HomeMy WebLinkAbout19590928_regular9/28/59 239 MINUTES OF THE REGULAR IiAEETING OF THE EDIfJA VILLAGE COUNCIL, HELD MONDAY, SEPTEMEIER 28, 1959, AT 7:OO Pol& IN THE EDINA VILLAGE HALL Rollcall was answered by Beim, Dickson, Kohler, Tupa and Bredesen. $7 Minutes of Council Meetings of September 14 and 21, 1959, were approved as submitted, by motion Tupa, seconded by Dickson and carried. PUBLIC HEARINGS ON PROPOSED IMPROVEMENTS. Affidavits of Publication in Edina- Morningside Courier on September 17 and 24, 1959, of "Notices of Public Hearings" were presented; and said Affidavits were approved as to form-and ordered placed on file. action taken as hereinafter recorded: MIRROR LAKES DRIVE FROM AYRSHIRE BLVD. TO 1025 FT. N. that he had met with the majority of the benefited property owners at Mr. Kaufmann's home since September 14, and that those present had indicated that they would assent to sewer construction, There-were no objections registered at this meeting, and the Clerk had received none between September 14th and this time, the EollovJing Resolution and moved its adoption: Pursuant to said Notices the following Public Hearings were conducted alsd 1. CONTIbJUATION OF SEPTEhBER 14TH HEARING ON PROPOSED SANITARY SEWER IN Mr. George Hite reported Dickson offered RESOLUTION. ORDERING IMPROVEWENT SANITARY SEWER IMPROVEMEI$T NO. 158 BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the Village of Edina; hlinnesota, that this Council heretofore caused notice of hearing to-be duly published on the following proposed improvement: Ayrshire Blvd. to 1025 Ft. N., and at the hearing held at the time and place specified in said notice the Council has duly considered the views of all persons interested, and being fully advised of the pertinent facts does hereby determine to proceed with the construction of said improvement; that said improvement is hereby designated and shall be referred to in all subsequent proceedings as follows:- SANITARY SEIVER ILIPROVEMEfLTT NO. 158- and the area to be specially assessed therefor shall include lots 2 to 9, incl., Block 6, Mirror Lakes in Edina, Construction of Sanitary Sewer and Appurtenances in Mirror Lakes Drive from Motion for adoption of the Resolution was y I<ohler, and on Rollcall there were five ayes and no nays, as follows: Dickson, aye; Kohler, aye; Tupa, aye; and Bredesen, aye; and the A n 2, PUBLIC HEARING ON PROPOSED SAlJITARY SEWER AND -APPURTENANCES IN VALLEY VIEW ROAD FROM W.66TH ST. TO MN6S RR.: HILLSIDE LAKE, VALLEY VIEI"1 RD, TO TRACY AVE.: CRESCENT DR. FROM VALLEY VIElV RD. TO I\J. LINE OF VALLEY VIEY HEIGHTS: CREST LANE: I'JHITING AVE., VALLEY VIEW RD. TO 420 FT. tiJ: TRACY AVE. FROM WHITING AVE. TO 1'1.59TI-I ST.: RIDGEI'IAY RD. FRO3.4 TRACY AVE. TO 750 FT. ELY: ARBOUR LANE: We62ND ST., TRACY AVE. TO 450 FT. We FROM HILLSIDE LANE TO N. LINE OF VALLEY VIET,;] HEIGHTS; VESTRIDGE BLVD. Vu-Graph Slide was shown of proposed route of sewer and of benefited district, and Estimate of Cost was read at $235,250.40, proposed to be assessed against 183 Lots for $1,285.52 per Lot--as compared with the Estimate of an Estimate of $1,506.00 per Lot providjng only the South (Valley ViewNeights) portion of the area is to be served. himself as owner of Lot 18, and for Mr. J, I;. Selden, 6212 Crest Lane, owner of Lots 16 and 17, telling Council that Mr. Selden's objection is to being assessed for two lots, whereas his house is situated so that another home cannot be built there. Nir. Cleaveland asked that Crest Lane be deleted from the area proposed to be improved. Ab. Hyde informed him that if Mr. Selden is willing to file deed restrictions with the Village to the effect that another dwelling will not be built on these two lots he will receive the benefit of a one-lot assessment; and Mr. Cleaveland told Council he felt that Mr. Selden's objections would be lessened if this were the case. owner of Lots 3 and 4, Block 1, Countryside (fronting on W,62nd St. just I;tlestl* of Tracy Avenue, asked that the line proposed for W.62nd St. from Tracy Ave. to 450 Ft. W. be deleted from project. He' explained that Lots 2 and 3 are unbuildable because they are "bottomless". of Lot 1, intends to bui-ld on it but does not want the sewer, He was given the same information as Mr. Cleaveland concerning deed restrictions. There wers no objections received prior to the Hearing, and no other objections were received at the Hearing, signed since notices were mailed out. Manager Hyde explained that the depth of the Valley View road sewer has been checked, and it has been found that it must go to this depth- Mr. Kohler inquired as to further extension North on Tracy &re., and Mr. Zikan told him there may have to be additional sewer laid, but that it will drain North and not to the presently proposed project. MI. M. G. Cleaveland, 6204 Crest Lane, who stated he was speaking for .- based his own objection on the grounds of "no need at present", The This gentleman stated that Mr. Oscar Grant, owner Clerk reported receipt of two petitions in favor of project, Beim offered the follovJing 240 I, 7 e 1 n-. I 9/23/59 (NOTE: NEW HEARING Resolution and moved its adoption: RESOLUTIOb! ORDERING II.IPROVE!IENT AM, x1/9/59) SWJITARY SEWER IlrIPROVEMENT NO. 159 i BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the Village of Edina, Llinnesota, that this Council heretofore caused notice of hearing to be duly published on the following proposed improvement : St. to i\I&S RR.; Hillside Lane, Valbey View Rd. to Tracy Ave.; Crescent Dr., Hill- side Lane to N. Line of Valley View Heights; !Vestridge Blvd., Valley View Ed. to Pi. Line of Valley View Heights; Crest Lane; VJhiting Ave., Valley Viev Rd. to 420 Ft. !7.; Tracy rive., YJhiting i',ve. to Vj.59th St.; Ridgeway Rd., Tracy Ave. to 750 Ft. Ely; krbour Lane; W.62nd St., Tracy Ave. to 450 Ft. VJ.; and at the hearing held at the time and place specified in said notice the Council has duly considered the views of all persons interested, and being fully advised of the pertinent facts does hereby determine to proceed with the construction of said improvement; that said improvement is hereby designated and shall be referred to in all subsequent proceedings as SANITARY SFJER ICPROVBENT NO. 159, and the area to be specially assessed therefor shall be the following lots and tracts of land: Block 3; Lots 1 and 2, Block 4; and Lots 3 to 11, incl., Block 5, VALLEY VIEY HEIGHTS: Lots 1 to 4, incl., and Lots 8 to 11, incl., Block 1; Lots 1 to 8, incl., Block 2; Lots 1 to 8, incl., Block 3; Lots 3 to 15, incl., Block 4; Lots 1 te 6, incl., Block 5; and Lots 1 to 4, incl., Block 6, COUNTRYSIDE ADDITIaJ: Lots 1 to 3, incl., Block 1, KIICHLI'S ADDITIG?: Lots 11 and 12, Block 3, LYLE 2ND ADDITION: Lots 25 to 29, incl., NORI.WIDALE THIRD ADDITIGI: Tracts A and B, R.L.S. #519; PARCELS 200, 400, 800, and 1400, Section 5, Tovmship 116, Range 21; and Parcels 1600 and 2800, Section 32, Tovmship 117, Range 21. Construction oE Sanitary Sewer and Appurtenances in Valley View Rd. from 1'1.66th Lots 1 to 17, incl., Block 1; Lots 1 to 12, incl., Block 2; Lots 1 to 19, incl., five ayes and no nays, as follows: Beim, aye; 3. PUBLIC HEkP,IrJG OK PROPOSED SIIITARY DISTRICT SEER AND APPURTEWUCES IN DIVISIO?J ST. FROM OXFORD AVE. TO CIRCLE EAST, AND IN CIRCLE EAST FROM DIVISIOX ST. TO CIRCLE EAST TRitiKGLE; AND INCLUDING CONSTRUCTION OF SANITARY SBIER LIFT STATION 112 CIRCLE EAST TRIt%!GLE: AND CONSTRUCTICN OF SANITARY LATERAL SB'JER ARD APPURTETIAKCES FROJ.1 PROPOSED LIFT STATIC14 TO SPUR ROAD; TH. SOUTH IT? SPUR ROAD TO SOUTH END THEREOF; PLHD FROM PROPOSED LIFT STATIC)! TO SERVE LOTS 2, 3 AND 4, BLOCK 3, HILLDKE ADD1.J. VU- Graph Slide was shown, and Estimates of Cost were given as follows: District Sewer and Lift Station - $27,135.00 - Proposed to be assessed over 36 Lots, for $754.25 per Lot. Sanitary Lateral sewer - $14,300.00 - Proposed to be assessed over 10 Lots, for $1,430.00 per Lot. Manager Hyde explained that, pursuant to a petition for Lateral sewer Service on Spur Road and part of Circle East, the Village had had preliminary plans and estimates made; that it is impossible to serve this area except by Lift Station; that it is pro- posed to assess the entire area for the Lift Station and pressure main but to construct only the laterals specifically requested, at this time. 1."~. J. R. Cargill, $3 Circle East, presented a petition signed by owners of 29 of the 36 lots affected by the Trunk Sewer and Lift Station, objecting to the installation. these owners have installed adequate drainage systems, that they are having no trouble with them, that their hones are situated exceptionally far from the street and that because septic tanks and drain fields are in the back yards their plumbing is con- structed in such manner that a prohibitive amount of work would be necessary in each home to rna1L-e sewer service available. I'layne H. Danly, #3 Spur Road, and Mr. Kamisar, #5 Circle East (all of vhom had petitioned for lateral sewer service) spoke in favor of the project. explained he is having serious trouble with his private system; that he objects to having 90;l of his yard dug up for cesspools and drain fields; that he believes that for the good of the community sanitary sewer should be installed. Iks. Danley explained that there had been no trouble at her home until about four years ago,but that the situation is growing steadily worse. ftc. E.J. Krafft, #7 Circle \'!est, inquired as to vhether part of the Addition could drain toward the fnterlachen Sewer and was answered in the negative. IJessrs. Jack Vilett, ff19 Circle Ylest, and Randy Kerriman, #4 Circle East, added their objections. k. Lferriman told Gouncil he had spent some 5500 €or an especially adequate system, on advice from the Village office that sewer would not be going into the Addition. Llr. Ralph James stated he feels that property owners should know the cost to them of the laterals, and asked for a rough estimate for property owners before consideration by Council of the trunk main. I.Iayor Bredesen, stating he agrees with objecting petitioners that $750 is too high a price to pay for being neighborly, also reported that it is the Council's opinion that all of Hilldale v6.U have to have sewer eventually. Lir. Cargill explained that Dr. VJilliam O'Brien, $#3 Circle East, &'ins. Dr. O'Brien He told the 9/98/59 audience that, as of today, the suggestion had been made that part of the cost of 24 1- the-proposed lift station be charged against the Trunk Sewer project already asses2ed; that, because the suggestion had been made so recently the Council had not had an opportunity to check it as to legality. continued to Taesday, October 13, for Council report on this suggestion. hkc, Guy LaLone, #18 Circle Inles-l;, who stated he would be unable to attend.the Hearing on the 13th, asked to be considered "unalterably opposed" to sewer construction. He stated that his plumbing is situated in such manner that he could never hook up to the sewer. Mi. Del Card, #6 Circle West, inquired about seepage from lift station. 1Ar. Hyde explained that because of its construction there was little chance that there would be seepage. residences which will ever be hooked up to laterals in this area. -that the matter of water service be considered at the same time, in order that street re-surfacing costs be saved. One other gentleman, who did not'give his name, but said he, too, would be unable to attend meeting on the 13th, asked-that his objection to any plan for sewer assessment be registered. Mr. Ray Selken, #12 Cooper Avenue, inquired about seepage. He stated he feels that any argument concerning relief from seepage is out of order because residents can't hook up even though sewer is in the street.. He would need a lift station in his yard ko make a sewer connection practical, he told Council. Mr. C.M. Webster, #4 Circle !'Jest said he felt it would be "murder" trying to connect to any sewer and for that reason would continue his objection. of a deferred assessment, to be paid at such time as sewer hookup would be made. He told audience that, if this were found to be a legal possibility, it would mean that each lot would have a lien on it for the amount of the assessment, pending hookup, and that charge would have to be paid at once, should hookup be desired. Manager be instructed to investigate all phaxes of assessment and make complete report. Motion seconded by Kohler and carried. *tri He suggested that the public hearing be Mr. Card reported that-in his opinion there are very few He requested Manager Hyde suggested-the possibility Dickson moved that Hearing be continued to Tuesday, October 13, and that 4. PUBLIC HEARINGS ON PROPOSED SANITARY SBVER IN CORNELIA DRIVE, GLOUCHESTER AVENUE AND MAVELLE DRIVE j WATERTJIAIN IN A'IAVELLE DRIVE, CORNELIA DRIVE, GLOUCHESTER AVENUE AIJD VI. 72ND STREET (ALL IN STOW'S DELANEY ADDITION) shovm, and Estimates of Cost were given as follows: SANITARY SEWER - $16,742.40, proposed to be assessed against 35 Lots, for $470.64 per Lot. WATERMAIN - $20,573.78, proposed to be assessed against 36 Lots, for $571.50 per Lot. Mr. E.c. Stow, developer of the property, was present at the Hearing. inquired as to proposed assessment to the school. He was informed by Mr. Zikan that the school is'proposed to be assessed for the yjatermain, but not for the Sanitary Sewer because they have a lateral: sanzkary seWr assessment on IN,7Oth Street. and the low bid was read in each case. Mr, Stow approved these costs, stating that they are lower than those estimates prepared by his engineer, and asked that the projects be approved subject to his furnishing the bond required. Dickson offered the following Resolution and moved its adoption: Vu-Graph Slides were He It was explained that the bids received today are lower than estimate, - RESOLUTION OPBERING 1MPROVET;IDITS SANITARY SEER II~IPROVEMI3~IT KO. 160 BE IT RESOLVED by here to f ore caused WATERWJN IRIPROVEIENT PJO. 142 the Council of the Village of Edina, Minnesota, that this Council notices of hearings to be duly published on the following proposed improvements : Glouchester Ave. , and klavelle Drive in Stow's Delaney Addition Stow's Delaney Addition and at the hearings held at the time and place specified in said notices the Council has duly considered the views of all persons interested, and being fully advised of the pertinent facts does hereby determine to proceed with the construction of said improvements; that said improvements are hereby designated and shall be referred to in all subsequent proceedings as SANITARY SEVER IMPROVEMENT NO. 160: and VJATERMAIN IMPROVEMEPJT NO. 142 respectively, and the areas to be specially assessed therefor shall be as follows: Construction of Sanitary Lateral Sewer and Appurtenances in Cornelia Drive, Construction of Village Watermain and Appurtenances to serve all lots in For Sanitary Sewer Improvement No, X60 - All lots in Stow's Delaney Addition; For Watermain Improvement No. 142 - All lots in Stow's Delaney Addition; and that tract of land described as "that part of the N. lOG0 Ft. of IV. 25 A. of NI71/4 of NE1/4 lying E. of \V. 210 Ft. thereof--Sec. 31., T.28, R.24". BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that construction of said proposed improvements shall proceed only after submission by the developer of the required bond guaranteeing payment of special assessments for said proposed improvements in accordance with Council's . policy on financing utilities for new subdivisions. Motion for adoption of the Resolution was were five ayes and no nays, as follows: aye; and Bredesen, aye; and the Mayor 242 9/28/59 DEVELOPER STOYJ ASKS PkY?EP!! FOR "VILLAGE SHARE" OF UTILITIES ON ERISTOL WULEVARD, ?ko ) Stow told the Council he would like to bill the Village €or its share of the utilities (- constructed in Bristol Blvd., which abut the Village park, Manager Hyde protestef, on the grounds that the North portion of theVillage park" was to have been a privately owned recreation area provided for the Edgemoor residents. hlr. Stow immediately took issue with this statement? saying that the Village had required the park as part of platting procedure. Council Einutes of May 13, 1957 were read, and Mr. Stow once again took issue,tvith statements contained therein. matter of park be checked and report made to Council at its next meeting. accepted by corrmon consent of Council. Trustee Beim suggested-that the Suggestcon LAKE EDINA SECORD ADDITIC1.1 SANITARY SEWER MID WATERMAIM PROJECTS TO BE PROCESSED. ?*k* Stow asked that Council proceed with construction of utilities in Lake Edina Second Addition, Hearing can be held and bids taken. undue delay in initiating procedure for these improvements, f-ir. Hyde replied that the profiles had been submitted to Lk. Zikan at the last regular meeting; that the matter of Hearing and Bids is on the agenda this evening.. Council informed 1.k. Stow that procedures would be initiated later in meeting, for bids and hearings to be Tuedday, October 13, I Engineer Zikan reported that profiles are now in his office and that To Mr, Stow's allegation that there had been 5. PUBLIC HE~IRG c:! PROPOSED CONCRETE PAVIRG ~ND IKTEGRAL CURB IN wmm NE. BET:'?EED I"J.65TH AND ::T,66TI-: STS. pared before bids) of $9,532.46, proposed to be assessed against 24 Lots, for $364.09 per Lot, was read, Canager Hyde explained that bids taken this morning v:ere higher than those submitted for the Erookvievr Heights area; that Estimate is now rai-sed to an amount between $375 dnd $380 per lot. the one contractor should be Bidding a- higher price for this project, Engineer Zikan replied that there will be actual winter work in this small project, which does increase the cost to the contractor. Llr. M, L, Oison, owner of four lots, inquired as to the term of the assessment; and, when he was informed that it is proposed to be 15 years, he stated that he would have objected, on a ten-year term, even though he kaows that construction will improve his property; that a 15-year assessment is practical and he will withdraw any objection he may have had, of the petition, asked that work be expedited. the Hearing, and no mitten objections had been filed prior thereto. the following Resolution and moved its adoption: Vu-Graph Slide was shovm, and Estimate of Cost (Pre- At a question from Xr, Dickson as to why Mn. Baker, sponsor There were no objections filed at Kohler offered RESOLUTION ORDERING 1tJPROVB.lENT STREET 1EJPROVEf:IENT KO. E-5 I BE IT RESOLVED by the Ccuncil of the Village of Edina, Minnesota, that this Council heretofore caused notice of hearing to be duly published on the following proposed improvement: and W.66th Sts.; and at the hearing held at the time and place specified in said notice the Council has duly considered the views of all persons interested, and being fully advised of the pertinent facts does hereby determine to proceed with the con- struction of said improvement; that said improvement is hereby designated and shall be referred to in all subsequent proceedings as STREET ILIPROVBXNT NO. E-5; and the area to be specially assessed therefor includes all lots and tracts of land abutting the street proposed to be improved, Construction of Concrete Paving and Integral Curb in "larren we. between :!.65th Motion for adoption of the Resolution was s there were five ayes and no nays, as follovrs: B Tupa, aye; and Eredesen, aye; and the Resolution PUBLIC HEARING ON PETITI@X TO REZONE FOR HILLDALE LU!BER COXPANY. Affidavits of Publication of Wotice of Hearing" in Edina-Korningside Courier on September 17 and 24, 1959, of Posting of said Is'otice on September 15, and of Idailing to owners of properties within 500 feet of the property proposed to be rezoned, were presented by Clerk, approved as to form and ordered placed on file. Pursuant to said Notice, Fublic Hearing was held on the petition of Hilldale Lumber Company for the rezoning of the tract described as "That part of the S':J1/4 of SW/4 of Sec.8, Ttvp.l16N., R.21U lying E. of County Road Ro. 28 and N. of State Httry.Mo.. 5:' from Open Developxxent District to Comnercial District. Mr. Rutledge of Hilldale Lumber Company was present to explain his useage plan for the land--office building and materials storage build- ing. had been received prior thereto. recomqendation, and Tupa offered the following Ordinance, moving that Council dispense with second reading and adopt Ordinance as submitted: There were no objecticns registered at the Hearing, and no written objections Council reviewed Planning Com-nission's favorable c THE 9/28/59 ORDINANCE NO. 261-51 AN ORDINANCE NENDING THE ZONING ORDINAICE OF EDINA BY ESTABLISHING ADDITIOPJAL COi:IIERCIRL DISTRICT KILLAGE COUNCIL OF THE VILLAGE OF EDINA, MINNESOTA, ORD I1 3: Section 1. Section 7, Commercial District of Ordinance No. 261 of the revised ordinances of the Village of Edina, as amended, is hereby further amended by adding at the end of paragraph 1 of said Section 7 an additional sub-paragraph as follows : "(j) That part of the Southwest Quarter of the Southwest Quarter of Section 8, Township 116 North, Range 21 West of Principal Meridian lying East of County Road No. 28 and North of State Highway No. 5". Section 2. This ordinance shall be in effect immediately upon its passage and publication. Motion for waiver of second reading and adoption of Ordinance as submitted was seconded by Dickson, and on Rollcall there w Beim, aye; Dickson, aye; Kohler, aye; Tupa, . HOUSE MOVING HEARINGS: Planning Director Hite reported that Notices of Hearings had been mailed to all owners of properties affected by the proposed movings; and, pursuant to said mailed Notices, Public Hearings were held on the following; 1. PETITION FOR PERMIT TO MOVE DNELLIbJG AT 6324 JOSEPHINE AVENUE TO 6501 TIMGDALE AVENUE. be moved, and of dwellings neighboring the location to which it is proposed to move. He reported that the site of the proposed new location includes two 50-foot lots. There were no objections registered at the Hearing, and Trustee Kohler moved for approval of request on condition that the dwelling will face Tingdale Avenue and will be situated across the lot line between the two lots submitted for the site. Motion seconded by Beim and carried. MILDRED AVENUE. hood into which it is proposed to move it, were shown by &. Hite. were registered, but Mr. Lawrence Wilson, 6301 Mildred Avenue, requested that precautions be taken to insure that his prized spruce tree is not cut down nor damaged in any way during the moving. Dickson's motion granting petition was seconded by Eeim and carried. Ilr. Hite showed the Council pictures of the dwelling proposed to 2. PETITION FOR PERNlIT TO MOVE DWELLING AT 6341 JOSEPHINE AVERUE TO 6300 Pictures of the dwelling proposed to be moved, and of the neighbor- No objections AI'JARD OF BIDS TAKEN TODAY: receipt of four bids on Sanitary Sewer and Watermain projects; one bid on the concrete paving and integral curb. follows : Stow's Delaney Addition - Low bidder, Phelps-Drake Co., at $23,333.50; second low, Northern Contracting Company at $23,360.00; third low, Lametti 8 Sons, Inc. .at $26,229.50; high bidder, Barbarossa and Sons, Inc., at $26,946.00, He recommended award of contract to the low bidder; and, at Engineer Zikan's request for a qualified award, Tupa moved for award of contract subject to receipt by the Village of the developer's financing agreement' and bond, and State Board of Health.approva1, Motion seconded by Beim and carried. Tabulations of Bids taken today were presented, showing Recommendations, and action taken, were as SANITARY SEVJER IMPROVEItrlENT NO. 160 AND V?ATERMAIN 1ItlPROVEf.IENT N@. 142 - For IVATERMAIN LOOP IN CROSSTOV~J HIGHWAY SERVICE DRIVE FROY CHOWEN NE. TO BEARD FL. Four bidders - Phelps-Drake Coo, inc., low bidder at $1,750.00; Northern Contractinq - Co. second low at $1,886.00. bidder, and Kohler so moved. from If!.65th st. to W.66th St, - Only one bidder, Arcon Construction Co., at $5,314.02. Recommendation was for award, even though these prices are slightly higher than the price bid by this contractor for the Brookview Heights improvement. for award in accordance with Manager's recommendation was seconded by Eeim and carried. LIQUOR STORE IldPROVEA4ENTS-W.5OTH STREET: (Display shelving and case, check-out counters, new walk-in-cooler: $8,320.00 Total, less a trad-in allowance on present cooler and compressor of $500, for net bid of $7,820.00. below the estimate for this work, and recommended award of contract. moved. Jvlanager Hyde recommended award of contract to low Motion seconded by Beim and carried, STREET IMPROVEMENT NO. E-5 - CONCRETE PAVING APJD INTEGRAL CURE in Warren Ave. Tupa's motion Only one bid--that of Bergstedt-Nielsen Co., at ilk. Hyde told Council that this bid is just slightly Tupa so blotion seconded by Dickson and carried. EMERGENCY SANITARY SEWER PETITION FILED--COU€\JCIL TO INITIATE II1IPROVEMENT PROCEEDINGS. Clerk presented petition for construction of Senitary Sewer in Parnell Avenue between W.62nd and W.63rd Sta , explaining that residents are having cesspool trouble; that a home is being moved onto the lot at 6232 Parnell and wants to connect to the W.63rd St. serJer if sewer is not immediately avail 1 o Parnell. Dick &dY< n's motion for Hearing and Bids on this project on Tuesday, h.13, was coZi8ed by Tupa and carried. 243 9/28/59 1IJPROVE.IETIT PETITIC$!S FILED. The following Improvement Petitions were filed, and were accepted and referred to the Village Engineer for programming, by motion Tupa, seconded by Uickson and carried: ELP.CIfII)PPING - Tingdale Ave. between Grove St. and Benton Ave. BLZXTOPPING A" CURB i$JD GUTTER - Brittany Road, U,66th St, to Roycar Rd. OILING - LaEUena Vista between W.68th and 1'1.70th St. and between Antrim Rd. OILING -i UcGuire Rd. from IY.69th St. to Brook Dr.; Galway Dr., Brook Dr. to and Limerick Lane U.68th st.; book Dr., Tracy Ave. to Hillside Lane. PUBLIC HEARIKGS- SCHEDULED OP! REZONING PE.T.ITIOI?S FOR PORTIONS OF LOTS 1,3,4 &ID 5, CASSIN'S OUTLOTS. Hasselquist on the petitions filed by the JXsses Katherine and 1:larie Elizabeth Sone discussion was had by the Council- with Village Attorney Pearce 'for the Rezoning from Open DeGelopment and Liultiple Residence District to either COl.T.WJITY STG3E DISTRICT, REGIONAL SHOPPIKG DISTRICT, OR C0tXEECII:JS DISTRICT, of portions of Lot 5, Cassins Cutlots, and the petitions of Southdale Realty co. for the Rezoning frcm i.hltiple Residence District to REGIOKU, SHOPPIl!G DISTRICT of a part of Lot 4, and Rezoning from Regional Medical District to REGIONAL SHOPPIIG DISTRICT of portions of Lots I and 3, Cassin's Outlots. Beim's motion that Fublic Hearings be scheduled for Tuesday, October 13, at 7:OO P.L:., on these petitions, was seconded by Tupa and carried. EACH WlDITIGN PR%LILIITN?;'I PLAT APPROVED.. liminary Plat of Bach Addition, explaining that the matter or" the park dedication has been satisfactorily vrorked out, Kohler's motion for approval of plat was seconded by Beim and carried. Planning Director Hite re-presented Pre- PERFOFWU!CE BCXDS FOX L;OVERS--FC!LICY, f&. Hite reported he has been requiring that house movers file a performance bond for completion of planned additions, alterations, and repairs within 90 days of move. He asked Council policy on this matter, and it was agreed that the 90;day term is satisfactory. DOUBLE BWIGAL0';I AT 4429 VALLEY VIR3 ROAD DISCUSSED. Hite had mitten Lir. l.lik!;elson in accordance with Council direction; that he expects a report, tomorrow, on 1-k. !.Iii:i:elsonls plan for completion. SOUTHVIEW LNE ILIFi?OVEtPE!T TO BE DELAYED TO 1960. IJanager reported to Council that School Supt. I<uhlrr,an is now satisfied to wait until next year for the construction improvements for Southview Lane, inasnuch as street would have to be posted against heavy ,trucks if improvement vias to be done this year. "PLAYHUUSE1?3EI.:OVEiL OPDERED. Nr. Hyde reported that a small building has been moved onto the former Brenner Property by the purchaser of the old Brenner house on Valley View Road. new ovmer's (Porter) grandchild; that, although it is larger than the conventional- type playhouse, the rooms are scaled to about half-size standard rooms. Council that the building was moved in without a permit; that it is still on wheels; that the Planning Commission has recormended that it be moved out. Tupa's motion that playhouse be ordered removed from Edina vlas seconded by Dickson and carried . Manager Kyde reported that Kc* I . e-4 k. Hite said that this is proposed to be used for a playhouse by the He told EmET 2 EWIST APJD STATE PUBLIC EXAtXfPIER TO COOPERATE IE AUDIT OF 1959 VILLAGE RECORDS. Comcil reviewed Ernst I Emst's letter with reggrd to audit of 1959 Village records, and Tupa moved for employment of Ernst S, Ernst as Auditor for the said records. was seconded by Dic!son and carried. Examiner be requested to cooperate in said audit, and Tupa's motion vias amended to include the Xapor's suggested request to the State Public Examiner. by Dickson and carried. ?.lotion Mayor Bredesen suggested that the State Public !.lotion seconded BROOINIE! HEIGHTS PAVIRG CO2ITRACT COIJPLETION DATE E~CTET~DED. he has taken the liberty of informing the Contractor that completion date on this contract can be extended for approximately two weeks. C ounc i 1 . Engineer Zi!:an reported This was agreeable with > STREET P!AI.:E CHAEGE HEIKWGS SCHEDULED FOR OCTOBER 26. recommended changing the name of Chowen Avenue to ltEwing" Avenue, and the name of "Dodd Place" to "Chowen dlvenue" in Evans ?,ddition, to correspond with street names to the north ofithe for the change/o? f@&h St. from Tracy Avenue east to,dead-end to soxe other name. I;ohler*s motion scheduling Public Hearings on street name changes was seconded by Eeim and carried, Planning Director Hite dition. He also told Council that requests have been received Kearings to be Clctober 26. €';GI< EOr'd3.D I?U'RCHI?SES d*tPPXOVED. EDIEIA HIGHLgiilIDS PARI: PL"Q\TII.:GS : KCCKES RIP::;. Xanager reported the Park Eoard's recommendation for an expenditure of up to $1,000 for each sf the follouing: additional hockey rink. action was taken. Plankings for Edina Highlands Park; and lumbsr for an Bath purchases were agreeable to Council, but no formal 245 9/28/59 SOUTHDALE LIQUOR STORE--ADDITIONAL STORAGE SPACE APPROVED. there is now an area of 1600 square feet available for storage space in the basement of Southdale Center, on the same corridor that our present 640 square feet is placed. He recorrxended that this space be secured, in order that Hr, Snyder may ta!:e advantage of quantity purchases at periods of special sales, southdale Center's proposal for leasing this new space is that the Village stand the cost of the necessary alterations, and pay rent on the additional space at $1.20 a sq. ft. and common area at $.30 a sq. foot, for a total of $1,440 per year, lease to contain a tax escalation clause. The space now held by us would be released. I<ohlerts motion, that additional space be acquired in accordance with Southdale Center's proposal and 1i;anager's recommendation, was seconded by Tupa and carried. COUPICIL TO TAKE BIDS ON USED TANK TRUCK FOR FIRE DEPILSTIdENT. the Village has a chance to purchase a used tank truck, for use by the Fire Department in fighting fires outside the area served by Village water; that they are badly in need of such equipment; that the cost is $1,250. He recommended purchase. Attorney Hasselquist ruled that bids must be taken, and Kohler moved authorizing for bids to be taken on Tuesday, October 13. PUBdIC HEARINGS AND BIDS SCHEDULED, and Dickson offered the following Resolution and moved its adoption: Llr, Hyde reported that Ibke Hyde reported that Motion seconded by Tupa and carried. Preliminary Plans and Estimates were presented, RESOLUTION PROVIDING FOR PUBLIC HEARINGS PROWSED SANITARY SEWER MJD I'IATERT>UIN IMPROVEENTS BE IT RESOLVED by the council of the Village of Edina: The village Engineer, having submitted to the Council a preliminary report as to the feasibility of the proposed Sanitary Sewer. and Watermain Improvements described in the Form of Notice of Hearing set forth below, and as to the estimated cost of such improvements, said report is hereby approved and directed to be placed on file in the office of the Village Clerk. 2. This Council shall meet on Tuevday, October 13, at 7:OO P.M., in the Edina Village Hall, to consider in public hearing the views of all persons interested in said proposed improvement, 3. The Clerk is hereby authorized and directed to cause notice of the time, place and purpose of said meeting to be published in the official newspaper once a week for two successive weeks, the second of which publications is to be not less than three days from date of said meeting, which notice shall be in substantially the following form: 1. NOTICE OF PUELIC HEARINGS ON PROPOSED WATERMAIM AND SANITARY SE"R FOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that the Edina Village Council will meet at the Edina Village Hall on Tuesday, October 13, 1959, at 7:OO P.M., to consider the following proposed improvements to be constructed under the authority granted by tlinnesota Laws of 1953, Chapter 398. The approkimate cost of said improvements is estimated by ELrleigh Smith, Consulting Engineer, for the Watermain and Sanitary sewer in Lake Edina Second Addition; and by the village Engineer for the Sanitary Sewer on Parnell Avenue, as set forth below: Estimated Cost A. CONSTRUCTION OF VILLAGE YiATERIvlAIN AND APPURTEDJANCES THE FOLLOWING STREETS : 1. Hibiscus Avenue from Hwy 8100 to West Shore Drive West Shore Drive from Hibiscus Ave, to South line of Trilliun Lane from Hibiscus Nve. to Lantana Lane fJonardo Lane South Garden Estates Fourth Addition Phlox Lane $49 9 1420 44 Bo CONSTRUCTION OF VILLAGE SIIJdITARY SEVER MID APPURTENANCES IN THE FOLLOVJING STREETS: 1. Trillium Lane from Hibiscus Ave. to 400 feet North hlonardo Lane Phlox Lane $299856.72 2. Parnell Avenue from W,63rd St. to 555 Ft. N. $ 4,971.60 The areas proposed to be assessed for the cost of said proposed improvements includes all lots, blacks and tracts of land abutting the streets-'propos&d to be improved . GRETCHEDJ S. ALDEN Village Clerk Motion for adoption of Resolution was seconded b And Dickson then offered the following Resolution and moved its adoptio?: 2 4-6 9/28/59 BESOLUTIOIJ APFROVIWG PL&G i@D SPECIFICATIONS FOR FROFOSED SitNITARY SEI'IER &4D VJATER!.NItJ ILlF~OVEI'J2I4TS &ID DIRECTING ADVERTISEtEb!TS FOR BIDS BE IT RESOLVED by the Village Council of the Village of Edina: The plans and specifications for the proposed Sanitary Sevrer and !'!atemain. Improvements set forth in the following Advertisement for Bids forms, heretofore prepared by the Village Engineer and now on file in the office of the Village Clerk are hereby approved. and the Construction Bulletin the following notices €or bids €or said improvements, at the times provided by law: 1. 2. The CIBrl: shall cause to be published in the Edina-bbrningside Courier (A) ADVERTXSEMB4T -FOR' SZDS' '" B I'JATERTJAIN AND S&?ITARY SEVER Sealed bids will be received and opened- in the office of:the Village Manager in. the Edina Village Hall, 4301 'I?est 50th Street -at -1l~t-00 -MA.-,* -!.!onday, U-c$&ei 26, 1959, and that the- zdina Village Council- wkll meet *a? *7:00'P.f3., on I.ionday, Octaber 26, - 1959, to consider said bids, being for the following: 1. COXSTRUCTION CF VILLAGE SAXITARY SEER AND APPURTRJIECES rr1 THE FOLLO!:'IIIG STREETS : A. Valley Vien Road from Vest 66th Street to Ninneapolis, P!orthfield and Hillside Lane from Valley View Road to Tracy Avenue Crescent Drive from Hillside Lane to Morth line of Valley Vier! Heights Tiestridge Blvd. from Valley View Road to Horth line of Valley View Heights Crest Lane Y!hiting Avenue from Valley Vieltr Road to 420 feet :;'est Tracy Avenue from Y!hiting Avenue to yjest 59th Street Rldgewkp Road from Tracy Avenue to 750 feet Easterly hrbour Lane Zest 62nd Street from Tracy kvenue to 450 feet I'fest A. Interlachen 3lvd. from Cooper Ave. to Hirror Lakes Drive Southern Railway 2. CCPJSTRUCTIOII OF VILLAGE 3i:TEIX&If! AND APPURTEI,!IU!CES 11: THE FOLLO','!IRG STREETS : Kirrc?r Lakes Drive from Interlachen Blvd. to West 56th Street %est 56th St. frlsm Ilirror Lakes Drive to Chantrey Rd. and Hv~y. #169-212 Along Hwy, #169-212 from Chantrey Rd. to Tracy Avenue I'Jork mst be done as described in plans and specifications on file in the office of the Village Clerk. Plans and specifications are available for a deposit or" $25.00, which deposit will be refunded upon return of said plans and specifications. bids will be considered unless sealed and accompanied by cash deposit, bid bond or certified check payable to the Village Clerk in the amount of at least ten percent of amount of base bid. BY CEDER OF THE VILLLG? C0Ui;CIL. Ho The Council reserves the right to reject any or all bids. GRETCHEE! S. PLDEI*: Village Clerk ($1 fiDVERTISEN3TT FOR BIDS ','XTEX.??'J.X iQ$D SA!! ITAIY SEI'IER * Sealed bids will be received and opened in the office of the Village 1.lanager in the Edina Village Hall, 4.501 !'!est 50th Street at 11:OO A.I.?., Tuesday, October 13, 1959, and that the Edina Village Council will meet at 7:OO P. L, on Tuesday, October 13, 1959, to consider said bids, being for the following: 1 CCIJSTRUCTIOIJ OF VILLAGE :'JATERI.WIN AXD APPURTEtJlinCES I!*! THE FOLLOY/II.!G STREETS : A. Hibiscus Avenue €rom Hwy. #lo0 to yest Shore Drive lest Shore Drive from Hibiscus Ave. to south line of South Garden Estates Trillium Lane fron Hibiscus Ave. to Lantana Lane Zlonardo Lane Phlox Lane Fourth Addition 2. C@ESTRUCTICT~ OF VILLAGE SAI!ITFJ?Y SF;IER AND APPURTEN&!CES StJ TEE FOLLO'JIFIG STREETS : A. Trillium Lane from Hibiscus Ave. to 400 feet North Konardo Lane Phlox Lane B. blirror Lakes Drive from existing Trunk Sevrer to and including 512E and 5129 C. Liirror Lakes Drive from Ayrshire Blvd. to 1025 feet Piorth I). Parnell Avenue from':!est 63rd Street to 555 feet PIorth Cirror La1:es Drive !'!rzrI: must be done as described in plans and specificaticns on file in the office of the Village clerk. Plans and specifications are available €or a deposit of 810.00, vhich deposit ail1 be refunded upon return of said plans and specifications. will be considered unless sealed and accompanied by cash deposit, bid bond or certi- fied check payable to the Village Clerk in the amount of at least ten percent of amount of base bid. E2 CRDER OF THE VILLAGE COLXCIL. 110 bids The Council reserves the right to reject any or all bids. GRETCHBJ S. ALDElJ Village Clerk I.;otion for adoption of the AesoluZion was second yes and no nays, as follows; Beim, aye; D edesen, aye; and the Resolution was ado Rollcall there were , aye; Tupa, aye; 9/28/59 24 CLAIldS PAID: proposed transfer of funds to the Park Construction Fund from the Liquor Fund in rll the amount of $40,000, Trustee Tupa reminded Mr. Dalen that the Auditors had recommended that all transfers be made through the General Fund. I&. Dalen replied that this transfer is being made pursuant to Council's expressed desire that Liquor Fund transfer funds to the Park Funds in lieu of the sale of bonds; that transfer in the manner recommended by Auditors inflates both receipts and disbursements in the funds concerned. Dickson moved for payment of Claims, as enumerated in Pre-List dated September 28, as follows:. General Fund, $18,478.44; Construction Fund, $181,858,96; Park and Park Construction Funds, $1,416.05; IWtertvorks Fund, $2,614.34; Liquor Fund, $72,948.77; Sewer Rental Fund, $116*76; Improvement Funds, $67.50--Total, $277,500.82. Motion seconded by Tupa and carried . STORM SEVER HEARING SCHEDULED FOR OCTOBER 26: liasselquist concerning the acquisition of the Gavin property for storm drainage purposes; and a Public Hearing on the proposed storm sewer for this area was tentatively scheduled for October 26. ILlPROVE!.4EPIT BONDS TO BE SOLD. Finance Director Dalen told Council that it will be necessary to sell about $1,000,000 of improvement bonds some time in November, He was directed to make necessary preparations for sale. In connection with Pre-List dated September 28, which shows a -% i Some discussion was had with Attorney SPECIAL ASSESSNLENT HEARINGS SCHEDULED FOR MONDAY, OCTOBER 26, assessments was presented to Council, with request that Public Hearings thereon be expedited in order that assessments might be 1evied::this year if approved. offered the following Resolution and moved its adoption:. Tabulation of several Beim RESOLUTION PROVIDING FOR SPECIAL ASSESSMENT HEARINGS ON STORM SEWER, CURB MJD GUTTER, BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the Village of Edina as follows: for the improvements set forth in the Notices of Hearings forms hereinafter recorded, and the amounts proposed to be assessed against the respective lots, pieces and parcels of land within the districts affected by said improvements, and said pro? posed assessments having been filed with the Clerk, the same are hereby approved; and the Clerk shall keep the same on file in her office and open to public inspection pending hearings thereon as herein provided. notices hereinafter contained, to pass upon said proposed assessments; and the Clerk is hereby authorized and directed to publish notice of said hearings, in substantially the following forms : (a> * -NOTICE OF ASSESSMENT HEARING ON BLACKTOPPING AND OILING 1MPROVEII;IENTS 1. The Clerk and Engineer having calculated the proper amounts to be assessed 2. This Council shall meet at the time and place specified in the forms of STORM SEWER NO. 45 P!OTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that the Council of the Villase of Edina will meet at the Edina Village Hall on Monday, October 26, 1959 at 7:06 o'clock P.M,, to hear and pass upon all objections, if any, to the proposed assessment for the following improvement. open to public inspection, This assessment is now on file in the office of the Village clerk and STORM SEWER NO. 45 - Construction of Village Storm Sewer and Appurtenances in W,55th Street from York Avenue, West to Minnehaha Creek, The area proposed to be assessed €or the cost of the above improvement includes all lots and tracts of land within the following- described boundaries: "Comm. at NbV Cor. of Lot 23, B1.1, Seeley's First Addn. to Hawthorne Park; th. SWly to SE Cor, of-Lot 4, ~1, 3,'Seeley's Fist Addn. to Hawthorne Park; th. SWly to a pt. on S. line of Lot 69 ~l, 3, Seeley's First Addn. to Hawthorne Park, said pt. being 35 Ft. W. of SE Cor. of Lot 6; the Sly parallel to and 35 Ft, Vi. of Id. line of B1. 3, Seeley's First Addn. to Hawthorne Park to S, line of Lot 15, said B1, 3; th, Ely to SW Cor. of Lot 16, ~l. 4, Seeley's First Addno to Hawthorne Park; th. NEly to a pt. in Lot.16, B1, 4, said pt. being 5 Ft. N. of S. lot line and 25 Et. E. of 111. lot line; th. Nly, parallel with W. lioe of B1. 4, Seeley's First Addn, to Hawthorne Park a dist, of 55 Ft.; th, Ely parallel with s. line of said B1. 4, to E. lot line of Lot 17, B1. 4; th. Nly to NE Cor. thereof; th. Ely along N. line of Lot 14, B1, 4, Seeley's First Addn, to Hawthorne Park a dist. of 64 Ft.; th, SEly to SE cor. of Lot 15, said B1. 4; the Nly along E, lot lines of Lots 1-15, said Bl. 4 to ME Cor. of Lot 1, Bl, 4, Seeley's First Addn. to Hawthorne Park; th. NVly to a pt. in Lot 15, B1. 1, said pt. being 30 Ft. I"]. of E. lot line and 9 Ft. PJ. of S. lot line of said Lot 15, B1. 1; th. Wly parallel with s. line of Lot 15:, B1, 1, Seeley's First Addn. to Hawthorne Park to N. line thereof; th. Wly to SE Cor. of Lot 17, said B1. 1; thence Nly along Ely lot lines of Lots 17 thru 23, B1. 1, Seeley's First Addn. to Hawthorne Park to NE Cor. of said Lot 23; the wly to pt. of beginning . Assessments for the-above improvement will be payable in ten equal consecutive annual installments over period of ten years with first year payable with taxes for the year 1959 collectible in 1960, with interest on the entire assessment at the rate of 5;L per annum from the date of the resolution levying the assessment to December 31, 1960. To each subsequent installment will be added interest at the same rate for one year on all unpaid installments, The owner of any property assessed for the above improvement may pay the whole of I the assessment without interest to the Village Treasurer before 12 o'clock noon on Decerher 31, 1959 or nake payrcent with accrued interest to the County Treasurer. BY CRDEF? OF THE VILLAGE COWICIL. GRETCHEN S. ALDEN Village Clerk KOTICE OF ASSESSLIENT MEARINGS OX 3LACfXOPPI~~G 1tIPROVEL:ENTS Is!OS+ 11-121 9 (b) Et-125, k-130,A-131,A-235,A-139~A-145 I.!OTICE IS HEREB: GIVEE, that the Council of the Village of Edina will meet at the Edina Village Hall on LIonday, October 26, 1959 at 7:OO o'clock P.J.I., to hear and pass upon all objections, if any, to the proposed assessment for the following improvements. These assessments are novr on file in the office of the Village Clerk and open to pub1 ic inspec ticn. I BLACIXOPPIfIG EO. A-121 - 1'1.60th St. from VIooddale Ave. to Oaklawn Ave. SLACKTOPP1P:G EO. A-125 - Grove st. from Code Ave. (S) to Tingdale jive. BLACKTOPPIKG KO. A-130 - Code he. from 17.57th St. to Melody Lake Dr. BLACI;TOPPItlG RO. A-131 - Ylooddale Lane. BLACKTOPPING NO, A-135 - Bernard P1. from 1'136th St. to YJ.57th St. BLfiCICKIPPIRG KO. A-139 - 17.Higheood Dr. from Pine Grove Rd. to s. line of Idylwood Third Addn. BLP.C:\"TOPPIP!G NO. '4-145 - Idylwood Dr. from E. line of Idylwood Second Addn. to !'!. Highvmod Dr.; !?.Highaood Dr. from N. line of Idylwood Second Addn. to 317.24 ~t. S. The area proposed to be assessed for the cost of the above improvements includes all lots and tracts of land abutting the streets improved. Assessments for the above improvements will be payable in five equal consecutive annual installments over a period of five years with first year payable with taxes for year 1959 collectible in 1960, with interest on the entire assessment at the rate of 5$ per annum from the date of the resolution levying the assessment to December 31, 1960. year on all unpaid installments. The ovmer of any property assessed for the above improvements may pay the winole or" the assessrrent without interest to the Village Treasurer before 12 o'clock noon on December 31, 1959 or make payment with accrued interest to the County Treasurer. To each aubsequent installnent will be added interest at the same rate for one BY ORDER OF THE VILLLGE (c) NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEX, VllZ?age Hall on :.:onday, all objections, if any, COiJXCIL . GRETCHEP! S. ALDEN EOTICE OF ASSESSklERT HEARIKGS ON Village Clerk EL!:.CI~OPPING 1fJPROVEI.IENTS EO. A-126 A-1333d4-137,A-143 AND A-144; CURB .&!D GUTTER IHPROVEIdEPITS NO. E-61, B-66 that the Council of the Village of Edina will meet at the Edina October 26, 1959 at 7:OO o'clock P.L, to hear and pass upon to the ProBosed assessments for the above imtxovements. These assessnents are now on file in ihe'office of the Village Clerk and oben to public inspection. BLACKTOPPIIG NO. A-126 - Upper Terr. from Brittany Rd. to Southcrest Dr. BLACKTOPPIEG NO. A-133 - Eernard P1. from yj.57th St. to Grove St.; Grove St. from Bernard PI. to 134 ~'c. E.; Grove St. from Bernard P1. to 134 Ft. T;I. BLACI(TOPPIT!G b!O. A-137 - !';est Shore Dr. from Dunberry Lane to Laguna Dr.; Upper Terr. from Scuthcrest Dr. -to I;'est Shore Dr. BLACICTOPPI€:G NO. A-143 - Cornelia Dr. from ~1~66th St. to Y.6Sth St. EAChTOPPI€:G NO. A-144 - Southcrest Dr. from Upper Terr. to VL66th St. CURB 2 GUTTER 1:O. B-61 - Cornelia Dr. from W.6Gth St. to ~1~68th St. CURB & GUTTER KO. 3-66 - Southcrest ~r. from Upper Terr. to ~1~66th st. The area proposed to be assessed for the cost ~f the above improvements includes all lots and tracts of land abutting the streets improved. Assessnents for the above improvement will be payable in ten equal consecutive annual installments over a period of ten years with first year payable with the taxes for the year 1959 collectible in 19G0, uith interest on the entire assessment at the rate of 5;; per annum from the date a€ the resolution levying the assessment to December 31, 1960. year on all unpaid instalnents. The ormer of any property assessed for the above improvements may pay the vhole of the assessnent without interest to the Village Treasurer before 12 o'clock noon on Cecerher 31, 1959 or make paymnt with accrued interest to the County Treasurer. E&' ORDER OF THE VILLAGE COu;\'CIL. To each subsequent installment will be added interest at the same rate for one GRETCHDI S. ALDBJ Village Clerk (dl KOTICE OF ASSESSIXHT HEARIKG QIJ STREET OILIPIG FOR 1959 WITICP IS HEREBY GIVEE, that the Council of the Village of Edina will Keet at the Edina Village Hall on I.Iondap,*October 26, 1959 at 7:06 o'clock Po&, to hear and pass upon all objections, if any, to the proposed assessment for Oiling of Streets in 1959. These assessments are now on file in the office of the Village Clerk and open to public inspection: 9/28/59 PETITION NUMGER STREETS 29 2 Alley between William Ave. and Bedford Ave. and between VJ.5lst St. and-W.52nd St. 29 7 . Arthur St. from Maloney Ave. to Waterman Ave. 307 Ashcroft Ave. from Valley View Rd. to \'/.60th St. 315 Benton Ave. from Hansen Rde to Crescent Dr. intersection. 306 . Clover Ridge from Tingdale Ave. to Valley View Rd. 314 Concord Ave. from Ti'1.62nd St. to W.63rd St, . 29 1 Concord Ave, from I'J.63rd St. to W.64th St. 301 Duggan Plaza from Meadow Ridge Rd. to Guggan Plaza Circle 308 Forslin Dr. from Hansen Rd. to 1/2 Block W. 312 Grove St. from Dale Ave. to and including 5509 Grove St. 3 08 Hansen Rd. from W.6Oth st. to Forslin Dr. ~ 238 Harrison Ave. from Belmore Lane to Maloney Ave. Lladdox Lane from Mildred Ave. to Hansen Rd. Mildred Ave. from W.62nd St. to Valley View Rd. Mirror Lakes Dr. from Ayrshire Blvd. to T!~.56th St. Rolf Ave,. from Roberts Place to Valley View Rd. I 3":: 316 293 31 1 Saxony Rd. from West Highwood Dr. to Blake Rd. 313 Tingdale Ave. from W.65th st. to W.66th St. 318 William Ave. from W.5lst St. to NO52nd St. 304 Y!yman Ave. from Maddox Lane to W.62nd St. 259 8.51st St. from William hve. to Bedford Ave. 294 W.51st St. from Bedford Ave. to Oxford Ave. 29% 1:!.56th st. from Bernard P1. to Dale he. 295 U.59th St. from Concord Ave. to St.Johns Ave. 307 W.60th St. from Ashcroft Ave. to Concord &,ve. 302 1"1.60th St. from Tingdale Ave. to Code Ave. 303 N.60th St, from Code Ave. to Hansen Rd. 313 IV.66th St. from lVilryan Ave. to Tingdale Ave. The area proposed to be assessed for the cost of 'che above improvements includes all lots and tracts of land abutting the streets improved. Assessments for the above improvements will be payable in one installment with the taxes for the year 1959 collectible in 1960, with interest on the assessment at the rate of 57L per annum from the date of the resolution levying the assessment to December 31, 1960. The owner of any property assessed for the above improvements niay pay the whole of the assessment without interest to the Village Treasurer before Noon on December 31, 1959, or make payment with accrued interest to the County Treasurer. BY OEDER OF THE VILLAGE COUNCIL. GRETCHEN Sa ALDEN Village Clerk '\ I i ------.. Motion for adoption of the Resolution was seconded by Kohler, and on Rollcall there were five ayes and no nays, as follows: Dickson, aye; Kohler, aye; Tupa, aye; and Bredesen, aye; and the REVISED BUDGET SUELIITTED: LAID OVER TO CCTOBER 5. Finance Director Dalen presented budget for 1960, revised in accordance with suggestions made by Council at its last budget discussion. Further review was had, but inasmuch as Council was not yet ready to accept final figures, the matter of adoption was again laid over, this time until Gonday, October 5, at 5:OO P.M. Water Supt. YJoehler be relieved'of any Building Inspection duties, in order that he night devote full time to, and be held solely responsible, for operations in the lilater Department. that part of the Water supto's salary paid by the General Fund for Building Inspection duties should remain regardless of a change in !?E. Woehler's duties, inasmuch as Euilding and Plumbing Inspectors must have a substitute in time of illness, vacations, etc. Trustee Tupa asked once again that It was pointed out that the amount set up in the budget for No Council action was taken on r4r. Tupa's request. IWI'ER PROBLETJS AGAIN DISCUSSED. gave Council a report on the progress, to date, concerning solution of water problems. asked that further action'be delayed until after Council inspects Hopkins' water treatment plant, this week. No action taken, \Vel1 Ordinance referred to Village Atty. CIVIL DEFEtISE DIRECTOR TO RECEIVE COP,IPEbEATIOil FOR YEAR 1959. budget for this year had included $25 per month for the Civil Defense Director-- which had not'yet been paid to him--Manager asked that he receive this compensation retroactive to January I. The agenda's having been covered, Beim moved for adjournment to Monday, Cctober 5, at 5:oo P-L klotion seconded by Kohler an carried. Adjournmen at 1:25 P.M. EIVIPLOYMEYT OF NEW COHSULTANT SUGGESTED e i4r Hyde Suggestion was made that a new consultant be employed, and Trustee Beim Reporting that the Authority for payment granted by common consent of Council. - 2 ked/& Village Clerk