and gas stations, billboards or other str�_�cturas °:•'any bind. whatsoever, upon said right of way; and that said Village of -Edina lai11 cooperate insofar as possible to eliminate existing encroachments cons'cituLing traffic hazards and will further take any necessary action to eliminate any encroachment that may hereafter exist on said trunk highway right of Tay. t.',ocion for adoption of the Resolution was seconded by Beim, and on tollcall_ th=ere were five ayes and no nays, as follows: 'Beim, aye; Dickson, aye; I;ohler, aye; Tupa, a,rc,, and Dredesen, aye; and the Resolution was adopted. A77 :,T L Village Clerk IDYL:'.7COD F0URTH 1,DDITION PF.ELIMII:ARY PLAT APPR0V D." This Preliminary was presented, carrying : Lanni ng Uorrraission's i:;Iay 6th reconurnendation for approval. I:;r. Hite told Council that developer - Bloomberg has now complied with stipulations previously seL forth; that he is not platting lots on Pine Grove 12oad east of rl. HighwUo-,:1 Dive at this time. K.ohler's motion for approval in accordance piths Planning Coy.- riisSion's recommendation was seconded by Beira and ca-,-Z i era. P,A`TOi' CUU :T S= SCI' :D r.DDITICII P,LLI,,1I . :,Y PLAT- -ACTIO Ti'.BLrD. This PrWlirninary 4'da5 si.,bmitticcl, with Planning Commission's recaituAendai,ion of L;a)r ', for ap�r04`al subject to the following conditions: 1. -`,pproval bT Village Engineer of street profiles. 2. Park Board approval of part: dedication. 3. Granting of a year roadway easement fog possible extension of str?et tv the South. T _str�e h:o'."ler, reminding Council of neighbors' protests on Iris. Paytcn's split - levels in Payton �;o'.art, asked if a restriction could not be made as tca type of homes. Other discussion was had as to park dedicationo i,'ohler's motion, 1 :Iia''L Council action on Preliminary be tabled pending developer's compliance with stipiaUons set _oaths by Planning Comiiiission. 1fotion seconded by hein and carried. stile HEIG ;'T ,- PLAT .PP :LOVED. Planning Commission's reco :�7iendation to-c approval_ of Preliminary, subject to Approval of Village Engineer of street proziles, and approval of Bark Board of par',, dedication. It teas reported that the Park Board was not sure as to just wii2n submission of the part; dedication si;auld ; ?a, and it was concensus that dedication should be submitted with Final Plait. Dickson's motion for approval of Preliminary in accord vaith Corrnission's iccotmrnendation, was seconded'. by Kohler and carried. SUi1T ;'ir 'Z OFFICE P 1'. ,K SECOP ?D PDDITION Pi.i LIi:IIi'.1L,Y PLI',T APPS ;CVED. This plat occasioned some discussion because of the -road treatment. It was noted that Planning Cortv;iission's May 6th recommendation for approval was subject to - 1. Village acceptance of utility easements; and 2. Village acceptance of Valley ViL."j in a: change treatment. Kohler's motion for approval of Preliminary in acco d with Com;:iission's recoriraendation, was seconded by Dickson and carried. BI'.LTHRCP' S ADDITIOi,? PRELILUKARY PLAT APPROVED. This plat, of the C.U. Peterson property, South of :1.70th Street, was discussed in relation to plans for storm sewer in this area. It was noted that the Planning Commission has stipulated (I.iay G) that plat be approved subject to the following conditions:' 1. Yard elevation for South 90 Ft. of plat shall not exceed elevation recorded on Village topography map. 2. Drainage easements be granted for both the south 90 Ft. of the plat and a 15 -soot strip from CJ.70th St. south. Beim's motion, that preliminary plat be approved in accordance with Planning oramission's recom.7endations, was seconded by Dickson and carried. • E _ICKSC�i S 1,.DDITI0J r, , c :� D Ji' ;CQBSEIi `S ADDITIOi``.) PR�LII'�SI�`: "�" PLATS APPROVED. This plats were presented together, inasmuch as properties are contigoous. General layout was examined, and Dickson moved for approval subject to compliance with stipulations set forth by Planning Corrlinission on 14ay 6. (Approval of street profiles by Village Engineer, and Park. Board approval of pall, dedication). 11:Iolion seconded 'by Kohler and carried. 130 PLAT T. BLED. This plat- , as pxz�sentc_l wi.' 1, C ly W Planning Co,.Z.-ii ss Ion' s s J a C. I on for dra in2ge sa serfient to pond a see I and Pct 1: E-oard, approval U.L` par.': �. Zoicai, ":.-on. fiction on preliminary table , by ccm,:,-.on consent. of Council. C -TO' DEEL"i, 2-j.' T'_ , -, C PLAT OIPEOV�7D­ This property is located 'c­_ttwa_nn U L k, L East 1 L .'.70th ani-". '..T.72r, 3`-zaa'-, of lHoather'on Jciva and j-LsL o" "ho pzoposad School -Part: site. It aaz noted that, for Park Da,61c-d-i J n developer will 6zkflicata- i�� �)rjve an all'k'k i L'- Tonal A�` e a `L on '-h,,N East side X- 0214 ten -n`.'ent� e iLl_, WIC: :�Ull Of HS4 langt"', 01� L'-:12 PlaL­.,j1-1ich will snortan his lots from 130' -Co 12'5' and from 13�01 59 to IC4_30 fact in Blocks 2 and ", and :'dill giva him fig v lots, xaths-r than G, In 23locl, 1. i. i a 3:1-ow told Council ne -dill negotiate %,:it-h Delaney for an ac;diCional 1`iZ'tecn feet on thz! i.oxLh (no-a vnplatitl-sd) po_-,­k-i,:)n of this land, so thr- ` i Loo, May b,� dedicatec lb,jt' i1Z ha canl,ot 9.'L 21--i'lis land, he doss nor' .Nish `o h? -`o -:ois dedica' ion. Dic'son fo:- Epprovzl c-2, Jr U Ai PI-el-iminaxN Pl--,_- --'n '­i-, Pl;_n,,nrdJng CO:: Co;--�ission's *.:ay A` u:i_lch stiv.-lat_;ei`k as E 0_ app -Oval - 1. �Ippzoval 01: PICO.Hilas by Willa,qc- filar:: To-ar—, approval of Cornelia Oi_-- va -.cciccat-ion in • lieu of paz-h 6z'JiGi2, i CDn ii0uior, sacon6eo by Ezif.a an.-i 1-1 - zeq,LTest_ ha-4 ria6le 1-i:pla;.- 0-7 ',hurco lots into one 70-foot arid one -0 -' =cot IoL c al- s _ oi _suing ing u L il 2 t i c G. Planning -o.nissiohair approved as of T -'ay �:j. E lmls 'or ep.-EOVal of Fral1'1-,-1i112Vdf 1 a < WEIS, I-pa End carried. -':G G-,21,�, ­_--H ,-,0 L 1. - z __ ­_.L - ) T J- 1.1r. Hi -;-, c told Council `6-h a '-- these trao plats are Simply for tile pu::p 0 s e o _F r,-,Oving lc;:. lines be t,.,,, 2 a n tn,.,ci toes I n each p 1 a t ; "chat in botch c e: G a s , th a near s f., a 11 1 c i- s ccz,pl, Zonino 01-1-11"cianca ..equiramants,- that '-he To.,za--t7assan xapiat ilas `_-ha approval Of th� iollinq G_--:en Lssocia-Cion. It .'des note,'J -Lhat Planning had given unconL-1itio-nel app-coval in both cases, and Dic.,:son rijoved _'01: appl-OvEil of both prelInIna--ies. ,O'.-ion seconded by IZolhler and carried. LOT G.-,,,Dii:G Qt,,ES-flri zL). 11.1r. ior,"eraasen .,;as quaried fxom tha audience concerning his lot grading operations at coxnc4.o-1` CrasccniC Driva Enu` G - U - stated `haxo_ is a six or eigh't.. _ 1-o o t 1c, iff bo',.,,,ecn cornax loi- an-' second nn'larnan su 11 G I./V! L L1 house, and that hi-lohland load is stripped off. Trustee Tupa 1n(TjireCJ as to whether the 'cac1: yard .-;ill slope up to the present basal of the next and was told the grade z-iatcl-, the next two lots at their present, Laval. I- . �, D "L PL%T HEte -3 LL 0 J I lu s-,2b;mitted this Final Plat, raport-ing that the diy'Zar::nces batwaer. this Final and 'ha approvee, Prelimin2 1-y hava cc,-_,n necossitatad by the 6a-.,olcp-,,-n-1'.- of -'C'hc prop ar L to the South. Engineer Lilian told Council that there are no street grades, ihara, and that no boi°eem-anL'- for and water utilities has beran Mod. In connection utilities Fritl L 1. L J k. a this plat, it is necessary to move the old "Farmer" house. 11,:. Donald Layer, 0110 C-a.-;en Ave., pressn'Gad petition protesting the moving of this old il � L on the giDunds thal. 'L-hL-n moving '1-o 6125 Ez.,ing Ave. "will unduly Cepzecia-;a I,.a value 0f our property and alter the present environment of our riziQhborl-lood". It •as poiln`Ced out that the house has always been "in t1',e naig'Aborhcod:, that i'C is being m.oved a matter of 1:0 feet, and that tha developer of Farmer's Second Addition has agreed to fix I`C_ up. i.Ir. Hite told Council that the Planning Cor.,nission had seen photcgzaphs of the old house, and the houses in the immediate neiqhborhoo`,, and had approved tiny no%,ing a`1- its last meeting; this action taken in accord witi-I Council"s re--en 'l- -raql est for Planning Co.-anlission action on moving permits. :.Ir. `;. �71. Dahl, 6125 fading, inquired about turn- around. Dickson's mo�:ion, tliat Final Plat- be approved subjact to approval by Village Engineer o_7 stxacil- grades, L. ,aas second-ad by T' _-pa any. car-ried. =1-1-% DELLS ;,3171710". 1FL.'.'.L 171,:,.T .'.PP1.0V2D. It was noted that this Final Plat agrees wi-th approved Pxalim'lna�y, and that Planning -Co emission has givsn its unconditional t ion -ic'or approval of Final. Konler's motion lFol- appxo,,,al of Final Pla-*-- .,jas saz(_�n6ec: by Beim and car-ciad. I �-='EIDE,,-,"S iDDITI0:, FL_�L PLAT PP,_ VED. This Final Plat (formerly Kxanl'ss .Jdn.) 1-� � L rl .0 1 carried Planning Oo,=iissionls xecoms;,endation for approval subject to - 1. Granting of turnaround easamcnt,, a sou-J-i end of York Avenue, and - 2. cl,eceipt of wa`Cermain - A. 'cr-' eassm,ent from York �.v_�anue `Co A .:31s ,-0:3nue. Dickson's motion for approval of Final Plat, subject to compliance, with Planning Com.iissionls s'Uipulanions, seconded by Tupa and carried. t; -iii ice; /11 i7J � . . i{ l'0 AC 1LITI F: r . :� LUi t i i i- IT i,iananer Lycls presented Building Inspector's report un the condit: ion Of 'titi$ d'.7'olllnc,, ttliich 1-�Oi.ises a large family, and the building at 4366 Brookside, which is no.'1 77s_ "?: -or storage. Stating that the dwelling at 4364 Brookside, which is owned 'ray the i:.7 izabC-'th uucl:en estate, has neither sanitary provisiOris nor �,fater, I'sianataar iiYx e reGormz,anded that owners be given notice -to install bath and toilat 'facilities, 40 con -,cct safne with septic tank and cesspool, and -to ins tall -running ate i°J.1. "Ihin c,0 days. It was so ordered. He told Council that 42`, <D6 Broo:ksij.e will posted ar :.Anst occupancy. r'',I,D_Z'. P. °.t,I; '',I'D HIGIILI�DS PAPLK SITE I,:IPROVEI:AE1. *T COi..='JCTS 1.12ssrs. Frondh i a s r _' i„ T e i I, an' BraMiei' L'lere present, t0 submit Tabulations Oi �i ±tom ta;; n tuctay On Pa "t_ Site Irnprovcments for Highlands, 52nd - and - Arden, and Jackson- Belrrore Lane Parks. la'aulation of .Bids shoVJed - our complete bids- - .E. Kraft E„cavating Company, Earl Kralll Zzcavating Company, hyan Landscape Supply company, and. SA >>anson E :,,�avating Company, with two auxiliary bids, that of J.L. Austin on hailing z--ill, and tl-la-t of C. House on sodding. iecoLnrnendations of -the Par,: BO, ;rd vJera as follows: 1 . J�'.CKSOI ?- BELI:t� IE L IIE PAI;I: - Low bidder, Karl Krahl E: :cavating COmpan,F. ;;eecrru��cnde�i that award of contract be delayed to next meeting, pending disposition of fill Kohler so moved. Iiotion seconded 'oy Dic l:son and carried. 2. HIGIiLr.:`DS P: =: K - Low bidder, Karl Krahl Excavating Company, ac t�'eCOLlrienrl8ti that low bidder be awarded. contract for all wort: e;:Cep "i, tiie sOOCiing, at net contract of X17,144.003 that sodding be awarded to C. ':1. Houle, at "'350.00, f'or a Total construction cosi: of�17,994.00. Ii. was reported -chat trio Houle sod is particularly good and has proved more than satisfactory:in other 'Jillaga parks. Cr� (3se later action by Council). 3. 5Z0 AQ ARDEN PART: - Low bidder, Swanson Excavating Company, at :;14,496.00. F,ecomrnended that low bidder be awarded contract for all worl: except sodding, at $14,104.00; that C.V;. Houle be awarded sodding contract at y333.20, for Total construction cost of $14,437.20. I:iayor Eredesen and Tr1JsLSe Kohler question „:)ci ilr. Fronch as to actual plans, particularly with sellerer.ce to th:; rrrrloval of I'-Ile skating rink, and the matter of the parking lot. Park Board I:Ie:- -oer Stovens told Council that the Board had met with neighboring residents sor,le ttvo weeks ago; that the only thing the neighbors were immediately concerned about was that the parking lot be held in abeyance for at least a year. Ptsked if the plan makes provision for drainage from !Ainneha,ia Blvd. to the Creeh, i:ir. hi-, nch answered that it does. Park Board's allocations for this work, in amount of $21,330 for t.rden, and $12,Z -00 for Highlands Park, were brought to Council attention, Total being ;33,730.00, whereas total of work contemplated for two parks is $2,431.00. i:ohler's motion for award of contracts as recommended was seconded by Dickson and carried. HIGHLAI,-IDS PAhK PLAINT MATERIALS PURCHASE AUTHORIZED. Mr. French requested authority to purchase, without formal bids, up to $1,000 of plant materials for Highlands Park. Explaining that it is vary difficult to write formal specifi- cai;ions for plantings, !,,Ir. French reported that investigation has already been majIe with several local and out of town nurseries, and that the quality of the plants varies considerably. Dickson's motion, for authority for purchase of not more than $1,000 of plantings for Highlands Park, was seconded by Leim and carried. TAiiICAB L1C3i;SES TRANSRERRED TO YELLOW TAXI CO. OF t:1II','''EAPOLIS, DBE, SUDJEB.'ri YELLOW CAD CO., 6540 LYI,iDALE AVE. SO., RICHFIELD. Attorney ;Richard E. Olson, representing Edina Taxi Company, announced the sale or this company to Yellow Taxi Co. o- 1.1inneapolis, which is also operating Suburban Yellow Cab Company. Be requested transfer of the licenses for 16 cabs fror +� Edina Taxi Company to Yellow T2 %i Co. I:u:. Eobert Hoffman, representing Yellow Taxi Co., was queried. by Council as to rates (which, he stated, will be the same as those now charged icy ,Edina Taxi Company and will definitely be under control of Edina Council), scxvice (he stated 'that Suburban Yellow will operate the same number of cabs Edina now operates that more cabs will be put on a^ ..fie need for same is seen), autornobiles (he said Suburban Yellow has 16 "practically new” cabs to put on the street tomorrow morning), dispatching service (he -reported than dispatch 7i11 tempos fly operate out of the Edina Taxi office, but that it may be through the central switchboard). iiohler's motion, for approval of transfer o lic?nse "ito operate 16 taxicabs from Edina Tali Co. to Yellow Taxi CO. of Minneapolis, dba Su.burban Yellow Cab Co., effective iilay 12, 1959, and subject '.o compliance by the now company of Edina Taxicab Ordinance. I:Iotion secondraa, 11 j Beim and carried. I. %1vIi:TEi]iti'.CE SCHEDULE TO BE FUMISIIED TO CCUI'CIL. Trustees Dickson and Tupa requs'ste7d, park maintenance, mowing, cultivating and watering. itli. Dickson asked Lhat park areas be maintained in a manner comparable to surrounding privat,a properties, and Ur. Tupa requested use of sprinklers. Park Board I.:et_�'oar :.havens, �-oLD' Council t1lat the Board is aware of Council's 'idishes� tija a maintenancc! sch-36ule will be i'urnislied. shortly, in Order t:.at ever, one cOnc': JL r;lay ,:not7 jUs L I what is wanted and what can be done. 132- L""11-7 F'. =L "_-Z TA',EIEL) TC IIE_E:TI;.G. This plat was presented, carrying Planning Cor.nAssion's recommendation for approval, subiact to: 1. Acceptance by the developer of Items a through r' of I.,ir. HAi,':e's me;noxandura. 2. Acceptanca by the Park Board of a suitable earl: dedication. The memorandum refarre6 -0.-o was a written rnan-,orandura by hitle to �Ulfoa Planning Commission, as arit-t-en into 'Che Planning Coiziission Minutes of Lllay G, 1959, and stating, briefly: (a) W,,' line for ;;tat,_- Eigh,.•jzy :.o. 100 is appro:..imatcly 75 feat Zesl_ of Said line as in6icatad on plat suhmitted. (b) Developer slho,_16 z'e Info::faed that basement ole-%,aLions on lots z-djacant to la!:e shcul6 be not lo war than E2c". feet (to allow for fluctuation in lall:e level to E25 fact). L - L zasemsr-�s should be incorpoi a `i _ aj in' final plat, a-L er racolimcn ations by utilities ccmpanies. hi page's C35"ria-•"L. along v.z?st boundary of plat should be shown on plat. street names mould be approvad by Post Office before submission of Final P! a (f) vm� Mage S'Ziuld s�Ccep, lal-,­ and secirc, easement for drainage purposes across property on *.,.,as.`, assuring developer that ne!�Ghex will he used as part of Lelia Cornelia StLoxi:i until Villages is granted proper governmental ps=.ission -r�ek a-, ou"all for :corm sewc so e la C -x p j ct. o use Tina Ii - out fall LI 1: a or a:, verist (g) DedIcation o-2 Lots 7 BIQCI, for F r]Z P- Poses E, t KalICLg9 ;.va. an.-; sol_�"_h oj: Lane) - EL - Hosmer Bxo-,-,,n. the Est-o,.,i Company, revis,.,.,ad proceedings on the plal, to this dada, from _f"C's -JF_Jrst pa:es3ntat-ion back in January, 1cl,55, and including ti-.e change in ownership. I.a said I-ir. Stow had cofae in soriia time ago aith the plat one that it had been acce-p-1cd minor corrections, but teat at that time Lha Planning Co�=aission had indicated it ::anted Park Eoard epproval and an easement IFc,2: st-orin, sewax; that Lila Plak'-. I-LES been before the Parl: Loa-rd t,• :ice before tonigli-it, and the Board has rejected 'Cha proposed par,'c dedication, indicating the proposed park. (along Hligh,.%,ay !,:o. 100) is not the type of land that' want; and that the Board has once again rejecCed `1-ha proposed dedication, as of this evening, skating ';.hat the drainage problem is not theirs but is up to the Planning 6-om.nission and the Council; that, until tbnight, tna iaatter of a cash dedica-"; ion in lieu of land dedication had bean discussed riii;n 'Clie Part: Board, biiLL, now, the Par,': Board szamaa to agzaa with 1'x. Hite's recomrnEndai.- ion for thc dcdication of Lots 7-16, Block 6. Mr. Brown rcf:arxzJ U) iif. Kite's -1 memo, which indicate-, `-hat- lake 1�,val will be raised to = feet, ha said, was an addit-ional foot over and above rifle the Planning Cor..i-,,ission hat: first indicated that they needad5 and that this require considerable fill on the lots adjacent to the lake, to provide for baseraants above the water table. He told Council Lhal.- after much discussion a•t the lask-, Planning Co.-amission he had asked Pla-I be accepted on basis of Lir. Hite's s memno, hop-Ino that the three principals involved, could effect some compromise with each ot-nar as to Park dedication. Ee reported thet. the principals had been unable to reach agrasmant on the proposed par!: ckdication contained in 1.1r. Hite's memo, and that he :-lad now been instructed to offer the following solution Co the matter of Pz,-,-.': dedication: 7ha dovelcpers will ma!ze, a cash donation of -$50.00 per lot to ba used 11 1 for Park purposes, U_it- L-A-ley will not then be able to go to the s.-I.pansan of filling the lots around the lake, which ex.pense has been astima'Ced by iLr. Sto,.•j at appro-imataly $15,000; and, consequently, they trill not dedicate the and will not grant an casement into the lake, and tl`lo la::e then cannot be use6 for storm sewer purposes. Village e',ttorney 'Hassclquis'Cl told Council he had talked with Development representatives at the time develop.-nent was under way; and that it was apparent, than, that the Village would have to condemn for storm sewer, all along the way. Developer Stoa was queried about the excavation which has occurred in this area, and staked that scY,-.,.a e;,cavation had, been done in the low area, away from the lal:e, but that it hEj,baen used on the property. Engincer Zilan told Council that all the dixt excavated, for utilities cons L=LlCtion was used right back on the road; that there was additional grading done by someone other than the Village, after the Village had graded. Part: Board :.19rnb-ar Stevens reported thzt the land recommended. by L:r- Hite for dedication is in aLaost exactly i'he site projected by the Board for a per!- to serve this general area; chat, if the dedication is no% made, the Board should acquire land for a tan -acre pail: in this imnaadiate vicinity. Attorney Flasselquist- 'told Council that, because of reports of cen- versations with the Paxl: concerning the payment of a cast; donation -tor parlis, he would prefer to sae a req,_,I-_ramend for a land dedication, for -.,.'hich the Council. i-las full and conpiel-a YU L A represeniCative of 11.orziandalc Davelcpment- Corporation, .-Aho st'-Iat-od that 'Whe Plat ;-;-J-11 go cull- in various parcels, slated he would rather Call,- about- a casi 6cnation. LIQUOR STGatL But GL,1 tY- �OEBEDY Ti;SUP,�;ItiCE TO BE D +ECJ Oil 1 :rO a:I :L BIL +D. Finance Director Dalen requested authority to purchase these policies, e;;piring in June, on informal 'bids. Discussion had, and Mr. Dalen requested to secure bids from present underwriter and second and third-low bidders at last award, before making purchase. Tupa moved for authority to purchase from low bidder of three informal bids. 1Aotion seconded by Beim and carried. CLAlidS PAID. Kohler's motion for payment of the following Claims as per Pre - List dated hlay 11, 1959, and for confirmation of payment to l?orth,rrest !airlines in amount of aS90.60, Claim . ?o. 10899; Indian Hills Corp., P200.00, Claim i'o. 10�'90 Postmaster, $200.00, Claim No. 10991: General Fund $5,599.00 Waterraorks Fund $35,0147.42 Construction Fund 6,310.59 Liquor Fund 49,5041, 66 Par,, u Park Const. 18,856.14 Poor Fund '73.01 TOTAL $117,97&:. u2 was seconded by Tupa and carried. Tupa than moved for adjournment. ;:lotion seconded by Koi4ler and carried. i.,!Qeting adjo�_rned at 12:05 Tuesday,2rqrning, Lay 12. age Clerk 1 5/11 f 59 '� `� 1 Question ,gas raised as to just what rights the Village has to the 1811:e property as it e.,ists, now, and Mir. Hasselquist told Council than- rights exist ;nly so far as natural drainaae is concerned, that there is no right to increeso lake storage capacity. Vihen questioned about the normal lake level, Mr. Sullivan of 'Ellerbe and Co., representing the developers, cited it at E16. Engineer Zikan asked what a��turn h e is using, and he was unable to say. Manager I:yde told Council that Planner Lana, who laid out the original plat, has stated the norr:ial lakw level tu ;Do C.2;. i.lr . Stow suggested that the presently proposed Parr dedica ,ion ( along I;iglr, -Jay i o. 100) be retainec? by developers, with understan,aing that prrce�LA frow High,,day cone ?emnation will be donated to the Village; and ivir. Eyedescn suggested that this park might be accepted, and that Viilago take condemnation award. and use it toward purchase of park in another location. Trustee Beim asked developers if it ,,could not be necessary to d- c-eugo and improve 'lie lake, if they should retain -title to it. Hyde suggested that the Village have an opportunity to orl: from submitted road profiles and plat topography maps to deterrine amount of additional fill needed to bring lake lots up grades proposed by Village. He s;.atc:d. 1-ie 'believes there have been some estimates that between 100,000 and 300,000 yards of earth would be 'taken off the plat site. Mr. Stow replied 'Tat his `715,000 estimate of cost for filling the lake lots is arrived at by taking the dirt from the site and filling the ?ow lots with it. Bradesen suggested that the matter of action on preliminary plat be 'cabled for tzic weeks. Mr. Stow asked for permission to go ahead with his grading pending Council action, and was advised not to do so. Dickson moved to table C� action for two weeks, and motion was seconded by Tupa and carried. Trustee Dickson was excused from meeting at this time. LIQUOR STGatL But GL,1 tY- �OEBEDY Ti;SUP,�;ItiCE TO BE D +ECJ Oil 1 :rO a:I :L BIL +D. Finance Director Dalen requested authority to purchase these policies, e;;piring in June, on informal 'bids. Discussion had, and Mr. Dalen requested to secure bids from present underwriter and second and third-low bidders at last award, before making purchase. Tupa moved for authority to purchase from low bidder of three informal bids. 1Aotion seconded by Beim and carried. CLAlidS PAID. Kohler's motion for payment of the following Claims as per Pre - List dated hlay 11, 1959, and for confirmation of payment to l?orth,rrest !airlines in amount of aS90.60, Claim . ?o. 10899; Indian Hills Corp., P200.00, Claim i'o. 10�'90 Postmaster, $200.00, Claim No. 10991: General Fund $5,599.00 Waterraorks Fund $35,0147.42 Construction Fund 6,310.59 Liquor Fund 49,5041, 66 Par,, u Park Const. 18,856.14 Poor Fund '73.01 TOTAL $117,97&:. u2 was seconded by Tupa and carried. Tupa than moved for adjournment. ;:lotion seconded by Koi4ler and carried. i.,!Qeting adjo�_rned at 12:05 Tuesday,2rqrning, Lay 12. age Clerk 1