HomeMy WebLinkAbout19600111_regularI l/ii/60 3 , *: MINUTES OF THE: NGULk MEETING OF THF: EDINA VIELkE COUNCIL, HELb MbNDAY, YANUARY 11, 1960, AT 7:OO P.M., AT TIE - EDINA VILLAGE HALL Members answering Rollcall were Beim, Dickson, Kohler, Tupa and Bredesen. MINUTES of the Regular Meeting of December 30, 1959 were approved as submitted, and Minutes of the Regular Meeting of December 14, 1959 were approved,.with the following amendments, by motion Tupa, seconded by Beim and carried: 1.: Page 296, Book 22 - Paragraph entitled "DUMP TRUCK AND BUCKET LOADER" shall be changed to read, %r. Hyde reported receipt 04 bids from six bidders on the Truck and Loader; that bids differed as to the type of body to be furnished;.that Pioneer GMC Co. is apparent low bidder at $5,030.40 for truck plus $3,098 for Loader"-- 2. LAND" - The sentence in the middle of paragraph, beginning "For purposes of straightening the creek channel" is amended by substituting the word "easet1 for the word west as written into the Minutes. 3. Page 297, Book 22 - Paragraph entitled "BROOKVIEW HEIGHTS FOURTH ADDITION PRELIMINARY PLAT DISCUSSED" shall be amended by substituting the word llpublicll for the word "drainage" in the sentence beginning "It showed Outlot One". 4. Page 300, Book 22 - Paragraph entitled "HYLAND ACRES FINAL PLAT WITHDRAWN" shall be amended to read "Planning Director Hite reported that this Plat, of the McDonald Property on Blake Road just south of Mirror Lake, has been withdrawn from this evening's agenda because Planning Commission has not yet taken definite action on it.'# Amendments to Minutes of December 14, 1959: Page 297, Book 22 - Paragrpph entitled "CONGREGATIONAL CONFERENCE DONATES PARK PUBLIC JBARINGS ON ZONING VARIANCES. 'Public Hearings were called by Mayor Bredesen on the following Zoning Variances, pursuant to "Notices of Hearings" as mailed by Planning Director. 1. PETITION OF MR. EARLE W. DIERCKS for 8-foot Side Yard Setback for Lot 9, Block 3, Birchcrest 2nd Addn. (5220 Birchcrest Drive). proposed location of dwelling on lot, being 8 feet from one lot line, 8% feet from the other. request because the other homes in the .block had had the privilege of building to a' five-foot setback in accordance with former provisions of ord-inance. were registered at the Hearing, and no written object-ions had been received prior thereto, and Tupa moved that requested setback be permitted.Botion seconded by Beim and carried. 2. It was explained that this tract was a 'left-over' parcel at the time of platting neikhboring property; that it has had a house on it for some years and that matter has come to Council's attention only because owner cannot, now, give clear title under provisions of recent regulations of Village zoning ordinance. There were no objections to the establishment of- this tract as a legal lot, and none had been received prior to the Hearing. Dickson offered the following Resolution and moved its adoption: Action taken as hereinafter recorded. Mr. Hite presented survey showing He explained that Planning Commission had recommended favorably on this No objections PETITION FOR ESTABLISHMENT OF LEGh LOT--58-FOOT-FRONT TRACT AT 3922 W.49TH ST. RESOLUTION GRANTING VARIANCE FROM ZONING ORDINANCE BE IT RE3OLVED' by the Council of the Village of Edina, Minnesota, as follows: requirements of previous and present zoning ordinances of this Village impose a demonstrable and unusual hardship upon the owners of the following described property: 1: It is hereby found, determined and declared that the minimum frontage "That part of the Northeast 1/4 of the Southeast 1/4 of the Northeast 1/4 of Section 18, Township 28 North, Range 24 West of the 4th Principal Meridian, described as follows: 'Commencing at a point in the South iline of sa5d Northeast 1/4 of Southeast 1/4 of Northeast 1/4 of said Section 18 distant 255 feet Westerly from the Southeast corner of said Northeast 1/4 of Southeast 1/4 of Northeast 1/4; thence West along said South line 58 feet;- thence North parallel with the East line of said Section, 143 feet; thence East parallel with the South line of the Northeast 1/4 of Southeast 1/4 of Northeast 1/4 a distance of 58 feet; thence South 143 feet to the point of beginning'". that such hardship was not created by act or omission of the present owners, who will be deprived of the reasonable use of their property unless relieved from the application of such frontage requirements; and that a variance with respect to said property will not impair the public health, safety, comfort, morals or welfare of the inhabitants of the Village. granted, and the property above, described is hereby relieved, retroactively and prospectively, from the application of the minimum frontage requirements of the zoning ordinance of the Village. Motion for adoption of Resolution was seconded by wler, and on Rollcall there were five ayes and no nays, as follows: Beim, aye son, aye; Kohler, aye; Tupa, aye; and Bredesen, aye; and the Resolution was ad 2. The application of the owners of said property for a variance is therefore Mayor 8-N w illage Clerk 1/11/60 BI]ss &i&D$D ON STREET EQUIPH4NT Manager Hyde preseited Tabulation of Bids taken December 14, 1959, together with-his recommendations, as follows, and action was 4 taken as hereinafter recorded: Tabulation showed Bement-Cahill Equipment Go. bidding 'on a Tennaht Model 100 (2-Yd) at $8,793.00, Phillippi Equipment Co., bidding on Wayne Model 220 Vacuumized *(2-Yd) at $9,790 and Model 200 (2-Yd) at $8,450; and Road Machinery Go,, bidding on Austin-Vestern Bodel 40 (2-Yd) at $7,902; Public Works Equipment Go., Phillippi Equipment Go., and Zeco Go. each bidding on 3-Yd. models at $8,995.00, $9,300.00 and $7,788.27 respectively; and on the 4-Yd. Mode&, Road Nachinery Go., bidding Austin-Western Model 60, at $10,367.00; Public Works Equipment Go., bidding Elgin White i?ing IV, at $9,895.00; Phillippi Equipment Go., bidding Wayne Model 1-550, at $10,180.00; and at $9,018.78. sweepers had not been,too thoroughly considered because he and the Public Works Supt, had become convinced, after watching the Tennant last year, that the vacuumized sweeper is not what the Village needs for heavy street work; that the other four models had been considered; that the Mobil is a truck-mounted sweeper and has not proved to be satisfactory in gett+g around low radius corners; that the Village has had an Elgin for 4% years and has had trouble getting parts because the local distributor does not carry a complete line of parts and they must be shipped from Cleveland, thus causing delay in the repair. He stated that Phillippi Equipment, bidding on Wayne Models, does carry a complete parts stock, and recommended that bid be awarded to Phillippi at $10,180.00 for the Model 1-550 (4-Yd), stating that this bid is higher than that for the Elgin by about $285 but that with the Wayne a steel broom will be furnished, which will lessen the difference by about $150; that he believes the availability of parts and service to be a big advantage, and that this make has been satisfactory to both City of Minneapolis and Minnesota Highway Department. answered to the effect that this model is just not heavy enough for the type of work which must be done here. that the bid of Phillippi Equipment Go., for a Wayne Model No. 1-550, amount $10,180 .OO be accepted in viey of the Manager ' s recommendations iherefor . seconded by Beim and carried. Pioneer GMC being low, with a bid of $5,030.40, and International Harvester Go., second low, at .$5,091.06. that of Handling Equipment Co., for a #850 GT Grapple Tilt nodal, at $3,090.00. Manager recommended acceptance of the truck bid of International Harvester Go., stating that this will standardize our requipment, and that the bid of GMN Pioneer .mst be .increased by $150 because this truck's fenders are too wide for the mounting of the loader without additional work.for adaptation, Tupa's motion, that contract for truck be awarded to International Harvester Co., and that bid for Loader be awarded to Handling Equipment Go., was seconded by Dickson and carried. I. STREET WEEPER. Zeco Go., bidding Mobil Model 1000-4, Mr. Hyde told Council that the Tennant 2-Yd. and other vacuumized Trustee Dickson asked Mr. Hyde about the Tennant and ~7as Some further discussion was had, apd Kohler moved Motion 2. TRUCK AND FRONT END LOADER. Tabulation showed six bidders on the Truck, Only one bid was received on the Front End Loader, CURB AND GUTTER AND BLACKTOPPING PETITION FOR ST. JOHNS AVE , FRO11 VAUEY VIEW TO 64TH ST.; ASHCROFT LANE FRO31 ST.JOHNS AVE. TO 64TH ST. ; 63RD ST., ASKCROFT LANE TO CONCORD Am.; CONCORD AVE. FROM 62ND TO 64TH ST. ACCEPTED. this petition, asking that it be considered with other petitions for work in 1960, although submitted beyond the deadline established for said work. He explained that petition had been circulated by a resident pursuant to Mr. Hyde's answer to residents after receipt of a complaint about street conditions in this area.. Kohler moved for acceptance of petition and for programming in line with regular priority. Manager presented Motion seconded by mpa and carried. MINNEAPOLIS GAS COXPANY'S PENDING RATE INCREASE was discussed pursuant to the Company's January 7th notification to the Council, reason for increase being the increase in the wholesale cost of gas to the Company. to go into effect for all gas bills rendered after January 31, 1960. No action taken. Increase mD BIRD CAB GO. APPLICATION FOR LICENSE TO OPERATE TEN TAXICABS was submitted and referred to Manager and Police Department, for investigation as to method of operations in Richfield and Bloomington. Suburban Yelloy, in Edina, Mayor Bredesen saying he has had only two complaints, both being about the delay e-xperienced in securing a cab. HEARING SCREDULED ON PETITION OF MR. L.J. CRAMER FOR 5-FOOT SIDE YARD SETBACK AT 5205 MINNEHAHA BLVD. Planning Director Hite reported that Planning Commission's January 6th favorable recommendation to this petition, explaining that restrictions on side yard setbacks have changed since this home was constructed; that, in convert- ingh breezeway and garage (non-liveable 'space) into a kitchen and bedroom, the applicant will be in violation of the present ordinance; that other homes in the block are within five feet of the lot line. Hearing on this petition for Monday, January 25, was seconded by Dickson and carried. Discussion was had on operations of I Kohler's motion scheduling Public 1/11/60 5 .,, .,, .I."1,~1IB"Irrr~.t TL1X' ?7.?,* l,,,*TS.. ,*,*,.r 'PUBIh kAlUNG SCHEDULED ON PETITION FOR PERMIT TO MOVE bWELLTNG FROM 6301 SHERNOOD AVE. TO 6217 RYAN AVE. reviewed, recommendation being in favor of the request but only on condition that house is properly repaired. request be scheduled for Monday, January 25, was seconded by Beim and carried. PUBLIC HEARING SCHEDULED ON C.K.KATTER REQUEST FOR PERMIT FOR DOUBLE DWELLING ON LOT 2, BLOCK 1, UTTER'S ADDITION. a dwelling (double) at 6224 Beard, just north of the Crosstown Highway, was discussed, after a perusal of the Planning Commission's January 6th favorable recommendation. Mr. Katter had told Commission he feels this would buffer the north'lots in his plat against the Crosstown, and reiterated his statement to the Council. valuation of between $40,000 and $45,000 at this location, and pointe'd out that the property adjacent to it is his--that he would not ask for this permit if he thought the double dwelling would devaluate surrounding properties. Dickson's motion scheduling Public Hearing on the request for Monday, January 25, was seconded by Kohler and carried. Planning Commission Januaky'6th Minutes were Dickson's motion, that Public Hearing on This request, for permit to construct He stated he expects to construct a double dwelling of a A. W. HENDRICKSON PRELIMINARY PLAT APPROVED. Lot 8, Auditor's Subd. No. 325 into two lots on Ridge Road, had received Planning Commission's favorable recommendation, and Beim moved for its approval. This plat, being a division of Motion seconded by Tupa and carried. BROOKVIEW HEIGHTS FOURTH ADDITION PRELIMINARY PLAT APPROVED. Council reviewed Park Board's January 4th recommendation for approval of plat as presently drawn 'Wth Outlot 1 to be dedicated to the Village for pubEic purposes, on of which would be a park purpose". This recommendation was received pursuant to Council's referral of December 14, 1959, after developer Stowf&$gERtested being request&d to make a dedication of $50 per lot in lieu of land,/in addition to dedicating Outlot 1 for public purposes. Mr. Stow stated that, although he has no use for Outlot 1 and is glad to dedicate it to the Village if they do have bse for it, he wants it clearly understood by the Council that this dedication is not being made in lieu of $50 per lot. Beim moved for acceptance of the Preliminary Plat of Brookview Heights 4th Addition in accordance with Park Board's recommendations. Motion seconded by'Dickson and carried. COUNCIL-PARK BOARD MEETING SCHEDULED FOR JANUARY 25, 8:30 P.M. Mr. Hyde told Council that Park Board is requesting a joint.meeting, for reviewal of both past expenditures under the Park Bond Issue and projected future expenditures. Noting that the agenda for January 25 will be light, Council agreed that this meeting could be had immediately after the regular meeting of the Council. . CONCORD-SOUTH VIEW LANE WELL REPAIRS DISCUSSED. two years ago, when this well started pumping sand, the well was packed and a screen was put in; that, this fall, @hen sand again appeared, the pump was pulled, and considerable time was spent in attempting to ascertain what was wrong; that what has apparently.happened is that the screen has corroded and chunks have formed and that the water is not getting through the screen. He stated that he has considered recommending that the well be pushed down to the Hinckley stratum but that this would take too long--that the well would not be in service until July; also, that there would have to be gpecial arrangements for the building for this different style pump. of the wells to be tied into an iron removal plant at the High School, the most expedient thing is probably to give the well a chemical treatment to burn off the scale and corrosion, at a total cost of $900 to $1100, that this treatment F70U1d be good for about two years. He stated he has informed the well driller that two years' service is not sufficient for the $5,000 work done two years ago, but that he is getting nowhere in attempting to effect an adjustment. Asked by Trustee Beim as to whether bidders will guarantee their chemical treat- ment, Mr. Hyde replied that it is doubtful. Some discussion was had as to the matter of formal vs informal bids and the probability of getting a guarantee, and the matter was referred to the Village Manager for a further report at the next meeting. Mr. Hyde told Council that Mr. Hyde said he feels that if this is to be one CLAIMS FOR PAYMENT FOR IMPROVEMENTS ON OUTLOT 1, UTTER ADDITION, REFERRED TO VILLAGE ATTORNEY. amounts of $110.00 for Seeding and Graveling, and $623.85 for Sewer and Water, were presented to the Village Attorney for his investigation as to legality of payment, pursuant to his previous ruling in connection with sewer and water in 'Stow's Edgemoor to the effect that the Village does not have authority to make payment because formal bids had not been taken by the Village. Addition is being dedicated to the Village for Park Purposes; These claims, presented by Mr. C.K. Katter, and being in the Outlot 1, Katter's DEPARTMENTAL REPORTS (BUILDING, FIRE. POUGE AND ENGINEER'S) SUBMITTED. These reports, for the Year 1959, were submitted, briefly reviewed by Council at Meeting looking toward individual review later, and ordered placed on file, with commendations by Council to department heads for the fine reports. , l/ll/~O ...... I,..... .l.',.X"I..I.."li~.I*1" TRUSTEE DICKSON &POINTED MAYOR PRO TEM. ment of Trustee V.N. Dickson as Mayor Pro Tern for the Year 1960. OFFICIAL DEPOSITORIES DESIGNATED. official depositories for the Village public funds for the year 1960, and the Collateral presented by the various banks. Resolution and moved its adoption: Mayor Bredesen announAed his appoint- Discussion was had on the designation of Dickson offered the following RESOLUTION DESIGNATING DgPOSITORY (FIRST EDINA NATIONAL BANK) BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED thqt the First Edina National Bank, Edina, Minnesota, uz authorized to do a banking business in Minnesota, be and hereby is, designated as official depository of the Operating Account and the Special 'Assessment Refund Account for the Village of Edina, County of Hennepin, Minnesota, for the calendar year 1960. Notion for adoption of Resolution was seconded by Kohler, and on Rollcall there were five ayes and no nays, as follows: Bei e; Dickson, aye; Kohler, aye; And Dickson offered the following Resolution and moved its adoption: SECURITIES IN LIEU OF BOND I * RESOLUTION APPROVING ASSIGNMENT OF FIRST DINA NATIONAL BANK BE IT RESOLVED, that the Village Council of the Village of Edina approve the assignment by its depository, the First Edina National'Bank of Edina, Minnesota, of the following securities, as good and sufficient collateral for the Village of Edina Public Funds deposited in said depository: U.S.A. Treasury Bonds 3% Due' Febrbary 15, 1964 5200,000.00 Motion for adoption of Resolution was seconded by Kohler, and on Rollcall there And Dickson offered the following Resolution and moved its adoption: SIGNATORY RESOLUTION FIRST EDINA NATIONAL BANK BE IT RESOLVED, that the peksons'holding office as Mayor, Mayor Pro-Tem, Manager, Engineer, Treasurer and Deputy Treasurer of the Village of Edina be, and they hereby are, authorized it0 act for this Village in the transaction of any banking business with First Edina National Bank of Edina (hereinafter referred to as the bank), such authority including authority on behalf of or in the name of the Village from time to time and until written notice to the bank to the contrary, to sign checks against said account, which checks shall be signed by the Mayor or Mayor Pro-Tern, Village Nanager or Village Engineer, and Village Treasurer or Deputy Treasurer. against such account which is signed as above deskribed, whether or not said check is payable to the order of, or deposited to the credit of, any officer or officers of the Village, including the signer or signers of the checks. Bank is hereby authorized and directed to honor and pay any check Motion for adoption of the Resolution was seconded by Kohler, and on Rollcall there were five ayes and no nays, as follows: aye; Dickson, aye; Kohler, I Dickson then offered the following Resolution and moved its adoption: RESOLUTION DESIGNATING DEPOS€TORY ~FIR~T SOUTHDALE NATIONAL BANK) BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED that the First Southdale National Bank, Edina, Minnesota, authorized to do a banking business in Minnesota, be and hereby is, designated as official depository of the Public Funds of the Payroll Account and Municipal' I Court Account of the Village of Edina, County of Hennepin, Minnesota, for the calendar year 1966 ., a 1/Ek{60-- --I- Motion for adoption of Resolution was seconded by Kohler, and on Rollcall there were five ayes and no nays, as fol'iows: e; Dickson, aye; Kohler, aye; Tupa, aye; and Bredesen, aye; and the adopted,,.y J And Dickson offered the follov~ing Resolution and moved its adoption: SECURITIES IN LIEU OF BOND FIRST SOUTHDALE NATIONAL BANK RESOLUTION APPROVING ASSIGNMENT OF BE IT RESOLVED, That the Village Council of the Village of Edina approve the assignment by its depository,,the First Southdale National Bank of Edina, BIinnesota, of the following securities, as good and sufficient collateral for the Village of Edina Public Funds deposited in said depository: U.S. Treasury 3-5/8% Notes due May 13, 1961 $100 , 000.00 $10,000 due March 1, 1967 20,000 .oo $120,000.00 Village of Edina 2.70% Improvement Bonds $10,000 due March 1, 1966 Motion for adoption of Resolution was seconded by Kohler, and on Rollcall there pa, aye; and B'lcedesen, aye; and the Res And Dickson offered the following Resolution and moved its adoption: SIGNATORY RESOLUTION FIRST SOUTHDALE NATIONAL BANK BE IT RESOLVED, that the persons holding office as Mayor, Mayor Pro-Tem, Manager, Engineer, Treasurer and Deputy Treasurer of the Village of Edina be, 'and they hereby are, authorized to act for this Village in the transaction of any banking business with First Southdale National Bank of Edina (hereinafter referred to as the bank), such authority including authority on behalf of or in the name of the Village from time to time and until written notice to the bank to the contrary, to sign checks against said account, which checks shall be-signed by the Mayor or Mayor Pro Tem, Village Managernor Village Engineer, and Village Treasurer or Deputy Treasurer. any check against such account which is signed assabove described, whether or not said check is payable to the order of, or deposited to the credit of, any officer or officers of the Village, including the signer or signers of the checks. The bank is hereby authorized and directed to honor and pay Motion for adoption of were five ayes and no nays, as follows: Bel Tupa, aye; and Bredesen, aye; and the Res ATTEST : Resolution was seco Kohler, and on Rollcall there ; Dickson, aye; Kohler, aye; Dickson then offered the following Resolution and moved its adoption: RESOLUTION DESIGNATING DEPOSITORY (MIDLAND NATIONAL BANK) BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED that Midland National Bank of Minneapolis, Minnesota, authorized to do a banking business in Minnesota, be and hereby is, designated as official depository of the Public Funds of the Investment Account of the Village ,of Edina, County of Hennepin, Minnesota, for the calendar year 1960. Motion for adoption of Resolution was seconded by Kohler, and on Rollcall there were five ayes and no nays, as follows: Be Tupa, aye; and Bredesen, aye; and the Resol And Dickson offered the following Resolution and moved its adoption: RESOLUTION APPROVING ASSIGNMENT OF SECURITIES IN LIEU OF BOND MIDLAND NATIONAL BANK BE IT RESOLVED, that the Village Council.of the Village of Edina approve the assignment by its depository, Midland National Bank of Minneapolis, Minnesota, of the following securities, as good and sufficient collateral for the Village of Edina Public Funds deposited in said depository: 1/11/60 $15,000 City'of Moorhead, Minnesota Certificates of Xndebtedness of 1954, 1.90% due February 1, 1964 ' $35,000 Zndependent School District No. 1 Rice County, Minnesota School Building 2.60% Bonds due January 1, 1964. 8 and on Rollcall there were ye; Kohler, aye; Tupa, aye; Motion for adoption of Resolution was seconded by five ayes and no nays, as follows: Beim, aye; Di Village Clerk And Dickson offered the following Resolution and moved its adoption: SIGNATORY RESOLUTION MIDLAND NATIONAL BANK BE IT RESOLVED, that the persons holding office as Nayor, Mayor Pro Tern, Manager, Engineer, Treasurer and Deputy Treasurer of the Village of Edina be, and they hereby are; authorized to act €or this Village in the transaction of any banking business with Hidland National Bank of Minneapolis (hereinafter referred to as the bank), such authority including authority on behalf of or in the name of the Village from time to time and until written notice to the bank to the contrary, to sign checks against said accounts, which checks shall be signed by the Mayor or Mayor Pro-Tem, Village Nanager or Village Engineer, and Village Treasurer or Deputy Treasurer. any check against such account which is signed as above described, whether or not said check is payable to the order of, or deposited to the credit of, any officer or officers of the Village, including the signer or signers of the checks. The Bank is hereby authorized and directed to honor and pay Motion for adoption of Resolution was seconded by KO five ayes and no nays, as follows: Beim,'aye; Dicks and Bredesen, aye; and the Resolution was adopted. . Village Clerk Dickson then offered the following Resolution and moved its adoption: RESOLUTION DESIGNATING DEPOSITORY (CITIZENS STATE BANK) BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED that Citizens State Bank of St.Louis Park, Minnesota, author- ized to do a banking business in Minnesota, be and hereby is, designated as official depository of the Public Funds of the Village of Edina, County of-Hennepin, Minne- sota, for the calendar year 1960. Motion for adoption of Resolution was seconded by Kohfer, and on Rollcall there were five ayes and no nays, as follows: Beim, aye; Dickson, aye; Kohler, aye; Tupa, aye; and Bredesen, aye; and the Resolution was adopted. . Motion for adoption of Resolution was seconded by Icohle five ayes and no nays, as follows: Beim, aye; Dickso n Rollcall there were hler, aye; Tupa, aye; Village Clerk And Dickson offered the following Resolution and moved its adoption: RESOLUTION APPROVIXG ASSIGNMENT OF SECURITIES IN LIEU OF BOND CITIZENS STATE BANK BE IT RESOLVED, that the Village Council of the Village of Edina approve the assign- ment by its depository, Citizens State Bank of St.Louis Park, Minnesota, of the following securities, as good and sufficient collateral for the Village of Edina Public Funds deposited in said depository: Motion for adoption of the Resolution was seconde were five ayes and no nays, as follows: Beim, ay aye; and Bredesen, aye; and the Resolution was adopted I $100,000 U.S. Treasury Bonds 2$$ due August 15, 1963 dillage Clerk And Dickson offered the following Resolution and moved its adoption: SIGNATORY RESOLUTION CITIZENS STATE BANK BE IT RESOLVED, that the persons holding office as Mayor, Mayor Pro-Tem, Ilanager, Engineer are, autcorized to act for this Village in the transaction of any banking business with Citizens State Bank of St.Louis Park, Minnesota, (hereinafter referred to as Treasurer and Deputy Treasurer of the Village of Edina be, and they hereby 1/11/60 the bank), such authority including authority on behalf of or in the name of5 9 the VillAge from time to time and until writt6n notice to the bank to the -'; contrary, to sign checks against said account, which checks shall be signed by the Mayor or Mayor Pro Tem, Village Manager or Village Engineer, and Village Treasurer or Deputy Treasurer. honor and pay any check against such account which is signed as above described, whether or not said check is payable to the order of, or deposited to the credit of, any officer or officers of the Village, including the signer or signers of the checks. The bank is hereby authorized and directed to Motion for adoption of the Resolution was seconded by Kohler, and on Rollcall there were five ayes and no nays, as follow B im, aye; Dickson, aye; Kohler, aye; Tupa, aye; and Bredesen, ay /- and the Resolu,$2pn was adopted: And Dickson offered the following Resolution and moved its adoption: RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING USE OF FACSIMILE SIGNATURES BY PUBLIC OFFICIALS RESOLVED, That the use of facsimile signatures by the following named persons: ARTHUR C. BREDESEN, JR. - MAYOR WARRENC. HYDE - VILLAGE MANAGER GRETCHEN S. ALDEN - VILLAGE TREASURER on checks, drafts, warrants, warrant-checks, vouchers or other orders on public funds deposited in FIRST EDINA NATIONAL BANK, MIDLAND NATIONAL BANK OF MINNE- APOLIS, FIRST SOUTHDALE NATIONAL BANK, AND CITIZENS STATE BANK OF ST.LOUIS PARK,' be, and hereby is, approved, and that each of said named persons may authorize said depository bank to honor any such instrument bearing his facsimile signature in such form as he may designate and to charge the same to the account in said depository bank upon which drawn, as fully as'though it bore his manually written signature, and that instruments so honor6d shall be wholly operative and binding in favor of said depository bank &though such facsimile signature shall have been affixed without *his authority. MotiAn for'adoption of the Resolution was ieconded by Kohler, and on Rollcall there were five ayes and no nays, as follow aye; Tupa, aye; and Bredesen, aye; and the EDINA-MORNINGSIDE COURIER DESIGNATED AS OFFICIAL PUBLICATION FOR YEAR. Council reviewed Minneapolis Suburban Newspapers, Inc.'s bid, at the Statutory rate of $1.50 per folio for 1st insertion, $.75 each subsequent inserkion, and $.50 per folio additional on 1st insertion for tabulaf: matter; plus $.25 for each affidavit over one and, $.05 for each proof. This was the only'bid received, being-for publication in Edina-Morningside Courier. Bid set paid circulation of 5,018 for this publication. Tupa's motion, establishing Edina-Morningside Courier as Official Village Publication for year 1960,was seconded by Kohler and carried. 1 COUNCIL SALARIES ESTABLISHED FOR 1960 and moved its adoption: Beim offered the following Resolution RESOLUTION ESTABLISHING SALARIES OF THOSE ELECTED OFFICIALS WHOSE SUES HAVE NOT ALREADY BEEN ESTABLISHED BY STATE STATUTE OR VILLAGE RESOLUTION BE IT RESOLVED that the salaries of Elected Village Officials, whose salaries have not been heretofore established, be hereby established as foilows, for the year 1960: Arthur C. Bredesen, Jr., Mayor - $120.00 per Month Raymond N, Beim, Trustee - 100.00 @ FJ, N. Dickson, Trustee - 100.00 " John A. Kohler, Trustee - 100.00 " Frank J. Tupa, Trustee u 100.00 " Motion for adoption of Resolution was seconded 4y Dickson, and on Rollcall there were five ayes and no nays, as follows: B aye; Dickson, aye; Kohler, aye; aye; and Bredesen, aye; and the Re ... " lhlf60, . .I ' '* &@LOYEE SALkES AM> WAGES E"STbLIS~D FOR YEAR 1960. , Quite some considerable discussion was had concerning the wage and salary schedule. Budget was reviewed, together with recommendations made by Union for some classifications, and a report by Mr, Locke on comparative salaries paid by other communities. Public Works salaries were the most thoroughly reviewed, and Diclcson offered the following Resolution and moved its adoption: RESOLUTION ESTABLISHING SCHEDULE OF EiAxIMuM BE IT RESOLVED, that 1.iaXimum Salaries and IJages for Vill-age Employees be established as follows: GENERAL ADNINISTRATION PER MONTH SALARY AM) WAGE RATES FOR 1960 Finance Director $7 25 Msessor Toox" (After July 1) Deputy Assessor 500 Clerk-Treasurer 550 Administrative Asst. 400 Office Clerhal-fiscal-secretarial Deputy Assessor-Part Time 1.90 Hr. Senior Clerk-Stenos (Secy's) (5) 355 Account Clerks (3) 335 Senior Account Clerks. (2) p. 400 Clerk-Stenos (2) 27 5 Village Attorney 155 Prosecuting Attorneys 500 Legal : PUBLIC SAFETY POLICE Chief 7 10 Sergeants (5) 547 Patro hen I - 3 Yrs. Service 500 €1 - 2 Yrs. Service 480 I11 - 1 Yr, Service 459 IV - Less than 1 Yrs. Service 427 Dispatchers - Desk Clerks 325 Dispatchers - Desk Clerks-Hrly. 1.65 Hr, Of the total compensation for members of the Police Department, $20 a month shall be considered as payment for taking at least 30 hours off-duty training from the Fire Department in fire fighting techniques, for aiding in the extinguishing of fires, and for qualifying for Red Cross first aid certificates. FIREMEN Chief 650 Asst. Chief 547 500 Firemen 'I1 - 2 Yrs. Service 480 1x1 - l Yr. Service 459 IV - Less than 1 Yr. Service * 427 I I - 3 Yrs. Service Volunteers 2.50 Hr. 1 2.00 Ea. Drill $20 per month of the compensation paid firemen shall be considered as payment for such duties outside normal fireman's duties as may be.assigned by the Village Manager. CIVIL DEFENSE DIRECTOR 50 IN SPECTORS Plumbing Building -Electrical _.. HEALTH OFFICER 500 450 - PUBLIC WORKS ENGINEERIXG Engineer-Director of Public Works Planning Director Assistant Engineer Instrument Man Inspec tor- Sr.. Senior Draftsman Draftsman Rodman-Chainman 150 I. 810 550 (After July 1) 600 542 507 46 2 432 507 PUBLIC t?ofz~s (CONTINUED) Supt. - Public Works 1/11/60 .. PER MONTH $6 30 Supt . - Tqater 625 Foremen - Str,, Sewer, Parks, Vater) 530 Electrician - 380 Office Clerk Heavy Equipment Operators 5039~ Light Equipment Operators 440,'; Maintenance Man 4059: ing minimum rates shall be paid: L. ipment Operators - $478.00 monthly for not more than the first Light Equipment Operators -.$415.00 monthly for not more than the first $360.00 monthly for not more than the first $380.00 monthly during the fourth, fifth, and six months'sservice six months' service three months' service 4 six months of employment 503 Mechanic -I_ .. Mechanic Helper Janitor Sewer-Water Utility Man Labor-Seasonal Temporary .. I * 405 355 * 435 1.65 Hr. COURT Judge Special Judges Senior Clerk (Clerk of Court) Deputy Clerk ELECTIONS Judges and Clerks Chairmen PARKS AND RECREATION Director Pool Manager Asst. Pool Manager Concession Manager Pool Cashier Bathhouse - Concession Attendants Swimming Instryctors Life Guards, Maint enance Baseball Supervisor Baseball Assistants Hockey Coaches Rink Attendants Program Supervisors Playground Leaders Skating, Skiing Instructors Park Keeper - 111 I1 I I ... LIQUOR STORES: Manager Branch Manager Asst. Managers (2) L Clerks -Regular Clerks-Part Time 525 25 per diem (2/3 time) 1.25 Hr. 2.00 Addnl. 700 425 390 1.75 Hr. l.Q3 Hr. 1.00 Hr. 2.00 Hr. .1.90 Hr. 1.50 Hr. 1.00 Hr, 1.90 Hr. 1.50 Hr. 2.00 Hr. 2.00 Hr. 400 385 .a . - 450 40 5 675 47 5 X 2.05 Hr. 1.70 Hr. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that, -on~~ial-bas~-~ar-,of~~, all work performed by other than heads of departments in excess of 40 hours per week constitutes overLtime and shall be compensated by compensatory time off or cash payment on the basis of time and one half in either instance. Compen- satory time shall be taken within 90 days of time earned. Compensatory time in any one calendar month shall be limited to 16 hours worked (for which the paid in cash payments. The Village Manager shall designate those classes of work which shall be co@ensated by compensatory time off, or cash payment for over-time. J I employee receives 24 hours off)/and any over-time in excess thereof shall be 1/11/60 AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that each permanent employee in the Village service six months but less than one year shall be entitled to five workhg days of vacation. Each employee in the village service one year but less than ten years shall be entitled to ten working days annual vacation. ten years or more shall be entitled to fifteen working days annual vacation. Each employee in the village service Motion for adoption of Resolution was seconded pa, and on Rollcall there were es and no nays, as follows: Beim, a desen, aye; and the Resqlution was a ler, aye; Tupa, aye; CLAIHS PAID. dated January 11, was seconded by Dickson and carried: %pa's motion, for payment of the following Claims, as per Pre-List General Fund, $8,443.01; Construction Fund, $6,356.66; Park and Park Const. Funds, $4,842.50; Vater Fund, $33,715.56; Liquor Fund, $7003.20; Sewer Rental Fund, $28.50; Improvement Funds, $65.99; Poor Fund, $70.94--Total, $60,526.36. t STOR31 SEXER TO BE VACATED FOR POST OFFICE IN RETURN FOR OTHER EASEMENT. Hasselquist told the Council that the new Post Office building will be on ground which contains a storm sewer easement; that owners are willing to give a replacement easement upon vacation by the Village of the original; that this arrangement is satisfactory with the Village Engineer. and unanimously carried by Rollcall vote that original easement be vacated upon presentation by oxlmers of replacement easement satisfactory to Village Engineer, Attorney It was moved by Dickson, seconded by Tupa STOT-7 CONTRIBUTION T017ARD BROOKVIEk7 HEIGHTS PAVING PROJECT CONFIRMED. In response to a letter by Hayor Bredesen, requesting written confirmation by 3lr. E.C. Stow, of the verbal offer-he had made at the public hearing on the Brookview Heights paving project, to donate-$2,200 toward the cost of this project, Mr. Stow presented a letter, dated this-date, stating he stands ready to give the Village his check for this amount on the-wening of the assessment hearing on the project. asked for a breakdopm of costs on the project. timing for receipteof check, inasmuch as Village funds are used to pay the contractor as the work is done, and it was agreed that check should reach this office two weeks in advance of assessment heaking. He also Some discussion was had as to the STOW CONFIRMS OFFER TO EXCAVATE FOR STORM SEWER NO. 53 (LARKSPUR LANE-GAVIN LAND) Mr. E.C. Stow presented a letter confirming his offer to excavate for this improve- ment, as made at the public hearing thereon; limiting his offer, however, to a time after the frost has left the ground. Letter reviewed and ordered placed on file. TRILLIUM LANE qtCORNER81 TO BE ROUNDED OFF. Mr. E. C. Stow presented a letter, dated January 11, in response to Mr. George Hite's letter of November 13, 1959, which presented a Quit Claim Deed for signature by the owner of Lot 9, Block 5, Lake Edina Addition, dedicating to the Village that portion of this lot which would extend into Trillium Lane right-of-way. Mr. Hite's letter had pointed out that a small parcel of the dedicated street right-of-way at corner of Larkspur Lane and Trillium Lane should be added to'Lot 11, Block 3, to round off this corner. letter explained that he will take steps to furnish the Village with the deed for the requested portion of Lot 9, Block 5 if and when the Village furnishes the Owner with a deed for that part of Lot 11, Block 3 under discussion. deed may require street vacation proceedings, the matter was referred to Village Attorney Hasselquist for his opinion as to how to proceed in this matter, Council agreeing that the rounding off of this corner would be to the public interest. Mr, Stow's January 11 Because the latter COMMENDATION TO POLICE DEPARTMENT READ. helpfulness in time of illness, written by kir. Donald P.'Koessel, 5712 Wooddale Ave.. Letter of commendation for Police Department's was- reviewed and ordered placed on file. - CIVIC AND IMPROVEIIIENT ASSOCIATION BOARD RECOMMENDS ON SOLUTION TO T.JATER PROBLEMS. The letter by the Board of Directors of the Civic and Improvement Association, making the folowing recommendations as to solution of water problems, was briefly reviewed by the Council, having been studied by members prior thereto: 13 1/11/60 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Some discussion was had on the matter of expediting this program, the foregoing recommendations agreeing with the recommendations made by Banister Engineering Company in principal, and also being in accord with Council thoughts on the matter. It was noted that March 1 had been set as the deadline for acceptance by the Council of recommendations from interested groups, but in-discussion it was also ppinted out that, should different recommendations be received, plans could be amended. the first stages of construction, the latter part of February. Installation of iron removal plants immediately at the most needed existing Addition of one additional well to system in 1960. Gradual program of deepening existing wells into Hinckley stratum. Additional wells, with iron removal plants, down to Hinckley sandrock, No provision for central water woftening system; this to be left to wells. as the system requires. individual users. Manager Hyde asked to present report, looking toward DESTRUCTION OF OLD RECORDS AUTHORIZED. year, for destruction of records of certain classification as soon as they are more than ten years old, Beim offered the following Resolution and moved its adop t ion : Pursuant-to policy established last RESOLUTION FOR DESTRUCTION OF RECORDS - DATED JANUARY 1, 1949, TO AND INCLUDING DECEMBER 31, 1949 records more than ten years old; and in writing that destruction be approved by the Council; and in writing : 1. WHEREAS, M.S.A. 412.841 authorizes the destruction of certain village WHEREAS, A list of records has been presented to the Council with a request WJBREAS, the Village Attorney has approved the destruction of such records ! NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED-BY THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF EDINA, MINNESOTA The Finance Director is hereby authorized and directed to destroy the following classes of records described in the list submitted to the council: (a) orders> vouchers and checks )Dated January 1, 1949 through (b) All receipts and correspondence ) December 31, 1949 Motion for adoption of the Resolution was seconded by Tupa, and on Rollca11 there VILLAGE MANAGER'S SALARY ESTABLISHED. include the Village Manager's salary in.its resolution establishing wages and salaries for 1960; that the Budget for 1960 includes an increase for the Manager. Dickson's motion, that the Village Manager's salary for 1960 be established at the appropriati0n.se.t: forth in the 1960 Budget, was seconded by Beim and carried ., It was pointed out that Council did not There being no further business to come before this meeting, Tupa moved for adjournment. Motion seconded by DicksonAd carried. Neeting adjourned at, Village Clerk t 0..