HomeMy WebLinkAbout19600125_regular1/23, '60 IIXWTES OF T€E REGUL& NEXTING OF Tm kDINA VILLAGE' ' COUNC'LL, HELD MONDAY, JANUARY 25, 1960, AT 7:OO P.W. , AT THE EDINA VILLAGE HALL Nembers answering Rollcall were Beim, Dickson, Kohler and Bredesen. Minutes of the Regular IIeeting of January 11, and of the I Joint Hopkins-Edina Meekng of January 4, 1960, were approved as submitted, by motion Dickson, seconded by Beim and carried. PUBLIC REARING ON PETITION OF L.J, CRABBR, 5205 MINNEHAHA BLVD., FOR FIVE-FOOT SIDE YARD SETBACK. Hearing" and, pursuant to said Notice, Mayor Bredesen called this Hearing, being on petition of the L.J. Cramers, at 5205 Minnehaha Blvd., for permit to convert a garage and breezeway to living quarters, with a five-foot side yard setback, no longer legal under terms of present ordinance. Mr. Hite explained the Planning Commission had recommended favorably on the request inasmuch as the other homes in this block had enjoyed the privilege of this setback under old terms of ordinance, Blr. G.E. Carroll, representing Dr. and Mrs. Tudor, next-door neighbors, presented the Tudors' objections, being - 1. is on side of building which adjoins the Tudors' patio; 2. New building will be almost two storeys high; 3. value to their dwelling for sale. Elr. Carroll presented proof, by a listing with a real estate company, that the dwelling is now for sale. Mr. Hite told Council that Planning Commission had not been aware of owners' intent to sell when their recommendation was made. should be allowed only in cases where there is no possibility of harming surrounding properties, moved for denial of request. Planning Director Hite presented affidavit of mailing of "Notice of I The Cramers were not present at the Hearing. That conversion Cramers are asking for this privilege only to add Trustee Kohler, stating he feels thaf ordinance variances Motion seconded by Dickson and carried. PUBLIC HEARING ON PETITION OF C.K. KATTER FOR PERMIT FOR DOUBLE BUNGALOV AT 6224 BEARD AVE. Pursuant to Mr. Hite's Affidavit of Mailing of Notice of Hearing, Council heard publicly Nr. Hatter's request for permit. There were no objections made at the Hearing, and none had been filed prior thereto. Council reviewed Planning Commission's recommendation for approval, member Griswold objecting. It was pointed out that the property abuts the Crosstown Highway Service Road; that there will be multiple dwellings across the Crosstown, but that this will be the only double on the North side of the Crosstown in this vicinity--and Council evidenced concern that a precedent might be established in allowing this one. Mr. Katter explained that because of the shape of the lot he plans to build the double with one entrance facing Beard and the other facing the Crosstown;'that he is building it as a buffer between his proposed one- family dwellings and the Crosstown; that, had he any.idea that the double would be other than a benefit to the area he would not think of building it inasmuch as it would be his own property that would be damaged. request. I Beimmoved for approval of the Motion seconded by Dickson and carried. PUBLIC HEARING ON PETITION FOR PERMIT TO MOVE*DTJELLING FROX 6301 SHERWOOD AVE. TO 6217 RYAN AVEZ pursuant to said Notice, Nayor Bredesen called public hearing on this matter. Hopkins, 6225 Ryan Avenue, led a delegation in protest, saying this is a two storey building, not consistent with the neighborhood homes, which are all ramblers except one; that the proposed site is a hill; approximately 15 feet higher than his own lot next door; that this high house, located on a hill, would be a "sore thumb'' sticking up above the other dwellings. llessrs. Levander, LaGrandeur, Paul Swanson, all added their objections, some being violent--and Mrs. E.H. Mahlberg.explained that, although the home has been allowed to run down it is fundamentally a good house--but just is not right for the neighborhood. Mr. Hustad, petitioner, stated he expects to build a walk-out basement at the location, which made the neighbors even more unhappy; and, after Mrs. Caswick, 6217 Pamell, had stated that the neighbors had been hopeful of a rambler on this high lot, and Mr. Hyde had explained that the Council cannot prohibit the moving of a dwelling on aesthetic grounds, Trustee Beim asked Mr. Hustad if he would be willing to attempt to obtain a more suitable lot for the house. Mr. Hustad was agreeable to making such an attempt, Mr. Beimmoved that the matter be tabled. Mr. Hite presented Affidavit of Mailing of Notice of Hearing, and, Mr. 4 Motion seconded by Dickson and carried. I TEXACO REQUEST FOR SIGN ORDINANCE AMENDMENT REFERRED TO PLANNING CONMISSION. Mr. Sargent, representing the Texaco Company, requested permission to construct a large sign on the Taxaco Service Station property, the front edge to be at the property line. He stated the sign would be 27 feet long. makes a restriction against setting a sign beyond the building line. Kohler, expressing his disapproval of the proposal, then moved referring matter to Planning Commission for recommendation. Problem is that Sign Ordinance Trustee Motion seconded by Beim and carried. COumGIL DECLARES 5101 WINDSOR A "LEGALtf LOT. Mr. R. L. Schaub, 5101 Vindsor Avenue, appealed to Council for relief from provision of the Zoning Ordinance which makes it -- impossible to give clear title to thk premises, being "Lot-1, Block 3, 'Westchester Knolls, except that part lying Northwesterly of a line drawn from a point on the Northeasterly line of said lot distant 20 feet Southeasterly measured along said Northeasterly line from the most Northerly comer thereof, to a point on the south line of said lot distant 5 feet Easterly of the Southwesterly comer thereof". I. # , It I ,,e 4 d/25/60 mi-* (1 .)* L. Oouncil reviewed survey of premises as described and determined that it conthins 11,000 square feet, which is more than the minimum requirement for area. Kohler offered the following Resolution and moved its adoption: . . st *, some into RESOLUTION APPROVING SUBDIVISION OF LOTS (NOTE: RESO.AMENDED 2/8/60-P.23 WHEREAS, petition has been presented for Council approval of action taken years ago to subdivide Lots 1 and 2, Block 3, Westchester Knolls Addition the following described tracts: 1. "That part of Lot 1 lying Southeasterly of a line running from a point in the Northeasterly Line of said Lot Distant 20 Feet Southeasterly from the Northwesterly Corner thereof to a point in the South line of said Lot distant five Feet East f.rom the Bouth- west Corner thereof" (Parcel 4110, Plat 77800) and 2. "Lot 2 and that part .of Lot 1 lying Northwesterly of a line running Erom a point in the Northeasterly Line of said Lot Distant 20 Feet Southeasterly from the Northwesterly Corner thereof to a point in the South line of said Lot Distant five Feet East from the Southwest Corner thereof" . (Parcel 4140, Plat 77800) AND, WHEREAS, both of the above-described tracts are of a legal size for platted lots: NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that insofar as the above described tracts are concerned, the provisions of the Village ordinance covering subdivisions, as recorded in Document No. 2745385, Office of Register of Deeds, Hennepin County, Minnesota, be,and they hereby are, waived, and the above described permises are approved as separate parcels of land. DISCUSSED WITH MUNICIPAL JUDGE. Mr. Burris came before the Council to discuss matters of Jury Trial accommodations, and salaries for Court personnel, as set forth in written memoranda: T; to the Council. JURY TRIAL ACCOMMODATIONS were talked over at some length, the Judge emphasizing Edina's lack of court-room accommodations. basis, until such time as it could be ascertained that permanent jury accommodations will be needed, and agreed to do so. PERSONNEL were reviewed-and discussed, but no action was taken at this time. *YM& Later in evening, further discussion was had, and JUDGE TO ESTABLISH COURT PERSONNEL SALARIES WITHIN 1960 BUDGET. Pursuant to Judge Burris' recent memorandum, and his comments to the Council this evening, .Council discussed the matters of salaries for Court personnel, and payment for substitute office help while regular personnel is on vacation. consent of Council, Mayor Bredesen was directed to inform Judge Burris that an amount of $15,544 has been appropriated for Court personnel for the year 1960, to cover the salaries of Judges, Clerks and Court Reporter; that the Judge is authorized to establish the salaries of Court personnel, and the salary of substitute clerical help, in his best judgment, with the under- standing that the total salaries expenditures for the Court for the year 1960 will not exceed the total appropriation thereforl!' "PLAYHOUSE" ON VALLEY VIEW ROAD AGAIN!DISCUSSED. Mr. and Mrs. Paul I?. Porter, 6776 Valley View Road, owners of the Playhouse, and Mr. Hugh Brenner, developer of neighboring property and objector, were present to discuss disposition of this matter. Council had ordered playhouse removed, on September 28, 1959, but Mr. Hite told them there is no grounds for ordering this llaccessory building" off the premises; that mover can be prosecuted for moving without a permit but that such prosecution would not include removal of the building. Mr. Brenner told Council he is objecting to the building because it is blocking the sale of his neighboring property; and the Porters stated they want to keep it for use as a playhouse for their small granddaughter. building be converted to a garage, or that it be added to the main dwelling. Mr. Hite told Council that because the building is scaled smaller than that of a regular dwelling there would be considerable difficulty in adding it to the present home. Mr. Porter wanted some time to think about converting the building to a garage, and matter was tabled by Council to February 29. During discussion, an argument had arisen between Mrs. Porter and Mr. Brenner, during which Mr. Brenner offered to re-purchase the Porter property at "what they paid for it plus interest". OILING*PETITION ACCEPTED. presented, and vas accepted and referred to Public Works Supt. for progsamming by motion Kohler, seconded by Dickson and carried. He was asked by Council to work something out on a temporary SALARIES FOR COURT By common Suggestion was made that the Petition for the Oiling of Lee Valley Circle was 1/25/60 I ..' ,. . 'r RED BIRD CAB co. APPLICATION FOB ~~ii LICENSES TA~LED *TO FIRST ~RXL MEETING. 3ir. M.E. Dodge, President of Red Bird Cab Co., was present to support his application for license to operate ten taxicabs in Edina. He told Council application is the result to personal and telephoned requests for service within Edina; that many calls are received from Southdale Shopping Center and from the Biltmore for service within the Village. in Richfield; that his application is for a l"mutuallt license--that it is not his intent to have the ten cabs only in Edina but that he is willing to put on more cabs as the need arises. llessrs. E. J. Irving and llaurice Hessian, Jr., representing Suburban Yellow Cab Company, sole licensees in Edina at present, told Council that Edina needs no additional cabs; that it cannot support them. Mr. Irving said that nine of the sixteen Edina cabs also carry Morningside licenses at the present time. Mr. Hessian told Council that Suburban Yellow's business has not been profitable to this date,"due, somewhat, to acquisition expenses". Council asked that Red Bird furnish Council with schedule of dates and names on requests for within-Edina service during February and March, and that Yellow submit to Council detailed information as to the scheduling of its cabs. Bird's license application to the first meeting in April. Motion seconded by Beim and carried. He stated that the Company is now licensed in Bloomington and I Dickson then moved to table Red CONTRACT RENEVED WITH SUBURBAN HENNEPIN COUNTY RELIEF BOARD. Matter of of poor relief was discussed, and Beim offered the following Resolution adoption : RESOLUTION RJ3NEWIXG CONTRACT SUBURBAN HENNEPIN COUNTY RELIEF BOARD BE IT RESOLVED, That the contract heretofore submitted, signed and the Suburban Hennepin County Relief Board of the County of Hennepin for administration and moved its executed by and during the year 1960 for the administration and supervision of poor relief in the Village of Edina be, and the same is hereby accepted, approved, renewed and extended for and during the year 1960 with the same force and effect as though said original Contract, above described, were redated and resigned and executed as of the date hereof. >lotion for adoption of Resolution was seco four ayes and no nays, as follows: Bredesen, aye; and the Resolution was adop r, and on Rollcall there were Beim, I COMPLINENTS FOR VILLAGE STAFF MENBERS READ. Letters received in the village office, from Mr. and Mrs. F.H: Chilstrom, 4850 France, complimenting Messrs. Hasselquist and Zilcan on their efforts to resolve a snow clearance problem, and from Mr. and Nrs. Clarence Prescott, 6416 Interlachen Blvd., thanking Officers Blood and Brownell for their promptness in answering an emergency call and their efficiency of their work, in the matter of a carbon monoxide poisoning rescue, were publicly read. Dickson's motion, taat thege letters be acknowledged, and that the compliments be filed as a matter of public record, was seconded by Beim and carried. PUBLIC HEALTH NURSING REPORT FOR DECEMBER, 1959, was submitted, reviewed and ordered placed on file. MINNESOTA HIGHWAY DEPAR'MENT'S NOTICE OF AVAILABLE tIyTuNICIPAL STATE AID FUNDSg1 17as reviewed and briefly discussed, 3lr. Hyde reporting that plans are going ahead for improvements this sumer, under this program. PUBLIC HEARING SCHF,DULED FOR FEBRUARY 8, FOR HALIFAX LANE WATERMAIN. reported a request for a watermain in the north part of Halifax Lane, stating, also, that the Vater Department has been having trouble in attempting to flush the maili in the south part of the street. He recommended that Council schedule a Public Hearing on this small extension €or February 8, if possible, and Beim offered the following Resolution and moved its adoption: Manager Hyde I RESOLUTION PROVIDING FOR PUBLTC HEARING PROPOSED WATERMAIN IBIPROVEMENT BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the Village of Edina: as to the feasibility of the proposed Watermain Improvement described in the Form of Notice of Hearing set forth below, and as to the estimated cost of such improvement, said report is hereby approved as-&e-the and ordered placed on file in the office of the Village Clerk. This Council shall meet on Monday, February 8, 1960, at 7:OO P.M., in the Edina Villa ge Hall, to consider in public hearin g the views of all persons interested in said proposed improvement. 1, The Village Enginee , having submitted to the Council a preliminary report ,. .. , . 3. The Clerk is hereby authorized and directed to cause notice of the Tf: \-* time, place and pudpose of said meeting to be published in the official news- paper once a week for two successive, weeks, the' second of which publications is to be not less than three days from date of said meeting, which notice shall be in substantially the following form: NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING . ON PROPOSED 'WATERMAIN # .. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Edina Village Council will meet at the Edina Village Hall on Monday, February 8, 1960, at 7:OO P.M., to consider the follow- ing proposed improvement to be constructed under the authority granted .by Minnesota Laws of 1953, Chapter 398. The approximate cost of said Iniprovement is estimated by the Village Engineer as set forth below: * . ESTIMATED COST . CONSTRUCTION OF VILLAGE WATERMAIN AND APPURTENANCES IN THE FOLLOI?ING STREET: The area proposed to be assessed for the cost of the proposed watermain as listed above includes Lots 1 to 10, incl., Southridge Addition, Halifax Lane fromW.54th St. to 320 Ft. South $4,149.53 GRETCHEN S. ALDEN 8. Village Clerk Motion for adoption of Resolution was seconded by Dickson, and on Rollcall there were four ayes and no nays, as follows: B and Bredesen, aye; and the Resolution was COUNTY TREASURGR ASKED TO SHOW SPECIAL ASSESSMENTS INTEREST ON TAX STATEMENTS. Mr. W. H. Gallup's request, that Council recommend to County Treasurer the revision of County tax statements to show interest on special assessments as a separate item on tax statements was discussed. Manager with direction to fomft&&fl&R~n&~mTreasurer with pertinent comments, and answer made to Mr. Gallup/for his civic interest. OAR WASH ORDINANCE:. ) were briefly reviewed and were referred to the Village FIRE ZONES ORDINANCE:) Attorney for his report at the next meeting. Letter referred to Village PARK BOARD-COUNCIL JOINT MEETING. At 9:05 P.M., the two Boards met in joint session to review a comprehensive report by the Park Board, dated January, 1960, and entitled "Edina Park Bond Expenditures Report and Proposed Long Range Park Plan". PARK BOARD RECOMMENDS LAND ACQUISITION. NOW'. Chairman Hibbert Hill of the Park Board su~~.i-%zed,,the:.L-e~o'rt; stating that, besides being a review of the expenditures made and to be made under the bond issue, it also sets forth a program necessary to complete the various areas now acquired and the areas the Board hopes to secure, for a reasonably complete park system. Emphasizing the increase in Edina land values during the past few years, and the fact that Edina land is being platted rapidly and is', in effect, becoming "not available" for park purposes, Mr. Hill told Counci1,that Park Board is stongly recommending that moneys be made available for land acquisition during 1960 and 1961. asked that the Council make available some $160,000 during these two years for this purpose. Report contains a list of the properties recommended for acqui- sition, and a map showing their relation to other Village facilities. of proposed land improvements during the year 1962 to 1969, inclusive, Council agreeing , in the main, with the Board's recommendations, it being understood that no major developments will be done until the -land recommended for acqui- sition is all secured. It was explained by the Board that the improvements contemplared by the report would bring all the presently-owned park properties into a rather high stage of development, and will bring the proposed-to-be- acquired parks up through Stage One (land grading, etc.). COUNCIL MAKES FUNDS AVAILABLE FOR PARK LANDS PURCHASES: COMPLIMENTS BOARD ON REPORT. for an excellently written and informative report, asked what thought had been given to the maintenance budget for the projected park system. He was answered to the ef€ect that this particular matter has received the Board's very careful consideration; that the Board feels that the growth of the Village will provide sufficient additional tax base to warrant increased expenditures in this budget. Dickson then moved that the Council appropriate $80,000 from the Liquor Dispensary Fund for purchase of lands for park purposes during the calendar year 1960 and go on record, now, as intending to provide another $80,000 for this purpose for the calendar year 1961. 1 He LAND IMPROVEMENTS SCHEDULED FOR LATER. Discussion was had on the schedule Trustee Dickson, extending the compliments of the Council to the Board Beim seconded the motion and it carried unanimously. 1/25/60 *, *. . .. I I$ %, ~.L.*.E.d.l*l- .. *-._x <"* 'I * GOLF COURSE AT HAYS FARt4 TO BE'STUDIED BY COUNCIL. Board's report of this evening, a report made December 15, 1959, to the Park Board by Member M. A. Crinkley and entitled "Development of Hays Farm Park Property", was need for a golf course in this area, and the revenue to be deprived therefrom, as reviewed by the Council.. Some considerable discussion was had on the immediate well as costs of development. Mayor Bredesen stated he feels that Council should investigate ways and means of developing a golf course on the Hays Farm at the earliest possible time, and it was so agreed, informally, by Council. Mr. Crinkley was complimented on his study and report. As a supplement to the Park * FEDERAL PLANNING GRANT REFUSED BY EDINA. Edina can secure a Federal Planning Grant of $3,000 if Edina will meet this amount; that, for $6,000 a "land use plan" and a "traffic plan" can probably be completed; that application for the federal money must be made by February 1; that, if Council wish& to apply, the recommended form of resolution should be adopted this evening. Trustee Kohler at once evinced his disapproval of the proposal. believes that this planning work does need doing but that i; should be a local responsibility and at the local level, without federal aid. agreeing, generally, with Mr. Kohler's "local responsibility" principle, stated he feels that, now that the Federal Government has made the funds available, some municipality will accept the grant and that Edina might as well be the recipient o€ these funds. He moved for adoption of the Resolution applying for the grant, but the motion was lost for want of a second. Discussion was then had as to ways and means of securing the land use and traffic plans, locally; and Kohler moved that funds be appropriated for this function; then, before a second could be had, he withdrew his motion in favor of a suggestion the Planning Director and Planning Commission give Council a report as to just exactly what is needed and.what the approximate cost should be. This latter suggestion was accepted by the. Council. Kohler then moved that the Federal Planning Grant be refused and that Mayor-be. directed to inform state officials that reason for refusal is Edina's belief that this function should be a local responsibility. carried. Messrs. Hite and Hyde told Council that He stated he Trustee Beim, while COUNCIL WILLIKG TO APPROPRIATE FUNDS FOR PLANNING. Motion seconded by Dickson and WILKINSON AND FOLEY RE-APPOINTED TO PLANNING COIBIISSION. Mayor Bredesen presented the names of William A. Wlkinson, #5 Bridge Lane, and John T. Foley, 5029 Bruce Avenue, as his appointments to the Planning Commission, for terms of three years, beginning January 1, 1960. Appointments confirmed by unanimous vote of Council. PARK BOARD MEMBERSHIP TO BE INCREASED TO NINE. Some discussion was had with regard to membership on the Park Board, Mayor Bredesen suggesting that membership be increased from seven to nine; and Trustee Dickson adding that membership might be divided in its duties--€ine portion of the Board to be primarily responsible for park acquisition and development, the other primarily responsibility for recreation. This plan had been discussed by Council at a previous meeting. Mayor Bredesen's re-appointment of llessrs. Hermann H. Strachauer, 5825 Ashcroft Ave., and 31. A. Crinkley, 6700 Cornelia Drive, for three year terms beginning January 1, 1960; agreed without formal action that Board be increased to a membership of nine;: confirmed Mayor's appointment of Mr. IJm. F. Greer to the Board, for three year term beginning January 1, 1960; and directed that Council suggestion on division of Board be referred to Board for its suggestions. Council confirmed SECOND REGULAR NEETING OF FEBRUARY SCHEDULED FOR THE 29TH. Because of Attorney General's ruling that municipal business may not be transacted on a Legal Holiday, Council scheduled its Regular Meeting (normally held the 4th Monday--this year Washington's Birthday) for Monday, the 29th. VACATION PROCEEDINGS NECESSARY FOR CHANGE IN BOUNDARY OF LOT 11, BLOCK 3, WCE EDINA ADDITION. Pursuant to Mr. E.C. Stow's letter of January 11, with regard to dedication by owners to the Village of a portion of Lot 9, Block 5, Lake Edina Addition only after Village has dedicated portion of Lot 11, Block 3 to owners, Clerk reported that Village Attorneys (in this case, Mr. Duane Joseph) have advised that there must be a Vacation Proceeding before Village can transfer title; that Vacation Proceeding is dependant upon petition by property owner; that Vacation of Street will nullify need for deed by Village. I Clerk directed to so notify Mr. Stow. WELL #4 REPAIRS TO BE BID OXFEBRUARY 8. unable to secure a guarantee from Bergerson on well repairs for Well No. 4--Concord; that it may be possible to secure such guarantee in formal bids. authority to take bids on February 8, and it was so ordered. Manager Hyde told Council that he has been He asked for ** I 19 1/25/40 I . +I WATER TREATMENT'AND iUPPLY DISCUSSED.. start thinking about a new well, and about iron removal plants, so that b ids for a new well may be taken in April; that an iron removal plant at this location cannot be considered until the quality of the water is ascertained. He told Council that one possible location for this well is in Highlands Park, Nest of Glengarry Parkway, toward Interlachen Blvd. Supt. Woehler advocated getting rid of the old building at Wooddale and providing room, there for a store room and garage space. Asked for the approximate size of the building, he said he thoubht it should be approximately 30x40 or 45 feet. Council did not take too well to this suggestion, and Nanager stated he felt the Hansen Road well would be more centrally located for these services. Mr. Hyde told Council he feels the best possibilities for the proposed iron removal plants are the two wells near the School, building the plant at the tower, and the new Hansen Road well; that we must check very carefully with regard to the Southdale well because we are in the middle of the roadway and there may be insufficient room for a plant, Mr. Woehler suggested that the iron removal plants be constructed first; then, if it is felt necessary, the wells can be sunk to the Hinckley strata; and Mr. Hyde stated that he, too, is coming around to this thinking. He said that not much consideration has been given to the Halifax well because it has only an 8" connecting main although there is plenty of land around the pump house; that the Stow well ildesn't have backwash facilities. Mr. Hyde reported he feels it is time to 1. IRON REMOVAL PLANT INSPECTION TRIP RECOMMENDED. make an inspection of the various types of iron removal plants in use in surrounding communities as an aid in making a decision on type wanted; and he was directed to make arrangements for such an inspection tour. Mr. Hyde recommended that Council COUNTY ROAD NO. 18 STORM SEWER COSTS DISCUSSED. he feels that Edina is being asked to pay a disproportionate share of the costs of this installation--that the County figures should be revised, with County paying the cost of the "extra depth of cut", which should reduce Edina's cost considerably. Engineer directed to make his proposal to County Highway Department. Engineer Zikan told Council that FIRE STATION SITE PURCHASE DISCUSSED. for sale to the Village of a tract "kitty-corner1' from the present-site of Fire Station at 66th and Brittany Road; that, after checking available building plans he believes we have plenty of room at our present site. Mr. Hyde reported that an offer had been made CLAIMS PAID. dated January 25, 1960: Dickson moved for payment of the following Claims, as per Pre-List General Fund $10,187.05 Construction Fund $54,415.03 Park & Park Const.Fund 5,727.23 Water Fund 1,665.67 Liquor Fund 33,713.28 Sewer Rental Fund 312.14 Improvement Funds 8,791.26 . . TOTAL $114,811.66 Motion seconded by Beim and carried. CASH REGISTER BIDS AUTHORIZED. needed on one of the cash registers at the 50th St. Store; that this is an old machine and that in the interests of good business the old machine should be traded in on a new one. Register, with trade-in allowance for old machine. It wasareported that very extensive repairs are Village Manager authorized to advertise for a new Cash The evening's agenda's having been covered, Kohler moved for adjourned. seconded by Beim and carried. Motion Meeti ...