HomeMy WebLinkAbout19591026_regular10/13/59 1.5s. ROY LriRSE! REGISTERS CO:.:PLAIr!T (21;' REGR:SDIT!G OF SOUTH ELlitI<E ROCLD BEIYEEI! LiUESo fh. Roy Larsen, 6321 Interlachen Ed., coxplained that the recent regrading of that portion of South Blake Road lying between the two "Xirror LBBes" has caused a change in drainage--that water is now drained toward the Vest" la!:e by surface drainage, a spillway and a brand new culvert. inasmch as the Larsens vfanted neither xore nor less water in their pond. Hyde ansaered that it is not certain that rrore water is now beking drained into the pend than forererly went there; that water certainly flows out of the little pond into the bigger Xrror La!:es; that the village has attempted to channel the water in the simplest xanner, and has received many compliments on this improverrent. Llls. Larsen stated she wants no more water in her lake because there will be a continual rundorm, bloc1:ing the ends of drains; that she does not choose to bs snaxped 57 her ol:n water from her ovm lake. She asked why this uas done, Ik. No action taken. The agenda's having been covered, Eeim moved for adjournKent. by Kohler and carried. Llotion seconded Keeting adjourned at 11:35 P.Z. A Village Clerl: XIiJUTES OF THE REGULAR !.IEETII!G OF THE EDEk VILLkGE COUIITCIL, HELD i.:C?XDAY, CCTOBER 26, 1959, AT 7:OO P.Ziry AT THE EDINA VILLAGE HALL Rollcall was answred by rrerbers Beim, Dickson, Kohler, Tupa and Bredesen. FUBLIC HEARIKGS Ci9 PKOFOSED ZOMIIi!G CHAKGES. cation, Posting, and Ltailing, as follows: Clerk presented Affidavits of Fubli- 1. Publication in Edina-Morningside Courier on Cctober 15 and 22, 1959, posting of Rotice on Official village Eulletin Eoards October 21, and mailing of Kotice to affected property owners of "Botice of Public Hearing on Petition for Rezoning:. 2, Publication in Edina-tlorningside Courier October 15 and 22, 1959, and nailing to affected property ovmers of "Notice of Public Hearing-Special Permi tfl . flailing to affected property owners of: "P?otice of Hearing--Petition of Richard Powers for 9 Ft. Setbacks (Side yard) at 4588 Garrison Lane." "Notice of Hearing--Petition of Edward Capra for 3i Ft. projection into required front yard setback, 6108 Xerxes Ave. So." "IIotice of Hearing--Petition of Harold Hardacker for pernit to face two dwellings on Kresse Circle rather than on Maloney Ave. 3. A. B. C. Pursuant to said I!otices, which were approved as tb form and.ordered placed on file, the following Public HealTings were conducted, and action was taken as hereinafter recorded. 1. PUBLIC HEARiT1:G OX PETITIQJ OF r.3. DAVE TEOI:AS FOR THE REZOIJING FRO!.: OPB! DEVELOPi.ii!T DISTFXCT TO XULTIPLE RESIDEKE DISTRICT OF THE PROPERTY 1310','X AS 5410 FRAKCE AWJUE SOUTH. presented by Planning Director Hite, together with Planning Commission's recommend- ation for, approval of petition. Lijsing, 5405 Halifax Lane, protested this large. unit. that neighbors realize 'chat they cannot expect to have single-family units at this location (just south of a filling station) but that they had hoped for double bungalows at this site. He said it was his recollection that both Corrinission and Council had advocated no apartment buildings on France Avenue south of 54th St. for this property, as a buffer between the comercial enterprise on the corner and the double dwellings farther south. ccncern about the height of the building, explaining that Halifax Lane is lower than France and that the height of this proposed building will be out of line with the other buildings in the neighborhbod. 2.k. Thomas, petitioner, told Council that the elevation from grade to ridge of roof will be approximately 23 feet, vinich is 'no taller than many a two-story dwelling. Stating he feels that this is a proper and equitable use for the property, Dickson offered the following Ordinance, rr.oving that Council dispense with second reading and adopt Ordinance as submitted: Plan of proposed 10-unit apartment/ building was Llessrs. Nat Johnson, 5412 Halifax Lane and David Mt-. Johnson told Council Xz. Hite explained that the commission felt ltltiple Residence use was best Kessrs. Johnson and Lijsing both expressed D @RDIP!AI:CE I?O= 261-52 i:! Or\DIr:kl!CE Ai.fET.!DIKG THE Z@ldIllG @RDI!!&:CE OF EDII!A BY ESTi43LISNIP!G ADDITIC2!AL XLILTIPLE RESIDEXCE DISTRICT THE VILLAGE coui:ciL OF THE VILLAGE OF EDINA, XIPNESOTA, oram:s : Secticn 1. Sect'lon 4, Xatltiple Residence District, of Ordinance 2211 of the Revised Ordinances sf the Village of Edina, as amended, is hereby amended by adding at the end of paragraph 1 02 said Section 4 an additional sub-paragrpph as follows: 10/26/59 "(e) That property legally described as follows: "Corrmencing 155 feet South of the Northeast Corner of Section 19, Township 28, Range 24; thence South to the Southeast Corner of the North 1/2 of the Northeast 1/4 of the Northeast 1/4 of the Northeast 1/49. thence Westerly 170 feet; thence North to a point 155 feet South and 170 feet West of the Northeast corner of Section 19; thence East to point of beginning,,except road." Section 2. This ordinancev shall be in effect immediately upon its passage and publication. Motion for waiver of second reading and adoption of Ordinance as submitted was seconded by Beim, and on Rollcall there were five a &s and no nays, as follows: Eeim, aye; Dickson, aye; ICohler, aye; Tupa, aye; fledesen, aye; and the Ordinance was adopted. 9 Village clerk 20 PUBLIC HEARING ON PETITION OF TEXACO, INC. FOR A SPECIAL PERMIT FOR THE ERECTIOPJ OF A GASOLINE SERVICE STATIOP? AT 3900 W.7OTH STREET, Planning Director Hite told Council that this area has been zoned "Regional Shopping District", that the site was originally planned for a filling station in the over-all Southdale plan; that the Flanning Commission has recommended approval-of request inasmuch as plan meets all requirements of the "Gasoline Service Station" amendment to the zoning Ordinance. There were no oral objections filed at the Hearing, and no written objections had been received prior thereto. Service Station on the following described property-: 215 Ft. of that part of the southeast 1/4 of Section 30, Tqwnship 28, Range 24, lying East of the East line of Southdale First Addition and extension thereof, except road" (3900 W.70th St.) was seconded by Dickson and carried. Tupa's motion granting special permit for Gasoline "The south 190 Ft, of the East 3?.. PUELIC HEl?n,ING ON PETITION OF RICHARD POIYERS FOR MINE-FOOT SIDE YARD SETBACKS AT 450E GARRISON LAbJE. Showing a survey of the proposed location of the house on the lot, Fk. Hite explained that the house is odd shaped, with living quarters at both ends; that, to comply with the ordinance, a difficult driveway problem would have to be met; that on one side of this lot there is vacant property., the old Miller house (which is expected to be demolished) being on the other side. He informed Council of Planning Commission's recommendation for approval of request. There were no objections registered at the( Hearing and no written objections had been filed prior thereto. Beim's moti.on for approiral.of petition was seconded by Kohler and carried. 3E. FROI!T YI'IFLD SETB!!CK, G108 XERXES AVENUE. neighbors have conformed to the required setback, but that setbacks on the block are irregular because so many of th8 homes are older, i.k. Mite said that this house was planned €or a front kitchen; that if permit is not granted the kitchen window will be eliminated. and no written objections had been filed prior thereto. permit was seconded by Tupa and carried, FUELIC HE.QIPIG a1 PETITIOI\J OF EDWIRD CAPRI! FOR 3-&FOC!i? PXOJECTIOII DIT0 REQUIRED Te-lling the Council that the immediate There were no objections registered at the Hearing, Iiohler's motion for 3C. D!'!ELLII!GS OM KRESSE CIRCLE RATHER THAF! OK illA4LOPEI AVEXUE. Council had denied this request on August 24, pursuant to objections by three persons living on blaloney Avenue; that, since that time !!"E, Eardacker has presented plans which relocate the garages, and objections have been withdrawn by letter. He recommended approval. and no written objections had been received prior thereto. permit for the facing of dwellings on Lqts 2 and &, Block 1, I'resse Addition on &esse Circle, rather than on Maloney Avenue, was seconded by Tupa and carried. PUBLIC HEARING 013; PETITION OF MR. HAROLD HARDACEER FOR PEPJ'JhIT TO FACE l?JO k. Hite explained that - There were no objections registered at this Hearing, Beim's motion, granting PUBLIC HEI',RIIJGS ON ?ROPOSED ASSESSLEPJTS FOR IMPROVELlE"S, Clerk presented Affidavits of Publication of "Notices of Hearings'! in Edina-Llorningside Courier on October E and 15, 1959, vhich were approved as to form and ordered placed on file, said I!otices, the following Public Hearings were conducted, and action was taken as hereinafter recorded: A. PUELIC WEARING OD1 PROPOSED PSSESSMENT FOR STORIfl SEYJER ILIPROVEPENT FJO. 45 - In W.55th St. from York Ave. to Zenith he., and including Blacktopping of ~~55th St. from York Ave. to Xerxes Ave. Tabulation of Assessment was read at Total Cost of $5,139.51, proposed to be assessed against 196,&85 Square Feet, for $.02G per square foot, as compared with Improvement Hearing Estimate of $.036. ISlessrs. G.J.Schilling, 5425 York Ave. and E.C. Shaughnessy, 5433 York, protested being included in tine assessment, stating that their land drains north. Engineer Zikan esplained that the Park Department had instaled a storm sewer, without assessment, to the north of this project; that this present cost includes cost of that storm sewer--into which the water on York, north of I'J.55th Street, drains--that this matter had been agreed on by park personnel and YOrk Avenue owners prior to the improverfient hearing, Pursuant to 266 10/26/59 to the best of his !mawledge. i;hat.-khe\r had as1:ed for a resurvey of the properties at the time of the Improvenent Hearing. Park property fcr a nurrher of years--that the only improvement made was at the "Park" end of the drain. Village personnel, and Kohler Gotred that assessri.ent levy be tabled for further investigation. 111 !;'.55TH STREET FRCZ YEX ,'\\[E. TO XERXES AVE. Tabulaticn of Assessrr.ent was read at Total Assessable Cost of $1,433.48, proposed to be assessed against 511.6 Frcnt Feet, for $2SO per frcnt foot, as conpared with Improvexent Hearing Estimate rsf $3.10. had been received prior thereto. by Dickson and carried. (See Resolution of later in meeting, Adopting and Confirming iissessnents) . ;i!~ CURB ,'jfD GUTTER IIapRO~,rE:,:i3!T P?O. B-Gl--In Cornelia Drive from Vl.56th Street to I'J.6Sth Street. Tabulaticn of Assessxents was read as folloas: For Blacktopping IKprovenent - Total Cost, 555,000.83, proposed to be assessed against 2,217.7 front feet, for 82.25 per front foot, as compared with Inprovenent Hearing Estimate of $3.24. For Curb and Gutter 1rr.provenen.L; - Total Cost, $5,156.06, proposed to be assessed against 2,2l7.7 front feet, for $2.32 per front foot, as conpared with Irilprovement There were no objections registered at the Hearing, and no written objections had been received prior thereto, and Ibhler's motion approving both assessments vas seccnded by Dickson and carried. Confirming Assessnents) . :JID B-66-- II! S3UTIiCREST DRIVE FROX UPPER TERRACE TO YJ.66TH STREET. Tabulation of Assessments was read as follows : For Blacktopping Inpravement - Total cost, $8,099.65, proposed to be assessed against 2,994.5 front feet, for $2.70 per front foot, compared with kprovement Rearing Estimate of $3.52. For Curb and Gutter Ir'provenent - Total Cost, 57,59.04, proposed to be assessed against 2,994.5 front feet, for $2.63 per front foot, as cozpared with Improvement Hearing Estimate of $2.77. There were no objections registered at the Hearing, and no written objections had been received prior thereto, and Dickson's motion approving both assessnents was seconded by Beim and carried. (See Resolution of later in riieeting, Adcpting and Confirming Assessxents) . It1 I'J,GOTf-I STREET FRO!.: I'JCODDALE AE. TO OitILi%&i AVE. Tabulation of Assessment was read at Total Assessable Cost of $2.368.32, proposed to be assessed against 1,066 frcnt feet, for $2.22 per front foot, as compared with Inproverzent 1-learing Estimate of $3.00. Eeither oral nor mitten objection was registered, and Tupa's rzotion €or approval of assessrr,ent was seconded by Beim and carried. later in meeting, idopting and Confirming Assessments) . H . IP2 GROVE STREET FRCE CODE AVE. (SOUTH) TO TIKGDILE AVE, Tabulation of kssessnent shcned Total Assessable Cost at $2,148.35, proposed to be assessed against 1,072 Assessable Feet, for $2.00 per foot, as compared with Iqxovezent Hearing Estimate of $2.43. Xotion seconded by Tcpa and carried. Ldopting and Ccnfirming Assessnents) . I. Tabulation of Assesst-ent aas read at Total Assessable Cost of $2,813.80, proposed to be assessed asahst 1,OEE.3 front feet, for $2.58 per front .foot as ccripared with 1r:provenent Hearing Estimate of S3.EO. P!o objections v:ere regfstered, and ::ohler rnoved for assessr;..ent approval. (See Xesclu'cion oi" later in neeting, Adopting and Confirming ;tssessr.ents). J- If: CODE AVElUE FXCI K.57TH STREET TCI IELODY L.K% DRIVE. sho!ved Total Cost to be 53,075.98, proposed to be assessed against 1,070.9 .front feet, for $2.E7 per frcnt foot, as coriqared with $4.05 Iizprovenent Hearing Estimate Xci objectfons ctere registered, and Eeim moved for assesszent approval. seccnded by Tupa and carried. (See Resolution of later in meeting, jidopting and Confirming .*,ssessn:ents). b IF 1:'CGDDXE L;J!E. Tabulatian of Assessnent was read at Total 1,ssessable Cost of 51,997.73, proposed tc be assessed against nine lots, for $221.72 per Lot, as coqared with 314.17 per Lot. %he street does not drain properly. Engineer Zikan informed him that the contract is not cozpleted; that, because of inclement weather the contractor was granted an extension of the in vinich to complete; that street will not be sealed until next year, aust be maintained by contractor until that time; that drainage v~ill be corrected bY contractor before final payrent is made. registered, and %in mved for assessment approvel. carried, Xessrs. Schilling and Shaughnessy rexinded Ccuncil They told Council that a culvert had been in the street, draining to the It vias suggested that the matter be thoroughly revierred by I.:otion seconded by Tupa and carried, B. PUEIC HWFtIfIG OiI PROPOSED ASSESSi.Il3T FOR CURB AI?D GUTTER I:."%'E1OVEi.;%il:T 1fO. E-62, There were no objections registered at Hearing, and no mitten objections Kohler's notion approving assessnient vas seconded I C. PUELIC I-IELqII:GS O?! PROPOSED ASSESSbIEI!TS FOR BLXLT0PPII:G 13P2OVE.?3~T 1:O. L-143 - Hearing Estimate of $3.11. (See Resoluticn of later in meeting, AdGpting and E. &F . FUELZC WEAR1I"GS 0;: PROPOSED ASSESSZY€NTS FOR EG.CKTOPPIKG I;JP8OVEX3!T !!Os A444 I Go PUBLIC HERZII!G C;! ?i?OPOSED ASSESSLiEtJT FOR BLkCI<TOPPII!G IIX'ilOVE.B:T 170. k-121-- (See Resolutton of PUELIC HEARIIIG C:! FROPOSED XSSESSIEIIT FOR BLACITTOPPII1G II.IPROVE.'.:ET,TT i+!O. ft-125-- €To objecticns registered, and Beim moved for approval of assessnent. (See Resolution of later in meeting, PUBLIC HEL?Ii:G Ci: PiXFGSED iSSESSIJET FOR I3LiSl,TOP?II.!G I!.:?2OVEt.:S!T IiO. A-126-- (UPPER TERRISE, BCITTXN l?!, TO SOUTHCREST D8. ) ) iJotion seconded by Dic!:son and carried. FLUXIC EEi2IP:G CIT FXFCSED A SSESSEP!T FOS BLI;C!TOFPII!G I:.:PXQYE.iE!T :IO. k-130-- *I Tabulation of Assessxent t:oticn !L FUELIC HEA!?II!G C:J PEOPOSED I:.SSESSbIEI!T FOR BLACITOPPII!G IieiP20VE.T3?T 110. i\-131-- Lir. Robbins, 5023 Yooddale Lane, protested that other objections 5;'ere riok-on seconded by Tups and (See Resolution of later in meeting, Adopting and Confirming Assessnents) ' 10/26/59 267 L PUBLIC HEARIIIG Oi?! PROPOSED ASSESSIdEbJT FOX ELACI<TOPPIP,IG II.:Pl?OVEi~lB~IT l.:O* ,4-133-,-jL IN EEFEBRD PLACE FROiJ W.57TH ST. TO GROVE ST. : GROVE ST. FRO14 BERNARD PLACE TO 134 FEET EAST bJ?D 134 FEET WEST. Tabulation of Assessment was read at Total Assessable Cost of $4,668.32, proposed to be assessed against 1,752 assessable feet, for $2.66 per assessable foot, conpared with $3.32 Improvement Hearing Estimate. There were nrJ oral objections registered at the Hearing. to corner lots and was informed that they are assessed for their full cornero Dickson moved for approval of assessment, motion was seconded by Tupa and carried. (See Resolution of later in meeting, Adopting and Confirming Assessment) . IN EERLJAPLD PLACE FROM W,56TH ST. TO W.57TH ST. Tabulation of Assessment was read at Total Assessable Cost of $3,247.68, proposed to be assessed against 1,197.3 assess- able feet for $2.71 per foot, compared with Improvement Hearing Estimate of $3.51. KO objections were registered at the Hearing, and none- had been received prior thereto, and Tupa moved for:.approLal: of asseSsrh6nt. -: :~~fi!otion 'seconded by Dic!:son and carried. (See Resolution of later in meeting, Adopting and Confirming Assessment). Dr. Vizzier inquired about assessment !A. PUBLIC HEWLING Ob! PROPOSED ASSESSIJIENT FOR BLACKTOPPIMG IkiP2OVEiiIE3JT NO. A- 135-- . N. PUBLIC HEARING ON PROPOSED ASSESSI4ENT FOR ELAChTOPPING IAIPROVEMEPIT 120. A- 137-- IF! 'JEST SHORE DRIVE FROM DUNBERRY LANE TO LAGUNA DRIVE AND IN UPPER TERRACE FROM SOUTHCREST DRIVE TO WEST SHORE DRIVE. Tabulation of Assessment was read at Total Assessable Cost of $9,018.75, proposed to be assessed against 3,516.7 assessable feet, for $2.56 per assessable foot, compared with Improvement Hearing Estimate of $3.51. There were no objections filed, and Kohler moved for approval of assessment. ?Jotion seconded' by Eeim and carried. and Confirming ssessment) (See Resolution of later in rr,eeting,Adopting 0. PUBLIC HEAFXNG OIJ PROPOSED ASSESSMENT FOR BLACKTOPPING Ir.~PRovmEm ria. A- 139-- TlT \'?EST HIGHI'KIOD DRIVE FROM PINE GROVE ROAD TO SOUTH LIIIE OF IDYLUOOD THIRD L"DDT:* Tabulation of Assessment was reat at Total Assessable Cost of $5,871.39, proposed to be assessed against 2,265.4 assessable feet, for $2.59 per assessable foot, as compared with Improvement Hearing Estimate of $3.33. approval was seconded by Tupa and carried. against the assessment. ing Assessment) Eeim's motion for assessment There were no objections registered (See Resolution or" later in meeting, Adopting and Confirm- Po PUBLIC HEARING Ob! PROPOSED ASSESSLIENT FOR BLACI3OPPING 1II;PROVEIdEMT €10. A-145-- II! IDYLYOOD DR. FEOfil EAST LIPIE OF IDYLWOOD 2ID ADDN, TO VI.HIGHYJ00D DE, : I'J.HIGHI;JO@D DRIVE FROLI €1. LINE OF IDYLI'JOOD 2PJD ADDN. TO 317.24 FT. S. Tabulation of Assessment was read at Total Assessable Cost of $3,970.75, proposed to be assessed against 1,464.3 assessable feet, for $2.71 per assessable foot as compared with Improvement Hearing Estimate of $3.97. No objections were registered, and Tupa moved for assessment approval. "Motion seconded by Beim and carried. later in meeting, Adopting and Confirming Assessments) . (See Resolution of Q PUBLIC HEARING ObJ PROPOSED AISIENDEENT TO ASSESSfvEPJT FOR BLACISI'OPPING IMPROVEI."IENT 120. A-l32--IFI OAIZAVfl~I AVE. FROM DUNBERRY LANE TO 137 FT, '!J. OF POIP!T DR.: POIrtT DR. FROX DUFIEERRY LA4P!E TO AND INCLUDING CUL-DE-SAC : JUDSON LANE FROM POINT DR. TO 160 FT, \'JEST. Review was made of the September 21st Public Hearinq on this proposed assessment, when Mr. Multaler, owner of Lot 13, Block 1, protested being askessed for a forty-foot strip of his property which is on the turn-around, besides his assessment for both front and side footages, and the Council determined to divide the assessment for the 40-foot strip against the remaining three lots facing the turn-around--the*e heing no other amendment to the proposed assessment of $2.53 per assessable front foot. Amended assessment roll showed an addition of 13.3 assessable feet for Lot 14, Block 1, Southdale Third Addn., 13.3 each for Lots 15 and 16, Block 1, and a deduction of a0 feet from Lot 13, Block 1, owner of one of the three lots to which additions had been made, protested. that when Mr, Idultaler purchased his property it was already platted and he was aware of the lot's footage on the street, Ivlrs. Lindblom asked that he be estopped from denying liability for the streets abutting his property. A representative for the owner of Lot 15, Block 1, stating that because Idr. Alultaler had objected to curb, owners of neighboring properties had refrained from petitioning for it, asked that full blacktopping assessment be made. that Mr. Multaler does use the turn-round portion of the cul-de-sac in backing out of his garage. Stating that, without hk. hlul'caler's consent it is doubtful that the other neighbors could have had blacktopping at all and that Council had felt that the presently proposed arrangement was equitable inasmuch as the other large lots in the area were receiving the benefit of snall front fobtages, Trustee Kohler moved for approval of assessment as amended. (See Resolution of later in meeting, Adopting and Confirming ,'issessments). R. isvenue and !.Iaddox Lane Oiling had been seriously damaged immediately after completion. Council (delayed Hearing some l* hours, for complainants to arrive; and, when no one appearec' Kohler moved, approving Oiling 1959 Assessment (See Resolution of later in meetings Adopting and Confirming Assessments) foint on properties abutting some 28 streets and alleys. Motion SeCa-ded Beim,carried. Mrs. Londblom, Stating It was reported by neighbors Motion seconded by Beim and carried. OILIb!G 1959 IIAPROVEKENTS. Clerk reported receipt of complaint that IAildred Assessment levied at 174 per front I(clh1er then moved that the Oiling Assessment Complaint be referred to the Village Zanager, to see if soir.e way cannot be had to alert the public to aid in apprehending drivers of heavy trucks, which damage the oil coats. i:Iotion seconded by Eeim and carried . 268 10/26/!39 1:ohler then offered the following Resolution and noved its adoption: RESOLUTIOX AWPTING AND C@PIFIRI;EING ASSESS!.IEGTS AND B-66; BLACKTOPPIWG IMPROVEMENTS HOS. A-121 A-125, A-126, A-130, A-131, A-132, A-133, A-135, A-137, A-139, A-143, A-144 AND A-145: AND CURB A" GUTTER IMPROVEMENTS NOS. E-61 , B-62, 1 OILING 1959 ILlPROVE!.ENT BE- IT RESOLVED by the Village Council of the Village of Edina, IAinnesota, as follows: ments for CURB AND GUTTER IXPROVEIENTS NOS. B-61, B-62, AND B-66; BLACKTOPPING A-143, A-144 and A-145; AND OILING 1959 IIIIPROVEftENT,'and each of them, have been properly calculated in accordance with the provisions of Minnesota Statutes Sections 429.051 and 429.061; that notice has been duly published as required by law that this Council would Reet to hear and pass upon all objections, if any, to amend said pro- posed assessments as might be necessary, and to adopt the same by resolution; that said proposed assessments have at all times since their filing been open for public inspection, and opportunity has been given to all interested persons to present their objections; and that each of the lots, pieces ahd parcels of land enumerated in the respective assesments was and is specially benefited by the construction of the improvement for vhich such assessment is levied in the amount set opposite the description of each such lot, piece and parcel of land, respectively. The amounts so set out are hereby levied against the respective lots, pieces and parcels of land described in said respective assessments, and said proposed assessments are hereby adopted and confirmed as the proper special'assessments for said improvements, respectively. together with the interest accruing on the full amount thereof froq time to time unpgid, at the rate of five percent per annum from the date of this resolution, shall be a lien concurrent with general taxes upon the property described therein and all thereof, Nos, B-61 and B-66 and for Blacktopping Improvements Nos. A-126, Ei-133', A-137, A-143 and A-144 shall be payable in equal annual installments extending over a periad of-10 years, the first of said installments, together with interest on the entrre assess- ment from the date hereof to December 31, 1960, to be payable with general taxes for the year 1959, and one of the remaining installments, with one year's interest on that and all subsequent installments, to be payable with general taxes for the years 1, It is hereby found, determined and declared that the proposed assess- ILlP2OVRJR'JTS NOS. A-121, A-125, A-126, A-130, A-131, A-132, A-133, A-135, A-137, A-139, I 2. The assessment against each lot, tract or parcel, 3. The total amount of the assessments for Curb and Gutter Improvements I a 1960 through 1968, collectible in the respective ensuing years. 4. The total amount of the assessments for Curb and Gutter Improvement No. E-;2 and for Blacktopping Improvements Nos. A-121, A-125, A-130, A-131, A-132, A-135, A-137, A-139 and A-145 shall be payable in equal annual installments extending over a period of five years, the first of said installments, together with interest on the entire assessment from the date hereof to December 31, 1960, to 'be payable with general taxes for the year 1959, and one of the remaining installments, with one year's interest on that and all subsequent installments, to be payable with general taxes for the years 1960 through 1963, collectible in the respective ensuing years. be payable in one installment, together with interest on the elltire assessment from the date herebf to December 31, 1960, to be payable with general taxes for the year 1959, collectible in the year 1960. 6. The Clerk shall, as soon as may be, prepare and transmit to the County Auditor a -certified duplicate of said assessments, with each then unpaid installment and interest set forth separately, to be extended upon the proper tax llsts of the County, and the County Auditor shall thereefter cause said assessmerlts to be collected in the nanner provided by law. Said duplicate shall be designated as the ASSESSI.IEit'T 5. The total amount of the assesment for Oiliilg 1959 Improvement shall ROLL FOR CURE AND GUTTER IUPROVE:ll3JTS NOS. E-61, B-62 AKD B-66; BLAChTOPPIRG Il.fP8OVE- LIENTS H@S* A-121, A-125, A-126, A-130, A-131, A-132, A-133, A-135, A-137, A-139,A-143, A-144 ATID A-143; AND OILING 1959 II.IPROVEMEHT, and all amounts collected in respect of the assessmer~ts therein contained shall be similarly designated by the County Treasurer and remitted to the Village Treasurer,by him credited to the 'IMPROVEirlEt:T hlotioll €or adoptior~ of the Resolution was seconded five ayes and no nays, as Eollov~s: Beim, aye; D and Sredeseri, aye; and the Resolution was adop WHD REDEaJPTIO>? FWJD. , AVARD OF BIDS TAKEC.: TODAY, and recommendatiorls were made and Council action taken as hereinafter recorded: Engineer Zikali presented Tabulation of Bids taken today, 3.0/26/59 2 6 91 1. SANITARY SEWER IMPROVEfclENT NO. 159--Valley View Heights-Countryside area, Tabulation of Bids showed receipt of three bids on the June 15, 1960 completioii date, Barbarossa and Sons, Inc,, being low bidder at $228,014.10; Northern Contracting Company second low, at $271,752.85; and Phelps-Drake Co. being high bidder at $354,375.43. The only bid received on January 1, 1960 completion was that of Barbarossa and Sons, Inc., at $244,050.00. Engineer Zikari reported that bids are way over Improvement Hearing Estimaee, because the contractors have found that the water table in the area is sufficiently high to cause considerable wet work. He recommended award of bid be delayed until iiext Council Meeting and that Council schedule a new Public Hearing on an Estimate computed from these bids. Gohler so moved, motion was seconded by Beim, date of Hearing to be Monday, November 9, and on Rollcall vote, Beim, Dickson, gohler, Tupa and Bredesen all voted aye and motion was unanimously carried, 2. rSJATERtlAIN IF.4PROVEMENT NO. 141--Interlachen Blvd.-Mirror Lakes Area. Tabulation of Bids showed receipt of five bids on the June 15, 1960 completion date, Swanson Excavating Company being low bidder at $88,200.00; Barbarossa and Sons, Inc., second low at $89,494.00; and Phelps-Drake Co., Inc., high bidder at $95,261.00. As to the January 1, 1960 completion date, only three bids were received: Swanson Excavating Co,, at $88,982.50, Barbarossa and Sons, Inca at $89,494.00 and Phelps-Drake Cob, Inc., at $95,261.00. Because this main does loop two large mains and would improve water service for an extensive area hlr, Zikan recommended award of contract on the January 1st completion date, to Swanson Excavation Co. at $89,494,00. Tupa so moved. Motion seconded by Dickson and carried. of two bids, that of Perkins Electric Coo in amount of $5,675.00, and that of Dave Gilbertson Co. in amount of $5,754.00--this last bid not being in accord with the specifications offered b.1 the Village (drawn by Banister Engineering Co., Conslilting Engineers) but able to accomplish the sarr,e result. Utilities Supt. VJoeliler told Council this system will provide for a main control cabinet at the Village Hall for the reservoir and will provide for facilities to take care of four wells in the f?ltilre. He recormended award of contract to low bidder, and Eeim so rroved. h 3. SUPERVISORY CONTROL SYSTEhI FOR WATERWORKS. Tabulation of Bids shovjed receipt Idotion seconded b;l Dickson and carried. PETITIOIG FOR I:.;PROVEIIIENTS FILED. silbnitted, and Kohler moved for acceptance. The following Improvement Petitions were Motion seconded b; Tupa and carried, 1. 2. Elacktopping - Chowen Ave., W.63rd to VJ.64.th St. Sanitary Sewer - Highland Road. The petition for Sanitary Sewer was accompanied by a letter telling of serious cesspool troubles, and asking the Council to expedite improvement; and, after consulting with Village Engineer Zikan as to the feasibilit-; of doing the work thjs year, icchler offered the following Resolution and moved its adoption: RESOLTJTIOR PROVIDING FOR PUBLIC EEARIfIG PROPOSED SNJI TARY S B'JER IIIPROVE?LEI<T BE' IT RESOLVED bj the Council of the Village of Edina: 1. The Village Engineer, having submitted to the Council a preliminary report as to the feasibility of the proposed Sanitar:: Sewer Improvement described in the Form of Notice of Hearing set forth below, and as to the estimated cost of such improvement, said report is hereby approved and directed to be placed on file in the office of the Village Clerk. 2. This Council shall meet on Monday, Uovenber 9, 19Z9, at 7:OO P.IA., in the Edina Village Hall, to consider in public hearing the views of all persons interested in said proposed improvement, time, place and purpose of said meeting to be published in the official newspaper once a week for two successive weeks, the second of which publi- cations is to be not less than three days from date of said meeting, which notice shall be in substantially the .following form: 3, The Clerk is hereby authorized and directed to cause notice of the NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING ON PROPOSED SANITARY SEWER IMPROVEEILTT .NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Edina Villaqe Council will meet at' the Edina Village Hall on Eonday, November 9, 1959, ai 7iOO P.I:!., to consider the follow- ing prclposed improvement to be constructed under the authority granted by sota Laws of 1953, Chapter 398, The approximate cost of said improvement estimated by the Village Engineer as set forth below: IJinne- LS ESTIZ9fiiTED COST COI'JSTRUCTION OF VILLAGE SANITARY SEWER AND APPURTENANCES 7 IN THE FOLLOVlING STREET: Highland Road from Crescent Drive to 330 Ft. West $6,129.60 The area proposed to be assessed for the cost of said proposed improvement includes all lots, blocks and tracts of land abutting the streets proposed to be improved by said Sanitary Sewer. I Motion for adoption of the Resolution was bjr Tupa, and on Rollcall there were five ayes and no nays, as follows: Kohler, aye; Tupa, aye; Bredesen, aye; and the 270 10/26/59 d 1:ohfer offered the following Resolution and moved its adoption: RESOLUTIC(4 APPROVING PLANS &ID SPECIFICATIOXS FUR PROPOSED SANITARY' SBJER Il.iPROVEI:IENT, .UD DIRECTING ADVERTISEldENT FOR BIDS. BE IT RESOLVED by the Village Council of the Village of Edina: 1. The plans and specifications for the proposed Sanitar, Sewer Ircprovement set forth in the following Advertisement for Bids form, heretofore prepared b-i the Village Engineer and now on file in the office of the Village Clerk are hereby approved. and the Construction Eulletin the following notice €or bids for said improvement: 2. The Clerk shall cause to be published twice in the Edina-l.!orningside' Courier ADVERTISE.1;ET.JT FOR BIDS SAPIITARI' SE!'?ER I!dPROVE.~E%T SEALED BIDS will be received and opened in the office of the Village Xanager in the Edina Village Hall, 4E01 ;'!est 50th Street, at 11:OO A.K., iJonda;, Roverrrber 9, 1959, and the Edina village Council will meet at 7:OO P.ti., on Konday, November 9, 1959, to consider said bids, being for the following: CONSTRUCTION OF VILLAGE SAHITARY SEPIER AI?D kPPURTBJ2JJCES If2 THE FOLLOWIE2G STREET: Cork rust be done as described in plans and specifications on file in the Highland Road from Crescent Drive to 330.feet T!est. office of the Village Cler!:. of $10.00, vhich deposit will be refunded upon return of said plans and specifi- cations. bid bond or certified check pa-.able to the Village clerk in the amount of at least ten percent of atmunt of base bid. The Cmncil reserves the rfght to re:ect any; or all bids. Bi ORDER OF THE VILLAGE COURTSIL. Plans and specifications are abailable for a deposit No bids ail1 be considered unless sealed and accovpanied b; cash deposit, GRETCHEN S. ALDE3.I Village Clerk 3. hereby adopted as the terms and conditions of award of the contract for said improvement . Each and all of the terms of the foregoing advertisezent for bids are Ibtion for adcpticn of the Resolution was s were five ayes and no nays, as follows: Be aye; and Bredesen, aye; and the Resolution pa, and cn Rollcall there son, aye; I:ohler, aye; Tupa, HEARItJG ON ALLEY VACATICX SCHEEULED FOR NOVEGBER 23. the Vacation of that Alley lying between Jackson and Van Buren Aves. and between Belmore Lane and the I'!orth Village Limits, which was referred to the Village Planning Comission for its recormendation, with understanding that if recomendation is favorable Public Hearing will be scheduled for IJonday, November 23 at 7:OO P.i.1. Xotion was by Kohler, seconded by Tupa and carried. Clerk presented *Petition ,for PUBLIC HEALTH NURSIPTG REPORT FOR SEPTELIBER was swbni tted, reviewed and ordered placed on file, APPLICATIGK FOR CN-SALE BEER AT SOUTHDALE WTL ,3401 W.G9TH ST. APPR@VED. nation was made by Dickson, seconded by Tupa and carried, after revievre of Police Department favorable recorir!:endation. Approving "VILLAGE SHARE" OF UTILITIES Chi BRISTOL BLVD. CANNOT BE PAID, ATTOREY SULES. to kir. E.C. Stov:'~ request Ear payxent of some $817.00 per lot for five lots abutting Bristol Blvd. (Village-owned park), as submitted at the xeeting of October 13, 1959, and the Council's subsequent referral of this request to the Village Attorney for his ruling on legality of Village payment, Attorney Hasselquist stated that considerable research has been dohe by his office this past two weeks and that no statutory authority for making such payment can be found; that the Village cannot legally pay for an improvement for which bids have not been taken, Pursuant "YJATER LOOP" IN STGI'J'S EDGEI,iWR DISCUSSED: VILLAGE TO TAI:E BIDS. tire S~OW told Council that a watermain is needed in !'Jest 72nd street from Bristol Elvd. to Lynmar Lane and in Lynmar Lane from Vest 72nd Street to !Javelle Drive; that he feels that the Village should stand some portion of the cost of this main inasxuch as it abuts Village-owned park. He told Council that he his a tentative contract for this main, now, but, in view of Xr. Hasselquist's immediately preceding ruling he believes it should be cancelled and the Village should take bids; that he will pay, directly to ' the Village, his share of the cost of the IIloop" but that he feels that it is only fair that the Village assune its share of the cost fcs its park-abutting properties-- which, according to his rough figures, should be approximately the cost of the "Village share" of the utilities on Bristol Blvd, (see next paragraph); and, after Lll. Stow had been informed that the Village cannot Considerable discussion was had 1 O/26/59 accept the bid tendered to Mr. Stow, even though it is lower than the lowest sealed bid received; and that the Council will stipulate the amount of benefit to be received by the Village-owned park for water service (which benefit bears no relation to the cost of utilities on Bristol Blvd.), Kohler moved that the Village ta!:e bids €!ovember 9, 1959, for a Watermain in VIJ,72nd Street from Bristol Blvd. to Lynnar Lane and in Lynmar Lane from IY.72nd St, to Mavelle Drive, Beim and carried. Motion seconded by "Pf?EI: SHRP,E" OF UTILITIES IN NEW DEVELOPMENTS DISCUSSED. Council entered into a lengthy discussion on the matter of the Village's responsibility in the matter of costs of utilities abutted by Village-owned park properties, pursuant to hlr. 2.C. Stow's request for village payment of utilities in Bristol Blvd., as hereinbefore recorded. ?.?E. Stow reminded Council that "Stow's Edgemoor" had been platted before the policy on developer-construction of utilities had been completely worked out; that he had had no knowledge that he would have to assume the cost of sanitary sewer and watermains abutting village-owned park; that, had he had such l:nowledge at the time he could have added this cost on a pro-rata basis to the cost of his lots but that, now, he stands to lose some $3500. Council discussed the matter in relation to plats now being filed and in relation to "park benefit". It was concensus that all parks will need water connection for maintenance purposes; that sewer connections will be needed only in the larger areas, where toilets are to be installed. developers should be required to pay the entire cost of utilities in their developments; others felt that the Village should assume some cost for at least the water utility. Then came the question, 'What happens when the development ends at a street, with a park across the street--are the lots abutting the border street to'pay the entire cost of the utilities?" An opinion was given that the Park Eoard should be required to recommend the number of server and/or water connections which would be required for each park and that village share of cost should be computed accordingly. Because it was realized that a policy could, not be established ail'nout further information the matter was referred to the Village Attorney, the Park Board and the Village Engineer for their recommendations. Some members of Council were of the opinion that ST0!7 TO COPJSTRUCT STORIil SEMER IM "STOW'S EDGE!IOOR" bAT HIS 0l'R.J EXPENSE. Earlier in the eveninq Enqineer Zikan had reported to the Council that a storm server is needed in Stow's Edgemoor without further delay. install this storm sewer at his own expense installing the storm sewer at his own expense until he learned that the Village %ould bear. no cost of the Bristol'Blvd. utilities--that he could not afford to bear the entire cost of both improvements. However, after the Village had agreed to take bids on the watermain loop in YJ.72nd Street and Lynmar Lane Mr. Stow agreed once again that he would construct the storm sewer at his ovm expense. Idr. Stow explained that he had agreed to HOPKINS-EDINA JOINT LlEETING TENTATIVELY SCHEDULED FOR NOVEMBER 30. that Hopkins has asked for a meeting concerning boundaries, storm sewers, etc., preferably for November 24 at 4:OO P.fL Council agreed Lo meet with Hopkins on November 30 or November 23 in preference to the 24th. It was reported Manager to contact Hopkins. EEEPORT !JADE ON DARE ZONING VIOLATION, 4400 V1.50TH ST. was not able to contact Nr. Darr today with regard to this matter but that he understands the property is changing hands, most of the home workshop equipment has been moved out and Lii. Darr is not employing anyone at this address. One member of the Council stated Llr. Dam has rented a store building for his operations. I.k. Hite was directed to make a follow-up call at this residence to ma!:e sure that the violation was not continuing. Lir. Hite reported that he REZONIMG OF PEARCE TRACT-VILLAGE SERVED liTITI-I SUIJMONS bED C@IZLr?INT FOR DECLARATGRY JUEGBIENT PERTIIINIP!G THERETO. Complaint for Declaratory Judgment in the matter of the Katherina and hlarie Pearce petition fur the rezoning of the South 600 feet of Lot 5, Cassin's Outlots. Llatter referred to Village Attorney. Clerk repor-l;ed having been served with Summons and EUILDIb!G REFORT FOR SEPTEMBER, 1959 was filed, reviewed and ordered placed on record. WATER PROGRESS REPORT DISTRIEUTION was discussed, concensus being that general report be made on the progress alreagy made, and not to include plans for future treatment. CLAIMS PAID. the following Claims, as per Pre-List dated October 26, 1959: Funds, $2,033.90; !'later Fund, $3,503.85; Liquor Fund, $54,435.00; Sewer Rental Fund, $390.39; Improvement Funds, $9,742.40--TotalY $226,705.53, and an additional Claim Motion was made by Tupa, seconded by Beim and carried, for payment of General Fund, $11,951.19; Construction Fund, $144,648.60; Park and Park Const. in amcunt of $1,250 to Pure Oil Company from General Fund; for payment of Used Tan!.: Truck for Fire Dept. The agenda's having been covered, Tupa moved for adjournment. Kohler and carried. Motion seconded by 1,Aeeting adjourned at 9r20 P.M. Village Clerk